#namely because they're all dead and full of hatred... they don't seem to want to move on
doodledex-project · 9 months
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Doodledex - #571-A Hisuian Zoroark
With its unkempt, white mane and the horrible malice radiating off of it, it's no surprise that the people of Hisui regarded Hisuian Zoroark as a harbinger of death. I mean, they're not entirely wrong... it's still a Ghost type. (And it's still holding onto the grudges of its deceased ancestors... it could very well live up to that title!)
Speaking of those grudges, Hisuian Zoroark's power has increased to the point where its illusions can now harm both physically and mentally. In fact, the power of its malice is so strong that it frequently harms Zoroark itself... which probably explains those eerie red spots on its body! (Or purple, in the case of the shiny. Does it have purple flesh and/or blood or something?)
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ystrike1 · 1 year
Two in Six Billion - By Denzou (9/10)
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Yanderes are trendy. They have been for a while. There are lots of stories about raising yanderes, and taming them. It's all so convenient. The object of affection is usually strong enough to do the taming, or weak enough to enjoy being watched. What about the in-between? What about real hatred? What if you made your bully fall in love with you by accident, and your entire life became a single room as a result?
Katou wants it to end. He's not talented. He's regular looking. He's shy. He could have made it through school, but he got targeted by bullies.
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The boy who made him a target, Oda, doesn't even know his name. That's what hurts the most. Oda is popular, handsome, rich, and rude. He snaps at Katou once, and that's it. The shy boy spends his high school life alone.
The bullying makes him end his life.
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He wakes up again, full of memories and hate. He doesn't go back to school. He tries to end his life again. He starts to hear other people's thoughts. The noise makes it impossible to function. He has no life outside of his room. His parents genuinely seem to love him, but even they are frustrated.
He can't die, and now he knows how the world sees him.
It's...brutal. He's a depressed kid and he gets treated like trash for looking and acting that way.
He feels like a monster.
An alien.
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Katou sees Oda.
He wants the perfect young man dead.
A truck hits Oda.
He doesn't die.
Oda awakens with the same power to read minds.
It drives him crazy.
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Katou visits out of guilt. Oda screams with joy. He wants to be best friends. He wants Katou around every day. Katou is like a protective barrier. He can't hear the awful things people think about him in Katous holy presence.
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Oda has been served the ultimate punishment. His friends and casual girlfriends visit. He hears their thoughts. They're jealous of him. They don't like him at all. He can no longer deny how alone he is. His rich mom sees him as a burden too. She thinks her only son's stay in the hospital is pointless and overpriced...even though he literally got hit by a truck.
Oda is handsome, rich and smart.
He has never been loved.
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He acts submissive at first. He begs Katou for his friendship. He suspects Katou is also special, but something is wrong. Katou's powers are getting weaker, and his powers are getting stronger.
He starts to need Katou more and more.
Furthermore, he's happy.
Being with Katou makes him want to be kind.
Also he doesn't remember Katou.
He doesn't remember the boy that got bullied because of him. Back then Oda didn't even register his face.
Now, Katous face is his favorite.
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The L word comes up pretty fast. Oda's devotion is religious. He wants to live with Katou and support him like he's an idol. He also stalks Katou. Katou doesn't want his love, but Oda follows him home.
A loving mother lets her sons first ever friend in.
That friend does horrible things to her son.
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Five years go by. Katou is still a holy halo....but he doesn't have his powers. Katou thinks Oda doesn't know, but he does. He loves Katou truly. Deeply. He has never loved anyone else in this life. Hearing Katou's thoughts actually makes him happy. He wants to know everything about the love that saved him from his lonely existence.
He buys a collar for Katou.
He kills Katou's mother.
Katou isn't allowed to leave their expensive apartment.
Oda kills those bullies from five years ago.
There's only implications. Oda is smart. Capable enough to live without his parents. He's probably not a contract killer. He's alot more sinister.
He only kills people that Katou feels attached to.
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He wants to be the only thing Katou remembers. It's sort of a happy ending. They are in mutual love. The bullies are gone. Oda left his abusive parents behind.
Real shame about Katou's parents though, and everyone else he has ever spoken to.
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twotangledsisters · 2 years
So, I'm going through my folder of unpublished, unfinished, absolutely insane Tangled Fanfics. This folder is where insane ideas come to be insane together. Usually they don't go anywhere.
And I have this one, that is just kind of different, so here's what it basically is:
Rapunzel and Cassandra are raised as siblings in the tower, until at the age of 4 and 8 they are rescued by Corona guards. Frederic is there, and keeps Rapunzel but sends Cassandra away because Frederic doesn't stop to think how traumatizing separating the two young girls would be.
Rapunzel being pretty young manages to grow up more or less fine. But Cassandra is eight and has only ever spoken to two other humans in her life. So she does not do well.
After about six months, everybody has given up on Cassandra, she's just the little girl who sits in a corner, never talks and doesn't really have much hope for a future, but then Eugene and Lance arrive at the orphanage because they escaped their previous orphanage, stole some stuff from the marker, refuse to say they're real names and now they are here.
Eugene is telling all the kids the great adventure of Flynn Rider when he realizes there's one girl who isn't listening and he and Lance decide to take her under their wings.
They eventually get to hear the story of the tower and how the princess abandoned her to go live in the palace. (She doesn't really know who's to blame so she blames the only person she knows).
So Eugene and Lance are like, "oh, we'll get vengeance on the princess one day when we're all master criminals!"
So the three grow up to become master thieves and steal the princesse's crown from the palace. Fleeing Corona as they are now very much wanted dead there.
But Cassandra is still not content, she wants MORE VENGEANCE! Zhan Tiri seeing this girl with absolute hatred for the sundrop managed to push the trio towards the dark kingdom.
Eugene meets his dad, Lance is very much confused but supportive and Cassandra sees her chance at vengeance.
She takes the moonstone after an epic fight and she flees alongside Eugene and Lance. But Eugene and Lance eventually realize, "this is too evil for us, we just want to steal".
But Cassandra can't lose anymore family, and has too much power, so she's keeping Lance and Eugene prisoner, and they think she is seriously going insane because she's constantly talking to herself (Zhan Tiri).
Meanwhile, Rapunzel who's been informed of the evil moon powered woman who seems to have declared on Corona, thinks she's really familiar but doesn't quite remember yet.
But Frederic does, and he is hiding this from Rapunzel and Arianna as though his life depends on it.
And that's as far as I've made it.
I talk about how I have the memory of a NPC, and I have to wonder, what inspired this? Cause I wrote this but I can't remember why. It's clearly written in the "for my eyes" only style. It's got some cool moments though, like up until they steal the crown the three traumatised children finding each other as family is adorable, evil Cassandra is fun and Cassandra pretending like she's keeping Eugene and Lance with her for their protection while being manipulated by Zhan Tiri is funny and also sad.
Eugene: Cassandra, you need to stop this.
Cassandra: It's my turn to protect you. I have the powers to do so.
Eugene: This isn't protection, it's prison!
Lance: That's the place we run away from Cassandra, remember that?
Zhan Tiri: Just give them their meals so we can move on. We have much work to do. You want to destroy the princess, right?
Cassandra (staring into what looks like nothing to Eugene and Lance): Of course I want to destroy the princess, but my family comes first.
Lance: She's insane, we've lost her.
Eugene (in full denial): She's fine Lance. She's just confused.
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harmonyckrs · 1 month
Day 25 in Twisted Pleasantview: Crystal Vu's Reports (TW: Mentions of suicide)
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SPECIAL NOTES: If the real Crystal is dead, then who's this supposed to be?
Today marks the first day of Project Pleasantview. With how easy it was to take over Strangetown and Veronaville, I can only imagine how quickly Pleasantview will fall into my hands.
And I've found a notable weakness, too. My associate apparently originated from Pleasantview, and seems to have a vendetta against some people in town. What better person to exploit than her? I promise her vengeance, and drive the town into chaos right before taking over everyone's minds! It's the perfect plan!
Aktu also told me that Lazlo was trying to starve himself in order to end his life, so I told him to just cast a spell so that he could only die of old age. As annoying as he is about this whole "I don't want to take over the world with you" thing, I do want to keep him around. I haven't really checked on him all that much, but I imagine he probably hates me now.
It's a shame I had to burn that bridge. I was being genuine when I said that I loved him, and that there was nothing more I wanted than to rule the world with him. I don't know if he knows that, though. I wonder if he thinks everything I've told him has been a lie.
I don't want our story to end like this.
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All of us were wrong!
She's far more ruthless than I thought. Mother confronted her about killing Dina, and in response she's killed her! And now she's threatening to kill me if I don't pretend to be Mother, in order to keep control of the fairies!
I don't know how long it'll take before the others realize I'm a clone. I wasn't constructed for a purpose like Nova was! I was designed specifically because Mother was bored and felt like cloning herself! She didn't even teach me how to act!
Who am I supposed to turn to? The fairies would turn against me if I told them the truth, Nova has been seized and reprogrammed to obey only her, and Lazlo seems to have lost his will to live since we left Veronaville. He won't even look at me anymore! Would he even be willing to help if I told him that I was a clone, and that the real Crystal was dead? I don't even think he'd be helpful at all.
Would reaching out to someone from Strangetown work? There's his brothers, but they'd probably kill me too once they learn of what we did to Lazlo. And besides, she's far more powerful than I can ever imagine. I don't know what the aliens did to her, or how she became full of such hatred, but I don't think we're safe.
Taking over the world was a mistake.
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B: ...
H: Brandi? Are you alright? You can hear us, right?
B: Yeah, but...where am I? Where's Dustin, Beau and Daisy? Are they okay? What happened to your hair?
H: They're fine. You're in the Dream Realm right now. Your body is currently asleep, alongside your kids...well, Dustin's actually sneaking out with Angela, but I'm sure he'll be fine. As for my hair, I just wanted to try something different. What do you think?
B: It's, um...not bad?
H: ...I'll cut it once I wake up. Anyway, Dr. Vu is going to release her army of servants onto Pleasantview in a couple of hours, so I need you to warn everyone and flee.
B: In a couple of hours?...How do you know about this?
H: I was there for the other takeovers...and before you ask, no, I didn't participate in abducting anyone! My siblings and I were mainly just responsible for keeping an eye on Lazlo.
B: Lazlo...that name sounds familiar, for some reason.
H: Well, he's...oh...
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B: Hamza? Are you okay?
H: ...He was my friend! He was the first person who welcomed us to Strangetown, and I DID embarrass myself in front of a waitress that I was trying to impress by spilling chocolate milk on my shirt! And I paid him back by helping Dr. Vu IMPRISON HIM!
B: That sounds really bad...
H: And I just sat back and watched as she reprogrammed Nova into some kind of...killer capture robot! How am I supposed to face him after that?
B: Yeah, that's pretty bad, but...you can still talk to him, right?
H: Well, I can't leave the Dream Realm until my body is fully recharged. But I suppose I can try to apologize once I wake up. I'm not sure if I can convince my siblings, though...and I feel like the damage has already been done.
B: It's worth a shot. You can't change what you did, but you can prevent it from getting worse. Even if he doesn't forgive you, I'm sure he'll appreciate it if you tried.
H: I guess so...thanks, Brandi.
B: Of course. Anything for a fri-
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marieanneline · 4 years
wait wait hold up i am actually seething about the reveal
ya boi's not a dabi stan. at all. the only reason i'm remotely interested in his character is if he's actually related to shouto and how that would affect hero society in general. i remember reading the training camp arc, seeing him being one of the villains there, him saying todoroki's full name, and thinking "SIBLINGS?????" because agshdfjlk their EYES are SO SIMILAR!! i really want to give credit to horikoshi being able to portray their similarities from artstyle alone because that's talent.
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(it's more apparent in the anime since you see the eye color— but appearance-wise, shouto takes after rei and dabi takes after enji the most, so this definitely isn't the best photo to prove my point...)
anyways,,,, dabi's ideals of heroics fall in line with stain's ideals and so we all already theorized how if he was the long lost big brother touya, it would be because of the fact that his father really wasn't a hero. this makes sense. and so, we're all fucking right. props to us, really, and props to horikoshi for all the foreshadowing because i had fun :)) in terms of story and plot, i think this reveal is fantastic.
alright, on to why dabi is a dick
(i'm assuming this was his choice and no one pressured him after all)
the todoroki family is on the road to recovery!!
- shouto finally visits his mother back in season 2 and visits her every chance he gets. you see the effort he makes and it's nice to see him change from season 1 to 2 (early-roki!!)
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(guys he even sends her letters- look at that sparkle by his face!! he's sweet :)) and rei's smile!!!!)
- enji (whether we wanted it or not, i don't mind much personally) is trying to atone for everything he's done to his family
- natsuo, who originally wasn't fond of shouto because he had their father's attention (although he does come to the horrible realization that shouto was one of the most unfortunate) and mother's attention (because she wanted to protect shouto), has a closer relationship with his little brother now (can you believe he didn't even know shouto's favorite food was cold soba until ch. 192?? i was sobbing). he really regrets the prejudice he had against shouto and he's trying to be an actual brother to him now.
- rei's almost recovered enough to be released from the hospital!!
- fuyumi and her idyllic "happy family"– wHICH, BY THE WAY, ALMOST CAME TO FRUITION. their mother coming home, shouto connecting with his siblings, and enji being not-the-way-he-was-before is the best outcome they could have hoped for. and it was happening.
and i realize that all of that setup is for this very moment
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this? this. this. this is being broadcasted. to everyone. that means the citizens know that their new #1 hero is directly related to a member of a really bad villain organization (i almost called it a terrorist group oop-).
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by ruining endeavor, the citizens faith in heroes will collapse. this also affects shouto's reputation as an upcoming hero, and i am so terrified of what this could mean for him. imagine your career ending before it even started, just when you found your passion for being a hero again. all that progress he's made for himself since starting UA could be seen as pointless to him and i would hate for him to retrogress like that because it's not his fault. i would absolutely hate it if the media starts bashing shouto for being related to a villain, when he was also a victim of abuse.
seeing this look on shouto's face is making me dehydrated istg i'm fucking SOBBING— he doesn't even look angry!! in the last few chapters he was angry and worried for his friends, teachers, father maybe, other heroes... but he just looks sad. and the fact that the panel chooses to show the left side of his face is.... there's so much to unpack.
but yeah, this is being broadcasted. does fuyumi know? the cameo she had showed her working so maybe not. natsuo's cameo showed that he was at a lecture, so he also probably didn't see.
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but rei did. that's like- that's the person i would want to keep this from the most.
the effects of this entire reveal genuinely scare me. how will this affect rei's mental state? she'll realize that what enji did is actually so much worse. their first child being a villain?? i'm terrified for how she'll react, she's doing much better in recent chapters after all. her kids are visiting her, shouto sends her letters to keep in touch, and enji sends her flowers and respectfully keeps his distance. i really don't want this reveal to result in a relapse. and if she does relapse, then fuyumi's ideal of a happy family is once again out of arms reach. the future of their mother finally coming back home is so far away again and it's genuinely so heart-breaking.
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plus— how will fuyumi's little elementary school students react to her being related to a villain? will the school fire her because of her connection to a villain and how that might cause concerns for students and parents????
it's also hard to say exactly how this will affect shouto and natsuo. natsuo was the closest to touya when they were kids so what would his whole opinion be of what touya's become? will he have a moral crisis?
in terms of moral crisises, i guess i'm more concerned about shouto. the boy knows he wants to forgive his father, but this is just making it so much harder. and after this, will he still want to? and finding out that his own sibling is a villain... remember the stain arc? there were some parallels between midoriya's, iida's, and todoroki's positions in the last chapter and i'm worried about what that could foreshadow. from that arc alone, we know that shouto doesn't agree with stain's views at all [i forgot what he said but it was really compelling]. we know that dabi's a stain follower though, so will this disrupt shouto's sense of justice? i hope not.
but family has always been kind of a weak spot for shouto, hasn't it? i hope this doesn't affect his resolve to be a hero because i do think that there's a way to– somehow– not have a corrupt hero society and i want him to fight for that.
touya being a villain is perfectly valid though, i don't doubt that. it's just disheartening to address that while every other todoroki was working hard to become a normal family, here's their oldest brother, who's not really dead. what's going to become of that altar at their house now?
learning the extent to touya's hatred towards endeavor is truly terrifying. we know enji is or was a horrible person and his redemption arc is based on the very fact that he can't be forgiven, despite some of his family trying their best to do so or at least get over it. but the fact that touya has even thought about killing shouto? that's just. ouch. touya's definitely gone through too much abuse, and all of the todoroki family problems are because of enji's bad parenting. but this does not justify murder and especially that of his younger brother, who also got the brunt of the abuse.
needless to say, i am a fool. i don't know if anything i just said will ever be true, but the important thing to take from whatever the heck i just shat out is that all of this is/could be a result of this reveal. it's the fact that dabi seems to have no sympathy. it's the fact that he doesn't care if his blood related family crashes and burns. really, if this is solely about endeavor and what he did, there's no need to bring the rest of the family into this. rei was sent to a hospital for god's sake. shouto has a scar. it's excessive and unmoral and although questionable ethics and values are key traits of a villain, it doesn't justify how much he's hurting the todorokis.
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(look at this shit eating grin he has. no remorse. he really doesn't give a shit about the others but I DO and I'M so SAD)
and assuming that the whole "endeavor's wife admitted into hospital" was swept under the rug in terms of media, will that suddenly come back to light? because it shouldn't. maybe it should be known that she's in the hospital because of marital abuse but either way rei should not be dragged back into this disaster, and neither should the rest of them. there's also a chance that the media will accuse rei of having abused her kids too, which is messed up for different reasons. they're trying so hard to have any semblance of a normal family, and if dabi's way of revealing this to the world ruins that in any way then i hATE THIS REVEAL ASDFGHJKL—
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
My god you people are sadistic and masochistic ☹😫 who wants to see Chisaki's S/o dying...
This and more asks about deaths, kidnapping. Just general things about the mafia *shrugs*
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"This is bad." Chrono comented with a wince as he looked down at the message on his cellphone... a warning actually as all the eight precepts, him, Mimic, Overhaul and (Y/n) were on the same room.
"Put bad on this. We're fucking being tARgEtEd By A BunCh Of pUNKS-!"
"Sit down Mimic." Chisaki spoked nonchantly as he saw the many death threats that appeared for him.. most of them mentioning your name on it.
He should have been more careful...
"What's the issue? We get many death threats and in teh ne we always kill those fuckers." Rappa layed himself on the wall as Tengai glared at his commurate for his disrespect "So what makes this fucking different?"
"Many things." Nemoto manifested as he read one of the letters "This gang in particular had been tracking the Shie Hassaikai for years already, and this time the threats are getting way too serious."
"Serious in what level?" Setsuno asked nonchantly as he swung his katana around uncaringly.
"(Y/n) is their target." Chisaki spoked numbly as he looked down at his desk. All room went silent and you rubbed your palms a bit nervously.
"... what?" Deidoro broke the silence and everyone sighed hopeless.
"Since miss (Y/n) is their target, then they are the person in here they're going kill drunk dumbass." Rikiya spoke as Deidoro slapped the air mumbling he already knew that.
"Why though? Sure, (Y/n) is a great help but why exactly her?" Tengai asked calmly as Chisaki sighed with hatred.
"I want the security of this place ten times increased. (Y/n)." He called and you looked at him "You're forbidden to leave this place until second order, understood?" You nodded at your lover and gulped the thick air stuck on your throat.
"Maybe is because they are Overjerk's partner. Then I am the dumbfuck here." Rappa muttered as Tengai decided to ignore it.
"Well." Another voice manifested in the room and all the men in there turned wide eyed as they looked at you... more at the person behind your back actually. "The muscular there is not wrong. After all-" the person smiled wickedly "She is last thing your leader would want gone."
Chisaki widened his eyes in realization that their person's quirk was probably teleport as he almost jumped from his chair.
"Get them! Now! (Y/N)!" He shouted but sadly, even despite all trying to reach you, you were gone with the masked person on the blink of an eye... just when he had reached his hand to grab you... touching the ground instead.
He tsked his tongue before letting out one shout that left everyone in the room afraid for their lifes as even the ground itself breaked due to his quirk.
"SON OF A BASTARD!" Overhaul's shout seemed even to echo in the whole house before he bursted the door open, jacket on his gloved hands as he ran out of the house.
"The hell?!" Rappa broke their shock as Kurono and Irinaka shook their heads and ran after Chisaki.
"That was teleport quirk, surely." Tengai spoked as Rappa, Hoyo, Setsuno and Rikiya left after Overhaul shouted their names.
"I WANT ONLY THE ONES WHO HAS EXPERIENCE ON COMBAT." He shouted as Kurono tracked teh gang down to discover their address.
Hang on Angel. I'm coming
You stared in hate at the yakusa's boss in front of you. Arrogant bastard that had that smirk on.
"Say. How long have you know that street rat? Chisaki Kai?"
You only increased your glare as you growled between teeth.
"None of your damn business."
"Woah. A sassy one." He mused out loud as he snapped his fingers, the man holding your chains pushed you out of the room "You will be a good use for us."
You flipped him off, hardly since your hands were chained, as the man pushed you like a dog around that place.
"You will be released soon." The man spoked suddenly "Your only use is being a bait for that sociopath."
You arched one eyebrow as he chuckled.
"You don't need to know much. After all, his life is not going to end very much... well."
Your eyes widened in realization that this was planned to be a trap... you couldn't let that happen!
Although, only a few minutes of walking an explosion was heard from teh other side of the house and you immediately knew what it was and who it was.
"They're faster then we presumed." He cursed under his breath and this time you smirked.
"We're full of surprises." You said normally before laying a great kick on guy's stomach, the man almost fly to the wall and almost puked before glaring up at you, sneakily grabbing his gun from behind.
"You little shit-!" He hissed and you dodged his attack before running down the hall.
You didn't know their plan... but if the guy already spilled tagt you were a bat, then Kai had to be very careful until you didn't reached for him.
Hang on devil, I'm coming!
"We came in here only to save (Y/n). Have that on your minds." He said to his commurates as he saw a bunch of teh guard coming into their direction
"Yeah, but that doesn't mean we can't have a bit of fun, right Overhaul?" Chrono smirked as he twirled his gun a bit before starting to aim at one guy's head.
"I usually despise messes." He said nonchantly before he saw a guy shouting with a sword coming into his direction.
He simply crouched down, took off his glove nimbly to just touch two of his fingers on the man's torso before his upper body exploded. remnants of blood gushing everywhere and some drops hit his green jacket ... but his thirst for killing was so great, it overcame even his misophobia of years as he looked numbly at the mass of man with their terrified eyes at him and his face almost errupted in hives... like he was some savage animal or a monster that came from hell.
"But blood from garbage will be spilled on this filthy ground. Merciless." He growled before his commurates started to attack their enemies as he made his way to the inside of the house.
He almost broke the door of the big house and shouted your name. Not having an answer he scoffed and made his way in hurry inside.
Please be okay. God, please be okay. It was all that he asked.
"Well, would you look at that." A elder voice echoed behind him and he immediately turned around to see that old man... once a commurate from Pops, but the bastard tried to steal their money and betrayed them by going into the police for some whatever reason.
He was young, but he reminded very well that bastard.
"You've grow a lot since the last time I saw you street rat. What gives me the honor of having THE Chisaki Kai inside my residence?"
"I will give you ten seconds to tell me where is them before I end up with your sorry excuse for a living." He growled and overhauled his gloves in anger. The man looked at him with a sarcastic smile before chuckling.
"So we have the right one." He looked at no where in specific before looking at Chisaki "Who would thought? When my old pal showed me he had taken a street rat home I didn't believe my own eyes when I saw it, especially since the guy had an daughter already... why grab someone who doesn't have any value?"
"If you're trying to get me with empty words them you're just waiting your time." He said nonchantly, but his anger didn't changed one bit "I will give you one more warning. Give her back, and I might leave you only with a rib cage broken."
"Rude and brute as always, eh?" He messed with the pocket of his tuxedo, and showed to Chisaki his gun. The young man simply arched an eyebrow and aproached his hand to the wall.
"No no no, my dear friend. This little present is not for you." He smirked devilish as he heard footsteps getting closer and closer "Is for your little..." he lifted his gun, aiming at Chisaki before abruptly shooting the place where your heart was.
".... weird." He smiled at you falling in the arms of his subbordinates while crying out loud "I thought angels were immortal creatures Chisaki." He said nonchalantly but smirked at the way Kai's golden, serious eyes had turned wide open as hives exploded even more at his face and forearms "Oh well. Just useless as you was."
Chisaki let out a inhumane shout before slamming his bare hand at the floor, plataforms being formed with force almost crushing the subbordinate atlnd the old man.
"Boss!" Mimic broke the house down with the help of Rikiya before he cursed out loud at seing the mass of blood coming from you and the situation.
"Something about my pal that I never agreed on Chisaki." The man gave him a psychotic smile as blood spilled from his mouth at the force of teh concreto crushing his body as Chisaki still was using his quirk and glaring at noth men with murderous wide eyes. "He had his honor and believes, but drugs were something that always put us on the top before the heroes days... so imagine if by my quirk of healing what we could do?"
"You have the nerve to even SPEAK?!" Chisaki formed another spike with the material of the floor and made it's way to the elder chest... he only coughed a bit of blood before laughing... his commurate already dead on his side.
"You see it's funny. You worry so much about killing us... that you forgot about that thing over there..." Chisaki followed the man's chin and jumped form his place when he saw you were still breathing.
"(Y/n). No no no. Hey! (Y/N)!" He cupped your face and ignored the mass of blood that was spilling from your chest "Is going to be alright, angel keep your eyes open! Do not dare to close your eyes on me!" He shook your head a bit before placing his hand on teh wound "I can heal it! See?! I can take the bullet's out! Stay just a bit (Y/n)-"
"There's no use." The elder laughed when Chrono put his gun at his temple and told him to shut up as he yanked the man on the ground. "We made sure that those didn't work with your types of quirks. Only one thing is needed. And well... is not even a good use."
"Kai..." you coughed, trying to find him in your blurry vision "Trap... you.. kill-"
"Don't waste your oxygen idiot!" He shouted and tried to lift you up... but stopped when he felt your limb hand on his wrist.
"Not... time..." you whispered and felt your body getting cold... worse than the cold of ice.
"She has a point." He laughed before he got pinned down by Rappa and Chrono. "This works like venom... even I didn't got the heart, it works just as fast as a bite from a snake."
"Stop this nonsense!" He shouted, ignoring the elder and cupping both of your cheeks again as you tried to mantain your breath "You're going to get through this..." he shook his head to stop his eyes from burning "Come on angel just-" he gagged a bit at seing your faint smile and eyes almost closed... lifting slowly your hand up to trace his covered jaw.
"At... least... I could get to see you... one.. last... time..." he grabbed your hand a bit too harsh but when his bare skin of his hand touched yours he widen his eyes in terror when he saw you letting out your last breath... your body going limp on his hold.
"No..." he whispered before putting his quirk on action. But even if he had gotten your back back your pulse still didn't come as well "No...!" He tried again "No, no no nO!"
He tried again, again... and again... all ended up in failure...
"Kai-" kurono tried to talk but the laugh of the elder surpassed his own voice.
"See what I told you?! Isn't it glorious?! My masterpiece worked! Even if I wanted more, seing teh next leader wrath and hatred is so much more valuable, it makes me really proud to be honest-"
"Shut-" Chisaki growled before slamming his hand on teh ground, sending Kurono and Rappa out of the man's body as he make the old man come to him by the the force of the wall pushing him "-THE HELL UP!" he lunched on the gut of teh man before opening his hand and overhauling the guys entire body... covering your limp body with his to not send any of the filthy blood in your angelic figure...
He breathed in and out before looking at your face... his limbs stopped working, be couldn't catch what his commurates and sobbordiantes were saying as he sneaked fhis hand on the back of your head as his free arm brough your cold one to his...
He didn't felt like this... in ages. And for the first time... he wish he could feel nothing at all... because for lord, that hurted he couldn't breath.
He didn't catch that Irinaka and Kurono asked for space to him. Setsuno, Rikiya and even Rappa nodded in respect and left to wait outside... all of them with a unconscious pain on their chest.
Kurono and Irinaka hesitantly aproached, not much close to Chisaki due to respect for the man as he hugged his death lover still on his arms.
Overhaul was so... quiet. It even scared both mans that had stayed to at least try to help his own grief.
"Chisaki... we-"
"No..." he interrupted Irinaka with a shaky sigh... shocking both again, since they never heard Kai sounding so... broken.
"Kai." Chrono took his mask out, surprisingly noticing a hint of two or three tears on his eyes forming before he wiped them quickly "We gotta go before the heroes come by..."
The shoulder of the dark brow haired man shook suddenly, and it didn't take long for faint sobs started to appear...
He was almost crushing your body to his as he almost yanked his mask from.his face in anger at feeling his tears coaxing the material... the disgusting fluid slidding from his eyes in all directions of his face possible.
He let out a louder sob before burring his face in the cold crook of your neck and letting out one of his worst, painful, loudest shout that even seemed to hurt his lungs.
He let ou a howl of your name after his outburst as he succumbed to sobs again, clinging around you... his knees were hurting but the pain he felt surpassed all of those he ever felt on his entire life.
Mimic and Chrono could only lower their heads and pay respect... not even flinching at the strenght of their... friend's shouts.
All of his tears fell like a water fall... but one single tear of Overhaul's had slided and emerged on your wound... not catching attention of anyone until Chisaki felt a warmth coming back from your chest.
He lifted his head a bit to look at your chest... tears still falling endless, he continued to have your body glued to his... a desperate wish that if he squeezed you hard enough against his living body, you could be back.
But he wasn't foolish.
He blinked before looking back at your face and he sucked a shaky breath in as he traced the side of your face with his fingers... he touched foreheads with yours before leaving a chaste kiss on your cold plump lips...
Just when he was about to lift you up a string of gold started to appear on the side of your neck... almost shinning if it wasn't for the rooftop blocking the sunlight.
"The fuck?" Mimic mumbled before cursing when Chrono punched the back of hsi neck with a scowl.
Chisaki arched both of his eyes brows before tracing the string of gold... looking more like tree branches then mere strings. Soom they started to gently trace your face and come lower and lower until they reached your chest...
"What the..." he muttered, his voice and throat, weak and sore from all of his outburst and shouting.
He placed his hand on where you were shoot and widened his eyes at not only feeling the warmth of your chest back neither that the strings had dissapeared... but the most important.
He felt your pulse. The beating of your heart right below his bare hand.
It... was he hallucinating? It couldn't be...
Suddenly you let out a grunt that even made Chrono and Irinaka shout a curse in shock before falling into their backs. Chisaki widened his eyes at feeling you stirring on his arms before lazily opening your eyes to look around you... getting confused a bit before looking up at him.
"..(Y/n)...?" He couldn't believe his own eyes as you arched one eyebrow at both man layed on teh floor not much away form you two. You soon looked up at Chisaki again, a confused and sheepish little smile as you asked shyly.
"Did... did I missed something?"
He let out a shaky sigh as a rare smile appeared on his lips before he almost crushed you for real on his arms and toned chest.
"(Y/n)!" You hugged him back, a bit confused, before yelping in surprise when he lifted you up in the air and started to leave feathery kissed in your cheeks, nose, forehead, most important were lips... everthing his lips could touch.
As much you were giggling in shock a bit you looked at Chrono, whose had recuperated from his scare, and pointed at Chisaki discretly with a questioning look.
"Where's my Kai?" You asked before giggling at his growl for you to shut up as he nuzzled in your hair, sighing in relief as he crushed you even more on his embrace.
"YoU ComE BacK FrOm ThE FucKiNg DeAd AnD YoU StiLL WAnT FuCKinG AnsWeRs FrOm Us YOu FReaCkinG PUNK ThAt Let Us AlmOsT DyInG-?!"
"Wait what?" You widened your eyes as you took notice of your lover's chest easing back a bit.
"Long story." Chrono sighed while picking his mask up as Chisaki breathed in and out before returning his usual expression.
He cupped your cheek and inspected a bit your face and body in general.
"We have to do tests to take notice what on all Earth and Hell happened with you..." he squeezed your hand back when you did the same as he had you close to his chest. "We need to clean this up before those heroes suspect of something or even the police. Call those three back."
"Yes boss." Just when they left he sighed and brought you close to his chest again, your face even hitting his chest.
"My angel..." he sigjed shakily as his hand carresed your hair, his touch seeming like you were some type of porcelain... form how gentle and careful he was being with you.
You had a LONG tests to give to him and a lots of questions... but right now you were happy to give the comfort that your devil was needing...
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peter-laufeyson · 4 years
i think i’m losing my mind
summary: reader finds out the truth about her ancestors...
pairing: obi wan kenobi x reader
word count: 1.6k+
warnings: none
author’s note: enjoy obi wan while you have him....
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ARRIVING BACK TO Obi Wan's planet, the droids greeted both Obi Wan and [Y/N]. Keeping distance as the relationship between the Jedi and a regular civilian was masked, for a Jedi was never allowed to love in such ways.
Once turning the corners, less and less people appeared. Obi Wan took one last look around, then quickly pulled [Y/N] inside his room.
Their heads were intensely close, they're eyes showing how captivated they were in each other. Slowly moving away, Obi Wan took of his cloak. [Y/N] sat on a comfortable chair next to the dresser.
"Will you teach me now?"
"What do you expect me to teach you in here?" He spoke as he frowned walking towards [Y/N].
"The ways of the force. What else did you have in mind?" [Y/N] questioned, tilting her head a little.
"Well-" he slightly raised his eyebrows and grabbed [Y/N]'s hand, "I thought that's why we came to my bedroom?"
"Obi Wan..." [Y/N] said sternly with a small smile. "Teach me."
He grabbed another chair and sat in front of her. As he guided her through words and different motions of her hands.
"You must focus on your feelings,” Obi Wan said softly and he was close to her ear.
She searched her feelings and felt various of different emotions. Although, these emotions weren't of [Y/N]’s. But, if they weren't [Y/N]’s then who's were they?
Obi Wan felt a struggle in the force as [Y/N] searched for answers. What was she looking for. What answers could [Y/N] want?
[Y/N] opened her eyes and she looked at Obi Wan who was fairly taken by the questions she was seeking answers for.
"Obi Wan," she frowned, “why didn't you tell me who my father was?" Obi Wan chose to stay quiet.
"I realize it now, it all makes sense"
"[Y/N] before you grow furious, I want you to know why the Jedi Council asked me to do this..." he tried walking towards her but she took a step back.
In a furious manner she continued to talk, “Did you even love me?" [Y/N] asked. Obi Wan quickly sensed the anger coming from her.
"Don't let your anger cloud your judgement."
You continued, “This was all a set up. Thanks to your teaching I now know my ancestry. Not only that, but I know the future I can bring upon the Jedi."
“[Y/N], think about it. The Jedi have allowed you here knowing your parentage they have allowed you to stay with me. We have cared for you. But now you want to turn because I didn't tell you who your father was?" Obi Wan was trying to reason with her, but she was already too mad.
"I also have a brother" she said turning around.
"[Y/N] please. Let me help you."
[Y/N] quickly turned around using the force to grab Obi Wan's lightsaber, "I will come back for you." She ran with the lightsaber to the Jedi Temple.
When she finally arrived, the near by Jedi senced something odd. Some even noticed the lightsaber she held.
[Y/N] ran to find the Jedi Council. Running through crowds angry. Had the Jedi told her before, maybe she wouldn't be so outraged.
Finally she reached the doors and pushed them open quickly with the force and the Jedi Council looked at her rudely for interrupting their meeting.
"That's Obi Wan's lightsaber. What have you done?" Anikan asked standing up.
Yoda sensed that she already knew the truth.
"I think I'm losing my mind." [Y/N] spoke.
"Have his lightsaber" she threw it on the floor harshly, "I'm going to coming back one day."
25 years later....
"The scavenger" [Y/N] said plainly as she walked into his white room.
"What do you want me to do with her?"
"Bring her to me, it's time I finally get to see what she's become."
Kylo Ren left the room and he was prepared.
[Y/N] stood in a huge empty room. Its interior was white and there crept a thick feeling of emotion.
The sliding doors opened and revealed Kylo and a girl who's clothes were tan.
"Who are you?" She looked at your back as you faced to other direction.
There was a pause. Evey second seemed like waiting for a death star to explode.
"Bring him, Ren" you demanded as he left the room.
You slowly turned around revealing yourself to Rey. She was shocked that you didn't seem very 'evil.'
"Did you ever wonder why your parents cared so little of you?" [Y/N] smiled slightly.
Rey grew angry. She never wanted to believe that she was sold for drinking money. Although, some days she believed it just a little.
"You know nothing of me,” Rey spoke aggressively.
Kylo had come back only to see a very, very old man that he threw to the ground. [Y/N] walked to him and kneeled. She placed a hand on his head to heal him just enough to keep him alive and conscious. Then, [Y/N] whispered very closely to his ear.
"I told you...” she grabbed his arm harshly and squeezed it as he grunted in pain, "I'd come back for you."
"What do you want from me?" Rey suddenly spoke.
"Its very unfortunate that I was never able to meet you when you were born but here we are, now" [Y/N] said as she turned to Rey.
"Did you know my parents?" She frowned, she held angony in her tone.
"Child, I was the person who hired Ochi to kill your parents."
She yelled in anger. Rey ignited her lightsaber and ran towards [Y/N]. Rey was quickly stopped as she froze completely in front of [Y/N].
[Y/N] reached out to take her lightsaber and deactivated it.
"It was hard to kill the brother who left me. He left me because a man named Obi Wan showed him a force vision of this exact moment." The more [Y/N] spoke, the more things seemed shocking, but interesting.
[Y/N] turned to Obi Wan. "This would've never happened if you had only told me." Taking off her lightsaber from her hilt she ignited the red blade. It stood out so much from the white in the room. As she rose up the blade in front of the old man's body, Rey had suddenly broke free only to be shocked intensely by a man in a hood.
"Father," [Y/N] said almost happily.
Rey gained her vision and saw a old man in black robes and hood.
"Grandchild, why have you forsaken me?" He croaked.
"I never had anyone to leave," Rey stammered.
"Yes, after your parents were killed you were supposed to come to us, but you were no where to be found. Until now."
"Daughter, are you to kill this wit?" Palpatine pointed to Obi Wan.
"No. He must see what he caused," [Y/N] looked deadly at him.
"If you are my father's sister, how do you look so young?" Rey asked.
"I've used the force in my favor to heal myself and erase flaws of aging," you stated confidently.
"Are you going to kill me?" Rey asked.
Such a stupid thing to ask.
"Join us...” Palpatine offered.
"...or die." [Y/N] stated.
Annoyed from the angony of the answer, [Y/N] rolled her eyes and ignited her lightsaber. She pointed it directly at her face and Rey could feel the scorching heat on her face.
The sliding doors opened and there stood a man.
"Its stunning what influencers can make you do,” the man said softly.
"[Y/N] Abnus Palpatine"
[Y/N] dropped her saber as she turned slowly.
"Impossible! You died!" She shouted almost, in fear.
"I survived, but my wife didn't...” he walked slowly towards [Y/N].
"If you kill him, you will be set free," he pointed to Palpatine.
"I am free!" [Y/N] quickly said back.
"No, don't you see? You suddenly grew hatred that you have never committed until the second you found out he was our father. When you searched for him in the force he found your soul and he put his power in you. You are only here to do his bidding." [Y/N]’s brother stated.
It was very intense, and hard to take in. She thought about everything he said, and it made sense. Her eyes slowly trailed down to Obi Wan who's eyes were full of tears and sadness. You could feel his heart and it nearly shattered [Y/N].
"Foolish child! You were going to be my greatest achievement!" Palpatine shouted.
[Y/N] frowned and tilted her head.
"If I was, then why is Rey here?" [Y/N] questioned.
The room feel dead silent. The truth was out.
Palpatine rose his hand but before he could send a sliver of lightning, [Y/N] used the force to grab her lightsaber and ignited it as it clashed with the lightning.
[Y/N] was full of anger. She had been manipulated from the very beginning. And no one had a single idea of it.
Using the force, she stuck out her left hand and choked him as she used the lightsaber to deflect the lightning back to him.
Everyone watched in astonishment. They have never seen such power before.
[Y/N] yelled in pain as she blew the last strike of voltage to him and he turned to ash.
She panted from the exhaustion. [Y/N] looked to Obi Wan and felt the light in her return. She ran to him and held in him his arms and cried uncontrollably.
"I'm sorry please! I'm sorry!" She cried as she put her hand on his head. [Y/N] leaned forward and kissed his forehead.
"I'm sorry,” she kept whispering. She closed her eyes as she focused.
Within seconds he returned to the form in which she last saw him in. Their age looked the same from many many years ago.
[Y/N] smiled widely and hugged Obi Wan tightly. He hugged her back and he whispered, "I will always love you." He could feel her smile against him.
Then, her arms around him loosened and Obi Wan was left with a body and the wish that he had never been healed.
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thelucyverse · 4 years
Part 1, Part 2, Part 3
I end up in the middle of an informal Order meeting- just a dinner, I suppose, but it looks like a meeting to me as I have only seen these people at Order meetings in the past years.
"What are you doing here?" Sirius asks, in a mixture of confusion, anger (at the world in general and because he can't visit his best friend all the time, being his secret keeper) and happiness (because I was a distraction from anger and frustration?).
"I- something happened. V- /the Dark Lord/," I catch myself, being around them almost made me forget the danger of that name, "he had some of his followers under a kind of mind control- I broke it, and there was chaos, and a few death eaters died- you can put Malfoy and Greyback on that list, one of the Carrows too I think, and Nott and Avery were in pretty bad shape last I've seen- and-" "Malfoy him or Malfoy her?" Sirius asks. I want to raise an eyebrow, say 'I didn't know you cared', but then I catch the way he is looking in the direction of the kitchen. Oh. Andromeda. I hadn't realised she was around. "Just him" I quickly explain. "Actually, that's another thing- I didn't exactly come here alone..."
There is definitely a lot of shouting involved, and I am just about ready to run outside, grab Bella and get away from here, when Andromeda stomps out of the kitchen and past everyone to open the door. Suddenly, it's very silent in the living room.
"Narcissa." Andromeda says, her voice cold but her resolve to stay that way definitely wavering. "And- Bella, you too? Regulus??"
"What?!" Sirius pushes her out of the way to see his younger brother. "Reg?! What the fuck?! Wait, you were under mind control??"
"Uh, no, actually" Regulus winces, scratches his head, taking an involuntary step back. "Really just didn't know how to get out, at this point... Did try to do some shit, but someone had gotten there before me, and then I kinda didn't have the energy to try again..." Sirius groans and shakes his head at him. "Fucking Slytherins..." "He took down Carrow" Bella interrupts. There's definitely some pride for her cousin in her voice. "You what?"
Interrupting before this gets more chaotic than necessary, I explain: "Actually, out of the three, only Bella was under the mind control. There were others, I have a few suspicions but nothing confirmed. Narcissa was magically bound to her husband in some way, but- well, he's dead now." no need going into the fact that I broke the connection beforehand. People know of your power- people want you to use it. Bad enough I can't pretend like I didn't do the rest- but, if I play it right, maybe it'll just look like it was another Dark Mark related thing instead of soul magic. As long as Bella and Narcissa play along... I curse myself for talking so openly earlier. Heat of the moment...
"And- what? We're supposed to believe that they are just immediately reformed?" Andromeda snaps, pulling me from my thoughts. "In case you have forgotten all about it, my dear sisters never stood up for me when I was cast out, and I'm fairly certain they weren't under any mind control then!" I pinch my neck. "Andromeda" I say, holding up a hand to silence her as well as her sisters. "They would have just been cast out too if they had tried to help you, what did you expect? They're Slytherins, some healthy egoism is in their blood! And-" I take a deep breath- "yes, they grew up around blood supremacy ideology and probably never questioned it much, but tell me- if you hadn't fallen in love with Ted, if you hadn't had any /reason/ to question it yourself, would you have acted any different than them?" Andromeda is silent, and I sigh. "Yes, they aren't perfect people, but they are ready to act against the Dark Lord, and isn't that all we need to know right now? You don't need to get on, but we can't afford to be picky with our allies at the moment."
Andromeda nods, stares at her sisters for a long moment and turns around to disappear in the house. In that moment, however, Regulus cries out and lands on his knees, hand pressing against his arm. I curse. "Fuck!" I should have thought of that, I should have /anticipated/ that and done something about it! Of course, the second maze of dark marks hadn't been broken, and Regulus hadn't been part of the first...
Bending down to get a better look at it, I am appalled: this isn't just a second round of the same thing, but a new, terrifying curse instead. This isn't just meant to curse pain and summon people, this is-
Breaking away from the magic with a gasp, I sit back and disarm him, then grasp Regulus' face, force him to look into my eyes. "The Dark Lord can control you through that" I hiss. "And it isn't- it isn't like the others, and I don't have /time/, he's going to act, he might try to take over your body- the only way to get rid of it I can think of is to get rid of the arm. Regulus?" He stares at me, shell-shocked and still obviously in pain. Then he presses out: "Do it."
I turn around to the others, looking for help. "Does anyone- he'll need medical attention at least-" "I'm getting Pomfrey!" Dädalus Diggle squeaks out and disapparates. I wince. Pomfrey means Dumbledore. Well, best get it all over with. I turn around to Regulus- only to find him staring back with unseeing eyes. Fuck. He turns on the spot, trying to apparate- and falls on his face. Thank Fuck has I thought to disarm him. It's easy to tie him up now, and he doesn't seem to be properly possessed by anything that could talk- Voldemort probably just sent out a generic 'come home' signal.
"What's happening to him?" Sirius shouts behind us, alarmed. "The fuck did she just say was happening" Bella hisses at him, and I smile at her protectiveness of me. Whatever else happens, I think we can figure out the thing between us.
The /cracks/ of apparition around us alert us of the arrival of newcomers, and we all immediately raise our wands in defence- it's Dumbledore, Mad-Eye, McGonnagall and Pomfrey (do they hang out for tea together, or what?), but I don't lower my defence immediately. "How many stories does the house behind us have?" I hiss. "Two" Dumbledore answers calmly. "It is really just us. Now, what is going on her?" "Constant vigilance!" Mad-Eye booms "She has it right! All of you, lowering your wands like little-" "Alastor!" McGonnagall interrupts him indignantly. In that moment, Dädalus arrives, carrying an assortment of medical equipment and potions bottles. Pomfrey steps forward to take some of them of him. "I was told there would be a patient?"
"Not yet" I say, nodding to Regulus. "But could we maybe move inside first?" that leads to another discussion ultimately abandoned for the moment when Regulus starts to twitch and I can see the curse slowly flickering past his elbow...
Mad-Eye is the one to do the actual amputating, and while I don't understand that choice, I believe in Pomfrey's judgement, and I'm glad it doesn't have to be me. Somehow, blood and open wounds in a medical environment are just more bile-inducing than in battle. Plus, it means I can be there for Bella when the continues discussion amongst the people not involved in the amputating turns back to what to do and where to go. We can't exactly keep standing just outside of the Fidelius property forever.
"Oh, for god's sake!" I finally hiss- for a moment then, I am afraid because I used a muggle idiom, but then I remember where I am. I turn to Dumbledore. "Let's use your pensive. You can tell when a memory has been tampered with, can't you? Let's go." Mad-Eye comes with us, and the five of us apparate to the Hogwarts gates. It is the first time I actually see the castle. It is, somehow, both more and less impressive than expected. Narcissa is the first Dumbledore asks for her memories. They are a jumbled mess of colours and shock and /fear/, neatly highlighting the scene where she /has/ to check on Lucius when he is unconscious, not revealing much about my actions apart from the fact that I used an imperius on Malfoy. Dumbledore raises an eyebrow at that, but he doesn't comment, and Mad-Eye just snorts: "Had it commin'!" Bellatrix' memory is first even more jumbled than Narcissa's, darkness of hatred clouding thoughts and judgement, only to go over in sharp, clear pain when her soul is healing herself. She doesn't show the scene of me telling them about soul-magic, either. Then I show my recap- how Bellatrix first changed after going to a meeting with Voldemort, how others had similar changes or behaviors, how Bellatrix collapsed under some outside influence- then back to how Narcissa never seemed to like her husband, how I cut the connection to him, and finally how, through Lucius' eyes under the imperius, I broke the connect of the Dark Mark to Voldemort. Dumbledore and Mad-Eye seem to buy that as the full story. After each taking a magicians' oath not to knowingly and actively aid Voldemort in any way (I demanded the phrasing instead of a vow not to act against the Order. That had too much room for complications), they were given the Secret of Tine Cottage, and we went back to Headquarters.
Just as Regulus is sitting down on the chair next to sirius, one cursed arm lighter and a grim expression on his face, Snape stumbles in- and it is that stumbling that saved him, because instantly, Mad-Eye, McGonnagal and I all have our wands pointed at him. The others would have probably just kept them pointing in threat, but I immediately disarm and stun him. "What-" squeaks Dädalus. I shake my head, walk over, kick away his wand and cast a diagnostic. I shiver. I might not like the man that much, but he doesn't deserve this. "It's the same as Regulus" I say slowly. "Only I don't think it's on his arm... The tattoo on his arm is empty, it must have been one of the ones I destroyed... This one is on his chest, over his heart." McGonnagal gasps in shock. I had heard that she and Snape are something like friends, now, or at least good colleagues, despite her having been his teacher not too long ago. I feel sorry for her.
"What can we do?" Regulus asks, staring at the pale form of Snape on the ground. I realise that he must have just found out that Snape isn't on Voldemort's side. "Right now, we have to make sure he can't move or talk, no matter what the Dark Lord wants him to do. Madam Pomfrey?" She sets to work putting Snape into a magically induced coma. I am thinking hard now. "Dumbledore- can you be sure that your Fidelius holds when Riddle possibly saw every last thought in Snape's head?" "The Fidelius is a charm of-" "I don't need a lesson, I need an answer!" I hiss. Some of the others are clearly distraught by the way I am talking to their leader, as if they don't remember that it was the same way before I went undercover. "...rest assured, it will hold." Dumbledore answers. "Now, my dear, I believe we have to have a discussion long overdue- while I am gratified to hear that Tom is weakened, your rash actions have put many at risk, including Severus here. And of course, the use of the Imperius curse-"
I explode, barely hearing how Mad-Eye grumbles about the unforgivable curses being legal for aurors at wartime. "Oh /shut up!/" I shout. "Shut up with your holier than thou attitude, and don't you dare talk down to me again calling me your 'dear'! I had acted immediately because it was already happening, you saw the damn memory, you saw how Bella collapsed, but I suppose I should have just left her to die 'for the greater good'! And don't pretend to even care about Severus, you wouldn't even have let him join the Order if we hadn't talked you into it, after all you already had your spy! And don't think I didn't notice how you didn't even care to mention Regulus- he's sitting here and missing an arm! And the goddamn imperius curse was fucking necessary to break the curse in the marks, plus it's not like I could have let Lucius go otherwise, anyway, yes maybe there would have been a better way but not in that moment when I didn't have any time! And /don't you dare pretend you have never done something questionable!/ I know your history maybe better than anyone else in this room apart from yourself, or /including/ if you've deluded yourself well enough! So be damn. Fucking. Careful what you say to me." panting, I sit down, and feel Bellatrix grabbing my shoulder in support. Mad-Eye slides over a glass of whiskey. There's a glint in his eyes as if he's glad to see Dumbledore taken down a notch- funny, I would have thought he was an Albus Dumbledore fanclub fanatic. But I detect no poison in the alcohol, so I down it. Needed that right now.
Dumbledore is silent. Everyone is, really. I sigh. While I'm glad the old man is shutting up for a moment, we still have a war to plan.
"How many of the- /items/ regarding Riddle's downfall have already been collected, and how many more do you think there are?" McGonnagall says. 'Items', really? What, does she think we're all going to turn into vicious crazed murderers to split our own soul if we find out what Horcruxes are? "You got three, right?" I ask. I got Hufflepuff's cup from Bella- uh, you probably don't remember that anymore, you asked to be obliviated afterwards-" "I remember leaving it in Gringotts like he asked, despite my- doubts-..." Bella murmurs. I can't help it, I grin proudly. "You got back into the bank immediately after, got the cup and asked to be obliviated of anything after you first left the bank. Terribly clever, that!" "Wait, was that while she was under the mind control thingy?" Sirius asks, and Regulus leans forward too, probably personally interested. I grimace. "The control she was under wasn't as- explicit- as the one you experienced. It wasn't like she was possessed, she was still herself for the most part, just- more open to murder and serving the Dark Lord unconditionally, basically... And she was already fighting it." then I remember something: "Oh! Wow, how the heck I managed to forget about this I don't even know" I exclaim, then mutter: "it's oozing evil so you'd think I'd've noticed, but I guess there's been too much of that today..." I pull Tom Riddle's diary out if my coat pocket, only touching it with my sleeve. "Number five! Got it from Lucius Malfoy's study. And- I don't actually think there are currently any others? If V- /He/ gets a familiar, we should make sure to kill that too, in case he's twisted enough to try something on a living thing, but otherwise..." silence falls in the room. Then, excited chattering from just about everyone. Despite myself, I have to grin, too, and reach up to squeeze Bella's hand that's still on my shoulder. The war is coming to a close.
Remus Lupin- the only spy we have left- arrives to report that the werewolves are in disarray, and while them not having a leader isn't an ideal state re: not killing anyone on the full moon, it's still definitely better than being lead by Greyback, who would have them kill on purpose. Also, not many of them are going to follow Voldemort- apparently, the Deatheater liaisons just stopped showing up. That's something. Are other Deatheaters just disappearing, too? Fleeing or dead? I wonder. And I propose an idea: to lure out Voldemort and all his followers for one big final battle to get rid of them all with a bang. Because while getting rid of the Dark Lord himself is the main goal, I'm afraid many if the Deathesters aren't quite as worshipful of him as they might have been in the distant future- they still see an organization that he happens to be the leader of, not a philosophy that stands and falls with him. If we take him out, what says another won't take over? "We know he has less people in his ranks than before, possibly less than he knows, probably less than the followers he still does have know- he wouldn't tell them that their position is weakened. If we can lure his army somewhere into the open- a field, or even Hogwarts grounds as long as the school is still closed- we can disappear in his army, dressed as Deatheaters ourselves, and take them out from within before it can even come to an attack" I suggest.
That leads to another great discussion, but in the end my idea is accepted. Which leads the question: how do we lure him out, what do we use as bait? "I have the full prophecy of which he only knows half." Dumbledore tells us. "What prophecy?" "Prophecy, what prophecy?" oh, how nice to see that his people are always fully informed of what's going on. Not. An explanation (and a lot of sneering about wanting the prophecy to come true from my side to Dumbledore, which leads to Sirius and Remus getting mad at him too in defense of their godson) later, Narcissa asks: "But how do we get the Dark Lord to go after it?" before immediately blushing, looking down and wanting to disappear. It's the first time she has said anything in this meeting. "We could use Snape" Bella chimes in. I grin. "That's a grand idea- he knows Snape's a spy and undoubtedly also who he is with, he's going go keep trying to look through his eyes... If, the next time Pomfrey would have to renew the coma spells, we just chain him to the bed instead and let him wake, we can have people visit him- several, to make it more believable, with most just there to talk to Snape and try to talk him out of his mind control- but me, or one of you two- or Regulus, too- we could go in to speak to Voldemort through him, to taunt him, to make it seem like we think we've already won because of what the prophecy said..."
Getting Voldemort to bite is disgustingly easy. We put Snape in a hospital bed in Hogwarts to make sure Voldy will come to the right location, then Dumbledore comes to talk to Severus about fighting the evil within while completely ignoring all that Tom has to say to the topic- next is Lily, who has a pretty good fake cry, pretending that she wants her best friend back while of course the true reason is for old Morty to see her at Hogwarts- if the prophecy isn't enough, the prospect of getting to the Potters /and/ the prophecy might do. And then, entry Bella, laughing mean and half-crazed about what she has heard about the prophecy the Dark Lord was so in love with, and that he would never get to rule ever again because he was stupid enough to believe half-knowledge was enough, and that little attacks by his followers were getting him anywhere, how good for us it was that he holed up his own power in a cave to rot. Yeah, Voldy-Snape snarled pretty impressively when she left the room, I'm kind of sorry for the state of Snape's teeth from all that grinding them.
Meanwhile, we have copied Death Eater masks and cloaks while also managing go get in contact with a few of the others I had suspected to be under 'mind control'. Arleen Singer, Corban Yaxley, Sabina Frey... Sabina has scars on her face she hadn't had when I had last seen her, and a part of me feels guilty for not making sure that she got out of Malfoy Manor safely- on the other hand, I'm just glad the scars aren't on mine of Bellatrix' faces.
On the day of the battle, everything feels rather anticlimactic. We had all preparations ready days before, having hurried not knowing when Voldemort would come, and even though he comes in the dead of night, many are already awake and the rest do wake when the first alarm is triggered. We move, silent and disillusioned until we reach our location, into the rows of death eaters and the rest of the Dark Lord's followers. We had decided to go in pairs, to pre-decided locations far enough apart that the stunning spell-bombs we have won't reach the other pairs. There was much discussion about what to do about Voldemort, now that he is most likely mortal, too, and in the end Mad-Eye ended the discussion by stating that as an Auror, he has a kill order on that man, and he won't do anything less. Dumbledore isn't happy about it, but he doesn't need to be. Squeezing Bella's hand under our Death-eater robes, I wait for the signal. It's pretty obvious when it happens- green light where Voldemort stood in the middle of his army, two flashes- one for the snake, one for the man. Then green sparks, the all clear.
Voldemort has fallen.
The Dark Lord is no more.
There will be time for relief later, now I have to move: I activate the ring of the spell-bomb in my hand, aiming away from us, while Bella does the same. As soon as the chaos starts, we scream as if surprised and run forward- past the line that ends the area that is going to trap the Deatheaters. Once we are past it, we pretend to be caught as if by invisible strings- as if this is the dangerous area, and not the one the Deatheaters are already on. The few others who weren't hit stumble back, afraid, and the two who do move forward past the line are caught by actual spells when they don't pretend to be caught to indicate that they belong to us.
Counting the figures with their hands in the air in the position as arranged, I smile when I see that we all made it back out alright. Raising my hand and shooting green sparks in the air, the rest of our team raise the anti-apparition, anti-magic in general wards on the area the Death eaters are on, plus physical shields not only surrounding the area but also in partages, in case one of them goes on a rampage he won't be able to get to everyone of them now. Deatheater or not, those people should get a trial now that the war is over. McGonnagall sends a patronus to the ministry, and Mad-Eye goes to collect more Aurors.
I don't stay to find out what happens next. My part is done here.
In the Great Hall in Hogwarts, breakfast is layed out. I sigh as we enter, leaning into Bellatrix, finally able to relax somewhat. Bella smiles, then slowly walks over towards the Slytherin table, stroking her hand over the old wood. What memories is she thinking on? "What would your house be?" she asks me instead. "I know you were never sorted." I frown. I had never given this much thought. During the war, I had done many things one could call stupidly brave, but I hadn't done them out of chivalry or to prove that I wasn't afraid. Many actions were, of course, means to an end, calculating in Slytherin ways... And I had had to be clever, and I valued intelligence. But then again... "The sorting hat usually decides what house you are at eleven" I muse. "Had I been sorted at that age, I would have undoubtedly been a Slytherin, angry at my fate, at the world, ready to do just about anything to anyone to get what I wanted. Then throughout my life, however... I did things that fit in all four houses. Maybe not Gryffindor, at the very least less. But at the moment, what I would choose, or what the hat might choose for me based on my values? Hufflepuff. Kindness, loyalty, we need more of that in this fucked up world."
Part 5
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