#not gonna properly tag the ship bc I like living thanks
alexlovesfanfics · 3 months
I’m probably going to be crucified for saying this but. I have problems with Percabeth. Don't get me wrong I definitely don't hate it and I do enjoy certain Percabeth fics but the largely canon and canon portrayals of it are. Well. Not good.
First of all, there’s the issue that pops up whenever a smart female character is in a relationship with a ‘dumb’ male character. They get dumbed down into being an idiot. This is especially true about Percabeth.
Percy is smart.
Let me repeat that. PERCY IS SMART.
Is he book smart? No. But we all should know that book smart is far from the only smart. But it’s the kind of smart that Annabeth is. She knows trivia. She knows mythology.
Percy? He’s smart in the he picks things up quickly sort of way. Exhibit A: He figured out that the casino was time warping and he not only broke out of it, but was responsible for Annabeth and subsequently Grover breaking out of it. There was absolutely no way Annabeth would have broken out on her own. Exhibit B: That boat scene in SoM where he figured out how to use the wind spirit things to speed them up. Exhibit C, he was one of the first ppl to realise Silena was a traitor. There are probably many more examples but these are just the ones I can think of from the top of my head.
(Also I think he was the one who tricked Crusty and freed the other 2 in TLT)
My second problem is the judo flip scene. Everyone always says it's romantic but fellas. Is it romantic to physically adult your partner after you see them for the first time in months? Onto their back where they have their mortal weakened that could easily kill them? (BC Annabeth couldn't have known the Achilles Curse was gone). We all know that if the roles were reversed, Percy would have been dragged to hell and back for it.
My third major problem is that Annabeth insults him. In the first book, I can give it a pass. Maybe even in the second book. But tell me why in HoH or BOO (I can't remember) Reyna complimented Percy on escaping Tartarus and Annabeth but in like ‘He had help’. Yes. He did. I understand that Percy couldn't have escaped without Annabeth. But let him have the compliment! Maybe even idk. Appreciate him? BC that's what normal couples do? Ik if it was me and my QPR spouses in that situation I would have jumped at the chance to complement and gush abt them. And Reyna responded with ‘True. He couldn't find his way out of a paper bag without you.’ ???
Reyna sweetie, this is your co-praetor!!! Percy made it to camp Jupiter without Annabeth! He can survive on his own just fine! He was also the war commander during TLO despite being barely 16!
Back to the situation at hand, the very least she could have done was stay quiet. And before you say ‘Oh it was a joke’ Percy was clearly unhappy and protested the claim. BC he’s not dumb despite almost everyone in his life acting like it.
The last thing I want to discuss rn is how Annabeth accidentally fed into his suicidal tendancies. Yeah I’m bringing up the Kym incident. Percy literally told Jason he could have controlled the poison and saved himself but didn't BC he thought it was the Fates punishing him for Akhlys. But that wasn't really her fault, though I'm still going to bring it up.
I want to end on a positive note so 2 Percabeth moments that actually make me smile. In TLT during the gateway arch bit, Percy finds the idea of Annabeth being an architect funny and she snaps a comment abt his dad. Percy asks if Athena and Posiden ever collaborated on anything and Annabeth tentatively offers the chariot. It was sweet and actually showed the two’s relationship warming up to something less hostile. Later during the Zebra chapter Annabeth tells Percy that she would fight by him BC he’s her friend, no matter what side Athena chooses. Some great moments.
(Also I like that Annabeth didn't hold it against Percy for forgetting their 1 month anniversary. She actually understands that he has a lot on his mind and that he just fought a war)
(Also I could bring up BotL but I won't BC I have other stuff to do and also I haven't read it recently enough like TLT which I skimmed today during a seminar BC I didn't have my sketchbook but my best friend had brought the copy I lent her and wasn't using it)
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akanothere · 9 months
About me
Part time fandom artist, full time clown.
20+, she/her.
What to expect or not here:
I can tolerate/will create darker themed content when it comes to Danny Johnson or Tom Riddle, as well as some other slashers or mature fandoms and villains. I would say this is NOT a safe blog (I mean come on those are bad guys what do you expect! Don’t be too delulu to a point you gonna make them a good guy). However I do not tolerate any form of violence, abuse and discrimination in real life. Seriously, get help if you come across to any of these.
All my darker artworks are NOT for you to follow irl (can’t believe I still have to say this in 2020s do people use their brains nowadays)— It is for me to explore darker concepts, trying to figure out how, for example, how people attracted by psycho criminals, WITHOUT using an existing criminal and hurting anyone irl. Bc everyone is FAKE, they don’t exist, it’s FICTIONAL. Also, to explore my own/seen traumas. I turn personal issues into NSFW kinks or simply dark shit etc, and cope with it as a fictional content. Not exactly the best idea I know but this keeps me sane and overthinking about the past irl. I do not tolerate death/abuse threats and insults towards human in real life, it’s stupid. And all of you should also keep every dark shit fictional content in fictional world. We do not need anymore crime irl thank you very much. Think before you act or talk. Fandom is not that serious to a point you wish death and suggesting violence upon someone.
For my Haikyuu or Naruto art those are mostly safe as hell (my opinion) just loving caring and tons of smooch smooch!😭💖 OMFG I MEAN BOKUAKA HOW YOU GONNA LOOK AT THEM AND THINK OF ANYTHING DARK HELLO EXCUSE ME
Generally I’m open-minded to all ships and kinks (even with complicated relationships where abuse are mentioned for plot reasons, or larger age difference), but l0lic0ns and ped0s you can do us a favour go fk yourself🖕😘🖕While I’m in horror movies fandom, I do not support real life criminals. If you do or even a delulu fan of them please stay away from every living beings, also fk you too🫶💓 I don’t engage with inc3st contents, however will bear it for past trauma, but will not read purely inc3st stories. Pseudo/step c3st sometimes okay (depends on context really). Also I draw& read& reblog dead doves, which contains different TW like abuse/non-con/dub-con, you have been warned!!!! If it’s dark content with NSFW, please only recommend me with characters at least over age of consent but much more better if they are of age coz tbh I’m more into adult relationships really ahem. DO NOT SEND ME CREEPY PED0 (UNDER AGE OF CONSENT) SHIT THROUGH “ASK ME”. YOU WILL BE BLOCKED AND REPORTED. Also usual DNIs coz I’m traumatised by how stupid they are considering I am the most stupid people on this planet— c0mmies/ z!onists/ transphobes/ TERF/ homophobes/ biphobes/ typical fujoshis who complains about hetero but do same shit if it’s gay, do not interact.
ABOUT NSFW OR COMMISSION— In all circumstances, I cannot and will not create NSFW art piece regarding minors under the age of consent. PLEASE DO NOT EVEN ASK COME ON DUDE…
Also I DO NOT accept any NSFW commission, even it’s purely about adult characters. Adult characters with a bit of suggestive content, maybe um okay base on context. If it’s a pairing or character(s) that is at the age of consent (not an adult), and is from NSFW story/series, but you wish to make SFW art, please check with me before commissioning. Coz sometimes I read darker content but really do not have the heart to draw it if it’s too much for me…However let me be clear again— ANY NSFW OR SUGGESTIVE ART OF MINOR CHARACTERS UNDER THE AGE OF CONSENT IS NOT OKAY FOR ME. I’M NOT COMFORTABLE DOING IT. DON’T EVEN BOTHER ASKING. PLEASE. THANK YOU VERY MUCH.
I don’t post NSFW art directly (artistic nudes, maybe; explicit nudes? Nah). However, I talk nonsense/ adult jokes/ head canon on my socials, so please DNI if you are not comfortable with. I can’t check every single account before I reply, so minors and people who are not pleased with NSFW topics: if you see this post, do not engage with my posts even they are SFW. Sometimes posting slightly NSFW (aka suggestive) art or head canons directly, but will still tag it as NSFW.
I create art for my inner peace and needs. I cannot babysit and accommodate everyone, so, if you don’t like, don’t engage. The definition of “problematic ships” differs from person to person coz fk me people nowadays overuse this too much to a point idk what is & what is not…
Fandoms and ships
Dead by Daylight
Ghostface centric, Ghostface x OC/ x reader, sometimes GhostFrank, GhostMeg and GhostFrankMeg-the-daddy-issue-trio-poly
⚠️IMPORTANT: It’s totally okay to consume my version of Jed Olsen X OC content and imagining in your brain it’s you or whoever his S/O is, but I block people who draw my version of Jed with themselves/self-inserts/OCs, or generally drawing him. It’s a culture here: impolite to draw someone’s design without permission😭💦 So please don’t take it personally, it’s just me not comfortable with sharing my design of Jed with other people’s self insert/OC. Also I have many plans for him so when people draws him (even not a ship art), it might actually interfere with my WIP sketches and ideas which makes me so awkward like “should I continue when someone drew it already???” However I am glad many people like him! Thank you for giving him love he really doesn’t deserve it he belongs in the trash💥
PS. There are some designs out here alike which of course is fine, I do not own the character himself, but I‘ll stay away or block if it’s too alike/ overly referenced. I stay quiet about things I don’t like so unless shoving it in my face, I will just walk away🧍‍♀️💦Need not worry!
BokuAka, sometimes Tsukishima centric and SunaKita
Harry Potter (Wizarding World)
Tom Riddle centric, Tomione. Casual: Tomarry, Drarry/Harco, Voldantonin, Antonmione, GGAD, SebOmi/OmiSeb, Sebastian Sallow x MC, Ominis Gaunt x MC, Seb+Omi+MC trio friendship.
Don’t follow me for ships. See me as a cheap ass £10 all you can eat cushion buffet please. No quality of art here. Just pure delulu and bad drawing skills.
KakaSaku, ObiRin, ObiKaka and InoSaku.
⚠️Note that my main ship in this fandom is KakaSaku, but only when Sakura is of age and usually I ship them in same age AU. And I don’t ship them if they were very close as student and teacher before Sakura of age (it’s really weird). I also love them as platonically best friends, the way their personalities work together if they were born in the same generation, not the teenage-creepy-forbidden-love-in-classroom-gro0ming type of shit, in case you start wondering. If there’s no KakaSaku tag or it is described as “platonic”, it means that art is not a romantic ship art. There might be some head canon etc about teenage SKR having a crush on KKS or both of them feeling butterflies in stomach, but I will always prefer Kakashi not stepping over the boundaries in some close to canon AUs. He is a very nice person and would never take advantage of SKR, I think. It’s true crushing on older people like this happens irl, so I admire the storytelling, but OOC af if KKS lets himself be this low. If you are still concerned or feeling uncomfortable about this ship, please block me. ALSO DON’T RECOMMEND REAL FKED UP CONTENT TO ME that was the reason I stopped drawing coz mentally grossed out I had to stay away from the fandom for at least a while💀 I swear those KKSK doujins from like 15+years ago grossed me a lot if you know which ones you know… hell I don’t wanna spread those out no one should ever read that… would do anything to unsee the cover of those doujins MY FKING BRAIN WAS DAMAGED FK
Other games, films and anime
Who’s Lila?, Cube Escape & Rusty Lake series, Year Walk, Disco Elysiumc, Good Omens, Hotline Miami, Chainsaw Man, Golden Kamuy, Dorohedoro, any Kon Satoshi/ Ito Junji/ Wong Ka Wai’s creations, Horror and thrillers, Sci-fics
Fic recommendation lists
(Most of them are dark, dead doves and NSFW. Some are light and cracks! Read TW and tags. Read at your own risk.)
Danny x You/OC/SO
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gidaryeong · 6 months
Twenty Questions
@angryteapott Thanks for the tag! <3
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
2. What's your total AO3 word count?
What fandoms do you write for?
Mostly television: kdramas and cdramas, and some English-language shows. The only films I have written for are Decision to Leave and Cyrano de Bergerac.
What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
All of them are Mr. Queen:
Mrs. Queen - A rushed fix-it that I began one day after the show ended and then published daily for two months straight. It was a super fun writing exercise bc I tried to work in as many reader prompts as possible to salvage all of our broken hearts after the horrid ending. It was also the unfortunate beginning of my haphazard style of posting first chapters with no clue what the rest of the story will be. (100k)
The White Grass- Non-magic AU. I really enjoyed writing this because 1. it's my only properly beta read story and it was sooo fun to go over things with Sarah in advance! and 2. it features a noncon scene that was really divisive and led to a lot of very interesting discussions about power and consent on Twitter. (74k)
The Raw Ingredients - Bong-hwan finally returns to Joseon, but not as a queen, but a chambermaid!! So she has to scheme her way back to Cheoljong with the help of Minister Kim Soyong. I loved writing this, it was pure wish fulfillment and lowkey I think the most hilarious way a season two could have gone (if I may toot my own horn). @lady-guts has made theeee most beautiful fanbinding of it which has made me appreciate it more <33 (41k)
And I, and Silence - Soyong wakes back up alone inside her body with no memory of what has happened and has to fend for herself. I loved writing Kim Byeong-in's pov and also Jo Hwa-jin's pov and also their freaky love story!! (99k)
Whatever Souls Are Made Of - After almost drowning Soyong ends up with the complete memories of her future self (Bong-hwan). So suddenly she is both a Joseon woman and a South Korean man and has to grapple with that. Also there's a sweeping romance crossing time and space. (61k)
Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I try to respond to all, because I think those connections is what makes fandom worth engaging in. Currently behind on answering though :(
What is a fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I'm a HEA gal, but my Kingdom fic Something Rotten ends with hate sex that isn't maybe only hate but more hate than love. (Also, at least one of the main characters is gonna get eaten by zombies in the future.) I wrote a short My Liberation Notes piece called These Winter Fields where I let Mr. Gu attend Alcoholics Anonymous, but his recovery is left open-ended. Writing it felt very bittersweet to me personally, as someone who has been close to an addict.
What's the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
Most of them have tooth-rottingly happy endings! But the ones that felt the most healing to me were my The Hour fic not even the rain because I had been hurting for a decade over its cancellation, and my Beyond Evil fic Splinters where I unfridged Kang Min-jeong and let her live a vibrant poly life without having to die to fuel other people's manpain. Also very much enjoyed saving Comrade Gu in my Crash Landing on You fic Allegretto, not so much for his own sake as for Seo Dan, who deserves to have everything she wants.
Do you get hate on fics?
Not really. Sometimes people have expressed disappointment. I think the most hate I got was a person on Twitter who got really upset that I wrote a ship they didn't like and in a way they didn't like, but I don't think that had very much to do with my actual fic (since they hadn't read it).
Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I do! Mostly het. I think I have progressed from more tender depictions to, like, trying to hone in on the slightly weird or awkward parts of sex, and also to describe the scene more straightforwardly and let people's imagination do the work for them?
Do you write crossovers? What's the craziest one you've written?
A Six Flying Dragons/My Country: The New Age crossover, and a Rookie Historian/Sungkyunkwan Scandal crossover. Neither feels very crazy to me because the universes fit so well (the two former because they feature the same historical people and events, and the two latter because they are both fluffy fusion sageuks with perky heroines).
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Yes, or at least reposted without credit.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
No, but I would love if that happened!!!
What's your all-time favorite ship?
Gotta go with Goo Hae-ryung and Min U-won because they are sooo delightful to write, really grew on me (I didn't ship them immediately), and the fandom are such lovely people!
What's a wip you want to finish, but doubt you ever will?
I hope I will finish all of them in time.
What are your writing strengths?
Funny dialogue! (At least I think it's funny.) Readers mostly seem to appreciate the heart-wrenching confession oneliners.
What are your writing weaknesses?
Pacing, repetitive descriptions, that classic hyperfocus on the main ship to the detriment of other characters, and action scenes. There's probably many cultural misconceptions as well, especially since I mostly write historical pieces (ranging from the Joseon Dynasty and Tang Dynasty to 1950s Britain). I try to research, but being a foreigner means that there will always be a gap.
Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language for a fic?
Since I'm not a native English speaker, all my dialogue is in another language! In the kdrama fics I sometimes include familial terms, honorifics, and other forms of address in transliterated Korean, because I think that helps remind people reading it of what the sentence "actually" sounds like within the fiction, and also maybe allows them to recall what those particular words sound like when spoken by the actors of show. It gives the appearance that the fic only translates the character's "real," embodied, Korean conversation and keeps the readers immersed. At least that's my intention.
First fandom you wrote for?
On AO3 it was for Supernatural, since 15x20 enraged me enough to finally post something. But I also wrote Buffy and Harry Potter fic on FF.net when I was a kid. Including Snape/reader inserts, which I recently told a friend about and she gave me the most repulsed look I have ever seen :)
Favorite fic you've written?
I don't actually know!! Whatever Souls Are Made Of is probably one of the best pieces I have written, but all of them are dear to me in different ways.
Tagging @drivingsideways and @comfect and @elderflowergin and anyone else who wants to do it!
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emilykaldwen · 4 months
Just read your fic 'Boy With a Broken Soul' again and i love it, wanted to ask how exactly it relates with your fic 'The Maiden and the Drowning Boy'. Since im scared of starting unfinished works (i get way too into it) i gotta wait till you complete it but honestly, i liked ur writing so much i think its worth it!
Also, you have the Tag 'major character death' in that fic, did that already happen in the 10 chapters or will it happen in the future? If it didnt happen already, would you mind telling me if aegon or abby will die... bc i dont think i could handle the heartbreak 🥲
And lastly, i skimmed a few chapters and read the notes bc this fic just seems so interesting, and its mentioned they’re childhood sweethearts / friends.. are they eachothers 1 loves? (As in feelings been developing since they were little). I think this trope is so cute!
sorry for the long ask, i will go read 'Boy With a Broken Soul' for the 100th time now. Bye.
First off friend, my 2 year old nephew is obsessed with spiderman and I heard his lil voice in my head when I saw this message so thanks for that.
Also omg thank you so much for your kind words! I know for some people it's a big risk to take a chance on unfinished works, but as a long time fandom old, I always encourage people to do so and let those authors know you like their work (like here!) It's how we know you love our stories!
Boy With a Broken Soul is a complete fae/greco/celtic myth AU with the only similarity being Aegon x Abby as the ship. Basically I was in the process of working on Maiden when I was asked to write that, so I just transplanted them in. While they're not as unhinged as they are in that fic, it's still true to their canon counterparts ;)
Thank you for reading the tags! So it has not happened yet, but I'm going to promise you that at the end of this story, Aegon and Abby are gonna live happily ever after. This is why I put it in the summary. there is a happily ever after at the end of this story. they're going to go through it, there's gonna be scary moments, but they're gonna be okay. Also obligatory: Helaena is also gonna be okay.
So little abby will tell you Gwayne Hightower was her first crush LOL but yes! The feelings have been there their whole lives, and it's always been this kind of unspoken crush thing but the further time went on, Abby sort of resigned herself to the idea she wouldn't marry Aegon, and Aegon further fell into his issues and didn't think himself worth her, and yet so demanding and possessive for her attention. So while you have this childhood connection, this first arc (Maiden is the first of three stories) is really about them falling in love properly, and not only that, but learning to see one another past the expectations and like... version of each other they have in their heads.
I hope this answers! Please let me know if you have further questions! and don't apologize for the long ask! I love getting things like this!!
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serinesaccade · 3 years
courfeyrac / marius / cosette?
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THANKS FOR ASKING again i have awarded by the olympics medals
do i check this tag on ao3 everyday? no. do i really like it when I see it in the hands of someone I trust/a random person I've taken a chance on?? YEEEES. yes i DO. currently that person is dannypuro in december by the day but whatever anyway
mostly i say "i need to know more" as bronze bc my only negative reaction to this pairing stems from my question of "where did their potential other pairings end up." like I need eponine and combeferre and jehan or whoever else to be Happy and usually with how things shake out in my fics they're paired w/ other people but I DO like this ship. i do!
i ship it mostly!! i ship courf with literally anyone and that he and marius were roomies and he tolerated this dumb bonapartiste fratty sweetheart during his edification really warms me to him being added to the canon marius/cosette. i feel like he and marius had Feels going on before marius met cosette, you know? and courf is Bold but he also had a lot going on at the time and coming onto the guy who is literally relying on you for a roof over his head feels kinda gross so he didn't do it. (and obviously marius wasn't gonna make a move bc he's. marius and was distracted). in canon courf died BUT HEYYY. we don't talk about that so this'd probably be some beautiful modern au.
courf is honestly a sweetheart and respectful but also naturally affectionate n outgoing. so after Marius and cosette have a long discussion about how they're both into him i think they'd have THE TIME OF THEIR LIVES coming onto him. just. courfeyrac is singing friends, friends, friendly friends, time to meet my friends! he is probably brought into their bed before they really properly talk and is just :') *thumbs up* bc courf is a hedonist but also. he's in love with them. except marius and cosette DID think they talked dang it like c'mon they're the true love couple and they want to be the true love throuple now duh
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messedupessy · 4 years
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Ahhh I finally finished them holy shit kefjkjffwfjk this took a bit longer than I expected but also at the same time went really, really fast xD So yeah, once again I have ended up making my own take on an au so hard that it like barely even resembles the original, because that’s the way I roll! 
And ya all got @insanelyadd to frikking blame because they are the cause for me suddenly getting ideas for this, like I been kind of wanting to try doing my own take on it for awhile because I got no self control but still, Goaty has been nothing but an enabling little sheit ever since this began last week so go send them some love ok UwU ❤
Anyway to the bros a quick little rundown on their personalities, and then a short summary on my take on the au, will post a longer summary with way more details later but going to put it up on ao3 so ya all can more easily read it etc, and will put it in a reblog of this post later when I do.
I also want to mention that similarly like I did with MessedUpTale, so have I tried to keep like allot of original UT personalities etc in my takes on these boys and the rest of the characters in UL, while still making them their own people, but yeah here goes gonna put both the summary and the personalities under a cut bc this post is way too long already
Also suggest ya all open the two ref pics in a different tab so to be able to read what things says properly etc, and also don’t tag this as ship bc this aien’t no shipping here even tho I know this be UL but I don’t ship it so don’t tag it as such thank u UwU ❤
And warning for very suggestive content etc below, and there might also be some triggering stuff maybe so watch urself ye
Ok so here are them personalities ye:
UL Pap aka Velvet:
He is very vain, pretty attention whorish he really, really wants attention and to be popular, which he is since he has gotten pretty famous for making naughty vids on the net with the energy of a youtube let’s player, but yet he is pretty insecure if people like him for him or just like him appearance wise and what he do in them vids, he loves what he do but he still got them insecurities. 
Don’t like the fact that his pupils are different sizes, and he is very keen to please like he is a very big people pleaser while still been confident he is a bit split, as he is confident but yet such a people pleaser who worries if he acts properly like himself he won’t be liked etc.
He is a switch but with a more dom side, but since he is so eager to please so does he not mind at all to take a more subbier role when doing the do. 
UL Snas aka Bin:
A total gremlin, but in the good way, really chill and relaxed, a total prankster and jokester who pretty much never take or do anything seriously, will constantly try to con people for fun for like kisses/hugs and naughtier stuff just to see how far they will let him go with it. He is not depressed and is actually pretty happy overall, only thing in his life he got a little bit problem with is the fact literally no one, except his bro, takes him seriously, which is kind of his own fault but what can he do. 
Is a total pillow princess who prefers to do absolutely nothing, so during boning as long as he don’t really have to do anything he’s game.
Now for the short au summary:
Hundreds of years ago there was a country of wizards, who came up with this great idea of making literal living sex dolls which were called monsters because why the fuck not.
Then shit happened because the people in the country the birth rate began to go down af because everyone just wanted to bang monsters instead of fellow humans, and some humans wanted to give them all proper rights etc since technically monsters were alive etc, tension grew until it just frikking exploded as one wizard did the impossible and made two monsters been able to reproduce which wasn’t supposed to be able to even happen.
So civil war broke out, the resistance for pro monsters were allot smaller and losing af so they sent the still living monsters to a far off island where they locked them up to keep them safe using a magic machine which hides them from humanity. This was not meant to be temporary but since the whole country then went and got razed to the ground af by another country and got completely destroyed so are the monsters now stuck on the island.
3000 years then passes with the monsters making a life on the island where they be evolving and becoming more sentient and actual people and not just dolls, but something strange happens one day where two humans ends up shipwrecked on the island, something that should be impossible etc.
And that’s the quick and short af sunmary of it, keep an eye out for the longer one ye
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pendragaryen · 4 years
rules: answer the questions about your favorite ship (all time or current) then tag 10 people to do it too!
tagged by @clarkeindra and @carrieeve! Thank you! Wow, this may take a while...
SHIP AND FANDOM: Bellarke, The 100
What were their first impressions of each other?
XD A very annoying one i’d say. Permanently testing each other, teasing and challenging.
A moment you think that both/one of them will remember forever about each other:
Out of ALL the seasons? Or just of S1? Mh... Either way... It’s hard to pick just ONE moment here, bc in my opinion there are so many moments that they certainly will remember forever about each other. I mean, seriously... When they die (and i hope that day will come when they’re both very old after living a very happy life together ;) ) all these scenes will flash before their inner eyes within a minute or so... Bellamy when he catches Clarke before she falls into the pit... Clarke mercy-killing Atom... “If you need forgiveness... I give that to you...”  Clarke flinging herself into his arms... “I can’t lose you too...” The lever in Mt. Weather... Clarke’s goodbye after... Their fight in Hakeldama... Their joining hands in Perverse Instantiation... The list... PRAIMFAYA... aka “The head and the heart/I got you for that” and the last time they’ve seen each other, hastily wanting the other one to “hurry!”... “She is”... “Now you’re home”... The slap (trademark)... “You’re too important to me...”  “I won’t let you die...”  “I am NOT leaving you!”... “I NEED YOU!”............ (Okay... now i’m in tears...)
I simply can’t pick just one... This is truly impossible...
A moment you think that both/one of them wishes hadn’t happened:
I think for Clarke it’s leaving the gang after Mount Weather and leaving Bellamy behind in Polis in S5. Oh and for Bellamy: The radio-incident followed by the death of so many arkers in S1 and of course... Hakeldama...
What is Their Moment for you?
The core scene for me really is “The head and the heart”-speech of Clarke in Praimfaya. This is one of the reasons why S4 will forever be “The heart” of the whole damn show for me. The whole season was so... WHOLESOME when it comes to Bellarke! And then - nothing... ouch... it still stings...
Marriage? If yes, who proposes?
I don’t think The 100 will ever get THERE... but... in au/headcanon... i’d say Bellamy proposes.
Children? If yes, if one had to stay home with them, who would do it?
Yes, why not. I’d love to see that! In my imagination it’s Bellamy herding the kids mostly (he’s just GREAT with kids - Captain Daddy!!!), while Clarke’s off to work. But i think they’re sharing that “burden” every then and there... ;)
Housing? Where do they live together?
Their own house/cabin/tent/capsule or whatever, away from the others, but close enough to come aid in case of emergency. They’re gonna want peace and room but also reassurance from their people. (I just... i sign that @clarkeindra!)
Pets? Do they get a pet together?
Who would kill/remove the spider and who would leave it under a cup and leave the room?
Definitely Bellamy. He protects simply EVERY LIVING AND BREATHING BEING ON THIS PLANET - bc he wants to honor Monty’s last words of “doing better”, and bc he’s simply just overprotective of everything smaller than himself... (like Clarke etc...)  ;)
Who sings all day long and who gets so used to it they don’t even hear it anymore?
Clarke. Preferably in the bathroom. ;)
Who can cook a gourmet meal for two and who can maybe use the toaster?
Bellamy. He’s an allrounder! C’mon he had to be there for his little sister (and mom) for so many years. You can’t tell me that this man can’t cook! Clarke: The toaster... No... Seriously... I think both would be capable of doing some nice cooking.
Who wakes up before the sun rises and who would sleep in until 2pm if they didn’t have an alarm?
I don’t know where this comes from but i agree: Clarke is the early bird here. But I also think that he’s not getting up much later than her - but he’d definitely need more coffee to function properly... ;)
Who is more affectionate/touchy?
Clarke. She’s a needy one. And Bellamy is very generous of giving his warm and comforting bear hugs... or even just touches (like, her cheek... her hand... sigh)... so... BOTH? Both.
Who wears the other’s hoodies/shirts?
Clarke definitely wears Bellamy’s clothes. (I completely agree! That’s what i’d do too, tbqh. Very understandable. ;) )
Who said “I love you” first?
tagging: @iishallbelieve @natassakar @geekyogicheese @biblarke @wankadi @katersann @jasperjoordan @cominguproses13x @galaxyblake @hostagetakerandhistraitor @harpermacintyre @iwearplaids @wolfheartgirl @jeanie205
22 notes · View notes
retro-rezz-the-est · 5 years
The Right Alpha pt. 2 (Drew/Reader/Roman A/B/O)
Summary: A/B/O action with Drew and Ro accompanied by real time plot lmao. No smut this time, but plenty of angst and fluff.
(A/N: I wanted to get this out for my birthday and for the 500 followers milestone last week but since I’m a lazy piece of shit who’s brain doesn’t work properly, I forgot lol. So here it is! Thanks once again for 500+ and let’s hope that I haven’t lost my marbles due to VKM’s crap by the next milestone. God bless @writinglionqueen and @writing-reigns for being my betas and my support system throughout this. Love y’all both! ^3^)
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Warnings: a lot of harassment/sexual harassment, brief flashbacks of the douchebag ex from the first part and Roman and Drew bc they should come with their own warning labels lmao
Word Count: 6728
Read part one here 
(Y/n): your name
“You sure you don’t need anything tonight?” Roman asked.
“Trust me, Ro, I’ll be fine,” you said, holding your phone to your ear as you walked towards the backstage door. Even though Ro was still scheduled to be at tonight’s show, he still had yet to show up to the arena. Duffel in hand, you shouldered the door open and were met with the bustling sounds of the production team and the stagehands prepping for that night’s SmackDown Live taping. 
You heard him chuckle in your ear. “If you say so, baby girl. Love you.”
“Love you too, Big Dog.”
Your heart felt light as you ended the call, sighing to yourself and holding the phone to your chest. You’ve been floating on air since Roman and Drew confronted you in that hallway after RAW a few months ago and with the implementation of the new, albeit incredibly stupid, “wild card rule”, you were able to spend more time with your Alphas. For the first time since jumping ship to the blue brand thanks to the new rule, you felt…
You were actually eager to come into work that day, mentally preparing for your tag match with Bayley against Alexa and Nikki Cross. Sporting one of the merch tees you stole from Ro and a pair of jean shorts, you tried to maneuver your way around everyone and make it to the women’s locker room in one piece. You tugged on it and bought the collar to your face, inhaling and smiling as the scent of your alpha washed over you.
You really have it bad, don’t you? you asked yourself, your thoughts taking over.
Yep, and I don’t mind one bit.
You didn’t notice the figure in front of you until you crashed into them nose-first, bashing your head against the back of theirs.
“Shit,” you said, pocketing your cell as you tried to speak with a mouth full of hair. “Sorry, I wasn’t paying attention!”
“It’s ok, girl. I shouldn’t have been standing around like an idiot,” the voice replied, their body turning to face you.
The now-revealed Smackdown Women’s Champ ran a hand through her long hair and smiled at you, taking her other hand off of her suitcase’s handle briefly to give you one of her iconic hugs. When you first transferred from the Monday show, the Beta was the first person to show you any sort of kindness. So, the two of you became fast friends, looking out for each other both in and out of the ring. “So, how’s my fave tag team partner doing?”
“I’m doing well, actually,” you replied as you started off on you way again, her trailing closely behind you. “SmackDown’s a lot more chill than Raw is, to be honest.”
She let out another short laugh. “You’re not wrong here, (Y/n), but the wild card rule keeps shaking everything up around here.”
“Ugh, tell me about it. If I keep having to see the same people getting pushed when there’s quality talent just sitting back here, I’m gonna pull my hair out.”
“I know, right? I’d love to face some of the other girls here, like Kairi or Ember,” she added, unzipping her dark grey hoodie.
You raised your brow at her suggestions and noted, “I would actually pay to see those matches happen.”
“Well, at least it hasn’t been all that bad lately. You still get to see your mates every day thanks to the rule,” she sighed in content and looked at you. “I’m literally so jealous of you. Two mates! How do you guys even function?”
You started to ramble on about your relationship with the two Superstars as the two of you continued to walk down to the locker rooms, but you soon noticed Bayley glancing at you funny.
“What?” you asked her, brushing yourself off. “Is there something on me? Is there something on my face?”
“Nah, there isn’t. I was just hoping that you were gonna get into the more… juicy details,” she cheekily wondered, a sly grin plastered on her face.
“B-Bayley! I’m not gonna gossip about my sex life here! There are three topics you don’t talk about at work: politics, religion, and sex!”
“Aww, come on, live a little!” the beta whined. “Just this one little thing? For me?”
She already knew the answer the moment she looked back at your face, pouting in defeat. She made a move for her pocket and paused, feeling around in it when her eyes went wide.
“What’s wrong, Bayley?”
Groaning, she answered, “My hair ties. I think I left them with that stagehand I bumped into when I got here about an hour ago. Can you wait for me here and watch my bag while I try to find them? I promise I won’t be gone for long.”
“Of course,” you responded as she handed her small suitcase over to you. She shouted a “thank you” in your direction as she ran off and turned a corner.
You dropped your duffel on top of her suitcase and pulled your phone back out and leaned up against the wall behind you, scrolling through your old texts as you drowned out the hustle and bustle around you. You opened your group chat with Drew and Ro, giggling at how they both complained about working with Shane and his behavior.
Reading through the messages, you didn’t notice the shadow that had just loomed over your body. A hand slapped the wall next to your head, but you didn’t want to look up. You didn’t want to look up because you already knew who it was.
Speak of the fucking devil.
“Hello, (Y/n).”
You could already hear the sickly sweet adoration dripping from his voice, but you still didn’t look at him when you responded. “What the hell do you want, Shane?”
“Woah there, Omega. Is that any way to speak to your boss? I feel offended,” he said, his voice still filled with endless loads of fakeness. You could smell the cockiness rolling off him in waves, so much so that you had to hold your breath whenever he was around. The hand on the wall was slowly moving closer to your head and you could hear it, and you hoped to whoever’s above that someone would do something about it.
But no one ever did.
You could feel your hands starting to tremble as he leaned closer to your face. “I was just gonna ask where your two big, bad Alphas were, sweetheart. There’s no harm in that.”
The weight of his leer felt like a brick pressing against your forehead and you kept getting whiffs of want her and mine that you sure as hell didn’t need today. The Alpha above you moved a piece of hair away from your face and chuckled at your hesitance, already familiar with it.
“Y-You should already know where Drew is, you prick. And Ro’s here as well. He’s just not… here… right now.”
Your wolf was going absolutely batshit at the sight of him, and the thought of him touching you made it even more ravenous.
Hit him! Tear into his smug face! Kick him in the balls! Tell him off! Do something already!
You could feel your teeth start to grow sharper as he chuckled again, his free hand descending to your waist while the other made its way to the back of your head. You could feel his gaze lingering in your cleavage, and you felt more exposed than before.
Why can’t he just leave me alone, for fuck’s sake?
“Oh, he’s not here right now? What a shame. Truly,” he said teasingly. Shane’s hands gripped you tighter as he pulled you closer to him, forcing you to look up at him and drop your phone to the floor with a clatter. His eyes were malicious, but they held in them a caring look so fake and plastic that it made you sick.
Your entire body shuddered as you looked into his empty eyes. “Yeah, he’s not here now. So, w-what do you want from me, S-Shane?”
It was still shocking how no one passing by saw him do this to you. It still shocked you how no one interfered with him tormenting you like this.
“You know what I want, (Y/n). Just say yes and I’ll go.”
Resisting the urge to scoff, you uttered, “The fucking answer’s still no and you know why.”
“Aww, come on, live a little!” he whined, mocking Bayley’s earlier comment and making you cringe. “I could show you a really fun time.”
He managed to pull you even closer to his chest and he leaned down to your ear. “Just picture it: a night out celebrating with me and Drew after beating your pathetic, waste of space mate to a pulp once again. And as the night grows even later, we could get more… intimate, if you will.”
Don’t say anything, you told your wolf despite the immediate pushback from it. Shane’s breath was near potent and you actually felt the need to eject a wave of vomit onto his Jordans. Keep quiet and don’t make this any worse for me.
“Plus, seeing as those two idiots haven’t even claimed you yet, I can show that Scottish dud how it’s really done.”
Gripping your hair, he yanked your head back and bashed your head on the wall, ogling at your unmarked neck while you hissed in pain. With your arms stuck against his body, his head fell and he drew his nose over the skin. “You’d love being mine, Omega. I’d treat you right, unlike those absolute brutes you have for mates.”
Don’t do anything because if you do, then you’ll bite his nose off and we’ll be out of a job.
“What do you say, (Y/n)? You wanna take this for a test drive?”
His wedding band started to dig into your side through your shirt and you yelped, telling him, “You shouldn’t be doing this, Shane. You’re married, right? And you have pups?”
He roared with laughter at your comment, and all you wanted to do in that moment was curl into a ball and hide with your mates at your side. He responded with a large grin, saying, “And what about it, sweetheart? She doesn’t have to know now, does she?”
Moving up to your jaw from your neck, his lips brushed against your cheek as he added, “And besides, you like knowing that, don’t you?”
Before he could move closer to your own mouth, his own phone rang and you thanked every deity in existence that he released you and moved away to take the call.
“We’ll finish this conversation later, (Y/n). I’ll see you around.”
Holding the phone to his ear, he brushed off his chest with his free hand and casually walked away, you looking bewildered as he did so. You felt nauseous and dirty, feeling your now sharpened nails digging into the palms of your hands as you curled them into fists.
You hated this.
You’ve hated it since he started this little “game” of his a month ago, and you sure as hell hate it now. You hated how easily he could corner you and make you feel as vulnerable and weak as a small child. And you couldn’t even do anything about it because he was your fucking boss!
Your wolf howled in anger, letting out kill and must tell mates with every other breath. Everything around you continued as normal, but you knew that it was far from it. Your eyes burned with the feeling of unfallen tears and you could feel your breath grow faint when a familiar voice reared in the background. 
“Hey, (Y/n)! I’m back! Sorry I took so long, the stagehand wasn’t in the spot where I had found them originally and I had to go searching for them again but that took ages-”
Bayley stopped her mini rant and took a good look at you, your entire attitude seeming to deflate since she had left originally.
“Hey, are you okay?” the Beta asked you. “You look...sick. Like you’ve just seen a ghost or something.”
Blinking the tears away, you forced a laugh out and moved your hands behind your back. “It’s fine. I’m just… just a little nervous about tonight. It’s my first time going against Alexa and I want my first match with her to go well.”
“Well, I’m sure you’ll be fi- oh my god, (Y/n)!)”
You quickly looked around, eyes wide with shock. “What? What happened? What is it?”
“Your hands!”
“My wha- oh.”
Drops of blood were currently dripping from your fists and onto the floor, making small puddles at your sides. You didn’t feel the bite of your nails digging into your skin, but you chuckled nervously and tried to hide them again. She grabbed your wrists in one hand and reached for her bag with the other.
“We have to get these cleaned and wrapped before out match tonight. Come on!” she told you, hoisting your bag onto her shoulder and dragging you by your wrist to the medical personnel with her free hand.
“Haha, take that, Bliss! You’re never getting your hands on this!” Bayley exclaimed at the blonde as the woman clutched her sides at the champ’s feet, you raising her arm above her head in victory. Moments later, Nikki slid into the ring as soon as you two slipped out of it.
Bayley gave you a hug as she started to make her way up the ramp with her title held high, Bliss and Cross limping back up a few minutes later. You, however, walked in the direction of the announce table where an empty chair and headset were waiting for you. You gave a brief greeting to Graves, Saxton and Philips before situating yourself next to the first man.
The last match of the night was a one-on-one bout between Ro and Shane and as always, Shane cockily walked out to the ring with Drew in tow to the sounds of boos from the crowd and his “best in the world” introduction. Drew grabbed two mics for him and Shane before they both climbed into the ring, looking like they absolutely owned the place. It would’ve made you smile if it weren’t for him being the lackey at the likes of Shane. 
Shane raised his to his mouth and was about to talk, but he was interrupted by the blaring sound of Roman’s theme. He came out with a smirk on his face and you could almost hear the thud of his boots as he stalked to the ring.
He threw you a wink when he made it to the ropes closest to you and you smiled, hearing the ref signal for the bell and seeing Shane immediately rush at him from behind. He threw his forearm into the back of Roman’s head and crippled him, making you gasp. Drew applauded at ringside and the two of you locked eyes.
You shuddered under his intense gaze and you quickly looked away just in time to see Shane stomping out Roman, your mate groaning as his heel connected with his chest. You glanced away from the match briefly to discuss other matters with your fellow commentators (minus Graves, of course) before turning back and seeing Shane glaring directly at you, the look in his eyes making feel nauseous as you wrap your arms around your torso.
He winked at you like Roman had, taking his time raking those eyes along your figure and Roman was quick to notice. The Samoan bared his teeth and growled as he began to let out his wolf and rose from the ring floor, charging at Shane and spearing his head into the ringpost he was closest to. As the grey-haired Alpha started to regain his senses again, he threw his chest back and howled with the rest of the Universe and speared Shane again. The match was over before you could even blink, and Roman quickly pinned the other Alpha to pick up the win.
Huh, Shane’s off his game tonight. Good, you thought as you heard the three-count and you stood to clap for your mate. Taking off your headset and thanking the three men at commentary, you made your way into the ring and took Roman’s arm to raise it.
You two quickly moved out of it and began walking up the ramp side by side, his arm thrown around your shoulders and your own wrapped around his waist. Glancing behind you, you saw the dirty look Shane threw you and you smiled internally at that, claiming it as a small victory over him.
He pulled you aside near some supply crates as you made it backstage, bringing you into his chest while you inhaled his familiar scent. It had momentarily calmed your nerves down, being there with him, but they were briskly replaced by a new feeling of dread when he moved your hands from around him and looked down at your bandaged hands.
“How’d this happen, Omega?” Roman asked, worry making his brows furrow. “Did you hurt yourself?”
He started to rub at where the skin of your palms would be as you answered him. “Yeah, I did. I was nervous my match and I didn’t notice my nails digging into my hands. Bayley bandaged me up well, so I should be fine.”
You and your own wolf felt bad for lying to him about them, but you didn’t need him going after Shane with a death wish in tow and getting fired because of it.
This is better, you assumed, seeing his eyes grow soft. It’s better for all of us.
“I’m just glad that you were able to pin Shane tonight,” You raised your hands to cup his face and he nuzzled himself into them, making you chuckle. “Lord knows he needs to be put in his place.”
Roman laughed as you said the last bit under your breath, squeezing your waist before lifting his hands to move yours from his face. “Speaking of Shane,” he questioned, looking down at you with concern in his warm brown eyes, “what was that wink all about during the match? Is there something you’re not telling me, baby girl?”
“What? No,” you scoffed, answering him quickly. “Shane’s just being his usual dickish self in order to get under your skin and make you mad. Nothing more.”
The quickness of your response made the Alpha quirk his brow for a second when he smelled hurt and shame wafting off of you but he brushed it off, agreeing with you. You rose onto your toes and planted a kiss to his cheek, saying, “Now, you wait for Drew here while I go and get our things ready, ok?”
You let go of him and began walking away, hearing him reply with a “yes ma’am” and pivoting on your heel to see him throw up a faux salute in your direction. His eyes lingered on you even as your figure grew smaller until you finally turned a corner.
Your heart wanted to fall out of your chest and flop around on the floor when he asked you about your hands, and even more so when he asked about Shane’s shitty excuse of a wink. But, you persisted, even though your wolf continued to berate you about the situation.
Lying will not make this better. Makes it worse for you and mates. You’ll see.
Since your tag match with Bayley against Bliss and Cross went over so well on SmackDown, you were told that you had to give a dual promo with the blonde Omega the next week on the red brand. 
You arrived to the arena dressed in a casual black tank with some skinny jeans, your sweater tied around your waist. Since the skin on your hands was starting to heal and you didn’t want to encounter Shane again, you decided to take the longer route to the locker room instead, using as many of the hallways as you could. He was always lingering somewhere on both shows and was always eager to find you, and you weren’t taking any chances.
A few minutes had passed since you’d seen anyone and you let out a breath you didn’t even know you were holding in. Turning down another empty hall, you felt a presence trailing behind you as you walked, but you paid it no mind. Then, a rough hand grasped your shoulder and spun you around.
“Thought you could run away from me, little Omega?”
How in the absolute hell?!
Your eyes went wide when he spun you around and pinned your arms to your sides. Shane moved in closer and you had the incredible urge to just raise your head and scratch his face up with your teeth.
“H-How did you find me?”
His laughter bounced off the concrete walls, making your bones vibrate. “I told you last week that we’d finish our conversation later. And to me, ‘later’ means ‘right fucking now’.”
He laughed again at your lack of words, your mouth slightly agape and hyperventilating. You were smart in that you didn’t ball your hands up as to not puncture the skin of your palms again, but you were damn near close to.
You could feel his hands sliding up your bare arms and situate themselves at the base of your neck, his thumbs drawing figures along your collarbone. All you could see was his smug grin, complete with eyes that were filled with absolutely zero remorse for what he was doing.
“Why do you do this to m-me, Shane? What did I do to you?”
This caught his attention. “You haven’t done anything yet, but you will.”
“Like I said numerous times before, you’ll need a real Alpha like myself to show you the ropes. You’ll need me to claim you and show you how to be a good-”
He talked to you as if you were an incompetent child, and his hold on you grew tighter with every word. You began to struggle and try to get yourself out and away from him, but to no avail.
This hurts.
“- obedient -”
“- little Omega for me, (Y/n).”
Struggling became useless as your breathing became quicker and quicker with each passing second and you shut your eyes tight, feeling them shift along with your teeth. His words were reminiscent of those from your ex-lover, and you couldn’t help but see blood red all over at the sound of them. 
All you could think of was how dirty your ex made you feel, putting you down constantly with his hurtful, disgusting actions and words, and he made you feel the exact same way that he had and you wanted him to. You had to physically hold yourself back from pouncing on him and dragging his face into the ground.
Get him now!
“Shane? Shane, where th’ fuck are ya? We’re on in thirty bloody minutes!”
Oh, thank the gods above.
Shane groaned and released you abruptly, causing you to stagger back. “Fucking hell, Drew.”
The large Scottish Alpha’s feet reverberated off the walls around you and he turned the corner closest to you two, looking around. He spotted you both and stomped over, clearly pissed off with Shane.
“What th’ hell, man?! Ya say you were gonna meet me here, an’ then you just rush out like a bat outta hell!”
Dressed in a simple white tee and jeans with a leather jacket on top, he curled his hands and growled, letting off more feral scents combined with his usual one. Through his frustration, he saw the glow of your shifting eyes and how much you were trembling, accompanied by the growing of your nails at your sides.
Eyes flickering between the two of you, he looked at the other Alpha and grimaced. “And what were ya doin’ all alone here with my mate, Shane? I thought I told ya she’s taken.”
The other man chuckled nervously as you cupped your neck, feeling the imprints from his fingers already beginning to bloom into small bruises.
“We weren’t doing anything, McIntyre. I just caught up with her and was just politely asking her a question about her new feud with Alexa. Isn’t that tight, (Y/n)?”
You nearly barfed at his piss poor attempt at being nice, but you decided to play along. “Yeah,” you murmured, willing your eyes to fade to their normal hue and your nails and teeth to shrink down. “We’re all good here.”
You feigned another laugh and quickly put your sweater on, zipping it up fully to keep your skin hidden. Drew looked as if he didn’t buy any of it but soon turned around, grabbing Shane by the collar and dragging him away.
“Woah, hey now, watch the shirt! This thing is worth more than your monthly salary!”
“Cut th’ shit,” the Scot grumbled, stomping away with him in tow. “We’re already running behind schedule and I don’t need t’ hear your daddy runnin’ his mouth at me again.”
And with that, the duo disappeared behind another wall, their voices fading into nothing while you stumbled back into the wall behind you, clutching your chest and feeling your heart race.
“Great,” you muttered, briskly walking in the opposite direction of them. “Hope the Glam Squad has enough concealer to cover these up.”
Your promo was one of the first segments of the night and you were finished with it relatively quickly, getting a fairly good reaction from the crowd when the other woman had come out to do her bit. You were glad everything went smoothly once you finished and when you finally got backstage, you started to make the journey back to get the remainder of your things and head back to the hotel.
You made it to the women’s locker room and shut the door, grabbing your sweater and bending down to stuff it into the bag you had Natalya bring for you. You got out your phone to text your mates and ask them when they were going to be finished when the door behind you creaked open, twin footfalls thudding on the floor. Their scent slowly filled the room surrounded you before you saw them and you relaxed your shoulders.
“Hey, are you guys finished for the night? I was gonna text you to see when you-”
You pivoted on your heel to face the two large Alphas with a grin on your face, Roman dressed in a long sleeved black tee and shorts and Drew in the outfit you saw him in earlier. They stared back at you intensely, Roman crossing his arms and Drew moving to go lock the door.
You shuddered under their intense glares, asking, “Is everything okay?”
Roman was the first one to speak, uncrossing his arms and walking over to you. He moved your bag and took your hand, sitting you down on the bench behind you as the Scot watched from the door.
“Me and Drew were talking earlier, and we feel like you’re hiding something from us, ‘mega.”
Oh, help me now.
“Me? Hiding something from you two?” you pondered, scoffing and chuckling anxiously. “Everything’s totally fine. Trust me.”
“And there it is again,” he shot back, “you’re doing that thing again. You’ve been acting skittish and dodging our questions for almost a month now. Why won’t you tell us what’s wrong?”
He was confused, and you could clearly see the hurt in his eyes when you looked into them. But you couldn’t bring yourself to tell them yet.
Do it.
“I mean, was it something that we said? Something we did?”
“N-No, of course not, Ro! You know you’d never do anything to hurt me! You both wouldn’t!”
You sighed and took your hands out of his, placing them on your head as your eyes fell to your lap. It took everything in you not to burst out into a fiery mix or rage and tears. “Look, I already told you guys before. It’s noth-”
A loud bang brought you back from your stupor and you yelped, jumping out of your skin and directing your attention to the door. Drew stood there with the side of his fist against the door, and there was a crack emulating from the impact.
“Enough of this, (Y/n). We’re your Alphas, your mates. You’re supposed t’ tell us when something’s up. Why’re ya hidin’ from us?” he whispered, his voice cracking near the end.
Drew didn’t really express his more sentimental emotions outright but when he did, it absolutely crushed you. You could see your mates hurting - feel them hurting - and they were slowly chipping away at your walls. The silence after he spoke was deafening and you knew that if a pin fell then, you would hear it.
Every second felt like a minute and every minute felt like an eternity until you opened your mouth again.
“I don’t want you both to think that I’m a bad Omega for not saying something sooner.”
Your soft voice prompted Drew to move away from the door and kneel down to your height, placing both of his hands on your thigh. “Leannan (sweetheart), nothing ya say right now will make us ever think that. You’re our mate, and ya should be able to tell us anything plaguin’ ya.”
“We love you, (Y/n), and we do care,” Roman added, moving his hand to cup your cheek. “You don’t have to tell us everything if it’s too much, but at least give us something.”
The fuse was lit.
With that permission, you didn’t notice how quickly your body shifted into attack mode and you hastily stood, knocking your bag over.
“It’s fucking Shane’s fucking fault!” you barked, baring your teeth and nails to no one. “He keeps on stalking me and harassing me and bothering me and saying how much fucking better he’d be as my mate!”
You moved from the bench and began to pace the room, huffing and blocking out all outside noises as you continued to rant. “That little rich shitbag thinks he can do all of this over and over again with no consequence, and he thinks that he can just grab me and toss me around like I’m some useless thing! It makes me feel sick and dirty and… argh!”
The two Alphas jumped when you kicked a nearby locker, putting a dent in the shape of your foot in it. “I want to claw his eyes and scratch his smug stupid face! I hate it when he says that he’s gonna ‘show me the ropes’ and fucking claim me as his own when he’s got a whole wife and pups!”
You paused to catch your breath but you couldn’t stop the tears that were burning your eyes from falling. Your back hit the wall and you slid to the floor, cradling your face in your hands.
“I just… what did I do to deserve any of this?”
Your mates rushed to your sides as you cried, Drew holding you to his chest as you let the tears flow. You could feel Drew's heart beat faster and faster and you could feel Roman's heavy breathing on your neck.
The Samoan stood up and looked at your wrecked form, growling. You could see his eyes dilated and flash gold for a second before he turned away from you and unlocked the door, almost ripping it from its hinges as he stormed out with murder on his mind.
“Shane! Where the fuck are you, you bastard?! I’m gonna tear you apart!”
Oh fuck, you though, untangling yourself from Drew and getting up as quickly as you could to follow him. You two scrambled outside to find the wild Alpha and spotted him barreling through anyone who dared to get in his way as he continued to shout.
“Everyone get the hell out of my way! Where’s Shane?! I’m gonna fucking kill him!”
You ran after him, shoving past poor stagehands and other Superstars to get to your angered mate. Reaching him, you took his wrist and spun him around, seeing his eyes blown out to a full gold. His chest heaved with every harsh breath, and you could see veins popping out of his neck from how hard he was clenching his teeth.
“You see? This is why I didn’t tell you in the first place! I didn’t want you to go on a murder-happy fucking rampage and lose your damn job!”
“She’s got a point,” Drew added, firmly grasping Ro’s other wrist. “You need to think!”
He was having none of it. “He hurt my mate, our mate, and that waste of space needs to pay! I’ll find him and rip out his eyes myself.”
It scared you how aggressive he was when he meant it, but you stood your ground. “You’re not the only one who wants to kill that bag of human scum, Roman, but we do have to be smart about this.”
“We can deal with him next week,” you sighed. “Just… just calm down, please.”
No! Now! Get him now!
Drew nodded, agreeing with you and helping you to pull the other man back in the opposite go get the rest of your things even though he continued to try and escape. You smiled to yourself, though, at the thought of the things you were going to do to Vince’s son in the near future.
For the next week, your two mates didn’t leave your side for a second, with Roman escorting you out to the ring for your match on SmackDown the next night and Drew acting as your personal bodyguard when the cameras weren’t rolling. They wouldn’t let anyone get near you, growling and baring their teeth at anyone who wasn’t a personal friend who dared to get in your personal space.
Monday came far too soon and the three of you arrived to the arena, game faces on as you waltzed in like your own little pack. They each had an arm around your waist with a hand in each of your back pockets, leering at everyone while you grinned.
Roman and Drew were already planned to have another in-ring bout prior to Extreme Rules, but they wanted to have you out for the main event as support. You already knew that Shane was going to be there, going ringside to cheer the Scotsman on and berate his opponent.
You all had your roles, you all had your positions. Now, it was just time to put it all into play.
As their match was the one to close out the night, you had to deal with hearing Shane’s long introduction when him and Drew went through the curtain. You watched them travel to the ring and you saw the Scottish Alpha’s hand twitch, eager to get his large hands on the man next to him.
Shane continued to rant before you and Roman cut him off, trekking down to the ring to meet him. He swiftly ducked under the ropes as Ro approached him but he smiled at you when he saw you, instantly making you sick to your stomach.
Gripping his elbow, you whispered, “You know what to do, right?”
“Of course I do, baby girl,” he replied, brushing you off. “I got this.”
He smirked at you, climbing up the steps and under the ropes. The bell rang and the match began with the two men locking into each other in the middle of the squared circle, Drew quickly getting Roman into a headlock and bringing him down to one knee.
He managed to shove the larger man off of him and into the ropes to throw his forearm into his clavicle and drop him down with a thud. Roman roared as a “Let’s go, Roman!” chant erupted from the crowds. You applauded him and Shane sneered, creeping closer to the ropes like a rat to freshly tossed food.
The match went on for several minutes, each filled with blows delivered and taken by both Superstars. Drew took a harsh Driveby from Ro on the edge of the ring and you were almost certain that he had been knocked out, had it been for the groan he made when he reached up to rub at his head.
It quickly turned to the Samoan being on the receiving end of most of the blows when Drew landed a nasty Glasgow Kiss to his skull, dropping him like a fly. He dragged the fallen wrestler to the middle of the ring, standing above him menacingly.
“Pin him! What are you doing, man? Just pin him already and get it over with!”
Shane’s loud voice could be heard above all else and you prayed that Roman would get up and walk it off like it was nothing. Instead, Drew chuckled and ducked out of the ring, walking around it to come face to face with the McMahon. As the older Alpha continued to go on and on, your mate threw the fastest right hook you’ve ever seen, making Shane plummet to the floor like a stone in water.
You looked around at the shocked faces of the commentators as well as various members of the WWE Universe, but you didn’t expect the roaring cheer that one move got.
He kneeled down to his level and proceeded to pumble the man further, driving fist after fist and hit after hit into him. You were full-on belly laughing at that point, noting how comical it was to see the once high and mighty Shane McMahon who had cornered you numerous times be put in a similar, vulnerable position.
It was beautiful.
Hearing the newfound commotion, Roman arose from his spot on the ring floor akin to the Undertaker and the crowd went wild once more. He got up and ran to the ropes behind him, bouncing back from them and diving over the set in front of him, Drew moving so he wouldn’t get hit.
Shane’s head struck the ramp below and began bleeding as his face and body grew battered and bruised. The two men towered above him and rained down blows and kicks galore, and you wished you had a phone with you to record the magic happening. They then hooked an arm under one of his and hoisted him up from the ground, looking at you gleefully. 
It was your time to shine, your chance to get your licks in.
“Go on, leannan!” Drew shouted, a wide, wicked smile plastered on his face. “Show this ugly bastard what’s for!”
Roman laughed alongside him. “Show ‘im your spitfire, Omega! Make him pay for what he did to you!”
Make him pay.
You roared, baring your sharpened teeth and charged at the silver-haired man, landing a solid dropkick to the middle of his chest. He fell with an “oof” and laid there like a limp ragdoll, but you weren’t going to let that deter you from having your own fun.
“If you ever-”
Another punch.
One more for good measure.
“-think about touching me or talking useless crap about my mates again, I will fucking. End. You!”
With every word let out, you let out led to another hit to his body, your feet flying everywhere they could reach. After a solid five minutes of you three tossing him around and beating him to a pulp, you landed a fine tuned pointed-toe kick to his crotch. He crumbled to the ground, clutching his body as you and your mates looked on victoriously.
You could barely hear yourself think over the commotion going on around you, but you didn’t care. You got your payback. You all did and if he tries some shit like that again, you’ll be bound to pay him back again by a ten-fold.
You raced up the ramp to meet your lovers at the head, raising their arms to signal your win against Shane’s bullshit. You felt a weight being lifted off of your chest and you felt relieved for the first time in over a month.
Karma really is a beautiful thing, isn’t it?
~~ Tag List: @writinglionqueen @writing-reigns @i-have-saracasm @yaint-me @calum-hoodwinked-me @missmoxy @gold–gucciempress @mistress-to-the-moon@mis @meishaabae @luciddrreamss @neversatisfiedgirl @the-carter-mob-don @aj-mac21 @crossfitjesusinskinnyjeans @finnsauroraborealis@tacoshu @ladytea19 @candicelerae @sassybrose @bambixbliss @lookalivesunshine-x @liamakorn @baddie-bismuth @deepdisireslonging@flawlessglamazon @myorlandobloomersareshowing @thegoblin-maiden @justsimplevicky @taryn-dibiase @caramara3 @hardcorewwetrash @shieldgirl18 @demonkingsangel @speckylynch @mondaynightrollynch ~~
If you want to be added to my tag list, shoot me an ask or a DM! ^^
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lailaliquorice · 5 years
beneath a shattered golden sky
this was fuelled by the yelling of the six discord since we all boarded the aralyn train a couple of days ago. tagging @tenpin-boleyn and @gayboleynz bc I promised abi some aragon angst about her religion + sexuality (I hope you don’t mind the bonus ship) and I promised noel some aralyn. also big thanks to abs for yelling about aralyn angst with me
I know I normally write aragon and boleyn as mother/daughter, but my multishipper heart took over. don’t worry I’m still parrlyn trash and there’s parrlyn fic coming soon but here’s something a little different for now c:
tw for homophobia
It hadn’t been easy for Aragon to reconcile her religion with her emotions upon her reincarnation. It went against everything she had ever been taught, ever believed, but how could she deny what was in her heart? Those conflicting parts of her had lead to a tough journey of reassessing her faith, reassessing herself, and a lot of time spent researching homosexuality in Catholicism with Cathy’s help. While her goddaughter was Protestant so there were a few differences in their faiths, her help had been invaluable while Catherine was figuring out her feelings.
Anne had also been a solid support. At the start of their relationship, Catherine had almost envied her for the ease with which she came to terms with her sexuality. Everything came easily to Anne, the polar opposite of her sometimes uptight self, and she loved her for it as well as envied her for it occasionally. But Catherine couldn’t get over that hurdle that quickly and she was grateful that Anne had never held that against her at all. Their relationship was something they took slowly, at Catherine’s pace, and as much as Catherine sometimes felt guilty for holding Anne back she was grateful that her girlfriend never tried to push her faster than she could comfortable go.
Even once Catherine felt ready to kiss Anne in front of the other queens, to hold her hand while walking down the street, it didn’t make her journey of progress any less precarious. And it didn’t take much for her to be knocked several steps backwards.
After going out on a date for breakfast at a little café they both liked, they were walking back home with Anne holding onto Catherine’s arm. With Pride approaching there were rainbow flags strung up everywhere which gave Catherine the extra boost of confidence she needed to rest her hand on Anne’s as they walked, feeling safe and content in the happy atmosphere with her girlfriend by her side.
Until an aggressive voice from behind them shattered that illusion of safety.
They both flinched at the slur that was hurled at them, knowing clearly what it meant even though it wasn’t a word they had been used to in their old lives. Catherine was about to keep on walking with her head held high when the words came which made her heart stop for a moment.
“You’ll burn in Hell for this!”
Catherine stopped in her tracks. Hearing the words aloud which she’d once heard within her own head felt like someone had thrown a bucket of ice water over her head. The world around her blurred as her mind started to whirl; she could hear Anne shouting in the background but she couldn’t do anything about it, frozen still with her eyes wide as they stared at nothing.
Minutes or hours could have passed before she became aware of a gentle voice calling her name and a hand squeezing hers. “…Catherine?” Anne repeated until Catherine’s eyes flicked up to meet her gentle gaze, all her fury gone as she watched Catherine’s emotionless expression. “Come on, let’s go home.”
Catherine could only nod mutely, letting Anne keep a hold of her hand as they walked the rest of the way back to the house. The familiar streets were hardly recognisable to her in her anxious state – the only sensory input she could register properly was the pressure of Anne’s hand in hers. But while part of her was clinging onto that contact as her only lifeline, the louder voice in her head was screaming at her for daring to hold her girlfriend’s hand.
“We’re home, babe,” came Anne’s soft voice through the haze in her mind, and Catherine looked up from the floor to see their front garden. She still didn’t say anything as Anne unlocked the door, but as soon as she was over the threshold into her own home she snatched her hand out of Anne’s grasp and practically ran up the stairs to her bedroom. Anne’s confused shout from downstairs was ignored as she shut the door and sunk onto her bed.
A sob ripped from her throat as Catherine hunched over and cried.
She could feel how hard she was shaking as her arms wrapped around herself, desperately trying to anchor herself in a world she was still dissociating from. Her head was screaming so loudly that she could feel physical pain pulsing at her temples, snagging her fingers in her hair as she cradled her head and begged for it to go away. She couldn’t bear to look towards the crucifix on her bedside table in her shame and self-loathing, painfully aware of the cross around her neck which rested on her skin below her t-shirt.
A knock at her door startled her from where she was fumbling to take the necklace off, freezing like a deer in the headlights when she heard Anne on the other side. “Catherine?” she called, “can I come in? I’m worried about you.”
“No,” Catherine choked out, cursing herself for how her voice shook. After forcing herself to inhale deeply she added in a somewhat calmer voice “I’m fine, Anne, I just want to be by myself for a little while.”
There was silence for a moment, and Catherine could only hope that Anne had left. But then the door handle moved just slightly, presumably from Anne’s hand resting on it from the outside, and Catherine curled in on herself again in an attempt to shield and protect herself.
“Catherine?” Anne called again, and it was hard not to sob audibly at the concern in her voice which Catherine was convinced she didn’t deserve. “I’m gonna come in in a minute, ok? I don’t want you in here on your own after… after that.” Her voice faltered a little as she trailed off.
The thought of Anne seeing her in such a state added even more conflicting feelings to the panicked thoughts whirling around her head. Despite how much she loved her girlfriend she was still so scared to let Anne see her vulnerable, to give anyone any ammunition that they could possibly use against her. She was known as the cool and collected one, the firm and strong one, and that was all in jeopardy if one comment from a stranger could reduce her to a trembling mess. She laughed harshly at that, hands covering her mouth as she rested her forehead on her knees.
But on the other hand, she longed for the comfort of Anne’s presence to bring her back to Earth from where she’d been left spinning aimlessly. The floor beneath her feet still didn’t feel quite real enough for her liking, even less so as the oxygen in her lungs was lessened from covering her nose and mouth, and the feeling of being so untethered was only making her anxiety worse. Her heart hammered loud in her ear as her shallow breathing increased to near-hyperventilation, lungs screaming for air though she was frozen in her hunched over position.
She knew dimly that Anne had probably been able to hear her gasping breaths from the other side of the door, so she wasn’t particularly surprised when there was suddenly a warm body pressed against hers and a hand rubbing her back. “Breathe, Catalina. Please breathe with me,” Anne said in her ear, sat as close to Catherine as she could physically get while gently pulling one hand away from her face. “I’ve got you, you’re here, you just need to breathe.”
Catherine let herself be pulled into Anne’s arms, physically unable to resist as the anxiety attack sapped all the strength from her limbs. But Anne’s arms around her was the grounding presence that she needed, and slowly she began to feel her shoulders losing their tension and her lungs relaxing as she became more aware of her surroundings. For several minutes she didn’t move from where her face was hidden in the crook of Anne’s neck, unwilling to face Anne’s worried expression and the questions she knew were coming about what had prompted her panic.
Sure enough, Anne shifte Catherine in her arms so that she was looking up at her as she gently prompted “Talk to me, babe?”
Even though there was only love and understanding in Anne’s expression, that was all it took for Catherine to push her way out of Anne’s embrace to sit alone on the bed. Her eyes were squeezed shut in a last futile line of defence, her hands shaking again at the thought of talking to Anne about what had knocked her so off kilter.
Seeming to sense her fears, Anne slipped her hand into Catherine’s and ran a thumb over her knuckled. “I’m not gonna make you talk about it yet if you don’t want to,” she said quietly. “But he was so wrong, he was wrong about us and he was wrong about your faith.”
In the quiet that followed, Catherine slowly relaxed enough to lean against Anne’s side and rest her head on her shoulder. Anne didn’t prompt her any further, sitting silently as Catherine gathered her courage and let her tension slowly seep away.
“It brought everything back.”
“Hmm?” Anne responded at Catherine’s sudden confession.
Now that the first words were out in the open, Catherine knew she couldn’t button her thoughts up again or she’d never speak of them again. “I’d just found a place where I was happy with being Catholic and being ga- being gay. And now I’m unsure again. I’ve prayed and prayed for answers but I’ve received no resolution which could either mean God is content with my path or He holds me in such shame He won’t speak to me. My faith is so important to me, it’s the one thing I’ve always had, and the thought of being condemned for eternity just because of something I love?”
She faltered there, hot tears spilling down her cheeks as she turned her head slightly to hide in Anne’s hair. Anne didn’t say anything immediately, just switching the hand holding Catherine’s in order to wrap an arm around Catherine’s shoulders and pull her close.
After a little while, Anne gently nudged Catherine back upright as she stood up. “Hold tight for a sec,” she murmured, then disappeared out the door without an explanation. Catherine’s head tilted upwards as Anne’s footsteps echoed up the attic staircase to her bedroom above, then thundered back down again as she rushed back into Catherine’s room with a thick book held in her arms.
“Shuffle up,” she said as she crawled over the bed to sit with her back leaning against the wall, leaning forward to take Catherine’s hand again as she moved to sit beside her. Once Catherine was leaning against her shoulder again she placed the book on her lap, taking a deep breath before she spoke. “This is something I’ve been working on for a little while,” she said, showing Catherine what was in fact a Bible with dozens of fluorescent notes sticking out at all angles. “And it’s not against anything to annotate a Bible, I checked with a pastor online.”
Catherine smiled tiredly at her hasty addition, curling further into Anne’s side to show her appreciation.
Anne turned her head to kiss Catherine’s forehead before she continued. “You’re gonna have to roll with me for a mo. All the pink stickies are all the passages that people use to say that being gay is wrong in the eyes of God. But-“ she continued quickly as Catherine stiffened predictably “-I’ve annotated them all with why people take the meaning wrong. Bits that got messed up in the translation from Hebrew, things that are misread, stuff like that. Thought it’d make you feel better when you’re struggling with stuff.”
She finished with a timid smile, looking nervously down at Catherine as she anticipated her response. Catherine couldn’t react for a moment, staring at the Bible with wide eyes as she tried to comprehend what Anne was giving her. It was a gift of unimaginable depths: the hours that Anne must have put into her annotations were unimaginable.
Still too overwhelmed to speak, Catherine just hugged Anne’s torso and let out a quiet hum as she closed her eyes.
“I know, babes. I know,” Anne said with a soft chuckle, letting Catherine relax as she held her close.
Catherine was content to stay in her arms for a few minutes, before a thought crossed her mind and she struggled out of Anne’s embrace again. “What?” Anne asked, her face falling when she caught sight of Catherine’s expression.
Shifting uncomfortably, Catherine shrugged as she tried to put words to the guilt that had chosen that moment to rush back in full force. “I feel guilty that I’m holding you back by not being able to accept myself,” she said all in a rush, knowing once again that she had to get her words out as fast as possible once she started. “If you were with someone else you could hold hands and kiss and be open without being dragged back. You could ignore protesters without needing to sit here with me. You could be yourself properly if it weren’t for me.”
“Catherine, stop,” Anne said firmly, a distraught look in her eyes which made Catherine fall silent immediately. “Listen, I’m not like him. I’m here for the long run. I’m never gonna get tired of you, or want someone who someone thinks is better than you, or abandon you ever. There’s nothing you could do to make me not want you. I’m here. And I’m staying.” She reached out hesitantly to hold Catherine’s hand again, tugging lightly until Catherine slowly looked over at her.
“You’re here,” she echoed in a voice not much more than a whisper.
Anne smiled. “You said it,” she quipped softly, opening her arms again. After hardly a moment’s pause, Catherine let herself lie against Anne with one arm around her back and the other touching the cross around her neck as the two felt at peace with each other again.
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hanarchy · 4 years
Tagged by @nicethighsnicereyes
Birthday: April 2nd
Zodiac: Aries with Aries moon and Aries rising and Aries mercury thank u
Last song I listened to: I’m listening to slow hands acoustic as i type this
Hobbies: I mean idk, is reading a hobby? not really i think. I bake when I’m bored and am not terrible at cooking from scratch? I did recently pick up sewing but have not made anything yet so......
Last movie you watched: what was it? oh it was a really bad one where melissa mccarthy gets divorced and goes back to college bc netflix suggested it to me last night
Dream job: honestly I don’t know. maybe a freelance writer with a steady part time job as a bookseller or a life coach or something. would love to do a few things at once and be financially stable at the same time. but really idc, the only thing i truly care abt is having real connections to people so my dream is to just have that, no matter what job i am doing
Meaning behind url: its a reference to parks and rec which is.... so old now wow
Top 4 ships: i’m not a huge shipper, tho for 1D it was zarry for suuuuure, i had a lot of feelings abt sterek once upon a time and of course joined tumblr bc i loved glee and klaine, i guess i circled through all the worst ones but i was always more a tourist than actually into it
Reading: currently: the left hand of darkness by ursula k leguin, good morning midnight by jean rhys, origins of totalitarianism by hannah arendt, circe by madeline miller, all men must die by simone de beauvoir, styles of radical will by susan sontag (if this sounds like a lot that’s bc it is and i hate myself for it but also i lose interest quickly and reading 15 things at once helps with that bc i can switch around according to mood and also we literally cannot go outside atm, but also hey: only books by women, i love me, this wasnt even on purpose)
What food are you craving: I’d just really like a real meal that is not prepared by me, something i dont properly know how to make, like indian food or korean food would be great. ive been isolated for about 10 days now and have just not been motivated to cook at all but i also live in a town with next to no food options other than pizza and burgers and the good pizza is across the border in poland too so thats extra annoying bc the border is currently closed.
i’m tagging uuuhhh, wow who is even still here? i feel like im the only one left, im gonna tag some newer mutuals who i dont know very well yet, please dont feel obligated to do this @sunstonespells @nozayngel @slowwshoww @lesbianlikeme @niallspringsteen
ok forgot to tag u:  @starmotions @never2old4this
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franeridart · 6 years
I honestly LOVE your bakushima kids, but did you have any ideas on what the rest of the bakusquad's kids would be like if the others did have kids? If you have thought of it, would the next gen of bakusquad be friends like their parents or not so much?
Thanks!!! And to be completely honest with you, the only other kid I have for that specific AU is the todo//deku one :0 not cause I haven’t thought about the bakusquad ones, but cause I still haven’t managed to decide which ships I wanna go with? Do I do kami//sero or kami//jiro or kami//mina? Do I do mina//jiro or momo//jiro? how about sero//mina? I like so many ships for the squad that I can’t manage picking just one haha but what I already have decided is that whoever Kaminari ended up with his kid is Tai’s best friend. I dunno who that kid is, but they’re best friends 👍
Anon said:Hy i have a fan account on ig it’s @o.urarakaa i want To know if i can repost one or your art thanks 🙏
Ahhhh sorry, but as it’s written more or less everywhere on my blog I don’t allow reposts of my stuff - thank you for asking, tho!
Anon said:Have you ever considered MomoJirou????
I have! Have also drawn it and posted it in the past, actually!
Anon said: FRAAAAAAAN! I love your art from the bottom of my heart and every little doodle makes me smile and gasp in awe because they’re beautiful. And since I love it so much, I often comment under it: Is it troublesome for you or I can continue? Idk, maybe it feels exaggerated or repetitive or annoying and I wouldn’t want to bother you :3 Have a lovely day and thank you for sharing your art! (Your KiriBaku give me life)
No no no it’s super totally okay don’t worry about it!!! Actually thank you so so so so much for always taking your time to let me know you liked my stuff!!!!
Anon said:legit crying at your latest comic. its too fucking soft and adorable i cannot handle it. you’re amazing. thank you for everything you share with us
;O; thank you so much???? oh my god!!!
Anon said:I’m always awkward w/ these BUT!!!!! I JUST NEEDED TO TELL YOU I ABSOLUTELY ADORE YOUR ART AND YOUR ART STYLE SO MUCH!!!!! I always look forward to any new art you post (even if it’s outside my fandoms!!) and I always SMILE/GET MEGA EXCITED WHEN I SEE A NEW ONE!!!! I personally really love your Kiribaku ones though sO THAT NEW KAMIJIROU ONE ESPECIALLY SENT MY HEART SKYROCKETING!!!!!! I sincerely love you as an artist so please know that!!!! Thank you for drawing!!!!!! They make me so happy!!!!!!
HOLY SHIT THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!! this seriously means the world to me, I’m so happy I can make you enjoy even stuff out of your fandoms!!! Seriously thank you for sending this ask, it made my day ;O;
Anon said:What do you think of Bakugou/Shinsou? I stumbled across the pairing recently, and it’s a bit of a rairpair, but it’s so cute???
It’sssss not really my thing actually - well, generally I’m a picky shipper with Bakugou anyway, not gonna lie, but the only interaction Baku and Shinsou ever had made it pretty clear Shinsou can’t stand him and I usually don’t ship Bakugou with people that don’t like him ??? I’m more drawn to his canon happy relationships honestly haha
Anon said:Oh my goodness, you’ve opened my eyes on the similarities and contrasts of both kiribaku and kamijirou (also, Kamijirou is one of my otps, thank you so much)
Haha that’s cool to hear !! They aren’t exactly similar as ships, but they are fun ships to put next to each other cause they contrast in some pretty funny ways imho! :D
Anon said:That’s so cute fran, how do you even come up with these comics they’re perfection
Thank you!!!!!! And I’m gonna be honest with you, that kamijirou one came up mostly just cause I wanted to write the “you’re an asshole how do you have a bf”/ ”for one, I’m not an asshole to my bf” exchange lmao
Anon said:your comics (bakushima in particular) make me so happy, thank you so much!!!!!!!
YAY!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH!!!!!! I’m glad I can help you be a lil bit happier!!!!!!
Anon said:I love ur art!! I hope u had a nice day!!
THANK YOU! I hope you’ll have a great day too!!!!!!!
Anon said:R u a cat person or a dog person?
Generally a cat person, but just cause I have two cats and love them with my whole heart haha I love dogs a lot too, tho!! Always wanted one ;u;
Anon said:Hi! How was ur day?
Weirdly tiring, but generally good! I hope yours was a good one too!!!
Anon said:Okay but like… I am 100% a lesbian but your art of Tyki and Wisely is so gorgeous that it makes me feel just a little bit straight. Like, wow.
Holy heck, that’s high praise!!! Thank you so much???? :O
Anon said:Your krbk concert art makes me weep. It’s so beautifullll.
SOB thank you!!! This means a lot to me cause that AU means a lot to me, so really, thank you so much!!!! *hugs*
Anon said: I’m laughing, your Shinsou’s are both the most beautiful and the most relatable. I really love the colour scheme.
THANKS!!! Purple is one of my fav colors so I always have lotsa fun with its shades!!! :D
Anon said:i would love to see more bakucamies from you! their friendship is lit
I love and live for all Bakugou relationships, so more of that one will happen for sure! She made him laugh after all, she already owns my soul for that ;^;
Anon said:How do you feel about the other noahs?
Jasdevi means the whole world to me and I miss them more ever passing day, Neah and Mana are my kids whom I need to protect I really just wish for both of them to be happy though I know that’s probably not gonna happen ;;, Road!!!! is!!!!! My girl!!!!!!! Love her, like her better when she’s not hurting Lavi but generally I’m always happy to see her, I have conflicting feelings about Feedra, Sheryl is slimy and I can’t trust him, everyone else wasn’t around enough to know for sure how I feel about them honestly, I’m interested but not particularly invested :0
Anon said:You’re my favourite noah:)
This is??? A weirdly cute ask??? Thank you!!!! :D
Anon said:genuinely shrieking over your doodle of tyki. i love him so fucking much and aH,,
I’M GLAD TO HEAR THAT he’s!!!! so great isn’t he ;O; *sigh*
Anon said:Fran, did you know that I’d die for you and your art?? And also I just really love the extra little things you put in the tags when you post things, idk it makes me really happy to read those little tidbits and for me it just really completes the art,, also your ocs are actually the cutest things I’ve seen in my entire life ((I may or may not be gay for like half of them))
THANK!!!!! YOU!!!!!!!! the oc thing especially, that means the world to me oh my god ;O; still can’t believe people actually like them aaaaHHHHHHHHHHH
Anon said:A concept: someone getting flirty with Kirishima and a jealous Bakugou
A good concept which I’m always up for, but to be honest with you I’m more of a fan of the other way around :O like, Kiri is so good and bright and friend with everyone, jealousy might as well be something Bakugou’s used to by this point - but Bakugou, people tend to avoid him or think of him as rude and annoying, Kirishima wouldn’t be used to jealousy at all you know? So I like it that way around more haha
Anon said:Hi! as a fellow artist I just wanted to rant bc I thought you might understand how I feel. my art never comes out looking right and it’s just so frustrating ugh is this what you call artblock ;; I just want my art to look good sigh
I wouldn’t call it an artblock, it’s more like… like your mind is one step ahead of your skills, I’d say. If treated right, you can turn that feeling into improving your art! What is it that you don’t like? Can you break it down to smaller things? Is it the line work or the coloring style, or even just the way you draw eyes or hands or noses? If you can focus on the smaller parts of what you don’t like in your style you can then look up a way to do the same thing that you do like, and practice that till you’re satisfied with it! One small thing might not mean much by itself, but putting all these small things together is how you make improvement happen :D 
Anon said:Perdona se non scrivo in inglese, ma sono un totale disastro. Volevo solo dirti che ammiro tantissimo il tuo lavoro ed è un balsamo per l'anima quando appare in bacheca.
AHHHHHHHHH ;O; GRAZIE MILLE !!!!!!!!!! E non preoccuparti per la lingua !!! siamo italiani dopotutto, l’inglese non è necessario per comprenderci haha
Anon said:omg you and your all time low references, I love it so much (everytime I listen to afterglow I think in kiribaku bc of your drawing and now I’m going to do it with the last young renegade 💕)
Hahahaha they’re one of my favorite bands after all, I fall back on them a lot lol I’m glad you like that, tho!!!
Anon said:a concept: angry bakugo next to a smol duck
*me, crying* i-it’s beautiful ;o;
Anon said: *sobs* I LOVE YOUR YULMAS SO MUCH T-T
I’M HAPPY YOU LIKED THAT ONE????? Happy yulma is what keeps me going honestly I love them so incredibly much ;O;
Anon said:I ship the squad x Sero’s hammock
So do I hahaha
I DID! Happy you were happy about that!!! haha
Anon said:What’s your opinion on bakucamie? Both as a friendship and a relationship
Absolutely not as a romantic thing, but I love it as a friendship! As I said, anyone who can make Bakugou laugh owns my soul forever hahaha
Anon said:your bakugous are so good!! also you drew my new fave girl camie i love her so much and i espicially love her in your style!!
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh thank you!!!!!!!!! I’m glad you like how she came out, tho I admit I feel like I still don’t have her down properly… will have to draw her more :O
Anon said:Your art style is so amazing, and I love your different au’s and Bakushima comics!! Any plans to draw some BakuCamie brotp in the future?
Thank you!!! And I don’t ever have plans for what I draw until I actually sit down to draw it, but more Baku and Camie is totally possible!!
Anon said:hey fran! i adore your art, been here from the very first page of your tattoo au!!!! i just wanted to say 2 things: 1. when baku laughed this chapter i thought of you! and 2. every time i see your todoroki my heart explodes in my chest he’s so so pretty in your style :00 hope you’re having a wondeful day!
YO THAT’S SUCH A LONG TIME!!!! I’m so happy to hear you stuck around this long!!! ;O; and thank you for the compliment oh my god!! ;O; Todo is so damn fun to draw, I’m glad to hear he comes out well enough!!!
Anon said:OH MY GOSH LITERALLY ALL THE BAKUGOUS YOU DREW IN YOUR MOST RECENT POST ARE SO FUCKING CUTE AND PRECIOUS AND PRETTY AND IM DEAD. The colours look amazing! And his facial expressions are so soft and nice. My favourite is probably him with the dog cos his hair look so freakin fluffy and soFT. I also love him laughing because didn’t everyone just die at that manga panel and you make him look extra sweet! I also love him talking to camie cos he looks exciting and a little shocked to have a friend! /// I love the other ones too obviously they’re all amazing! But I just wanted to share my favourites and how much I love them!
SO MUCH LOVE IN JUST ONE ASK!!!! Thank you so much for sending it all this way aaahhhhhhh
Anon said:Hiii, I hope you are having a good day! I want to know if you sell posters of your art online because I would love to have one of your kiribakus hanging on my wall 😍 idk why but your art makes me happy, like your style is so beautiful and your headcanons are so cute so it is like the perfect combination that always cheers me up when Im sad 💕 thank you
THANK YOU!!! And yeah I do, I have a redbubble shop!!! ;O;
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ask-svt-hearteu · 7 years
admins: Hai everyone! To celebrate another follower milestone, we'd like to present-
RANDOM CRAP THE ADMINS HAVE SAID TO EACH OTHER (via announcements on our KakaoTalk)
(haha i hope this is funny and entertaining for you guys, also this was just us joking/messing around)
we sacrificed our sanity for this.
we need jisoos
i stay shook lol
you can’t not love Diva boo
im getting the joshua roll
jess do you like messi
i ship everyone with everyone
Every carat ever: before discovering seventeen) dang there’s thirteen members… how am I ever going to tell them apart. After like a week: That’s jun’s leg
Me: I refuse to be shorter than lee Jihoon by an inch. My friend: wtf why
So do me a favor and back up to Antarctica thanks
You didn’t see me REGRETTING MY LIFE while editing fam
I was walking out of the movie theater singing mansae
you go to sleep later but wake up earlier what kind of sorcery is this
And they just sat there like, “don’t interrupt the crazy Joshua stan unless you want to die"
I was just having a mental breakdown
Me: “My life is hamburger” | My grandmother: you like hamburger? Go to Mcdonalds | Me: LMAO NO ITS JUST SOMETHING WONWOO SAID
i need to think of romantic cheesy stuff
Whatever group it is GotSeventeen
drink water kids not alcohol
do drugs kids not school
hoshi just chose me i didnt do anything
“kidney function is not a right its a privilege”
Waiting for confetti to fly out of my heart like in aju nice
the fun part is if people want to complain about asks being off, they can't because asks are off
do you ever think of random svt moments at school and you're about to explode and your teacher is like do you think the Pythagorean theorem is funny
does anyone else just feel attacked if your bias so much as breathes I'm sitting here trying to have lunch and a random Joshua moment comes along and I nearly choke
Jeonghan is my main competition with Joshua so you can understand my pain
get you a boyfriend who can make your heart race as much as svt can
right like yo we ain't svt either empty your bank account and go to a fansign bc you ain't getting answers for free
what svt crack watching fan would think of anything besides meanie HONESTLY
lmao I saw the post we are a disaster
we are a hurricane
yea haha no SATAN BEGONE
you know you've spent too long on tumblr when you start referencing yourself
kpop ruined and fixed my life
(a photo of Memesol with chips in his mouth like a duck beak staring into your soul)
yeah yeah I hope they can start dating after like 5 years? bc I want to see mini seventeens
(Seri and me still dying over the hip-hop team's mixtape) SEUNGKWAN COME COLLECT YOUR MAN
(a photo of Wonwoo crying with the caption "*ulgo shipji ana*")
FRICK YOU AND SVT I HATE AND LOVE YOU ALL (finally done freaking out over the hip-hop team's mixtape)
I've already sold my soul to seventeen, what more do you want
when you can't Hangul properly
has Joshua ever cried bc of Naruto
Svt was an experimental group sent to us by other beings in the universe bc they thought the earth was too dark and depressing without them
I must have been too focused on Hoshi's arms
where can I find a cup of black coffee that tastes like cotton candy
tags you'd use on tumblr: #UM #THAT'S ILLEGAL
"hold up is soonyoung 17 years older than me?" "wow what a coincidence" "wtf seri he's 7 years older than you"
me thinks, "okay cmon we can get like 3 au's done today"
reality hits me like, "lmao watchu saying you don't got no time turner"
and I have the soonyoung syndrome
I think I just died and have no more lives left
I have to write dates for thirteen 18+ year old boys
pffffffftttt sleep is for the weak
you're never gonna find another friend like me ;)
we're fuckin screwed
I feel like a swimming fool
wow you doing drugs? lame, I'm writing svt au's GET ON MY MOTHERFUCKA LEVEL
but all my svt songs are my night songs, my shower songs, my hw songs,,,
and I said, "you know I probably couldn't eat that ice cream bc I'm too salty"
I said, "you're a prefect match for that ice cream because you're so sweet" ;)
may Hong Jisoo be my guiding light (crying emojis)
and I thought 'I like suffering so might as well'
my relationship with angst is pretty much the same as my relationship with seventeen
I can't listen to boom boom without a flannel or dress shirt on so I can stick out the side like they do at the beginning choreo:,,,)
I like svt //finger guns// //runs away//
I'd gladly be collected by soonyoung thanks
where do I sell my soul to get a studio version?
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alwayskaysanova · 7 years
what did you think of the tvd final? it felt rushed to me and i'm even more upset now ive seen all the interviews with kevin saying it was always meant to be stelena and it feels like a slap in the face that they gave us delena but only by default and the delena we got was so lacking everything i loved about them what did you think?
it’s taken me two days to process everything i felt about that finale and i’m still not fully there yet but i’m gonna try to put my feelings down and then move on
firstly, i had a lot of fun watching it with everyone (specifically @lowsodiumfreaks bc it was hilarious) and i am really glad i got to experience this fandom one last time in all its crazy glory
(i’m tagging @insightfuldamon too bc i like yelling my feelings at jackie bc she understands and i love her for it)
immediately after the finale i was content, i was crying, i was thankful for the show and its characters, i was generally A Mess but i was happy about it
yesterday, once i’d had some sleep and a chance to properly look at the finale by watching it again without the fear of my faves dying i was…less happy with it
i’m gonna start by saying what i loved and still love;
the bennett witches being fucking amazing
that steroline phonecall bc as someone who never really shipped steroline that was the first time i truly felt it and i was so upset on behalf of caroline and stefan that they didn’t even get a day of marriage before death did them part
caroline/alaric and their girls, the whole convo where alaric mentioned liz and caroline got it and chose her girls over stefan bc she knew it was the right thing to do regardless of her love for him she’ll always put her girls first AND GUYS THAT WAS SO AWESOME BC ONE OF CAROLINE’S MAIN CHARACTER POINTS WAS GETTING THE GUY AND SHE LET THE GUY GO IN THE END !!!!!
BONLENA REUNION!! both times were glorious
all the defan. all of it. amazing. the whole scene where they were trying to sacrifice themselves for each other and i didn’t want either of them to die but then damon chose to save stefan and compelled him away AND I WAS SOBBING SO HARD AND SCREAMING AT CHAR but i’d also accepted it and was so proud of damon bc it was such a great moment in his journey
and then the plot twist with stefan tricking damon and turning him human and then sacrificing himself instead AND I WAS EVEN MORE OF A MESS BC I DIDN’T WANT IT AND HISTORICALLY I HAVE HATED STEFAN BUT I DIDN’T WANT HIM TO DIE but it was beautiful that he went out saving everyone
the whole stelena goodbye was a nice nod to their relationship even though i never liked it i adored their goodbye scene
the little daroline scene was cute
caroline seeing elena again!! all the girl feels when they were sat on the bench
i did like all the after death reunion scenes and the nods to past characters even if it felt a little too ‘wrap it neatly in a ribbon/all the fuzzy feels/overdone’
all the donovan family feelings were beautiful
now on to the things i didn’t like;
the delena scenes were flat as hell, felt forced, disjointed and just generally Bad
we got no conversation, no last ‘i love you’, no hint of a flashforward into those supposed ‘happy, human lives’
don’t get me wrong i’m content with the endgame and my 12 year old self now feels supremely justified in all her decision makings but it was so U G H purely bc it wasn’t anything
we got the endgame in name only and i didn’t feel it
i have a suspicion most of it was to do with the very obvious bad feeling between ian and nina, though i have to give credit bc i 100% felt everything delena from nina’s side it was ian doing a terrible job which was seriously jarring after how amazing his acting was in the scene with paul when defan were debating who was gonna die
but whatever i’m done, it’s over, bye
/side note; the interviews afterwards mean shit to me tbh bc the writers knew that nina was leaving at the beginning of season 6 so if they had ever truly intended stelena to be endgame they had plenty of time to write it and it’s obvious they’re just throwing every fandom a bone bc delena get to claim the endgame but the interviews suggest stelena get to feel justified in thinking stelena was always meant to be
blaming nina leaving is an utterly shitty thing to do so they can fuck off with that nonsense
the bottom line is they wrote the show, they decided the relationship endgames, they CHOSE THE CHARACTER ENDGAMES
their writing is on them and they need to own their decisions and stop trying to appease everyone or shift blame to one fucking actress like she didn’t dedicate her whole damn sanity to the shit they put her through
like the fact she even came back…they didn’t deserve her that’s all i’m gonna say but then they haven’t been deserving kat graham since she arrived so…fuck them basically
/end side note
i was disappointed that there was no dalaric other than the casual mention, there was no denzo, there was no last bamon scene which was utter bullshit considering they are supposed to be best friends though i loved damon mentioning his utter faith in bonnie and i also loved how as soon as bonnie found out damon was off to sacrifice himself she was like ‘nope i’m gonna save their asses’ once again
i’m waiting for a character to embody the title of ‘Queen’ more than bonnie bennett
still waiting
like we literally got a daroline scene but no bamon scene…what. the. frick?
i don’t care for katherine or datherine or steferine so all of that was a complete waste of time for me and the fact that katherine got more than elena in terms of screen time makes me all types of bitter but once again nina owned what she was given so kudos
i’m happy bonnie’s endgame was her getting the fuck out of mystic falls and i realize that their intention with that was to portray her as strong and moving on whilst still having enzo there whenever she needs him but i also can’t ignore the inherent wrongness of the black girl who has sacrificed literally everything of herself being the one who gets the ‘on her own/off to explore the world’ storyline whilst elena gets her happily ever after with damon and caroline gets her family and the future tease of klaus (also fucking africa?? s e r i o u s l y ? ?) whilst bonnie is supposed to be content with a semi love life she can’t really have until she’s dead ! ! ! n o p e 
(like bonnie is literally the only one who ends up alone after she saved every single other character multiple times I’M SO FUCKING ANGRY THAT HER ENDGAME IS COMPLETELY SEPARATE OF EVERYONE ELSE’S LIKE ‘THANKS FOR ENSURING WE LIVED LONG ENOUGH TO GET OUR HAPPILY EVER AFTERS BUT WE’RE FINE NOW BYE’ what the fuck honestly)
but i’m white so i can’t really speak to that racist nonsense and there are hundreds of people in this fandom way more qualified to speak on that than me so i won’t say anymore on it
and then the whole ‘oh we thought maybe matt and bonnie could eventually get together but we left that up to the audience’ bullshit just bc matt’s the only guy left *barf noises*
i love matt but come on (also there wasn’t enough matt for me either)
i never really liked bonenzo but i can deal with it even though it should have been bamon until bonnie died and then i’d have been fine with delena after that bc i am of the opinion that u can have more than one epic love and to me damon was in love with both bonnie and elena and we were robbed but again w/e my multishipping ass will just have to be content with fanfiction
i hate that tyler got nothing but a tiny scene smiling at matt and holding hands with vicki bc they did that character so dirty after giving him such a fantastic journey in the early seasons
listen highkey we should’ve gotten forwood but then klaroline butted in with all its nonsense and tyler lockwood was sacrificed on the alter of shipper bullshit
like superficially this finale was good as far as finale’s go, i’ve had to deal with a lot worse, but when u pick it apart and get past the glossy happily ever after sheen it’s kinda false to a lot of the relationships and characters
basically i have a lot of mixed feelings on it but i personally got enough that i can now move on without feeling entirely like i wasted 8 years of my life on the show and 12 years on these characters and relationships tho lbr they never really followed the books anyway
the thing i’m most thankful for about this show is the people i’ve met online through it and if the most i can take away from this experience is the friendships i’ve made with other fans then it’s been worth it
i know some of u won’t agree with everything i’ve said, some might not agree with any of it, but i appreciate u reading it anyway and i hope the finale meant enough to u that u can still be glad u fell into the hellhole that was tvd
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franeridart · 7 years
you're painting a lot lately and i love it so much! everything's so beautiful i cry!♥
AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH you’re so nice anon!!!!!!!
Anon said: JABSBAHB, your bakush.imas are so great!!!!! And Im happy that it was fun for you, that its the best thing, when your art makes you feel happy!!! Im so happy for youuuuu, I hope that you continue to have fun doing what you love!!!!
THANK YOU SO MUCH OH MAN!!!!!!!! *O* this is the nicest kind of message anon, you’re so kind, I hope I’ll keep having fun for a long time too hahaha the more fun I have the more I draw, after all 👍👍👍
Anon said: Your art is the cutest thing I’ve ever seen please never stop drawing!!!! It’s so amazing!!!!
THANK YOU HOLY SMOKES!!!!!!!!! ❤️️❤️️❤️️❤️️
Anon said: I just gasped! I love how you draw Makishima!!!!!
Thank you!!! This actually means a lot to me bc yowapeda has a pretty hard style to adapt to mine, so!!!!! I’m glad you liked him!!!!!!!!!!
Anon said:  I….miss servamp. I was so in love and now I never see it…which of course isn’t your fault but you did have my fave servamp art
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!!!!!!!! I’m sorry??? Tbh with you anon I kind of still doodle a lot of svamp but it’s mostly warm ups I never finish or the bare skeleton of a comic or a whole damn lot of Tsurugi lbr - before I settle on something I actually wanna draw for the day I always go through a lot of half-sketched doodles that are definitely in no shape of being posted, but!!!! I guess next time I find myself with a svamp sketch before me I’ll try to finish and post it!
Anon said: Honestly reading through your tags always gives me life, they’re perf and mostly yelling, very relatable content there
………………………..fun fact most times I kind of forget people actually read those
Anon said: I love your art pls finish the bokuterukuro story I’m dying 😭😭😭
Anon don’t die !!!!!!!!!!! *holds your dying body in her arms* you still have so much to live for!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
okay but seriously the story is nearly over and I’ve been constantly working on it for too long to abandon it so close to its ending, you don’t need to worry about that hahaha if there’s one thing I don’t like is wasting that much time, the au is 100% for sure gonna see its end
Anon said: aaa i just wanted to say thank you for drawing polyships! basically no one else does so the representation is def needed and i freaking love yours!!! so thank you ^-^
Ahhhhh no anon thank you for liking them and letting me know you do!!!!! As I’ve already said poly ships mean a lot to me, so I’m glad people actually like the way I portray them
Anon said: Man do i love you’re art and the way you reply to asks and you basically everything about you i love you man you’re so cool my fave my ult i love you man please never change i lov
ooly smokes this is the nicest ask ever (///▽///)💕💕💕
Anon said: hi i love your art and i hope you feel better soon!!! ily
!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my g o s h so much love in my inbox am I deserving I don’t know but I’m keeping all of it aaaahhhhhhhh 
Anon said:Heya I love your comics and all, but do you think you could make the text a bit bigger? It’s too small to read properly on mobile and I can’t zoom in for some reason… ^^“
I can!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! TRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Since I work on p huge canvases sometimes I look at a pic full res and I’m like, yes, perfectly readable, and then I post it on tumblr and it’s so tiny I cry, but I’ll try to avoid that happening from now on! 
Sometimes the text is small for specific reasons tho, like for example a character is mumbling or anyway talking in a way hard to hear so I make it hard to read too? Not unreasonably so, I hope, but still… I’ll have to find a way to work around that, I guess
Anon said:Oh Shit…You made me ship Akaashi and Kenma.I was not ready for another ship that I think about 24/7
……..I hope that’s a good thing for you anon bc honestly Akaashi and Kenma are such a good ship I’m glad I could make you ship it ahhhhhhh
NP IT’S GOOD RIGHT OH MAN WHAT A SERIES it’s consuming my soul in the best way possible
Anon said:What do Aka and Ken do in the tattoo AU? like, their jobs or such?
You know, I actually find it funny that this is a ask I got for the Aka.Ken and not for Bo and Kuroo, but also I highly appreciate it bc my ideas are way clearer for them than they are for the BoKros haha
They make games! They’re part of a team, Akaashi writes the story (he initially wanted to be a novelist, and actually has a couple of self-published novels, but he found that writing for games is pretty damn fun too), Kenma does most of the coding, and that’s what they’d like to call their main job but actually since they’re an independent group they don’t make that much money off of it, so Kenma does counseling and freelance work for anything computer related and Akaashi writes anything as long as you’re paying him. And he’s good, so people actually ask him to.
…have I mentioned I thought about them way too much considering they only appear in two panels because I really have.
Anon said:How do you feel about crossover ships?
Hm, I never really think about them, actually, so I don’t really have an opinion about them? They’re just kind of… there. Usually I have enough ships inside a fandom without needing to fuse two or more together haha
Anon said: You art is so beautiful, your tumblr is my favourite of all time! Everytime you update your BokuTeruKuroo comic I could scream out of excitement
Thank you so so so so much!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh my god!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! And I’m glad I’m able to help you at least a bit, anon 💕💕💕💕 I hope everything will get easier soon for you!
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