#oc: ghilan
jellymiint · 9 months
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ghilan & aenan
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Welcome to #hanal'ghilan2022
A new venture approaches, fellow DA creators! Grab your tools of choice, the DA Wiki or World of Thedas volumes, and headcanons!
#hanal'ghilan 2022 CALENDAR
from NOVEMBER 1, 2022 to NOVEMBER 30, 2022
#hanal'ghilan 2022 FAQ
What is Hanal'ghilan? It’s a month-long event in which artists, writers and other creators produce content about Elvhenan, ancient elves, and spirits within the Dragon Age universe.
Who can participate in Hanal'ghilan? Do you like DA elves and spirits? Do you want to participate in Hanal'ghilan? Congrats, you’re in! Create something and upload it during the event with the tag #hanal'ghilan2022
I don't have an elf OC, can I still participate? Of course! Hanal'ghilan is meant to be a creative exploration of ancient Elvhenan in particular, with its elves and spirits, so if you like any of those you're good to go!
Do I have to stay canon-compliant? Nope! Let your imagination run wild. If you think Ghilan'nain was a Kossith or created the Kossith, that Ghilan'nain and Andruil were lovers, that Mythal was Solas's mother/mentor/lover/something else, you're welcome to explore that and more.
I’m a bit lost and don’t know what to create! Our prompt list for 2022 can be found here! Feel free to skip days, pick from later in the list, or loosely interpret the prompt itself for your work. The one-per-day prompts are suggestions, not hard and fast rules.
What does hanal'ghilan mean? Hanal'ghilan is the Pathfinder, the golden halla. It's believed to come to the elves in times of great need. Hanal'ghilan appears in ancient elven ruins or on cliff faces in places the elves have roamed. We chose it for our event to serve as a symbol of creativity and to encourage creators who'd rather follow a set prompt list as well as creators comfortable wandering off the beaten path.
If you have more questions, feel free to send us an ask!
Remember to tag your creations with the #hanal'ghilan2022 tag and to mention us at @hanal-ghilan-prompts​! If days have passed and we missed your post feel free to send us an ask. Also if you don’t want your work to be reblogged here, please say so in the tags.
A reader-friendly version of the prompt list can be found under the cut:
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since it's Trans Day of Visibility, i'm collecting all my trans ocs for your perusal :3c
(part 2: enbies)
Adia Cadash. trans woman. she/her. next matriarch of the Cadash family. romances Josephine.
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Asaara Adaar. trans man. he/him. mage son of a pair of Tal-Vashoth. raised Andrastian. romances Dorian.
Cadeyrn Vasca. trans man. he/ney. son of a Deshyr of the Merchant's Guild. (romance undecided.)
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Danae Lavellan. trans woman. she/her. warrior of Clan Lavellan. romances Layeirth and Sera.
Daviri Lavellan. trans man. he/him. previously a city elf of Nevarra. Halla Keeper of Clan Lavellan. romances Iron Bull.
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Giordan Trevelyan. trans man. he/him. youngest Trevelyan son. lay brother of the Chantry. romances Cassandra.
Hael Lavellan. trans woman. she/her. Second of Clan Lavellan. romances Josephine.
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Herah. trans woman. she/her. vashoth apostate. daughter of a saarebas Tal-Vashoth. romances Vivienne.
Kanaan Adaar. trans woman. she/her. vashoth apostate from Nevarra. romances Josephine.
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Ozymandias. trans man. he/they/she. Marcher apostate. avoided Templars by hiding with a traveling carnival. romances Lysas.
Qazari Adaar. trans woman. she/ze. right hand of the Valo-Kas. romances Blackwall.
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Raleigh Cadash. trans man. he/him. son of the Cadash Family matriarch. romances Dorian.
Roan Lavellan. trans man. he/him. previously from Seheron. hahren of Clan Lavellan. romances Cassandra.
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Tambryn Trevelyan. trans woman. she/her. eldest daughter of the Trevelyan family, next in line for the Bann title. romances Josephine.
@calicostorms, @mrs-theirin, @ringneckedpheasant, @fade-and-loathing-in-thedas, @transfenris-truther, @ghilan-nainsugarbaby, @brainworm-terrarium
even if i haven't tagged you, if you have trans ocs, i wanna see 'em!
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☀️ For Hanin?
☀️ What makes your OC genuinely happy? A person, an item, their hobby? Where is the place they’re happiest, or most at home? What is the happiest they’ve ever been?
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For Hanin, seeing his squad genuinely succeed at something brings him a huge sense of pride and happiness. Not just because it means he has trained them well (although that is certainly part of it), but because he can see how much a win means to them. There’s not a lot that can compete with helping them achieve that.
There’s aren’t many places Hanin feels particularly tied to, emotionally. He likes being out in nature, but also in an open space (like a clearing or glade) so he can move about and practice his form like he used to when he was younger. 
The happiest he has ever been would probably be when he completed his trial to become a warrior for Clan Lavellan, and Ghilan came forward to stand beside him during the final part of the ceremony. It was a position usually filled by a person’s parent(s), signifying their willingness to let their child become an adult member of the clan and stand equal to them. Hanin had been worried about that part of the ceremony, given he and his parents had no real relationship. But Ghilan didn’t even hesitate, and the subtle wink he gave Hanin set all his worries completely at ease.
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vhenadahls · 3 years
headcanon whenever: dalish naming customs
I have lots of elven OCs, both city elves and Dalish elves, with names of varying degrees of "elfiness." When I first named most of my OCs, I had not given a lot of thought to their names beyond the given names they use every day. But as I have expanded my additions to BioWare's worldbuilding and added my own OC Dalish clans, I've decided I want to have a more standardized method of naming my characters beyond throwing darts at the wall and declaring "sure!". This headcanon is cobbled together from canon names, my own OC names, what we know of Dalish culture, and what I've added on top of it myself. While most of the elven words used here are from the games/the wiki, the ways I've parsed them out of longer sentences or words may not be how they were intended, and that's okay!
This also does not follow all thoughts given by BioWare writers outside of the games and other actual canon works (ie, this ignores Mary Kirby's tweets about Talas and Mahariel being additional Emerald Knights who helped found Clan Sabrae). While that's certainly one great way to conceive of Dalish names, I like the idea of more of the Dalish having more than just a given name, so I've decided to take this headcanon in a different direction.
Also, there are many other fans who have created naming customs for their own Dalish OCs and their own worldbuilding. That's great, and I love reading about those possibilities. These are simply my thoughts, informed by my own experiences!
Now, to the actual thoughts on Dalish naming customs!
Names are important to most Dalish clans to varying degrees, denoting belonging within the clan and with the larger Dalish and Elvhen world. While many humans and city elves will not have the opportunity to learn the entirety of any Dalish elf's name, most Dalish are proud to carry their names and use them in everyday conversation with other Dalish.
Commonly, Dalish names come in three parts: a given name, a parental name, and a clan name. The word for name is amelin, extrapolated from a conversation between Solas and Abelas, and different parts of the name have more specific words.
Given Name - Las'amelin
While different clans choose given names in different ways, a personal given name is a constant between clans. Known as the las'amelin (literally gift-name) and usually chosen by the parents or grandparents of a child and sometimes by the Keeper or Hahren of a clan, the given name is the primary way to identify an individual. Revealed on the ninth day of a child's life, after one day has been lived to honor each of the Creators, the las'amelin is often used to evoke a value the parents hope a child embodies or the hopes the parents have for their child.
My OC Emmalien's name is derived from the word emma, meaning within (especially within the heart), and a variation of len, child. Having a child was difficult for Emmalien's parents, who very much wanted her, and her name reflects how important her birth was to her parents.
Many clans have rules about what names can be used as given names. For some clans, naming after people who are still living is forbidden, relating to worries that such a practice may shorten the original bearer's life. In other clans, naming after living relatives is common as a method of honoring certain family members or hoping for a closer connection between people. Other clans have lists of names that are commonly used for children of the clan, others tend to name their children after known historical names, and still others have other traditions. Even within clans there are many variations on the traditions, and some parents will choose a different method of naming their children.
My Dalish Warden, Eirwen, has the same las'amelin as their father. It is common in Clan Sabrae to name children after relatives who have recently passed away to honor their memory, and Eirwen carrying their father's name was their mother's choice when they were born.
One of Clan Lavellan's hunters, Ranae, is named after the Emerald Knight Lindiranae, both to honor an elven protector and to profess a hope for Ranae's future.
Parental Name - Vallas'amelin
A common method of denoting direct lineage is the use of a patronymic (father's name) or matronymic (mother's name), known as the vallas'amelin (lit. blood-name). The continuation of the Dalish people is extremely important to most clans, and establishing whose you are is an important step in establishing who you are. While the use of at least one of these parental names is common, different clans have different methods of determining which parent's name is used, whether additional names such as grandparents' names are included, and how the relationship is denoted.
Some clans use the suffix "-iel" on the respective parent's name, which is a corruption of the word len (child/child of). This leads to parental names such as Mahariel (child of Mahar) and Istimaethoriel (child of Istimaethor). This suffix may appear in given names as well, such as Variel, either because a vallas'amelin became used as a las'amelin or because of a quirk of spelling (such as the English name Jason). Other clans simply use the parent's given name, listing it after the child's given name. Such is the case for Marethari Talas, whose mother's las'amelin was Talas.
Different clans also have different methods of determining which parent's name is passed on to a child. In some clans, all parental names are matronymics; in others they are all patronymics. Others use the name of the same-gender or cross-gender parent, and still others use both. Some also will generally use patronymics but use matronymics in situations where the child's father dies before the child's birth. When couples of the same gender have or adopt children or polyamorous families have children, the possibilities become even more complicated. Oftentimes in these cases the name of the parent who gave birth is used, even if this does not follow the standard pattern of the clan. In the case of adoption, the parents may choose of their own volition whose name to use.
My OC Ishren's name is Ishren Ghilaniel, indicating that her father's name is Ghilan, as her clan (Lavellan) traditionally uses the father's name for a child's vallas'amelin.
Every so often, multiple naming styles will appear within the same clan for other reasons as well. This can occur when someone from a different clan marries into the clan, and their children may carry the naming tradition of their parent's origin clan rather than their own origin clan. This is done to indicate that while customs may differ, all Dalish are Dalish and are welcome within each clan. This is why Mahariel and Marethari have different styles of vallas'amelin despite being from the same clan - while both clans use matronymics, Clan Sabrae simply uses the mother's given name (ie, Talas), while the clan Mahariel's mother was originally from used the -iel suffix.
Using a person's vallas'amelin to refer to them, rather than their own personal name, is a mark of respect and high esteem. This is most notable with how even other members of Clan Sabrae begin to refer to the Dalish Hero of Ferelden as Mahariel, rather than using their las'amelin. Keepers and Hahrens of clans are sometimes also given this respect, especially when referred to by those from outside their own clan. It is a mark of saying "while you are not my Keeper, you are a Keeper, and that is worthy of respect." Similarly, Keeper Deshanna of Clan Lavellan signs letters to the human Inquisition with her vallas'amelin, Istimaethoriel, rather than her las'amelin, as a mark both of requiring respect and of distancing herself from human politics.
The vallas'amelin is also used to distinguish between members of a clan who have the same given name. There may be many named Neria or Tamlen in a clan, and the lineage of the vallas'amelin helps differentiate.
While my OC Viranni Lavellan is Second to the Keeper, and as such would likely be the assumed Viranni if no other identifiers were given, she can also distinguish herself from others with the same las'amelin by identifying herself as Viranni Ghilaniel. She and Ishren, mentioned above, are sisters, so they share the same vallas'amelin.
When city elves, who do not have a vallas'amelin in the same sense as those born Dalish, join a clan, they are given a spiritual vallas'amelin when they formally become part of the clan. Oftentimes this references the Keeper of the clan when they join, as the Keeper is the one who teaches the newcomer about Dalish life and determines when they are ready to be considered an adult in Dalish eyes and receive vallaslin.
My elven Hawke, Mihrisel, joins Clan Briathos after the Inquisition. Once she is accepted into the clan, she is given the vallas'amelin Roshaniel, after Clan Briathos's Keeper.
Clan Name - Vhen'amelin
Clan names are not the same as shemlen surnames, but many Dalish elves who travel among humans will use them that way to reduce confusion and avoid humans prying into their business. Called the vhen'amelin (lit. belonging-name or people-name), this name is carried by all members of a clan regardless of bloodline. Many clan names have been passed down since the fall of the Dales from clan founders, who were often nobility or otherwise held in high esteem.
While many people will have the same vhen'amelin their whole life, many others will have more than one. People who marry into other clans, are adopted or traded between clans, or change clans for another reason will usually adopt the vhen'amelin of their new clan.
My OC Elaniel Lavellan was not born of Clan Lavellan, but of Clan Arathorn. Once they were traded as a child when Lavellan needed new mages, they began to use the vhen'amelin Lavellan rather than Arathorn.
Those who leave their clan under fraught circumstances, such as Merrill or Arianni, may not continue to use their clan name because of the heavy association of its use with the idea of belonging. Others may, to mark themselves as Dalish among humans and city elves or simply out of habit. Still others who left a clan for less fraught reasons may also differ greatly in whether they use their clan name among non-Dalish people.
Nataliya Lavellan, my city elf Inquisitor, was never fully part of Clan Lavellan and returned to the city of Rialto before receiving vallaslin. However, she uses the clan name Lavellan as a replacement for a shem surname in human and city elf spaces because she did not previously have one.
Clan names are a source of great pride for most Dalish elves, as they are a direct link to revered elves of the past and to kin of today.
Clan Records - Vhen'lin
While names are of course important for daily life, names also hold a secondary purpose in Dalish culture - that of preserving the clan and wider Dalish culture. Most clans keep extensive written records, meticulously curated by the Keeper and their Second, who serves mainly as an archivist for the clan rather than as a potential successor to the Keeper. Called vhen'lin (lit. people-writing), the clan records are an integral part of a clan’s story and history.
Even in clans that do not include grandparents' names in the everyday vallas'amelin used for identifying oneself, each member of the clan is recorded with their las'amelin and vallas'amelin for three generations (parent, grandparent, and great-grandparent). This ensures easy tracking of family lines, which reduces the possibility of accidentally marrying family members and ensures continuity of Dalish culture.
My OC Emmalien has two children, Aihris and Astith. They are of Clan Briathos, which uses the same-gender parent's name and the -iel suffix for vallas'amelin. The children are therefore listed in the clan records as Aihris Emmalieniel Lioriel Rasheliel Briathos and Astith Arathasiel Ithrieniel Calamariel Briathos.
When members who were not born into the clan join for whatever reason, they are also added to the clan's records. Their las'amelin and all vallas'amelin are recorded, and their previous vhen'amelin is prefixed with inan (was) and their new clan name prefixed with sahlin (now). City elves are recorded as inan'banal (lit. was nothing) and their new clan name is recorded with sahlin as well.
Elaniel Lavellan, the OC traded to Clan Lavellan as a child, is written in Clan Lavellan's records as Elaniel Amaris Sorin Illana inan'Arathorn sahlin'Lavellan, because their birth clan Arathorn does not use the -iel suffix for the vallas'amelin, and they have left Arathorn and become part of Lavellan.
Mihrisel Hawke, the city elf Champion who joined Clan Briathos, is recorded as Mihrisel Roshaniel inan'banal sahlin'Briathos, because she takes her vallas'amelin from Keeper Roshan, was not originally Dalish, and has joined Clan Briathos.
Reciting lineage, especially of notable people such as Keepers, is also an important part of Dalish oral tradition. Keeper lineages may be recited back farther than three generations, and individual families may be able to recite their own genealogies as well.
Many physical clan records are fragmented, especially older ones, and some have been lost due to clashes with humans over the years. Most clans are extremely protective of their records, sometimes allowing only the Keeper and Second access to them most of the time. The oral tradition is a way to ensure that the records are kept in some form even if the physical copy is lost, and even if not everyone is able to access those physical copies at all times.
Dalish names are like a map - used to orient a person in how they relate to their family, their clan, and themself, and how that interrelates with everyone else.
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fatal-blow · 4 years
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a pic of ghilan’nain and fen’harel :Oc drew it for @skellieguts based on her awakened!ghilan OC Masali uwu <3
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polkadotspjs · 5 years
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OC sketch dump... Rosalyn (a dragon age OC made to smooch Fenris), Miraen one of Ghilan’s future adopted children (and Anders in the process) and Mar (my sexy cleric barbarian half fish half elf baby)
I’m just having fun in Procreate really
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Oc as a child meme!
Dar’theneras “Dimitri” Enallasani
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Been seeing this meme around, but @elvenbeard tagged anyone who wanted to do this, so I’m doing this for Dimitri! (He’s about 14 here. Poor kiddo hasn’t grown into his ears nor is he ready for the storm coming his way.)
I’m gonna tag: @pavustive @smolpocketsmonsters and anyone else who wants to do this! Tag me back in it because I wanna see your oc’s as children!
1. Who named them/significance of their name:
He doesn't remember the name he was given when he was born because when his magic manifested his name changed to Dar’thenaras by the Keeper when he became First. It was a rather large ceremony involving the whole clan and quite the celebration. It’s an elvish conjugation of the words “dar” to/be and “theneras” dream. It’s both a name and a title to refer to mages since they are ones who dream as in ones who have vivid dreams/interactions with the Fade. After his clan died, he took the name Dimitri so it would be easier for him in human lands. He already stood out quite a bit with his tattoos, dark sclera and white hair, so he didn’t want to attract further attention because of his unique/different name.
2. Home they grew up in:
He was raised within his semi-nomadic clan as they roamed between ancestral oasis locations in the Anderfels from the Weathered Pass to the Feral Fjords and the hills/mountains surrounding Weisshaupt Fortress. They would occasionally draw close to the Tevinter boarder, but they never stayed long. They never strayed close to cities, but did have interactions with Orth people of the Wandering Hills when they needed to trade for goods they couldn’t create themselves. They nomadic lifestyle and the fighting they experienced from raider groups and roving bands of darkspawn made for a tough childhood where the safety of everyone in the clan was dependent on each person pulling their weight. It was a very tight knit clan however where parents and siblings were more than blood relations. It was common for children to refer to other clanmates as mother/father/sibling even if they weren't blood related.
His “home” was more in his possessions and people, but he had fond memories of the back of his father's sled-like araval where he brewed potions/toxins for the clan along with white tents and pavilions pitched around watering holes with blue and green patterned blankets and tapestries with stories illustrated across them.
3. Relationship with their parents:
He was very close with his mother, Fisianna, and his father, Atsas. She was the clan’s master hunter and took her role very seriously; she was the one in charge of their protection. She cared deeply for each member of the clan and particularly her own children. Dimitri has very precious and fond memories of her holding him close, smiling and laughing at his smallest accomplishments. He credits her with teaching him strength lies in yourself and how there is no weakness in relying on others for help when you need it. He also shares her protective instinct. 
His father was a little more distant in his way, but Dimitri didn't feel any less love from him. He fondly remembers sitting perched in his father’s lap while he explained how each potion/toxin worked as he mixed them by memory and purely touch. (His father was blinded and lost his one leg before Dimitri was born.) He spent many days hiding away with his father to get out of practice lessons with his mother. He would often tell her that there was no harm in him learning a few things from him to compliment the skills she was teaching him. (He does have a basic and rudimentary knowledge of potion crafting because of his father. He has a special recipe that makes wyvern venom twice as dangerous and unable to be cured). His father taught him resilience, caring and how to look past one’s and other’s perceived deficiencies to see how they are capable in their own way.
4. Three words to describe them as a child:
Curious, inquisitive, stubborn.
5. Childhood Friend(s):
Many of the other children in his clan were de-facto siblings, so he readily had friends about to spend time with. He did have a few rivalries with some of his friends, most notably Tassal. They butted heads a lot and were in the business of trying to one up each other quite a bit. They aged out of it, but always had that competitive spirit between them. He grew apart from some of his clanmates as his magic manifested and he was taken as First. At that point he was always busy with his lessons and he had his “adult” title in life. He was bitter for a while at “adulthood” being forced upon him while everyone else got to be just children.
6. Favorite toy:
One of the other mothers in the clan made him a small hand knitted Varghest toy when he was three years old. It was made from wool dyed green which they could only get by trading with humans. He treated it like it was his most prized possession and obsessively took care of it. He wouldn’t let the other children play with it and once threw an incorrigible tantrum for several hours when one of the older children took it from him. He grew out of always keeping it beside him, but it always had a safe place tucked onto the shelf in his father’s araval and remained a prized possession. He would’ve given it to one of his children if the clan had survived.
7. Childhood Trauma
Life wasn't really easy in the Anderfels with the occasional raids, wildlife threats and darkspawn. He saw his share of people die, but the clan always had a healthy regard for dealing with the trauma of their lifestyle. If they could recover the bodies, they would decorate a pyre with any number of desert flowers, herbs and tapestries and burn the bodies late at night. This way, the smoke would carry their souls back home.
The most notable incident directly related to him which spawned his fear of darkspawn and the start of his phobia of being chased was when he was fourteen and him and his fellow clanmates found some abandoned ruins hidden beneath a trapdoor in the sand. They made it into a sort of hideout/place to store hidden items. But one day they were exploring too deep into the ruins and they discovered a large trapped group of darkspawn that chased the group all the way to the surface. Everyone made it out alive, but Dimitri tripped on a rock while running back to the clan and fell. The darkspawn were nearly upon them when they bursted into bright blue flame and then to dust. It was how his magic first manifested.
8. Hobbies:
Categorizing his father’s potion/toxin ingredients, reading old scrolls from the Keeper, trying (and failing) to whittle wood and engrave metal, tending to the halla, caring for the Keeper’s Hart named Ghilan. This is beyond his set duties of keeping watch, preparing food and hunting game like any other member of his clan.
9. Childhood Fear(s): 
Tevinter slavers (he saw the effects of their abuse upon many of the clanmates who were former slaves), Darkspawn, Varghests, Wyverns, venomous snakes (he’s fine with messing with nonvenomous snakes; he actually likes them quite a bit), being chased in a malicious manner.
10. Quirks: 
Even as a child he had a penchant for organizing things and counting things. He would count each of his toes and fingers when he would wake up in the morning; he once counted each of the varghest and wyvern teeth that made up his mother’s weapon. (there were three hundred teeth). He would click his tongue a lot and as his sharpened canines came in after he lost his baby ones, he would run his teeth over them. When he would get very nervous, he would run his tongue over them until he would cut himself.
Wanna know more about Dimitri’s clan? I’m slowly working on a guide for it and the tag can be found here: X
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hallakeeper · 7 years
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Describe your OC thing for Ghilan Lavellan. 
Template by lavellanpls
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your-shield-of-love · 7 years
Your choice of Dragon Age OC! (Or feel free to answer for multiple OCs!) What was the point in their adventure that your OC started to view their companions as more than just people thrown together by circumstance, but as true friends? Was there a defining moment? Or were there lots of little moments along the way?
For Reid, my Dalish-Mage Inquisitor, it took her a long time to get comfortable around Shems, she called all Humans shems until her companions started being her friends, making her laugh and fighting to protect not only themselves, or her but everyone. There were little moments, small gestures that made her start calling them Humans, and even by their names, but it wasn’t until Haven that she realised she was taking everything for granted and she changed her ways. She’s had a difficult past which made her act cruel towards humans but thanks to the patience of the Inquisition, she grew out of her slightly aggresive attitude towards humans. 
The first moment where she realised they were her friends would have to be because of Blackwall, he opened up to her really quickly and made banter with her, she loves when people share similar humour to her. Her three best friends were Solas, Sera and Cole. Solas was there for personal advice when she wasn’t sure what to do, Sera helped her loosen up and have more fun but Cole did something amazing. 
Cole heard her thoughts, but out of respect didn’t say any of her feelings outloud. But one day instead, he told her that the person she misses most needs to see her, that he can’t be happy without her. So, because of Cole, she managed to get the spies that Leliana trusted to travel with her son Ghilan, who is between five and six during Inquisition, to be reunited with her. He arrives a while after the Inquisition stay at Skyhold. 
If you have anymore questions or want to find out more about my Inquisitor then here’s my roleplay page @https://reid-and-ghilan.tumblr.com/
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jellymiint · 9 months
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oh boy here he is
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Welcome to #hanal'ghilan2022
A new venture approaches, fellow DA creators! Grab your tools of choice, the DA Wiki or World of Thedas volumes, and headcanons!
#hanal'ghilan 2022 CALENDAR
from NOVEMBER 1, 2022 to NOVEMBER 30, 2022
#hanal'ghilan 2022 FAQ
What is Hanal'ghilan? It’s a month-long event in which artists, writers and other creators produce content about Elvhenan, ancient elves, and spirits within the Dragon Age universe.
Who can participate in Hanal'ghilan? Do you like DA elves and spirits? Do you want to participate in Hanal'ghilan? Congrats, you’re in! Create something and upload it during the event with the tag #hanal'ghilan2022
I don't have an elf OC, can I still participate? Of course! Hanal'ghilan is meant to be a creative exploration of ancient Elvhenan in particular, with its elves and spirits, so if you like any of those you're good to go!
Do I have to stay canon-compliant? Nope! Let your imagination run wild. If you think Ghilan'nain was a Kossith or created the Kossith, that Ghilan'nain and Andruil were lovers, that Mythal was Solas's mother/mentor/lover/something else, you're welcome to explore that and more.
I’m a bit lost and don’t know what to create! Our prompt list for 2022 can be found here! Feel free to skip days, pick from later in the list, or loosely interpret the prompt itself for your work. The one-per-day prompts are suggestions, not hard and fast rules.
What does hanal'ghilan mean? Hanal'ghilan is the Pathfinder, the golden halla. It's believed to come to the elves in times of great need. Hanal'ghilan appears in ancient elven ruins or on cliff faces in places the elves have roamed. We chose it for our event to serve as a symbol of creativity and to encourage creators who'd rather follow a set prompt list as well as creators comfortable wandering off the beaten path.
If you have more questions, feel free to send us an ask!
Remember to tag your creations with the #hanal'ghilan2022 tag and to mention us at @hanal-ghilan-prompts​! If days have passed and we missed your post feel free to send us an ask. Also if you don’t want your work to be reblogged here, please say so in the tags.
A reader-friendly version of the prompt list can be found under the cut:
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Dragon Age OC’s!
Vanessa Clérisseau is a black half elf. She’s a mage within the Circle of Magi and usually likes making staffs with sharp blades at the end. She is shorter than the average human height, her ears are slightly pointed and she’s easily recognised by her thick, uncontrollabe curly hair. She’s known to be bubbly, creative, and sarcastic. She prefers being called “Nessie” rather than Vanessa. She has velvet eyes, pointed cheekbones and a round face. She has a birthmark across her hip, in the shape of a sunken star. She likes befriending people and giving them nicknames.
Colette Amell is a mage within the circle of magi. She is best friends with both Nessie and Jowan. She always has books tied around her waist, as she prefers books over socialising. But that didn’t stop Jowan from talking to her and Nessie dragging her into messes. She hardly speaks and wishies she could do something with her life... *Cough cough, warden* Nessie calls her “Lotte” 
Charlotte, a templar within the circle of magi, has a super crush on Nessie and often speaks with Cullen about their crushes. They are similar and often struggle to even speak to them without stuttering. Charlotte is genderfluid, and asks that Cullen and Nessie call her Charlie. She’s a tall, pale ginger with freckles that scatter across her whole face. 
Nessie becomes a warden, along with Lotte because they both helped Jowan escape - even though Lotte reported Jowan to Irving before hand. Nessie ends up falling in love with Leliana. Lotte falls in love with Alistair who eventually becomes king... but decides it would be best if they didn’t stay together. Although 
Wren Mahariel, is a red-headed elf who falls in love with Zevran. He’s very selfless and tries to help everyone out. He writes the names of the people who have died or he couldn’t save into his book. Even though Nessie struck the killing blow against the Archdemon, she made Alistair give the title of ‘Hero of Fereldan’ to Wren. After the events of Origins Wren becomes the Warden Commander, Nessie stays with him to get rid of the darkspawn, befriends Anders etc and adopts Anders cat until he finds Anders again. Lotte goes looking for Morrigan and goes through the mirror with her to help raise her son{Yes, I know you need to romance Morrigan to go through the eluvian, but Lotte is stubborn and Morrigan didn’t turn her away from going through with her} 
Amethera Tabris, after the murder of her arranged husband - she didn’t mind being in an arranged marriage if it could help her family and if her partner was good person. Upon meeting him she knew they could at least be friends, but after what happened upon her wedding day she lost trust with shems with similar traits as those who destroyed her wedding day and damaged her cousin. She uses the word humans for humans she trusts and shems for those she doesn’t. She doesn’t fall in love with anyone, but does bond with Sten often and they both plan how to be increasingly violent towards shems. She ends up travelling with Sten/Wynne/Shale after the events of Origins{She’s basically apart of the book called Asunder and befriends Cole}. 
Hawke Age{DA2}: 
Garrett Hawke is a mage who is very kind and always puts effort into everything he does. He falls for Fenris. 
Rena Hawke is the twin of Garrett, she’s naturally sarcastic and prefers being payed for helping people rather than doing it for free. She falls in love with Merrill. 
Colette “Lotte” Amell comes to Kirkwall, in disguise, and helps her cousins with whatever she can. She teaches Garrett how to shapeshift, just like Morrigan taught her. 
Reid Lavellan is a mage who enjoys doing the opposite of what the keeper demands of her. She meets an elf called Silas who befriends her. He and Reid end up together, eventually Reid gets pregnant just before she becomes twenty. Sadly, an incident happens which leads Reid into despair. She only has Ghilan to keep her going, and when she reaches the conclave... well, I wonder what’s going to happen then? 
Lotte unfortunately died trying to kill Corypheus when he arrived to take the wardens. Nessie, Wren, Zevran, Oghren, Dexter{Nessie’s dog companion}, Ser Pounce-A-Lot and Nathaniel were on a exhibition with other wardens, to get them used to the deep roads, but upon returning to their keep to find wardens missing or dead, broke the small amount of wardens. That’s when they decided to do what they can to help the wardens. 
Amethera stays with Cole at this point, with Shale following her around but Cole makes anyone forget if they have seen Shale. Amethera calls Cole a friend, Shale can never forget Cole - despite sometimes wanting to - and Ame doesn’t try to change Cole, she says it’s up to him what he becomes. 
Reid Lavellan becomes inquisitor, and takes Ghilan after she arrives at Skyhold, as she doesn’t want to be seperated from him. She is the most unique elf most people meet - other than Sera, of course. 
Amethera arrives with Shale and Cole when Haven is under attack. Leliana is very happy to see her and Shale, and when Cullen tries to point his sword at Cullen she warns him if he does it again she doesn’t mind beating him up (which Cullen doesn’t approve of but Shale does, Cole just thanks her). The odd trio run about rescuing the people that Reid and her party can’t get to. 
Nessie arrives in skyhold, in disguise as a scout as she is trying to help save as many wardens as she can, she’s made sure to disguise some of the wardens that came with her and rescue any that Corypheus had. Wren, Zevran and Ser Pounce-A-Lot are on a journey to find a cure for the Calling. Nathaniel has stayed with Nessie and Dexter. Oghren decided to stay with his family from now on - instead of coming and going every few months. Garrett decides to arrive in skyhold with her and her wardens, secretely. Eventually Garrett and Nessie, along with the other wardens reveal themselves. (SCENE: Leliana has a crow on her arm when she walks into the war room - which confuses the other members - but Leliana explains the bird won’t let the letter go. When Leliana finally joins in a discussion with the rest of them, she rests her arm on the war table, when POOF - Nessie has a wide grin with a small parchment that says ‘LELIANA IS SO BEAUTIFUL’.)
DAI; Trespasser:
Reid, Thom and Ghilan become a proper family, before the final decision to decide whether or not the Inquisition should be disbanded or not, Reid finds out she’s pregnant, before Thom becomes a Grey Warden {OF COURSE, NO FIONA-PREGNANCIES LOL}. 
Amethera reveals she’s been romancing Sten/Arishok??{I can’t remember what he’s called now lol}. She decides to travel with Sten, Shale, Cole and The bard{Forgot her name}. 
Nessie and Leliana get married. All the couples get married apart from Reid and Thom, since Reid doesn’t really care about marriage and Cole {obviously}.
Charlotte, the templar from the circle joins to held persuade Fen’Harel to not blow up the world. And maybe falls in love with Krem or Cullen? {Meh, shrug, I dunno}. 
If any of you wish to roleplay with any of these characters just message me ro tag me in an open roleplay you’ve opened. ^^ If you have any questions about these characters also feel free to ask. 
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OC Interview Meme - Hanin Lavellan
Thank you for the tag @chaitea09​ <3
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name ➔ Hanin arches a brow. “Hanin Lavellan. You could have at least researched that much.”
are you single ➔ “No.”
are you happy ➔ "The world is at war. I find it difficult to be happy under such circumstances.”
are you angry ➔ “... Yes.”
are your parents still married ➔ “They are dead.”
birthplace ➔ “In the Free Marches. I am not sure of the exact location. It was safer if the clan kept moving.”
hair color ➔ “Brown.”
eye color ➔ “Green?”
birthday ➔ “I... don’t really know. The healers celebrated all of our birthdays at once, at the beginning of spring.”
mood ➔ He frowns. “Is tired a mood?”
gender ➔ Male.
summer or winter ➔ “Summer. Winter makes it too difficult to be outdoors, and my armour can be so cold it is painful to touch.”
morning or afternoon ➔ “Morning. Preferably before most people wake.”
are you in love ➔ “I...” He pauses, considering the question carefully. “No. I don’t think I am.”
do you believe in love at first sight ➔ “Love? No. Attraction? Yes.”
who ended your last relationship ➔ “He did.”
have you ever broken someone’s heart ➔ “Yes. But it was not intentional. I was young and too absorbed with myself to realise what I was doing.”
are you afraid of commitments ➔ “... My instinct is to say no, but I already know someone will argue that my track-record proves otherwise.”
have you hugged someone within the last week? ➔ “Yes. Josephine.”
have you ever had a secret admirer ➔ “Some more secret than others.”
have you ever broken your own heart? ➔ "... Yes. Out of my own foolishness. I have made many mistakes I cannot take back.”
love or lust ➔ “If I could only choose one... I imagine love would be more fulfilling.”
lemonade or iced tea ➔ “Can I choose neither? Very well... the tea.”
cats or dogs ➔ “Dogs.”
a few best friends or many regular friends ➔ “A few best friends.”
wild night out or romantic night in ➔ “Define a wild night. Drinking and debauchery... or a skirmish?”
day or night ➔ “Day. It keeps me busy. Night leaves me alone with my thoughts. it can be... frustrating.”
been caught sneaking out ➔ “Yes. But not often. Most assumed I was heading out on watch.”
fallen down/up the stairs ➔ “... If I am tired, I occasionally forget the last step up to my quarters. You can see the marks from where I have kicked it.”
wanted something/someone so badly it hurt? ➔ “Yes. Someone. Or... more than one person.”
wanted to disappear ➔ “At times, it seemed... the easier option. But it is not one I could enact. There is too much to be done. I could not walk away from it.”
smile or eyes ➔ “Eyes.” He shrugs. “Anyone can put on a smile. Their eyes tell you if they mean it.”
shorter or taller ➔ “Shorter. Mostly. There have been... exceptions. But not many.”
intelligence or attraction ➔ “Attraction. Intelligence is subjective. There are many kinds.”
hook-up or relationship ➔ "I tend to... prefer casual encounters. Relationships are difficult for me.”
do you and your family get along ➔ “I barely knew my parents. They tried to reach out when I was older, but by then I did not need them. I got along well with Ghilan.”
would you say you have a “messed up life” ➔  “No. I have not had an easy life, but few have. Tragedy is... something we will all need to grow used to.”
have you ever ran away from home ➔ “No. I would never abandon my clan.”
have you ever gotten kicked out ➔ "Not that I can recall.”
do you secretly hate one of your friends ➔ “They would not be my friend if I disliked them, yet alone hated them.”
do you consider all of your friends good friends ➔ “No. Some are reliable, but not people I would trust with anything personal. There are different types of friends. Each have their value.”
who is your best friend ➔ “I don’t have one. I...” He pauses at that, thoughtful. “Perhaps I should have one. It is a thing I feel I am missing.”
who knows everything about you ➔ “Ghilan did. Now? I don’t think anyone does. Everything is... a lot. There are things about myself even I do not understand.”
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Welcome to #hanal'ghilan2022
A new venture approaches, fellow DA creators! Grab your tools of choice, the DA Wiki or World of Thedas volumes, and headcanons!
#hanal'ghilan 2022 CALENDAR
from NOVEMBER 1, 2022 to NOVEMBER 30, 2022
#hanal'ghilan 2022 FAQ
What is Hanal'ghilan? It’s a month-long event in which artists, writers and other creators produce content about Elvhenan, ancient elves, and spirits within the Dragon Age universe.
Who can participate in Hanal'ghilan? Do you like DA elves and spirits? Do you want to participate in Hanal'ghilan? Congrats, you’re in! Create something and upload it during the event with the tag #hanal'ghilan2022
I don't have an elf OC, can I still participate? Of course! Hanal'ghilan is meant to be a creative exploration of ancient Elvhenan in particular, with its elves and spirits, so if you like any of those you're good to go!
Do I have to stay canon-compliant? Nope! Let your imagination run wild. If you think Ghilan'nain was a Kossith or created the Kossith, that Ghilan'nain and Andruil were lovers, that Mythal was Solas's mother/mentor/lover/something else, you're welcome to explore that and more.
I’m a bit lost and don’t know what to create! Our prompt list for 2022 can be found here! Feel free to skip days, pick from later in the list, or loosely interpret the prompt itself for your work. The one-per-day prompts are suggestions, not hard and fast rules.
What does hanal'ghilan mean? Hanal'ghilan is the Pathfinder, the golden halla. It's believed to come to the elves in times of great need. Hanal'ghilan appears in ancient elven ruins or on cliff faces in places the elves have roamed. We chose it for our event to serve as a symbol of creativity and to encourage creators who'd rather follow a set prompt list as well as creators comfortable wandering off the beaten path.
If you have more questions, feel free to send us an ask!
Remember to tag your creations with the #hanal'ghilan2022 tag and to mention us at @hanal-ghilan-prompts​! If days have passed and we missed your post feel free to send us an ask. Also if you don’t want your work to be reblogged here, please say so in the tags.
A reader-friendly version of the prompt list can be found under the cut:
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Welcome to #hanal'ghilan2022
A new venture approaches, fellow DA creators! Grab your tools of choice, the DA Wiki or World of Thedas volumes, and headcanons!
#hanal'ghilan 2022 CALENDAR
from NOVEMBER 1, 2022 to NOVEMBER 30, 2022
#hanal'ghilan 2022 FAQ
What is Hanal'ghilan? It’s a month-long event in which artists, writers and other creators produce content about Elvhenan, ancient elves, and spirits within the Dragon Age universe.
Who can participate in Hanal'ghilan? Do you like DA elves and spirits? Do you want to participate in Hanal'ghilan? Congrats, you’re in! Create something and upload it during the event with the tag #hanal'ghilan2022
I don't have an elf OC, can I still participate? Of course! Hanal'ghilan is meant to be a creative exploration of ancient Elvhenan in particular, with its elves and spirits, so if you like any of those you're good to go!
Do I have to stay canon-compliant? Nope! Let your imagination run wild. If you think Ghilan'nain was a Kossith or created the Kossith, that Ghilan'nain and Andruil were lovers, that Mythal was Solas's mother/mentor/lover/something else, you're welcome to explore that and more.
I’m a bit lost and don’t know what to create! Our prompt list for 2022 can be found here! Feel free to skip days, pick from later in the list, or loosely interpret the prompt itself for your work. The one-per-day prompts are suggestions, not hard and fast rules.
What does hanal'ghilan mean? Hanal'ghilan is the Pathfinder, the golden halla. It's believed to come to the elves in times of great need. Hanal'ghilan appears in ancient elven ruins or on cliff faces in places the elves have roamed. We chose it for our event to serve as a symbol of creativity and to encourage creators who'd rather follow a set prompt list as well as creators comfortable wandering off the beaten path.
If you have more questions, feel free to send us an ask!
Remember to tag your creations with the #hanal'ghilan2022 tag and to mention us at @hanal-ghilan-prompts​! If days have passed and we missed your post feel free to send us an ask. Also if you don’t want your work to be reblogged here, please say so in the tags.
A reader-friendly version of the prompt list can be found under the cut:
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