#ndn blogging
princessnijireiki · 2 years
The author was the one who told Sacheen’s sisters they weren't Native and then cited THEM as the source of the information.
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Oh that's WILD?!
My main impression of the article tbh was that it was very scheisty & exploitative for the author to have clearly either done this research & sat on it until Sacheen died, OR made this her weird little research mission immediately after Sacheen's death (and I don't follow her drama, so I didn't know this in advance, but apparently this very much tracks for Jacqueline Keeler + she has a strong bias against Black & Latino Natives). But the main thing lending it any nuance was the fact that her sisters were willing to go on the record & say all these things.
Granted: racial claims aside, it seems like there was a fairly big family disjoint & had been for a while (Sacheen's sisters weren't personally notified of her death, they weren't invited to her funeral, and they claim her fabricated Tragic Indian backstory pulled from their dad's life, not her own, and unfairly maligned their parents), and the fact that they would even lend credence to a blind claim like that suggests there was more going on— like if I died tomorrow and a journalist called my sisters saying my description of our heritage was made up, they'd block that journalist & have the whole family talking evil on them in a heartbeat, yk? That just means these are old women with a complicated family story, but it makes me take pause a little bit, because... that's a strangely specific thing to go along with if your suspecions weren't already leaning that direction.
But I think what's saddest is that at the end, Keeler clearly tries to lead them to condemn Sacheen, and they still don't. (Quote: "When asked if she thought Littlefeather’s life or career would have been better if she had never claimed to be American Indian, Orlandi demurred.") Even when they say, "Yes, this is my take on what happened, yes, this was a lie," both Rosalind & Trudy refused to take that specific bait.
Either way, what happened at the Oscars, regardless of the degree of pageantry behind it, did still occur. And that was always Sacheen's big claim to fame. And either way, it was long overdue for the Academy to acknowledge they owed her an apology. But even accounting for the shady & malicious intentions behind this reporting, this whole thing feels like a glimpse into a very sad situation that may or may not have one or several grains of truth in it, but which was certainly and deliberately crafted to allow for no rebuttal from the dead.
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teddiebuns · 1 year
Got racially profiled! At the hospital! I was told i looked fine and should go home! By a doctor that wasnt my doctor! When i have ACTUALLY BRAIN SWELLING AND BLINDNESS. WTF
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feralkwe · 4 months
idk how else to explain it to people but it should be pretty fucking obvious why it is absolutely ludicrous to allow the united states fucking government to set the criteria as to who is and is not recognized as native/indigenous/ndn when they spent literal centuries trying to undermine and erase the fact that we exist at all.
it's no coincidence that some of the criteria involved in becoming federally recognized as a tribe requires documentation that the government actively worked to suppress. that they require the tracing of continuous existence back to colonial contact should tell you why it's a bullshit metric. that the fact that you have to have heaps of money to get federal recognition is something that you should take a long, hard look at before calling members of over 400 non-recognized tribes 'pretendians'.
the use of blood quantum as a measurement alone makes their authority null and void.
indigeneity is not about blood quantum or government permission. it is about family, culture, and community. i for one would appreciate it if non-natives fucked all the way off on this topic, and if fellow ndns would stop the infighting over it long enough to realize that all we're doing is perpetuating colonizer violence and genocide by allowing non-natives to set the definition of who we are and what we get to call ourselves.
fuck you. stop doing the colonizer's job for them.
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lunar-dyke · 2 years
Another year another fuck Canada day. Instead of spending money on festivities, support indigenous people today. I’m a third generation survivor of residential schools, and proudly Wetʼsuwetʼen.
Money is always tight between my stomach tumor surgery causing issues, my autoimmune disease, and general poor health. I live paycheck to paycheck, and am moving soon.
P*yp*l & etr*nsfer: [email protected]
If you’re indigenous to turtle island drop your payment info!
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qhariwarmi · 7 months
screw it, NDN* academia
welcome to my blog, here I'm gonna blog about dark academia stuff but with a Native American twist. Stuff that may or may not include:
book/movie/show recommendations revolving around NDN actors/stories/issues
reblogging posts about NDN issues and activism, big and small
posts about academic/historical/anthropological topics revolving around NDN culture (both reblogs and original posts)
general dark academia stuff
honestly just anything that involves dark academia and/or NDN stuff, it's my blog I make the rules
also will include occult/witchcraft/pagan stuff
Feel free to suggest/tag me in stuff, trying to start an NDN academia movement
*NDN (not dead Native) = the original peoples of North, Central, and South America, and the Caribbean
More about me and some boundaries under the cut if you wanna read that
About HYENA:
22 y/o
he/she/it pronouns (+neos, ask for those)/pay/paykuna/khumpa/masi (for Quechua)
mixed Quechua and 2spirit (qhariwarmi)
aspiring Grass Dancer
current history major with Native American studies and archaeology minors
attending school/living on Haudenosaunee land
speaker of English (fluent), Quechua (conversational), and learning Spanish
interested in all things NDN, but especially NDN spirituality/religion
gonna try my best to balance this blog, my other blogs/socials, school, work, and a semi-active social life, with time for hobbies
You don't have to be Native to follow/interact, just don't speak over NDN voices about important issues
any age can follow/interact, I just would rather minors not DM me
Speaking of DMs, I'm open to them, I'm always done to talk to people about whatever
No real specific DNI, just don't be gross/rude (some people are an automatic block, i.e maps, terfs, any bigot honestly)
With all that said, you can follow if I don't like you, I can't control who interacts with me, but I do block liberally
Religion and Magic in Ancient Egypt by Rosalie David
The Spirit and the Flesh: Sexual Diversity in American Indian Culture by Walter L. Williams
Seventy Eight Degrees of Wisdom: A Tarot Journey to Self-Awareness by Rachel Pollack
Needful Things by Stephen King
The Walking Dead Compendium #1 by Robert Kirkman
Welcome to Night Vale
Fear the Walking Dead
Carol & the End of the World
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walterdoodles · 6 months
More Wynnogene💜 my love
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I'm trusting the process and I HAPPY THOOO
I promise I'll do her moccasins soon. 💜💜
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neechees · 2 years
Was thinking of making a Native and/or nonEuropean history blog
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indigepunkz · 7 months
Get to Know Me
Ha’ah’hey! Here's my little about my info post as an introduction to my blog as well as myself :) My name is Coyotl, I'm a Karankawa native of the Hawk Clan. I'm a 23 as of Dec 2023, two-spirit individual. I've been practicing magic for over 10 years :) (started in 2011 with a mentor). My main practice is divination and healing; I'm a practicing curandero and brujo. as the user implies, I am of punk ideology and will probably post about it here as well; I'm deaf, disabled, and a service dog handler. I'm a study fanatic and love to learn; I will by using this blog as a way to talk about all things that interest me so be prepared for random strings of chaos to ensue, it won't be very linear. Atcáta aháyika!
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piizunn · 1 year
hobbits are just like ndns and i’m going to write about it, i actually have several essays planned
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kathles · 2 years
you are not immune to my indigenous american swatch headcanons
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tired-fandom-ndn · 2 years
I'm indigenous but not native american, ik that's not what you meant but uh hi I'm here 🌷
Anon that is EXACTLY what I meant, I love meeting other Natives but I also love meeting other indigenous people from all cultures and walks of life 💕
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princessnijireiki · 2 years
oh I finally watched blood quantum today and uhh... it was legit not good lmao? I'm not saying this to clown on the dead, I'm saying it because it got a LOT of word of mouth buzz between the ndn blogosphere and the kind of crowd who will just be like "ethnic! thought-provoking! 5 stars" over the most shallow, pretentious horseshit on earth, and I need y'all to have higher standards for yourselves & for your demands of minority creators. if some shit is mid, they got the right to be as lowest-passing-score as any white creatives, by all means, enjoy a mediocre career as long as brad pitt still stalks this earth, but be fr and let it just be mid.
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feralkwe · 7 months
another thing is that all bipoc are not perfect and make mistakes, and especially among turtle island natives, there is a lot of internalized racism regards who is or is not on a roll or who is or is not a recognized tribe. this infighting is a boon to the us government because it keeps us from recognizing the real enemy.
the difference between registered and non-registered natives/tribes is government money, and i hope we can all see where that figures into the problem.
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gennsoup · 1 year
I sit in the cool quiet office and invent myself some laughs in an attempt to maneuver from a sticky kind of ancestral sadness, bein a NDN person in occupied America
Tommy Pico, Nature Poem
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qhariwarmi · 5 months
currently reading a book about yanantin and masintin in Peru, only about halfway through but it's been amazing so far. It's written like an academic text but in a conversational style if that makes sense?
Anyways, it's inspired me to make a video on the (seemingly) contradictory worlds of western academia and "Indianness" and how yanantin applies to them. I have a lot of information already and ideas I want to include. I'm hoping to get the research/script done before winter break is over and record/edit it when I'm back at school and have access to my computer
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walterdoodles · 6 months
Female rage moment 🤭
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Another oc drop: Okawho 🐺
-If I get a lot of reblogs I'll show y'all the first page of my comic 🤭🤭 and explain some lore!! ALSO UMM THANK YOU FOR BEING HERE💞💞💞💘💘LOVE YOU GUYS
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