#non-functional art
malewifeph1lza · 2 months
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inkalope · 11 months
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some Louis and Lestat art i did a while ago for @verymerrymart during a little IWTV secret santa event!
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flickrsticks · 2 months
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I had nostalgia— I'VE MADE A CONNECTION
I love these two so much, I can't believe it.
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dovesick · 11 months
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intertwined. artfight attack on @queijac of marigold & jackrabbit :D
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tj-crochets · 3 months
Hey y'all, I am blanking on a word so hard I am even blanking on the words to describe that word What's the term for like...groups of colors? color palettes but more specific? I'm looking for the generic term, but the specific words that are versions of that generic I can think of are things like earth tones, jewel tones, pastels, and maybe brights/neons I'm trying to figure out other categories like those but I cannot figure out what the word is to search
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batwynn · 8 months
Ok not to be bitchy or anything, but some of y’all are willingly, knowingly sharing clearly labeled, or very obvious AI ‘art’. Some still doing it after months of people messaging you to kindly let you know, and you claiming that you cared and would undo the post. So, this is basically your final heads up that I’m unfollowing and blocking some of you. Some that I’ve been mutuals with for over ten years, which really hurts, but I’m just not letting it slide anymore.
You don’t get to willingly participate in art theft, the damaging of our industry and jobs, and still have all the artist friends.
And it’s fine if some artists are cool with this, I’m not judging them and they get to set their boundaries however they like. But I personally can’t stand it anymore, and I’ve been letting it go for too long out of a past love and respect for my mutuals. So, take this as a final goodbye. It was nice knowing you, but it doesn’t feel like the respect and love is so mutual anymore.
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ilovedthestars · 11 months
another animatic sneak peak!
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[IDs: A grid of nine images in rows of three, followed by an animated gif. All three rows depict the same scene of Murderbot walking away into a crowded atrium on Port FreeCommerce station. The first row is a rough thumbnail sketch colored sloppily in shades of blue. The second is an uncolored sketch with more detail, with the background lines grayed out and the figure of Murderbot at full opacity. The third row are the finished animatic frames, with the sketch from the previous row now colored in shades of blue. Murderbot stands out as much darker blue than the background, as it fades into the crowd. The gif contains the three finished frames in a looping animation. /end ID]
Discord didn't like my gif, but hopefully tumblr can handle it! A shot from the project I'm working on: a Murderbot animatic set to Walk Me Home by P!nk. This is what my process looked like from start to finish--I basically made the whole animatic in rough thumbnails like the top row, and I'm now going through and redrawing them and then adding color! (I might still mess with the colors in this shot. The contrast in the final version is higher than in the original, and I'm not sure I like it.)
The animatic is focused on Murderbot & Mensah's relationship over the course of the books. Walk Me Home has the perfect vibes for the two of them, in my opinion--that feeling of trust & holding on to each other in the face of everything going on around you. This shot is set to the line "I can't be alone with all that's on my mind."
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bbutterflies · 6 months
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been working on something new! I have a couple name ideas for him but nothing I love yet
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not-so-rosyyy · 1 year
I just rewatched My Cousin Vinny (1992) and yep it remains to be one of the best legal movies I've ever seen. hilarious asf and riveting when the second-half started picking up (I still did a fist pump everytime Vinny landed his arguments and nailed the cross-examinations lol). also, this was my introduction to Academy Award Winner Marisa Tomei aka Mona Lisa Vito aka my Italian out-of-work hairdresser queen-slash-automotive expert who likes to strut around town and in the courtroom in her sexy outfits and cute little pink camera and that in itself is why this film is culturally significant to me😌
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thunderboltfire · 1 month
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I've seen "draw Your character as a villain" used on various sites as a fun character design excercise, but when I've deeply considered the turn of events needed for Igna to become a villain it turned out that a) I've avoided it narrowly b) I've ended up with an AU that's very interesting, but also it's so dark I'd feel miserable if I had to actually write it in heavy detail.
For it to happen, the only prerequisite would be that Argo would fail to get her out of inprisonment, which could easily happen for example if he'd keep his original promise to her and would keep his mouth shut about the fact she's a spellbreaker. As much as Igna is only a pawn and at times treated like a highly valued but ultimately expendable soldier, it would result in a catastrophic cascade of events.
No help gained in a trial to break her out -> no expedition intending to do it, and in a result the Covenant wouldn't form a spellbreaking unit either. Theria wouldn't get an ultimatum preventing her from being executed. The main problem with Igna remaining at Yrreth's mercy is that Yrreth's perfectly aware of the nature of her talents and a part of his original plan for her was to use her for his cause. Igna isn't very susceptible to blackmail, but considering Yrreth's dabbled in the manipulation of living beings' live magic, with unlimited time on his hands he would find a way to break her, either with torture or with specialised spells meddling with the target's perception and free will (possibly both used in concert). Maintaining a permanent mind control spell would cost him a lot, but he'd probably deem it worth the price anyway.
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A few months pass, and the Covenant's troops become a subject of immensely precise, harrying attacks targeting especially magic defenses and battle mages' units. They are always accompanied by the reports of a warrior clad in a black, rune-inscribed armor that seems to be completely impervious to magical attacks.
As rumours spread, something piques Argo's suspicion. Perhaps it's the fact that Aquila (who's still alive, proving that her rider still lives) immediately perks up mere minutes before the attack, or the fact that the description of the abilites match perfectly, he manages to cross Igna's path on the battlefield. Surviving the encounter by the hair's breadth, he realises she acts against her will. Feeling guilty for being unable to help her while he should've and still having an unpaid life debt to her, he decides to try and pull her back from under Yrreth's influence. The process would be long, arduous and deadly while Igna would remain on Yrreth's leash, and if he'd manage to get any help in it, the Covenant would sooner see her dead than captured.
But even assuming he'd be successful, that each curse binding Igna to Yrreth would be broken, she'd still be considered a traitor - even if she acted under a magical influence, at this point she's killed dozens, and has done enough damage that even if she isn't executed on the spot, the Wanderers won't ever take her back in due to her reputation. Hunted by Yrreth from one side, rejected by the other, her honor stained and her future ruined, she has nothing to come back to and no aspirations left. Except maybe a burning, animalistic need for retribution for how much has been taken from her.
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what the hell is happening on this site some asks are Completely gone from my desktop inbox, but on mobile they're there???? mf i just spent ten minutes trying to find asks i was SURE i had received
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c. 1895-1903, gold-filled, made by the Waltham company. so she’s a New England lady through and through
and contrary to my standard “BUT THIS JANKY UNLOVED PIECE NEEDS ME” method of antiquing, I used some Christmas money to actually do the thing properly where a mechanical device is concerned. so she is recently serviced and keeps excellent time. I also love the use of texture to make the tone-on-tone design clear despite its monochrome look
now I think some skirts are in need of watch pockets...
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zvaigzdelasas · 1 year
"AI can make art without human interaction because at the end of the day, it does exactly what humans do with art - break each new piece of art down to the quantifiable basis vectors that you've implicitly constructed about 'art in general' and then faithfully reproduce a new observation of that 'art in general' by smoothly interpolating between observed instantiations of those basis vectors.
You know, like how humans do"
#the joke is that it can be argued that if you do art like an ai youre not necessarily doing art youre producing commodities#assumption being that 'art' stands in an internal tension with a society whose subjectivity is shaped by the commodity form#which i think is pretty inarguable - the argument is over how that tension can be reconciled#i think a salient difference to point out that distinguishes human from ai is the countability of the set of basis vectors#i wouldnt disagree that humans do 'break down' art in some capacity - otherwise 'style' would be entirely singular#the point is really 'how many numbers are there between 0 & 1?'#'how many subcategories are these qualia broken down into?'#i think creativity & externality depend on uncountably divisible qualia#some kind of infinity needs to sneak in somewhere to point to the outside#all this to say @ anon lol for thinking ai is like an ontological evil#but also lol @ anyone who treats the form of AI as isomorphic to the form of human activity#taylor series can absolutely objectively represent certain analytical functions - as long as the error is monotonically negative#ie so long as each subsequent member of the series 'gets closer' to a natural representation of the analytic function#mandatory disclaimer for new followers:#human use of ai for artistic purposes is art - ai cannot generate art without human interaction at some point in the sequence#ideology of the blackbox is the same as the ideology of plug-and-chug#(i know theyre the same because they transform similar inputs to similar outputs!)#& im on mobile so cant move this tag back up but i dont necessarily agree w the maximalist take of 'commodified art isnt art'#but i also think there is a qualitative difference between commodified art & non commodified art#& the ai form is actually pretty isomorphic to the value form in general imo#it cant replace all human labor but it couldnt replace any concrete human labor ...#...if that concrete form of labor hadnt become reducible to that which can be reached through gradient descent#also if u argue that the black box of 'ai breaking down art to make new art' is isomorphic to 'human breaking down art to make new art'#then an implication of that is that ai ***can make art without human interaction***#otherwise if the blackboxes are isomorphic then why have humans in the loop? whats the qualitative difference?#the proper framing is seeing ai as an augmentation of the decision cycle of humans instead of having a 'decision cycle' themselves
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bryonieamber · 3 months
Might start actually using bluesky again...
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mariemariemaria · 1 year
when deirdre maguire said ‘punk is the only religion worth fighting for’
#yeah!#derry girls#actually thought about this when i was studying today#the punk scene in ni is soo interesting to me#and how derry girls fits into art created about the troubles#because the vast majority of media about them has focused on the violence and political 'struggles'. and understandably so#but both derry girls and the undertones focused on teenager's lives . with the troubles on the periphery#teenage kicks is about the life of one teenager who fancies a girl basically#and derry girls is about a group of teenagers who struggle with ordinary things about being a teenager like school parents and crushes#and both the undertones in the 70s and derry girls today showed the rest of the uk/ireland (and further afield) that ni is more than just#violence and sectarianism. and that the people (esp teenagers) here are just like people and teenagers everywhere#which was a BIG deal in the 70s and honestly kind of a big deal now too when you think about english ignorance about ni lol#(one commentator on a guardian review of derry girls said that it hadnt occurred to him when he was growing up that catholics in ni were#just ordinary people just like him and his friends and family. which kinda shows the extent to which propaganda regarding ni functioned in#britain during the troubles - and still today in some ways)#it also feels significant that both derry girls and the undertones were created by working class catholics from derry but maintaining#a non sectarian aspect is also important - the point is that they both portrayed the realities of being a teenager which crossed religious#and political barriers. i could write a whole essay on this honestly#kinda moved on from the punk scene aspect hmmm in ep 3x05 of derry girls stiff little finger's 'alternative ulster' was played#which calls on the listener to 'grab it and change it - it's yours' to show that ordinary people - esp teenagers - have the power to create#a better society and a better life and a better ulster. and in 3x07 that's exactly what they did.
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catman-draws · 2 years
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Hey so what if Davesprite was a knight of doom
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