#oh and hi jas!
bkchaos · 1 month
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Ayo and hellooo everyone!! The name's BK and silly exes are my game! >:]
I'm mainly active on twitter & sometimes stream on twitch, though things are a bit slow with college kicking my ass. I'm also the dude who made the silly College of Chaos au ft. the exes and some others. I'll use #CollegeofChaos to organize that stuff here!
Mostly made this tumblr as a place to post sillier things aaand keep more stuff organized for my au and general art pieces
Hope you enjoy the chaos here! :D
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deardoomedworld · 6 months
Talking about how affable yet ruthless Inayat "tyrant of love" Khan is has made me start thinking about Jesper and how prickly he is. He's so mean, even purposefully vicious - think of how he talks to Anita when he leaves, and how after that harrowing conversation, he's literally fantasising about how he could've been even meaner - he seems to find some sort of satisfaction/relief in being mean, in the little bit of power and control it temporarily gives him (over someone else's emotions, which is better than nothing when you feel powerless).
When we first meet them as adults, Jesper seems more detached from the other two (or alternatively, Khan and Tereesz seem closer), not just because of an earlier falling out with Khan but because he seems more put together. Tereesz' and Khan's careers/lives are more obviously shaped by their childhood trauma, while Jesper is succesful, rich, and famous. He seems better adjusted and perhaps like he moved on more than the others. Jesper's jabs towards Tereesz and Khan (think of how he tells them that them visiting the Lund girls' mother is sad/pathetic while he did the same thing; or the "those of us whose profession does not include ditches and missing children" comment) seem specifically meant to make himself look more normal. He's wearing white. He's not sullied.
This is of course just a facade. Later on in the book, it becomes clear (at least that's my interpretation) that Jesper is just as, if perhaps not more fucked up than the others, and keeps them at arms length because he's trying to hide this. His privilege - his wealth and his looks (as a blonde, blue-eyed Vaasan) - plays a big role in him succeeding in this. The other two are constantly reminded that they're immigrants, and already have to put in more effort than Jesper just to be treated normally (Tereesz is very good at this when he's not inebriated, as he seems to have dumped a bunch of skill points in composure & authority. Khan not so much), let aside when they're unraveling.
But back to his prickly exterior, his meanness. I find it interesting that as unlikeable as he is, he also seems to completely break down once Tereesz gets shot. He builts a little tomb for Tereesz' gun and then sets off to, apparently, do coke for two months and then disappear himself (we get a nice close-up of his passport, his identity, burning up before he enters the Lungs of Graad). As much as he mocked Tereesz and Khan, he seemed completely on board to leave his life behind and go with Khan's plan, but then he just abandons that after the events or chapter 18. Because... "It's become too morbid for Jesper."
Behind his likeability, Khan is revealed to be somewhat ruthless- there's nothing he won't do for this cause, nothing that can stand in his way. Jesper, vicious as he was, breaks down quickly, because his meanness was for hiding vulnerability. He was trying so hard to be normal. ("This is sad? It's all totally great!") The Ibex English translation uses the word morbid a few times, and it's often in relation to Jesper. ("I don't collect anything, you morbos.") So, behind his prickliness, is Jesper the one made of mushier stuff, who can't handle the bad stuff well? The soft one who just breaks, in the end? The sentimental one, holding onto scrunchies and service weapons.
It's counterintuitive because he's so mean, but maybe Jesper is in white because he's more innocent, more childlike? ("To this day, he hates adult sexuality. (...) Realistically, and in a paradoxical way, this makes him a p*dophile.") After all, if you search the word white through the Ibex translation, almost all instances of its use are used to refer to a Lund girl, or Jesper.
Is. Is this anything.
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bookshelfpassageway · 3 months
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does anyone in the Ace Attorney fandom ever talk about Klavier Gavin's shirt that looks like top surgery
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drewsaturday · 2 years
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strickler being the more skilled fighter but having to constantly hold barbara back from trying to beat the shit out of other ppl is my favorite thing
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shhh-secret-time · 2 months
No, see, because, like, you fucked up. Now you have to write that. I need that. I need the Star Park AU.
Below I will present my case:
1) That name is so freaking cute and I love it
2) Your tags made me fall in love with it
3) I know you have more ideas in that beautiful brain of yours
4) I really want it.
Please see points 1 - 4 if you have any questions.
Aafjdjakak Dude?! I'm cackling!
Fuck it we ball. Please look forward to it I guess.
I'll throw more in the tags!
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isalabells · 17 days
Andreas casually dropping he used to date Maud Ackermann in the late 1980s I'm- WHAT DO YOU MEAN BOB ANDREWS AND FÜNF FREUNDE GEORGE WERE AN ITEM ONCE
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solcarow · 2 months
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mymelodyisme · 1 year
NO but at the farmer and Shane’s wedding they toss back the bridal bouquet right? Well it goes flying right at Marnie.
She steps back ready to catch it only to bump into someone, missing the bouquet, and almost falling back.
But! she doesn’t fall, and the bouquet is being held directly in front of her. She turns around to see Marlon, who is both the person she bumped into and the one who caught her and the bouquet.
“I think this was meant for you, Marnie.”
Marnie’s eyes were suddenly wide open and her heart thumped ever so loudly.
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chickensoupleg · 5 months
Me: I should continue writing my witch AU.
Also me: Hey wouldn't it be mad funny to write Jason in the Pokemon universe and its just a meet cute with Eddie.
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arachnozure · 3 months
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spidersona art i did a while back :)) posting so i can make tags for him
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rumiraclemi · 2 years
even though jaz was mentioned to be shorter than the crew, in my mind i can only imagine him slightly towering over them, especially chip, like leaning on him and using his head as an armrest. i don’t even know why, i think my mental image of short chip has skewed everyone else’s heights in my head that Everyone has to be like at least a head taller than him.
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I am so incredibly curious about Nate's new coworkers, specifically Coach Disco and Ms. Kakes
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wilhelmloverera · 10 months
I need everyone asking "can't two gay guys just be friends" about Ned/Conor to stop being dumb thank you
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siriuslynephilim · 10 months
love is when you can be a total loser in front of them
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jademight · 1 year
This might be the brainrot setting in (again) but 
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gardenofgods · 2 years
closed starter for @irxnmaiden​ 🌈
Johto was a region that looked for any and all reason to host festivities and celebrations, one of which was Summer’s End festivals that cropped up along some of the major cities in the region. Olivine’s was especially well-known for the melting of cultures, with sailors from other regions docking during the festival to peddle their region’s food and wares. It was a large, open market that drew people to the beachside city in droves, and the prospect of being able to enjoy things from regions overseas was what made the festival so boomingly popular.
The air this year was different, however. The Team Rocket takeover was still very fresh to the people of Johto, a similar event having happened in Kanto not long prior. Ho-Oh had recalled hearing about it on television and in newspapers, and the criminal activity only jumped over to Johto a couple of years later. Parents didn’t let their children stray too far from their eye, and heightened security roamed the city to ensure nothing amiss was happening. The entire atmosphere of the region itself had changed, people becoming much more guarded and suspicious. Paranoia draped over the denizens of Johto like a blanket, oppressive and bringing about an uncertain, anxious air.
Ho-Oh had decided to attend Olivine’s summer festival. Partly in curiosity, and to help bolster his previously declining mental health. Though the people were rightly fearful, he did enjoy being among them. He certainly wasn’t announcing his presence to the masses, though. As he walked the streets, clad in his festival garb, he’d notice something was off. The air was twinged with a hint of anxiety, but most people were genuinely having a fun time with their friends and family regardless. There was strength in numbers, and many stuck together with their teams at their hips, showing that they weren’t going to mess around.
However, Ho-Oh had noticed a teen by herself, no older than eighteen, he thought. She was... the city’s Gym Leader, if he recalled correctly? Her name escaped him unfortunately, as did the rest, but he noticed something was off. It reminded him of his own daughter in a way, knowing she tried to brush off and mask her own deep emotions all the time. Not only that, but she was totally by herself. Perhaps it was because he was a father, though it... didn’t sit right with him. Ho-Oh soon decided to approach, not wanting to be staring for too long. Hopefully it wouldn’t be too forward or suspicious, in an era where paranoia ran high.
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“Need some water?” Ho-Oh asks. He knew better than to ask if she was okay.
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