#ofc haechan would wanna see her cry
liliansun · 8 months
NOT jensal getting dragged 😭 they're like the softest pair for me so far. Renjun and neowa would be filled with angst but they'd find solace in each other, you feel? They'll fit each other like two puzzle pieces. Mal and jaemin are like two peas on a pod, whether they like it or not. Jaemin's more upfront about his feelings while she's a little more closed off and reluctant to admit that he gets under her skin. Y/n and haechan are ofc the ultimate power couple. They should give the others therapy for what they put everyone and themselves through but they're thriving rn so 👍 and then you have mark and joy. I love these two so much. It's just like they were meant to be. I'm surprised they weren't a couple before etmy, but they compliment each other so well. I hope we see more of that with the others. One thing i'm sure there'll be is conflict between each couple. I can see mal and jaemin and jeno and sal arguing with each other. I feel like renjun and neowa would have a cold war at first and then explode. Mark and joy would probably ease into an argument but they're just so close that they'd diffuse it right away. Y/n and haechan would get mad at each other and apologize right away. (Haechan better not be pulling any funky lies anytime soon.)
Also I agree with that anon, sal really does give bambi vibes because of how she interacts with her friends (but also the bunny 🥺). Mal is like a wolf in sheep's clothing, NOT a bad thing. Joy gives off tiger vibes idk why 😭, y/n's more of a golden retriever, and neowa is an otter because i feel like she keeps the peace more often than not. I just know there's a whole other world of chaos swirling inside of those girls.
when i tell you i stopped writing ch8 for this,, just know i love you wholeheartedly. (i really went back to work the first time but i was about to write it again bc i’m on break but this is more important rn)
i just wanna take this moment to say thank you to not only you, but to everyone who shares their thoughts of the couples (not the jensal haters,, y’all and i have beef and it’s not wagyu) and their dynamics in each relationship really means the world to me as an author and to the girls these goofballs are inspired by,, like genuinely. (also yes y/n and hyuck owe everyone free therapy bc they put them through it) and this just,, idek how to put into words how much this and every ask means to me (y’all stop i’m about to cry)
i sent this to the gc and this was sals reaction 🥹🫶
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nevertheless i cannot stress to yall how much i appreciate y’all and love y’all for the love yall give the couples and the characters individually,, esp the relationships they have with each other. i do my best to protray the girls as who they are to me and their love for each other as we love each other and they too are so invested in the storylines (even though they’re the first to get a lot of the tea but i don’t tell them everything for the suspense 😛)
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taejeonie · 4 years
what if taehyuck dated...
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taehee is jeno in the gif okay
i could see hyuck having a small crush on taehee during mmc
so he was like :// whenever they would fight
and really :DD when they make up
it would disappear during debut ofc cause u gotta stay focused!!
but then i guess his feelings came back during ‘boom’ era
at first he thought that he was only missing her bc she’s not in dream anymore BUT
she came over while they were in the waiting room with some food after they performed
so they were just talking and doing normal teenager stuff and catching up
and hyuck was staring at taehee with like heart eyes that renjun had to snap him out of it
casually, he pulled taehee to his lap and placed his chin on her shoulder
all of them were like “yeah this is normal” and carried on with the conversation
so hyuck decided to just do a l i g h t scan of her face
like very quick
but he took his time looking at every. feature.
like the sweat dripping of her forehead bc the ac isn’t on
the way her eyes go slightly big when she got interested at what jaemin was about to tell her
or how her fingers play with his hair at the back of his head out of habit
“were her lips always this cute? they look so soft. i-“
“excuse me, i need to go to the bathroom”
so taehee gets off his lap while still talking to jaemin
while hyuck goes to the bathroom to calm down
inhale exhale inhale exhale
boom he’s back to liking her again
but stronger (부딪칠수록 더 stronger)
i feel like dream would know
like renjun would be the first to notice, then it would be a slip of the tongue around jaemin and jeno
and then i feel like jaemin would tell chenji like it’s no big deal
“wait let me text noona real quick-“
so at this point dream knows
and hyuck’s contemplating whether or not he should tell mark hihi
i feel like she does have feelings for hyuck
but she doesn’t acknowledge it
like i said, she doesn’t think about what it would be like to date the members
but then hyuck’s got a MASSIVE crush on her so i think she would pick up on it
like recently, he’s super flustered around her and that he couldn’t come up with a proper come back during playful banters
or that he’s super clingy than before but now he won’t admit it
“haechan, you’re so clingy nowadays. you like me, don’t you?”
“huh??? what, of course not!! why would i,” then he stands up and walks out of the room without another word
and that she keeps catching hyuck staring at her before quickly looking away
she’d find it cute, maybe a little funny
i think she would talk about it with mark bc she was suuuuuper curious
but in reality she just wants to know bc deep inside,,,she liked him too
“do you think,,haechan likes me?”
“of course he does! why would you ask that?”
“no no,,like ‘like like’ me. you get it?”
“oh? i don’t...i haven’t thought about it. why? do you ‘like like’ him?”
“....maybe- i don’t know :((“
and mark’s like :00
“oh okk, don’t worry. i gotchu”
taehee: ?????
lowkey got scared bc mark acted weird
but she trusts him enough that he won’t do anything out of the ordinary
so later on, mark texts hyuck bc he has a mission
mission: find out if hyuck likes taehee
to lee donghyuckie: hey
to lee donghyuckie: are you not telling me something?
from lee donghyuckie: i don’t know what you’re talking about ...
to lee donghyuckie: do you like taehee?
mark had to wait for a few minutes before hyuck sent a reply
from lee donghyuckie: hyung
from lee donghyuckie: i really really like her.
from lee donghyuckie: what do i do?
then he sent something similar to a rabbit crying sticker, making mark laugh
“who’s cute?,” taehee asked
“uhh oh nothing”
to lee donghyuckie: if you really like her that much, then i think you should go for it
to lee donghyuckie: you know well enough about how your decisions could affect the both of you
to lee donghyuckie: but i think the both of you would be careful about this
to lee donghyuckie: whatever your choice is, we’ll all be here to support you
on the other end of the line, hyuck was so touched
he’s so greatful for his members he was really moved
so bc of mark’s encouragement (+ a bit of jaemin’s pestering), he finally made his decision
from lee donghyuckie: okay then. i’ll go for it. what should i do?
so after talking with mark and the rest of the dreamies over food and drinks
“noona do you want to come-“ “JISUNG!! SORRY NOONA ITS BOYS NIGHT”
their plan was just for hyuck to go along with taehee’s antics bc she’ll cave in eventually (according to mark)
“but what if she doesn’t?”
“then you do it!!! stop being a coward- OW”
lmao renjun u try confessing to ur crush ᕦ(ò_óˇ)ᕤ
so for a few damn weeks
hyuck went along with whatever taehee’s got under her sleeve
and they flirted back and forth
they’re never not joined by the hip during schedules together
cheek kisses became more frequent
hyuck kept cooking for her and then they would eat together <3
a way through a woman’s heart is truly through the stomach
i feel like whenever taehee would be affectionate towards the other members hyuck would get jealous
so when she’s ‘free’ already, he goes to her and sticks beside her for the rest of the day
hyuck was about to give up tbh bc it seemed like there wasn’t any progress
“just wait,” mark said
so he did
they were playing games one time and hyuck kept on getting distracted he wasn’t doing as well as he’s supposed to
his heart skipped a beat at the nickname even if he’s heard her call him that a thousand times already, “hm?”
“you’re not playing well! is something bothering you?”
she doesn’t bother him after that for the rest of the game
while they were waiting for another round to start,,,taehee decided that she’ll do it now
she’ll confess and hope that hyuck wasn’t playing with her all this time and that he was genuinely interested in her
taehee’s nerves got the best of her so her character died in the game
“noona!!! you left me all alone”
“good luck then. i’ll be spectating you, don’t worryyy”
she said it in a really cute way that it made hyuck press a wrong key and almost die
minutes passed and they were about to win yayayay
but taehee hasn’t said anything yet
so she takes a deep breath and sends a text to mark
to markly <3: i’m gonna do it
“i...really...like you...like a lot-“
hyuck freezes
“and i don’t know if you really mean what you’ve been doing and saying for the past weeks...or if you’re just going along with me. i was trying to make it obvious so i’m wondering if you wanted to go out with me....?”
“game over”
their monitors go back to the lobby as silence lingered on both ends
“lee donghyuck, say something!! my pride’s already hurt...”
“ah i knew i shouldn’t have-“
“i’m kinda,,,bummed out”
“w-what why?”
“because you asked first”
taehee felt a smile creep up her face before letting out a small laugh
“noona, do you want to go out with me?”
hyuck can sense her pout through the speaker so he gives in instead
shut up hyuck ur just whipped
“okay okay!! i’ll go out with you~”
their first date was in a secluded movie theater
like you know that movie theater idols go to for dates? that one
and then they ate out after
i feel like all the members and managers would know
especially because the pair’s so smiley and clingy and in jisung’s words, lovey-dovey around each other
so when each of them got home the members teased them
johnny to hyuck and markwoo to taehee
I FEEL LIKE THEY WOULD KISS A LOT LIKE A LOT LOT as if the cheek kisses aren’t a giveaway
their first kiss would go like this
they were playing games and you know they’re both competitive
so like they strike deals
the “if i win you do this that blah blah”
so hyuck was gonna ask for a kiss (*^▽^*)
and taehee was too
but she couldn’t help herself
so mid-game,,,she put her phone on the nightstand and grabbed hyuck’s face to connect their lips
hyuck was surprised at first,,,then he eased on to it
like “wow i’m finally kissing the girl of my dreams”
they lowkey forgot about the game
lowkey made out on hyuck’s bed
hyuck got so smug istg
when they pulled away to catch their breaths, the first thing that came out of hyuck’s mouth was
“you couldn’t resist me, couldn’t you?,” earning a slap to his chest
but hyuck made up for it with more kisses!!! (≧∀≦)
the members would find it SO cute whenever hyuck was a lil jealous
“ahh you guys keep going out,,we never see you both anymore,” yuta chuckled as he put an arm around taehee
yuta chuckled as he pulled his arm away, “ah right right,,she’s your girlfriend now (^ν^)”
but he doesn’t get like jealous jealous dw it never gets out of hand it’s just for fun
i feel like the members would help them on dates too,,esp taeyong
i could see taeyong be so into this like he’d go
but then there’s this moment where he just sits in between them and puts his arm around his shoulders saying, “you better be careful, okay? (⌒▽⌒)”
hmm i imagine taehee asking hyuck to do her eye makeup
bc hyuck’s eye make up is so pretty sHUT UP
so he’d do it in taehee’s room
eventually leading to them making out again
from then on, mark makes it a point to knock before entering a room
when they were recording kick it,,hyuck was waiting for his turn in the studio alone
it was supposed to be taehee’s but she wasn’t there yet bc she had to help produce for other groups
and it was cold cause it was JANUARY OKAY
so when taehee came in the studio wearing a shirt, jeans, and a thin jacket
hyuck’s like, “why are you wearing that? it’s cold”
“my friend gave me this i wanna wear them :((“
so hyuck took off his jacket in exchange for taehee’s
it was his anyways
he would wait for her to finish recording and would take her out after
“what do you want to eat?”
“anything for my babyyy”
taehee would love holding his hand
like the feeling of his fingers in between hers just makes her heart go boom boom
bonus points if hyuck squeezes them from time to time and let’s her play with his hand
he found it cute when all of his rings transferred to her fingers
“you know i have to return that to the stylists, right?”
“yeah but this one’s yours so :>>>”
hyuck gets them matching rings for their five months anniversary
dude i think they’ll just be plain out obvious
like there’s so many moments of them during kick it era that czennies think of it as ‘out of context moments’ but it wasn’t the case to taehyuck
like taehee straddling hyuck on the floor of their practice room
mark: oKAYYYYY
or whenever they shout randomly about each other off-screen
but czennies just brush it off as like “tHey’Re bOtH aFfEcTiOnAtE fRIeNDs”
some of them really really really want to date
don’t worry, they are, they’re just not ready to put it out there ;))
taehee was hyuck’s #1 supporter during reload era
would compliment his facial expressions when they were recording their reaction for their mv
‘quiet down’ being her favorite song bc hyuck sounded so sexy
when hyuck came home after ridin’s first win the first thing taehee did was kiss him sweetly
hyuck pecked her cheek when she pulled away (*´꒳`*)
jisung and chenle: EWWWW T_T
if johnny’s not in the room they would dance together
but then there are intimate moments where they’re just swaying to the music, taehee’s arms wrapped around hyuck’s neck and the his arms around her waist
would kiss the side of her head from time to time
and when their feet get kinda tired,,they get ready for bed and sleep next to each other
there are times where hyuck falls asleep first and taehee would lie awake, adoring him
and vice versa
most of the time taehee would be the small spoon
vlives with just the two of them would be their thing
i mean it already was,,anyways
hyuck decided to be dangerous in this one vlive
he would tuck a strand of taehee’s hair behind her ear
would kiss his fingers and boop them on taehee’s nose
would interlace their fingers together
markleeswatermelons i want to confess to my crush but i don’t know how. what should i do?
“‘i want to confess to my crush but i don’t know how. what should i do?’ ahhh noona is really good at that!! right?”
then hyuck found it really funny bc taehee’s looking at him like ‘wtf are you doing’
“come onnn!!! tell them!!”
“you have to help czennies!! hihihi”
taehee took a bite of her sandwich in reluctance
“hhhhhh uhhh,,you should just go for it, honestly. make sure you get to say everything you want to tell that person, and don’t be afraid if you think things won’t go your way. it’s part of the process,,you’ll find the right person one day :)) but if it does go well then congratulations!!! we’ll be cheering for you hehe”
the whole time hyuck’s just looking at her with heart eyes it melts mah hart <//3
taeheesunshine taehee please take care of me!! >.<
“‘taehee please take care of me’, of course i will take care of you? did you eat yet? i’ll cook for you :>>”
“noona seems like the one to take care of us and to baby us all the time,,but she really really really...”
hyuck takes a peak at taehee’s nervous expression and laughs
“she really really likes being babied. really-“
“IT’S TRUE HAHAHAHA....don’t worry, it’s cute ;))”
hyuck tops in this relationship
in conclusion, taehyuck would be the couple everyone would adore and take care of!! the members tease them from time to time but nevertheless supportive of them!!
“just know that we played a part in this”
“yeah, haechan was a chicken so we had to rely on you”
“H U A N G R E N J U N”
although they’re a very outright and clingy couple, i feel like no one from the outside would suspect 
sure there are those suspicious fans 
but they’ll still hide it really well :>>
hyuck finally gets to spend a lifetime with his first and last <33
“you said you’re gonna marry me in the future,,,,i gave you my answer already”
hyuck chuckled and kissed the corner of her mouth 
they really do love each other 
“you’re so cute,” he says, before capturing her lips in a sweet kiss
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cottonblush · 6 years
wild(t) love | zcl, kjw
❧ word count: 1,414
❧ genre: crack lmao
❧ notes: ohmygod i can’t believe this is the first story i’m posting on here i literally wrote this for my friend at 11pm yw rochenle!!
when you first learn that you’re going to be working at sm entertainment you almost cry
bc you’re still in college and struggling™ and this opportunity is a blessing
and you can’t wait to start bc then you’ll get to see your childhood friend jungwoo again
also bc sm is so well known you get to travel with the groups and your college will like let you make up tests and stuff
let’s face it sooman is that! powerful ceo
anyway so you go into it thinking oh it’d be nice to see jungwoo like once in a while
bc you were told you’d be the assistant manager for the rookies
but last minute they’re like LMAO NOpe and they assign you to nct 127
and you’re like !!!! jungwoo is in that group wow am i blessed or am i blessed
so like a month into the job you go to this meeting and they’re like
for nct’s next concept we’ll be going to a jungle to take the pictures we’re going for that wiLDT concept
and you’re like ?? i mean extra but ok sure
and the next thing you know you’re on a plane with nct 127 going to some remote jungle
you, jungwoo, and doyoung are random stuff and like gossiping
also jungwoo is hitting on you and doyoung like at the same time
wow we love a flirt
haechan and mark are having their summer fight 2.0 bc haechan said there’s no difference between coke and pepsi and mark is like sTFU U DUMB BINCH OFC THERE IS I CAN’T ASSOCIATE WITH UNCULTURED SWINE UGH
taeyong, yuta, and jaehyun are watching a basketball anime and do some complex handshake every time the protagonist scores a point
johnny is sitting there still giggling to himself about that time ten said john’s banana even though it’s been like a decade
winwin and and lucas are conversing in chinese and to everyone else they sound like intellectuals bc like,,, the chinese language sounds bEAUTIFul don’t even deny it
but irl lucas is asking winwin how many calories are in a booger and winwin’s like idk man i mean probably like 2 they can’t be that unhealthy
this in turn causes lucas to think that one can survive on boogers bc they won’t gain weight but it’s still food
and then winwin has to explain that you need 2,000+ calories a day so lucas would need to pick 1,000 different noses every day
taeil is still sulking about the fact that yuta stole the seat next to winwin from him
he finds a little bug on the floor and somehow starts an inner monologue like ‘i feel u my friend i know how it is to feel alone and unwanted and not appreciated like this one sided love is really killing us buddy’
but like taeil, sweetie, it’s a bug so it clearly can’t relate
and then taeil sees another bug crawl up to the bug and they creep away together
and he goes ‘oh i see… i guess i truly am alone’ and like a single tear rolls down his cheek as he pulls out his phone and opens up his sad violin music playlist that has like 600 songs
yall get there in like 45 minutes so you’re like lol they said remote jungle watch it be like some dog park
but then you get off the plane and literally choke on your own words bc like,, issa jungle
you guys are told that there’s a secret cabin thing nearby and members will come individually to the jungle each day to take concept pictures so that the group can have a lil vacation
jungwoo is supposed to take his pictures on the third day and it’s finally time so he, you, another manager, and the photographer’s crew drive out to the jungle
and take some saucy pictures
but then a problem arises bc jungwoo sees a snake (it’s actually just a vine that fell from a tree but you figure you should at least save some of his pride) and screams but like soft screams so only you notice
and he like zooms,,, usain bolt? more like jungwoo bolt
you have to go after him bc otherwise you would probably be murdered if fans found out you let jungwoo go into a jungle alone
and somehow the crew just assumes yall ran back to the van so they take off without you
so when you two get back you’re like uHHHHH where yall @ stop playing
jungwoo starts panicking and genuinely thinks you two are going to die and you’re lowkey offended bc you’re thinking ‘my survival skills are excellent thank you very much at least i don’t have a heart attack every time i see a plant’
but all of a sudden you hear this really loud scream
or it’s more like a yell?? or like a cry or a shout? you honestly don’t know
it sounds like tarzan though and you wanna laugh but are also worried at the same time
the trees rustle a lot so you look up and you see some random boy with like
grass green hair and he’s only wearing a leaf skirt and a coconut bra
and you wanna question it like why the bra?? bc it just looks uncomfortable
anyway so this guy is like swinging through the vines when he sees you and he stops and stares for what seems like forever
he starts speaking but yall cant understand him bc somehow his sentences are a mix of korean, chinese, and arabic
you know it’s arabic bc you hear marhaba and you’re like ayEE shoutout to my foreign language teacher in 7th grade your class finally came in handy
so you try to speak back to him and he understands you bc he just launches off a tree, lands in front of you, and speaks fluent korean
and you just go ‘bro what’s up with the arabic’
and he shrugs his shoulders and explains that the last visitor he had spoke arabic and taught him the language
you and jungwoo share a look like,,, visitor? does he have a house or smth
and the guy laughs and is like i’ll take you there!! but i should probably introduce myself my name is chenle
you guys take turns sharing about yourself as chenle leads the way to some mystery location
which turns out to be this giant tree house mansion
and you’re questioning him like did u build this yourself bc no offense dude but ur kinda skinny’
and jungwoo is just in awe and he’s like heck yeah he’s skinny! a skinny leGEND
chenle’s like lol no the monkeys built this for me
uh?? monkeys
and sure enough a group of about 25 monkeys comes into the mansion and like surrounds the three of you and starts inspecting you and jungwoo
one of them sits on your shoulder and chenle smiles and goes ‘oh great they approve of u’
and you go ‘oh that’s chill i guess’
chenle: yeah it’s great it means they won’t beat u with coconuts
you, jungwoo: um wHAT
chenle: [innocent smile]
anyway it’s been quite a day and jungwoo says he’s tired so the monkeys lead him to a couch and sit him down
and you and chenle just talk about stuff and hours go by like seconds
and as you two watch the sunset through the trees
chenle turns to you and asks
i know we just met but i feel like we’re soulmates and u get me will u marry me
and you’re about to respond when you’re interrupted by jungwoo’s slightly sleepy voice saying ‘heCk no y/n is mine binch back off’
and you’re like ‘guys guys calm down let’s not-’
chenle cuts you off and goes ‘yeah you heard her let’s be calm there’s plenty of love to go around we can just share her affection’
jungwoo agrees bc he’s half asleep and bc he thinks that the lil monkeys that helped him with everything are so convenient and he could get used to this life
and that’s how you start the rest of your life with your two husbands in a remote forest in an undisclosed location
and like yall don’t know it but the rest of nct is going crazy trying to find yall but chenle’s monkey family keeps them away so you guys can live happily ever after
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- Taeyong is really shy in expressing his emotions
- like he rarely says “I love you” but when he does, it’s only in private and it’s enough to drive you crazy
- he expresses his love for you through hugs and kisses
- He’s also possessive
- like when he sees some guy talking to you or trying to flirt with you he gets really clingy until it leads into a fight with you and the guy
- you guys argue about this in some cases
- he’s just afraid to lose you
- but you still don’t get it why he has to be possessive
- “Dude, you have to trust her.” - Taeil
- “Trust is one of the key factors of a relationship.” - Johnny
- “Trusting is loving. Loving is trusting.” - Jaehyun
- “Hyung, she’s a keeper. Don’t lose her just because of your trust issues.” - Mark
- “Omg hyung, stop. She’s your girl. Case closed.” - Haechan
- he could be a beast when he gets mad… and also in bed. :>>>>
- one time, your ex bf came back and he’s asking you to get back together with him
- Taeyong found out about this in the most unconvinient time –> the time when his scamming and fat-shaming scandal got out and he’s being attacked by hate from the public
- his confidence went even more downhill
- and he got mad ofc because you didn’t tell him about the fact that your ex-bf wants you back
- “I didn’t wanna tell you because you’re gonna be like this!”
- “So it’s my fault now huh?”
- oppa don’t be like that
- it’s so scary
- you can’t read what he’s thinking of doing next
- he’s just staring at you with those intense eyes
- you don’t know whether you’ll melt in warmth or quiver in fear because of his INTENSE STARING
- like dude, staring too much is rude; just say what you wanna say ffs
- “Stop talking to him!“
- “I already did but he just wouldn’t leave me alone!”
- “Liar. You still love him, don’t you?”
- with that, you felt offended
- not because you still love your ex but because Taeyong thinks of it like that - you realized that you and your love for him was never enough
- “Seriously? After all we’ve been through together, you’re gonna tell me that?”
- “After all the sacrifices I’ve made just to be with you… oh god Taeyong… am I not enough?!”
- “Jagiya, that’s not what I meant.”
- You broke down in tears as you look away from him
- you just can’t take seeing him right in front of you
- “Jagiya, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean it that way.”
- you finally look at him
- you tell him: “Let’s just end this Lee Taeyong.”
- and Taeyong’s left eye would just twitch in shock and annoyance
- have you seen his facial expression when he’s annoyed?
- he looks like one of those annoyed anime characters
- well he actually looks like a living anime like wth dude what are your genes made out of? Seriously?
- “What? You’re breaking up with me?”
- then he would laugh sarcastically
- “Fine. I don’t want to see your face ever again. Get the hell out of my face and my life!”
- he would be pointing to the door of their dorm and you get out while crying just as the other members go back into their dorm
- “You guys had a fight again?” - Ten
- “Well what’s new? They are always like that.” - Johnny
- “What happened?” - Jaehyun
- “I was actually expecting them to be making out on the couch as soon as we get here.” - Yuta
- Taeyong would just grumble: “We broke up.”
- “Seriously? Why do all my hyungs get into this kind of situation?” - Mark
- “This is why I don’t want to have a commitment just yet.” - Haechan
- “Yeah shut up Haechan. You’re not helping.” - Mark
- they were a little bit shocked but since they already know that you guys are having a tough time in your relationship, they kind of have expected that something like this would happen.
- 3 months passed but you’re still not over Taeyong
- you still cry about him and your break-up
- you thought that Taeyong had moved on because you can see him smiling and laughing on tv
- but nope
- it’s actually the opposite when he’s off-cam
- he rarely talks to his members except when it’s really important like rehearsals and dates for their performances/fansigns/photoshoots etc.
- when he’s back at the dorms w/ his members he just stays in his room
- when he’s out practicing with them, he would stay behind after their rehearsal
- he dances and dances until his body gives up just like you guys have both given up on your relationship
- even though he doesn’t admit it completely to himself, he knew that the break-up had taken its toll on him
- imagine, you guys had kept your relationship a secret for almost 3 years and then this happens
- yeah ikr it sucks
- you felt guilty for breaking up with him lol even I would feel guilty for breaking the heart of the poor leader of NCT
- Taeyong is life
- Taeyong is ❤
- Taeyong is everything!
- how can you give up on him??????????
- you wanted to talk to him but you’re afraid that he might reject you
- but little did you know that Taeyong wants to do the same too
- he also feels guilty for agreeing with the break-up
- he realized that he could’ve fought for your relationship better
- you guys are so dumb BUT CUTE
- you wanted him back so bad that you just cried
- Taeyong wanted you back as well that he wasn’t able to cook for the past 3 months because he remembers those times when he’d cook for you if you’re hungyry, sad, happy or just simply bored
- Eating different kinds of dishes was yours and Taeyong’s thing
- the other members didn’t have to worry about the food though because Jaehyun’s there to cook for them
- but they were worried for Taeyong because he rarely eats
- then one time, the thing that they have always been afraid off actually happened
- Taeyong collapsed in the middle of their performance
- like his fall was so bad
- he fell right off the stage and lost his consciousness
- they have to stop their performance and rush him to the hospital
- it was due to stress, mainly from his work and lack of proper nutrition like someone feed this child oh god
- and yeah, he broke his leg so the company decided to postpone their promotions
- Ten told you about this
- blinded by your tears, you immediately went to visit him
- but as soon as you got there, he’s sleeping - you kissed his forehead and mumbled, “I love you” to him
- it’s so cute that it broke the other member’s hearts
- they think that their leader deserves to have a healthy and strong relationship with his special someone
- Taeyong opens his beautiful eyes and was like “Oh, you’re here”
- The other guys left, allowing you to have some privacy
- Ten and Yuta were about to eavesdrop but Taeil caught them and pulled them away by their ears
- “You sneaky lil kids! Don’t eavesdrop on them!”
- But also eavesdrops along with them
- Really Taeil?
- Taeyong sits up and you just burst into tears and he’s just like wtf????? stop crying!!!!!!! the members might think i did something to you!!!!!!!! oml!!!!!!!!!!
- you apologize but Taeyong won’t let it go and even put you on a guilt-trip
-you felt even more bad
- but then he just laughs it off and pulls you in for a slow and passionate kiss
- it’s been only 3 months since you guys called it off
- but for both of you, it felt like 3 decades
- and when your lips are clashed against each other, everything just felt right
- “can we try again?”
- “which one? The kiss or our relationship?”
- he smiles cheekily
- “Both.”
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