#oh also AWOOOO
creatura-posting · 1 year
okay I was having a clearly neurodivergent Bad Time (over stimulated i think?) AND THEN I DISCOVERED A NEW WAY TO GROWL i have 3 now and they vary from soft to rough and in volume BUT IT MADE ME SO HAPPY it sounds like a mix of like idk, bear? big cats maybe? NO IDEA BUT LIKE. ROAR, BITCH.
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sylphwing · 4 months
i want to shiny hunt all of the legendaries in omega ruby but i also want to try get a shiny litten in ultra sun hmmmmm
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im sending you a character but its not icarus-
mmmmmmm wolf? /nf
[First Impressions]
man he so fuffy and cool lookin, also very strong. very tall. very funky. wonder what that whole "being a wolf" thing is about
[Impressions Now]
Uh. sad :(( ; he needs a hug, man.
[Favorite Moment]
mmmmmm. I do enjoy pretty much anything that happened at Morningstar, castle crew my beloved. i am. not very good at picking favorites honestly-
[Idea for a story]
oh i had a new one the other day and i wont say anything but i will say its sad and definitely involves ic cause im a little loser-
[Unpopular Opinion]
uhhhh, i dont really think i have one? at least not one that i can think of
[Favorite Relationship]
mmmm, i dont like picking favorites when it comes to romantic relationships (but i do hold nightingstar in my little hands); platonic wise i hold wolf and Icarus in my hands-
[Favorite Headcanon]
im not sure; i think the idea that wolf has kept some (or attempted to keep some] of his human mannerisms as a wolf is one i think about on occasion and i hold it in my hands. Also the idea that Ic would help him preen is another one and i think about it.
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tanthamoretober · 7 months
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Here we go, friends, the last days of the Autumn themed prompts posted to the Tanthamoretober collection on AO3
Multi day prompts
Day 1 & 15: Caramel apples, Harvest Ride
Apple Candy by TheArcher Rating: Explicit Summary: “You know, me and Elora were going to go on a carriage ride after breakfast. You should join us.”
“Oh, that’s such a nice and unexpected offer.” Graydon looked between Airk, smiling hopefully, and Elora, looking very nervous.
“Graydon’s probably busy hanging out with Boorman, right?” Elora said, looking at him purposefully.
“Actually, he wanted the day to himself.” He spoke before realizing Elora probably was hoping to have alone time with Airk. "I mean…
“Perfect!” Airk said, putting an arm around Elora. “The three of us can hang out.”
Part 4 of Harvest Festival
Day 5 & 20: Autumn Breeze, Festival
Forbidden Desires and Foolish Secrets by TheyAreSoGay Rating: Teen and up Summary: "Jade?" Kit looks so shocked the redhead wouldn't be surprised if she had grown three horns and a tail in the last few seconds.
She's going to reply, but her gaze is now stuck on the princess's eyes. They tell a story of heartbreak, and hope that was painfully discarded. They're stunning, and soft, and confused, and she looks so hurt in that moment that Jade can't even stand it.
"Kit?" Graydon walks up behind her, his hand tapping her shoulders softly, ruining the moment. The brown haired girl turns, her expression changing into a look she's never seen sported on her best friend's face. It's soft, and kind, and something else she can't place. "Would you like to dance?"
As they slowly travel to the dance floor, Kit sends her a look that clearly reads 'we need to talk later'. After the last few notes of the song is finished, the married couple makes their way to the center of the room.
What happens when Brunhilde being Elora isn't revealed by Willow, and no one conveniently gets kidnapped right when Jade’s about to go to the Shining Legion, leaving her friend alone in her hour of need.
Day 27 & 28: Full moon & underneath the sky
Pack of Two by Silver85 Rating: Teen and up Summary: Kit makes a choice and puts herself on the path that one days leads her to Jade. Part 18 of Loving Me Loving You, (AWOOOO)
Day 1: Candy apples
One Night in October, Chapter 8: The Knife in the Flesh, by TheLateNightStoryTeller Rating: Teen and up Summary: On their way back from a family visit, a turn of events leaves Kit and Jade stranded in the wild. As night falls and the weather grows colder, the pair soon realize that someone in the woods is hunting them.
Day 16: Fireside
Salad by sofys37 Rating: Mature Summary: Lili gets caught off guard, she didn’t see Jade coming but she recovers and smiles. “I only take appointments in my office, you can come back tomorrow when we are open.”
“Oh, it’s ok, I’m not here for an appointment.” Jade gets a glock she had in the pocket of her hoodie and smiles. “I’m here to kill you, bitch!”
(also appears under the prompts ‘something in the woods’ and ‘wet’)
Day 20: Festival
feeling good by Anarik Rating: Explicit Summary: Meet me at 7:30 at the back of your house? K. Continuation of Festival Ideas (also appears under the prompts ‘voyeurism’ and ‘wet’)
Day 22: Kissing In The Rain
seeing stars by Geek_and_Nina Rating: Explicit Summary: that thing Jade found comes up and it's wonderful and then other wonderful things happen Part 22 of Show Don't Tell (also appears under the prompts ‘found footage’ and ‘rough sex’)
My Own Kind of Light, Chapter 7: Kissing in the rain, by slvershdws Rating: Teen and up Summary: Sixteen-year-old Kit Tanthalos meets visiting nineteen-year-old Jade Claymore at an Autumn Festival and it’s the start of a friendship that grows over the years into something neither expected, nor can they agree on what it is.
Until they do.
Day 23: Baking Pies
messy by Geek_and_Nina Rating: Explicit Summary: Kit and Jade pack up camp and head home, newly engaged... and nothing bad happens (sarcasm) Part 23 of Show Don't Tell (also appears under the tag ‘broken window’)
Day 24: Cemetery
Zombie Crack: Night of the Living Dental Dam by lowkeyed1 Rating: Teen and up Summary: Jade and Kit try a little Halloween roleplay… Part 1 of Tanthamoretober Crack Fics (also appears under prompts ‘role play’ and ’creepy setting’)
once more with feeling by Geek_and_Nina Rating: Teen and up Summary: kit and jade go on a stupid walk for their stupid mental health Part 24 of Show Don't Tell (also appears under the prompts ‘creepy setting’ and ‘roleplay’)
Day 25: Black Cat
Halloween Crack: Kiss of the Cat Woman by lowkeyed1 Rating: Teen and up Summary: Kit and Jade are on their way to a Halloween party when their car breaks down… Part 2 of Tanthamoretober Crack Fics (also appears under the prompts ‘costume party’ and ‘leather’)
this is a big world (that was a small town) by pirateygoodness Rating: Teen and up Summary: Jade makes noise, the sound coming out of her not quite a laugh but something close. It sounds like relief. She didn't notice herself holding her breath, but when the little creature yowls and squirms itself in half trying to take a bite out of Kit's arm, she realizes that she can breathe again.
Kit clucks a little against the back of her teeth, chuckles. "Look at you, hollering away. And we thought you was dead."
(OR: Cowboy Kit finds a stray kitten)
Part 3 of (cowboy) take me away (tanthamore rdr2 au)
leather lips and lights by Geek_and_Nina Rating: Explicit Summary: jade has a revenge plan for kit's teasing while she was on her conference but it really didn't go the way she planned Part 25 of Show Don't Tell
(also appears under the prompts and ‘leather’)
Day 26: Dead-End
Funhouse Crack: Mirror Maze by lowkeyed1 Rating: Teen and up Summary: Jade and Kit go on their first date. On Halloween. To the carnival Part 3 of Tanthamoretober Crack Fics (also appears under the prompts ‘mirrors’ and ‘lingerie’) 
My Own Kind of Light, chapter 9: Dead End, by slvershdws Rating: Teen and up Summary: Sixteen-year-old Kit Tanthalos meets visiting nineteen-year-old Jade Claymore at an Autumn Festival and it’s the start of a friendship that grows over the years into something neither expected, nor can they agree on what it is.
Until they do.
vengeance by Geek_and_Nina Rating: Explicit Summary: day after the bathtub fic! when i tell you jade got home as fast as possible Part 26 of Show Don't Tell (also appears under the prompts ‘mirrors’ and ‘lingerie’)
Day 27: Underneath The Sky
The List by Geek_and_Nina Rating: Explicit Summary: definitely not making fun of acre's naming protocols jade is on a trip and she leaves a list Part 27 of Show Don't Tell (also appears under the prompts ‘campfire stories’ and ‘dominance/submission’)
Day 28: Full Moon(s)
My Hands are Shaking from Holding Back from You by Jad3dEt3rnal Rating: Explicit Summary: Tentatively, Jade reached up and touched its cold face.
She breathed in deeply as the tips of her fingers found the cool, smooth stone; a force of energy seemed to billow out from it like a sudden, but not unbearable, wind, and Jade blinked as she gazed upon the stone in wonder. She was mesmerized by it as the rock seemed to minutely shift beneath her gentle touch. She stood there watching, gaping, as its face transformed.
Not once did it occur to Jade to pull away, to leave.
In moments, the lifeless statue had begun to move with the slightest set of spasms under Jade’s palm. She gasped then, recoiling a few steps to gaze upon the statue with awe, and confusion.
Suddenly- terrifyingly- intoxicatingly- the statue’s eyes moved, from looking off at some point in the distance, to looking right at her.
When Jade tries to go the extra mile for her thesis she summons more than she bargained for.
(also appears under the prompts ‘the lights go out’ and ‘magic’)
wake up by Geek_and_Nina Rating: Explicit Summary: kit makes jade watch movies again, but she keeps falling asleep and jade keeps her awake very different from their last movie binge... but also not different at all Part 28 of Show Don't Tell (also appears under the prompts ‘came back wrong’ and ‘sadism/masochism’
Werewolf Crack: A Galladoornian Werewolf in Tir Asleen by lowkeyed1 Rating: Teen and up Summary: Boorman and Graydon were all set to have a little fun in the woods -- until the full moons rose Part 5 of Tanthamoretober Crack Fics (also appears under the prompts ‘came back wrong’ and ‘sadism/masochism’)
Day 29: Carving Jack o’ Lanterns
Little Shop Crack: Mean Orange Bad by lowkeyed1 for LuckypupsMama Rating: Teen and up Summary: Graydon Krelborn is working at Mr. Willownik's flower shop, when he finds a strange and unusual pumpkin plant… Part 6 of Tanthamoretober Crack Fics (also appears under the prompts ‘cult’ and ‘long distance’)
pumpkins by Geek_and_Nina Rating: Teen and up Summary: kit and jade are moving in together two years ago there's a whoopsie Part 29 of Show Don't Tell (also appears under the prompts ‘cult’ and ‘long distance’)
Day 30: Costume Party
Costume Party Crack: Children of the Corn Cob by lowkeyed1 Rating: Teen and up Summary: Airk and Kit wear a costume to Boorman's party that Airk regrets, at first… Part 7 of Tanthamoretober Crack Fics (Also appears under the prompts ‘nipple play’ and ‘horror movies’)
My Own Kind of Light, chapter 10: Costume Party, by slvershdws Rating: Teen and up Summary: Sixteen-year-old Kit Tanthalos meets visiting nineteen-year-old Jade Claymore at an Autumn Festival and it’s the start of a friendship that grows over the years into something neither expected, nor can they agree on what it is.
Until they do.
lost in wanting her to win by Geek_and_Nina Rating: Explicit Summary: kit and jade have some fun at gray's party Part 30 of Show Don't Tell (also appears under the prompts ‘horror movies’ and ‘nipple play’)
Day 31: Trick or Treat
Corny Crack: Children of the Corn Cob II: The Final Crack by lowkeyed1 for GravityAlex Rating: Explicit Summary: Elora and Airk had so much fun at Boorman's party, they decide to meet up again… Part 8 of Tanthamoretober Crack Fics (also appears under the prompts ‘something in the woods’ and ‘sensation play’)
What a month (and a bit!!) it's been! Thank you, so much, to everyone who joined in, writers and readers alike.
And remember, Never Not Commenting November is a wonderful way to show your appreciation!
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the-blathermouth · 8 months
The magician on the floor in a dark blue sun hat and mantle with a candy bucket: AWOOOOWOWOWOWOOOOOOOWOWOOOO!
Betilla: OH MY GOD MAGGIE! Maggie why are you howling?!
The magician: Well you know Halloween's coming B, it's creeping up on us!
Betilla: Yeah I know Halloween's coming Maggie, are you just like really excited?
The magician: I just thought it'd be nice to get the trick or treaters big ol full sized candy bars this year so I'm summoning some with demon magic!
Betilla: Your summoning candy bars...?
The magician: Oh my god it's not complicated B!
Betilla: I thought you hated the Teensie kids in the glade.
The magician: Whaaaat noooooo, alright let's get the first batch in here. AWOOOO!
Betilla: Uhh why pay day?
The magician: Why not? Kids love pay day B.
Betilla: I don't think they do...
The magician: Oh there gonna love it B don't you worry, there also gonna love. AWOOOO!
Betilla: Ahh no, baby ruth?
The magician: Yeah 4 grams of protein.
Betilla: Cus that's what kids look for in candy: high protein.
The magician: quit being such a downer B.
Betilla: Can't you summon some snickers or kit kat or even just a hersheys bar?
The magician: Ok B I'll summon some hershey bars. AWOOOO!
Betilla: Ugh hershys cookies and cream?
The magician: What's the problem B?
Betilla: You know what the problem is, you're summoning the worst candy!
The magician, completely dumbfounded: Whaaaaaaaat?
Betilla: Summon something good Maggie come one!
The magician: Ok how about this?! AWOOOO!
Betilla: 3 musketeers and 5th avenue!?
The magician: Oh is that not good enough for you B?
Betilla: No it's not.
The magician: What about? AWOOOO!
The magician: Oh I'm just getting started B! AWOOOO!
The magician: Yeah well I can't keep going anyway.
Betilla: wait really? Why?
The magician: Why do you think?
Mr dark in the basket: LitTle cAeSArS haS ReALLy hIt IT OuT oF tHe PArK tHiS TimE!
The magician: ugh I hate little caesars!
Mr dark: TheY mADe A PizZa wiTh nACho CheEsE fOr tHe SAucE!
Betilla: eww what?
Mr dark: theN oN tOp oF tHe nACho CheEsE tHeY pUt Six MoRe FuCKinG CheeSEs!
The magician: Six cheeses on top of the nacho cheese?!
Mr dark: SeVEn ToTaL CheeSeS, PLus pEppOroNi!
Betilla: oh that sounds really gross...
Mr dark: BuT ThEy DidDn'T StoP, No nO, ThEy TuRneD tHE crUSt InTo a PRETZEL!
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bang-bang-gang · 8 months
Have I already sent you a mirrorsex prompt? I feel like I have. Oh well, have another one for hangmox
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awoooo!!! hangmox mirror sex -- and orgasm denial! adam's also involved with renee in this, and honestly, the whole thing's just fluffy and lovey but with a hangmox twist where they still kinda wanna hurt each other but for sexy reasons. this was so fun to write.
super late for day 4, but hey, it's a kinktober day 4 fic. i'm catching up!!
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junjiie · 9 months
silly little game ignore if you want — assign each of your moots and idol and a song!
OMG AN IDOL AS WELL?!? we're ab to have sm fun.. Thank U 4 This. also ermmm to moots i hvnt interacted w much this is j based on ur silly vibes Soz.....
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@wave2love ( karma ). you dont even know how long ive been waiting to scream this for real. for an idol i'd say karma is either mingi from ateez or jisung from stray kids and for a song.. maybe 3005 by childish gambino?? bc ily bsf Wjnk 😉
@mins-fins ( isa ). ISA ISA ISAAA for an idol its hueningkai from txt FS. perhaps jeongin (skz) too though.. and for a song imo isa is really trix by slater!!! but also mayb take me home by pinkpantheress too!? isa isa isaaa ☹️
@so2uv ( sol ). SOL . sticking w my hongjoong (ateez) = sol agenda here IT MAKES SENSE TO ME!!!! but again the jaehyun (nct) is jumping out a little too. Here damn 😒 ANW FORA SONG im thinking massa by tyler, the creator or song about me by tv girl.. they j fit u in my head
@hyeoniez ( flori ). flori!!!!!! i think mayb jeonghan from svt for an idol?!!? Hmm idk. ur like a little bit silly and evil occasionally and that is so good for u bsf. Real. anw for a song its semantics by chloé silva 0 questions asked. ITS SO U IMO WHATTT
@jinkiseason ( elif ). oh erm Heyy.. for an idol sehun from exo (partly bc of the pfp and partly bc his ig feed (and him in general!?) is so unhinged and idgaf and crazy and silly and those r the vibes i get from them) and for a song wolf by exo (see unhinged idgaf crazy fun argument above). GUERAE WOLF NAEGA WOLF AWOOOO 🗣️
@samudan ( zai ). Hei . Ermm . purely vibes watch me do this in 0.2 seconds.. for an idol xiaojun (wayv/nct) and for song nemonade by p1harmony!!! i got some lemons 4 u 부숴 네 기준 기준....
@cinnajun ( cinna ). lowk scared asl but Hii 😓 UMMM for an idol let me blindfold myself and spin a wheel.. ten (wayv/nct)??!??? U SEEM RLY COOL IDK.. and for a song ermm sugar rush ride by txt (also a massive stab in the dark. Yasss! 👍)
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wolfiewhiskeybutch · 10 months
3, 5, 216, 20, 24, 26, 36, 45, 72, 81, 84
-- 🍒💋
Awoooo hehe hi baby girl, thank you for alllll of the questions 🤭😘
3: Do you have any unusual kinks/fetishes?
Hmmm I'm not sure lol I've been on tumblr since middle school so like what even *is* unusual? 😅But let's go with hypno annnnnnd my scent kink my go under 'unusual' 😋
5: Favourite sex position?
I love doggy, let me see you ass bounce and press down on your upper back or wrap my hand around the back of your neck to get that arch 😏 but then also I love seeing how hard it is for you to keep your eyes open so missionary is also pretty solid for me.
16: A song you’d listen to during hard/rough/kinky sex?
Hmmmm there are a few buuuut let's go with Flesh by Simon Curtis
20: If you could have sex with anyone right now, who would it be?
Ummm you and Mommy, duh 😋me about to bring you back with me after I visit lol
24: Would you have sex with your best friend?
Ehhh some of my best friends no, in the sense that I see them as like siblings and not in a romantic sense at all but I consider my partners my best friends so yes in that sense 😋
26: Something that will never fail to get you horny?
Neck kisses. Like fjkdlsa;fjkadls 100000000%
36: Do you like it when your sexual partner moans?
I love it. I abso-fucking-lutely get off on that
45: Have/would you ever had a threesome?
Lol babyyyy did we fuck you *that* mindless that you forgot already? 😏Will absolutely have one many again
72: Which not-genital part of your body do you like being touched?
Hmmm my neck and thighs but I also love having my hair played with 🥰
81: Do you like being called a slut or whore in bed?
Oh hell yeah, different contexts etc but yes!
84: Do you like dirty talk?
I love it but I am definitely not super smooth in person lmao 😅😂
Send me NSFW Asks!
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gessshoku · 2 years
Oh we just looked up a ramen recipe online since the place we got ramen from before kinds sucked (service wise, the food was good) and I haven’t had instant noodles in a while but if you “doctor it up” and add some meat and veggies im sure it would be better
Awoooo yeeee, I just don’t trust myself KWNDOXNKW
Not that ill burn the place down just that i dont cook much and i can follow a recipe but I’m also scared to mess up and then the oil and then of getting burnt. I rather order it but sometimes you gotta toughen up and just dew it!
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monstrousgrowl · 17 days
hiiii bby!! 🫶
#40, #46, #49 for the ask game xoxo
Awoooo hiiiiiiii~!
These are fun! Okay so
40 did you have any snacks today?
I will admit today is a bad one for my IBS so eating has been hard *dog sigh* but I have some fruit leather snacks I keep in my locker at work that are easy to munch on while working on stuff in the shop so I have a few of those rn.
46 favorite holiday film?
So as the certified weirdo creature I have to have a soft spot and xmas movies do get me lol i grew up with military parents who weren't home often so mom and i really bonded through stupid primetime tv shows and hallmark xmas movies. Xmas is also my moms fav holiday. But! That all said I am a sucker for A Muppet Christmas Carol or old school Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer. Oh oh!! And og Frosty the Snowman :3c
49 can you skip rocks?
Indeed I can! I wont say I'm incredible at it but I do really love it. I spent a lot of time camping with my parents when they weren't at work and it's a family tradition for May 2-4 weekend to camp. Dad and I spent a LOT of time by the water skipping rocks and like finding random shit and cool rocks. We often came home with pockets full of rocks we didn't end up skipping much to my mother's displeasure.
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hi hi hi woof arf awoo!
hypno, intox, somno?
- 🌑🐺 awoooo !
!!!! yay hi fellow puppy awroooooowooowooo hiiiiii!!! 🖤🖤 thank you!!! 😳
hypno: No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know |
YESSSS yes yes yes absolutely!!!! foundational kink tbh, and also just a really really comforting kink activity to do even non sexually!!! sorry for the lack of thoughts on the subject they all leaked out of my cunt 🫣💖
intox: No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know |
🥴 yeah!!! puppy loves how being intoxicated makes it feel it gets so so much more slutty the more relaxed it gets!!! puppy does sometimes worry about how especially alcohol might adversely affect me and make puppy sickies if it has too much, but despite that puppy still really really loves it!!! it's also really REALLY hot when Sir gets drunk or high and gets really really handsy and playful 😵‍💫 thank you drugs!!
somno: No | rather not | I dunno | I guess | Sure | Yes | FUCK yes | Oh god you don’t even know |
i do really like it!!! sometimes i get a little sad about like. missing out and being excluded by sleeping through all the fun stuff or accidentally reacting wrong in my sleep and worries like that, but i do really like the idea of it and i um like i um. maybe i desperately want to be corrupted and coerced into liking it more and shown how nice it is in practice 😵‍💫 unrelated but i have for like. years and years made it a habit to jerk off and try to cum when falling asleep and then jerk off and cum upon waking up again, so i'm already often really horny around my sleep times anyway!! 💖
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letterstojori · 9 months
Dear Jori,
I just taught my first class here in Japan! It’s been quite a while since I taught anything to a class. A group of students that don’t understand the language no less. Thank god for my teaching background though, I have no idea how someone without teaching experience would deal with that. No kids saying anything, and the Japanese Language Teacher not saying anything either. Must be hard haha I kinda wanna ask the other guys how it went.
Also, one kid asked how old I was and I said how old do you think I am and he said 22 looool. These kids are 8th grade btw so that at least counts for something. Usually when I get an age that low from kids I say it doesn’t count cause they have no concept of age.
Went snooping around to see if you were alive. Looked at Jetpake IG to see if he posted or was tagged in anything from Slander. And there you were smilin in that group photo. Good to know you’re alive haha.
Sometimes I wonder how’s you do it all. Just stop tweeting and Valorant and twitch. Like these things that you would do often and then out of nowhere just stop. Oh. That sounds awfully familiar lol.
Have you seen the new one piece? Idk if you follow one piece, don’t feel like that’s one of your things. But the live action one I heard was pretty good. And Zorro. Why he kinda… Yknow. Awoooo. Haha.
I was in DGs twitch chat the other day and someone gifted 5 subs and DG read them out and one of the names was Jori-something. I think I was multitasking so I stopped what I was doing to read what it said and it was just some random person.
Physically halfway across the world but my mind keep wandering to you.
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bongwateriero · 9 months
hiii maddy i love you so dearly and i hope you have a better day tomorrow (also i love that your ask box is awoooo)
oh i love you so much bee awooooo 🐺 <- that’s me
tell me what you think of me
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tanthamoretober · 7 months
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Here you go friends, the final round up of all the fics written for the nsfw prompts in the last chunk of Tanthamoretober.
See them all in the Tanthamoretober collection on AO3.
Multi day prompts:
Days 8, 10, 27, 28 & 29: Voyeurism, Magic, Mirror Sex, Dom/sub play, Long distance, Full Moon
Nymph Butter by TheArcher Rating: Explicit Summary: Graydon and Boorman are starting to get down to business when they find they have an unexpected guest spying on them. Graydon continues to choose the most inopportune moments to try and find out how Elora feels about him. Part 2 of Harvest Festival
Days 6 & 28: Biting, light masochism
a halo, a waiting room by myrebelliousphase Rating: Mature Summary: Jade opens her eyes, and for a second, they’re that familiar cognizant hazel. “Thank you,” she says gently as her pupils bleed inky black into her irises. Her eyelashes flutter, and when she speaks again, it’s with the same strain as before. “Ready?”
Part 1 of oh baby, can you hear me moan?
Days 8 & 21: Public sex/voyeurism and wet
feeling good by Anarik Rating: Explicit Summary: Meet me at 7:30 at the back of your house? K. Continuation of Festival Ideas (also appears under the prompts ‘festival’)
Days 4, 6 & 27: Face sitting, Biting, Dominant/submissive
Lightning Strike by TheArcher Rating: Explicit Summary: Direct Sequel to Nymph Butter.
Elora’s scrying spell dissipated before her eyes and she was alone in the grove. The air was cold outside but inside she was burning up. She couldn't tell what she wanted more: to have the confidence and strength Graydon had shown or to be the one beneath him, following his demands.
What was she doing? She couldn't be touching herself among the trees. Not when she had a private room and a fiancé. Part 3 of Harvest Festival
Day 25 & 26: Leather & lingerie
Make Me A Saddle by Silver85 Rating: Mature Summary: Did you know Jade leatherworks? Neither did Kit. Part 19 of Loving Me Loving You, (AWOOOO)
Day 1: First time
First Time by slvershdws Rating: Mature Summary: Well, they waited long enough, didn't they?  Part 2 of Endearing Idiots (sequel to My Own Kind of Light)
Day 21: Wet
Salad by sofys37 Rating: Mature Summary: Lili gets caught off guard, she didn’t see Jade coming but she recovers and smiles. “I only take appointments in my office, you can come back tomorrow when we are open.”
“Oh, it’s ok, I’m not here for an appointment.” Jade gets a glock she had in the pocket of her hoodie and smiles. “I’m here to kill you, bitch!”
(also appears under the prompts ‘something in the woods’ and ‘fireside’)
darling it's better by Geek_and_Nina for lowkeyed1 Rating: General Summary: fast forward to when they're a little more used to this odd predicament and a little more romantically inclined Part 3 of The Laughing Whale
Day 22: Roughness/Anger
seeing stars by Geek_and_Nina Rating: Explicit Summary: that thing Jade found comes up and it's wonderful and then other wonderful things happen Part 22 of Show Don't Tell (also appears under the prompts ‘kissing in the rain’ and ‘found footage’)
Day 23: Softness/Tenderness
The Architect of Catastrophe, chapter 25: Forever With You, My Darling by Silver85
Rating: Explicit Summary: A surprise extended epilogue for Tanthamoretober. This is a prompt fill for kissing in the rain and soft/tenderness.
Day 24: Roleplay
The Big Bad Wolf by Silver85 Rating: Explicit Summary: There's something about being chased by a werewolf in the woods. There's something else about being caught by one.
Part 17 of Loving Me Loving You, (AWOOOO)
Zombie Crack: Night of the Living Dental Dam by lowkeyed1 Rating: Teen and up Summary: Jade and Kit try a little Halloween roleplay… Part 1 of Tanthamoretober Crack Fics (also appears under prompts ‘cemetery’ and ’creepy setting’)
once more with feeling by Geek_and_Nina Rating: Teen and up Summary: kit and jade go on a stupid walk for their stupid mental health Part 24 of Show Don't Tell (also appears under the prompts ‘creepy setting’’ and ‘cemetery’)
Day 25: Leather
Halloween Crack: Kiss of the Cat Woman by lowkeyed1 Rating: Teen and up Summary: Kit and Jade are on their way to a Halloween party when their car breaks down… Part 2 of Tanthamoretober Crack Fics (also appears under prompts ‘black cat’ and 'I’ll be right back”)
leather lips and lights by Geek_and_Nina Rating: Explicit Summary: jade has a revenge plan for kit's teasing while she was on her conference but it really didn't go the way she planned Part 25 of Show Don't Tell (also appears under the prompts and ‘black cat’ and ‘I’ll be right back’)
Day 26: Lingerie
Funhouse Crack: Mirror Maze by lowkeyed1
Rating: Teen and up Summary: Jade and Kit go on their first date. On Halloween. To the carnival Part 3 of Tanthamoretober Crack Fics (also appears under the prompts ‘dead-end’ and ‘mirrors’)
vengeance by Geek_and_Nina Rating: Explicit Summary: day after the bathtub fic! when i tell you jade got home as fast as possible Part 26 of Show Don't Tell (also appears under the prompts ‘mirrors’ and 'dead end’)
Day 27: Dominance/Submission
The List by Geek_and_Nina Rating: Explicit Summary: definitely not making fun of acre's naming protocols jade is on a trip and she leaves a list
Part 27 of Show Don't Tell (also appears under the prompts ‘underneath the sky’ and ‘campfire stories’)
Day 28: Sadism/Masochism
wake up by Geek_and_Nina Rating: Explicit Summary: kit makes jade watch movies again, but she keeps falling asleep and jade keeps her awake very different from their last movie binge... but also not different at all Part 28 of Show Don't Tell (also appears under the prompts ‘came back wrong’ and ‘full moon’)
Werewolf Crack: A Galladoornian Werewolf in Tir Asleen by lowkeyed1 Rating: Teen and up Summary: Boorman and Graydon were all set to have a little fun in the woods -- until the full moons rose Part 5 of Tanthamoretober Crack Fics (also appears under the prompts ‘came back wrong’ and ‘full moon’)
Day 29: Long Distance
Little Shop Crack: Mean Orange Bad by lowkeyed1 for LuckypupsMama Rating: Teen and up Summary: Graydon Krelborn is working at Mr. Willownik's flower shop, when he finds a strange and unusual pumpkin plant… Part 6 of Tanthamoretober Crack Fics (also appears under the prompts ‘carving jack o’lanterns’ and ‘cult’)
pumpkins by Geek_and_Nina Rating: Teen and up Summary: kit and jade are moving in together two years ago there's a whoopsie Part 29 of Show Don't Tell (also appears under the prompts ‘carving jack o’lanterns’ and ‘cult’)
Day 30: Nipple Play
Costume Party Crack: Children of the Corn Cob by lowkeyed1 Rating: Teen and up Summary: Airk and Kit wear a costume to Boorman's party that Airk regrets, at first… Part 7 of Tanthamoretober Crack Fics (Also appears under the prompts ‘horror movies’ and ‘costume party’)
lost in wanting her to win by Geek_and_Nina Rating: Explicit Summary: kit and jade have some fun at gray's party Part 30 of Show Don't Tell (also appears under the prompts ‘horror movies’ and ‘costume party’)
Day 31: Sensation Play
Corny Crack: Children of the Corn Cob II: The Final Crack by lowkeyed1 for GravityAlex Rating: Explicit Summary: Elora and Airk had so much fun at Boorman's party, they decide to meet up again… Part 8 of Tanthamoretober Crack Fics (also appears under the prompts ‘trick or treat’ and ‘something in the woods’)
peace by Geek_and_Nina Rating: Explicit Summary: A wedding Part 31 of Show Don't Tell (also appears under the prompt ‘something in the woods’)
Thank you to everyone who joined in, and this includes readers. Readers are vital to this whole deal!
So, readers, since it's Never Not Commenting November now, go wild on these!
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misophoria · 1 year
ok, what are your most memorable video games you've played? And what was it about them that you connected with?
oo more asks, thanku! ^^ *brews u some tea or other beverage or maybe just water if u prefer and sits at a garden table
oh goodness. well i think Gorogoa deserves a shout-out for how deeply artful it is. i have a hard time grasping the narrative implications in that game since it's not doing the most linear of story-telling and if i'm honest i don't have the Intellectual Rigor to figure it out. i just let all the cosmic vibes wash over me and that's enough for me. the gameplay is delightful, it's puzzle-y and perspective-bending, has a good blend of abstractness yet also structure, and is aesthetically pleasing.
secondly a free game that wowed me was Dear Devere. It's a little bit magical realism, a bit of a troubled romance between a human woman and a... supernatural(?) fae(?) guy(?), complicated by a possessive human dude being threatening to the both of them. that's the narrative side of it but VISUALLY? the story is mainly told through letters between the woman and the supernatural guy and if u love crafts and well-decorated letter and envelopes this game will likely be a feast for ur eyes.
thirdly i'd bring up Signs of the Sojourner for how it weaves its deck-building mechanic into story progression and how it ties the cards' abilities to the main character's ability to communicate and bargain for wares to stock their caravan and their shop with. i fucking love games where u get things to stock up ur shop awoooo. the world this game is set in is also quite compelling.
honourable mention to the Relaxing Puzzle Box bundle that has 10 relatively short and cheap puzzle games. also shout out to other similar games not in the bundle, like Colorzzle. they're just neat! i even got Colorzzle on my phone and i've replayed it a few times just bc it's a nice threshold of stimulation for me and it soothes me quite a bit
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Yani: ૮ ⚆ﻌ⚆ა Adopt me?? Sounds scary awoooooo... ૮ฅ・ﻌ・აฅ Oh! You show me??? Yay!! I'll remember how to get there now that I got a nice sniff sniff from ya! I'll make sure to bring more flowers!!! ૮ ◞ ﻌ ◟ ა.. oh! No touchy!! //smacks with tail// Yani got hurt from a mean coyote.. stuck like this... it's ok tho!!! My nice friend helped me!! I have been hanging out with him!! .. But are you sure you're OK friend? Bandages on your hands there.. awoooo
Tumblr media
AC: It's nothing s☾ary. It just means that I ☾oul☽ be your Mama, if you wante☽ that. Though that woul☽ also depen☽ on your Papa, if he'☽ like that...
Then again... maybe adoption was not the best idea after all. Wouldn't that kind of imply that Salvis and Tayashi were dating or something? Man... embarrassing and weird as fuck much? That wild god would probably get a laugh out of it though.
AC: I won't tou☾h, I promise. And my ban☽ages... that will heal, it's nothing ba☽. Just a few s☾rat☾hes, is all. I'm glad you seem to be fine, and I'm gla☽ that somebody was ni☾e enough to help you. They're giving Yani some gentle belly scratches.
AC: I have some flowers in my room. ☽i☽ you bring those originally?
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