#nothin wild just anime ti— (slap)
catcze · 2 years
Done by wys_terial on twt <33
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soto-translates · 7 years
Saiyuki Reload Blast Anthology: Saiyuki OVERNIGHT + extras
Thank you @seiten-taisei for sharing this, and a bunch of drama CDs!  Go here to check out what she's shared.  Go here for links to my translations of the other stories in this anthology.
Goku helps a baby panda in this last story of the anthology.
P110 Saiyuki OVERNIGHT Kouga Yun Baby Panda: Mother, humans are interesting.  They don’t eat bamboo. Mama Panda: Well, you mustn’t go near humans.  Oh my, what happened to your leg? sfx: munch munch Goku: I’m hungry!! sfx: Guwah Goku: Hey, don’t we have anything to eat!?
P111 Goku: I’m sick of camping out!! Gojyo: Shut it.  We get it already. Hakkai: The map must be old.  There’s no village either... Goku: Food food food.  I can’t sleep like this! sfx: flail flail Narration: Matter of life and death Sanzo: Suck it up.  Noisy... Narration: Totally composed Narration: Flexible Gojyo: It’s just one night; you won’t die. Hakkai: Though there’s no guarantee we’ll be able to eat tomorrow. Ahahaha. Narration: Thoroughly prepared
P112 sfx: Jaw drop Hakkai: Well sfx: tadah Hakkai: I have some manju. Goku: Seriously!?  Great job Hakkai!! Hakkai: I bought them in the previous town just in case.  There’s only one per person though. Goku: Aw yeah. Gojyo: Wait!! Goku: Huh? sfx: tummy rumble Gojyo: Just one ain’t enough.  If you’re a man it should be all or nothin’, life or death!! sfx: babaaaam Gojyo: Not one per person, winner takes all four: a battle royale!! Goku: Whaaat!?
P113 Gojyo: Rock, paper Goku: Uwaaah sfx: crack Gojyo: You don’t play, you lose!!  Scissors. sfx: pop Hakkai: Ah, I got lured in. Gojyo: Dog-eat-dog, I eat manju. Goku: No fair, pervy kappa!!  Waah. sfx: pompf Sanzo: Quit fucking around.  Servants should suck it up.  Hand them over to Sanzo-sama.  It’s just food... Gojyo: Tyrant!  Boo!  Boo! Goku: You don’t play you lose!  Boo!  Boo! Hakkai: Ahahaha.
P114 Goku: That’s what happened.  Can you believe it? sfx: leaves rustling, panda whines Goku: So then I got mad and went searching for food. sfx: toss Goku: There, that’s better, yeah? Mama Panda: That can’t be.  A human wouldn’t be able to loosen the trap by himself. Baby Panda: Mother, that boy was a youkai.
P115 Goku: There. sfx: ties Goku: Don’t get caught again. sfx: tummy rumble Goku: Pandas’re lucky... You can eat bamboo... sfx: tummy rumble, blowing wind Baby Panda: Are you hungry?  You can’t eat bamboo?  Come with me. Goku: Huh? sfx: rustle Baby Panda: Youkai get hungry too?
P116 Hakkai: Hm?  Sanzo?  There’s one manju left. Sanzo: Yeah.  Guess I couldn’t eat all four.  The monkey is annoying, so leave it for him. sfx: puff Gojyo: Sanzo!  You’re too nice to the monkey. Sanzo:  You just clutch your empty stomach and sleep. Hakkai: That was your bad, Gojyo. Gojyo: The starving brat just fussed too much.  Boo, boo. Sanzo: He’s filling himself up now, after 500 years of starvation.
P117 Goku: Wow!  Amazing!  That looks tasty! Baby Panda: Can you eat this? Goku: Yum!! sfx: chomp Goku: ‘S okay?  Thanks! Baby Panda: Uh huh, go ahead. Goku: All right, Imma eat ‘em all myself. Baby Panda: Go for it.
P118 Mama Panda: Son, youkai don’t eat peaches.  They eat humans when they get hungry. Baby Panda: No Mother, he ate them like they tasted good. sfx: chomp chomp Goku: ........... Baby Panda: ? What’s wrong? Goku: ............
P119 sfx: leaves falling Baby Panda: What’s wrong?  You’re not going to finish? Goku: “Sanzo, I’m hungry.” Sanzo: “Again?!  There’s no more food.” sfx: grumble Goku: “How come I’m so hungry?” Sanzo: “...... Eh, guess you can’t help it.” sfx: crush
P120 Sanzo: “You’re taking back the time you lost.  If you’re hungry, eat.  Go where you like.  Obtain what you want.  For yourself.  You’re already” sfx: hmpf
P121 Sanzo: “Free.” Goku: (thinking) You reached out and taught me.  You made me realize
P122 Goku: (thinking) that I didn’t have anything or anyone.  Loneliness, hunger, and how to ease them
P123 Goku: (thinking) You taught me all of that.  That’s the freedom you gave me. Goku: ...... Heh.  Hehehe.  I don’t believe it.  Heheh.  I’m full. sfx: Panda whines Baby Panda: You’re full now? Goku: Hehe... Did you know?  I don’t get hungry if I’m alone.  Thanks. sfx: pick pick
P124 Goku: I’m gonna take these back and eat ‘em in front of Gojyo.  Guess I can give some to Hakkai. Sanzo: “Everyone, no matter who they are, lives to ease their hunger and thirst.  But, that’s not limited to the hunger of the body.  It’s the hunger of the soul, too.”
P125 Baby Panda: Mother, humans (youkai?) get hungry in their “soul” too. Mama Panda: Well, I don’t really understand. Goku: I’m back ♡ Gojyo: Oh!?  Whaddya bring back? Goku: I’m not giving any to you!! Hakkai: Welcome back.  We were worried, Goku.  Sanzo was waiting too. Sanzo: What are you talking about? Goku: Huh? Hakkai: Well, the manju was. sfx: hop END
P126 Saiyuki Reload Blast Anthology
P127 Saiyuki Reload Blast Anthology Author Comments
AU Congratulations on the Saiyuki Reload Blast anime and sale of the anthology.  Thank you very much for the opportunity to work with such a wonderful creation.  I look forward to seeing what lies ahead for the Sanzo Ikkou.
Akanatsu Congratulations on publication of the Saiyuki Reload Blast Anthology!  I was able to draw for the Saiyuki Gaiden Anthology too, so I’d be happy if you read that as well!
Usatoru I am so grateful I was able to participate in this!  I had a lot of fun drawing.  I wasn’t able to put him in this time, but my favorite is Hazel.
Ueda Shinsyu Congratulations on 20 years of Saiyuki!  I’m very happy to have been able to participate in the Anthology at this memorable point in time.  Goku is becoming more and more manly, and I look forward to seeing how he continues to grow and where the story goes from here.
Katagiri Ikumi Before I knew it, the mini Goku-chan story I had planned to draw transformed into a Gojyo manga.  Congratulations on the new new new Saiyuki anime!
Endou Minari This is Endou who was supposed to be a Sanzo fan, but recently Goku’s smile has seeped into my heart.  I wonder if this is what it means to get old... My favorite character is Sharak Sanzo, and I love everything about her so much.  Also, I reread all the books to prep for this anthology, and I think Hakkai and Kanan are just too cute!  Huh?  This isn’t the place to talk about that?  Character limit?  So heartless.  It’s too bad there are so many fascinating characters and I don’t have space to write about them all.  I’m looking forward to what’s going to happen in Saiyuki, now that it’s entered the final stage and is getting more and more exciting.
P128 Kogami Nana Thank you very much for inviting me to participate in this.  Congratulations on the anime!  I really love how Kougaiji interacts with Lirin-chan.  I love Lirin-chan’s personality, her muscular yet flexible legs, and her voluptuous chest.
Kouga Yun I’ve had a long relationship with the Sanzo gang.  I’ll always love them.  I plan to continue stalking Sanzo and watching over him for years to come.  I pray for Minekura Sensei’s health above all!
Tachibana Congratulations on 20 years of the Saiyuki series!!  The difficulty increases 1.5 times when the hotness (and nakedness) goes up!  I got to have fun and draw my beloved Gojyo getting defiant!
Suzumoto Jun Thank you so much for letting me participate in this Saiyuki Anthology!  I’m from the generic generation so this is a huge honor.  I was happy I got to draw Kougaiji because I like him.  It was fun having lots of characters appear!
naked ape Congratulations on 20 years of the Saiyuki series and the Saiyuki Reload Blast anime!  I got to draw an image that contrasts with the Gaiden anthology, and exclaim over the coolness of the Sanzo Ikkou.  Thank you very much for this opportunity!
D・Kissan Congratulations on 20 years of the Saiyuki series!  I started thinking of a plot that would let me draw a lot of the cool Sharak Sanzo-sama, but it ended up being a manga all about silly Hassan-san.  I’m so sorry...
Mikawa Verno I wanted to draw an amusing, slap-stick...-y tale about the Ikkou that wouldn’t usually be drawn, but whaaaat!?
P129 EXTRA PAGES Saiyuki Reload Blast Anthology Ichijinsha Comic Zero-Sum Presents Book front cover ※Writing is from time of comic sale
P130 EXTRA PAGES Book back cover ※Writing is from time of comic sale
P131 EXTRA PAGES Saiyuki Reload Blast Anthology Zero-Sum Anthology Series Eroko Ichijinsha
KAZUYA MINEKURA LINEUP ZERO-SUM Comics Saiyuki 9 volumes total Saiyuki RELOAD 10 volumes total Saiyuki RELOAD BLAST 1-2 Saiyuki Gaiden 4 volumes total Saiyuki Ibun 1 WILD ADAPTER 1-7 Shiritsu Araiso Koutou Gakkou Seitokai Shikkoubu 2 volumes total Minekura Kazuya short story Hachi no Su 1 volume total BUS GAMER THE PILOT EDITION 1 volume total
Art Books salty dog 1-9 sugar coat excess Backgammon Rimix
Original Image Reproduction Collections Saiyuki Series Original Image Reproduction Collection Saiyuki RELOAD Original Image Reproduction Collection
Post Card Books Saiyuki POSTCARD “PURPLE” “YELLOW” “RED” “GREEN”
Fan Books Original “Saiyuki” Series Perfect Guide Saiyubito Saiyuki Character Book Sanzo & Goku / Gojyo & Hakkai
Anthologies Saiyuki ANTHOLOGY Saiyuki RELOAD BLAST Anthology Saiyuki Gaiden Anthology
Novels Novel Saiyuki 1-3     Author: Misaki Hijiri Saiyuki OMNIBUS     Author: Minekura Kazuya and others Saiyuki Kourou Tengi     Author: Uozumi Yukiko
Spine・Cover flap ※Writing is from time of comic sale
P132 EXTRA PAGES Cover illustration Minekura Kazuya
Illustration naked ape
Manga AU; Akanatsu; Ueda Shinsyu; Usatoru; Endou Minari; Katagiri Ikumi; Kogami Nana; Suzumoto Jun; Tachibana; D・Kissan; Mikawa Verno
Rerecording Koga Yun
The world begins to go crazy. You can’t take your eyes off them. Cover・Back cover ※Writing is from time of comic sale
P133 Zero-Sum Comics Saiyuki Reload Blast Anthology
Author/Anthology Publisher/Koyanagi Yoshio Publication/Kabushiki Gaisha Ichijinsha 〒160-0022 Tokyo-to, Shinjuku-ku, Shinjuku 2-5-10 Seishi Building 8F TEL 03-5312-6851 (editing) TEL 03-5312-6150 (sales) On sale from: Kabushiki Gaisha Kodansha (Kodansha・Ichijinsha)
Book design/Minekura Kazuya Miyata Yuusuke・Sano Yura (Banana Grove Studio)
ISBN 978-4-7580-3306-0 ©Minekura Kazuya/Ichijinsha 2017     Printed in JAPAN ID Comics ●This is a work of fiction.  There is no relation to actual people, groups, or events.
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statonelisabet · 4 years
The Fool of Saltwater Springs, Part 1.
The third son of a lawyer in the town of Boston, Jack Wilson was a man of whom much was expected, though the only truly spectacular thing about Jack was how creative he could be about disappointing those expectations. Had he been the first born of his brothers, he may have had a chance in life, so it’s a wonder he didn’t choose that position. The only logical solution to that quandary is that inheriting the family fortune and law firm would have been too much responsibility. With that in mind, his choice to be born third makes a great deal of sense. The entirely true and not at all ridiculous or falsified circumstances regarding his place in the family birth order actually had no bearing whatsoever on his ventures in the southwest of the country, where, relying on intelligence from a colleague that the “folks in Texas will believe anything if you can make it rain,” Jack chose to try his luck at making it rain.
            He had been in the dusty ranching town of Saltwater Springs for three days, skulking in shadows and planting his tricks. He slept in a tent on the outskirts of town. Naturally, none of the nosey old biddies or suspicious ranch hands noticed a skulking stranger in their town. He had an unmistakable gift for sneaking and hiding, so the good townspeople had absolutely no idea what was waiting for them when he decided that his time had come. Just after dawn, when the milkman was making his rounds and the ranchers were waking, Jack set off his first round of fireworks.
            The firework soared. Explosives burst through the deep blue of the sky, piercing it with glittering streams of gold and red, pink and yellow. The noise spooked the milkman’s mule and the miserable beast took off as fast as he could, which was not very fast at all. The milk cart tipped over as the mule tried to avoid a cactus, and spilled the large tank from which the milkman filled the townspeople’s personal jugs. The mule, stuck on his side and kicking up a mighty storm, mewled and whined like a bitter ex-wife. A sleeping horse had been tied to a fence in front of the inn, and spent that early morn’ minding his own dreamy business. Until a city-slickin’ firework went off. Having had his dreams of rolling, open hills and spur-less boots rudely broken up by heretofore unjustified and unexplained explodin’, the creature ran off, takin’ his saddle and damn near half the fence with ‘im.
Jack got a decent cloud of dust and dirt in his eyes, chokin’ up his throat and dirtyin’ his pretty clothes something mighty. His eyes watered mercilessly and turned the dust on his face to mud, which caused a blindness he’d tried his very best to wipe away when the inn keeper burst through the inn’s doors. The large man, mightily bearded and thoroughly aproned, marched into the road to see a milk cart toppled over, an aimless horse, a bewildered milk man, and a stranger with mud in his eyes. He carefully approached the horse and pulled it back, tied it to a post once it was calm, and approached Jack.
            “You want to explain what happened here, friend?” His tone was not friendly.
            “Yes, perfectly simple, my good man,” said Jack with a winning smile. “Animals often have this sort of response to magic, I do regret any fear I caused them. I have, however, come for a very good reason which I do believe will incur the forgiveness of whatever mishaps may happen to occur during my time here.”
            “Magickin’, eh?” The innkeeper replied, with one salty eyebrow reaching for the heavens. “What sort o’ magickin’ you got in mind?”
            “Why don’t you wait and see?” Jack said with a wink, before he lit a smoke-ball behind his back and walked away. The desired effect, to seem as though he had disappeared in a cloud of tinted smoke, was unfortunately unsuccessful. The sun had a nasty habit of risin’ of its own accord, and Jack had a nasty habit of guessin’ its own accord quite wrongly. The two men and the cranky animals watched in dumb-founded silence as Jack scurried behind the nearest wall. They shook their heads, wondering at the wild buffoonery before them, and turned their stalwart attention to righting the milk cart and calming the ass.
            Jack returned to the scene of his dusty humiliation early the next morning. So early, in fact, that the sun hadn’t done much risin’ at all, and his smoke-ball was about as invisible as it had been in the mornin’ light. Nonetheless he was eager to greet his awaitin’ public. Much to everyone’s surprise, there was quite a public gathered there that mornin’, ready to see the Great Magic Man with them own two eyes. They all had to see for themselves what kind of an old fool could make a fuss like he had.
            “My good people!” He cried, raisin’ his voice so as to be heard by every man, woman and child misfortunate enough to find themselves in the town square at the dark end o’ dawn. “For too long, you have been plagued by drought; by troubles; and surely by the devil himself in some of your more unfortunate cases! I have heard the cry of your spirits from a faraway land, and have come to you, to deliver you from your misfortunes! I will begin with the matter of rain.”
            The townspeople listened to his speech with patience and good grace. None of the Baptists noticed his sacrilegious phrasing, none of the science men minded his talking of magic and devils, and none of the young ladies noticed his leering. Perhaps that was his true talent – to leer at every young woman in attendance while shouting nonsense at them. Of course it’s possible that none of that was true, and they were all gettin’ fed up with his shoutin’ and thesaurin’ faster ‘an Bessie’s milk’ll go sour. I’ll never tell.
Jack finished his speech with a magnificent bang. He had lit a long fuse to a larger set of fireworks, set up behind the doctor’s office across from the tavern. He had timed his speech to end just as the fireworks erupted and he raised his hands, so that he created the image of controlling the explosion. The fuse was slightly longer than he had anticipated, though, and all was awkward silence behind him. He raised his hands higher n’ higher, like he was tryin’ to pick a fight with the sky. Nothin’ happened, then nothin’ happened, then still, nothin’ happened. His timing was about as sharp as my sense of humor.
Finally…  finally, the fireworks flew. Missiles laden with canteens of precious water soared upward and exploded in mid-air, showering the townspeople with water. The fireworks’ smoke looked like clouds in the sky, and one can hardly deny being splattered with water.
That crowd was mighty perplexed, and gettin’ mighty grumblesome the longer they were kept from breakfast.
And poor Jack’s trick had fallen flat. This is truly the worst fate for any self-respecting con man, though few of them fail their entrance so miserably. Nonetheless, before Jack could take more breath to speak, thunder started a-rumblin’. Heavy, black clouds shrouded the risin’ sun and without the heat wrappin’ ‘round you like your best sweetheart, the desert chill settled into each and every soul as stood and watched the sky. Soon giant rain drops fell and the people marveled, amazed at the magic man’s skills at calling rain.
One fella, of particularly ill repute among the lowlifes, who stood in the back, mentioned the possibility that this magic man might have been a medicine man instead, but another fella of slightly less ill repute slapped him on the chest. The man of most ill repute was being stupid. Of course, the people of Saltwater Springs, a deeply cynical, untrusting group of folks, were utterly convinced.
“Josiah,” said Matthew the sheriff. “Wasn’t it you was sayin’ there’d be rain this week?”
“Yessir,” Josiah said, watching the sky. They were hanging to the back of the crowd, watching the commotion from afar. “I tell ya, Matthew. We sure do get a lot of rain makers ‘round these parts.”
            “Yep,” the sheriff replied as he adjusted the leather holster on his hip. “I don’t know as what to say, Josiah. On account o’ the drought, I s’pose. That’s broke now. Supposin’ he thinks he did it?”
            “Mayhaps he does. Mayhaps he did,” Josiah the innkeeper said with a wink. He stepped through the crowd to have a word with the rain maker.
To be continued! Part Two: https://statonelisabet.tumblr.com/post/615081909712814080/the-fool-of-saltwater-springs-part-two
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