galacticgraffiti · 2 years
𑁍⋆ Eya - Ep. V ⋆𑁍
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@sar-arts my beautiful ray of sunshine has made this commission for me! The vibes are off the charts, so I thought I'd give this as a visual for what reader sees across the dancefloor. You can find it on their blog here.
Rating: Explicit so explicit super explicit monsterfucking Wordcount: 11.2k (oops) Characters: Eya (Nautolan!OC), f!reader, Raia (by @cyarbika), vague mention of 501st troopers Warnings: Dom(ish)!Eya, sub(by)!f!reader, lotta foreplay/flirting, monsterfucking/alienfucking, tentacle porn i guess, nautolans have sensitive tendrils, oral (reader receiving), lots of nautolan biology headcanons, fingering, allusion to squirting, multiple orgasms, healthy communication before and during sex, lots of explicit consent, dirty talk, praise (both ways), ton of petnames for reader, body worship, aftercare.
A/N: Read the warnings carefully. I'm going all-out monsterfucker for this one, so if that's not for you, just leave it. There will be more SFW and probably more NSFW Eya content that does not go the whole mile, fret not! Thanks so much to @rowansparrow for beta'ing this for me, I really appreciate the input and the yelling in the comments, mwah! Raia is only a side character in this one, she belongs to @cyarbika, thanks so much for letting me borrow her again!
Eya Artwork ⋆ Eya’s Charactersheet ⋆ My Masterlist
!!! NSFW ⋆ 18+ ⋆ Minors DNI !!!
───── ⋆⋅𑁍⋅⋆ ─────
The Way You Taste
One night at 79's 20 BBY
Your eyes drift across the crowd, not searching for anyone in particular. Why your friends would drag you to a clone bar, you cannot fathom - well, you can, sort of. For people interested in men, this place must be heaven. For you it’s… a nice conversation and a vaguely crestfallen look in dark eyes as each trooper slinks off when you turn them down. It is awkward hints and sitting alone at the bar while your friends are off dancing with their respective partners. The troopers are nice, but it is hard to ignore the disappointment in their eyes when they catch onto the fact that you are not interested, and that it’s not a matter of convincing you otherwise, but just a fact.
You have had some wonderful conversations, but most of the troopers are here for the obvious reason of picking someone up, and you do not blame them. That’s what bars are intended for - mostly. Right now though, you are sitting at the counter, stirring in your drink and letting your thoughts drift. Every once in a while, your gaze catches on the reflection of the dancers in the mirror behind the shelves, but you try not to stare too much. It’s literally their job to present themselves to the crowd, yes, but it still feels… weird. Intrusive, somehow, like they are not dancing for you but for someone else. It’s probably just your anxiety, but it does not exactly help to be sat here alone. Neither does the fact that one of the bouncers, a huge, tatted-up Nautolan, keeps staring over at you. Their looks make you feel even more out of place.
You order another drink, and the bartender, a pale Togruta lady with very pretty markings, smiles at you compassionately.
“Left alone by your friends for some handsome soldiers, huh?”
“I… yeah. Pretty much. Coming here wasn’t the original plan, but I would’ve felt like an arsehole saying no. We have been meaning to come here for forever and… anyways. Nobody’s fault that the main clientele isn’t- exactly my cup of tea.”
The bartender's eyebrows shoot up and you realise what you must have sounded like.
“Oh! I mean- fuck, sorry, I didn’t mean it like that. The troopers are doing an incredible service to the Republic and, you know, so far they’ve all been super nice to me. And they are handsome, of course they are! I’m just not into men, so…”
“Oh!” The Togruta laughs at your frantic explanation, showing her sharp teeth and nodding eagerly. “Ah yes, I suppose that limits your choices somewhat, doesn’t it… unless you want to go home with one of the dancers.”
“I… well. I don’t wanna be a creep, you know?” You shrug, accepting your new drink with a grateful nod. “Being nice and flirty is their job, and I just- I don’t wanna hit on them while they’re working.”
“That’s very sweet of you, love.” The bartender nods and smiles at you. “I’m Raia, by the way.”
You tell her your name, but before you can continue your conversation, Raia is called away to make another drink, leaving you alone once again.
You twist around in your seat, scanning the crowd. Your friends seem to be getting hot and heavy with the troopers of their choice, both clones clad in freshly scrubbed plastoid armour with blue detailing. You grin to yourself, then a shudder runs through your body when your eyes once again land on the Nautolan bouncer. You are fascinated by them - by their presence that you can feel from so far away, by their tattoos and, yes, by their bulging muscles. You wonder if they are really as tall as they seem from afar. When your eyes focus on their face, they are met by theirs and you flinch. They noticed you staring. The Nautolan bares their teeth at you, revealing glittering silver between their lips in the strobing lights of the club. Hastily, you look away. Did you do something wrong? Fuck-
“You alright, love?”
Raia looks at you with mild concern in her eyes. You bite your lip hesitantly. Feels weird to… rat that bouncer out like that. They are just doing their job.
“I uh. I feel awkward saying this but your bouncer- the… the Nautolan over there in the corner, I think they-”
“...they’ve taken a liking to you?” Raia grins, waggling her eyebrows, while your heart stumbles at her words.
“They- what?” You shake your head. “No, they just bared their teeth at me, I think I must’ve upset them in some w-”
“Oh- oh no! Oh shit, I’m sorry!” Raia giggles, tossing one lek over her shoulder. “I’m sorry for laughing, it’s just- that’s how they smile. Took them some practice to learn that, and they… they haven’t quite figured it out. I know the metal fangs are scary as fuck. Took me a while to get used to them as well.”
Metal… Oh. The glittering between their lips.
“Why do they have-”
Raia shrugs before you can even finish your question.
“Couldn’t tell you. But… why don’t you ask them yourself? Hi Eya!”
Your eyes go wide when you see a broad form step up to you in the mirror behind the bar, two mismatched eyes meeting yours through the reflection. Glittering teeth are bared once again and you shiver. This time it is not from fear of having done something wrong, though. Now that Raia has reassured you, an entirely different feeling floods your body as you take in the muscular silhouette that looks even stronger from up close. Your eyes linger on the colourful tattoos covering much of the Nautolan’s arms, and even one of their tendrils, before flicking back up to their eyes that are still fixed on you. A sudden excitement you did not expect floods you, a low heat that starts to simmer in your stomach when one muscular arm is placed on the countertop next to you as the Nautolan leans forward.
“Would you get me a pale ale, darlin’?”
The dark, raspy voice drips sweet temptation like melted chocolate and you suck in a breath, silently hoping they can’t hear you over the music. Your heart is thrumming in your ears, your cheeks warming up under their intense gaze that never leaves you. You open your mouth to answer, but the ale is already sliding across the counter.
“Thanks, darlin’.”
You can feel the heat in your cheeks turn from desire to embarrassment when you realise the pet name was not directed at you, but at Raia. Of course it was. They know each other, they work together. Why would the bouncer take notice of your lonely figure sitting at the bar except to pity you? 
You take a deep stuttering breath and try to distract yourself by sipping your drink. The Nautolan doesn’t sit down, instead leans sideways against the bar as they look down at you. They are… imposing, to say the least, taller than anyone else in the bar, with thick, muscular arms and broad shoulders. Loose trousers, covering long legs that are no doubt corded with muscle, hang from their hips. You find your eyes drawn to the creases in the fabric as you suppress the urge to smooth the wrinkles. Surreptitiously, you glance at their large hand that envelops the beer bottle completely. Shiny black nails, thick silver rings, long fingers that look like they would wrap around your throat perfectly… You swallow thickly.
Those fucking hands- Stars, you should not be as turned on from simply looking at them as you are right now. Your eyes fixate on yet another silver sparkle and you raise an eyebrow. Metal spikes are implanted into the Nautolan’s knuckles, shimmering in the capricious lights. You wonder what would justify such body mods…
When you finally dare raise your eyes back up, your heart stumbles as your look is met with an intense stare - one of their eyes so dark you can’t make out a pupil, the other so pale it can’t possibly be real. Another augmentation perhaps?
You realise you have been staring at them, your jaw a little slack. You bite your lip, quickly snapping your mouth shut, and lower your eyes to the floor.
“I- fuck, sorry. I didn’t mean to stare, that was rude,” you apologise. 
The Nauto’s response is a low chuckle that makes your blood run hotter.
“That’s okay. I would be lying if I said I didn’t enjoy being looked at the way you just looked at me.”
Hearing that dark chocolate voice directed at you nearly shuts down your brain and you struggle to find words. A lilac hand gently extends in your direction and, when you don’t shy back, is placed on your forearm. You find your voice again.
“I- sorry. I just… well, I thought I’d done something wrong when I first saw you looking at me, and now I- hm- you… You’re very beautiful.”
Fuck, did you just say that out loud?
A beat of silence follows your words, and you watch in fascination as the Nautolan’s tendrils curl in the air, the movement following an irregular pattern that almost looks like a dance. They sip their beer slowly. Their eyes never leave you, and they gurgle in amusement when you swallow and nearly choke on your own dry throat.
“I’m Kyreya,” they introduce themself, their teeth glittering at you once again. You swallow down the rising arousal in your belly to respond with your own name. Kyreya nods thoughtfully.
“You know… the same thing could be said about you,” they say then. You shake your head in  confusion, not following their train of thought.
“That you’re very beautiful, I mean,” Kyreya explains hastily, sounding almost embarrassed.
“Oh, I- thank you.” You feel like your head is about to explode under their intense gaze. Kyreya blinks slowly, their tongue shooting out from between their lips before they go on, their words knocking any coherent thought from your brain.
“And you taste of desire.”
Oh. Your mouth hangs slightly open as your brain processes what they just said. Kyreya watches you intently, apparently waiting for your response, but you seem to have temporarily forgotten how to form words.
“Eya,” a voice scolds from the side, and your eyes finally break away from the Nautolan’s to find Raia standing behind the counter with an amused grin on her lips, watching the two of you.
“What? She does,” Kyreya defends themself, then pauses to turn back to you. “Was that inappropriate to say? I apologise, little one.”
Little one. Kriffing stars-
“I…” you trail off, not really sure how to respond to that. If it was anyone else, you might have said yes, but with Kyreya, it just feels like… they are saying what they are thinking, not necessarily with any lewd intention behind it. “Well- maybe to some people. I don’t… I can’t say I mind it.”
Kyreya gurgles happily, then smiles at you so broadly you get a full view of their metal-coated teeth. It shouldn’t look nearly as hot as it does.
“Good,” they mumble quietly. You shyly smile up at them, and lean a little closer. Eya finally takes a seat on one of the barstools, still towering over you. They prop up their head on their hand, and you try not to stare at the way their bicep bulges when they do. Somehow, they still notice, chuckling lowly at the way your breath stumbles when they flex again.
“I’m just teasing you, pretty girl.” They lean closer to whisper conspiratorially. “Like I said, I don’t mind being stared at when it’s like this, by someone as pretty as you.”
You sigh quietly when one of their fingers runs up the sensitive inside of your forearm, and Kyreya pulls back.
“Tell me if I’m making you uncomfortable, please. I’ve been told I can come across as very… forward. Intense, I think, was the word that was used. Just- yeah. If anything’s too much, please tell me.”
“Not too much,” you whisper, instead scooting closer into their space. Their presence is intoxicating, your skin on fire where they are touching you. Eya nods thoughtfully, placing their hand on your arm again, and you shiver. Their tendrils curl in the air when you do, and Eya cocks their head.
“Hmm. You taste good, little one.”
Their words go straight to your core, and Eya smirks, but does not comment on your reaction. Their eyes flick to the glass you are clutching in your hand, before they look back at you, leaning a bit closer.
“So… Alderaanian wine, huh? You ever been?”
You fall into conversation easily. Kyreya asks the right questions, and though they themself are not much of a talker, you find them to be an exceptionally attentive listener, chiming in with thoughtful comments as you talk about your life, your job, and, finally, about this night out that turned out so different than you had originally thought.
While you talk, they are constantly touching you, just lightly - a hand on your arm, your knee bumping against theirs, the light trace of their fingers on your inner wrist. It stokes the fire in your belly, the need to be touched more and elsewhere and MORE. Kyreya seems to feel this, their hands lingering longer the longer you talk, their face inching closer under the pretence of listening, their whole body leaning towards you. And you, whether intentional or not, are doing the same, so wrapped up in their presence and their attention that you don’t even notice the tendril that sneaks its way around your arm.
Your brain assumes it to be Eya’s other hand, and you don’t pay the sensation much attention until the far, rational corner of your mind registers that their other hand is still wrapped around their beer bottle, so they can’t be touching you, and-
“-oh,” you break off the sentence you just started, something about your family and why you moved to Coruscant in the first place.
“Hm?” Eya seems to be ripped from the same trance you have been in, their eyes flicking over to where you are staring, where their tendril curls lazily around your wrist and up your arm. Suddenly, the air seems to be so thick with tension it’s hard to breathe. Kyreya glides back, but your hand on their forearm stops them.
“Osik, I- shit… sorry, darlin’, I didn’t mean to-” they start to ramble, but trail off when you soothe them, your hand slipping up to cup their jaw.
“I don’t mind,” you whisper. “Just- you’re not… not doing anything to me, are you?”
“I- no, of course not! You’d feel it if I was,” Eya stumbles over their words, the explanation tumbling from their lips so hastily you can hardly make out what they are saying. “I- sorry. It’s not… not exactly voluntary. I can control them, if I focus really hard, but mostly they just… follow my feelings, go where it feels good. I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to be so-”
“It’s fine,” you interrupt them, smiling, and tracing your fingers along their jawline before you let your hand slip down, softly caressing the length of the tendril that wraps around your forearm. Eya shivers under your touch, but does not otherwise respond, so you reassure them once again.
“Really, I promise, it’s fine. I just hadn’t noticed- hadn’t realised, but I… it feels… nice.”
Eya’s brow rises, but they don’t say anything. Slowly, their tendril curls up your arm further, pressing slightly into your skin. You shudder at the sensation and lean closer, fixating them with burning eyes while your fingers stroke along their tendril.
“It feels really nice,” you murmur.
They start to smile, that baring of teeth you have become so used to so quickly. The tentacle curls a little tighter, and you can feel your heartbeat in your throat. Eya watches your every reaction with large eyes. You swallow thickly.
“Are you… are you doing that?”
“Right now? I’m… encouraging them to… explore you, yes,” they admit, tilting their head slightly. “Do you like it?”
“Do I like it? Stars- yes, I like it. I like it very much,” you manage, watching in fascination as a shorter tendril wraps around your wrist, resting right on your pulse point.
“Hmm, good,” Eya hums. “Because it feels really good for me too.”
“Yeah?” Your face is so close to theirs you can feel their warmth on your own skin, and it makes you shiver. You are nearly certain you will leave a puddle on the barstool when you get up, your panties completely soaked through and your legs a little shaky. 
Eya leans in closer, the metal of their lip piercings cool against the shell of your ear.
“Yeah, darlin’,” they purr, their voice so low you can feel it vibrate in your core. “You taste delicious… and that’s only the desire on your skin. I bet your pussy is the sweetest thing in all the galaxy.”
Your fingernails dig into their skin as you choke on air trying to come up with a response, and they chuckle, leaning back slightly.
“Careful, little one. Plenty of time for that later.”
“Later?” Your mind is in a haze, you can barely follow a word they say, everything inside you consumed by the aching, fiery want to have more and preferably everywhere and now.
“Mhm, I gotta finish my shift,” Eya mumbles and pulls back, the regret audible in their voice. “Or did you forget I’m still working?”
“Fuck, I- yeah, actually I did forget,” you confess, laughing a little at yourself and shaking your head. “You’re just… Stars, you’re incredible. I haven’t felt like this… maybe ever.”
Their voice is liquid sin when they respond.
“Hmm, and I haven’t even really gotten started yet, sweet girl.”
Eya smiles at you, and slowly starts to unwrap their tendrils from around you. You shiver with every inch they recede.
“Actually,” a voice chimes in from beside you, and your head whips around. Raia is leaning against the counter, casually polishing a glass without even looking up. “Actually, your shift ended a half hour ago. Soket is already here.” She nods over to the corner where a tall, brooding Zabrak stands. Eya tenses for a second, then nods at Raia.
“Shit- sorry, darlin’. I… I got a little lost.”
Raia grins and shrugs.
“It happens… though with you, not all that often, love. So, you know, go get it.” She turns to you. “And you- you better treat them right. I’m sure you will be… well taken care of in return.”
“Raia!” Kyreya hisses while you’re still searching for words inside your overwhelmed brain.
“What?” Raia defends herself, chuckling and taking another glass in her hand that does not actually need polishing. “You two looked like you were about to do it right here on the damn bar top. If you hadn’t broken it up I would’ve thrown you out myself, which is ironic, considering you are supposed to be the bouncer here.”
Eya grumbles something to themself, but their eyes sparkle when they fixate on you.
“You ready to go, little one? Because I sure as hells am.”
“Yeah- fuck, give me one second, I’ll be right back, I gotta go tell my friends.”
Eya nods, and you run off to the dance floor, grabbing the first of your friends you can find and stuttering something about taking someone home with you.
They laugh and tease you, but mostly just nod along, throwing you kisses before turning back to the trooper they have been dancing with. His eyes twinkle when he winks at you, the tattoo on his temple rising with his brow. You giggle; it feels almost like he is congratulating you, and this entire situation is just so… absurd. You bow jokingly and kiss your friend’s cheek before sauntering back towards Eya, who is leaning against the bar casually.
Taking in their frame, you feel the anticipation in your belly rise again. Kriffing hells, they are just… so broad. And muscular. And pretty. You tell them as much when you hook your arm under theirs, and Eya chuckles, leaning down.
“And you, pretty girl… you’re so small. Bet you’d weigh barely more than a feather if I were to pick you up, press you against a wall…”
And just like that, the fire in your belly erupts, filling your limbs with a heated desire. You squeeze Eya’s hand, careful to avoid their metal knuckles, and practically drag them out the door with you. You raise your hand to flag down an airtaxi, but Eya just shakes their head and pulls you towards the back exit of 79’s, stopping right next to a sleek black speeder bike.
“Get on,” they say. “Sorry, I don’t exactly have any safety gear… Is it far to your place?”
“Not like a helmet would stop me from falling to my death anyways,” you joke dryly and shrug. “And no, not that far, ten minutes tops at this time of night.”
Eya’s eyes glide up and down your body, and you feel like you might as well already be naked.
“Good.” They stretch out the word like they are chewing it up and spitting it out. “Because I can’t wait to bury my face in your pretty pussy, princess.”
“Fucking- Stars, Eya,” you groan, hiding your face in your hands. Eya laughs, then picks you up and gently places you down on the speeder bike before getting on in front of you. You are too stunned by the ease with which they moved you to complain, and so you decide to simply wrap your hands around their midriff.
“Good girl,” you can hear them mumble, and you press your thighs closer to theirs.
Eya’s laugh vibrates through your entire body, along with the thrusters of the bike that has just come to life beneath you. You tell them the coordinates to your flat, and Eya types them into the nav as you chug towards the edge of the areaway, carefully dodging clones and other patrons in various stages of drunkenness.
“Hold on tight, little one!” Eya calls, and just as your arms wrap tighter around their waist, you drop over the edge. You think you scream, but only for a second, because then you have already found your lane. 
“You alright?” The wind rips Eya’s words from their lips, but you know what they are asking before they say it. Instead of yelling back, you carefully tap the tendril that hangs closest by your side, slipping it around your hand. You can feel the way Eya breathes in sharply at the sensation, their stomach expanding underneath your other hand. Their reaction feels more like surprise than discomfort, but you want to check in if this is okay - you are not exactly well versed in Nauto culture. You hold out a thumb to them, pressing to their back as close as you can so they can see it, and they give you a little thumbs up back.
You close your eyes and relax into their broad frame, into the feeling of safety they give you… and into the rush of adrenaline that still makes your body thrum.
You can feel Kyreya shift in front of you, carefully rearranging your grip around them. Their tendril wraps tighter around your wrist when you press your tits against their back, your heartbeat hammering inside your head. You lose yourself in your fantasy, in the feeling of them against you, the rippling muscles beneath your hands, the broad back against your cheek.
The ride is simultaneously the longest and shortest time you have ever lived through. When Eya pulls up to your flat, you don’t know whether to be relieved that you are finally here or disappointed that it didn’t last longer. When Eya dismounts the bike and picks you up, their hands below your ass pushing you up until you wrap your legs around their waist, you decide you are definitely relieved. Yeah, definitely.
Eya’s mismatched eyes burn into yours, their lips only inches from yours as they press you closer to them.
“Can I kiss you, pretty girl?”
“Yes,” you say even before they have finished. “Yes- fuck–”
Their lips are on yours before you can breathe. You moan at the feeling, and Eya groans just as enthusiastically, stumbling back and spinning you around until your back is pressed up against the durasteel wall of your building. Your hands interlace behind their neck as you pull yourself up to kiss them deeper. Eya’s hands are all over you, hiking up your dress without a care in the world, moving across your bare skin. You are in too deep to care what anyone flying by might think, lost in the desire that their lips on yours ignite.
When their tongue slips between your lips, you open your mouth wider to let them in, and your last bit of self-control is out the window. A hand grabs your arms, pressing them to the wall above your head, both your wrists held in a single hand as Eya moans into your mouth.
Velvety-soft tendrils sneak around your shoulders, pressing into you, pulling you closer. Your skin tingles where you are connected, and you grind your hips against Kyreya. They groan into the kiss, and you smile.
“Fuck- osik, iviin’yc-” A note of impatience sneaks into their gravelly voice. “C’mon, princess- wanna taste you, but not here, you gotta- gotta unlock the door, come on, hurry up.”
They pull back to mumble quickened words into your neck before licking and sucking at the tender flesh.
“Shit,” you mumble, shivering, and tap at their hand that’s still holding you in place. “Let me down, baby.”
Kyreya reluctantly lets you slip down to the ground so you can step up to the door and complete the necessary bioscans. You stumble through the hallway dragging them behind you, into the lift, Eya plastered to your back, their hands all over you. You want to turn around and kiss them, but you have the sneaking suspicion that if you did, you would never make it to your flat.
When you finally, finally, get to your apartment door, a large hand wraps around your neck from behind as they press up against you. Eya doesn’t squeeze, just rests their hand there with gentle pressure as you unlock the door with shaky fingers and pull them inside with you.
When the door closes behind you, they are already on you again, their fingers buried in your hair, one hand hoisting you up, tendrils wrapping around your shoulders, your arms, your neck.
“Fuck, you like this,” Eya mumbles into your skin when you inhale sharply at the feeling of one tentacle stroking along your jawline before sneaking around your neck. “Can fuckin’ taste it- fuck, you’re so beautiful, just like this-”
“As much as I love your voice, fuckin’- shut up and kiss me,” you exhale. Eya just chuckles, their silver teeth glittering in the low light of your flat, before their mouth is on yours again. Strong hands squeeze whatever part of you they can reach, and you moan into the kiss. Eya makes a low sound in response, their tongue slipping between your lips, nudging against your own. The world moves all on its own when you close your eyes and let yourself get lost in the sensations - the feeling of long fingers wrapping around your thigh, sharp teeth bumping against your own, of Eya’s warm tongue sliding against yours and the sounds that escape both of you.
“Bedroom,” Eya mutters into your mouth, their lips never quite leaving yours.
“Yes,” you press out, “Gods, yes-”
Eya chuckles, breaking the kiss for just a second to grin at you, their tendrils unwrapping from around you. You have to fight not to let the disappointment show on your face, but you don’t want to touch the tentacles without Eya’s permission - maybe that’s rude in Nauto culture? It feels rude.
“I wasn’t asking if you wanted to take this to the bedroom, I think it was pretty clear that was where we were headed, no?” Kyreya clarifies. “I was asking where the bedroom was.”
“Oh.” Embarrassment makes heat creep into your cheeks. “I- sorry. Of course. Over there- oh!”
Even as you are nodding in the general direction of your bedroom, Eya carries you over, kicking the door open and throwing you onto the bed. You yelp in delight when you bounce on the mattress, only for Eya to crawl up and hover above you, their biceps bulging from the force needed to hold themself up.
“You doing alright, little one?”
The soft check-in makes your heart stumble.
“Y-yeah,” you mutter. “Yeah, I’m great- you okay too?”
“Of course, darlin’.” Eya leans closer, letting their teeth graze against the shell of your ear ever so lightly. You shiver when the warm air of their breath hits you. “Would be even better if I got to taste your pussy though… Will you let me?”
“Fuckin’- Stars, Eya!” The noise that escapes you at their filthy words is almost inhumane. They gurgle, and you have to laugh at the impatience in their voice when they respond.
“Is that a yes?”
“Yes- Stars, of course that’s a yes, whatever you want, baby,” you manage. Eya bares their teeth at you, pressing a kiss to your lips before they trail down and down, hastily tugging your dress up. You pull it over your head only for your lips to be met by theirs again.
“You’re stunning,” Eya whispers, their eyes trailing across your bare skin, catching on your pebbled nipples, on the thin material of your panties. “By Nephto, you’re fucking perfect, all pretty and soft and pliant for me. I wanna hear the sounds you make when you come on my tongue.”
You moan their name in response, arching your back, pressing your tits to their muscular chest, your fingers digging into massive shoulders.
“Claw at me all you want, babygirl.” Eya sounds amused. “You are getting what I give you, no more, no less. That sound good?”
“Whatever you want, just- please,” you whine, impatiently pushing at them, but Eya is solid as a rock against you.
“Please what? Use your words, I want to hear you say it.” Their tone makes you shiver, so much more commanding all of a sudden, and yet still laced with that same desire that clouds your head.
“Please, Eya baby, I want you to eat my pussy. Please.”
“Good girl,” Eya mutters. You tremble, and Eya blinks slowly at you.
“You like that, sweetheart? You wanna be my good girl tonight?”
“Yes!” You answer too quickly, but you are too excited to be embarrassed about it. Eya’s thumb strokes your cheek, and they nod.
“Hmm… good to know. Tell me what you like, pretty girl, I wanna hear it all.”
“Mkay Eya.”
Eya’s nose brushes against yours when they lean closer again.
“Good girl.” They sit up, thick thighs framing your hips. You watch as they carefully tug their top over their head, careful not to let it catch on their tendrils. When one does get caught, you can’t help it - you reach out and gently guide it free. Eya sucks in a sharp breath at the touch, and you quickly let go of the velvety skin.
“Sorry,” you mumble, annoyed by your own lack of knowledge about the etiquette of other species.
“Don’t apologise, it’s fine,” Eya answers in measured words. “You just… you surprised me. Feeling you so close to me is- it’s intoxicating. It feels really good.”
“Oh!” You beam up at them, stretching out your hand but waiting for their permission before placing it on the longest tendril that reaches down to your chest and curls around your breast. Eya gurgles when you gently run your fingers up and down the length.
“That a good noise?” you ask shyly, and they nod, their eyes falling closed when you wrap your fingers around them.
“Very good,” they breathe. You can feel them start to grind down against you, their hips meeting yours in a slow but steady rhythm, and you can’t help but arch your back further, trying to find more friction. Eya’s eyes snap open.
“Osik- sorry, got lost in the feeling.”They hesitate for a second. “You know, no one’s… no one has touched me like that for so long. Hadn’t realised how much I missed it.”
They bend down to kiss you, and you shiver when their tendrils stroke across your bare chest, catching on the hardness of your nipples.
“Thank you, sweet girl. If you want we can… return to that later. But I meant it when I said I wanted to taste your pretty pussy.”
You giggle and let go of their tendril as they climb off of you, kneeling between your legs instead. Long fingers tug at the waistband of your panties, and you lift your hips to aid them when Eya tugs them down your legs and throws them over their shoulder. Their tendrils curl in the air as you let your legs fall open, winding around each other, some stretching down until they can just barely touch your thighs.
“Mhm, you smell so good… smell of desire and want,” Eya sighs, positioning themself between your legs, their broad shoulders keeping your thighs spread wide. You should be embarrassed at how vulnerable you are, at their hungry stare that fixes on your wet pussy, but you can’t find it in you to care.
“Hook your legs over my shoulders, darlin’,” Eya instructs. You do as you are told, smiling at the mumbled Good girl that comes as your reward. You expect Kyreya to dive forward, but instead, they pause, staring up at you with heavy-lidded eyes.
“You ready, pretty girl? Promise me you’ll tell me if it gets too much.”
“Maker- how long do you plan to spend between my legs, baby?” You joke, then choke on air when Eya presses a kiss to the mound of your cunt.
“As long as you’ll let me,” Eya mumbles. “Wanna lose myself in your perfect pussy… Taste you, feel you, smell you. Make you feel good. Say you’ll let me.”
“Of course,” you whisper. “Of course, baby, why would I ever say no to you- oh- sweet Stars- fuck-”
Eya withdraws their tongue from your dripping pussy to fixate you with serious eyes.
“Keep your eyes on me, sweetheart. I want you to watch, alright?”
“Mhm,” you whimper. When their tongue slips out from between their lips again, you dig your heels into their back. Eya’s eyes don’t leave you when they lean forward and slowly, consciously, lick a long stripe through your dripping cunt. Your legs quiver, and you press your eyes shut only to snap them open again when you remember their instructions. Eya hums in response, and the vibrations against you make you shake.
Their hands wrap around your thighs, keeping you in place for them as they continue teasing. Their tongue never touches your clit, instead focusing everywhere else until you feel your pussy lips get swollen and puffy under their attentions.
At some point, Eya’s eyes slip shut as they lose themself in the taste and the feeling of you. You moan and whimper, begging and pleading for more. Eya does not stop what they are doing to respond to your sounds, nor do they change the movement of their tongue against you.
They just continue lapping at you with a quiet, burning passion that makes you moan and arch your back.
You raise your hand, slowly stretching it out, but stop just short of their head.
“Is it okay if I put my hands on your tendrils?” you ask softly. 
“Mmhm, please, feel free,” Eya hums, then groans when you slide your hands across their skull, caressing the tendrils, careful to avoid any scar tissue.
They feel… strange. You have never felt anything quite like Eya’s tendrils, the texture and muscle composition so unfamiliar to you, but you don’t mind. In fact, you are mesmerised by the movement beneath your palm, and under any other circumstances you would ask all the questions that burn in your mind, but when Eya finally - finally - dips their tongue inside you, you forget everything you were thinking.
You throw your head back and arch into the sensation, chasing their tongue so it might slip deeper inside you. Eya chuckles, but obliges your silent plea, burying their face in your pussy and sinking their tongue inside you like you are the best thing they have ever tasted.
Stars swim in your vision, you cannot remember ever feeling this good- their nose bumps against your clit, and a shiver runs through your entire body.
The heat that has been simmering in your belly rises and rises, a warmth spreading through you as the pleasure just keeps building and building. Your fingers flex against Eya’s head, your hips lifting off the bed as you press your pussy into their face. Eya makes a low sound but does not otherwise respond, and you raise your head to look at them.
The image in front of your eyes is nearly enough to make you come - Eya staring back up at you from between your legs, their nails digging into the soft flesh of your inner thighs while their long tongue vanishes inside you. Two tendrils curl around your legs, joining what you assumed to be only fingers in keeping you still, the orange tips reaching towards your cunt.
Kyreya winks at you, their tongue never ceasing its movement. You moan and whine, you are right there, you can feel it- that tightening of muscles, that tension that makes you burn. You shudder, opening your mouth to warn them, but they beat you to it.
“Come for me, babygirl.”
The command is uttered in their rough voice as their eyes bear into yours. Your pussy pulses around Eya’s tongue, buried deep inside you, your fingers tightening their grip around their tendrils, and they moan into you.
“Be my good girl and come for me,” they repeat, their whisper so quiet you barely catch it, but the words are no less powerful because of it.
Everything in your belly tightens, and you feel Eya’s tendrils lifting under your hands as you arch your back, your legs shaking as your orgasm sweeps through you. Your breath stutters and you moan their name, fingers cramping until larger hands wrap around yours to gently guide them away.
Eya licks you through the orgasm, treading that delicate line between pleasure and overstimulation, until your bones go all melty and you can’t think anymore. You don’t know how long you lay there, lost in the sensation of their talented tongue, and their hands, and the all-consuming pleasure that burns through your veins.
Eventually, Kyreya pulls back, propping their face up on their hands to look up at you, a mischievous grin on their face.
It takes you a moment to realise that you do, in fact, occupy your own body. Your limbs are all tingly and your brain a little fuzzy as you try to sit up properly. Eya’s hands let go of yours to push you back down.
“Shh, no need to move, pretty girl. Stay… just like this. You look so pretty with your legs spread so wide for me, your little pussy dripping with my spit-”
“Stars, Eya,” you moan, giggling breathlessly. “You trying to make me cum again?”
There is a pause. You open your eyes again - you did not even notice them slipping shut, but when you look down, your eyes are met by Kyreya’s, blinking up at you.
“I mean… would you let me?”
“I- what?” Your brain is not working properly. Long fingers run up and down your sides, nails ghosting across your smooth skin, dancing over your hips, wrapping around your thighs.
“Would you let me make you come again?” Eya repeats. “I… if you let me, I would love nothing more.”
You sit up on your elbows to stare at them.
“Baby, you just made me cum. Really fucking hard, might I add.”
Kyreya’s fingers glide across your belly, up and down your thighs. Goosebumps erupt all over your body when they trace the curve of your waist with sharp nails, barely even touching you. They sigh.
“Yeah. And I’d like to do it again. And again. And again, if you’ll let me.” Eya fixates you with a serious expression on their face. “Darlin’, just listening to you cum- tasting the pleasure on your skin… that’s nearly enough to make me cum without being touched. I promise you, I’m having as much fun doing this as you are, uhh… getting done.”
You snort and they flash their teeth at you.
“What I’m saying is-”
“You don’t want me to return the favour?” you ask, cocking your head.
“No. Well, kinda. It’s not that I don’t want you to. It’s that I don’t need you to right now, and I’d much rather give you more pleasure. We can talk about… returning the favour, as you called it- we can talk about that later, if you want.” Their grin grows impossibly wider. “If you’re still able to talk by then, that is.”
You giggle and run your fingers down their temple. Eya nuzzles their face into the palm of your hand.
“Say you’ll let me, princess.”
You consider this rather selfless offer. Your legs are still warm and wobbly, and you think you can still feel your pulse in your pussy, but… if they are offering, who are you to say no to such a gift?
“Under one condition,” you say and hook your fingers under their jaw to tilt up their face.
“Oh, posing conditions now, are we?” Eya sounds more amused than anything, and you smile at them.
“Yes, we damn well are. Actually, two of them, to be exact.” You raise an eyebrow. “Should I not be able to… take care of you tonight- promise me I’ll get to at some later point? Because trust me, as good as you are - and Stars, baby, you are really good - but… as good as you are, I would very much like to taste you as well.”
Eya nods seriously, pressing their palm to yours.
“Whatever you wish, darlin’. If you’re offering…” Their eyes sparkle mischievously. “What’s the second condition?”
“Get up here and kiss me right now,” you say without hesitation.
Kyreya gurgles happily, hoisting their massive body up from between your thighs to crawl and hover over you, their legs bracketing yours. You can feel the soft material of their trousers pressing against your throbbing pussy when they lean down to kiss you. 
Oh, that’s right. 
They never even took off their trousers-
“Don’t you wanna take those off?” Your mouth seems to be working much faster than your brain, and you hastily bite your tongue. Maybe there’s a reason they haven’t.
“Oh, I would, sweet girl. I’m just… expecting it to be a distraction if I did. And I don’t want you distracted while I eat your pretty pussy.”
“Ah,” you manage weakly. You have no idea what exactly they are talking about.
“You’ll see what I mean… later.” Eya nudges your nose with theirs. “Now- wasn’t there a reason you wanted me to come up here? Ah yes, I remember…”
You chuckle into the kiss, but when their tongue slips inside your mouth, your laughter quickly turns into a moan. Your taste lingers on their tongue, and Eya groans quietly into the kiss when you wrap your hand around their head to pull them even closer.
You are both breathless when you break apart, Eya’s tendrils curling happily in the air. Gently, you wrap your hand around the one closest to your face, letting your hand glide along the velvety-soft skin, and Eya shudders.
“Don’t start something you can’t finish, princess,” they warn you, but you can hear the amusement in their voice - and the arousal. You let go of their tendril and raise your hands.
“‘m not doing anything.”
Eya chuckles as they position themself between your thighs again, big hands pulling at your hips until their hot breath fans over your cunt. You shiver.
“Keep your hands to yourself if you know what’s good for you,” they instruct you. “I know you like to… touch. But not this time, I want you to be good for me, you think you can do that? Keep your hands right where they are now, close your eyes… relax. You did so well for me earlier, I want this one to feel even better, yeah?”
You nod hastily, but Eya scolds you.
“Use your words, pretty girl. Wanna hear you say it.”
“Shit- yes, Eya. Promise. I’ll stay just like this, I’ll be good for you.”
“Mhm, good girl.” Their rough voice makes you shiver, and they gurgle quietly, one hand coming up to stroke a thumb across your pebbled nipple. 
This time, there is no warning, no soft kisses. Their tongue slips inside you before you even notice their head dropping down, and you cry out. Automatically, your hands reach down to rest on their head, feel their movement, but you stop yourself just in time.
Eya hums into you, the vibrations making your legs twitch. You curl your fingers into the pillow, willing yourself to hold onto the fabric so you won’t reach for Eya again, and let yourself melt into the mattress.
Kyreya sighs and moans into you unabashedly, their strong fingers digging into the flesh of your thigh, prying your legs apart as they sink their tongue deeper inside you. Deeper and deeper, until you think you can feel them inside your belly. Their other hand stays right where it is, holding your breast, swiping one thumb over your nipple until you feel every tiny little touch go straight to your core. They do something with their tongue, the intensity of the feeling sweeping through your entire body. You could not describe it if anyone asked, that movement of their tongue inside you, but Maker- and then they do it again.
“Stars- fuck, Eya,” you groan, raising your head to look down at them, but as you do, their tongue vanishes from inside you, the sudden emptiness making you shudder.
“Hey.” Eya’s voice is a strict command coated in shimmering dark honey. “I said relax, princess. Would you rather sit up like this and watch?”
“I…” you trail off, biting your lip. “Yes, please. I wanna see you.”
Eya cocks their head in contemplation, then nods.
“Alright, if that’s what you want, you can sit up… yeah, just like that. Can you stay like this for me?”
“I- yeah. Yes, I can stay like this, if that means I get to watch you eat me out- Stars, Eya, you’re so beautiful.” You stroke along their tendrils with two fingers before tucking your hands into your sides again. “What you did earlier- gods baby, that felt so fucking good, what was that?”
“Nothing to worry your pretty little head with, it’s… something I picked up. Seems to work very well on… most species. Just relax into the sensation, yeah?” Eya smiles at you soothingly, their teeth glittering in the low light of your apartment.
You sigh deeply and nod.
“Okay.” You hesitate for a second. “Can I… can I talk? Like, talk to you while you eat me out?”
“Oh, darlin’, of course you can. I wanna know how good I’m making you feel.” Kyreya chuckles.
You open your mouth to respond, but your words turn into a moan when you feel their tongue sink inside you again. Eya does it again, that unspeakable thing that makes you see stars, then their tongue grinds against the walls of your pussy.
Your arms start to shake from the tension of holding your upper body upright, but you will be damned before you give up the heavenly view in front of you: Eya’s lips pressed against your pussy, the sliver of a pink tongue, the glitter of silver when their piercings catch the light.
They are beautiful, and the words come without having to think about them.
“Fuck, baby you’re so pretty- oh Maker, right there, that’s- fuck- Eya, gods, you are so good at this… fuck, you feel so good inside me, baby, wanna come on your pretty face, wanna see you just as ruined as I am- shit- f-fuck, do that again-”
You are babbling, you know you are, but you can’t help it. Words of praise keep falling from your lips as Eya continues fucking you with their tongue, bringing you right to the edge and keeping you suspended there. 
“Just like that baby, gods, you’re making me feel so good, you’re fuckin’- you’re amazing, I sh-shit, that- do that ag- oh! Oh fuck, please Eya baby, please, I wanna come, please let me come- f-fuck that feels so good, that’s- I love your mouth, never wanna let you go, just keep your tongue right there- fuck, that’s it… I’m right there, baby, I’m right there, I just need a little more, please just give me a little more, please, I wanna come…”
It feels like ecstasy is hovering just inches out of reach, it’s right there, right there, but you just can’t grab it.
“More!” you moan. “Fuck, more, please.”
Eya’s mouth vanishes from your pussy, the wet sound it makes when you disconnect making your cheeks burn.
“You want me to touch your clit, pretty girl? Yeah?” Eya sounds nearly as fucked out as you do, their husky voice even darker, raspier, and you wish to the gods you’ll never forget the sound of them as they make you cum.
“Fuck- yes, please, please touch my clit Eya baby, please- fuck!”
Your head lolls back when they bring two fingers to your clit, gently testing what you like before settling on small, smooth circles while their tongue teases your entrance. A deep ache starts to swell in your belly, the best kind of ache, the kind where you know what’s coming if they continue in this direction.
“Baby- baby, Eya, baby,” you mumble. “I’m close, I’m so close- I think I’m gonna-”
Eya pulls away, their fingers ceasing their movement. You whine, but they just shake their head in amusement.
“Hmm, little bit of edging never hurts, don’t you think? Makes it so much more intense… lets me taste you for longer. I can taste that sweet excitement, you know, that anticipation, that desperation on your skin, pretty girl and you… you are exquisite.”
One of their tendrils, the one that has wrapped itself around your thigh, creeps higher, reaching towards your pussy. The thought of it touching you there makes you shiver. Eya knits their brow at your reaction.
“What are you thinking about, princess?”
“I- uhh…” you trail off, not sure how to put into words what you were thinking. Your eyes flick towards the lilac tendril, so prominent against your skin, reaching towards the puffy lips of your cunt. “When you say you can taste it-”
“Oh.” Eya leans back, their tendril quickly unfurling from around your leg. Hastily, you stretch out your hand to place it on their cheek.
“I’m sorry,” they mumble before you can say anything. “I wasn’t thinking- like I said, they kinda go wherever feels goods, and-”
“I didn’t mean that you shouldn’t do that,” you admit quietly, cutting them off. “There’s no need to apologise. I don’t mind the… the tendrils. In fact, I really like how they feel. Like, really like it.”
“Oh?” Eya says again, but this time their eyes are glittering with excitement. “You don’t mind, then? I know they tend to get kinda close when I really get into eating someone out and you taste so good and-”
“I wouldn’t mind even if they ended up inside me,” you joke, smiling at them, soothing their knitted brow with your thumb.
Eya stares at you, their mouth hanging open.
Oh fuck.
“I- nothing. Forget- forget I said anything,” you mutter.
“No, no. Are you serious about that? Would you let me…” Eya pauses, seemingly searching for the right words. “Would you let me taste you like that?”
You had been joking before, or at least you’d thought you were, but right now, their words go straight to your core. You can feel your pussy drip, your hips twitching at the thought of it. Something about feeling them inside you like that…
“Sweet Maker,” you breathe. Eya’s hand finds yours and squeezes.
“It’s okay if not, I just-”
“No,” you interrupt them. “I mean- yes. Yes, we can do that. Try it, at least. If you want to.”
You are stumbling over your words, and so are they, but it doesn’t matter. The thought of them inside you is enough to make you soak the sheets beneath you.
“Osik,” Eya exhales. “Okay- fuck, okay. I’ve not- I haven’t done that- haven’t been allowed to do that in… in a long time.”
“Will it feel good for you?” you inquire curiously.
Eya stares at you, then bursts into laughter.
“Oh, sweet girl. I- you remember how I reacted with just your hand around me earlier? Yeah? It’ll be like that, but hundredfold. It’s…” they inhale deeply. “It’s heavenly. It’s like a particular kind of high.”
“Oh!” You like the sound of that. “Then… yes, I would love to do that for you. Please. I’m… yeah, I’m more than willing to try that.”
“Maker, I- thank you.” Eya sits up for a second to press a gentle kiss to your belly. “I didn’t think I’d get to- fuck, just… thank you.”
You smile and interlace your fingers with theirs, placing featherlight kisses on their metal knuckles. Eya inhales sharply, their eyes burning into yours. They don’t extract their hand from your grip when they lay down between your thighs again.
“If it gets too much, you tell me,” they instruct earnestly. “Tell me, or squeeze my hand two times, okay? One squeeze tells me to go on, two tells me to stop. If you don’t like how it feels, or-”
“I’ll tell you,” you say quickly. “I promise.”
“Hmm, good girl.”
You breathe in and out slowly, consciously relaxing into their touch. It’s not that you are not into it; you very much are. You would not have agreed if you weren’t. But still, it’s new, and it’s exciting but strange.
It starts slow. You sit up on your elbows, watching in fascination as Eya’s tendrils snake their way around your thighs, wrapping around once, reaching towards your dripping cunt.
“Are you doing that?” you ask quietly, curious about what the process is like for them.
Eya presses a kiss to the mound of your pussy before carefully propping their chin up to answer you.
“Kinda… they want to go there anyways, that’s where the pleasure is, that’s where you taste the best. But yes, I am… encouraging them, so to say.”
They pull back, winking at you before running their tongue through your folds. Your eyes fall shut as you push your hips up against their face.
“Mhh, greedy,” Eya mumbles, but they obey your silent command, sinking their tongue inside you once again. You moan, letting yourself fall into the sensation, getting lost in the pleasure of it.
A sudden touch makes your eyes fly wide open again. One of their tendrils is resting on your clit, gently pulsing against it. The sight of that alone is nearly enough to make you come; electric pleasure crackling down your spine. Eya moans into you, then visibly restrains themself to pull away and look up at you.
“You all good, pretty girl?”
“Yeah- fuck, yeah I’m all good,” you moan. Eya chuckles in response. 
“Good girl. You ready for more?”
You squeeze their hand.
“Yeah, I think I am. You feel… fuck, you feel really good, Eya. You make me feel really good, is it… how are you?” You have to laugh at your own strange choice of words. Kyreya joins in, their warm breath fanning across your skin that is soaked in your arousal.
“I’m doing fantastic, princess. You really are divine, I think I could lose myself in you all night… probably even longer if you let me.”
Placing little kisses on your inner thighs, they work their way around your pussy, teasing you, distracting you. You force your eyes to stay open, to watch, as the tendril that has been resting on your clit slips lower, gliding through your folds. It is a strange thing to watch, and if you were not so turned on, maybe you would feel odd about it. But right now, in this moment, you swear you have never seen anything hotter in your entire life. 
You lose yourself in the sensation, this new feeling of something gliding through your pussy, teasing you, the smooth skin providing friction for your throbbing clit. The tendril does not slip inside you, though. Eya just teases you.
You can feel them moaning into you, moaning against the flesh of your thigh. The thought of them feeling all that you feel right now, through this simple touch, turns you on more than any physical stimulation could, and you can’t hold your tongue.
“Hmm, that feel good, baby?” you purr. “You like that?”
Eya’s head raises to fixate you with burning eyes.
“Don’t tease me, princess. You know you feel good, osik- fuck- gods, mesh’’la, I would devour you whole if I could, you’re the best thing I’ve ever tasted, you f-feel so good, smell so good- pure fuckin’ desire- can taste it all, every little sliver of want- and gods, you do want, don’t you, you’re a fuckin’ greedy one… hmm kriffing- kyor’la haran, cyar’ika!”
Their voice breaks when you wrap your hand around their tendril, gently guiding it until the tip slips inside you. You moan at the sensation, and as does Eya.
“Fuck, baby,” you breathe.
The feeling of them inside you is… indescribable. It’s unlike anything you have ever felt before, neither better nor worse, just… different. “You- shit- y-you doing okay?”
Eya’s mouth is hanging open, their eyes fixed on where their tendril vanishes inside your gaping cunt. They don’t move, just take in the image in front of them, a blissed out expression on their face.
“Eya, are you alright?” you ask again, a little more impatiently this time.
“What?” Eya rips their eyes away from your pussy to look at you properly. “Fuck- yeah, I’m alright- more than alright actually… by Nephto, you feel f-fucking incredible. I never- good gods, I never want to leave your perfect pussy, you feel so fucking good wrapped around me.”
“Oh,” you sigh. “Hmm, good. You wanna… can you move?”
Eya looks at you for a beat before visibly pulling themself together.
“I- yeah.” Their voice is a little shaky, and it gives you an odd sense of accomplishment. You did that. You did that to them. “Yeah, I can move… just gotta- focus…”
Their tendril slips deeper inside you, and you cant up your hips to meet the movement. Eya inhales sharply at the feeling, and so do you, the velvet of their skin meeting the sensitive walls of your pussy.
“Gods, you’re so wet,” Eya whispers. “So wet, all just for me- fuck, you really want this, don’t you, princess? You need it.”
“Yes,” you admit. You have no defence, you do want it, and right now, you do need it, it feels too fucking good to give up. “Fuck yes, baby, I need this. Gods, Eya, you- you just-”
“I know, pretty girl,” they soothe. 
You let your head drop back when they lean forward to wrap their lips around your clit, gently sucking.
“Fuck!” Your voice breaks even in that single word, the combination of their tongue laving at your clit and their tendril slowly fucking you too much to bear.
Eya chuckles but keeps going, squeezing your hand as if to remind you that you can always back out. You squeeze back once, moaning and sighing as every nerve ending in your body focuses on the pleasure that erupts from your core.
Bliss floods every fibre of your being, Eya sucking on your clit with just the right amount of pressure as their tendril continues to curl inside you. One of your hands sneaks down to wrap around the tendril where it disappears into you. 
The sound that Eya makes when your fingers stroke along the tendril is… inhuman. Every ounce of desire is packed into that one noise, everything you have ever wanted or needed, and it is nearly enough to push you over the edge. It vibrates deep inside you, making your muscles flex and then melt. Your hand wraps tighter around the tendril as Eya speeds up the movement slightly, moaning into you with every stroke.
Mumbled words float around the room, but you can’t think, can’t speak- it’s so much, and so good, you can feel the ridges of them sliding against your tight walls.
“Gods, Eya,” you breathe. “Fuck-”
“That’s it,” they raise their head for a moment, breathing heavily, their face shining with your arousal. “That’s it, princess, tell me how it feels, tell me- wanna hear your voice, hear you moan and cry for me, hear you beg until you can’t speak anymore, wanna hear you go dumb with pleasure- f-fuck, tell me…”
You inhale shakily, your brain way too fuzzy to form coherent thoughts.
“Gods, Eya baby, I- how does anything feel this good, how do you- Maker, I never wanna feel anything else again- wanna stay like this forever, wrapped around you with your mouth on me, you f-feel so fucking good… Stars, I wanna come so bad, please baby, please tell me I can come, please, I’ll clean you up after, kiss your face until we can’t- can’t breathe, fucking lick your tendril clean, lick the taste of myself off of you- fuck!”
Eya makes that noise again, that noise that makes every inch of you fill up with a lust so deep you can’t think anymore.
“More,” they moan, then wrap your lips around your clit again.
“Wanna- fuck- wanna come around you, please tell me I can come, please Eya baby, I’m- fuck I’m gonna cum, gonna cum around you, feels so fucking good- so good, oh, please baby, please, please, please..”
You are not even sure what exactly it is that you are begging for at this point, tears running down your cheeks from pleasure. Eya pulls back for the fraction of a second, their disparate eyes burning so sweetly as they command you.
“You can come, pretty girl. Come for me.”
Your eyes fall shut as you rock your hips up to meet the thrusts of their tendril, their lips on your pussy. The tendril slips deeper with each thrust, stretching your cunt so deliciously, and you feel fuller than you ever have. 
Eya continues mumbling into you, their raspy voice reverberating in your core. Your entire focus fixates on the point where you are connected. Eya moans.
“Fuck- osik, princess, can feel it coming- you’re right there, right there, just like that, you gonna come from getting fucked like that? Yeah? You wanna come for me like this?”
Their tendril moves faster, rubbing against that spot, that perfect spot with each thrust. The tension in your core rises, coils up so tight you feel like you are about to burst.
Your hand grips theirs tighter as your muscles start to lock up, and then everything goes white with pleasure.
It erupts from deep inside you, shaking every bone in your body with its force, ripping through you and consuming everything in its path to leave only bliss behind. 
You feel the muscles in your core contract, and the sheets below you are suddenly damp, but you can’t think. It’s everything everywhere nothing nowhere never and always.
You can feel Eya moan, feel the bed shake as they grind against the mattress, but it is all just a mere background noise.
You lay there for a while, breathing only because you don’t have to think about it. Everything in your mind is empty, peaceful bliss while your body still trembles with the aftershocks of your orgasm.
When you finally have the energy to open your eyes again, Eya is still laying between your legs, their head resting on your thigh, their eyes heavy-lidded.
You groan, unable to form proper words. Eya’s teeth flash as they tilt their head to look at you.
“Osik, darlin’, that was… certainly something.” They squeeze your hand, and only now are you made aware of the fact that your limbs are indeed all still attached to you. Your hand tingles.
“Can I… gotta slip out of you, sweetheart,” Eya mumbles.
“Mhm… mkay,” you yawn, floating in the limbo of the remaining pleasure that makes your body feel simultaneously featherlight and heavier than beskar. 
Something inside you moves, and only when Eya’s tendril slips out of you do you understand why they warned you. You feel empty. Overwhelmingly so.
A tear slips from the corner of your eyes and runs down your temple. You don’t notice it until strong arms wrap around you, pulling you against a muscular chest. You bury your face against Eya.
“I know, darlin’, I know,” they mumble. “It’ll pass… it’ll pass. I know it feels strange, it’s- it’s an aftereffect, I… I forgot about that. I should’ve warned you about it, I’m sorry.”
Ah. So it’s not your imagination that makes the loss feel so much worse than it usually does. That’s… somewhat calming.
“It’ll pass, I promise,” Eya whispers again. “It only lasts a few minutes, it’s… yeah. I know it’s rough, sweetheart.”
A singular coherent thought pushes its way to the forefront of your brain.
“D’you feel like that too?” you ask sleepily, pulling all your energy together to raise your hand and rest it on Eya’s cheek.
“Me?” They hesitate. “Well- I suppose I do, yes. I imagine it feels different on the giving end, but… yeah, I feel that loss too.”
“‘m sorry,” you mutter quietly. Eya laughs lightly.
“Don’t be. It’s worth it… worth it a million times over. You’ll be fine, I’ll be fine too.”
You can feel it start to wear off, that overwhelming feeling of loss giving way to the vague, pleasurable ache that you are used to. You sigh happily and scoot closer to Eya, wrapping your leg around their hip as best you can.
“I‘ll hold you, mkay?”
Eya laughs when you hide your face against their chest.
“We can… clean up later… ‘s fine.”
“Okay, princess. Whatever you want.”
You smile into them.
“Now you definitely gotta let me return the favour, because that was… fuck.”
Kyreya sighs, their hands wrapping around you to pull you closer, tendrils snaking around your shoulders to breathe in the quiet afterglow.
“Sure… some other time.”
You fall asleep wrapped in each other’s arms, and when the morning comes, there is no trace of them except a small piece of flimsi with their frequency hastily scribbled down, alongside a note.
Your move, princess.
───── ⋆⋅𑁍⋅⋆ ─────
Don't judge me y'all. It was gonna happen sooner or later.
@rescuethewretched @deewithani @thefact0rygirl @clonecyare @baba-fett @tenderclio @twistedstitcher27 @spaceydragons @maygalodon @samanthacookieone @fennccshand @equalityforcats @ashotofspotchka @levi-llama @fantastic-commander-fox @thebitchformerlyknownaskenobi @lackofhonor @a-c-lee @imalovernotahater @ladykatakuri @solidago-sempervirens @meabravo @dream-alittlebiggerdarling @fivedicksinatrenchcoat @corrabell @bucketbunny @sharpbarnacle @snarwor @basilbumble @dear-fifi @dollydee28 @snakerune @rexscyarika @misogirl828 @stcrmhond @shadesofshatteredblue @tachyon-girl @damerondala @mando-amando @ficsbynight @fett-djarin @pinkiemme
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sabellart · 4 months
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all the cool kids have nautolan ocs so look at her.
987 notes · View notes
tyquu · 2 months
Boo! (dumps all my star wars OCs here in one go)
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Mostly drawings of Jinoro (the Mirialan with the forehead tattoo), my Jedi OC that I initially created with the explicit purpose of dying in this comic here .
But then i got attached and i felt bad for killing them so i decided to give them a padawan. Her name is Marz and she's a twi-togruta who loves dancing and pottery and bead work.
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431 notes · View notes
venbiiru · 17 days
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Yes⋯⋯I’m back 🫠can’t take back my old account so I created a new one 😭😭And I back with more new OCs
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moorgate · 1 year
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More of my Nautolan oc sketches! She's a grey jedi who wields a double bladed lightsaber that converts to a lance-like version. She greatly prefers the distance the lance version affords her in battle.
I haven't named her yet. Because names are hard and tiddy is soft.
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sharky66 · 3 months
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minis of the little guys who run around in my head
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furious-blueberry0 · 3 months
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Kai Norora (he/him)
First Padawan of Baheera, the dear Kai is a scaredy cat.
During the first years of his Padawanship he had a lot of problems talking to strangers.
It became a problem especially during diplomatic missions, where Baheera would be the only one to do all the talking, and if anyone ever tried to ask a question to Kai he would just look away and stay silent.
Also, when he was still small enough to do so, he would often hide under Baheera’s cloak to prevent others from talking to him. When he was 14 he started to become far too big to do so, but luckily he had started to feel more confident in himself and had less problems interacting with strangers.
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agentartemus · 13 days
Surprise Gift Art!!
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Been itching to draw these characters for a minute, hope the following artists enjoy! And give them attention! They deserve it!!
Artists mentioned:
@furious-blueberry0 (Hala)
@zeenmrala (Mimi)
@tokkiiyokki (Nano)
@brainrotparsecsaway (Quasar)
@kim-the-kryptid (Oros)
@jazaesis (Aro)
Hope you lovely folks enjoy <33 feel free to use these as profile pics/wallpapers/etc. just remember to give me credit and do not repost without permission or use for commercial work
Important persons taglist:
@bladesjulia29 @clone-appreciator @kdo16 @powdered-kneecaps @skelly-delly @sleepingjasminetea @starsidexiv @thebrainofocto @vix8n @zealfruity
101 notes · View notes
felinae-felidae · 14 days
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Update: added some colors 💚
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@revitalizationrat 's nautolan art reminded me of an old Star Wars oc I had created a long time ago.
So I decided to bring her back!
Meet Zita!
Former Jedi Apprentice
Order 66 Era
When order 66 hit, she and a fellow apprentice were the only survivors of a field mission on a outer rim planet.
After both realized the gravity of what just happened, going back home wasn't an option.
Congratulations unsuspecting universe! There are now two force trained teenage menaces roaming the galaxy!
85 notes · View notes
galacticgraffiti · 2 years
𑁍⋆ Eya - Ep. III ⋆𑁍
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All credit for the Eya artwork (the mouth in the middle) goes to my beloved @pinkiemme!
Rating: Explicit Wordcount: 3.9k Characters: Eya x Marilys (Nautolan nb!OC x 79's Stripper f!OC) Warnings: soft dom!Eya, size difference, allusions to Nautos being able to taste pheromones, dirty talk, body worship, setting boundaries and hard limits (but i promise the overall tone is light-hearted), yes Nauto tendrils have a life of their own in my head so I guess slight monsterfucking (?), oral f!receiving, praise that goes both ways, softness all around
A/N: I am dedicating this fic to my darling, the moon to my stars, @purgetrooperfox. Leo, I appreciate you so so much, you have been incredibly supportive and encouraging and so loving towards Eya and I'm just... ahhh!!! You know!!! Kissing you on both cheeks, my little creampuff ❥
Eya Artwork ⋆ Eya’s Charactersheet ⋆ My Masterlist
!!! NSFW ⋆ 18+ ⋆ Minors DNI !!!
───── ⋆⋅𑁍⋅⋆ ─────
Soft Mornings
One morning, Lys’s Apartment on Surface Coruscant 19 BBY
Eya blinks awake, the light in Lys’s apartment always so much harsher than in their own flat down in the lower levels. They stretch and groan when all their bones crack back into place. Marilys really needs to invest in a bigger bed if this is going to be a regular occurence.
A pale arm is slung across Eya’s chest, a small face nuzzled into the crook between their bicep and their torso. Eya smiles.
“Lys,” they whisper softly. “Lys, you awake, love?”
The responding groan makes Eya chuckle.
“No.” Marilys’s voice is muffled as she refuses to turn around. “‘m not. No caf no wakey.”
Eya grins and taps the back of Lys’s hand.
“You’re gonna have to let me get up to make caf though.”
Shining eyes blink at Eya when Marilys raises her face to look at them, barely awake, her hair tangled.
“Don’t want y’to geddup.”
“Then you can’t have caf, little one.”
“Hmm… but you’re s’warm.” Marilys cuddles so close she is basically laying on top of Eya, sprawled out like a small blanket. They press their lips into her hair.
“Come with me then, babygirl. I’ll carry you.”
Lys rolls over and reaches her arms up without opening her eyes. The bed creaks under Eya’s weight as they get up and bend down to pick up Marilys, who immediately buries her face against Eya’s shoulder again.
“‘s too bright in here,” she mumbles.
“It’s your apartment, pretty girl. Get better blinds if it bothers you.” Eya smiles out of habit, their tendrils draping around Lys’s shoulders as they traipse to the kitchen together.
“Hmph. Don’t wake up s’early when you’re not here,” Marilys grumbles. Her arms sling around Eya’s neck a little tighter, her feet crossed behind their back.
“I’m sorry, baby.” Eya hums to themself while they put the grinds into two mugs and pour the hot water.
“‘s fine,” Marilys sighs, then sniffs when the smell of caf wafts through the air. “Caf… gimme.”
“Wait a moment, I only just started brewing it!” Eya laughs when Lys twists around in their arms to peer at the mugs on the countertop. “You know, for the fact you’re usually such a sunshine, you sure are insufferable in the morning.”
“I know.” There’s a slight guilt in Marilys’s voice. “Sorry, baby.”
Eya hums and kisses her cheek. Taking the two mugs and walking over to the window where the table sits in the light of the rising sun, they nudge Lys softly.
“You wanna stay here, or get in your own chair, little one?”
“Stay here,” Marilys mumbles and yawns, turning around in Eya’s lap when they sit down. With more speed than Eya deemed possible so early in the morning, the mug is in her hands, and after the first sip, a satisfied smile spreads across Marilys’s face.
“Hmm, you always make it so much better than I do. Tell me your secrets, you wizard!”
Eya laughs and inhales the scent of the caf. They can’t really drink it, it’s not compatible with their body’s chemistry, but they do enjoy the smell of it, so intense and delicious. Marilys seems more and more awake with every sip she takes, telling Eya the highlights of the prior night with her arms waving around wildly. When her mug is empty, she takes Eya’s, slowly sipping the warm brew while she talks. It is a habit, one that has established itself quickly - Eya making two mugs of caf and enjoying the smell of theirs before they give it to Marilys who drinks more caf than should be possible for a person of her tiny frame.
A deep contentment settles in Eya’s chest as they listen to Lys talk about how nice the troopers were last night, how one paid her especially sweet compliments, how much fun dancing was since it was her night to choose the soundtrack…
Talking with Marilys is easy, and simple, and nice. She blabbers on happily, twittering about regulars and liquor prices, about the gossip between the dancers and surprise visits from battalions they all had not seen in a while.
The morning passes without much notice, Marilys sitting comfortably in Eya’s lap with her head leaned back against their broad chest occasionally sipping caf, while Eya listens to her stories and watches the speeders that pass by outside the window.
They haven’t asked how Lys can afford to live on the surface, and Lys has never offered an explanation. It just is what it is.
Eventually, Marilys turns around in Eya’s lap again, a mischievous sparkle in her eyes. Eya’s lip quirks up when Lys starts playing with her hair and pouting a little as she looks up at them.
“You know… I really wanted you to fuck me last night.”
If Eya could blush, they would. They are not one to mince words, but Lys is on a whole other level. Eya leans forward to press a kiss to Marilys’s bare shoulder.
“Is that so?”
“Hm-hm.” Lys sighs when Eya trails kisses across her chest, along her collarbones and up her neck. “I was- was thinking about it the entire night. You looked really good in that top, you know?”
Eya’s tentacles do a little happy dance. She noticed.
“Thank you, darlin’.”
Lys pulls back to look at Eya, a smile on her lips as she traces a finger along her own shoulder to slip down one of the thin straps of her nightgown. Eya’s hearts start beating faster at the sight, a new expanse of soft skin revealed to their hungry eyes.
“Were you watching me last night?” Lys sounds almost shy when she asks.
“I- what?” Eya stumbles over their words a little. Usually, they probably would have been, a glance every now and then, a sneaky smile, a quiet promise. But last night, they were so distracted by Raia, by their own thoughts…
“You know… I put on a real good show for that shiny,” Marilys whispers and leans forward to flick her tongue across Eya’s lip rings. “He was so nice. Think you would’ve enjoyed the show even more than he did, though.”
Eya scrunches their nose, one tendril lifting to taste the air. Lys is not… jealous. Not angry or disappointed that Eya hung out with Raia all of last night. The only thing Eya tastes is arousal and desire.
Long fingers wrap around Marilys’s arms, squeezing for a second before travelling up and up and up, until one of Eya’s hands is wrapped around Lys’s throat and the other tugs at the remaining strap of the nightgown.
“And why is that, pretty girl?”
Marilys raises an eyebrow, then wiggles her shoulders until the soft silk of the nightgown glides down to reveal her breasts, round and heavy and so fucking perfect. Eya’s eyes are glued to the newly revealed skin, mesmerised by the way the early morning light makes them glisten. Even though they have seen Lys’s tits a million times, there’s just something about them-
“Because I know how much you like these,” Marilys whispers and presses a soft kiss to Eya’s lips before bending backward, pushing her chest out as she spreads her torso across the table. Her hands come up to push her own tits together, squeezing them, playfully running her thumb across her nipple before she stretches out entirely, peering down at Eya.
“Fuck,” Eya breathes, their hands roaming up and down Lys’s sides, gently tracing the outline of her breasts before they let themself swipe a thumb across one pebbled nipple. Lys sighs in contentment, arching her back even more and wrapping her legs around Eya tighter. Eya struggles to find words for the way the reflections of light dance across Lys’s skin, for the way they can see the goosebumps rise, and that smell that hangs so heavy in the air it makes their tentacles curl in anticipation. “I- by Nephto, Lys, you’re a fucking work of art, do you know that? My little angel, so pretty for me, all laid out like this…”
“Hmm… don’t tease me, baby,” Marilys mumbles, but it sounds more like a plea than a command.
Eya leans forward, tracing a path up Lys’s belly with their tongue before wrapping their lips around one nipple.
“Fucking- Stars, Eya,” Lys moans. “Fuck- Gods, do you know how much I love your mouth on me?”
Eya hums in agreement, their eyes taking in the shiver, that tremble that runs through Lys’s body when they do.
Tracing one hand up and down Lys’s side, they continue their gentle ministrations, licking and sucking whatever they can reach, leaving marks on the porcelain skin until Lys is a whimpering mess beneath them.
“I- Gods baby, just like that.” Lys pushes herself up to look down to where Eya’s long tongue traces little circles around their swollen nipples. “Fuck- more.”
“Good girls say please,” Eya hums, switching to the other breast instead.
“Don’t be such a tease,” Marilys whines, and Eya chuckles.
“Don’t be such a brat.” Their hands stop their path along Lys’s sides and instead slip down and down until they can squeeze Marilys’s ass. “All you have to do is say please, and I’ll give you what you need, pretty girl.”
Marilys’s breath stutters when Eya kisses a path between the valley of her breasts, up her throat and along her jaw until their lips nearly touch. They are so close that Lys can feel the cold that the metal of Eya’s piercings radiates.
“P-please,” she breathes. “Please, Eya-“
“Yes, darlin’? What do you want? Tell me… use your words.” Eya follows the same path they kissed along earlier to focus their attention back on Lys’s tits, sucking love bites into the tender flesh, only to soothe them with soft licks right after.
“Please, I want- use your teeth.” Marilys stumbles over her words, but Eya’s head snaps up, their eyes suddenly burning with quiet fury.
“No.” Their voice is cold, sharp, the word stinging like ice. Eya consciously relaxes, uncurling their tendrils, and makes an effort to soften their voice. “Don’t… don’t ask that of me. Ever. Not while they are still- like this.”
They gesture at their own teeth, at the beskar that covers them and makes them into the deadly weapon they are. Kyram’edeem. And death they did bring. Not that Lys would know anything about that.
Marilys sits up properly, scooting forward until she is resting in Eya’s lap again, her hand cupping their cheek.
“I don’t care,” she says. “You wouldn’t hurt me. You’re so careful, baby, I know you are. You’re soft and gentle and sweet, I know you wouldn’t-“
“I said no.” The cold edge to Eya’s voice returns and Lys shudders. This is not what they usually sound like, not even with rude customers. “Don’t test my patience, little one. This is one wish I can’t fulfil. Do you understand me?”
Marilys nods, her lower lip trembling. She looks down quickly; but Eya catches it anyways. Gently, they tilt Lys’s chin back up with two fingers. Their dark eye is soft when they look at Lys.
“I’m sorry, babygirl. I didn’t mean to scare you. Just- I can’t.”
“Okay,” Lys presses out. Eya sighs deeply.
“It’s fine, I just- I thought I’d ask. You know I don’t mind when you get a bit rougher.”
The sparkle returns to Eya’s eye.
“Yes, I know that, little one. Anything else is fine to ask for, just… not that. Alright?”
“Mh-hm.” Lys hums and presses a kiss to Eya’s nose, then pulls back to look at them expectantly. “So… you gonna eat me out or what?”
Eya’s laughter rumbles deep inside their chest, and Marilys squeaks in delight when she is hoisted up and tossed across Eya’s shoulder.
“You’re getting greedy, pretty girl,” Eya grins. “I like it.”
Marilys presses a kiss to their side - the only part she can reach - then laughs when Eya playfully smacks her ass before tossing her on the bed and crawling on top of her.
Soft tendrils curl into Lys’s hair, slipping across her cheek when Eya bends down.
“You want me to eat your pussy, babygirl?” Their voice is only a whisper, but Marilys still shudders at the desire it carries.
“You’re gonna have to repeat that, little one. What was that?”
“Yes, I want you to eat my pussy, baby,” Lys giggles, then moans when Eya’s hand wraps around her throat.
“Good girl.”
Eya can taste the arousal that tints the air, taste the excitement and the lust, and it makes their head spin. Their tendrils slip around Lys’s waist as Eya glides down to push her legs apart, tugging up the nightgown that is still bunched around her hips.
“Oh.” A soft noise escapes Eya’s throat as they look up at Lys. “Oh, you’re so wet for me, pretty girl, look at you… you look so fuckin’ pretty like this.”
Lys smiles and blushes.
“Can I taste you?” Eya asks, their face already so close the question is practically obsolete. Their tendrils shudder at the thick desire that clouds the air, snaking around Lys’s legs, inching towards the source of the scent until they rest on either side of the apex of her thighs. Eya closes their eyes when the taste of arousal floods them, their tendrils gently gliding up and down Marilys’s thighs.
“You smell so good, darlin’,” Eya hums, relishing the sweet taste of desire. “But I asked you a question. Can I taste you?”
“Yes- yes,” Lys answers hurriedly, “Fuck, yes- please, baby, I want your tongue buried in my pussy, you always make me feel so good and- oh-“
Eya dives forward, inhaling the scent deeply before they press their nose against Lys’s clit and start devouring them. The noises are otherworldly, so filthy it is obscene, but neither of them can bring themselves to care.
A tremble runs through Eya, making their tendrils curl. When their tongue slips inside Lys’s cunt, they can feel her walls flutter at the sensation. Eya presses their tongue up, deeper and deeper until Lys moans, her thighs trembling. 
“Gods- fuck, Eya, just like that- right there- Maker, you feel so fucking good, I love your mouth, fucking love feeling you…” Lys babbles, and Eya doubles their efforts. Their tendrils spread across Marilys’s stomach, across her hips and thighs, breathing in the sweet pleasure that drips from every inch of Lys’s skin. Eya does not move them willingly, not really, their tentacles just react to sensation, and right now, pleasure is the only sensation they are chasing.
Gently, Eya guides Lys’s legs to wrap around their shoulders, feeling her tremble each time their nose catches on her clit, each time their tongue dives deeper into her dripping cunt. Lys shudders when she feels the cold metal of Eya’s piercings press into her pussy, and Eya laughs quietly. Nothing in the world brings as much ecstasy as this - Lys’s cunt pulsing around their tongue as they search for that one spot, that spot that always nearly makes Lys cry when they find it. Eya eases back to press a few kisses to Marilys’s pussy, mesmerised by the beauty of the early morning light catching in her arousal mixed with Eya’s spit.
“You doing alright, babygirl?”
“I- yes- fuck yes, I was doing alright, why’d you stop?” Lys whines, and Eya chuckles, pulling themself up to hover above her small frame.
“Wanted to check in with you, darlin’. You know how quickly I get lost in your pretty little pussy, you know I could spend hours and hours between your legs, kissing your cunt, worshipping you, licking you until you are nothing but a whimpering mess for me. Maybe we should try how many times you could come for me like that, hm?”
Marilys stares at them, their lips parted and their breath quickened.
“I- fuck, Eya, sometimes I forget the mouth you have on you-”
“Wouldn’t have thought it would be that easy to forget with the way you begged me to eat you out,” Eya smirks, and Lys nudges her forehead against theirs.
“You know what I mean, baby.”
“Hmm, yeah. I know what you mean. Bit hard to talk though when my tongue is otherwise occupied… or would you prefer I don’t-”
“Don’t you dare!” Lys giggles, then presses her lips to Eya’s, tasting herself on their tongue. Her hands roam across Eya’s body, feeling the taut strands of muscle, the hard planes of their stomach, the curve of their shoulders when they sink down to deepen the kiss.
“You’re beautiful, Eya, you know that?” She mumbles against Eya’s lips.
“Mhmm,” Eya hums noncommittally. “Thank you, darlin’.”
Marilys smiles into the kiss, then softly nudges Eya’s nose with hers.
“Get back down there, baby, you’ve teased me enough.”
Eya playfully bares their teeth, their tongue licking into Lys’s mouth one last time.
“Like I said, you’re getting greedy… If I didn’t love your pussy so much, that would be a dangerous game to play, pretty girl.”
Lys giggles when Eya kisses the reddened tips of her ears before trailing her way back down her body, making sure to take their time playing with Lys’s tits until every touch makes her feel like she’s on fire.
“You want me to let you come on my tongue, babygirl?” Eya asks, blinking up at Marilys from between her thighs. Their tendrils snake their way back around her thighs, pressing down gently as Eya places a tender kiss on Lys’s dripping cunt. “Bet you’ll soak my face, hm? Yeah, you always do… you’re so good for me, so wet, so pretty like this all spread out and waiting for me to fill you…”
“Fuck- by the heavens, Eya,” Lys groans. “Please- please, baby, I wanna feel you, wanna come on your tongue, let you taste me, kiss you after- kiss you before I get on my knees for you too…”
“Ah, that’s what I like to hear,” Eya grins, then dives back down to sink their tongue into Lys’s cunt again. They moan - all their inhibitions were shed a long time ago - mumbling into Lys’s skin even though they know she won’t be able to understand it.
“Gods, you taste so good, babygirl, you’re so perfect- love how tiny your pussy is, how easy for me to fill you- can barely take all of my tongue… fuck, the noises you make for me, the way your nose scrunches up when you’re about to come, how you moan and beg when you’re close-”
“Fucking hells, Eya,” Marilys’s voice interrupts them, though more breathy than annoyed. “Fuck- can feel your voice vibrating in my belly when you do that, Gods, do that again…”
Eya hums, curling their tongue inside Lys, carefully searching for that spot where-
“Oh- Maker, fuck- right there, please, right there, baby, I- ah!”
Ah. Very good. Eya’s tentacles quiver, digging into Marilys’s skin, inhaling the honeyed scent of arousal. It only stokes their own fervour, only makes them want even more, so Eya presses her tongue against that spot, grinding against it over and over, their nose nudging Lys’s clit with every move they make.
“Gods, baby, keep going, I’m so f-fucking close- how do you- how- fuck, baby, no one’s ever-”
Eya leans back for just one second to look up at Marilys.
“Hmm, listen to that, cockdumb before I’ve even started fucking you properly,” they chuckle, then press a kiss to Lys’s inner thigh. “I’m just teasing you, darlin’.”
Before Lys can respond, Eya’s tongue has already slipped back inside her, and any coherent words vanish from her mind as pure pleasure ripples through her body with every stroke. Marilys can feel it, that fire deep in her belly that keeps growing and growing, makes her skin tingle. Eya can feel it too, their tendrils soaking up the sensation greedily.
“Please,” Lys whimpers when Eya wraps their lips around her clit and sucks gently. “Please, baby, I…”
Eya stops, staring up at her with one dark eye; the cybernetic one as always unchanged, unaffected. Their teeth glitter when they grin.
“Told you before, I’ll tell you again. Use your words, pretty girl.”
“Please, Eya- please, I wanna come, please tell me I can come.” Marilys exhales breathily. “Please- fuck, I’m so close-“
“I know, babygirl, I know… can fucking feel your pretty pussy clench around my tongue when I fuck you like this.”
Lys moans, her hand sneaking down to rest on Eya’s head, careful not to tug on the tendrils too much.
“Come on, baby, make me come. Pretty please.” Marilys can hear the desperation in her own voice, can see the amused sparkle in Eya’s eye before they dive back down to bury their tongue inside Lys again. One of their hands lets go of Lys’s thigh to play with her clit instead, one stroke of their thumb for each time Lys’s legs tremble.
“Come for me, pretty girl,” Eya mumbles. They can taste how close Marilys is, they know exactly what it’ll take to push her over the edge. “Be my perfect girl and come for me.”
Their tongue flicks across Lys’s clit, speeding up each time, and then Marilys tenses, moaning Eya’s name along a litany of filth as she comes beneath Eya’s talented tongue. For a moment, their tentacles press down harder, digging into Lys’s skin as they drink in the pure bliss and ecstasy that emanates from her, the sensation making Eya moan at its intensity.
“Fuck-“ Lys presses out as soon as she is capable of forming words again. “Fuck- by the Gods, Eya, I swear you get better each time.”
Eya laughs and sits up, wiping their chin and then licking their fingers clean.
“Only because you taste heavenly, angel. Nothing in the world I’d rather do than lick your perfect little pussy.”
Lys giggles and stretches out her hand to take Eya’s much larger one and pull them up and to her side. Eya follows the movement and flops down onto their back, deeply sated as their tendrils roll up by their sides. Lys presses a kiss to their cheek.
“You want me to return the favour, baby?”
“Mhm, some other time maybe, little one. Right now, I’m content just laying here with you.”
Lys nods and cuddles up to Eya’s side, her small hands tracing patterns across the broad expanse of their chest.
“You got another shift tonight?” Eya asks.
Lys nods and hums in response.
“Long one, too. That new dancer girl… she’s sweet, but not the most reliable. Something or other came up- well, in any case, she’s not coming in tonight. I’m covering for her.”
“Mhmm,” Eya sighs. “I’ve gotta go home and change, I’m working too.”
Lys hesitates before she offers, “I could uhh… drop you off at home? Maybe meet your living mates?”
“Oh.” Eya is quiet for a second, their tendrils twitching slightly, but the air betrays nothing. Just a friendly offer. “I suppose… sure.”
Lys nods contentedly and cuddles closer.
“Let’s take a nap before we go down, mkay?“ she yawns. Eya’s chest shakes when they gurgle in agreement.
“Okay, little one. Let’s do that.”
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more eya content for the taggies! and this time it's SPOICEY! 🌈 HAPPY PRIDE MONTH MY DARLINGS 🌈
@rescuethewretched @deewithani @thefact0rygirl @clonecyare @baba-fett @rowansparrow @tenderclio @twistedstitcher27 @spaceydragons @maygalodon @samanthacookieone @fennccshand @equalityforcats @ashotofspotchka @levi-llama @bobaafetts @fantastic-commander-fox @thebitchformerlyknownaskenobi @lackofhonor @a-c-lee @imalovernotahater @ladykatakuri @solidago-sempervirens @meabravo @dream-alittlebiggerdarling @fivedicksinatrenchcoat @corrabell @bucketbunny @sharpbarnacle @amcheeken @snarwor @basilbumble @dear-fifi @dollydee28 @snakerune @rexscyarika @misogirl828 @stcrmhond @shadesofshatteredblue @cyarbika @damerondala @kakashibabe02 @writingbylee
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yamikuruku · 2 months
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experimental portraits but it's two space idiots ✌
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onedismay · 4 days
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i am sobbing
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venbiiru · 9 days
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Just love the Sith & Jedi partnership.
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sankt-jesper · 8 months
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For @fordoweek day 5: Old Scars
(ID + bonus Alpha-17 under the cut)
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[ID 1: Fanart of Captain Fordo from the Star Wars franchise. He is doing a cross-arm stretch. His body glove is dangling around his waist; his chest and arms are bare. He has stretch marks over his belly, his arms and his shoulder. He has a long scar on his right flank, a surgical one on his shoulder, a small round blaster scar below his left pectoral and what looks like chemical burns on his left forearm. He is still wearing his gloves, his greaves and his boots. He looks smug; he's probably checking himself out in a mirror. /END ID]
[ID 2: Fanart of Alpha-17 from the Star Wars franchise and an original Nautolan character. Alpha-17 is frowning and looking unimpressed; there is a thought bubble next to him with the sentence "Show off…". The Nautolan is peeking behind his shoulder: she is a small child under 10 with big wide eyes. /END ID]
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moonlitalien · 6 months
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New and clean ref sheet for my girl, my terrible baby, my murder squid - Aawari, the Spiderling! A mysterious mute Nautolan and the pupil of the deadly Lord Laz'ab, Aawari's past is a mystery to her... who knows if she'll ever find out where she comes from, and what precious memories are missing from her shattered mind? 
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