#oc Dawn
kundool · 10 months
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carry me slowly, my sunlight
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atonalginger · 19 days
WIP Wednesday
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the lovely and talented @fangbangerghoul reminded me it was WIP Wednesday and I have something to share! Thank you for the reminder and tag!
I am going to extend the tag/invitation to any of y'all who see this and think, "hey I got something to share!" No pressure, just a general invitation.
My excerpt is a rough snippet from the Fallout 4 universe with Dawn, my current sole survivor. I'm still working on the Dellarov fic too but the chapter I wrote was an extended, hella downer and I'm letting it sit before I continue on...So for now I'm writing action and danger in the Commonwealth!
“Should we keep looking?” the raspy voiced raider asked near the road.
Dawn laid on her left side, curled in the fetal position with another empty stimpak clutched tightly in her hand. Her armor and utility suit, or what was left of it after the initial flames went out, was soaked in blood. The sticky residue of the napalm spewed from the incinerator still smoldered on her suit and skin. Her mouth tasted of blood, bile, and the lingering tinge of stimpak and med-x. She prayed the bush she’d crashed behind was enough and the raiders were too hopped up on psycho to notice the blood trail that would lead them straight to her.
“No, bitch is probably dead by now.” The one in the hellfire power armor said, the creaking of the frame telling her they didn’t know how to maintain their rare treasure.
“What about the loot?” the raspy one asked, “looked like they had a bag weighed down with shit.”
“Shit is what it’ll be alright, after we torched them,” the sound of metal hitting flesh popped in the distance, “get back to your fucking post.”
“All right, all right,” the raspy one whined, “don’t have to be so fucking rough.”
“Keep talking and I’ll send you to meet that toasted bitch.” Heavy foot steps were moving away from her location.
Dawn tried to pull herself closer to the old listening post. It would be safer to wait inside the bunker than risk mongrels, mole rats, or ghouls finding her before the Minutemen. Her body was in full revolt, her vision blurring, ears ringing, and limbs barely cooperating. She gave up, pawing at her radio on her left shoulder and squeezing the button down with all her remaining strength, “Preston? This is General Faulkner.”
“General?” Emmett Mallory answered near immediately, “you sound rough.”
“I am,” she choked out and coughed, “chems are the only thing keeping me alert. I need…you need to…”
Emmett was yelling to Preston off in the distance from the ham radio set up at the farm house in the Hills. She heard him say it was time to go. Preston had already prepped a team, it would seem, waiting for her eventual call. Soon Emmett was back with her on the line, “can you flip on the tracker on the radio? We can locate you quickly that way.”
They’d delved back into vault 111 and pulled a dozen unused pipboys from storage crates near the back, assigning them to those Preston and Dawn deemed responsible enough to lead. Preston didn’t like wearing his but admitted it made work easier.
“I…think…” Dawn struggled to find the tiny gray switch, “Tell Preston…tell him he was right. Tell him I’m sorry for…”
She knocked the switch on, the force knocking the radio out of her hand. Her vision swirled, the static chaos in her ears drowning out Emmett’s voice. Lieutenant Harkins always told me my arrogance would be what did me in, she thought as chills started to set in, and her vision went dark, should have just died in the vault.
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cornflakesdoesart · 1 year
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sketchy “dress up doll” outfit ref of Dawn, some lore and design notes under the cut!
[ID: four images of the same character in different states of dress, the character has tan skin, elf ears and messy waist lenght grey hair. In the first image she is wearing simple grey underwear consisting of a bralette and panties, in the second she is wearing brown boots with beige spats, muted green ankle lenght pants and a cream longsleeved henley top, in the third image she is wearing a cold muted green poncho with pockets over the previous outfit, a belt with a hip pouch and other pockets, fingerless gloves and armwarmers and a khaki green scarve, on the next image she also has a back pack on with a rifle, the scarve is pulled over her head like a hood and she has googles and an air filtering mask on End ID]
Dawn is a wasteland wanderer known as a "stray" on a rocky, dry planet on the rim of a galactic empire in the far future! She is a calm and capable person who is generally kind but she is not very expressive and often feels detached from her own emotions, she is not a lousy fighter, skilled with a knife and a rifle, but that’s just out of neccessity of her lifestyle, she also has some arcane and healing knowledge. As most strays, she is not too keen to divulge her real name or who she was before she became a wanderer, the only thing people know for sure is that she has been one since she was a child. 
Some obvoius inspiration for the setting and story is all your favourite desert media, such as star wars, dune, mad max and trigun.
 For her outfit I looked at some demobaza clothes and star wars concept arts specifically but I have a whole pinterest board for this story so I have some other stuff there that were kind of an amalgamation of references, once an other artist drew her and interpreted her pants as calf length from an old drawing of her and I really liked that so I incorporated it here as well! Other stuff I wanted to include is a sport bra like undergarment not like the little bandeu I drew her with in the past, nothing too structured just something to keep the girls in place while she's running or jumping. A head covering is important of course, she lives in a sunny desert climate like place after all! And the firm ankle coverage that gave me some problems with the ankle lenght pants, so I ended up giving her sort of spats, they're for some protection against small venomous snake or scorpion like animals! They also have an added bonus of reminding me a little bit of foreign french legion vibe which matches the desert aestethic so happy accidents! Her poncho looks a bit too much like Jyn Erso's on that one concept art that is in my pinterest board and overall her clothes are bit too dark for desert dwelling I think, so when I come back to her design these are things I'm looking to improve!
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theartsyhognose · 10 days
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Some OCs as mermaids!
-based off real fish listed in the tags
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peapod20001 · 10 days
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Yay I love drawmin <3
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mycotecture · 4 months
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ninjadeathblade · 3 months
Febuwhump Day Twenty Three: (Alt. Prompt) Lightning strike
Warnings: Reference to being dead
Word count: 258
Author's notes: I need to schedule stuff today
Dusk flinched as lightning struck again, holding tighter to his mother as the storm raged outside.
“Shhh, it's fine, it's just a storm,” Marigold comforted, one hand running back and over his horns. “It can't hurt you.”
Dusk looked up at her with watery eyes. “Really?”
Marigold nodded. “I won't let anything hurt you, especially not some lightning storm.”
Years passed.
He clung to the memory, flashes of it returning when he arrived at Dawn's house.
Wind and rain lashed at both of their faces, staring between each other.
“You're going to freeze or be eaten if you stay outside,” Dawn said loudly, trying to be heard of the noise around them.
Lightning flashed across the sky, making Dawn's eyes and horns practically glow.
“I'm fine. I like the rain anyway,” Dusk responded.
He left out the part that lightning storms couldn't hurt them.
Probably because nothing could hurt him anymore so it didn't feel that important.
No hunger, no tiredness, no weakness, no dehydration, no-
No family.
It was strange, being dead.
He could still feel everything, knew the rain was plastering curls against his forehead.
He closed his eyes and craned his head towards the sky, trying to feel alive again, just for a moment.
“I didn't expect to meet you this soon.”
That was what Death had said.
He reopened his eyes as Dawn said something, refocusing his senses on the present, the now, forcing himself to be closer to humanity.
He prayed that Dawn would get to live out a longer life than him.
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deathblade-oc-kingdom · 2 months
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I love them your honour
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wingstobetorn · 1 year
Daisy and lavender. For Harley & Dawn
Daisy - What inspired you to create your OC?
... Harley originally came from a fandom that I do not want to talk about; I wasn't that good at writing back then, so Harley wasn't that good of a character then lol! (Then I realized: hey, maybe he could be a good protagonist to his own original story? and then I started actually making him a good character and developing the world around him.)
I think Dawn was inspired by Tome????? I don't remember!! She was originally supposed to be the niece to Elliot but then I realized hey the ages don't match up and I didn't wanna make Elliot like 40 years old :/ so now she's just some girl he found, with a spirit whose also her best friend, who is only helping him because of her obsession with popularity... and I think that's funnier.
Lavender - How does your OC cope with loud noises?
Harley does not like them!!!! They make the anger issues act up!! Loud noises are only ok when he's the one making them with his music
Dawn also does not like loud noises :/ she's always covering her ears when there's loud noises because they stress her out,,,
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cure-papaya · 1 year
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i’ve been so inactive SORRY but i got rpg maker and i feel like it’s going to fundamentally alter my brain chemistry so there’s that
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atonalginger · 1 month
Snippet Sunday
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It appears that Goose here is reading from a different fandom today: Fallout 4! I've been playing FO4 more recently and got the itch to write in the world again.
Thanks for the reminder, @therealgchu!
First bit follows follows the intro to the game with my Sole Survivor, Dawn.
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Dawn thought her troubles were over. Her older sister, Nora, had completed law school and passed the bar first try. Her husband, Nate, was home from his tour in Alaska. They’d scored that nice new home in Sanctuary Hills on the outskirts of Boston and had a bouncing bundle of joy, Shaun. Living with them meant no longer having to listen to their mother nag her over not having a steady job and downplaying her military service to everyone in earshot. Instead Nate was trying to help her by talking with some of his old war buddies to see if anyone needed workers with her keen senses. Codsworth, the Mr. Handy Nate bought to help around the house, meant Dawn wasn’t stuck playing maid and nanny for them. Things were finally looking up.
Then that damn news broadcast started. Nora was downtown when the news hit that bombs had been dropped over several major cities. She called the house, yelling for Nate to take Dawn to the vault with him, to lie, to save her sister, before hanging up the phone. He didn’t argue, dragging her up the dirt path with Shaun in his arm, claiming she was Nora Melnik, and then hurrying to the elevator for the vault.
Dawn didn’t want to go. Nate dragged her because she tried to get away from him, to run for cover elsewhere. She knew one of his neighbors had a root cellar and wanted to try her luck getting let in there over getting trapped in a vault. Every time one of those damned advertisements played it made her skin crawl. Could never quite put her finger on why, only that it sounded too good to be true. How could they guarantee people would get inside in time? Wasn’t it convenient that every ‘lucky’ resident for vault 111 lived in Sanctuary Hills?
As the elevator dropped and the shield door slammed shut Dawn felt her stomach hit the bottom of the shaft. She swore she could feel the heat from the blast and everyone heard the deafening boom as they raced for the bottom. Nora was downtown. There was no way she made it to safety in time. Her sister was gone.
Nate calmed Shaun and stopped Dawn before they ascended the stairs to enter the vault proper, “I know what your thinking and stop.”
“This wasn’t my place,” she whispered back, “this isn’t fair.”
“It’s what she wanted,” Nate reminded her, “she took time to call.”
“Would you have left me with Codsworth?”
“No,” Nate shook his head, “I would have thrown you over my shoulder if I had to…”
“No wonder she calls you Grognak,” Dawn shook her head.
“All right everyone,” one of the lab coat wearing employees called out, “I know everyone is overwhelmed but if you could please make your way into the vault so we can get everyone acclimated and ready to descend further, it would be greatly appreciated.”
“Further down?” Dawn asked the employee, “How far down is the actual vault?”
“A few more levels,” the lab coat said with some hesitation, “first everyone needs to get changed and cleansed of any radiation you might have sustained on your journey down.
Dawn did her best to hide her reaction. None of that made sense. That wasn’t how radiation worked, for one. For another, his hesitation spoke volumes; this man wasn’t prepared for such questions, he was prepared for civilians too overwhelmed to speak. She glanced to Nate as they approached the metal steps and motioned for him to lean in. Once he did she whispered low enough that only they could here,
“something is wrong.”
“Gut feeling or…”
“I’ve met cagey fuckers like him before, during my service, and his type can’t be trusted. Something is wrong.”
Nate nodded and looked to Shaun, “noted.”
They made their way through the scanners and accepted their vault suits, which looked ridiculously tight compared the ones seen in the ads and commercials. As she slipped it on, leaving her street clothes in the changing room as instructed, she noted they were skin tight, with sensors places around the body. She’d worn something similar under her BDUs and field disguises alike, as a way for her handler to check her vitals. There was no reason for those sensors to be in a daily wear jumpsuit in the vault.
She met up with Nate and Shaun in a room at the end of the hall lined with large pods. Everyone was being instructed to climb inside before heading deeper into the vault. She wanted to talk to her brother-in-law once more but the lab coats all but forbade it, nearly shoving her into her pod. Every part of her brain screamed to run but there was no where to go and even if she managed to reverse the lift and go back to the surface, there was nothing to go back to anymore.
As the edges of the small window on the door of the pod began to freeze and her body started to succumb to the cold and sudden need for sleep she had a fleeting thought: This is wrong.
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cornflakesdoesart · 1 year
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Sketchy portait of my oc Dawn 
[ID start: digital side view portait drawing of a person from about the bust up, she has tan skin, her skin has faint scratches and scars , she has long pointy elf ears with earrings in them, a longer pointy nose, prominent cheekbones and dark grey blue eyes, she has messy long grey hair , there are two little braids in her hair decorated with beads and yarn, she has a neutral expression, she is wearing a beige cropped tank top, the background is a neutral beige color as well End ID]
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theartsyhognose · 3 months
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Sprout Fight prompts so far! From top to bottom there’s flower crown, butterfly, raincoat (with the April Showers palette), and mist!
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peapod20001 · 6 months
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Nisha’s murder aura melts when she looks at her baby Ash <3
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gummiscr1bblez · 2 years
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ladies and gentlemen them uwu
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eldragon-x · 10 months
me when sun characters are terrifying and destructive. me when light is an overwhelming damaging power. me w
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