#oc: mára
gritsandbrits · 6 months
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Encanto 2 Mára Doll
After the tweevils I thought to make another mockup of a doll concept this time of my Encanto oc Mára. I made 2 variants one regular and one "100th anniversary". Disney won't gain any money from this anyways and I need something physical for Mára since I talk about her a lot
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Since she's Bruno's love interest she obviously wears green, but a dark green with purple as accent. This tricks the villain into thinking she could be the villain. The ombre skirt matches Mirabel's. Her design is sleek, chic and lacka the paterns and bright colors the rest of the Madrigals have. Essentially she is the modern city slicker to the Madrigal's traditional yet vibrant lifestyle.
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juniaships · 1 year
I feel like Mára would be the one to help Hans not in a 'magical negro' way but empathizing with him since she also grew up in a broken home. Hans lashed out at the world uncaring who got caught in the crossfire...meanwhile Mára withdrew herself from the world by spending her time and energy on her craft but to a toxic degree. Mára learned she deserves the needss the space for other things like family and friendship. So with that in mind she can teach Hans he shouldn't be wasting his life trying to appease people who don't care about him, and to give him something constructive to do like modelling for her new menswear line
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cyberfairyblog · 8 months
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Mára Esposito throughout the story
One thing i love about fashion is how it can tell a story, and what better to tell it than a fashion designer? Mára originally came to the village wearing modern (of the time) outfits: sleek, elegant, no "fun" patterns. It's dark and green and meant to lead you to assuming she will be the villain.
However as time goes on she starts wearing clothes appropriate for the setting; her outfit is supposed to be Mirabel's but flipped. Also hints to their future friendship. After defeating the real villain, Mára is wearing lighter greens as a way to embrace her new life as a Madrigal.
Made with Encanto Oc Maker on Doll Divine.
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omgkalyppso · 5 months
Your OC's Phone
Someone put this prompt up in a server I'm in, so maybe it's already an ask game out in the site somewhere, but if not I'll bring the prompt to this big blue hell and the friends in my computer.
What is your oc's contact name for their significant other(s) in their phone? Assume an AU for oc's whose settings don't have phones.
I'll tag @boghermit, @toucansafari, @ghostwise, @razrogue, @allycryz, @the-eldritch-it-gay and YOU.
Initially wanted a nickname for Claude in Fae's phone for the time he spends away in Almyra post-canon while they're ruling a united Fodlan, and then that evolved into nicknames as contact names for initially meeting people regardless of setting. As relationships progress they get their names in their phone.
stranger -> claude
lhg -> lorenz
d flower 🌸 -> hilda
studs -> avery
The opposite. People start as their proper names in their phone and then as relationships grow they get an elvish pet name. + Bonus Raphael (as the keeper of their contract / soul; so can be grateful, spiteful, etc. depending on mood).
Astarion -> vanimelda 💘
Halsin -> taurëva 💚
Wyll -> endamaican 🕺
Zevlor -> arquenya 🫀
He Who Was -> nécelda 👻
Komira -> telyantalnya 🐺
Locke -> vëonya 💙
Raphael -> keeper 📜
Elvish translations inspired by this site, below the cut:
vanimelda (the most beautiful)
taurëva (from the great forest)
endamaican (blade of my heart)
arquenya (my noble knight)
nécelda (pale, faint, dim to see + elf) (not to be confused with nívelda (pale elf))
telyantalnya (my temptation = alluring + mine) nauro (wolf / werewolf)
mára (good) vëonya ("lover" = manly / vigorous (or man = "active") + mine)
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nemzetinet · 6 years
A titokzatos Kósa-ügy, egy svájci magyar milliárdos és a nagy fegyverüzletek
Gratian Dietrich Béla Anda nevét valószínűleg csak nagyon kevesen ismerik. A zürichi magyar tiszteletbeli konzulról nehéz bármi személyeset találni az interneten, a magyar nyelvű oldalakon pedig szinte semmi nincs azonkívül, hogy mikor nevezték ki, és hogy mi a tiszteletbeli konzulátus elérhetősége. Pedig a 48 éves Gratian Anda nem akárki a svájci üzleti életben…
Pár hét elteltével változatlanul különösek azok a körülmények, ahogy a svájci Altenrhein Aviation hírbe keveredett a Fidesz alelnökével, Kósa Lajossal és a Csengeren lakó Szabó Gábornéval, aki a cég részvényesének tartja magát. A Magyar Nemzet írta meg, hogy Szabóné még 2013-ban – közjegyző előtt hitelesítve – bízta meg Kósát 4,3 milliárd eurós örökségének kezelésével, amit a politikus el is vállalt. Megállapodásuk szerint a politikus édesanyja 800 millió forintot kapott volna ajándékba a segítségért cserébe. A részvények azonban nem léteznek – legalábbis az Altenrhein Aviation határozottan cáfolja, hogy Szabóné valaha is rendelkezhetett volna azokkal, mert a vállalat korábban teljes egészében a svájci repülőgépgyártó Pilatus tulajdonában volt. A Magyar Nemzet kérdésére a Pilatus Aircraft Ltd. szintén kijelentette, hogy Szabó Gáborné soha nem volt tulajdonosa a Pilatus részvényeinek sem.
A cég közlése ellenére a nemzetközi piacon jól ismert Pilatus képbe kerülése még tovább bonyolítja az eddig is nehezen értelmezhető ügyet. Az 1939-ben alapított repülőgépgyár nagy része ugyanis a zürichi magyar tiszteletbeli konzul és családja tulajdonában van az IHAG Holdingon keresztül. A félig magyar Gratian Anda anyai ágon az egyik leggazdagabb svájci család örököse.
Egy nagy múltú család
Anda Géza (1921–1976) világhírű koncertzongorista, Kodály Zoltán tanítványa az 1940-es években hagyta el Magyarországot, és 1964-ben vette feleségül a svájci Hortense Bührlét (1926–2014). Kettejük házasságából született 1969-ben Gratian Anda.
A család vagyonát a német származású Emil Bührle (1890–1956) az Oerlikon fegyver és gépgyárral, a Pilatus repülőgépgyárral és az IHAG magánbankkal alapozta meg. A vállalkozásokat később gyermekei vitték tovább. Fia, Dieter Bührle (1921–2012) 1953-ban csatlakozott az Oerlikon-Bührle vállalathoz, amit aztán 37 évig irányított; lánya, Hortense Bührle 1956-tól, bátyjával együtt az Oerlikon-Bührle társtulajdonosa lett, és több tisztséget is betöltött a cégcsoportban. A család a magánvagyonának kezelésére létre hozta az IHAG Holdingot, ahol jelenleg Gratian Anda az igazgatóság elnöke, ő egyben az IHAG Bank elnöke is. Ezenkívül Gratian Anda a Pilatus Aircraft elnökhelyettese is.
(Gratian Andát az elmúlt tíz napban többször is kerestük a konzulátus telefonján, és kérdéseinket is elküldtük a konzulátus által megadott e-mail címre, eddig még nem érkezett válasz.)
Fény és árnyék
A Bührle cégcsoport zászlóshajója, az Oerlikon 1980-ra már 37 ezer embert foglalkoztatott, és elérte történetének csúcspontját. Főként a hidegháború befejeződése miatt az 1990-es évektől a cég elmozdult a civil technológiai ágazatok irányába, portfólióját átalakította. 2000 elején felvették az Unaxis nevet, majd 2006-ban azt OC Oerlikonra változtatták. Addigra a tulajdonosi kör is megváltozott, a fő részvényesek között megtalálható a Putyin-közeli orosz milliárdos Viktor Vekszelberg cége, a Renova. 2010-ben arról cikkeztek, hogy Vekszelberg és a Pilatus repülőgépgyár esetleg közös beruházást indít Oroszországban. 2012-ben az OC Oerlikon eladta a Pilatusban addig meglévő 13,97 százalékos részesedését. (Vekszelberg neve a magyar olvasó számára a moszkvai magyar kereskedelmi kirendeltség körüli botrány miatt lehet ismerős.)
Sajtóhírek szerint az Oerlikon igazi nagyságát a háborúknak köszönheti. A gyár múltjára azonban sötét árnyékot vet, hogy az ott készült fegyvereket a német birodalom hadserege is előszeretettel vásárolta a II. világháború alatt, sőt a hatvanas években szintén adtak el fegyvert például dél-afrikai, izraeli, egyiptomi és nigériai konfliktuszónákba is. 1970-ben Dieter Bührlét bíróság elé állították a fegyverkereskedelemmel kapcsolatos szabályok megsértése miatt. Felfüggesztett börtönbüntetésre és pénzbírságra ítélték. Az ügy következményeként lemondott a svájci szövetségi elnök, és népszavazást írtak a fegyverkereskedelem szigorításáról. Akárcsak az Oerlikon, a Pilatus is többször került a híradások élére, az 1970-es évektől érték kritikák a céget amiatt, hogy kiképző repülőit harcászati célra is használják válságterületeken. A svájci Szövetségi Tanács 1989-ben közölte, hogy Pilatus repülőket vetettek be civilek ellen Burmában és Guatemalában. Később az is nyilvánosságra került, hogy a Szaddám Huszein vezette iraki hadsereg szintén Pilatus gépeket használt az észak-iraki kurd felkelők ellen. 2008-ban szintén felmerült, hogy a Pilatus Csádnak eladott PC-9-es típusú repülőjét a szudáni Darfurban is felhasználták katonai akcióhoz a lázadók ellen. 
A család az E. G. Bührle Alapítványon keresztül a világon szinte egyedülálló több száz darabból álló festménygyűjteménnyel is rendelkezik. A gyűjteményről ellentmondásos vélemények is megjelentek amiatt, hogy esetleg a nácik által ellopott alkotásokat is tartalmaz. A gyűjteményben található több Van Gogh-, Cézanne-, Chagall-, Picasso-, Matisse- és Gauguin-alkotás is. 
Mára a Bührle-örökösök fő vállakozásai az IHAG Holding, a Pilatus Aircraft, az IHAG Bank és az AdNovum informatikai cég, amely egyébként Magyarországon is jelen van. Jelentős szállodaipari befektetésekkel is rendelkeznek. 
Emil Bührlét egykor a leggazdagabb svájci férfinak tartották. A család ezt az előkelő helyet ugyan elvesztette, de még így is évről évre szerepelnek a legvagyonosabb svájciak listáján. 
Adatgyűjtésből elégtelen?
Annak ellenére, hogy a dokumentumok hitelességét eleinte nem tagadta, és Szabó Gábornéval a legutóbbi időkig személyes, közvetlen kapcsolatban állt, Kósa Lajos következetesen állítja, hogy szélhámosság áldozatává vált. 
Meglepő azonban, hogy a fideszes csúcspolitikust esetleg tényleg átverő csengeri Szabó Gáborné a négymilliárd eurós tervéhez pont a svájci üzleti világ egyik közismert cégét, az Altenrhein Aviationt választotta. És az is furcsa, hogy sem Kósa Lajos, sem az ügyvédje nem nézett utána az örökség valódiságának, vagy akár a szerződésben említett cégnek. Pedig ehhez nem lett volna többre szükség, mint a Google-ben ellenőrizni a cég hátterét.
Szabó Gáborné a mai napig kitart amellett, hogy eurómilliárdokat örökölt.
A titokzatos Kósa-ügy, egy svájci magyar milliárdos és a nagy fegyverüzletek a Nemzeti.net-en jelent meg,
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Terror in Amsterdam. {Doctor Who Fanfiction}
Ello! This is my first Fanfiction posted here on Tumblr, and I'm a bit proud of it. It stars two ocs- young naive Breana,!the unbeliever Caspian, and the Tenth Doctor. Enjoy! ••• The streets are silent, men in pairs march through these same streets, Nazi symbols on their fore arms. In the distance, shouting, as Jews are ripped out of their homes, separated by genders into small rickety carts. Wailing, screaming, and crying, fill the Amsterdam air. It is morning, and soon these streets will be full. Only, less Jews will join, fewer and fewer each day... In a nearby alley, a slight wheezing mechanical sound is heard. Old newspapers and flyers fly around as a gust of wind spins them around like a small tornado. Slowly, a blue police box materializes in the middle of such alley, scaring a grey alley cat. The box sits silent in the alley, an alley stained with mud, trash, and feces. The door swings open from the inside, a light skinned, dark haired young man poking his head out. Glasses hang on the tip of his nose, his eyes tired and bored. He sniffs the air, looking down at the floor, grimacing. "Lovely." The young man grunts, stepping outside, taking careful steps. "Outta the way!" Cries a young voice, a small girl leaping out of the curious blue box. She has long dark brown hair up in a ponytail, swishing behind her. Her eyes are large and brown, the perfect image of an innocent child. She slams down on the floor as she lands, splattering a mixture of mud and feces on the bored young man. He winces, flicking off the mixture from his jeans. "Are you serious? That's just nasty." He huffed, shuddering once. The girl smiled, placing her hands on her hips. "Oh shush Cassie, I'm sure the TARDIS has a washing machine... right?" She turns and gingerly pats the exterior of the police box. The box seems to hum in joy at the touch of the girl. She turns toward Caspian, pointing towards the TARDIS. "See- she says yes!" Caspian rolled his eyes, pushing his glasses up with the back of his wrist. "Yeah, yeah... Where's the Doctor anyway, shouldn't he be the first out here?" Caspian sniffed in distaste, stuffing his hands into his pockets. As if on cue, a man with gravity defying brown hair, wearing a blue suit with a crooked tie, walks out of the blue box, gently kicking the door closed with his converse shoe. "Right then! Sorry for the wait Cas, had to make sure the TARDIS here liked this ol' alley she was in!" He said, running his fingers through his spiked hair. Caspian raised an eyebrow. "She's a box." The Doctor and Breana gasped, the young ten year old even covering her mouth daintily. "She is not JUST a box! She's a living space ship with feelings like you and me!" Breana said, raising a skinny finger to point at Caspian. The Doctor smiled and patted Breana head. "Don't mind him Bre, he's a guy." He sniffed. "Are you implying that you aren't a male?" "I am one! Just not... A nasty clingy one!" Before Caspian could retaliate, a scream shook through the air, frightening little Breana. "Hear that?" He paused for a moment. "Sounds like a call for help! Allonzy!" Cried the Doctor, running out of the alley and towards where the scream had originated from. Breana giggled and sprinted after the Doctor, Caspian rolling his eyes once before racing after both of them. After pushing through crowds of men and women, eyeing the Nazi soldiers, and knocking over baskets of goods, they found a woman on her knees in the middle of the road. She had curly black hair, and wore a black dress. Her sad brown eyes were wide and filled with tears as she held up her hands to block a large cart filled to the brim with Jews. "P-Please! Don't take my family! They're all I have left! Please!" Wailed the woman as the Doctor pushed through the crowd, Breana holding onto his beige trench coat tightly, Caspian following quietly along. He had checked a newspaper, which had stated that this was Amsterdam, Netherlands. It said that today was July 31st, 1940. It is the midst of the Second World War, and this city is being occupied by Nazi's. Charming. They watched as the men holding the reins grimaced in disgust. He wore a band on his fore arm with the Nazi symbol. "Outta my way, filthy JEW!" Spat the man, spitting in the woman's face. This woman shrieked as if she had been struck, but held her ground. The man held up the reins, a spark of cruelty in his eyes as he prepared to snap the reins- and run the woman over with his horses. "STOP!" Yelled a voice from the crowd as the Doctor marched out, his eyes flaming in anger. Caspian followed after him nervously, Breana walking alongside him, with a face of determination. "Hello there, sorry to intervene-" Said the Doctor, flipping open the physic paper. "As you can see it says here that I am... uh..." The man gasped, his eyes widening as he fumbled with his reins. "G-General Officer John Smith! My apologies, sir!" The man scrambled from his seat at the wooden cart and did the traditional Nazi hand raised salute. The Doctor glanced at his physic paper and cleared his throat, nodding as he placed it back in his pocket. "Yes, at ease. Of course I am General Officer Smith. These are my two assistants, Breana and Caspian." The man spared a confused glance at the young 'assistant' but quickly averted it when the girl glared at him. "Now, why were you about to run over this splendid young woman? And what's with this cart? Not that I have anything against them, always love a good cart." The man cleared his throat, his arms stiff at his side. "Standard procedure General, I'm carting off these Jews to the... camps. This Jew is in the way of my cart, and any obstructions must be taken out." "Obstruction!? This 'Jew' is as human as the rest of you lot! We have new commands you Nazi- haven't you heard!? These Jews are NOT to be taken to the camps! But to the nearest train station!Snapped the Doctor. The man blinked in confusion once, stuttering. "B-But, I haven't heard of such a..." "You DARE to question the great Hitler!?" "N-No! Right away G-General!" The man said, shaking with wide eyes. "Now off with you! Goodbye! Adios! Mára mesta!" The Doctor said, waving his hand as he walked towards the woman, crouching down on one knee in front of her. Breana crouched next to him, tilting her head. The man nodded and crawled onto the cart, snapping the reins as he turned the cart and headed down the street. "Mára mesta?" Breana asked confused, glancing over at him. "It's elvish." Whispered the Doctor as Caspian decided to join the pair. "Are you hurt?" Breana asked gently, tilting her head. The woman looked up, sniffling as she shook her head. "N-Not physically, my child... But emotionally? Yes." She whispered, staring solemnly into her hands. The Doctor held out a hand and smiled. "Don't worry, we'll get your family back." The woman glared at the Doctor, slapping his hand. "You? A Nazi?! You have just sent my husband and children to the concentration camps!" The Doctors eyes widened as he tried to explain himself. Caspian cleared his throat and held up a finger. "If I may intervene, Mrs, we are not Nazi's. Actually, far from it. We are travelers, from America, Britain, and... Ah..." Caspian said, not allowing himself to say he was from Germany Austria. "We're here to help Mrs." Breana smiled, clasping her hands together. "This is the Doctor, he just pretended to be a Nazi to save your life!" The woman sniffles quietly, wiping her tears from her eyes. "Oh... really?" Breana nodded, her eyes shining. "Yup! And he's made a promise to save your family, and he NEVER breaks his promises!" She said cheerfully. The woman smiled softly as Caspian helped her up. "What's your name?" Asked The Doctor, his hands in his pockets. "Ruth. Ruth Lewinsky." The Doctor grinned, taking out his silver and blue sonic screwdriver. "Well Ruth Lewinsky of Amsterdam, Netherlands, Earth! Let's go and save your family. Allonzy!" He cried, running off down the street. Breana took the hand of Ruth and smiled up at her. Ruth looked down at her and sighed. "Are you sure he is sane?" "No." Caspian said, face bored once more as he walked after the Doctor. "Most of the times, he is." Breana said, glaring after Caspian. "He just says a lot of stuff that no one understands." Breana giggled, skipping along the old cobblestone streets. Ruth sighed in worry, her hand curling around a Star of David golden necklace. She had just put her trust into a nine year old, a teenage student, and a mad man with odd words. And yet- she knew things would end well. Hope had finally smiled down at her, and she was thankful for that.
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gritsandbrits · 6 months
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Disney ment, OC x Canon
My headcanon Mára doll with the jakks Pacific Bruno. Never separate them /j. The more I look at them the more I feel proud. They really do complement one another while still being distinct. Plus I love collecting dolls. Even tho I'm refusing to give disney money I can still do some sort of work with my oc.
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gritsandbrits · 1 year
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Mára Outfits 👕✨
Pre character development, looks like your average Disney villain & her most stylish fit. Looks modern (by the time period) making her stick out like sore thumb. Her frills hint to her friendship with Mirabel
Two versions of a blouse/pants combo: one is based on Bruno's palette, the other is Mirabel's but reversed order. The reason why I chose them is because they're the two most important characters in her arc
Casual Dress: moving towards earthy shades as she becomes comfortable with the village life.
Conclusion/Happy Ever After she's finally able to embrace her true self. As well as dating Bruno now, she wears green with a bit of her modernity (the hat) it reminds me of Princess Tiana actually-
Key note: Mára doesn't wear patterns in her early appearance but slowly incorporates them over time!
Key note 2: Mára's features elegant, sharp and smaller-eyed to differentiate her from modern Disney female designs
My only gripe is the Maker didn't have the shade of green i wanted (emerald) nor the body type since Mára is supposed to lean towards the curvy side.
Other than that I love how amazing she turned out!!
Made in doll divine
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gritsandbrits · 2 years
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New Mára reference the Brightgoat picrew had the skin tone I wanted
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gritsandbrits · 2 years
"Why don't Mirabel just leave?"
Me: because she could end up burning her bridges with the family members she do get along with, she could carry bitterness and a lot of regret, unhealed trauma, literally 15 and has not many alternative places to go, casita would've even more at risk of falling apart and may not ever be repaired again, basically she ends up like Sra. Mára
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gritsandbrits · 2 years
Who is Mára?
My oc for Encanto. She is a fashion designer from Bogota who grew up in an abusive family. Because of it she became cold and distrustful, focusing everything on perfecting her craft.
She came to the village looking for inspo on a future project and that's where she meets Mirabel. She's impressed by the girl's talent for sewing and decides to recruit her as an apprentice. She encourages Mirabel to seek her own path not tired down to the village which confuses Mirabel as she doesn't have a desire to leave her family after working so hard to fix the cracks.
When literal demons from Mára's past arrive to destroy the life she carefully constructed, she's going to have to learn to trust again and make peace with her past to survive. She's also Bruno's love interest because I think they both deserve a little happiness.
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gritsandbrits · 2 years
The reason why Mára's story is like that is to make fun of people who claim the madrigals are abusive by showing them an actually abusive family and how such environments don't always produce a Cinderella. But also so someone can be Mirabel's friend and help her figure out her wants, her needs, and her independence outside the bounds of family.
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gritsandbrits · 2 years
Which university attended Màra when she was a young adult to study fashion design?
I haven't got that far into her story sorry! Some details i keep ambiguous on purpose so the audience can fill in the blanks. She did study in France that's what i can tell you.
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gritsandbrits · 2 years
How did Abuela Rosa confront Damian?
Mára: My grandmother talked to Damian when he intruded in our private moment. She wasn't exactly fond of him but she was willing to give him a chance. Too bad he blew it
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gritsandbrits · 2 years
What was Màra's favourite songs that she loved playing on the piano along with her Abuela Rosa?
Folk songs
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gritsandbrits · 2 years
When Màra was young, what hobby did she like to do along with her beloved Abuela Rosa?
Play the piano, Mára haven't played it since Rosa's death many years ago.
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