#no life king [alucard]
skeletonfumes · 10 months
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Hellsing Ultimate (2006-2012)
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artnijna · 7 months
Marathoned Hellsing all this Halloween and I finally got to draw Alucard and Sera’s together. Like I love this ship, and I haven’t draw them since middle school
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merumely · 1 year
And here's Lulu! 👀💕💕
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How do pip and alucard (seperately ) deal with a reader who is oblivious to them liking her?fluff plz
A/N: I'm so sorry, I promise I didn't forget- I've just been trying to get more chapters
Alucard would just get tired of it, blankly staring at you and plainly asking you, “are you stupid or something?” 
“What?” You ask, taken aback by the rudeness.
“Are you stupid or something,” Alucard asks again in a serious tone that still has a sprinkle of annoyance mixed in since he had to repeat himself.
You shake your head, “no, I heard what you said. I’m just wondering what the actual fuck makes you think you can talk to me like that.”
“Well, clearly you are too dumb to realize I’ve made multiple advances in attempts to court you.” Alucard says plainly. This old geezer still thinks ‘courting’ is a thing.
“Did you offer the plumpest goat in the whole village to my father as well?” You ask sarcastically, “the Hell are you talking about ‘making advances’?”
“I have been doing like what they do in those movies-” Alucard has been watching cheesy rom coms in attempts to learn how to flirt, “-trying to woo you, but you just haven’t caught on.”
You couldn’t keep yourself from laughing, “that’s why you’ve been acting weird?!”
Alucard stays silent.
When you finally stop laughing and catch your breath you rhetorically ask, “Alucard, you do understand that life doesn’t work like that, right? All of those people are actors and the whole thing is scripted.”
Alucard grumbles, “Seras should’ve just let me give you the letter.”
“Letter?” Your curiosity immediately peaks, “you wrote me a letter?”
“Yes,” Alucard pulls the letter out from his jacket and hands it to you. Though he does not show it, he’s nervous as he watches you delicately unfold the paper and your eyes skin across it.
“Huh,” you keep your look unwavering as you look back up at him. Knowing that your unimpressed demeanor has him sweating bullets, then you fold up the paper and with a smirk say, “I could get used to these types of letters.”
“So that means you’ll let me court you?” Alucard asks.
You chuckle, “it’s called dating now, but yes, I’ll let you ‘court’ me.”
Alucard gets the biggest smile, “I told Seras the letter would work.”
“Yeah, you shouldn’t take dating advice from her anymore,” you laugh.
“Well I shouldn’t need to, now  that we’re together,” Alucard says happily.
You just roll your eyes and wave your hand to shoo him away, “alright, now go, I have to finish my work!”
“As you wish,” Alucard tips his head and leaves, now a very happy man to be courted with you.
Pip Bernadotte 
You and Pip are laughing and joking around like usual, but out of nowhere with absolutely no context he says “you make it very hard for me, you know?”
You and him tend to joke around, making lewd jokes, so you assume that’s what he’s doing now, “yes, I know. I wouldn’t be surprised if you had a picture of me you wank off to every night.”
Pip shakes his head, “no, not that way. Well, not all ze time, but zat’s not what I’m talkin’ about now.”
“What are you talking about then?” You ask Pip.
“Not to kiss you, I think about it all ze time,” Pip’s attitude is no longer playful. He constantly thinks about what it’d be like to hold you tight as he gives your soft lips tender kisses. You make him so happy and you’re all he thinks about. 
You go back to not taking him seriously and thinking this is a joke. So you decide to test him like you’ve done before and playfully say, “do it then.”
Pip is tired of all the joking, he leans in and kisses you so passionately, the world fades away. At this moment the rest of the world fades, it’s only you and him as it should be, always and forever.
When you two break apart, you're both breathing heavily, the kiss stole all the air out of both of your lungs and after a long pause Pip finally breaks the silence, “zat what I meant.”
You couldn’t help but chuckle, “I’ve already figured that out by now.” “Just makin’ sure-” Pip smiles, “-because it took you zis long.”
You roll your eyes and Pip steals another kiss, which he will be doing with every chance he gets from now on.
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pumpkin-patch-cat · 8 months
All this Alucard content from CoD has made my day AHHHHH ❤️🖤❤️🖤
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bone-pile-rp · 3 months
I think Alucard being allowed to "hunt" (NOT KILLING) some of the soldiers of the Hellsing Organization is not just good training for them, but desensitization for what they may face later on as well. It feels like a few pages that were taken out of Pips book and something he would have had the Wild Geese do.
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skeletonfumes · 10 months
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Hellsing Ultimate (2006-2012)
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artnijna · 6 months
Alucard getting some wifey kisses
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merumely · 2 years
How identical are these two panels in terms of the softness Alucard displays here.
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thinking about vladcard (human vlad) who when he goes on missions and is away from the reader, he writes a thousand letters a week! Super cute ❤️‍🩹
Aight imma need to put a Trigger Warning to this response bc imma talk about ✨blood and death✨
Okay, so, I wouldn’t say thousands but he’ll definitely try to send you one everyday just to let you know he’s CONSTANTLY thinking about you.
Vlad always writes every letter he sends to anyone twice, first one he writes in a journal he has specifically for keeping logs on what he wrote. The second letter he writes is the exact same as the one in the journal, then he sends that one out.
Vlad does the same for you BUT he has a journal dedicated to just the letters he sends to you. The letters he writes for you don’t get mixed into the ones he writes to everyone else.
If he notices he’s running low on ink he’ll save it for the letters to you and for the letters he’s sending to other people he’ll use the blood of his enemies or his fallen comrades. Whichever one he can get ahold of faster.
And if he still runs out of ink he will use blood to write the letters but he will only use his blood for your letters, including the ones for the journal specifically for you.
At the time pigeons were the ones to carry letters, so that’s what he uses for everyone else but for you he uses his white dove for your letters.
You both have a white dove to use for carrying your letters back and forth since doves represent your love for one another. Doves are the symbol of love and that’s exactly what you two express in each letter.
Vlad will do anything and everything to make sure the letters he gets from you don’t get destroyed. He tries to do the same for the journal that has the copies of the letters he writes to you as well. But saving the letters you write him comes before anything else.
And nobody is allowed to touch them, let alone read them. One of his subordinates made that mistake and Vlad made him into an example… It wasn’t pretty but it got his point across.
Letters between you two mean everything to him, so he may not send thousands, but every loving word he puts in one letter is worth getting a million of them. You will never not feel all his love for you when you read his letters.
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vanerchest · 2 years
Halloween King !
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The king of Halloween Alucard is HERE!
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livid-basket · 2 years
Alucard, cause spooky season 🦇
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bone-pile-rp · 3 months
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Please take the superior crop and the lineart for that piece!
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wingedknightrose · 6 months
WIP Whenever
Tagged by @lucien-lachance
Tagging whoever wants to :>
Mostly I've been working on outlines and piecing together character arcs and all that jazz, but I've dug through my WIPs to find one I liked, so here ya go
Dracul took a deep breath, one that was clearly his attempt at fortifying himself for something. “So where does your hatred spring from? It is far too personal to simply be over this war between the Brotherhood and I.” Alucard’s expression hardened, eyes narrowing. His posture went rigid, tense, a bowstring pulled taught and ready to snap at a moment’s notice. “I hate you for what you chose to do after I died.” He didn’t bother trying to hide the snarl that colored his tone, the way his eyes blazed with fury. Dracul had opened the floodgates, and now he had to deal with everything that came of it. “Was my life not price enough for my mistake? What reason did you have to destroy my home, too? Why did they have to pay for my foolishness?!” He was shouting, and he didn’t care. “I-I do wish I could go back, to keep your wife and son from harm-” “You think this is only about Sypha and Simon?!” Alucard cut him off ruthlessly, fists clenching so tight he feared his claws would puncture the metal of his gauntlets and the flesh beneath. “Do you think I lived my entire life without ever caring for another person? What about Enric, who always used to slip Simon sweets when we brought him for new shoes? What about Reveca and Camelia, who always set aside some of their fresh loaves for me when I had to leave on a hunt? What about Ioan and Nandru and Tereza? What about Brother Eusebiu in the library? Did you know he went looking for your travel books for me, and when he could not find them in his stacks, he searched for any that might have even the slightest mention of you, all so I could know my father in some way? And what about Rosaly?!” His voice broke on her name, the pain overtaking the rage. He had carried these wounds for so, so long, left them to fester, and only now was he starting to lance them that they might heal. “She was my sister in all but blood! When I broke my arm as a boy, she was the one that sang to me to keep my mind from the pain! She was a part of my family, and your creatures killed her as surely as they murdered my Sypha! That place was my home, Father! I had known those people for my entire life!” He paced, agitated, needing to do something to express the pain and the fury. He must have looked like a caged wolf, snarling through its bars, but he did not care. The gates were open. The words needed to get out. There could be no healing for him if they didn’t. “Some of those people knew you and Mother, as well! They loved the both of you, mourned your loss! Did you think they had cast your memory aside? If they had known what had become of our family, they would have treated it like the injustice it was! Their only crime was being lied to by a handful of men who had resigned themselves to their own pyre, and yet you killed them all the same! Mother’s family called that place home, but you did not stay your hand even for her kin! And what of the children? They were too young to have had any hand in our fates, but still you had them butchered! Did you think that would honor Mother and I? Did you really believe we would have ever wanted such a thing? Or did you just not care?!” Dracul was silent, pain clear on his face. Did he regret what he had done? Or was he only upset that his son was so angry with him? Alucard felt his jaw clench tightly enough that his teeth ached from the force of it.
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pumpkin-patch-cat · 2 years
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metiredlr · 1 year
Actually someone should make a gif of Alucard pulling one of his stupidly long guns but it goes on forever due to how long the gun is
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