rarebuzzships · 6 years
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New Ship November 2018 - Round Up
thanks to everyone who created, boosted and otherwise helped making rarebuzzships’s first event a success! with 15 fills total, you’ve all exceeded my expectations! every single one of these fills brought me so much joy, you’re all incredible and i can’t wait to see what you do next.
please consider reading/reblogging/commenting/kudosing all of these, our creators worked so hard to bring you the gift of rare ships!
and now, for the fun stuff, the rewards!
Every five fills from a user will earn a custom moodboard based on one of the fills
The user with the most fills will get a custom drabble written by mod @poiregourmande
both of these apply to @genuine-wheeze, who wins New Ship November with a total of 7 fills! congrats! send me a DM with your request for a custom drabble! as for the moodboard, i’ll make one for the fill who inspires me the most.
see the full round-up under the cut
in first position, with 7 fills, @genuine-wheeze
smoke screens | ryan/steven | teen |  800w | Since Steven moved to New York, Ryan had felt a…change in his feelings for his friend. 
cola taste | ryan/sara/shane | gen | 600w | Date nights were always a little bit weird for them.
de-stress | ryan/tj | gen | 600w | Ryan knew TJ like he knew himself.
cold coffee | adam/andrew | gen | 800w | He’s like cold coffee in the morning.
the charm | annie/rie | gen | 500w | When Annie had first decided to ask Rie out, her nerves had been all over the place. 
honey sweet | ned/zach | gen | 500w | It never really got cold in California. 
girls like me | annie/rie | moodboard
in second position, with 3 fills, @thattrashwriterhannah
battle wounds | kelsey i/ryan | teen | 3k |  “I had that,” he complains, but it’s winded and wet, and Kelsey cringes.  “Pretty sure you didn’t, actually,” she replies. Then, because she’s a huge loser, Kelsey extends her hand and offers him a nervous, awkward smile. “I’m Danger, by the way. I’m kind of a huge fan.”  He looks at her warily for a moment, clutching his ribs, then takes her proffered hand. “Yeah, I’ve, uh– I’ve heard of you,” he says. “Phantom.”  The introduction is entirely unnecessary. A Ryan/Kelsey Superhero AU.
my undine love | joyce/selorm | gen | 1k |  As if the thought summons the sound, a slow, melodic hum reaches Joyce’s ears, not from any of the buildings on land, but from a small outcropping of jagged rocks rising from the water just off the coast, waves cresting and crashing in a pale, misty spray against their face. A Joyce/Selorm Mermaid!AU
the good place AU | polytryguys; keugene; neith | moodboard
in third position, with 2 fills, @lesbiancleophas
the tryguys test road head | eugene/ned | explicit | 1k | “If anything’s gonna smash my car, it’s gonna be this one.” Zach grins, “Oh yeah, you’re gonna get smashed in that car. K-squared, twice the beauty, twice the daddy.” Eugene winces, turning to Ned. “We have to beat them.”
bye stress (hi dick) | keith/zach | explicit | 3k | co-written with mod @poiregourmande | “I wanna do better,” Zach confesses, high enough now to even speak his fears without their usual anxiety.“Dude, you do great.”Zach smiles, “At blowjobs I mean.”“Ohhhhhh,” Keith draws out, fingers making a pattern on his tummy. “Yeah, there might be some room for improvement there.”
tied in fourth position, with 1 fill, @fratboyryan
in a better place (getting better head) | evan/ryan | explicit | 2k | As a good chapter president, Evan's got to deal with any and all issues in his house. When Ryan keeps trying to blow Steven, Evan's got to step in.
also tied in fourth position, with 1 fill, @yaboybergara
untitled #1 | kelsey i/yb | explicit | 600w | Working at different places for the first time has been keeping them apart, Kelsey and YB find a small moment in between for each other.
also tied in fourth position, with 1 fill, @beaniegara
il n’a rien dit mais il me plaît | andrew/shane | teen for now, will become explicit | 2.2k | chapter 1/2 | It's late, Shane is tired, and he wants a drink. Andrew happens to offer just that. A pleasant surprise, in many ways.
mod fills by @poiregourmande
sweeter than fiction | evan/kelsey i | gen | 600w | Being drunk at work is a new occurrence for Kelsey.
always seek the giant | jen/kelsey d | gen | 600w | Jen sits at her desk, legs tucked under her, restlessly clicking her pen as she waits for the final render of her last project. 
flirtsgiving | adam/andrew/annie/kelsey i/ryan/sara/shane/steven | teen | 4k | sara and kelsey are sick of their boyfriends feuding with the fancy boys - they plan a friendsgiving cabin getaway to make them realize maybe the real feud was just sexual tension all along
coast to coast | aria/christian/eric/fernando | teen | 3k | Fuck if Eric with a goal isn’t a goddamn force of nature. Christian's into Eric. Eric's into Aria. Aria and Fernando are fuckbuddies and open to pretty much anything. It's up to Christian to make something happen.
baby let me be | shane/tj | teen | 600w | “Tobias Joseph?” A grunt. “No, no, I got it! Thomas Jefferson!” A snort. 
bye stress (hi dick) | keith/zach | explicit | 3k | co-written with @lesbiancleophas | “I wanna do better,” Zach confesses, high enough now to even speak his fears without their usual anxiety.“Dude, you do great.”Zach smiles, “At blowjobs I mean.”“Ohhhhhh,” Keith draws out, fingers making a pattern on his tummy. “Yeah, there might be some room for improvement there.”
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fratboyryan-blog · 6 years
Rating: Explicit Ship: Ryan Bergara/Evan Ghang Tags: PWP, Frat AU, Oral Sex
This is thanks to @bergarass for reminding me how fucking sexy Evan is. It’s for Evan who looks absolutely delectable in the Suits vid, and @rarebuzzships for the prompt ‘Last Time’. I’m never going to stop writing frat porn, it seems. I BELIEVE this is the first fic for this ship, and I’m disappointed as hell in y’all. Please grow some eyes and stan visuals, thank you!
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poiregourmande · 6 years
Jen/Kelsey please ❤️
(Note: this is Kelsey D.)
Jen sits at her desk, legs tucked under her, restlessly clicking her pen as she waits for the final render of her last project.
Kristin makes eyes at her over her laptop, at first a look of y’okay there, Jen? that soon turns impatient when Jen keeps clicking.
“Why don’t you just take a walk? It’ll be ready when you come back.”
Jen shrugs and makes her way to the canteen, mindlessly scrolling through Twitter as she walks. It feels like her entire body’s filled with static electricity and intrusive thoughts.
This is one of the biggest projects of her career. What if it tanks? What if she loses her job and has to go back to Illinois?
Her body, her mind, feel too tight – she wishes she could crawl out of it and just… live as a hermit or something.
She turns a corner and almost slams into Kelsey but looks up at the last minute and manages to stop herself. That, of course, sends her tumbling into Kelsey’s arms anyway, because she stops too short.
Kelsey stills her with an arm around her waist and laughs. “Oh look, it’s my ex-wife! I missed you too, you don’t have to meet-cute your way into my arms!”
“Very funny, this is exactly what I’m doing,” Jen deadpans, and tries to pull away, but it’s like her body fights against her. She just slumps against Kelsey’s chest, self-consciously trying to step back. She waits for the familiar wave of anxiety that envelops her every time she’s forced into physical contact, but it doesn’t come.
Quite the opposite, actually. She feels all her stress, all her insecurities, drain away, all nervous tension leaving her body.
She squeezes Kelsey’s wrist and pulls back at last.
“Ha, that was – um, thanks for that.”
“Sure thing, babe,” Kelsey nods and gently punches her shoulder – their usual no-hug greeting.
Days pass, Jen’s video is well received – it does better than she expected, in fact – so why is she still so stressed out? She finds herself craving something, but she can’t put her finger on it. She feels like a tightly wound ball of nerves waiting for the right thing so she can finally let go.
She works late, until her desk lamp is the only one still lit, trying to channel her restless energy into something productive. On her way downstairs she notices she’s not the last one left – Kelsey’s still at her desk, one floor down. Jen doesn’t even realize her feet are moving until she’s right by Kelsey, moving her bag from shoulder to shoulder nervously.
“Done for the day?” Kelsey asks, saving her work. “Wanna grab dinner?”
Jen forgets to answers because Kelsey stands up into Jen’s space and Jen does what she never does. She steps closer and wraps her arms around Kelsey’s waist, tucking her head under Kelsey’s chin.
Kelsey lets out a surprised breath but hugs Jen back. “You don’t like hugs,” she says, and it sounds like a question.
Jen, mumbles, voice muffled against Kelsey’s chest. “This is not a hug.”
She can feel the question mark in Kelsey’s entire being.
“It’s – it’s a body high five.”
It’s a coping mechanism, is what it is. Once more, she feels something inside of her uncoiling, tension dropping, stress just vanishing. This is what she’d been craving.
Kelsey pats her shoulder. “Sure, buddy.”
Jen is still holding on. “Just. Just stay like this, okay?”
Kelsey kisses the top of her head, and Jen just about melts on the spot. “Okay, babe.”
“Ramen would be good,” Jen says, still pressed into Kelsey.
“Oh hell yeah.”
“But like. In five minutes.”
“You know you don’t have to take all the hugs you can get right now, right? I’m here whenever you want one. Hell, I’ll hold you all night if you want.”
“You would?”
“Of course, you’re my wife.”
Jen sniffles a bit. “Thanks. But it’s not a hug.”
“I know, babe.”
requests are CLOSED | see all my buzzfeed drabbles here
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genuine-wheeze · 6 years
Smoke Screens
My first work for @rarebuzzships !!!!! I’ll be trying to knock out one of these bad boys every day this month y’all so keep an eye out.
Pairing: Steven/Ryan
Tags: Drug Use, Fluff, Pining
Rating: Teen+
Since Steven moved to New York, Ryan had felt a...change in his feelings for his friend. When he lay awake at night thinking of holding the man in his arms, when he almost cried at the airport as he dropped him off to leave, when he imagined kissing him upon his return, Ryan knew he was in deep. He was in love with Steven Lim.
Bantering back and forth on Twitter helped Ryan feel connected. When he saw Steven appear in his notifications, it was almost as though he could reach through the screen and touch the other man. But he would have to be content with just typing for now, waiting until the next time he saw him, until he could find relief from the ache in his heart.
Steven didn’t get drunk very often. Ryan always was trying to get him to go out to bars with him, but the other would never go. So Ryan knew it was trouble when Steven called at midnight, sounding very clearly drunk on the other side of the phone.
“Heeey Ryan. I miss you so much buddy. Do I tell you that? How much I miss you? Because I do man, I miss you so much.”
Ryan swallowed his heart that night and coached Steven through getting to his apartment.
And now, Steven was coming back to LA. A new season of Worth It! was coming up, and he needed to be in the city to film. Ryan was buzzing with excitement, hoping that maybe, when the other man got there he’d want to see him.
Steven didn’t visit him once.
Ryan was flying this time, out to New York to research for a new Unsolved episode. Steven has invited him to stay, but that felt wrong. He knew he’d end up regretting something if he stayed in a house with Steven. He’d just end up fucking it up. Steven didn’t even ask him why he didn’t stay.
Ryan and Steven were connected by the glass under their fingers as they tapped out words to be transmitted to a screen across the country. They were so close, just a few inches of glass apart, but the miles of silence between them made it feel like light years separated each from the other, that they would never come together to form anything at all.
In the end, it took just one thing to push them together. Sports. Basketball season was rolling around again, and the jokes feuds and team betting that signaled the start of the time rolling along with it. Ryan and Steven were messing around, when, in response to particularly scathing remark, Steven retorted easily “Bergara I will fly to LA and duel you.” The fans went crazy. Begging for them to actually get together and “duel it out.” So they agreed.
Steven was finally staying with him, sleeping in his room, sharing his space. A stressful time for Ryan. So he turned to his...alternative coping mechanisms to deal with it. And so what, really. The fact had never seemed like a big deal to him before. It was legal in California, and smoking felt so good. But he hadn’t expected Steven to find out, or to suggest that they light up together, and just relax. That was cause for Ryan to hesitate, to second guess his actions.
But then they were two together, smoke filling the room, and Ryan felt like he was floating in his body, giggles erupting from his lips.
“Dude. Dude Ryan what if you just like-just like got paid for being cute y’know?”
“Think that’s what modeling is dude.”
“No! No like, you don’t even take pictures. You just wake up and Bam! Money because you’re cute.”
“Well...if that were the case, you’d be rich.” Ryan slurred sleepily, not caring that he was flirting, not caring that Steven could tell. Just wanting to say it all.
“Like, man you’d get so much money. You’re perfect. With your hair, and your smile, and your everything.”
Steven was blushing bright red, but he still closed his eyes and took another hit, seeming to not care that Ryan was currently rubbing up and down his arm. They sat there in that silence, smoke swirling gently in swirls where the light hit it, soaking it all up. But then Steven was taking one last hit, stubbing the joint out on the sole of his shoe.
“Hey Ryan. Ry. Ry. Can I tell you something.”
“Yeah buddy.”
“I’ve wanted to do this for so long now.”
Steven’s lips were on his in an instant, sucking the rest of the smoke out of Ryan’s lungs, breathing it out gently before slamming into Ryan again. God, it felt beautiful. Ryan couldn’t think, could only feel as Steven pressed himself into Ryan, melding their bodies together. Smoke still swirled in chains, and circled them lightly. The only sounds being gasping for breath and the click of a lighter and laughter as Steven whispered,
“Hey, just for the record, I think you’d earn a lot of money for being cute too.”
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As if the thought summons the sound, a slow, melodic hum reaches Joyce’s ears, not from any of the buildings on land, but from a small outcropping of jagged rocks rising from the water just off the coast, waves cresting and crashing in a pale, misty spray against their face.
A Joyce/Selorm Mermaid!AU
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rarebuzzships · 6 years
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New Ship November - a rarepair creation challenge
Come join us in celebrating rare ships, all month!
Create something (fic, fanart, graphics, etc.) for a ship you’ve never tried before! Post it between November 1st and 30th, 2018. Tag @rarebuzzships in it and use the #newshipnovember, which i’ll be tracking.
All creations will be reblogged during the month and added to a round-up post in early December.
Every five fills from a user will earn a custom moodboard based on one of the fills
The user with the most fills will get a custom drabble written by mod @poiregourmande
Weekly themes (optional):
Nov. 1st to 7: Celebration
Nov. 8 to 14: Road
Nov. 15 to 20: Inspired by a song
Nov. 21 to 27: Last time
Take a look at our Ship List for ships you’ve never considered before (and also to know how to tag your rarepairs)
Take a look at our Prompt Tag for inspiration
what if i can’t join?
please, please, help spreading the rarepair love by boosting this post, and also supporting our creators! reblog, like, and comment on their creations!
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rarebuzzships · 6 years
New Ship November is over and it was a success! I want to hear your thoughts about it and your wishes for future events so the next event can be even better.
Please answer this quick (8 questions) survey (even if you didn’t join NSN) and please signal boost!
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poiregourmande · 6 years
tj/shane ??
“Tobias Joseph?”
A grunt.
“No, no, I got it! Thomas Jefferson!”
A snort.
“All or nothing,” Shane says decisively.
“We didn’t bet,” TJ points out.
“Your name stands for…” Shane pauses for suspense, “Theodore Jedediah!”
Shane sits back triumphantly. Except for an almost imperceptible eyeroll, TJ gives no sign that he heard him as he keeps driving.
“So, Teddy – May I call you Teddy? Ted? The Tedster? Teddy Bear?”
Teej just looks at him. Shane relishes it. Banter with Ryan is always toe to toe – they both have a lot of repartee, so much that bits often get away from them. Banter with Teej, well… it’s a lot of Shane monologuing, punctuated with Teej’s exasperated groans, but once in a while, when Teej has had enough, he looks at Shane.
Looking is too simple a word for what it is. He locks eyes on Shane as if latching on a target, steely, unwavering. His gaze pierces through Shane’s soul, looking for that bit of him that control his will, and tries to crush it until Shane abandons.
With Ryan, it’s easy. Teej only has to glance his way for him to be shaking in his boots, shrieking and running away.
But Shane is a weird guy. He doesn’t feel fear like a normal person, no. He lets Teej in, takes him in, gladly leaves himself wide open. Teej’s deathstare has got no effect on him but a shiver down his spine – and if he took a minute to investigate his feelings, he’d realize it’s a shiver of pleasure, not terror.
He grins. “Teddy Bear it is, then. Jedediah, though. I don’t blame you for keeping it a secret – you know, I tried to get a glimpse of your employee file, your pay check, anything, but they all say TJ. Have you had it legally changed?”
Teej only sighs and presses harder on the gas pedal – eager to reach their destination so he can escape Shane. Suggesting they start carpooling was Shane’s favorite idea of the past month, and Teej should never have said yes.
Shane spends the whole day talking to people about Teddy, asking if they’ve seen where dear Theodore went, even going so far as to change Teej’s name in Ryan’s contacts.
Teej reaches the end of the day and of his rope at about the same time.
“Hey Teddy Bear, how was your day?” paired with one of Shane’s best shiteating grins, is the straw that breaks the teddy bear’s back.
TJ stalks over to him, forgetting to stop at a normal distance for a regular conversation with a coworker. He stands his ground less than a foot away from Shane and shoves him against the side of his car.
“My name,” he growls, “is not Theodore Jedediah.”
He’s breathing so hard in his anger that his chest grazes Shane’s with every filling up of his lungs, but he can’t be bothered.
Shane is breathless with surprise, but smiles delightedly.
“Aww, but you’ll always be Teddy Bear to me,” Shane coos.
Teej pins him harder against the car, trying to be more threatening since Shane doesn’t seem at all rattled, but this only brings their groins closer together. He can’t help but notice Shane’s crotch area doesn’t seem disinterested in the situation.
Is Shane… getting off on this?
“What’s your name, then, baby?” Shane asks, his voice breathy and seductive, eyebrows wiggling.
Teej would laugh at the absurdity of the situation if he weren’t, against all odds, also kind of aroused.
“My name’s TJ.”
“I meant,” Shane rolls his eyes, “what does T and J stand for?”
“TJ. My actual name is TJ.”
“What, just the initials?”
Teej nods.
“What were your parents thinking?”
“Believe me, I ask myself this very question every day.”
“Okay, but I’m still calling you Teddy Bear.”
“Fuck off,” is Teej’s brillant response, before his lips crashes against Shane’s as he does everything else in life: gruff and no-nonsense.
requests are CLOSED | see all my buzzfeed drabbles here
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poiregourmande · 6 years
Kelsey I./Evan
My first fill for New Ship November!
Takes place right after this video
Being drunk at work is a new occurrence for Kelsey. She’s one of the only ones in the office who’s never been roped into an alcohol taste test or a drunk experiment before.
Drunk video games, though? She couldn’t say no. It’s a lot of fun, too, revisiting Dream Daddy while tipsy, and she’s certain it’s going to make a great video.
It’s only once she’s done and has to stumble her way out of set, a whole afternoon of work in front of her, that she starts feeling the regret. She can’t possibly do any work while feeling so smashed – she just wants to find the canteen, drink her weight in water, and possibly down some Advils.
Has the floor always been this wavy? She keeps her head down, concentrating as hard as she can to walk normally despite the uneven, wiggly ground.
She doesn’t see the wall of muscle before she slams into it. Luckily, it’s attached to two strong arms, who wrap around her to steady her, with a soft “whoa there,” coming out from above her head.
She looks up to find the source of the deep, warm, amused voice.
Tall, athletic, dark haired. How did he get out of the game?
“Where’s your baby?” Kelsey asks, patting his chest where he’s usually strapping his toddler.
“My what? Kelsey, are you drunk?”
“Noooooooo… I’m just. Just dizzy. And I had wine.”
He guides her to a chair in the canteen, hands her a bottle of water. “Drink this, you’ll feel better.”
If anything makes her feel better, it’s Craig’s soothing hand on her shoulder. Wow, they should add this to the game, it would be a great feature.
She downs half the bottle in one gulp before coming up for air. Something clicks in the back of her mind and she looks up into his worried, but amused features.
“Oh shit. Evan?”
“You’re Evan!”
“That’s me. Is that okay? I can get YB if you –“
She hides her face in her hands. “You’re not Craig,” she whines.
“Nope. But I can see the resemblance.”
“You can?” Her voice goes all high-pitched, panicked, and it hurts her own vice-gripped head.
“Well, it’s obvious, isn’t it? Asian, bit of a bro, fitness enthusiast… the only thing missing is the baby.”
“I made five videos about seducing him, Evan! Five! Why did no one tell me?”
“You don’t read YouTube comments, do you?”
“No, cause everyone there ships us.”
“And why do you think that is?”
Kelsey looks up at Evan. Down at her feet. And suddenly finds herself absorbed in the label of her water bottle.
Evan gives her a moment, and then pokes her in the shoulder.
“Kelsey can’t come to the phone right now.”
“Come on, princess, talk to me.”
She can’t resist the familiar petname. He’s always called her that because he knows her greatest life ambition is to become a Disney princess. She gives a half smile but heaves a defeated sigh.
“I’m drunk, Evan. I can’t deal with this right now. You’ll have to reject me tomorrow.”
He lets out a low chuckle. The deep, sweet kind that have always turned her knees to jelly and oh god she’s had a crush on Evan for so long how has she never realized this before?
“You seem so very sure that I’m gonna reject you…”
“You’re not?”
Kelsey doesn’t know what’s happening with her heart right not but it seems like it’s trying to get out of her chest and start a life of its own in a foreign country.
“I’m not.” He brushes her hair behind her ear, thumb lingering against her jaw. “Quite the opposite, in fact.”
requests are CLOSED | see all my buzzfeed drabbles here
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rarebuzzships · 6 years
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New Ship November - a rarepair creation challenge
Come join us in celebrating rare ships, all month!
Create something (fic, fanart, graphics, etc.) for a ship you’ve never tried before! Post it between November 1st and 30th, 2018. Tag @rarebuzzships in it and use the #newshipnovember, which i’ll be tracking.
All creations will be reblogged during the month and added to a round-up post in early December.
Every five fills from a user will earn a custom moodboard based on one of the fills
The user with the most fills will get a custom drabble written by mod @poiregourmande
Weekly themes (optional):
Nov. 1st to 7: Celebration
Nov. 8 to 14: Road
Nov. 15 to 20: Inspired by a song
Nov. 21 to 27: Last time
Take a look at our Ship List for ships you’ve never considered before (and also to know how to tag your rarepairs)
Take a look at our Prompt Tag for inspiration
what if i can’t join?
please, please, help spreading the rarepair love by boosting this post, and also supporting our creators! reblog, like, and comment on their creations!
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rarebuzzships · 6 years
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New Ship November is officially started!
Come join us in celebrating rare ships, all month!
Create something (fic, fanart, graphics, etc.) for a ship you’ve never tried before! Post it between November 1st and 30th, 2018. Tag @rarebuzzships in it and use the #newshipnovember, which i’ll be tracking.
All creations will be reblogged during the month and added to a round-up post in early December.
if you want to follow the suggested themes, the first week’s theme (Nov. 1-7) is Celebration
See rewards and rules here.
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rarebuzzships · 6 years
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New Ship November - a rarepair creation challenge
Come join us in celebrating rare ships, all month!
Create something (fic, fanart, graphics, etc.) for a ship you’ve never tried before! Post it between November 1st and 30th, 2018. Tag @rarebuzzships in it and use the #newshipnovember, which i’ll be tracking.
All creations will be reblogged during the month and added to a round-up post in early December.
Every five fills from a user will earn a custom moodboard based on one of the fills
The user with the most fills will get a custom drabble written by mod @poiregourmande
Weekly themes (optional):
Nov. 1st to 7: Celebration
Nov. 8 to 14: Road
Nov. 15 to 20: Inspired by a song
Nov. 21 to 27: Last time
Take a look at our Ship List for ships you’ve never considered before (and also to know how to tag your rarepairs)
Take a look at our Prompt Tag for inspiration
what if i can’t join?
please, please, help spreading the rarepair love by boosting this post, and also supporting our creators! reblog, like, and comment on their creations!
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genuine-wheeze · 6 years
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I want your love // And your head // On my bed you know // I feel your touch, which is good // And your starting low // No more enough // I'm chasing what I had before // Everybody's just talking //Everybody else is boring me
Decided to try something new for @rarebuzzships and make a moodboard for my two favorite girls based off the song Girls Like Me by Will Joseph Cook
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rarebuzzships · 6 years
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New Ship November, Week 4!
It’s not too late to join us in celebrating rare ships, all month!
Create something (fic, fanart, graphics, etc.) for a ship you’ve never tried before! Post it between November 1st and 30th, 2018. Tag @rarebuzzships in it and use the #newshipnovember, which i’ll be tracking.
All creations will be reblogged during the month and added to a round-up post in early December.
if you want to follow the suggested themes, the fourth week’s theme (Nov. 21-27) is Last Time
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poiregourmande · 6 years
Title: coast to coast
Author: poiregourmande
Pairings: Eric/Christian; Aria/Fernando; Eric/Christian/Aria/Fernando
Rating: Teen
Synopsis: Fuck if Eric with a goal isn’t a goddamn force of nature.Christian's into Eric. Eric's into Aria. Aria and Fernando are fuckbuddies and open to pretty much anything. It's up to Christian to make something happen.
Words: 3364
 Fuck if Eric with a goal isn’t a goddamn force of nature.
 Christian watches as he texts with a mischievous grin on his face. This is probably Eric’s latest plan to seduce Aria – a colleague, yeah, but one that lives on the other side of the country.               Christian wishes he were this driven, this shameless when it comes to flirting. Maybe this way Eric would notice he just has to look to the next desk instead of the next coast.               As it is, Eric’s texting Aria for help on editing his naked body – as if Christian weren’t three feet away with years of editing experience.               “Oh shit,” Eric says, shoving his phone in Christian’s face. “It’s working! What do I do? What do I do?!”
[Keep Reading on Ao3]
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genuine-wheeze · 6 years
Cold Coffee
Realized I never brought this out of my drafts yesterday so here’s my third fic for @rarebuzzships (whoops didn’t title this bad boy yesterday)
Pairing: Adam/Andrew
Tags: Song!fic, fluff, light angst, some talk of alcohol
Rating: General Audiences
He’s like cold coffee in the morning
I'm drunk off last nights whisky and coke
He’ll make me shiver without warning
And make me laugh as if I'm in on the joke
Adam’s eyes flickered open, trying to block the harsh light from his sensitive eyes. He could hear pots and pans clinking together, and a smile graced his face as he thought about the blonde haired boy who was bound to be ruining the kitchen in his attempt to make breakfast. Slowly he pushed himself up onto his elbows, head spinning as he remembered last night. Steven and Ryan. His two best friends. Getting married in a tiny bar in the city with the only minister who’d oversee the ceremony in a 65 mile radius. About 15 shot glasses full of whatever alcohol was cheapest. Jesus, his head hurt like a bitch, and he really regretted opening that tab. Shaking his head to try and dull the pain, Adam made his way into the small apartment kitchen where Andrew was cooking up a storm. As he walked in a pancake flew by his head, hitting a wall and sliding down slowly, leaving a trail of batter on the wallpaper.
“Jesus Christ Andrew. I’m not sober enough to be murdered, especially this early in the morning.”
Andrew rolled his eyes affectionately, dropping his pan to move closer to Adam.
“Sorry babe, just wanted to surprise you. I knew you’d be hungover this morning, especially after the ridiculous amount of drinking you did last night. Seriously, why would you challenge Annie to a drinking challenge? That woman can out drink a Viking.”
Adam laughed, remembering how she downed at least three times the alcohol he had last night, before grimacing thinking of how bad her head must feel.
“Yeah well, at least you’re not Rie. I’d hate to have to deal with a hungover, cranky Annie”
Andrew laughed, pulling Adam over to the stove and asking him for help with the pancakes.
I'll wake with coffee in the morning
But he prefers two lumps of sugar and tea
Outside the day is up and calling
But I don't have to be so, please go back to sleep
Adam groaned as he heard his alarm going off, trilling loud enough to wake the dead. He reached over sleepily, slapping the device a few times before it finally turned off. He had a holiday today, one of the few he got all year, and he was going to enjoy every last second of it. He rolled over, expecting to find the lump of heat and flannel pajamas that was Andrew, but was instead met by an empty bed. Adam flopped out of bed at that, groggily wandering out of the bedroom to find the other man. He didn’t have to look far, finding Andrew in their sitting room with a mug in hand and the television on.
“Come back to bed.” Adam whined, holding out his hands for Andrew
“Adam it is 8:00 in the morning you should be awake.”
“Its holiday Andrew, I don’t have to wake up at all today if I didn’t want to.”
“Adam that’s so unhealthy, come sit down with me, you can hibernate another day.”
Adam shuffled over to the couch, wrapping himself around Andrew, and cheekily plucking the mug out of his hands, taking a long swig.
“Agh! Jesus what is this??”
“It’s tea Adam. What did you think it was?”
“Coffee! Normal person coffee! Not disgusting leaf water oh my god”
Andrew laughed, pushing his husband off of him and taking his mug back, fond smile on his face.
Stay with me forever
Or you could stay with me for now
Tell me if I'm wrong
Tell me if I'm right
Tell me if you need a loving hand
To help you fall asleep tonight
Tell me if I know
Tell me if I do
Tell me how to fall in love the way you want me to
The apartment was dead silent. Adam slipped gently out of bed, wandering the apartment quietly. He got like this sometimes, too sad to sleep. He’d end up curling up on the couch and watching TV until Andrew woke up. It was just something that happened, something that Adam had to deal with. But that was fine, because it wasn’t often, and he usually could handle it. But tonight it was bad, really bad. He curled up tightly on the couch, but he didn’t have the energy to find the remotes. Instead he sat in silence, allowing his sadness to wash over him. His shoulders shook lightly as tears welled in his eyes, but he tried to shake them away. It wasn’t until he felt hands steady him that he realized he’d been shaking, thin T-shirt not protecting him from the chilly night air. He turned to greet the person behind him, but Andrew-he knew it was Andrew-soothed him gently. Hands brushed through his hair softly, shushing noises lulling him sleep, hearing Andrew whisper how much he loved him as he drifted into dreams.
Tell me if I'm wrong
Tell me if I'm right
Tell me if you need a loving hand
To help you fall asleep tonight
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