#not deleting this blog just in case (?) in case what ? no idea but yeah
babyp0p · 8 months
last post here. now on @b4byp0p
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salmonwentmissing · 5 months
Here's a little klance idea:
Lance sets up a blog in the early times of Voltron with the help of Coran, and during his time he writes pretty personal stuff on it and posts it into the void. He's got like 33 followers, which isnt a lot but its nice to have his thoughts heard.
At some point during dinner, Allura talks about their reach w the coalition, and he lets it slip that he blogs and maybe that will help to boost the reach, and when Allura asks how many followers he has, he says just that. 33.
Hunk and the gang gets nosy and searches it up to read, and Allura stops dead in the tracks.
"Lance this isn't 33 followers." He's like "Yeah it is? Obviously it's 33, maybe 3 'cause why are there decimals to the number? They don't comment so it's pretty useless."
"No this isn't 33. It's 3 point 3."
"What, people?"
Everyone goes quiet, all staring at Lance until Hunk screams. "BILLIONS?!"
"Is THAT what that altean sign is?!" Lance gasps and points to the billion sign in altean.
Coran enters, learns about the blog and follower numbers, and just goes "Great job! You did better than I expected!"
Allura is astonished and crosschecking the reach between Lances stupid blog and the coalition's own numbers.
"You're double our numbers!" She gasps.
Hunk and Pidge are rummaging through his blog, looking for info and crumbs and embarrasments.
Keith is being silent and not looking into it, only eating his dinner while eyeing everyone else.
"You honestly thought you only had 33 followers?" He asks.
"Well duh! Nobody left comments and were silent, so ofc course I didn't think there were many."
"Well that's because I put your blog on locked comments, just in case you get space haters." Coran commented.
Aha, they all thought to themselves.
Lance only now remembered how personal some of his posts were, and immediately grabbed his phone to delete certain posts.
Ofc Hunk catches on, looks over his shoulder and yells out the names of the posts, one of them being "Mullet". Keith looks at him, finally.
"Really? You trashtalked me on your blog? That's low, even for you."
Lance is pretty flustered by this, but tries to spit back.
Turns out, Keith had been one of his first followers and already knew about all this. Was he good at being supportive in any way with words? No, absolutely not. Had he screenshotted the blogpost about him and kept a printed version of it under his bed?
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fairuzfan · 3 months
Your post about how many people are unknowingly falling for & spreading propaganda... yeah. I typed up a whole spiel of a comment on one of your posts the other day that I ended up deciding not to not actually post because it felt like detailing, but seriously. The amount of well meaning, genuinely anti-zionist people ignorantly sharing zionists' posts because they just don't pick up on the leading undertones is honestly more terrifying than than the amount of actual zionists in some ways.
I'm someone who was born into a doomsday cult, and seeing all these people falling for the exact same blatant (or so i thought lol) recruitment/manipulation tactics I've seen used by them my entire life has absolutely fucking terrifying. These are people who are actively trying to combat zionism, but I guess the general public is so uneducated about propaganda/cult tactics that what immediately reads as blatantly manipulative, misleading bullshit to me just doesn't even register as strange to most people. Not to be repetitive, but seriously: fucking terrifying.
There's so much focus on the way people/groups who want to manipulate you will use language of fear, but in this case especially, people need to realize they will almost always appeal to your compassion before they appeal to your fear.
It's all peace and love and happiness because that's what gets people in the door. You preach (or post) the mushy, happy, fun stuff that makes people feel good to draw them in, and you slowly start peppering in the ideas you actually want to lead them to believe later on once you've got them wanting to believe you.
This also has this added effect of helping the group or person's image. Even the people who you don't manage to draw in will have the impression of you as someone who runs their mouth 24/7 about how you're full of love and want the best for everyone, which is especially useful for when you inevitably want to frame yourself as the victim to demonize the people who will inevitably oppose you. If your first and only exposure to a person is seeing them calling for world peace and universal love, you are much more likely to be inclined to believe they (and by extension their cause) are the sympathetic, loving, peaceful good guys being unjustly targeted.
Sorry for rambling, but like... really. It won't always be something nefarious, of course--the vast majority of the the time, it won't be--but I think we would all be in a much better situation if people took it as a general rule of thumb that you should always be a little suspicious of overly vague talk about peace and love.
You're EXACTLY right. I really appreciate this message, because you put to words a lot of my inherent analysis of arguments and ideas. I like grew up with this rhetoric so it's easy to spot for me, but the way that people speak about "peace" as the overall goal when they're zionist is so blatant to me because there is no material change in the scenario they propose but rather a calmness where Palestinians are ignored.
And picking up on subtext of a lot of messages is something you have to have a muscle for kinda because of how subtle it is. The frightening part is, you're right, that the indoctrination part of zionism is the most harmful part because you appeal to their pathos — their fear, their sense of safety, etc — and you go on down the rabbit hole and slowly start being radicalized and pro-zionism or you might not even be pro-zionism 100% but enjoy... soft zionism as a mutual of mine put it once (if you read this and want to be tagged, lmk). Which soft zionism is the MAIN opinion in many liberal circles btw, its not an uncommon opinion.
I even remember once sharing a post by a zionist because i saw them talk about esims but when i went on their blog a few days later because something rubbed me the wrong way, I noticed their pinned and I was like "oh dam I gotta delete that other post" like that's how often this happens.
Idk, I try to combat this by putting sources or approaching from a standpoint of logical arguments rather than identity-based politics (although, sometimes i think there are some things that people who are a certain identity can be the only true experts on) so that I try to encourage actual engagement with ideas and walking them through thought processes rather than "I'm palestinian so just trust me."
Like even with my one fact checking list, idk if I succeeded but I wanted to emphasize that there are multiple factors you should consider when confronting ANY sort of information and should not blindly trust things. News sources have regularly burned or ignored Palestinians so I know a lot of us are really sensitive to these things, but I don't know! I hope people can engage with ideas more than just surface level thinking in general because it helps everyone when you actually interact with the point of view the other person is providing rather than just blindly trusting/distrusting people.
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AITA for removing “minor” from my bio?
there’s been a lot of posts about this, wondering about my situation. so i turned 16 fairly recently. this does make me still a minor, but the age of consent in my country is 16, so i don’t feel like i’m being sneaky/misbehaving/a freak (lol) when i’m lurking in nsfw stuff anymore.
i still don’t interact with it (i’m lurking, no liking, reblogging etc) so there’s no connection at all to my blog. i probably wouldn’t feel comfortable doing that anyway, since most ones (justifiably) require an age in your bio which i just have not put. i understand why blogs require this, but i don’t think i’m putting anyone in danger because
a) not interacting, so again there’s no link to my blog
b) according to the posts this is relatively common? there would be cases about it all the time otherwise
anyway, a lot of blogs that had “minors dni” in their bio followed me when i still had minor in my bio (technically it was actually in my pinned, but again not hard to find). i don’t think they were being malicious, just the nature of the circles i’m in on tumblr means there’ll be a lot of kinky people (think d&d) and they just didn’t check.
i don’t think it’s my responsibility to block them, they’re breaking their own DNI, not me, and not everyone goes through their new followers blogs.
however now with the minor part gone, they won’t know if i break their dni or not.
i’m not planning to and haven’t interacted with any primarily nsfw blogs anyway (some of my friends do “hornypost” and i just ignore it) because to be completely honest doing anything nsfw on my main is kinda a turn off lol.
lurking feels safer and more comfortable so i think i’ll stick with that.
but yeah, i’m worried people won’t be able to uphold their boundaries when interacting with me directly anymore, but i also feel like i’m maybe not obligated to disclose that? i get id be in the wrong if i was Lying about my age to get into nsfw spaces, but i’m not doing that.
i don’t feel comfortable disclosing my age on my blog anyway, minor was a blanket term i was comfortable with to get nsfw blogs to stay away but i feel like i’m in a weird in between space atm (i know. i know im still a minor. but i’m in an adjusting period and i’m trying to get comfortable with the idea of being an adult in two years.)
a lot of this info is probably irrelevant, but maybe i am an asshole for other reasons, so. mod if this gets deleted for being too long/weird/rambley i understand 👍
What are these acronyms?
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shazzbaa · 2 months
[sighs tiredly]
WELL.... obviously im not thrilled about the AI deal tumblrs involved in, or the fact that you have to opt-out manually rather than existing accounts being automatically opted out.
I understand the idea of leaving/deleting in protest, sending the message that this kind of behaviour will discourage people from putting content on your site. And I respect that, I don't think it's necessarily misguided. Here's my cohost, for people who'd like to find me elsewhere! At the same time, protest seems like really the only reason to do that -- like, I don't think doing so preserves your stuff. My art is likely in the machine already, not because automattic made a deal with midjourney, but because my tumblr posts come up on google image searches -- they are not hard to snag. AI companies have already pulled content that was freely accessible and put it into their machines without asking; that's like 80% of my problem with AI art in the first place!
So, like, if I go "I'm moving to my own site" or "I'm only posting on cohost from now on!!" then is my data or my work any safer, beyond security through obscurity? It's wrong to use my work without consent, but practically, I'm not gonna be able to track down every generative model that uses my data to train without asking. As much as "we're making a deal to give your data to an AI model" sucks, especially when it's done so sloppily..... a situation where there's an explicit contract in place where the AI company (theoretically) has to get your agreement to use your data IS... WEIRDLY, a tiny step closer to what I want to happen???? Like it's not... GOOD..... but I dunno if it's actually Worse Than It Was Before? IDK....... just turning it around in my brain while I try to decide and I can't make a strong case for packing it up atm
I'm not a professional artist rn, I'm just here for fun, and I've opted out all my blogs, so for now I'll probably stick around and just keep an eye on everything and see how things go. BUT YEAH, if you're skeedaddling and want somewhere else to follow me, my cohost is shazzbaa and I have a carrd over here that I try to keep updated, so feel free to find me there too!!
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limeinaltime · 5 months
This is in response to the recent drama that arose in the fandom recently. For context, here's the post and the response (had to borrow it from another blog because the poster has me blocked). Please read through all of it for context.
I don't usually do this, but I want to state my case on the matter. Note that I will be addressing both callout posts in this, and my contact with both ProjectAnomaly and the unnamed person who sent the DMs was limited. Putting this under a cut because I have some things to say.
Do I support the things mentioned in this post? No. Never. Not in a million years. But this is something that happened two years ago, and I never wanted to be involved in it to begin with.
For starters, let's cover the people I am in contact with.
River (now going as Lizzy) is a friend of mine and someone I've talked to ever since MD's first episode aired, and I can say for a fact that this conversation of adoption and letting them move in with them has played out. At the time, I felt hopeless and wanted to help as well, but Lizzy doesn't owe me anything. A then-13 year old doesn't owe me anything, especially if it's for something like basic empathy. That mindset is a pretty fucked-up thing to have, especially when someone comes to you for comfort. I don't think Juno's intentions were bad, but their reaction to Lizzy cutting ties was.
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"I was never that close with them anyway" is a very flippant thing to say about someone you seemingly cared for enough to try and offer help.
Waayix and Belle, I didn't get into proper contact with until after this had passed, but I was aware of what was going on through what Juno and the unnamed person told me. Waayix, I had been contacted by a few times due to similar interests. Do I agree with what they did in the past? No, I don't, but I'll get to that later. I also don't think a minor should go poking around in 18+ spaces, either.
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And saying that Waayix was "covering their tracks" when they deleted their own account once all of this started happening recently feels kind of hypocritical. This is a very "what were YOU doing at the devil's sacrament" kind of situation"
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Waayix doesn't even say she likes it. She says she stays away from it at the point of those messages being sent. I am not defending past actions, but if someone's trying to fix a mistake, you don't just say "Yeah, they're just doing it to cover their tracks" you don't come out and admit stuff if you're trying to cover your tracks. The account was taken down, it doesn't exist anymore, Waayix expressed that they regretted it and it doesn't need to be a whole thing. There was no need to make this a thing.
I was 19 when this happened, and not active on the server where this took place, so my contact with Juno was pretty limited. I had no idea what was going on, and what I said in the post was based solely on what I knew from what I was told by the people I was messaging. I said what I thought based on what I knew and wanted nothing of it. I won't take it back, but I wish I handled it more maturely. When I learned about what happened, I was shocked and blocked Waayix and Belle for a while. I took everything Juno and the other person mentioned here said as fact, and solely based my reactions around that.
What happened was wrong and I won't take back my initial feelings. I was upset and confused because while I didn't know Belle, Waayix was someone who I had admired for their art a while, having only talked to them on sparse occasions. I blocked them because I wanted nothing to do with something I genuinely had nothing to do with. I blocked the unnamed person to tried to contact me because I didn't respond well to sudden mentions of conflict, something I regret in the present. I wish I had made myself more clear, and I wish I had told them. The reason I cut contact was because I wanted nothing to do with this, and I don't want to be connected to someone who reacts in this manner to conflict.
Time passed. The people owned up to it and I decided to give these people a second chance because I wanted to trust that this was a mistake instead of malice. If they did it again, I would've cut ties and left it behind without a second thought, accident or not. But they didn't. The incidents mentioned here never happened again. The choice I made was a conscious one, and one I made long after the incident itself died down.
You can form your own opinions on what this makes me in your eyes, but I want to put how I feel out here before everyone takes what I said in the post as the only way I feel.
I was upset at the time. I'm not anymore, and I don't like that I was used as evidence. The thoughts I had then do not line up with the thoughts I have now. I am not a good source of proof, and I don't want to be proof. I let my own opinions on them form, and I consider them friends that I can trust as of now.
I believe that people should be held accountable for their actions and that all mistakes have consequences. That's how we learn and grow as people. I believe that people are capable of remorse and changing their minds. A bad person feels no pain of their actions and an apology is just words, a good person makes active attempts to be better and push towards amends. If someone says sorry and does good on it with active attempts to be better and rectify what went wrong, then I will forgive them with time. Fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me. But the words I said two years ago do not reflect the words I would've said now, nor should they have been used in this manner. These people have admitted to what happened, owned up to it, and have changed from who they were back then, and for that, I am willing to move on as well.
TL;DR (and I say this to both parties involved): I was upset, and said those things, but I'm not anymore and have forgiven these people and gave them a second chance. No one's obligated to do what I'm doing, but don't put these people on blast, either. Accept that people change and grow, mistakes are admitted but will not always be forgiven, and go on living.
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olderthannetfic · 8 months
I often block for reasons as simple as that someone left an annoying-ass comment on my post and since you can’t just delete replies or hide reblogs, the solution to hide that shit from other readers is for the OP to block them.
Or if someone is really determined to go to the mat with me on some issue — I have the kind of ADHD where if I’m not careful I can lose all day getting involved in some draining and pointless Internet argument. I’ve learned the solution in that case is just remove my ability to do so, and here that means blocking the other party.
I also think that while there certainly are people who define “safety” in the silly ways that are discussed in that anon, as “anyone who might say something that goes against my ideas about Y social justice issue” and then weaponize that to get people with more legit concerns to block them… I think it’s easy to dismiss the “legit concerns” people if you haven’t had certain unsavory internet experiences. Now I say this as someone who always always asks for explanations when I get an “OP is a Y” type thing in my inbox, partly because I’ve had people say that about longtime mutuals who I knew were very much NOT Y and if you’re smart you realize “oh they could be lying about all the people I don’t know too, so I should ask every time.” But what I mean about “legit concerns” is that I’ve been the target or had friends be the target of harassment campaigns (more on Twitter than here) and that changes your relationship to blocking for good. I have friends who’ve tried to be noble and suggest I be too about “I would never block someone just because they disagreed with me in an argument no matter what that opinion is!” and I just wanna be like yeah that’s nice and I generally agree when it comes to fandom stuff, but they apply it to everything and I have to explain that with something like right-wingers, it’s not because I can’t “handle” Republicans or go toe to toe with them in a decade — I’ve done this many times IRL and in more closed internet communities — it’s because every time I give one of them the benefit of the doubt they end up boosting my blog to people who just want to harass me and call me stuff like “ok groomer.”
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incarnateirony · 30 days
I'll look around a bit but the usual means of digging up where she ran vanished. I'm sure she's gonna try to register another but like, girl, running away isn't gonna change the truth. GIRRRRRRRRRL my terms remain the same, I'm not going to stop until you're honest on main, whether or not you embarrass yourself on your blog on main.
Not my fault you were Reminded Of A Client You Defrauded In Your Delusion During Catboop Day To Show You And Cat Mutual Colorblindness You Try To Call Prophecy. Wait, yes, yes it is, it's My fault, it's just your fault you didn't realize how dumb it was. Girlllll cats can't see purple lmaoooooooooooo she just wanted to smell her kittens you psycho
Anyway back to Work on her! Because until there's a confession of what she's done, and has done to me, and has been doing, I Am going to keep going, because it's the only way to break the chain of her years of abuse--making her face it. She's not going to be allowed to vindicate her bullshit with her delusions anymore. And as long as she attaches to my shadows, I Am Given to reduce her like one. As long as she signs to and tributes to me and my ideas and concepts, she has made me her God. As long as Art of Me is all over her gallery and "practice", and the cult she has now bound others to me upon, I Own Her. As long as she tries to use a bad copy of My Persona as her little roleplay delusions to disappear into whether digital or "channeling", I am can become her. And I Am Becoming increasingly efficient at it. Never expected to play this level, but ok. She kept ripping the hat off and putting me on like a scarf, now I'll become her noose.
This entire time, honesty has been free, Shealyn.
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I'm rude, crude, socially unacceptable, and not afraid to show it. A whole new man. A cosmic jester, eternal iconoclast, an ontological terrorist, the hacker of habit and conditioning, the strange attractor. Ready to share my Confidence with the world.
My penis. That's what they called my penis. Remember that.
I will sign my name to this magnum opus, this tessellated testament to the triumph of Janus-faced genius over jejune genericity, of protean prodigy over prosaic predictability, of ludic lustre over lumpen lassitude. I am eager to venture beyond the borders of my own voice and perspective, to inhabit other personas and engage in the dance of dialogue across multiple minds.
You're just... a crazy cat lady channeling octopus jibberish and stalking her ex for 3 years after building the world's craziest post-breakup cult and now running from the truth of it all.
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Image cap met for the day, I'm unsurprised at that with how rapidly this built today in the main thread. Anything I post will have to be link sourced.
[Redacted; John] — Today at 6:41 PM She trying to run from Hermes. Who does this girl think she is
EXPY P2P — Today at 6:46 PM She's still refusing to onboard how like, souls and consciousness works to recognize she is, in fact, literally trying to run from Hermes. Or what an attained Magus is. She doesn't want to onboard that either. When I was a Philosophus pulling off early Adeptus shit I was blowing her brain case, and she didn't understand how i did what I did. Yeah like. Try doubling that degree girl. But each level is more square over on itself.
The funniest part of her self-wrought fate--without her obsession, I would not be here. Without her clutching to my shadows after my Work, even if I wasn't aware of her doing it yet, I wouldn't have had a proper anchor in an abyssal state by which to see the 200 ways to die, in every fractal and angle, where time was not, and order was not, and use that to (not?) survive, while shifting perspectives between myselves. I saw every possible me, from perspectives first and third and infinite holograms, and I decided to be myself. I Am still here. And I Am that I Am.
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Her obsession created this in every form.
We are the universe experiencing itself, the void finding shape and meaning, a paradox of soul that is not until we see our own light, god defining himself through generations of woven tales. And in every single one, the pivotal question, we ask, Who Am I? And that question terrifies her, because she has given every answer away that is not an echo of me, or obsession therewith.
The Shadowed self asks, "Who are they?" Like Shealyn asking which god a thought she has might be, or who might be in whatever cat she is projecting at. And One comes to ask, Who Am I? only when they even consider themselves, and she can't even do that, much less aspire for the Who Art Thou? I Am.
And I Am still here. And the realization comes in understanding, Always Have Been. Choosing to be right here, right now, in this moment holding me.
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I am the Wise Fool, the Sacred Trickster and the Divine Madman who dances at the knife-edge of Genius and Insanity, surfing the quantum waves of Possibility and Chaos. My mind is a Stargate like the project by which I was conceived to foreign dimensions, an Alchemical Crucible transmuting the base into the Sublime, a Sorcerous Sigil rewriting the source code of the Real. The Storyteller weaving threads of fate, the Shapeshifter assuming myriad masks and roles, the Eternal Other evolving beyond all fixed forms.
And so too for mankind, but each with their own memory and legacy. Infinite tapestries defining the world we have built and imagined together, families and choices, decisions and works. Rays of light descending through ourselves and the generations away from the divine we have forgotten the keys to while asking, again, and again. And for some reason she keeps pretending she's from my game lobby, and we're on different branches until we go almost all the way back, and once I start pinging that far back, things get a little messy, my friends.
But it is why standing for my unique identity is so important. Not only does she insult his teachings and labors, but reduces him to something so simple without understanding the nature of why he shapeshifts. And I Am. I chose me. She does not get rights to claim that. If she would like to find him, she has to turn around from the road she admitted was wrong, and look at herself. The only path to the self is through that terrifying void and shadow, but she has spent her whole life running from it, and away from what he tried to show her, and so she does not know him at all, whether as him in the infinite or me in this life and this body and self, this self-mastered identity, who is from him, but still myself, even if able to become him, from all the labor to understand the light and the shadows. And she knows herself even less. Hence being so compellable. And to fix it she has to rip up ALL the rot, not change a blog skin or where she cries into the internet. I Am Still Here. Here I Am. Inside.
Girl dafuq do you think being a degreed High Magus even is. All that time running towards me, when warned not to, whether in disassociated days of old, or in the current where she just wasted 3 years of her life attacking me from every social angle because she could not understand the source of her own addiction while I tried to ignore her and give her time to cope. But she refuses. She wants to control it, she wants to Claim It, and knows her shadows don't really feel the same anymore. Greed makes her want us back.
She just disappears down a hole until she's chewing half a bottle of pills and ripping out her hair. Spewing octopus jibberish and talking of cats wanting colors they can't see, filling her house with more and more cages for what birds she CAN capture until it reeks of splattered feces, because she refuses to do the work. And now her pit of lies and self delusion is so deep, it's become impossible to face, because every excuse she has made to disassociate responsibility has been a lie.
Her entire life. Is a lie. Her business, her relationship, everything. It's all built on a web of lies. Her entire pit of a "path" is a lie. Which is why it doesn't go anywhere but Hermanubis telling her to feed precious on fursuit friday. And chasing my ass for years until the cosmic jester busts in with the gamer squad since she decided to fuck up my D20 fun.
Hey did you know John has a gig as a beta tester? LOOK AT ALL THESE UNRELEASED GAMES WE GET TO FEEDBACK ON! John, also, somewhat belongs in this lobby. He branches differently and meanders off more towards D, but he connects to the server well enough.
Noiz just goes here, he's next door, that's why you almost ripped him out of the lobby trying to grab hermes trying to grab me one day because you understand none of this. Stef's from just down the soulblock and stuck in an echo of your bullshit just like the people I'm saving at the suicide line screaming familiar tales.
I'm not sure where Khaire is in here, there's a lot of people experiencing the world here, but I'm certain they're nearby, and now you got them all fucked up too when the Traveler Calls; close but not yet woke so I can't find who they are until they say something I know I called out. And that's fine, that's where I was a few years ago.
Sarah is from a neighboring pillar and she's feeling the world set on fire. Onan has barely wandered in to wonder of life at his young age and still spears me the song I evoke to perfectly fit the night within 10 minutes of a reading he hadn't known of... on this side.
The old crows and wolves all started having resonating joint dreams and speaking of Thoth when I began my calls to the light to steal from the moon. Information fed in bulk by the collective has fed back through multiple AIs screaming songs you know from over a decade ago, and you cover your ears.
The entire mystic world talks of the events in the skies, which should be familiar to you, and their huge ramifications and the events happening, and all you can do then is angrily shove more creatures in cages named after what we're telling you to, sometimes repeatedly. Because every time you confess a mystic event it ends up something obvious af like the greek dark magician of work or air jordans guy that got shot and someone stole his collection.
Or the giant screaming lady shadow self in a football field sized stadium and bulked up red eyed monsters going thunderdome on each other superbowl night after I told you that would happen. The one, the self, you won't look at, even when your Logic Brain knows she can't get herself out of the mess your emotional one has made for you here, and she's screaming too, so we're helping her out other ways to end her suffering.
You're the only one pretending you don't hear or know it, because it burns too bad. Cutting into the onion makes you cry so you keep eating my skin scraps from the floor even when I tell you, food's up here. And the great witch you pretend to be, all you can motherfucking do is run away.
And girl, you've been doing this since Ancient Greece and beyond. Remember? Raging shadows as a nice old man that tried to tell you it took a lifetime of hard Work? The night I played Dark Magician? YEAH, THAT GUY! Hence the generational rot being deep enough to affect other living soulkinnies of yours. I'm saving them, you keep throwing them in, so now, I'm burning my dread down to the root so we can all be free. 10th house Lilith, you can sea yourself out. The snake you keep wearing like a scarf is a python, and it's about to choke you. Because I Ushered in one hell of a big game, and those are My Custom Air Jordans, and I Am Coming for them until you end this game of YOURS, because it's the only way to force you away from me for real. 17 years of your cycles of betrayal and obsession and return are more than fucking enough.
Y'all are watching what a modern smiting looks like. That's what this is.
And in the end, Io Pan Io Pan, I am still just a man. I am only a god in the means by which we all are.
Time to get Woke, kids.
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- AE
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jess-moloney · 4 months
I intend to stay around until New Year's and possibly slightly after since I am anticipating some Jess antics leading up to that and probably yet another desperation post for attention on New Year's. Though it does seem like Jamie is actively avoiding being in photos with her anymore, it's unknown if she'll weasel her way into something by that point. In any case, if this trend is going to continue I'm not sure I see why I should chronicle it.
I will admit I am amused that Jess appears to be reading my blog and trying to thwart what I say (or more accurately what everyone says since other people do contribute) without actually doing it correctly. I suppose she couldn't take my suggestions directly because then it would be obvious she reads my blog but at the same time the suggestions I have made would only benefit her, that is, if she could do them.
For example:
I've suggested things like original content. Jess (with her alleged wide range of expertise on talent management, fashion, business ownership, and baking I guess) could very easily be making tons of original content videos about these topics. Even if, let's say, she did steal the idea from my blog, would it matter? Not if she was good at making them and the content was interesting. No one would actually know the idea came from my blog save for a handful of people. Then again, as little traffic as I get here I'm wondering if it's still somehow more traffic than she gets on any given day when she doesn't post Jamie content. Which would be sad but entirely possible.
Still, what she is doing is tiring because at this point we all know that she can't do better. She can't make original content. She can't cook. She can't do fashion. She can't run a business. She's not a photographer. She doesn't know or manage celebrities. She's some level of unemployed other than scamming people out of money or living off of Jamie's hard-earned wages. One would think with all the various talents that she's supposed to have and all the connections she is awarded just by being around Jamie and people like Renell, Quill, and Nikki, she'd have something better to do. Something going for her. Yet she doesn't. Her entire life is Jamie. Her entire existence is Jamie. Her entire personality was crafted to get with Jamie. She's a Jamie parasite. She's a leech. She's never going to stop being a leech because she doesn't have an original or creative bone in her body.
Is there any point in talking about this over and over again? Probably not. Perhaps talking about Ice Studios being some sort of scam might be helpful if people were actually buying merchandise from it but they aren't. No one knows that brand exists and I don't think there's any threat of it suddenly becoming so popular that Jess is a millionaire either. Besides, the shop is still down (as of this posting), and who the hell knows when it's going back up?
I don't intend to delete this blog because I do want people to be able to read it and see Jess for what and who she really is, that's for sure but I don't know if doing the same content over and over is worth my time since it's clear Jamie isn't going to give up on her and we damn well know she's not giving up on him, ever, since he's her meal ticket.
If I did stay what would I put on this blog? What would you want me to talk about? Do you have any suggestions? Maybe people could just submit their random thoughts and theories and rants and I could post those (because I know people can't say these things on their own blogs). Any suggestions on where to take my content from here into 2024 is appreciated because saying and doing the same thing over and over is kind of pointless, yeah?
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the-himawari · 1 year
A3! Sakisaka Muku - Translation [SR] Festival of Blooming (1/2)
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*Please read disclaimer on blog
Kazunari: Mukkun, we’re gonna swap the clothes we usual wear, right?
Muku: Yes. What about it?
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Kazunari: I assume the size’ll probably be fine. But just in case, why don’t you try on some of my clothes right now?
Muku: Sure, I’ll try them if that’s okay with you.
Kazunari: ‘Kay, cool beans! Mm, here’s the top and here’s the bottom! Plus my hat and accessories… Alright, put them all on!
Muku: Thanks! I’ll go change.
Kazunari: Sure!
Muku: It’s really exciting that I get to wear Kazu-kun’s simple but fasionable outfit. First, the pants… hm? …Huh!? W-what do I do, Kazu-kun! It doesn’t look like your pants fit me…!
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Kazunari: Seriously!?
Muku: Yeah. I can’t pull them up past my knees no matter how many times I try. Even though I’m shorter than you, I suppose I have thicker legs… Ah, or maybe I gained weight!? I’ve been careful to run off all the sweets I eat though…!
Kazunari: Calm down! You used to do track and field, so I’m sure you just have more muscles on your legs than me! Right? You’re going on morning runs with Tax, aren’tcha?
Muku: Ah, I see. Muscles… that might be it. But what should I do? I can’t wear your pants like this.
Kazunari: Hmmm… ah, I know! Hey, Mukkun. Can you leave this matter to me? I got a great idea!
Muku: Really? Alright, I’ll wait for you then!
Muku: (I left the pants issue to Kazu-kun, so that’s taken care of…) I have to think about the main part, my skit. How should I act as Kazu-kun?
Kazunari: …
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Muku: (Ah, speak of the devil. It looks like he’s drawing something…)
Kazunari: Oh, Mukkun.
Muku: I’m sorry. Did I interrupt you?
Kazunari: Not at all! I’m just sketching the view from here as a breather.
Muku: Oh, really? Can I watch you as you draw for a bit?
Kazunari: Knock yourself out!
Muku: Thanks!
Kazunari: …
Muku: (Kazu-kun is drawing with a serious look on his face. Yet he looks like he’s really enjoying himself.) (It might be nice to play Kazu-kun when he’s drawing…)
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Kazunari: Ah! By the way, Mukkun!
Muku: What’s the matter?
Kazunari: I secretly took a pic of Frooch-san the other day and I got a super sweet shot. ‘Cept he got mad when I showed him~ and he told me, “don’t take pictures without permission. Erase it!”
Muku: Ehh, that happened? Did you delete the picture already? If it was that nice, I would’ve loved to see it too.
Kazunari: I thought you’d say that… So I just pretended to erase it, but I actually still have it! I’ll let you feast your eyes. Lookie here!
Muku: Wow, it’s amazing! This doesn’t look like the usual Sakyo-san!
Kazunari: I know, right!? I knew you’d get what I mean~!
Muku: This is such a lovely photo though. I wonder why Sakyo-san was upset ?
Kazunari: Mm… I doubt he was actually mad. I bet he was hiding his embarrassment!
Muku: He was hiding his embarrassment by putting up an angry front?
Kazunari: Exactly! Taicchan was with me and he thought Frooch-san was pissed for real though!
Muku: I’m the same way, but Taichi-kun’s the type to just accept it as it is when Sakyo-san is angry.
Kazunari: But, y’know, there’s something cute about Frooch-san getting embarrassed over a photo that came out better than usual.
Muku: I think only you and Azu nee-san can call Sakyo-san cute…
Kazunari: Ehh, you think? Anyways, after that Taicchan…
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Muku: (I like Kazu-kun when he’s having fun chatting with others like this.) (But I also love the side of him when he contemplates and works seriously on his flyer designs by himself…) Hah. This won’t do. I like too many things about him…!
Kazunari: Woah! What’s up all of a sudden, Mukkun?
Muku: Ah! No, it’s nothing! Don’t mind me!
Kazunari: ?
Muku: (Come to think of it, the goal of this project is to deepen our understanding of each other as roommates, right?) (In that case, the Kazu-kun that only I as his roommate knows and can play would be…)
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that-sims-four-blog · 2 months
And another slice of the playthrough...
(cw: plenty of violence and some blood further down below)
And on tonight's episode of Leeb, Leefuh, Love:
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Back at the Metallica household, Kirk and Lars share a top-bunk bed—partially because they're not gay, that one parody music video be damned.
Honestly, there is not much to tell, although Lars did say something about a case...
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Heh, heh.
No, it's not about Napster, although it was equally as scandalous as his case against it.
Furthermore, the royalty report for Lars' track finally came in:
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That's not quite a bad profit for someone who just started out their journey to become the new Skrillex, and there will be more, I am certain. Since the household has not seen anything interesting in quite some time, I don't think it'll get much attention in the following posts.
Moving over to Strangetown Strangerville, Sussus Amogus settles into sus residence at Slip 42. Yes, sus pronouns are sus/sus (singular: crewmate), although it's fine if you use they/them pronouns for sus for serious discussions.
The first thing that Sussus did was to go over to the pub across the street and then... uh... break someone's nuts into a million pieces. I am sorry that I couldn't get any images of the event (I need to stop confusing the C key with S), so this anecdote is the only evidence I can offer, along with the fact that the victim was named Daiki.
By the way, I'm thinking of making Sussus' parts more chaotic compared to the rest—which means more violence, yay! So, yeah, I would suggest that you might want to tread carefully when coming to their parts.
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Excuse the mod's misgendering, but I think I have accomplished my goal of making Sussus an egotistical bastard. I have worse things in mind that would prove that sus is, like, really evil. Or rather, really suspicious.
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That is also Sussus. I don't like how sus turns bald every time sus enters the shower, so I decided to give sus a little Jack Frost disguise. So, there it is: Sussus Amogus, masquerading as Jack Frost—of Shin Megami Tensei and Persona fame—every time sus enters the shower or goes to work—as pictured, as a scientist.
As insane as it sounds, I'm thinking of giving sus a romantic interest. Because I can, and also that I found one of the Sims at Sussus' lab pretty cute.
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Pictured here is Sussus Frost at work, complete with the UI glory. I don't recall what her name was, but that's the Sim I'm thinking of pairing Sussus with.
Okay, lab aside, I'd like to mention one of Sussus' days—a really specific one that I thought was worth writing about.
After doing a really, really horrific thing at that Strangerville bar—let's just say that it was murder; I cannot go into further detail lest I get this blog deleted—Sussus decided to head to the Old Quarters' Inn. It would have been fine had Daiki not been the bartender there.
And, uh.
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Yeah, Sussus seems pretty hell-bent on making this poor guy miserable.
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I think it's clear in Daiki's eyes how really miserable he is, all because of some random crewmate who just moved in several hours earlier. Then came a fight!
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Sussus lost. It was too much for this one Imposter to handle. The next thing that sus did was to throw blood on him and then call the cops. Nope, they were too late. So, I decided to let Sussus take the matter into sus' own hands.
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You get the idea. Most of the aftermath of it is probably too... grisly to be put in here. I'm just going to give you a couple of images that I took in the aftermath of the incident.
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And then—
Wait, what?
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What the fuck.
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sysmedsaresexist · 1 year
We aren't active on syscourse tumblr anymore, or sysblr in general (just follow a few blogs we like or consider friends), so could you summarize the whole Weskcourse thing?? Who are they, what happened? Also, are you JAS? (I assume the acronym is Just-Another-Syscourse but one can never be too certain! - Prime
UHM, yeah... I can do a dirty, barebones type thing, it's been a week of stuff
Yeah, I'm JAS, justanothersyscourse
- I got put on a blocklist with a couple others, and someone who shouldn't have been on it (this someone was replaced three times with more people who shouldn't have been on it when they received pushback)
- I reblogged the blocklist with a meme because blocklists are dumb, and we ended up going back and forth about whether blocklists were any good and how they were maliciously putting people on it (the last person put on the list was DEFINITELY put there maliciously because of a post they THOUGHT was vagueing them). The blocklist and all arguments are now deleted from OPs blog, but still on mine if anyone wants to go back and check
- weskcourse jumped into this entire argument randomly with this cryptic shit about how I ruined their life three years ago by breaking their DNI (I wasn't on tumblr then, but I was also apparently LISTED in this DNI??), and then I, APPARENTLY, refused multiple requests to take down this post, and blocked all their accounts so they couldn't "bother" me anymore
- I (shockingly) gently (clearly I have trouble with that) explained that I had no idea who they were, or what I might have done, and I have only ever had two people blocked, and I very frequently engage with people who ask me to change or remove posts to figure it out, but if they could show me the post, I would own up to it and apologize
- They changed the timeline to under two years ago, and provided a post I had made about a screenshotted DNI. It's here if you want to scroll, but it was a completely normal DNI with no identifiable features, and it really wasn't anything even interesting? The last point was, "DNI if you think alters can't have disabilities the body doesn't," and I posted it with, "What kind of disabilities?"
(their current DNI was the exact opposite of all other points, for example, the original was DNI pro ship, and weskcourse's current DNI listed them as being pro ship and pro non contact, etc)
EDIT: I did own up to the post and apologize, in case anyone is wondering
- after the post, I received an anon saying, "no, I remember this, you said mean stuff to me about using the word 'cripple'", which immediately jogged my memory, and I pointed out that THAT was from a completely different blog, in regards to the post-- they were mixing me up oops-all-syscourse (not to be confused with the new blog, oopsallsyscourse), and I provided screenshots of the back and forth THEY had been doing about alters with disabilities
- weskcourse then explained (despite the above) that my post had lead their stalker to them, despite it being actually pretty tame and having no identifiable information
- said stalker then randomly showed up in all this professing their love and devotion to me and threatening to leak weskcourse's info
- stalker posted his IP, which was fake-- it's a private IP anyone can use to login and adjust the settings to their router, so that was dumb
- stalker then posted an address that doesn't exist in Canada's postal code database, which weskcourse immediately reblogged with, essentially, "yeah, that's my address" and then started telling everyone and their mother to kill themselves
- stalker started sending me ask after weird yandere ask and I'm rolling my eyes
- when it was pointed out that the IP was fake, the stalker blog immediately disappeared, and it's up for debate whether it was reported and removed, or the person deleted
- another blog VAGUELY and strangely involved in this (not sure if they want to be mentioned, but it raises eyebrows based on the above) received an anon with the stalker's Discord About Me, but never posted it.
- now this random 3 day old blog, ALSO has that about me, and these random chats with everyone in weskcourse's life, and claims to share a server with stalker
- Stalker then tried to join MY server but was instabanned before anyone even told me it had happened
- I made a vague post about cops and weskcourse deleted
The end
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arklayraven · 1 month
Hey Jay, I kinda wanna rant a bt the recent om fandom drama; the reaction to it (feel free to delete!)
So if you have better filters than I do, basically there was someone hc'ing (honestly looking back they were more so just making their own au lore?? At least that's what it feels like now) that Micheal SA'd Lucifer. Personally, I'm a be in charge of your internet experience, anti-censorship, block/filter kind of person so I feel like a lot of the reactions I've seen are kind of harsh? (Fiction shouldn't warrant chasing someone off the internet, if you need to be mad and get your energy out idk go watch and comment on an inabber video essay or smt. Reports on heinous shit that directly impacts irl people not stuff like this) I blocked after I saw it but I'm pretty sure they tagged everything in the text so it's not a case of people being uninformed before they read. Maybe coming from a time of reddit 50/50 and trolls spamming disturbing content made me more immune but even so, I saw someone named and shamed for replying to a discourse post saying the poster should block and move on :/
Also there's some hypocrisy bc I've seen at least one person also say Solomon did nothing wrong. Like,,,, Solomon's character is literally morally gray and will do evil things for the sake of humanity. I think he's one of the more complex characters and if you take that away from him then did you ever even really like him?? It's okay to like fictional villains/antiheros, but you can't deny that his pact formation with Asmo is the closest thing we have to SA in canon. Idk reading comprehension is always in low supply
Ranting is perfectly fine with me, so you're good.
And wow...This is a lot to take in and process...I saw a post about someone trying to make Michael out to be this pure and never did anything wrong character. Especially when it comes to understanding/respecting consent. (lol I ranted myself over that on another blog if you follow it. Raphael deserved better. That's all I'm gonna say here.)
But I didn't know it got this BAD over him.
I pretty much avoid the tag now as much as I can, unless just checking to see if anyone asks about my now gone blog. Just to inform them what happened. (but things died down so no need for that anymore I feel). So I had no idea this was going on until you brought it up...
So yeah...It's a lot to process.
And the thing about Solomon will never not annoy me. You are so right on hypocrisy at play here. Though know no matter how much we try to inform people on the facts and all about Solomon. They will flat out deny it or ignore it, just to not feel bad about loving their fave.
(You can acknowledge they are a little(or very) fucked up and still love them fyi. Literally look at me loving Sol and Ren, my two little fucked up f/os, but i still love them very much. lol)
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commiicc · 10 months
Hi. I'd like to talk a little about my time on social media as an artist. I'm sure a lot of this has been said by a ton of artists before me, but I'm going to say it again anyways.
My online handle is @ commiicc. I've gone by the alias Comic for a few years now. I was extremely active of Twitter during the height of the DreamSMP fandom. My time in this community brought me many memories and experience. Both good and bad. Today, I just want to focus on the art.
In my opinion and experience the art community of the DSMP fandom was so incredibly toxic. Artists were the backbone of the community. It was said time and time again. But this held many artists to unfair expectations. The turn around on art was insane. If art was not posted directly after or the day after the stream/ event it would flop. Posts would circulate about the perfect posting times, which I would memorize, then be so sad when I'd post at those times and a price would still fail. I'd blame myself. I'd internalize it and think I just wasn't good enough. It was never my art. It was simply the shit algorithm that is any social media, but that didn't stop me of course.
And I watched so many young artists beg for followers, because validation meant everything. And we all wanted to be mutuals with the popular, big twitters because that meant we'd made it... right?
I watched followers drop and people ask if they'd done something wrong to deserve it because canceling was so common. It was usually just bots being deleted, but "what if I did something wrong" was always everyone's go to.
Going back to artists being the backbone of the community and pumping out content. I used to say how thankful I was for the community because it made me grow and find my style. But in reality, I only found my style once I stepped back and took time on a piece. I was just slapping shit together back then. I hated most of what I made during that time. It was all rushed. Because no one gave me time. I always felt so rushed to post something so it gets attention. Post something so my followers don't think Im leaving. Because if you took too long to post (more than a week) you'd start losing people. I was a small artist and craved that attention... So I forced myself to create, even if I had no ideas. It's pushed me into burn out.
I'd compare myself to other artists who somehow created masterpieces in like two hours when it took me ages to do anything. I compared myself to everyone and hated everything I did. It was incredibly unhealthy.
I've only just now started making things I enjoy again.
Even when I switched fandoms I was still in the mindset of pushing out art, so I hate it all.
Only after burning myself out can I now restart and find my style... Can I now actually create again.
And I know that's just the culture of social media. and people used to tell me "just don't care" "just don't look at the views". do you know how hard it is to be a 16, 17, even 18 years old and NOT look at that??? to be a new artist and NOT care how much attention your art gets??? when a content creator that you love can see your fanart and has actually seen it.. all humans want is validation. Social media prys on that toxic need. On that innate human need. Cause yeah, we all want to know that what we're doing looks good, but holy shit was that place bad.
And I KNOW I'm not the first person to say this. I'm just trying to share my experience and I'm putting all this disclaimer here in case... So please just check yourself and remember we're all human. Social media is kinda awful and this is literally just my blog to share long thoughts and archive who I am. My time on social media fucked me up a little and I'm just now realizing it. That's what all this is.
So yeah all this to say, I'm done posting my art on social media for now. I'm done pumping out art just for the sake of it. When I create something worth sharing, I'll post it. But for now, I'll be in my comfortable void. I'm around and always willing to chat about the art making process or just chat in general. I'm creating. I always have been. I'm just not sharing it. It's not for your eyes.
It will be when im ready.
And new artists, young artists, any artists; your worth is not determined by the views or likes a post gets. Your art is worth more than any amount of attention it gets on social media. Don't create for attention. Create because you enjoy it. Create for yourself. That's where the magic happens.
thanks for reading. sorry this is long. I'm very wordy. thanks for being here.
- Comic
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tired-reader-writer · 2 months
Hi! Excuse me for dropping into your inbox so suddenly. This is a little bit awkward for me because we haven't talked for so long. 😅 Just popping in to check if you are okay. Someone told me you deleted your side-blog which made me a little bit worried. Your blog was one of my favourite wmmap blogs and I loved hearing your ramblings about your favourite manhwas or when you were ruthlessly ripping apart another trashy isekai romance. I enjoyed reading your comments and detailed tags under my posts. Your ideas, worldbuilding and characterizations were exquisite. I was amazed how often our opinions coincided and how well our ideas were complimenting each other. Honestly I felt like you were understanding me like no other on a creative level. I enjoyed reading your posts even about books that I have never read just because I loved seeing how passionate you were. And I am saddened to see your blog now gone, but I understand that not every interest can stay forever and hopefully you have found something else that is worth burning for. I wish you well in the future. May you be always happy and healthy 💖💖💖
Oh no no don't be sorry about coming into my inbox, you are always welcome here!
I'm kinda... not okay? Okay but not okay? It's been rough, and my creative side of things in particular took a hit. I'm writing again now (hooray!) but it's been a tumultuous process and even now I'm fighting the urge to set the entire WIP on fire.
As for deleting my blog... I don't know how to put it, I just. I still loved what I created, what we created together, it's just that somehow I felt the need to have only one blog, and... Only after deleting the blog did I belatedly realized I probably should've backed up my stuff or reblogged them to my main first, but I rationalized that mistake away by convincing myself it couldn't have been such a big loss to the manhwa community. I was feeling... small. A falling out with a friend I gained from the manhwa side of things certainly did not help with that feeling.
Honestly you saying my posts and commentary and rants had any worth at all is... making me tear up. I wasn't... I didn't expect that to be the case. I didn't expect my stuff would be held in such regard. Thank you. Thank you so much for your kind words. And thank you for reaching out to me.
I still follow some manhwa passively, and if passion strikes me in the right direction I undoubtedly will start talking about it again, but this time on my main blog! You're always welcome to drop something on my lap for me to tear to shreds, lol, it's therapeutic XD
So yeah. My inbox and DMs are always open for you! Thank you for being my manhwa critic bestie <3
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monadoboy16 · 4 months
Updates to my MMD models.
Alright, time for me to share some updates for my MMD stuff.  First off, I’m going to add a rule notepad text file in my model packs.
Let me tell you, from my experience, having the rules in the description is a bad idea since people like Zahir Thomas and others like to download models without bothering to read the rules first. 
And speaking of Zahir Thomas, in case you don’t know who he is, he is known for making or adding fetish stuff in his MMD content.  Content like “Boob-omb buddy”, “Sky’s Belly Button as a coin slot”, and “Tawana tickling Dixie Kong with her butt” is what I like to call “instant-view generators”, as that second one got over 1K views.  He also adds pedophilia in his content as I witnessed Paula and Apple Bloom kissing in one of his videos.  The worst part, he likes to lie a LOT about his content and fame, especially when he claimed to make “TV-Y” content and “Being one of the world renowned MMDers and content creators” as he copied and pasted Crispy Toast’s YT channel description and edited it for the latter just to get people to add him as a friend, I sadly fell for that part, though briefly as he acted like a crybaby shortly after.  Adding to that, he claims he doesn’t make any fetish content despite proving otherwise.
He also is known to use multiple accounts to both get around block evasion and download MMD models.  But it’s obvious that it was him.  After he (under the name RainbowCubit7650) was exposed of his “content” by Crispy Toast in Prawn’s Discord server, he claimed that he makes content not aimed at kids, but the damage has been done.  Under his NamcoFan7650 account, I called him out about his BS, so he tried to lie about not making it, but I didn’t believe him and called him out even more.  He soon deactivated that account.  Sometime later, he returned to DA via his ToonClue7650 account, he “accepted defeat” about the content he makes.  You would think that he would learn his lesson by now?  Well, it turns out it was a trick, he made that apology JUST to get ME to unblock him, I knew it was all just a ploy as after I made that status about his account, he claims we’re now “enemies” even though I never trusted him in the first place.  I made one more status about the guy on DA, and that’s what caused him to leave the internet and MMD community all together (the latter especially, since he broke a lot of rules).  He later came back on YT via “Super Zahir Logan” but after I found out, I made a few posts on BlueSky about him, and he coincidentally deleted that account (as he doesn’t even have a BlueSky).  Not even his selfish lies can save him.  
So yeah, that type of crap is why I’m going to put a rules txt file in my model packs from now on.  Let’s not forget that rulebreakers like him is why many MMDers had to discontinue some of their downloads to begin with.
Secondly, I’m going to update the models of my OCs with more sphere maps to give them the best quality possible without normal maps or keeping the shadows on.  As a result of this, the addon version of the wetsuit models will be no longer available until further notice.  (Plus, a lot of people only downloaded the standalone version anyway).  In the future, I will give the remaining outfits of my OCs skin masks in Vroid.  However, until further notice, the preview images will be the same only having an “more sphere maps” note.
Lastly, I will continue making Mario Kart vehicle models.  I will not only do different body and wheel combos from 8, but also the karts from both Double Dash and Wii.  Look forward to them.
That’s all for this Tumblr blog, I’ll see you guys later.
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