#natalie scatorccio x male reader
bumblesimagines · 22 days
Secretly seeing Natalie Scatorccio
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Request: Yes or No
Kind of a sequel
"Your music taste sucks."
"As if yours is any better." 
"At least you've got some decent choices."
Things felt oddly... nice. Most times when he invited someone over to his place for a quick hookup (which was a rarity in and of itself), they'd leave right after or he'd drop them off back at their place. But Natalie lingered, slipping his shirt on and exploring his room, going through the things he had scattered around and exposed. Things like his vinyl records, open notebooks, his Walkman, some of his clothes. He watched her from his comfortable spot on the bed, lungs exhaling a cloud of smoke into the air and eyes trailing over the shirt she wore that reached just around her upper thighs. 
Natalie glanced at him over her shoulder, taking notice of where his gaze went, and rolled her eyes, setting down the Blondie record back on the drawer and turning around to face him. "Like what you see?" She asked teasingly and walked forward until her knees bumped against the edge of the bed, moving down to crawl on it. Once she reached him, she snatched the cigarette from his fingers and brought it to her lips, settling comfortably on his lap. His hand moved to her hip, giving it a squeeze when she blew smoke into his face. 
"You excited for Nationals?" (Y/N) asked, waving away the smoke with a small scowl. Natalie chuckled and leaned over, pressing the cigarette into the ashtray on his nightstand and slipping her arms around his shoulders, a bright twinkle appearing in her eyes at the mention of Nationals. A bright smile spread across her cheeks, her body slumping over his. 
"Definitely." She exhaled, resting her head on his shoulder. "Everyone's excited. Lottie's dad is lending us a private jet, too."
"I've never been on a private jet before. First time for everything, I guess." (Y/N) said, resisting the urge to laugh when Natalie shot up, her hands pressing against his chest and widened eyes flickering between his. Her lips began to twitch up, forming a pleased smile.
"You're going? Holy shit!"
"Ben doesn't want to leave me home alone so Coach Martinez told him to bring me along since he'll be taking his two sons." (Y/N) explained, barely finishing his sentence when Natalie swooped forward, mushing their lips together. (Y/N) chuckled against her lips, his arms coiling around her waist as a warm unfamiliar feeling bubbled up in his chest. "You know," He broke apart from her. "Most girls I hook up with aren't usually this excited to know I'll be around."
"Oh, please. You're just not an unbearable dick, is all." Natalie rolled her eyes, lightly shoving his shoulders. (Y/N) released an unconvinced hum, watching Natalie's cheeks turn a soft red as her eyes rolled again, this time more dramatically and forced. He leaned in, planting a kiss on her throat and feeling the vibrations when she giggled. Her fingers moved over the sides of his face, palms pressing against his cheeks and tilting his head back to kiss him again. They both froze when the family dog, Princess, began yapping loudly, the sound of the front door opening and Ben's voice following soon after.
"Shit." (Y/N) hissed and the two scrambled off the bed, almost tripping over themselves and trying to keep their snickers quiet. Natalie whispered a sharp 'fuck it' under her breath, snatching her checkered pants off the floor and wiggling them on as quickly as possible. She grabbed her backpack next, glancing up at him when he almost toppled over while putting his own pants on, a soft giggle escaping her. (Y/N) reached down, grabbing her vibrant red bra and shirt off the floor and tossing them in her direction. Natalie shoved them into her backpack and slung it over her shoulder. "Hurry up!" 
"I'm trying!" Natalie stuck her feet halfway into her boots, glancing frantically toward the bedroom door as Ben's footsteps grew closer and closer. She successfully shoved her feet into her boots all the way and darted toward the window (Y/N) opened, planting a swift kiss on his cheek before she began climbing out.
"My shirt, Nat-"
"I'll return it later!" She assured, hopping down the short distance just as the door swung open and Ben's wide smile greeted him, though it promptly fell when he smelled the air. (Y/N) faced his older brother, folding his arms over his stomach and leaning against the wall by the window with a small smile. 
"What'd I say about smoking? And in the house? Your room's going to stink for ages, (Y/N)." Ben let out a disappointed sigh, his eyes shifting to look at his brother. His brows furrowed slightly and (Y/N) swallowed thickly, giving a casual shrug and turning to shut the window again. He caught Natalie making her way off the lawn and onto the sidewalk, letting a small smile slip before he closed the curtains and climbed into bed.
"Sorry," He replied. "It was the last pack, I swear." 
"Uh-huh." Ben pursed his lips, his head lightly shaking and body shifting to leave his room. He stopped in the doorway and craned his neck to look at him over his shoulder, his brow quirking. "I brought burgers from that diner you really like. And, uh, you've got a hickey on your neck. I'll see you in the kitchen."
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nessamist · 10 months
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: ̗̀➛ be sure to be specific in your requests so i know exactly what to do!!
what i will write: headcanons, x readers, non binary readers, fluff, smut, dark content(ex yandere), polyamorous relationships
what i won’t write: incest/stepcest, pedophilia, large age gaps, daddy/mommy kinks, age play, intense bdsm, heavy angst, male reader, rape/noncon
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yellowjackets - (only precrash for teens)
- vanessa palmer (adult)
- misty quigley (adult & teen)
- lottie matthews (adult)
- natalie scatorccio (adult & teen)
- shauna shipman (adult & teen)
- taissa turner (adult)
overwatch -
- elizabeth caledonia ashe
- angela ziegler (mercy)
- moira o’deorain
- amelie lacroix (widowmaker)
resident evil village -
- donna beneviento
- alcina dimitrescu
- daniela dimitrescu
wednesday -
- wednesday addams
- enid sinclair
- larissa weems
- marilyn thornhill (not laurel gates au)
cruella -
- cruella de vil
- estella miller
- anita darling
chucky -
- tiffany valentine
- glenda ray
- glen ray
- nica pierce
misc. characters
- eda clawthorne
- harley quinn
- barbara handler
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bumblesimagines · 21 days
Dating Natalie Scatorccio
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Request: Yes or No
Pronouns: They/Them/Theirs, GN!Reader
Natalie Scatorccio is a complicated girl. She puts up this tough, hardened, sarcastic exterior for others, especially those who look down on her for living in a trailer park, her sense of style, or her drinking and occasional drug usage. Natalie's used to the insults, the jabs, being constantly undermined or ignored. Despite what she's been through and how others perceive her, Natalie has a kind heart and a strong set of ethics that come out when someone needs protecting. As such, Natalie needs someone who looks past her hard exterior (and the rumors surrounding her) and embraces everything she is.
Natalie isn't much of a relationship kind of girl. Sure, she'd like one, just as anyone else would, but she knows most people at school apart from a select few only see her as trailer trash. She lets her eyes wander often and sometimes lets her mind do too, but there's always some insecurity or negative thought ready to bring her down. 
Until she meets you and she gets that fluttery, mouth-drying, heart-racing feeling in her stomach for the first time in a while.
Natalie has a love-hate relationship with crushes. They can be distracting, and depending on the person, heart-achingly annoying. But with you it's different. Her worries vanish when she meets your gaze and she smiles despite herself, even if it means enduring teasing from the other Yellowjackets. 
Natalie pretends to be confident when you first begin dating. She tries being the cool, chill, no-problem girlfriend most would expect her to be. Except she's not. She worries a lot, whether about you, how you feel about her, or how the relationship is, Natalie worries to hell and back. She half-expects you to change your mind about everything, to take back everything you've said and believe the rumors about her sleeping around or being this or that. 
Her anxieties ease with time and reassurance, although she despises feeling like a burden when she admits her worries to you. Some parts even feel guilty and not good enough when you kiss her and tell her everything's alright. Her father's nasty words echo in the back of her mind but just one warm, gentle touch from you silences him and she relaxes, turning putty in your hands. 
Natalie's an attentive girlfriend. She's an observer of sorts and she keeps all your interests in mind, locking away in her brain to remember for later. After practice, she enjoys going to your favorite place to eat and chat about school, the Yellowjackets, and anything else that comes to mind.
Natalie opens up gradually, letting you see a softer more vulnerable side that not many get the opportunity to see. She dances around the subject of bringing you home with her since the last time she brought someone over, it ended in her father's accidental death. But she embraces the fear and the memories hand-in-hand with you and takes you home, even if it's just briefly. Natalie finds it difficult to speak of her father, of her childhood, but she trusts you enough to do so and appreciates your soothing words and loving gestures.
Natalie is big on physical touch and quality time. She loves touching you, although most of the time she prefers it in private and out of sight. However, even in public, she'll try to find a way, whether it's through hand holding, being close enough to brush shoulders, fixing an article of clothing for you, resting her head on your shoulder. Sometimes you'll even be granted a kiss on the cheek. Behind closed doors, Natalie's all over you. As much as she enjoys talking, she likes making out a whole lot more and you'll often find her on your lap or curled up at your side.
Natalie likes cupping your face when she kisses you, one could say it's a habit of hers. You already know what she wants when she places her hands on your cheeks and gives you one of those cheeky smiles. 
Being with Natalie means going to the WHS Yellowjacket games. It means a lot to her when she finds you seated in the stands cheering them on, cheering her on. She always gives it her all during games, lest she wants a lecture from Taissa or Coach Martinez, but she tries even harder when she knows you're there watching her. Each time the game ends with them as victors, she'll rush over to you and envelope you in a hug, thanking you for being there and giving promises of spending time alone together. 
The Yellowjackets are a family as well as a team. No matter how many times they fight or argue or have their disagreements or literally break each other's legs, they're family and love each other. Despite that, Natalie takes her time introducing you to the team. Most of them already know from simply watching or overhearing gossip, and while Mari or Jackie may ask once or twice, they try to respect the distance. When Natalie finally officially introduces you as her partner, many girls jump at the chance to ask you questions, ranging from sweet ones to rude or offensive ones that have Natalie scowling and dragging you in the opposite direction. Regardless, the girls begin inviting you to things or greeting you in the halls and generally treating you as one of their own. You put Natalie in a better mood and the girls appreciate it. 
Despite the rumors of Natalie sleeping around, she's only ever slept with two guys, something she admits to you with worry that you soothe away without even meaning to. Once past the rumor mill, Natalie often initiates sex, sometimes in the most random of private places. Sometimes in a car, on school grounds, at your place, or the bathroom of some random party. She's a hormonal teenage girl who's head over heels. Who could blame her? Though, expect her to be putty in your hands if you make the first move. She'll get all giggly and blush red like a tomato.
All in all, Natalie makes for a good girlfriend, despite her troubles and tragic childhood. She tries her best and she'll always consider you one of her first priorities in life, even if it means putting you before herself. You're the first one she runs to with news, the first person she thinks of when she wakes up in the morning, the first person she seeks out in school. She'll protect you with her life if needed and will defend you against anyone.
But everything changes when Flight 2525 crashes in the wilderness.
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bumblesimagines · 27 days
let's do this again sometime.
i've never had sex in a car before.
Natalie Scatorccio
let's do this again sometime.
i've never had sex in a car before.
Pronouns: He/Him/His, M!Reader
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The car shook lightly when Natalie plopped back into the passenger seat, a soft grunt escaping her followed by a breathless laugh as she glanced in (Y/N)'s direction, her cheeks lightly flushed and skin glistening with sweat. The dark makeup she always wore had smudged around her eyes, making the color of her eyes pop more. She fumbled with her bra, adjusting the straps over her shoulders and craning her arms to reach around to clip the back. (Y/N) rolled the fogged window down, letting the heat escape the car and allowing the cool night air to slip inside, raising goosebumps along his skin as he pulled his jeans back up.
"I've, uh..." Natalie began, finally clipping her bra on and running her fingers through her messy bleached hair. "I've never had sex in a car before." 
"Yeah? How's your head?" He asked, reaching down to search the floor around his feet until he located her shirt, handing it over and watching the blush darken.
Sticking her hands through the arm holes, she shrugged. "Haven't had any complaints yet." Natalie grinned wolfishly and slipped the shirt on, adjusting it until it sat straight on her body before she slumped back against the seat. (Y/N) rolled his eyes at her response and shook his head, turning the engine on and feeling the car rumble to life. 
"Didn't mean to rip your tights." He said, hooking his finger through one of the holes in her fishnet tights and gently tugging on it. Natalie swatted lightly at his hand, rolling her eyes this time and clipping her seatbelt in. 
"It wouldn't be the first time." Natalie sighed, running her hand over the large hole where her tights had ripped near her calf. They had another, smaller hole near her thigh, though the place he'd torn them couldn't be so easily explained away with a lie about tripping. She reached for the radio, fiddling with the dials until she found a station playing rock. "Have you... done this before?"
"Done what?" He asked, reversing out of the secluded spot by the forest and driving out onto the street. Natalie toyed with the ends of her hair, eyes focused on the road. "Sex in a car or in general?"
"Offered to drive a girl home and then had sex with her in a car." A grin toyed on Natalie's lips but her eyes flickered around too nervously to make her confidence real. (Y/N) glanced at her, fingers lightly drumming against the steering wheel.
"I haven't hooked up with any of the Yellowjackets if that's why you're asking. Misty tried, I think... it was weird. My brother asked me not to, anyway. Said it could 'create unnecessary drama.'"
"Yet here you are."
"Yet here I am." (Y/N) echoed, his chuckle mixing with her laugh. "Don't tell him we did this, by the way. I don't think he'd ever get back in the car if he knew, and I definitely don't need another sex talk. The one my parents gave me was enough."
"My lips are sealed. Coach Scott won't hear a word about this." Natalie smiled, a certain relief etched on her face. She relaxed, nodding her head along with a song playing on the radio, something from a band she often listened to. Nirvana, or something along those lines. Her fingers moved down from her hand and began running over her tights.
"What's up, Nat?" (Y/N) glanced at her, slowly releasing his foot from the pedal when the light in the distance turned red. Natalie pursed her lips slightly and turned toward him, her eyes studying his face before she spoke with a hint of nervousness in her tone.
"Let's... let's do this again sometime."
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