#name: borb
lollyland · 1 year
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Happy New Year!!!!
A friend proposed a challenge about drawing our OCs presenting the Spanish tradition of New Year (eating 12 grapes with the first 12 chimes of the year, even though we treat them as the last from the year before). The most popular ones are broadcasted from la Puerta del Sol in Madrid, and that's where I chose to put some of my RPG characters.
The 12 grapes are supposed to give us a great start of the year, and good luck. Sooooo the character almost fused with the shadows may give them problems...
The characters are, from left to right, Traz (NPC, brother of my PC in that one shot campaign, Jaspe), Phlox (my PC in a RWBY campaign), Jaspe (the PC of a one shot campaign in a homebrew DnD universe, in the past or the main campaign), Dionysia (cousin of Phlox), and Borb (temporal PC of the main campaign of that DnD universe).
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astriiformes · 2 years
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Went to the queer student group's kickoff event this evening and met a person who brings an emotional support quail everywhere with her, which she held out excitedly after seeing me with Flapjack and insisted we get a picture of them together. I love humans.
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sol-lar-bink · 2 months
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More Kirby OC doodles (: I've shared some before but wanted to post the whole page!
Also featuring a few friends OCs- Cordelia the Noddy @theyoshimister Rosie the Spider (The red one) @quikyu
Close ups under ze cut vvv
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your-local-grubdog · 11 months
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He's just a little unhinged after dying and coming back to life on an alien hell world. Just a little.
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m1d-45 · 1 year
Finches can scream when sad/agitated so all I can imagine is Xiao hopping onto a mountaintop later and screaming his little vocal cords out. And subsequently get taken care of by the reader when we notice he's suddenly very quiet which can be a sign of sorrow/illness/stress. They can also make these noises whenever they're bored but that's not angsty enough. (Also has Xiao always been a finch and I've just been blind??)
i imagine xiao’s quiet for a bird, but even so it’s easy to tell when he’s upset. he’s always quiet, just sort of… dull. standing there.
oh, or, he gets the urge to scream like this after reader vents, and they assume they’ve somehow angered him, only making the problem worse. he’s not mad at you, he’s not, he just- his form is too small to hold his anger, it needs to be let out but he can’t just leave you-
also, no, he hasn’t! i. don’t think. i’ve never specified his species (bc i don’t know birds nor what birds are in liyue at that) but i beliiieve sibling anon called him a cardinal? then you said finch and it was on my mind as i touched up ‘he who is without sin’ so that’s where that finch line is from, if that’s what you’re confused over.
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pikmin-applebloom-art · 5 months
FOUND MY TABLET PEN here's a fixed version of that Metadedede Pic from earlier
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deathbirby · 10 months
The worse part about the whole Sitri thing was I never once said she was happy to die in childbirth, I only wanted to say that I didn’t think she was upset that she died nor did she hate her life like some people at the time were implying.
I myself for a while had to stay in one place due to my health and while I know people who might have seen that as miserable, I myself was glad to have spent my time the way I did despite my unfortunate situation.
The entire reason it even became “discourse” was because the person who so “kindly” screenshot the post and left my name out, also left out the rest of the thread where I went over how I thought Sitri, in the end, would have thought she lived a good life. Sure she didn’t have adventures around Fodlan but she enjoyed her time around Rhea, Aelfric, and Jeralt. She was happy hearing the stories that Jeralt had to tell her even if she couldn’t live them.
How that became “Sitri was happy to die in childbirth” is beyond me but most Edelstans who clout chase like that have a knack for leaving out the nitty gritty.
Same as Raxy trying to imply I thought Lambert was a better person because he engaged in imperialism when I very very explicitly said that it made him more interesting to explore as a character compared to how Ionius was always absolved of every wrong doing and how nothing was ever his fault.
Those people just like twisting words to fit whatever agenda they think will create the largest mob against their target.
I'm sorry that all of that happened to you, anon. The mob mentality with the stans is honestly terrifying. They remove context and do everything to make the other person look bad.
Having opinions isn't allowed here. You either lick Ladle's boot or get the fuck out.
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settriigh · 1 year
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"Catch these hands."
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zheph · 7 months
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andr000m · 1 year
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IRON CHRONO (normal/psychic)
did this because of this lewtwo tweet
Based on: hoothoot, beta noctowl, alarm clocks
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thatguypharaotix · 2 years
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A Blue-footed Booby plushie I made for my mother. These days it is wearing a lil wig to cover its bald head, but still loved dearly <3
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birdyleblanc · 10 months
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god i love this bird
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flynnarts · 8 months
Gold Birb
He is the gold birb
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You've done all the things in your poll yes? What pet did you name after a Yugioh character?
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My parakeet, Joey Wheeler! She was feisty, and also yellow and green.
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blorbanatomy · 15 hours
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enderblogs-24 · 1 year
HE'S PERFECT 🥹💖🥹💖🥹💖🥹💖🥹💖
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He's just... he... I-
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His little beak!!
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And little FEETS!!!
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I only met him thirty minutes ago, but I have fallen in love with this little man. I love him.
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