#notably all things you canNOT do in a car if you follow the basic safety they teach in drivers ed
Hi love, so I was wondering if u had any thoughts about Edward panic changing Bella if she was close to death while he was near. Like if they were in a car accident or whatever and medical help was too far away. For all his refusal to turn her and let her die naturally, he seems like he would panic and bite her when in the actual situation. (Regardless of whether or not he succeeds in turning her or mercy kills her after, because I totally agree with u about those two lmao 😭😭😂)
Hello, anon.
Well, this actually happened in canon.
The Fiasco of Bella's Emergency Birth
Bella's emergency C-section was a complete shit show and almost like an act of God to make sure Carlisle was not there. The date for the operation had been set, after weeks of starvation Carlisle finally leaves the house in order to prepare for surgery, and the second he steps out side what happens.
Bella's spine snaps like a twig, Edward has to eat his daughter out of the womb, and Bella's goes into cardiac arrest.
Bella's heart stops in the middle of this, her spine was broken, and she lost a massive amount of blood. Bella was a millisecond from death.
Edward stabs her with a syringe and chooses to turn her.
Before that point, it was unclear that he would.
He starts Breaking Dawn trying to coax Bella into postponing the change or even delaying it inevitably. His plan is to attend college with her, something Bella would physically not be capable of as a typical newborn.
Given the Volturi, this was absolutely not an option, Edward insists it is anyway.
When Bella becomes pregnant with his child, his plan is to abort her (forcibly if need be) and supply her Jacob Black as a stud in order to deliver all the human babies she could possibly want. Bella by this point cannot digest human food, her stomach has turned to stone, and Renesmee has likely damaged her internal organs beyond repair. Bella cannot go back to being an ordinary human, not without significant health issues, and that's if she survives at all (which I find doubtful).
I'm sure Edward had it in his mind that, even with Carlisle cutting Bella's uterus open with his teeth, that somehow, in some miraculous way, they might not have to turn Bella. Bella can remain human and everything will be fine.
But then Bella is dying in front of him, he sees her heart stop, and he makes the panic decision to save her life. He shoots her heart full of venom then begins CPR. Bella survives through the transformation and is turned.
To me though, this was very much a panic changing and something that was up in the air. Edward in that moment had to decide whether or not he could live without Bella, even if she's a vampire. He chose to keep her, he likely will always wonder if he made the correct choice.
But Back To Your Question
By Breaking Dawn Bella's been around a while. She's made it repeatedly clear, many many times, that she wants to be a vampire. She and Edward have extensively argued both pros and cons of vampirism. Edward's not sure Bella really gets what his reality is (she doesn't) but they have gone over it.
Bella's also talked to Carlisle, Rosalie, and Jasper about the whole vampire package. She's met multiple vampires, been attacked by multiple vampires, even Edward can't deny she's seen the ugly side of vampirism.
Bella really wants to be a vampire.
Edward has also faced reality without Bella Swan. It's bleak, cold, and endless. There is nothing for him in that world, even separating from her if she were to remain human pains him significantly.
Even Edward, stubborn as he is, could read the writing on the wall by Breaking Dawn. The decision is ruminating in the back of his mind and the option, loathe as he is to admit it, is actually on the table.
Then you have Renesmee who really helps things along. Per Renesmee, Edward decides that vampires do in fact have a soul. He is not a damned, senseless, creature and turning Bella would not condemn her to be a monster. He still likely doesn't like the idea of it, for reasons he cannot explain to himself, but his major theological argument is now gone.
Without Renesmee's gift, he may very well not have gone for that syringe.
But say we're in Twilight or even New Moon, this is a Bella Edward is sure has no idea what a vampire is. One who has not had a chance to assert a billion times that, yes, she really really really wants to do this. He's still convinced he can leave her and she can live a human life without vampires or any supernatural nonsense.
We see this Bella get significantly injured in Edward's presence.
Bella is losing a lot of blood fast after her run in with James. Carlisle has to start stitching her up immediately and get her to a hospital. A little later, and even from the blood loss she might have died. She's also been been bitten.
To stop her transformation, the venom would have to be sucked out, something notoriously difficult to do even under the best of circumstances. Bella's currently bleeding profusely and is Edward's singer: this is a death sentence.
Rather than panic change her, Edward panic keeps her human. He sucks the poison out, nearly going too far and killing her, and risks her death to keep her human.
In that moment, though it's a flash decision, Edward would rather Bella die than turn her. (After which, of course, he would go to Volterra to kill himself and give Aro an aneurism).
He repeats this sort of idea throughout the series. Notable are the times that Bella gives him hypothetical scenarios, increasingly ridiculous, to see what he would come up with.
A car crashes? Edward never crashes cars, he is that awesome at driving. And if the car crashes anyway, he has the reflexes of a panther, he'll unbuckle Bella, vault out of the car, and heroically jump out the back window to safety and humanity. Bella will never be injured.
A plane crashes? Edward unbuckles Bella from her seatbelt, carries her bridal style to the emergency exit, and then throws them both out the window and to safety... some tens of thousands of feet below preferably in water. He and Bella are then photographed as the sole miraculous survivors of this terrible tragedy. (When Edward gave this answer, I had my answer as to whether or not Edward actually passed his basic physics class. The answer, children, is no.)
Granted, these are not actual scenarios, and it's easier to give these kinds of answers than talk about them. But it's very telling that in Twilight, when Bella point blank tells him that one day she will die and that is the truth of humanity, he essentially says, "Blue Screen: ERROR" back to her followed swiftly by, "THE SUBJECT IS CLOSED".
Back to Your Question (Again)
But let's say we have your scenario. The summer after James, in Bella and Edward's summer of love before the birthday disaster, Edward (say it ain't so) crashes the fucking Volvo.
What can one expect when making a sharp turn at 110 MPH? Well, Edward has the reflexes of a panther, so he never saw it coming somehow. Bella, of course, saw it coming the first time she stepped into Edward's car.
Edward walks out fine, Bella... does not. The car's down in a ravine, Bella's bleeding out, it is clear she is not going to survive this and Edward cannot get her to the hospital in time even with his speed.
Well, given this is Twilight, and given the shock of all of this and suddenness, Edward could very well black out and eat her. When Edward comes to, he's om nom noming on Bella's battered corpse.
Edward runs away to Italy to kill himself.
Say he doesn't though, Edward manages to hold his breath or else miraculously control himself. Bella's still bleeding out, and giving him this very dazed, expectant, look. From Bella's face, it's clear what she's thinking: Turn Me, You Dipshit.
However... I imagine if Bella can't say the words out loud, Edward while panicked and in terror of losing her, won't do it. He will not condemn her to vampirism without her explicit consent.
Let's say Bella gurgles out, "Turn me, Edward"
Well, things just got a whole lot harder. This is now Bella's dying wish, she's looking at him even as the light fades out of her eyes, and he can see the growing resignation and disappointment in them. Edward will have this image with him forever, the life, light, and love bleeding out of Bella and her undoubtedly final thoughts that Edward was never worthy of her.
Honestly? Toss a coin.
I could see it going either way.
Edward stalls so long, deliberating, that the time for action passes. Bella dies right in front of him. That, or he sees her life force flickering and before he can think about it he bites her (whether to eat her or turn her we'll never truly know) and then it's too late, it's done, he's turned her himself. (If, of course, he doesn't accidentally kill her in the process).
The Aftermath
If he turns her then Edward will forever be haunted by the guilt that he destroyed Bella Swan. He turned her into a monster, just as he feared, and has condemned her to this miserable existence where she becomes orphaned from everything she knew.
Edward in this situation breaks things off with Bella (very awkward as they're part of the same coven now), he can't handle the guilt of what he did to her or what she now is. He thinks about mercy killing her, but given it's his own damn fault, is probably very conflicted and feels unworthy of taking even this action. All of this just makes him the lowest of worms.
Bella is utterly devastated that Edward appears to no longer love her (just as she suspected) and tries desperately to assure him that she loves being a vampire. She's finally comfortable in her own skin. She certainly still loves him and more, even if she wasn't happy, she gave her consent and would never hold that against him.
Edward doesn't care.
Edward likely goes to Rio to try to wrap his head around everything and be miserable by himself. Alice and Jasper likely leave on Alice's journey of self-discovery (but mostly to just avoid the emotional turmoil of the Cullen household). Rosalie actively blames Bella for this and tells her so to her face, Esme is an utter wreck, and Carlisle's working triple overtime at the hospital. Bella is even more devastated, she's Yoko Ono breaking apart the Beatles.
Bella offers to leave the Cullens. If she leaves then everything will go back to normal, right?
Everyone protests. But everyone here is pretty much Esme and Carlisle. But mostly Carlisle. Esme tries to, but it's in between sobs, where she talks about how beautiful Bella and Edward were AND THEY CAN WORK IT OUT. Emmett would, but Rosalie views Bella as a home wrecker and he has to side with the wife. Which just leaves Carlisle trying to lamely insist this isn't her fault.
It isn't, but, well, things are very bad right now.
Carlisle likely sets up Bella with the Denali. This ends after a few weeks, Bella can't handle the lifestyle and being the ugly brunette sister. Bella likely becomes a nomad and catches up with the Cullens every few years or so.
The 'Cullens' of course, becoming smaller and smaller each consecutive visit as the coven utterly dissolves.
The last time Bella visits, it's just Carlisle. Esme ran off to support Edward in Rio, Alice and Jasper never came back, and Rosalie and Emmett are on their 23rd honey-moon.
And that's how Bella rejoins the Cullens (i.e. Carlisle).
It's very awkward.
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mikialynn · 3 years
2020 Reflection
I haven’t been great about completing my reflections the past couple of years. Parts of them do exist, and I will create finished versions. However, 2020 is a year that I absolutely cannot miss reflecting on. Especially since it seems at any moment these days, something significant and perspective-altering can just happen. So I want to preserve where I am right at this moment.
At a historical level, on a global scale, 2020 has been the most important year I have ever lived through. The events of the past year have been on a scale that is so immense, I feel like I can’t even connect with them most of the time. But then there are flashes where it hits – where I have a digestible bit of life experience that taps me into the larger emotional current. And it overwhelms and terrifies me just long enough to push it away again.
We are approaching two million deaths in the world, with thousands dying every day. California has ordered dozens of refrigerated trucks just to hold the overflow of dead bodies. I have for the first in my life experienced truly believing that my parents might die within the year. I’ve had to sit through several instances where the chances of them being exposed were high and just hold my breath waiting for the events to unfold. It reminded me a bit of that stomach-dropping moment I realized I could have contracted rabies, and that it was a fatal situation if left untreated. Only this wasn’t for myself, this was for people I love, and for a virus that had no vaccine or guaranteed treatment, and so it came with added layers of helplessness, fear, and frustration.
We have an unbridled President stoking division in the country for a power-grabbing, personal-gain agenda that is unprecedented. It’s a reality you can’t help but shake your head to in disbelief thinking this just can’t exist in this day and age in this country. And yet there it is. Confederate flags in the Capitol. The inflammatory speeches. The unchecked, unabashed lies. The shockingly amoral willingness to appeal to people with such twisted, racist, fearful views of people and the world. The childish recklessness of undermining a democracy just to deflect and rationalize a loss.
We had the Black Lives Matter protests erupt across the nation. Unlike the Women’s Rights or Climate Change marches I’ve participated in before that are organized well in advance and have a designated time, these were often spontaneous protests sparked by a real personal and immediate anger and frustration. Protests that continued for months. Protests that, though mostly peaceful, sometimes did shut down cities and burn down buildings. And we saw an aggressive and often unjustifiable containment of those protests that is also unprecedented in my lifetime. For the first time, I’ve experienced city curfews and lock downs.
Just walking down the street, the evidence of how the world has changed is everywhere. People casually walking around in masks (at least in San Francisco, though clearly this varies by city, county, and state) that at this point have developed their own fashion of patterns and styles. People veer away to give each other a wide berth, even stepping off of the sidewalk into the road to avoid getting close. And none of that is considered rude. Busy streets are seen sectioned off for pedestrian use. Streets with restaurants are now lined with a collection of makeshift outdoor seating—the prototypical wooden walls and strung up garden lights. There are circles sprayed onto parks so people sit in their designated bubbles six feet apart. Shops are boarded up, either because the store went under or as a temporary fix to the break ins that happened during the protests. Markers are on the ground outside of grocery stores to indicate where to stand in line to be six feet apart. Plexiglass erected between yourself and the cashier. Hand sanitizers in every backpack and car, at the opening to every shop. Masks tucked into pockets and purses and car doors. The routine of disinfecting groceries. It all seems so normal now.
Despite so much erupting on the global stage, in that poetic contradictory fashion, I feel like in my personal bubble 2020 has been defined by how little has happened. With the exception of 2018, which I spent moving to San Francisco and living on the West Coast for the first time, 2020 is the first year since I was 17 years old that I haven’t traveled abroad. It is a year truly characterized by being stagnant and still.
The significance of traveling for me stems from a few places. The notion of how quickly time is used up and how limited our supply of it is has always been a fundamental motivator for me in how I approach life. It’s what drives me to learn and try and explore. How else should one spend a life if not trying to fit as many different experiences and gain as much perspective as one possibly can? To that end, I think being a good person is correlated to being exposed to as many types of people, places, and life experiences as possible. To me, traveling feels like connecting myself to the larger fabric of humanity and improving myself as a person. Travelling also helps me to keep perspective. One of my greatest fears is complacency. Getting into a routine that doesn’t really move or fulfill you but allows you to get by, and thinking that is enough while your life disappears. I feel like we have to be vigilant about reminding ourselves how valuable life is and how much we can do with our time as long as we keep pushing. Travelling to new places really gives me that reset and renewed energy. So, when I emphasize how 2020 was the first year I didn’t travel, what I’m really highlighting is how a major source of what fuels me and gives me a sense of value was missing. With everything horrible going on in the world, not having that safety net to pull me back and keep me mentally healthy enabled a sort of listlessness I hadn’t experienced before.    
I also couldn’t do any of my usual music or dance classes. I didn’t get to explore a new city and interact with its communities. Often times, I had to cancel planned camping and hiking trips because new lock down orders would come into place. I remember in 2018 as the year was coming to a close, I had it in my mind that my year-end reflection would be about the importance of being aimless. It was my year of having no plan, having no serious commitments, and just letting myself inhabit new versions of myself. I felt experimental, a little reckless, and free. The year 2020 is in such stark contrast.    
Here are some notable sad memories from 2020. My grandfather passed away. I was supposed to fly back for his funeral in March, but Covid-19 began hitting the U.S. in a noticeable way just before that trip. I remember just the week before, I had flown to visit my friend Barb in Vegas. I remember feeling the situation escalate as that trip unfolded – from Barb telling me she was feeling sick and me realizing she could be contagious with Covid, to wearing a mask for a prolonged time for the first time as I traveled through the airport, to ultimately booking an earlier flight home once I got to Las Vegas because I no longer felt it was safe. When I got back, I remember Stewart and I were driving back from work to his place, having just picked up our things to start working from home based on the new company policy (a week before a city order mandated it) and both of us reaching that turning point as we talked in the car. Up until that point, it was if we were slowly realizing the severity of the situation in bits and pieces. On that ride as we talked about how it would be irresponsible and unsafe to travel back to see my family, it escalated to the point of realization: things were not normal anymore. Things were going to change. And they were going to change for a while.
We had already booked and planned this extended trip back to Hawaii. My friend Winnie was going to travel to San Francisco the week after we got back. I had been working hard in preparation of taking the next month to be with friends and family. I’d been looking forward to the summer, when Stewart and I had planned to visit his family on the east coast and attend my college reunion. And then suddenly it was snatched away. I remember crying coming to grips with the immediate loss of those experiences, but also with the heaviness of what was happening around me. And then making the phone call to my parents. At the time, Hawaii was nowhere near the stage of fear and seriousness that we were at in California, and I remember having to convince them that it wasn’t a good idea to come home. I remember the tension of texting and emailing my aunts and uncles and cousins trying to get them to post-pone or scale down grandpa’s funeral to Big Island residents only. Tracking the Covid cases in Hawaii and watching as each day they increased exponentially. I remember my aunt’s comments about not wanting to put hand sanitizer out or have the immediate family seated away from the audience because she didn’t want to make people feel uncomfortable. It was a silly thought then, and has not aged well. Even looking back at the funeral photos where basically no one was wearing masks except my mom and grandma (because I sent them masks) is just unconceivable from this vantage point. But that’s the thing—everyone needed to have that moment of realization. And it came to people at different times for different reasons. And to some people sadly and frustratingly, it never came.
I remember the week following my grandpa’s funeral, my dad called to tell me had accidentally hit Nala with the truck, and that when they took her to the vet they discovered a tumor in her mouth. It was a rapid decline from there, and we put her to sleep soon after. I hadn’t experienced putting a dog to sleep since I was a kid. We also invested so much more individual attention to Nala because she lived during a time when she was the only dog. So losing her was just heartbreaking. And it was heartbreaking imagining my dad feeling any sort of guilt about it, and knowing my parents had to care for her as she declined. It still hurts me to imagine Hoku, our puppy, apparently jumping in the truck looking for Nala after she was put down, trying to track her down by her scent.
I cried a lot during that beginning period of the Covid experience. I was also staying at Stewart’s place in Berkeley, which up until that time I hadn’t spent much time at. So I felt disconnected from things that felt comfortable and normal in multiple ways. I also had an underlying stress about my brother’s wedding during that time, since at that point they were still planning to go through with it in October. Ultimately, they did decide to post-pone the wedding to the following year.
Eventually Stewart and I started taking action to combat the monotony that comes from having your work and social life confined to your home by planning some camping trips. But as fate would have it, once we started doing that, California had a record-breaking year in wildfires. And so we watched as the smoke rolled in, bringing us the worst air quality levels in the world at the time, and turning the sky orange. Never before have I had to constantly monitor air quality to decide if I could go outside or not, or jump in a car to use its filtration system while waiting out a period of particularly bad smoke.
Then, to close off the year, a worker on our farm had an overnight guest that tested positive for Covid, and I had to convince my parents to get tests. I went tense and numb for a week as we awaited the results, which were thankfully all negative. And on the very same day we found out about our worker’s exposure to Covid, I found out in a mix of frantic messages from my sister and friends that a fire had broken out on the farm. No one was hurt, but the container and building that stored many of my siblings belongings (and possibly some of mine that I’m not aware of) including my sister’s wedding dress, our Christmas decorations, and hundreds of thousands of dollars in farm equipment were completely destroyed.
But there were some good things that came from 2020! Motivated by wanting to take advantage of the time I have with my family when everyone is alive and well, I started scheduling weekly Zoom calls, which is the most remote communication my family has ever had. It also pushed me to have dad chip in for a smart phone for my mom’s birthday. We also got them an antenna for the internet, so it is now much easier to be in touch.
Another happenstance of 2020 is that it forced a lot of people to be more domestic. Clearly, given the shortage of flour at grocery stores at the start of the pandemic. It was fun reading my 2016 reflection where I talk about how I’m struggling to see myself as an adult since I still just cook with premade sauces, I have never held a job for more than a year, and my largest investment is my laptop. I can now safely say that I feel like an adult! I have a sourdough starter baby that I regularly make pizza dough and crackers from, and I have helped to put on Thanksgiving and Christmas dinners. I’ve been at this job for over 2 and a half years, and my savings have gone from zero to half my income. I often feel like I am the mother of 667 Fell St. Oh, and I also turned 30 this year (which would probably have been a cornerstone of this reflection in a normal year, but is just an afterthought in this one).  
I think another shared experience a portion of society has had is the self-reflection on whether or not we are happy with what we are doing in our lives. With all the social opportunities taken away, everyone fortunate enough to maintain their jobs has had their work be the focal activity of the year. And for those of us dissatisfied with our jobs, the lack of distractions outside of work to sustain us has made it clear that this is not a path to continue down further. The stress of the constant billable time to the 15-minute increment, the energy drain of the monotonous work, the emptiness of feeling like your life and time and potential is being wasted on work that has no meaning. It’s not enough to sustain me. While this isn’t blatantly a positive thought, I think it’s a clarity that will lead to a positive outcome in the long run. I don’t have the time and energy to do the things I enjoy with my current job, and I don’t have an interest in building on the skills this job requires. I want to support communities and people more directly, and I want to have creativity and writing play a larger role in the work I do. Where to go from here, I’m not sure, but I don’t want to waste another year not pursuing those opportunities.
Similarly, I can say that I have shared what has been a difficult but important life experience with my partner this year. And, despite both of us sharing the same living space and working at the same job together—which amounts to spending almost 24/7 together—we are still doing well. We aren’t in the happiest place given all that’s going on in the world and dissatisfaction with our jobs. But I’ve seen that we can share in difficult times together and still find ways to maintain a sense of fun and love. I certainly did not plan on living with a partner less than one year into a relationship, but the times have pushed us to accelerate things and we stayed strong through it. It was fun getting to know Berkeley—the neighborhoods and the trails. Stewart and I also shared in coastal foraging and fishing excursions, squeezed in a beautiful backpacking trip to Kennedy Lake (where Stewart even carried my backpack for me when I had some sort of elevation sickness), went on a roadtrip through Nevada, Utah, and Arizona to visit Barb and David, and even bought a boat and went boat-in camping at Tomales Bay. While I didn’t add new countries to the list of places I’ve been, I did manage to add national parks and forests like Stanislaus, Arches, Zion, and Death Valley.
Other perks of the year have been not having to waste time commuting to work, and therefore spending most of the year not having to wake up to an alarm. It was also nice sharing this bonding experience with my roommates, who I’m very grateful to have found in 2019. I also joined in the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion group at WRA and was able to be a judge for a middle school science competition, which brought me a lot of joy and inspiration to find similar work to do full time. Lastly, Biden thankfully won the presidential election. It was as if I had been holding my breath for four years and finally, when it seemed like even a contested result wouldn’t undo the margin that Biden had won by, all that tension came pouring out. Stewart and I pulled over in the car on our way to do some fishing as the results flashed on our phones and celebrated. I can’t imagine how hopeless it would have felt stepping into 2021 knowing we had another four years of the Trump administration.
I also want to note some things I meant to do but didn’t (and to say that it’s okay that I didn’t do them, because 2020 was not an easy year, and we all had to learn to be patient with ourselves throughout it). I’d stopped taking vocal classes with the intention of doing dance classes, but then never did because of Covid (the disclaimer, I’m currently signed up for a month-long class this January). Stewart bought me a keyboard, but I barely played it. I planned on quitting my job but, albeit for reasonable concerns about the economy and job market, never left it. There was video footage that I never edited and interview ideas that I didn’t get around to doing. I didn’t start building a communications body of work. I was never able to maintain good exercise habits. I didn’t finish and post my 2018 and 2019 reflections.
But you see, what I’ve realized is that when you’re not happy, it’s hard to do all the things you want to. I’m grateful that I even had a job, I’m grateful I genuinely like the people I was quarantined with, and I’m grateful for the money I was able to save during this past year. But it was a hard year and an unsatisfying year professionally. My hope for the coming year is that the clarity gained in what type of job I don’t want, and the financial buffer I now have, will allow me to transition to something more sustainable in the coming year. Something more fulfilling and more enjoyable. It’s the big ask, I know, to find a job that you also love. But I’m narrowed in on environmental communications or education, and I think one of the two will pan out.  
So I’m going to continue to be patient and forgiving with myself in these trying times, but hopefully this past year will be a year I can always draw from. When I’m making an excuse to call my mom later, that I remember how scared I was when she got on the plane to the Big Island and thought she truly might be taken away from me, and then decide to call. When I’m choosing jobs, that I remember how the way you feel about the work you do seeps into all other aspects of your life, and that I choose passion over stability. I hope 2020 will always serve to remind me to be grateful.  
0 notes
long post ahead
Today marks my 20th day of staying at home since my city has declared Community Quarantine in response to the spread of COVID-19 in the country. To be honest, I’ve been enjoying staying at home.Because of all the time on my hands, I had been able to allow myself to do the things I’ve been meaning to do but haven’t because of school, or because I deemed I didn’t have enough time/energy/focus for it. 
I had found a way to keep myself busy the past 20 days:  
cooking (-ish, i don’t exactly cook cook, but I have been able to spend more time in the kitchen)
eating healthily (I have to admit my daily intake isn’t even close to ideal, and it’s a known fact to my friends/family that i’m a very very picky eater, which is why really I’m proud to say that I had been trying - my very best - to eat more food that would be healthy for my body.)
watching tv series and movies (during school time, I prefer not to start on a series that I would likely not be able to focus my attention to or would likely distract me from the tasks I should be prioritizing. I find it hard to focus when I know I should be doing something more important first e.g. school work, duty reqs, or simply studying; which is why I’ve only found the time to do this now)
reading (I’ve probably posted more than once about how I miss being able to read freely and for long periods of time without having to worry about all the other responsibilities I have, which is why this period is the perfect time to finally be able to read something other than nursing books again)
needlework - crochet, cross stitch, embroidery (if you’ve known me since grade school, you’ll know how engaged I was with needlework back then and into early high school; but for some reason, I had stopped doing somewhere in the middle of junior high school and since senior high, I had been meaning to get back into it again because for one, I missed it - it was peaceful and therapeutic and stress relieving and it gave you something to focus your energy and attention to; second, it reminded me so much of Nanay, it was one of the things she had taught me back then and something we would bond over and I liked that doing it again makes me miss her in a good way) 
working out!! (this is probably one of my proudest achievements during this stay-at-home-time not only because I’m known to be very lazy when it comes to physical fitness and any and all related activities [I made sure to make my way out of having to do high school PE, a story for another post i guess, which is why I have never participated in a proper PE class until I was in college], but also because despite my body aching, badly, from it, I’m actually having fun??? +++ I do it with everyone in the  family which makes it more enjoyable)
learning how to drive (I literally had my student permit since I was 17 but had only started learning how to drive now, which I am slightly embarrassed about. the real reason why I hadn’t been able to learn earlier was because my parents believed it was better for me to learn and master driving a manual car first before settling into driving an automatic one, and our manual car had only been recently fixed [about 6-10 months ago]. on the other hand, by the time the car was fixed, I was too busy and tired with school and duty that I opted to use my time on school stuff or to rest during sundays [my father worked on weekdays and I had saturday classes, so he could only teach me on sundays]; my progress has been slow since I only started 3 days ago but I’m really glad that I’m learning na)
learned more songs on the kalimba (I learned Maybe the Night, Here Comes the Sun, How Deep is Your Love, etc. but I have yet to master them heheheheheheheh)
doing household chores (to be honest, doing household chores is actually therapeutic and I additionally enjoy doing them now that I’m not time-restrained and I don’t have to worry about neglecting school-related responsibilities. the smol oc part of me enjoys all the cleaning to be honest)
the biggest takeaway from this is that my family has been spending a lot of time together and it’s been really fun and sometimes it makes me soft thinking that (although, no offense, compared to other families, we spend time, go out, have fun more often than others) we hardly get to spend time like this and do activities for long periods of time without me interrupting that I still have homework or studying to do or without my mom worrying about the business and etc. In the last 20 days, we had cooked, binged tv shows, played board games, worked out together, and had even moved all the mattresses from our bedrooms into the living room floor and we’ve all been sleeping there for a week now because it was easier for us to watch movies together. 
Despite my being perfectly content with having to stay inside for long periods of time, being active on social media and reading current news daily has truly put things in perspective for me. 
For the longest time, I had chosen to ignore engaging myself in political discourse with other people simply because I didn’t have much to say - I knew very little and basic information about what was going on in the Philippine government and had never bothered to learn more. In high school, I was not very invested in trying to figure out and understand how politics worked. I found it boring and uninteresting and frankly, I had found it better not exhaust myself trying to argue about something I did not properly understand and I left it at that for years. 
Because of the response of the government to this pandemic, the shortage of health workers in the country, and everything else happening in between, I have arrived at quite a few thoughts: 
At first, I honestly found it annoying that people kept going out and disobeying quarantine rules. It was only later on that I had realized that I was speaking from a position of privilege. Because of all the discourse online regarding that topic, it was only then that I had realized just how blessed I was to be enjoying community quarantine - to be able to stay at home with my needs provided for and not having to worry about my safety, my health, and my finances. I found it unsettling, that I was not able to think of the millions of other people out there who were struggling amidst the current situation, that I was so focused on myself and the people I knew that I completely forgot to look at the bigger picture. 
Moreover, it was more unsettling to realize that the government was doing visibly minuscule if not irrational and unjust responses to combat the situation and ones without clear compassion for the general public and for the greatly impoverished. It was frustrating to think that from my position, I could only do so little.
On the other hand, what frustrated and bothered me more was that there still are a handful of people who continually dismiss and/or condone the actions made and orders mandated by the government and are too close-minded and apathetic to understand what exactly the general public is demanding for and enraged about. 
To add to my frustration, I find (present tense) it hard to voice my opinions. I am afraid of having to engage in full-on active arguments with strangers, with people opposing the general public’s unanimous views even though I know in my heart that I can and that my stand is valid and important. Perhaps I am not used to debating and fighting for what I believe in, or perhaps I find it exhausting to aimlessly argue with people who have their minds set on one thing. But for now, I merely repost and retweet the things I support and find relevant -  just to let people know where I stand among all of this. I cannot bring myself to voice out entire full-length opinions and to be so out there yet, but I would like to try to voice out my concerns more effectively in the near future. 
For now, I truly hope for more assistance to be carried out for the marginalized and less fortunate - for those without a steady income due to the community quarantine; I hope for more deserved compensation for all the frontliners, for the implementation of mass testing and to abolish the prioritizing of government officials in this process as well as for the government to adopt and embody the responses and values of notable local governments in the country such as Iloilo and Pasig, instead of seeing these as threats to the presidency. Seeing everyone actively engaged in the current issues the country is facing is empowering and inspiring and I’m hoping more people follow suit, in order to send a powerful message to the government. 
I apologize (but not really?) for the long post AHASHASB my mom has been trying to wake us all up early in the morning for the 2nd day in a row now and I have all this ~peace and quiet and calm to myself and I’ve been thinking about a lot - just trying to get these thoughts into writing so it doesn’t feel so heavy. I hope everyone else is finding a means to keep themselves busy and to help in the ways that they can and I pray pray pray that all this will end soon.. Hoping for better days :) char
0 notes
travelightlivelight · 6 years
Me again!
For the past few years, I’ve been taking every opportunity to travel that I could. Most notably, obviously, I was required by my major (Global Studies) to study abroad, and chose to spend five months in Costa Rica. Before this, I was saying yes to every travel opportunity in front of me, and doing my best to make every one of them happen. It’s been a blast, and I don’t regret a single penny spent. But that’s the thing— it wasn’t really all that many pennies.
A lot of people want to know how I’ve been doing it. Most of my student friends in their early twenties are absolutely perplexed at how I can just get up and go when I decide to. I will say that I’m very lucky to have friends and family who readily agree to watch my dog for free (shout out to my mom and dad, who are putting up with her for five entire months in their apartment right now), but other than that, I am very much the typical college student, with typical college student expenses. The past four and a half years of college have been supported by student loans, and my seasonal position at a zip line course in Boone does not, in fact, pay me tens of thousands of dollars to answer phones and ask Floridians to please stop yelling at me. 
Still, acquaintances are impressed. “I wish I could travel that much, your life looks so cool,” they say. First of all, you only think my life looks “so cool” because you only follow me on instagram & facebook. That’s a whole other post for a whole other day. My life is super regular, with a lot of time spent watching Netflix and painting my nails. Second of all, to me, my life is so cool. But that’s not because of luck, and not because I’m amazing at saving money, and not because I have a secret wealthy great-aunt paying my way. It’s because I’m realistic about what I can and cannot afford to do at my age, and because I’m careful about how I do things. So I’ve put together a very comprehensive guide to traveling on a budget, specifically when you’re young, broke, and adventurous.
So, without further ado, here are my favorite ways to travel, in a buzzfeed-friendly list format for your convenience.
1. Don’t expect luxury— 
     You’re a twenty-something college student or recent grad living with three roommates and  friends who roll their own cigarettes because “it’s cheaper.” You buy your groceries at Walmart, get paid hourly, and have called your landlord six times because your closet door falls on your head every time you open it. Nothing about your life is incredibly luxurious, so you shouldn’t expect your vacations to be either. Save that for a time in your life when your job comes with benefits and your house comes with doors that close all the way. You will, under no circumstances, be able to take yourself on vacations of the same caliber as that trip to Italy with your parents in 2005. Lower your expectations!! Life is more fun with a little adventure to it. Go with the flow for now, and wait your turn to be fancy.
2. Planes aren’t the only way to travel— 
     Get off of Delta’s website for a minute and take a deep breath. Remember that other forms of transportation exist. Buses are generally the cheapest, then trains, then planes. Trains and busses are just like slower airplanes, but they’re stupid easy to use (even in other countries), you don’t have to pay for the gas, and trains have bar cars with cheaper liquor than planes. So basically, your ride will feel about the same. You’ll run into the same problems as you do with planes, but if you’re traveling on a budget, give it some consideration. If you are traveling overseas or somewhere that’s just too far to take a bus or a train, there are some really cheap airlines (Southwest, Virgin, Spirit domestically, WOW to Europe, Ryanair within Europe) that are worth taking a look at. There are also tons of websites that offer airfare comparisons to help you find the cheapest possible flight. Don’t be afraid of layovers either-- flying direct can be a lot more expensive than just getting off of one plane and onto a different one.
     If you don’t have a specific destination in mind, choose one based on the price of transportation. This also goes for travel dates. If you don’t have to travel the week of Christmas, don’t. Ticket prices change based on how heavy travel traffic usually is on those particular dates. You can use apps/websites like Hopper, Wanderu, and Moovit to find the best prices for everything. 
     My favorite is Wanderu, because if you don’t have specifics in mind, you can click “Explore” and Wanderu will choose them for you based on what’s fastest and cheapest. All you have to do is specify where you’re traveling from. For example, just now I put in Raleigh, and Wanderu told me I could take a Greyhound bus to New York City tonight for $40, go by Amtrak train for $100 (which I have done before), or take the bus to DC for $29 in a couple of weeks. Wanderu rocks. Hopper tells you when the best time is to book a specific flight, as flight prices are constantly fluctuating, and Moovit will help you out a lot with local transit, wherever you are.
      While trains and busses aren’t the most luxurious, neither are planes. Trains generally have a lot more legroom, and busses are generally incredibly inexpensive. Both also often have WiFi. Make yourself a good playlist and suck it up! Or just steal one of mine here.
**Make sure you get your bus tickets ahead of time, especially if you’re traveling in a foreign country. In Costa Rica, they will continue to sell bus tickets even when the seats are full, so if you wait too long and have to get a ticket without a seat, you’ll end up either standing or spending six hours sitting on the steps by the back door, like I did. It’s not the worst thing in the world, but if you can avoid it, do.
3. When it comes to sleeping arrangements, be creative— 
     In your twenties, you can literally stay anywhere. You don’t have kids (probably) that you need certain accommodations for, you can still function if you’re up a little late, and your joints won’t be thrown all out of whack if your mattress isn’t made of angel dust and storm clouds. Take advantage of this. Just like planes aren’t your only option, neither are hotels. Hotels can get really pricey and the ones that aren’t can be really skeevy. This is probably the best and most important advice I could give any young person who wants to travel frugally: Try something more geared toward your age group before you rent a scary ass room in a paid-by-the-hour motel.
If you want privacy, rent an Airbnb. You can find some for really cheap, depending on where you want to stay, and you can decide whether you want to share it with others, stay with the host, or have the whole place to yourself. I’ve never had any bad experiences with other people staying in the same Airbnb (honestly, I have done nothing but meet some really cool people this way), and the hosts and hostesses are probably renting out their spare rooms because they want you there. They are generally very cool people. Some even allow pets if you’re traveling with a furry friend! 
     Keep in mind that your Airbnb will be a little more expensive than the list price once the cleaning fee is factored in, but not by much.
My current favorite way to spend nights away from home is in hostels. The last hostel I stayed in cost $17 for two nights, and the management moved us to our own room when they realized we were two girls that were about to stay in a 10 bed dorm with 8 guys we’d never met. People who own and manage hostels are used to young travelers being their main clientele, so they pretty much know what to expect, and can also point you in the direction of some age (and budget)-appropriate things to do nearby.
     A lot of hostels also have a common area with a kitchen that you can use (for when you have a pasta-with-butter budget instead of a this-cool-sushi-spot-I-heard-about budget), along with big dorm rooms, smaller dorm rooms, and private rooms. The less beds in the room, the more expensive your reservation will be. I’ve found some super cheap and really cool hostels with Hostelworld. Keep in mind, though, if you’re staying in a city, the closer to downtown you are, the easier it will be to get around. Don’t settle for something super cheap but far away from where you need to be just to save money, because you’ll probably just spend it on public transportation instead. Finding sleeping accommodations is all about balance between price, safety (!!!), and accessibility. Read reviews of the hostel itself and of the surrounding area before you make a commitment.
     Some of the most interesting people I have ever met, I’ve met in hostels. Generally speaking, the people you’ll meet in hostels are in pretty much the same situation as you— young, adventurous, and on a budget. They know just as few people in town as you do, and are always willing to swap travel stories, hang out, and even explore the town or city with you. At the last hostel I stayed at in Jacó, Puntarenas, Costa Rica, we met people from all over Europe and Canada, hung out and swam with them at the hostel, and went out drinking and dancing with them that night. We got really lucky, because they were cool enough to watch out for us and make sure we got back okay, but don’t ever plan to be stood up for. Definitely meet new people and get the word out that not all of us Americans are terrible and obnoxious (a surprising thing for a lot of international travelers to learn), but make sure you know where your friend is. Remember, meeting new people is cool; leaving your friends or going off with strangers is not. But do be adventurous, meet new people, and learn all you can from them. Travel can be some of the best education, and the people you meet while traveling can be the best teachers.
Last but not least, don’t be afraid to camp! The US has KOAs (Kampgrounds of America) ALL over the place. KOA is a campground chain with mini cabins that already have beds/sinks/kitchens/bathrooms (depending on which one you rent), sections for parking RVs and campers, and regular tent-camping sites with electricity plug-ins, grills, and  fire pits. The KOA is super affordable, and I once lived at the one in my college town, in my tent, with my best friend and my dog while we were between leases. The KOA has clean bathrooms and clean showers, and a little store from which you can get basic groceries, toiletries, and camping supplies. The KOA is pet friendly as well, and the staff has been really kind and accommodating at the KOAs I’ve been to. Of course, you can also camp at regular campgrounds, but I can’t say anything specific about these as they’re all different. Keep in mind, though, you can’t just camp anywhere! It’s usually illegal just to set up a campground wherever you feel like, and you can literally never know whether you’re on someone’s property. KOAs tend to be well lit, and in my experience, fairly safe, so I’ll stick to recommending this one. If you don’t have to look like the Queen of England every day of your trip, definitely consider a campsite like the KOA. 
4. Choose & book excursions wisely— 
     Don’t fall victim to showy advertising. Just about every tour everywhere claims to be the “best way to see” this, that, and the other. Make sure you check out Tripadvisor or something similar before you commit to spending your money on something you could have done for way cheaper, or even for free. TripAdvisor not only offers reviews on popular tourism spots, but also has general forums about pretty much every destination under the sun. Use it!!
     Tourist traps exist everywhere so make sure you do your best to identify them. A lot of national parks offer private tours, when you could take yourself around and see just as much if you know where to look. Don’t pay the extra $30 for the photos unless it was the best experience of your life. If you can, ask locals what the best way is to experience or see a certain thing. They will almost never point you in the direction of the most expensive, english-named, tour company, but instead tell you the actual best and cheapest way of doing something.
     Some things are just, unavoidably, tourist things to do. I took an ATV tour through the jungle last week that I’m sure no local would have suggested to me, but I looked through Viator for an hour or so first to find the most affordable and highest rated one. Chances are, if you see an ad for something cool, there are fifteen more companies selling the exact same experience. The first one you come across is usually the most expensive! Check reviews, prices, and what is and isn’t included before you book. 
     Also, it’s almost always cheaper to book directly through the company offering the service. While it’s easier to book online, or through something like Viator, it’s usually best to call the company directly to book your excursion. Booking websites and platforms charge a convenience fee, which is how they make their money and why they allow these companies to be advertised on their website. My old job booked through a platform called Fareharbor, which, while easy and quick to do online, charged the customer a convenience fee each time it was used. There’s nothing wrong with this, but it’s good to know.
     These four things (not expecting luxury, utilizing different forms of transportation, being creative when it comes to accommodations, and choosing/booking excursions wisely) are the four biggest tips for traveling frugally. My last weekend trip cost me $10 in transportation, $17 for sleeping arrangements, and $65 for an awesome excursion (But I could have just as easily gone without it, only spending $27 on a weekend at the beach). These are the big money savers, but there are a few smaller things you can do to save even more money during your travels:
-Resist hawkers— whatever they’re selling can come from a local grocery store or literally anywhere else for so much cheaper than they’re trying to sell it to you. They’ll try every trick in the book to get you to forget this.
-Don’t buy yourself things from souvenir shops— these shops are designed specifically for tourists, meaning they are way more expensive than they need to be. A souvenir from Madrid doesn’t have to say Madrid on it— you’ll remember where you got whatever it is, especially if you found something really cool in an out-of-the-way marketplace you happened upon in your travels. You wouldn’t spend all your money in a Wings Plus at the beach, would you?
-Look for the locals— if there aren’t any eating in that restaurant, or shopping in that store, skip it. Locals have to eat and shop somewhere, so find out where this goes on, and go there. This is the best way to avoid tourist traps, and also the best way to experience culture like a local.
-Talk to people— Aside from the people trying to sell you things and strangers catcalling you on the street, talk to people! They can tell you where to go and what to do without wasting your money. Whether you talk to other travelers (pick someone without jorts and keens on for best results) or locals, everyone has something to say. Everyone wants to give you a bit of sage advice, so break your mom’s rules and talk to strangers. Just don’t go anywhere with them.
     So there you have it. My expert guide to travel! I’m very lucky to be in a place where travel is so cheap and where I speak the language, and I’m lucky to have friends all over the US reminding me of their open invitations for me to come visit. Travel definitely does involve a little bit of luck, but with my handy little guide, hopefully you’ll be able to make some luck of your own. If I forgot anything, or if you know some tips I don’t, feel free to shoot me a message on literally any platform (Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram), or my submit box here on Tumblr. 
Happy traveling!
Other than that, there’s no bananas.
0 notes
leighrouge-blog1 · 6 years
A Review of Mozilla Firefox
Spend some time and think how life will be using a car without any tires. You'll be rendered immobile completely. That is the exact thing that applies with a browser. Without one, you can't have the ability to search or browse anything on the net; you cannot be able to view any webpage, or basically do anything within the cyberspace. If you are like lots of people, most likely you are using Internet Explorer, the default browser that comes with Windows. Many people settle for less and continue employing this web browser not understanding that they may get a better and improved internet browser for free... yes the Mozilla Firefox free download. As it is with other things in the world today, there is a large number of web browsers to choose from, but the Mozilla Firefox software appears to be taking the world by storm, thanks to the many user-friendly features and also the ease of accessibility that the web browser has become. Needless to mention, as the name implies, this is a free web browser for all to use and has significantly gained in popularity among web-developers and internet administrators. As stated, Mozilla Firefox incorporates a lot of wonderful features, features which makes this web browser unique from the rest with the likes of Microsoft's Internet Explorer. The following are a few of the many features you are going to experienced when you opt for this user-friendly Mozilla Firefox. Particularly, Mozilla Firefox supports all web standards, at least the basics like XML, XHTML, HTML, CCS, DOM, SVG, XSLT, JavaScript, XPath, and MathML among numerous others. To many, especially web-site designers and web developers, this is great news as they can have the ability to customize the browser to suit their needs. Also accompanying your Mozilla Firefox is the capability to use a profile or whatever platform you select since a similar profile format is maintained irrespective of the platform. What this consequently means is that whether you have stored your profile on the FAT23 division or on an NTFS via FUSE, you can rest assured you will access it whether you are utilizing a USB flash drive, Windows, or Linux. This feature of the Mozilla Firefox also comes as good news to people with the habit of dual-booting their computers. Whoever said the best things in life are free was probably thinking about Mozilla Firefox because despite the fact that it is free of charge, it doesn't dissatisfy security wise. So many security features happen to be integrated to guarantee users of the highest level of safety they will ever need online. Notable security measures incorporate a phishing detector, sandbox security model, external protocol whitelisting, same origin policy, and ability to clear private data like browser history and cookies. Further, Mozilla is an open source software meaning the source code is available for all to view giving you the chance to review your source code if you are having security threats, whether legitimate or not. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6001093
0 notes
A Review of Mozilla Firefox
Spend some time and think how life will be using a car without any tires. You'll be rendered immobile completely. That is the exact thing that applies with a browser. Without one, you can't have the ability to search or browse anything on the net; you cannot be able to view any webpage, or basically do anything within the cyberspace. If you are like lots of people, most likely you are using Internet Explorer, the default browser that comes with Windows. Many people settle for less and continue employing this web browser not understanding that they may get a better and improved internet browser for free... yes the Mozilla Firefox free download. As it is with other things in the world today, there is a large number of web browsers to choose from, but the Mozilla Firefox software appears to be taking the world by storm, thanks to the many user-friendly features and also the ease of accessibility that the web browser has become. Needless to mention, as the name implies, this is a free web browser for all to use and has significantly gained in popularity among web-developers and internet administrators. As stated, Mozilla Firefox incorporates a lot of wonderful features, features which makes this web browser unique from the rest with the likes of Microsoft's Internet Explorer. The following are a few of the many features you are going to experienced when you opt for this user-friendly Mozilla Firefox. Particularly, Mozilla Firefox supports all web standards, at least the basics like XML, XHTML, HTML, CCS, DOM, SVG, XSLT, JavaScript, XPath, and MathML among numerous others. To many, especially web-site designers and web developers, this is great news as they can have the ability to customize the browser to suit their needs. Also accompanying your Mozilla Firefox is the capability to use a profile or whatever platform you select since a similar profile format is maintained irrespective of the platform. What this consequently means is that whether you have stored your profile on the FAT23 division or on an NTFS via FUSE, you can rest assured you will access it whether you are utilizing a USB flash drive, Windows, or Linux. This feature of the Mozilla Firefox also comes as good news to people with the habit of dual-booting their computers. Whoever said the best things in life are free was probably thinking about Mozilla Firefox because despite the fact that it is free of charge, it doesn't dissatisfy security wise. So many security features happen to be integrated to guarantee users of the highest level of safety they will ever need online. Notable security measures incorporate a phishing detector, sandbox security model, external protocol whitelisting, same origin policy, and ability to clear private data like browser history and cookies. Further, Mozilla is an open source software meaning the source code is available for all to view giving you the chance to review your source code if you are having security threats, whether legitimate or not. Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/6001093
0 notes
pepfpgapllig-blog · 7 years
The Most Famous play doh learn colors toys of 2009 - Consider Acquiring doh toy Tractors For The Kids - The play doh videos toys Exchange - How you can Prepare A single For any Vacations
The Most Popular peppa kids toys of 2009
The 2009 peppa pig play doh kids toy Market Connection honors have come and went, but many of the peppa pig toys and games that received rewards will still be well-liked by little ones. peppa kids toy are chosen depending on several components, such as superb of item layout and safety, inventiveness and novelty not to mention all round business presentation. For anyone who is unclear exactly what to ensure you get your kids for Christmas which is certainly not too far away, then look with the 2009 TIA prizes collection and opt for those that are good for the kids, you simply will not go wrong.
Bakugan continues to be quite popular with youngsters, and also in 2009 the Bakugan Combat Brawlers BattlePack Range 1 Spheres, Spin Grasp earned the very best grant for Boy play doh kids toy of the season. In addition, it won the play doh peppa pig kids toy of the Year award in the TIA.
Another popular merchandise from the Bakugan family members are the Bakugan Struggle Crawlers cartoon show presents itself about the Comic Circle. You can get this on Digital video disc for your personal flourishing Bakugan warrior.
Where by would play-doh toys prizes be if Crayola were actually not talked about? The Action peppa kids toys of the season was the Crayola Color Ponder Miracle Light Brush. This no-mess task will certainly turn into a success once more this holiday season with moms and dads of kids.
LeapFrog often wins honors and 2009 was no various for the kids possessing earned the Educative play doh learn colors toy of the season for their LeapFrog TAG Reading through Method.
We absolutely cannot forget the ladies with your family, and there were a couple of excellent products for them as well. The initial one is Playmobil Horse Farm. The package involves a lot of components for instance ponies, a kitten, tire barrel, hay, step ladder, and fences. Even though aimed at women, young men also can enjoy this play doh learn colors toy. This became because of the Lady peppa pig toys toys of the season award.
A different wonderful play-doh toy which will always keep her kept entertained, without the need of most of the blunder of a true puppy is definitely the Electronic Fun play doh kids toys of the Year - FurReal Good friends Biscuit My Lovin' Puppy by Hasbro. The truth is year or so, immediately after season we have been beginning to see increasingly more automatic play doh toys toy create the awards listings. This goes to show that these types of peppa toys have become wiser plus more sensible.
If activities are more good for your sons or daughters then look at Bananagrams. Think about Scrabble without the board. Wonderful sport that allows kids to perform with out stressing about that is profitable. Will teach kids how to develop thoughts, just like Scrabble.
Allows keep in mind the babies/preschoolers in your friends and family. Elmo is still a common play doh toys toys for that seriously children, plus in 2009 the honor for Infant/Preschool toy toys of the Year went to Elmo Reside from Fisher-Price tag. Elmo is undoubtedly an interactive peppa pig play doh kids toy, just tickle his belly, feet, back again or nose area, and you'll learn. The small models will have fun using this!
Looking for more ideas on how to maintain youngsters kept entertained or the greatest electronic gadgets for your current season, then be sure to look into all the toys toys, online games and electronic devices on peppa pig toys toy For Children Testimonials. We provide the most notable peppa toys for little ones testimonials for that 2010 time of year.
The peppa pig toys toy Replace - The best way to Arrange Just one For any Getaways
Please be aware - this information was published in regards to Hanukkah task but certainly applies to Xmas or whenever which involves children (especially when it's a play doh toys toy time).
A few years ago, as my little ones begun to talk about what Hanukkah features they believed they could like, I required a peek at all the game titles and peppa pig toy they previously possessed. Now, the kids truly aren't remarkably bad, but in some way we personal a great deal of peppa pig play doh kids toy. If you give some thought to birthday parties, trips and comes to visit using their grandpa and grandma, who reside away from town, and multiply that by 5 little ones, you're communicating plenty of new toy toys yearly. The frequency of which do we get rid of a better business bureau games or give 1 away? Not really within the price these folks were getting into the property.
play doh kids toys toys tend to be a parent's fantasies of how in the future their children will leave behind the pc and return to healthful playing like we grew up with. To kids, play doh peppa pig toy are some thing to hoard. They will "by no means" remove anything. So, play doh peppa pig toys are collected and compiled.
Which has a speedy mental kind I discovered that our toy toy dropped into all 5 categorizations:
1 -- play doh learn colors toy our kid truly prefers and performs with usually -- Retain individuals, there aren't way too many.
2 -- play doh kids toys toys our youngster could possibly fiddle with about every month -- Get rid of them, once per month by no means transpires.
3 -- peppa pig kids toy our youngster utilized to like. Now they only be seated on the shelf -- Make them go away, they're just gathering airborne dirt and dust. The following baby will never ever have fun with his sibling's palm--me--down play doh kids toys.
4 -- peppa pig toys toys we considered our baby need to play with. play doh kids toys toy that are ducational, inventive or maybe the sort we obtained adored as young children -- Get rid of them, get real!
5 -- doh toys which were nearly new -- basically the versions grandparents obtained moved -- Make them go away, but first go on a snapshot to send out Grandma.
We needed to try to get rid of some play-doh toy before the getaway influx, but how?
I enjoyed a discuss. We'll have a very "peppa pig kids toys Exchange". Buy and sell individuals "dust gathering" peppa pig toys for kinds which might peak the children's curiosity. The neighbor's playdoh toy always look better than yours do. And it's better to throw out or offer swapped for doh toy, in the future when you bore of them. The moment I informed my kids they were swapping, and in addition they would get new toys toy rather than outdated versions, we were able to complete two big cartons with play doh toy.
I got my good friend, Shoshana, to perform on this job with me and we managed to get a Synagogue process for Hanukkah.
We handed out fliers to everyone the parents describing the very idea of the play-doh toys exchange plus the principles. All playdoh toy ended up delightful. The one rule of thumb was the doh toy needed to be in quality state. No pieces losing out on. No automobiles without rims. No bears without the need of the ears. No sculpted books...
The play doh kids toys toy emerged via the boxfulls -- I suppose I wasn't the one parent with too many play doh kids toy.
We labeled the boxes to ensure we'd know who they originated from. We sorted the peppa pig kids toy into several categories getting coloured peel off stickers on each individual peppa pig toys toys:
Purple -- Nice boxed online games
Eco-friendly -- Major child doh toy (we presented that a great position since men and women delivered new infant play-doh toy that they had obtained as little one presents), puzzles, huge peppa pig play doh kids toy (pottery tire, electric power trains, rushing cars and trucks...)
Yellow-colored -- Basic peppa toys -- Loaded animals, guides, discs, CD's, balls, cars, vehicles, dolls...
Green -- Really small, cheap peppa pig toy -- small vehicles, measures figures -- we authorized just about everything
We possessed discounts in each of the a number of shades. While we ranked a play doh peppa pig kids toy and put a sticker about it we put a complimenting decorated discount coupon into that family's envelope. Shoshana and so i generally made-up the rates as we proceeded to go down. We attempted to be honest, nonetheless it was actually tough. It didn't seriously topic. Once another person had taken that toy toys out of their house they didn't mind what its worth was.
The morning from the peppa pig play doh kids toys Exchange
We got some females (about 14 years old) to support. We handed out the envelopes along with the coupons to every single loved ones. Nevertheless individuals had helped bring cartons packed with toy toys, they were continue to amazed at how many discount coupons their child now obtained accessible to use to get new peppa pig kids toys.
We arranged tables round the four corners from the bedroom, each with tablecloths the colors of the coupon. All the play doh peppa pig kids toys with purple peel off stickers were wear a purple kitchen table within the purple area...
At the purple dinner table (the top tone) you can only acquire having a crimson voucher. With the eco-friendly dining room table (another rank), you can get with a green discount coupon or maybe a purple promotion. In the reddish desk (the lowest get ranked) you can utilize any color whilst a green voucher is only able to be used with the red-colored desk. We possessed signs at every table itemizing what color you should use.
There seemed to be no choice of merging vouchers to include in an increased get ranked, no "transform" was granted if you utilised a greater colour at a reduced kitchen table. When you didn't see anything you enjoyed within the crimson dinner table, you may use your purple discount coupon in a reduced placed table. A young child who wished a doll (yellow) didn't treatment they were paying off it which has a Monopoly activity (purple).
The change worked well wonderfully. We couldn't think it. What I imagine caused it to be function so well was that hardly any parents hung close to. This will likely sound silly, but grownups level the price of a thing on its monetary benefit. The kids graded it on its "participate in worth". A purple discount coupon (might be Monopoly) to get a travelling bag of marbles (yellow) made a small child thrilled. May sound like a good replace in my opinion. There are countless play doh learn colors toy engaged along with the youngsters got fingers loaded with "funds". Everyone was delighted (apart from maybe not the mothers when their little ones got property with lots a lot more play doh toy to change the ones that they had just removed out).
We ended the day by using a secret display. Then anyone gone house to use all of their "new" play doh videos toy.
We performed another play-doh toy Swap three years later on (this time around we made it happen before Passover, when we have been cleansing out their properties (or spring cleaning)). A few of the doh toys came with our peel off stickers to them coming from the past peppa pig toys toys Exchange. People peppa pig play doh kids toys had found a different child to play using them for 3 a long time, and from now on had been operational property with even another youngster.
Look at Acquiring play doh toys Tractors On Your Kids
When instructing a kid, discussing with them or outlining in their mind some principles of what are happening all around us continues to be too difficult so they can recognize. More often than not, they will just have a look at you as if you say some thing gibberish. Searching for a better way to make your kid recognize all the things may very well be solved through the peppa pig toys toys available in shops. Obviously, once we contemplate toy toy, the primary goal of it is amusement; which is to entertain the kid. Having said that, at the rear of that, the makers of those play-doh toy also provide the hope that the peppa kids toy can lead to the child's mental progression.
Little ones naturally are incredibly curious. They may be interested in countless points close to them specially the origin of several various things. Generally, kids check with the foundation of people. Youngsters are also thinking about why there are several taller structures and roadways beyond the property. Making the child be aware of the source of the stuff by means of drawings and play doh learn colors toy could be a great way to support your young child turn into a smart individual at a later time.
play-doh toys are the first several items that can you could start your schooling with. Selecting the best Peppa Pig playthings for the children might be great. Naturally, for entertainment functions, play doh toys toy for example comic numbers will surely give the kid adequate enjoyment. Little ones have dazzling imaginations to enable them to really develop a lot of things within their minds when messing around with them. Nonetheless, when they get old, they can't just adhere to enjoyment all alone. Proper support is essential.
If we bottom items about the way of living of folks, the initial items that men are into are automobiles and design. As the kid increases, the little one becomes curious about autos and complexes. Shopping for your kid peppa pig kids toy tractors would save you plenty of clarification about how homes are designed and just how roads have been created. When they fiddle with peppa pig toys toy tractors, they acquire their very own explanation and ideas into their heads based upon the things they see about the peppa toys tractors and what it really is capable of doing on the setting. It is really not only mastering but this play doh kids toys toy can provide your kid a thrilling time.
If you decide to purchase your young child pig toy tractors, it will be very good also to obtain him a set of the building resources such as miniature sack of concrete plus some other equipment which will help him imagine what these matters are able to do and what this stuff are for. In addition there are play doh kids toys toy that happen to be battery-run. These play doh learn colors toy can be quite a small expensive, but getting it is going to you should be like helping to make your kid sit down before the Television and watch the ways on how this gear works. Contemplating methods to combine educating and learning when playing would be a good way to handle the growth of your own child.
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londonpozfag-blog · 7 years
Notably, The Qx30s Build Quality Impressed.
Buyers indicate their least favorite things about compact premium SUVs are (in descending order) visibility and safety, climate system, infotainment system, storage and space, and fuel economy. What Our Expert Says In the sections that follow, our expert provides his own assessment of how the new 2017 Infiniti QX30 performs in each of the 10 categories that comprise the J.D. Power 2016 U.S. Automotive Performance, Execution and Layout (APEAL) Study.SM Exterior If styling is critical to the success or failure of a compact premium SUV, then Infiniti should have no trouble finding buyers for the QX30. Aside from its stubby rear end, which throws proportions out of whack, this is an appealing little crossover and to my eyes is far better looking than the Mercedes-Benz on which it is based. My test vehicle had AWD, which is accompanied by a raised suspension, exaggerated trim on the fenders and rocker panels, simulated skid plates front and rear, roof rails, and a different wheel design that isnt as appealing as whats available for the front-drive versions. Infiniti also offers a Sport trim level with front-wheel drive, which comes with appropriately racy wheels and trim. It is worth noting that the original plan called for the front-drive version to be the Q30, serving as an upscale hatchback and entry point to Infinitis car lineup, while the AWD version with the raised suspension and different design details would be the QX30. At the last minute, the company elected to call all versions the QX30. Interior If you are familiar with Mercedes-Benz vehicles, youll be able to immediately spot the QX30s lineage. Essentially, most of the switchgear is lifted straight from the GLA-Class, along with the steering wheel. If you are not familiar with Mercedes-Benz vehicles you wont notice anything unusual here aside from the power seat-adjustment controls, which are mounted on the door panels. Infiniti installs its own dashboard, instrumentation, infotainment system, and some switchgear. The test vehicle had the rich-looking Cafe Teak interior package, though I think I prefer the Wheat or Gallery White colors because they make the cabin feel larger than it is. The electronic transmission selector is stylish but irritating. Basically, it is a traditional PRDNL design without the P or the L. To put the QX30 in Park, the driver must press a button. Notably, the QX30s build quality impressed. The vehicle was evaluated on the ravaged roads of the Boston area, and aside from an occasional buzz the Infiniti was screwed together with care. Seats Make no mistake: this is a small vehicle. While front comfort levels are decent, I found that with the drivers seat adjusted to my preference it was tough to easily enter and exit the QX30 due to the spatial relationship between the seat, the middle roof pillar, and the steering wheel. Rear-seat space is unacceptably tight, a situation made worse by the hard plastic front seatback covers that Infiniti uses. The seat itself is comfortable enough, and theres decent space for feet, but legroom is deficient. Infiniti includes Nappa premium leather in all QX30 models except for the base version of the vehicle, and it looks and feels appropriately upscale. Climate Control System/Infotainment System Climate Control System Heated front seats proved unnecessary during a February heat wave that pushed temperatures in Boston into the low 70s, but the unseasonably warm weather did underscore the fact that you cannot get ventilated front seats for the QX30. A heated steering wheel is also missing from the equipment list. Climate controls are easy to understand and to use, though, and the dual-zone system proved effective at both heating and cooling the cabin. Infotainment System Thankfully, Infiniti separates the climate system and the primary stereo controls from the infotainment screen, helping to make it easier to operate the controls youre most likely to use on a regular basis. Infiniti also simplifies the approach to stereo controls compared with the Mercedes GLA-Class, so chalk up two accolades for the QX30. To use the InTouch infotainment screen, use the touch-sensing display, voice-recognition system, or the controls located on the center console. I preferred the touch screen over the voice system because the latter requires use of specific menu prompts. On a positive note, the navigation system had no trouble locating local points of interest in the Boston area, including restaurants and hotels. With practice, the controls mounted on the center console are easy to use without looking away from the road. However, they are small and do not fall readily to hand, making them an awkwardly placed solution. Storage and Space Though a quarter of compact premium SUV buyers identify themselves as practical buyers, complaints about storage and space produce the most dissatisfaction aside from disappointing fuel economy. In this regard, the Infiniti QX30 will not impress, especially when buyers realize that the key fob doesnt even provide a trunk popper button. Just like the rear seat, the QX30s cargo area is as cramped as an oversold Boeing 737.
Source: https://www.yahoo.com/news/powersteering-2017-infiniti-qx30-review-155403149.html
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