#og blackwatch
wildissylupus · 27 days
More OG Blackwatch content cause they will not leave my mind.
*Reyes reading a report while Cassidy plays with a knife being board out of his mind when they are both distracted by the sounds of Angela screaming* Angela: *bursting into the room and running to hide behind Gabriel's chair* You got to protect me, he's gonna kill me! Reyes: *very startled* Angela what are you doing?! Cassidy: *raising an eyebrow* Who are you- Gerard: Angela Ziegler, reviens ici tout de suite pour que je puisse te tuer avec mes putains de mains d'ours! (Angela Ziegler get back here right now so I can kill you with my bear fucking hands!) Cassidy: Huh, what did you do to piss Gerard off? Gerard: *bursting through the open door, lacking eyebrows* Found you! *Angela screams while Cassidy starts laughing his ass off and Reyes stare's in bewilderment* Reyes: What... What happened? Angela: *very quickly* So Gerard has a date with Amalie tonight and I offered to help him get ready and he asked if I could wax his eyebrows so I did but when I took the wax strips off there was... a problem. Gerard: MY EYEBROWS ARE GONE! Angela: *borderline sobbing and holding up the wax strips* NO THEY'RE NOT I TOLD YOU THEY'RE RIGHT HERE! Cassidy: *nearly dying while laughing* oh my.... oh my god, I need to tell Ana this. Reyes: I don't get paid enough for this.
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dawnthefox24 · 27 days
I hate you @wildissylupus for getting me on the bandwagon of the OG Blackwatch crew but I have a headcanon that when Cole first joined he wasn't thrilled on being bunk mates with anyone but was okay with Angela though with anyone else not so much.
*Reyes is going on a mission with Angela as their mission is in Arizona. But he also knows that Cole is getting along well Angela but he also he needs to get along with Gérard too* Reyes:*sighs* Gérard, Cole while Angela and I are in Phoenix, you two are going to be roommates. Cole: *looks bewildered * E-Excuse me!? Gérard: Oh isn't that great Cole? Us being roommates would be a great since we can catch up on a few things together Cole: *is about to leave with both Angela and Reyes* Uh no bye Lacroix! Reyes:*Grabs Cole by his collar*Your not coming with us kid Cole:*stares at Reyes and Angela* Boss listen to me I don't want to be roommates with Lacroix of all people... Gérard:*has his arms crossed*Oh come on Cass, it'll be fun just the two of use. You can tell almost anything you want and I'm a good listener. Cole: Oh god no, look I don't to hear you talk all lovely dovey about Amélie of all people. You stay in my room while I'll go with Gabe and Angela on a mission to Phoenix. Angela: No Cass you can't come with us to Phoenix Cole: Why not? Angela: It's in Arizona Cole: Oh yeah...That.... Gérard: *raises a brow* Wait why can't Cole go to Arizona? Cole:*looks at Gérard and shrugs a bit* Let's just say there's a warrant there for my arrest....And in Ohio Gérard:*Looks at Gabriel and Angela quite concerned* Cole: And in some states I can never remember Reyes: *pinches the bridge of his nose already getting a headache* It's a lot of paperwork I have to file out for Cole.... Angela:*smiles happily *Well Cole aren't you lucky cause I made a song for you to remember. Gérard: You did? Reyes: *Looks at Angela clearly shocked* YOU DID!? Angela: *smiles happily* Yeah ! Cole: *smiles a bit* Alright Angie tell me, Where I can't go Angela:*clears her throat before she starts singing and claps her hand to the beat* What are the states where Cass can't go? Arizona, Utah, and Ohio! Gérard: Oh my.... Angela:*keeps on singing* There's three more states where Cass can't be, Texas, New Hampshire and Tennessee~ Cole:*nods but also remembers one more thing and sings the last part* I'm also banned in Europe~! Gérard: Deadlock gang? Cole, Reyes and Angela: Deadlock Gang Reyes: Thank you this wonderful information and more fucking paper work for me.... Gérard: But also thank you for telling me where you can't go Cole Cole: *realises what Angela did * Fuck Angie you tricked me! Angela: Love you too Cole, but Gérard is a nice man okay Cole: *groans a bit* No!! Reyes: Alright you two get along okay, and no complaints Cole. Cole:*grumbles a bit* Fine.... Gérard: *smiles happily* I can't wait for us to be friends Cole Cole: *in a deadpan voice*Oh joy....
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nitewrighter · 9 months
If you're up for it or have the time, would like to hear some pre-fall Mina interactions with the OG crew and younger roster members. Like them rare occasions, she steps out her lab and is forced to talk to people
Reyes: *watching Liao work on Echo* ...Look, I'm gonna say what Jack is scared to tell you: I don't want robots on my team.
Liao: Most of them are sentient now, don't you think you're being close-minded?
Reyes: I don't doubt that Omnics are probably very capable of being good agents, but Blackwatch is already enough of a potential PR nightmare without Killbot Deathdroid on the team.
Liao: ...'Killbot Deathdroid?'
Reyes: That would be its codename, obviously.
Liao: Okay, so you think the problem is the robot and not your instant assumption that the robot would be 'Killbot Deathdroid.'
Reyes: It has to be Killbot Deathdroid. Blackwatch has a brand to maintain.
Liao: *weary sigh*
Torbjorn: Do we know the hardware threshold was for Aurora's sentience?
Liao: I keep telling you, the God AI's hijacked appliances, they didn't act autonomously. It's completely safe now.
Torbjorn: I still think the fridge should be analog.
Liao: I like the smart fridge! I need my crunchy pellet ice.
Torbjorn: Of all the--I could probably rig you up something to get that ice. You wouldn't need the blasted internet for that!
LIao: ...is there a reason you're coming to me for repairs and not Doctor Ziegler?
Genji: She's um... busy?
Liao: Orrrr you thought I wouldn't be able to tell when you've been taking yourself apart?
Genji: I don't know what you're talking about. This happened with the training bots.
Liao: Of course.
Liao: There isn't a tracking device, by the way.
Genji: What?
Liao: In your prosthetics. That's what you were looking for, wasn't it?
Genji: ...maybe.
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teecupangel · 1 year
Pretty interested in #19 on the list, if u don’t mind sharing.
I don't mind sharing :)
19 from the List of AC Fic Ideas I have at the moment
19. ProtoCreed AU
Desmond dies > Abstergo gets his body > gets autopsied and stuff
Body gets experimented on or maybe there was a mix up in the lab and Zeus virus (an Abstergo made virus created using recovered Isu DNA maybe?) devours Desmond’s body and thinks it’s Desmond
Kinda Prototype plot with Desmond as Alex Mercer, Blackwatch as Abstergo (Johanni Berg) and with him absolutely being isolated because the Assassins believe this is either an Abstergo ruse to get them out of hiding or this is some Juno mindfuck. Desmond Team being all conflicted in this with Shaun being the one who wants to believe it is Desmond (he is the conspiracy nut) while Rebecca is trying to be ‘logical’.
Bleeding effect messing with the Zeus virus so Mercer’s abilities becomes like some kind of automated infected creature that is directly connected to Desmond (with ewwy black-red tendrils that can be cut)
Add scene: enemies mistakes that cutting the tendrils will destroy the infected but it just makes them autonomous with only 2 goals in mind: protect the host (Desmond) and devour eeeevveeerrryyyttthhiiinnnggg
So like each of his 3 ancestors are made of this black-red gooey tendril thingie that kinda looks like them but more disgusting and each of them correspondence with Mercer’s OG abilities:
Altaïr = Blade
Ezio = Hammerfist (sorry, Ezio)
Connor = Whipfist
Side note: 
The douchebag Alex Mercer is an Abstergo employee in this verse. You're still gonna add virus!Alex but this time Alex tries to take out the remaining Zeus virus because Berg tried to take them all and Mercer's like "hell no, this is my life's work!" and does a Birkin with Sigma team.
Manhattan gets turned into a shitstorm but it's now:
ZeusVirus!Desmond and his three gooey friends/ancestors
ZeusVirus!Alex with an amnesia and believes Desmond has the answer (he doesn't, it's Desmond, he never has the answer)
Abstergo with Berg and the Sigma team trying to chase down ZeusVirus!Desmond and thinking ZeusVirus!Alex is Desmond (hoods, man. the perfect disguise. take that, agent 47!)
(THINK ABOUT: Dana still exists and same deal but maybe she has a connection with Erudito??? Greene though? Add her to the mix to fuck shit up too, I guess?)
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wellthebardsdead · 2 years
Listening to music while I work and my mind wandered to the Overwatch characters suddenly entering our world and crashing BlizzCon.
Like all the big screens suddenly get hacked and it’s just sombra popping into frame with a wink and a ‘hola’ before redirecting the camera to the inside of a dropship and agents in their seats, then to a live feed of the dropships travelling through a Teleporter and touching down outside to a crowd of excited fans lining the entry way, the doors drop down and the first wave is the new Overwatch lead by winston through the doors, the second wave is the OG Overwatch like Ana and Jack, the third wave is the new blackwatch lead by Cole, then finally before the doors close back up Siebren floats out being lead by Sombra, and after them comes a newly restored, no longer purple Amélie.
They greet fans, they do panels, jokes are made, maybe they stalk about the convention pretending to be cosplayers and seeing how long it’ll be before they get caught out. Hanzo & Cole definitely share a kiss on stage. Maybe they even meet their voice actors.
I dunno it’s cheesy it’s dumb it’s cringe but it made me happy so enjoy ~Bambi
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wayntstore · 7 months
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the real question is, does genji have a robodick or a regular one
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ow-anteater · 2 years
Things that og overwatch have definitely fought about over the years:
If Gabriel or Jack is the taller one. Ana switches up her answer from time to time for the drama
Their exact ages. Torb is the only mathematical one and even he starts being confused after the third round of ‘didn’t you say you were born in ‘06?????’
The meaning of stealth - divided down the middle along the line of ‘it counts as long as you didn’t get caught’
Wether or not Jack can roll an r well enough to differentiate ‘pero’ and ‘perro’. It is him against the world on this one
Ana and Jack butt heads about exactly how the paperwork should be organized. The rest are sometimes made unwilling pawns by being asked to ‘take this and add it to the stack in the top drawer right and move the whole pile to middle drawer left side’
Who looks the most like they’re portrayed on the poster
What Jack’s hypothetical dogs should be named. Started as ‘which of us should you name your kids after’ until they realized he probably weren’t having those and it moved on to ‘then I should be allowed to pick the dog’s name’
If 'blackwatch' is a cool enough name to justify not calling it 'underwatch' (this is mainly everyone pulling Gabe's leg and him fighting desperately to convince them its a ToTtALly EpIC nAmE)
What injuries warrant medical attention. How far can you try to push the 'I'm a biologically enhanced supersoldier it's fine' excuse? The answer may surprise you
If they should stage dramatic eye injuries for the few remaining people who still retain function in both eyes. Angela does not find it funny
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wlwidow · 6 years
Captured by Talon, Mercy and Pharah reluctantly cooperate to keep each other safe. But there’s more than one familiar face hidden in the shadows, and old loyalties collide with new motives as they try to figure out who they can trust, and how they can get out alive.
Or, Angela tries to save Fareeha, Gabe, and Amélie but forgets to save herself.
She finally updates ! This chapter is 100% Fareeha and Gabe again, gossiping (more like crying/being angry/once or twice laughing) about each other and literally every other character relevant to both of them PLUS a big ass mcfucking reveal or two
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bluespiritfire · 3 years
Mood: eternally repulsed by OW2 Reaper
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Been out of the OW loop for a while so now I get to complain about how they’re planning to change my boy in Cashgrab2- I mean Overwatch 2
Guns are livable, too needlessly pointy for my liking. Coat length increase and flare is good. Shoulders and gauntlets are ok. But the rest? The rest I loathe.
They stole his GLORIOUS THIGHS and gave him POTATO SACKS for pants. Hideous. This is a robbery in progress and I am infuriated. Crotch detail is needlessly complicated and draws your eyes as you struggle to figure out wtf exactly is going on down here. 
The belt is ugly and boring and too small. Return the Kingdom Hearts level of madness with his belts, and how dare you remove his little belt keychain.
The chestpiece, though not pictured, is a hot fucking mess of black metal and makes me think he has a tiny Transformer stuck on his chest. The back detailing is dull and robs us of the wonderful silver metal ‘bones’ he has in OG version. The Claws are that same boring carbon black as everything else and do nothing to add, only detract.
The mask is completely robbed of aesthetic, made into a metal sheen like everything else with no panache. Completely meaningless change from the bone colour and texture. Invokes no fear and makes him look like a cutout. A completely needless downgrade.
And the boots. The boots. Vile. Clunky. Horrific! Formless godless lumps of steel that look like they’re made of foam. Disgusting. Why are they rounded on the toe. Return the upward curve you heathens. I am overwhelmed with rage. OG boots are eternally superior and a joy to examine.
In Conclusion: From Day 1, everyone has made fun of Reaper for being ‘Edgy’. No. No, OW2 version is the one you make fun of for being Edgy. OW2 is the Gamer who has the black and red Gamer Everything Setup. He’s going to the Razor/Alienware convention and brought his best cosplay. 
OG Reaper is a character whose design tells a story. The cuts in his body armour, the fact that his melee arm has the spikes, the little accessory that emulates the shape of his mask and the Blackwatch logo. The way his footsteps in game sound like he’s stepping on an inch of rubber. The fact that the canisters on his hip are a remnant of a time when he was going to have a grenade launcher. The wear and tear on his shoulder pads.
Why is everything so shiny and chrome? You’re not supposed to see him coming, glinting in the fricking sunlight from a mile away. He’s a dead man, not a cyborg. He’s organic. He doesn’t need to be encased in steel. Entirely too much metal for a spectre of death and mortality. He’s not an omnic. He looks like a Talon grunt when he’s a mercenary, working for Talon. (I will never believe that he’s a through-and-through Talon agent when he has a personal vendetta that’s been a core part of his character from the jump. If they got in his way, he would tear Talon down from the inside.) 
I’m giving the devs too much leeway with this, but if this is part of a grander scheme for the story mode they’re implementing where he has to be brought more into line with the rest of Talon, I might buy it. For a moment, before I riot and demand my Reaper comes back. But don’t you dare tell me the guy who sewed his own f*cking Halloween costume - who is so committed to his Vibe that his mask is an owl skull from the top-down view -  would wear this travesty without being blackmailed into it. This is Doomfist and Maximillien telling him he has to Look The Part or they’re docking his cut next paycheck.
In short: OW2 Reaper is a formless grey/black blob that has somehow simultaneously been stripped of his character and yet given a needlessly complicated new design. This opinion stands for McCree as well.
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strawberrypadme · 7 years
Can I just say how I love how in the Moira origin story, when Gabriel is inviting her to Blackwatch, that McCree and Genji are standing behind him so dramatically like the dramatic sons of his they are????? I love it
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wildissylupus · 1 month
I fully believe that Angela and Cassidy made fun of Gerard's crush on Amelie so much, and when those two got together they started making fun of the cheesy couple stuff those two did together.
*The OG Blackwatch team about to go on a mission and have been waiting half an hour for Gerard and Amelie to say goodbye to each other* Gerard: Ok I really need to go now but I'll call you as soon as the mission is done. Amelie: Ok, I love you and, hey, be safe. Gerard: I will. Angela, jokingly to Cole as Gerard finally joins them: Be safe. Cole: I'll be so safe. Gerard: Can you guys stop. Cole: I'll be safe for you. Gerard: Stop >:( *Angela and Cole giggling* Gerard: I'm gonna kill you. Angela and Cole: But how will that keep us safe!
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dawnthefox24 · 25 days
*Angela and Cole hyping up Gérard for a moment to go out as they're helping him prepare him for a date with Amélie. As they hide from afar watching Amélie and Gérard talk for a moment* Cole: *is sweating a bit*Come on Amélie... Angela: Oh my god... Cole:*looks at Angela* This has to work... Cole: This has to be the moment of truth Angela... *Gérard is standing in front of Amélie and is very nervous* Amélie: Oh Gérard How are you today? Gérard: I-I'm good~ Cole:*grabs Angela arms and starts shaking her a bit* Oh she's happy she's in a good mood Angela: Come on Gérard don't fumble this now... Cole: He won't... Amélie:*smiles happily * I think we got to team up you know... Gérard: Yes! I-I mean okay yeah I get it... Cole: He went in to fast! Angela: Easy there still might be a chance! Cole: Gérard don't fuck this up! Amélie:*hears both Angela and Cole but gives a sweet smile towards Gérard* Let's see... Gérard:*is very nervous* Cole: Oh god... Angela: Please... Amélie: *smiles happily and hold Gérard hand before pulling it away* Could you let me think about it~? Gérard:*feels his heart breaks and nods a bit* I-I sure! *Cole and Angela come out of hiding as Amélie walks off happily but blows a kiss in Gérard way* Cole: COME ON!!! Angela: HE GAVE YOU A LACE PARASOL , A TEA SET, A BRACELET!!! Gérard: *watches a bit not knowing what to do* Cole:*Is laughing his ass off for a moment* Angie it's okay Angela: HE'S IS IN LOVE WITH YOU!!! Cole:*looks at Angela and starts laughing even harder before pulling her in for a hug* Gérard: *smiles at them* thank you for your help but...Angela are you okay? Angela: *is about to breakdown crying*I can't... Cole:*Looks at Angela and see's she's about to cry* Yeah no, okay come her Angie....It's going to be okay, it's going to be okay... Angela:*hugs him and starts crying for Gérard* Cole: Come let's go and pull pranks on Commander Morrison Angela:*is a babbling mess* Cole:*holds her close* Your hair smell's great... Angela: Thank you... Gérard:...Is she going to be okay? Cole: Yeah give or take, you can leave now Gérard. Gérard:*nods and walks off* Alright I'll let Reyes know of this...thing... Cole: *nods a bit but smiles * Thank you, Come on Angie let's go prank Morrison okay Angela:*is a crying mess*...Okay....
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nitewrighter · 1 year
Any ideas for a fluff/humor with the og "overwatch brats" (aka Fareeha and Brigitte) as kids (or teenagers)?
Also, there is no way Cole and Fareeha didn't cause mayhem with pranking the Old Guard and that Brigitte didn't carry Mitzi around like a teddy bear, with Mitzi being completely fine with it (kinda grabbing that from the cat we used to have when I was little, he was very cuddly and very tolerant to me using him as a pillow or a plushie).
See I think the thing about the multi generational aspect of Overwatch is that it makes people act like all these characters were at the same age/stage of development, when really it was more like...
9 year old Brigitte: I drew blueprints for power armor for us.
18 year old Fareeha, filling out her third application for Overwatch that she will mysteriously never got a response on: Uh huh.
Brigitte: It's powered by friendship. When we're close to each other, we glow, and we get all tough and we get healed!! And I got a little flag so you can always find me!!
Fareeha, not even looking: That's great, kid.
24 year old Cassidy, leaning on a doorway: How's babysitting going?
Fareeha: I'm not babysitting.
Brigitte: Yeah. Because I'm not a baby.
Fareeha: *holding up the application* I need you to give this to Reyes.
Cassidy: *scoff* I'm not a delivery boy.
Fareeha: I need to make sure it gets to someone.
Cassidy: Well hey, maybe your last four applications didn't make it because you don't got what it takes--*Fareeha gets him in an armlock* OW--OW--OW--OW--!
Brigitte: *gasp* *running off, yelling* Daaaaad! They're fighting!
Cassidy: *calling after her* We ain't fighting! *muttering to Fareeha* That's just damned, dirty, 'Reeha, you know I'm probationary status.
Fareeha: I know. And now you know I'm more than qualified for Blackwatch. *lets him go*
Cassidy: *circling his arm in its socket* Alright, alright. I'll take it to Reyes. I can't guarantee it'll do anything though.
Fareeha: I'll let Reyes be the judge of that.
Reyes: *knocks on Ana's door* Uh... hey, so Cassidy gave me this application from Fareeha. Did you know about th---
Ana: *snatches the application and immediately stuffs it into the shredder under her desk*
Ana: Oh, it's good to see you Reyes, what did you want?
Reyes: Well I was going to say I got this application--
Ana: What application?
Reyes: ...
Ana: ...
Reyes: Okay, speaking as a parent, I think this whole situation might benefit from a bit more communication from both parties--
Ana: Speaking as a parent I respectfully suggest you mind your own damn business.
Reyes: ...
Reyes: *tongue click* Right. Gotcha.
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AU Wishlist
Alright. Did one for my Soldier:76 blog, now time for one here!
Magic AU: Magic-user Hanzo. This can be a modern-setting or fantasy-setting and is mostly based off of some fanart that I’ve seen around the fandom of Hanzo being more of a potion-maker.
Demon AU: This is primarily based on his Oni skin in the game, so I’m very loose with the setting on this as well. 
Blackwatch AU: I can not stress how much I love the thought of Hanzo being in Blackwatch. I just... I love it so much with a burning passion. Though, one thing I need to mention about this AU is that, when escaping with his brother to Overwatch, Hanzo does not tell his brother the truth on why they’re leaving, or anyone else for that matter. Sure, the half he tells is true, saying something like “I realized the Clan does not have the best interest in mind.” but not “The elders told me to kill you, and that’s why we’re leaving.” And, I mention this for fear that this would be god-moddy and I don’t want to throw it on people all of a sudden, but that’s the one thing I won’t change.
Sugar Daddy AU: I do not care who is the sugar daddy and who is the sugar baby, I just love this AU a lot.
ABO AU: Just... Yeah. Also, not going to specify what he is in this AU cause I’m flexible like that.
Stripper AU: Again, flexible with this one, don’t really care what role he has. Just... stripper AU.
College AU: If he’s a professor, he’s going to be the straight-laced mathematics professor that takes no shit and has a resting bitch face when teaching his class. Or, he’s a student which is practically the same except he’s business major.
Medic AU: Ok. I’m low-key not serious about this one because this is mostly based on the fanart of Hanzo in Mercy’s OG skin and I just find it funny and I needed it out of my head.
Tattoo Artist AU: Tattoo artist Hanzo... Tattoo artist Hanzo.
Werewolf AU: So, I’m going to be frank but anything with werewolves is a definite yes from me. I don’t care if it’s still in the OW-verse, modern, fantasy, modern-fantasy, etc, and I don’t care if Hanzo’s the werewolf, if the other character is the werewolf, or if they’re both werewolves. I just love werewolves.
Monster AU: Including oni and werewolves, I like Dragon!Hanzo and Vampire!Hanzo.
ATLA AU: I don’t care if this is in the ATLA universe or in the OW-verse, I just want it to be known that Hanzo is a water bender and knows how to blood bend.
MHA AU: This is still a work in progress, but I see Hanzo having a blood-based type quirk or a lightening type quirk. Also, this can either be in the MHA-verse or the OW-verse with all the OW characters having quirks.
Reverse AU: This is mostly based on the fanart I’ve seen around, but really like the thought of the brothers’ roles being switched and to see how Hanzo deals with being a cyborg. 
This is all I can think of for now, but I will probably add some more as time goes on.
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mjolnirismypenis · 7 years
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Squad Goals.
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