#not to overshare on the oversharing webbed site
josecariohca · 8 months
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ok apparently i will be spending the next few days carefully breathing through the pain
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hickoryhorneddevils · 7 months
they should invent sex that cures a uti
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bethehhhny · 1 month
Your parents shouldn't have done that to Hedgie or to you, and I'm sorry that happened. You were a kid, it wasn't okay to punish you with the loss of a comfort object for testing boundaries--it's a kid's job to do that. Justice for Hedgie!
Aw, thank you for saying this. I think they felt guilty, cuz they let my grandparents gift me another hedgehog toy when I ended up in tears after I couldn't find Hedgie the next week. But it wasn't the same, and I always felt slightly weird and unhappy about the new hedgehog, who also didn't deserve that stigma? Lol.
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freakazoidstate · 1 month
i desire to get hornier on main. i fear for my irls knowing about some of the shit im into. NOT BECAUSE ITS BAD i just think most people would question or give me weird lookssorry yeah i wanna get crushed by that machine and please GOD let it be in a sexual way. also a werewolf please ☝️
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squishysphealgirl · 5 months
"Periods of inability to feel close to other people" oh is that what that is?
not rhetorical I don't fucking know lol
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chaoticfandomthot · 9 months
I've noticed that everytime i'm insane about smthg i go 'chewing concrete' 'chewing the walls' 'chewing through my bones'
It's a wonder it took me so long to figure out i have a oral fixation...
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bi-tchsexual · 1 year
Today is the worst actually :( I had to kill 2 spiders and let a 3rd one get away and I couldn't catch the 3rd one because I was dealing with what I thought was an intruder situation but was actually just a combination of campus safety doing their rounds and the building's ghost fucking with me. Anyway. Hate and war on the planet earth especially against spiders who are within 20 feet of me.
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irregularcollapse · 3 months
you know what i think makes me angriest about trying to talk about cancer?
no one wants to hear it. they get uncomfortable, or they “don’t know what to say,” or they come back with some story about someone they know and so they “get it.”
everyone loves to tell people that you should talk about things to give them less power, or that you should talk about things to realise you’re less alone, or that you should talk about things to reduce stigma and raise awareness.
i’m trying to talk about things. and i’m not looking for sympathy or platitudes or praise, i’m just looking for people to listen and accept it as a thing that should be talked about and acknowledged. i just want some fucking acknowledgement.
i want people to let me talk about it without acting like i’ve brought up something morbid or depressing. i want people to let me talk about it and not just go silent and stupid. i want people to let me talk about it like it’s any other thing, to ask questions and deal with the answers they get, to stop acting like i’ve said something i shouldn’t.
people love to get on this webbed site and reblog posts like “you never know what someone else has been through,” but just straight up ignore it when someone tells them.
it is and continues to be the worst thing that has ever happened to me, and i may be in remission but it isn’t ever going to be over, and it isn’t a tragedy and it isn’t depressing and it isn’t a cry for attention, it is just something that i want to talk about because it did happen and it continues to happen, and it isn’t a trauma dump or an overshare when i do talk about it, and big red hot fuck you if you think so.
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josecariohca · 11 months
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soundsofastar · 8 months
Anyway does anyone wanna know about the paranormal experience I had like 2 years ago and still hasn't left my brain maybe if I overshare on this webbed site It will leave me be
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typewriter-worries · 17 days
i really love your account but this is the oversharing to strangers webbed site, if we wanted to pack it up we just. wouldn't be here anymore :(
I love the implication that the love toward this account is only given if you're allowed to overshare. Anon you're allowed to overshare, as a little treat.
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mmmthornton · 8 months
Tag 9 people you'd like to get to know better, tagged by @hellanahmean
Last Song: Just the Once by Metric
Favorite Color: Dank Green
Currently Watching: Forensic Files, bad movies on Tubi.
Last Movie: (I've seen NOTHING that's recent in a while lol sorry), last movie I watched was The Nun.
Currently Reading: Tautened by Adrian Page! Lesbian literature baby
Sweet/Spicy/Savory: I love all three, but i've had a CRAZY sweet tooth lately. Someone buy me chocolate!
Relation Status: Very single and in need of someone to buy me a big heart with chocolates in it to show their affection (see above).
Current Obsession(s): tiny pumpkins, this pizza i'm about to order from a local place I like, and songs that would work as the soundtrack for lesbian sex scenes.
Last thing I Googled: probably MBTA closures because that's usually the only thing I goggle
Currently working on: having fun while writing. I don't want it to become a chore for me before I finish this one.
Tagging: @vifetoile @kunekunee @rustycoralnipples @tafeja And anyone else who likes oversharing on this webbed site!
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digisiege · 4 months
"Unlocking the Value: Understanding the Significance of Your Data"
In a recent classroom discussion that left us all pondering the profound implications of our digital existence, our teacher posed a thought-provoking question: "Are we for sale, and what's worth more – our data or our money?" Little did we know that this seemingly simple inquiry would unravel a complex tapestry of insights into the world of data privacy and its economic counterpart.
The Intriguing Classroom Dialogue:
As we gathered in the classroom, our teacher initiated a conversation that transcended the boundaries of the physical space we occupied. "In this digital age," he began, "our personal data is a valuable commodity. But how do we quantify its worth compared to traditional currencies?" The room fell into a thoughtful silence, with students exchanging curious glances.
The Currency of Data:
The discussion explored the concept of data as a form of currency in the vast landscape of the internet. We delved into the intricate web of online platforms, social media, and e-commerce sites that thrive on the collection and utilization of user data. As we navigated through the realms of targeted advertising and personalized recommendations, it became evident that our digital footprints carry a substantial value.
Privacy as a Precious Commodity:
The discourse shifted towards the notion of privacy as a limited and increasingly sought-after resource. We contemplated the trade-offs we make daily, willingly or unknowingly, to access the conveniences of the digital world. From social media oversharing to accepting cookie policies, our actions contribute to the creation of a virtual marketplace where personal information is a prized commodity.
The Digital Transaction:
Drawing parallels between monetary transactions and the exchange of data, we explored how companies capitalize on user information for financial gain. The revelation that our data holds significant worth in the eyes of businesses and advertisers prompted a collective realization of the need to be more conscious and vigilant about our online activities.
As we wrapped up our discussion, it became clear that the value of our data is not just a philosophical question but a tangible reality in our interconnected world. Understanding this significance is the first step towards reclaiming control over our digital identities.
In the journey of "Unlocking the Value: Understanding the Significance of Your Data," our classroom experience opened our eyes to the intricate dance between privacy, personal worth, and the digital marketplace. It serves as a call to action for each of us to navigate the online landscape with awareness, ensuring that we retain sovereignty over our digital selves in an era where data is indeed a valuable currency.
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ace-but-not-a-pilot · 4 months
Oh how I try to avoid the instinctive need to overshare on this webbed site
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catwingsathena · 8 months
5, 19, 21 for the writing meta asks?
Thank you for the ask, friend! You sure do know how to pick these, huh 😂
5. What character you’re writing do you most identify with?
Thinking about the Jailbreak Squad, it’s funny, because Jon, Mike, and Karolina are the three I tend to relate to (and project on) the most, but like… in extremely different ways, because they’re very different people! And yet the things they do have in common are very much places I can relate: smart, stubborn, intense, autistic, nerdy, and incapable of doing anything with less than 110% commitment. There’s… I don’t know how to say it, a directness to them? Almost a purity, though not at all in the moral sense. What I mean is that they are what they are at all times and at full volume. You know they’re not being manipulative when they talk to you, not because they’d have any issue with it on principle, but because they’re just flat-out incapable. Sincere by lack of other options. Which is SUCH a me mood. It’s not that I wouldn’t lie to you, I’m just really bad at it…
19. Is there something you always find yourself repeating in your writing?
Thistle, you know the answer to this question. You know all of the many answers to this question. However, as per your request, I will expose my faults to the world, because I love you and it will objectively be funny.
My characters breathe to express emotion way too often (this becomes especially annoying when I’m writing about characters who don’t need to breathe) (confession time: I established early on in A World of His Own that Jon still takes deep breaths to calm himself, even though he doesn’t need to, because I knew some would inevitably slip through even if I tried not to have him do that, so I decided to just give myself an excuse). In particular, people take deep breaths, or deep, shaky breaths, or deep, shuddering breaths… you get the picture. Like many writers, I overuse nods and head shakes. People also say or do things slowly a lot. (As you would imagine, people in my fics nod slowly far more often than they should.) I’m much too fond of the words “wry” and “rueful,” which probably says as much about the kinds of characters I gravitate towards as it does about my writing, but still. People “give” expressions or sounds (“she gave a shaky smile”) instead of just doing them. I do, in fact, overuse the phrase “in fact” in that particular construction. There’s more, but that’ll do for now.
As for tropes, plots, characters, et cetera… sorry, disclosing my word choice sins on this webbed site was quite enough oversharing for one night :)
21. What other medium do you think your story would work well in?
I’ve definitely imagined some Jailbreak Squad comics! You could do super fun things with perspective for the Vast people and Helen’s corridors, I bet, and Helen would have a great time interacting with panel boundaries/sound effects/etc. and ambiguously breaking the fourth wall. Jon is also an occasional fourth wall breaker, and you could do some really cool playing around with text boxes for him, I feel like? Incorporating speech into the images in various ways, having an entire panel background that’s just words, that sort of thing. I actually have some little scenes in my head as comics, including but not limited to “may the gods ensure your suffering,” “go to horny jail,” “SoL,” “squeaky,” the carnival not-date, and the Pacific Rim movie night idea we were talking about. I also think Do Not Ignore the Mermaids (for everyone who isn’t Thistle, Harriet and Oliver’s first meeting) could be FANTASTIC as a comic.
Once again, thank you for the asks, my dear! Hope my answers were satisfactory 🙂
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