#nasreen chaudhry
DW Companionbait Bracket - Round 0
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capybaraonabicycle · 1 year
Let's write a dw episode and choose some companions for the 13th Doctor (step 2B)
We are writing a dw episode with the 9th, the 10th and the 13th Doctor and are currently figuring out their respective companions.
The last poll determined that most people want the companion of the thirteenth Doctor to come from her own era. So, in the 'A' poll (can be found in the reblogs, soon) l present some options from that era.
There were however, quite a few people who wanted a Pond Era companion. Because I love that we will choose some of those companions in this poll.
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Once both polls are analysed you will then get to put together your companion team from the most popular options!
If I forgot someone vital, please let me know in the tags and they might just make it into the final round ;)
Check the reblogs for the 9th and 10th Doctor polls and the A-version. Or alternatively look at the poll-who episode tag.
I'd be very grateful for a reblog <3
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atalana · 8 months
special skill: identifying any british actor by the character they played for one entire episode in the doctor who extended universe
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companion-showdown · 7 months
Who do you most wish had become a companion?
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These polls are to determine bracket seeding and diminish the number of contenders to a manageable number. To get the first bracket down to something reasonable, the lowest-scoring contenders from each of these preliminary polls will be eliminated. To see all prelim polls, click here!
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blueboxphenomenon · 5 years
I wonder if Dr Nasreen Chaudhry’s geological team in Wales will face the same problems as the Eastchester Inferno Project. 
The Inferno Project broke records trying to drill for a new power source in the 70s/80s, but the drill disintegrated. Only UNIT knows why.
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Discovery Drilling Project, headed by Dr. Chaudhry, was greenlit for trials in 2011 and now aims to uncover minerals not seen in Cwmtaff for millions of years. While there is no UNIT association with this dig, this purely scientific dig may yet encounter similar problems to the Inferno Project. Only time will tell.
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heimeldat · 2 years
What random side character in Doctor Who do you wish was a companion? I would have loved to see more of Amelia Rumford or Nasreen Chaudhry.
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spockvarietyhour · 3 years
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arosmith-zeppelin · 5 years
Really random but
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gabrielokun · 6 years
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Companion Bracket 2: Companionbait Bracket!
here we go another one of these BUT this time, it's companionbait, i.e. characters who are introduced and portrayed as characters that could be companions, potentially even offered the role by the Doctor at some point, but for one reason or another never appeared past their first serial.
There's many characters who I consider absolutely perfect examples of this trope, and some who are essentially stand-in companions who kinda have to go in here, but then there's also a bunch of characters who I'm not entirely sure about, and therefore to narrow down the numbers and also allow for extra submissions, I'm gonna run some polls to see who gets in before I start the bracket itself.
Before I set those up tomorrow though this is the opportunity to send me asks about who you think should be included under the definition of "single-use almost-companion - a character who acted as a temporary companion to the Doctor and perhaps was even invited onboard, but who was never in more than one episode"
The list of ones I'll be putting to a vote and the one's I'm 100% using is below:
Already absolutely using:
Lynda (Bad Wolf) Mrs Moore (Rise of the Cybermen) Rita (The God Complex) Astrid Peth (Voyage of the Damned) Jenny (The Doctor's Daughter) Clara Oswin Oswald (The Snowmen) Madge Arwell (The Doctor, the Widow, and the Wardrobe) Christina de Souza (Planet of the Dead) Jackson Lake (The Next Doctor) Chief Engineer Perkins (Mummy on the Orient Express) Grace O'Brien (The Woman Who Fell to Earth) Cass (Under the Lake) Ida Scott (The Impossible Planet)
In the vote tomorrow:
Nasreen Chaudhry (The Hungry Earth) The Tardis / Idris (The Doctor's Wife) Owsin Oswald (Asylum of the Daleks) Ruth Clayton (Fugitive of the Judoon) The Ghost (The Return of Doctor Mysterio) Erica (The Pyramid at the End of the World) Agent O (Spyfall) Claire (Flux) Karvanista (Flux) Jabe (The End of the World) Joan Redfern (Human Nature) Madame de Pompadour (The Girl in the Fireplace) Sally Sparrow (Blink) Maebh Arden (In the Forest of the Night) Canton Everett Delaware III (The Impossible Astronaut) Psi (Time Heist) Saibra (Time Heist) Elton Pope (Love & Monsters)
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itselyserebecca · 4 years
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Doctor Who 5x08 “The Hungry Earth (1)” ★★★★★★☆☆☆☆
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companion-showdown · 7 months
Who do you most wish had become a companion?
this tournament was suggested by @intodarknes under the title Best almost/could have been companion way back in February
Now, @dw-companion-bracket ran a similar tournament back in March which is why I have changed the title question so we're not just running the same tournament again
So without further ado
Li Shou Yuing vs Jenny
Rita vs Li Shou Yuing WINNER: Li Shou Yuing
Chantho vs Jenny WINNER: Jenny
Rita vs Narvin WINNER: Rita
Petronella Osgood vs Li Shou Yuing WINNER: Li Shou Yuing
Chantho vs Irving Braxiatel WINNER: Chantho
Luke Smith vs Jenny WINNER: Jenny
previous rounds under the cut
Rita vs Missy WINNER: Rita
Cameca vs Narvin WINNER: Narvin
Petronella Osgood vs Sally Sparrow WINNER: Petronella Osgood
Rosita Farisi vs Li Shou Yuing WINNER: Li Shou Yuing
Chantho vs Eustacius Jericho WINNER: Chantho
Irving Braxiatel vs Madame Vastra WINNER: Iriving Braxiatel
Nikola Tesla vs Luke Smith WINNER: Luke Smith
Toshiko Sato vs Jenny WINNER: Jenny
Rita vs Jabe WINNER: Rita
Missy vs Mags WINNER: Missy
Cameca vs Saibra WINNER: Cameca
Narvin vs Alan Turing WINNER: Narvin
Petronella Osgood vs Simm!Master WINNER: Petronella Osgood
Sally Sparrow vs Leonardo da Vinci WINNER: Sally Sparrow
Me vs Rosita Farisi WINNER: Rosita Farisi
Professor Yana vs Li Shou Yuing WINNER: Li Shou Yuing
Chantho vs Canton Everette Delaware III WINNER: Chantho
Brian Williams vs Eustacius Jericho WINNER: Eustacius Jericho
Irving Braxiatel vs Rigsy WINNER: Irving Braxiatel
Ada Gillyflower vs Madame Vastra WINNER: Madame Vastra
Nasreen Chaudhry vs Nikola Tesla WINNER: Nikola Tesla
Isobel Watkins vs Luke Smith WINNER: Luke Smith
Ping Cho vs Toshiko Sato WINNER: Toshiko Sato
Perkins vs Jenny WINNER: Jenny
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Day 1:
Rita vs Abslom Daak WINNER: Rita
Jabe vs Rodan WINNER: Jabe
Missy vs Astrid Peth WINNER: Missy
Mags vs Inston-Vee Vinder WINNER: Mags
Strax vs Cameca WINNER: Cameca
Koschei vs Saibra WINNER: Saibra
Narvin vs D84 WINNER: Narvin
Bounce vs Alan Turing WINNER: Alan Turing
Petronella Osgood vs Adelaide Brooke WINNER: Petronella Osgood
Heather vs Simm!Master WINNER: Simm!Master
Duggan vs Sally Sparrow WINNER: Sally Sparrow
Danny Pink vs Leonardo da Vinci WINNER: Leonardo da Vinci
Me vs Cousin Justine WINNER: Me
Rosita vs Jethro Cane WINNER: Rosita Farisi
Agatha Christie vs Yana WINNER: Professor Yana
Scarlette vs Li Shou Yuing WINNER: Li Shou Yuing
Day 2
Chantho vs Sabalom Glitz WINNER: Chantho
Canton Everette Deleware III vs Dee Dee Blasco WINNER: Canton Everette Delaware III
Brian Williams vs The DJ WINNER: Brian Williams
Eustacius Jericho vs Cass WINNER: Eustacius Jericho
Irving Braxiatel vs Todd WINNER: Irving Braxiatel
Lorna Bucket vs Rigsy WINNER: Rigsy
Ada Gillyflower vs Ray WINNER: Ada Gillyflower
Madame Vastra vs Ada Lovelace WINNER: Madame Vastra
Fariah Neguib vs Nasreen Chaudhry WINNER: Nasreen Chaudhry
Nikola Tesla vs Richard Mace WINNER: Nikola Tesla
Ianto Jones vs Isobel Watkins WINNER: Isobel Watkins
Hath Peck vs Luke Smith WINNER: Luke Smith
Ping Cho vs Lynda Moss WINNER: Ping Cho
Peter Summerfield vs Toshiko Sato WINNER: Toshiko Sato
Anne Chaplet vs Perkins WINNER: Perkins
Norna vs Jenny WINNER: Jenny
ROUND 1: (Group Stage)
Group 1:
Ping Cho (Marco Polo)
Cameca (The Aztecs)
Jenny Chaplin (The Dalek Invasion of Earth)
Bret Vyon (The Daleks' Master Plan)
Anne Chaplet (The Massacre)
Group 2:
Sam Briggs (The Faceless Ones)
Isobel Watkins (The Invasion)
Astrid Ferrier (The Enemy of the World)
Fariah Neguib (The Enemy of the World)
Group 3:
Olive Hawthorne (The Daemons)
Bellal (Death to the Daleks)
Lish Toos (The Robots of Death)
D84 (The Robots of Death)
Rodan (The Invasion of Time)
Duggan (City of Death)
Group 4:
Todd (Kinda)
Richard Mace (The Visitation)
Will Chandler (The Awakening)
Chela (Snakedance)
Norna (Frontios)
Janet (Terror of the Vervoids)
The DJ (Revelation of the Daleks)
Group 5:
Ray (Delta and the Bannermen)
Mags (The Greatest Show in the Galaxy)
Li Shou Yuing (Battlefield)
Sabalom Glitz (various)
Rachel Jensen (Remembrance of the Daleks)
Allison Williams (Remembrance of the Daleks)
Gustave Lytton (various)
Group 6:
Ruby Duvall
Cousin Justine
The Duke of Wellington
Irving Braxiatel
Millennia and Rallon
Group 7:
Alan Turing
Hal Bishop
Abslom Daak
Carolyn McConnell
Alex Campbell
Group 8:
Karl Sadeghi
Leonardo da Vinci
Jason Kane
Jack McSpringheel
Peter Summerfield
Group 9:
Jabe (The End of the World)
Harriet Jones (various)
Lynda Moss (Bad Wolf/The Parting of the Ways)
Angels Price (Mrs Moore) (Rise of the Cybermen/The Age of Steel)
Jake Simmonds (various)
Sally Sparrow (Blink)
Group 10:
Timothy Latimer (Human Nature/The Family of Blood)
Joan Redfern (Human Nature/The Family of Blood)
Professor Yana (Utopia)
Chantho (Utopia)
Tom Milligan (The Sound of Drums/Last of the Time Lords)
Astrid Peth (Voyage of the Damned)
Group 11:
Ross Jenkins (The Sontaran Stratagem/The Poison Sky)
Jenny (The Doctor's Daughter)
Hath Peck (The Doctor's Daughter)
Alonso Frame (Voyage of the Damned)
Rosita Farisi (The Next Doctor)
Lady Christina de Souza (Planet of the Dead)
Adelaide Brooke (Waters of Mars)
Group 12:
Elton Pope (Love and Monsters)
Simm!Master (various)
Agatha Christie (The Unicorn and the Wasp)
Jethro Cane (Midnight)
Jacobi!Master (Utopia)
Dee Dee Blasco (Midnight)
Tommy Connolly (The Idiot's Lantern)
Group 13:
Nasreen Chaudhry (The Hungry Earth/Cold Blood)
Craig Owens (various)
Kazran Sardick (A Christmas Carol)
Abigail Pettigrew (A Christmas Carol)
Canton Everette Deleware III (The Impossible Astronaut/Day of the Moon)
Rita (The God Complex)
Lorna Bucket (A Good Man Goes to War)
Group 14:
Madge Arwell (The Doctor, the Widow, and the Wardrobe)
Brian Williams (various)
John Riddell (Dinosaurs on a Spaceship)
Nefertiti (Dinosaurs on a Spaceship)
Strax (various)
Ada Gillyflower (The Crimson Horror)
Group 15:
Psi (Time Heist)
Saibra (Time Heist)
Perkins (Mummy on the Orient Express)
Maebh Arden (In the Forest of the Night)
Shona McCullough (Last Christmas)
Cass (Under the Lake/Before the Flood)
Group 16:
Me (various)
Heather (various)
Erica (The Pyramid at the End of the World)
Courtney Woods (various)
Journey Blue (Into the Dalek)
Rigsy (various)
Group 17:
Jenny Flint (various)
Kate Stewart (various)
Petronella Osgood (various)
Madame Vastra (various)
Missy (various)
Danny Pink (various)
Group 18:
Bel (Flux)
Inston-Vee Vinder (various)
Claire Brown (Flux)
Eustacius Jericho (Flux)
Ada Lovelace (Spyfall)
Ronan (The Tsuranga Conundrum)
Nikola Tesla (Nikola Tesla's Night of Terror)
Group 19:
Luke Smith (The Sarah-Jane Adventures)
Rani Chandra (The Sarah-Jane Adventures)
Clyde Langer (The Sarah-Jane Adventures)
Gwen Cooper (Torchwood)
Ianto Jones (Torchwood)
Toshiko Sato (Torchwood)
links to previous tournaments
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xlnc1 · 3 years
Haq dar - Tele Theater Part III
Haq dar – Tele Theater Part III
<div style=”position:relative;padding-bottom:56.25%;height:0;overflow:hidden;”> https://dailymotion.com/video/x80vc12?autoplay=1 </div> Haq dar – Tele Theater Written by: Bakhtiar AhmedAired on: PTVStarring: Khursheed Shahid, Tahira Saleem, Khalid Usman, Nasreen Qureshi, Meharun Nisa, Shama Chaudhry, Abid Butt, Bano Aqil, Khusid Shoukat, Mehran Qavi, Mohsin Rizvi, Anil Chaudhry
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esonetwork · 3 years
Timestamp #216: The Hungry Earth & Cold Blood
New Post has been published on https://esonetwork.com/timestamp-216-the-hungry-earth-cold-blood/
Timestamp #216: The Hungry Earth & Cold Blood
Doctor Who: The Hungry Earth Doctor Who: Cold Blood (2 episodes, s05e08-09, 2010)
Time travel can be cruel.
The Hungry Earth
In the year 2020, a team led by Dr. Nasreen Chaudhry is engaged in the deepest drilling project in history. This is taking place in Cwmtaff, Wales, and they’re seeking minerals that have appeared recently but haven’t been seen on Earth of over twenty million years.
Mo Northover, the night watchman at the site, heads to work only to be greeted by an earthquake. When his security monitors cut out, he investigates and finds a hole in the floor of the storage area. When it seals up, he reaches through the seal and is dragged inside.
The Doctor, Amy, and Rory land in Cwmtaff shortly thereafter. Unfortunately, they were aiming for Rio de Janeiro. The Doctor is fascinated by the local flora, and Amy spots a version of Amy and Rory from ten years in the future. The Doctor is intrigued by the ground feeling wrong, so he sets out for the nearby mining operation. Rory returns Amy’s ring to the TARDIS and encounters Ambrose and Elliot, Mo Northover’s family. They mistake him for a police officer and ask him to investigate the supposed vandalism of their family plot. One of her deceased relatives has been taken, coffin, body, and all.
The Doctor and Amy arrive at the mining facility where they meet Dr. Chaudhry and Ambrose’s father, Tony Mack. Suddenly, the floor starts to give way and Amy partially falls into one of the holes. The Doctor orders the drilling to stop while he holds on to Amy’s hand. Unfortunately, she slips beneath the surface. The Doctor determines that the earth was bio-programmed to attack when it perceives a threat. He also hears evidence that another drill is at work underground. The minerals and grass were warnings to stay away, and while the team was drilling down, something else was drilling up.
Something is coming now and has erected a forcefield dome over the village.
Rory and Elliot investigate the gravesite. Elliot presumes that the coffin was taken from underneath. They find the Doctor when the dome goes up, and Rory is distraught to learn about Amy’s fate. Ambrose also learns about her husband’s fate as the team move to a nearby church and set up a security network around the village to monitor whatever is coming.
The Doctor also makes inroads with Elliot by trusting the dyslexic boy to make a map of the village.
The attack begins with the dome cutting off all light from the outside world. The electricity is knocked out, disabling the security network. Elliot, who had left to find his headphones, is chased and captured by a reptilian being. The group rushes outside to find him and Ambrose finds his headphones. She is attacked by the being, and when Tony tries to save her, the creature stings him with a venomous tongue. The Doctor sends Ambrose, Tony, and Rory back to the church while he hunts the being with special infrared sunglasses.
He knows who they are.
He and Rory set a trap and capture it, prompting the rest of the intruders to retreat.
Amy awakens in a transparent coffin-like box. She is soon knocked unconscious by gas. Meanwhile, the Doctor talks to his prisoner, identifying her as a Silurian. Her name is Alaya, and he admits that he’s tried to broker peace between humanity and her species numerous times, but has failed mostly due to humanity being uncompromising. Alaya is set on war with humanity, so the Doctor returns to the church to declare his intent to go to the Silurian tribe’s home and negotiate directly with them.
When Tony suggests dissecting Alaya, the Doctor refuses. If they want their loved ones back safely, Alaya must be unharmed. Nasreen asks to go with him, and he refuses at first but finally relents. Her “bigger on the inside” moment in the TARDIS is short-lived, however, when the Silurians drag the ship beneath the surface.
Amy wakes up on a surgical table. Mo is on the table beside hers and warns her that she will be dissected while still alive. Elsewhere, Nasreen and the Doctor find an underground Silurian civilization stretching for miles.
Cold Blood
A Silurian tells the story of how he remembers when he met the Doctor 1000 years ago and the losses that the Time Lord suffered because of the failed attempt to negotiate peace.
The Doctor and Nasreen investigate the Silurian city and trip a security alarm. They are greeted by Silurian warriors who knock them unconscious. Luckily, the security alarm stops the physician from dissecting Amy and she’s able to pickpocket a device to set her and Mo free. They find Elliot in some kind of pod with monitors attached. Amy convinces Mo to keep moving, promising that they’ll get him out.
The Doctor and Nasreen are strapped to surgical tables and decontaminated, causing the Doctor to yell in pain. The process is overseen by Commander Restac, a Silurian who is related to the missing Alaya. The Doctor convinces them to stop the decontamination process since it will kill him. He then discusses terms with Restac as he learns that the drill was destroying the oxygen pockets above the city. Restac decides that instead of negotiating, she’ll execute the intruders instead.
Amy and Mo find two warriors in suspended animation. They take their weapons and stumble across an army. In the church above, Ambrose learns about the poison running through Tony’s veins and starts to treat him. She demands an antidote from Alaya and attacks her with a stun gun. Rory tries to prevent Alaya from dying, but he is unsuccessful. Ambrose is remorseful.
The Doctor tells Nasreen about the history of the Silurians. Restac is surprised, but furious after she learns how humans have killed her kind in the past. When they reach the courtroom, Amy and Mo arrive but are soon disarmed. Restac dismisses Malohkeh and prepares to execute the prisoners. She contacts the humans above to negotiate for Alaya. When she’s unsuccessful, she threatens to execute Amy, but is stopped by Eldane.
Eldane is the Silurian leader, awakened by Malohkeh to stop Restac’s brash actions. The prisoners are freed and the Doctor negotiates a peace, asking the humans above to come down with Alaya. While the Doctor negotiates this temporal tipping point and appoints Nasreen and Amy as ambassadors, Ambrose encourages Tony to reactivate the drill on a timer in case things go wrong.
Mo is reunited with Elliot and the Doctor learns that Malohkeh has been researching humans for a long time. The Doctor apologizes to Elliot, and as they return to the negotiating table, Malohkeh investigates the opening of the cryo-storage facilities. Restac has been awakening the warriors. When Malohkeh discovers this, Restac kills him.
The humans arrive and share their bad news. The Doctor tries to patch things but Ambrose is defiant. At that moment, Restac arrives and finds out what happened. Ambrose reveals that the drill is set and Restac orders her troops to open fire. The humans run with Eldane and end up cornered in a laboratory. The venom in Tony’s blood is reprogramming his DNA, the Doctor and Nasreen develop a plan to destroy the drill, and Eldane decides to use a toxic fumigation to stop Restac’s coup.
The Doctor asks Eldane to set his hibernation chambers to awaken everyone in 1000 years, and then asks the humans to spread the word as religion or rumor. Tony decides to stay behind when he learns the Silurians can cure his wound. Nasreen also opts to remain with Tony, thanking the Doctor for helping her fulfill her dream of seeing the Earth. They will awaken with the Silurians in 1000 years. Everyone else runs for the TARDIS.
When they reach the TARDIS, the Doctor, Amy, and Rory spot another crack in time. The Doctor reaches into the crack and pulls back a piece of shrapnel from the temporal explosion. Restac crawls onto the scene and takes aim on the Doctor, but Rory jumps in front of the blast and dies.
Amy is frantic but the Doctor has no choice but to leave. The crack absorbs Rory and as the Doctor starts the TARDIS into motion, he pleads with Amy to remember Rory before he’s erased from time. She tries, but the TARDIS is jostled as it lands and her concentration is broken. Everyone on the TARDIS rushes outside just in time to see the drill destroyed.
The Doctor tells Ambrose to make up for her actions by raising Elliot to be the best of humanity. The Doctor and Amy return to the TARDIS, and Amy waves at future Amy across the way. She thought she spotted someone else but cannot be sure. As Amy enters the TARDIS, the Doctor takes a look at the shrapnel he pulled from the crack.
It’s a piece of the TARDIS.
This story took the whole ride, from humor and lightheartedness as the Doctor screws up yet another beach trip, to the excitement of revisiting a classic enemy, to the absolute tragedy of killing a companion.
Not just killing a companion, but erasing them from all existence. It was brutal and Amy’s reaction was gut-wrenching. Rory joins Katarina, Sara Kingdom, Adric, Kamelion, K-9, Astrid Peth, Adelaide Brooke, and River Song in an elite and morbid club. Of course, we had to know it was coming as soon as the Doctor emphasizes that the negotiations were a temporal tipping point instead of a fixed point. It also gives a bit of hope that Rory will return somehow.
(Yes, I know he will.)
The return of the Silurians was a welcome touch, especially since we haven’t seen them since 1984, as was the direct nod to the Doctor’s previous attempts to negotiate peace between them and humans. With Doctor Who and the Silurians, The Sea Devils, and Warriors of the Deep, the Doctor has tried (and failed) to broker peace.
The costuming was superb, echoing back to the armor and net-like garb of previous Silurian appearances. Even more impressive was actress Neve McIntosh and her double-duty performance as both Alaya and Restac. Both characters were unique in appearance and (most importantly) personality. She was magnificent.
The Matt Smith era also continues its tradition of recycling plot points and calling back to franchise touchpoints: the earth was also hungry in Frontios; mining and drilling were critical in both Inferno and The Green Death; the Master used an energy barrier to cutoff a village in The Dæmons; Rory unknowingly duplicated Jenny’s sacrifice in The Doctor’s Daughter; the gravity bubble returned from Victory of the Daleks; the Silurians used the heat ray weapons from Warriors of the Deep; and the Fifth Doctor also called celery an “excellent restorative” in The Caves of Androzani.
The message of this story is also important. We should all aspire to be the best humanity has to offer.
Also, spread the word. As of last year, the Silurians will return in the next millennium.
Rating: 5/5 – “Fantastic!”
UP NEXT – Doctor Who: Vincent and the Doctor
The Timestamps Project is an adventure through the televised universe of Doctor Who, story by story, from the beginning of the franchise. For more reviews like this one, please visit the project’s page at Creative Criticality.
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womprat99 · 3 years
Timestamp #216: The Hungry Earth & Cold Blood
Timestamp #216: The Hungry Earth & Cold Blood
Doctor Who: The Hungry Earth Doctor Who: Cold Blood (2 episodes, s05e08-09, 2010) Time travel can be cruel. The Hungry Earth In the year 2020, a team led by Dr. Nasreen Chaudhry is engaged in the deepest drilling project in history. This is taking place in Cwmtaff, Wales, and they’re seeking minerals that have appeared recently but haven’t been seen on Earth of over twenty million years. Mo…
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