#not to mention the death that occurred earlier in the weekend may he rest in peace
roscoehamiltons · 11 months
haven’t watched anything from austria gp yet and was debating on whether or not I should watch and post my reactions on here (rather than twitter).. then got an error when i tried to open tumblr to post so I’m gonna take that as a sign!
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whatznewz · 4 years
Anonymous Has Joined The Fight
After a recent video uploading on Facebook from the famous Anonymous, the “Black Lives Matter Movement” has a new ally.
By now we might’ve all heard about it: the group of hacktivists known as Anonymous has joined the #blacklivesmatter movement and protests that are occurring in the present day.  Who are they?  Where are they?  What are they? How are they going to help the movement against the American police and military forces?                                                                                                      
Let’s rewind all the way back to 2003.  A website by the name of 4chan, basically a cruder version of Reddit, was semi-popular.  This website, however, did not require its users to form an account, so everything was anonymous and people could generally post what they wanted without any backlash due to not having a designated username.  The anonymity of the website is perhaps what sparked up the given name Anonymous.
Originally, they started as a trolling group, a sort of joke.  Things that the group of trollers started to do in the beginning included sending unpaid pizzas to houses, posting humiliating information about public figures or other 4chan users, DDoSing different websites (method used to take down websites from the inside), and occasionally prank calls or private chats on other networks.   In 2008, what was meant to be a private video of Tom Cruise praising scientology made it online.  It was suspected to be uploaded by the trolling anonymous users that originated from 4chan.  When the video was taken down, the anon users seemed to have been angered.  This started a wave of trolling against the organization that had taken the video down.  This provoked protesting outside of the Church of Scientology.  However, the protesting eventually calmed down and the anon users went back to their regularly scheduled trolls.
Essentially, this “group” of hackers isn’t really an organized group.  While there is technically a team of anonymous hackers, they only make up a very small percentage of the people that continue to support the group and hack for similar causes to that of Anonymous.  
In the past they’ve hacked their way through recognition with some controversial issues like “Operation Tunisia” (2011), “Operation DarkNet” (2011), “Operation Russia” (2012), and many other big activism events throughout the years of 2010-2012.  This form of activism can prove to be very powerful when a group of people is experiencing social injustice and needs something to be done. ______ The infamous Guy Fawkes mask that can has been used as a sort of face for Anonymous originates from the comic and movie adaptation V For Vendetta.  V For Vendetta, summarized, follows the story of a young woman who is “rescued from a life situation by a masked guy known as ‘V’.” (V For Vendetta (2005) - Plot Summary - IMDb).
Guy Fawkes, however, is not fictional.  Fawkes is a historical figure who had attempted to blow up Parliament (1604) in hopes of destroying the British government and instating catholic domination.  He failed at his mission, but perhaps this act of rebellion is what inspired Anonymous to wear the Guy Fawkes mask.
In addition to the mask and the movie, Anonymous also has their own slogan: “Knowledge is free. We are Anonymous.  We are Legion.  We do not forget.”
As far as we know, Anonymous communicates through 4chan (though I would not recommend searching the website), image board wiki forums, and IRC networks.  Although Anonymous claims to not have any set leaders and, like I mentioned before, has only a small group of legit Anonymous hackers, it does have a way of targeting specific organizations all at once.
For example, a wide-range of people have strong opinions on something that’s unjust in the world.  If the subject at hand seems to have a big enough impact on the world, Anonymous has stepped in to reveal classified files, expose authoritative figures, or to hack their way into private institutions (may it be the government or a corporation) to fix the problem or assist people in their activism. Because of their efficiency, they are considered a legitimate threat to the government or shady companies. ______
Anonymous is back?
Recently, on May 28th, the Anonymous Facebook account posted a video regarding the recent events of George Floyd’s death, the unfair power of Minneapolis police, and the protests that are now happening all over America. In the video, Anonymous said the following:
“Greetings citizens of the United States.  This is a message from Anonymous, to the Minneapolis Police Department.  
“Police brutality and murder is a widespread problem in the United States, which has undoubtedly infected nearly every jurisdiction in the country, but the Minneapolis Police Department is among the worst and has a horrific track record of violence and corruption.  This week’s brutal killing of George Floyd, which has sparked protests and national outrage, is nearly the tip of the iceberg in a long list of high-profile cases of wrongful death at the hands of officers in your state.  In fact, in the past two decades, 193 people have been killed by police in Minnesota.  
“In recent years, we have seen numerous high profile killings in the area, including the deaths of Jamar Clark, Philando Castile, Justine Damond, Thurman Blevins, and Brian Quinones.  These are only the cases to catch the headlines., where videos or other evidence proves that the police are lying.  Sadly, in the vast majority of police killings, the only one left alive to tell the story is the officer who took the person’s life, and thus the cycle is able to continue because none of these murderers ever face any justice for their actions.  This travesty has gone on for far too long, and now the people have had enough.  
“In the most recent case of George Floyd, the blatant disregard for human life exhibited by the officers is undeniable and all evidence that has been released so far has shown that Floyd was being entirely compliant with the officers, which contradict earlier claims from police that he was resisting arrest.  Furthermore, our initial investigation of the offending officers has revealed a criminal pattern of violence on the job.  At least two of the officers involved in Floyd’s arrest, Derek Chauvin and Tou Thao, have a history of on the job shootings and excessive force complaints.  The Star Tribune reported this week that Chauvin, the officer most directly responsible for Floyd’s death, has been involved in numerous on the job shootings where suspects were killed.  There were four officers on the scene at the time of the incident, one who kept the gathering crowds away, and three who were forcefully holding Floyd down.  Onlookers warned the officer that he was crushing the man to death, but none of the police on the scene seemed to have any concern for Floyd’s condition.  You may have fired these officers to save face, but it is obvious that this type of behavior is condoned, if not encouraged within your police department, as it is in others.  Officers who kill people and commit crimes need to be held accountable just like the rest of us, otherwise, they will believe that they have a license to do whatever they want.
“You will claim that this is the work of just ‘a few bad apples’, but what of the officers that stand by and do nothing while they commit offenses against the people they encounter, and the police departments like yours who refuse to prosecute these criminals as they would one of the citizens that they are sworn to protect.  
“People have had enough of this corruption and violence from an organization that promises to keep them safe.  After the events of the past few years, many people are now beginning to learn that you are not here to save us, but rather, you are here to oppress and carry out the will of the criminal ruling class.  You are here to keep order for the people in control, not to provide safety for the people who are being controlled.  In fact, you are the very mechanism that elites use to continue their global system of oppression, and the world is finally starting to wake up to this, and they are becoming increasingly angry every time they see blood needlessly spilled without consequence.  
“These officers must face criminal charges, and officer Chauvin especially should face murder charges.  Unfortunately, we do not trust your corrupt organization to carry out justice, so we will be exposing your many crimes to the world.  We are Legion!  Expect us.”
As you may be able to see, this is not any form of a warning to the Minneapolis Police Department and the government, but more of a declaration of action.
Over the weekend, the Minneapolis Police Department and the city were both kicked offline, but it’s undecided yet whether this was an accident or the work of Anonymous.  Real records of President Trump’s past with sexual assault of a child has been “leaked” by this hacktivist group.  I say “leaked”, because these reports were actually shown to the public years ago, but still kept quiet by supporters of Trump.  Additionally, names of other police brutality victims have also been released to the public by the hand of Anonymous.  Lastly, police radios have been reportedly hacked in the midst of protests and riots, playing either polka music or “Fuck the police”.
Overall, Anonymous joins the fight against police brutality and black social injustice, and the protesting continues.
Follow for more news and send requests for updates on current events.  Check the next post for pictures on this article.
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tarralin · 5 years
Fox Hunt, Chapter Thirteen
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(Moodboard gifted by @under-sengoku-skies)
Mitsuhide didn't waste the day Nobunaga had gifted him.
The morning was spent playing a new game of guessing the origin of scars on them both. Each discovery led to new questions, new explorations until he could map out every marking upon her skin. Blades, bullets, the elements… the little harpy seemed to have no end of battle tales or missions she assured were mostly were successful despite the souvenirs she earned from them.
"This is an odd one…" his fingers traced a thinly raised semi-circle located on the back of her right thigh.
She was watching his exploration while perched on her elbows and, once he found his newest target, her head rolled as laughter boomed freely from her. "I was hoping you'd pass that one! It is by no means battle related and one you may need sake for."
"You pique my interest further, dearest, do tell.” He smirked while retrieving a carafe to pour them both a new cup.
Her eyes narrowed as she contemplated her thoughts before cautiously broaching a question. “Among your conversations with foreign traders, have you ever heard of the Sahara Desert?”
“Can't say that I have… Why, what is this ‘Sahara’?”
She pursed her lips in thought now before her eyes sparkled with a realization. “There's a beach line nearby with giant sand dunes isn't there?”
“You mean Tottori?”
“Yes, that's it! Imagine those sand dunes stretching over several nations to a size twenty-five times larger than all of Japan… and that would be the Sahara Desert.”
He blinked incredulously at her comparison. Were the lands beyond really so large? He always wondered at the haughty attitudes of the traders, and even his harpy spoke with lilt so far removed from theirs, it could only be explained by distance.
A clink on his cup from hers pulled his attention back. "I told you, you may need sake for it. I know many don't believe as Nobu does, but the world really is a much larger place than you may think. But that's another story for later.
“The mission was a simple agent extraction with RM and I on point while JR acted as lookout. We got the agent where she needed to be, but RM's transport contact for us ended up being a materialistic rat and sold us out. Lucky for us, a sand storm came out of nowhere and we managed to escape by running into it. We found the ruins of a house to ride out the rest of the storm and it was well into the night by the time it died down enough for us to build a fire. Once we did, RM dumped her bag in true RM fashion and everything scattered, one of those things being a hairspray can she packed from the mission and--"
"A what?"
"A hair oil," her eyes widened a fraction as if she hadn't meant to say so much before blinking with an explanation. "Specifically meant for styling. Back home, we have a special dispensing canister for it but when exposed to heat it can act as a bomb if left unnoticed. Well… neither of us noticed it until it was too late and beamed me right in the thigh. My whole leg went numb at first and then the pain started, felt like a gunshot and I couldn't walk until dawn! RM felt horrible but all I could do was laugh. Here we had just ran through town, dodging bullets and blades the whole time, yet she's the one who managed to incapacitate me for a time." Her shoulders trembled with mirth at the memory. "JR was furious when she found us the next day, saying only we would be crazy enough to run into a desert storm without rations of water."
"She'd rather you be killed by the pursuers?"
"That's what I said!" Another laugh while sipping her sake as his hands continued lower to her ankles and-- were his eyes playing tricks? His fingers delicately traced where the tips of several toes should have been. All three middle toes of her right foot, as well as the left's middle and adjacent right, ended at the first knuckle where crude, visible scarring revealed that she had indeed been born with them.
“You said you were held captive before, correct?”
She nodded once slowly as she downed her cup's remaining contents. “I was captured in Croatia, yes, but that didn't happen then. That occurred after I returned home.” Reluctance tensed her shoulders as he ran his palms over her calf in silent encouragement until she sighed with resolve and continued. “I told you before my eldest brother, Michael, and I haven't spoken a word to each other since we buried Mark and Macon, but that's not one hundred percent true…
~Five Years Earlier~
Mabel stared unblinking at the phone in front of her atop the kitchen counter for several long moments. After feeling nothing but an all-encompassing numbness in the weeks since Mark and Macon's burials, a single phone call-- from Michael of all people!-- blasted a much-needed breath of life through her entire being.
Life had only ever revolved around two primary objectives: proving her worth of Mother's name to Father, and forcing her eldest brother to acknowledge her existence. The latter of which she had actually given up on years ago. Yet, now it seemed there was finally a chance for peace as his words replayed in her mind.
"I know I've been nothing but an ass to you and I know it will probably take the rest of my life to make up for it, but would you have it in your heart to let me try?"
She still couldn't believe it really happened, even after checking the phone's call log four times. Sure, all this was no doubt brought on by grief and the fact that she was now the only blood he had left in the world but this was not an opportunity to let pass!
Hunting with Michael this weekend at the old lodge? Hell yeah!
Mabel was on the road within an hour after a quick text explaining the new plans to Jules and Rica, car packed with all she needed for three days of leisurely game...
A fit of insanity. That was the only thing that could explain why Michael bashed a vase into the back of her head when she entered the door. What other feasible reason was there for stringing her up like a hunted animal?
Struggling proved futile as her arms were rendered useless from the strain of hanging several feet above the ground. If she could just gain traction somewhere-- anywhere!-- maybe she could at least gnaw away at the ropes until they snapped loose but not a single chair or table adorned the processing shack. All game cleaning supplies had been removed from the room and her tether was so short she couldn't even plant a foot on the wall.
Not to mention the shack offered meager protection against the snow-laced winter winds of the mountain. The cold had long since soaked into her bones and numbed all feeling. White frost sparkled at the corners of her eyes in the morning sun that peeked through the edges of the window covers. Honestly, she'd never know how frostbite hadn't set in after two days like this as the forecast called for single digit temps all week.
"Well, well, well." Not even a thread of true surprise wound through Michael's sarcasm as he stepped through the door. The grin he boasted was suited for a kid in a toy store more than a man flourishing a pair of hedge trimmers. If it weren't for the meticulously assembled surgical scrubs and gloves he wore, she could almost fool herself into thinking he was going to cut her loose from the binding. "You're not a popsicle yet. Impressive."
It took several moments longer than she liked to push words through her chattering teeth. "Just lucky, I guess."
"Lucky?" Barely contained venom spewed now, transforming his voice from the honey smooth flow to a toxic stream of vitriol. "Is that how you explain why my brothers are dead?"
Those words froze the blood in her veins more effectively than the snow ever could as the puzzle snapped together and realization struck. This was no temporary psychosis. This was old fashioned revenge that had been carefully plotted and set with her exact brand of bait. How could I be so stupid?!
"You know, it doesn't really matter." He closed the door behind him as he straightened a surgeon's mask in place. "Why don't we play a game, hmm? I ask a question, you answer. Respond correctly and I'll cut into the ropes little by little; answer incorrectly--" the shink of metal brought her gaze back to the trimmers as he snapped them shut for emphasis "-- and I cut into you. Simple enough?"
"Go to Hell."
"Ooh, wrong answer."
It took all his years of practice for Mitsuhide to keep the fury from showing in the moments after her tale. Violence amongst family was not an uncommon occurrence, particularly when heirs quarreled regularly, but an uncontested eldest son turning against his younger sister? Only in one situation had he heard of such a thing.
Another soft nod. "He's always blamed me for Mother's death. Then, Father passed not long before Croatia and he finally snapped."
"In your country, are such actions punishable?"
"Oh, definitely, but Michael was smart. He had a foolproof alibi with several of his friends backing it. Not to mention his extensive career and personal connections through the local government that would easily squash any kind of criminal charges against him. With no other witnesses or proof, it would have been just one giant waste of time."
"In other words, I get to enjoy a hunt across your homeland someday." He was already calculating the earliest he could leave the campaign to track down the degenerate when her lips landed softly over his collarbone as he returned to her side.
"Thank you but he's not worth your time."
His arms tightened around as his own lips brushed over the top of her head, an ever so dangerous sliver of hope coursing through him that she hadn't denied the possibility of a 'someday'. He cleared it from his thoughts and asked one last question of this past incident. "How did you free yourself?"
A dark huff of a laugh as she rolled her eyes. "I didn't. Apparently, the message I sent to my sisters was enough for them to know something was wrong. They found me just in time before freezing to death. After that, JR feared Michael would come after again me so the three of us dropped all use of our real names from then on. RM suggested using initials. See, in her family its tradition to name all firstborn daughters after the matriarch many generations ago. She has four other cousins-- plus an aunt-- that have the same name and they all go by something else when the family gathers."
"A great honor, what did the matriarch do to warrant such loyalty?"
"No one remembers! It's just an ingrained tradition now." A true smile bloomed as a small giggle escaped her. He laced his fingers through her hair as it reverberated through his chest, enjoying the warmth shining in her eyes after the dark clouds cleared from them and engraved the sight as best as he could into his memory. Something in his gaze sent a flash of his favorite scarlet dancing across her nose. "What is it?"
Oh, how nicely you've opened up for an attack. Must not waste this opportunity… "Simply deciding and plotting out all the ways to bring out that delicious coloring of yours."
"As if you know the meaning of the word!" Laughter abounded freely as he flipped her suddenly, pinning her wrists above her head. "Half the day is gone, so you better get started."
The next dawning sun signaled the time to return to Azuchi, but not until he made sure not a strand of hair or a slip of fabric among her ensemble were out of place. It would not do for her to be sacrificed to the castle rumor mill. Regardless of her indifference to the subject, he would not hear of her name making rounds in the wrong kind of circles.
“Mitsuhide,” she sighed once more as he glanced about the alleyway they traveled leading to the castle, wrapping herself around his arm. “That's really not necessary.”
“I know the extent rumors can stretch. Mere whispers grow into whirlwinds which grow into monsoons until they destroy all one has built.”
She pulled him to a stop beside her, hands locking behind his neck to force him to meet her gaze. “They're not exactly rumors if it's true, right? We don't have time to worry about what anyone outside our circle thinks and I'm sure most of them suspected this. Besides...” she ran her hands down his torso, straightening the edges of his scarf as she went. “It will take a lot more than a monsoon to destroy me, Mitsuhide.”
Perhaps it is best she's chosen to leave... Buddha knows I don't deserve her.
Her fingers came back to his face as if she were trying to memorize it again; as if she could hear his thoughts. If she did, she made no further comment. Simply gifted him that glimpse of sunshine in her smile before she had to turn down the castle path toward the servant quarters where the maids were probably awaiting her instructions.
He watched as she transformed back to the Chatelaine known throughout Azuchi with each step until she was out of sight. He’d have to wait out the daylight hours until he could work on uncovering more hidden pieces to the lovely puzzle that he was running out of time to solve.
But he would try… starting with the arrival of her 'gift'.
MC stood in front of the audience chamber door with a loaded tea cart at hand. It would be the first war council she attended since the attack two weeks ago. Not to mention the first while working alongside a lover. They hadn't discussed their comfortable level of publicity yet, so she would continue on as if nothing had happened between them and simply watch for any clues he gave.
Looking out for a kitsune's signals? This should be interesting…
Getting right to work as she entered, she filled everyone's teacups while they waited for the two remaining warlords to arrive. Both Hideyoshi and Mitsuhide had yet to show.
"My, my," Nobu's voice took on that brotherly teasing note as he flicked a lock of hair over her shoulder with the end of his writing brush, revealing the very distinctive markings she had tried to conceal. "Looks like you had a restful day indeed. Tell me, spent with anyone interesting?"
You massive troll, like you have to ask! Ugh, no point in hiding it now. "Not you obviously."
"Oh, is the kitten out of the bag already?" Masa's eye gleamed with mischief as he attempted to take her hand in his. "I'd hoped to keep it secret a little longer."
"Not you either!" A light punch in the shoulder accompanied her retort. "No one in this room, okay?"
Hideyoshi arrived at that moment with several letters in hand. "I've retrieved those reports you asked for--" his eyes stopped instantly upon a certain empty seat and released a defeated sigh. "Where is Mitsuhide now?"
Ieyasu was the first to quip a response. "Not in this room."
Nobu's knowing grin grew as he answered Hideyoshi. "He's attending to important business, he'll be here shortly. Let's begin."
The meeting flew by as MC read through her own reports on the renovation project while keeping an eye on the gathered lord's tea as the hours dwindled down.
Oh, time to refill the porcupine...
She had just stood when the door slid open and Mitsuhide entered with his usual smirk in place. "Apologies for my tardiness, but an important delivery was delayed."
Nobu visibly perked at the news. "Ah, the new information has arrived then?"
"It has." Mitsuhide turned toward MC as Ieyasu held his teacup for her to fill. "Dear Chatelaine, allow me."
"I'm nearly healed, Kitsune. A teapot is not likely to do me in."
"If you insist…" He held his palms up in surrender as he paced back to the door, sliding it open and gestured for someone to enter. "Come along now."
She shook her head while focusing on the scowling salt-lick before her--
--until a voice she'd recognize anywhere sent the teapot currently filling Ieyasu's cup to the floor as shock stole the strength from MC's hand. Abandoning the cursing warlord, she spun toward the voice to ensure her eyes weren't playing tricks on her but there was no mistaking the obsidian haired Latina.
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Endgame of Thrones (April Picks)
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Does it even matter what else I watched earlier this month because THIS WEEKEND! If every weekend was like this one I don’t know how I could function. Thankfully Game of Thrones’ Battle of Winterfell and Avengers Endgame were on two different days so my body had some time to process it all. But even preparation couldn’t get me ready for all of the action that occurred. Here come the spoilers!
I’m serious here they come!
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After last week’s episode I was FEARFUL for what would come at the Battle of Winterfell. The impending battle that was foreshadowed since the beginning was inevitable and with several (if not all) of the characters reaching a full character development I grew even more worried for their safety. 8x02 had to be one of my favorite episodes of GOT so far because we had some many characters reuniting and under the same roof with these full circles being made. The top moment for me had to be when Brienne of Tarth became Ser Brienne. Then I immediately started hoping she would survive the next episode. (Thanks writers for making us not be able to just enjoy anything anymore.) 
So, last night as 8x03 began I got ready for the worst, unsure if anyone would survive and after watching I have to say that I am shocked at how many people lived through it. (Which once again makes me very fearful for what lies ahead in the rest of the show. There’s no way all of them will make it, right?) Our main focus has been on the Night King and his oncoming dark night that I was SHOCKED when Arya killed him! I thought we would have to fight him for multiple episodes. Okay, I actually thought he wouldn’t have even been at Winterfell. I believed the theory he was going straight for Kings Landing which actually would have probably been the smarter move. After he was killed I sat there for a moment like: What are the next 3 episodes going to be about? Completely forgetting that Cersei exists. 
But that kill! WOW ARYA! I did not see that coming. I thought Jon would have been more of a contributing factor in the Night King’s death due to him being the product of Fire and Ice, but other than getting lost on his dragon Jon basically spent the episode on the sidelines. I was so happy that Arya got to kill the Night King with one of her oldest tricks. Which of course now makes me upset for her safety. Another full character arc? 
I just wish Bran looked more thankful. But then again he only wears one face now-a-days. As I’ve heard several people mention, I really do hope we learn why the Night King was so obsessed with Bran (who btw I was expecting to have more of a role in the fighting).
There’s so much I want to discuss about this episode but let’s take a moment to remember the fallen: Edd, I knew someone would die protecting Sam and it made sense to be him. Your watch has ended. Lyanna Mormont, I was so worried about her and this crushed me, but she went out like she lived: a badass. Beric Dondarrion, so many times I was like how is he still alive? But it was all for a reason as Melisandre predicted he would help Arya survive. Theon Greyjoy, the complete character arc worried me, but I didn’t think we would lose him this soon. He went out protecting Bran, in the place that was his true home and Bran said he was a good man. What is dead may never die. Jorah Mormont, earlier in the episode as he was one of the first ones on the front lines to charge I didn’t feel confident and was all the more impressed as he made it back time after time. But it all made sense as he had to protect Dany one last time. [Man, as I’m writing all of these out they are starting to become realer and I don’t think I can handle it.] And last but not least, Melisandre, who I was pretty shocked to see at the start of this episode. She came in clutch and the living would not have been able to win without her. Valar Morghulis. 
As everyone predicted the crypts were not the “safest place in Winterfell” as once the Night King emerged the dead started to rise. Once again, I was pretty shocked that we didn’t have more major character deaths down here. I loved the touching scene between Tryion and Sansa as we transitioned between the battlefield and the crypt with no audio except for the music track. Very impactful. 
There is so much more I can say, but these were definitely my first thoughts on the episode. I can’t believe the battle has come and gone and now we have to venture back to Kings Landing. Be safe my friends!
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Over 10 years in the making and 22 films later Avengers Endgame closed a chapter in Marvel history. Walking into the theater I was not emotionally, mentally or physically (3 hours/no bathroom break) prepared. The night before I had re-watched Infinity Wars (and just like with Game of Thrones) prayed for the safety of these heroes. 
I know it was said before but SPOILERS ARE COMING!
My first thought for defeating Thanos seemed to rely on time travel, but I was surprised to see that it took 5 years in the world after the snap before traveling back to get the infinity stones. I LOVED how much of a role Antman aka Scott Lang played in this role. (Thanks to that rat for hitting the right buttons after 5 years.) This character gave us some more insight into what had been going on for that amount of time and of course brought more humor to the film. (I mean he does deliver one of the best lines that gets repeated by Cap later: “That’s America’s butt.”
Opening with the Hawkeye flashback as he has a typical afternoon with his family and then the snap happens where he loses everyone was so tragic. I was not expecting the movie to start that soon as we usually see the classic Marvel opening. The transformation in his character made so much sense and was really interesting to explore. I liked how we got to see both Hawkeye and Antman included where they were missing for the previous film. 
This movie reminded me why I enjoy the MCU so much with all the references to previous films. The site of the first Avengers film: New York City 2012, brought back so many great memories and made me want to rewatch all of them. I loved how we got some exact flashbacks from the movies and then some added scenes showing more of a transition from one movie to the other. (Example: The Avengers to Winter Soldier and Captain America’s “Hail Hydra” moment in the elevator. Of course, I also enjoyed seeing Loki again as it seems that we did truly lose him.) Also seeing clips of old movies from a different angle was cool, like with Starlord singing at the start of Guardians of the Galaxy. Other time events we had never actually been to before, but were still a great trip with Steve seeing Peggy again and Tony his dad. I personally loved seeing Jarvis. 
One of the biggest moments for me was when Captain America held Thor’s hammer during the final battle. It had been predicted in earlier films (particularly Age of Ultron) that he would be worthy enough to wield Mjölnir and they were right. There’s times where he’s using the hammer and the shield and then he alternates with Thor. So good! 
Just as with the Night King in GOT, Thanos is defeated in this film, but it is not without loss on our side. It starts with Black Widow sacrificing herself for the soul stone. I was really hoping there was some sort of loop hole that would bring her back because of all the time travel stuff and was really shocked when Bruce Banner/Hulk said he tried but wasn’t able to get her back. I had heard rumors of Scarlett Johanssen getting her own Black Widow movie so I am a bit confused unless it is a prequel story. Either way I hope this isn’t the last we’ve seen of this hero. Tony Stark’s death was one that I thought might happen going into the movie, but it did not prepare me for it actually happening. As I was talking about before with the full circle character development, Tony experienced this. He was also the kick off to the MCU, so it made even more sense for this ending. His final sentence: “I am Ironman” still gives me chills. While Captain America didn’t technically “die” and lived out his life with Peggy as he always wanted, it was also a goodbye to his character. It was great to see him pass the shield over to Sam but it will still feel a bit strange to not see Steve next film. 
There’s so much more that I can continue to talk about and I know as soon as I publish this article I will probably think of something else to say, but as you can see I definitely enjoyed this movie and can’t wait to see it again in theaters.
So, I survived the weekend! I hope you did too. Let me know how you feel about all of this! 
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kenziejaimes · 7 years
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Since you have no large investment, your financial risk is almost nonexistent. You really have nothing to lose except some of your time and yet you have everything to gain. Where else can you start a business for under $200 and have the potential for financial freedom?
Working From Home
No traveling to the “Cement Jungle”, no wasted time in traffic tie-ups. This is especially good for women who want to be at home with their families yet be able to earn some extra income. It is also good for the person who is tired of punching the clock and being paid what a job is worth instead of what they are worth.
Flexible Hours
In corporate America you are married to the clock. Your employer decides the hours you work and the time you get off. Most businesses do not have much flexibility. Even owning your own business is not always the answer. Some businesses can become very demanding. You may think you own your own business when in reality the business may own you.
Your networking business is usually started on a part-time basis. You are always in control of the time you put in. You decide the hours you want to work. By giving up a little leisure time, putting aside the TV, bowling leagues or a night at the movies, you can receive great dividends down the road.
No Special Licenses or Training Required
To become an attorney requires several years of schooling and then bar examinations to pass. Doctors require even more schooling and training. You start with a heavy debt burden before you see your first paying customer.
Even many of the trade occupations require apprenticeships before you can be licensed and have your salary or hourly wages increased.
In networking there are no exams to take. No special licenses to acquire. No unions to join.
Duplication of Efforts
In a professional business such as a doctor, dentist or attorney, it is the proprietor of the business that is really earning the money. The staff is there only to assist and they add to the overhead. For instance, if the doctor is on vacation, there are no income producing activities, yet the overhead stays the same. The money that is earned is mainly because of his efforts. When he is not working, the money machine stops.
Very few people ever become wealthy without duplicating their efforts through others.
Network Marketing has been called “The small mans franchise”. You are actually setting up distribution centers throughout the country and throughout the world, yet you don’t have the fees and the overhead associated with franchising. You are paid every time product is moved through these distribution centers. The more distribution centers you have, the higher your income.
Paul Getty said, “I would rather be paid 5% on the efforts of a hundred people than 100% on my own efforts”.
No Large Inventories to Drain Your Capital
Many companies have a large amount of their assets tied up in inventory to supply their customers, which can also lead to additional taxes at the end of the year. In most product oriented companies, bank loans are required just to get started because of the necessary inventory.
In networking no large inventory is required since the company ships the product directly to the distributors in your downline. The distributors in your downline simply call a toll-free number, place an order and you receive the credit for the sale without even being involved in the process.
Discrimination Free
No matter what your race, color, religion or gender you can succeed in networking. It is the most colorblind of all businesses. Your background and education doesn’t matter. Your success or failure depends solely on your own ability and not on someone else’s prejudices.
The annuals of networking history are loaded with the success stories of minorities who had never been given an honest chance in the normal business world and who are now debt free and financially strong.
Tax Benefits
A salaried employee has no tax related deductions, except the interest on their home mortgage.
Can you imagine going to resorts for conferences and being able to deduct it as a business expense? Once you are a self employed person, many tax advantages open up for you; travel to and from your appointments and meetings, a home office, etc.
No Regulatory Problems
The networking company you represent will take care of all regulatory requirements set up by the governments, local, national and international. They will have the necessary skills, knowledge and personnel to take care of this area. And the cost to you? Nothing! It is all a part of their support to help you succeed in your business.
You will be able to run a national and international business from the comfort of your home with nothing more than a phone, fax machine and a computer.
No Employees
With more and more regulations being imposed on businesses by governments worldwide, it has become an administrative nightmare. A serious business needs to hire specialists to keep up with the regulations.
Since each distributor is an independent agent, you have no employer, employee relationships. No payroll taxes to fill out, no government agencies or forms to worry about. Your job is to recruit and train. The networking company you represent takes care of the rest.
Positive Environment
In the corporate world, most of the time people are looking over their shoulder wondering who is gunning for their job, wondering if they will get that raise or promotion they are counting on. And usually you have no choice who you work with. This can lead to a great amount of frustration and insecurity.
In networking you have just the opposite. You are in business for yourself but not by yourself. You have a whole upline group that is pulling for your success, people who will go out of their way to help you succeed. You chose the people you want to work with. You are surrounded by people with a like mind and it creates a positive, exciting environment.
No Account Receivables or Collection Problems
Account receivables have destroyed many businesses. Collection problems can be costly and bad for customer relations.
Since networking is done on a cash and carry system, you have no negative cash flow. As mentioned earlier, your organization, both distributors and customers can call a toll-free number and place their orders. You never even have to handle the money.
The only money you have to worry about is how to spend your check.
Inexpensive Training
Doctors and attorneys can go to school for years and spend a staggering amount of money while being trained and schooled, then start their business with an already heavy debt burden. In Networking you may have the cost of a few books, some tapes or an inexpensive training session. You begin to make money even while you are being trained, unlike many professional occupations.
You actually earn while you learn.
Training Flexibility
No daily or weekly intensive and expensive classes to attend. No professors watching over your shoulder or exams to pass. Much of the learning that will take place will be easy and convenient; listening to a tape while driving in your car, watching a video at your convenience, arranging 3 way calls with your mentor or attending a training session on a week night or weekend.
Quick Income
Unlike the professional occupations where you make no money until after years of schooling, in networking you can begin to make money immediately, even while you are being trained.
A good networking company today will pay you on a weekly basis. No more waiting for your check which only comes once a month.
Unlimited Income Potential
Most people trade their time for money. You want more money, you work more hours or get paid more per hour. There are only so many hours a week a person can work. Though professionals are paid more per hour than salaried workers are, they still reach their limited because they are limited by what only they personally can do. Eventually a person being paid through their own efforts will reach the top of their earning potential.
How would you like to be paid what you are worth instead of what a job is worth? That is what happens in networking. No longer are you limited by the confines of your job description. There is no artificial ceiling put on your earnings.
A good marketing plan will have a seamless worldwide compensation plan. The possibility for unlimited expansion means the chance for unlimited growth of income. As you sign up new marketing representatives into your organization and they in turn do the same, your organization will grow at an accelerated rate and as more products are moved through your organization, your income increases proportionately.
In networking you can have income without personally creating that income.
Continuous Demand
A good business offers a product that people want, need and can afford. A product with an emotional appeal will also be recession proof. People buy on emotion not logic and will want your product no matter what the economy is doing. True business success lies in repeat sales and offering a product that fills a universal need.
Not Effected by Local Economy
You want a business that is separated from the local economy. If you rely only on local sales, any time a natural or man made disaster occurs or economic hard times come, your business will be effected.
As stated earlier, in networking, you are able to cross city, state and even country boundaries to build your organization. You are not limited by any economic climate in any given place. Things could be slow in one area yet booming in another.
Geographical diversification can add a measure of stability to your business.
A networking business can be transferred at death in a will and unlike almost all conventional businesses, this type of business can be transferred estate tax-free. You are transferring cash flow not highly taxed capital assets.
You will be able to continue to financially bless the members of your family with a residual income that you have built that goes on even past your death. What conventional job offers that
The post Why Network Marketing? appeared first on MLM Network Marketing.
source http://mlmnetworkmarketing.org/network-marketing/why-network-marketing/
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ikeris · 7 years
Why Network Marketing?
Small Startup Cost
Many traditional businesses take a heavy investment in equipment and office or retail space. A network marketing business takes a very minimal investment to get started. You should be able to recoup your investment within 30 days.
No Risk
Since you have no large investment, your financial risk is almost nonexistent. You really have nothing to lose except some of your time and yet you have everything to gain. Where else can you start a business for under $200 and have the potential for financial freedom?
Working From Home
No traveling to the “Cement Jungle”, no wasted time in traffic tie-ups. This is especially good for women who want to be at home with their families yet be able to earn some extra income. It is also good for the person who is tired of punching the clock and being paid what a job is worth instead of what they are worth.
Flexible Hours
In corporate America you are married to the clock. Your employer decides the hours you work and the time you get off. Most businesses do not have much flexibility. Even owning your own business is not always the answer. Some businesses can become very demanding. You may think you own your own business when in reality the business may own you.
Your networking business is usually started on a part-time basis. You are always in control of the time you put in. You decide the hours you want to work. By giving up a little leisure time, putting aside the TV, bowling leagues or a night at the movies, you can receive great dividends down the road.
No Special Licenses or Training Required
To become an attorney requires several years of schooling and then bar examinations to pass. Doctors require even more schooling and training. You start with a heavy debt burden before you see your first paying customer.
Even many of the trade occupations require apprenticeships before you can be licensed and have your salary or hourly wages increased.
In networking there are no exams to take. No special licenses to acquire. No unions to join.
Duplication of Efforts
In a professional business such as a doctor, dentist or attorney, it is the proprietor of the business that is really earning the money. The staff is there only to assist and they add to the overhead. For instance, if the doctor is on vacation, there are no income producing activities, yet the overhead stays the same. The money that is earned is mainly because of his efforts. When he is not working, the money machine stops.
Very few people ever become wealthy without duplicating their efforts through others.
Network Marketing has been called “The small mans franchise”. You are actually setting up distribution centers throughout the country and throughout the world, yet you don’t have the fees and the overhead associated with franchising. You are paid every time product is moved through these distribution centers. The more distribution centers you have, the higher your income.
Paul Getty said, “I would rather be paid 5% on the efforts of a hundred people than 100% on my own efforts”.
No Large Inventories to Drain Your Capital
Many companies have a large amount of their assets tied up in inventory to supply their customers, which can also lead to additional taxes at the end of the year. In most product oriented companies, bank loans are required just to get started because of the necessary inventory.
In networking no large inventory is required since the company ships the product directly to the distributors in your downline. The distributors in your downline simply call a toll-free number, place an order and you receive the credit for the sale without even being involved in the process.
Discrimination Free
No matter what your race, color, religion or gender you can succeed in networking. It is the most colorblind of all businesses. Your background and education doesn’t matter. Your success or failure depends solely on your own ability and not on someone else’s prejudices.
The annuals of networking history are loaded with the success stories of minorities who had never been given an honest chance in the normal business world and who are now debt free and financially strong.
Tax Benefits
A salaried employee has no tax related deductions, except the interest on their home mortgage.
Can you imagine going to resorts for conferences and being able to deduct it as a business expense? Once you are a self employed person, many tax advantages open up for you; travel to and from your appointments and meetings, a home office, etc.
No Regulatory Problems
The networking company you represent will take care of all regulatory requirements set up by the governments, local, national and international. They will have the necessary skills, knowledge and personnel to take care of this area. And the cost to you? Nothing! It is all a part of their support to help you succeed in your business.
You will be able to run a national and international business from the comfort of your home with nothing more than a phone, fax machine and a computer.
No Employees
With more and more regulations being imposed on businesses by governments worldwide, it has become an administrative nightmare. A serious business needs to hire specialists to keep up with the regulations.
Since each distributor is an independent agent, you have no employer, employee relationships. No payroll taxes to fill out, no government agencies or forms to worry about. Your job is to recruit and train. The networking company you represent takes care of the rest.
Positive Environment
In the corporate world, most of the time people are looking over their shoulder wondering who is gunning for their job, wondering if they will get that raise or promotion they are counting on. And usually you have no choice who you work with. This can lead to a great amount of frustration and insecurity.
In networking you have just the opposite. You are in business for yourself but not by yourself. You have a whole upline group that is pulling for your success, people who will go out of their way to help you succeed. You chose the people you want to work with. You are surrounded by people with a like mind and it creates a positive, exciting environment.
No Account Receivables or Collection Problems
Account receivables have destroyed many businesses. Collection problems can be costly and bad for customer relations.
Since networking is done on a cash and carry system, you have no negative cash flow. As mentioned earlier, your organization, both distributors and customers can call a toll-free number and place their orders. You never even have to handle the money.
The only money you have to worry about is how to spend your check.
Inexpensive Training
Doctors and attorneys can go to school for years and spend a staggering amount of money while being trained and schooled, then start their business with an already heavy debt burden. In Networking you may have the cost of a few books, some tapes or an inexpensive training session. You begin to make money even while you are being trained, unlike many professional occupations.
You actually earn while you learn.
Training Flexibility
No daily or weekly intensive and expensive classes to attend. No professors watching over your shoulder or exams to pass. Much of the learning that will take place will be easy and convenient; listening to a tape while driving in your car, watching a video at your convenience, arranging 3 way calls with your mentor or attending a training session on a week night or weekend.
Quick Income
Unlike the professional occupations where you make no money until after years of schooling, in networking you can begin to make money immediately, even while you are being trained.
A good networking company today will pay you on a weekly basis. No more waiting for your check which only comes once a month.
Unlimited Income Potential
Most people trade their time for money. You want more money, you work more hours or get paid more per hour. There are only so many hours a week a person can work. Though professionals are paid more per hour than salaried workers are, they still reach their limited because they are limited by what only they personally can do. Eventually a person being paid through their own efforts will reach the top of their earning potential.
How would you like to be paid what you are worth instead of what a job is worth? That is what happens in networking. No longer are you limited by the confines of your job description. There is no artificial ceiling put on your earnings.
A good marketing plan will have a seamless worldwide compensation plan. The possibility for unlimited expansion means the chance for unlimited growth of income. As you sign up new marketing representatives into your organization and they in turn do the same, your organization will grow at an accelerated rate and as more products are moved through your organization, your income increases proportionately.
In networking you can have income without personally creating that income.
Continuous Demand
A good business offers a product that people want, need and can afford. A product with an emotional appeal will also be recession proof. People buy on emotion not logic and will want your product no matter what the economy is doing. True business success lies in repeat sales and offering a product that fills a universal need.
Not Effected by Local Economy
You want a business that is separated from the local economy. If you rely only on local sales, any time a natural or man made disaster occurs or economic hard times come, your business will be effected.
As stated earlier, in networking, you are able to cross city, state and even country boundaries to build your organization. You are not limited by any economic climate in any given place. Things could be slow in one area yet booming in another.
Geographical diversification can add a measure of stability to your business.
A networking business can be transferred at death in a will and unlike almost all conventional businesses, this type of business can be transferred estate tax-free. You are transferring cash flow not highly taxed capital assets.
You will be able to continue to financially bless the members of your family with a residual income that you have built that goes on even past your death. What conventional job offers that
The post Why Network Marketing? appeared first on MLM Network Marketing.
Source: http://mlmnetworkmarketing.org/network-marketing/why-network-marketing/
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starvberry · 7 years
Why Network Marketing?
Small Startup Cost
Many traditional businesses take a heavy investment in equipment and office or retail space. A network marketing business takes a very minimal investment to get started. You should be able to recoup your investment within 30 days.
No Risk
Since you have no large investment, your financial risk is almost nonexistent. You really have nothing to lose except some of your time and yet you have everything to gain. Where else can you start a business for under $200 and have the potential for financial freedom?
Working From Home
No traveling to the “Cement Jungle”, no wasted time in traffic tie-ups. This is especially good for women who want to be at home with their families yet be able to earn some extra income. It is also good for the person who is tired of punching the clock and being paid what a job is worth instead of what they are worth.
Flexible Hours
In corporate America you are married to the clock. Your employer decides the hours you work and the time you get off. Most businesses do not have much flexibility. Even owning your own business is not always the answer. Some businesses can become very demanding. You may think you own your own business when in reality the business may own you.
Your networking business is usually started on a part-time basis. You are always in control of the time you put in. You decide the hours you want to work. By giving up a little leisure time, putting aside the TV, bowling leagues or a night at the movies, you can receive great dividends down the road.
No Special Licenses or Training Required
To become an attorney requires several years of schooling and then bar examinations to pass. Doctors require even more schooling and training. You start with a heavy debt burden before you see your first paying customer.
Even many of the trade occupations require apprenticeships before you can be licensed and have your salary or hourly wages increased.
In networking there are no exams to take. No special licenses to acquire. No unions to join.
Duplication of Efforts
In a professional business such as a doctor, dentist or attorney, it is the proprietor of the business that is really earning the money. The staff is there only to assist and they add to the overhead. For instance, if the doctor is on vacation, there are no income producing activities, yet the overhead stays the same. The money that is earned is mainly because of his efforts. When he is not working, the money machine stops.
Very few people ever become wealthy without duplicating their efforts through others.
Network Marketing has been called “The small mans franchise”. You are actually setting up distribution centers throughout the country and throughout the world, yet you don’t have the fees and the overhead associated with franchising. You are paid every time product is moved through these distribution centers. The more distribution centers you have, the higher your income.
Paul Getty said, “I would rather be paid 5% on the efforts of a hundred people than 100% on my own efforts”.
No Large Inventories to Drain Your Capital
Many companies have a large amount of their assets tied up in inventory to supply their customers, which can also lead to additional taxes at the end of the year. In most product oriented companies, bank loans are required just to get started because of the necessary inventory.
In networking no large inventory is required since the company ships the product directly to the distributors in your downline. The distributors in your downline simply call a toll-free number, place an order and you receive the credit for the sale without even being involved in the process.
Discrimination Free
No matter what your race, color, religion or gender you can succeed in networking. It is the most colorblind of all businesses. Your background and education doesn’t matter. Your success or failure depends solely on your own ability and not on someone else’s prejudices.
The annuals of networking history are loaded with the success stories of minorities who had never been given an honest chance in the normal business world and who are now debt free and financially strong.
Tax Benefits
A salaried employee has no tax related deductions, except the interest on their home mortgage.
Can you imagine going to resorts for conferences and being able to deduct it as a business expense? Once you are a self employed person, many tax advantages open up for you; travel to and from your appointments and meetings, a home office, etc.
No Regulatory Problems
The networking company you represent will take care of all regulatory requirements set up by the governments, local, national and international. They will have the necessary skills, knowledge and personnel to take care of this area. And the cost to you? Nothing! It is all a part of their support to help you succeed in your business.
You will be able to run a national and international business from the comfort of your home with nothing more than a phone, fax machine and a computer.
No Employees
With more and more regulations being imposed on businesses by governments worldwide, it has become an administrative nightmare. A serious business needs to hire specialists to keep up with the regulations.
Since each distributor is an independent agent, you have no employer, employee relationships. No payroll taxes to fill out, no government agencies or forms to worry about. Your job is to recruit and train. The networking company you represent takes care of the rest.
Positive Environment
In the corporate world, most of the time people are looking over their shoulder wondering who is gunning for their job, wondering if they will get that raise or promotion they are counting on. And usually you have no choice who you work with. This can lead to a great amount of frustration and insecurity.
In networking you have just the opposite. You are in business for yourself but not by yourself. You have a whole upline group that is pulling for your success, people who will go out of their way to help you succeed. You chose the people you want to work with. You are surrounded by people with a like mind and it creates a positive, exciting environment.
No Account Receivables or Collection Problems
Account receivables have destroyed many businesses. Collection problems can be costly and bad for customer relations.
Since networking is done on a cash and carry system, you have no negative cash flow. As mentioned earlier, your organization, both distributors and customers can call a toll-free number and place their orders. You never even have to handle the money.
The only money you have to worry about is how to spend your check.
Inexpensive Training
Doctors and attorneys can go to school for years and spend a staggering amount of money while being trained and schooled, then start their business with an already heavy debt burden. In Networking you may have the cost of a few books, some tapes or an inexpensive training session. You begin to make money even while you are being trained, unlike many professional occupations.
You actually earn while you learn.
Training Flexibility
No daily or weekly intensive and expensive classes to attend. No professors watching over your shoulder or exams to pass. Much of the learning that will take place will be easy and convenient; listening to a tape while driving in your car, watching a video at your convenience, arranging 3 way calls with your mentor or attending a training session on a week night or weekend.
Quick Income
Unlike the professional occupations where you make no money until after years of schooling, in networking you can begin to make money immediately, even while you are being trained.
A good networking company today will pay you on a weekly basis. No more waiting for your check which only comes once a month.
Unlimited Income Potential
Most people trade their time for money. You want more money, you work more hours or get paid more per hour. There are only so many hours a week a person can work. Though professionals are paid more per hour than salaried workers are, they still reach their limited because they are limited by what only they personally can do. Eventually a person being paid through their own efforts will reach the top of their earning potential.
How would you like to be paid what you are worth instead of what a job is worth? That is what happens in networking. No longer are you limited by the confines of your job description. There is no artificial ceiling put on your earnings.
A good marketing plan will have a seamless worldwide compensation plan. The possibility for unlimited expansion means the chance for unlimited growth of income. As you sign up new marketing representatives into your organization and they in turn do the same, your organization will grow at an accelerated rate and as more products are moved through your organization, your income increases proportionately.
In networking you can have income without personally creating that income.
Continuous Demand
A good business offers a product that people want, need and can afford. A product with an emotional appeal will also be recession proof. People buy on emotion not logic and will want your product no matter what the economy is doing. True business success lies in repeat sales and offering a product that fills a universal need.
Not Effected by Local Economy
You want a business that is separated from the local economy. If you rely only on local sales, any time a natural or man made disaster occurs or economic hard times come, your business will be effected.
As stated earlier, in networking, you are able to cross city, state and even country boundaries to build your organization. You are not limited by any economic climate in any given place. Things could be slow in one area yet booming in another.
Geographical diversification can add a measure of stability to your business.
A networking business can be transferred at death in a will and unlike almost all conventional businesses, this type of business can be transferred estate tax-free. You are transferring cash flow not highly taxed capital assets.
You will be able to continue to financially bless the members of your family with a residual income that you have built that goes on even past your death. What conventional job offers that
The post Why Network Marketing? appeared first on MLM Network Marketing.
Source: http://mlmnetworkmarketing.org/network-marketing/why-network-marketing/
0 notes
Police report shows Joe Paterno likely knew about Sandusky’s sex abuse of children for years, CNN reports
BELLEFONTE, Pa. — A police report obtained by CNN bolsters evidence that legendary football coach Joe Paterno knew years before Jerry Sandusky’s arrest that his longtime assistant might be sexually abusing children.
The one-page Pennsylvania state police report, obtained from a source and described here for the first time, lays out an account from whistleblower Mike McQueary, who reported to Paterno an incident he had just witnessed in a locker room between Sandusky and a young boy. Paterno allegedly told McQueary in 2001 that the claim against Sandusky “was the second complaint of this nature he had received,” according to the police report, which was written after Sandusky’s arrest 10 years later.
McQueary’s claim of abuse and other allegations led to Sandusky’s conviction in 2012 for sexually abusing 10 boys over 15 years, including three victims after the 2001 locker room incident. He is serving a sentence of at least 30 years in prison. An appeal is pending.
The police report casts fresh doubt on the mountain of denials by Paterno, his family and his loyalists that the coach knew anything of Sandusky’s serial molestation before the 2001 incident.
It contradicts the head coach’s testimony before a grand jury and his published statement a week before he died in 2012 that he “had ‘no inkling’ that Sandusky might be a sexual deviant” until he heard the shocking allegation from McQueary. Other documents unveiled since Paterno’s death suggest the head coach was told of other similar claims as early as the 1970s.
The police report’s absence from the public record — until now — also offers a glimpse into the courtroom strategy that led to Sandusky likely spending the rest of his life in prison.
‘Second complaint of this nature’
Mike McQueary
McQueary, a one-time Penn State football assistant who became the star witness in the case against Sandusky, told state police in 2011 that he’d visited Paterno on a Saturday morning 10 years earlier to tell him that the previous evening he had witnessed “an extreme sexual act occurring between Sandusky and a young boy” in a football locker room shower, according to the report by Pennsylvania police.
“Paterno, upon hearing the news, sat back in his chair with a dejected look on his face,” the report states, adding that McQueary “said Paterno’s eyes appeared to well up with tears.”
“Then he made the comment to McQueary this was the second complaint of this nature he had received about Sandusky,” the report states, citing McQueary’s recollection.
Paterno and McQueary had “no discussion of the previous complaint at that time or any other time,” the report states.
The police report also notes, again according to McQueary, that Paterno told the young assistant that his wife, Sue Paterno, once had told the head coach that Sandusky’s wife, Dottie Sandusky, “told her Jerry doesn’t like girls.”
Attorneys for the Paterno family and for Dottie Sandusky did not respond to CNN’s requests for comment.
McQueary never testified publicly about the police report or the new details it reveals. The report was written days after Sandusky’s arrest in 2011, soon after the 2001 allegation first came to the attention of police.
McQueary did testify at least twice about Paterno’s reaction in 2001 to the allegation involving Sandusky, but the whistleblower never was asked under oath — nor did he volunteer — the detail about the “second complaint,” records reviewed by CNN show.
Still, prosecutors consider the police report — part of a much larger state police dossier on the Sandusky case — a credible version of events, two people close to the case told CNN.
The courtroom strategy
That McQueary’s statement to police is only now coming to light is no accident.
McQueary, who is now writing a memoir about the Sandusky drama, always was careful in his testimony not to elaborate unnecessarily or volunteer information he wasn’t asked, another source close to the case told CNN. In fact, witnesses typically are advised by defense lawyers, prosecutors and judges to stick to the question at hand.
McQueary also was under intense public pressure from Paterno supporters who long have insisted the head coach knew nothing of Sandusky’s crimes before he heard McQueary’s claim in 2001. Beyond that, McQueary — “out of respect” — did not want to needlessly disparage the deceased Paterno, the third source said.
And that was fine with prosecutors, the initial two sources said. Authorities feared their chances of convincing jurors to convict Sandusky would plummet if the trial became about Paterno, a beloved figure for generations whose legacy was deeply tarnished by Sandusky’s crimes and whose knowledge of the former coach’s misdeeds remains the subject of emotional debate to this day.
“We structured the whole case around avoiding Penn State,” a source close to the prosecution said. “We were terrified (of acquittal).”
Indeed, in his opening remarks to Sandusky’s jury, lead prosecutor Joe McGettigan said, “The Pennsylvania State University is not on trial.” McGettigan wouldn’t comment for this story.
Prosecutors even warned Sandusky’s defense attorneys against raising the “Penn State issue” at trial and threatened to pile on older evidence against Sandusky if they did, the two initial sources told CNN.
“They hated the whole Penn State conspiracy thing,” the source close to the prosecution said of jurors. “We totally structured the case to avoid Paterno.”
Some authorities in the case have said they never found evidence Paterno committed any crime in connection with Sandusky’s abuse, though some also have said Paterno could have done more to stop his assistant.
It’s something Paterno himself admitted in November 2011.
“I wish I had done more,” he said after he was dismissed from Penn State after 46 years as its head football coach.
And it was a point echoed by a judge in June when he sentenced the three ex-Penn State administrators to jail in connection with the case.
Paterno could have called the police in 2001 “without so much as getting his hands dirty,” the judge said.
‘I did not know of anything’
Speculation has festered since Sandusky’s arrest about what Paterno knew of his assistant’s crimes and when he learned it.
Fervent supporters have pushed the narrative that Paterno was ignorant of Sandusky’s offenses until 2001 — and have tried to discredit people connected to the case, including victims, who dispute that theory.
The police report’s reference to Paterno’s mention of a “second complaint,” according to McQueary, now raises new questions on that front, including about what Paterno told a Pennsylvania grand jury.
The head coach was asked under oath in 2011: “Other than the incident that Mike McQueary reported to you, do you know in any way, through rumor, direct knowledge or any other fashion, of any other inappropriate sexual conduct by Jerry Sandusky with young boys?”
Responded Paterno: “I do not know of anything else that Jerry would be involved in of that nature, no. I do not know of it. You did mention — I think you said something about a rumor. It may have been discussed in my presence, something else about somebody.”
Paterno the following year cleared up any inference to rumors. In his interview with The Washington Post’s Sally Jenkins, the head coach said he had “no inkling” of allegations against Sandusky before 2001.
Indeed, Paterno said that when McQueary told him at that time about the locker room incident, he didn’t quite understand the story because he’d never heard of “rape and a man,” The Post reported.
Paterno relayed what McQueary told him to two top Penn State officials, though he waited a day to do so because “I didn’t want to interfere with their weekends,” he told the grand jury. Paterno told The Post he “waited ’til Sunday because I wanted to make sure I knew what I was doing.”
Paterno and McQueary at that point left the issue to higher-ups at Penn State, they’ve said. Those administrators opted to handle the matter internally by advising Sandusky to get “professional help,” according to trial testimony.
Paterno and earlier allegations
Since Paterno’s death in 2012 from lung cancer, civil settlements between Penn State and Sandusky’s victims have revealed other claims that the head coach knew long before 2001 of allegations related to Sandusky. Two men claim they reported their abuse directly to Paterno in the 1970s.
One man, dubbed John Doe 150, alleged that Paterno dismissed his report of molestation by Sandusky in 1976, saying, “I have a football season to worry about,” court documents show. And in the 1980s, assistant coaches reportedly shared their concerns about Sandusky with Penn State officials, the settlements revealed.
Further, emails released in 2012 as part of Penn State’s internal investigation led by former FBI Director Louis Freeh show Paterno was mentioned as part of email discussions in 1998 involving a similar allegation against Sandusky. That case, in which a 10-year-old boy said Sandusky gave him a naked hug in a shower, became part of the indictment against the assistant coach.
“I have touched base with Coach,” Ex-Penn State Athletic Director Tim Curley wrote in an email in 1998 regarding the claim against Sandusky.
Curley testified this spring that he had a conversation in 1998 with Paterno about that allegation. Curley, who pleaded guilty to misdemeanor child endangerment related to Sandusky’s crimes, testified for the prosecution in the trial of ex-Penn State President Graham Spanier.
Paterno was never asked about the emails related to the 1998 case because they were made public after his death. His family initially slammed Freeh’s report as “factually wrong,” though this summer they dropped their lawsuit against the NCAA over actions the organization took based on Freeh’s findings. The estate asked that the matter be “discontinued with prejudice,” meaning it can’t be refiled.
“Our goal has always been to uncover and make transparent the full truth,” Sue Paterno said in a statement. “We have done all we can in this litigation to achieve that end and the furtherance of it beyond this point will not yield anything new, which is why I have decided to end my litigation with the NCAA.”
Freeh’s report, which Penn State commissioned for $6.5 million, is no longer available at the university’s website, a Penn State spokeswoman confirmed.
Degrees of detail
McQueary’s police interview was conducted by a state trooper on November 23, 2011, just two weeks after Sandusky’s arrest. It followed up on an earlier interview and focused on McQueary’s conversation with Joe Paterno on that Saturday morning in 2001. The trooper could not be reached for comment.
McQueary went on to testify, sometimes behind closed doors, in five criminal cases and at least four civil cases related to the Sandusky scandal, including his own case, which yielded a $12 million judgment against Penn State for defamation.
Each time, McQueary recounted how he had witnessed Sandusky engaging in a sexual act with a prepubescent boy late one night in 2001 in a locker room, where McQueary had gone to retrieve some shoes.
A CNN review of McQueary’s public testimony shows he never shared under oath the police report’s detail about Paterno’s mention of an earlier complaint regarding Sandusky. That squares with sources’ explanation of efforts to keep the spotlight off Paterno.
McQueary’s testimony at various proceedings was brief as it related to Paterno and mostly focused on other defendants in the case, including Sandusky, Spanier, Curley and ex-Penn State Vice President Gary Schultz. The latter three were convicted on misdemeanor child endangerment charges.
McQueary testified in March that Paterno, upon hearing the graduate assistant’s allegation in 2001, “slumped back in his chair and put his hand up on his face, and his eyes just kind of went sad.” In July 2013, McQueary testified about that same moment, saying Paterno “slumped back in his chair,” was “significantly saddened,” and even “dropped his eyes a little bit.”
Also in his 2013 testimony, McQueary said Paterno in the years after 2001 made passing remarks about how Sandusky “was a sick guy” and said the university “screwed up” in its handling of the 2001 allegation.
Paterno’s family has accused McQueary of inconsistency in his retelling of what he saw in the locker room, though prosecutors have praised him for handling several trips to the witness stand matter-of-factly.
Now, five years after McQueary first publicly took the stand, his conversation in 2001 with Paterno is still at the heart of debate over the coach’s legacy.
from FOX 4 Kansas City WDAF-TV | News, Weather, Sports http://fox4kc.com/2017/09/09/police-report-shows-joe-paterno-likely-knew-about-sanduskys-sex-abuse-of-children-for-years-cnn-reports/
from Kansas City Happenings https://kansascityhappenings.wordpress.com/2017/09/09/police-report-shows-joe-paterno-likely-knew-about-sanduskys-sex-abuse-of-children-for-years-cnn-reports/
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