#not 100% accurate but idc. the thought was funny.
apfelkvchen · 6 months
Deviser Podcast or as I like to call it: Moon (2009) but what if GERTY was evil?
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magici-if · 1 year
Martin zoning out is so sad 😭 he's fr a sad wet cat 😔, but would any of the Ro's fight back to gain Mc's affection again? (Beaides dem, of course, seeing as her way would be gift giving) what if they realize their attempts are actually working?
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a sad wet cat is so accurate for Martin lmfao (referring to this post)
i wrote a whole papyrus for echo cus I was like “hear me out-” as legit NO ONE agreed w me that Echo would try to regain MCs affection. idc my friends don't know her like i do
(everyone is here, i just changed the order)
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Would give up/respect MC's wishes:
Dominic, Harley, Martin
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Dominic is very passive in general (there's a joke somewhere), it's not that he wouldn't make the first move, but if MC moves on and says they don't have feelings for him anymore, he'll respect that and find ways to cope. It's ingrained in him: the thought that he can somehow change MC's mind or affect the outcome is 100% foreign to him.
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She'd be devastated by it, but Harley would respect MC until the end and long for the moment her feelings would also fade away. What she wants most of all is to be with MC, and if that can't happen in a relationship, she'll take all she can get and be a good friend to them.
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Martin is a gentleman: it would hurt him a lot, but he'd definitely give up on the whole situation and acknowledge that MC has moved on & he should too. Unlike Dominic, it's also a matter of insecurity for him. He feels that he lost his chance forever: he somehow made MC like him once, but that 'mistake' won't happen twice, in his mind.
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Would try to regain MC's affection:
Demetra, Echo, Evander
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As I said, Demetra would immediately activate and retrace all the steps that led to MC liking her. She would be very methodical about it, such as by getting MC the book they said they really wanted to read, watching the movie MC is obsessed with at the moment so they can talk about it, etc.
If she realised her attempts were working, she'd straight-up admit her feelings.
She'd have a blast if MC specifically asked her what she was doing, squinting their eyes at her. "Just trying to get you to like me again.", she'd very shamelessly answer. wink wink
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If one could ghost someone irl, that's what Echo would do, at least in the beginning. Again, she'd mostly avoid MC, the thought of trying to regain their affection not even crossing her mind.
However, she would probably either 'slip up' and tell MC about her feelings in the heat of the moment, or decide to tell them to gain closure or get it off her chest. She may avoid MC in the beginning, but at the end of the day, she misses them and longs for their presence.
Once the cat's out the bag, her friends will have definitely succeeded in hyping her up to do this and that to regain MC's affection. After realising her attempts might be actually working (after a lot of convincing on her friends' part) she'd ask them out and confess her feelings...again.
A joint or a few shots beforehand, MC and Echo sitting on the grass, Echo with a paper in hand. She'd either read it out loud or pass it to MC, so they could read it while she'd hide her face in her arms.
And if MC was unhinged enough to read it out loud-
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Evander would treat it like a huge joke to save face; but under all the humour, he'd hide his real feelings. He would firstly bring it up under the disguise of a funny one-liner; then go radio silent about it, and never mention it again after realising MC has moved on.
He would still try to regain their affection, though in his own special little way. He'd try to use his trademark jokes and tease MC a lot about everything, even the dumbest things. He would act like a caricature of himself, thinking that's what made MC like them in the first place, so he'd pump the Evanderness up to 100.
If he noticed his attempts to be working, he'd go back to the 'normal' Evander; he'd joke about liking MC and stop annoying them on purpose so much. He still wouldn't do anything too direct though, at most he'd sent 'ironic' pics of him holding a rose with his teeth (he thinks he's hilarious) and ask MC to hang out a lot.
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wifegideonnav · 1 year
well i… finished act 5 act 2. gonna have to rewatch cascade a bunch of times and probably read the act summary on the wiki but i have officially reached the end of the act
still enjoying it a lot but it’s getting harder and harder to read. summing up a rant i gave my friend, i’m not super in love with the sense of predestined futility - or more accurately, i don’t feel that the narrative has properly addressed that yet and justified why i should be reading about these characters who were like 100x doomed from the start.
there are so many characters and so much happening that nothing is lingered upon, which is nice pacing-wise but not so nice emotional-impact-wise. i also think the “everybody dies a bajillion times and it’s fine until all of a sudden it’s not” thing works against it in a sense, especially when the narrative doesn’t stop to mourn anyone who’s actually dead, bc by the time you realize hey wait maybe like. vriska or dad or feferi/nepeta/equius etc are dead for real it’s been like 200+ pages and you’re like well ok. what do i do here exactly.
and i know that that’s an intentional choice hussie made for how he wanted to craft his narrative - im wishing for things that he deliberately chose not to give. im not trying to say that these choices are flaws in his writing, just that as an audience member i tend to prefer the tlt method of dealing with death, where one main character dies and then the entire next book is about another ripping herself apart because of it.
im not giving up by any means, or even saying that this is what’s dominating my reading experience. like i said im still enjoying myself and appreciate most of the creative decisions that hussie is making. it can just feel very draining i suppose, watching these characters i’ve come to care about - almost all of whom are literal children - fighting so hard so futilely, and so far, imo the narrative hasn’t paid that off. however, with that out of the way, here are (some of, bc this shit was long as hell) my thoughts on the act, more or less in order:
i have literally no interest in johnkat. probably partially bc my friend is so into davekat that ive been conditioned to just wait for that to happen but also bc they have no chemistry. sorry to any johnkat shippers out there but idc it’s boring
i have slightly more but still negligible interest in john/vriska. probably bc i… don’t really care about john. sorry to any john stans out there but idc he’s boring
karkat and terezi sharing a keyboard to argue my beloved
rose my beloved. but also. sweetie :/
vriska my beloved. but also. SWEETIE :/
kanaya my beloved. you’re doing great no notes
oh yeah dave and terezi manipulated the stock market. still don’t 100% understand that but whatever good for them
yeah ok the dream bubbles. christ. like ok i GET it but they’re still annoying
i love jade’s dynamic with karkat she really goes from “teehee im just a silly little girl haha” to “im going to eviscerate this motherfucker”
bec prototyping himself was genuinely such a good reveal
is it just me or is john's power like. way lamer than the other kids' lmao. like it's still cool, def better than nothing, but come on
not too much to say abt the exiles but i love them
also with all the fucking timeline bullshit that's going on i literally can't wait to reach the end and reread with the uhsc mod that lets you follow a specific person's timeline. i canNOT keep track of what's happening when for who
it is literally so funny that vriska has been the cause of jade's narcolepsy this entire time. like wow girl you really took the opportunity to be a massive dick to her huh
frogs. ok sure. why not.
fuck doc scratch all my homies hate doc scratch. i will say though. he is a fantastic character.
holy shit eridan and gamzee snapping and killing like everyone. that was buckwild what the fuck. not gonna lie idc that equius is dead, and nepeta, feferi, and tavros were never my faves. but got damn it sucks that they're dead. (ostensibly. still not one thousand percent convinced)
sad karkat :(
murderous kanaya :D
oh god the ancestors. sorry but i simply do not care about that shit. like i know that they're actually relevant but. :/
also i don't like the trope of chains of events being echoed across generations. like damn get your own plot. also it ties into that determinism and futility that i'm grappling with
i will say though. mindfang mentally thanking redglare for taking her arm because then her battle against his honorable tyranny because it made it "a fair fight"? hot. i'm brave enough to say it.
aradia is cool as fuck. i wish we got more of her/her personality
aradia's ancestor is also cool as fuck. sucks that literally nothing she did to resist her fate worked or mattered
the scratch stuff is genuinely interesting narratively/in terms of a plot device. again it still sucks that the beta kids aren't actually going to get to win the game themselves. like i assume they'll be talking to/guiding the alpha kids but like. god it's so unfairrr i bet there'll be angst about this
rose going grimdark is so fun. also LMAO john trying to chat with her in that flash game portion
TEREZI god i love her. sucks that she killed vriska tho bc i love her and also i ship them. oh well murder is not necessarily a roadblock to them getting together. troll romance sure is weird. i have hope in my heart.
vriska isn't dead forever bc no she isnt <3
the betty crocker shit. is funny. and also stupid as hell.
ok i guess the stuff about karkat's ancestor and the history of the troll race is kinda interesting. whatever.
everyone's in love/hate with gamzee all of a sudden?? literally why. troll romance sure is FUCKING confusing
that was a pretty anticlimactic climax to the gamzee situation, gotta say
cascade was confusing as fuck i don't have thoughts on it yet
so yeah that's it! if you're still reading, why? let me know what your thoughts on act 5 act 2 were when you read it, or your thoughts on my thoughts lol. just pls no spoilers for anything past cascade!!
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ilytyun · 3 years
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how does txt text? (v realistic and accurate)
txt as gen z boys you started texting over quarantine😔💔
a/n: this has been sitting in my drafts for so long... it’s literally so bad but i thought i was kind of funny  LOLLL💀💀 it’s not like what i usually write but hope it’s at least a bit enjoyable !! (also tysm for 100+ followers !!!!!!! teehee<333333)
warnings: some swearing, overuse of emojis, dated trends bc i wrote this three months ago LOL
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honestly ??? seems like a dry texter ... doesn’t reread his texts so sometimes they come out confusing even though he keeps spell check on, also never sends a text with more than ten words
lowkey dad texter if you’re not having an actual conversation ... lots of ‘k’, ‘thx’, ‘👍’, ‘idc/k’ and ‘lol’ ... also uses 💯, 😂 and ❤️ unironically 😔😔😔
also ‘???’
you can never read how he’s feeling over text but sometimes he’ll sprinkle in a :) or a ;)) just to keep you on your toes
either no punctuation at all or an unnecessary overuse of punctuation ... if there is punctuation it?s , bad punctuation . ???????!!??~~~~ which is how most of his texts transfer emotions i guess ?? lol
he’s only like this because he genuinely sees texting as a quick last resort type of communication...
if you want to talk with him just give him a call... he prefers to hear your voice anyways🥺
standard gen z texter, has good spelling, keeps his letters all lowercase for no reason other than because he thinks it looks nice ?? turns caps lock on for when he feels scandalized
texts like a bisexual......... u know with a ‘ !!’ or ‘ ??’ at the end...(the space between the last word and the punctuation is the most important part), uses a lot of ~~~~~ and ;;;;;;; and ^^ or >< too because he doesn’t want to sound monotone
‘lololol’ and ‘lolllllllllllll’.... also maybe ‘haha yeah’
super inconsistent when it comes to replying rip... like you’ll be able to hold a really good conversation for at most an hour and then he’ll leave you on delivered until the next day when he continues the conversation like nothing happened
only double texts when he needs to !! is a good boy and sends one longish text rather than a lot of short texts at once; good at paraphrasing, understands that not everyone views texting as a tool for conversation
looks like he’d be pretty good at using emojis, probably hip enough to use 😭😭😭 as a laughing emoji, also keyboard smashes
frequent user of this emoji as well: 😰
probably gets really lazy sometimes too so he ends up sending you a lot of voice memos
just overall extremely chaotic neutral
seems the most normal/trendy texter imo😭
really great at using emojis... his best hits include: 😳, ✨, 🥰, 🤗 and 🥺 (ESPECIALLY 🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺), also is a frequent user of all the pink heart emojis most notably 💕, texting him is never boring and he does his best to come off nice !! and he can tone down how he texts too... versatile king
definitely calls yeonjun a boomer for using 😂
but he’s also probably on tiktok or smthn A LOT so if you’re close to him he’ll pull the: 👁👄👁, 😀, 🥴, 💀💀💀, 😻, 🤡, 🧍....... used ‘no❤️’ and also ‘🧚✨’ before it got annoying...
the one who sends you very obscure memes he finds off the internet as replies to your texts but they somehow always just work..... sth like those badly edited facebook memes or sth LMAOOOOOO😭😭
his one downfall: will definetly accidentally type out the wrong your/you’re... same with there/they’re/their and no matter how much it annoys you he really could not care less
i lied here’s another downfall: he’s SUPER bad with replying. leaves you on read accidentally a lot and it kinda hurts ngl💀
i lied again here’s one last downfall... even if he’s bad with replying he will not hesitate to text you to get your attention...... he does not give a single shit. if he needs you he’ll text each individual letter of H E L L O, also double texts if he’s excited but you let it slide because he’s cute😔
another good texter but maybe... too good.....
his spelling and grammar are on point... you will never ever catch him slipping. periods at the end of every sentence. him and hyuka are probably the only ones who still use auto capitalization
but something about his texting seems so robotic....... you find yourself honestly wondering if he’s being dry with you or if he’s just being super polite
it’s also definetly because he somehow always finds the perfectly specific emoji to include at the end of his message💀
and they’re always obscure ones too... he used the 🚏 emoji once when he told you he was ‘Waiting for the bus. 🚌🚏 Cannot wait you see you. 🤓’ and it made you go huh...
overall pretty articulate over text but when you’re acting a bit questionable his favourite emoji to use is simply 🤨 he also genuinely believes 🤓 is cute... like ok taehyun
lowkey dry texter so it’s somehow satisfying when he uses exclamation marks... it shows that he’s excited lol
he’s unpredictable and distinct... unique king
huening kai:
texting god.... but wbk
if gyu has bruh girl energy hyuka def has big hii girly! :) energy LMAOOOO
genuinely the sweetest texter, you can hear his voice and feel his energy through his messages🥺
takes the time to use the japanese emojis... (๑╹ω╹๑ ) it’s super duper adorable... some of his favourite emojis are 🤩, 😊, 🕺 and 🙈
but if it’s struggle hours you know he’s going 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
uses coloured heart emojis !! 🧡💛💚💙💛💜
definetly uses uwu and xD unironically but it’s really cute when he does it....
ofc >3< is his signature
uses ‘BAHAHAHAHA’ and ‘Hehehehee’ instead of just lol..... also an avid keyboard smasher esp if you are too (he’s never felt more alive than when using sksksksk was still a trend... emits highkey vsco girl energy on top of his hii girly energy lol)
another kid who overuses punctuation ???? but just to emphasize !!!!! his !!!!!!! point ,,,..,,,!!!!
sends you motivational texts throughout the day... ‘You’ve got this!!!!! (● ˃̶͈̀ロ˂̶͈́)੭ꠥ⁾⁾ I hope you have a good day today!!!!!!!!!(๑>◡<๑)💛💛💚’
tried to turn off auto capitalization but thought it made him come off as too aloof/impolite so he turned it back on😭😭 doesn’t have a problem when other people don’t use it though !!
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Hi! If u wouldn’t mind helping me out, I’m trying to figure out whether I use Se-Ni or Ne-Si, I’m fairly certain I’m ExTP 3w4. Thought I was ESTP but sensors I’ve met irl tend to be a lot more hands on & in the moment than me. I’m not v in tune to the physical world, ex. the light in my room flickers on/off sometimes & I don’t even notice it, my sister had to point it out to me. I’m terrible at sports/dancing bc I have poor spatial/bodily awareness. Other times certain sensory inputs are (1)
completely overwhelming to me & I’m v dramatic abt them, if something smells bad or I’m cold I have to get away asap or I get moody. Sometimes I put effort into my appearance but usually I don’t, I only want to impress specific ppl. I don’t particularly like being in charge but in group projects I’m always thrust into the decision making role bc no one else wants it & I just want to get it over with. When I’m not breathing down ppl’s necks things just go to shit -_- I avoid working harder (2)
than I have to & chose my major (animation) specifically bc it’s fun/doesn’t feel like work & I wouldn’t have to write long essays/do math. Speaking of math I don’t like when things have 1 definitive answer & I don’t like things I can’t make relevant to myself. I preferred English/phil classes bc u can argue p much anything & I’m an expert bullshitter. Psych was fun until we had to learn actual chemicals/brain parts. I like looking at graphs/statistics & I love making lists. Idk what type my (3)
mom is but she’s constantly irritated by me bc I ask her questions she thinks I should just google, but I don’t rly care abt the answer, I just want to discuss. She also hates tht I talk abt what the world “should” be like, she’s just like “go fix it then” & it drives me crazy bc I wish I COULD but it’s NOT that simple. I procrastinate a lot. I wouldn’t call myself a perfectionist but I’ll work at something until it’s more than decent bc I hate letting people down. I hate when ppl watch me (4)
work, I only want them to see the result. I’m v risk averse (except when it came to my career path lol) & do everything I can to ensure I won’t fail. I compare myself to others to see how I measure up. I’m always trying to improve myself; I think that’s why I dwell on my negative qualities so much & why I feel like I’m not living up to my potential. I’d rather impress ppl than serve ppl to gain their approval. I’ve always wanted to be famous & it shocked me when I found out most ppl don’t.(5)
The thought of having “fans” actually makes me uncomfortable but I want to elevate my social status to spite ppl who used to look down on me. I couldn’t stand just being average, I want to be undeniably important and worthy of love. I don’t rly know what I want in life besides this vague need to succeed. I’d be happy doing a variety of things, but I hate menial labor/repetitive tasks. I need alarms for everything bc I zone out so much; literally as I was writing this I was on a walk & had (6)
to sprint back home bc I forgot I had work until my alarm went off. My living space is a mess, I’m fine w it. I hate accountability (can’t drive, too much responsibility/possible crashing). I can form habits if I see a good reason for them, but consistency is hit or miss (sporadically eating healthy vs 100+ day duolingo streak). I have no respect for authority/tradition & only follow the law to avoid punishment. Ppl say I’m creative/funny but I think I mostly just combine/jump off other (7)
ppl’s ideas & improve them. When I write stories ppl complain there are no sensory details/phys descriptions. Ppl tell me I’m eccentric but I’m just doing my own thang idc abt social norms. Love thinking up unrealistic romantic scenarios, romance is my fave thing to talk about. I feel guilty talking abt my obsessions so much but I GOTTA. I don’t trust myself to judge myself accurately bc I’m always trying on new personas, but the things I talked abt here are all persistent traits (8) 
Hi anon,
So I do think you probably are a high Ne user from this, and 3 is possible, but I think you’re an ENFP - some of the traits, especially surrounding leadership, sound like they’re coming from low Te; your attitude towards math (not that FPs can’t be good at math or TPs all like it, but TPs often do want a single answer and like the consistency of math even if they’re not into it as a specialty) and the attitudes towards eccentricity and new personas seems more like Fi than lower Fe. I’m not totally positive, and your focus for this question was Ne vs. Se so you may have left out things that led you to type as a Ti-aux, but at the very least I’d recommend looking at aux Fi.
I would also look into 3w2 or 2w3 instead of 3w4 - the part about being important and worthy of love makes me think both 2 and 3 are involved in the core.
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Survey #430
“when the girl in the corner is everyone’s woman, she could kill you with a wink of her eye”
What kind of dog do you find most ugly? What a mean question. ;-; I don't think they're ugly, but I probably find chihuahuas to be the least visually appealing. Do you like wood floors or carpet better? Wood. Do you think the USA bullies other countries? Quite frankly, yes. Are you currently in love right now? No. Favorite fast food joint? Sonic. What would you do if your ex contacted you? THE ex, have a panic attack. Cry. Be wordlessly ecstatic. Be scared and confused. Do you still have feelings for your ex? Two, yes, but one is unrealistic considering I have no idea who he is anymore. It's been way too long for me to possibly, accurately like him. Ever tasted a flavored condom? No. Do you know CPR? No. How much do you care about your best friend? I'd die for her. Do you watch Dr. Phil? No. What age would you like to have a child? I don't want kids ever. Are your parents wealthy? Mom, absolutely not. Dad seems to be financially stable, but not wealthy or anything. Pick one state you’d love to live in? Alaska. How many pets do you want? And of what? Man, I want a LOT. I know I want more ball python morphs, a plains hognose, a woma python, numerous tarantulas, a fat-tailed gecko, a boa, orchid mantises, a sphynx, a tegu would be super cool... I'd love to have like an empire of pets one day, aha, but only so long as I could maintain them all and adequately provide for them. Have you ever asked someone out? Yes. When do you want to get married? I mean, I don't have a set age in mind. I want to get married when I'm ready. Can you play a musical instrument? I played the flute for yeeeaaaars in middle and high school, but I remember almost nothing by now. What if you stopped orgasming for the rest of your life? Idc, honestly. Does money make you happy? Money probably makes me happier than it should, but I'm not like madly in love with it or anything. Happens when you're poor your whole life. Your favorite breakfast food? Ugh, cinnamon rolls are a godsend. When was the last time you went to a funeral? I actually don't think I've ever been to one... only wakes. I really, really wish I could have gone to Jason's mom's, though... There was just no fucking way that I was going to risk upsetting Jason on THAT day of all days by popping up. Have you ever stolen someone’s boyfriend/girlfriend? Well, we never actually dated, but you could say that... Tell me the date of your first kiss. I don't know the exact date, but it was March 2012. Are your legs long or short? Normal, I guess? How many phobias do you have? Man, a lot. Is there a bookshelf in your room? No. Do you use the Facebook chat often? Barely at all. I only really use it to chat with Girt on the rare occasion we talk. Who got you hooked on the addiction you're addicted to (If you have one)? I discovered Mark on my own; I needed help in an Amnesia: The Dark Descent custom story, so I found his playthrough and watched it. Got a few laughs, subscribed. It was Jason who introduced me to Amnesia, though, so I can indirectly thank him, I guess? haha Are you currently worried about your parents finding out about something? No. Have you ever lived with a friend? Yeah, for a couple months. Have you ever only liked someone because you found out they liked you? No. Ever been on a real diet, or did you just stop eating? I've tried multiple diets. Have you ever known a white supremacist? I know multiple. Welcome to the South. Do you like the smell of a barbecue? Yesss. It's funny because I hate the food itself. Have you ever gone out in public in your pajamas? Yeah. It's not rare, if I'm being honest. How many times have you been to the ER? Too many times because of being suicidal. How many people are you currently texting? None. Anything exciting coming up? My nephew's birthday is in a few days! Would you rather get money or gift cards for your birthday? Money, so I can use it for anything. Do you have Instagram? I have three, ha ha. One for my basic photography, another for my morbid photos, and I went through a very short phase of having an Instagram for my pets. It still exists, but I don't really use it. Have you ever spoken to a detective before? No. Do you believe in ghosts? Yes. Do ladders scare you? Yes. Hot dogs or hamburgers? Cheeseburgers may possibly be my favorite food. Do you have any tattoos on your arms? I do. Have you ever owned or known someone who owned a black cat? I've owned plenty of black cats. What album is the last song you listened to from? It's from Disguise. What’s the last funny movie you watched? Probably Elf. Can you remember your parents’ birthdays? Mom's, yes. I only remember the month of my dad's. If you had to get a tattoo tomorrow, what would you pick? I think I want to get my tribute to Teddy next. How do you feel about band tattoos? Hey, go for it. I see nothing wrong with it. What piercing do you like most on the opposite sex? Probably snakebites. Lip piercings in general are hot lmao. Are you any good at applying make up? Noooo, my hands are so shaky. How old were the last 3 people you kissed? Sara's 23; idr the exact ages of Girt and Tyler. I think Tyler was a year younger than me, and Girt is at the bare minimum three years older than me. If you found out you got someone pregnant, what would you do? Well, I'm a cisgender female, so... Do you ever wonder what your ex is up to? Very frequently. Do you like your cell phone? I mean it's fine, but I'd like a new one. Is rap your favorite genre of music? No, it's actually my least favorite. Have you ever thrown up on anybody? Oh god, no. Do people think you’re happy? I think it's safe to say most people who know me know I'm clinically depressed. Or you know... maybe not. Quite a few people have been surprised to learn that about me because I can put on a good facade. What band would you stand in line for 24 hours to see? None, honestly. That's way too long. What was your worst childhood experience? I guess my dad's alcoholism. As a child, I thought it was a normal thing, but I do wonder if my fear of men has anything to do with how volatile drinking had a 50/50 chance of making him. He never hurt anyone, but he was just so mad and hateful towards the world sometimes. You can trade another person’s emotions for your own. Whose do you take? I have no idea. What was/is going to be your first waltz at your wedding? That'll depend on my partner and what song means the most to us/fits us best. "When It's Love" by Van Halen has been a consideration for forever, though. When it’s not summer, what do you miss most about it? I hate summer. I miss nothing about it. Do you consider yourself patriotic? No. What is the one thing that you need to do to die happy? Feel like I accomplished something notable. Do you consider yourself mainstream? No. What’s the riskiest thing you’ve ever done? Overdosing on cold medicine. What is life’s greatest mystery? Probably from whence we came. Humanity has fished for a definite answer forever. What was your favourite make-believe game as a kid? Pretending I was a meerkat hiding in a "burrow" that was a blanket fort, ha ha. Do you try your best at everything? Honestly, no. Who is your shoulder to cry on? My mom, without fail. What’s your standard excuse for not doing something? I dunno... it depends on the topic. Name the most beautiful person you know. As far as physical appearance goes, my friend Alon. Have you ever been to jail? No. What is one moment you wish you could have taken a picture of? Sara's face when I surprised her at her house for her birthday. It was absolutely fucking priceless. What place holds the most memories for you? Jason's house. Who was your first date? My puppy dog-love middle school bf Aaron. We went with a group of friends to a skating rink. My first one-on-one date was Jason. What’s the best trip you’ve ever been on? The zoo in 5th grade. It's the one and only time I've seen meerkats. For some weird reason, our zoo moved the meerkats not long after that visit. I THINK they said the environment just wasn't suitable for them, which I never really got... I think they mentioned the cold, but like, you have heating for them, and also, have you ever experienced a desert night? You consider all the other areas that have meerkats in their zoos and it's like... why, man. Bring my meerkats back. ;_; What do you think the earth will look like in 1,000 years? Oh dear God, I do NOT want to visualize that. My gut tells me it'll be a wasteland, probably without humans or most forms of life we have now. We have to get our shit straight, so very badly. I could rant for hours about how horribly and ungratefully we abuse our planet. Who makes you happy to be around? Sara! I feel like I can be my 100% authentic self, and we just vibe really well together. Like every time I've been there and she here, our friendship felt so natural and chill. I really, really need to save up for another trip up there. What secret have you tried to hide but it got out anyway? I kept the Joel situation to myself from pretty much everyone, but it eventually came out in front of Mom and Jason. It was actually the night of the breakup; I don't remember how it was relevant at all to mention, but I did in some form. Mom wisely never asked about it, and Jason obviously didn't. I was a stupid 12-year-old anyway, it's whatever now. Who/what is your everything? I will never. Ever. In five billion millennia. Let anyone be that again. How many people have you turned down when they asked you out? Ummm three? I think that's it. How many exes do you have? If I include everyone who ever had a title of "boyfriend/girlfriend," I have six. Who was your worst relationship with? Tyler. It was just pointless and the result of nothing but loneliness. What’s your ‘label’? (ex. punk, prep) I really, really don't care. Do you swear? How much? Like a sailor. I swore some beforehand, but I got really bad when Jason and I started dating. He swore a lot, and his mother did even more. I was around them as much as possible, so it rubbed off on me. What is the one thing that would make everything in your life fall apart? Losing my family, like being disowned or something like that. Especially when it comes to Mom. I rely on her so heavily, as much as I hate that. :/ What takes your breath away? Nature is very capable of that. Something like seeing big waterfalls in the mountains or something would marvel me. Are you patient? No, honestly. Are you a good dancer? No. Even when I took dance, I don't think I was great; however, I do think I was pretty skilled at clogging. Who would you call first in a life-threatening situation (not 911)? My mom. Who do you miss? Jason and his family, Megan, Alex, Hannia, Emily, Journee... a lot of people. Do you like snakes? I adore snakes.
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kjiaein · 5 years
50 questions tag
tagged by: @kihyunuu tryna take up all my time,, watch me do this in under 30 minutes bc i just. type fast
1. What takes up too much of your time? doing my makeup?? (which i Do Not mind) math hw??? maybe jun and taemin??? hockey?? there’s so many options here lmao
2. What makes your day better? talking to my mom and my friends. literally can make my whole day in 10 minutes by talking to my mom i’m rlly a mommas girl :( bye
3. What’s the best thing that happened you today? um i didn’t even leave my room today so Nothing,,, ig washing my face and feeling rlly refreshed?? 
4. What fictional place would you like to go? uhhh camelot?? BET. i’ve been obsessed with camelot and king arthur tales since i was 7 and i Still am. so i rlly Want to (even tho i know medieval times were Horrible.)
5. Are you good at giving advice? ppl say i am but i don’t rlly know?? i just try my best considering what i’ve seen ppl go through and what i’ve personally gone through 
6. Do you have any mental illness?  i have not been diagnosed by a doctor with any mental illness
7. Have you ever experienced sleep paralysis? no THANK GOD. 
8. What musician inspired you the most? um there’s been a mix of ppl. but for the most part jonghyun has been in my life for so long and he’s just Amazing and i learn from him everyday of my life
9. Have you ever fallen in love? i’ve liked guys but i wouldn’t call it love? bc we were close but we weren’t THAT close lmao i’m so cautious of males bye
10. What’s your dream date?  uhhh take me to a sporting event idc if it’s pro or college,, and i guarantee you’ll win me over pretty quickly,,, or like to dinner somewhere and go for a walk after?? like on the riverwalk??
11. What do others notice about you? ig ppl say i’m rlly sweet and caring,, or thoughtful bc i remember things others don’t and i try my best to give ppl what they want and help them??
12. What is the annoying habit you have? wobirwrb idk just zoning out?? i do it a lot. or um i don’t reply to ppl with no reason sometimes i just get Annoyed at the world obwogb
13. Do you still talk to your first love? sorry do i even have one,, if you count the one guy who i was closest to,, i have not talked to him in 2 yrs bc he’s Busy and i am also Busy so.
14. How many ex’s do you have? lmao funny you think i’ve dated ppl
15. How many songs are on your playlist? i don’t use playlists,, i turn my entire library onto shuffle and there are 300+ songs in my library 
16. What instruments can you play? none i tried the violin and piano once,, not that good at it 
17. Who do you have the most pictures of? um my biases,, myself and my dog,,, they’re tied like my dog won’t let any male win
18. Where would you like to go before you die? korea? japan? definitely ireland :( 
19. What is your zodiac? virgo yay
20. Do you relate to it? i mean ig but it’s not 100% accurate for me so
21. What is happiness to you? being able to do what i want without judgement from anyone and being loved for that??,,, literally idk what it is to me nvm
22. Are you going through anything right now? um yeah. not gonna talk abt it tho
23. What’s the worst decision you’ve ever made? ,,, there’s a lot of them Pls. probably some of the friends i’ve made that have deterred me from the paths i’ve always wanted
24. What’s your favorite store? uhhhh i like a lot of nasty gal but i don’t own much from there?? i Love victorias secret and jcpenney
25. What’s your opinion on abortion? i don’t talk abt this. with Anyone. so next.
26. Do you keep a bucket list? no? i just do what i want when i want it. and sometimes it’s in the moment so 
27. Do you have a favorite album at the moment? currently all night by astro,, kings thank u 
28. What do you want for your birthday? ,,, nothing? maybe a hockey jersey? but even then i would be satisfied just spending time with ppl 
29. What are most peoples first impressions of you? quiet and sweet,,, like they’re not 100% wrong but i can get LOUD when i get rlly close to u 
30. What age do you seem according to most people? ppl say physically i look 13 but i act like 25
31. Where do you keep your phone while you’re sleeping? the edge of my bed? by my pillows,, where my head is Not bye
32. What word do you say the most? um. that’s IT.
33. What’s the oldest age you would date? 25-26?? that’s 7 yrs older so. 
34. What’s the youngest age you would date? 18. literally gotta be a whole year or the same age as me?? it’s gotta be LEGAL.
35. What job/career do most people say would suit you? ppl say i rlly belong in the medical field,, and the path i am on is in the medical field sooo
36. What’s your favorite music genre? ,,,,,, kpop. and pop. oooh but i love a good heartbreaking ost :) 
37. If you could live in any country in the world where would it be? america? i have so much freedom here. like why would i give the privilege i have up Pls
38. What is your current favorite song? it’s rlly between lights down low by max and grand bleu by 100% 
39. How long have you had this blog for? ,,,, too long. i think like 4-5 yrs?
40. What are you excited for? i’m excited for uh baseball games and to go hoomeee next month 
41. Are you a better talker or listener? both... why should i only do one? 
42. What is the last productive thing you did? .... shower lmao
43. What do you want for Christmas? ..... idk a hockey jersey,,, for me to grow up and get a bf lmao,, more so want family time?? maybe my passport bye.
44. What class do you get the best grades in? history and english,, literally i excelled in english and history since 4th grade
45. On a scale from 1-10, how are you feeling right now? 8???
46. What can you see yourself doing in 10 years? um i hope i’m married and working as an athletic trainer in a pro sport?
47. When did you get your first heart break? when my former best friend ditched me halfway through 9th grade and talked abt me behind my back to our other friends :)) 
48. At what age do you want to get married? .... i want to be married by 25-27,,, but with my career path good luck to me
49. What career did you want to have as a child? veterinarian lmao why did i ever i hate reptiles so 
50. What do you crave now? cheese,,, ice cream :(( idk i took care of my cravings by ordering cook out last night bye
i tag @2baekxing @cutesunggyu @yiffxing @mmblaq ,,, i always tag the same ppl ik i’m sorry
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izraphaels · 6 years
i should probably post about my oblivion adventures last night so i’m going to copypaste what i messaged therin last night while she flew on a plane, posterior commentary on italicized
kono jules da Yesterday at 6:57 PM
kono jules da Yesterday at 7:01 PM
fuck dude... im sad this old fart has to die... hes so cool
i am also playing this in english like a boss {i usually play games in spanish bc that’s how they come in steam}
ah fuck fuck i cant see my character during character creation that's a great start
okay let's try widescreening it my dudes
{it worked}
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{tumblr doesn’t let me post the pic straight up so have a screenshot}
he's just so gaunt.
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White Motherfucker™
i'm still undecided on his canonical eye color also i love his BIG nose
he's bjorn! {that’s his actual name}
jailer: you'll die in jail! bjorn: [SLAMS against celldoor]
he prob'ly just stole someone's shit he's long been a pickpocket methinks
uriel septim: Let me see that face. [grabs Björn by the sides of his face] bjorn: [mild discomfort noise]
bjorn: [should i stay or should i go playing in the background] {i love this weirdo so much}
all bjorn owns rn are some rags and some bones
punched some rats n looted some corpses fun
surprisingly i like bows more in oblivion than in skyrim
bows are fun! you know what's not fun? crossbows. they suck. fuck crossbows. {i don’t like skyrim crossbows. they don’t have that satisfactory feeling of regular bows} {ironically i thought i’d like crossbows more than bows}
uriel: Do you trust the Nines? bjorn: ...i don't like to think about it. {he doesn’t like to think about a lot of things} {his mantling of sheogorath didn’t come from thin air}
im gonna choose it 100% for gameplay shit but just kno his REAL zodiac sign is gonna b somethin totes diff  {it ended up not being}
kono jules da Yesterday at 8:02 PM
i likehoow {sic} i rode in the back and looked back one more time before leaving the room where i reunited w/uriel& co
just relized im pantsless rn {i’d thrown my pants away due to overencumbrance} whOOPS JCBGJBKGJGJKGH
me googling best clas s in oblivipn lile
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i'm keeping Hobo Knight because it's funny and accurate. Bjorn is the Worlds Palest Hobo Bear Gay and we stan
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probably a terrible build but idc i'm happy with it
me shoveling points into luck: WEIRDNESS MAGNET WEIRDNESS MAGNET
also i heard luck is way harder to raise than the rest of the stats so
bjorn: kneels before the dead emperor and tentatively stretches a hand out baurus: Don't. bjorn: takes his hand away like it's been burnt and gives baurus the stink-eye
[is lost for idk how long]
oh this this is beautiful
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{that’s my cat dolce!!! i love her!!!!!!!}
uck the waalk to Gæouffrey is really fucking long
there he is... Jeff Kaplan
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jumped n died rip
therinYesterday at 9:11 PM
{pause while therin tells me how she’s doing}
kono jules daYesterday at 9:12 PM
can i just say theres been more moments ive been like whoah... beautiful game w/oblivion than w/skyrim so far LIKE SKYRIM IS OBVIOUSLY SUPERIOR but i like oblivion. i like how it doesnt jitter around... i like the imperials...its gud gaem so far
also the sunset is GORGEOUS xant even capture it properly 
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i like seeing my boy just run like the wind 
{pause while therin talks about jet lag}
kono jules daYesterday at 9:34 PM
also FUCKING rip ripping harder than martin septim hahahah topical!
{me and therin talk about North Detroit being santa}
kono jules daYesterday at 9:52 PM
slso wow its him
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sans undertale
{therin talks about how she doesn’t really like martin septim she’s valid he’s a fictional character}
{it ends here bc we devolve into chatter about therin’s fic series which is really good read it if you like gay androids and redemption and characters who lowkey hate eachother coming to like each other} {i’m not even into that game and it’s great fun}
{this has been: JULES PLAYS OBLIVION INSTALLMENT 1 OF IDK HOW MANY} {i got to baurus’s horrible terrible no-good sewer scort mission}
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surveystodestressme · 7 years
5000 Question Survey Pt. 12
1101. Continued…Let’s see if I’m psychic. You wrote three yes or no questions. Now I will answer them. 1 yes 2 no 3 no Did I get any right? idk 1102. You wrote one question that can be answered with a color (example: what color is my car). I say…. White. Is it true? no my underwear is green and pinklol 1103. You thought of a number between 1 and 100 and typed it down. Was it 14? nada 1104. You wrote one more question, anything you wanted. The answer is yes, 42, orange, Matt, Josh, Kim, Nicole, whatever or your mom. Does that answer your question? lol you’re bad at this 1105. Do you think that Britney Spears would make a good Bond Girl? no
1106. Have you read anything by C.S. Lewis? yeah 1107. What is your favorite movie with Bill Murray? i can’t think of one right now 1108. What is your favorite movie with Jack Nicholson? doesn’t he do the shining?  and the bucket list? bc those are both rlly good 1109. What is your favorite movie with Christopher Walkin? idk 1110. What is your favorite movie with Johnny Depp? alice in wonderland 1111. What is your favorite movie with Orlando Bloom? idk any at the top of my head 1112. What rhymes with ‘orange’? door hinge 1113. Why do guys have nipples if they will never need to feed a baby? that’s just how they’re born 1114. Some people think that couples should be screened before they are allowed to reproduce (so that people who cannot afford to support a child don’t have one, or so that a child won’t be born into a dysfunction family or to unfit parents). What do you think about this? honestly as long as the test is accurate and shit, i think it’s a good idea.  too many kids get born into shit homes or with bad people and it sucks bc they’re wayyy too many kids in foster care and end up going up for adoption bc of this 1115. Have you ever swallowed an object by accident? a penny when i was little 1116. Did you get it back? yes 1117. Do you prefer He-Man or She-Ra? don’t even know what those are 1118. Are you proud of yourself? i’m doing ok with life right now so i suppose 1119. Who should go to hell? bad people 1120. Is your eyesight 20/20? not even close 1121. Have you ever had insomnia? yes. 1122. Does it bother you when people touch you? if it’s someone i don’t know or don’t like, then yes 1123. Is it better to get too much or too little sleep? i’d rather have too little honestly bc i know how to deal with that lol 1124. Have you ever given away something you made? What? yeah some ceramics projects i made in class 1125. Is it better to have kids when you are in your teens, 20s, 30s, 40s, or older? i’d say mid to late 20s 1126. What gets your adrenaline pumping? making rash decisions 1127. Is hell all fire and brimstone or is it personal for everyone like in Bill and Ted’s Bogus Journey? Or does it not exist? it doesn’t exist 1128. Do you ever talk about yourself in the third person? only when i’m trying to be funny 1129. What’s your favorite radio station? What kind of music do they play? i listen to 105.7 a lot, and rock 1130. What did you think of these movies: Election? Gone With the Wind? Fight Club? pretty good!! Spider Man? depends on which one we’re talking about The Virgin Suicides? Resident Evil? Signs? it’s ok Muppets from Space? Pearl Harbor? Halloween Resurrection? not bad The Dark Crystal? 1131. Is everyone special? i suppose 1132. Are your toes: Painted (what color)? Manicured? Sparkly? Soft? Wearing a toe ring? Do you have hobbit-feet? none of these honestly lol 1133. Do you believe there is anyplace still undiscovered in all the world? of course 1134. Whose picture would you like to paint a target on and throw darts at? dahmer 1135. Is love all you need? no necessarily 1136. Ever caught a fish? yep 1137. Are you adventurous? i try to be 1138. Are you afraid of mediocrity? not afraid of it 1139. Would you rather die tomorrow or have all your friends die? i’d rather die 1140. What are 3 things you don’t understand? 1 why people are rude 2 why the world is such a cruel place 3 why people decided money should rule everyones life 1141. I would do anything for love but I won’t do 'that’. What is 'that’? kill myself 1142. Has your diary ever been rated? idek what that means? 1143. Do you do more than kiss on the first date? i’ve never been on a real date besides with my current boyfriend so idk but i don’t think that i would 1144. Are you very liberal or conservative? idk 1145. What do you like about your neighbors? i don’t really like my nieghbors lol 1146. I read that by 2010 they expect to market a gene therapy procedure that will increase the life spans of adult human beings by double or triple. If this happened would you have it done? nada 1147. If you’re happy and you know it clap your hands. Did you clap? yes 1148. Was this year a good year for you? so far 1149. What are you looking forward to next year? moving and switching colleges 1150. Are you a Jim Henson fan? not really. 1151. What do you think of these diarist names? ToxicToast: Solitary Music: gemini_wish_star: juneberry: haha idc. 1152. Do you read the Diary Master’s diary? no. 1153. Have you ever made an enemy on OD? no. 1154. Have you ever (or do you know anyone who’s) been deleted from OD? idk what that is. 1155. Were you ever in the first row of a concert? not yet 1156. Did you ever meet a celebrity? Who? steve-o 1157. Do you have any autographs? yes. 1158. Can you visualize whirled peas? idek what that is 1159. Are there some situations where love just isn’t enough to keep 2 people together? When does that happen? idk 1160. Do you have no attention span? i do 1161. What do you think of these entry titles? me. back. home: steak and butter: The Smurfs Go Communist: The controversial Athens: 1162. Have you ever been wrongly accused? yeah 1163. When you wash your hair do you blow dry it or let it dry naturally? naturally 1164. Where does your family go on vacation? we don’t go on vacation anymore 1165. Have you ever been to: Newport, Rhode Island? nope Dutch Wonderland? no. Salem, MA? no Niagara Falls? no 1166. Have you ever given money to OD cares? no. 1167. Have you ever created an OD interest? If yes, what interests did you create? IDK WHAT THAT IS 1168. What do you think of these entry names? DEAR SOUL FRIEND 57 Loss: I had a good title but i forgot it: Left Alone: yeah yeah…he kissed her: cool. 1169. If you have aol what is your 'you’ve got mail’ sound? IDK 1170. What will you never have enough of? food. 1171. Who can you only handle in small doses? My brother 1172. You are at a magic auction where you can bid on impossible things but you only brought enough money to buy one thing. Out of these..which would you buy? entrance into whatever afterlife you believe in a guarantee that you will have at least 3 books published in your life a new car, house and boat each year unending creative inspiration ultimate compassion and acceptance of others a trip into outer space perfect health for the rest of your life 1173. In the above question if finding perfect love was a choice would you change your answer? no, bc i have that now.  well it’s not perfect but ya know 1174. What food is so fattening or unhealthy that you would NEVER touch it? nothing lol 1175. Which do you love more, your country or your planet? country. 1176. What do you think of: Abba? idk Brian Adams? idk No Doubt? good shit 1177. Are you more logical or emotional? emotional lol 1178. Do you think that tattoos and piercing are overrated? not at all 1179. What do you think of these diary titles? The Seamless Garment: Your eyes can be so cruel: What was, is no more: shock me sane: omg i don’t care about these. 1180. Do you believe that Michael Jackson molests children? i don’t even know man 1181. Hypothetically, let’s say that he did molest them. Who would you feel should be held MORE accountable, Michael Jackson or the parents that allowed their children to go to Never Land Ranch unsupervised for sleepovers? both i suppose 1182. Have you ever been to: Manhattan? no Disney? no Paris? no Anywhere cooler? 1183. What 3 music videos should everyone download? i don’t really watch music videos 1184. If someone bet you ten dollars that you couldn’t sing the whole Gummy Bears theme song, would you be able to do it and win? nope 1185. Do you like Bjork? don’t know what that is 1186. How about the Black Rebel Motorcycle Club? ^ 1187. What do you think of Moby? ^ 1188. What do you think of Alien Ant Farm? they’re good 1189. What do you think of the Flaming Sideburns? idk them. 1190. Do you believe that imps, trolls, giants, dragons, unicorns, etc. were real but became extinct? nope 1191. What sucks? school 1192. What do you think of these diary titles? Geologist to the Stars: The Hussy Chronicles: Gravy: Napping in the Broom Closet: again, idc. 1193. Do you ever think about suicide? i used to 1194. Do you believe that Jesus Christ was a real person? How about Noah? dk dc 1195. What is one luxury you refuse to live without? running water lol and electricity 1196. What is one luxury you feel you could live without? technology, like my phone or laptop 1197. Do you feel that you are high, medium, or low maintenance in a relationship? medium. 1198. What do you think of these diarist names? N.Y.S: Collapsibleman: *})|({*: black dove: omg bye. 1199. Do vegetables taste better from the store or from your garden? both they taste the same 1200. How long have you spent on this survey so far? too long
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