#no jey in this chapter sorry
whatdoeseverybodywant · 2 months
You're the Only Girl for Me - Drabble 1
Airielle's last day with Christopher.
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Christopher Michale Baptiste
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September of 2019
“Fuck, fuck, fuck” Airielle swore to herself as she sat in traffic. The weekly NXT  meeting had gone 15 minutes overboard and when she had tried to text Christopher about her being late, her phone died.  Her stomach was in knots as she pulled up to their townhouse and saw that he was waiting outside for her. 
“Chris-” She started as she walked towards him. 
“You’re late.” He cut her off. Blowing out the smoke from his cigarette before throwing it down on the ground and crushing it with his foot. “Go in the house Airielle.” 
She sighed and walked into the house, jumping when he slammed the door shut. “I’m sorry, my phone di-” She let out a gasp as her head swung to the side from the force of his hit. 
“I told you to be home at five Airielle!” He yelled  advancing towards her. He had a smirk on his face as her back hit the wall and she had nowhere to run off too. Airielle opened her mouth to respond but cried out in pain as she slapped her other cheek. 
“I’m sorry!”  She yelled  as she cowered in the corner. “It was a mandatory meeting baby. I couldn’t skip it.” 
Christoper scoffed, when he saw the tears that were now falling down her cheeks. “Fuckin’ crybaby”  
“Sorry, “ She whispered again and quickly wiped her tears away.  
“Go clean yourself up. I told you we had plans tonight and” He paused to check his watch. “We already 15 minutes late.” 
Airielle nodded and all but ran up the steps to their bedroom. She covered her mouth with her hand and slid down to the floor, her entire body shaking with sobs. It wasn’t the first time he put his hands on her and she knew it wouldn’t be the last. 
She slowly stood up and walked over to the bathroom  mirror and winced as she took in her split lip and her swollen right cheek that would be hard to hide. 
“AIRIELLE!” Chrisptopher’s voice boomed through the house. “Hurry the hell up!” 
She nodded even though he couldn’t see her and quickly got dressed, trying her hardest to maneuver her hair so it hid the swelling of his cheek. 
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Airielle tried not to hold what Christopher did against him. She knew he was stressed about the upcoming company merger and he was up for a big promotion, which is why they were going to dinner with his boss and his wife. 
“So this is the famous Airielle I've been hearing so much about.” Christopher elbowed Airielle in her ribs as a warning before standing up and greeting his boss with a solid handshake.  Airielle winced and stood up too, her wide eyes met Christophers glare as Mr. Stevens pulled her into a hug. “Nice to finally meet you.” He whispered in her ear. 
“You too.” She smiled back at him before sitting back down next to Chris, biting down on her bottom lip as he placed his hand on her thigh and dug his fingernails into her skin. 
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She had tried her hardest to stay to herself all night. On the car ride to the restaurant Chris had told her to only speak when spoken too and that's what she did. She hardly said a word all night hoping it would please Christopher and put him in a better mood. 
It worked and everything was going good and she could tell Chris was in a better mood up until Mrs. Stevens asked what Airielle did for a living. Once Mr. Stevens found out that Airielle worked with the WWE, the conversation revolving around Christopher’s promotion was put on the back burner while Airielle and Mr. Stevens discussed her job and wrestling. 
Christopher glared at her out of the corner of his eye as he grabbed his glass and downed the rest of his drink. Airielle swallowed hard as she felt the anger radiating off of him. 
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Christopher was quiet the whole car ride home, ignoring Airielle every time she tried to strike up a conversation with him. She sighed and watched as he stormed into the house. She followed behind him, slowly making her way into the kitchen where he was standing leaning on the counter with his eyes trained on her. 
“Christopher, i’m sorry-” She was cut off as he rushed towards her pinning her to the wall with his forearm against her throat. 
“Everything always has to be about you.” He seethed, gripping her hair with his other hand and pulling it until she cried out in pain. “The one fucking thing I asked you to do Airielle!” She screamed as she threw her down to the ground. “Was not fucking talk!” Airielle groaned as he kicked her in her ribs. 
“I’m sorry!” She cried out, trying to crawl away from him but he was faster than her, grabbing her leg and pulling her back to him then kicking her again in the same spot. She tried kicking back at him but she had limited mobility due to how tight her skirt was and seeing her try to fight back angered him. 
“You tryna fucking kick me!” He picked her up off the ground by the roots of her hair and did something she thought he would never do. He balled his fist up and punched her in her face. She screamed in pain as she felt and heard her nose crack. Blood spurted from her nose and mouth instantly. 
“Somebody help me!” She yelled as loudly as she could as Christopher dragged her from the kitchen to the living room by her hair. Airielle knew she had to hear her as they made their way past the stairs. She made eye contact with Christopher’s mom who was standing at the top of the steps with Chris Jr. “Please help!” She called out but Rita covered Jr’s eyes and led him back into his room. Airielle started to cry harder.
“You knew I needed this promotion” Chris growled out as he threw her on the couch and pounced on her before Airielle had the chance to react. She placed her hands over top of his and clawed at his hands as he wrapped them around her neck. 
“Chris please..” She choked out, eyes rolling into the back of her head as she felt herself about to pass out.
I don’t wanna die  was the last thing she remembered thinking before succumbing to the darkness. 
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A.N/ Christopher's mom did call the cops while she was with Jr.
He was arrested and released on bail and her brother was on his ass the second he stepped out of the police station
Yasmine and Airielle's father were the first to the hospital to see her when she woke up
Airielle suffered from 3 broken ribs, a broken foot and a broken nose that had to be surgically repaired.
She moved to Pensacola as soon as she was released from the hospital and all of her stuff was left at the Townhouse in Orlando.
🏷️: @christinabae @southerngirl41 @reci1996 @jeyusos-girl @jeyusosgirl
@melaninsugababy @bemybabiibish @baconeggndcheez @jstarr86 @nbanenefrmdao
@purplehairgawdess @theninthwonder @arination99 @m3llowww @alyyaanna
@harmshake @jeysbae @empressdede @badbitchcentralinc @bluesole16
@leaderofthebadbitchbrigade @bonni-98 @raya-hunter01 @abadbitchblogs
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samijey · 7 months
Chapter 11 of A Way with Words is now up!
You can read it here!
Chapter Summary: As the reality of what happened at Night of Champions begins to truly settle in, Sami and Jey are left to deal with the aftermath of the event and pick up whatever pieces of themselves they can along the way.
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von2dutch · 11 days
Sugar baby | Jey Uso
Part four
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Synopsis: Sex is not a big deal. ...You can have a no-strings-attached arrangement with someone you don’t care about.
Pairing: Jey Uso x Black Fem reader | word count: 5.6k | warning : smut, toxic behavior, protected sex | 18+ ONLY
Hey my baby dolls so this is chapter four and ima let you all know now this was a heavy long chapter so sorry in advance but other than that enjoy!
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Lastly, Enjoy
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“Bitchs get into relationships and forget about they friends huh.” Jasmine spoke on FaceTime while Dakota cut up some strawberries.
Dakota chuckled as Jasmine's face lit up on FaceTime, holding a surprised look. "Omg jasmine I did not forget about you," Dakota said with a smile.
“Did too! I was first before his ass.”
Laughing once more Dakota spoke again “Jas you know you my baby girl stop being stingy with me.”
Jasmine's eyes rolled as she pursed her lips before speaking. "Whatever, but I'm happy for you, Kota. All I see on Instagram is you smiling, and you've been glowing so brightly. I'm so happy that God answered my prayers because all I wanted was for my best friend to find true love. She deserves it."
“Awww jas you gon make me cry.” Dakota smiled big before making a sad face pretending to cry Jasmine’s laughed at her dramatic acts.
It had been almost a month since Jey asked Dakota to be his girlfriend and the month of February was almost over and time for Josh to go back to work something he dreaded himself.
Ever since the two got together in a more relationship standpoint they were inseparable to say the least. Jey was even more of a gentleman and lover boy than she had ever imagined , he got her flowers , feed her, rubbed on her, and he was also very affectionate and I mean VERY along with being a very touchy man. And most importantly the two had sex almost everyday he couldn’t resist his presence towards her and I mean they fucked from everywhere in the house beside the bed room. Joshua was a very freaky man to say the least.
Jey was a gentleman and a lover, he treated Dakota with the utmost respect and care. He showered her with flowers and gifts, fed her, and made her feel special. Their sexual chemistry was electric, and the two of them couldn't resist each other. He was a very kinky and open minded man, and he left no stone unturned in satisfying their desires.
In conclusion the two were infuriated with eachother.
“Omg Kota you remember that date I had a while ago? Why we doing the thing and all getting freaky and I accidentally farted out my ass while we in doggy style and I told him it was my pussy he said I’m lying and that he smell shit!”
Dakota couldn't contain her laughter as she shouted at Jasmine, “Wtf is wrong with you.” Despite Jasmine's attempt to tell her to stop laughing because it was something serious, Dakota continued to laugh uncontrollably anyways.
“Dakota that shit Isn’t even that funny.” Jasmine mumbled rolling her eyes “Ima hang up if you keep laughing at me.”
“Okay!okay! I’ll stop jas—.” Before Dakota could finish her sentence Jey walked inside the kitchen. Jey couldn't resist flirting a bit as he walked into the kitchen and saw Dakota cutting strawberries. He slipped his hands around her waist and smacked her on the butt playfully, leaving a trail of light kisses on her neck. "Come on, Ko, it doesn't take that long to cut some strawberries," he teased, his hands continuing to explore her body he placed his hand on her pussy rubbing at it. “I missed you.” he whispered in her ear, his voice low and husky.
Dakota squealed with pleasure as Jey touched her, her body responding to his touch in an instant. "Baby, I was just coming back up the stairs," she protested, giggling at his enthusiastic greeting. "I haven't even been down here for more than a minute!"
“Mmhmm whatever uce.”
“ Aye aye y’all bet not get freaky on this damn phone I know that!” Jasmine shouted through the phone, interrupting their conversation. The two of them stared back at her, both bursting into laughter.
"My bad, Jasmine," Josh said with a friendly nod, before turning his attention to Dakota. Without warning, he leaned in close and began kissing and licking her neck. His movements were animalistic, reminiscent of a lion eyeing its prey before pouncing. Dakota let out a soft moan, her breathing quickening as his tongue traced circles along her sensitive skin. Josh pulled back for a moment, his eyes blazing with desire as he stared into hers.
“Y’all just go do all that while I’m on the phone really?! Knowing ion got a man just crazy.” Jasmine ranted on fake crying while Dakota and Jey just continued to laugh.
Dakota turned around from the phone and found herself face to face with Joshua. He was wearing a white-grayish shirt with cut sides that revealed his tribal tattooed muscles and chest. His black Nike shorts had a touch of orange on the side, and he paired them with Nike slides and black Nike socks. His hair flowed softly as he stood there.
“Mhmm where you going Mr?” Dakota acquainted with a question reading her eyebrows.
“Going to the gym with Jimmy and solo before we gotta go back next week, that’s why I was tryna get you to hurry back upstairs so we can do a quickie before I leave but you wanted to be on the phone.”
“Josh please you’ll be fine we went all morning.” Dakota replied completely tuning out Jasmine being on the phone.
Dakota glared at Joshua, her eyes locking onto his as she pointed her finger in his face. Her tone was clear and firm, leaving no room for argument or misunderstanding. "Listen up," she said, "you better be back by 6 on the dot. And I'm not just saying that shit for the fun of it. I mean it. If you miss dinner tonight, you're in for some shit. Got it?"
Joshua swallowed hard, understanding the gravity of the situation. He knew that Dakota wasn't joking around, and he didn't want to find out what the consequences.
“Yes ma’ma!”
"Now give me some love before you leave, Big Daddy," Dakota said with a playful smile, her eyes sparkling with anticipation. She reached out and took hold of his cheeks, gently pulling him closer as she delivered a soft kiss.
Jey sighed softly, unable to resist her charm. "Stop giving me those baby ass kisses and come here," he ordered, his voice dripping with desire. His hand wrapped around her neck, the touch gentle yet possessive, as he pulled her into a passionate kiss. Their tongues explored each other's mouths.
Pulling back Dakota pushed him playfully before smiling shyly “Okay that’s enough cause I see what you trying to do.” She glared at him while he laughed knowing he was caught.
"Aright, alright, you caught me, but just one more and I'm out, okay?" he whined with plead.
“Okay one more and that’s it!” She gave in pulling him in for one more kiss He of course had to take it over board and tongue kiss her , his hands grabbing possessively around her ass before smacking it pulling himself closer towards her body chest to chest.
Jey pulled back smiling devilishly his gold grills peaking through “I love you Ko.”
Dakota smiled softly as she watched Jey walk out of the kitchen, heading toward the garage. "I love you too," she called after him, her voice filled with warmth and affection. "And More."
She watched him closely for a moment, taking in every detail of his appearance - the way his shoulders moved, the way he walked with confident, determined strides. She knew her love for him ran deep, and she was grateful for every single moment they shared together.
“I miss him already.” Dakota sighed softly, her pout turning into a frown as she realized just how much she missed him already. pouted with a frown upon her face.
“Girl you so dick whipped city girls down 1000s points.”
UceyJucey • instagram story
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“56,57,58,59,60!” Jey shouted out before jumping down from the pole by his hands which held his weight.
Josh shouted at his twin brother, "I told you I'm the better twin, Jim!" His words seemed to hang in the air as his defeated twin stood there, with the weight of defeat evident on his face.
“Man whatever you cheated Josh!”
“Man no i didn’t you just made yo’ ass gotta pay me $50 and I won.” Josh shouted back at his brother while solo stood there watching his older brother argue back and forth like they always did.
Jey had been working out at the gym for nearly four hours, and as it approached 6:00, he found himself caught in a familiar dilemma. Originally planning to leave at 4:00 to make it home in time for dinner and avoid Dakota's nagging, Jey's plans had changed when his brother challenged him to their daily competition. The two brothers had a fiercely competitive nature and would often challenge each other to prove who was better at various activities.
Jey stormed over to the bench, his breathing heavy as he sat down to catch his breath. "I didn't cheat!" he retorted, his voice laced with anger and exasperation. "It's you who can't handle losing, man."
He grabbed his phone from his duffle bag and noticed four missed calls from Dakota, his expression changing to one of guilt and apprehension as he checked the time. It was almost 6, and he knew he was in trouble. 5:59, to be exact.
“Fuck.” He mumbled to himself as Jimmy walked over noticing the worry in his brothers face he asked. “Whats wrong uce?”
Josh looked up from his phone sighing “Jimmy I was supposed to be home by 4 and it’s now 6.” He stressed as his two brothers laughed at him because it wasn’t the first time he was late home and Dakota got on his ass about it like last week.
Staring at his brothers with anger in his eyes and annoyed by them thinking it was funny.
“Man this shit not funny.” He voice aggressively and violently he grabbed his bags roughly before walking out the gym towards his car his brother trailing behind like lost kids all jumping inside the car.
“Josh I know you ain’t mad you late.” Jimmy spoke up still laughing at his brother.
Turning his head from the road Josh stared at his brother before speaking. “Shut up cause it’s your fault I’m late. I need to stop by the store and pick up some.”
After an exhausting drive back from the gym and the store, Joshua finally arrived home with his brothers. As he parked the car inside the garage, he carefully opened the door to his home, attempting to enter quietly. However, his attempt was thwarted when he was caught by Dakota, who was standing by the door with her hands on her hips.
Jey came to a sudden halt, a small smile playing on his lips as he attempted to divert her attention before clarifying his actions. "Hey Ko baby, I missed you," he said, leaning in for a kiss. However, she sidestepped him, pushing him away and crossing her arms in front of her chest.
“So why were you late this time.” She asked Her voice dripped with authority as she inquired about the reason for your tardiness. She had clearly set a specific time for you to be home, and she was not in the mood for any excuses.
Jey glanced back at Jimmy and pointed an accusing finger in his direction, "I swear it was Jimmy's fault. He always wanna challenge me ko.”
Jimmy smirked maliciously as he chimed in on the argument, knowingly lying in an attempt to stir up more trouble. "He's lying, Koko," he said, his tone dripping with malice. "I told him he should leave at four, but he insisted on sticking around even longer. He said you'd be fine, even though he knew you were expecting him home at 6. It's clear who's in the wrong here sister in law.”
“Now you're just fucking lying, Jimmy!" he spat. "I never said that, and Solo can back me up on that! Solo! Back me up!" Jey yelled, but Solo remained motionless and quiet.
Jey's expression turned to one of anger and frustration as he looked towards Solo for support, but Solo remained silent, refusing to get involved in the conflict. Jey turned back to face Jimmy, his voice dripping with barely controlled fury. "
Dakota, tired of the two arguing, rolled her eyes before shouting, startling them. “Look, I don’t care whose fault it was, but someone is getting in trouble. You three go wash up, and I’ll make the plates.” she announced firmly.
“Yes ma’ma.” All three answered, scrambling to dash up the stairs. Jimmy and Jey were at it again, arguing over who could reach the top first.
“Josh you cheating I was up the starirs first!”
“Man no I didn’t!”
As Dakota made her way to the kitchen to set up the plates, she couldn't help but shake her head in exasperation at the antics of the two. “These two just argue all day.”
After a few mins of making plates the boys played solo and Jimmy made there way down the stairs into the kitchen sitting at the island table.
“It smell hella good in here Sister in law, you making me miss trin girl.” Jimmy joked attempting to fake cry making Dakota laugh at his dramatic performance.
“Jimmy please and I’m not married to your brother yet so stop with the in law.” She rolled her eyes passing Solo and Jimmy their plates awaiting Jey to come down the steps next for his.
“Yet.” He replied.
“And what makes you think we’re gonna get married?” She arched her eyebrows with a skeptical expression.
Before he pole Jimmy took a sip of his water and answering her question. “Well for starters you all that man talked about at the gym ‘I wonder do ko miss me’ or ‘I wonder if ko done cooking yet’ and other shit ain’t that right solo?” He glanced over at solo for back up with him nodding with a yes to confirm.
“Then when we went out for drinks like last week he was drunk and started showing every female in the club a picture of you in his wallet talking about ‘That’s my fine ass wife y’all she take all my dick good’.”
“You forgot the suck dick good and squirt like a fire hydrant too.” Solo chuckled added on to Jey silly ness.
“Omg he is embrassing.” Dakota face palmed herself from embarrassment and also to stop from laughing. She knew how Josh got when he was drunk. He became very jokey and talking his shit no matter if anyone liked it or not but he also became very hornh as well.
She remembered the first time he called after having a few drinks with some of the guys from work after a great show at summer slam 22’.
“Dakota you want another shot?” Jasmine asked over the music while Dakota nodded her head yes she grabbed the drink downing it before she shouted. “I love life.”
“Yeah a little to damn much no more drinks for you boo.” Jasmine shook her head with disgust while Dakota pouted.
“But that was my first one Jasmine and—.” Before Dakota could finish her sentence her phone rung in her hand she glanced at it and noticed it was Jey calling her through FaceTime.
“Jas I’ll be back.” She shouted over the musics dismissing herself from the group of women she walked through the crowd towards the bathroom she locked the door.
Dakota looked in the mirror making sure she looked okay before she answered the phone a drunk Joshua appeared on the screen smiling ear to ear.
"Hey Ko, baby!" Jey's voice came through the phone, his words slurred and groggy. Dakota could tell he was high and drunk from the way he spoke, his words coming out slowly and clumsily.
Dakota sighed, shaking her head in disappointment. "What's going on, Jey?" she asked, her tone filled with concern. "Are you alright?"
Nodding his yes he spoke again. “Yeah I’m cool I’m just a little drunk, aye baby why jimmy fall out the car?” He laughed loudly while Dakota started back not finding it funny.
“Joshua where are you?.”
“Vegas, Trin taking us back to the hotel she outside with Jimmy while he throw up.”
“Josh I told you not to get that drunk you don’t listen.” Dakota stressed sighing she shook her head.
“I’m sorry pretty mama, I promise I won’t no more you feel me?” He pouted poking his bottom lip out.
“Yes Josh.” Dakota rolled her eyes giving it.
"That's my girl." he said with a sly smile, his face lighting up with excitement. "I miss your fine ass, mama." He laughed, running his tongue along his lips in a seductive manner, as if tasting her already. Dakota felt a rush of desire course through her as Jey's words hung in the air, the promise of things to come exciting her in way she couldn't wait to explore.
“I miss you too bub.”
“Ima make that pussy squirt when I come back.”
Dakota's eyes widened in shock as she shouted, "Joshua!" His choice of words made her blush, and she hated that she liked it, but she couldn't resist it.
“I’m just saying ko, I can’t till I’m fucking you on my balcony and you tell me you love me while I’m in it.” He licked at his lips once more staring at Dakota through the phone undressing her with his eyes.
He was like a ravenous lion, eagerly waiting to devour her. He couldn't control his insatiable appetite for her, and the intensity in his words made it clear that he meant every single one of them.
“Can’t wait to get back and look at the faces you make while I’m in it. Tell me how deep my dick in yo’ pussy bae.”
“Joshua fatu if you don’t stop!” Dakota glared at the phone rolling her eyes playfully.
This was the one thing she hated when he got drunk he became so horny.
Flashback over
“And that ain’t all he did Ko ko he said he wanted to stick a straw in yo— what y’all talking about?” Jey asked as he approached the kitchen he came behind Dakota. she felt Jey's strong arms wrap around her, his breath on her neck sending a shiver down her spine. Dakota's breath hitched as she felt Jey's lips meet her skin, his touch gentle yet possessive. She turned to face him, her eyes locking with his as she tried to gather her thoughts.
"Nothing," Dakota replied, her voice a hushed whisper as she looked up into Jey's eyes. She then leaned forward, her lips brushing softly against his before she pulled back, turning away from him. Josh stood silently beside her, his plate in hand and his arm draped casually around Dakota's lower back and hips. She leaned slightly into his touch, their bodies pressing lightly against each other as they both focused their attention on their meals.
Dakota.Valentine • Instagram story
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Dakota stepped out of the pool gracefully, droplets of water sliding slowly along her toned body, highlighting every curve. Her long braids clung to her wet skin, sending small rivulets of water running down her back. As she walked towards Jey, her breasts bounced and jiggled, their fullness evident even through the thin fabric of her swimsuit. Her ass swayed with each step, the curve of her hip accentuated by the damp fabric hugging her shape.
As the sun descended slowly, the captivating sight unfolded before my eyes. The palm trees danced in the chilly breeze, while birds soared gracefully alongside buzzing insects.
After dinner Josh had took his brothers home and came back and wanted to get in the pool before it got dark so him and Dakota decided to dip in.
He had a large wide pool in his backyard and he always wanted Dakota to get in it everytime she visited but she always declined.
Dakota smirked slightly as she walked towards Jey, his gaze fixed on her as he motioned for her to take a seat on his lap. "Why are you just staring at me?" she teased, her voice laced with amusement as her hips swayed seductively. Jey grinned mischievously, his hand patting his thigh invitingly. "Am I not allowed to admire my beautiful ass women?" he replied, his eyes roaming over her form appreciatively.
“I mean can you?” Dakota said With a teasing smile, Dakota straddled Jey's lap, wrapping her legs around his waist and pulling him close. As their bodies connected, she felt a jolt of pleasure run through her as she became fully aware of just how close they were. Her heart raced as she felt Jey's breath on her neck, his hands moving to gently grip her hips. "Mmm," she moaned softly, her body already eager for what was to come.
“Mmhm you gon let daddy make you squirt on this dick later huh?” Josh smirked while Dakota's breath caught in her throat as Josh smirked at her, his fingers slowly undoing her swimsuit top. Her eyes followed the fabric as it pooled at her feet, leaving her exposed and vulnerable under his gaze. As he leaned in, licking at her areola, she couldn't help but let out a soft moan.
The sexual tension was high and Joshua wanted to be the first to set anything off. He always wanted to be in demand and Dakota gracefully let him because he did it so smooth and gentle.
"Mhm, you don't even have to ask, baby," Dakota replied, a mischievous smile playing at the corners of her lips. With a confident smirk, Josh began to slowly undress her, revealing her generous curves and lush body. She shuddered under his gaze, his eyes trailing hungrily over every inch of her. "I'm all yours, do your worst,” she teased, biting her lower lip in anticipation.
Leaning in Dakota embraced him with a kiss which turned into a much more intimate kiss and intense one as they explored each others mouth. Tongue kissing with his hand sneaking towards her pussy to rub at it softly.
But before anything could go any further his phone rang which made Dakota stopped but he pulled her back in.
“Josh your phone is ringing.”
“So let it ring,” he said with a shrug as he pulled away from kissing her. Just as he did, his phone began to ring again, causing him to let out an exasperated huff.
“Josh just answer the phone it might be your mom.”
“Man it ain’t her she be sleep by 6.” The frustration in Jey's voice was palpable as he snatched up his phone. "Man, what?" he snapped into the phone, his annoyance radiating through the air. Dakota could see the tension in his body, his jaw clenched tight as he gritted out the words. She could feel the anger brewing inside him.
"Who is it, Jey?" she asked softly, grabbing her bra strap to cover her chest.
Jey sighed heavily, his annoyance turning to exhaustion. "It's Jimmy ," he muttered.
“Aye don’t be answering the phone because you was tryna get freaky and can’t!” Jimmy shouted loudly over the phone, as Dakota could hear him and burst into laughter.
“Uce what you want?” Jey asked already annoyed with his brother.
“I was calling to tell you to bring the drinks tomorrow for mom’s family get together and did you get the outfit ma got for Koko!”
“Fuck I forgot about that and yeah I got it she can fit it but that’s all you called to tell me about some damn drinks Jonathan?”
“Uhh yeah now get some rest and stop tryna get ya dick wet!”
As Jimmy opened his mouth to speak, Jey abruptly ended the call. Letting out a sigh, Jey leaned back in his chair, while Dakota looked down at him with a curious expression.
“What did he want?”
“To get some drinks first tomorrow.”
“Oh I almost forgot about your mother’s gathering she invited me too I’m so nervous.” Dakota expressed fidgeting with her hands.
Dakota was feeling incredibly anxious about meeting his mother. She was unsure whether she would approve of her, and she worried about making a good first impression. All she wanted was to excel in every situation, including meeting new people.
“Ko baby, you ain’t got nun to be nervous about she’s going to love just as much as I do. I mean my brothers like you so that’s plus.” Jey reassured her which made her feel a little at ease.
“I got you aight?” He gazed up at her with reassuring eyes, offering both comfort and a sense of security.
“Okay.” She sighed softly before getting up from the chair she walked towards the sliding doors to inside the house she dropped her bra down on the floor along with her bottoms. He naked silhouette in clear vision to him.
“I’m going to shower you coming?” She looked back at him slightly her breast sitting nicely with her freshly waxed pussy soaked.
“Hell yeah!” Joshua replied back jumping up before throwing her over his shoulder bridle style running into the stairs as Dakota giggled.
“Joshua put me down!”
“That's it...you gon' take all this dick...you know it's yours." Jey coached on as he fucked Dakota in collapsed doggy. Grabbing at her hair he pushed her head down further as he went deeper her ass cheeks clapping against him.
“Jeyyyyy.” Dakota screamed into the sheets as he went harder each stroke his hand firm on her neck to hold him up as he fucked her harder.
Dakota layed on her stomach, his dick sliding deeply in and out of her pussy as her walks clenched around him. Milking every drop as he crushed her body.
“Un huh you a nasty ass slut huh mama?Tell Daddy how that dick feel, baby, talk to me,”
Dakota fingers scratched at the sheets her eyes brewing with tears as he pulled her head up to look into the mirror infront of them he watched as he smiled while devouring her hole, gold grills peeking through, his tattooed chest heaving up and down with sweat all over him.
The two had been going at it all morning staring from 7 to now 9 am, & Joshua had no attempt of letting up whatsoever. And Dakota loved she craved it.
Nobody could fuck her like he could.
“It feel so good daddy.” Dakota moaned out biting her bottom lip she felt herself clenching around him indicating she was about to come, she felt his dick twitch inside her indicating he also was close very close at that.
Jey bit his lips looking at Dakota’s ass and then to the mirror, hips automatically going sloppy looking at her fucked out face.
“you look so fuckin pretty Ko, just like that.” He breaths and starts pounding harder, slapping her ass.
“Fuck I love this pussy.”
“g-gonna cum!” She whimpered out against the sheets, line of spit from the white sheets to her lips.
“I know baby come on this fucking dick.” Loud clapping and sticky plap sounds were heard and soon, she was squealing and splashing sounds were heard too as she squirted over his dick and into the covers.
With a swift and graceful motion, Joshua flipped Dakota onto her back, pinning her wrists down beside her head. She moaned softly, her body arching beneath him as he leaned down, claiming her lips with his in a passionate kiss. Her legs wrapped around him, pulling him closer, as the heat between them ignited.
“Good morning baby.” Dakota breathed out with a small chuckle staring back up at Jey.
“Good morning beautiful, you good? I should’ve went to hard on you.” He said as he noticed how red her cheeks from her crying tears of pleasure.
“Baby it’s okay you know I like that.” Dakota said shyly.
"Don't matter, still should've gone harder," Joshua muttered, his brows furrowing as he reached for his boxers. Dakota stood up, her 5’3 “ frame coming up short compared to his 6’2 stature. She watched as Joshua slid his boxers up, his muscular physique flexing as he pulled them into place.
The melodious chirping of the birds filled the air, drifting in through the open window as the radiant sun ascended in the sky, casting its golden rays through the billowing curtains.
“I’m going to shower you coming?” Dakota asked before walking into the bathroom.
“Yeah come on.”
UceyJucey • Instagram story
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Now that be how the story goes
Brown Sugar got me open now I want some more
Always down for a ménage à trois
But I think I'ma hit it solo, hope my niggas don't mind
Stick out my tongue and I'm 'bout ready to hit this gritty pretty bitty with my sisters
As D'Angelo's smooth vocals echoed through the room, Dakota was getting dressed looking into the mirror to make sure she looked okay.
“Ko you ready?” Joshua asked impatiently. He had been ready for the last hour, and she was still getting ready. They were already running late for their visit to his mother's house.
“Yes, baby how do I look?” Dakota turned around doing a 360 showing her off her dress which showcased her cleavage a bit at the top.
The couple were matching with his family traditional Samoa Tribal Māori shirt which went along with her dress and design.
“Baby you look beautiful I don’t why you keep stressing.” Jey answered getting up from the bed he wrapped his arms around Dakota staring into her eyes.
“You sure?”
“Yes I’m sure Ko, you the finest woman I know. Witcho fine ass.” Dakota's cheeks flushed with a faint red as Joshua showered her in affectionate compliments, her smile widening with each word. Feeling his lips on her neck, she let out a soft sigh, her eyes fluttering shut as she reveled in the moment.
“Now let’s gon and leave because if Jon call me one more time ima get mad.” Joshua chuckled grabbing Dakota hand leading them down the stairs towards the garage he opened the door for her letting her in first.
“Such a gentleman.” Dakota smiled as he closed the door and ran over to the other side and hopped in staring the car he pressed on the garage opener backing out.
His Mothers Home
“Finally y’all ass made it.” Jonathan shouted out as he walked outside his mother’s when Josh pulled into the drive way.
"Finally y’all ass made it," Jonathan shouted out, his frustration evident as he stepped out onto the stoop. Joshua pulled into the driveway, his gaze on the horizon and his expression weary. "Took you long enough," Jonathan added, a hint of amusement in his tone. Dakota leaned against Joshua, a faint smile playing on her lips. "We're here now," she said softly, feeling a sense of warmth in the familiarity of the moment.
With a roll of his eyes, Joshua stepped out of the car, his gaze meeting Jonathan's as he spoke. "Man, it ain't my fault Ko was taking all day," he said, his tone teasingly accusatory. Dakota gave a small giggle as she smoothed out her dress, feeling Joshua's familiar gaze on her. "What can I say? I'm a diva," she teased, her smile widening as she brushed a strand of hair behind her ear. Joshua's amused grin only widened at her words, his affection for her evident in his every glance.
“Aye don’t blame nun on my sis in law!”
As jey went to open the trunk to grab the drink Jonathan helped Dakota out the car closing the door. He could tell she was nervous by the look on her face and he laughed.
“You nervous?”
Dakota's voice trembled with worry as she turned to Jon. “I mean, what if she doesn't like me?” Her anxiety gripped her even tighter now that they were here.
“You sound just like trin when she met my mother 10 years ago she was nervous just like you and my mom liked the min she met her so you don’t have anything to worry about girl.” Jonathan comforted Dakota, drawing a parallel between her nervousness and that of Trin when she first met his mother a decade ago. He assured Dakota that she had nothing to worry about because his family was warm and welcoming, just like they were with Trin. His words were meant to reassure Dakota and alleviate her anxiety about meeting his family.
“Trust me she’ll like you.”
“Okay and thank you him seriously you kinda helped.” Dakota smiled softly at him.
“No problem sister in law now let’s go meet the fam!” He added wigh excitement.
“Aye man are you gon help me or just keep talking uce?!” Joshua shouted while struggling to carry the drinks to the door.
“For you to be the strongest twin you sure can’t hold shit give it to me.” Jimmy snatched the drinks from Jey walking towards the door he kicked it opened with his foot with Jey and Dakota trailing behind him.
The sound of the Maze band being played boosted throughout the home as Dakota fiddled with her fingers becoming anxious.
As Jey made his way inside, his mother's voice echoed through the house. "I figured that was you coming inside," she said, descending the stairs to greet him.
“Hey my baby.” She embraced him into a tight hug. He had been on the road so long she missed her son along with his other two brothers.
“Joshua is this the beautiful woman you’re always talking to me about?” She asked glancing over at Dakota as she stood next to him with his arm around her.
"Yeah, this is the Dakota I was telling you about," he said with a shy smile as he proudly introduced Dakota to his mother.
“It’s finally nice to meet you honey.”
“Same here Mrs.fatu.” Dakota smiled softly.
“Oh honey you don’t have to call me that just call me Lin.” She waved off embracing Dakota into a hug.
“Well come on in don’t be shy , Joshua you go help your cousins finish setting up the tables in the back and I’ll take her in the kitchen.”
“Yes ma’ma! Baby you gon be okay?” Josh asked Dakota to make sure she would be fine because he could tell she was still a little anxious.
“Boy she’ll be fine now gon on!” Lin waved him off as he put his hands in surrender walking away with a hug smile on his face.
"Boy, she'll be fine now, go on!” Lin insisted, waving him off with a smirk. "Alright alright I’m gone!” He flashed a playful smile as he strolled away, leaving Dakota and his mother alone in the hallway.
As they reached the kitchen, Joshua's mother greeted them warmly, her eyes twinkling with love, her voice soft as she spoke, "Come, dear, let me introduce you to the rest of the family." As Dakota followed her lead, she could feel the warmth and familiarity of family surrounding her, feeling a sense of belonging as she took in the scene.
Upon meeting the rest of his family, Dakota began to feel a sense of ease. Their warm welcome and genuine affection made her feel like she truly belonged, particularly with his mother, who seemed to take great delight in Dakota's presence.
As the sun dipped toward the horizon, casting a warm glow, the time was approaching 7 pm and the party was still going strong, with a few people starting to head home. The rest of the family was engrossed in a lively game of spades, enjoying drinks, while the women engaged in animated conversations.
Feeling arms around her Dakota felt a kiss on her cheek and the smell of Jeys cologne. “You good ko.”
With a faint blush on her cheeks, Dakota felt a sense of warmth and affection as Joshua pulled her into a tight embrace. Her eyes fluttered shut momentarily as she felt his lips brush against her cheek, the familiar scent of his cologne washing over her. Wrapping her arms around his waist, she cuddled into his chest, feeling a surge of love and comfort that only he could provide. "Mhm," she murmured softly, her voice muffled against his chest as she leaned into his embrace. "I'm good as long as you're by my side."
“Good cause I’m gon be here forever.” He replied meaning every word.
“Today was so fun they were actually so lovely babe you were right.”
“Told you they’ll like you.” Joshua smiled the two watching as the sun continued to rise down.
“Ima go help my ma with the dishes I’ll be back.” Jey kissed her cheek before running off back into the house leaving Dakota in the backyard.
While Dakota stood and continued to watch the sun she felt a presence behind her and turned around being met with someone she felt familiar with.
Dakota was surprised to see who was approaching. "Joe?" she exclaimed. "I can't believe it! It's been at least two years since I last saw you!
“Same here.” He walked towards her even closer closing the gap in between them he looked over not believing how good she looked. “You look good as always.”
“Well thank you! You don’t look to bad yourself might I add, What brings you here!” She asked.
“This is my aunt families get together.”
“Wait Jey’s your cousin?”
Nodding his head yes he laughed at how confused Dakota face was. “He didn’t tell you huh?”
“No not at all!”
Dakota was shocked to say the least she never knew they were cousins I mean Joe had never mentioned them when he used to date her cousin Deandre two years ago and he met their family.
Now here she was just now finding out.
"What a small world, huh?" She mused. She tilted her head up, a mischievous glint in her eyes as she met his gaze. “Yeah a real small world," joe teased, a giggle escaping from her lips.
Before anyone could gather another word out Joshua watched closely from inside the house jealously glinting inside him.
He watched as Dakota and his cousin Joe formally known as Roman reigns conversed outside.
He had three reasons for not allowing Dakota to meet Roman. He was familiar with his cousin and his behavior. Since they were children, Roman had always pursued anything Joshua was interested in. It seemed like Roman was currently interested in Dakota, and Joshua was going to be dammed if he let that happen.
“Aye uce what you staring at so hard.” Jimmy asked unaware of what was going on till he looked towards where Josh was staring at he sighed.
“Aw shit.” He sighed shaking his head as his brother walked outside already knowing this wasn’t going to end well.
“Yes she’s doing great ac— before Dakota could finish her sentence Jey came out wrapping his arms around her interrupting their conversation.
Roman's cheerful expression faltered for a moment as he met Jey's gaze, taking in his expression of irritation. But the smile quickly returned, if not a bit more forced this time, as he spoke. "Oh wassup uce, I was just looking for you.” he greeted, his tone light despite the tension in the air. Jey narrowed his eyes, his tone tinged with an edge of annoyance as he responded, "What?" Roman took a deep breath, his smile widening as he looked back at his cousin, undeterred by Jey's frustration.
“Oh were you? Cause it fucking look like you all my woman’s face Joe. So tell me what else you looking for?” A wave of anger rushed through Joshua as he registered Roman's words. He stepped forward, pushing Dakota behind him in a protective gesture as his eyes flared with irritation. "Huh what was it?” he asked, his voice low and dangerous as he locked eyes with Roman. His fists clenched at his sides, and Dakota's hand instinctively reached out to rest on his arm, trying to soothe him.
Dakota intervened, saying, "Okay okay, that’s enough Joshua, stop." She stepped in between the two, gently pushing Josh towards the house and welcoming him inside. They walked together towards the door.
Stoping in her tracks Dakota turned around to face Joshua to his face. “Joshua wtf is wrong with you!”
“What’s wrong with me? Nah more like fuck wrong with him ko you don’t know him like I do.”
“And what is that supposed to mean.”
“It means he tryna fuck on you ko! He does that shit Everytime I bring someone around him.”
“Oh so you bring other girls around huh?” She stoped back crossing her arms over her shoulders glaring back at him.
“Dakota that’s not what I meant.” Jey’s voice softened as he attempted to grab Dakota but she pushed him away.
“No that she exactly wtf you meant Joshua!” She shouted bringing attention to the few people in the house as they stared to advert their attention on them.
Jonathan heard the two inside arguing he made his way inside the house to calm the situation as best as possible.”aye wth going on now?”
“Your brother is being a complete jealous bitch right now.” Dakota snapped.
“Oh so ima a bitch? Man fuck you Dakota real shit uce.” Jey threw back at her before Jon got in between them.
“Aye aye y’all cut this shit out!”
“No because he’s jealous and acting an ass for no reason all because I talked to Joe.”
As Jonathan stood there, it suddenly struck him like a bolt of lightning. In that moment, he finally understood the source of their argument. It appeared that conflicts like this would persist as long as Josh continued to bring anyone into Roman's presence.
“Nah I just know he wanna fuck you Dakota why ca—.” Before Joshua could finish anything he felt his phone going off with notifications from Instagram, iMessage and twitter.
He grabbed his phone out his pocket putting in the code he went to Instagram to see he was tagged in a post.
He felt his heart dropped like someone had stabbed him. He couldn’t believe what he was seeing most of all what Dakota would say when she saw it.
“What? What is it.” Dakota asking before snatching the phone from Joshua she read the post.
Then that’s when everything became a blur to her as she felt her heart drop a million miles she couldn’t feel her fingers as she dropped the phone on the floor.
Dakota could feel her heart plummet, the world around her fading into a blur. Her body tensed as if preparing for impact, and time seemed to slow down to a crawl. With a faint tremble in her fingers, she lost her grip on the phone, watching helplessly as it slipped from her grasp and clattered onto the floor. She was paralyzed in place, unable to move or speak, the weight of the situation suffocating her. It was as if everything around her was fading away, leaving her alone with her thoughts and Joshua's fierce gaze.
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Oop! Roomies Professional WWE wrestler Jey uso and mistress girlfriend Dakota has been seen out and also Nudes plastered all over the internet of now! What do we think? 👀 #roomies #TheShadeRoom.
@Living for my kids__001 : this just a damn mess she should’ve knew better than to send her nudes.
@Keisha_thebomb: no shade this her damn fault.
Jeyuceysfacepaint : Omg not my man!
@Theusostagtitles: oh he fucked up omg Joshua.
“Ko, baby I swear I di— YOU FUCKING LIAR!” Dakota shouted out at him with tears streaming down her face with rage.
“Y-you told me you would never post my fucking nudes Joshua!”
As Dakota stood with teary eyes, Joshua's voice rang out, filled with desperation. "Dakota, I swear, I ain't post that shit." he insisted, his tone tinged with anger. She turned to face him, her trembling body a palpable reflection of her inner turmoil.
Dakota's tear-streaked face twisted in anguish as she whispered, "I trusted you." Joshua stood before her in silence, his heart heavy with regret. He took a hesitant step toward her, wanting to offer comfort, but before he could speak, she lashed out and slapped him hard across the face.
“I fucking hate you! I swear I do Joshua.”
"Ko, you don't mean that," Jey denied her claims, fully aware that deep down she didn't mean what she said.
As tears streamed down Dakota's face, her words spilled out in a heated eruption. "No I do I fucking hate you I can’t you did that shit.” she seethed, her expression filled with anger and hurt. "I hate you with all my damn heart!" she hurled at him, her emotions teetering on the edge. Jey tried to follow her, his movements halted by Jimmy's firm grip, his face contorting with frustration. "Just let her go uce.” Jimmy urged, his voice calm and steady as he held Jey back. "She needs time to process what she's feeling."
Just like that in seconds everything was gone.
The one thing he valued the most gone in an instant.
To be continued…..
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Hey my baby dolls! So I know this chapter was long and I’m sorry I know some reader may not like long chapters so I apologize.
But I know y’all mad at how I ended things I knowwww but next chapter is a little better I promise!
Like always stay blessed and thank you for tuning in! Niyah out 🎀
185 notes · View notes
visionarymode · 6 months
Double The Flavor
✧ warnings: smut, language, 18+
✧ pairing: jimmy uso & jey uso x female reader
✧ word count: 9,827
this is the final chapter of this twin series! you can catch up & read part 1 Seeing Double + part 2 Double Trouble <3 I hope y'all enjoy!
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“I-I was just getting more drinks,” you casually responded, covering for the both of you as you grabbed the beer bottles off the counter. 
“Nah Y/N, I know you not doin’ nothin’. He clearly is,” he nudged his head over to Jey who was pacing before he stopped and kissed his teeth in response. 
“Man whatchu’ mean? What am I tryna’ do?” Jey snapped back. 
“It’s her birthday and you over here stealing her away from everyb-“ 
“I just came in here Uce. I wanted to wish her a happy birthday,” he swayed his hand over to you. 
“It takes you ten minutes to wish someone a happy birthday? You not foolin’ nobody,” Jimmy sarcastically chuckled. 
“It’s been like thirty fuckin’ seconds. Did you even wish her a happy birthday? Nah, you too busy bitching about not gettin’ any attention.” You took a long inhale as their back-and-forth bickering, the multiple bottles freezing our hands, and your fucking heels were irritating you more than ever. 
“Of course I was gon’ wish her a happy birthday, that’s why I came lookin’ for you,” his tone softened as he turned his attention to you and you couldn’t help but soften your face. 
“Yeah right,” Jey mumbled under his breath. 
“Can we talk for a lil’?” Jimmy quietly asked as he stepped closer, only wanting you to hear his question. 
“Yeah,” you softly responded with a smile. Jey kissed his teeth again in annoyance and walked over to you. 
“I’ll take these for you bab-” he caught himself slipping your nickname before he quickly backtracked. 
“Back. I’ll take these back for you,” he gazed into your eyes with his loving brown ones before you smiled and thanked him. He didn’t leave without giving his brother a glare as he walked out of the kitchen and back to the party. 
“I don’t want any drama, please. It’s my birthday,” you softly expressed with a sigh. 
“I know I know. I’m sorry, for real,” he placed his big, comforting hands on your bare shoulders before they trailed down to your arms and hands to enlace his fingers with yours. 
“I gotchu’ something,” he confessed with a little grin. 
“Awww, you didn’t have to,” you whispered feeling your cheeks flush. 
“But I did…now open it,” he grinned handing you a tiny wrapped-up box with a pink bow on top. You giggled at the bow as he leaned on the counter watching you unwrap and open the gift.
“Oh my god, Jimmy…” you covered your mouth in awe at the shiny diamond graduated tennis necklace. 
“How much was this?!” your jaw dropped as you carefully grabbing it out of the box.  
“That don’t matter, anything is worth it if it’s for you,” he replied taking it out of your hands. “Let me help you put it on,” he whispered, nudging his head to your already worn necklace for the night. You reached to the back of your neck to unclip the one you already had on as you felt his body press up against yours. You grabbed your hair to hold it up as his fingers grazed your collarbone and neck, sending shivers down your spine as he clipped it for you. You pulled out your phone to see it through the camera and smiled like a geek at how gorgeous it was. 
“You like it?” he whispered in your ear, kissing your neck as his hands slithered around your waist. Watching him love up on you through the screen made you weak in the knees. 
“Yeah…I love it,” you breathed out. 
“This dress is doin’ somethin’ to me…” he growled as he ran his right hand over your ass before groping it.
“Jimmy,” you giggled, grabbing his wrist to turn around before he grabbed you by the nape of your neck to kiss you. You couldn’t help but moan in his mouth as his fingers fell to the bottom of your dress as they delicately caressed your skin. They teasingly inched closer up your inner thigh, his fingertip brushing over your damp panties. He licked his lips as he looked back and forth between your panties and your face, the goofiest smile on his face indicating that you wanted it just as much as he did.
“Stop,” you laughed, playfully nudging him in the chest as you swiped your hands over your dress to recollect yourself. 
“Fine…” he sighed, playfully rolling his eyes before he pulled you in again by the hips. “For real though…happy birthday,” he softly expressed against your glossy lips, your eyes lowly watching his soft, pink ones as he spoke. 
“Thank you…” you pecked him, yearning for more of his juicy lips. “I love the necklace. Now let’s go back,” you kissed him one final time before heading back out to the party. 
“Oh shit sorry!” you quickly apologized before Jimmy started snickering like the goof he is at your reaction. 
“Jimmy!” you nudged him in the chest, giggling a little yourself at the way you two just crashed into one another in the hallway. “What’re you doing up here?” you asked. 
“I was lookin’ for the bathroom,” he whispered with a playful attitude, pulling you in by the hips to give you a quick peck. 
“You know where the bathroom is,” you furrowed your brows, grinning at the way he cradled your face in his big, comforting hands.
“Man, I’m a little drunk I forgot. There’s too many doors up here,” he remarked in his playful pitched voice, kissing you again making your cheeks flush at his addictive touch. 
“It’s over here come on,” you giggled at the way he kept his hands around you as you led him down the long hallway. 
“It’s right here, are you feeling okay?” you pushed open the door and turned on the light, stepping away to go back downstairs before he picked you up in his arms making you yelp with laughter. 
“What’re you doing?!” you laughed as he shut the door behind him, placing you on the bathroom counter. 
“Whatchu’ mean?” he growled, pulling you in by your thighs to close the space between you, your arms flying around his neck as he pressed his lips on yours, his low moan from the kiss making you pull on his chain. 
“You weren’t looking for the bathroom, liar,” you mumbled, your head rotating from left to right as he didn’t stop his tongue from tussling with yours. 
“Who’s a liar?” he teased, groping your left breast as he dragged his tongue up your neck, audibly sucking on your sweet spot, making your head fall back onto the mirror. 
“Watch your attitude Jim Uso…it’s my birthday,” you gasped as he slurped his tongue over your neck, sucking you like he wanted to mark you up.
“Yeah, I know…” he panted, retrieving his mouth from your neck to brush them over your own lips. “Let me give you a lil’ present baby…” he whispered, his left hand slowly yet smoothly running from your right ankle up to your thigh, his fingers tauntingly tapping at your clothed pussy. 
“A present?” you whispered back, biting your bottom lip with a longed moan, your eyes never leaving his as he added some more pressure over your panties, his thumb giving your clit a little attention. 
“Lemme make the birthday girl cum all on my tongue…” he growled as his eyes dropped to your parted lips, licking his own as he traced his fingers down your panties, pushing them to the side as he opened your slick folds to feel your drenched mess. 
“Fuck…” you whined as he continued to flatly drag his two fingers between your soaking folds. 
“I gotchu’ baby,” he sexily nodded, pulling you a little further down the counter as he folded you like a pretzel, bending your knees towards your face as he held you in place by the back of your thighs. He lifted your dress to your hips, abruptly feeling his fangs nip your lower back as he pulled on your panties with his teeth, watching him drag it down your legs as he held your ankles in his hands. He kept your baby blue laced panties in between his teeth as he leaned in, dipping his fingers back into your drenched folds as a moan escaped you again. 
Talk about fucking deja vu. 
“Whose pussy is this?” he mumbled with your panties still between his teeth, continuing to rub his long fingers along your wetness before you loudly gasped as he slipped in his middle finger. You instantly clenched around it as he laced his free hand with yours against the mirror. 
“Whose is it?” he gritted again, curling his finger inside you with slow and steady pumps as he hit your g spot. 
“Y-Yours baby…” you moaned as you pulled your panties out his mouth to satisfy your yearning oral fixation. You both moaned against each other’s tongues as he sloshed his long finger in and out…in and out…in and out… 
“Mm. Mm. Not yet…” he slowly pulled his finger back out once you pulsated around his it, knowing you were close to soaking his digit. 
He left soft, warm, sloppy kisses down your thigh as he spread open your legs wider, your grip on the back of your knees tightening as he looked into your eyes, continuing to teasingly twirl his tongue on your skin, covering and coating your inner thighs with his saliva. 
His piercing, adoring, deep brown eyes stared into your needy ones as he used both of his thumbs to open your folds, chuckling at your sudden twitch from your impatience. 
“Jimmy…” your whine turned into a hushed gasp as he flattened his long, warm tongue along your entrance, his eyes never leaving yours as he torturously yet slowly flicked his tongue up to your clit.
“Hm?” he hummed, twirling his tongue around your sensitive clit as he enclosed his lip around your entire bean, sucking it like it was his favorite lollipop. His tongue returned along your entrance, steadily lapping the inside of your folds as his hands ran up and down your thighs. 
“Fuuuuuuk,” you moaned as he continuously lapped, sucked, and twirled his tongue up and down your entrance and back up to your clit. 
“Like that huh?” he asked, licking his lips as he folded you further, your pussy up in the air as he let a long, thick string of his spit fall inside your lower lips. He leaned further down to spit again, this time more forcefully as you felt his saliva shoot on your hole. You watched him flatten his tongue again, this time scooping up his spit with the curled tip of his tongue. Your legs shook as he spit again, his tongue diving in deeper to spread it around as he buried his face inside of you, watching your moans heighten in pitch.
“Shiiiiiit…” you moaned in a high pitch, clutching your legs around his head as he audibly and hungrily suckled your folds. “I’m gonna cum baby…” you gasped as he spat inside you again, loudly slurping it up making him groan. He spanked the side of your thigh, gripping it tightly as he deeply buried his face between your thighs, watching your head practically roll back on the mirror from pleasure. Your legs shook around his head as he gripped your thighs harder, spit a little harder as it dripped down between your ass cheeks before he licked it all the way back up to your entrance. He motorboated your soaking folds and hurriedly massaged your clit as your back arched, moans escalated and juices spurt all in his mouth. Your pants grew slower as he continued to lick up every drop of your pouring nectar.  He chuckled as he watched you stay in your crouched position against the mirror, pulling you by your arms to sit back up. 
“Happy birthday,” he deeply professed, sweetly pecking you before he slithered his creamy coated tongue in your mouth, giving you a taste of your juices. 
“Thank you…” you breathlessly giggled as he picked you up in his arms, your legs wrapped around his torso as you made out for another minute, or ten until you decided to get back to the party. 
You plopped down on your pink faux fur-covered bar stool in front of your vanity, taking a big chug of your water bottle. You were craving that nice cold water like you were deprived from it for so long after a long night of strictly alcoholic drinks. You froze looking around to remember what you wanted to do, giggling at the realization, and grabbed your blush & brush to pat some more on your cheeks. Two subtle knocks at your door made you turn your head to find Jey peeking his head inside. 
“Bae, can I come in?” he whispered. 
“You’re already in so yes,” you giggled, feeling excitement rush through your drunk tingly body at his presence. 
“Whatchu’ doin up here?” he asked, smoothing his hands down your shoulders as he gazed through your eyes in the brightly lit mirror. 
“I wanted to touch up my makeup…” you quietly responded, easily lost in his eyes as your fingers lazily caressed his tatted arms that wrapped around your chest. 
“Mm. Mm. You don’t need none of that…” he mumbled, pressing his soft lips on the side of your neck, his tongue slipping out to twirl juicy circles around your skin. 
“Yeah? What do I need then?” you purred, a horny sigh falling from your lips as his grillz sunk into your skin. 
“You need this two-time tag champ to soak this pretty pussy…” he growled in your ear, his hands slithering around your waist and down your thighs, gripping them as he slowly spread them apart. You let out a shaky breath, watching him lick his lips in the mirror as he caught your eyes through the mirror hearing your giggle. 
“Why you laughin’?” he asked, playfully offended as he lightly poked your side making you jerk in his arms.
“Two-time tag champ huh?” you asked, turning your head to the left so your faces were inches away. 
“Hell yeah, you wanna see ‘em?” he raised his brows with the biggest grin on his face. You nodded with another laugh as he got up to fetch them from wherever he left them in your house. The music blared through the space as the door was left half open. You stood up and hummed to the lyrics of Disturbia, Rihanna always knew how to get your body moving like you were the baddest in the room. You heard a deep voice clear its throat, making you turn your head at the handsome sight in front of you. Jey walked in with his sexy smirk, his big hands gripping the two titles as they hung over his shoulders. You pressed your lips together trying to hide your flushed and aroused face as he kicked the door shut behind him, stepping in your proximity as he towered over you, making you lean back on the vanity dresser. 
“You like what you see huh?” he teased as your eyes fell up and down his tall figure. 
“Mhm…” you practically moaned, pulling him in by his shirt to press your lips on his. Your tongue swirled in his mouth, yearning for him to reciprocate as he sucked on it. 
“Turn around baby…” he mumbled against your plump lips as you complied. “Red or blue?” he purred in your ear as his right hand gripped your hip, sliding it around your waist. 
“What?” you chuckled as his grillz grazed your earlobe. You gasped as he loudly spanked you, pushing you further so your hands laid flat on the vanity, feeling his poking bulge on your backside. 
“I said red or blue?” he growled again, grabbing the hair laid on the left side of your shoulder to push it around the other side, making space to lick and enclose his lips around your neck. 
“Blue…main event jey uso…” you whispered his name referring to his blue-themed merch and gear he wore every Monday night. You heard the sound of velcro ripping as you watched him secure his blue tag title belt around your waist. You ran your fingers over the plates before he grabbed your right hand to twirl you around. 
“Mmmhmmm…” he lowly moaned as he licked his lips, stepping back to fully take you in with the title making you giggle. 
“Like what you see?” you softly cooed, laying back your palms on the dresser as  you teasingly dragged your left heel up against your right leg. 
“Hell yeah…” he growled, closing the space between you two as he hurriedly grabbed the nape of your neck to weave your lips together. The audible smacks of your hungry lips colliding with the slops and slurps of your tongues filled the silent space in your bedroom as the faint music continued downstairs. He abruptly scooped you up on the vanity as pallets and compacts fell to the floor, your kiss never breaking as it almost became a race to see who could suck each other’s 
faces faster. He pulled you in by your right leg, the warmth between your thighs met with his bare stomach as you started pulling up his shirt. He helped you quicken the process as he used one arm to slide his shirt over his head, revealing his tanned and tattooed body as you ran both your hands down to his belt. You jumped off the vanity, placing your tiny hands around his waist as you started moving him back. 
“Whatchu’ doin’…” he softly breathed out, his eyes still hyper-fixated on your smudgy lips before you pushed him back on your bed with a smirk. You sat on his lap, feeling his hard-on as you whipped your hair back to lean in for another sloppy kiss. You sat back up, wiping the glossy corners of your mouth with your thumb as he tried to pull you towards him again by the title. You slightly lifted your dress above your ass, his hands naturally rubbing up on your ass cheeks as he forcefully squeezed them. You started rocking your hips back and forth, feeling his bulge grow by the second as he watched you in awe. 
“What if I just…” your grind against his hard dick poking through his jeans slowed down, your panties getting wetter by the second. “…rode you like this…and bounced on this dick…with this title around my waist?” you softly asked, your eyes never leaving his as he let out a desperate grunt, pulling your wrist towards him so he could grab your throat.
“Whatchu’ waitin for then?” he growled, bucking his hips, allowing you to fall further on his chest as he spanked your right cheek making your giggle turn into a moan.
“Y/N we have t- oh my god!” you quickly got off his lap before you saw a tiny peek of Jasmine’s face before she shut the door. 
“Y’all are nasty at least lock the damn door!” she hissed from the other side making you cover your mouth in giggles. Your legs were still sprawled on his lap as he ran his fingers up and down your skin, making you quiver. 
“Whatchu’ wan-” Jey started to snap back before you covered his mouth, but he took that opportunity to playfully bite your palm. 
“What’s up girl?” you yelled out, trying to hold your yelps as Jey snatched you back on his lap, leaving little sucks down your neck and breasts. 
“I wanted to make a toast for you! Girl I even brought out the cake y’all can fuck later!” she quietly yet loudly vocalized. 
“Okay I’ll b-be out in a minute I swear…” you breathed out the last syllable as Jey ran his fingers up and down your damp panties, allowing you to naturally grind over them. 
“Fuck…” you moaned, suddenly feeling a rush of warmth and tingles spark through your body. You had to ride this out because you were already too deep into this upcoming orgasm ready to bolt through your body just from his fingers. You held his face in your hands, your panting growing as he held a gentle grip on your throat, his other long fingers slipping inside your panties.
“Lemme help you bae…” he whispered. Your eyes fluttered shut, a hushed moan slipping from your mouth as he slipped his long middle finger inside your dripping hole, steadily and slowly pushing it in and out as you clenched around it. He pulled you in by the throat until your forehead was pressed against his. 
“I’m gonna cum…shit…” you whined in a high-pitched whisper as he slowly slipped it out, this time sticking that middle finger & forefinger into his mouth as he sucked, letting a string of spit follow them as he brought them to your lips. You stared into his eyes with another moan as your tongue slid down those same sloppy digits, adding extra saliva-stained moisture. He purposefully wiped some across your lips before he brought them back down to the heated space between your open thighs, slipping those wet fingers back into your needy hole. You gasped a little louder, grinding against them a little harder, and gripping the ends of his hair a little tighter as you felt a rush of swarming nerves down your spine. He pumped faster, the soundable sloshes of his fingers driving in and out of your drenched pussy filling the room as he nodded his head, licked his lips, and groaned watching you fuck his dedicated fingers. 
“Like that baby? You gon’ cum for me?” he hurriedly whispered as he curled his fingers up to hit your g spot with each stroke as you pulled his head in with force, his lips falling onto your peeking breasts as he swirled his tongue over them. Your grind was needier, faster, hungrier…you knew what you needed to make that explosion inside your body erupt so you grabbed his bearded jaw and bit his lip to allow space for you to roam the inside of his mouth with your tongue. His tongue swiped back as he loudly spanked and groped your right ass cheek making that explosion finally burst in your body. 
“Fuuuuuuuuck,” you loudly cried, feeling your juices drench his fingers and knuckles as he slowed down his pumps, using your ass for leverage to help you slow your grind. 
“Mmhmm…” he moaned against your neck, leaving another sloppy kiss before he retracted his fingers and immediately sucked off your nectar like it was the snack he’s been deprived of. 
“I’m gon’ make yo fine ass cum all night,” he emphasized the last word as he dropped his palm back down to your sensitive lower lips to scoop up the rest of your nectar. You bit your bottom lip watching him pull out his finger that was licked clean as he swallowed your milky release. 
“You taste even better on yo birthday,” he softly expressed, slipping his fingers in your mouth to get some aftertaste. You purposely sucked it as if it was his dick, moaning as you rubbed on his big bulge. 
“Stop playin’ because I’m gonna keep your ass up in this room all night and not give a fuck,” he joked, slapping your ass again as you giggled. 
“Oh fuck…your pants,” you sighed with a shyly embarrassed smile, looking down at the wet stains on his black jeans. 
“It’s okay, every man got his moments,” he kissed his teeth as he jokingly shrugged his shoulders. 
“Oh wait, you left some jeans here. I washed them a couple of days ago,” you quickly got off his lap to look for them in your closet. 
“You washed ‘em for me?” he smirked, pecking your lips before he started taking off his belt & unzipping his pants. 
“Of course I did?” you drunkenly responded, peeping down at his stained boxers. “That…wasn’t me though,” you pointed at the pre cum seeping through the fabric as he chuckled. 
“It was you though. You do this to me,” he playfully gritted through his teeth before he abruptly picked you up in your arms and pinned you against the door to spoil you more with his savory and needy kisses. Suddenly you almost got knocked out of his arms as the door pushed open. Jey helped you stand as Jasmine peeked through the door again. 
“Y’all still fucking around?!” she covered her eyes. 
“No! We’re done,” you wiped your mouth, fixed your dress and walked over to pull her hands down. 
“For now,” he mumbled with a fake cough, his belt clinging in his hands as he buckled his new pants. 
“I’m sorry I know it’s your birthday but I memorized a long speech and girl if I take one more shot it’s gonna fly out my brain,” she hurriedly whispered grabbing your wrist. You looked back at Jey to see him annoyingly shaking his head at her, making you giggle. 
“C’mon,” he whispered, slapping you on the ass as he shut your door and followed you both down the stairs. 
“Hey everyone!” she yelled as she sat you down in the chair at the front of the room. Your social anxiety rushed from head to toe as you drunkenly forgot how many damn people were actually here, staring at you while you tried not to burst into laughter at their sudden focus knowing that when Jasmine yells, you better pay attention. Your drunk, wandering eyes landed on Jimmy at the far left. But his eyes weren’t on you.
They were focused on his twin brother who was standing across the room. His brows were furrowed, a look of disgust on his face, looking him up and down almost like he was inspecting every little thing about his outfit. His outfit. Oh shit. The Jeans. They’re different. He looked back at you and down to your legs that were clutched together as you sat on your hands, a memory suddenly popping into your brain. 
“Why you sittin’ like that?” Jimmy chuckled, his hand running up and down your bare thigh, teasingly pulling at the hem of your dress. 
“Because you just…” you whisperingly stammered, your eyes widened at him referring to the unintentional orgasm you just had from him fingering you under the dinner table. 
“Whatchu’ whisperin for? They all in the kitchen…” he leaned into your ear, poking his fingers between your clutched thighs to force them back open. And you willingly let him. 
“Jimmy,” you whined checking to see if the family would walk back into the dining room. 
“Stop sittin’ on your hands,” he kissed his teeth as he pulled on your wrist. “I love these hands don’t be doin’ that,” his deep voice making you tremble. 
“Stop I’m embarrassed. I got invited over for dinner. I’m supposed to be acting all classy but I’m over here being a whore,” you sighed before he kissed his teeth at your word choice. 
“Man, what? Don’t be callin’ yourself that,” he scooted his chair closer to you, putting his arm around your shoulder as he kissed your cheek. “Look at me,” he lowly expressed as you worriedly watched the door. You couldn’t hide your smile as cradled the side of your face, grinning against your lips. 
“What?” you giggled as he scooped your legs onto his lap, pulling you into his chest. 
“Keep closin’ these legs acting like I won’t spread them open and make you cum again…” he mumbled as he left kisses down your neck, your legs naturally opening up again as his fingers returned to your drenched mess in between.
That memory looked like it transferred into his brain because he suddenly looked back and forth between the two of you again, almost vindictively chuckling as he took a sip of his drink. You anxiously cleared your throat as Jasmine started addressing the crowd. 
“We all know it’s this bad bitch’s birthday today,” she shook your shoulders to hype you up and pecked you on the cheek, making them flush as everyone cheered. 
“The second you walked into my third-grade class, I knew you were gonna be a pain in the ass. You still are,” she trailed off making everyone laugh as you shook your head with embarrassment. 
“But! You were only a pain in the ass because you were so much like me. After so many projects together I realized that you were someone I wanted to keep in my life. I’m so grateful I did because these twenty years with you have been the best years of my life. From trick or treating, to prom, to fighting over the cutest boys in school, to getting so drunk at 3 am that we cried our eyes out, and to celebrating your 30th today. You’re the smartest, funniest, kindest, and most gorgeous woman I know and I love you!!!” she screamed as claps and cheers filled the room, everyone raising their glass in the air. You stood up to face her, both of your eyes glossy as you cheered your wine glasses and gave her a big embrace. 
“I love you bestie,” you laughed lightly tapping the tears on her face to avoid ruining her makeup. 
“Hey, hey I wanna make a lil’ toast now!” your head turned to Jimmy raising his glass in the air to catch everyone’s attention again. “If that’s okay?” he whispered yet shouted at you across the room making you nervously giggle. You nodded back at him with an inviting smile, sitting back down in your chair intrigued by what he had to say. 
“This ain’t gonna top Jaz’s toast but I just wanted to let everyone know that…this woman right over here,” he pointed at you, stumbling a little in his steps as he shook his head at you, almost in awe of the view. You felt your pulse quicken from his captivating, loving eyes staring right at you. “This woman is one of the best friends I’ve ever had. She stuck with me when I was at my lowest. At my highest. If there’s one thing Y/N is always gon’ do it’s stick with you through it all because she’s loyal…” he emphasized the last word as he glared at Jey. You felt your breath hitch in your throat and your eyes rapidly peered at the both of them, Jey scrunching his face in confusion and annoyance at his twin. 
“…she loyal. She beautiful. And I love you,” Jimmy softly confessed, staring into your eyes as he said those last three words, raising his glass as everyone loudly cheered their glasses as well. You felt your heart pounding. No one thought anything of it because again, the twins have always told you they loved you. But the way he said it. The way he looked deep inside your soul as he said it. He meant it. 
“I love you,” he mouthed to you again over the voices conversing and you slightly tilted your head to the right, a shy smile forming on your lips as you felt extremely appreciated. 
“Aye! Aye hol’ up if we makin’ toasts let me get in and say somethin’ real quick!” Jey called out making everyone quiet back down. 
“Girl what the hell did I start…” Jasmine whispered in your ear as you shakily sighed knowing this most likely wasn’t gonna end well. 
“Y/N…” he softly vocalized, extending his hand out for you to walk over and grab. Your breathing quickened as your lips parted in slight shock that he was putting you on the spot like this. You quickly tried to peer over at Jimmy who was clearly pissed off, face scrunched up, brows furrowed, watching intently. You walked over and held his hand, giggling as he spun you around in front of everyone. 
“Y’all see her right here? This a woman that you need in your life. A woman who’s gonna be there for you, care for you, and comfort you always. When you’re around Y/N…” he trailed off pulling you to his side as he wrapped his arm around your shoulder, his lips inches away as looked into your eyes. He paused, licking his lips as he admired you. You felt your cheeks heat up and smoothly rubbed his lower back as your arm wrapped around it. 
“…you always gon’ laugh. You always gon’ be smiling and havin’ a good time…” Suddenly a deep laugh interrupted his speech as you, Jey, and everyone else looked to see where it came from. 
And to no surprise. 
It was from Jimmy. 
“Whatchu’ laughing at?” Jey snapped, taking his arm off of you. The loss of contact made you snap back to reality, making you wipe a tear from your cheek that fell from the sweet words Jey was soothing you with. 
“That toast sounded like a bunch of bullshit,” he chuckled, taking a sip of his glass. Jey kissed his teeth as everyone stared at the two bickering in front of them. You furrowed your brows and tried to get Jimmy to meet your offended eyes but he wouldn’t. 
“Uce calm down man…” Solo mumbled as he grabbed Jimmy’s arm before he snatched it away from his grip. 
“Nah nah, he always gotta be the center of attention. He don’t like that I said a lil’ speech for Y/N because he’s jealous,” he professed as he pointed at Jey. Everyone oohed and lowly gasped at his words and you slightly punched Jasmine’s arm as she calmly and comfortingly rubbed your back. 
“They can’t be serious…” you mumbled under your breath, widening your eyes at Jasmine, her jaw dropping. 
“Nah you wanna know what he really mad at? He mad that me and Cody over here…” he turned around to wrap his arm around Cody’s shoulders as he picked up his titles laid across the table behind him. “…won this shit right here and he lost like he always do.” 
Cody kept his titles down to mumble something in Jey’s ear, possibly trying to advise him to calm down. 
“Why you bringin’ that up?” Solo hissed, feeling offended.
“Because he wanted to act like a little bitch,” Jey snapped again, walking towards Jimmy who spread his arms wide open, inviting him to take a shot. 
“Whatchu’ gon do? I’ll knock your ass out again,” he laughed. 
You got deja vu from Solo’s party as everyone started crowding them again to separate them before you got extremely pissed off and had enough. 
“Hey!” you yelled. 
You pulled on Jimmy’s wrist then Jey’s as you dragged them to the staircase, hearing Jasmine in the background get everybody back in the mood as she turned the music back up. 
“Whatchu’ doin’?” Jimmy asked in a hushed tone. 
“Go upstairs,” you sternly looked at Jey who tried to speak up before you cut him off. 
“You heard her,” Jimmy shot before you glared at him. 
“You too,” you squinted, baffled at his attitude. You pushed him up the stairs in pursuit of his brother. You took a deep breath and followed them up and forced them to get inside your room. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you guys?!” you hissed once you shut the door. 
“Whatchu’ mean-“ 
“Shut up. Sit down!” you lightly pushed Jimmy’s arm to get to the bed. 
“Okay! Damn,” he replied in a high-pitched tone, obeying your demand. 
“Y/N, we good let’s just go back down-”
“No. You sit too,” you glared at Jey and his face softened as guilt took over his expression realizing you were genuinely pissed at the both of them. He walked over and sat beside Jimmy at the edge of the bed. 
“It’s my birthday. It’s literally my birthday and you’re both out here arguing like little ass kids in front of everybody! Like what the fuck?!” you yelled in frustration as they both refused to meet your eyes. 
“Baby, what I do? Jaz made a toast. Then I wanted to make a toast too. Jey’s the one that always makes it about him.” 
“Man shut up. Talkin’ about baby. Talkin’ ‘bout I love you,” Jey mocked him from earlier. Jimmy kissed his teeth at his remarks. 
“See Y/N? This exactly what I been sayin’. He’s jealous! Jealous like a motherfucker! And I do love her. Do you?”
“Yeah, I fuckin’ do. I’d do anything for her.” 
You could feel your heart thumping out of your chest as your eyes eagerly switched from one twin to the next. 
“I just wanted one night. One fucking night where everyone can drink, have fun, get together for a little party and you couldn’t do that for me?” you vocalized again, feeling tears sting your eyes. The crack in your voice made them both simultaneously look up from the ground and meet your gaze. 
“I don’t wanna do this shit with either of you if it’s just ruining your relationship! I’m not important. At all. I’m just a girl. You’re fucking hot shot wrestlers, you can get any girls you want! Ones that won’t cause issues!” 
“Y/N…” Jey spoke up before you cut him off. 
“No. I’m being serious. It was wrong to let things go too far in the first place. With both of you. Like fuck. I feel like a whore! Two brothers? Twins? That’s fucking crazy!” you sarcastically laughed, clearly word vomiting from the alcohol swirling in your system. 
“Y/N don’t be calling yourself that shit,”  Jimmy quickly replied.
“Like what the fuck are we doing? I don’t like the arguing. I hate it. I hate seeing you guys like this all because of me. I don’t wanna get in between you guys and the bond you have-”
“Maybe you should get between us,” Jimmy interrupted with a deep, semi-audible voice as he looked up at you, enlacing his fingers together between his spread open legs. You furrowed your brows, confused at his statement. 
“What?” you asked for clarification, thinking you were just too tipsy to hear what he said. 
“I said maybe you should…get between us,” he turned his head towards Jey, looking at him as if he was sending some time of twin telepathic message you couldn’t fucking comprehend. Jey shyly smirked at the floor, lightly chuckling. 
“Yeah…you know what maybe you right uce,” he chimed in, gazing up at you with that same smirk. 
“What the fuck are you guys talking about?” you spat thinking this was some kind of sick joke they were playing on you. You looked at Jimmy who slowly got up from the bed, sighing, walking over to tilt your chin up with his right hand. He caught you off guard as he kissed you, your eyes staying open for a second before they naturally closed at the comfort of his lips. 
“We hear you…” he murmured as he snuck his way behind you making you turn around to watch what he was doing before he turned your jaw back to his brother still sitting on the bed. Your eyes locked with Jey’s as he caressed the top of your hands with his thumbs, feeling your nerves as he tried to calm you down. Suddenly you felt Jimmy’s chilling breath on your neck as he left a tiny, sloppy kiss, feeling his saliva on your skin making you shut your eyes. 
“You tired of the fighting…we tired of the fighting…so let’s stop fighting…” he thrillingly whispered in your ear in between kisses as Jey ran his big, warm hands up your bare thighs tugging at the bottom of your dress. 
“Stop stressin’…and just relax…” he slowly slid his tongue up your neck and around your earlobe as he bit it making you shiver from his touch. You felt like you were fucking dreaming. Like you were being hypnotized. You couldn’t move. The only thing moving was the drips oozing out of your aching pussy. 
“W-What?” you stuttered before a satisfied, horny sigh fell from your mouth as you felt Jimmy’s bulge poking your lower back, his fingers tracing the inside of your dress, tantalizingly grazing your ass. 
“Don’t choose. You can just have both…” Jey caught your attention as you opened your eyes to meet his, his fingers tugging on the hem of your panties as his other two middle fingers gently rubbed up and down your increasingly soaked mess. 
“This is crazy…” you whispered, your eyes wandering from Jey’s left eye to his right, searching for his response to see if it would be the same but he hooked his finger inside your panties to pull you closer so your stomach was pressed up on his chest. He shook his head, his lips frowning as he gave you an “It’s not crazy” look. He scooted back on the bed until he was laid up against the headboard, unbuckling his pants.
“Come here bae,” he extended his hand for you to get up on the bed to grab but you felt like your feet were stuck on the floor. Your eyes tentatively watched Jey’s bracelet move along his wrist as it held one end of his belt, his long, thick, tanned fingers unbuckling as the sound rang in your ears. Your mind swirling like Jimmy’s tongue on your skin, his hands lifting your dress above your ass as he spanked you, feeling your breath catch in your throat reminding you that you were breathing. 
“Get up on the bed…we gotchu’ baby…” he whispered again, his lips caressing your ear as he gave a boost, his right hand pushing down your back as you bent over the bed. You naturally crawled over to Jey, a sense of comfort relaxing your nerves as he pulled you closer once you grabbed his hand. He got up on his knees, his pants still half undone as he brought you up to his height, softly caressing your chin as he brought his comforting, warm, wet lips to yours. He cradled your face in his hands, your own hands holding his wrists in place. It was almost as if he was reminding you to let loose, relax, and let your body unravel as  your tongue swirled with his, a small moan transferring to his mouth as you felt that similar arousal and passion ignite with the both of them. Your tongues continued to weave together as his hands dropped back down to whip off his belt altogether, blindly throwing it as it clanged on the floor. You helped him take off his pants and boxers as his long, thick, enticing brown dick sprung out. You bit your lip, your mouth watering at the familiar, sexy view as he smirked at your reaction. He laid back up against the headboard again, spreading his burly thighs apart as he slowly stroked himself as he kept eye contact. You felt Jimmy’s hand push down on your back as you were face to face with Jey’s dick. 
“Mmmm…” you shudderingly moaned as you watched his long, tanned fingers stroke up and down…up and down…up and down…
Jimmy’s fingers hooked under the side hips of your panties, sliding them off of you as you lifted each knee to help him. His soft palms softly rounded your ass cheeks, taking his time as they rubbed up and down the back of your thighs, hungrily humming beneath your folds as you felt his cold breath overrule the heat. 
“You already soaking baby?” Jimmy asked with a deep chuckle, his two middle fingers vertically sliding between your drenched folds as your mouth parted open with a desperate moan. Jey took that opportunity to tilt the head of his dick towards your lips, swiping his pre cum across like lip gloss as you licked it all with the peeking tip of your tongue.
“Fuck…” you moaned again as Jimmy’s vertical strokes along your entrance sped up, the tips of his fingers rubbing up on your clit every time they crept up in that direction. You stuck out your tongue as you kept your adoring eyes on Jey, slowly flattening it on his veiny shaft as you came up to the tip, swirling your tongue all around his head still sept with pre cum. You moaned with him as he held the back of your neck, his hand caressing your hair as you enclosed your lips around his smooth and soft tip, making out with it as Jimmy’s tongue flattened along your entrance. 
“Yeah…just like that baby. That’s my girl…” Jey mumbled with a low grunt as you slowly engulfed half of his length down your throat, another moan escaping you as you vibrated around his dick, Jimmy’s tongue gliding up, down, and around your entrance with a speedier pace. You matched your pace with his, bobbing your head up and down as you swallowed every inch of Jey’s length, watching his low, focused, deep brown eyes study the way your tongue lapped up his length. You gagged with him deep in your throat as Jimmy loudly spanked your right ass cheek, spreading your cheeks open wider as he fully enclosed his lips deep inside your pussy, sucking on it like he wanted to take the air out of it. 
“Fuuuuuuck…” you loudly gasped, coming back up for air as a long string of spit still connected your sloppy lips with Jey’s tip. He removed your hair out of your face as he took over for you, the loud sloppy strokes of his wet hand sliding up and down his dick combined with Jimmy’s loud, sloppy slurps deep inside your pussy. 
“Yeah…c’mon baby cum on my tongue,” Jimmy muttered as his thumb massaged your clit, his tongue not stopping its vicious flicks as he used both hands to spank both of your ass cheeks. 
“Oh my god…” you whisperingly gasped as Jey opened up your cheeks with his right hand, sliding his tongue inside as his strokes heightened, his moans mixing with yours as both of you panted against each other’s mouths. 
“Cum with me bae…” he moaned, his words barely heard over the wet strokes of his hands ringing in your ears. You felt your body uncontrollably tremble, struggling to stay on your knees, your mind fuzzed with arousal, and your body suddenly sat upright as Jimmy pulled you back up by your hair. He snuck up under you, his head laid up on the bed as he pulled you back down to sit on his face. 
“Fuuuuuck yes…” you cried, carelessly riding his face as his tongue dipped in and out of your hole, Jey got on his knees before you grabbed his dick with both hands, stroking and twisting him with your drenched, slippery hands, your tongue sloppily kissing his tip as you felt him throb around your hands. 
“I’m gonna cum f-fuuuuck oh my god,” you moaned as you rocked your hips, clenching around Jimmy’s tongue as Jey got on his knees, the tip of his dick brushing against your tongue as you stuck it out for him. 
“You so sexy baby... You want me to cum in this pretty ass mouth?” he moaned, his strokes faster, your moans louder, and Jimmy’s grips on your hips tighter as he helped you ride his face. You nodded with another high-pitched moan as Jey tangled his fingers deep inside your roots. Jimmy spanked you one last time, surely leaving a red print as he tightly groped your ass cheeks. You couldn’t control your body shakes or loud cries as you felt your inner thighs and Jimmy’s mouth completely drenched from your orgasm. 
“Mmmm…shit,” Jey groaned, watching you in pure bliss as his white ropes shot all over your tongue, neck, and chest. Your grind slowed down, your hands running down his tanned and tatted chest before he grabbed them to enlace his fingers with yours. 
“Fuck…” Jimmy mumbled beneath you, groping your ass before you slightly lifted yourself to let him out. You and Jey kept your eyes on each other as you wiped the creamy corner of your mouth with your thumb, slipping it in your mouth as you moaned from his salty and yummy taste. 
“That was so…” you breathed out with a lazy giggle as Jimmy snuck up behind you, his hand grabbing your throat as it slithered up to your chin to lift, kissing below your jaw and making your eyes flutter. 
“You were squirtin’ like crazy…” he mumbled, his fingers sliding down your back and ass as he found your soaked folds to scoop the leftovers. 
“You need a break?” Jey chuckled, pecking you on the lips, Jimmy’s audible sucks as he licked his fingers millimeters away from your ear. 
“Break?” you asked, eyes still low from that wild, euphoric orgasm. 
“She thought we were done with her,” Jey grinned at Jimmy as he got off the bed to grab the champagne bottle sitting on the nightstand. 
“Nah…we ain’t done baby,” he growled in your ear, turning your jaw towards him as he kissed you. 
“Getcho’ hands off her,” Jey kissed his teeth, bringing his eyes back to the champagne bottle to read whatever the hell he was reading. 
“Hey Uce,” Jimmy called out, waiting for Jey to look as he flashed him his middle finger making you giggle. 
“Yeah keep lickin’ up my cum in her mouth,” Jey snickered getting back on the bed. Jimmy kissed his teeth, pulling away from you to give you a “for real?” look. 
“No you’re not, I swallowed every drop,” you whispered, softly kissing his wet lips. 
“Swallowed every drop of your tasty ass too,” he mumbled, slapping your left ass cheek making you yelp. You turned to see Jey scrunching up his face at the both of you, getting back on the bed with the bottle in his hand.
“We said no fighting, right? I love both-” You quickly stopped yourself before they both chuckled at your confession. 
“You what?” Jimmy teased, leaning in as he pushed you down on the bed by the throat. 
“Huh?” you sarcastically asked, a needy sigh slipping from your mouth as Jey rubbed his big palms up and down your thighs, licking your stomach before he placed a soft kiss on your skin. 
“We love you too,” he muttered with his little kisses, making you quiver. The cork popped off as Jimmy opened the bottle, taking a big chug of it as dribbles fell down his bearded chin. 
“We drinking champagne now?” you asked as Jimmy ran his hand over his beard. He hovered over your side as he rubbed your belly, making it sink in with nerves. 
“Yeah, we drinkin’” he looked into your eyes as he licked his lips, pouring some of the champagne over your stomach. It dripped down over your belly button, inching closer and closer to your pussy before Jey caught it with his tongue, licking every drop as he slid his tongue back up to your chest, squeezing your breasts in his warm hands. 
“Mmmm,” you softly moaned as he dragged his tongue up your neck and on your lips making you taste the champagne. 
“Happy birthday,” he mumbled, your tongues escaping your mouths at the same time to lick each other. You lowly gasped as you felt more of the cold liquid pouring on your stomach as Jimmy groped your right breast, flattening his tongue on your soaked skin, noisily sucking and drinking it all. Jimmy started taking the rest of his clothes off as Jey laid down next to you, turning you on your side. You watched Jimmy’s v-line fully expose itself as he dropped down his jeans and boxers, his pretty, brown, long dick springing up. 
“Mmm,” you pressed your lips together with a sinister smile looking back up at him as he smirked, stroking himself with one hand. 
“Mhm,” he hummed right back as you felt Jey’s fingers brush your neck as he  pushed your hair back to expose your skin, leaving a soft kiss on your neck as he dragged his other palm down your side, gripping your hip. Jimmy cupped your jaw, his thumb ever so slowly pulling your bottom lip. He kept his deep, piercing brown eyes on yours as he lowered his head a tiny bit, a long string of spit falling directly on the top of his dick. Your mouth parted with a slightly audible moan as Jey slid his tip between your cheeks, dragging it further down to tease your wet hole. 
“Stick out that tongue…” Jimmy deeply instructed as your eyes moved from the sloppy stroke of his hand to his eyes as you obeyed. You stuck out your entire tongue as he tapped the tip on it a couple of times before he slowly, torturously slid half of his length along your tongue. 
“Just like that baby…get it wet for me,” he breathed out with a little groan as you swirled your tongue around the tip once he pulled it back a little. You sloppily kissed his shaft causing him to twitch on your tongue. Jey nuzzled his head in your hair as you felt him firmly grope your left ass cheek, slightly lifting it up as he dragged his tip between your ass cheeks again. 
“You want this dick baby?” he growled, sliding his tip up and down your slippery, messy entrance. 
“Yes…” you whined. Your left foot dragged along the top of his tatted leg, desperately pushing your ass back at him to grope it the way you liked. Jimmy laid on your other side as you were surrounded by their warm, tatted bodies. 
“Happy birthday…” Jimmy cooed as his lips brushed over yours. A long, high pitched moan escaped your mouth as Jey slowly slipped the tip of his length inside of you, Jimmy taking that opportunity to slip his tongue inside your mouth. You both cradled each others faces as you sloppily made out, Jey’s strokes picking up pace as his length easily slid in and out of your wet hole. 
“Oh my god,” you whined as you felt every long inch of his shaft fill up your walls that contracted around him. 
“This pretty pussy stay liking this dick huh bae?” he growled in your ear as he hooked his arm under your leg, opening more room for him to pile drive his dick inside of you. You couldn’t think straight as you felt your body ignite with pleasure, the sounds of Jey’s balls slapping against your skin overriding the audible slippery strokes of Jimmy’s dick. 
“F-Fuuuuuck…” you whimpered as Jey grabbed your throat from behind, tightly gripping on your jaw as he tilted it up allowing Jimmy to swirl his tongue down your neck. 
“Yeah…take this dick baby,” Jey groaned in between his heavy pants as he buried himself inside of you, Jimmy’s tongue now gliding up, down, and around your right nipple. He enclosed his lips around your nipple as he fiercely sucked and noisily lapped his tongue at the same frantic pace Jey pile drove his dick inside you. Your breast audibly popping in and out of Jimmy’s mouth as long strings of saliva connected your nipple with his lips at every loud, popping suck. 
“Sh-shit,” you moaned as Jey slowed his strokes down, tauntingly reminding you of his gentle thrusts from that late night in his room. 
“This what she like…nice and slow,” he mumbled as he almost pulled his entire length out from your slippery, dripping hole. He tauntingly dipped his tip back in, his entire length throbbing inside of you as Jimmy’s wet, saliva stained lips met your parted ones. 
“She does huh?” Jimmy purred against your tongue, his long fingers shakily sliding down your stomach and over your clit, his middle finger criminally yet slowly massaging it in circles. You pulled on Jimmy’s chain as your tongues sloshed with the other, your other hand gripping on his wrist to keep his finger connected with your clit. You felt dizzy, your eyes could barely stay open from their touches sending you into a euphoric frenzy. You felt a sudden rush down your spine, your lower belly boiled with warm flutters as your moans heightened even louder making Jimmy groan against your mouth, quickly staining all corners of your mouth with his saliva as his teeth pulled on your bottom lip. 
“You gon’ cum baby?” he muttered, his hand picking up pace as he sloppily twisted and circled his palm up, down, and around his shaft as he watched you in pure bliss. 
“Yesyesyes fuck,” you gasped as you felt the tip of Jey’s dick hit your g spot, your walls uncontrollably spasming around his length. You could tell they both were about to nut too as Jimmy’s pants escalated, Jey’s deep groans grew louder in your ear, and your high pitched cries filled the room as you felt shockwaves explode throughout your body once Jimmy rubbed his drizzling tip over your clit. 
“Fuck…yeah baby cum on my dick just like that,” Jey deeply moaned as he thrusted one last time inside of you, his warm seed spilling and filling your walls as you watched Jimmy’s white, creamy ropes shoot in his palm and dribble down his shaft and onto his thighs. You all laid there for what felt like another minute, panting, sweating, and chests glistening and heaving from this unexpected, insane threesome. 
“Oh my god…” you breathed out, tiredly reaching behind to tangle your fingers in Jey’s hair. 
“Best birthday or what?” Jimmy playfully asked with a chuckle, slightly sitting up on his elbows as his low eyes peered up and down your naked body. You licked your lips, your mouth watering at Jimmy’s milky mess. 
“The best…” you smirked, turning over to inch closer to his dick as he swiped your hair back from the side of your face. He held your hair up for you as you licked up his creamy cum, making him pleasurably curse under his shaky breath. You gasped as you felt Jey’s tongue spread open your cheeks to lick you clean of your own nectar.
“Come here,” Jimmy whispered as he pulled you in with the same hand that cradled your face to passionately kiss you. He shot you a wink when you both pulled back making you giggle as Jey loudly slapped your ass again.
“Oh fuck the party!” you covered your mouth as you sat back up, realizing you three were up in your room way longer than you expected. You were surprised no one came knocking on the door looking for you, especially Jasmine. But she definitely learned her lesson from earlier in the night. 
“Whatchu’ mean?” Jimmy kissed his teeth, getting up on his own knees to move your bangs out of your face. 
“She talkin’ about the party downstairs,” Jey chuckled, gripping your hips from behind as he trailed little kisses across your shoulders.
“Nah…they can wait. We ain’t done with you yet.” 
thank you so much for reading! I appreciate it if you read through the entire series 💖✨
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bookuce · 15 days
Fools Rush In (Roman Reigns)
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SUMMARY: Nessa wasn’t looking for love, neither was Joe, but when you know, you know. Isn’t it funny how fate work?
*DISCLAIMER: This is a multi-part series. I do not own any of the characters in the writing except for the OCs. The book uses actual names of wrestlers. Josh is Jey, Jon is Jimmy, Trinity is Naomi, Joe is Roman. The book is not realistic and does not take place during real events, but some actual events (matches, storylines) could pop up in the story eventually. I DO NOT GIVE ANYONE PERMISSION TO TRANSLATE OR REPOST MY WRITINGS ANYWHERE. THAAAAAANKS. *
PAIRING: Roman Reigns x Black OC
TROPE: Love At First Sight
It was supposed to be a Girls’ Night for Nessa and Isabel. The plan was dinner and a movie, but now they wanted drinks. So they found themselves in a popular nightclub here in Miami. They approached the well-lit bar, their eyes visually drinking up the mountain of alcohol in front of them. “So,” Nessa breathes. “What do you want? The first round is on me.” The brunette turns her attention to her best friend. Her fingers excitedly tap the counter. “Are we feeling darks or clears?” She presses.
“Yes,” Isabel answers with a breathy laugh.
“Girl, I can’t drink like that anymore.” Nessa giggles. The statement wasn’t far from the truth. The last time she mixed her liquors, she woke up to potentially blackmailing videos on her phone. Never again. Nessa hums softly, flipping her dark hair over her shoulder. “Let’s play it safe with clears. Vodka?” She asks. Isabel grimaces.
“Tequila?” She answers with a question.
They exchange stares in silence for a moment before putting their fists out. They shake them four times. “Rock, paper, scissors, shoot!” They say in unison, throwing out different hand gestures. Nessa’s fist remains tight while Isabel’s hand is open. Paper beats rock.
“Lo siento, mi amor!” She exclaims while closing her hand around Nessa’s fist. “Maybe next time.” She turns her attention toward the bartender passing off shots to some nearby clubbers. “Two shots of Teremana, please!” The bartender nods at her request and turns to grab the bottle from the alcohol mountain. “With lime,” she adds with a smile. “Yeah.” she nods slightly.
Nessa shakes her head at the petite Latina. It was never a dull moment with her lively best friend. She turns over her left shoulder to grab her wallet from her back pocket but is halted by dark eyes watching her a few feet down. A smirk curls onto the lips of this bearded man once caught. Anxiety would rush through Nessa’s veins like electricity, causing slight chest pains for her.
Oh, he is handsome, she thought.
The bar lights lit his features well, the shadows chiseling out his bone structure. His hair laid against his head flat, pulled up into a bun, the sides shaved. He looks groomed—at least from here, he did.
“Ness,” Isabel calls, snapping Nessa out of the trance she was in.
The distracted woman turns her attention back to her friend, forgetting all about grabbing her wallet. “Yeah?” She asks. Isabel gestures towards the two shots in front of her. The bartender standing before them waited impatiently for a payment. “Oh shit, sorry.” She mutters, reaching into her back pocket for her wallet. A tan hand appears in front of her, a black credit card between two large fingers.
“Put it on my tab.” A deep voice says right above her ear. “I have their drinks all night.” He adds. The bartender eyed the black card in the man’s hand before taking it.
“What’s the name?” She asks.
“Joe.” He answers. Just as Nessa turns to look at the man, he lowers his hand for her to shake. “Nice to meet you.” He says to her with a half-grin. Behind her, she could hear the sounds of approval from her best friend at the tall man.
Ness takes the warm hand, shaking it slightly. His hands were rough, a sure indication of a hardworking man. She now wonders what he does. Construction? Maybe. Architect? Possibly. “Vanessa—Nessa for short.” She says finally. He presses his lips into a thin grin and nods his head once at her.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you, Nessa.” He says, opting for the shorter version of her name. Mentally, she was happy he did. She preferred it over her full name. She felt more like a Nessa than Vanessa. They would continue to shake hands slightly while gazing at each other, both not realizing that they were still doing it. Isabel would watch them curiously from behind Nessa. She gawked over the man’s size. In height, he towered over her and her friend. She could tell he was very fit. She’s now wondering if he has a regimen he’d be willing to share.
“It’s a pleasure,” Nessa says, finally looking away from the chocolate-brown eyes that entranced her. Her eyes find their hands still wrapped around each other’s, and she drops it. She would peer up at him from the side, noticing his eyes still on her. Her heart began to soar at the sight. My, this man was overwhelmingly attractive.
“Thank you for the drinks!” Isabel would say suddenly. Nessa clears her throat and nods.
“Yeah, thanks. You didn’t have to do that.” She says, chiming in.
“Well, I had to find a reason to come over here.” He explains with a shrug. “It’s no problem.” Silence would fall between the pair, causing Nessa to look ahead. She wasn’t too good at talking to men. It was only a matter of time before she said something to chase him off, or he realized she was not what he was looking for—whatever that may be.
“So…” Isabel chimes in. “Joe, what brings you here?”
“My cousins. Nightclubs aren’t really my thing, but they wouldn’t take no for an answer.” He confesses. “What about you two? Here with anyone?” He asks. His second question is for Nessa. Joe hoped to God she wasn’t here with anyone. If she was, his efforts to know her would be in vain.
“It’s a Girl’s Night,” Nessa says, opting out of his second question.
“But are you here with anyone?” He asks, now directly asking her.
Isabel smiled at the interaction, mentally hoping Nessa would take what he was giving. Meeting guys in the club wasn’t the safest idea, but he seemed pretty sober to her. At the moment, she sees no warning lights flashing above his head. “I’m married,” Isabel says, jumping in again. If she could do anything for her best friend right now, it would be to set her up with this fine specimen of a man. She leans into her best friend, nudging her to speak up.
Nessa turns to Isabel briefly, her eyes widening before returning to Joe. “I’m not.” She says finally.
“A lucky guy at all?” He asks.
“Lucky me.” He smiles, revealing perfectly white teeth. “Bartender,” He calls out, waving his hand. The same one that served us earlier approaches us. “Another round for us, please.” He says, whirling his index finger in the air.
Joe spoke with a swagger Nessa had never heard from a man. He radiated so much confidence. If he looks like that, how can you blame him? She’s now cycling through possible professions again. Lawyer, maybe. Doctor, no. Athlete, strong possibility. The poor girl was guessing everything but a serial killer. Nessa would take a glance down at his right hand. No ring, no ring tan. He was an unmarried man himself.
“Lucky girl?” She asks suddenly.
“Hm?” He hums, his thick brows lifting.
“I said, is there a lucky girl?” She repeats, leaning in towards him. Joe looks at her, quickly shaking his head.
“No, not for a little over a year now.” He answers, giving her more info than she was seeking. He reaches down to grab one of the three shots before them. He tosses it down the hatch, his jaw clenching and unclenching at the taste and burn. His last relationship wasn’t one he preferred to talk about. Though he should’ve been mad at his ex, he couldn’t blame anyone but himself. He’s gone most of the year; who’d want to stay with someone they barely see?
“Are you from here?” She asks.
“No, I’m from Pensacola.” And there it was. Joe was from another city. One that happened to be six hundred miles away from here. He was here for vacation, here for fun. She was not interested in that. “What about you?”
“I’m local.” She breathed, her shoulders shrugging as she spoke. “Been here my entire life.” She adds now reaching to grab her shot. She tosses it back slowly, her eyes closing slightly. She places the glass on the counter.
“Look,” She says suddenly. “I’m sure you’re a great guy and all, and I really hate to assume, but I’m not looking for a hookup.” She looks around. “Especially here.” She looks at him with a shake of her head. “Not a smart idea.”
Joe’s eyes venture away from her face, his eyes now on the bar counter. His large fingers would curl against the surface while he chose his words. “I understand.” He says, nodding. He lifts his hand, his palm up and open. “I’m not much of—of a hookup person myself.” He explains looking over at her. “I barely know how to do that kind of stuff—the pickup lines and whatnot.” He explains, leaning towards her slightly.
“Right,” Nessa nods.
“My cousins tried to teach me, but I’m not really feeling it, you know what I mean? I’ve never been one to do that.” He was now rambling, his anxiety starting to spike. Maybe he shouldn’t have come out. He can already hear Jon and Josh teasing him for not being able to pick up women. It should come easy to him with the way he looked, but how he looked and who he was were two completely different people. He stops himself, a slow blink to follow while he gathers himself. Just talk, Joe, he thinks. He takes a breath. “I just figured I’d come over and introduce myself, maybe find a reason to come back to this place. Miami is a bit scary after a certain hour with all of the…colorful people.” She chuckles at that, receiving a grin from him in return. Maybe he was winning her over again. “Maybe I can get your number instead?” He proposes.
Nessa watches him for a moment, her eyes searching for ill intent she’d never find. He did seem like a sweet guy; at least she was hoping he was. Isabel was staring a hole in the back of Nessa’s head. Surely this woman has some sense. If she didn’t give this man her number, she was going to give her a piece of her mind after (and maybe sneak her number to him behind her back).
“Uh,” Nessa starts.
“Perra, dale tu número.” Isabel hisses, pinching her side. Nessa shrinks away from the pinch, looking back at her friend who was glaring at her.
“Sure, why not.” She says, looking at Joe. A large smile would spread across his face as he fished his phone out of his coat pocket. She’d take the warm phone, putting in her info as a contact. She passes the phone back to him. “Don’t make me regret it.” She warns him.
“I won’t.” He says, slipping his phone back into his pocket. “Thank you,” He nods, looking between her and her friend. “I’ll let you ladies get back to your Girls Night. Remember, your drinks are on me. Be safe.” He says, walking off to find his cousins. Nessa and Isabel both watched as he vanished into the crowded space that was the dance area.
“I can’t believe you almost fumbled that!” She exclaims. “That man is fine, fit, and looks rich, mi amoré, okay? Alex is lucky I love him, because that one would’ve gotten fu—.”
“Okay, that’s enough.” Nessa snips.
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A/N: so…fancy seeing you here LMAO. Should’ve seen it coming tbh. This is the first chapter of another little fanfic I have tucked away. I hope you like it!
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raya-hunter01 · 20 days
Not My Sister's Keeper Pt 1 & 2
Roman X OC(Kara)
Jey Uso X OC (Tia)
Rating: 18+
Warning: Smut; sex, fluff, couple arguing, Jealousy, infidelity, pregnancy
Roamn’s wife recently left medical school and returned home to save her marriage and travel with him on the road. Upon her return, she finds out things are not what they seem. Her sister is pregnant by her best friend Jey Uso, who is also Roman’s cousin, and her husband is acting suspicious.
What happens when a conversation overhead on a baby monitor blows her world apart?
This first chapter. I posted the ending of the chapter for the seven-sentence challenge.
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Pensacola, Fl
Roman's House
Kara's POV
“What’s wrong baby?” I asked my husband Roman as he seemed to be zoning in and out.
“Nothin, I just heard you talking to Terry this morning and I know you miss your friends out there in Boston. I feel like I forced your hand, and I don’t want you to regret your decision to come home.
“Why would I do that, I missed you too and we both agreed on it.”  
“Kara, I’m gone so much, and I don’t want you to look back and regret coming back. I should have made it a priority to come out more to see you,” Roman said as I caressed his face.
“Babe, I could never regret coming back. I did this for us and our family that we’re building. That means more to me than medical school. I can go back when your schedule is lighter,” I reassured him as he sighed.
“I just hate you had to leave, but I promise within the next two years my schedule will be lighter, and we can get a house out there so you can finish school. You have my word, I promise,” Roman said making me smile at the thought of us getting a house in Boston so I could continue school.
“I’m going to hold you to that,” I whispered as our lips met in a passionate kiss.
The past year had been hard on us, previously I had been traveling with Roman on the road. I loved it and I even had a job that allowed me to work from home.  Still with the perfect schedule I longed for more, so I accepted a scholarship to continue my education in studying medicine at Harvard Medical school. 
At first, Roman was supportive and even stood up to my family about me moving to Boston but then the distance began to cause a heavy strain on our marriage.
We would argue more, he became distant almost resentful that I wasn’t on the road with him anymore or at least in Pensacola waiting for him to come home. 
I didn’t see why he just couldn’t be happy and come see me more. That last argument we had when I was in Boston was an eye opener, I was going to lose my husband if we couldn’t find a solution.
Four months Earlier
Boston Massachusetts
Kara’s Condo
“We’re going to have to make a decision, because this isn’t working babe,” Roman said as I felt my heart drop as we calmed down from our weekly facetime sex session.
 “So, what are you saying? Like get a divorce? Are you seeing someone ele.”
“Kara, I would never, I’m just sayin’ this is getting to be too much.”
“Why can’t you just come out here more on your off days like we agreed. I mean we started off good then all of sudden visits became few and far in between,” I said as Roman frowned sitting up in bed pulling the comforter over his waist.
“I know what we agreed, but I got more stuff on my plate now baby. I can’t help that and then I have stuff to take care of things here in Pensacola when I’m off,” Roman said as I nodded in understanding wiping my tears as he looked at me sadly.
Ugh, Facetime was not the way I wanted to discuss this. We needed to talk in person.
“I swear I’m not saying this to make you cry, baby. Please don’t cry, I’m sorry, ok,” Roman pleaded as I tried to gather myself, sitting up and grabbing my phone.
“No, you have a right to say how you feel, and I understand it,” I whispered as he pinched the bridge of his nose.
“Kara, I’m just frustrated and miss you so fuckin’ much. We gotta work something out because I can’t take much more of this, especially coming home to an empty house” he whispered as I wiped my tears.
“I miss you too……. We’ll figure something out….I promise.”
The rest as they say is history, a few days later I left medical school behind and surprised Roman by joining him on the road and never went back to school.
Being back on the road with him and in our routine felt good. I knew I was where I belonged, and I felt safe wrapped up in his arms, but I also knew deep in my gut something was wrong, I just didn’t know what.
I couldn’t worry about that today though, it was an important day for Jey and my sister.
“We need to get dressed, babe,” I said stealing one last kiss as Roman caressed my stomach.
“A’ight but I’m ready for this to be over so we can come home and work on our own family,” he whispered in my neck as I blushed.
I truly did love this man and I couldn’t wait to have babies and more babies with him.
Tia’s Baby Shower
Kara’s POV
“How are you feeling, sis?”
“I’m feeling very loved,” Tia said rubbing her stomach as I smiled. “We do love you, especially Jey,” I said as Tia looked around nervously.
“Yea, I love my child’s father too,” she said rubbing her stomach, her use of the words felt almost like she was trying to hint about something.
I already knew Jey was the father so what was that about?
Looking at her it seems she in nervous but somewhat happy so I shrugged off her words.
“I can’t thank you enough for this, Kara. It really means a lot to me,” Tia said as I gave her a hug trying to overcome the tension behind us.
“Hey, stop thanking me, I just wanted to throw you my big sister a baby shower. I mean my niece is on the way,” I said as she laughed but her smile didn’t quite reach her eyes.
The dynamics of my family at times could be explosive at times, my parents though married seemed to be just tolerating each other.
For most of our lives my sister and I never got along, and my poor baby brother was always stuck in the middle of it.  
I think the relationship with Jey is a dig at me if I’m being honest. She knew I used to have a crush on him but we both agreed we didn’t want to cross the line and jeopardize our friendship.
Tia acted like she couldn’t stand Jey for all these years and then all of a sudden, she took an interest in him about ten months ago. Then a couple weeks later announces she’s pregnant with his baby.
 I think myy sister’s pregnancy was actually the boost I think we all needed to try to be a somewhat functioning family.
I would say today was a success as our family and friends got together to celebrate the pending arrival of my niece.
“Bae, I’m heading to Gram's to get her gifts,” Jey said sticking his head around the corner as Roman walked around him.
“Go ahead, Uce, I’ll help Tia put everything in the nursery,” he said as Tia avoided making eye contact with Jey and was looking at my husband with a smile.
“Oh, that would be nice, my sister is so lucky to have you,” she said as Roman looked nervous, rubbing the back of his neck.
What the hell is going on?
“Uh, well it’s my pleasure to help. I mean we are family after all.”
Trying to shake off the awkwardness, I decided to change the subject. “I guess ya’ll can start and I’ll put my pots back in the car, then help ya’ll,” I said as Roman shook his head.
“Nah, I got it, you did enough today. This will only take a second. You can go ahead, and head home, I’ll will meet you there,” he said giving me a hug as I smiled.
Roman was always so caring and loving. His soft lips against mine made me excited for what was to come later.
“I’ll see you at home,” I whispered against his lip he nodded.
“I Can’t wait to get home and take this dress off-”
 Tia cleared her throat as I blushed. “Sorry, I’ll see you in the morning, Tia.”
“I’ll call you later, and thanks for lending Roman to do this heavy lifting,” she joked as I saw Roman was seemingly in another world, avoiding her gaze.
Roman’s POV
“Always Ms. Perfect, I know I’m better than her,” I heard Tia mumble under her breath.
I felt my anger rising as Tia slick threw shots at Kara under her breath. Matter of fact, she had been throwing shots all day.
“What the fuck is your problem?!” I yelled as soon as Kara left, causing Tia to smirk.
“What are you talking about, I don’t have a problem, baby,” she chuckled as I snarled.
 “First off, I ain’t your baby and you know what you been doing all day to Kara.
“Oh, God forbid anyone upsets Kara. Oh, you so concerned about her now, but you damn sure wasn'’t when you were fuckin’ me,” she hissed stalking off upstairs as I growled snatching a few gifts off the table and following her.
“Look, I fucked up, and we slept together a few times. Stop trying to make it seem like it was some big love affair. I love Kara and that will never change I said as we walked into the nursery.
“A fuck up is one time, we slept together I know at least six times stop trying to lessen the blow of your actions and own it. I came on to you, and you took everything I had to give,’ Tia said smirking at my uneasiness.
“Look, I love my wife-”
“Yet, you were fucking me…. Her sister, and your cousin’s girlfriend.
“Ok, now that’s bullshit in itself, now you wanna act high and mighty. You only got with Jey to cover yo’ ass; he thinks he got you pregnant off of a one-night stand.”
“I wanted and still want to be with you, but you want her!  What was I supposed to do!” Tia yelled, frustrating me even more.
“Not bring other people into this shit and play with their feelings!”
“I ain’t playin’ with his feelings, I do love Jey,” she said as I scoffed at the bullshit she was spewing.
“Don’t do that shit Roman, we both agreed it was best if he and I raised the baby. You want to be with Kara, right?”
“No, you decided that shit, all by yourself and Jey doesn’t deserve this no more than Kara does!” I shouted trying to get my point across.
“So, what are you sayin? You got a conscious now!” Tia hissed as I growled.
“I’m sayin’ that I’m over this shit, and I’m telling Kara!”
“You really ready to risk losing everything now?!  We both Know Kara will leave you if she finds out.
“I have to tell her-”
“Look, I’m trying to compromise here. Just give me stipend and be a loving uncle to this baby. I promise you can see her whenever you like or say the word and we can be a family together.”
“I’m not her uncle, I’m her father, and even if I lose everything, we aren’t going to be together, Tia. We can co-parent,” I said laying it all out on the line.
“I’ve accepted that, why do you think I’m with Jey. Now you wanna fuck that up for me,” Tia whispered as I felt even more guilty.
We shouldn’t even be discussing this shit now, but it was like we couldn’t stop. It had been a long time since we had been able to talk alone besides on the phone when Kara or Jey weren’t around.
Kara’s POV
“Damn, how the hell did I leave my purse?” I muttered walking back inside my sister’s living room, retrieving it.
“You know Kara means the world to me,” I heard Roman say as I smiled picking up the baby monitor, listening to him talk to my sister as they put away some of her baby shower gifts in the nursery; “And I love Jey, that’s why neither one of them can find out you’re the father of this baby.
The silence after Tia's statement defining.
"F-Father," I gasped in shock trying to catch my breath as I waited to hear Roman deny Tia's claim, but it didn't come...Just silence.
I couldn’t breathe, it was as if those words seemed to be stuck on repeat in my mind and it wouldn't stop. “You’re the father of this baby.”
My eyes widened in horror as I lost my footing, collapsing onto the floor, looking at the baby monitor's red lights flashing.
Roman was the father of my sister’s baby.
“Jey is going to find out sooner or later and so is Kara. They ain’t dumb!” Roman hissed as I felt like I wanted to vomit, my breathing shallow as I tried to process what was happening.
“Aye, Tia, I’m back!” I heard Jey yell as I snapped out of the daze I was stuck in and ran out the back door, trying to avoid him.
Jey’s POV
"Tia, I said i'm back!" I shouted looking around the living room, seeing alot of the gifts still around the living room.
“I see that you are,” Tia said appearing at the top of the stairs, as I frowned at her nervousness.
“Why you look so nervous?" I asked sitting down her gift from my grandmother.
 “Roman, Jey’s back!” she yelled, ignoring my question as I heard her voice echo.
“What the hell was that?” I asked as Tia smiled, coming downstairs.
“It’s one of the baby monitors, mama turned it on earlier to show us how it worked. The other one is in the nursery, that’s the echo you heard.” she said as I nodded in understanding.
“Oh, that’s cool we need that for when we need some alone time so we can still hear lil mama in her room,” I said as she laughed.
“You are so silly,” she whispered as I looked around for Kara.  “Kara still here? I need to talk to her about something, I saw her car out front,” I said as Tia shook her head.
 “No, Roman sent her home, matter fact she should be there by now,” Tia said walking over to look out the front door.
“Bae, I’m telling you, I saw her car just a second ago.”
“Are you sure it was her car, it’s not there now,” Tia said as I frowned. “Many times, I done rode in that car, I know my best friend’s car Tia,” I said annoyed at her assumption that I didn’t know what I saw.
“Maybe she had forgot something,” Tia said as I tried to shake the feeling, she was hiding something as Roman finally joined us downstairs.
“Since you back Jey, I’mma head out. Kara is waiting for me at home,” Roman said as I smiled.
“Uce, ya’ll probably will get home at the same time. I just saw her car parked out front,” I said as Roman’s smile dropped.
“Huh, Kara left bout thirty minutes ago,” Roman said looking at his watch as I shrugged my shoulders.
Nah, try five minutes ago, give or take," I said as Tia looked worried.
“Was her car where she parked earlier?” Roman asked as I shook my head.
“No, she was parked out by the street.”
Roman seemed to go white as a ghost and Tia began pacing.
“Uh, I’ll leave ya’ll alone, I need to get home,” Roman said as I followed him to the door. He seemed to be antsy and dare, I say scared.
“Let me me walk you out, Uce.”
“Nah, I’ll see you later fam, I got it,” Roman said walking to his truck as I closed the door.
Damn what had him spooked?
Kara’s POV
I knew I couldn’t go home, if I did, I would kill him…I really would kill him. I parked down the street from my parents and then made my way to their guest house. I didn’t want anyone to see me, not right now.
I was falling apart and needed time to think, this couldn’t be happening it seemed like the minute I closed the door the dam broke as I screamed breaking down in tears sliding down the wall.
“Why him?” I cried overwhelmed by the betrayal of my husband and my sister. The darkness surrounding me, only visible light was from my phone as Roman and Tia had been blowing my phone up.
Not knowing or caring which one it was I accepted the call just wanting the ringing to stop.
“Sis, is that you? Roman has been trying to call you, he’s worried, you weren’t home when he got-.”
 Ending the call without saying a word, I thew the phone hard as I could against the mirror on my parents’ wall. Almost feeling a sense of satisfaction as it shattered into tiny pieces just like my heart had .
“Sis?” I laughed at the gall wiping my tears… “You ain’t no sister of mine,” I whispered, my heart straining against my chest as I tried to control my breathing.
 Every look, nervous movements and awkward exchanges between them played over and over in my mind.
“Sweetie, are you ok? I saw you come back her and I heard a crash,” my mom said coming into the guesthouse, turning on the lights as I scurried to the corner pulling my knees to my chest whipping my tears.
“I’m fine mama, can you please leave,” I whispered as she gasped at my current state.
“Bill! Get in here!” my mother yelled as I shook my head. I didn’t want to talk about it; I knew if I did the tears would come harder.
“Mama, I just want to be alone, please,” I sniffed as she came over to me. “Who hurt you baby?” she whispered kneeling down, taking me in her arms as I sobbed my heart out.
“What the hell is going on?!” my father bellowed coming in seeing my mother and I on the floor, locked in a comforting embrace and the glass on the floor.
“Don’t freak her out, calm down Bill, we don’t even know what’s wrong.”
“Well, something fuckin’ happened Rebecca, and I want to know what it is. She in here breaking mirrors and hysterical,” he said as mother sighed pulling out her phone.
“Maybe Tia can tell me, let me call her-”
“Don’t! Don’t ever call her asking her nothing about me!” I screamed hysterically as my mother looked at me in shock.
I jerked away, her touch scorching my skin. Hurrying to my feet, trying to make my exit, but my dad stood in the way.
“This is not like you sweetie. What happened?” my mom asked, rubbing my shoulders as my father and her tried to calm me down.
“Kara, what is going on baby, did something happen between you and your sister?”
“Dad, please just drop it, ok,” I pleaded retrieving my phone, and wiping my tears.
“Let’s give her a little space to breathe Bill,” my mom whispered as I felt myself losing it slowly but surely.
Hearing a car pull in the driveway I went back into flight or fight mode. “Dad, please move, I need to go,” I pleaded as he stood steadfast, unmovable.
“Baby I can’t let you drive like this, let’s just sit down and talk” he suggested as I shook my head.
“I don’t feel like talking daddy,” I said as my mom sighed.
“Dad?! Mom?! We’re here to pick up the crib!” I heard Tia shout my blood ran cold.
The crib we slept in as kids….That crib?
“We’re in here baby,” my mom called out as I cringed as Tia and Jey in came in the guesthouse.
“Aye, you ok Kara?” Jey asked taking in my appearance. I didn’t even care how I looked right now; my eyes were focused on Tia who looked scared to death.
“Maybe we should come back Jey,” she whispered trying to get a feel of what was going on.
“No, I’m good, come in,” I said as she sighed in relief, thinking her secret was still safe.
“Mom, dad, can you leave? I need to talk Tia,” I said as my dad looked between us unsure of my request but threw his hands up.
“Fine, let’s go up to the main house Rebecca and let the girls talk.”
“I think we should stay Bill; something is wrong.”
“Nothing is wrong mama,” Tia said as I nodded my head in agreement.
 “It’s right as rain,” I added as my dad sighed.
“Least she’s willing to talk to Tia, let’s let them talk,” he said ushering my mom out of the room.
“What did you do Tia?” my mom asked as Tia lowered her head in shame as dad closed the door behind them.
“Do you need me to leave Kara?” Jey asked as I shook my head no.
“No, it involves you just as much as it does me,” I whispered as he caressed my shoulder.
“What happened baby girl?” he asked as I looked at Tia trying to see if she would confess but she just stood there as if nothing was wrong.
Jey had to know, I know it wasn’t my place, but he needed to know.
“Girl, you had Roman worried and so was I when he told me you weren’t home. I’m so glad you were here and safe. We thought something had happened to you,” she said as I chuckled at her weak attempt to change the subject.
“Oh, I’m fine….I just needed some time to process some stuff. The problem with that is I only ended up having more questions and I know you know the answers,” I whispered as Jey looked at me confused.
“Questions about what Kara?” Jey asked, looking between Tia and I, picking up on undeniable tension.
“Jey, can you leave Kara and I alone to ta-”
“Jey, stay because I know you’re going to want to know the answers to these questions too.”
"Jey, please leave us,” Tia whispered.
"When were you going to tell me that not only has you been FUCKING my husband, but you're carrying his baby?" I asked calmly as Tia gripped the counter trying to steady herself.
You could hear a pin drop as Jey looked at Tia for any sign of truth to my words.
“Wh…W..What are you talking about Kara?” Tia stuttered as I scoffed at the deer caught in the headlights look on her face.
“Tia, what is Kara talking about?” Jey asked, my heart truly went out to my best friend. He deserved the world, but he always chose the wrong ones to love.
“I don’t know Jey, she isn’t thinking clearly,” Tia said as I rolled my eyes.
“Tia! Words of advice, when you are confessing your dirt and playing God with someone else’s life, make sure the baby monitors aren’t on, projecting your conversations throughout the fuckin’ house, dumb ass!” I hissed as she covered her mouth in shock.
“Ok, let’s calm down lau pele, talk to me, because you ain’t makin’  no sense right now,” Jey said gently pulling me to him.
“I’m sorry Jey, but that isn’t your baby,” I whispered as Tia began sobbing.
“Jey, I can explain-”
“Logan is my daughter, what you sayin to me’?”  he asked, looking between Tia and I, his eyes full of tears.
“Tell him…For once in your miserable life, tell the truth,” I said truly done with the lies.
“Jey, Just listen-”
“Is she mine?” Jey whispered walking closer to Tia as she began to figet wrapping her arms around herself.
“Jey, please, baby-”
“Is she mine, damn it!" Jey screamed as I jumped at the anger and hurt in his voice.
"No!...She’s Roman’s” she whimpered as Jey trembled with anger.
“I am so sorry,” I whispered as he pinched his nose trying to stop his tears from falling but to no avail and began pacing.
“It ain’t yo’ fault Kara…. I shoulda' known betta right? He asked, my heart breaking for him.
“I…..I didn’t mean for it to happen, Kara was gone, Roman and I were spending more time together on the road and it just happened.”
“So, in other words when I was gone, you made a move on him,” I said as she sighed.
“Look you left him, and he needed somebody.”
“How could you do that to Kara?” Jey said as Tia wiped her tears.
“Cause she’s willing…Willing to bed flop with anything that moves and I fuckin’ hate you for it Tia,” I cried wanting to give her this work but I knew I couldn’t.
“I tried to make it right-”
“Oh, that’s right, you slept with me and then told me I got you pregnant,” Jey said as I cringed at how he described it, but it was true.
“Where did you do it?” I asked as Tia subconsciously rubbed her belly.
“Don’t do this Kara?” Tia whispered as I scoffed.
“In my house?.....In my bed?” I asked with a whimper as she shook her head.
“No! As much as things haven’t always been good between us, I would never do that,” she cried as I tried to piece together their intimate moments.
“His bus?” I whispered as she nodded. I felt like I couldn’t breathe, now we were getting somewhere.
“The first night of the UK tour when I couldn’t reach him, he was with you wasn’t he?” I asked as she dropped her head in shame.
“That night you left the show early proclaiming you were sick,” Jey added as she nodded.
“Oh my god I’m going to be sick,” I whispered.
“I swear it’s over, Roman loves you and only you. That’s why we did this!” Tia cried as Jey exploded flipping the couch and storming outta the house.
“Jey! Don’t leave!" Tia cried as I grabbed my keys preparing to leave as well. I had heard and seen enough.
“Actions have consequences Tia. That was one of them, a good man walking out of your life….A new life about to be born," I said pointing at her stomach.
"Your dead to me,” I whispered, heading for the door as she jumped in front of me.
“Kara, just listen-”
“Don’t call…Don’t text…Don’t come by my home… I never want to see you again,” I said as she gasped, falling against me and grunting in pain.
"Get off of me Tia!" I shouted as she held onto me to steady herself, but I didn't push her away.
 “Kara, my water just broke” she cried as I looked down seeing at the small puddle at her feet.
Are you serious right now? This cannot be happening.....
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msbigredmachine · 1 month
New To This - Chapter 3
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Unbelievable. Truly unbelievable.
It’s been three hours since her first-ever official wrestling match, and Delilah couldn’t stop smiling. It had lasted all of eight minutes, and although she lost, no one could deny that both she and her opponent, Faye, had pulled a showstopper out of thin air. Delilah had only ever attempted a moonsault once in her life, one evening at training when she was feeling adventurous, but tonight, the burst of adrenaline had buoyed her, and it felt so natural being poised on the top rope. To her shock and delight, the crowd had given them a standing ovation when it was over. It was, as far as she could remember, the happiest day of her life. After Andre’s proposal, of course.
She hadn’t been this confident at first, though. She remembered being alone in the tiny, dingy locker room, on the verge of throwing up about fifteen minutes before the match. She remembered the loud cheers as the announcer geared the fans up for the upcoming match. She remembered forcing herself out, walking numbly towards the ring, then looking into the crowd and almost tripping on her own feet in shock at the sight of Jey up in the VIP area with Tank, unable to believe he’d actually showed up to watch her. HER! How she worked through the bundle of nerves and emotions, she would never know. But she did. And it was enough to convince her that she could still pursue her dream. That she wasn’t walking away from this just yet, because there was hope that she was finally going somewhere with wrestling.
Tank and Jey – she still wasn’t comfortable enough to call him Josh – had taken her out to celebrate afterwards. Even after leaving the bar well after midnight, both men didn’t seem willing to go home just yet. And Delilah didn’t mind.
“Your garden’s really nice, uce,” Jey observed the small but neat bed of flowers gracing the sides of the front door.
“Thanks! Andre worked hard on it,” Delilah beamed on behalf of her fiancé, “Dre’s the greatest landscaper in allll of Pensacola, so if you got a lawn that needs spicin’ up, hit him up.” Stepping over the threshold into her home, she winced at the mini warzone that greeted her. “Sorry for the mess,” she murmured sheepishly.
Tank looked around the trailer house and shrugged. “It ain’t that bad today. I’ve seen it in far worse shape,” he commented, lowering his huge self onto the old, worn couch in the center of the small living area.
“Damn, thanks Tank,” Delilah replied with a roll of her eyes. Way to embarrass her in front of Jey.
The man in question had been silent as he looked around the new environment. “Ignore him, Delilah. I like it,” he commented, finally facing her.
The trainee blushed profusely and dumped the bags of takeout they’d bought on the way home on the coffee table. She knew he was only being nice. “Could be better, I know you’re not used to tiny spaces like this,” she rushed defensively, retreating to the kitchen to grab three Bud Lights from the refrigerator. Surely Jey lived in a far more lavish abode, with all the money he was raking in at WWE. The Bentley Continental GT he drove her and Tank around with tonight was solid evidence. He lived large and her place was no doubt shameful compared to his, wherever that was.
Settling down next to Tank, the huge smile was still glued to her face, her right leg bouncing up and down in excitement. “Oh my god, I’m not sure I’m gonna get any sleep tonight! I still can’t believe I wrestled my first real match!”
“Yeah, and we predict it’s gonna be the first of many,” Tank drank from his beer as Delilah nodded enthusiastically, and he jerked his thumb in Jey’s direction. “At least, he thinks so. Right, Uce?”
"Heck yeah," said Jey, observing her over the rim of the silver can of alcohol in his grasp.
Delilah was still in awe that he was here, sitting in her home. It was tough to pretend she wasn’t thoroughly enjoying the attention she’d been getting from him the past two days. “You ain’t sayin’ that just to fuck with me, right?” she asked him blatantly, then cringed at her unwise choice of words.
Something flickered in his eyes. Then, with a low chuckle, he responded, “Baby girl, I ain’t never said shit I don’t mean,” Licking his lips briefly, he stared at the lone female in the room. “Look, we both see how talented you are. It’s about time you did too. That’s probably what’s holding you back. You should believe in yourself more.”
Delilah tilted her head at the use of that inappropriate nickname yet again, and she was torn as to whether she should voice her objection. Before she could make up her mind, a loud ‘thud’ sounded from the direction of the bedroom she shared with her fiancé.
Oh. Shit.
"Aw, shit, someone’s awake,” Tank chuckled and winked at Delilah, propping his feet on top of the coffee table. “Girl, you in troubleee,” he sang teasingly.
Casting her gaze to the amused smirk on Jey’s face, she refocused on the annoyed grumbles and shuffling feet. “Gimme a sec, guys,” she said softly, getting up and hurrying towards her angry fiancé in the hallway. “Hey babe,” she greeted him, forcing a wide smile as she rested a hand on his bare chest.
“What’s with all the fuckin’ racket?” Andre cut her off sharply, rubbing his eyes with the heel of his palm.
Looking up into his dark eyes, she rubbed his arm placatingly. “We’ll be more quiet. I promise,” she whispered, “Just go back to bed, okay?”
But Andre was already wide awake and very unhappy about that fact. “For fuck’s sake, Dee, I gotta go to work in…” Pausing, he squinted at the clock in the kitchen. “What time is it?”
“One a.m.,” she answered quietly, her cheeks burning as she lowered her eyes to the floor. “Baby, I’m sorry we woke you. Please go back to bed,” she pleaded.
Shaking his head, Andre glared at his fiancée and gestured towards the two men in the living room. “Hell no. Not until you get ‘em the fuck outta here,” he insisted. When she huffed disbelievingly, he shook his head again. “Woman, I gotta be up in four hours. One of us has to work. Who else gon’ pay for these damn lights you got on?” he spat.
“What the fuck does that mean?” Delilah bit back, crossing her arms angrily, “I made two hundred dollars tonight, F.Y.I.”
When his eyes swept over her wrestling gear, Andre scoffed. “How? Working the pole?” he taunted.
Delilah’s jaw dropped. “Excuse me?”
“Look whatchu wearin’. You couldn’t find more modest attire? Dress like a future wife should dress?”
Watching the entire argument from his seat in the living room, Josh felt his hands ball into fists. He understood the dude being mad for being woken up so late – after all, he’d done some bitching of his own at colleagues who rolled into the hotel at all hours of the morning causing a racket when he was trying to sleep. But he certainly didn’t appreciate the way he was disrespecting Delilah, especially while she was trying to apologize. As much as he wanted to say something to the punk, he did not think it wise to try to step in between the rowing couple. Yet.
“Look, tonight was the most thrilling night of my life, okay?” Delilah was saying, “I got a standing ovation after my match! Unfortunately you couldn’t see it, cuz you weren’t there even though you promised you would,” she made sure to add. “And if I wanna celebrate with my friends for doing so awesome, I’ll do it. God knows you and your friends have kept me up at night enough times in the past!”
“Nah, you not gon’ pull that bullshit on me right now,” Andre rolled his shoulders angrily and glared over her head at the two huge men who had now risen to their feet. “And if you don’t wanna kick your so-called friends out of my house, then I fuckin’ will.” Brushing past his fiancée, he stomped down the hall. He didn’t quite care if they were both built like brick walls and could probably kill him with their bare hands. This was his house and he was the one in charge here. “Ay, Tank, I let you have my girl for the night. It’s time I got her back,” he said.
Acutely aware that both Tank and Jey were about to give Andre a piece of their minds, Delilah quickly stepped between them before anything could go down. “Thank y’all so much for tonight, guys,” she cut in, meeting Tank’s eyes, “I’ll see you tomorrow,” she added, giving him a look that told him how sorry she was for Andre’s unbecoming behavior.
With a nod, Tank patted her shoulder. “You know what, Parrish? Why don’t you take tomorrow night off. You’ll need your rest after tonight, trust me.”
She nodded gratefully and turned toward Jey, totally embarrassed to look at him after he’d borne witness to her humiliation at the hands of her fiancé. Honestly, she’d desperately wanted him to think she was a tough chick, that she wasn’t just putting on a show for his benefit. And Andre had ruined it all with his antics tonight.
Following the men outside, she was taken by surprise when Josh stopped midway to his car and suddenly turned to face her. Instantly, she avoided his stare again, pushing her hair behind her ear.
“Gimme your phone,” he told her, holding out his hand. 
“Trust me. Give it here,” he repeated, waiting until she placed the device in his hand. He tapped in a number of digits and made a call, smiling when his iPhone rang in his back pocket. “We got each other’s numbers now,” he announced, handing her phone back to her. “If you wanna talk about wrestling, life, whatever…Don’t hesitate to call me anytime.”
Staring at the phone, and then back at him, she raised an eyebrow. “Anytime?”
“Anytime,” he repeated, looking her in her striking hazel eyes which he noticed were filled with the unmistakable shine of tears. “For real. A'ight?”
Delilah gave a small smile and tucked her phone back in her pocket. “Okay. Thanks, Jey, I really appreciate it,” she said sincerely. 
“My friends call me Josh,” he insisted.
“Is that what we are? I've only known you a couple of days,” she responded.
“Sometimes, a couple of days is more than enough," he explained, watching her for one long moment before cupping her chin and tilting her face up to meet his. “Keep your head up, baby girl. You a queen. Don’t let nobody make you hide your pretty face.” And with one final wink, he let go of her, turned and made his way towards his car.
Watching them drive off, she willed away the flutter that was filling her insides and trudged back into the house, taking a deep, shaky breath. She had been filled with so much happiness and pride only a few minutes earlier, filled with hope for the future she was trying to create. But the confrontation with her fiancé, in front of Jey Uso for that matter, had snuffed it all out in a heartbeat. She was tempted to abandon Andre and sleep on the couch for the night, not wanting to be anywhere near him. But knowing the aches and pains that would descend on her in the morning, she thought it wiser to be in a bed tonight, no matter how angry she was with him.
Walking slowly to her bedroom, she pushed the door open tentatively, both relieved and annoyed to see that he was back in bed and out like a light. He always was a quick sleeper, unlike her. Shaking her head, she shed her ring gear, showered and found one of Andre’s big t-shirts to wear. She slid into the bed, ensuring to keep her back to him. She didn’t react when Andre’s strong arms wrapped around her a few moments later, didn’t flinch when his hard body pressed against hers from behind, only stared blankly through the darkness at the wall in front of her.
For as long as she had known her husband-to-be, she had been head over heels in love with him. After their first date, she had told her sister that she was going to marry him one day. She would never forget the twinkle in his beautiful dark eyes, or her unbridled joy, on the day he proposed. Back then, both had only harbored the glamorized fairytale version of the idea of marriage. Back then they’d been inseparable; hardly argued, hardly did anything without the other. Neither of them were weighed down by the strain of responsibility or ambition. Things were so different now. For one, she had far more ambition, and she found herself realizing that it was big enough to want to leave his side and do her own thing for the first time in a decade.
Her personal dream and the dream she and Andre had shared for so long hung in the balance, and right now, one was looking far more possible to achieve than the other.
Banner made by me. Credit to the owners of the pics and gifs.
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mrs-fatu · 23 days
Blossom in Summer
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Chapter 1: Why me?
Paring: jey uso x Jasmine (fem!reader)
Warnings: Language, anger, confusion
WC: 2,824
Summary: Jasmine wakes up in an unfamiliar bedroom with no memory of last night. Who is this man? And why did he pick her?
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As I slowly opened my eyes, the morning sun cast a warm glow across the lavish bedroom, bathing me in a soft, golden light. The silk curtains, adorned with intricate patterns, seemed to dance in the gentle breeze, and the sweet scent of dior Sauvage wafted through the air, filling my senses. But as I sat up, my head began to pound, and I was hit with a wave of confusion. Where was I? This wasn't my bedroom. The silk sheets tangled around my bare legs felt luxurious, but I couldn't shake the feeling that I was a stranger in this unfamiliar surrounding.
I forced my eyes open again, taking in the room around me with a sense of disorientation. The walls were a deep, rich blue, accentuated by traditional lavalavas hanging in beautifully crafted frames. To my left stood an antique black armoire, its intricate carvings telling a story of elegance and sophistication. The plush blue rug beneath the massive four-poster bed seemed to have been imported from a far-off land, and I felt like I was sleeping on a cloud.
As I sat up, holding my throbbing head in my hands, memories of the previous night began to trickle back. The fancy cocktail bar with my friends, doing shot after shot of tequila until the night blurred into a haze. Stumbling into a swanky hotel suite afterward, though I couldn't remember exactly how I'd gotten there. Who did this room belong to? And where had they gone? The questions swirled in my mind like a whirlpool, pulling me under.
I swung my legs over the side of the bed and stood up on shaky feet, clutching the bedpost for support. My head felt like it was going to split open, and I needed to figure out what happened and get out of here. As I looked down at myself, I saw that I was still wearing the silky black dress from last night, now wrinkled and creased. It was then that I noticed something heavy on my left wrist - a tennis bracelet so bright it almost blinded me. What was it doing there?
Just as I was trying to make sense of the strange circumstances, the door on the side of the room swung open, and a tall figure emerged. He stood at 6'2", his chiseled physique on full display as he walked towards me. His ebony shorts clung to his toned thighs and waist, accentuating his inked legs and tribal tattoos that glistened against his damp skin.
His hair was styled in a seductive mullet, and his lips sported a perfect shade of color, revealing his dazzling grillz as he parted them. It was like he had stepped out of a steamy romance novel, and I felt like I was staring at a character come to life.
"Morning," he spoke, his deep voice low and husky.
I stood there in shock, unable to form words. He walked around me, opening a drawer from his dresser to pull out his clothes. My eyes followed him, mesmerized by the way his muscles flexed as he moved.
"I'm sorry, who...?" I stuttered before I could finish.
But before I could even get the words out, my stomach began to churn and I felt like I was going to vomit. I stumbled backward, but it was too late. The morning sickness washed over me, and I threw up right on the floor.
He darted towards me, concern etched on his face. "Shit, you good?" he asked as he brushed away a dangling curl from my face.
"I'm sorry...I'm..." I spoke, feeling tears pricking at the corners of my eyes.
But before I could finish speaking, he ushered me towards his bed and sat me down on the edge. "Sit down," he said softly.
As he left the room, leaving me alone with my thoughts and emotions, I felt like my world was spinning out of control.
I just wanted to go home, to crawl back into my own bed and forget the reckless night I had just endured. But instead, I found myself in a luxurious bedroom, surrounded by the opulent trappings of a life that was not my own. A diamond tennis bracelet glinted on my wrist, a constant reminder of my foolishness. How could I have been so irresponsible, drinking so much that I ended up in this strange and unfamiliar place?
As I sat on the bed, trying to gather my thoughts, my phone began to ring. I picked it up from the nightstand, hoping for some semblance of normalcy in this chaotic situation. "Hello?" I spoke, trying to keep my voice steady.
"Girl, where the hell are you?" asked my best friend Natasha, her voice laced with concern.
"I...I don't even know," I replied, trying to gather my thoughts. "I'm with a man, and...and I threw up on his carpet, so..."
Natasha's laughter came through the phone, followed by a gasp. "Wait, is he sexy?" she asked, her tone playful.
"Um, well...he looks like he's from some kind of Pacific Island or something," I replied. "He has all these tribal tattoos and lavalavas on his wall."
Natasha's squeal of excitement was music to my ears. "Don't stop there, bitch! Tell me more! How does he look?"
I took a deep breath before launching into a detailed description of the mans handsome features. "Well, he has a short-cut mullet, and he's kinda muscular. His thighs are thick...and he has bottom grillz...and his voice is low and smooth."
Natasha's reaction was immediate. "Oh my god, Jas! You're in trouble!"
I glanced up to see him standing in the doorway, his expression unreadable. "Shit, I gotta go," I said hastily. "he's back."
"Okay, girl, let me know if you need me to pick you up," Natasha said, her voice dripping with concern. "I love you, be safe Jaz."
The line went dead as Natasha hung up, leaving me alone with him once more. I felt a sense of trepidation wash over me as he walked towards me, his eyes fixed on mine with an intensity that made my heart skip a beat.
As I stood up from the bed, I felt a sense of unease wash over me. He had just finished cleaning up the spot where I had vomited, and now his eyes were locked onto mine with an intensity that made my heart skip a beat. I felt a flush rise to my cheeks as I met his gaze, my mind still foggy from the previous night's excesses.
"I'm really sorry...I need to leave," I said, trying to sound apologetic as I began to step into my shoes.
His eyes darted as he stood up, his expression unreadable. "You just gonna forget about last night?" he asked, his tone laced with accusation.
I hesitated, searching for the right words to say. The truth was, I didn't remember what happened last night. It was all a blur of music, laughter, and tequila shots. But I knew that I couldn't keep it up forever, not when I had no idea what had happened or who this man was.
"I don't..." I paused, feeling a sense of embarrassment wash over me.
The man let out a huff, his expression turning annoyed. "Damn, you don't even remember," he said, his voice dripping with disappointment.
"I am very sorry," I said, trying to apologize once again. "And...the bracelet. You can have it back, I'm sorry."
I started to unhook the bracelet, feeling a sense of relief wash over me as I handed it back to him. But instead of taking it from me, he spoke up again.
"Just keep the bracelet, Jaz. I don't want it back. If you want to leave then go, the door is over there," he said, his tone hostile.
I was taken aback by his words. "I'm sure you spent hella on it," I said, trying to reason with him. "I don't want to..."
But he cut me off again. "Bruh, keep it, Jaz. I gave it to you for a reason."
His words were laced with aggression, and I felt a shiver run down my spine as I realized that he was genuinely upset with me. But why? What had happened last night?
As I stood there, feeling a sense of unease wash over me once again, he spoke up again.
"And I bet you don't even remember my name huh?" he asked, his tone dripping with disdain.
I lightly shook my head, feeling a sense of shame wash over me. How could I have forgotten someone's name?
He sucked his teeth in disgust before speaking up again. "It's Joshua, Jey Uso," he said agitatedly. The name sounded slightly familiar but not quite.
With that, I grabbed my purse and made my way towards the door. As I left the room, I couldn't help but feel a sense of relief wash over me. I had no idea what had happened last night or who Jey was or why he was so upset with me. All I knew was that I needed to get out of there before things got any worse.
I stood on the sidewalk of the penthouse, my head still throbbing with a dull ache. The morning sunlight was harsh, and I winced as I squinted up at the towering skyscrapers. I pulled out my phone and dialed the familiar number, hoping that my friend Tiffany would be able to come and rescue me from this situation.
As I waited for her to answer, I took a deep breath and tried to clear the fog from my mind. What had happened last night? Who was Jey Uso, and why did he seem so angry with me? And why, for that matter, had he let me keep the diamond tennis bracelet? It didn't make any sense.
The phone rang again, and Tiffany's cheerful voice answered. "Hey, what's up?"
I took a deep breath before speaking. "Hey, can you come get me? I'll send you the address."
Tiffany's voice turned serious. "Yeah, I'll see you soon. Be careful."
The line went dead, and I was left standing alone on the sidewalk, feeling like I was in a fog. Who was Jey Uso, and why had I ended up in his penthouse apartment? What had happened last night, and why did I have such a pounding headache?
As I stood there, trying to make sense of it all, my thoughts were interrupted by the sound of a car approaching approaching. It was Tiffany, looking stylish and put-together as always in her benz.
"Hey, girl, get in" she said, concern etched on her face. i stepped into her car and took a deep breath, "What happened?"
I shook my head, feeling a sense of relief wash over me as I handed her the keys. "I don't know," I said. "I don't remember anything from last night."
Tiffany's eyes widened in surprise. "What do you mean?"
I shrugged. "I don't know who Jey Uso is or what happened. But I need some coffee and some crackers. Like, right now."
i rubbed my temples in an attempt to alleviate the throbbing headache, my friend Tiffany's eyes lit up like a bright light bulb. "JEY USO?" she yelled in question, her voice piercing the morning air.
I winced, feeling a wave of pain wash over me. "Goddamn girl, my head," I groaned, trying to hold onto my sanity.
Tiffany's eyes sparkled with excitement. "I'm sorry, but you said his name is Jey Uso, right?" she asked, her voice filled with curiosity.
I nodded my head, feeling a sense of resignation wash over me. "Yeah, why? Then he let me keep this bracelet," I said, holding up my wrist to show her the diamond tennis bracelet.
Tiffany's reaction was immediate. She squealed like a little child, her eyes wide with excitement. "YOU STAYED WITH JEY USO AND HE GAVE YOU A TENNIS BRACELET?" she repeated, her voice rising to a near-shriek.
I palmed my face, feeling a sense of embarrassment wash over me. "My head. Please stop screaming," I begged.
Tiffany's laughter died down, and she looked at me with a mixture of amusement and concern. "Oh, girl, I'm sorry. Jey Uso is the WWE wrestler, and he's fine as hell!" she exclaimed.
I gave her a skeptical look, feeling a sense of unease. "What? Come on, you can't tell me he's not sexy. He's main event Jey Uso. And God, the way he flicks his tongue... We have to go to the supershow tonight, you gotta see him in the ring," she said.
I raised an eyebrow, feeling a sense of trepidation. "I mean, he's okay, but he was kinda rude. If going to the show will make you happy then sure. But I really need some fucking coffee," I said.
Tiffany rolled her eyes. "Fine, we'll get you coffee and then get ready for the show," she said before driving off into the morning traffic.
I couldn't help but feel a sense of confusion. Who was Jey Uso, and why did he seem so angry with me? And what had happened last night? The questions swirled in my mind like a whirlpool, refusing to be silenced.
But for now, all I could think about was getting home and getting some coffee into my system. Maybe then things would start to make sense again.
I knew that having a hangover wasn't the best, but coffee always seemed to come in handy.
I reached for my trusty brush and gel, and began to work my hair into a sleek, curly ponytail. The hard bristles of the brush glided effortlessly through my locks, leaving them smooth and tamed. I then moved on to my eyebrows, using a precision brow pencil to reshape them into a thin, arching shape that I preferred. The gentle strokes of the pencil seemed to calm my frazzled nerves, and I felt a sense of clarity wash over me.
With my brows in order, I turned my attention to my makeup. I carefully applied a light foundation to even out my complexion, followed by a subtle blush to give my cheeks a healthy glow. A swipe of mascara added depth and drama to my lashes, and a swipe of lip balm left my lips feeling soft and hydrated.
As I finished up my makeup routine, I stood up and surveyed my reflection. I was pleased with the results - my hair looked luscious and bouncy, and my makeup was understated yet effective. I then gathered my clothes, selecting a nice outfit that would see me through the day.
As I dressed, I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for the simple pleasures in life - a hot shower, a good cup of coffee, and a fresh start. The night moonlight streaming through the window seemed to hold promise, and I felt a sense of renewed energy coursing through my veins.
I took one last look at myself in the mirror, smoothing out any wrinkles or creases in my outfit. Satisfied with the result, I headed out into the night, ready to face whatever happens.
As I emerged from the hotel, I was greeted by the warm night and the sound of Tiffany's horn blaring in the distance. I rushed towards the car, my mind still foggy from the lingering effects of the night before. As I slipped into the passenger seat, Tiffany flashed me a bright smile. "You look good, girl!" she exclaimed.
I smiled back, feeling a sense of gratitude for her kind words. "Thanks, you look good too," I replied, taking in her stylish outfit.
As we hit the road, Tiffany began to drive, her eyes fixed on the windshield. "Okay, so remember, we're going to see Jey tonight. I got us front row tickets, so at least cheer when he comes out, because I definitely will," she said, her voice filled with excitement.
I raised an eyebrow, feeling a sense of confusion wash over me. What was up with this man? Why did women like Tiffany drool over him so much? I mean, I got it - he was hot as hell - but I didn't understand all the hype. The traffic lights seemed to be flashing in sync with the diamond bracelet on my wrist, and all I could think about was why me? What had happened? Would it all come back to me?
As we navigated through the crowded streets of Las Vegas, my mind began to wander back to the night before. The anger in Jey's eyes as I told him I didn't remember anything was still etched in my memory. It was enough to keep me away from him, to make me realize that I didn't need another angry man in my life. Not again.
After dealing with Aaron, I had promised myself that I wouldn't dare let another angry man into my life again. And now, as I sat in the car with Tiffany, I knew that I had to keep my distance from Jey Uso. Maybe after the show, I could find him and give him the bracelet back - never look back. It would be for my own good.
As we pulled up to the venue, I took a deep breath and let my thoughts settle. I had five days left in Vegas, and I was determined to make the most of it. No more worrying about waking up in a random man's bed. No more drama or stress. Just me, myself, and a fresh start.
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kyleoreillylover · 5 months
Chapter 5- Cracks
Series Summary/Masterlist
warnings: wrestling related violence, manipulation, mentions of cheating (kinda??), allusions to smut
word count: 15,700
tag list: @southerngirl41 @venusesworld @jeysbae @reci1996 @tbonesteakwithasideofmashngrav @hope4more @selena-tyler-564 @saintaquarius @whatdoeseverybodywant @raya-hunter01
Chapter Summary: Jey finds out what Sami did… and things go about as well as you’d expect. Tensions are rising, arguments are spreading, and everyone can see that unity in is crumbling and the cracks are starting to show in the Bloodline. After a blow up- Roman puts the responsibility on your shoulders as his right-hand woman to take care of it by sending you, Jey and Sami to Monday Night Raw and gives you two tasks- make Jey and Sami become cordial with one another, and show everyone the Bloodline is not weak, or else he will punish you. But that’s easier said than done.
a/n: one of the hardest chapters I ever wrote, cause I love samijey and I hate making them argue. Hope ya’ll enjoy this!!
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You woke up to loud knocking on your hotel room door. Your eyes slowly fluttered open, the events of the previous night rushing back to you. The knocking continued, more urgent this time.
"Y/N, open up!" Your brain slowly registered it as Jey’s voice. “Baby!”
You groaned, half-asleep, and stumbled towards the door. As you opened it, you saw a very concerned Jey, who was holding an assortment of breakfast foods. Your eyes softened at the sight, but he was gonna have to do more than bring breakfast to make you forgive him.
“Baby…” Jey drawled as he took in your appearance. Though tired, you still looked bea utiful to him. His gaze softened as he reached out to cup your cheek, but you moved back out of his reach. The unresolved tension from the previous night lingered between you two.
“Solo told you where my room was, I’m guessing.” You let Jey in the room, where he placed the tray on the table, watching as you went to the bathroom to freshen up. The silence in the room was palpable.
When you came back, your suitcases were neatly packed next to your bed, with Jey zipping them up. Your heart swelled at the gesture, and swelled again when he sat up and looked at you with sincerity.
"Y/N, I know I messed up. I shouldn't have left you without a room, and I definitely shouldn't have made you feel like you not part of the family” Jey hesitantly hovered his hands over your shoulders before gripping them gently, silently celebrating the fact you let him touch you.
"I'm sorry," Jey continued, sincerity in his eyes. "I should've handled things differently. I was just mad at Sami and… I let that cloud my judgment."
You sighed, torn between your frustration and the genuine remorse in Jey's eyes. The breakfast tray served as a peace offering, and you knew he was genuinely sorry. You softly grabbed his hands that were on your shoulders, a silent acknowledgment of his apology.
"I'm sorry too. I shouldn't have agreed to stay in Sami's room, and I shouldn't have ran away from our conversation. I'm sorry for worrying you." You looked up into his eyes and saw a hint of anger at Sami's name, that washed away with mixture of relief and gratitude as he stared at you.
"So I guess we both made mistakes, huh?" Jey joked, a genuine warmth returning to his eyes.
You nodded, the tension slowly dissipating. "Yeah, we did. But we can learn from them and do better, right?"
Jey nodded back at you with a smile, leaning in and pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead. "How about next time we get an argument, we kiss until we forget what we were arguing about?" Jey suggested, a mischievous glint in his eyes.
You chuckled, "Is that your solution to everything?"
"It might work," Jey replied with a playful smirk.
"How about we try it right now?" You asked with a grin, and Jey smiled back, closing the distance between you two.
The morning light filtered through the curtains, casting a warm glow on the room as Jey's lips met yours in a soft, lingering kiss. The unspoken tension that lingered from the events of the previous night began to fade, replaced by a renewed connection.
After the kiss, Jey held you close, his arms wrapped around you in a comforting embrace. "I love you, Y/N. I don't want anything to come between us."
"I love you too, Jey. Let's just focus on us and move forward," you replied, feeling a sense of relief that the air had cleared between you two.
You were debating on telling him about what happened last night, but he looked so happy, and you didn't want to ruin the moment, didn't want to argue in the morning when you just woke up, and didn't want the hotel calling the cops if Jey barged into Sami's room and beat the living daylights out of him. You decided to wait for the right moment, choosing to enjoy the peace between you and Jey for now.
"You okay, baby?" Jey noticed you looking thoughtful, concern evident in his eyes.
You smiled, running your fingers through his hair. "Yeah, I'm okay. Let's just enjoy this breakfast you brought and the morning together."
Jey grinned, his playful spirit returning. "That's the plan, baby."
Yeah, you could tell him later, you thought to yourself. For now, you decided to savor the moment of reconciliation. What could go wrong?
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You walked around the Monday Night Raw arena with an annoyed look on your face, Jey's leather jacket slung over your shoulder. His cologne was the only thing that was calming you down at the moment.
You tried to tell Jey what had happened between you and Sami multiple times today, but it was like every time you tried, something or someone interrupted the conversation. It seemed like the universe was conspiring to keep this secret locked away.
First, it was Jimmy that interrupted your coversation, needing Jey's help with something backstage. Then, you were approached by a WWE staff member with some last-minute changes to Jey's match. And now, as you finally found a quiet moment backstage, someone else appeared.
"Y/N!" Kayla Braxton's voice cut through the backstage chatter, causing you to turn towards her. The annoyance on your face was evident, but Kayla seemed oblivious to it.
"Hey, quick interview before Jey's match?" Kayla held a microphone, a cheerful smile on her face.
You sighed, glancing at the jacket in your hands. "Fine. Make it quick."
Kayla smiled and nodded, moving closer to start the interview. "As the ref for this match, do you think whoever wins will blame you for the outcome-"
"Y/N, Y/N, Y/N." Slow claps echoed through the hallway, and you turned to see Charlotte Flair approaching, a smug smirk on her face. You gritted your teeth, not in the mood for her antics.
"Kayla, sweetie, I know you're doing your job, but we have more important matters to attend to." She gave you a condescending glance. "Like, don't you have to go fetch Jey's water or something?"
Your patience wore thin, but you maintained a composed exterior. "Oh I'm sorry, says the person that wasn't even booked for tonight." You shot back, the tension escalating. "The real queen is talking, so how about you go back to catering where you belong."
Charlotte chuckled at your response, seemingly amused by the exchange. "Cute. You have fun with getting in your boys business instead of being a fighting champion. Let me know how that works out for you."
You scoffed at Charlotte's remark. "Excuse me?"
Charlotte smirked at your annoyance. "You heard me. You've been so busy with the Bloodline that you forgot about being a champion. But don't worry, I'll swoop in while you're distracted and take all that extra weight off of you at Survivor Series."
You licked your lips in contemplation, suppressing the urge to escalate the confrontation. "Well, Charlotte, I don't need any advice from someone who constantly jumps from brand to brand. Maybe focus on building a legacy without your daddy instead of looking for shortcuts."
Charlotte narrowed her eyes, clearly not expecting such a response, but before she could swing back, Sami pushed his way into the conversation out of nowhere, interrupting the escalating tension between you and Charlotte.
"Excuse me Charlotte, but as the Honorary Uce, gotta say, I don't appreciate you interrupting the right hand women's interview. Unless you want not just the wrath of her but of the entire Bloodline, I suggest you find another time to talk trash." Sami's tone was filled with a hint of warning, and he stood in front of you to block your view of Charlotte so you didn't beat her nto next week.
Charlotte rolled her eyes, clearly unimpressed. "Honorary Uce? What's that even mean? You know, associating yourself with the Bloodline and the errand girl of the Bloodline won't make you a champion, Sami."
Sami chuckled, his confidence unwavering. "Charlotte, let me break it down for you. Being a part of the Bloodline means family, loyalty, and respect. Something you clearly lack. And as for Y/N being the 'errand girl,' she's a champion who knows how to handle her business, unlike some people who just coast on their family name."
You couldn't help but smirk at Sami's retort, appreciating his support. Charlotte, however, looked livid. She moved closer to you, trying to assert dominance.
"Have fun being busy with your boys, and I'll have fun taking that title from you at Survivor Series," Charlotte snarled before storming away, clearly not in the mood for waisting her time with the likes of you and Sami. As she walked away, you couldn't help but roll your eyes, unimpressed by her attempt to rile you up.
Kayla cleared her throat to get your attention, and tried to continue the interview, but you held up a hand to stop her. Your focus shifted to Sami, who had a smirk on his face that dropped when you glared at him.
"If you are trying to get brownie points before your match, then you're doing a terrible job of it." You shot Sami a stern look, annoyed at the way he had barged into your confrontation with Charlotte, and just annoyed at him in general.
Sami's face dropped and he held up his hands defensively. "I wasn't trying to interrupt anything, I was just standing up for you. You're the one who's always talking about handling business, and Charlotte needed a reality check."
You huffed, glancing back at the leather jacket still draped over your shoulder. "Well, next time, don't. I can handle my own business, Sami. Go get ready for your match." With that, you turned away from Sami, Kayla, and the whole situation. You marched down the hallway, frustration bubbling within you. The interference during your attempts to talk to Jey, the unexpected encounter with Charlotte, and now Sami butting in – it was all too much, and you took your anger out on Sami.
As you walked away, you heard Sami call after you, "Y/N, wait!" but you didn't stop. You walked to the Bloodline's locker room to change into your ref outfit. You smiled at Solo, who was the only one in the room, but he could see right through your frustration. Solo raised an eyebrow, curious about what had happened, gesturing for you to sit next to him.
You sighed and dropped Jey's leather jacket onto a nearby chair. Solo looked at you with a searing gaze, silently urging you to share what was bothering you.
You looked around to make sure that no one else was in earshot before finally opening up to Solo. "Sami kissed me."
Solo's eyes widened in surprise, and he sat up straight, fully engaged in the conversation. "When?" A man of few words, he raised an eyebrow, prompting you to continue.
"Last night." You replied, frustration evident in your voice. "In his room. We were talking about the past, and he kissed me! I told him I just wanna stay friends, and I don't want things to get complicated. But today, he acted like nothing happened, and every time I tried to talk to Jey about it, something or someone interrupted us. It's like the universe doesn't want this secret to come out."
Solo sighed, shaking his head. "Tell Jey." He said simply.
You sighed, appreciating Solo's straightforward advice. "But I don't want to cost him the match. You know how he get's when he is mad. Then this entire thing won't end. I just want him and Sami to get along." You groaned and put your head into your hands.
Unbeknownst to the 2 of you, Jey was standing in front of the locker room, the door slightly creaked open allowing him to hear your conversation. He didn't plan on eavesdropping, he went to find you, but then he heard you speak Sami's name and he couldn't help himself.
He gritted his teeth as he listened to the revelation about Sami kissing you and your frustration with the situation. He fucking knew it! Knew Sami was tryna make a move on you.
The anger boiled within him, not just at Sami but also at the situation. He considered barging in, confronting both of you, but something held him back – a desire to hear the whole story, to understand your perspective before letting his emotions take over. He needed to hear one last thing before he made his decision.
"Did you kiss him back?" He heard Solo ask.
Jey held his breath as he waited for you to respond. "No, Solo! I pushed him away!"
Jey made his decision. He walked away from the door and made his way to the ramp, where he convicnelty ran into Sami.
"Sami!!" Sami popped his head out at his name being called, looking a bit surprised to see Jey.
His face dropped at the look on Jey's, but he had no time to defend himself before Jey's fist was flying towards him. Sami sprawled to the ground, and fists were flying as the two men engaged in a heated brawl.
The backstage area erupted into chaos as personnel rushed to separate the two superstars. Jey's eyes were ablaze with anger, fueled by a mix of betrayal and frustration.
"I told you not to push up on my girl!" Jey shouted as he threw another punch at Sami, his emotions getting the better of him.
Sami, on the defensive, tried to reason with Jey amid the chaos. "Jey, listen! It's not what you think! I'm sorry! It was a mistake" Sami pleaded, attempting to deflect some of the punches.
"A mistake that you'll pay for!" Jey roared, his anger unabated. The chaotic brawl continued, with both men exchanging blows, oblivious to the attempts of the personnel trying to break up the fight that went all the way from the ramp to the ring, both of them rolling into the ring, still locked in a fierce struggle. The audience, initially bewildered, erupted into a mix of shock and excitement as they witnessed the unexpected brawl.
You overheard the commotion and rushed to the scene. As you reached the ring, you saw Jey and Sami still entangled in their brawl. Solo followed closely behind you, concern etched on his face.
"Ring the fucking bell!" You shouted to the crew member that was standing near the ring. The bell rang, and you moved inside the ring, and as ref tried to separate the men that were brawling in the corner, but it was like trying to part two wild animals in the midst of a territorial dispute.
"Get out of the fucking corner!" You tried to pull Sami off of Jey, and finally managed to push him off. Jey was heaving with anger, and when his eyes locked on yours, he was a storm of conflicting emotions. You could see hurt, betrayal, and a simmering anger, and knew he knew that Sami kissed you.
"I told you that fucking fool would try something!" Jey seethed, pushing you aside as he charged back at Sami. The chaos ensued, with both men trying to beat the hell out of each other.
You let it play out unless they went to the corner or out of the ring. They needed to let out their pent up anger, but you were also worried about Roman. He said they need to solve their differences after this match, but anyone with half a brain can tell that wouldn't happen.
Punches were thrown. Bodies were slammed into the mat. Kicks were delivered with intensity. They avoided hitting you, whenever they went close to you they both stopped to avoid hurting you, then the other person would take advantage of the momentary stoppage, then the cycle would repeat again, and the other person would take advantage this time.
Solo stood at ringside, watching the brawl with a stern expression. He knew the depth of the situation, and it pained him to see the chaos that had erupted. The Bloodline was not supposed to turn on each other like this.
Things really picked up when Sami tossed Jey out of the ring and went for a suicide dive. Jey, however, managed to counter, catching Sami in mid-air and slamming him onto the ringside floor. The impact resonated through the arena, and the audience was in a frenzy.
You, still in your referee role, desperately tried to regain control of the situation.
"Get back in the ring, both of you!" you yelled, but neither Jey nor Sami paid any attention. Fed up, you slipped out of the ring and approached them, and Jey was slamming the steel steps onto Sami. You stepped in front of the chaos, getting between Jey and Sami.
"Enough, or I will disqualify both of you!" You shouted, trying to appeal to their sense of reason. Jey, breathing heavily, turned to you and eyed you with a mix of anger and frustration.
"Move, Y/N," he growled, not wanting you to get hurt, and you slightly stumbled back at his tone, giving him enough room to continue his assault. The chaos continued, and you could feel the tension escalating with each passing moment.
Sami tried to get inside the ring to escape Jey's assault, and Jey followed him, but he ended up pushing you onto the floor in the process because of how fast they were both moving. You groaned as you hit the floor, momentarily stunned by the impact. Both men froze for a moment before Sami tried to check on you. "Y/N, I'm sorry, let me help y-"
A slam rang through the arena as Jey, with a burst of rage, grabbed Sami by the hair and tossed him into the ring. The anger was bursting even more now at the sight of you on the floor. Jey didn't care about the match, the consequences, or anything else in that moment. He was fueled by a combination of betrayal and a burning desire to protect you.
"See what you fucking did?" Jey roared, looking at Sami with a fire in his eyes.
"You're the one who pushed Y/N," Sami retorted, staggering to his feet and dodging a punch from Jey. The match had turned into an all-out brawl, and any semblance of a structured contest was lost in the chaos.
Solo helped you up, and you slipped back into the ring, trying to assert some control over the situation. The Bloodline was falling apart right before everyone's eyes, and you were at the center of it.
You could barely watch as they put each other in submission holds and made the other yell in pain. Sami had Jey in a crossface, and the tension in the arena was palpable. Solo stood at ringside, watching the chaos unfold with a grim expression. The once-unified Bloodline was tearing itself apart.
"I'm sorry, Jey!" Sami gasped out, his voice strained. "I'm fucking sorry, okay? I didn't mean to do this, any of this!"
Jey, caught in the hold, grimaced in pain, but his expression softened just a fraction at Sami's apology. But that expression hardened again when he glanced at you, who could barely stand to see the turmoil in front of you.
Before Jey could do anything, you grabbed Sami's leg and forcefully pulled him off of Jey, breaking the submission hold. The chaos continued, and both men were now visibly exhausted, their bodies battered and bruised from the intense brawl.
Sami slowly stood up and looked at you in disbelief as you pulled him off, giving him an angry look. This entire night was getting on your fucking nerves.
"I was about to end this entire thing, Y/N! For Roman!" Sami softly pleaded, still trying to make sense of the chaos. You shot him a glare that could cut through steel, not interested in his justifications at the moment.
"I am so fucking sick of this drama, Sami," you snapped, the frustration evident in your voice. "Both of you need to get your act together, or Roman's going to tear us all apart. We had one job – to prove that the Bloodline could stick together. Look at what's happening!"
Sami tried to reach out to you, his eyes pleading for understanding, but you pushed him away. He pleaded his case to you. "Y/N, please. I need to finish this for Roman. Don't get involved. I don’t want you getting hurt."
The two of you continued arguing, not noticing Jey standing up and making his way towards the both of you until his foot was readying for a super kick to Sami.
In a split second, you knew that if Jey hit Sami with it and got the pin on him, it would lead to nothing. A winner would lead to nothing, it would only escalate the chaos and deepen the divide within the Bloodline.
So with a surge of adrenaline, you quickly pushed Sami out of the way, taking the full impact of Jey's super kick yourself. The crowd gasped as you crumpled to the mat, the pain radiating through your body.
Jey's eyes widened in shock and horror as he realized what he had just done. He dropped to his knees beside you, panic etched across his face.
"Y/N, I… I didn't mean to…" He turned to Sami, who was making his way to you, the same concern on his face, and that anger came back full force. "This is your fault," Jey growled at Sami, the tension between them reaching a boiling point.
All you could hear were muffled sounds, the bell ringing, and the chaos around you. Pain throbbed in your head, and you didn't know how long you were down.
It felt like you were flying, and you slowly opened your eyes and realized Solo was carrying you on your shoulders. You gently squeezed his shoulders, which made him speak up.
"Relax, Y/N." He calmly told you. You tried to listen to him but you looked up and saw Jey and Sami still fighting, Jimmy trying to break up the chaos. Roman, who had just arrived, was visibly furious.
The Bloodline was falling apart, and everyone knew it, and would try to take advantage of their weaknesses. Solo carried you backstage, trying to get you away from the escalating situation.
Things were defiently not going to end well.
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"I give you all one job." You held the ice to your head and breathed out nervously as Roman circled the locker room, his eyes focused on each member of the Bloodline.
The atmosphere was thick with tension, and the aftermath of the chaotic match still lingered.
You gently caressed Jey's back, and internally sighed when he let out a sigh and leaned into your touch. Solo stood nearby, his gaze fixed on the floor.
"One job, I gave you all. To prove to everyone that the Bloodline could stick together, that we were a united front," Roman continued, his voice low and seething with frustration. "But what do I get instead? Chaos, brawls, and a complete breakdown in the ring. Is this how we represent the Bloodline?"
No one dared to speak. The tension in the room was palpable, and all eyes were on Roman. You could feel Jey's muscles tensing beneath your touch, and Solo's stoic expression didn't waver.
Roman's gaze finally landed on you, and you felt a chill run down your spine. "I told you to handle this, Y/N. I told you to make sure they stay in line. Instead, I get a fucking circus in the ring. And you…" he pointed at Jey, "you Superkicked your own ref? What the hell were you thinking?"
Jey opened his mouth to speak, but Roman cut him off with a stern look. "I don't want to hear it right now."
Roman then turned to Sami, who nervously darted his eyes back and forth between Roman and Jey. "I told you to end his stupid rivalry with Jey. Did you think this was the solution? I told you guys to have a match, not to turn my ring into a battleground."
Sami stammered, trying to find the right words, but Roman wasn't in the mood for excuses. "You both failed me tonight," Roman continued, his disappointment evident in his voice. "Didn't they, Paul?"
Paul, who had been standing in the corner, stepped forward, his expression a mix of concern, pity, and calculation. "Indeed, Roman. Tonight's events were… unforeseen, to say the least. But I believe we can address the issues at hand and ensure this doesn't happen again."
Roman nodded, his gaze returning to the three of you. "You're damn right we will. I told you there would be consequences if you couldn't handle this. I'm not gonna let my empire crumble because you all can't get your shit together."
Roman started laughing , but it was a humorless, cold laugh that sent shivers down your spine. The intensity in the room seemed to grow, and even Jey, who usually stood his ground, looked uneasy.
Roman's laughter subsided, and he fixed his gaze on each of you in turn. "Here's what's going to happen. We settle this within the family."
He turned to you, a stern expression on his face. "You will be going to Monday Night Raw to sort out this Charlotte, and I want these two,"
He turned to Jey and Sami, who were nervously shifting their weight, "To accompany you. The three of you will head to Raw and represent the Bloodline as a unified force, and you will get along. Y/N, as my right hand women, I expect you to ensure that they fall in line. I won't tolerate any more disruptions or embarrassments. This is your chance to prove that the Bloodline is a force to be reckoned with, not a group that crumbles under pressure. This is your responsibility."
Roman stared at Jey and Sami with a piercing gaze, making it clear that there was no room for failure. "Since ya'll wanna fight over her, if you guys can't handle a simple task together, then you'll have something to fight about for real. Cause if you mess up, it's not on you two. It's on Y/N, and I know neither of you want that on your conscience."
Roman didn't want to use you as bait, but he needed to if Jey and Sami were to listen to him. The weight of responsibility settled on your shoulders as Roman's words echoed in the room. You felt the eyes of both Jey and Sami on you, burning through the thick air. You took a deep breath, meeting Roman's gaze with determination.
"I understand, Roman. I'll make sure things go smoothly on Monday Night Raw. We'll represent the Bloodline as a united front," you affirmed, your voice steady despite the unease in the room.
Roman nodded, seemingly satisfied with your response. "Good. You know what's at stake, Y/N. Don't let me down. Solo, Jimmy, let's go clean up their mess."
Jimmy shot you a sympathetic look, and Solo nodded in agreement, his eyes briefly meeting yours. As Roman led them out of the locker room, you turned to Jey and Sami, both still guiltily avoiding eye contact.
"Guys." Both men looked up at your voice, their eyes meeting yours with a mix of guilt, frustration, and uncertainty. "Let's go. Jey, we're gonna talk at the hotel. Grab your stuff, and meet me outside in ten minutes, I need to talk to someone. Sami, get ready too, I'll get the valet for you."
You didn't think it was smart to have both of them in the same car after everything that just happened. They gazed at each other, silently glaring at each other before turning back and nodding at you. "Don't kill each other while I'm gone." With that, you left the locker room, the weight of the task ahead settling heavily on your shoulders.
Jey and Sami watched as you disappeared from the locker room, leaving them alone with their thoughts. The silence between them was thick, filled with unspoken tension and the weight of Roman's expectations. Jey sighed, running a hand through his hair, while Sami shifted uncomfortably on his feet.
"So, we're supposed to go to Raw together and act like a happy family?" Jey muttered, breaking the silence. Sami shot him a sideways glance, a hint of sarcasm in his voice.
"Look, I am sorry for kissing Y/N." Sami started, regret evident in his voice and expression on his face.
"Oh really?" Jey sarcastically raised an eyebrow, his tone dripping with skepticism. "You wasn't sorry when you was tryna lock lips with her."
"Yeah, I was! As soon as I realized what I did, I felt like crap. It wasn't intentional, Jey. You have to believe me-"
"I ain't believing shit! The only reason I ain't knock your teeth out right now is cause Roman told us not to mess this up any further. But make no mistake, Sami, I don't trust you an inch."
Sami sighed, realizing the gravity of the situation and knew he had to make it right. "Jey, I was jealous."
Jey blinked at him, the anger giving away to surprise at the admission. "Jealous? Of what?"
Sami hesitated for a moment before answering, "Of what you have with her. I see the way she looks at you, and I wanted that. We used to be close, and I saw you with her, and I just wanted that connection back. And you hated my guts, so I thought that if I could get close to her, maybe I could bridge the gap between us, and you would realize I just wanted to be accepted into the family, but I screwed up big time by letting my emotions get the best of me. I wasn't trying to get her, I promise you. That was never my intention when I first tried to join.
But that night, it felt like everything was falling apart, and I let my emotions cloud my judgment and make me cross a line." Sami stood up, grabbing his stuff, not daring to look at Jey's face. "I know what it's like to get cheated on, trust me. And I know how it hurts, and I know it must be hurting you right now, and I never wanted to make you feel like that. I genuinely am sorry, Jey."
Jey remained silent for a moment, processing Sami's words. The tension in the room seemed to lessen slightly, but it was far from resolved. Jey didn't respond, and Sami didn't know if he was gearing up for a fight or was processing what he heard. Sami sighed and zipped up his suitcase.
"Y/N is an amazing woman, wrestler, and friend. But most importantly, she's your girl. And I respect that. I know you still hate my guts, but I'm willing to make things right, not just for Roman but for the sake of the Bloodline. And you won't be besties with me, but at least pretend to be cordial for Y/N. We don't want her to get hurt for what we did."
Sami's words hung in the air as Jey continued to stare at him, a mixture of anger, distrust, and contemplation in his eyes.
Finally, after what felt like eternity, Jey spoke, his tone stern. "You right. We gotta do this for her. But don't think for a second that we friends, Sami. We're gonna do this for Y/N and for the Bloodline, and if you wanna try anything funny, I won't hesitate to handle it my way."
Sami nodded, accepting Jey's terms without protest. "Fair enough, Jey. I'll do whatever it takes to make things right. For the Bloodline and for you."
Jey furrowed his brows at the last sentence but didn't press further. Did Sami actually mean what he said, or was it just another attempt to smooth things over? The air in the room remained tense as both men prepared to leave for Raw, uncertain of what the future held for their uneasy alliance.
They left the room, heading towards the exit, both of them looking uneasy at being next to the other. They quickly spotted you on the phone, your bag slung over your shoulder, talking to someone in hushed whispers.
You saw them coming and said your goodbyes and shut off your phone, turning your attention to Jey and Sami. The tension in the air was palpable as you motioned for them to follow you outside.
As you walked through the corridors, you could feel the eyes of other wrestlers on you, curious about the aftermath of the chaotic match and Roman's stern words. The three of you stepped outside, the cool night air offering a brief respite from the intensity of the arena.
"On Monday, we need to show the world that the Bloodline stands strong," you began, your voice firm. "We might not be perfect, but we have each other's backs. You take out all tag teams that pose a threat, and I'll deal with Charlotte. Roman is counting on us, and we can't afford to let him down."
Jey and Sami exchanged glances before nodding in eluctant agreement, their eyes avoiding each other. The weight of Roman's expectations hung heavy over all of you, and you sighed as you felt the responsibility of holding the Bloodline together. You took a moment to lock eyes with both Jey and Sami, a silent understanding passing between you.
"Whatever happened tonight, we leave it behind us. We focus on Monday Night Raw and showing everyone that the Bloodline is unbreakable," you emphasized, your tone unwavering.
Jey didn't respond, and Sami nodded, seemingly committed to putting aside their differences for the sake of the family. You nodded, and Sami's valet pulled up.
No words were needed to understand the tension between you guys. Sami understood that, and simply waved goodbye at you as he headed towards his car. You and Jey were left alone in the parking lot, surrounded by the dim glow of overhead lights.
Jey sighed, running a hand through his hair, and turned to you as you walked to your car. You didn't say anything, simply opened the door and slid into the driver's seat. Jey would talk when he wanted to, and not a moment sooner.
Jey hesitated for a moment before getting into the passenger seat, and the car engine roared to life. The drive to the hotel was filled with a heavy silence, broken only by the occasional sighs and the distant sounds of the city outside.
As you pulled into the hotel parking lot, the weight of the night seemed to settle even heavier on your shoulders. You parked the car, and Jey remained silent, lost in his thoughts. The atmosphere inside the vehicle felt tense, and the air was thick with unresolved issues.
You turned off the engine, and the two of you went inside the hotel, the only sounds between you eing the distant hum of the lobby's air conditioning and the muffled conversations of hotel staff. The tension seemed to follow you both as you approached the front desk to check in.
The hotel room keys were handed over, and you silently made your way to your room. Jey didn't talk as you both went inside the room, the door closing behind you. The dim light from the bedside lamp cast shadows across the walls, adding to the uneasy atmosphere.
Jey went to the bathroom, not sparing you a glance, and you sighed as you heard running water a few minutes later. You needed to apologize to him, stewing in anger wouldn't help the situation. Taking a deep breath, you decided to go inside the bathroom.
The heat hit your face as you walked inside, seeing Jey's shadow through the shower curtains. You stripped yourself of your clothes, leaving just your thoughts and vulnerability.
The steam from the shower enveloped you as you went inside the shower, the water hitting your skin like a cascade of relief. Jey turned to face you, his expression unreadable. You could see the tension in his shoulders, and his eyes met yours in the misty enclosure.
"Jey," you began, the water cascading over both of you, "I'm sorry." Jey didnt respond, and you grabbed the soap and lathered it onto his back, his back, a gentle touch to break through the walls he had built.
Your fingers traced the tension in his muscles as you continued, "I'm sorry for not telling you Sami kissed me. I promise you, I was but then every time I tried to something interrupted us. But that is no excuse. He kissed me, I pulled away, and told him that it was wrong. I didn't want to hide it from you, and I should've found a way to tell you before it all escalated."
Jey remained silent, his gaze fixed on the shower tiles. The water continued to cascade over both of you, the tension in the air still palpable.
"I know you must be hurting, and I don't blame you for being angry," you continued, your voice gentle. "I just want you to understand that I never wanted to betray you. Sami made a mistake, and I made a mistake in not telling you sooner. I was scared of hurting you, of costing you the match if you got angry. But I realize now that keeping it from you only made things worse."
You gently rubbed Jey's shoulders, trying to soothe the tension in his muscles. "I promise you, I pushed him off of me, and I made it clear that it wasn't something I wanted or welcomed. I'm committed to you, Jey. You're the one I care about, and I don't want anything to come between us."
Jey finally turned to face you, his eyes meeting yours. The intensity in his gaze softened slightly, and you could see a mixture of hurt, anger, and vulnerability in his eyes. The silence lingered, the sound of the water providing a backdrop to the unspoken exchange between the two of you.
"I should've told you, and I'm sorry for that," you continued, your voice sincere. "I understand if you need time, if you're angry. But please, Jey, don't leave me hanging on Raw. I know I act like an independent woman, but I need you by my side. I can't handle things without you. I love you." You grabbed the shower head and washed off the soap from your bodies, your eyes never leaving Jey's.
Jey sighed, a heavy exhale that seemed to release some of the tension in the air. He reached for the shampoo and started to wash his hair, still silent. The water continued to fall around you, creating a cocoon of intimacy within the small space of the shower.
"I am with you right now. You're the one showering with me, not Sami. You're the one that has my heart, not Sami. You're the one that I came to when I needed someone to talk to, not Sami." You reassured Jey, your words sinking into the mist-filled enclosure.
Jey processed your words, letting you wash off the remants of the soap from his body. You couldn't read his face like you usually could, and held your breath as you waited for his response.
After a moment of silence, Jey finally spoke, his voice low and measured. "Turn around."
You complied, and let your muscles relax as he rubbed your back with the soap, his touch gentle yet firm. The warmth of the water and Jey's presence created a sense of intimacy that started to melt away the tension between you. The atmosphere shifted, becoming more tender and understanding.
"I ain't saying I'm not pissed," Jey admitted, his voice a mixture of frustration and vulnerability. "I am. You shoulda been come to me when this happened."
He softly massaged the soap into your skin, his touch a silent acknowledgment of the apology. "But I ain't gonna let this mess up what we got. I trust you when you said you ain't trying to play games with Sami. I know when you lying, and you ain't lying now."
You let out a breath you didn't realize you were holding, relieved that Jey seemed willing to work through the situation.
The water continued to pour over both of you, a soothing rhythm that matched the softening of the atmosphere as he washed the soap off of you. "But we gotta communicate better. I aint want no secrets between us. No more hiding stuff, Y/N. We gotta be honest with each other, even if it's hard, and even if it hurts."
He turned you around, and his eyes met yours, a hint of vulnerability in his gaze that struck your heart. "I love you, and I don't want anything to jeopardize that," Jey concluded, his words a mix of sincerity and a lingering frustration.
You nodded, your heart swelling with a mix of emotions. Jey was spilling his heart out to you, and you appreciated his honesty, knowing how hard it was for him to open up.
You gently cupped Jey's face in your hands, your thumbs brushing against his cheeks. "I love you too, Jey. And you're right. No more secrets, no more hiding. We face everything together. I promise you, I'm here for you, and I'm not going anywhere."
For the first time all night, Jey cracked a smile, a genuine, heartfelt smile that melted away the remaining tension in the room. He leaned in, capturing your lips in a soft, reassuring kiss.
The warmth of the shower, the sound of water, and the intimacy between the two of you created a moment of connection that spoke louder than words.
As you pulled away, Jey rested his forehead against yours, his eyes locked with yours. "Promise me you won't keep things from me again," he murmured, the vulnerability in his voice tugging at your heart.
"I promise, Jey. No more secrets. We are honest with each other, no matter how much it hurts," you affirmed, sealing the promise with a gentle kiss. The weight of the night slowly lifted, replaced by a renewed sense of unity and understanding.
With the tension eased and the promise made, you both continued to share the shower, not just washing away the physical remnants of the chaotic night but also cleansing the emotional residue that lingered between you.
When Jey went to turn off the water, you stopped him with a gentle touch on his arm. "Let me," you whispered, taking over the task. As you turned off the water, the room fell into a comfortable silence, the only sound remaining the soft drip of water from your bodies until you lowered yourself to your knees, making Jey raise an eyebrow in surprise.
"Y/N, what are you doing?" he asked, his voice a mix of confusion and curiosity.
You looked up at him with a mischievous smile. "I think I need to properly ap ologize to you for everything that happened tonight," you replied, your eyes meeting his with a playful glint.
Jey chuckled, his tension further dissipating as he realized what you were doing. "And how do you plan on doing that?"
You steadied yourself with your hands on Jey's legs, looking up at him through hooded eyes, waiting for his consent. "Well, Mr. Uso, actions speak louder than words."
Jey's expression shifted from surprise to a sly grin. "I like the sound of that," he replied, his eyes filled with a playful glint.
You leaned in, leaving a trail of soft kisses along his thighs, gradually making your way up. The steam from the shower enveloped both of you, creating an intimate atmosphere. Jey's hands found their way into your hair, his fingers gently intertwining as he let out a low sigh.
"You ready for your apology, Mr. Uso?" you teased, your voice a soft whisper against his skin.
Jey smirked, his eyes locked onto yours. "Apology accepted in advance," he replied, a playful tone in his voice.
Let's just say, he accepted your apology multiple times that night.
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The engine shut off as the cheauffer took the key's out of the sleek black SUV you, Jey. and Sami were escorted in on your way to the arena Raw was behind held.
The atmosphere inside the car was still thick with tension between Jey and Sami, who you were sitting between. You could feel the awkwardness radiating from both men as they avoided making direct eye contact.
The drive to the arena had been silent, but their tension wasn't. It was like every little thing that Sami did made Jey more irritated, and vice versa. If Sami even breathed too loudly, you could sense Jey's annoyance. If Jey even shifted in his seat, you could feel Sami's discomfort. The air in the car seemed to echo with the unspoken words, and you knew that the real challenge lay ahead when you stepped into the arena.
As the car came to a stop, the tension heightened. The driver opened the door, and the three of you stepped out onto the bustling Raw backstage area.
The familiar sounds of conversations, equipment being moved, and the distant roar of the crowd filled the air. You hid yourselves with hoodies that bore the Bloodline emblem, attempting to shield your presence from prying eyes.
Jey's hand was on your lower back as the three of you made your way towards the locker rooms, the intensity of the situation growing with every step.
"Charlotte is expecting me to attack her, " You whispered to Jey and Sami as you walked through the corridors. "So I'll wait until she get's comfortable, then I'll strike. You two need to take out anyone that poses a threat in the tag team division."
You stopped when you reached the locker room door, turning to face Jey and Sami. Their faces were a mix of determination and lingering unease. You took a deep breath before continuing, your face serious.
"Look, I'm not stupid. I know you guys hate each other. But we can't afford any distractions or mistakes tonight. We're here to show the world that the Bloodline is a force to be reckoned with. So, for the next few hours, put your differences aside and focus on the task at hand, and if you don't want to do if for Roman, at least do it for me?"
At your last words, both Jey and Sami glanced at each other before reluctantly nodding in agreement. The weight of Roman's expectations, combined with the desire to prove themselves and, perhaps, a subtle sense of responsibility towards you, pushed them to at least try to temporarily set aside their differences.
"Y'know I got your back, pretty girl. Even if it's with him." Jey reassured you, his tone a mixture of reassurance and determination.
Sami hesitated for a moment before nodding. "For you, I'll do my part. Are you sure about this plan, though? Waiting for Charlotte might give her an advantage."
You nodded, appreciating Sami's concern. "I've faced her before. I know her patterns, and I know how to play to our advantage. Trust me, it'll work." You opened the door and entered the Bloodline's private locker room, and Jey and Sami followed you inside, the room now filled with the familiar atmosphere of preparation and focus. "I called someone and they agreed to help me."
Sami raised an eyebrow, a hint of curiosity in his expression. "Who?"
You grinned, enjoying the opportunity to surprise them. "You'll see. In the meantime, you two go to the men's locker room and raise hell there. And NO FIGHTING."
You gave them a glare at your last instruction. Jey sighed but nodded in agreement, and Sami reluctantly agreed as well. The uneasy alliance between Jey and Sami was put to the test as they headed towards the men's locker room, leaving you alone to finalize your plan.
You watched on the TV as Charlotte came out to the ring, mic in hand and cockiness etched on her face. The crowd erupted in cheers and boos as she began to taunt the audience and brag about her dominance in the women's division. You smirked, knowing that the trap was set.
"I know that our little queen Y/N is watching, waiting for the perfect moment to strike," Charlotte boasted, her eyes scanning the arena. "But she won't catch me off guard. I'm always one step ahead. And when I take that title from her, she'll finally realize that I AM the true queen of the WWE."
As Charlotte continued her monologue, you slipped out of the Bloodline's locker room, making your way towards the entrance ramp. The plan was in motion, and you were ready to make a statement on behalf of the Bloodline.
You raced to the gorilla, and when she finally put the mic down, her back turned and her guard slightly down, you ran to the ring, the crowds cheers echoing in your ear as you knocked Charlotte down from behind with a fierce clothesline.
The arena erupted in a mix of shock and excitement as you made your way to the ring, the hood of your Bloodline hoodie pulled over your head. The element of surprise was on your side, and the audience roared in approval.
Charlotte, visibly stunned, tried to regain her composure as you beat her down into the corner, punching her over and over, smirking as she tried to fight back.
"Always one step ahead, Charlotte, huh?" You taunted, ducking a wild swing from her. You both ended up slipping out of the ring, hair pulling and brawling on the outside.
You wavered slightly as Charlotte pushed you into the barricade, slowly inching your way into the gorilla. Charlotte smirked as she followed you to the back, unaware of the danger that lurked there.
"Aww, where you going princess?" Charlotte smirked as you turned the corner, leading her into the gorilla position. The production crew and staff scattered as they witnessed the unexpected brawl between you and Charlotte.
As you reached the gorilla position, you suddenly stopped, and Charlotte crashed into you, not expecting the abrupt halt. She tried to steady herself, but a punch from behind made her stumble forward.
As Charlotte turned around, she was met with the sight of none other than Judgement's Day Rhea Ripley, who had agreed to help you in this ambush.
"What's the matter, Charlotte? Surprised to see me?" Rhea smirked, cracking her knuckles. The anticipation in the air was palpable as the two of you circled Charlotte.
Your fist connected with Charlotte's face, and Rhea followed up with a devastating kick to her midsection. The three of you brawled all the way to the women's locker room, the other women trying to clear out of the way as they witnessed the chaotic scene.
Anyone who got in your way was destroyed.
Raquel tried to tug you off of Charlotte, but you slammed her into a nearby equipment crate, leaving her incapacitated for the moment.
Shotzi tried to intervene, but Rhea swiftly intercepted her, locking her in a fierce submission hold and forcing her to tap out.
You laughed as Bianca grabbed you by the waist and tried to pull you away, but a well-timed knee to her gut made her release her grip.
This was your plan all along. Take out Charlotte and anyone else that wanted your title.
You grabbed Bianca and threw her into the locker, and it dented at the impact. The chaos in the women's locker room escalated, with the other Superstars scrambling to get out of the way. Rhea continued her relentless assault on Charlotte, not giving her a moment to breathe.
As the brawl intensified, you grabbed a steel chair from the corner of the locker room, the familiar clang echoing through the chaos.
Adam Pearce, who sat in his office, jumped at the knocking on his door. He opened it to find one of his interns, a nervous expression on his face.
"What?" Adam asked to them, focused on paperwork.
The intern stammered, "Um, sir, there's… there's a situation. Y/N and Rhea Ripley are fighting Charlotte and causing chaos in the women's locker room. It's, uh, it's getting pretty intense."
Adam stood up, his eyes widening in surprise. "What?! Get the security, get everyone down there. I need to handle this immediately. This is not how Raw is supposed to go down." The intern nodded frantically and rushed off to carry out Adam's orders.
Adam tried to rush to the scene, but another intern stopped him, making him groan and say, "What now?"
"Sir, there's a video message from Roman Reigns. He wants you to see it urgently," the intern informed, handing over a tablet. Adam sighed but took the tablet and pressed play. The image of Roman Reigns appeared on the screen, his expression stern.
"Adam, I hope you're handling things on your end because we're taking control on ours. Y/N is doing what needs to be done. This is the Bloodline making a statement, and we won't tolerate anyone trying to interfere with our business. Make sure the show goes on smoothly, and if anyone tries to stop Y/N, they'll have to deal with the consequences. This is our territory, and we're not letting anyone disrupt it. Handle it, Adam."
The message ended, leaving Adam in a mix of frustration and uncertainty. He had to get the situation under control, he was not scared of Roman! Before he could comment on the video, another intern interrupted him. "S-Sir…"
"What now?!" Adam demanded harshly at the intern, irritation evident in his tone.
"Sir, the men's locker room is in chaos too. Jey Uso and Sami Zayn are going at it with other wrestlers, and security is having a hard time containing the situation," the intern explained nervously.
Adam sighed, rubbing his temples. The night was spiraling out of control, and he needed to regain command. "Get all available security to both the men's and women's locker rooms. I want this situation under control immediately, and someone get me a direct line to Roman Reigns."
The live feed faded and turned to Jey and Sami, and the chaos in the men's locker room mirrored the scene in the women's locker room. Jey and Sami, fueled by their personal animosity, unleashed their aggression on anyone who dared to intervene. Bodies crashed into walls, equipment shattered, and the sound of punches echoed through the air.
As Adam scrambled to handle the escalating chaos, you, Rhea, Jey, and Sami continued the onslaught. The chaos spread like wildfire, with the security struggling to contain the situation. Superstars were caught in the crossfire, either trying to break up the fight or getting out of harm's way.
The plan was going perfectly, and the chaos you orchestrated was sending a clear message to everyone on Raw. The Bloodline was not to be underestimated, and anyone who dared to challenge their dominance would face the consequences.
You laughed as security finally pulled you and Rhea off of Charlotte and the rest of the women, and the one's who weren't injured were brawling amongst themselves. The chaos had reached its peak, and the message was loud and clear – the Bloodline was here, and they were to be feared.
As security restrained you and Rhea, you exchanged satisfied glances. Jey and Sami were similarly pulled away from the men's locker room, their faces still filled with animosity. The chaos had subsided, but the tension lingered in the air.
Rhea gave you a knowing look as security was about to lead you to Adam Pearce's office. "You called, I answered. I am a woman of my word, and I expect you to be as well. You owe me, Y/N. See you later."
You smirked at Rhea's comment, recognizing the debt owed after her assistance in executing the chaotic plan. You knew her help would come with a price, but you didn't know if you would regret agreeing to it later.
"You get your title shot whenever you want, Rhea. I promised, and I always keep my word. But cross me, and I guarantee you'll regret it more than you've ever regretted anything before." You winked at her as security guided you down the backstage corridor.
"Let me go, I'm here now!" You pushed the security guard that was guiding you, signaling that you were ready to face whatever consequences awaited you in Adam Pearce's office.
You heard Jey and Sami talking inside, Sami's babbling replaced by Jey's more composed words. As the door swung open, you entered with a defiant swagger.
"And I just really feel like the other guys were the cause of the fight, I mean look at us! Of course they are jealous of us and by now, everyone knows why they should be- Y/N!"
Sami's babbling stopped abruptly as he noticed your entrance and smiled at you, puppy dog eyes and all. Adam Pearce, sitting behind his desk, looked exasperated. Jey, standing beside Sami, looked thankful that you stopped Sami's rambling.
Adam Pearce sighed, rubbing his temples. "What in the hell just happened out there? Chaos erupted on live television, and we've got injured Superstars, a disrupted show, and the entire roster in disarray."
You leaned against the door, maintaining your confident demeanor. "What happened was everyone decided to start disrespecting the Bloodline, and we simply decided to remind them of their place. We're not to be underestimated, and anyone who challenges us will face the consequences. It's as simple as that."
Adam looked like he was on the verge of losing his patience and snapping, and Jey glared at him, nodding in agreement. "Yeah, Adam, you need to get things in order around here. We can't have people thinking they can just cross the Bloodline without repercussions. It ain't our fault if this place needs a wake-up call."
Adam rubbed his temples again, clearly frustrated with the situation. "Wake-up call?"
Sami nodded enthusiastically, "Yes, a wake-up call! I knew you would understand, Pearce. Look, we didn't like disrupting the show, but we needed to. We needed to make a statement, and I'd say it was pretty successful if I do say so myself."
Sami saw this as an opportunity to redirect the blame onto others, and he continued, "We were provoked, Adam. The disrespect was too much, and we had to do something about it. The Bloodline can't just let things slide, you know?"
Adam Pearce leaned back in his chair, glaring at the trio in front of him. "Let things slide?" Pearce darkly chuckled. "You didn't like disrupting the show? I'll give you something you don't like." Pearce stood up, walked around his desk, and faced you, Jey, and Sami.
"Oh, please, Pearce. We both know Roman has your number, and he won't be happy if you make a move against us," you taunted, smirking as you pushed off the door and approached Pearce. Jey and Sami exchanged uneasy glances, realizing that their perceived protection might not be as solid as they thought.
Pearce raised an eyebrow, unimpressed by your attempt at intimidation. "Everyone is telling me how scared I am of Roman Reigns and his so-called Bloodline. But let me make one thing clear: I don't answer to Roman Reigns. I answer to WWE management, and I'm responsible for maintaining order on this show."
Jey stepped forward, not liking how Pearce was talking to you. "You better watch your tone, Pearce. You don't want to find yourself on the wrong side of this."
Adam Pearce chuckled again, seemingly unfazed by the threat. "Oh really?" He mocked your taunts. "I've been dealing with rebellious Superstars for a long time, and none of them scare me. If Roman Reigns thinks he can control this show, he's sorely mistaken."
You, Jey, and Sami exchanged glances, realizing that Adam Pearce wasn't backing down. Sami, trying to salvage the situation, chimed in, "Look, Adam, we get it. You're in a tough spot, and you need to maintain order. But do you really want to risk going against the Bloodline? We're the top dogs here, and it's in your best interest to keep us happy."
Pearce leaned in, his face inches from Sami's. "Well here's my latest decision. You and Jey are going to defend those tag team championships against the team of Kevin Owens and Seth Rollins tonight, since they are the only people YOU DIDN'T INJURE!"
Your smirk turned into a glare at Pearce's announcement. The confident facade that had dominated your demeanor wavered for a moment.
Not Kevin. Fuck, now you wished you had helped Jey and Sami in order to stop the words coming out of Pearce's mouth. Jey and Sami exchanged alarmed glances, realizing that their attempt at intimidation had backfired.
"Wait a minute, Pearce. You can't just—"
Pearce cut off Sami's protest with a stern look. "I can, and I just did. You three wanted chaos, right? Well, now you'll deal with the consequences. The tag team titles will be on the line tonight, and if you're the dominant force you claim to be, prove it in the ring."
You crossed your arms, trying to regain control of the situation. "But Jey and Jimmy are the tag champions, not Sami and Jey. And lucky us, Jimmy isn't here to defend the titles."
Adam Pearce smirked, clearly enjoying the shift in the power dynamic. "Well, I guess you'll have to figure that out. Tonight's match is happening, and if you can't sort out your internal issues, you might find yourselves without those tag team championships."
Jey stepped forward angrily, frustration evident in his face. "You make that shit official and I'ma shove my boot up your white a-"
"Say one more word and I'll have security remove all three of you from the premises," Pearce interrupted with a smirk, his patience clearly worn thin. "I don't care about your threats, and I certainly don't care about the internal dynamics of the Bloodline. If you want chaos, deal with it in the ring tonight. That's my decision, and it's final."
Pearce smirked as Jey tried to attack him, only to be pulled back by you and Sami. Jey glared at Sami when he touched him, but he leaned into your hold, showing restraint for now. Sami, while clearly frustrated, also held back.
You glared at Pearce, seething with anger at the unexpected turn of events. "You can't just make someone who isn't a champ defend the titles. This is ridiculous, Pearce."
Pearce leaned back, crossing his arms. "I just did. You wanted chaos, and chaos you'll get. Either you defend the titles as a unit, or you risk losing them. It's your problem now."
Sami, trying to salvage the situation again, attempted to reason with Pearce. "Look, Adam, we're all professionals here. We can sort this out without putting the titles on the line tonight."
Pearce chuckled, shaking his head. "No, you made your point out there. Now it's time to back it up in the ring. Consider this a lesson in consequences. Now get ready for your match. And I suggest you find a way to work together if you want to remain champions."
You huffed, and in one split second, tried to launch yourself at Pearce, but Jey and Sami held you back. Pearce smirked at the display of frustration. "Save that energy for your boys' match. You might need it."
As security escorted you, Jey, and Sami out of Pearce's office, the reality of the situation began to sink in. Pearce called out for you before you left, "One more thing, Y/N. Since you wanted to start this whole attack by blindsiding Charlotte, I'm making you defend your title against her at Survivor Series. Good luck, you'll need it."
You gritted your teeth at Pearce's parting words, realizing that the chaos you had orchestrated had come back to haunt you.
As you were escorted down the hallway, Jey and Sami exchanged uneasy glances, the angry tension between making you realize the night was gonna be far from easy. The arguments would start soon. 1, 2, 3….
"I fucking knew some shit would happen with yo big mouth Sami!" Jey shouted out, slamming his fist against the wall.
"My mouth?!" Sami gaped at Jey, "You're the one who couldn't control himself out there! If you hadn't tried to attack Pearce, we wouldn't be in this mess."
"Me? You're the one who was going off on him. 'We the top dawgs, and it's in your best interest to keep us happy.' Now look at us." Jey rolled his eyes in anger.
Sami glared at Jey. "Oh, please! I was just trying to salvage the situation. You're the one who threatened Pearce first."
"Cause he was talking down to Y/N! I had to step in," Jey retorted, his frustration evident.
"By trying to jump him? That's real smart," Sami scoffed. The tension between the two of them escalated, and it seemed like a powder keg ready to explode.
"Guys." You tried to interject, but your voice barely cut through the escalating argument between Jey and Sami. The heated exchange continued, each blaming the other for the predicament you now found yourselves in.
Jey took a step towards Sami, pointing a finger accusingly. "If you hadn't been running your mouth about being the top dog, we wouldn't have had to deal with this nonsense. Now we've got a match we weren't prepared for."
Sami crossed his arms defensively. "Oh, please. If you hadn't tried to attack Pearce, we could have negotiated our way out of this. But no, you had to go and make things worse."
As their argument reached a boiling point, you felt the frustration building up inside you. This wasn't how you envisioned the aftermath of the chaos you had orchestrated. The unity within the Bloodline was cracking, and you needed to find a way to mend it before things got completely out of hand.
"Enough!" you finally shouted, your voice cutting through the tension. Jey and Sami both turned to look at you, their expressions a mix of anger and frustration. "Arguing won't solve anything. We're in this together, whether we like it or not. Now, we need to figure out how to handle tonight's match and make sure we don't lose those titles."
Jey scoffed, still glaring at Sami. "Easy for you to say, baby. You're not the one who has to defend the tag titles with this loudmouth."
Sami shot back, "Maybe if you could control your temper, we wouldn't be in this mess. But no, you had to play tough guy."
"Says the person that got us into this mess with his constant babbling," Jey retorted, his frustration evident.
"At least I tried to reason with Pearce instead of resorting to violence," Sami argued. "You just did what you do best, which is causing chaos without thinking about the consequences."
"Excuse me? You're the one who couldn't keep your mouth shut during the chaos. We had a plan, and you had to go off script," Jey retorted, the frustration evident in his voice.
Sami rolled his eyes. "Oh, please. Like I could've predicted Pearce's reaction. He's on a power trip, and we just happened to be in his way."
You stepped between them, trying to diffuse the tension. "Enough, both of you. We're not helping ourselves by pointing fingers. We need to focus on the match tonight. Jey, Sami, whether you like it or not, you're a team tonight, and we can't afford to lose those titles. So, figure out a way to work together, or you and Jimmy lose those titles, Jey."
Jey and Sami exchanged a begrudging look at your words. Jey didn't want to lose the titles, and Sami didn't want to face the consequences of their impulsive actions or mess up your plan. The reality of the situation weighed heavily on both of them.
"You guys aren't the only ones affected by this. I've got a title defense against Charlotte at Survivor Series now, thanks to Pearce," you added, frustration evident in your tone. "So, we all need to get on the same page, focus on tonight, and then we can deal with the fallout from Pearce's decisions later."
Jey sighed, realizing the gravity of the situation. "Fine, but don't think you the champ, Sami. You just helping me out for now."
Sami rolled his eyes but nodded in reluctant agreement. "I don't need your approval, Uce. Let's just get through tonight, and we can settle our issues later."
Jey stared daggers into Sami's head, but when you grabbed his shoulder and gave him a stern look, he reluctantly backed down. The tension in the air lingered, but there was a temporary ceasefire as you, Jey, and Sami begrudgingly agreed to focus on the immediate challenge ahead.
"Good," you said, a hint of authority in your voice. "Let's go to the locker room, come up with a game plan, and make sure we're on the same page for the match tonight. We can't afford any more slip-ups."
"Of course." Sami nodded, then something struck him, and he stopped and turned to you with a worried look on his face.
"Wait, did he say Kevin?" There was an underlying fear in his voice, and even though you felt it, you didn't show it.
Jey, however, whipped his head at Sami's tone and raised an eyebrow. "Yeah, he did. What, you scared your best friend is gonna beat some sense into you?" Jey taunted. "You gon' cost us these titles cause you're scared of facing Owens in the ring?"
Sami scoffed, trying to maintain his composure. "Please, I've beaten Owens before. I'm not scared of him."
Jey got into Sami's face, their faces inches apart. "You better not be. If I lose these titles tonight cause yo ass is scared, we're gonna have a real problem."
Sami pushed Jey away, a defiant look on his face. "I won't be the reason we lose, Uce. You just focus on not losing your cool, and we might get through this."
You intervened again before the tension could escalate further. "Enough, both of you. Save that energy for the match. We'll deal with whatever comes our way. Now let's go to the locker room, strategize, and make sure we're ready for Kevin and Seth tonight."
Jey and Sami sighed but followed you towards the locker room. You knew if they lost tonight, Roman would not only kill them but you as well. As the three of you walked down the hallway, the weight of the upcoming match and the consequences of your actions hung in the air.
"Look, I don't care about your personal issues right now. We need to focus on the match. We're defending the tag titles, and we can't afford any mistakes," you emphasized, looking at both of them sternly.
Jey nodded, a mix of frustration and determination on his face. "I ain't losing these titles because you scared of Kevin. Y/N was best friends with him, but she ain't afraid to face him. You shouldn't be afraid of Owens."
Sami huffed, rolling his eyes. "I'm not afraid of Owens. I just didn't expect to face him tonight. But I'll handle it, and we'll retain these titles. Just make sure you keep your temper in check, Jey."
Jey shot Sami a glare but didn't respond. The tension remained palpable as you reached the locker room. Once inside, you closed the door behind you, creating a temporary haven away from prying eyes.
"If you fuck up tonight, Sami, I swear—" Jey started, but you cut him off.
"You guys need to stop fighting and start working together. We don't have the luxury of personal issues right now. Our focus is on defending those tag titles. We can sort out our problems later, but for now, we need to be a cohesive unit in that ring."
Jey and Sami exchanged a reluctant nod, acknowledging the truth in your words. The stakes were high, and the unity within the Bloodline was being put to the test. You took a deep breath, trying to push aside the frustration and tension.
Your phone rang, and you quickly pulled it out of your pocket. The caller ID showed Roman Reigns.
You looked at Jey and Sami, who were now giving you curious glances. "Start strategizing. I'll be back. It's Roman." You left them with that, and slipped out of the room, heading to a quieter area to answer the call from Roman.
"Roman," you greeted as you answered the phone.
"Y/N, why am I hearing that Jey and Sami are defending the tag titles tonight? And that you are defending your title against Charlotte?" Roman's voice was calm, but you could sense an undercurrent of displeasure.
"It's a long story, but things got out of hand, and Adam Pearce made the decision. We're dealing with the aftermath of the chaos we caused," you explained, choosing your words carefully.
"Chaos?" Roman's tone turned slightly more intense. "I told you to make a statement, not puts our titles at risk. What happened?"
You recounted the events that led to the chaos on Raw, the confrontation with Adam Pearce, and the subsequent decision to defend the tag titles. Roman listened in silence, his disapproval palpable even through the phone.
"I'll deal with Pearce, but at no costs can we have those titles lost tonight. Y/N, you need to make sure Jey and Sami get their act together. We can't afford any more missteps."
"I understand, Roman. I'm working on it. We'll do whatever it takes to retain the titles tonight," you assured him.
"You better," Roman replied sternly. "I don't want any weaknesses in the Bloodline. Handle this, and we'll discuss the fallout later."
The call ended, and you took a deep breath, realizing the weight of the responsibility on your shoulders. You couldn't afford to let the Bloodline down, and you needed to ensure that Jey and Sami worked together effectively in the upcoming match.
"Looks like you're having a rough night." You glared at the familiar voice, and turned to see your former best friend Kevin, the man you betrayed to join the Bloodline, standing a few feet away, a smile on his face. His presence only added to the mounting pressure and tension of the situation.
"Nope." You tried to push past him to get back to the locker room, but Kevin stepped in your way. "What do you want, Owens?" you snapped, not in the mood for his smug attitude.
"Just checking in on an old friend," Kevin replied, his tone casual. "And I couldn't help but overhear your conversation about defending the tag titles tonight. Interesting turn of events, isn't it?"
"Yeah, the most interesting thing you've done since I broke your arm. You're welcome, by the way." You snapped at Kevin, the bitterness from your past betrayal still lingering in your words.
Kevin chuckled, seemingly unfazed by your hostility. "Ah, memories. Good times, right? But let's focus on the present. Defending the tag titles with Jey and Sami tonight, huh? How's that going for you?"
You shot him a glare, unamused by his taunts. "You should be thanking me for taking you out of obscurity and giving you TV time. Now, if you'll excuse me." You tried to move past Kevin again, but he stepped in your way once more, his smirk widening.
"Still trying to avoid me after 2 years, huh?" " Kevin asked with a sarcastic tone. "The guilt of betrayal still eating at you, Y/N?"
You clenched your fists, suppressing the anger that threatened to boil over. "I don't have time for your mind games, Kevin. I've got a match to focus on, and unlike you, I don't dwell on the past."
Kevin chuckled, enjoying getting under your skin. "Well, good luck with that match. But we both know Sami is gonna be a liability. He won't hurt me like you want him to. And deep down, I know you don't want him to. You're scared of facing the consequences of your choices."
You shot him a venomous look, your patience wearing thin. "I'm not scared of anything, especially not you. Now, move out of my way."
Kevin stepped aside, still wearing that infuriating smirk." We'll see how brave you are in the ring tonight. Don't disappoint the Bloodline too much, Y/N. I told you, Roman only cares about you when you're an asset. Once you start becoming a liability, well, you've seen how he deals with that."
As Kevin walked away, you couldn't shake off the lingering frustration. The upcoming match was challenging enough without the added tension from your past with Kevin. He was right, as much as you hated to admit it. Your choices had consequences, and tonight's match was a testament to that.
You could only hope that Jey and Sami could put their differences aside long enough to successfully defend the tag titles. If they lost, the blame would be on you, and Kevin was right, if you became a liability, Roman wouldn't take too kind to that.
All of this rests on your shoulders, and yet it was on Jey and Sami to deliver in the ring. As you returned to the locker room, the atmosphere was tense, and the air felt heavy with the weight of the impending match. Jey and Sami were still exchanging heated glances, but they fell silent as you entered.
"Everything okay?" Jey asked, noticing the frustration on your face.
"Kevin being his usual annoying self," you replied dismissively, not wanting to dwell on the encounter.
Sami raised an eyebrow, curious but hesitant to ask more. Instead, he focused on the matter at hand. "We need a game plan for tonight. What are we doing?"
You took a deep breath, pushing aside the lingering frustration from the encounter with Kevin. "We're putting our differences aside, focusing on the match, and ensuring that we walk out of there with the tag titles still around our waists. We can't afford any mistakes, and we can't let personal issues get in the way."
Jey nodded, his expression determined. "I'm not losing these titles tonight. Sami, you better have my back."
Sami sighed, relenting for the sake of the match. "I'll do what it takes to win. Just make sure you control that temper of yours, Uce."
You chimed in, "And I'll be at ringside, making sure everything goes smoothly. We're the Bloodline, and we don't let anything or anyone stand in our way. Let's focus on the task at hand and make sure we prove our dominance in that ring."
If only that were as simple as it sounded.
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You took a deep breath as you, Jey and Sami walked out to the ring, the crowd's roar echoing through the arena. The atmosphere was charged with anticipation, and you could feel the weight of the tag team titles on your shoulders. The chaotic events that unfolded earlier backstage seemed like a distant memory now, replaced by the singular focus of successfully defending the titles.
You avoided looking at Kevin's eyes as you stepped into the ring with Jey and Sami, you stepped into the ring, trying to maintain your composure. The referee signaled for the match to start, and Jey and Sami reluctantly began the defense of the tag team titles.
"They don't care about you!" Kevin yelled at Sami as he circled the ring. He couldn't let you and Sami fall into Roman's trap.
Sami shot back, "They care about me more than you ever did! Focus on the match, or are you just here to run your mouth?"
The bell rang, and the match officially began. Jey and Sami had to put aside their differences and work as a team to retain the titles. The crowd was buzzing with excitement, sensing the tension within the Bloodline.
The match started with Jey and Kevin in the ring. They locked up, each trying to assert dominance. Jey, fueled by the frustration from earlier, unleashed a flurry of strikes on Kevin, aiming to prove a point. Sami, on the apron, looked on with a mix of concern and eagerness.
You were at ringside, waiting for the moment to interject if needed. The intensity in the ring was palpable, and the match could easily tip in any direction.
Jey and Kevin continued their exchange of blows, neither giving an inch. Jey's aggression was on full display as he took control of the match, delivering punishing kicks and strikes. Sami, still on the apron, seemed torn between supporting his partner and letting his personal issues distract him.
You grabbed Kevins leg to try and distract him, pulling him out of the ring. The referee's attention shifted towards the commotion outside, allowing Jey to capitalize on the distraction and gain the upper hand against Kevin, sending him sprawling to the outside.
"Sami!" You yelled at him to come quick as Jey had Kevin in a vulnerable position. Sami hesitated for a moment, torn between helping and staying focused on the match. The internal conflict was evident on his face, but he eventually slid out of the ring and joined you.
"Hit him!" Jey bellowed out to Sami, urging him to take advantage of the situation. Sami, though still conflicted, nodded and delivered a swift kick to Kevin's midsection before rolling him back into the ring.
With the match back inside the squared circle, Jey continued to target, showcasing the Uso's ruthless side. Sami, despite his earlier reservations, seamlessly joined the attack, working with Jey to wear down Kevin. The teamwork, however reluctant, seemed effective.
Seth tried to interfere, rushing down the ramp, but you intercepted him, engaging in a brief brawl at ringside by hitting him low. The distraction allowed Jey and Sami to maintain control in the ring, isolating Kevin Owens and preventing him from making the tag to Seth.
But that's where the mistakes started. Miscommunication that was inadvertently Jey's fault made Jey angry and he shoved Sami away, frustrated by the lack of cohesion.
"What are you doing?!" He screamed at Sami, but Sami fired back, "I'm doing my part, Uce! Maybe if you weren't so hot-headed, we could actually work as a team!"
You ran your hands over your face, silently praying that the Bloodline could somehow get through this match without completely self-destructing. The tension within the team was escalating, and it was starting to affect their performance in the ring.
Despite the internal strife, Jey and Sami managed to keep Kevin grounded, preventing him from reaching Seth for the tag. The crowd was divided, some cheering for the Bloodline's dominance, while others hoped for Kevin to turn the tide.
Jey, still visibly frustrated, tagged Sami back into the match. The two attempted a double-team move, but the lack of coordination led to a momentary hesitation, giving Kevin the opening he needed. Kevin fought back, delivering a series of strikes to both Sami and Jey, turning the tables in his favor.
The chaotic situation in the ring mirrored the chaos that had unfolded earlier backstage. You could feel the control slipping away, and the consequences of the discord within the Bloodline were becoming evident.
As Kevin gained momentum, the frustration between Jey and Sami boiled over. A heated argument erupted, and you had to slide into the ring to stop a full-blown confrontation. The referee tried to intervene, but the tension was too high. Your attempts to separate Jey and Sami were met with resistance, each blaming the other for the escalating situation.
"Your anger is costing us the match!" Sami yelled at Jey, pushing him away.
"Oh, I'm the problem? Maybe if you weren't so focused on running your mouth, we could actually win this!" Jey shot back, his frustration reaching a breaking point.
You stepped between them, trying to mediate. "Enough! We can't afford this right now. Focus on the match!"
But the damage was done. Kevin took advantage of the internal strife within the Bloodline, delivering a devastating superkick to Jey, followed by a Popup Powerbomb. The crowd erupted as Kevin made the cover.
1, 2, -"
You grabbed the ref's arm before he could count to three. You couldn't let the titles slip away like this. The referee looked at you with confusion, but you pointed to Sami, signaling for him to break up the pin.
Sami, realizing the urgency, shoved Jey into Kevin, breaking the pin just in time. The match continued, but the disarray within the Bloodline was evident.
Kevin laughed and shook his head at your actions. He knew you would go to great lengths to protect the Bloodline's interests.
"Why do you keep protecting them!?" Kevin asked, or more like shouted, at you as you stared at him, trying to move away from him, not knowing if he would leave you alone or stun you.
You were like a sister to him, so he never shied away from stunning some brain cells into you when needed. "He only cares about you when you're useful. If you lost your title tonight, Roman would kick you to the curb. You can't keep protecting them forever. I won't let you!"
You ignored Kevin's words, the internal conflict weighing heavily on your shoulders. The match continued, but the unity within the Bloodline was shattered. Jey and Sami struggled to work together, their frustration and resentment evident in every move.
Seth, on the outside, watched the chaos unfold with a smirk on his face. The disarray within the Bloodline was playing right into the hands of their opponents. The tag team titles, once a symbol of dominance, were now on the brink of slipping away.
Seth finally got tagged in, and him and Jey started exchanging blows in the center of the ring. Despite the internal conflict, Jey showcased his resilience, fighting back against Seth. Sami, still recovering on the apron, watched with a mix of concern and frustration.
"Tag me in!" Sami pleaded to Jey, who was hesitant to cooperate. Seth was also reaching out to tag Kevin. The tension between them had reached its peak, and you were begging that somehow they could pull it together. "For fucks sake Jey, act like you don't hate me for once and tag me in!!"
Jey, who finally put his pride away and realized the urgency, finally tagged Sami in. Sami entered the ring, facing off against Kevin, who was now the legal man for the opposing team. The match had reached a critical point, and the outcome hung in the balance.
Sami hesitated as him and Kevin stood off in the middle of the ring. The history between them, both as friends and rivals, one that you shared with them, added an extra layer of intensity to the match. You were internally screaming at Sami. Do not hesitate, Sami. DO NOT HESITATE!
It seemed like Sami was about to extend his hand for a shake, a momentary truce in the midst of the chaos. However, as Kevin reached out, Sami's hesitation turned into a sudden change of heart. He pulled his hand back and delivered a swift kick to Kevin's midsection.
"YESS!" You screamed out to encourage Sami's aggression. "BEAT HIS ASS, SAMI!"
Sami, fueled by a combination of frustration, rivalry, and the desire to prove his loyalty to the Bloodline, relentlessly attacked Kevin. It hurt you to see, but you knew Roman would hurt you more if you lost.
The match continued with a back-and-forth exchange between Sami and Kevin. Sami, fueled by a mix of frustration and determination, unleashed a barrage of strikes on Kevin, each blow carrying the weight of the internal conflict within the Bloodline.
Sami, driven by his internal conflict and the external pressure from you and the looming consequences with Roman Reigns, continued to dominate Kevin in the ring. The referee tried to maintain order, but the animosity between the two wrestlers seemed to overshadow any attempts at sportsmanship.
Jey was watching the intense exchange between Sami and Kevin. He nodded approvingly at Sami's aggressive display, knowing that their allegiance to the Bloodline had to be unwavering.
Seth, sensing that the end was near, ran into the ring and tried to pull Sami off of Kevin as he had Kevin in the corner, but Jey intercepted Ezekiel with a super kick, sending him sprawling outside the ring.
You held your breath as you watched Kevin try to gather his bearings, and as the ref tried to separate Seth and Jey, you knew you had to do something to secure the win, or Jey distracting the ref will cost all of you.
You slipped inside the ring to the corner, avoided looking Kevin in the eyes, and hit Kevin with your title, making him slump in the corner.
"Come on, Sami! Finish him!" you shouted, rallying behind your guys.
Sami, momentarily surprised by your interference, quickly recovered and seized the opportunity. He delivered a devastating Helluva Kick to Kevin, who crumpled to the mat. The referee, having missed your interference, turned around just in time to see Sami covering Kevin for the pin.
The referee counted: "One! Two! Three!"
The bell rang, signaling the victory for your team. Sami quickly stood up, a mix of exhaustion and triumph on his face. You screamed in joy, sliding into the ring, out of instinct jumping into Sami's arms to celebrate the hard-fought victory. The arena erupted with a mix of cheers and boos, but for you and your team, it was a moment of glory.
Sami, not expecting you to hug him so aggressively, slightly stumbled, but he quickly caught his balance and reciprocated the hug. The adrenaline was still pumping through both of you, and the taste of victory was sweet. You slid out of Sami's arms and yelled for Jey to join you guys.
"JEYY!!" You yelled out for your boyfriend, waving him over. Jey, seeing the tag titles in your hands, grinned and entered the ring, and you hugged him in glee. "We fucking did it!!" The three of you stood there, victorious, with the championship titles gleaming in the arena lights.
Despite the tension earlier, Sami held out a hand to Jey after you finished hugging him. Jey's face turned into a mix of anger and uncertainty as Sami extended his hand for a shake after the three of you went up the ramp. The history between them was complex, and it seemed like this moment could go either way. "Jey, please. Roman wants unity, I want unity, and I know you want it too."
Sami said earnestly, the exhaustion from the match evident in his voice.
Jey hesitated, eyeing Sami's hand for a moment. The crowd was still buzzing with the aftermath of the match, and the tension in the ring was palpable. After a brief pause, Jey sighed, and it actually looked like he was thinking about shaking Sami's hand, but then, Kevin's voice was heard over a mic. "No, No, NOO!"
You turned to the ring, where you saw Kevin, ,still recovering from the match, grabbed a microphone and struggled to his feet inside the ring.
The moment of potential unity shattered as Sami and Jey turned their attention to Kevin, their expressions a mix of annoyance and frustration.
He pointed at Sami, Jey, and you with a determined glare. "I let you guys take Y/N, a-and turn her into this clone of Roman! But I won't let you destroy Sami too!"
You pursed your lips as you listened to Kevin's passionate outburst. The atmosphere in the ring shifted, and the celebration came to an abrupt halt. "Kevin, just cause you are mad that you lost-"
"It's not even about the loss!" Kevin interrupted, his voice filled with frustration and anger. "I let you run your mouth and act like a lunatic for 2 years, I let Roman drag my best friend into this mess and turn her into something she's not! But I won't let you ruin Sami's life too. I won't let you and Roman manipulate him like you did to Y/N!"
Sami still catching his breath, stepped forward. "Kevin, I made my choice. I'm not being manipulated. I chose this path, and I won't let anyone question my decisions."
Kevin chuckled bitterly. "You're blinded, Sami. You both are naive as always, and I won't let you guys ruin your lives." He paused for a moment, looking at each of you in the ring. "I told you to stay on Smackdown, and we’d be fine. That if you came to Raw, there would be consequences. Well, here they are."
The crowd erupted into cheers at Kevin's bold declaration. You exchanged worried glances with Jey and Sami.
No no no, this was not supposed to happen!
You were supposed to come to Raw to secure unity, not ignite a war. But it was clear that Kevin had other plans. The tension in the air escalated, and the consequences of your actions were unfolding right before your eyes.
You were speechless and afraid, Sami looked conflicted, torn between the unity Roman desired and the loyalty to his best friend, Kevin, and Jey looked mad as hell.
Before any of you could speak, Kevin stared directly into the camera, addressing Roman Reigns, "Roman, you took Y/N from me, twisted her into something she’s not. I won’t let you do the same to Sami. At Survivor Series, I’m gonna take your dignity, my best friends back, and then I’m gonna take YOUR TITLE!”
The intensity in Kevin's words hung heavy in the air, creating a storm of emotions and uncertainty. The path to unity seemed to have taken an unexpected turn towards a brewing conflict. But even though things were uncertain, you knew one thing.
Roman was gonna kill you after this.
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whatdoeseverybodywant · 6 months
You're The Only Girl For Me - Chapter 8
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Christmas Day 2020 (continued)
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Isaac Jones stared at the man he just caught groping his baby girl, his princess. That was not what he wanted to see when he opened his front door after being alerted that there was a presence by his security system. 
Airielle cleared her throat. She was suddenly having a flashback to her junior year in highschool.  “Dad this is Joshua, Josh this is my dad Issac.” Josh held his hand out to Isaac. 
“That was the hand that was groping my daughter's ass, correct?” Josh put his hand down and cringed. This was not going well. At all. 
“My bad about that. I wasn’t expecting anybody to open the door.” Josh said scratching the back of his neck as her dad just stared him down, a deep frown on his face. 
“Are you going to let us in?” Airielle questioned, breaking her dad out of his staring. Airielle rolled her eyes as her dad moved to the side and let her and Josh walk into the house. She grabbed Josh’s hand pulling him into the house with her. 
“Hey Mia, I found our daughter outside being groped up by some boy.” Airielle rolled her eyes again and walked into the living room where her family were seated. 
“You bought Jey Uso for christmas!?” Her 10-year old nephew Zay shouted, running over towards her. “This is the best present ever! Is Roman here too?” He asked, eyes wide as he ran into the foyer to see if anyone else was out there. 
Airielle and her family laughed at how excited he was. “No i’m sorry Zay, maybe Yas can get him here next year.” She said smirking at Yasmine who flipped her off in return. 
“Non, pa gen anyen nan sa” (no, none of that) Her grandmother scolded, pointing her finger at Yasmine. “Pa dwe grosye Airielle. Entwodwi nou nan ti zanmi ou..” (don’t be rude Airielle, introduce us to your friend.) She said smiling over at Airielle and Josh. 
“Mwen regrèt granmè, se Josh, zanmi mwen nan travay.” (I’m sorry granny,this is Josh, my friend from work) She said to her grandmother before saying it again in english for everyone else, obviously leaving the friend part out, she didn’t know what she and Josh were and she didn’t want to upset him by just calling him a friend. 
She met his family and now he was meeting hers, they’ve kissed but he never asked her to be his girlfriend nor did she ask him to be her boyfriend.  Maybe he thought she already was without him asking. She cleared her throat before introducing him to everyone in the room individually so that he could know their names. 
Now her family wasn’t as big as Josh’s but there were enough of them, with her dad and stepmom, her older brother, Isaiah, his wife Kelsi and their 3 kids. Her other older brother Josiah, his wife Nickole and their three kids. Her two uncles, Yasmine and her younger cousin Ashley, her younger brother Elijah, Yasmine’s sister Jasmine and her grandmother.
When they got to her stepmom Tamia, she stood up and pulled Joshua into a hug. “I’ve heard so much about you. I’m happy you could make it.” Josh’s smile was wide and bright. He felt kind of relieved that Airielle had told her family about him. 
“Thank you for having me.” Tamia then turned towards Airielle. 
“Go get some food before your brothers eat it all.” Tamia said laughing when all of them shouted in protest. Airielle laughed too before grabbing Josh’s hand and walking towards the kitchen. 
“Do you want a to-go plate? I know you not hungry seeing as we just ate at your moms house. ” She asked and when she turned to Josh, he was already staring at her.“What?” 
“You speak a different language?” Airielle laughed
“Oh yeah.” She giggled. “It's Haitian, my grandma doesn’t speak english, so that’s how we communicate with her.”  
“Damn, that’s hot.” She rolled her eyes and pushed him away from her. 
“Boy if you don’t stop.” She rolled her eyes as she started to make him a plate. 
“I’m just saying. That shit is hot. What other secrets you got?” She smirked over at him. 
“Oh, wouldn’t you like to know.” She winked.
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Spending time with Airielle’s family was going… okay. Her family was just like his to be honest, everyone was close and it was obvious that this was a family that saw each other everyday and not just on the holidays. Everyone had been extremely nice to Josh except Isaac, but that was completely understandable. But it was like no matter what he said her dad found a problem with it. Josh could tell that Airielle was getting annoyed and to be honest so was he, he didn’t do anything wrong…technically. 
They were all sitting in the living room, letting the kids open presents. Airielle had taught Josh some Haitian words so that he could communicate with her grandmother. Josh had also tried his hardest to engage Isaac in conversation but he would be met with silence. 
“Don’t worry about him.” Tamia whispered to Josh. “Rih is his baby girl. He’s like that with every guy she brings home.” That caused Josh’s eyes to widen in shock. How many dudes does she bring home? 
Seeing the look on his face Tamia quickly backtracks. “No, what I meant to say is that he’s protective of her.” 
“ I get it. But i’m trying.” Tamia smiled and placed a comforting hand on his knee. 
“Don’t worry, I'll talk to him.”
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“Hey man, you know how to play spades?” Airielles older brother Josiah asked and Josh nodded. “Cool, come on, you  my partner.” Josh chuckled and gave Airielle a kiss on the cheek before getting up and followed Josiah over to the table where Airielle’s other brother Isaiah and Yasmine were already waiting. 
They played for a while, Josh getting to know Airielle’s brothers and some embarrassing stories about her that he would keep as ammunition for the stories his mom told her. 
“Hey man, don’t worry about my dad. He was never going to like you.” Josiah said after they had just finished playing. Josh arched an eyebrow at Josiah. “I mean how everything went down with Christopher, I'm surprised he even let you in the house.”  At the mention of Christopher’s name Yasmine’s head snapped over to the two of them. She shook her head trying to tell Josiah to stop talking. 
“Josiah, stop.” Yasmine said, kicking him under the table. 
“What?” He then turned to Josh “You don’t know?” 
“Know what?” Josh asked, confused. 
“Jo-” He cut her off by loudly talking over her. He heard  Yasmine mutter ‘fuck’ before quickly getting up  from the table to walk over to Airielle to tell her what her brother was doing. 
“She was engaged to this dickhead. I never like the nigga. ” Joshiah took a sip of his beer before continuing. “I always told Rih, it was something off about him, but she didn’t listen.” He sighed and shrugged before continuing. “One day he beat the shit outta my sister. Had her in a hospital for damn near 2 months. She had to get a nose job from how bad he hit her in the face.” Josh felt his heart drop to his stomach. He let his gaze wander over to where Airielle was talking and laughing with her step-mom and one of her sister-in-laws. He would never dream of hurting her, physically or emotionally. 
He watched as Yasmine walked over to her and whispered something in her ear that wiped the smile completely off her face. 
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Airielle stared at Yasmine in shock. She looked over at Josh who was already looking at her and felt her eyes water. She never wanted anybody outside of her family to know about Christopher or what he did to her. 
“I tried to stop him, but he’s drunk. You know how Jojo is.” Yasmine explained, giving Airielle a sympathetic look. 
“Fuck” Airielle muttured before stabding up and walking towards Josh and Josiah.  “Imma steal him for a minute okay.” She said to Josiah who shrugged in response. Airielle sighed and pulled Josh away from everyone and towards the sunroom, locking the door behind her.  “Look I don’t-” 
“If you don’t want me to know. I’ll forget everything that Josiah said.” Josh said cutting her off. 
“What?” She asked, staring at him in shock. 
“By the look on your face. I can tell it’s something that you don’t want me to know about. If you wanna tell me i’ll listen but if you don’t want me to know i'll forget everything he said and I’ll never bring it up.” Airielle could do nothing but stare at Josh 
“What?” She asked again, making him smile. 
“How did you expect me to react?” Airielle shrugged and wrapped her arms around herself. 
“I honestly don’t know. Nobody outside my family knows what happened, and I honestly wanted to keep it that way.” 
“Okay, then we’ll keep it that way. I won’t say anything or bring it up again.” He said pulling her into her arms and kissing the side of her head. 
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Issac watched them hug with a curious look on his face. “Hey, wassup with them?” He asked Isaiah who was walking past. 
“Oh, Jojo opened his big ass mouth. Told Josh about Christopher. Kelsi heard them from the backyard and honestly, dad. He’s a good dude. You gotta give him a chance.” Isaiah patted his dad on the back before leaving him to his own thoughts. 
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samijey · 9 months
Chapter 9 of A Way with Words is now up!
You can read it here!
Chapter Summary: Just as the Usos' position in the Bloodline becomes more and more precarious, Sami finally comes face to face with Roman en route to Night of Champions.
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heart4reigns · 1 year
OPERATION: TOGETHER, roman reigns and cody rhodes (i).
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next chapter →
warnings: cigarettes, curse words, fighting, alcohol
tags: love triangles, powerful girlboss (y/n), breakups, paul being a dad to the bloodline, triple h being a father-figure to you, inaccurate events and descriptions
"COME on, (y/n)." you shook your head in disagreement. "no, jey. i'm not going to lunch with you. i know damn well you're just gonna set me up again with your stupid fucking cousin." he immediately stood up from his seat. "i- i am not setting you up! it's just the three of us like usual. you, me, jimmy, and solo... trust me!" "and i know that you're lying." another plan failed. you walked out of the room, still having jey following you like a lost dog.
"please?" he asked. "jey, i'm sorry," you paused for a second, facing him. "i get it that you're trying to make things alright for us. but, we're done..." you continued. "i'm sorry as well, because i just hate seeing my favorite people not speaking to each other." you sighed in frustration. "that doesn't mean we can stop being friends, you know i'm still your number one girl." your sentence put a smile on his face. "love you, (y/n). you're like a sister to me." "love you too, listen, i gotta bounce. have a meeting in like 10."
you were alone inside the board office, waiting for your fellow colleagues to arrive. "booking suggestion for..." your heart dropped when you read the sentence. "roman reigns against cody rhodes." you continued your sentence. being the co-creative director for both smackdown (your ex boyfriend's brand) and raw meant that you could never escape him. you groaned in despair, putting down your papers. "morning, (y/n)." you looked up and saw your boss. "morning, paul."
the board meeting bored the shit out of you. you already knew what was going on. your mind was somewhere else; on the beach with your ex boyfriend, smiling together as you felt the breeze tingling on your skin. "ms. (l/n)?" your short daydream was cut-off by one of your colleagues. "sorry, you were saying?"
"i wanted to know your opinions on the booking." you hesitated a bit to come up with an answer. "i've had this conversation with ms. (l/n) before, she finds it brilliant." the retired wrestler backed you up. "thank you." you mouthed to him. he gave you a small nod, continuing the meeting. "so it's settled then, it leads up to wrestlemania next year." you signed the papers.
with the contract being signed, you knew that you were going to meet your ex boyfriend for work purposes. the thought of that made you want to throw up. the meeting ended, everyone was packing up their papers. except for you, you stayed behind, not wanting to leave work yet. "(y/n), you're not done?" paul (or triple h, depends on what you saw him as that day; a boss or a talent) asked. "i still need to sort some papers for the upcoming matches." you said, not looking up from your paperwork.
he saw your devastated expression. "i guess i'll stay a bit with you, son." it was a long-running joke that you were his 'son'. "thanks, dad." you rolled your eyes. "is it the reigns thingy again?" you nodded at him, being completely vulnerable. "it's okay to let your feelings get in the way. but you have to know your position, at your age? co-creative director? you're what my kids call, a 'girlboss'." you chuckled at his statement.
"okay, you got me there. let’s do this.”
needless to say, you spent the day trying to finish all your paperwork before showtime. “right, you’ll be okay with raw? i’ll take over smackdown this week, i can’t go tonight because i have dinner with externals. don’t forget to tell cody to come to the office!” you nodded at his sentence, waving goodbye to him. you went to the parking lot and quickly drove to the arena for monday night raw. you had 15 minutes to spare before the briefing, so you took your time to light a cigarette.
you missed the times where you were nicotine-free. you also missed having a passenger princess aka your ex boyfriend. the two of you broke up almost 3 months ago. some said it was a ‘mutual breakup’, but to you–it felt like he broke up with you. the reason? time. you didn’t have time for him and he didn’t have time for you. although you still yearned his touch and his voice, you couldn’t do anything about it. some also said that you’ve changed, into this ‘cold bitch from upstairs’ persona.
truth be told you were just going through it. you have never loved anyone as much as you loved him. it was hard for you to return as your usual self. not to mention, you were also close to his cousins (who were trying to get you back together). jey, jimmy, and solo–you wouldn’t trade the world for your friendship with them. they also kept you updated with roman’s life (without him knowing). you felt in peace knowing that he was happy.
the two of you met during a company party and you fell in love at the first sight. he was gentle, a people’s person, and funny. maybe you drank too much that night to end up in his arms, but it was all worth it. the more you saw each other, the more attracted you were to him. you just wished that you spared more time for him, but like the realist person you were–people come and go. it was a matter of time for you to let him go.
everyone bowed their head as you walked the hallway. people were intimidated by your power. being co-creative meant that you were practically in charge of everything. you didn’t really meddle with raw a lot, it was usually paul who took care of the monday night screen-time. but he had other things to do, so raw was a breath of fresh air for you.
you also grew comfortable being in control of smackdown, as that was your ex boyfriend’s brand. but maybe paul thought you needed a change. “shit, she’s here tonight?” you heard several whispers from the crew. “then we can’t have any technical difficulties or she might fire you.” the whispers continued. you didn’t mind being this ‘bitch from upstairs’ if it meant that people wouldn’t treat you like shit anymore.
“camera 6, go higher.” you spoke to the earpiece. “got it boss.” the crew replied. “and… rolling in 3, 2, 1. cue the music.” you continued. “welcome everyone to monday night raw!” the announcer said as the crowd went wild. “i trust you from here, i’m gonna see the talents.” the staffs nodded. “if anyone fucks up, they’ll be seeing me after this show.” your tone gave the crew goosebumps.
the talent locker room was filled with superstars messing around and getting ready for their showtime. you monitored them from outside, not wanting to invade any of their privacy. “(y/n)?” you looked up and saw becky. “god, it’s been a long time since i’ve seen you here, girl!” she hugged you. “hey becks.” you returned the gesture. “what are you doing here? where’s paul? never mind, i take it back. i’d rather see you here!” the two of you chatted for a bit, before her screen-time.
“you’re up in 5.” you reminded her. “okay miss bitch from upstairs.” you rolled your eyes at her comment. “shut up.” she chuckled in response. “see you, (y/n)! wish me luck!” with that, she left you alone in the hallways with your papers full of rundown and cue cards. the earpiece started to go off, “ms. (l/n), rhodes is here.” “right.” he didn’t have any fights today, only delivering his promo.
you knocked on the locker room door. “it’s unlocked!” you opened it, seeing cody with his duffle bag. “cody,” you paused for a second. “oh, ms. (l/n)!” he flashed you a smile. “how many times do i need to tell you to call me (y/n)? i’m younger than you.” cody’s smile didn’t fade at all. “you might be younger than me but you have a higher position, of course i’ll be polite ma’am.” he was probably one of the few talents that weren’t intimidated by your presence.
“what can i do for you today, (y/n)?” he took of his hoodie, revealing his white shirt. “the board, or just paul and i, wanted to tell you that you are wanted in the office. when are you free?” you asked. “i thought you were asking me on a date, (y/n).” cody snickered. you knew he was a huge flirt, but it was all just for fun and jokes. “i’m serious.” you stated. “i’m free next wednesday. what’s up by the way?” he asked. “we… have a contract for you and roman.” cody instantly stopped doing what he was doing and faced you.
pitiful looks came from him. “damn, (y/n). must’ve been hard dealing with heartbreak and still seeing the person who broke your heart almost every week.” you clenched your fist. “you don’t know anything about me, rhodes.” your tone was laced with venom. his gaze softened. “okay, i’m sorry. that was on me, (y/n).” he apologized, trying to diffuse the situation. “is that all? because i’m gonna strip down to my undies, unless you want to stay.” why the fuck is this guy not afraid of me? you thought. “i’ll text you the details tomorrow.”
the night ended with a blast. you were tired but still had to meet with the guards. “i want everyone out of the building by 3.” you were briefing the security guards. they all nodded in unison. “i’m trusting you with this, dongmin.” you stared at the head-guard. “and i won’t let you down, ms. (l/n).” you nodded at him and went to the parking lot, looking for your car keys. your attention diverted to a certain black-haired man leaning on his car. jesus, give me a fucking break, you thought.
the two of you immediately made eye-contact. “(y/n)!” he greeted you, as if nothing was wrong. “what the fuck are you doing here, roman?” your question caught him off guard. “i- i’m here to pick up seth. we’re getting dinner tonight.” he hesitated. “what are you doing here? i thought you were on smackdown-duty.” you scoffed at him. “you know i’m in control of both brands? i don’t need to explain myself to you, roman.”
silence filled the air. “you want to come and eat with seth and i? like old times?” you wanted to cry at his sentence. how could he act like nothing ever happened between us, you thought. “i can’t.” and to your luck, you heard footsteps coming behind you. “(y/n), (y/n)! you dropped your car keys in my locker room earlier! oh.” it was cody, with his fucking duffle bag again. the blond awkwardly stood in the middle of you two, not knowing what to do. “thanks cody.” you muttered, taking you keys. “what do you say, dinner?” roman continued.
“i can’t, i have plans with cody.” before cody could respond, you shoved him into the passenger seat. you blinked at him, signaling that he needed to comply with you. “so you and him?” you shook your head. “no, mind your own business.” you started your car and drove off, not wanting to interact anymore with him. cody was left puzzled as he just went to the parking lot to deliver your keys but he ended up in your passenger seat.
“great timing, i didn’t bring my car. thank you for driving me back to the hotel, (y/n)! you owe me something, i helped you!” “cody, for this once, please just shut up.”
roman was left speechless by your actions. he was also surprised that you’d let anyone in your passenger seat. the man felt his heart ached for a second. what was going on between you and cody? he thought.
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fanficwriter101 · 8 months
Pairing: Solo Sikoa x Reader x Jimmy
Warning: None, some slight smut in the next chapter
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Tonight’s episode of Friday night Smackdown is like no other, the reason behind that is the fact that your man Jimmy, is finally getting the spotlight he deserves. Not that he hasn’t been getting any, but he and his twin brother Jey are separated for the first time, so that means they won’t be sharing spotlights no more. You were so excited and happy for him, now he can show his true potential on his own and you’ve never been more proud.
Kicking off the show was none other than Jimmy Uso interrupting the returning John Cena and starting their feud in the process. You watched as the scene unfold between the two male athletes. Jimmy attempted a super kick but fails, and ended up getting an Attitude Adjustment. You’d be lying if you said you didn’t see that coming. Jimmy is now playing as a heel character, and you’re loving every minute of it.
Right beside you stood Solo Sikoa, who is also watching everything unfold. You find it funny that Jimmy just recently left the bloodline, and now he’s trying to weasel his way back in after Jey moved to Raw. So now everybody’s confused, especially Solo.
“just look at him, he is doing so well on his own so far, don’t you think, Joe?” you couldn’t hide your excitement, and it’s honestly kind of embarrassing to you. You felt like you were acting like a teenager in love. Solo didn’t say much, he just observed you with his usual stance. You both weren’t even on camera, so him staying in character makes things funnier for you.
“Oh! Looks like he’s on his way backstage” You did a little dance as you said. Solo merely shook his head. Seeing you act like this has got to be the cutest things he’s ever witnessed. It’s no secret to anyone that Solo likes you, even you know that. But you are dating his older brother so that makes things a little awkward. However, you do cherish him as a friend. You both went through a lot together during your time in the NXT. But when you were moved up to the main roster, you both slowly drifted away, and you ended up getting closer to Jimmy and Jey. Obviously one thing lead to another and here you are, dating Jimmy, for almost a year now.
Your one year anniversary is coming up very soon, you were hoping Jimmy remembers so you guys could do something to celebrate. Just the thought of it makes your heart want to explode.
You were completely lost in thoughts, you failed to realize Solo calling out your name. “Huh?” you snapped out of it and veered your focus on Solo, who is raising an eyebrow at you. “Sorry, I was distracted” You say, until a voice behind you scared you. “Yeah you was” You turned around to find Jimmy smiling down at you and quickly embraced him. “Jon!” “Aye, baby. Did you see me out there?” you pulled away from Jimmy and nodded. “Yes, you kinda got rearranged out there” You joked. Jimmy gave you a funny look, “Rearranged? You sure you was watching? I ain’t got rearranged” He clicked his tongue before smiling. You giggled in response just as Jimmy shifts his focus in his brother. “Aye man” He extended his arm for Solo to shake his hand, but Solo just stood there with that same cold expression and arms crossed.
Jimmy played it off and awkwardly gave himself the handshake. “Aiight aiight. We cool” You merely shook your head at him for being such a goof sometimes. “Anyway, I gotta head back to my locker room and shower real quick and then we can get out of here” He smiled. You nodded in response. “And I’ll be right here, waiting” you grinned. “You aight?” He questioned, clearly a little worried about your energy level. “Couldn’t be better” You let out another toothy grin, this time Jimmy just gives you a funny look and walks away. “I'll be right back”
Solo stood there watching you act like a complete fool of yourself before shaking his head. You noticed this as soon as you turned to face him. “What?” “You acting childish, that’s what”. You ignored his little insults and shrugged your shoulders. “Why are you so happy?” You looked at Solo quizzically as you waited for him to elaborate. “I mean you’re more happier than you normally are”. He explained. “Oh, Jimmy and I have an anniversary coming up soon, I’m just imagining all the exciting things we could do to celebrate”.
“(Name)!” you recognize that voice and immediately turned around to find Adam waving his hand, gesturing for you to come over.
“Oh crap!” You turned to look at Solo. “I forgot I made plans to talk to Adam before I leave. If Jimmy gets out of the shower before I get back here, could you just fill him in? Thank you” You didn’t even bother to wait for him to agree, you just left.
Solo has a match up next, so he’s going to see Jimmy regardless. He made his way towards the locker room where he accidentally stumbled upon Jimmy talking on his phone while leaned up against the wall. He couldn’t care less about what Jimmy is doing, he had his own thing going on right now. But what Jimmy said next really caught his attention.
“Damn girl, I miss that sexy voice of yours”
Solo didn’t need much to figure out what was going on. He quickly stepped away from the locker room and looked back at the spot where you were standing at earlier. He honestly couldn’t believe what he just overheard and the fact that it had to be him to catch his own brother on the act. All kinds of thoughts began spiraling around his mind. From the time he met you, to the time you started dating Jimmy, to the most recent one where you just told him your anniversary with Jimmy was coming up soon. And to find out Jimmy has been cheating this whole time really pissed him off.
He was so lost in thoughts he didn’t even noticed you standing right next to him calling his name. “Joe?”
When he eventually snapped out of it, he looked at you, and then he looked behind him where he thought Jimmy would be at this point. He didn’t know how long he had been standing there losing his damn mind for, but it definitely should’ve gotten him caught by Jimmy. Fortunately for him, that wasn’t the case. Jimmy was still in the locker room clueless about the fact that he knows.
“Joe?” You called again, this time tapping his shoulder lightly. He looked back at you and the two of you made eye contact. “Are you all right? You look stressed out” You said concerned. Solo didn’t say anything, he couldn’t say anything. He didn’t know how to tell you without making things awkward. But, he knows he has to let you know. You deserve it.
Unfortunately Solo couldn’t do much of anything now that Jimmy had appeared from behind. “Aye, what are you guys doing? You guys good?” you nodded your head before looking at Solo. “Joe?” Solo didn’t say anything, instead, he turned his whole body around to face Jimmy and stared him down. Jimmy was clearly confused. “You good man?”
Again, no response. Solo just walked right past Jimmy and entered the locker room. You and Jimmy looking at each other confused as hell. “The hell?? Did you see that?” Jimmy asked you. You nodded. Suddenly the announcement was made, loud enough for you and Jimmy to hear. Solo’s match was up next and you both figured it might just be him staying in character.
“Ah, he good, he just getting ready for his match” Jimmy stated. You hoped that was the case, but that was still strange, even for Solo.
2 hours later, you and Jimmy were going out for dinner. You were slightly dressed up for the occasion, while Jimmy wasn’t. Which was typical of him, but still. He was also on his phone a lot too, which obviously made things worse.
“What up?” He never looked away from his phone as he answered. “Uhm, I was thinking, since our anniversary is coming up-Maybe we could do something special together”. You suggested. The man didn’t respond. Whatever he was doing on his phone really has his attention.
“Or I could continue talking to myself..that’s cool too”. Placing an elbow on the table, you rested the right side of your face on the palm of your hand and sighed.
“How are your meals?”. You hear the waitress questioned. You nodded your head in response. “It’s good, thank you”. Now shifting her focus towards Jimmy, the waitress asked him the same question. “Jon, Jon!”. You cried out in a whispered tone. “What up?”. “She asked you how your food is”. “Oh, it’s tight” He gave the waitress a flirty smile. “Who y’all got working in the kitchen? They be killing it!”
The waitress let out a soft giggle. “I’m glad you’re enjoying your meals. I’ll be back to check up on you guys later”. As she walks off, you observed Jimmy, noticing his eyes on the waitress’s ass.
“What’s up, baby?” He questioned as he began digging into his food. You thought about asking that same question to him again, but then you decided against it. You had another question in mind instead. “Do you remember what’s going on in 2 weeks?”
Jimmy looked up at you, giving you that questionable look. “No..?”. You just nodded your head as you looked down. “No wait! It’s your birthday!”. You shook your head in response.
“Good guess, but no”
Jimmy fumbled around a little bit before giving into his phone again. “Oh damn, I gotta take this. I’ll be right back, baby”.
You watched him get up from his seat and walked away. “Sure…” Once you were left alone, you decided to stare out the window, until you felt your phone vibrated from your bag. Confused, you looked inside to check your phone only to find a text message from Solo.
I really need to talk to you
Next Chapter
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raya-hunter01 · 1 month
Cruising Love Pt. 2.3 Final
Two Shot Request
Jey Uso x Black Female OC! (Kayla)
Jimmy Uso x Trin
Roman x Black Female OC! (Robin)
Sefa x Black Female OC! (Cameron)
Montez Ford x Bianca Belair
Rating: 18+
Warning: Smut,
Thank you for the requesting and trusting me once again @royalkay23 and sorry this last chapter took so long.
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Jey has planned a five-day cruise to the Bahamas and Puerto Rico for his girlfriend Kayla’s birthday. Jey is determined to make sure the trip goes smoothly as he’s enlisted his family and friends to help him plan the perfect wedding proposal.
Puerto Rico
Joe’s POV
“So, you ain’t got time for an old friend Joe?” Dainelle’s sister Regina asked as I sighed.
“I ain’t got time for this, I got somewhere to be,” I said as Danielle and her sister tried to block my path.
“So, you just gonna ignore me, Joe,” Danielle said as I paused truly not in the mood. My meds had me feeling a little bad this morning.
I slept in a little longer this morning while everyone else went to get things ready for Kayla’s birthday dinner.
“Yes, I am 'cause you have been out of pocket this whole damn trip,” I said as her sister Regina rolled her eyes.
“Nah, I’m serious Regina, you sister been trippin’” I said as Danielle looked guilty.
“Why don’t you fill me in Joe,” Regina said looking confused at her sister.
“Let’s just go, I ain’t worried about it anymore,” Danielle said as I shook my head.
“Did she tell you the first night on the ship she tried to push up on Jey. Like even after he told her that he had someone?”
“Wait, you told me he found you that night and begged for a second chance. Then his girlfriend got jealous and tried to attack you,” Regina said frowning at her sister.
“More like she tried to break up his relationship, she even showed up at Kayla’s birthday dinner in the Bahamas being messy as fuck. That’s why Kayla beat her ass,” I said as Regina looked disgusted.
“You lied to me and got me out here about to confront people about shit that didn’t even happen,” she hissed as Danielle sighed.
“She did threaten me!” Danielle said trying to plead her case as Regina scoffed.
 “You interrupted her birthday dinner with bullshit, and you tried to come on to her man. I woulda beat yo’ ass too, you are lucky that’s all she did,” Regina said as I nodded in agreement as Danielle wiped her tears.
“Look, Jey has moved on, and Danielle needs to do the same. Things could have gone way worse than it did the other day,” I said as Regina nodded.
“I’m really sorry about this Joe. Tell Jey I wish them well, and he won’t have to worry about my sister anymore, I guarantee it,” Regina said as I nodded leaving them alone.
“I already told you I ain’t going to bother them anymore!” I heard Danielle yell in the distance as I made my getaway.
“Yeah, you better, before I tell your little rich boyfriend and he cuts you off,” Regina said as I shook my head. Damn, she's really up to the same shit.
Looking for someone rich to sink her claws into. I swear I’m so glad Jey let that shit go all those years ago.
I went around the block so they couldn’t see where I was originally going. When the coast was clear I ducked into the restaurant.
“Bianca doing the damn thang,” I muttered watching her put the final touches on Kayla’s 40th birthday backdrop.
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“Damn girl, you snapped on that,” I said admiring it but paused seeing her nervousness.
“Are you sure?” she asked looking over her work and gazing back at the crew from the venue putting the finishing touches on their own decorations.
“I think it’s awesome Bee, you’re really talented, sis,” I said as she smiled.
 “I really like it too, I just hate the restaurant did more gold in their decorations and only like a little speck of silver,” Bianca sighed running her finger over her tired face as I gave her a hug.
“It matches Bee, now stop stressing. Plus, I know Kayla is going to love it all,” I said, reassuring her as Montez walked in shaking his head.
“Did you tell her to stop stressing, I know I did” he said as she rolled her eyes, as shrugged his shoulders.
“I’m just sayin’ you’re being critical of yourself, and everything is amazing. It’s amazing because you made it Bee,” Montez said as she cracked a smile.
“Thanks baby, it means a lot coming from you,” she said taking a deep breath as he came over to comfort her.
“Let’s finish strong, the girls are out back with Sefa and Jimmy. We almost got everything done out there,” he said taking her in his arms as she smiled.
“I can if you wit me,” she whispered as he gently kissed her lips. “Girl, “I’m always wit you,” he whispered as I took the hint and left them alone.
Robin’s POV
“This looks so beautiful, I just can’t wait,” Trin said as we moved in sync finishing up as I spotted Joe.
“Hey you! How are you feeling?” I asked as he wrapped me up in his arms. “Never better, I told you I would help ya’ll,” he whispered as I shook my head.
“Nope, your doctor said rest, and you did enough the other day,” I said caressing his back. “I feel fine baby, and the nausea has finally passed,” he reassured me as I caressed his beard. “I’m glad, but we’re almost done so just take a seat,” I said as he sighed but complied with my wishes as we finished up.
“Just chill Uce, we got it,” Sefa said as Joe relaxed in his chair. Days like these the start of the day is rough but thank God he feels better as the day goes on.
“Yea, you gotta be on security detail tonight,” Jimmy said as Joe rolled his eyes. “No, I’m actually making sure the proposal entertainment gets here,” he said as I smiled.
“Wait, he said yes?” I asked as Joe smiled. “Oh! Jey and Kayla are gonna flip,” I squealed as Trin and Jimmy looked confused, then it clicked for Jimmy.
“Oh, shit Case gon’ come through and sing,” Jimmy said as Trin smiled.
“Glad you figured it out Jurdy cause’ when we were planning this trip, ya’ll was throwing so many ideas out I honestly forgot,” she said as we laughed.
“We almost there ya’ll, in a couple hours Jey and Kayla are going to be engaged,” Cameron said looking around taking everything in as we all tried to contain our excitement but, in the end, it was all going to be worth it.
Regen Seven Seas Cruises
Jey and Kayla’s Suite
Kayla’s POV
“Jey, wait a minute” I moaned, pushing against his head and sliding back slightly trying to create some distance as he worked my body into a frenzy with his talented tongue.
“You think I’m playin’ don’t you? I told you to stop runnin’.” The pure hunger in his voice made my heart race as he moved to the foot of the bed.
“Jey! Oh, fuckI” I gasped, unable to think as Jey possessively pulled me to the end of the bed, bending my trembling legs to my chest as he kneeled before me.
“Mmhm, I told you it was breakfast time,” he moaned as I squealed in surprise as he glided his flat long tongue along my slit over and over taking his time as I writhed helplessly on the bed.
“Happy birthday baby,” he whispered as I gasped trying to catch my breath as his tongue swirled and stroked my pussy.
“Thank you!” I squealed in gratitude as he moaned, concentrating on the task at hand.
“Hold dem legs, Daddy’s hungry,” he whispered as his masterful tongue dipped inside my wet hot center, never stopping as he added a finger, then two, curving it against my G-spot over and over.
 “Yes! Eat Daddy, eat your pussy!” I screamed, trying to hold my legs as they started to shake.
“Mmm, Daddy love how wet his pussy gets for him,” he moaned, his tongue sensually flickering over my slit over and over.
“Just for you! Mmm, just for you,” I panted truly at his mercy as his long tongue devoured me.
“You gon’ cum for me birthday girl?........ Go ahead and cum for me,” Jey moaned, just as turned on as I was.
 How could I deny him, as his mouth and primal groans of encouragement brought me even closer to my release?  
My legs were now pure jello as that beautiful intense fire burning deep within me, exploded.
“Yes! Yes, I’m cummin’, oh!” I cried as Jey growled, releasing my clit, licking his lips in anticipation, and continuing to thrust his fingers against my g-spot hard and fast as I came undone for him.
My essence spilling from my body as he moaned truly pleased with himself.
“Oouu, fuck….You squirtin’ for Daddy, hell yea,” he praised as my essence continued to soak the bed.
“Jey, shit! Yes!” I screamed as his mouth once again engulfing my wet center as he quenched his thirst. My shaking legs falling on top of his shoulders as he caressed them.
My breath coming in short pants as he sensually cleaned me up with his tongue as I moaned. Damn, that was unexpected.
“Mmm, happy birthday baby,” he whispered as I weakly ran my fingers through his hair.
“Thank you,” I moaned trying to catch my breath as he reveled in my pleasure.
“Oh, trust me, it was my pleasure,” he said caressing my hips before getting up to start the shower.
“What about you?” I asked still trying to gather my bearings as he came back and scooped me up in his arms.
“That was for you, now let’s get you cleaned up so I can see you in that dress,” he whispered carrying me into the bathroom to shower.
Damn, my birthday is already starting off with a bang, literally. I wonder what he has in store for me tonight.
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The Experience
Kayla’s Birthday Dinner
Kayla’s POV
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“Oh my god! This is too much,” I cried as we walked through into the venue.
“No, it isn’t,” Jey whispered gently kissing my neck as I tried to control my tears. “Oh, no ma’am don't ruin your makeup….Well at least not just yet,” Cameron said pulling me by the arm to show me around.
Everything was beautiful and I just felt overwhelmed and thankful for them all.
“Bee this has you written all over it and I love it,” I said looking at the beautiful backdrop as she smiled.
“See I told you she wouldn’t care that you put her real age up there,” Montez said as Sefa nudged him on the arm.
“Aye, never talk about women’s age man,” he said as I rolled my eyes at him.
“Just come get in the picture ya’ll,” I said pointing at Montez and Sefa as the photographer snapped a few shots.
The night was truly amazing, I mean it’s nothing like family, good food, good vibes and gifts. But out of all of that my most favorite and happiest time has been on the dance floor wrapped up in Jey’s arms.
“I can’t believe you found that dress I wanted, and you got them to do all my favorite dishes,” I whispered as we continued to dance.
“I told you I wanted you to have the best birthday ever,” he said as I smiled brightly at him. “I really have babe, and I don’t know how to thank you,” I said as our lips met in a loving kiss.
“I know how,” he said as I raised my eyebrows at him curiously. “How can I thank you?” I asked as he spun me around.
“Go put on the dress I got you,” he said as I laughed.
“You wanted me to wear this one, and now you want me to change into the other one,” I said trying to make sure I was understanding his request.
“Yes, go change because the night is just getting started,” he said as I smiled stealing a kiss before going back to the table and getting the dress out of the box.
“I’ll help you change,” Trin said as Cameron smiled. “Yea, I’ll help you too,” she said as they led me to the bathroom.
What the hell is going on?
Jey’s POV
“Are you Ready?” Bianca asked as I nodded, trying to calm my nerves. “Yeah, I’m more than ready,” I said as she gave me a hug before leading me outside as I felt my heart stop.  “Pick your jaw up Uce........ Yeah, we did that,” Montez said as I looked at them in disbelief.
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“Holy shit! Are you serious, sis!” I exclaimed looking at her creation as she blushed. “Yes, we all worked together to make it happen, now enough talkin’ let’s get engaged. You can thank us later,” she said as Joe and Robin came up. “Alright all systems are a go,” Joe said as I nodded. “What are you up to? Where did ya’ll go?” I asked as he waved me off.
 “Don’t worry about that right now, we got you,” he said as Bianca fixed my tie.
“Go get engaged bro,” Sefa said as I smiled, my heart feeling so full as I walked down the pathway.
Kayla’s POV
“Ya’ll are up to something,” I said hearing Trin and Cameron laughing as Jimmy was guiding me around by the arm.  “Just go with it,” I heard Jimmy say as I laughed.
“You would say that, you and Trin into that kinky shit,” I said as Trin laughed. “So are you and Jey don’t even front,” Cameron said I smiled.
“I’ll never kiss and tell,” I said as Trin snickered. “Hell, you ain’t gotta tell, we heard ya’ll last night when we were heading our room ma’am,” Trin said as I blushed.
“Ok, we’re moving two steps to the left wit yo blushin’ ass,” Jimmy said as I laughed holding on to his arm.
“Oh, it smells nice out here,” I said feeling a small breeze.
Nervously, I braced myself as I felt the blindfold being taken off. I shook away my blurry vision trying to focus on what was before me.
“Oh, my god,” I gasped in shock as I saw Jey standing in a the center of a heart, made of rose petals, in front of the words “Marry Me” Instantly my heart began to beat wildly against my chest as he smiled brightly and at me holding a single rose in his hand.
Guess what I did today
Those were the words I said to you
It was last may, dont know the exact day
In my hand there was a ring
“Oh my god,” I whispered overwhelmed as I looked over to the side and saw Case singing standing beside Joe and Robin.
“Surprise,” Joe whispered smiling at me as shook my head in disbelief. They really did all this.
“What you waitin’ on sis, go to him,” Robin whispered as I nodded moving in a daze down the beautiful path.
Then you told me that you loved me
More than anything in your life
So I asked you would you do me
The honor of being my wife
Jey’s POV
My heart skipping a beat as Kayla came closer, I knew this was what I wanted more than anything in life. “Bout time you got down here,” I whispered taking her hand in mine, pulling her close as she tried to hide her tears.
“I know right, sorry to keep you waiting,” she laughed lightening the mood as I nodded wiped her tears truly entranced by her beauty.  
“I’d wait forever if I had to.”
“Because it’s you and you’re the one for me,” I answered honestly as she smiled accepting the rose. Now all I needed her to do was to accept my proposal.
Yes I will
I will be your man
Your protector, your best friend
Till my humble life is ended
And time begins again, couldn't we be happily ever after?
“Are you sure?” she whimpered as I slowly kneeled before her. “Never been more sure of anything in my life, Kay. I want to spend the rest of my life with you.”
“Yea?” She asked still in shock, as I nodded, my own unshed tears beginning to fall as Kayla caressed my face. The loving action alone calmed my racing heart even as I melted into her touch.
“Yes, I want you to be my wife.”
“Then ask me, Joshua” she whispered wiping my tears. God, I love when my name from her beautiful lips.
Take you for my wife
The center of my life
And I will never, ever fade
From this choice I made, oh
Couldn't we be happily ever after?
“Three years ago, you found me, and you healed me from the inside out, Kay.  You taught me how to love, and every day with you is another chance for me to show you just how much I love you. I know one that I don’t want to do this thing called life without you by my side.”
“I don’t either,” Kayla cried as I released the breath I was holding, pulling the ring box out of my pocket, and opening it.
 Couldn't we be happily ever after
See today, I wanna make you my wife...
We could be strong together for so long
“I love you so much Kayla, will you marry me?” I asked as she nodded.
“Yes! Yes, I’ll marry you. I love you so much,” she gasped, leaning down brushing her lips across mine as I felt the world melt away. My arms enclosing around her waist cherishing the moment.
“Am I gettin’ a new sister-in law or what?! I ain’t seen you put no ring on her finger,” Jimmy yelled as we laughed.
“She said yes!” I shouted, finally sliding the tear cut diamond on her finger. Kayla never once looked at her ring, her eyes never left mine.
Smiling brightly, I stood up as she jumped into my arms, our lips once again found each other as we shared a deep kiss. The thunderous applause and cheering seemed so far away as we got lost in each other.
Yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah
Couldn't we be happily ever after
“You didn’t even look at your ring, babe,” I whispered caressing her face, as I placed her back on the ground as she smiled, finally looking down at her ring.
“Babe,it’s perfect babe, I love it,” she whispered as I smiled.
“I know you don’t like big and flashy so I went with the tear cut, I was hoping I got it right,” I said nervously as she grasped my hands.
Kayla’s POV
“I didn’t mean to not look at the ring, I just couldn’t stop lookin’ at you. I didn’t want to miss it,” I whispered as Jey caressed my hands. “Miss what baby?” he asked as I smiled trying to find the right words to say.
“How you looked at me like I was the only girl in the world…… Everything you said to me, I wanted to remember it all,” I said trying to keep my emotions in check but failing once again.
“You are the only girl in the world for me,” he whispered wiping my tears.
“Josh, I’m not marrying a ring; I’m marrying you-” My world a mere whisper as he nods, tasting my lips once again.
The cheering of our family and friends long forgotten as it seemed and felt like we were the only two people in the world. Truthfully, I was so happy they allowed us to be just that in this moment.
I was engaged…Holy shit…
Danielle’s POV
I knew what I said, and I didn’t mean to pry but I had called the restaurant while Regina and I were nearby to see if they had a reservation available. I got no answer at first but as we arrived at the restaurant someone finally answered.
They told me that the whole restaurant was closed for a private party, and they would reopen tomorrow night at their regular time.
As Regina and I were trying to look up another place to eat at out of my peripheral I saw Joe and Robin come outside. They met someone and instead of going back through the front they all ducked around back. As my sister called her husband back, I quietly followed them.
Imagine my surprise to see this lavish set up, realizing Jey was proposing to Kayla. I stayed quietly tucked away in a huge bush watching everything unfold.
“What the hell is you doin’?” Regina whispered, peaking over my shoulder as I shushed her. My heart dropping with each confession of love Jey bestowed upon Kayla.
“You really out here hidin’ in bushes…Bitch you done lost it,” she said as I put my hand over her mouth.
“Damn, do you want them to know we’re here,” I sighed removing my hand as we quietly watched Jey propose.
Watching everyone so happy for them gutted me. Alright, enough of this we shouldn’t be here let’s go Regina snapped leading me away from the happy scene.  The silence killing me as she dragged me down the street.
“You can let me go now,” I said as we got closer to the ship.
Can I really Danielle, I mean you out here followin’ people and hidin’ in fuckin bushes,” she said finally letting my hand go, continuing to walk as I stopped.
“What you gotta say?” I asked, seeing her head shake as she continued to walk, pissing me off even more. Always so judgmental.
“Stop fuckin’ walking and talk to me! I yelled as she stopped and turned to face me.
"Fine, we can talk, but I’m done with talkin’ to you with the kid gloves.”
"What the fuck does that mean?”
“Danielle, after all of that you just saw, do you still think you have a chance with Jey? Like how do you not see how much Jey loves that girl,” she said as her words hit me like a ton of bricks.
“I know that,” I whispered defeatedly, really shocking myself that I said it. Regina’s face softened as her phone rang but she sighed, hitting ignore.
“I ain’t in the mood Joe” she whispered as I scoffed watching her text him. “You judging me, but Joe is calling you? Wouldn’t surprise me if ya’ll are still fuckin’” I said as she slapped me.
“First off Joe is happily married, and I don’t play that shit of sleeping with men that are taken. We’re friends and have been friends since college, don’t play with me Danielle” she hissed as I rubbed my face.
“I know and I’m sorry-” I started as her phone ranging interrupted us once again.
“Hey….Joe, I already told you that I took care of it. We’re almost back at the ship, ya’ll just enjoy your night and tell Robin I said hello,” she said before hanging up.
“So, he saw us?”
“Girl, Joe clocked you the minute you followed him and Robin. He ain’t dumb, that’s why he was near the bush.”
“There really is no hope, is it?” I whispered as Regina shook her head. “No there isn’t,” she said as I broke down.
I was so wrapped in the money, that I never took the time to really love him,” I started as Regina cut me off.
“Look, I don’t mean to hurt you, but all of that is water under the bridge now. You’re beating a dead horse, Jey has moved on and you should do the same,” she said as we stood in silence.
I knew she was right, and I knew what I had to do.
I had to let him go……I played myself, and I had nobody to blame but myself.  I hate to admit it but I’m happy Jey found someone to love him.  He deserved it…We all did.
Later that night
Jey and Kayla’s Suite
Kayla’s POV
“Mmm, babe, where are we going,” I gasped feeling him throbbing even harder inside me as he carried me to the shower on the balcony.
I know the neighbors are tired of us, because it’s been on and poppin’ ever since we arrived back.
We couldn’t get enough of each other; clothes were scattered everywhere and the bed a mess as he made me cum again and again bending to his will as.
I ain't afraid to drown
If that means I'm deep up in your ocean, yeah
Girl, I'll drink you down
Sipping on your body all night
“Fuck!” I moaned, my back pressed against the shower wall, legs wrapped around Jey’s waist and my fingers entangled in his hair. His primal thrusts and growls set my body ablaze as he sucked on my neck.
 I just wanna take your legs and wrap 'em 'round
Girl, you coming right now
My head to your chest feeling your heartbeat, girl
Swimming all in your sea, and you sweating all over me
Bring it forward, don't you run, run
“Mmhm, I didn't forget, I always keep my promises. Now tell me again, what’s today?” he moaned as his back took the brunt of the steaming hot water as it cascaded over us, our cries of pleasure filled the still of the night as he went deeper.
“It’s my birthday!” I exclaimed as Jey grasped my throat, taking me in a scorching kiss as my vision began to blur, fuck, I was close.
I don't want to be a minute man
Baby, you're just like a storm raining on me
Girl, you're soaking wet, whoa-whoa
“Yes, it is, and you deserve the world,” Jey moaned against my lips as his pace begins to quicken even more as I pulsed around him, clawing at his back as he growled going even deeper as my legs began to quiver.
“Fuck, my birthday girl about to cum, ain’t you beautiful?”  He groaned as I nodded, unable to speak.
“Tell me Kay, how does my birthday girl want to cum?” he moaned as I groaned at his question, now meeting his thrusts with equal desperation.
I'ma kiss it right, yeah, yeah
I'm gon' lick all night, yeah, yeah
Girl, when I'm inside, yeah, yeah
Yeah girl, you heard what I said
I'm gonna make you wet the bed (bed), bed (bed), bed (oh)
“Mmmhm, that’s it, you can do it baby.”
“Baby! Oh, baby! I screamed as Jey soothed me, caressing my face as we chased our end together, his eyes never leaving mine as we moved in sync.
“Mmm, shit!” I gasped as I braced one of my arms against the tile for leverage, the other holding on to his neck for dear life as I began bouncing harder on his dick.
 “Yeeaa, get dat dick,” he gasped, grasping my hips, beginning to thrust harder as I screamed. Intense sharp tingles shot through my body overwhelming me as he swallowed my cries with his lips.  Our kisses igniting an even deeper passion.
You don't know what you're in for
'Bout to get inside your mental, huh
Bend ya back like it's limbo
I'ma make you feel like a nympho
Tonight, oh-whoa, you're mine, baby girl, oh
 “Mmhm, dats it......Ride dat shit… Fuuuckk…. You my lil rider ain’t you?” he asked, his words making me even wetter.
“Yes! I’m your lil rider!” I cried as he growled in appreciation.
“Mmhm, I know you are baby......... Now tell Daddy, do you wanna cum on his dick….. Or in his mouth,” he whispered against my lips as I pulsed tighter around him.
I was turned on beyond belief as Jey himself was vying very hard to keep his eyes open as we climbed our mountain of pleasure together.
As the minutes passed we became even more lost in each other. “Answer me, Kayla, how do you want Daddy to please you?” Jey rasped as I moaned in appreciation at his eagerness.
“Oouu, fuck! I want to cum on both, Daddy!” I cried, his eyes snapping open in shock at my request. A primal growl escaped his lips as he swiftly gripped me under my thighs bouncing me with ease on his dick as I screamed in ecstasy.
“Who am I to deny the birthday girl,” he whispered, his strokes powerful and deliberate as I clawed at his neck, our lips meeting once again in a deep kiss.
“Mmm, cum for me,” he moaned releasing my lips as I fell apart in his arm as he held me tight.
“I’m cummin! Jey, fuck!” I gasped as my orgasm overtook me. “Fuck yea, squirt on dat dick……… It feels good don’t it?” he groaned as I whined against his lips.
“Yes! Ohhh, fuck yes! Mmm,” I moaned as I felt Jey’s hands grip my hips tighter.
“Fuck, I love you,” he groaned as he met his end, stilling inside me as his body trembling against mine.  
 “Mmm,I love you too,” I whispered collapsing against his shoulders totally spent as Jey reached over and turned off the shower.
My second request far from my brain as I tried to gather myself and recover, but it wasn’t lost upon Jey. 
Jey’s POV
 “One more to go birthday girl,” I whispered lifting her up further, wrapping her legs around my shoulders as she gasped in shock. “One more?” she gasped as I smirked.
 “Uh-huh, I’m givin’ my birthday girl what she asked for, now keep dem eyes on me,” I whispered, slowly and teasingly tasting her soaking wet lips, savoring her addictive taste. 
Any time you want it, I'm ready and willing, girl, to give it
I start to lick your body, you go to trembling
Flip it around, girl, lemme get it from the side
And can I visit all those spots you like?
Your neck, your back, your sexy lips, booty and thighs
“Jey!” She moaned grabbing the shower head above us as I pleased her. “I owe you one, cum for Daddy one more time baby,” I moaned as her hungry lust-filled eyes rolled back in her head.
“Shit!.....Hmm, happy birthday to me,” she gasped moving her hips against my tongue as I held her in place. Her pussy trembling against my mouth as I lapped up her juices, making sure to leave no part of her untouched as she rode my face, chasing her next nut.
I had never seen a more beautiful sight than what was before me. Kayla’s legs trembling, her head thrown back in pleasure as she gripped the shower head, rocking her hips against my mouth.
 “Mmhm, use me baby,” I moaned as I nipped at her clit, her gasps anxious and needy as I was relentless devoured her pussy with my mouth.
“Oh my God!” She gasped as I stilled her hips, swirling my tongue around her clit. “Jey, I’m....Again," her voice fading as her whole body began to shake as her orgasm hit her strong.
“I know, and I want it all.…. And.. I… Mean… Every….Single… Drop,” I groaned welcoming her essence.
 “Mmm, drink it all, Daddy! Fuck!”She cried, her hips continuing to writhe against my mouth as her orgasm washed over her for the third time tonight.
The sounds of her heavy breathing and moans were music to my ears as she smiled shyly down at me trying to catch her breath.
I'ma kiss it right (oh-oh), yeah, yeah
I'm gon' lick all night (oh-oh), yeah, yeah (girl, when I'm inside and I get to ya)
Girl, when I'm inside, yeah, yeah
Yeah girl, you heard what I said
'Cause I'm gonna make you wet the bed (bed), bed (bed), bed (oh)
I'm gonna make you wet the bed (bed), bed (bed), bed (oh)
“Thank you for your cooperation, you tasted so good,” I moaned kissing her thigh as she ran her fingers through my wet hair.
“No, thank you.” she whispered as I reluctantly I placed her back on the ground as she held the wall to steady herself.
I couldn’t help but smirk at my handy work.
“You think anybody heard us?” she asked as I chuckled. “I don’t care if they did.  I told you the first day what was gon’ happen on this balcony before this trip was over and I meant that shit,” I said as she blushed.
“Are we really engaged?” she whispered, still in somewhat disbelief looking at her finger as I smiled brightly at her. “Yes, we are engaged baby, and I can’t wait to make you my wife, “I whispered gently kissing her on the lips.
 “I can’t wait either…….Thank you for making my birthday special,” she said caressing my beard as I smiled.
 “Thanks for lovin’ me,” I said truthfully honored to have her in my life.
I knew it wasn’t going to be sunshine and rainbows every day, but I knew I couldn’t wait to do this thing called life with Kayla by my side.
 I knew we could make it through anything as long as we had each other, and I couldn’t wait for the next chapter in our lives.
The end
@reci24 @southerngirl41 @vebner37 @jeyusos-girl
@melaninsugababy @romanreignkisser @bebesobrielo
@arination99 @2-muchsauce @bakugoumarianawrites
@empressdede @alyyaanna @christinabae @anonandwannakeepitthatway @venusesworld @jeyusosgirl  @theninthwonder @mya2real  @justazzi @whatdoeseverybodywant @reignsboy19 wooahmiri alichesmi pytbgeezy @ superpietom 
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msbigredmachine · 1 month
New To This - Chapter 4
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The alarm on her phone had never sounded so loud before. Ever. It was a battle for Delilah to untangle herself from the sheets, grope around the bed for the pesky phone and disable the offensive sound. Cracking one eye open, then cringing at how bright the phone screen was, she glanced at the time and groaned. Five-thirty already? Jesus.
Throwing the sheets off of herself, Delilah struggled to blink her eyes against the darkness as she ran down her mental morning checklist, which mainly consisted of excuses to remain in the comfort of her bed. She’d been doing so ever since she began her training as a wrestler, but no matter how she tried, nothing seemed to be ever good enough, especially when she had two jobs awaiting her each day. And speaking of…the feel of the air conditioning against her skin reminded her that the light bill had to be paid in some form or the other, and soon.
Rolling out of bed, she winced as her feet touched the floor. The smoke had cleared and every muscle in her body now ached from her match the night before. Every ache would be worth it though, if she could experience the same exhilarating feeling she did in the aftermath – the applause, the plaudits, the attention. She only wished her husband-to-be didn’t have to fuck it all up last night by bringing her crashing back down to earth.
In all honesty, inviting Tank and Jey to her home after her match  had been a deliberate act on her part. Part of her had wanted Andre to be happy for her, and to realize that other people supported her. But deep down, another part just wanted revenge for all of the late-night boys’ nights he and his friends had shared while she herself was trying to get some rest. She really wanted to feel guilty for being selfish and retaliating, but after the way he’d disrespected her last night, feeling bad was a hard sell for her right now.
She tensed up when she heard the bathroom door open. His footsteps were soft and cautious, and as he appeared in front of her looking haggard in ragged jeans and a flannel shirt, he was rubbing his hand over his face. “Mornin’,” he mumbled, raising his tired eyes to hers and cringing at her angry expression. “Look…about last night,” he started.
“Ugh, here we go,” she rolled her eyes, wincing a little as she hauled her aching body off the bed and stood upright.
Andre followed her every move, his shoulders sagged dejectedly. “Babe, I’m tryna apologize here.”
“Oh really! Apologize for what exactly?” she demanded, “Not being there for me, or humiliating me in front of the two people who cared enough to come see my match, one of whom, by the way, is a big name in the company I could only dream of being a part of one day. Which is it, huh?”
“Dee, come on…”
Shaking her head, she turned and limped out of the bedroom and toward the kitchen. She opened the refrigerator, grabbing ingredients to set about making a sandwich for herself. None for Andre, hell no. She was more than mad at him right now. Plus, he was capable of fixing his own breakfast.
She heard footsteps a few minutes later, and out of the corner of her eye, she could see Andre approaching the kitchen cautiously. He stood next to her, his sheepish expression a stark contrast to her irritated one. “Baby, I’m sorry. I was a dick,” he began, not taking his eyes off of her. “I was tired and cranky and wasn’t thinking rationally. Please forgive me.”
Delilah felt her stomach plummet when she noticed his bottom lip quivering. He knew what that did to her. He pinned her with those heartbreaking brown eyes of his, which shone with emotion, and she felt her heart thaw just a little bit. Sighing, she grabbed a couple of bread slices to make another sandwich. Shaking her head, she said, “I knew you’d be in bed, tired from work. I shouldn’t have brought them here so late.”
Squinting against the harsh fluorescent light overhead, Andre’s brows furrowed. “So that was the Jey Uso guy, huh?” Delilah nodded, handing him his sandwich as he cringed. “He’s a big dude.”
The wrestler-in-training took a bite of her sandwich, considering the goofy expression on his face and marveling at how attractive he was right at this moment. “He is. And probably pissed off too,” she added. “But don’t worry, I’ll see if I can work something out with him and Tank,” she winked.
“Yeah, I’d appreciate it,” Andre chuckled. From there, a comfortable silence reigned as the couple settled down to have breakfast, each of them stealing secretive glances when the other wasn’t looking. Again, all seemed to be well. The calm manner in which they settled conflicts was something they’d both come to recognize as a key component of their relationship. Sometimes though, Delilah wished she knew how to remain angry with him. Maybe that way, he’d take her more seriously and stop shoving things under the rug like he tended to do a lot.
“So, two hundred dollars, huh? That’s a lot of money you made last night,” Andre commented, wiping stray mayonnaise from his mouth with the corner of his sleeve. “Any idea on how you’re gonna spend it?”
She did have an idea, but she was a bit surprised that he was asking. “Well, I split it in two; one part should be enough for the light bill,” she explained, “I confirmed that the deposit for the hall we’re renting for the wedding is covered, so we good on that front. I’m goin’ grocery shopping after my shift. It’ll be fresh foods for us this time, no canned stuff,” she added with a grin. “And if you’re lucky enough, Mr. Gibson, you might just get a nice, juicy steak for dinner.“
Licking his lips, Andre rubbed his hands together. "Hmm, that sounds like a plan, my love,” he said, checking his watch, then grabbing his car keys from the counter and moving towards his wife-to-be. Delilah was taken by surprise as he scooped her lips with his, seemingly determined to savor her delicious taste before he ventured off for the day. 
“I love you, babe,” he murmured against her lips, his calloused hands leaving her slender waist to squeeze her backside. “It’s Dee & Dre forever, you know that right?”
Delilah squealed lightly, pushing him away and handing him his backpack. “I love you too. Dee & Dre forever,” she repeated, grinning when he kissed her one more time. She watched as he headed towards the front door. Then, he stopped and turned, a small smile on his gorgeous face.
“I’m glad you did well last night. This wrestling thing might not be so bad, ya know,” he said, the sincerity in his eyes making Delilah swoon inside.
“Thanks,” she accepted the compliment with a blush, staring at the door as it shut behind him. Clearly Andre was having a change of heart. Maybe he would come around after all.
By the time she finished cleaning up the kitchen, Delilah’s body was crying out for her bed. She had only a few more hours to get some sleep before she had to be at the grocery store for her first job of the day. As her head hit her bed once again, she dreamed of replacing her rather meager paycheck for the much larger one she was guaranteed to receive as a WWE Superstar.
Seven a.m. rolled around faster than five did, and this time, it was the ringing of her phone that woke her up. Groggy and annoyed, she answered. “Hello?”
“Mornin’ baby girl. Did I wake you?”
Squinting, Delilah stared at the unidentified number on her phone, wracking her still sleepy brain for the owner of the deep, unfamiliar baritone voice. Putting her phone back to her ear, she demanded, “Who is this?”
“Damn girl, did you lose my number already?” the deep, yet soft voice responded teasingly. 
Heaving a sigh of relief as her brain finally sparked to life, Delilah slumped back against the pillows. "Jesus, Josh. You kinda scared me. What’s with the sexy creepy mystery voice this early in the morning?”
"Hmm, you think I’m sexy, huh?”
The mischievous tone of his voice reemerged, and Delilah shook her head and sighed. “Homie, I said sexy and creepy,” she reminded him. “That ain’t no compliment. That’s like being compared to a stalker. Or a serial killer.”
This time, Josh laughed out loud. “What the fuck kinda analogy is that? I ain’t never had no female compare me to a stalker before, or a serial killer for that matter,” he said.
“Yeah, well, you sound like that, so think about that next time you go around making wake up calls with no warning,” she retorted. 
“Everything okay?” Josh questioned, his previous playful tone morphing into concern. “You sound a lil' agitated.”
There were a lot of reasons to be agitated. Like for one, why he was calling her so early in the morning. If Andre would take kindly to another man hitting her up like this. After a brief moment of silence, along with her sleepy brain finally catching up with events, she replied, “I’m fine. So, is there a reason you’re calling or was it just to scare me shitless?“
"There’s a reason, sweetheart, take it easy,” Josh responded.
“Spit it out then.”
“Dee, relax, damn,” he reprimanded her softly. “You ever watched a WWE pay-per-view live before?”
She walked around the bedroom, getting her things ready for the day. “What, like on cable? Many times, yeah. Why?”
Josh chuckled. “A’ight, let me rephrase that. I meant have you ever been to a live event before? Like in an arena or a stadium?”
“No. Never. I had a few chances as an adult but I was always busy.” In reality, she couldn’t afford to go. Her limited income was always eager to remind her how expensive tickets were. She couldn’t even afford to give away ten dollars a month for the WWE Network. She always recalled the year 2018 with a hint of sadness. WrestleMania 34 had been only a three-hour drive from Pensacola, but the tickets were much too steep to even think of making that drive. The show ended up being one of the more memorable Manias, and it was one of the numerous times she regretted her and Andre’s financial difficulties.  
“Raw is in Panama City in two weeks,” the Samoan informed her. “I was wondering if you would be interested in attending. You and your fiancé of course,” he added quickly, as though to prevent her from getting the wrong idea. “Both o’ y’all will be there as my guests.”
Delilah stopped in her tracks, trying to digest this tantalizing offer. “Wait, really? You’re inviting us personally?”
“Why not? I thought it’d be something you’d wanna see.”
“I totally do. That’s so kind of you. I gotta talk to Dre first, but I’d love to be there. Definitely.”
“Great, I’ll make the arrangements for the tickets,” Josh responded, and she noticed the relief in his voice. “Well, I’ll let you get back to your beauty sleep,” he went back to teasing her, “I look forward to seeing you in two weeks, Delilah.”
Fuck. The way he said her name though. She thought back to the way the L’s rolled off his tongue whenever he pronounced them, in such a seductively lethal manner, coupled with the sensual twinkle in his eye…
Suddenly she felt a little heated and flushed, despite the air-conditioning. Willing away the fluttering in her chest, she gripped her phone a little tighter. “Can’t wait. Take care,” she whispered, mumbling a goodbye and hanging up. She breathed deeply and tilted her head up, lost in thought. That was done. Now all she had to do was convince Andre that they could afford to spend a few days in Panama City. But more importantly, convince herself that she was only looking forward to the live event in two weeks and nothing else.
Banner made by me. Credit to the owners of the pics and gifs.
🏷️:  @jxtina-86 @wrestlingprincess80 @fame-ass-ers @southerngirl41 @alyyaanna @squishyguishy @jstarr86 @murrylove @thewarlordsworld @mzv11 @cozyaliensuperstar7 @nayys-world @hunnidmilly @cyberdejos2 @papireigns-05 @niknakbucks92 @captainwithoutmakingitlove @sovereigngoth @aisharmi @kennedi0818 @alichesmi @thesamoanqueen @herwickedlittlesins @questionable-behaviour @tribalchiefreigns @2-muchsauce @thatbxtchsblog @raya-hunter01 @marchi36753 @lovelysuccess @christinabae @wooahmiri @thatonecarebear @tabletheofhead @rheaanddamianfan @vebner37 @hanley1577 @princessesareforsuckers @-naturally @joannasteez @bbygirlky18 @lilucey @theninthwonder @melaninsugababy @chocovibesonly @msbluehaz3 @scarlettnoir01 @heerah34 @empressdede @tbmotw @darkangelchronicles @visionarymode @marasdeathnote @aintnorainbows @meggylynnloves @shantinextdoor @harlemblipster @trc-punzel @afterdarkprincess @nbanenefrmdao @sassginaswanmills @purplehairgawdess @holisticcoach @girlwhogaf @royalkay23 @heyitsnajabrinee @stoner2k @reci1996 @catxo @iamimanim @lookmais @ts1mp0ne @shonny09 @lizzyd1ish @m3llowww @skyesthebomb @final1miya @mzv11 @kia1996 @randomuser0711 @yourtribalqueen @caramelcleopatraa @katymae12344 @that-one-anxious-mango @yana3sworld @ajenae @truefant4sy @thetribalqueen @bhjszsdxc @paigereeder @christinabae @justazzi @maknaehyucks @mindairy @headoftheetable
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kyleoreillylover · 4 months
Chapter 7- Part 1- The Battle Before the War
Series Summary/Masterlist
warnings: wrestling related violence, manipulation, drinking.
word count: 10, 145
tagged: @southerngirl41 @venusesworld @jeysbae @reci1996 @tbonesteakwithasideofmashngrav @hope4more @selena-tyler-564 @saintaquarius @whatdoeseverybodywant @raya-hunter01 @empressdede
Chapter Summary: Wargames is right around the corner, and tensions are worse then ever. Jey's hot headedness threatens to fracture your relationship, and Kevin wants to threaten the security of the Bloodline, and is willing to do anything to do it. You try to keep everyone together, but there is only so much you can take before you can snap. The question is, will you do it at the expense of the Bloodline? And will Sami finally prove his loyalty to the Bloodline, or will he be swayed by Kevin's warnings and prioritize his own happiness and yours over blind loyalty?
A/N: sorry for the angst teehee. Hope ya'll don't kill me lol. Please enjoy this chapter!! Love ya'll <3
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"Adam, what do you mean I have to defend my title against Bianca AND Charlotte at Wargames?" You glared at Adam Pearce as you stood in his office, the tension from the brawl last week still lingering in the air.
Adam smirked at your protest, leaning back in his chair. "You're the one who attacked both Bianca and Charlotte over the past few weeks, and now it's time to face the consequences. It's not my fault you decided to take matters into your own hands," Adam replied, unfazed by your glare. "Wargames is the perfect stage for settling these scores, don't you think?"
You shook your head in frustration, clenching your fists. "This is a setup. You're trying to use this chaos to take the title away from me."
Adam chuckled, "I'm just providing the opportunity for a fair match. You've been running wild, attacking everyone in sight. Now, it's time to see if you can back it up in the ring."
Your frustration grew, and you slammed your hands on Adam's desk. "Charlotte is the one who got in my face first, and Bianca attacked me out of nowhere during my match! So it's not my fault that they got a taste of their own medicine.
Adam raised an eyebrow, seemingly unimpressed. "You're not the only one with scores to settle. Wargames will be the battleground, and the three of you will have the chance to settle your differences in a brutal, no-holds-barred match."
You slammed your fists on Adam's desk, seething with frustration. The tension in the room mirrored the chaos that had unfolded in the ring just days ago.
"The only thing that will happen is that you will have two less women on your roster after Wargames," you retorted, glaring at Adam with a fiery determination. He leaned forward, his smirk widening. "I will break both of them so bad that their bones will be begging for mercy," you declared, your words laced with venom. Adam's smirk widened at your angry promise.
"You are not getting out of this, and that is final. Wargames will be the reckoning, and your title will be on the line. If you're as unstoppable as you claim to be, prove it in the most unforgiving match we can offer. You should get ready for that contract signing, because it's happening tonight." Adam's tone was authoritative, leaving no room for negotiation.
You wanted to jump over the table and strangle the smirk off of Adam's stupid face, maybe then he would take you seriously. But instead, you shot him one final glare, and stormed out of his office, frustration boiling within you. The chaos that unfolded in the ring, the internal conflicts within the Bloodline, and now this unexpected title defense in a Wargames match—it was all too much to handle in such a short span.
Jey was waiting for you outside his office, his own frustration evident on his face.  The two of you hadn't exchanged pleasant words since the heated argument in the ring on Friday. The tension between the two of you was palpable, and you could feel the weight of the Bloodline's internal conflicts pressing down on you.
Jey tried to catch your eye as you walked past him, "What did he say?" he questioned, his voice tight with concern.
"What do you think?" You snapped back, the frustration evident in your tone. "I have to defend the title against both Bianca and Charlotte in a Wargames match. Adam thinks it's some kind of poetic justice for me taking matters into my own hands."
Jey rolled his eyes at Adam's idea of justice and your attitude. "So you can't help us against Kevin and his team?"
You halted in your tracks, turning sharply to face Jey. "Are you seriously still on that? We're talking about my title, Jey. If you and the others can't handle Kevin Owens and his crew, that's on you."
Jey's frustration mirrored yours. "You seriously think we can't handle them?"
"I didn't say that." You retorted, crossing your arms. 
"But you don't think we need your help," Jey finished your sentence, a mixture of irritation and hurt in his eyes.
The tense silence between you two lingered, both of you grappling with the conflicting loyalties and the growing divide within the Bloodline. The hallway seemed to tighten around you, suffocating under the weight of expectations, rivalry, and unresolved issues.
"Jey, can you please just understand that I've got a lot on my plate right now?" you pleaded, the frustration in your voice giving way to a hint of vulnerability.
"You don't  get it, do you?" Jey's voice was a mix of frustration and disappointment. "It's not about your title. The Bloodline is falling apart, and we need each other now more than ever." He stopped you from walking away by grabbing your arm. His touch was firm, and when you tried to pull away, he held on tighter.
"And now, when we need to stand together, you're pushing us away." Jey said, his eyes intense as he locked onto yours. 
Your skin lit on fire at the way Jey was looking at you — all anger and disappointment that made the anger boil in your chest. How dare he be disappointed in you when he was the one questioning your loyalty? The conflict within the Bloodline was tearing at the seams, and you felt the weight of it all. 
"You were the one that told me you would choose Roman over anyone else, including me," you shot back, your tone sharp. "I'm just taking you at your word. So don't act like I'm the one tearing the Bloodline apart." 
You snatched your arm from Jey's grip, eyes fiery and temper flaring. "So how about you go back to your precious leader and figure out how you're going to deal with Kevin Owens and his crew. I've got a title to defend and no time for your drama."
With that, you stormed way from Jey, leaving him standing in the hallway, frustration etched on his face. The tension within the Bloodline had reached a breaking point, and the divide between loyalty to Roman and the need to address external threats was tearing at the seams.
"Fuck." Jey muttered as he kicked a rubble on the floor, frustration boiling within him.
He needed to get his head straight, and get his girl back. He needed to hurt the cause of  the chaos, and that meant Kevin and Sami. He knew you would be pissed that he was taking matters into his own hands, but he couldn't let the Bloodline crumble. 
As Jey stormed off in the opposite direction, determined to confront Kevin and Sami, the hallway echoed with the unresolved tensions that threatened to shatter the unity of the Bloodline.
"What did I tell you to do?" Roman's angry voice made your skin crawl as he confronted Sami in the locker room. The tension in the air was thick, mirroring the conflicts that had spilled out into the hallway.
Sami, sitting on a bench, looked up at Roman, his face a mixture of regret and frustration. "I hesitated for a moment, but I'm still with the Bloodline," he defended himself, the turmoil in his eyes betraying his internal struggle.
Roman's gaze narrowed, his disappointment palpable. "When I give an order, you follow it without hesitation. Loyalty is everything."
You, having followed Roman into the locker room, stepped forward, trying to mediate the escalating situation. "Roman, he's still with us. We need to focus on the real threat—Kevin and his team."
Roman's attention shifted to you, his eyes flickering with a mixture of frustration and authority. "This is an internal matter. Stay out of it."
You went to speak again, but Sami cut you off before you could get yourself into anymore trouble. "Roman, I messed up. I get it. But I'm still with the Bloodline. I just need a chance to prove it," Sami pleaded, desperation evident in his voice.
Sami knew he fucked up by hesitating, and he was fully aware of the consequences. For one second, he had let doubt cloud his judgment, and Roman was not one to tolerate such lapses in loyalty. You sat on the bench next to Sami, a concerned expression on your face. Jimmy, Jey, and Solo were out as per Roman's orders to leave you alone. Why he let you stay was  a mystery. Did he want to watch you squirm as he yelled at Sami, knowing you couldn't ntervene?
Roman's stern gaze shifted between you and Sami, contemplating the situation. The tension in the locker room was palpable, the air thick with the consequences of Sami's momentary lapse in loyalty. Your presence seemed to add another layer of complexity to the situation, but Roman's focus remained on Sami.
"I don't tolerate hesitation, Sami," Roman stated, his voice low and authoritative. "You had a choice, and you chose to doubt. Loyalty can't afford hesitation."
Sami nodded, acknowledging the gravity of his mistake. "I messed up, Roman. I should have acted without thinking. It won't happen again."
Roman's expression remained stern, but a flicker of consideration crossed his eyes. 
"Then prove it." Roman straightened up, his aura demanding respect. "You want a chance to prove your loyalty? You'll get it. Tonight." Roman's face was etched with a look that made you wonder what kind of test he had in mind for Sami. The stakes within the Bloodline were escalating, and Roman's decisions carried the weight of the faction's unity.
"You face Kevin Owens, and you prove that you're still an asset to the Bloodline. If you hesitate again, there won't be any room for redemption," Roman declared, his words leaving no room for argument.
Sami's eyes widened, a mix of determination and anxiety flashing across his face. The gravity of the situation had just intensified, and the burden of proving himself hung heavy on Sami's shoulders.
Roman's gaze shifted to you, who was still sitting on the bench, observing the intense exchange. "And you," Roman turned his attention to you, his voice carrying the weight of authority. "Jey and Jimmy will accompany you to handle your business in that contract signing, and then you'll accompany Sami to his match against Kevin tonight. We can't afford any more setbacks."
Great, just what you needed. Kevin making your life 10x harder, and Jey adding to the chaos. As Roman left the locker room, you exchanged a glance with Sami, both of you realizing the magnitude of the task at hand.
"You didn't have to stay and watch that," Sami muttered, a hint of embarrassment in his voice.
"I didn't exactly have a choice," you replied, a mixture of frustration and concern in your tone. He looked at your neck and saw you weren't wearing the pendant he gave you, and realization crossed his face. "I'm messing everything up." The nerves were clear in his voice, and you could sense Sami's internal struggle.
"No, you are not." You tried to reassure him, but he cut you off.
"I hesitated, and Roman is right. Loyalty doesn't hesitate." Sami's frustration was evident, and he seemed to be grappling with the weight of his actions. The locker room atmosphere was tense, and the upcoming match against Kevin Owens hung like a dark cloud over both of you. "And I'm the reason you and Jey are falling apart."
"You're not the reason for everything, Sami," you insisted, trying to calm his spiraling thoughts. Jey made the arguments about Sami, you made the arguments about how you were feeling overwhelmed and torn between conflicting loyalties. Sami's eyes bore into yours, his internal turmoil mirroring the chaos that surrounded the Bloodline.
"It's not just about tonight's match. It's everything. The Bloodline, the title defense, Jey," Sami sighed, frustration evident in his voice. "I don't want to be the cause of all this mess."
"Sami, stop spiraling." You gripped his shoulders, trying to steady him, but he continued to ramble about his fears and concerns. The weight of the Bloodline's internal conflicts seemed to crush down on both of you, and there was no easy solution in sight.
"Sami..." Your eyes turned to the TV that was playing when an unexpected scene caught your attention. It was Jey standing in the middle of the ring, mic in hand and an angry expression on his face. The volume of the TV was low, but you could hear Jey's voice echoing through the locker room.
"...Sami don't belong in the bloodline! And if you can't see that Y/N, then you need to open your eyes!" Jey's words sent a shockwave through the locker room. Your heart sank, and Sami's eyes widened as the gravity of the situation unfolded on the screen.
"What the hell is he doing?" Sami muttered, his frustration now directed at the unfolding drama in the ring.
You couldn't believe what you were seeing. Jey, airing the Bloodline's internal conflicts in such a public manner, was a betrayal of the unity the faction had always prided itself on.
You heard Kevin's music hitting, and Jey's attention shifted towards the entrance ramp. The situation was spiraling out of control, and you and Sami exchanged a glance, realizing that the Bloodline's internal conflicts were now on full display for the world to witness.
"Did you know he was going to do this?" Sami questioned, his eyes searching yours for answers.
"No, I had no idea." You replied, frustration and concern etched on your face. This was not gonna end well. You watched as the  TV screen showed Kevin Owens making his way to the ring, a sly smile on his face as he observed the turmoil within the Bloodline. 
"Jey, everything I said was gonna happen has started happening. Sami is falling apart, Roman is pissed, and now Jey is publicly airing our dirty laundry." Kevin's voice crackled through the TV speakers as he entered the ring, the chaos in the arena mirroring the chaos within the Bloodline.
"Sami, go out there and handle Kevin Owens," Roman's voice cut through the tension in the locker room, snapping both you and Sami back to the immediate situation at hand. He must've walked in while you were fixated on the camera. Roman's tone brooked no argument, and Sami, with a nod, headed towards the ring.
You went to get up, but Roman stopped you with a stern look. "You're not going anywhere. I need you focused on the contract signing. Jey has caused enough chaos for one night."
You went to respond, but Kevin's voice resonated again through the speakers, his taunts and provocations cutting through the locker room.
"I told you all nothing but the cold hard truth. And I think the one person that needs to hear it more than anyone is you, Jey." Kevin paused, letting the words hang in the air as the TV screen showed Jey's angry expression.
"I already know what you 'bout to say, uce! You gon' say that you gon' beat us at Wargames, that me and Sami are distracting the Bloodline, that Y/N needs to open her eyes and see that The Bloodline are the real problems in her life. But the only person who causing problems in her life is you, Kevin!" Jey shouted back, his voice echoing through the locker room. The intensity of the confrontation in the ring seeped through the TV, and you couldn't tear your eyes away from the unfolding drama.
Roman's expression darkened as he listened to Jey's words. The tension within the Bloodline was reaching a boiling point, and the external threat posed by Kevin Owens only added fuel to the fire.
"You wanna talk about loyalty, uce?" Jey continued, his eyes locked onto Kevin in the ring. "Loyalty is standing by your family, by your blood, no matter what. You don't get that, Kevin. You never will, cause you betray everyone you get close to. And that's why Y/N and Sami need to get away from you, and that's why I don't want Sami in The Bloodline anymore!"
Kevin sarcastically laughed, but you could see the anger in his eyes at the mention of betraying people. The intensity of the situation reached a new height, and the locker room seemed to echo with the weight of Jey's words.
"I actually wasn't gonna say that Jey. What I was gonna say was that you're a damn hypocrite. You preach about loyalty, but your actions speak louder than your words," Kevin shot back, his gaze locked onto Jey. he tension in the ring was mirrored by the tension in the locker room.
"We aren't blind, Jey. We can see you and Y/N falling apart. Sami hesitating because he doesn't know where his loyalty lies. Y/N caught in the crossfire. Roman trying to maintain control, but the seams are unraveling. And you, Jey, you're at the center of it all. You wanna blame me for you and Y/N falling apart, but you need to take a good look in the mirror. Cause all I told her was the truth, that you will never choose her over Roman. And then what happened?" 
You held your breath as Kevin inched closer to an angry Jey who looked like he was about to pounce on him. "You confirmed her worst fears, Jey. You told her that you would choose Roman over anyone, including her."
You could feel Roman's stare on you as Kevin's words cut through the airwaves. You slowly turned to him, your expression a mix of frustration, confusion, and concern. The locker room seemed to shrink as the external conflict mirrored the internal struggles within the Bloodline. 
Roman's gaze was unwavering, his eyes penetrating yours. Whether it was a warning or an inquiry, you couldn't decipher. The intensity in the room was suffocating, the weight of the unfolding drama pressing down on everyone.
"You're the one tearing her apart, not me. And you only have yourself to blame for all of this, for Sami hesitating, for Y/N being caught in the middle, for the chaos within the Bloodline," Kevin continued, his words cutting through the air like a knife. 
"Shut the fuck up about Sami!" ey roared, his frustration boiling over. The locker room was on edge, and Roman's stoic expression revealed nothing of his inner thoughts. On cue, Sami came out from the back, a conflicted expression on his face. The TV screen split between the ongoing confrontation in the ring and Sami's entrance.
Sami hesitated for a moment, glancing between Jey and Kevin, seemingly torn between the internal conflicts of the Bloodline and the external threat posed by Kevin Owens. The tension in the locker room reached its peak, a palpable feeling of uncertainty and unrest settling over the faction.
"Roman, I need to go out there." You pleaded with the Tribal Chief, your voice desperate as you tried to convey the urgency of the situation. Roman's gaze remained fixed on you, a silent command for you to stay put.
"Not yet," Roman responded, his tone firm. "Let Jey handle this. He wants to be a big boy and go out there to air our dirty laundry, let him deal with the consequences."
You bit your lip, torn between following Roman's orders and the burning desire to confront the escalating chaos in the ring. The TV screen showed Jey and Kevin locked in a heated exchange, the verbal sparring reaching new heights. The weight of the Bloodline's internal conflicts hung in the air like a storm about to unleash its fury.
"Oh, here's your best friend, Sami!" Kevin mocked Jey, knowing his words were like fuel to the fire. Sami hesitated at the entrance ramp, caught between loyalty to the Bloodline and the accusations flying between Kevin and Jey.
"What the hell you doing here?" Jey shouted at Sami, his frustration evident in his tone. Sami glanced between Jey and Kevin, the internal struggle visible on his face.
"Roman told me to come out here to handle Kevin!" Sami shouted back as he walked into the ring, trying to assert his presence in the chaotic situation.
Jey's expression turned from frustration to anger as he processed Sami's words. "Roman told you? This is our business, Sami! We don't need you making it worse!"
"You already kinda did that yourself!" Sami snapped back, frustration clear in his voice. The tension in the ring escalated as Sami joined the fray, caught between the conflicts within the Bloodline and the external threat posed by Kevin Owens.
The TV screen split between the chaotic scene in the ring and Roman's stern gaze in the locker room. The entire faction seemed to be unraveling, torn between internal disputes and the impending external threat of Wargames
Kevin laughed at the growing chaos in the ring, reveling in the discord he had sown within the Bloodline.  Sami pushed Jey away from him and turned to his ex-best friend, a mix of frustration and determination in his eyes.
"Kevin, if you know what's good for you, leave this ring and never come back. This is our business, and you have no place here," Sami declared, trying to assert control over the situation.
Kevin, however, seemed to thrive on the chaos. "Oh, I know what's good for me, Sami. And what's good for me is watching the Bloodline tear itself apart. But you don't belong in their shit, Sami!" Kevin wanted his friend to stop being in la la land and pretending that he is actually in the Bloodline, and he wanted you to stop being torn between loyalties and choose him.
"I actually do belong with them, Kevin," Sami shot back, his frustration boiling over. "More than you'll ever understand. Now get out of this ring before things get uglier than they already are."
Kevin smirked, enjoying the chaos he had ignited. "Oh, you do? Then why do they always turn their backs on you, Sami? Why does Jey want you out? And why is Y/N caught in the middle, torn between loyalty to the Bloodline and whatever the hell she has with you?"
Your heart dropped at the last words that came out of Kevin's mouth. He's such an asshole, you thought, and you watched as Jey automatically tried to charge at Kevin, but Sami held him back, creating a chaotic scene in the ring. The split screen continued to show the escalating tension in the locker room, with Roman's stern expression contrasting with the turmoil outside.
"Get the fuck off of me!" Jey yelled yelled at Sami, trying to break free from his grip. The chaos in the ring mirrored the internal conflicts within the Bloodline, and you could feel the weight of it all pressing down on you.
"He's lying to you!" Sami tried to reason with Jey, but his words seemed to fall on deaf ears as the chaos in the ring intensified. The situation had escalated beyond control, with Kevin Owens reveling in the discord he had stirred up within the Bloodline.
"That's it!" Roman's authoritative voice cut through the tension in the locker room. His stern gaze locked onto you, a silent command for you to take control of the situation. The TV screen split between the unfolding drama in the ring and Roman's unwavering presence in the locker rooms.
You heeded his command and quickly made your way to the entrance ramp. The chaotic scene in the ring intensified as you entered, drawing the attention of Jey, Sami, and Kevin. The split screen showed Roman watching closely, his expression revealing nothing of his thoughts.
Kevin laughed even more at the sight of Jey's fury, Sami's frustration, and your entrance into the chaos. He was finally so close to bringing you and Sami out of the Bloodline, and he reveled in the disarray he had caused within the faction.
"Jey, you need to calm down," you shouted over the chaos in the ring, trying to assert control. "Sami, let go of him!" Sami reluctantly released Jey, and you stepped between them, facing Kevin with a determined glare.
"Kevin, I know what you're trying to do, and it's not gonna work," you declared, your voice cutting through the tension. Mind games were what he excelled in, and you weren't gonna let him manipulate the situation any further. "Jey, Sami, let's go, Sami can beat your ass later." The TV screen showed Roman's stoic expression, his eyes narrowing as he observed the unfolding drama.
Kevin chuckled, unfazed by your defiance. "Oh, Y/N, always the peacemaker. But the truth hurts, doesn't it? Jey's loyalty lies with Roman, not with you." He wanted to show you the truth, even if the truth hurt.
Your eyes widened in hurt at Kevin's provocation, and you turned to Jey, who was seething with anger. The weight of the Bloodline's internal conflicts bore down on you, and you knew that Kevin was intentionally trying to exploit the fractures within the faction.
"Shut your mouth! Jey went to lunge at Kevin, but you stood in between them, and Jey stopped to look down at you, his chest heaving and eyes blazing with frustration. He could see the hurt in your own eyes, and his heart ached at the sight. In his mind, it was Kevin's fault that you herein this situation, and Jey wanted nothing more than to pummel 
"Enough!" you shouted, trying to diffuse the escalating tension. "Jey, Sami, we have bigger issues to deal with. This is exactly what Kevin wants – to see us tear each other apart. We can't let him win."
“Yeah, listen to the woman you claim to love but won’t commit to.” Kevin snapped at Jey, and Jey went to attack Kevin again, but Sami held him back. Jey seemed angrier that Sami was the one that prevented him from taking a swing at Kevin. The chaos in the ring and the escalating tensions within the Bloodline seemed like an insurmountable storm.
"Sami, let go of me, damn it! This is your fault!”
Jey growled, still seething with anger. Sami released his grip, eyebrows furrowed in confusion and frustration. 
“My fault?!” Sami yelled back, his own frustration boiling over. The ring was on the verge of erupting into chaos, and you stood in the middle, desperately trying to maintain some semblance of control.
“Yeah, your fault! Cause you always tryna push up on my girl, and now look at the mess we in!” Jey scowled at Sami, going to sucker punch him, but you pushed Sami behind you, grabbing Jey’s fist and holding it back.
 Jey automatically looked at you, his anger momentarily replaced by surprise as you intervened. Your smaller hand held back Jey's fist, the struggle evident in both of your expressions. Your eyes locked with Jey's, a silent plea for him to calm down and not let the chaos consume the Bloodline.
“Baby, let go!” You shook your head at Jey’s wirds, and he glared at you,  torn between frustration and the realization that the situation had spiraled out of control.
"Why you protecting em, huh?" Jey's voice was a mix of frustration and hurt. You were exasperated by the same pattern of jealousy and possessiveness from Jey. "I'm not protecting anyone! You need to calm the hell down!" 
Sami watched as you and Jey continued to exchange heated words, the tension in the ring escalating with each passing moment. The split screen showed Roman's expression, his stoic demeanor revealing little about his thoughts on the chaotic situation.
"Calm down?! How about you calm down and pick a side, babe!" Jey's frustration reached a boiling point, and he shoved you away, breaking free from your grip. The tension in the ring reached a critical level, and Sami, caught in the middle, looked torn between the escalating conflict and the desire to diffuse the situation.
You looked up at him, hurt that he shoved you away like that. Like you were nothing. "Pick a side?" You frowned at Jey's words, feeling a mix of anger and disappointment. "Are you blind? Are you acting dumb?"
"Oh, so now I'm the one acting dumb?" Jey retorted, his frustration evident in his tone. The split screen showed Roman's stern expression, his eyes narrowing as he observed the unfolding drama.
"I didn't say you are dumb. I asked if you are acting dumb," you clarified, your frustration mirroring Jey's. "Cause it's pretty clear I'm on your side. I've always been on your side!"
Sami stepped forward, trying to mediate the escalating conflict. "Guys, let's just calm down." 
But his words fell on deaf ears as the tension between you and Jey continued to escalate. The chaotic scene in the ring reflected the internal conflicts within the Bloodline, and  as Kevin watched, ready to intervene if Jey got in your face, Sami found himself caught in the crossfire.
"Oh really? Then stop acting like you're all cozy with Sami, and maybe I'll believe you're on my side!" Jey shot back, his frustration reaching a breaking point.
You glared angrily at Jey, disbelief and hurt written all over your face. "Cozy with Sami? Are you serious right now? This is about loyalty to the Bloodline, not some ridiculous jealousy!" The split screen showed Roman's expression darkening, his patience wearing thin as the internal conflicts within the faction threatened to unravel everything.
Sami, caught in the middle, tried to reason with both of you. "Guys, please calm down!"
But now you weren't just hurt. You were angry. Extremely angry. How dare Jey, your boyfriend, the man that claims to love you, accuse you of being cozy with Sami on live television. 
Your eyes hardened at Jey's accusations, and you took a step closer to him, the frustration radiating from your face. All you heard in your head was to put Jey in his place. No man is gonna disrespect you like that, especially not in front of the entire world.
"Jey Uso, you need to get your head out of your ass and stop accusing me of things that aren't true!" Your voice was firm, anger lacing every word. You were scary when you were angry, and Jey could see it in your eyes.
The tension in the ring was palpable, and Sami, caught in the middle, looked torn between trying to mediate and the fear of worsening the situation. "You really think I would betray you like that?" 
"I'm not accusing you of anything. I'm just telling you to pick a side," Jey retorted, ignoring your question, his own frustration fueling the heated exchange. The split screen showed Roman's stern expression, his eyes narrowing as he observed the unfolding drama.
"I told you, his loyalty will always lie with Roman." Kevin stepped up, wanting to convince you of  the truth he believed in. Sami whipped his head to Kevin, frustration etched on his face. 
"You need to back off, Kevin. This is none of your business," Sami snapped at Kevin, his frustration evident. He needed to get rid of the problem, and Kevin was the one causing problems.
"Oh, it's very much my business when it involves Y/N," Kevin replied, a sly smirk on his face. "I'm just pointing out the obvious, and she deserves to know the truth."
You shot Kevin a venomous glare, your patience wearing thin. "I don't need you to tell me anything. Stay out of our business!"
Jey, still seething with anger, turned his attention back to you. "You need to stop playing these games! I can't have someone who's not fully with me."
You scoffed, not being able to take his accusations any longer. "Games? You're the one starting this whole mess on live television, accusing me of things I haven't done. If you can't trust me, then maybe you need to figure out your own priorities."
You had pushed Jey too much, and he couldn't handle it anymore. He was a hothead at his worst, and his insecurities and your anguish had reached a boiling point. 
"And if you can't handle the truth, maybe you need to reconsider being a part of the Bloodline," Jey shot back, his frustration turning into a cold determination, but he regretted the words as soon as they left his mouth. The weight of the silence that followed hung heavily in the air, a tangible tension that seemed to echo through the entire arena.
Your brain shut down at the weight of Jey's words. The shock, hurt, and anger collided within you, creating a storm of emotions. Everyone else seemed to fade away, and  all that remained was the harsh reality of the words that had just been spoken. 
The man you loved just told you that he questioned your place in the Bloodline, and in his life. The realization hit you like a punch to the gut, and for a moment, you felt the world around you blur. 
Jey's declaration hung in the air like a heavy cloud, and the split screen showed Roman's expression darkening, his eyes narrowing at the unfolding chaos. The tension within the Bloodline had reached a breaking point, and the fractures within the faction seemed irreparable.
Sami's hands on your shoulders steadied you as the weight of Jey's words sank in, but you brushed his hands away, needing a moment to process everything. Jey's face was a mixture of regret and frustration, and he tried to reach out to you, but you stepped back, putting some distance between you and him. 
"You really think that?"  Your voice was shaky, a mix of hurt and anger lacing your words, and Jey's heart hurt at the sight. He thought airing out his feelings on  live television would make things better, but it only seemed to have made everything worse.
Jey's regret was evident, but he struggled to find the right words to mend the damage. "Y/N, I didn't mean it like that. I was just angry, and I—" Jey began to explain, desperation in his voice, but you held up a hand to stop him.
No, Jey. You said what you really felt. Don't try to backtrack now." Your voice wavered with a mixture of emotions. "You wanna act like a big strong man and air out our shit on live TV, fine. But  don't expect me to just forgive and forget when you question my loyalty and place in the Bloodline." 
Your words were sharp, each one laced with the hurt and betrayal you felt in that moment. Jey stepped closer to you, his eyes pleading for understanding, but you took another step back, the distance between you growing.
"No, you wanna question my loyalty? Fine, then maybe I need to reevaluate my place in the Bloodline and in your life," you declared, your tone resolute. 
"No, no, no you do not." Sami tried to step in, his frustration evident. "Y/N, don't let this moment define everything. Emotions are high, and Jey didn't mean—"
You cut Sami off, your eyes never leaving Jey's. "No, Sami. He needs to face the consequences of his words. If he questions my loyalty and my place, then maybe it's time for me to make a decision." You've been angry at Jey dozen's of times, but you've never disrespected him like that. Ever.
"I ain't mean it like that, Y/N. You know I—"
"No, Jey. I don't want to hear it right now," you interrupted, your voice firm. "Maybe you should figure out what you really want and what's important to you. Because I won't stay where I'm not fully wanted or appreciated. This argument has been gong on for far too fucking long, and I'm tired of it!"
Kevin observed the chaos unfolding in the ring with a satisfied grin. The disarray within the Bloodline was exactly what he wanted, and it seemed like his plan to sow discord among them was working better than he could have anticipated. He was gonna have you and Sami back with him in no time.
"I told you, Y/N, that this would happen. I know a snake when I see one, and Jey is proving me right," Kevin's voice echoed in your mind, his words taunting you as you stood face to face with Jey, the tension between you thick with unspoken words and unresolved emotions.
"I told you too, Sami. Why do you think Jey hates you and wants you out of the Bloodline? He sees you as a threat to his relationship with Y/N, and he'll do whatever it takes to get rid of you." 
Kevin faced Sami, sympathy on his face. Sami, frustrated and torn, glared at Kevin, his internal struggle evident in his eyes. "Why do you keep fighting for people who don't appreciate you? Why do you let Jey treat you like this?" Kevin's words lingered in the air, planting seeds of doubt and frustration.
Sami glared at Kevin, but couldn't deny the turmoil within him. "Kevin, just leave it alone," Sami snapped, the frustration evident in his voice.  
"Why? I told you what was going to happen, Sami. The Bloodline is falling apart, and you're caught in the middle of it. You deserve better than this, and deep down, you know it —"
 Before Kevin could finish his sentence, Jey lunged at Kevin, unable to stand his taunting any longer. The chaos in the ring reached a fever pitch as Jey's fist connected with Kevin's jaw, sending him sprawling to the mat. Sami rushed forward, trying to intervene, but the damage had been done. 
You watched as Kevin dodged a counterattack from Jey, and Sami trying and failing to push Jey off of Kevin. The chaotic scene in the ring mirrored the internal conflicts within the Bloodline, and the split screen showed Roman's stern expression deepening. 
"Get the fuck off me!" Jey yelled at Sami, trying to break free and deliver another blow to Kevin.
"This is what he wants, Jey!" Sami yelled, desperately trying to reason with Jey. The split screen continued to display the chaotic scene in the ring, and Roman's patience seemed to be wearing thin.
You were frozen in the corner of the ring, watching as the chaos unfolded before you. The tension was palpable, and the fractures within the Bloodline were now on full display for the world to witness. Your mind was a whirlwind of emotions, torn between the hurtful words Jey had uttered and the chaos that had erupted in the ring.
You snapped out of your stupor as you saw Kevin hit a Stunner on Jey, taking advantage of Sami and Jey's argument, leaving him sprawled on the mat. You took off your title, running to hit him with it while Sami after a half-second tried to  run towards  Kevin, but Kevin swiftly rolled out of the ring just in time, avoiding the potential attack. 
You stood there, your title in your hands, and the camera captured how you stared down at Jey, a mix of frustration and disappointment on your face, while Sami watched Kevin with a conflicted expression. The split screen showed Roman's stern gaze, his unreadable expression revealing nothing of his thoughts on the chaotic situation.
"I'm gonna get you both back where you belong!" Kevin shouted from outside the ring, a grin on his face as he reveled in the chaos he had unleashed within the Bloodline. "And that's with me!"
You watched as Jey stirred, and you felt a surge of conflicting emotions. The chaos in the ring, the hurtful words exchanged, and the internal conflicts within the Bloodline had reached a breaking point. Sami stood by your side, torn between the escalating situation and his loyalty to the faction. 
You moved towards Jey, checking on him to make sure he was okay before extending a hand to help him up. Jey looked up at you, his expression a mix of pain and regret, and reluctantly took your hand.
"You alright?" you asked, your voice softer than before, the anger giving way to concern. Jey nodded, avoiding eye contact, and you helped him stand. Sami watched the exchange, a conflicted expression on his face as he processed the events that had just unfolded.
"Go back to the locker room, both of you. Tell Jimmy to stay back too. I'll handle my business." You let go of Jey's hand, and Jey's face turned hurt at your words. There was a moment of tension between the three of you, the weight of the situation hanging heavily in the air.
"You've never asked me to leave before," Jey muttered, a hint of vulnerability in his voice.
"And you've never spoken to me like that before." You replied, your voice steady but laced with the lingering emotions from the confrontation. "I need to handle my own business, and you need to handle yours. We'll talk about this later, but for now, give me some space."
Jey looked torn, caught between the desire to argue and the realization that he had crossed a line. Sami watched silently, unsure of his place in the unfolding drama. The tension in the arena seemed to intensify with every passing moment. You and Jey were locked in a stare, the unspoken words echoing in the air.
"Whatever you want, baby." Jey said finally, his voice subdued. He turned away, making his way towards the locker room with a heavy heart. He looked at you—eyes filled with love, regret, and uncertanity — before leaving the ring. Sami hesitated for a moment, torn between following Jey or staying with you. After a lingering glance, he chose to accompany Jey, leaving you standing alone in the ring.
You licked your lips as the screen's logo displayed the contract signing for you, Bianca and Charlotte would start in 5 minutes, your eyes never leaving Jey's, your eyes locked in a silent exchange of emotions. The arena was buzzing with the aftermath of the confrontation, and as the countdown for the contract signing began, you took a deep breath, trying to compose yourself.
You could only hope that the wounds inflicted on the Bloodline, and especially on your relationship with Jey, could heal over time.
You sat in a chair across the ring from Bianca and Charlotte, a bored expression on your face as Adam Pearce began the contract signing. The tension from the earlier confrontation still lingered within you, making it challenging to focus on the upcoming match. Your mind kept replaying the hurtful words exchanged with Jey, the chaotic scene that unfolded, and the fractures within the Bloodline that were now more apparent than ever.
Bianca and Charlotte exchanged heated words, their rivalry evident even in the formal setting of the contract signing. You, however, remained detached, your thoughts elsewhere. All you heard was 'I'm the EST of WWE', blah blah blah, 'I'm the queen of the WWE,' and it all seemed like background noise. You perked up when you heard your name mentioned, snapping back to the present.
"Look at her! All she's focused on is her little Bloodline drama! She's not even focused on the match!" Charlotte sneered, pointing a finger at you. "That's where I thrive, when people are distracted. I'll take advantage of that in the match, and neither of you can stop me."
You looked up, meeting Charlotte's icy gaze with a steely resolve. "Oh please, Charlotte, save the theatrics for the stage. I may be dealing with some personal issues, but when that bell rings, I'll be more focused than ever. You might want to worry less about me and more about surviving the match, considering I already beat your ass a few weeks back."
"Both of ya'll ain't gonna be able  to handle what I bring to the table," Bianca interjected, her eyes filled with confidence. "You thought you was real slick attacking my man and my friend a few weeks back, but I've been patiently waiting for the right moment to make my move." Bianca leaned forward, signing the contract with a smirk. "Come Wargames, I'ma show everyone that both of ya'll are just fake little queens compared to the EST. "
You snatched the contract from Pearce's hands, signing it with a swift and determined motion. "Like you showed how to lose in less than 26 seconds?" You shot back, reminding her of her lose to Becky, your old ex-friend, your words laced with a hint of sarcasm. The tension in the room escalated, each participant in the upcoming match locked in a verbal battle.
You finished signing, throwing the contract in Charlotte's face. Charlotte sarcastically chuckled at your gesture, and the tension in the room seemed ready to explode. 
"Typical Y/N, always trying to overcompsenate for her personal problems by talking big. But talk is cheap, sweetheart. And actions speak louder than words. You can talk all the shit that you want, but once that bell rings, I'll prove why I'm the queen of this division. And  you're gonna be left with no title," 
Charlotte finished signing the paper, giving it to Pearce without breaking eye contact with you. "No friends or stupid Bloodline," You knew she was gonna say something stupid, and starting taking off your earrings, glaring at her, ready for whatever she was about to say. 
"And you're gonna be left with no title, no friends, and no man, considering he just walked away from you." You didn't let her finish before you lunged across the table, taking her down. The both of you fell to the floor, the contract signing descending into chaos. Security rushed in to separate you and Charlotte as the arena erupted in cheers and jeers. Bianca joined the fight when she saw an opportunity, throwing punches at the both of you, adding to the chaos. The three of you were a whirlwind of fists and fury, and the security team struggled to control the situation.
You managed to kick Charlotte off you, getting back to your feet. Bianca was resting on the ropes from a big boot by Charlotte,  and you saw an opportunity. With a burst of energy, you charged at Bianca, delivering a spear that sent her crashing to the mat. The crowd erupted in cheers as you stood over Bianca, reclaiming control of the situation. 
You breathed heavily, your chest rising and falling with a mix of adrenaline and frustration. You looked at the ramp, wishing it was Jey , but he was nowhere in sight. The realization that the fractures within the Bloodline had widened, and the wounds inflicted on your relationship might take time to heal, hit you hard.
You turned around right into a surprise attack from Charlotte, who had recovered quickly. She tried to capitalize on the chaos, delivering a Natural Selection that left you sprawled on the mat. The arena buzzed with a mix of cheers and boos as Charlotte stood tall, the chaos she had incited achieving its desired effect. 
Bianca quickly recovered, and both women stared each other down, a silent understanding passing between them that, despite their differences, they needed to focus on the common threat – you.
They hauled you up to your feet, looking to inflict more damage. "You can't handle the truth, can you, Y/N?" Charlotte taunted, her voice dripping with arrogance. "Your little Bloodline is falling apart, and soon, so will your reign as champion." Bianca scoffed, joining in on the taunting. "You're nothing without your so-called family. The EST is going to prove that at Wargames."
They both grabbed you, wanting to throw you into the table, but both of them wanted to be the one to inflict the final blow. Bianca tried to pull you, but Charlotte pushed her off of you, claiming her dominance in the situation. The tug-of-war continued, and you waited until they let you go and started getting in each others faces.
"What are you doing?!" Charlotte snapped at Bianca, her frustration evident. "I had her right where I wanted her!"
"I had her first!" Bianca shot back, refusing to back down. The two women were now locked in a heated argument, completely forgetting about you for the moment.
Seizing the opportunity, you gathered your strength,  grabbed your title from next to you, and charged at them with your title in hand. You swung the championship like a weapon, catching both Charlotte and Bianca off guard. The impact echoed through the arena as you laid them out, making a bold statement that you weren't to be underestimated.
You picked up the contract from the ground, a glare on your face, holding it high in the air as if you had won the entire match, stepping over the fallen bodies of Charlotte and Bianca, picking up your title and standing on the table, raising your championship high above your head. The crowd, now a mix of cheers and boos, acknowledged the chaos you had just unleashed. You savored the crowd's reaction, feeling on top, despite everything that happened. You were on top, you were in control, you were the best.
And nothing and no one would take that away from you. Because your title meant everything to you. Even more than the turmoil within the Bloodline or the wounds inflicted on your relationship with Jey.
"WHY DID YOU GO OUT THERE, HUH?" You winced at Roman's volume of voice as he yelled at Jey for his earlier promo where he aired out the Bloodline's grievances. "ARE YOU THE TRIBAL CHIEF NOW? YOU THINK YOU CAN JUST DECIDE WHAT'S BEST FOR EVERYONE?"
Jey stood in the locker room, head bowed, absorbing Roman's verbal onslaught. The air in the room was thick with tension, and the other members of the Bloodline exchanged uneasy glances, unsure of how to navigate the storm that had erupted within their faction.
"I was just trying to set things straight," Jey mumbled, his voice barely audible.
Romans sarcastically chuckled at Jey's response, the tension in the room escalating. "Set things straight? You embarrassed us out there. You brought our family drama to the entire world. You think that's setting things straight?" Roman's eyes bore into Jey, disappointment and anger evident in his gaze. "You think you can just make decisions on your own, without consulting me? You think you're the one who gets to decide what's best for the Bloodline?! You're the reason people think Kevin actually has a chance at beating us!! That loser thinks he's got an opening because you can't keep your emotions in check."
You sat next to the corner of the room, Solo and Sami on either side of you, Jimmy sitting next to Jey, watching the intense exchange between Roman and Jey. The atmosphere was charged with hostility, and you could feel the weight of the recent events hanging heavily in the air. You knew this was in the making, and you knew Jey would pay for his impulsive actions. Roman continued his verbal onslaught, each word cutting through the room like a knife.
"You think you can just question Y/N's loyalty like that on live TV? Make her question her place in the Bloodline?  Because the only person who can question that is me, Jey. I'm the one who decides who's loyal and who's not. And you just made the whole world doubt us. You made the whole world question the unity of the Bloodline!!!"
Jey remained silent, the weight of Roman's words sinking in. The locker room was tense, everyone holding their breath, unsure of what would happen next.
"You disrespected Y/N, you disrespected me, and you disrespected the entire Bloodline." Roman's voice was cold, his disappointment turning into anger. "You need to understand your place, Jey. This is my show, my empire, and you will not jeopardize it with your impulsive decisions. Do you understand me?"
When Jey didnt answer, Roman grabbed Jey by the collar of his shirt, pulling him up to eye level. "Do you understand me?" he repeated, his tone demanding.
"He understands, Roman!" Sami was quick to heed to the defense of Jey, despite their differences. "He knows he messed up, and he won't make the same mistake again. Right, Jey?"
You watched the confrontation unfold, a knot forming in your stomach. The tension in the room was suffocating, and you felt a mixture of emotions — anger at Jey for causing this chaos, frustration at Roman for his authoritarian approach, and a deep sense of sadness at the fractures within the Bloodline.
Jey nodded, his eyes cast down, a mix of regret and submission on his face. "He's right, Roman. I understand."
Roman continued to stare at Jey for a moment, the intensity of his gaze unwavering. After what felt like an eternity, he released his grip on Jey's collar, letting him drop back into his seat. The room remained silent, the echoes of the confrontation lingering.
"You need to fix this, Jey. You need to make things right." Roman's stern warning hung in the air, a clear directive for Jey to rectify the damage he had done. "On Friday, you will publicly apologize to Y/N, and make it clear that the Bloodline stands united by taking out Sheamus. You will address the accusations, the doubts you cast on Y/N's loyalty, and you will do it in a way that reinforces the strength of the Bloodline."
Jey nodded again, this time with a deeper sense of determination. "I'll fix it, Roman. I promise."
Roman's gaze shifted to you, his eyes piercing through the room until they met Sami's. "You need to understand one thing." He moved closer to Sami until their faces were inches apart. "Never question my authority or the unity of the Bloodline again." His voice was low and threatening, and Sami nodded, a bead of sweat forming on his forehead.
"I won't, Roman. I'm just here to help," Sami replied, his voice shaky but submissive. Roman held his gaze for a moment longer before turning away, the tension in the room slowly dissipating.
You remained seated, the weight of the recent events settling heavily on your shoulders. The fractures within the Bloodline seemed deeper than ever, and you couldn't shake off the feeling that things might never be the same again.
Roman walked out of the locker room without saying another word, the door slamming shut behind him. The remaining members of the Bloodline exchanged uneasy glances, the aftermath of the confrontation still lingering in the air. Jimmy tried to place a hand on Jey's arm, but Jey pulled away, still processing the dressing down he received from Roman. The room was filled with a heavy silence, the tension palpable.
"Bro, you gotta chill out." Jimmy tried to comfort Jey, breaking the silence. "Roman's just looking out for the family. We'll get through this."
But Jey didn't acknowledgee Jimmy's words. He was looking at you, who was packing up your gear silently. The room felt like it was closing in on you, and you couldn't shake off the heaviness in your chest. Solo put a hand on your shoulder, offering a supportive squeeze, but you shrugged it off.
"Y/N, where are you going?" Sami asked, concern etched on his face. You didn't respond immediately, still processing the events that had unfolded.
"I need some air," you finally replied, your voice sounding more tired than usual. You stood up, slinging your bag over your shoulder, and made your way towards the door. Jey went to follow you, but both Jimmy and Solo grabbed his arms, holding him back. "Give her some space, Uce," Jimmy advised, his voice calm. "Sami, go with her. Make sure she's okay."
Jey wanted to glare at Jimmy and Solo for holding him back, but he knew deep down that he needed to give you the space you requested. He watched as Sami got up and followed you out of the locker room, leaving Jey alone with his thoughts.
You were halfway through the hallway when Sami caught up with you. He reached out, gently grabbing your arm to stop you. "Hey, Y/N, wait up."
You turned to face Sami, your expression a mix of exhaustion and frustration. "What, Sami? I just need some time alone."
"I know, I know," Sami said, his voice gentle. "I'm sorry for you and Jey going through all of this."
You shrugged, trying to maintain a facade of indifference, but Sami saw the genuine emotions beneath the surface. "It's whatever. Jey's a hothead, and we've had our fair share of arguments. But this... this feels different."
Sami  nodded in understanding. He watched as you fiddled with your gear, unsure of what to say. The weight of the situation hung in the air, and he knew that words alone wouldn't be enough to ease the turmoil within the Bloodline.
"I just want to make sure you're okay," Sami finally said, his concern evident. "For what it's worth, I don't think your loyalty should ever be questioned. You've been with the Bloodline, through thick and thin, and have been an amazing support to Roman and Jey."
You cleared your throat at his attempts to comfort you, feeling the tears threatening to spill over. It had been so long since you allowed yourself to feel vulnerable, but the recent events had taken a toll on your emotional resilience. "That's not true, Sami."
Sami scoffed at your self-doubt. "Oh please, without you they probably would be falling apart by now." His eyes widened at his words, and he nervously bit his lip, realizing that he might have crossed a line. "Please don't tell them I said that! Even if it is true."
You couldn't help but let out a small chuckle at Sami's awkward attempt to lighten the mood. "Don't worry, Sami. Your secret's safe with me." You looked up at him, your eyes glassy with unshed tears.
"Why doesn't he just trust me Sami? After everything we've been through, why does he have to question my loyalty on live television?" You broke down into a sob, and Sami automatically wrapped his arms around you in a comforting embrace.
The hallway seemed to echo with the weight of your emotions, and Sami held you close, offering the support you needed in that moment.
"I don't know, Y/N," Sami whispered, his voice filled with genuine empathy as he soothingly rubbed your back. "The pressure gets to him sometimes, and Roman expects a lot from him. It's not an excuse, but maybe he just doesn't know how to handle it all."
He pulled away slightly, wiping away the tears from your cheeks, his touch so soft that it felt like a gentle breeze. "But that doesn't excuse his actions. You deserve better, and you deserve to be treated with respect. If he can't see that, then maybe he doesn't fully understand what he has."
You leaned into Sami's arms on your own, finding solace in his comforting presence. The warmth of his embrace contrasted with the cold reality of the situation, but for that moment, it offered a sense of comfort.
"Will you be good against Kevin? I don't think I can be out there for the match." You spoke in a low, shaky voice, the emotional turmoil evident in your words.
Sami held you at arm's length, looking into your eyes with sincerity. "Don't worry about the match, Y/N. I'll take care of Kevin. You focus on yourself and what you need right now. We'll handle the rest."
You managed a weak smile, grateful for Sami's support. "You sure you don't need me with you out there?"
Sami nodded, offering reassurance. "I've got it covered. You just go rest, and I'll take care of Kevin." He knew if he lost, Roman would be furious, and he couldn't afford to let that happen. He needed to prove his worth to the Bloodline and, in a way, to you.
"Okay," you whispered, your voice barely audible. "Thanks, Sami."
Sami gave you a gentle smile, squeezing your hand before letting go. "Anytime. Now go take care of yourself, Y/N. You've been through a lot today." He watched as you nodded, offering a small smile before bringing him into a tight embrace.  
Sami held you for a moment longer before releasing you, allowing you to take the time you needed. He watched as you walked  away. Sami remained in the hallway, his mind racing with thoughts of the upcoming match and the turmoil within the Bloodline. But for now, his priority was making sure you were okay.
He wished that he could be the one to offer you the support you needed, but he wanted you in his life, even if it hurt his heart. As you walked away, Sami took a deep breath, steeling himself for the challenges ahead.
You were worth the pain. 
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