#no twitter garbage pls
pencilcat · 3 months
BlueSky has opened up for everyone, no invite needed anymore!
You can find me there @ https://bsky.app/profile/pencilcat.bsky.social
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spacepancakes24 · 10 months
I genuinely do not understand how to use Tumblr someone please send help 😭
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poorlittlevampire · 5 months
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they’re doing it again!!!!!! like how is anyone falling for this!!!!!!!!!!!! they listed every single sign!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! idc if u believe in astrology or horoscopes but oh my god this is so obviously bullshit and people are taking it like gospel
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killadelphias · 10 months
i do not want a chk pls television show
the core concept of what the comic is would be sooooo good but the actual story, the wholesome simple comic jumping to actual TV series??? i just think it would be so corny and to make it actually good and bulk up the story liiiike. the "hardcore" fans aren't gonna want that. people online are already like "well make it a show but leave off X character and Z plotline" like you are all such simple little babies. and people want this show to maybe be animated??? ew why. that's so dumb lol
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commie-ayup · 1 year
hi bitches
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theartofasty · 7 months
F*ck Musk and f*ck Twitter, really sorry you had to rely on that garbage-heap for income.
That said, YouTube videos? Sounds really cool, the process of painting the kind of highly detailed, enormous canvases you do is fascinating, some time lapse videos of finished pieces (I'm assuming in-progress ones are a no-go because of NDA type stuff) would be great. Not sure how lucrative they'd be, but if you're gauging interest, I'd watch the hell out of that.
Keep making gorgeous art pls
yes! I think I now have enough resources and the setup to record videos of my art process, in fact, I already have about 8 hours worth of recording for this drawing, edited down to about 18 minutes
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Only thing I'm missing to finish the video is to finish writing the script and recording the voiceover, since I kinda wanna go on a hybrid route with the videos mixing video-essay-ish scripts with footage of my art process and tying the two together into a cohesive whole, the theme of this video/script so far is on the importance of hand-crafted art in the age of automation. I will likely record the process of my bigger commissioned pieces too, but those will only be able to be published after the NDA is cleared haha I actually have the channel already made, in case anyone wants to keep an eye on it for when I drop the first video! https://youtube.com/@TheArtofAsty
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queerxqueen · 2 years
What bothers me the most about all of this is how the fandom really has exposed it's toxic homophobia. Fake allies, people claiming they're LGBT+ but then treating others in the community like garbage by sending hate mail and making fun of us. Why are we called "delusional" and "crazy" for thinking it could happen? I haven't seen people call R*nance or St*ddie shippers crazy. Byler happening is not the biggest impossibility, especially considering how Will is in love with Mike.
(Same anon) Why does the LGBT+ community constantly have to defend themselves for wanting more representation? Robin is amazing rep, very well written and awesome, but just because we have her doesn't mean we should only have one token gay character and her love interest that we've barely seen. Why can't we want a great childhood friends to lovers story in ST? I'm tired of being called delusional or crazy for wanting and liking a more well written relationship than their unhealthy canon one.
you're SO right and i talked about homophobia in the fandom outside of tumblr in this post but i've seen SO much casual homophobia across the fandom spaces i'm in (twitter, reddit, tiktok) in regards to byler so let's just knock 'em out, speed round style
"Mike can't be gay because he likes El" = bi erasure and ignorant of comphet experiences pls read a book
"shipping is for fun and for fanfiction not for the real show" = god forbid we see ourselves in characters and want to see ourselves represented in fiction 
“robin is amazing representation ur being ungrateful and making it about gay white boys” = LITERALLY shut ur mouth im sorry that on a show with a giant cast i could possibly want more than 1 or even 2 queer characters, sorry for wanting various narratives about being queer rather than just 1
"it's the 80s it's not realistic" = gay people existed in the 80s you utter moron
*assumption that will will get rejected without considering any other possibilities* = WHY are you so okay with seeing queer people suffer?? do you think you should unpack that in therapy bestie???
“its a scifi show not romance” = where is that energy for every other straight ship in the show then??? like shut up, yes it’s a monster show but at it’s core it’s about friendship, growing up, etc and if you only see it as a horror scifi show you’re probably missing the fucking point
anyway i’ve been lucky to not have any angry melvins or homophobes in my inbox on tumblr and i like to think it’s because they know i’d tear them a new asshole for trying but this is just stuff i’ve seen peripherally on reddit/twitter :/
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incarnateirony · 1 year
Yall. Seriously. Get lives and souls.
Sending a person at me that struggles with MHI for you to influence and convince that I was "faking" about being shot at, despite the pictures, only for you to keep trying to manipulate her for information digging NOBODY was falling for your shit on. Somehow your story went from accusing me of faking to totes being here for TPTB research to actually for a headline to actually actually for a college study group application because you got nailed to the wall on how transparently bullshit your whole approach was.
The sheer fact that you absolute inhuman sacks of air-wasting are stunting like this, denying someone's photographically displayed trauma that is impacting their entire life, just to wank around and try to root out information about who I'm connected to by trying to make me ragesplode? You people are beyond help. You are beyond humanity. You have completely surrendered anything representing this to a fake space with fake identities and fake garbage trying to look big in a digital social circle that matters negative nothing to the real world.
Get fucking lives, you pieces of shit, and stop harassing people.
Goddamn literal sacks of shit trying to live vicariously by pretending everyone's as vacuous of a fake husk as you compulsive fucking lying nobodies holy fuck me running, and you guys are so fucking bad at this you don't even read what you start trying to root for information about and read it literally opposite of what's being said to your face while you're being called out.
Leave us alone you fucking asshats. The reason you refuse to let yourself understand what all this shit adds up to is because you already see it, you already know, you've already nullified your placement in this fandom with these guys, while all your friends are whining on twitter asking why it seems like Misha hates them suddenly.
I need you people to understand how psychologically unwell you collectively are lost into 15 plus years of absolute fandom fake nonsense that you somehow felt entitled to accuse someone posting personally with images of the narrowly surviving a violent attack on their lives that they were somehow faking. I need you to understand how psychologically out of pocket you all are that you even felt that was a possible angle to take or something you had the right to comment on for all of your fandom crying. I have been doing nothing but reblog videos that happened to have the same lyrics as CW tweets that would soon follow. That is literally all I have been doing for like a month. And you still cannot bring yourselves to not try to involve yourselves with opinions on my personal life pretending you can argue about it like you can argue about fiction. Seek help. All of you.
I am a real person. With a real life. Just like the actors are real people with real lives. You cannot just make up whatever you want about real people. If you want to have stupid opinions about fictional interpretation that's fine. But I literally need you to psychologically check yourselves that you thought this was a normal pattern of behavior. You are so insanely out of line and lost to your delusions that you think this is all the same relativity fandom fiction bubble and it is not. Get professional help
And now that you are staring down this fandom psychosis of yours with no escape I need you to understand how much misaligned information you have chosen to misread about literally everything else you have ever come at me about. Because if you can stare at pictures of the bullet holes in my wall and me being at someone else's house taking cover and tell me that I am faking, why do you think you have any more sane or deep of an understanding of the powers that be that none of you have half the connection to that you pretend
The thing is you guys never thought I was faking. You just wanted to convince yourselves I have been. And you are so lost in trying to find some sort of untruth that you have completely lost the plot on reality itself. Your reality is now defined by trying to convince yourself that I am lying about anything. Even when the pictures are in your face. And yet you expect me to take you seriously about men you have never met outside of paid transactions that would never speak with anyone that behave like you do much less assign you professionally like you tried before you got nailed to a wall. You guys just want to find some hope that I am faking something somewhere because otherwise your friends complaining about conventions might overlap with Misha's recent behavior and might even overlap with things like recent layoffs and marketing changes. A lot of things might be very connected. But you don't want to look at those things. You just want to look at anything you think you can argue against and that isn't how reality works.
My life and my near death experience is not your personal fucking fictional TV sandbox for you to have opinions about, you inconsolable sacks of fake shit.
But you know, that's it, isn't it? Again, all I've been doing is reblogging music videos that happen to sync to CW tweets that would be shortly after posted. You don't know what to grab onto. You don't know how to argue that. If you argue it, you reveal that you actually see it, by putting it together. So all you can do now is grab at someone's real life and attack it, because your own is lacking, and you're all fake, so everyone must be fake, even with the goddamn bulletholes on display. It's literally the only thing you've been able to grab at and yell "Fake" about as stupid and legit insane as it is, but you guys are so lost to crazypants land you didn't tap the brakes to realize how verifiably insane you're acting. But I'm sure your media opinions are magically more grounded.
He's a Cult Leader. Catch the fucking clue being broadcast on TV, assholes, and leave us alone. You have no one to be angry at and blame but yourselves. The owls control digital gotham. A flock of owls, or rooks such as crows, is called a parliament. They're in deep. There's no going back. It's a clown cabal pulling strings. fucking cope. It was about making our own destiny. Can't stop, won't stop, zaddy dent says don't stop; let go of the past, live in the present, create the future; some people claim to be spiritual healers, only a few actually are. But if you don't listen to the messaging when it's on my blog, why would I expect you to listen to it coming through the socials coincidentally?
Coming at you live, real real wild, here to light it up set the world on fire. Spit heat I melt your face off, in the cut just like a razor, disappear, I'm your eraser. Well, kids... what you gonna do now? It's your own reflections looking back to drag you down. Got all your eyes on me, got all the lines on ring, knock 'em dead, all the eyes on me. Figure it out.
March 7, 2023. We had a spell to burn.
I told you all. No amount of stalking poor fan accounts or random fanfic bangs you think my server members are involved with will push us out, if you follow any official accounts at all. Do with that as you will, but start touching base that you lost before you realized there was a war.
Man I wonder how the socials like Misha much less the CW just got 4x as active despite mass layoffs. Maybe the tweets are magically writing themselves!!! It couldn't possibly be CW scripted shows getting new coverage and socials management I WONDER WHOMST HUH GEE BRAIN ITS A GODDAMN MYSTERY if you're a fandom knucklehead refusing to read obvious truths because holy fuck that would mean you truly madly deeply collectively fucked yourselves
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weaselbeaselpants · 7 months
obligatory "hate living through historical events"-post
God scrolling thru twitter is terrifying. So much pro-zionist, islamaphobic garbage being stated as fact (by children's voice actors). It's disturbing. AND THEN to I guess balance it out of course there's assholes being antisemetic for "funzies" like god shut up and pls go die in minecraft. Makes me think of the muslim + jewish ppl I know, either in person or as celebrities
I hope my one mutual who just kind of left tumblr one day is doing well and keeping safe in all this. They were really sweet. I don't think they knew anyone in Palestine or in the east at all but, I mean, they were Muslim (culturally, anyway. No idea if they were practicing). This shit is vile.
It's not much but at least Ari Folman's not having any of this bullshit, not that I expect anything different from the guy who made Waltz with Bashir, but still
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all this does make me think of that bit in Maus where Art Spiegelman no doubt made some ppl mad here:
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And that, of course is the thing about all this. OBVIOUSLY the issue with Israel is more complicated than the way zionists paint it as the best most necessary thing on earth after the holocaust. But that's the problem, you don't "well, actually-" the goddamn holocaust to the people who were hurt by it.
You know as much as everyone else that what Israel is still doing is evil but if you say that out loud, it's not so much being acussed of antisemetism that's the problem, it's that someone somewhere is using your arguments to be antisemetic. My point being: god is twitter not helping.
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insanebirddog · 2 months
Yall, i went on twitter bc i wanted to see everyones responses to whatever wilburs "apology" is [im waiting for tommys, i think ive seen everyone elses besides phils?]
I fully stand with everyone dragging will right now, bro used to be one of my fav youtubers & i loved the music from lovejoy/watched every sorryboys vid. Did unfollow/remove all his music so i dont support him anymore at all, hope the people in my community do the same.
But can someone tell me why in the comments on his twitter post i found someone saying "i might be one of the only people to forgive you-" shut it? Like rnrn sew your mouth shut and cut off your fingers bc your not a victim here? Who are you to forgive anything? You are not shelby, or a direct victim of wilburs domestic abuse so can you tell me who the FUCK you think you are? "I believe in second chances-" Id get saying that for when he said the t-slur [if youre a trans person], but DOMESTIC ABUSE? And everyone saying "its not our relationship, why is everyone going crazy over this? Its not our buisness-" HES AN ABUSER HOMIE? I dont know about you, but i want to be notified when someone online that i follow and love is an abuser? Pls thanks and fuck you. It isnt our buisness to meddle in peoples relationships no, but this is a literal garbage human being we're talking about here, i dont want to support him or people like him and shelby deserves support. Like this isnt just a little squabble they got over, or shelby making a whole deal out of nothing ITS DOMESTIC ABUSE YOU SHITHEAD.
I am elated to see how much he is getting DRAGGGED tho, its like, full fist of his hair against gravel and glass dragging his bitch ass for miles.
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olrhys · 2 years
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Hello!! I’ve finally finished posting my first SMAU over on Twitter so please go check it out if you’re so inclined!
Synopsis and background:
It’s a neighbors-to-enemies-to-lovers SMAU!
•Stede is not-so-newly divorced and utterly devoted to his troublemaking cat, Queen Anne (nicknamed Annie)
•Mary is an up-and-coming artist somewhat overly invested in her ex’s love life.
•Ed is newly separated from his garbage ex whose name starts with J and rhymes with whack (but don’t worry, he doesn’t actually show up and is only mentioned in passing). He recently moved from Philadelphia to Queens, NY for a fresh start.
•Izzy is Ed’s long-suffering best friend and former roommate. Less problematic and much more well-meaning, but just as grumpy as canon Izzy.
Clocking in at only 85 posts, this smau is relatively short and sweet and was a lot of fun to write. Pls let me know what you think! 💖
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swaggypsyduck · 10 months
hey i’m turkish too but pls don’t give a f*ck about turkish twitter users. They literally hate everything even our own players💀sorry for that disgusting behaviours. Nobody deserves that.
lololol thank u for the reminder. twt is a cesspool of hatred and its easy to get carried away scrolling through all the garbage.
again no need to apologize on their behalf. we're all here to watch our faves together!
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keepthisholykiss · 10 months
this might be a futile effort on tumblr dot com but i figure i will ask anyway.
where are people going to have like chill social media experiences? i want to keep tumblr and maybe one or two other things but largely want to basically go offline entirely. its time to start living my old man with only newspapers dream.
my original plan was dreamwidth but lol not doing that after all that mess. and most twitter alternatives seem garbage. pls comment or rb with suggestions if you have them! or i guess my asks too i forget thats an option
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perihthiscasual · 1 year
Every bit of me is wishing big E would collapse Twitter already so I didn't have to deal with it / depend on it for community / daily posting.
Half because I'm so tired of seeing E/related post in general - my "People to Follow" has changed from smaller, newly-created accounts to Actors/Milliionaries only - get your dumb stupid face off my feed - & the amount of AI Art garbage I see on a daily basis is beyond pressing.
Pls do me the favor in narrowing out one social media out of the dozen that I don't have to harbor anymore lmao.
Also I'm sorry I missed two schedule posts over here because again - a dozen social medias makes my checklist brain cry. Bout to put this weekly routine on a goddamn STICKY NOTE.
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kibblbread · 3 months
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If you just wanna see my drawings, you’ll find it under the tag #my art
She/Her pronouns pls 🙌 They/Them are also fine but not preferred.
Current fandoms include: ArkhamVerse/DC comics, Genshin Impact, Percy Jackson series, Transformers(All continuities),
You can find me on these platforms too! I have a twitter that I don’t use all that often because twitter is literally a cesspool of garbage/negativity.. but there are so many good artists on there…. (-。-;
Instagram || Twitter ||
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xlynchiex · 1 year
staff pls bring porn back i cant fucking survive on twitters garbage ass site
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