#not ship art freaks go away and get eaten by the creature
mp100days · 2 years
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091 - sharing apple slices
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For the carry on ask thing I really just want to say all of them😂. Or if that takes too long the ones you really want to answer😊 Sunglasses dude just because he's cooler than me
Banshee: What’s something you love so much that you just really want to run around and scream about?
Probably my best friend @thehatwhisperer caus she’s an awesome ‘mythic bitch’ who absolutely supports me through anything, like i can call her about the stupidest things crying and she will always help and console me and make me feel better about myself, no matter what time of day it is and it makes me feel so amazing.
Bonety Hunter: What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever had to ‘hunt’ down in the store?
I once had to hunt down two giant boards of wood, three cans of white spray paint, a spool of wool and 600 nails for an art project, the poor cashier looked terrified caus these planks were like, A1 size, that’s really the weirdest thing ever.
Centaur: If you were a centaur, what would be your preferred weapon to fight people with?
Specialised bow and arrow FITE ME I’M AN AESTHETIC BITCH
Chimera: Have you ever sent a chimera after anyone? And if you haven’t, who would you love to send a chimera after?
I can’t exactly remember if sending a chimera is good or bad, and imma assume bad, so probably ever guy that ever tries to tell me that I’m bisexual when I specifically say that I’m pansexual, and then argues to me about what bi and pan is.
Demon: If you could choose any human to be the vessel for your demon soul, who would it be?
Tom Holland, caus A) he’s hot B) I could date harrison osterfield (If he’s bi/pan/gay/polysexual) C) TESSAAAAAA
Devils: What’s the evilest prank you really want to pull?
Pretending to date a dude and get my parents hopes up then make out with a girl in front of them.
Dragon: Does your pet a dragon breathe fire or ice?
Fire duh, he/she/they could warm me whilst i sleep and keep me safe, and be a great cuddler.
Dryad: Would you be a dryad that helps those who come seeking information or would you hide away in the trees and spy on everyone?
Probably hide in the trees and spy on everyone, knowing me i would chuck berries and them and think I’m being helpful too
Fairy: What type of fairy would you be? (A pizza fairy, a comfy sweater fairy, a rain fairy etc.)
A rain fairy, caus i fucking love rain, the dew drops that it leaves on leafs, the freezing cold winds and the beautiful sound against an iron sheet, rain is my shit dudes. Either that or a night fairy, because i adore the stars and when it is absolutely pitch black and you can literally see the milky way
Flibbertigibbet: Is that the sound you make when you sneeze? If not, what is it?
Either the loudest sound you have EVER HEARD IN YOUR ENTIRE LIFE or the smallest noise ever there is no inbetween
Ghost: If you were a ghost, what’s the first thing you would do?
Meet celebrities and fucking haunt their hot asses, like just hang around tom holland and help him out and send him good vibes, or like open doors for tom hiddleston caus he’s so polite, he needs a polite ghost to pay him back for his loveliness
Goblin: How would you style your fabulous hair if you were a goblin?
Like storm from x-men except teal, caus that shits tight
***Goat: You recieve a baby goat as a birthday present; what do you name it?
SHIT PRESSURE I DON’T KNOW ok delilah, caus I’ll sing hey there delilah to her and i ain’t EVER HEARD OF A GOAT NAMED DELILAH
Gnome: If you could grow anything in your garden, what would it be?
Gryphon: Would you rather be an eagle, a lion, oR bOtH?!?!?
Kitchen Skink: If you were to fight a kitchen skink, would you win? (I’m sorry I have no idea what a kitchen skink is)
Leprechaun: What would you do with a duffel bag full of Leprechaun gold?
Well i’m half irish so probably take em out for a pint of Guiness and have a good time with em, chill out and be cool.
Manticore: Which would you rather have: shark teeth, bat wings, or a scorpion tail?
Mermaid: Under The Sea or Part of Your World?
Part of your world, i could sing that till i die i swear
Merewolves: What’s the grossest food you’ve ever eaten?
OK SO STORY TIME i used to live in france and there was this place where we got lunch, and once we got this horrible seafood stew, somehow the carrots were undercooked, the mussels were overcooked and chewy, and the fish was falling apart in the stew and tasted rotten, it made me throw up i hated it.
Minotaur: Are you good at solving mazes or do you totally suck?
I once ran through a maze as a kid and never made it to the centre, despite having gone super fast and been in it for like 3 hours
Ne’er-do-wolves: If you could be any magickal creature on this list, which would it be?
I’d be a fucking nymph no joke my dude they’re awesome for sure
Numpties: How do you feel about people sitting in the front seat when they were kidnapped by fucking numpties?
Absolutely disgraced, horrible, disgraceful
Nymph: Would you rather sing beautifully or dance beautifully?
Sing because fuck it i want to be a gorgeous singer, and if i can’t dance then someone can teach me yas
Ogres: What is your favorite movie? *cough* SHREK *cough cough*
Phoenix: If you could explode into flames and come out completely unharmed anytime you wanted, what would you use that skill for?
Probably exams, if someone dies in an exam then everyone gets their predicted grades and i’m gonna help my buddies out, i joke about it sometimes but damn i would for my friends
Pixie: What would trail behind you if you were a pixie? (Sprinkles, bacon bits, rose petals, tiny skulls etc.)
Fucking lightning my dude, imagine you step on water and fucking lightning spreads on the surface of it that shit would be tight
Rakshasa: (Rakshasa means ‘protect me’ in Sanskrit) What does your name mean?
Sophie: wisdom/wise
Siren: What is the one thing Sirens could sing about that you would not be able to resist?
Self improvement, like if they offered acting classes or art improvement i’d go right over there like fuck the crew of my ship imma crash it and improve myself fuck em
Snow Devil: If you had a perfect snowball in your hand right now, what would you do with it?
Take a picture, then a video of me shoving it down my little brothers shirt and freezing the shit out of him
Sprite: Which would you rather be, a sprite that can breathe underwater or a sprite that can fly?
Tooth Fairy: What do you think the Tooth Fairy does with all of those teeth?
I was always told they take the teeth and turn them into pearls and make beautiful mosaics from the different coloured pearls (this was in a kids book) but i also like the idea from rise of the guardians that they hold memories
Trolls: What’s your favorite phrase? (Example: Fuck a nine-toed troll)
“Aight my dudes”, that or “ah nipple fuck” i don’t know i just love the phrase
Unicorns: Would you be a pleasant and gentle unicorn that grants wishes or would you be a powerful kickass unicorn that stabs anyone who gets on their bad side?
Bit a both, pleasant to my friends or a complete asshole to anyone who insults them, these are my friends, hurt them and u get stabbed
Werewolf: Who is your favorite werewolf?
There was this one animatic of a werewolf who had a boyfriend and called him puppy and that would be my fave werewolf ever, like i might share it on here but it makes me happy af
Worseger: How do badgers personally impact your life? Could they get any ‘worse’?
Not really, badgers don’t ever really bother me and i don’t bother them
Wraith: Would wraiths be creeped out by you too?
Duh, i’m freaky as hell
Vampire: Who is your favorite vampire? (Besides our lovely Basilton of course)
Probably dracula’s ladies, like in the traditional story he has 3 beautiful women who entrance men to their deaths and they’re really kick ass to me
and you’re not wrong sunglasses are so kick ass
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