The opposite of Shiro (white) is Kuro (Black)
Even if I wanted to modify it what could I even make out of it? Like
Seventeen? 1-17? If I add them together I get 38 Or adding each group I get 9-29 Changing the numbers to English letters gives me Aag-ihe or aagihe
Though going off that I can reassemble the letters into something like… Giahae? Haegai? Removing letters I can do giaeh or giah or haiga
Google says giah originates in the bible or some shit
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1 17 9 8 7 5 can make Aqihge which is just as bad so no
Even if I wanted to modify it what could I even make out of it? Like
Seventeen? 1-17? If I add them together I get 38 Or adding each group I get 9-29 Changing the numbers to English letters gives me Aag-ihe or aagihe
Though going off that I can reassemble the letters into something like… Giahae? Haegai? Removing letters I can do giaeh or giah or haiga
Google says giah originates in the bible or some shit
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Even if I wanted to modify it what could I even make out of it? Like Seventeen? 1-17? If I add them together I get 38 Or adding each group I get 9-29 Changing the numbers to English letters gives me Aag-ihe or aagihe Though going off that I can reassemble the letters into something like... Giahae? Haegai? Removing letters I can do giaeh or giah or haiga Google says giah originates in the bible or some shit
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Ah, right. I was given a name once. Not that I particularly like that name
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                                                       I EXIST.                           WITH                      ( OR )                       WITHOUT                                             YOUR PERMISSION
                                                  — I EXIST.
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@nothing-matt I accept your appreciation
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Appreciate me!
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Anyways hey you should follow me, I'm the cooler Shiro
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Actually what the hell am I supposed to call him Like okay I'm part of him,, whatever he represses, and it feels weird calling him Shiro like everyone else. Should I call him Takashi? Not me? The main guy? Black paladin?
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He really doesn't "release his tension" enough and I don't understand how he manages it without me
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I can taste IRON on my lips as velvet runs down my chin. There is a faint ringing in my ear, echoing at me to SURVIVE. I can see blazes of red and orange erupting around me, the gray cloud filling up my nostrils–the disgusting faint smell of VICTORY lingers in the air.
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Is it selfish if I'm selfish on the behalf of someone else?
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              Do you think I’d abandon you?
                               Leave you to deal with your problems alone?
                                                  Oh, no, I don’t think so.
                                                                Don’t you see? We’re a team, me and you.
                                                  You and I are going to make it through this.
                               I won’t leave you. Not now.
              Not ever.
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You know the pain is bad when t makes both me and him dissociate lmao
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dissociating when youre with people is fucking hell
they either don’t notice/don’t care which just makes the feeling of unreality worse
or they constantly ask you what’s wrong and you can hardly convey to them that you’re about to ascend into the void of nothingness and that time is nothing but a social construct meant to bind us into our corporeal flesh prisons
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how to be a monster: 1. learn the taste of dirt and pain. 2. teach it to others till your knuckles bleed. 3. see if that makes it easier to breathe.
rinse and repeat, Amrita C. (via antagxnized)
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self care is rolling over and going back to sleep
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