#notion temp update
haruharuz · 2 years
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Welcome to My NOTION template! This isn’t 100% finished yet but I really wanted to release this today because truthfully I want to start using it. These images don’t include all of the features, either. I left some of them out.
If you want to tip me, check the discord <3
Let’s get the first thing out of the way. I made a discord here for this. It will be primarily used to hold one another accountable and promote good things in eachothers lives. However, it will double as a way to receive DIRECT feedback and suggestions.
HERE’S THE LINK ! Please let me know if it doesn’t work
My next step in plans is:
A complete workout / gym tracker
Meal Planner
“Kitchen” hub
Fridge & Pantry tracker (to avoid food waste)
Savings tracker
business expense tracker
taxes calculator hub
moving hub 
investment hub
mood tracker
For now, this notion includes:
Flip clock widget
Moon phase widget
New years day countdown
Multiple photo insert areas
Reminders list
Weekly goals overview
Time/task section for when you have a schedule or routine to maintain
Quote section
Pre-planned spotify playlist section (using the embed tool)
Complete navigation section
No zero days tracker
Weekly task list
Monthly goal list
Yearly goal list
Month by month toggle list
Important dates list
Second Planner toggle list
Two photo insert sections
Navigation section
Regulars Tracker
Small schedule table
Business expenses tracker (COMING SOON/INCOMPLETE)
Income tracker
To do list
Upcoming meetings/dates list
Multiple image areas
Quick Links
To do list
Exam dates list
Wishlist central
Table database
Inner work Journal
___ Of the day Journal
I feel Icky Checklist
Mental Health goals
Mental health reminders
Resources list
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hooked-on · 9 months
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Lovingly referred to as my 'Notions blanket', I wanna introduce my 2023 temperature blanket!!!!
Because a year long project wasn't enough work already, I decided to not only change colour with every single degree change in temperature, but also to check the change in temperature.....every thirty minutes.
Every six stitches in the row constitutes thirty minutes in the day, and every different colour is a temperature change.
Every row is 285 individual stitches (should be 288 but i can't count lol, the final 30 min temperature is a 6-3 stitch count), of UK half-trebles/ US half-doubles, with a 4mm hook. Each row takes between 1-2 hours, depending on the amount of colour changes required.
So far, January 2023, measured in Galway, Ireland, is finished.
Top temp: 13°C Jan 3
Lowest temp: -3°C Jan 17
Average temp: 7°C
~8.5% complete
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cinnamonest · 1 year
When I first heard Cyno's title from leaks, as a good little simp, I went to investigate if a Mahamatra is something real.
Turns out, it is not only real, with being basically a morality police, but there's a type of Mahamatras whose duty is keeping tabs on women or something like that!
Imagine Cyno being also tasked as the keeper of the few women from Sumeru. He would, probably not intentionally, but terrify his darling by telling her how lucky she is to end up under his care. He treats the girls fairly, but once they are out of his watch to be distributed? He has seen the stuff men do to them. So stop complaining and be grateful for what he gives you! He actually treats you with decency.
(Fun fact! I had this entire thing already written and then windows auto-updated at some point while I was in urgent care bc I came home to it restarting and didn't save a temp recovery file in the appdata files :))))))
So I read a short entry about it, it seems like the exact responsibilities varied from subculture and households and communities, some of them over the general populace/common prostitutes but some of them were like a supervisor/babysitter + bodyguard combo to wealthier concubines and the like which is very :))))) and it also kinda reminds me of all the historical Chinese dramas where they have eunuchs that would guard emperor's wives and the like? And how a lot of cultures/eras within certain cultures had like "common prostitutes" and then like more elite brothels specifically for the wealthy/nobility/royalty that were often cared for, and some men would be appointed to watch over prostitutes and harems and the like
Sooooo I got to thinking of like a "more accurate to the time period the game is roughly based on" AU running with a similar idea (although of course I'm still wayyyyy deviating from historical accuracy entirely bc that makes things more fun)
//prostitute/concubine sort of darling, vaguely sexist stuff in a historical sort of way and heavily gendered, mentions of eunuchs because y'know historical AU stuff
Cyno being appointed to watch over and enforce rules on elite courtesans... Usually, these positions are only available to eunuchs, but some exceptions can be made for individuals who have been deemed worthy of the utmost trust, usually after proving themselves over the course of time. Thankfully, that's the classification he falls into... the notion of eunuchs makes him shudder to think about.
His dependableness, stoicism and clear self-control have earned him the trust of those in positions of authorities, and thus, he was assigned to this role. His observation skills and ability to keep tabs on more than one thing at once also helped. There's a few other such guards that take care of the lot of you as a whole, and that's part of his job as well, but he's the one personally assigned to you whenever you wish to go off on your own from the others, or into the public sphere.
He's not supposed to deny you that option, either, unless explicitly told not to by a superior, or if you want to go somewhere that is unallowed, in which case he is obligated to prohibit you from going. Otherwise, if you want to go somewhere, his job is to accompany you and tend to your whims, silently and stoically unless responding to something you say or speaking to a stranger on your behalf. Which he is expected to do, as you aren't allowed to speak to strangers, instead having him act as an intermediary.
When you go to markets (given a certain allowance of spending money to keep you happy and content), you point to the things you want or tell him what to get, and he does, speaking to merchants on your behalf. If someone approaches you for whatever reason - which is rare, seeing as most people know very well not to do so, especially with his intimidating presence beside you - he will, as he's trained and expected to do, physically step in between you and the other person, acting as a human shield in case someone were to approach you with the intent to attack, as well as a physical reminder of your status, communicating very clearly that the other individual should not be so arrogant as to assume he has any right to speak to you directly. And, of course, so you yourself don't get any ideas about talking to someone outside of the range of individuals you are allowed to speak to. If said individual is just pestering you to try and sell you something or harass you, he'll chase them off, otherwise he'll lean over so you can murmur your replies into his ear, allowing him to repeat it back to the other person.
As with that matter, with plenty of other scenarios, he's not just there to protect you. It's an unspoken condition, but understood nonetheless. He's there to keep an eye on your own behaviors. Your nature means that you can't be trusted to control your impulses or make good decisions, and if you weren't being closely watched, you may very well go off and sleep with someone else at the first opportunity you get. That's why you have him there, to ensure that that doesn't happen, to keep you in line, so to speak. Accompany you everywhere you go, sit in on your conversations with any and all visitors you have. To always know exactly where you are and what you're doing. For the few hours of night, there are guards at the end of the hall that watch the rooms where people are sleeping, but that's the only time he isn't by your side. Well, even then, he's assigned a room directly next to yours, even, to be able to spring up out of bed should you call for him, or if he's needed in any way, if you get sick in the night, and so on. So technically, he never really does leave your side.
Well, except for when one of the elites comes to "visit" you. Happens a few times a day, with the occasional break. Only certain individuals are allowed to do so. That's an important factor in your relationship. You live in a large complex, and only specific nobles and the highest-ranked individuals are allowed to enter your bed.
He's not one of them.
It's yet another class-standing issue. Sure, he may work for elites, he may dedicate his every waking moment to you and the others like you, but it would be considered defiling if he were to actually do anything to you. It's grounds for imprisonment... or worse. Only nobles have that privilege.
In truth, he resents said nobles. They're snobbish, selfish people that see you as an object, rather than a person. Usually cruel and critical towards you, never have anything nice or positive to say, always too busy to spend any time with you except to come to bed at night. It makes him grind his teeth, cover his ears so he doesn't have to hear. Likewise, you're supposed to act as though he couldn't possibly know, even though you both know full well he can hear anything that goes on in your room.
It makes him feel a very negative emotion. Anger? Bitterness? He tells himself it's because he knows they don't value you like you deserve. You've always been such a kind woman... he's seen you show concern and compassion for others, it's endearing. And in truth, while you're still of the weaker, inferior half of humanity, that kindness in and of itself is a very respectable thing... but those men would never appreciate that.
Yes, that's the real source of the anger, he knows that full well, and very quickly loses the ability to convince himself otherwise, after the first few weeks. It's because it feels unfair. They don't appreciate you, don't care for you, don't watch over you, they do nothing for you. He does all of that. He knows you far better. Yet they get to reap what logically should be his rewards.
But he stops that train of thought. "What should be his"? No, that way of thinking is dishonorable and selfish, defies the natural hierarchy of society. People of certain standing have privileges that lower members do not... even though he can't logically answer as to why. They just do. That is what is taught to the masses of the populace - the nobles and royalty deserve their palaces and wealth and feasts while the common man struggles to survive. A birthright bestowed by some higher power or the like. And as long as they have the ability to enforce that way of thinking, he has to accept it too.
And to even think of you in any way other than the purest of thoughts and a detached sense of guardianship, to have anything impure go through his mind, is sinful, filthy, almost a transgression when the thoughts intrude. It's his responsibility to push them away... even if that proves difficult.
No wonder they usually get eunuchs for this position. While the prospect is horrible, and he certainly doesn't envy them for obvious reasons, they do have the one advantage of not having to deal with the same extent of mental torment and temptation that he has to subject himself to. He starts to think he really didn't initially appreciate the trust placed in him enough, not realizing at the time of being appointed just how much willpower it would require.
And you don't make things any easier. To some extent, you're allowed to treat him like he's invisible, not even there. A lot of girls with such guardians do exactly that, pretty much never speaking to said appointed guardian unless needed, essentially going about their lives and acting like they don't even exist unless commanding them to fetch something or take care of some task.
You're rather talkative, though, at least with him. It is a bit surprising at first, albeit endearing. He's used to being seen as a tool, a sort of entity that exists to serve, and has been treated as such in past assignments in moral enforcement and dealing with violators of the society's rules, to the people he always reported to. He had some individual supervising roles before, but of all those jobs he's had in the past, you're the first one that's really... talked to him, for anything more than basic commands.
There's a good reason for that, too. You're not supposed to grow close to him in any capacity. It's not... proper, not right, it's frowned upon. There's no real given rule against it, but it's just one of those things that people don't do, that is understood without ever having to be addressed that you shouldn't. You're in a completely different world, your social role is too far apart from his for him to realistically be directly addressed by you so much.
And, of course, it's risky. People might get the wrong idea. Maybe it's just because you're quite literally trained in seduction and charm, but you always look at him with these half-lidded eyes, a sultry voice, a teasing way of speaking to him. It's basically just second nature to you, it's how you've always been taught to interact with every man you meet, to put on a flirtatiousness and sensuality with every word and every move and every expression.
It drives him up the wall, increasing with each day. The standards and norms of your role don't exactly dress you particularly modestly either, quite the opposite, which doesn't help. And you specifically are always on thin ice, always testing the boundaries, always pushing the limits of how much flirtatiousness can be excused. Perhaps that's why someone like him was assigned to you.
Well, he knows what he has to do. This is part of his job: correcting your behaviors when needed. There's a fine line of what he's allowed to tell you to do, an odd dynamic where you can tell him to do tasks for you, and yet, he also has the right - the obligation -  to command you, when it comes to certain matters of behavior, and he's expected to judge each situation appropriately, to not go too far in reprimanding you, to always criticize when he should while avoiding overstepping a line. It's a learned skill, requiring a thorough knowledge of rules both documented and silently understood.
Whenever you sit on the floor next to him as you and all your sisters-in-profession converse each evening, when you lean over onto him and reach your hand over to his thigh, he grabs your wrist, and gently, simultaneously avoiding both unnecessary harshness while also ensuring he doesn't grip you for a single moment too long, pushes you back. It's probably best you get on to bed, you are weary.
When you skip around all excited as you do whenever there's music in the courtyards, come over to him and reach up to wrap your arms around his neck, he grabs your hands and softly pushes them back to your chest. Please, be appropriate.
He makes sure you wear more modest clothing when you leave the main grounds, rather than those incredibly lewd outfits the nobles have you roaming around estate grounds in. Tells you to stop making eye contact and look downward and bow your head when stranger men approach, like you're supposed to. Always reinforcing standards and rules. You teasingly call him such a stick in the mud.
Better that, though, than subject to the wrath of higher-ups if he didn't perform his job.
When you shift to inappropriate topics, when you try and talk to strangers (he gets the sense you do it deliberately just to see him worry), when you stoop and bend and shift your legs in ways he knows is to catch attention. It's his responsibility to speak to you in a firm voice, tell you to behave yourself. You always roll your eyes, say something to the effect of affirming acknowledgement, but you never actually fix your behavior. It irritates him. Don't you know how serious what you do is? What if it wasn't him? What if it was anyone else? He asks you that, trying to get you to see reason, but even then, you shrug it off, clearly not understanding the gravity of the matter. It worries him. What if one day you get assigned to someone else, with far less self-control? What then? You're foolish and naive. It's a constant concern on his mind.
You don't mean it seriously, but you enjoy the reactions you get out of him in particular. You don't realize how significant it is, you think of it like just any other matter of poking fun at something. You think it's funny. You find it cute.
And far more dangerously, you think it's harmless.
Far from it, in reality. If people got the wrong idea, it could get him in trouble. Proof isn't needed for these sorts of things. If someone were to accuse him of something, it wouldn't matter if there was no evidence, or even if you were willing to testify or vouch in his favor. Your testimony can't be used in a court of law anyway. Even then, if the person accusing him was high enough in rank, there wouldn't even be a court of law, they would just command whatever their will may be. Not to mention, you would also get in massive trouble. The fact that you don't understand that, or at least don't take it seriously, is incredibly concerning.
He ends up having to draw a line. One night at random, completely unprovoked, so much so it catches him off-guard. You have always teased and poked fun at him with that grin on your face, tried to get him flustered and embarrassed. Overstepping the boundaries of appropriateness, which he always chastises you for as is warranted. You always obey for the moment, but return to the same thing within a matter of minutes.
The kind of teasing that bothers him the most, though, is when you pry about his own life, deeply personal things. There was that time you first managed to pry out of him that he wasn't a eunuch - oh, no, now I'm scared. Heheh... just kidding. There was the time you asked him if he had any children, or a lover back home. He had to reinforce the negative answer several times (crossing his arms and getting all stiff and looking away, which you seemed to find very amusing) before you believed him and left the matter alone.
And then, one night, walking back to your room with him by your side in the otherwise empty hall, you return to that topic he hates so much. You're so tense all the time. It's not good to be so stressed, you know.
Your footsteps stop. You turn to him with that smirk on your face, grab one of his hands and clasp both of your own around it, pulling it closer to you. You speak in that playful, sultry tone.
I can help you. No one has to know.
It actually takes him a second to reply, stunned into wide-eyed stillness and silence, an expression of shock you've never seen on his usually stoic face. His whole body goes stiff and rigid. Then, after that moment passes, he jerks his hand back out of your grasp with force, stumbles a few steps back. He looks back at you with a serious, intimidating expression, one that makes the grin on your face fall, makes you shrink back.
Never say such things to me.
Even in all the times you've been reprimanded, he's never used that firm and rebuking of a tone. It makes you take a step back. You hang your head, speaking quietly, all traces of the flirtatious tone from moments before vanished.
...I'm sorry.
You can hear the frustration as he lets out a heavy exhale. Brings his hand up to his face, rubbing at the bridge of his nose. Mutters something about how you're too careless for your own good.
Go on to bed. I will forget this. You ought to as well.
You clearly feel hurt and guilty, and in truth, he really does feel bad about it, almost starts to apologize for being so firm to you, as you nod and turn to your door, hurriedly shuffling inside. But consciously, he knows you needed that firmness. Better to learn that now, than learn it by making a much more grave mistake. So he lets you go inside without another word exchanged.
And more importantly, it's best you go inside so you don't see the state he's in. He's on the verge of losing composure, managing to hold himself together right up until the moment your door shuts, before stumbling back to the wall, leaning against it as he slowly sinks down to the ground. Holds his hand out in front of his face to see it trembling. Presses two fingers to his neck to feel the rapid pounding of his heart. It takes a while, sitting there staring blankly to your door on the other side, before he can bring himself to stand up again. Even then, he has to hesitate a moment. Going in there would be so easy. All he would have to do is open the door. Put one foot in front of the other. It would be so simple.
And there's a voice in the back of his head that says you would be right. No one would know. He could probably get away with it.
It takes every ounce of willpower in his entire being (and, as a great motivator, thinking of the consequences if he were caught) to instead turn and go back to his own bed. Staring up at the ceiling all night.
Yes, it really was incredible that they would trust him so much.
Not that he can bring himself to leave you, no. He's terrified of what could happen to you if he left, he clearly sees how you disregard all of his warnings as to how dangerous the way you behave would be to anyone else. And he also can't leave because... he cares for you too much. His whole life revolves around you. To remove you from it would be like tearing his heart of out his chest.
But at the same time, surely he can't stay. It feels like an hourglass reaching the last few grains of sand, like a clock slowly ticking down. Something is bound to happen. Because of you... or maybe, if something in him finally breaks, because of himself. Or maybe because of you both. It's evitable. Like an animal in a trap, and he doesn't know how to get out. The only thing to do is wait for the inevitable day something happens, perhaps because of you... but now he's starting to think his downfall will be his own doing.
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owlchimedes · 1 year
he heee, I'm back in my own home with my desk newly setup and fresh. Just have to do a little bit of housekeeping and then my life! will begin!
plan 506 project temp.
pull 250p. tfl readings, print (lib)
find cellphone (?? where does that beast GO?)
clean & trim chamaedorea
unpack suitcase x1
clean & fix humidifier
run laundry x3 ( 1 | 2 | 3 )
winterize closet
pmhw info update
work & admin
refill prescriptions (call)
write and grade bio test
update notion
restyle Jan calendar
0 notes
mack3030 · 3 years
Help me obi-simmer-kenobi...you’re my only hope!
So I normally don’t ask much for help, but I’m going to make an exception of it today.  So here’s the deal.  I run a really epic CC Tracker. It’s awesome. Has over 200+ links to CC places, lots of great tags, all that jazz. But the thing is, I maintain it all by my lonesome.  In addition, I’m slowly working on moving it over to Notion where people will be able to easily search it more like a database vs just a sheets document.  I am in need of people to help me.  Here’s what I need:  - Checkers. People willing to check the links I have to make sure that those blogs are still running, and also to help update tags in case a CC creator makes a foray into a realm of CC they normally don’t go into. (Ex: a build/buy creator actually makes a clothing mesh.)  - Finders. I need people who are tumblr, pinterest, and patreon experts who can track down CC that I don’t have already.  - Data Nerds. I need folks who are really great at inputting and formatting data, who can help not only put stuff into the tracker, but help me move it over to Notion.  If ANY of these things interest you, just let me know via DM. All you need is an email to be added to the document (and if you need a throwaway one that will work, https://temp-mail.org/en/ is a great resource).  I have been maintaining this by myself for a while now, but since more people are using it, I’d like to have other people come beside me to help update it. <3 (Please feel free to reblog this, even if you can’t help...in hopes of reaching someone who can. xD) 
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bluewatsons · 5 years
Louis Menand, Stand By Your Man: The strange liaison of Sartre and Beauvoir, The New Yorker (September 26, 2005)
Jean-Paul Sartre preferred the company of women. As one would expect of the great advocate of transparency, he discussed his reasons frankly. “First of all, there is the physical element. There are of course ugly women, but I prefer those who are pretty,” he explained in an interview for the documentary “Sartre by Himself.” “Then, there is the fact that they’re oppressed, so they seldom bore you with shop talk. . . . I enjoy being with a woman because I’m bored out of my mind when I have to converse in the realm of ideas.” “Sartre by Himself” was filmed in 1972, when Sartre was sixty-six; his interviewers were loyal associates from the journal he founded after the war, Les Temps Modernes. None of them encouraged him to expand on the topic, since Simone de Beauvoir was present, and everyone in the room understood that the legend of their relationship was in her keeping. But everyone in the room also knew that Sartre liked the company of women because he devoted much of his time to the business of seducing them.
The nature of Sartre and Beauvoir’s partnership was never a secret to their friends, and it was not a secret to the public, either, after they were abruptly launched into celebrity, in 1945. They were famous as a couple with independent lives, who met in cafés, where they wrote their books and saw their friends at separate tables, and were free to enjoy other relationships, but who maintained a kind of soul marriage. Their liaison was part of the mystique of existentialism, and it was extensively documented and coolly defended in Beauvoir’s four volumes of memoirs, all of them extremely popular in France: “Memoirs of a Dutiful Daughter” (1958), “The Prime of Life” (1960), “Force of Circumstance” (1963), and “All Said and Done” (1972). Beauvoir and Sartre had no interest in varnishing the facts out of respect for bourgeois notions of decency. Disrespect for bourgeois notions of decency was precisely the point.
Sartre and Beauvoir had met in Paris in 1929, when he was twenty-four, she was twenty-one, and both were studying for the agrégation, the competitive examination for a career in the French school system. Beauvoir was a handsome and stylish woman, and she had a boyfriend, René Maheu. (It was Maheu who gave her her permanent nickname, le Castor—the Beaver.) But she fell in love with Sartre, once she got over the physical impression he made. Sartre was about five feet tall, and he had lost almost all the sight in his right eye when he was three; he dressed in oversized clothes, with no sense of fashion; his skin and teeth suggested an indifference to hygiene. He had the kind of aggressive male ugliness that can be charismatic, and he wisely refrained from disguising it. He simply ignored his body. He was also smart, generous, agreeable, ambitious, ardent, and very funny. He liked to drink and talk all night, and so did she.
Sartre had been engaged, though the engagement was broken off after he failed his first attempt at the agrégation; but he and Beauvoir decided that their love did not require marriage for its consummation. “The comradeship that welded our lives together made a superfluous mockery of any other bond we might have forged for ourselves,” Beauvoir explained in “The Prime of Life”:
One single aim fired us, the urge to embrace all experience, and to bear witness concerning it. At times this meant that we had to follow diverse paths—though without concealing even the least of our discoveries from one another. When we were together we bent our wills so firmly to the requirements of this common task that even at the moment of parting we still thought as one. That which bound us freed us; and in this freedom we found ourselves bound as closely as possible.
Sartre proposed a “pact”: they could have affairs, but they were required to tell each other everything. As he put it to Beauvoir: “What we have is an essential love; but it is a good idea for us also to experience contingent love affairs.” Beauvoir’s whole life to that point had been an effort to escape from the culture of her family. Her mother had been educated in a convent; her father was a conservative Paris lawyer of diminished means who, though he was proud of his daughter’s mind, discouraged her interest in philosophy, and would probably have discouraged her pursuit of any career if he had been able to provide her with a dowry. So she was excited by the affront to conventional standards of domesticity that Sartre’s arrangement posed. She also had a high opinion of Sartre’s brilliance as a philosopher. An argument based on terms like “essence” and “contingency” worked as well on her as a diamond ring. She saw (before he did, but in some ways she was cannier than he was) that the pact bound to her for life a man whom she knew would never be faithful. It closed the normal exit.
As matters worked out, the pact meant that Beauvoir not only discussed with Sartre his interest in other women; she often formed intimate friendships with the women herself. At first, she was distressed to discover that she sometimes felt jealous. Sartre advised her that jealousy, like all passions, is an enemy of freedom: it controls you, and you should be controlling it. Sartre soon stopped sleeping with her, and she had her own serious affairs, notably with Nelson Algren, a transatlantic relationship that lasted from 1947 to 1951, and Claude Lanzmann, with whom she lived from 1952 to 1959; she wrote openly about her relations with both men in “Force of Circumstance.” But she remained committed to Sartre and to the pact; and the relationship, with its carrousel of changing partners and café tables, lasted fifty-one years.
Beauvoir never pretended that her memoirs told the whole story. “There are many things which I firmly intend to leave in obscurity,” she warned in “The Prime of Life.” Though she strategically employed pseudonyms in the memoirs, enough was revealed, and enough suggested in her romans à clef “She Came to Stay” (1943) and “The Mandarins” (1954), to satisfy most curiosities. Sartre died, after a prolonged debilitation, in 1980. A year later, in a book called “Adieux: A Farewell to Sartre,” Beauvoir published a series of “conversations” with Sartre that she had conducted in 1974, in which she guided him through philosophically tinged musings on his affairs. Even for existentialists, it was painful reading:
de beauvoir: Were you ever attracted by an ugly woman?
sartre: Truly and wholly ugly, no, never.
de beauvoir: It could even be said that all the women you were fond of were either distinctly pretty or at least very attractive and full of charm.
sartre: Yes, in our relations I liked a woman to be pretty because it was a way of developing my sensibility. These were irrational values—beauty, charm, and so on. Or rational, if you like, since you can provide an interpretation, a rational explanation. But when you love a person’s charm you love something that is irrational, even though ideas and concepts do explain charm at a more intense degree.
de beauvoir : Were there not women you found attractive for reasons other than strictly feminine qualities—strength of character, something intellectual and mental, rather than something wholly to do with charm and femininity? There are two I’m thinking about.
And so on. It was hard to say whether the conversation was more humiliating for her or for him, with his boorishness so plainly on display. Still, it was possible to stick to the no-fault view: these were consenting adults. Their erotic lives were no one’s concern but their own.
That view soon lost tenability. Three years after Sartre’s death, Beauvoir published a collection of his letters to her, in which he described in detail his activities in bed, but she edited them to conceal identities. She died in 1986; in 1990, her executrix, Sylvie Le Bon de Beauvoir, published Beauvoir’s “Letters to Sartre.” These were unedited—“Is it not, by now, preferable to tell all in order to tell the truth?” Le Bon de Beauvoir wrote in the preface—and they shocked many people. The revelation was not the promiscuity; it was the hypocrisy. In interviews, Beauvoir had flatly denied having had sexual relations with women; in the letters, she regularly described, for Sartre, her nights in bed with women. The most appalling discovery, for many readers, was what “telling each other everything” really meant. The correspondence was filled with catty and disparaging remarks about the people Beauvoir and Sartre were either sleeping with or trying to sleep with, even though, when they were with those people, they radiated interest and affection. Sartre, in particular, was always speaking to women of his love and devotion, his inability to live without them—every banality of popular romance. Words constituted his principal means of seduction: his physical approaches were on the order of groping in restaurants and grabbing kisses in taxis. With the publication of “Letters to Sartre,” it was clear that, privately, he and Beauvoir held most of the people in their lives in varying degrees of contempt. They enjoyed, especially, recounting to each other the lies they were telling.
Some of those whose names appeared in “Letters to Sartre” were alive in 1990, and the book opened mouths that, for various reasons, had remained shut while Sartre and Beauvoir were alive. The chatter has not stopped, which means that Hazel Rowley’s new book, “Tête-à-Tête: Simone de Beauvoir and Jean-Paul Sartre” (HarperCollins; $26.95), is basically an update on a breaking story. Sartre and Beauvoir were prolific letter writers, and most of their correspondence remains under the control of their estates. Le Bon de Beauvoir allowed Rowley to see many of the unpublished letters in her possession; one of Sartre’s longtime mistresses, Michelle Vian, let her leaf through her collection. But Sartre’s executrix, Arlette Elkaïm, did not respond to inquiries. Rowley interviewed Lanzmann, but he did not show her his letters from Beauvoir. She read the letters Sartre wrote to his Russian lover Lena Zonina between 1962 and 1967, though Elkaïm will not permit them to be published. Rowley is able to tell a fuller version of a story that has been written many times, but it is probably still some distance short of complete. (She also includes in the book—it sounds like a Woody Allen joke—a photograph of Beauvoir in the nude.) It seems fair to say that, in a manner consistent with an open-minded lack of prudery, Rowley is horrified by the behavior she describes. Readers looking for a friendlier spin can consult the pages on Sartre’s love life in Bernard-Henri Lévy’s gigantic “Sartre: The Philosopher of the Twentieth Century” (2000), but even Lévy, a delightfully unabashed heroworshipper and special pleader par excellence, is reduced to complaining that what’s really disgusting is everyone’s obsession with the subject. That may be true, but it is not much of an argument.
Sartre and Beauvoir liked to refer to their entourage as “the Family,” and the recurring feature of their affairs is a kind of play incest. Their customary method was to adopt a very young woman as a protégée—to take her to movies and cafés, travel with her, help her with her education and career, support her financially. (Sartre wrote most of his plays in part to give women he was sleeping with something to do: they could be actresses.) For Sartre and Beauvoir, the feeling that they were, in effect, sleeping with their own children must, as with most taboos, have juiced up the erotic fun.
In 1933, when she was teaching in Rouen, Beauvoir had a seventeen-year-old student named Olga Kosakiewicz, a daughter of a Russian émigré who had been dispossessed by the Revolution. Olga was attractive, dreamy, unhappy; Beauvoir struck up a friendship, and they began to see each other outside of school. In the summer of 1935, Beauvoir proposed that Olga should put herself under the protection of her and Sartre, who would pay her way and be responsible for her education, and a few months later Olga moved into a room in the Hôtel du Petit Mouton, where Beauvoir was living, and they began an affair. Sartre became infatuated with Olga and spent two years attempting to seduce her. He failed, but in 1937 he met her sister, Wanda, also beautiful, and even more at sea, and he managed, after two more years, to sleep with her. The day of his triumph, he left her lying in bed, “all pure and tragic, declaring herself tired and having hated me for a good forty-five minutes,” in order to rush out to a café and write Beauvoir with the news. (“She Came to Stay” is an account of the Sartre-Beauvoir-Olga affair that, from all the evidence, is only lightly fictionalized—except that at the end of the novel the Beauvoir character murders the Olga character. Beauvoir dedicated the book to Olga.)
Bianca Bienenfeld was the daughter of Jewish refugees from Poland. She became Beauvoir’s student in 1938, when she was sixteen. The two went on a hiking trip at the end of the school year and began an affair. Beauvoir introduced Bianca to Sartre, and he began wooing her. “I was very attracted by his charm, spirit, kindness, and intelligence,” Bienenfeld wrote in her memoir, “A Disgraceful Affair,” which was published in France in 1993. (The French title, “Mémoires d’une Jeune Fille Dérangée,” is a takeoff on the title of the first volume of Beauvoir’s memoirs, “Mémoires d’une Jeune Fille Rangée.”) “Just as a waiter plays the role of a waiter,” she wrote, “Sartre played to perfection the role of a man in love.” (This, too, is an allusion with a sting: it refers to a famous passage in Sartre’s “Being and Nothingness,” which he began working on around the time he was courting Bienenfeld, about the bad faith of the waiter, who lets himself be defined by the role society has given him.) Sartre eventually persuaded Bienenfeld, who had never slept with a man, to accompany him to a hotel, where, he suavely confided to her, he had taken another girl’s virginity the day before. The first encounter was unpleasant: Sartre had a mildly sadistic attitude toward sex. He took enormous satisfaction in the conquest but little pleasure in the sex (and so he usually terminated the physical part of his affairs coldly and quickly). Still, he and Bianca became lovers, and Sartre and Beauvoir kept up the pretense that they were both in love with her until they had had enough, and then, prompted by Beauvoir, Sartre wrote a letter announcing the end of the affair.
Three months later, the Germans arrived in Paris. Bienenfeld barely escaped capture during the Occupation; her grandfather and an aunt died in the camps. She says that Sartre and Beauvoir never inquired about her or tried to find her during the war. She reunited with Beauvoir in 1945, and saw her once a month until Beauvoir’s death. She had no idea that Beauvoir had connived with Sartre to drop her, or that both of them regarded her as a shallow nuisance, until she read about herself in “Letters to Sartre.” “Their perversity was carefully concealed beneath Sartre’s meek and mild exterior and the Beaver’s serious and austere appearance,” she wrote in “A Disgraceful Affair.” “In fact, they were acting out a commonplace version of ‘Dangerous Liaisons.’ ”
Nathalie Sorokine, another student of Beauvoir’s, was also the child of Russian émigrés. She and Beauvoir became sexually involved while Beauvoir was still having her affair with Bienenfeld. (“I’ve a very keen taste for her body,” Beauvoir wrote to Sartre.) Sorokine, too, slept with Sartre and, with Beauvoir’s encouragement, with another lover of Beauvoir’s, Jacques-Laurent Bost. (This is where you start to need a scorecard: Bost was Olga Kosakiewicz’s boyfriend when Beauvoir seduced him; he later married Olga, but continued, in secret, his affair with Beauvoir, who remained Olga’s intimate friend.)
The ideal form for a Sartre and Beauvoir ménage was the triangle. If they couldn’t fashion one, they contrived a simulation: when Sartre couldn’t get Olga to sleep with him, he seduced her sister. Later on, their affairs followed a copycat pattern. In 1945, Sartre went, alone, to the United States, where he met and began an affair with Dolores Vanetti, a Frenchwoman who had moved to the United States during the war and was married to an American doctor. Sartre proposed marriage (a detail he neglected to share with Beauvoir), and, since Vanetti was emphatically not interested in à-trois arrangements, Beauvoir felt threatened. In 1947, Beauvoir went, alone, to the United States, where she met and began an affair with Nelson Algren. (She never told Algren about Sartre’s affair with Vanetti; he learned about it by reading “Force of Circumstance.”) In 1952, when she was forty-four, Beauvoir began her affair with Lanzmann, who was twenty-seven. In 1953, Sartre began an affair with Lanzmann’s sister, Evelyne. She was twenty-three.
Biographers have trouble getting the complete story because there is contentiousness between the estates, and this, too, is a consequence of the pact. Sartre met Arlette Elkaïm in 1956. She was a French Algerian, nineteen years old, who had fled to Paris after her mother committed suicide. Sartre took her in, and they had a brief affair. In 1965, he adopted her as his daughter. Since Beauvoir had no legal relationship to Sartre, and since Sartre did not make a will, Elkaïm was his sole heir. Beauvoir, though, was not far behind. In 1960, she met Sylvie Le Bon, a seventeen-year-old student. Rowley suspects that they were lovers, though she reports that Le Bon “talks about this subject . . . with vagueness and ambiguity.” (Le Bon says that the relationship was “carnal but not sexual,” which sounds a little Clintonesque.) After Sartre died, Beauvoir adopted Le Bon, who now controls access to Beauvoir’s writings, as Elkaïm controls access to Sartre’s.
What makes the Existentialist Family different from other twentieth-century counter-domesticities—Bloomsbury, for example, which had its own quasi-incestuous, partner-swapping patterns of intimacy—is the asymmetry of most of the pairings. Sartre’s novels and plays earned him a great deal of money after the war, but he spent virtually none of it on himself (a lifelong habit). In 1946, at the peak of his celebrity as the philosopher of freedom and authenticity, he moved in with his mother. He used most of his income to support friends and current and former mistresses. He described the women he was attracted to as “drowning women,” women whose lives were damaged or insecure—which, of course, was why they offered the devotion he demanded. They were all a little desperate, and Sartre was the leading intellectual in a culture that treats its intellectuals like pop stars. He set his women up in apartments within ten minutes of his own and, every week, made what he called his “medical rounds.” Each woman had specified hours allotted to spend with him. The women almost never saw each other; in many cases, they never knew about each other. But they all knew about Beauvoir, and Beauvoir was Sartre’s standing excuse: the Beaver wouldn’t like it; he had to spend more time with the Beaver.
And the Beaver is the great mystery at the center of the whole system. What explains her? One theory is plainly wrong. That is the theory that her relationship with Sartre was a post-patriarchal partnership of equals, combining genuine mutuality with genuine autonomy, and rejecting the superstitious equation of sexual fidelity with commitment—in less pretentious terms, an open marriage. But it is clear now that Sartre and Beauvoir did not simply have a long-term relationship supplemented by independent affairs with other people. The affairs with other people formed the very basis of their relationship. The swapping and the sharing and the mimicking, the memoir- and novel-writing, right down to the interviews and the published letters and the duelling estates, was the stuff and substance of their “marriage.” This was how they slept with each other after they stopped sleeping with each other. The third parties were, in effect, prostheses, marital aids, and, when they discovered how they were being used, they reacted, like Bianca Bienenfeld, with the fury of the betrayed. Algren never forgave Beauvoir for concealing Sartre’s affair with Vanetti from him: when her books appeared in English translation, he reviewed them, and they are reviews from hell.
Two theories are left. One, a respectable but minority view among Beauvoir scholars, is that she was the engineer of the whole pact. It was Beauvoir who rejected marriage, not Sartre, who felt lucky to have her on any terms; and it was Beauvoir who was the dominant partner intellectually, not, as she always publicly insisted, the other way around. The view has some evidentiary support. Beauvoir was far more passionate sexually and complex emotionally than Sartre, and she was also, arguably, the stronger, if less creative, mind. Deirdre Bair, in her 1990 biography of Beauvoir, reported that the jury for the agrégation, in 1929, debated whether to award first place in the competition to Sartre or Beauvoir. They gave it to Sartre—he was, after all, a man, and it was his second try—but they agreed that Beauvoir was the real philosopher. She was the youngest agrégée in French history. A close comparison of their books by no means supports the notion that her thought was parasitic on his. But the theory that Beauvoir tolerated the system because it was the system she created founders on “The Second Sex.”
Beauvoir wrote her great book in two years, a fast pace for her. She started it while Sartre was deeply involved with Vanetti, and it was published in 1949. The edge on its analysis still gleams. (The English translation, made in 1952, is badly misleading, as a number of scholars, notably Margaret Simons and Toril Moi, have pointed out—an abridgment filled with mistakes that distort and sometimes invert Beauvoir’s meaning. According to Moi, proposals to produce a new translation have been ignored by Beauvoir’s American and French publishers.) The book’s final chapter, “The Independent Woman,” arguing that only economic self-sufficiency can release women from subordination, was one of the inspirational texts for the women’s movement of the nineteen-sixties and seventies. But you can no longer read it without thinking of Olga and Wanda, Arlette and Michelle—the women Sartre supported, who never had independent careers, and who knew that they were allowed access to Sartre only as long as they were “pretty” and never bored him by talking “in the realm of ideas.” A little intellectual pretension, the flattering kind shown by a young admirer, was titillating, of course. It was necessary to get the attention of the great man, who was not disappointed, because he was not surprised, by its limitations. “If a woman has false ideas,” Beauvoir writes in “The Second Sex,”
if she is not very intelligent, clear-sighted, or courageous, a man does not hold her responsible: she is the victim, he thinks—and often with reason—of her situation. He dreams of what she might have been, of what she perhaps will be: she can be credited with any possibilities, because she is nothing in particular. This vacancy is what makes the lover weary of her quickly; but it is the source of the mystery, the charm, that seduces him and makes him inclined to feel an easy affection in the first place.
There is no more remorseless dissection of the situation of the successful man’s mistress than “The Independent Woman,” and, since Beauvoir always wrote out of her own experience, it is possible to imagine that chapter as a coded letter to Sartre, the evisceration that she could never deliver to his face.
If “The Second Sex” can’t be squared with the life, we are reduced to the final, depressing theory that the pact was just the traditional sexist arrangement—in which the man sleeps around and the woman nobly “accepts” the situation—on philosophical stilts. Sartre was the classic womanizer, and Beauvoir was the classic enabler. In the beginning, the bisexuality was her way of showing the proper spirit. “I’ve a very keen taste for her body”: who is speaking that sentence? The woman who wants it to be heard, or the man who wants to hear it? Later on, she had other men, but finding a man willing to enter a sexual intimacy without strings is not the most difficult thing in the world. (Algren turned out not to be one.) Beauvoir was formidable, but she was not made of ice. Though her affairs, for the most part, were love affairs, it is plain from almost every page she wrote that she would have given them all up if she could have had Sartre for herself alone. ♦
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thecraftycrochet · 2 years
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Pour des tonalite en tenant epiderme plus clairs, ajoutez juste un touche de vert apres pres ces ton avec epiderme davantage fonces, bizarre concis couleur en compagnie de bleu.Appliquez donc quelques carambolage a l'egard de pinceau dans rare ecart soupcon visible en certains sediment, puis attendez 1 a 2 semaines qui Icelle-ca soit bien seche apres qui'elle ait pris sa teinte definitive malgre peindre votre mur ou bien pres faire ces modification necessaires.Apprenez cela rond chromatique averes couleurs. Cela courbe chromatique averes couleurs orient un representation conventionnelle certains couleurs, mettant Parmi montant cette facnous-memes dont nous peut combiner ces couleurs nonobstant Selon creer a l'egard de nouvelles. Celui-la existe trois niveaux avec couleurs presentes: les couleurs primaires, ces secondaires et ces tertiaires. Ces couleurs primaires sont ce vermillon, ce bleu puis cela jaune. https://site13013.wixsite.com/website-4
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maguirre · 7 years
Une Serie des Reflections: En Ayant 29 Ans
Note: The English Translation is located at the end of this post. 
Je fais reconnaissance que cela est affichée 6 mois après mon anniversaire. En voulant dispenser la poste originale dans une manière très grande sur l’an precedent, au lieu de cela, je compte dérouler une série des mises a jours les plus faciles a manœuvrer. La premiere des plusieurs nouvelles, j’écrivais une reflection pendant mon anniversaire se trouvant ci-dessous:
‘Mars 2017: dans quelques jours, j’aurai eu 29 ans. En tant que mon dernier an dans les ans vingts, je réfléchis sur la manière que je me conduisais pendant la décennie courante, les leçons apprenantes, et quelle perspective je prendrai désormais. Penser sur lequel comment les vingts me signifient, une pensée interessante s’est affichée. Il y a dix ans, je complétais le college et entrais a l’université. Dans ce temps, je profitais de la liberté qui correspondait en vivant éloigné de la famille. De l’autre cotée du délai, d’ici jusqu’a dix ans, j’aurais 39 ans en pensant de ma vie dans les quarants (malgré cette tendance n’est pas garantie). Des questions s’affichent: ou je vivrais dans le monde tout entier?  Que ferais-je? Qui seraient-t-ils mes amis proches? Quels besoins devrais-je soigner? Bien sur, ces questions prendront du temps de répondre. Pourtant pour être capable de leur arriver, je me trouve en me pensant que le moment present est tellement incroyable.
En voyant n’importe quelle direction en arrière, meme en avenir, ce moment est ce qui importe. La façon que je me traite, a ceux qui j’adore, a mes proches, même des connaissances et des étrangers- les actions et la mentalité que je couramment apporte vont m’influencer comment je vais aborder mon avenir. C’est plutôt drôle, je me souviens a l’age de 12 ans en ayant été dans une reunion familiale. En causant a l’un de mes relatifs, je lui ai pose comment sa vie se passe au moment courant. Au milieu de la conversation, il me disait d’apprécier le temps passés dans l’époque lycéenne et universitaire. Que selon lui, ces ères étaient les experiences les meilleurs dans sa vie. Que je doive faire de la meme manière avant qu’ils disparaissent. Dans ce moment, je ne savais pas s’il me projetait de ses experiences ou plutôt, il me les partageait simplement. N’importait la raison, j’étais profondément perturbe par cette idée parce que dans ma propre vie, les eqoques lycéennes et universitaires étaient celles les plus révélateurs et inquiétantes. Ainsi que ces sentiments intenses d’insécurité diminuaient jusqu’au present, dans la fermeture des ans vingts, je cherchais constamment de mon propre but dans la vie. C’est dans cette recherche que j’apprenais que les temps les meilleurs se passaient deja, se passent actuellement, et se passeront a condition si je continue sur le chemin d’auto-cultivation. Bien sur je les écris en savant que je possède pleins des privileges comme un célibataire venant de la classe moyenne, éduqué a l’université, avec parents qui faisaient tout effort pour éviter mes responsabilités familiales. Et c’est pour cela, je suis franchement chanceux d’être ou je suis a l’age de 29.’
A Series of Reflections: On Turning 29
I acknowledge that this is being posted 6 months after my birthday. With the original intent of releasing a grand update over the last year and a half, I’ll be instead slowly rolling out a series of smaller updates about previous goings-on. Of the first of many updates, below was a reflection I wrote about turning 29 back in March.
‘In a few days, I will be turning 29. As my last year in the 20’s, I’ve been thinking about how this decade was spent, what lessons I learned, and what perspective I’ll take on moving forward. Thinking about what the last year of the 20s means to me, an interesting thought surfaced. Ten years ago, I finished high school and started university. At that time, I first became acquainted with the freedom that came with living away from family. On the other side of the time frame, ten years from now, I will be 39 and thinking about my life in the 40s (though this is certainly not guaranteed). Where will I live in the world? What will I be doing then? Who will my close friends be? What needs will take higher priority? These are some of the many questions I imagine will take time to answer. But to get there, I find myself thinking about the amazing moment that is the present.
Looking at either direction, right now is what matters. How I treat myself, my loved ones, those closest to me, acquaintances, and even strangers- the actions and mindset I currently uphold will greatly influence how I will approach my future. It’s funny, I remember at 12 years old showing up to a family gathering. Speaking to one of my relatives, I asked him how his life was at the moment. Somewhere in the conversation, he made an emphatic comment about enjoying high school and college. That those years for him, were the best times of his life. And that I should do the same before those disappear. At the time, I didn’t know if he was projecting his experiences or merely stating a fact of his life. Whatever the case, I was deeply disturbed by this notion. For in my own life thus far, high school and college were both eye-opening and unsettling. And while those intense feelings of insecurity may have subsided over time, where I am in my late 20’s, I’ve been in a constant search to figure out my purpose in life. And in that search, I learned that the best times have happened, are currently happening, and will happen only if I continue on this path of self-cultivation. Of course I write this acknowledging the privileges I have as a single person from a middle-class background, college-educated, and with parents who have done so much to alleviate familial responsibilities off of me. And for this, I am very lucky to be where I am at 29.’
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j0sgomez-blog · 5 years
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Testing the Montane Minimus Stretch Ultra Pull-on hiking rim to rim in the Grand Canyon.
By Michael Lanza
You’re out on an all-day hike in the mountains, or a long climb or trail run, or backpacking. The weather forecast looked pretty good before you set out—but no one shared that memo with the wind that just started hammering your summit ridge, or the spitting rain and hail now pelting you as you contemplate the sudden drop in temperature and the miles between you and shelter. The question now is: What’s in your pack?
If you’re smart, it’s an ultralight jacket that takes up little space, but is about to gift you with just the right amount of weather protection when you need it. Here’s how to choose the best ultralight shell for your needs, followed by my freshly updated picks for the best models on the market today, based on real-life field testing and my 25 years of experience reviewing outdoor gear and apparel.
  Outdoor Research Helium Hybrid Hooded Jacket.
Ultralight Jackets Explained
What is an ultralight shell jacket? There’s no consensus definition, and considerable variation among today’s models. But basically, the term “ultralight jacket” explains their primary advantage: They weigh under 10 ounces (and some less than half that) and are very packable, often stuffing down to the size of a fist—in other words, they can be half or less the weight and bulk of a standard waterproof-breathable jacket. While a few may be partly or even fully waterproof, many are water-resistant and windproof, providing a minimum level of protection from the elements.
Smartwool PhD Ultra Light Sport Jacket.
While these jackets, also known as ultralight wind shells, are marketed primarily to trail runners, they are often a better choice than a heavier, bulkier rain jacket for dayhikers, climbers, and lightweight/ultralight backpackers who don’t expect to encounter heavy rain. I’ve used many of the models reviewed here for lightweight dayhikes, climbing, and even backpacking when the forecast threatened no more than passing showers or thunderstorms.
Although they certainly look very minimalist, they deliver all the protection you need from wind and light rain—the conditions many of us often encounter, far more often than full-on storms. Some of them are partly or fully waterproof-breathable, and kept me dry in steady rain; but they lack the hood coverage, features, and degree of waterproofing that a heavier rain jacket provides, and I don’t recommend ultralight jackets for hours or days of sustained downpour.
The truth is, because standard, heavier, waterproof-breathable shells are, by definition, not as breathable as shells that are simply water-resistant, they are not the best choice for activities where you sweat a lot, like running or rigorous uphill hiking with a pack on, because they often cause you to get soaked from perspiration. Waterproof-breathable shells have their place, for sure. (See my top picks for the best rain jackets for hiking, backpacking, and climbing.) But they are heavier, bulkier, and more expensive than an ultralight jacket, in addition to being generally less useful in the situations we commonly encounter in the backcountry.
The notion seems counterintuitive, but it’s possible to have too much of a jacket. If you rarely pull on a rain jacket because it’s too much for most circumstances, then you need an ultralight jacket.
Whether you’re a dayhiker, backpacker, climber, ultra-hiker or runner, when you choose the right ultralight shell for your activity and climate, it will probably become the jacket you grab and actually wear most often—and possibly the most versatile piece of outerwear you own, useful in a layering system tailored to any season and multiple outdoor sports.
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  How to Choose an Ultralight Jacket
Arc’teryx Atom SL Hoody.
While many ultralight shells are similar in appearance and weight, they can vary significantly in functionality. Simply put, the best ultralight jackets for trail running may be different from the best models for cool-weather hiking or ultralight backpacking, and your choice will also depend on the typical weather you encounter. Here’s what to look for:
• Breathability vs. weather resistance. Ultralight jackets generally trade off fully waterproof protection for better breathability. However, models in this category can vary greatly in how each balances breathability and wind protection, and a few have partially or completely waterproof fabrics while remaining ultralight and packable. But “waterproof” in an ultralight jacket doesn’t generally equal the protection of a two-layer or three-layer, heavier waterproof-breathable jacket (like Gore-Tex); hours of hard rain can cause it to wet through.
• Hybrid vs. uniform shell. “Hybrid” in this context refers to the shell blending some fully waterproof-breathable fabric—usually in the shoulders, torso, and hood—with more breathable, non-waterproof fabric in the sides and underarms, allowing the jacket to release body heat and moisture in areas not likely to receive much direct precipitation. These jackets are versatile for a wide range of conditions and activity levels. By “uniform” shell, I mean either a water-resistant soft-shell fabric or a waterproof-breathable fabric—but one or the other, not a hybrid combination of both.
• Insulated or not. While it’s not usually the case, ultralight jackets occasionally feature a light amount of strategically placed insulation—typically in the torso—making them more of a cool-weather, shoulder-season garment, but also versatile for everything from climbing bigger mountains in summer to aerobic activities like running, Nordic skiing, or even hiking and snowshoeing in winter.
• Hood or no hood. For the most part, I find a simple, uninsulated shell hood almost essential in an ultralight jacket—it provides a noticeable boost in warmth and weather protection at very little cost in terms of weight, bulk, or dollars. Many ultralight shells, but not all, have a hood, and this comes down to personal preference as well as typical usage: If you need a shell simply for local runs of an hour or two in wind or cool temps, with a chance of a light shower, you may not need a hood. If you’re heading into the mountains for hours or days, you probably want a hood.
  Hi, I’m Michael Lanza, creator of The Big Outside, which has made several top outdoors blog lists. Click here to sign up for my FREE email newsletter. Subscribe now to get full access to all of my blog’s stories. Click here to learn how I can help you plan your next trip. Please follow my adventures on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and Youtube.
  The Best Ultralight Jackets
The North Face Flight Series Fuse Jacket.
I’ve listed the following jackets roughly in order of most breathable and lightest—with the least wind and weather protection and warmth—to most weather-resistant and warmest. But it’s a somewhat subjective order because I’ve chosen to rank shells that are partly or entirely waterproof as having more weather protection than non-waterproof shells that are warmer. For instance, the positions on this list of the Outdoor Research Helium Hybrid Hooded Jacket and Arc’teryx Atom SL Hoody could be interchangeable.
My advice: Look at each of the reviews below to narrow your choices to the two or three that sound best for your needs, and then go to the complete reviews of those jackets to help you make your pick. You will support my work on this blog by purchasing any of these jackets through the links provided here or in the complete reviews. Thanks for doing that.
I encourage you to share your thoughts and experiences with any of these jackets, or another ultralight shell that you like, in the comments section at the bottom of this story.
  Smartwool Men’s PhD Ultra Light Sport Jacket.
Smartwool Men’s PhD Ultra Light Sport Jacket $115, 4.5 oz. (men’s medium) moosejaw.com Smartwool Women’s PhD Ultra Light Sport Jacket (hooded) $120, 5 oz. moosejaw.com
From a chilly and very windy October dayhike of 11,749-foot Mount Timpanogos in Utah’s Wasatch Range, to numerous fall and winter trail runs and rides, in cool temps and conditions all over the meteorological map, Smartwool’s PhD Ultra Light Sport Jacket distinguished itself for its breathability. The key to that is a blend of Merino wool and stretchy polyester mesh under the arms and between the shoulder blades, which creates good ventilation without exposing you to much wind or precipitation. When I sweated hard on trail runs in temps in the 40s and 50s, the jacket protected me from cold wind and breathed well enough that it never got more than slightly damp on the inside when my base layer was quite wet.
The jacket also features Smartwool’s thinner-than-a-wafer PhD Ultra Light nylon shell fabric through most of the torso and sleeves, with small vent holes (covered to keep rain out) at the front of the shoulders. A DWR (durable, water-repellant treatment) on the fabric fends off light rain, although it wets through in a steady rain. The high breathability also means limited wind and weather protection, making it better for short, aerobic outings that, say, an all-day hike in the mountains.
See my complete review of the Smartwool Men’s PhD Ultra Light Sport Jacket and the hooded Smartwool Women’s PhD Ultra Light Sport Jacket.
BUY IT NOW You can support my work on this blog by clicking any of these links to purchase a Smartwool Men’s PhD Ultra Light Sport Jacket at moosejaw.com, or a Smartwool Women’s PhD Ultra Light Sport Jacket at moosejaw.com, or the women’s anorak version at rei.com.
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Black Diamond Alpine Start Hoody.
Black Diamond Alpine Start Hoody $149, 7.5 oz. (men’s medium) moosejaw.com
The range of uses to which I’ve put my Alpine Start Hoody speaks volumes about its versatility. I’ve worn it in strong wind, light rain, and cool temps on a 17-mile dayhike through New Hampshire’s Northern Presidential Range; on a 25-mile dayhike in light rain in the Grand Canyon; trail running in the hills of central Massachusetts and standing on the blustery summit of New Hampshire’s Mount Monadnock in spring; while climbing in February in Joshua Tree National Park; during a November overnight hike of The Narrows in Zion National Park; on a chilly, October hike and scramble up 9,820-foot McGown Peak in Idaho’s Sawtooth Mountains; and on numerous local trail runs and rides and bike commuting.
The highly breathable Schoeller stretch-woven, soft-shell fabric blocks most wind, sheds light rain, and dries within minutes from body heat in temperatures ranging from the 30s to the 60s. The athletic fit leaves room for a midweight base layer and a light vest underneath, and the gusseted underarm panels let me reach high overhead without the jacket hiking up. The adjustable hood closes around your face to stay put in wind and when turning your head side to side, and fits over a helmet.
Along with the OR Helium Hybrid (below), the BD Alpine Start Hoody may be the most versatile piece in this review; but it’s not as warm as the Arc’teryx Atom SL or as weather-resistant as the Montane Minimum 777.
See my complete review of the Black Diamond Alpine Start Hoody.
BUY IT NOW: You can support my work on this blog by clicking any of these links to purchase a men’s or women’s Black Diamond Alpine Start Hoody at moosejaw.com, ems.com, or rei.com.
  What touches your skin matters. See my picks for the best base layers for any season.
  Outdoor Research Helium Hybrid Hooded Jacket.
Outdoor Research Helium Hybrid Hooded Jacket $145, 8 oz. (men’s medium) moosejaw.com
In the small field of hybrid ultralight jackets, OR’s Helium Hybrid Hooded Jacket stands out for both exceptional breathability and weather protection in a wide range of conditions. It kept me comfortable through weather events ranging from a violent, 20-minute thunderstorm with torrential rain and hail—I got home with my base layers only damp from sweat—to a wet April snowstorm, and cool, windy days of rock climbing and mountain biking.
The Helium Hybrid blends waterproof-breathable Pertex Shield fabric and taped seams throughout most of the jacket with OR’s highly breathable, water- and wind-resistant, stretchy soft-shell fabric in the side panels and undersides of the sleeves. The result is solid protection from precipitation where it tends to hit you—on the front, back, and head—with superior breathability where your body needs to dump it: in the core, underarms, and forearms. Multiple times, I sweated hard while trail running or riding, and the fabric moved moisture so well that my base layer got only somewhat damp and dried out under the jacket when my exertion level dropped. It features an adjustable hood that stays put in wind, a zippered chest pocket and two mesh-lined hand pockets, and lightweight, reasonably durable 30-denier ripstop nylon fabric.
While one of the heaviest pieces reviewed here, it’s arguably the most versatile—and one of the most affordable.
See my complete review of the Outdoor Research Helium Hybrid Hooded Jacket.
BUY IT NOW You can support my work on this blog by clicking any of these links to purchase a men’s or women’s Outdoor Research Helium Hybrid Jacket at moosejaw.com, ems.com, outdoorresearch.com, or rei.com.
  Need a new rain shell? See my picks for “The 5 Best Rain Jackets For the Backcountry.”
  Arc’teryx Atom SL Hoody.
Arc’teryx Atom SL Hoody $229, 9 oz. (men’s medium) moosejaw.com
The warmest and only insulated shell in this review, the Atom SL Hoody has been a go-to piece for me in situations as varied as backpacking in August in Canada’s Kootenay National Park and in October in Idaho’s White Cloud Mountains; scrambling a 10,000-foot peak in Idaho’s Sawtooth Mountains and hiking to the very windy summit of 10,243-foot Mount Washburn in Yellowstone National Park in September; and numerous times Nordic skate-skiing in temps in the 20s and 30s.
Essentially an ultralight wind shell with some strategically placed insulation, it delivers just enough warmth for being active in cool temps without causing you to overheat. Credit the fleece under the arms and 40 grams of insulation in the torso, but no insulation in the hood or on the outside of the sleeves, where there’s just windproof shell fabric that breathes reasonably well. Arc’teryx’s Coreloft synthetic insulation is very compressible, retains heat when wet, and dries quickly. The adjustable hood stays put on your head, with or without a helmet. Whether I was standing on a windblown 10,000-footer, carrying a backpack through the mountains in conditions that shifted frequently between warm sunshine and overcast with cold wind, or perspiring profusely while skate-skiing, the Atom SL keep me warm but didn’t make me too hot. It’s ideal for cool to cold temps or anyone who gets cold easily in moderate temperatures.
See my complete review of the Arc’teryx Atom SL Hoody.
BUY IT NOW You can support my work on this blog by clicking any of these links to purchase a men’s or women’s Arc’teryx Atom SL Hoody at moosejaw.com, ems.com, arcteryx.com, or rei.com.
  Which puffy should you buy? See my “Review: The 10 Best Down Jackets” and “Ask Me: How Can You Tell How Warm a Down Jacket Is?”
  The Flylow Rainbreaker
Flylow Rainbreaker $140, 4.5 oz. mountaingear.com
Possibly the lightest waterproof-breathable shell on the market today, the hooded Rainbreaker protected me through three hours of rain on a 27-mile, one-day traverse of Maine’s Mahoosuc Range in August; on a cool, windy morning camped at 5,000 feet in the Grand Canyon in May; and on chilly, windy spring days of climbing at Idaho’s City of Rocks and trail runs in the Boise Foothills.
The design is simple. The lightweight, 20-denier, proprietary waterproof-breathable fabric has a DWR treatment, seam taping in critical zones, a hood that adjusts using one hand, and one zippered chest pocket that it stuffs inside. Although some moisture accumulates inside when I’m sweating hard, it breathes well enough to never get uncomfortably clammy. While it lacks the technical hood and features of the jackets below, the affordable Rainbreaker delivers good performance for an ultralight shell, but only comes in men’s sizes.
Watch for my upcoming complete review of the Flylow Rainbreaker.
BUY IT NOW You can support my work on this blog by clicking this link to purchase a Flylow Rainbreaker at mountaingear.com.
  The Montane Minimus Stretch Ultra Pull-on.
Montane Minimus Stretch Ultra Pull-on and Jacket $185 (Pull-on)/$205 (Jacket), 6 oz. (men’s medium pull-on) Sunnysports.com
While any ultralight wind shell or rain jacket offers versatility, the Minimus Stretch Ultra—which comes in pull-on and full-zip jacket versions—pushes the extreme low end in weight for waterproof-breathable outerwear. It’s one of the lightest rain jackets out there, appealing to hikers, ultralight backpackers, trail runners, and climbers who head out in cool, damp weather. I pulled on this six-ounce shell for bone-rattling cold wind on a dayhike in Glacier National Park and back-to-back, rim-to-rim dayhikes across the Grand Canyon, and in chilly wind and rain while scrambling peaks in Idaho’s Sawtooth Mountains, among other outings.
The waterproof-breathable Pertex Shield fabric repelled steady, light rain for a few hours in the Sawtooths and breathed well enough when hiking and scrambling steeply uphill off-trail in cool temps in the Sawtooths. The jacket hood has two-point adjustability, and the pull-on hood is not adjustable; still, I found the pull-on hood, which is elasticized in back and front, didn’t blow off in wind, stayed put when I turned my head, and fits smoothly under a climbing helmet. The small, flexible brim keeps light rain off your face, and the jacket and pull-on both stuff into a zippered pocket, packing down to the size of a large orange.
Waterproof but not as breathable as other ultralight shells, the Minimus Stretch Ultra is better suited to damp, cool dayhikes, backpacking trips, climbs, and long trail runs.
See my complete review of the Montane Minimus Stretch Ultra Pull-on and Jacket.
BUY IT NOW You can support my work on this blog by clicking any of these links to purchase a men’s Montane Minimus Stretch Ultra Jacket at sunnysports.com, or the women’s jacket at sunnysports.com.
  Plan your next great backpacking adventure using my downloadable, expert e-guides. Click here now to learn more.
  The North Face Flight Series Fuse Jacket.
The North Face Flight Series Fuse Jacket $250, 5 oz. (men’s medium) moosejaw.com
From a 20-mile, 4,500-vertical-foot, mid-September trail run-hike of the Alice-Toxaway Loop in Idaho’s Sawtooth Mountains, including a 1,400-foot, third-class scramble up 10,651-foot Snowyside Peak in chilly winds and temps that ranged from the low 40s to around 50° F, to hiking in the western North Carolina mountains in light rain and temps in the 50s in October, the 5-ounce Fuse Jacket shielded me from the elements while remaining one of the lightest, most packable ultralight shells you will find.
Unique to the Fuse Jacket’s design are perforated strips built into the 2.5-layer membrane, running down the back, sides, and underarms. These are not holes in the jacket fabric itself—so you don’t have wind whipping through it. Hold the jacket up to light and you can see the fabric is thinner where perforated. While TNF’s DryVent fabric breathes moderately well, sheds light rain, and cuts wind as well as any ultralight wind shell, the perforation allows air to pass through the fabric more easily. The Fuse got only a little clammy when I started heating up.
With very good weather resistance and just moderate breathability for an ultralight shell, The North Face Flight Series Fuse Jacket is best for cool-weather dayhiking, climbing, and running in wet climates, where you need protection from wind and light rain.
See my complete review of The North Face Flight Series Fuse Jacket.
BUY IT NOW You can support my work on this blog by clicking either of these links to purchase a men’s The North Face Flight Series Fuse Jacket at moosejaw.com or a women’s Flight Series Fuse Jacket at moosejaw.com.
  Tell me what you think.
I spent a lot of time writing this story, so if you enjoyed it, please consider giving it a share using one of the buttons below, and leave a comment or question at the bottom of this story. I’d really appreciate it.
  See all of my reviews of ultralight wind shells and ultralight rain jackets, trail-running apparel, and hiking apparel that I like, and all of my outdoor apparel reviews at The Big Outside.
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docprof02 · 5 years
En route vers le Devops (III - End)
Je repousse et/ou refais la rédaction de cet article depuis plusieurs fois. Celui-ci fait suite à ceux que j’ai écrit il y a bientôt 6 ans : 
https://labonnedonne.fr/post/86717929877/en-route-vers-le-devops-part-i https://labonnedonne.fr/post/86717938517/en-route-vers-le-devops-part-ii
Pour résumé DevOps est une culture, un état d’esprit partagé qui permet dans une entreprise à des personnes du DEV et de la PROD de communiquer entre elles, de partager des outils et processus communs permettant de fluidifier les étapes de production d’un livrable qui pourra être mis en production dans les plus brefs délais. DevOps renforce les principes de l’agilité permettant de gagner en vélocité et d’améliorer le Time2Market. Cette culture est le fruit de la rencontre de nouvelles technologies et processus qui ont vu le jour ces dernières années.
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Ce troisième et dernier volet de mes articles concerne justement les outils d’automatisation du Delivery. Je n’aborderai pas l’intégration continue qui est plus du domaine du développement. Quand j’ai publié mes 2 premiers articles, je connaissais déjà un outil qui me semblait le mieux adapter à cette nouvelle culture Devops pour fluidifier les mises en production : Puppet. Cet outil est capable de définir, mettre en œuvre et maintenir des configurations. La configuration étant aussi bien des packages, des services, des fichiers…
Puppet repose sur un master avec des agents pouvant être déployés sur un parc hétérogène. C’est donc du client/serveur avec une communication sécurisée (certificats SSL). Le principe est de décrire une configuration « souhaitée » (packages à installer, états…) stockée sur le serveur (manifestes puppet). Les serveurs clients s’adressant à lui communiquent un contexte (facts), le serveur compile alors le catalogue de chaque client (le catalogue est l’ensemble des configurations devant s’appliquer au client). Le serveur renvoie ce catalogue au client qui l’exécute en local, puis ce dernier fournit finalement un rapport d’exécution au serveur. On a ici des communications régulières qui permettent de garantir des « configurations » suivant les temps définis (généralement toutes les 30 minutes). Puppet a un langage propre avec une philosophie objet. Dans le cas d’une mise en place Devops, cela permet aux équipes Dev et Ops d’acquérir un nouveau langage commun. Pour terminer, la version « Entreprise » (et donc non open source) me semblait plus appropriée pour installer dans une société. Mais lorsque mon premier article a été publié, j’ai découvert : Chef, un équivalent à Puppet mais en Ruby. On retrouve les mêmes concepts : clients/serveurs, notion de recettes/templates (manifestes), de rôles et une base de référence de configurations. Puis Saltstack, un autre outil qui combine 2 fonctions : le déploiement d’applications en push et la gestion d’un socle de configurations récupérée en pull. Tout cela en python avec une simplicité d’utilisation. Mais comme Puppet ou chef, cela nécessite de scripter un certain nombres d’actions. Ces scripts sont comme des applications, il faut les suivre, les versionner, les tester et les faires évoluer. De plus ces différents outils sont prévus pour le plus grand nombres et ne prennent pas forcément en compte les spécificités d’une entreprise. D’où la nécessité de re-développer des modules particuliers. Par exemple on est des fois « bloqué » par des opérations spécifiques : Suppression d’artifacts sous certaines conditions (retour en arrière d’un existant), manque d’orchestration, nécessité de construire des chaines CI/CD (avec validation du workflow)…
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Finalement dans le cadre de la mise en place d’un projet DevOps, j’ai repris les concepts de ces outils (référentiels de configurations, environnements logiques…) mais en supprimant des aspects contraignant (Installation d’agents, nouveaux langages…) et en m’appuyant sur une chaîne de Continuos Intégration déjà partiellement existante (Jenkins, SonarQube, Nexus). Il fallait reprendre ces briques en apportant des améliorations pour :    • Permettre de mettre à jour X environnements avec Y composants ou packages de Z versions.    • Permettre de minimiser les actions de constitution du packaging.    • Permettre de minimiser les actions de mise en place de livraison dans des environnements différents (Dev, Int, Test, Preprod, Prod….).    • Permettre de sélectionner quel environnement sera mis à jour avec quel composant et quelle version (de façon unitaire ou en masse).    • Permettre de situer dans les environnements où se trouve un composant ou package (nom, version…) pour disposer d’un référentiel de configuration.    • Permettre d’automatiser les process de livraison en les automatisant.
Au sein des équipes Dev & Ops, il était nécessaire d’avoir un langage commun. Java était largement utilisé dans cette entreprise, on s’est donc tourné vers groovy qui apportait la couche scripting nécessaire et compréhensible par tous. Les moteurs de la solution ont donc été développés dans ce langage. La connaissance étant ainsi partagée entre le Dev et Ops. Pour orchestrer et suivre cette chaîne, on s’est également appuyé sur une brique existante à savoir JIRA qui avec son moteur de workflow et ses api permet d’orchestrer les traitements.
Il a fallu créer un vocabulaire commun à tous : Environnement d’Exécution (ou EE) : Un environnement d’exécution est sollicité lors de l’exécution de tâches, il peut correspondre à des espaces physiques différents : serveurs, arborescences… Chaque EE possèdent des attributs techniques qui lui sont propres (ACL, variables, contexte d’exécution…). Cette partie est plus généralement de la responsabilité des Ops mais pour certains projets (POC, bac à sable…) les Dev peuvent définir des environnements d’exécution. Descripteur d’Environnement (ou DE) : Contient une description de tous les éléments présents dans un environnement d’exécution. Il est propre à un seul environnement « Logique » mais peut représenter plusieurs environnement d’exécution (voir ci-dessous). Targets Mapping : Fait la liaison entre le DE et le (ou les) EE. En effet, il peut y avoir plusieurs Environnements d’Exécution pour des environnements identiques (cluster…). Composant : Correspond à un package. Chaque composant est défini de façon unique par GroupId, ArtifactId et un Numéro de Version. Les composants applicatifs sont produits par la chaîne de build (jenkins…) et d’autres sont fournis par les administrateurs ou chef de projets (framework, services…). Descripteur de Livraison (ou DL) : XML contenant une description des tâches à accomplir sur les composants suivant les différents Environnements (DE). Le choix du XML permet à chacun de lire facilement le document et de comprendre les actions effectuées avec les composants qui sont concernés mais aussi de valider la syntaxe (XSD permettant de vérifier le schéma de XML). Sync : Notion qui permet de synchroniser des cibles physiques (en utilisant un descripteur d’excution) par rapport à un Descripteur d’Environnement. Cette action peut-être assimilée à un déploiement. Update : Notion qui permet de mettre à jour un ou plusieurs Descripteurs d’Environnements par rapport à un ou plusieurs Descripteurs de Livraisons Find : Notion qui permet de rechercher les composants précis mentionnés dans l’ensemble des Descripteurs d’Environnements indiqués.
Afin de vous faciliter la compréhension du fonctionnement de l’outil, je vais m’appuyer sur différents schémas :
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Les flèches bleues indiquent les éléments déjà en place lors du début du projet à savoir la chaîne de build de l’intégration continue à partir de sources contenues dans un repository. En vert les éléments ajoutés : Le moteur de création du descripteur de livraison : Ainsi le développeur en codant ses composants va générer également un fichier XML décrivant les actions à faire sur ces composants et dans quel environnement « logique » (par exemple un springboot, un tomcat…). Le suivi des tâches à exécuter (à travers JIRA) prenant en entrée les descripteurs de livraison mais aussi la présence des composants dans le repository Nexus. En Orange, la possibilité « manuellement » d’ajouter des descripteurs de livraison et éventuellement les composants associés : cas des évolutions ne rentrant pas dans la chaîne de builds.
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Dans un deuxième temps, une fois une validation faite dans JIRA, le descripteur de livraison est appliqué. C’est un autre moteur qui va mettre à jour différents descripteurs d’environnements en supprimant des composants, en mettant à jour ou en ajoutant d’autres par rapport au descripteur de livraison. Il indique également les descripteurs d’environnements ayant reçu des modifications. C’est ce que l’on appelle UPDATE. Pour rappel, le descripteur d’environnement n’est que « logique » ou virtuel. Il ne s’appuie que sur le schéma d’une cible qui n’existe pas à ce niveau. C’est un référentiel de configuration. Enfin suivant un jeu de variables, il est possible facilement de spécifier dans quel espace (DEV, PROD, PREPROD…) on désire mettre à jour le descripteur d’environnement. Ainsi le même descripteur peut être utilisé pour spécifier le DEV mais aussi la prod. Ce ne sera que lors de la phase de synchronisation (voir ci-dessous) que les environnements cibles seront affectés.
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Enfin et toujours suite à une validation à travers Jira, un troisième moteur va récupérer par rapport aux descripteurs d’environnements, les composants mentionnés. Et à travers les TargetsMappings, il va appliquer les changements nécessaires sur les cibles physiques correspondantes par rapport aux contextes des environnements d’exécutions (droits, emplacements, ACL…). C’est ce que l’on appelle le SYNC. Cette partie est entièrement automatisée car les moteurs détectent les descripteurs d’environnements non synchronisés. Nous avions opté d’écraser systématiquement la cible. Cela permettait de simplifier les traitements (un annule et remplace). Le synchronisation une fois faite ; le système spécifie au descripteur d’environnement que les cibles sont à jour. Evidemment la mise à jour est suivi dans JIRA. Tout est également historisé (update, sync…) ce qui permet de revenir rapidement en arrière, en prenant l’état des descripteurs d’environnements précédents, et de les appliquer. La base de configuration lié aux outils développés, permet aux développeurs de connaître l’état (version, historisation des modifs, qui a réalisé…) des composants livrés. Le développeur peut gérer des modifications dans les environnements dont il a accès (DEV, POC…). Cela lui permet une grande autonomie. Inversement, toujours à travers le même outil, la production peut également tracer les modifications effectuées et voir si elles ont été appliquées. Cette base sert dans ce que l’on appelle le FIND. Cette approche permet au développeur de ne pas se soucier des environnements techniques. Néanmoins nous avons opté pour des validations manuelles à certains jalons dans JIRA : Résultats des recettes, retour RSSI… En effet, suite à la mise à jour avec un descripteur de livraison, le même descripteur d’environnement peut affecter plusieurs espaces (Dev, Qualification, PreProd, Prod). Il convient de suivre les résultats dans un espace avant d’accéder au suivant (workflow).
Les points positifs : La mise en place d’un outil « maison », à l’aide du langage groovy à permis de créer une véritable stimulation entre les équipes de Dev et de Ops. Chacun apportant des besoins et des solutions. La solution s’est insérée dans des briques existantes (la chaîne de déploiement a été mise en place sans modifier les habitudes). L’avantage a été aussi de suivre les traitements en s’appuyant sur un système de logs déjà en place (il ne restait qu’à configurer les Log4J). JIRA a apporté toute la couche graphique du suivi et le workflow de validation. Le déploiement par pushs à la demande a facilité le quickwin des premiers déploiements. La possibilité de suivre les artifacts déployés dans les différents environnements a permis la création d’une véritable base de configurations partagée par tout le SI (même vision). Cet outil fait maison et répondant aux besoins exprimés a permis de réduire très fortement le temps de mise en production en permettant à un même package de livraison d’être déployé sur différents environnements tout en garantissant un suivi et l’automatisation des actes. La mise en production est devenu un acte commun et chacun connait le fonctionnement de l’outil.
Les points négatifs : Un point non défini dans le cahier des charges était la création d’un environnement from scratch. Hors l’outil a été prévu pour déployer sur des cibles existantes et non pour créer ces cibles. Le projet a mis un peu plus d’un an pour atteindre un niveau d’automatisation suivant les différentes technos à déployer et l’espace de couverture souhaité (plus de 80 descripteurs d’environnements gérés). Suite aux résultats très satisfaisants (moins d’interventions ETP, augmentation du rythme des livraisons, traçabilité, fiabilité des livraisons, rollback…) la direction a considéré que l’outil devenait du RUN et donc que les ressources affectées devaient être réduite. Finalement dans les mois qui ont suivi le MCO de cet outil est arrivé au minimum ne permettant pas d’intégrer de nouveaux besoins (nouveau ETL, ESB…). Comme tout projet DevOps, quel que soit l’outil, il est essentiel d’approvisionner de la charge au suivi de cette « application ».
Pour pallier le premier point, j’ai effectué des tests avec Terraform, qui permet de créer tout une infrastructure aussi bien cloud qu‘on premise et d’instancier des services. Aucun agent spécifique n’est nécessaire. Terraform permet également de déployer des conteneur Docker (ce qui n’avait pas été étudié dans le projet). Mais rien n’empêche d’utiliser plusieurs outils pour justement jouer sur la complémentarité de chacun. On peut ainsi progressivement mettre en place de nouvelles briques et faire évoluer la solution par rapport aux besoins. Voici par exemple une chaînes DEVOPS déployée dans une entreprise Française spécialisée dans le jeu.
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Le dernier outil que j’ai étudié est Ansible. Il propose de l’automatisation, du provisioning, de la gestion de configuration, du déploiement d’applicatifs, de l’orchestration… Le principe reste toujours le même : on décrit la cible souhaitée dans un fichier YAML (playbook) et ansible après analyse de l’état de la cible (facts) effectue les actions nécessaires. Evidemment la liste des cibles est disponible dans un inventaire. Les cibles sont atteignables via SSH et seul python est requis. On peut regrouper les playbook au sein d’un rôle (par exemple : installation d’une base, instanciation d’une base…). De même de nombreux modules permettent d’accroître les fonctionnalités d’ansible. Il existe des APIs pour automatiser les déploiements et une version graphique (Ansible Tower) permet de tout piloter facilement. Vous comprenez maintenant pourquoi j’ai mis du temps à écrire cet article. Sachant que je ne me suis jamais intéressé à CloudFormation, ni Capistrano ou encore Heat. Je terminerai par l’apparition en parallèle d’outils de test des scripts de déploiements comme kitchen, molecule, Terratest… Mais je n’ai jamais eu l’occasion de les utiliser.
Alors quel outil demain pour le DevOps ? Avec la démocratisation du CAAS et du PAAS, les outils pour le DevOps sont en transformation. C’est pour cela qu’un outil DevOps n’est pas figé mais doit évoluer à chaque changement technique (infra, langage, framework…). Certaines sociétés, comme PSA, n’ont pas hésité à développer leur propre plateforme de PAAS (https://ekara-platform.github.io/) et de créer les outils DEVOPS qui correspondent. La démocratisation des offres de type "Platform as a Service" permettant de consommer des ressources sans se soucier des infrastructures comme des middleware, SGBD… facilitent l’arrivée des langages que l’on nomme Cloud Native Languages. Ces derniers sont généralement utilisés par les développeurs dans des univers « Cloud First ».
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Ce qui, il n’y a encore quelques années, était difficilement envisageable dans les productions informatiques, est devenu des pré-requis obligatoires. Ainsi il est « normal » d’avoir des applications hautement disponibles réparties sur plusieurs datacenters, avec des déploiements sans interruption de service (Blue / Green, Canary). Les notions de redémarrage serveur en cas d’erreur, d’absorption des pics de charge, de reconfiguration à la volée du load balancer sont intrinsèquement liées aux opérations attendues par les clients. Le CDN est en train également de se banaliser. A ce petit jeu, et suite au développement des micro-services et de la containerisation, un grand gagnant est sans doute : Kubernetes. Tous les opérateurs Cloud ont maintenant pris en compte cette plateforme.
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Le Cloud est certes une solution idéale mais face à des intérêts divergents, les entreprises Françaises et Européennes ont pris conscience des risques de mettre des données chez un fournisseur Etranger même si son datacenter est en France. Le « Clarifying Lawful Overseas Use of Data Act » voté le 3 avril 2018 par le Congrès Américain permet aux autorités judiciaires d’obtenir un droit de communication des datas situées hors des Etats Unis gérés par des compagnies US.  Il devient donc crucial pour les sociétés de garder des infrastructures en interne. Mais ces dernières souhaitent bénéficier des avantages du Cloud. Elles cherchent donc à créer des PAAS internes avec des solutions comme OpenShift ou encore CleverCloud. On est donc loin du « NoOps » décrié par certains, les problématiques d’une production informatique vont continuer à exister (opérabilité, exploitabilité, scalabilité, performance, droits & accés, sauvegarde, PRA/DRP, sécurité, ordonnancements…).
Récemment Google avec son projet Anthos a rappelé la possibilité de déployer kubernetes (GKE On Prem) en interne et d’utiliser les mêmes outils de déploiements chez soi que sur le cloud.
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Je pense que cette approche permet de répondre au besoin de pouvoir déployer en interne de la même façon que chez un fournisseur sur le cloud en gardant la possibilité d’inventorier dynamiquement les ressources.  L’avenir est sans doute dans ce type d’infrastructure.
Dans le DevOps, il est souvent question d’outils d’automatisation, de cloud, d’outils « infra-as-code », de « pipelines de delivery », de conteneurs... Mais le DevOps ne saurait se résumer à cette seule approche technique. Le DevOps introduit une notion de Flux Tendu du Delivery qui doit être industrialisé et sécurisé pour permettre atteindre les objectifs demandés. Les innovations évoluant de plus en plus rapidement, les collaborateurs (Dev & Ops) doivent comprendre les changements dans les paysages qui leurs sont assignés, être capable de s’adapter à des évolutions permanentes et connaître les enjeux de l’entreprise. Les tensions sont inéducables, il faut amener les collaborateurs à être des acteurs dans la transformation des processus et organisations à mettre en place. L’enjeu du DevOps n’est pas technique mais surtout humain.
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ingridgabriela87 · 5 years
#MiercolesDeMigrantes y The Lost Decade in the Global War on Drugs
The pass 28 of January, I attend to the Graduate Institute here in Geneva to a conference that, as a Mexican now living in the area, studying international security, this event really got my interest, also one of my favorite speakers was part of the panel.
The event was “The Lost Decade in the Global War on Drugs” and it was organized by the Graduate Institute (IHEID) in partnership with the Global Commission on Drug Policy (GCDP) with the support of Le Temps and the International Drug Policy Consortium (IDPC).
The main objective of the conference was to deliver few main points about the shadow report – an accountability document conformed by the joined effort from NGO and civil society that keeps the track and record from the original institutional agreement - form the IDCP. Also, this conference marks the preparation for the 62° Commission of the Narcotic Drugs, this year, from the 18 to 22 of March in Vienna, Austria. From the agreements of that conference parties (States and Non-States actors) are going to plan coming years strategies to implement.
The speaker in this order where Philippe Burrin – Director of the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studie, Valentin Zellweger – Permanent represent for the Permanent Mission of Switzerland to the UN and other international Organisation in Geneva Mariângela Simão, Assistant Director-General, World Health Organisation Ann Fordham - Executive Director, International Drug Policy Consortium, Helen Clark -  Former Prime Minister of New Zealand and former Administrator of the United Nations Development Programme, Member of the Global Commission on Drug Policy, Ann Fordham - Executive Director, International Drug Policy Consortium, Mohammad-Mahmoud Ould Mohamedou - Professor, International History, the Graduate Institute, Geneva, Anya Sarang, President, Andrey Rylkov Foundation.
What I took note from was the following:
The Opening words.
Human development indicators matter and must be considered, especially when they are related to drug issues.
Geneva is a center that has the commitment to get the actors together to solve world problems, Vienna is a city that also collaborates closely with Geneva to solve drug and organized crime topics.
Prevention treatment and law enforcement to protect the patients are what really matters. Opening drugs in swiss give us lest deaths and reduce the cases of HIV.
Patients are no longer criminals this is a liberal approach. The inclusive approached should keep taking into consideration is essential to continue this dialogue
Mariangela Simao –
Public health needs to adapt, people should not die before their time and this is the case of more than five hundreds of people who lost their lives because of TB. Hepatitis and HIV, stats should be preventing not punishing!
Access to paid medication is important, especially in development word that is speaking in pain release. The war on drugs in the lost decade has helped to know now what doesn’t work. Information and data for this period show evidence that the state should be using.
Members states should address the 2030 agenda, in agreement of drug policy there is a lot of space that still need to do, human rights should be taking into consideration. WHO has developed a report with three pillars.
Ann Fordham.
Public policy should consider the impact for population, this shadow reports represent the improvements, and how does implementing this goal are contributing to improving sustainable development goals.
Opium and coca are increasing on their demand, the number of people is using more drugs, money laundry is decreasing, extrajudicial killings and incarceration are affecting women’s. Of course, torture is increasing especially in northeast Asia.
Helen Clark.
Elimination of the production trade of the use of any substance that it is considering to be illegal brings unattended consequences that include the creation of more legal and profitable market and mass incarceration, with a high index of HIV and TB, with many deaths and violence.
The SDG 2030 agenda could help to change the course, one example is Canada where cultivation, production, and trafficking are necessary to tackle the collateral damage. Member states and non-states actors must develop more innovative and solid public policies strategies.  
Drugs can be regulated, and the state should take a reasonable path.
We compelled the state not to repeat this lost decade and do something about this situation.
Human rights must include the marginalized population.
Mohammad Mahmoud Ould Mohamedou –  This is the speaker that I was so thrilled to hear, he is part of the West Africa Commission on Drugs and he helps to build the report.
In this lost decade, we have learned, the transversal and transnational have to be applying in building policy, especially to those regions who need the political consensus, the rest of the world also matters.
The word “war” is not necessarily related to a good concept, we relate the martial and military perspective in this word. We need to include new terminology.  
The notion of consumption, the transhipping and the development of policy-making throw development.
Synectic drugs on a regional level should be a public health problem. Is standing in the metalevel of development throw social growing. The notion of corruption in the synthase to be measure with the capabilities.
Develop standards with indicators is important, new models of drugs laws for West Africa was developed and was launched in Dakar
Anya Sarang
Russia is one of the three countries in the world with more TB and VIH, due to incarceration, for not violent drug offenses. Developing drug dependency is the trigger to and other life. Psychological violence is used against a patient.
The treatment for HIV is forbidden in Russia, government threat addicts especially women, the rehabilitation is not being a success. 
Relating this topic with Mexico and immigration, the country is the main actor, that helps to develop an equation where location and violence can play a major role, something like this.
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According to the Shadow report from IDPC, in México since 2006 that the federal government launched a militarised war on drugs (followed by past and current administration) has resulted in over 15,000 deaths associated with the drug trade and more than 32,000 disappearances[1]. Relating that information with the numbers by Mexico’s National Institute of Statistics and Geography (INEGI), in 2016 around 53% of the women were jailed for health-related crimes, in particular, drug trafficking.
The numbers of prison population rate (per 100,000 of the national population) is 164 that compared to 2014 numbers, prisons population has level down to 18% less, now about the incarceration system in relation to penalties related to drugs, homicides in Mexico rose by 16% in the first half of 2018, as the country again broke its own records for violence[2].
Now speaking only in the legal-judicial area, since the “new” judicial criminal system came into practice, police and federal attorneys have more responsibility to prove crimes (and properly integrate their file respecting human rights) giving the possibility to suspects to wait for their trials in freedom (of course, the judge has to evaluate if it’s a felony and if it's the first time, with many other tests)
According to one of the main conclusions of the shadow report from the (IDCP) says, the commitments and targets set in 2019 in the Political Declaration and Plan of Action on Drugs, , have not been achieved[3], for me the most interesting part of the report is Part 3, that focus on what to do next, especially this first attempt to timeline the goals, and end punitive approaches putting population and communities first.
In that part of the report and also in the conference at The Graduate Institute, the panel made a lot of emphasis on three main things:
Global governance has to be put into practice their strategy followed by accountability and actions collateral plans in case of not reaching the commitments.
Users should be seeing as patients, not as delinquents
Facts, statistics from many parts of the world shows that is better to label budget in improving the prevention and health system that in a punitive system and violent law enforcement.  
Finally, this type of vision, for the new administration in México with the outgoing discussion of the “new” National Guard should be considering this type of information, rather than keep the violent path.
If you have any comments feel free to contact me also, if you are interested in the topic please follow the links in the publication and here is one podcast related to the topic.
[1] Numbers updated to 2017, that the shadow report to concluded.
[2] The Guardian, “Mexico: homicides up 16% in 2018, breaking own records for violence”,  https://www.theguardian.com/world/2018/jul/23/mexico-crime-homicides-violence-up-report
[3] International Drug Policy Consortium, “Taking stock: a decade of drug policy” a civil society shadow report, 2018. http://fileserver.idpc.net/library/Shadow_Report_FINAL_ENGLISH.pdf
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trendtshirtnewposts · 4 years
You are not lesser just because you are a Rapinoe girl shirt
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You are not lesser just because you are a Rapinoe girl shirt
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gadgetsrevv · 5 years
Tommy Wright insists St Johnstone can’t rely on Rangers’ Euro hangover
St Johnstone boss Tommy Wright has dismissed any notion that Rangers could be vulnerable after their European exploits.
Manager Steven Gerrard commented on a lack of help from the Scottish Professional Football League after their trip to Perth was scheduled for Sunday lunchtime, after Rangers beat Feyenoord in their opening Europa League group game on Thursday night.
Gerrard was keen to stress he was not complaining and his desire to have two players fighting for every position will give him options to change his team for the game at McDiarmid Park.
Rangers won five of their six Sunday matches immediately after last season’s Europa League group games, including a 5-1 win over St Johnstone, and Wright is not expecting any ill-effects for the visitors.
(Image: Garry F McHarg Daily Record)
Wright said: “I don’t think it makes much difference Rangers playing a European tie before facing us.
“They are well used to the routine from last season and they have a big enough squad to handle all these games.
“At this early stage of the season players are fresh and can cope with three games in a week.”
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Crazy Tips For Coating Your Kitchen area Cupboards
Are you trying to find a cost-effective technique to improve the look from your kitchen? Beginning in the late Center Ages, cooking areas in Europe dropped their home-heating functionality even more and were considerably relocated from the residing place into a different area. Right now you can find considerable amounts of varieties from cooking area pub stools in market to fit any sort of type. You must possess a fast and also easy technique where get quotes for your kitchen space remodelling. You could intend to include an outdoor fridge to your listing of exterior kitchen space devices although an exterior fridge will certainly have a maximum life expectancy from 5 years because of the ever-changing temps it is actually left open to frequently. For your home kitchen basics, top quality issues for that tells how properly as well as the length of time that kitchen space device are going to serve you. Therefore having a well created cooking area is actually a possession today for a much better future as a family and for entertaining attendees. Current concept fads mark the introduction from brand-new materials right into unique cooking area components, including glass or even KRION ® countertops, faces or even racks, as well as makes adjusted to meet storing necessities, along with columns, tall cabinets and also included domestic home appliances. The lasting advantages of these capabilities will definitely make parents glad that they capitalized on the playtime that they showed their little ones while making use of the play home kitchen. It's important to consider factors like relocating houses, reorganizing your exterior space and the type of group you will definitely be actually welcoming for celebrations in the course of your grill isle investment. This is actually specifically why a considerable amount of people invest a little money cozying up their home kitchens as well as making them as peaceful and also comfortable as possible. The cabinetry knobs and takes you select must add the completing style to your modern kitchen space design. Although the majority of kitchen area faucet developers focus on perk, Kohler products fixate advantage, alongside, wonderful appearances. Suffice that to claim that our kitchens perform as over just the spot in our homes where our company cook foods or even possess laid-back meals in. This is generally where everybody in the house collects when they want to refer to something crucial, or they just want to catch-up on the most up to date updates about one another. A good cooking area remodelling task will need you reserve some excellent amount of money to finance all the job elements. At times this deserves buying aged cabinetries or doors just to lay claim to remarkable or even special door and also cabinet extras. However, make certain you are actually always keeping the candles away from flammable components kept in the kitchen space. Get technical - use home kitchen concept software to make a detailed 3D photo of your cooking area rather than simply a crude one dimensional sketch. Home kitchen Shower and Beyond of Tampa supplies an array from choices for your kitchen space improvementing necessities such as countertops, cabinetries, cabinetry doors, and a whole lot more. If you have any type of concerns pertaining to where and how you can utilize yellow pages online residential uk - why not try here -, you can call us at our own web-page. Home kitchen cylinders and also storing bottles, especially those which conveniently stack atop one another, have restored managed comfort to many a chef's kitchen disarray featuring my very own. There Wynd 816 style acquired attraction for its one-of-a-kind style on both the handle as well as the tap. Numerous has in fact transformed around the world from kitchen style, incorporating the absolute most latest advancements in each advancement as well as design. Concurrently, the island supplies extra storing under the counter for whatever coming from offering bowls to cooking equipment. Normal kitchen spaces rarely feature an oven and a dishwasher along with maximum storage room and also prepare prep work in lengths varying from 57 ins or higher. Below are actually a few kid-friendly" furniture pieces that you could intend to look at for your kitchen. It could possibly have anywhere coming from 4-6 full weeks for a light and also basic face lift or even upgrade - or even 4-6+ months for a primary kitchen makeover where significant building is included. Aside from the paths on appropriate placement, the Property SA Style Standards recommends putting up bar deals with which are less complicated for kids to manage. Would offer you a calming method and also you would certainly not experience anxious when doing work in kitchen space. The Frankfurt Cooking area from 1926 was made from many components depending upon the application. These counter space is made use of for contributing to the aesthetics of your kitchen along with innovative styles along with holding utensils and glassware. Poorer properties frequently did certainly not possess a distinct kitchen however; they maintained the one-room arrangement where all tasks happened, or at the most had the home kitchen in the hall. You'll possibly already have an idea from how you desire your completed cooking area to appear, yet if you do not then make use of the net to take a look at cooking area galleries for motivation. Rock and clay-based tiles been available in a variety from measurements, around 28 x 28. Huge pieces specify sizing in a counter which has a milder dressing with less risk. Knowing the other kitchens is actually vital considering that certainly not just performs the kitchen space steward have to recognize usings each of the kitchen space locations, yet he likewise must know how you can properly well-maintained and maintain the hygiene of these locations. When they get scuffed as well as marked, the wonderful trait concerning repainted units is you could effortlessly repaint them for following to no funds. Stay away from setting up a lot of cabinetries as this could attract you to maintain factors which you won't definitely need. Whenever achievable, a window ought to always be open in the kitchen area to enhance the circulation from clean air and electricity. Their work is actually also to urge and also help you explore colours, examples and selections as well as put together a special as well as specific designing concept that fits your space. Incorporating brand-new closets and also counters give you the adaptability to decide on the right look for you and your brand new plants make food preparation and washing recipes a lot easier. Also the way you design and also install the granite floor tile counter top hinges on your very own individual type. Measurements: Probably you wish your kitchen area upgrade Lewisville task to make enough room so you could utilize it for captivating your guests; this could simply be actually achieved along with the choice of a really good kitchen space design in Lewisville TX pro. Cabinetries can be translucent, made from glass commonly, or made of wood and also not see through. Floor tile has actually been out of support in recent years as the kitchen countertop of selection, yet can be a really good match with some cooking area types. You might have some tips on the best ways to change your area however working with an interior developer which focuses on kitchen space renovation may launch you to techniques to develop in to your area from every slant. Unless you remain in a big rush to end up the floorings in the kitchen space, many individuals discover this a satisfying opportunity while they are actually re-doing their cooking area floors by themselves. When you come upon the kitchen space cabinetries that you find typically in television commercials or even sites from providers then you might possess need to possess closets like those in your cooking area also. Repainted cooking area units along with hardwearing laminate worktops may be a more functional selection if you are actually operating a hectic family members house. Whatever the theme or design from your kitchen space, you will certainly have the ability to really suit that through setting up the best faucets to match the design from your cooking area and the home kitchen fixtures. That isn't really uncommon to listen to accounts from managers that've used KitchenAid stand blenders for 30 or more years. You can easily look into property enhancement stores and also thumb via upgrading magazines in order to get a notion from the type of kitchen space you will as if. You should evaluate a little bit and pick an effective style to choose the most effective home kitchen motif.
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