#oc: Ella Royce
selfproclaimedunicorn · 7 months
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I commissioned the lovely @murmel-malt to draw the Royce siblings from my HOTD OC fic: Sins Of The Father
I'm so incredibly jazzed with how my kids turned out, they are beautiful & I will be returning for more at some point. 💕
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emilykaldwen · 4 months
HI YES HELLO ARE YOU THERE? Right, please RUN do not WALK to go ready this fantastic 'What if Daemon and Rhea Royce ended up having kids' AU because um hi, yes, I'm obsessed. I'm in love. I mean, okay, I've always loved The Roycegaryen kids since being introduced to them last summer. I would die for the Roycegaryen kids (they are even making a cameo in Maiden even though there's no Daemon relationship there they are just that fucking good) and I support all their successes and their crimes. Oooof this is... just such a high caliber AU series, with a flourishing, expansive cast that evokes GRRM at his best.
THE ROYCES! HOUSE ROYCE! So many cousins! Baratheon representation! So many stories and connections. It's a Charlie Day Board of who is tied to who and just goes the extra mile to make this world feel so alive.
This is not a pro-Daemon fic. He is seen through the eyes of his three eldest children which makes things rough, but I definitely feel that it's in character for an angry, abandoned, highly emotional 16 year old who was sent away and then had kids and that's all really fucking complicated.
I think what I love most about this story is the quality of it and that quality is consistent through all my favorite things. The worldbuilding is fantastic. Misa knows Westeros, she understands the houses, and the politics. One of my AU frustrations is when people go 'what if' and then... don't account for the full butterfly effect (and I mean that on a 'they don't change anything' way, not a 'you didn't account for EVERYTHING AND ALL THE TINY DETAILS' way because there's a lot and it's fic). The implications of what it would mean for Daemon to have children, and for Daemon to also have a son is fully taken into account.
The characters. The characters. THE CHARACTERS. First off, hi, yeah, I would take Misa's masterclass course on writing kids because kids are fucking difficult and they feel so real. We spend the first 5/6 chapters dealing with 7-14 year old Yorick and Ella, and Rhaenyra and Alicent and Laenor and Laena. They feel like children. They are full of hope and imagination and bossiness and not understanding how to talk about things. I'm not one who likes going through the 'let's start when they're kids' phases because it's just rarely well done. This? this is well done. This is complex and complicated and innocent and christ almighty, it's just so good.
These characters are imperfect. They have tempers, they fuck up, they make mistakes, they are not always the victim, they are the victim! they can be the villain! They can be the heroes. It's real. These characters feel real. I feel confused that this is not, in fact, how the first half of watching House of the Dragon went, or why are they not in Fire and Blood? I am invested in a cast of OCs in a way I haven't been in awhile because yes, this cast is Majorly OC Centric in the best possible way. (of course, we'll see the TargTower kids coming up) but wow. yeah. I need to sit down and think about my own sense of writing and what I juggle and handle and suddenly I am just terribly inspired.
Hello, yes, I'm filing adoption paperwork for Yorick, Ella, and Aemon. They are mine now. Or should I say, I will share them, because I need @selfproclaimedunicorn to come back from planning hiatus and I am *so annoyed* that I do not have more to read.
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Prince Daemon did not want children with Lady Rhea Royce, but the only thing resentment and anger create when mixed with wine is regret and problems to be ignored when they cannot suit a need. Unfortunately for him, problems cannot be ignored forever, and all three heads of the dragon he created will turn back to bite their father. Prev | Fic Art | Family Tree | Pinterest | Next Taglist below the cut, ask or DM to be added or removed
Your Ghost Of A Rose
Robert cried out in equal parts terror and excitement as Vermithor surged lower, coming to skim over the Mouth of the Mander and shoot water into the air with the edge of one of his vast, tan wings. Ella laughed, and the sound was overpowered by The Bronze Fury's call, throaty and rumbling. The old dragon was as pleased with himself as she was, both of them reveling in the knight's warring fear and elation.
“And here I thought you'd be having fun!”
“I am, but that drop had my stomach in my throat!”
“I'll be more gentle next time,” she teased, “now loosen up a little. My chest guard is not even this tight.”
“Apologies, my lady.” Robert leaned forward in his spot behind her ever so slightly, kissing her cheek before relaxing his hold around her middle. His hands did not leave her breasts, but that was fine. No one could see them from so far away.
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@fyeahgotocs @astrid2024 @paaperfloweeers @ocappreciation @emilykaldwen
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selfproclaimedunicorn · 2 months
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Prince Daemon did not want children with Lady Rhea Royce, but the only thing resentment and anger create when mixed with wine is regret and problems to be ignored when they cannot suit a need. Unfortunately for him, problems cannot be ignored forever, and all three heads of the dragon he created will turn back to bite their father.
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Being in Pentos was not entirely unlike the visits to King’s Landing from her youth. It was humid from the bay it sat upon, expansive and bustling with activity, loud; Pentos smelled better though. Perfumed bodies and hair, incense wafting from open windows and the table in the center of the balcony where they all sat; it was a far cry from the low tide and rotting fish carcasses and sewage that permeated the air on carriage rides up from the port in Westeros’s capital city.
The soft breeze ruffled their hair and the men’s kaftans and the skirts of Ella’s thin, deep green dress. She let out a dreamy sigh as she looked out over the water where Vermithor was a distant winged shape swooping over the Bay of Pentos. She lifted her chin from where it was propped on her crossed arms, and leaned back slightly from the railing of the balcony to grope at the side table between the low couch where she lounged with Shireen’s cousin and Yarwyck’s chair. She found the carved wooden box filled with honey fingers, only for her hand to meet the sticky, sodden cloth the cakes had been laid on to keep the interior of the container clean. Ella made a face, and turned back around to face the men as she sucked the honey from the tips of her fingers.
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@astrid2024 @emilykaldwen @paaperfloweeers @ocappreciation @fyeahgotocs @fyeahhotdocs
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selfproclaimedunicorn · 6 months
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Approximately 800 years ago I asked for suggestions on what to draw in relation to my fic, & @emilykaldwen suggested Aemon & Helaena since I'd mentioned they are A Cousin Duo (because weird recognize weird). And well, that turned into me drawing the Roycegaryen/Targtower Cousin Squads because I love them & the relationships that are gonna be there. So I guess enjoy a small preview of visuals from a chapter so far flung in the future that I cannot predict what number it will be, & that also features teenage!Aemon (I swear I will eventually one day draw him as the child he currently exists as, but I love Big Tiddy Goth BF Aemon so he keeps showing up in art 😅)
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selfproclaimedunicorn · 4 months
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Prince Daemon did not want children with Lady Rhea Royce, but the only thing resentment and anger create when mixed with wine is regret and problems to be ignored when they cannot suit a need. Unfortunately for him, problems cannot be ignored forever, and all three heads of the dragon he created will turn back to bite their father.
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Things Fall Apart
Aemon huffed as he climbed down the stairs, clutching the book of fragmented Valyrian poems to his chest. He did not really like them, poetry was boring, but they made for good practice during lessons and Maester Dustyn had praised his pronunciation. His progress with the language had impressed his father the handful of times they interacted as well, but he was not sure what to make of Prince Daemon. Ella liked him, sort of; Yorick seemed to hate him. Muña did not want to talk about him or to him. All of that, combined with the fact Aemon did not know the prince made him shy and uncomfortable when his father tried to talk to him, and so he would get impatient and frustrated. It made it impossible for Aemon to decide what he thought.
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We Remember
“Ella, you are to help Shireen while I’m gone. You’re more familiar with Runestone than she is.”
“I should be going with you.”
“No!” Aemon snatched up her hand in both of his, squeezing so tightly that his older sister winced.
“It took a quarter of an hour for me to convince Aemon I should leave,” Yorick replied, “one of us needs to stay in The Vale. Not just for Runestone, but for him.”  
Aemon barely slept the night previous, curled around Ser Gerold and then his sister as he constantly drifted in and out of consciousness. From the looks of things, Yorick had not slept well either. It was dark under his angry eyes, and his hair was barely combed. There were still bandages stuck to his nose with thick paste that Maester Dustyn had put there after the fight. Yorick said the maester suspected it had been broken by the blow that landed right before he and their sire were pulled apart.
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@fyeahhotdocs @fyeahgotocs @mybluediaryinmyblacknotebook @paaperfloweeers @emilykaldwen @ocappreciation
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I would like more cousin duo factoids and tidbits
The Roycegaryen/Targtower Daddy Issues Havers Cousin Duos are so dear to me, thank you for this opportunity to scream about it
Ella & Aemond
This shit is built on mutual "my mental health is everyone else's problem" bullshittery. They are a constant feedback loop of "catharsis is arson & soul rendering screams into the void & property damage," both equally explosive but subdued in the areas where the other isn't. They are also definitely profiting from Ella being way more socially well adjusted & friendly than Aemond; she's basically his emotional support sister-figure (not that he doesn't have older sisters, but Ella's way older than him while actually being willing to be his friend/mentor without being a second mom bc he would never replace Alicent like that!)
Absolutely chaotic son-coded oldest daughter/daughter-coded second son solidarity. When the Targtowers visit Runestone she takes him joyriding on Vermithor & then sends him to go play with her comedically serious son. 16/10 experience, bb!Aemond would do it again & she is his favorite cousin. They definitely set a tree on fire during that flying session.
Yorick & Aegon
My boys elbow deep in the daddy issues muck. The traumatized little boy who hates his shitty dad & just wants his mommy to hold him in Yorick recognizes the traumatized little boy in Aegon. They're friends, they're brothers, they're father & son; they hug each other & cry at least once.
Yorick is, for Aegon, an older male figure who cares about him without worrying about how that benefits him & is safe--he's dad shaped & tells him he can do/be better because he's worth that effort, not because the realm needs it but because he deserves it personally. And then for Yorick, Aegon is finally seeing to fruition the reason he was in King’s Landing & enduring All That for years: being the older brother figure of the king's son. There's just the extra bonus of them being able to commiserate over just fucking hating Viserys.
Aegon is a shivering cat that Yorick found in the dumpster that immediately imprinted on him when he figured out "I like soft touch." Meanwhile, Aegon bonding with Weird Scary Mountain Man is a fucking mirror of Yorick claiming his nasty as hell dragon. Also, Yorick has definitely threatened Otto Hightower in defense of His Boy™ & I feel like that level of care had Aegon stunlocked for several minutes. 100/10, he's never leaving Yorick’s side again.
Aemon & Helaena
Weird quiet isolated kid who gets easily overwhelmed solidarity, right there. Aemon sees the potential to get/be as bad as he was isolation wise, & he wants better than that for whoever he sees that kind of "I'm weird, I'm a weirdo. I don't fit in." energy in, so it starts with him going out of his way to make sure she doesn't slip through the cracks & then blossoms into something really sweet & mutual from there. He'll happily sit there in silence when she needs it & listen to her when she has something to say; like, just generally he isn't treating Helaena like she's fragile or has something wrong with her. His concern is just not wanting her to be lonely.
They respect each other as Socially Just A Little Off & they're mutually safe to be around when the social battery is running on empty. "Your thought processes & need to be alone sometimes are totally normal. Everyone else is wrong." Also, in a modern AU she's who is going up to the counter at the burger place to say Aemon asked for no pickles. Please know that is real & true.
Aemon is also close enough to her age (like, I think he was 5 when she was born?) that he can kind of easily & comfortably fit within her life while still being Large Older Rleative To Be Safe Around If I Need Protection. When he comes home from fostering for his 16th nameday & gets to be in a tourney to celebrate his getting knighted, he asks Helaena for her favor because that's his friend & she said she wanted to give him one. The tourney was loud, but she had fun & Aemon made sure she had both hiding spots & other kids to play with, 12/10 that's her cousin. Also Aemon is one of the most exciting parts of getting betrothed to Yorick's son/Stannis during the course of the fic (Stannis knows he is the second favorite cousin & he's okay with this)
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selfproclaimedunicorn · 6 months
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Prince Daemon did not want children with Lady Rhea Royce, but the only thing resentment and anger create when mixed with wine is regret and problems to be ignored when they cannot suit a need. Unfortunately for him, problems cannot be ignored forever, and all three heads of the dragon he created will turn back to bite their father.
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In The Name Of The Mother
A fortnight of food, Ser Vaemond and Lord Corlys’s near constant fights as the war dragged on, the hopelessness of each skirmish and battle in spite of the presence of three dragons, the letter promising aid that had seen Prince Daemon beat the messenger from King’s Landing bloody, the suicide mission they were all now forced on due to the man’s bruised ego; it all weighed heavy on Yorick as he shot one final glance towards Laenor. The younger of them, still a boy, nodded at him before turning Seasmoke towards his point of attack, through the haze of smoke over the Narrow Sea.
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In The Name Of The Father
It was half way through some story Magister Vararo was captivating all but the prince with that a groomsman came to announce the imminent arrival of traveling parties flying the quarted rose and chalice of House Costayne, and the thorn ringed rose of House Tyrell's cadet branch. Both groups were overwhelmingly expansive, with only Aunt Rina and Uncle Owen serving as slightly familiar faces.
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@mybluediaryinmyblacknotebook @paaperfloweeers @emilykaldwen @fyeahhotdocs @fyeahgotocs @ocappreciation
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selfproclaimedunicorn · 8 months
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Prince Daemon did not want children with Lady Rhea Royce, but the only thing resentment and anger create when mixed with wine is regret and problems to be ignored when they cannot suit a need. Unfortunately for him, problems cannot be ignored forever, and all three heads of the dragon he created will turn back to bite their father. Prev | Fic Art | Family Tree | Pinterest | Next Taglist below the cut, ask or DM to be added or removed
Be Not A Bed Of Roses
Ella’s gaze faltered as Alicent awkwardly waddled towards a septa in order to hand Aegon off to her. This was by far one of the worst changes in the last few years. Only Yorick being dragged, begging as he actually allowed tears to fall from his eyes, off to the work of men was worse.
They had all cried.
Mother had screamed for days, even after father was no longer there to hear her. Soon enough Lord Boremund and his family joined in on pleading for Uncle Viserys to do something, but if he hadn’t listened to Lord Corlys why would he listen to them? Or to Rhaenys for that matter? If he did not want to send aid even for Yorick’s sake, he would not do it for Borros’s or Laenor's.She looked back at the table, eyeing up how many sweets were left. From the corner of her vision, she saw Ser Tyland Lannister wedge himself between her uncle and one of the kingsguard. As soon as the words “urgent news from the Stepstones” left his mouth, Ella rolled her eyes. Apparently, the Master of Ships had not figured out that trying to get Uncle Viserys to take any kind of meaningful action about anything was a fruitless endeavor.
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@paaperfloweeers @mybluediaryinmyblacknotebook @emilykaldwen @fyeahhotdocs @fyeahgotocs @ocappreciation
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selfproclaimedunicorn · 2 months
Memeing with @emilykaldwen on discord has prompted me to make silly venn diagrams that relate to my HOTD fic more than once & I'm posting this one because it apparently needs that, lol
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Nat, idk what you want with this one, but I'm married to The Bit so why not post the silly thing? I giggled
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(@queen--kenobi) Motion and canvas for Ella, informal for Yorick!
Thank youuu 💕
motion: How does your OC move? How does their clothing help or hinder their range of motion? Are they flexible, coordinated, clumsy?
Ella moves with purpose; fully committed, this is the action we are doing & I didn't think about it beforehand. There's not a whole lot of wasted momentum in her movement & she's not not graceful, but you also aren't gonna be taking notice of her grace either. It's not "courtly lady grace" it's more, "efficient dexterity." As such, her clothes are kind of plamed around what she thinks is gonna be going on that day? Practical in her impracticality--only pull out the bell sleeves & the plunging necklines if you know you're not doing anything.
canvas: Does your OC have any scars, piercings, tattoos, or other markings? Do they display or cover them up at all?
She's pretty Distinct Marking Free. Ella's never had any injuries serious enough to scar, she doesn't have any freckles or moles or anything, the thought of getting a tattoo in Volantis never crossed her mind; the most she has going on is pierced ears. That gets displayed though, partly because she has a lot of really nice earrings and parly because she keeps her hair out of every possible area of her face so there's not really any other choice.
informal: What's your OC's lazy-day look? How do they like to dress when they're winding down?
Yorick is the most formal mf & almost every look is a serve. He's not necessarily always dressed to the nines, but, like, you are kind of hard pressed to find him in something explicitly casual. If he isn't out to impress or even do much leaving the interior rooms & council chambers of Runestone he'll wear a pretty plain/unadorned doublet & he won't do much accessorizing beyond, like, "surcoat comfy," but it's still pretty buttoned up & really presentable of someone he didn't expect catches him. He's pretty casual on hunting trips or in the training yard & will just wear a tunic & some pants, but that's more out of practicality.
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selfproclaimedunicorn · 7 months
mini moodboard challenge
throw together four pictures that best encapsulate the vibes of your fave/most recent fic/idea/brain worm
I was tagged by: @acrossthesestars, @godswood-girl, & @emilykaldwen
Sins of The Father
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Proudly he stands, to fatherly posture they yield, goodwill gone sour, like golden fallacy / eat from his hand, beware of the claws concealed, in quest for power, with manners gallantly / hearken and behold, deceit unfolds, before your very eyes, travesty dies -Falconer, In Regal Attire
tagging: @jotterjots, & @cerseiwexler
(because I got tagged so many times, I am very much of a mind to make these for my other oc/fic concepts that have given me brain worms, so look out for those, I guess)
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selfproclaimedunicorn · 2 months
BG3 AU for whomever in your head screams YES (I am tempted to say ROBELLA)
Now that I am fully in Act 3 for one of my saves, I think I can somewhat confidently tackle this now, lmao. (Also, you're so right. Robella is the ship this au is for)
● Potentially controversial, but Robert is the Tav in this equation. He's also a human Oath of Devotion paladin with the noble background.
● Ella is a half-drow ranger who gets recruited around/at the same time as Wyll. Not because they were traveling together after the tadpole thing, but just on the pure coincidence that Ella was going to The Grove to get healed by a master druid.
● They hook up at the Tiefling party, & this has Ella imprinting on Robert enough that he's locked in at that point. Off-screen she's bullying other companions who wanted to fuck him because that's her man now. Robert stuck his dick in crazy & there's no going back (he's into it though).
● Ella’s arc has Tav/Robert finding out she has a twin brother who lives in Baldur's Gate because their drow dad won him in the fantasy divorce, & that she got kidnapped & tadpoled on the way to see him because his recent letters said "their dad was getting worse." Queue investigating shit in the Underdark & Moonrise towers, with Ella convincing herself that her dad is a True Soul or has some kind of Drow Specific Disease, they get to The Gate & drow!Daemon is actually just on Gortash's team for fun. Pure recreation for him, no tadpole needed (he probably wants one though, but Gortash ain't gonna give him a special one). Successful charisma checks see Ella helping bg3!Yorick to kill their dad instead of joining him.
● After the game & successfully defeating the netherbrain + Dead Three, Ella goes back to the countryside home where her human mom lives near the woods for her ranger stuff, bringing Robert with her & they go on adventures together. It is not a balanced party, but that doesn't matter because they have each other. Maybe bg3!Yoreen come with them on the quests (still not balanced, but at least it's a full party).
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selfproclaimedunicorn · 5 months
Thought I’d do another one! Does your OC have children? If so then how fiercely do they love them? If they have more than one then do they love them all equally? If they do not have children then is this part of their future plans? - for the Roycegaryen kids (whichever one(s) you want!)
a;lksdjf you're so sweet for sending another, thank you!
No one has kids atm, but they all wind up having kids by the time we reach the end of season 1. None of the kids are super fleshed out atm, & Robella may wind up having more depending on how the vibe of their relationship goes, because I'm gonna be real: if you'd told me when I published chapter one 11 months that I'd be this far into the fic by now I would have thought you were nuts. I simply have made more progress than I thought I would have & so I never really made working on the kids a priority. I still have time to flesh them out (especially since I'm sure a, like, planned hiatus will be coming in a couple chapters), but things are a wee bit lackluster on detail front. There's enough that I think I can sufficiently answer this, though!
Rhaella/Robella: At the moment, I'm planning on three kids. Ella would, 100%, without a doubt, kill for her son & daughters. She'd set villages on fire for them. So long as she has a say, they are simply never going to struggle or know hardships or get let down by her or anyone else in their lives. How Griffith, Aerea, & Adrienne see the adults in their lives (especially her, because she's aware of her shortcomings) is going to be the undeniable truth because she is never going to lie or manipulate them or do anything to make the way they see her as some sort of illusion that will be shattered one day. If anyone asks she doesn't have a favorite & she loves all of them equally, & she for sure cares for all of them & makes sure that they all have special memories with her, but Adrienne is her favorite. Like, sorry, but she named this little girl after her childhood OC, there is no recovering from having done that.
Yorick/Yoreen: Even if his sister winds up having more than my three planned on kids, she's not having as many as Yorick. This man said "I love MILFS & also titties" then knocked his wife up 6 times. He loves his kids, he would die for them if it would protect them & he would kill for them if they asked, but he's very much got his "I was 'raised' by Daemon Targaryen during his Rhea Royce era" that kind of sees him being an overly soft touch with his kids. Like, he does discipline them & have expectations, but he's more a "verbally express that I am disappointed & then give you lots of affection after I have told you to apologize" type of parent. He gets more stern as he gets more kids under his belt & just generally gets more sure of himself, but he's remains very conscious of not doing to his brood what was done to him. Yorick, I don't think, has a favorite. He, like, actually does have an equal-across-the-board level of love for his kids, but his oldest daughter definitely has him as her favorite parent. Like, Rhea is a daddy's girl & there's nothing Yorick can do about it, lmao
Aemon/[redacted ship name, but it's another OC]: He isn't getting married till the gap between episodes 7 & 8, so he has the least amount of details there. Where I stand right now, he only has one kid by the end of season 1 & any others are born after The Dance (because, like, him & his wife are still pretty young. He's only 3 years older than Aegon), & I keep waffling on which "I have fucked up attachments" name he gives his son. Regardless, that baby is literally only, like, one-to-two years old & there's not really any dynamics at play there. Because actual toddler. Also, I feel like Aemon is the kind of person who, if something is cute enough, it makes him a little unhinged. Like, he would say he wants to eat his son & throw things across the room because he doesn't now how to handle how cute he thinks babies are. He did cry the first time he held Yorick/Gerold the Younger [name I settle on pending].
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selfproclaimedunicorn · 10 months
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Prince Daemon did not want children with Lady Rhea Royce, but the only thing resentment and anger create when mixed with wine is regret and problems to be ignored when they cannot suit a need. Unfortunately for him, problems cannot be ignored forever, and all three heads of the dragon he created will turn back to bite their father.
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Toppled Tower
Yorick followed dutifully at Borros’s side as the young man ushered him from the room his things had been brought to, and back out to the yard. Yorick held his hands behind his back, one set of fingers wrapped around the other so that his thumb could rub against the upturned palm. The entirety of Storm’s End was bustling with activity, servants and nobles coming to and fro in preparations both for the impending wedding of Lord Boremund’s heir, and for his celebratory hunt.
Out in the yard stablehands and groomsmen busied themselves with the saddling of horses and packing of bags or crates, the latter of which were hefted and placed into a small cart to haul larger supplies for the extended hunting trip. A group of young men, most around Borros’s own age, stood in a semicircle near the servants preparing for the hunt, all of them laughing and talking and clapping each other on the shoulder as they mocked each other in good humor.
“Yorick, you remember Symon and Kevan,” Borros motioned to the two youngest of his regular group, the first son of Lord Lonmouth and the second of Lord Tarth, respectively. Symon was lanky and a small measure taller than Kevan, with darker hair the same shade of awkward brown-blonde as Martyn’s; Kevan, meanwhile, was broad and golden haired with clear blue eyes and a face full of freckles. Both young men nodded to Yorick, and Symon pushed forward a boy at his side.
“When you told me Tiny Royce was coming as well, I brought my brother for him so that there would be someone close to his age as well,” Symon ruffled his brother’s tan waves, pulling the hair from behind his ears in the process, “say hello, Joff.”
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selfproclaimedunicorn · 9 months
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Prince Daemon did not want children with Lady Rhea Royce, but the only thing resentment and anger create when mixed with wine is regret and problems to be ignored when they cannot suit a need. Unfortunately for him, problems cannot be ignored forever, and all three heads of the dragon he created will turn back to bite their father.
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Yarwyck easily dodged his attack, ducking under the blade of the blunted practice sword before ramming into Yorick with his shoulder. He grunted at the impact, but managed to bring the older boy down onto the ground with him. With swords now discarded, the cousins rolled around in the grass, trying to best each other with fists before Ser Gerold pulled them apart. They panted as they stared at each other, then a broad smile broke out across the older boy’s face.
“I would have bested you if Uncle Gerold hadn’t separated us.”
“You only came close to it because you made me drop my sword.” Yorick retorted with a good-natured chuckle. At five and ten, his older cousin was tall and broad-shouldered as Ser Gerold. Their abilities with swords were near matched, but Yarwyck’s age and years of sportsmanship in the rugged mountains of The Vale would see him better at fisticuffs for some time.
“At least it’s less ugly than when it was Willam you fought with,” Ser Gerold said, good humor dancing through his words in spite of the near neutrality of his face, “but that is being brothers, I suppose. Less to compete with Yorick about.” Yarwyck snorted and rolled his eyes as Ser Gerold released them, rolling his shoulder to loosen it back up after he had been held back.
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@ocappreciation @fyeahhotdocs @fyeahgotocs @mybluediaryinmyblacknotebook @paaperfloweeers
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