#nakba 23-24
news4dzhozhar · 2 months
“The Worst of What Humanity Is Capable Of”: Pediatrician on What She Saw in Gaza
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You can watch/listen to her full, disturbing interview at the link above.
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opencommunion · 4 months
some online/livestreamed events and teach-ins happening this week (times in EST) Monday Jan 22 PACC and ADC on the recent rise in Anti-Arab, Anti-Palestinian, and Islamophobic sentiments in the U.S 6 pm Tuesday Jan 23 Sherene Seikaly on Palestine, Zionism, and the Nakba 1pm Skateboarders for Palestine Alliance: Why should the global skateboarding industry take a position on Palestine and how? 1pm Audre Lorde Project on Pinkwashing 6:30 pm
Wednesday Jan 24 Live from Jericho: the beauty, culture, and struggles of the oldest city in the world 12 pm Friday Jan 26 Defense for Children International - Palestine v. Biden Pre-hearing briefing: 10:30 am Hearing: 12 pm No Tech for Settler Colonialism: from Occupied Kashmir to Palestine 1:30 pm Saturday Jan 27 Rev. Dr. Mitri Raheb on the Bible and Settler Colonialism in Palestine and Beyond 9:30 am Dr. Gerald Horne on the Black Freedom Struggle and Palestine 11:30 am
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bluesyemre · 2 years
Harbiye Open Air - Live Symphonic #MorveÖtesi
Harbiye Open Air – Live Symphonic #MorveÖtesi
Recorded live at Harbiye Cemil Topuzlu Open Air Theater on 08.07.2019. morveötesi #canlısenfonik #harbiyeaçıkhava 0:00:00 Intro 0:01:55 Güneşi Beklerken 0:08:29 Canlı Yayın 0:14:52 Aşk İçinde 0:19:24 Araf 0:25:02 Kış Geliyor 0:31:28 Yağmur Teşekkürler 0:36:37 Son Deneme 0:39:59 Melekler Ölmez 0:45:00 Oyunbozan 0:50:27 Nakba 0:55:32 Cambaz 1:01:23 Deli 1:06:52 2012 1:12:18 Uyan 1:20:05 Küçük…
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p21gallery · 3 years
We Refuse To Be Scapegoats
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We are pleased to share an excerpt of Michael Rothberg‘s influential book Multidirectional Memory: Remembering the Holocaust in the of Age of Decolonisation (Stanford University Press, 2009) – one of the catalysts for Pam Skelton's new moving image works to be presented to the public for the first time as part of our forthcoming exhibition We Refuse to be Scapegoats at P21 Gallery from 24 June – 10 July 2021. 
Download Michael Rothberg‘s book excerpt as part of We Refuse to be Scapegoats extensive exhibition resources, compiled by the artist Pam Skelton and exhibition curator Iliyana Nedkova, here: https://www.pamskelton.org/multidirectional-memory-remembering-the-holocaust-in-the-of-age-of-decolonisation/
 Join us for the We Refuse to be Scapegoats exhibition private view in person at the gallery on 23 June 2020. Free and open all but registration here is essential: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/private-view-we-refuse-to-be-scapegoats-tickets-157969508051
Find out more about the exhibition here': https://p21.gallery/current-exhibitions/we-refuse-to-be-scapegoats
Screenshot from Where We Live (2021) – one of Pam Skelton's moving image works featured in We Refuse to be Scapegoats exhibition at P21 Gallery
#letscreate #HereForCulture #exhibition #WeRefuseToBeScapegoats #artist #pamskelton #curator #iliyananedkova #curatorialintern #mathildejourdan #supporter #johntalbot #britishart #videoart #artistmovingimage #contemporaryart #britishartist #palestine #nakba #holocaust #freepalestine #freeSheikhJarrah #freegaza #p21gallery #MiddleEast #london #peace #MichaelRothberg #multididirectionalmemory #decolonialisation
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expatimes · 4 years
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Eviction of Israeli Palestinians in Sheikh Jarrah part of policy
For at least a dozen Palestinian families living in the occupied East Jerusalem neighborhood of Sheikh Jarrah, the threat of eviction from their homes looms over their heads, paralysing any thoughts of the future.
In October, the Israeli magistrate court of Jerusalem ruled to evict 12 of the 24 Palestinian families in Sheikh Jarrah and to give their homes to Israeli Jewish settlers. The court also ruled that each family must pay 70,000 shekels ($ 20,000) in fees to cover the settlers' legal expenses.
The families were given 30 days to file an appeal, but most expressed little hope for a ruling in their favor, saying the Israeli judiciary is no more than an instrument of the Israeli occupation policy of forcibly displacing and erasing the Palestinian presence in Jerusalem.
“Since the eviction order, we've been living with the daily anxiety of not knowing when the Israeli army will come and evict us from our home,” said Ahmad Hammad, a resident of Sheikh Jarrah.
“All of my memories are here. I was born here and my father, aunts, uncles and grandparents all lived in this house. ”
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Israeli forces patrol as a Palestinian building in demolished in the village of Sur Baher, which sits on either side of the Israeli barrier in occupied East Jerusalem and the occupied West Bank [File: Mussa Qawasma/Reuters]
'Well-oiled colonial machine'
Sheikh Jarrah, located on the slopes of Mount Scopus just north of the Old City, is home to 3,000 Palestinians, all refugees who were ethnically cleansed from their homes in other parts of historical Palestine during the 1948 Nakba.
The neighborhood is a juxtaposition of affluent and poorer areas, home to the American Colony and Ambassador hotels. But the part where the refugees and their descendants live is marked by unpaved roads and homes that are in disrepair because the Israeli municipality in Jerusalem prevents any kind of renovation work.
The refugees, 28 families displaced from their homes by Israel, were able to relocate to Sheikh Jarrah in 1956 after Jordan, which had a mandate over the eastern part of Jerusalem, built housing projects for them there. An agreement between the United Nations and Jordan stipulated that the families would receive the houses in return for renouncing their refugee status with the UN refugee agency and that after three years the Jordanian government would transfer ownership titles to the families.
However, that did not happen and by 1967, Israel had captured East Jerusalem.
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Right-wing Israeli activists place an Israeli flag in support of Jewish settlement activity in the Sheikh Jarrah neighborhood [File: Ronen Zvulun/Reuters]
According to Grassroots Jerusalem, an NGO that is a platform for Palestinian community-based mobilization, there has been an influx of Jewish settlers since 2001 “who have been responsible for forced evictions and terrorism in the neighborhood”.
According to Fayrouz Sharqawi, global mobilisation director for Grassroots Jerusalem, it is “absurd” to count on the Israeli judicial system to protect Palestinian rights.
“This system is an integral part of the Zionist colonial state, which identifies as a 'Jewish state' and accordingly and systematically oppresses, dispossesses and displaces Palestinians,” she told Al Jazeera.
“Rulings that momentarily suspend eviction or demolition orders serve only Israel, as they create the illusion that it is a democratic state where courts hold the government or army accountable and prevent violations of Palestinian rights,” she continued.
Sharqawi said even in the best-case scenarios, more than 70 years of occupation prove that court decisions postpone but rarely reverse such orders, which are eventually implemented.
“Palestinians, especially in Jerusalem, have to face a well-oiled colonial machine: the Israeli military, bureaucratic and judicial systems, who work hand in hand on dispossession and displacement of Palestinians,” she said.
Evictions part of Israeli 'demographic balance'
For Hammad, he knows the reality all too well.
“I'm not optimistic regarding the appeal,” he said. “I just feel like it's buying more time but only for the inevitable to happen.
“We have all the documents and proof needed,” he added. "But the overwhelming feeling is that of fear and seeing our home being taken away from us and given to settlers."
This Palestinian writer wants Americans to understand how their tax dollars are making his family homeless. pic.twitter.com/2D85iM7BUl
- AJ + (@ajplus) November 26, 2020
Since the 1970s, the Israeli government has been working on implementing a “demographic balance” in Jerusalem at a 70-30 ratio, limiting the Palestinian population in the city to 30 percent or less.
This urban planning has been executed by a number of policies such as land confiscation, displacement, and colonization of Palestinian neighborhoods.
On November 26, the Jerusalem District Court authored the eviction of 87 Palestinians from the Batan al-Hawa area in occupied East Jerusalem's Silwan neighborhood in favor of the Israeli settler group Ateret Cohanim.
The 87 Palestinian residents of Batan al-Hawa have been living in their homes since 1963.
After launching a legal case against the residents, Ateret Cohanim settled 23 Israeli families among 850 Palestinian residents, under heavy security.
Other settler organizations, some funded by individuals in the US, include Nahalat Shimon and the Israel Land Fund.
According to the UN Office for the Coordination of Humanitarian Affairs (OCHA), 689 structures have been demolished across the occupied West Bank, including East Jerusalem, in 2020 alone - more than in any full year since 2016 - leaving 869 Palestinians homeless.
'Irrevocably political'
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Mohammed al-Kurd was just 11 years old when Jewish settlers forcibly took over half of his home in November 2009 [File: Jaclynn Ashly/Al Jazeera]
For Mohammed al-Kurd, a poet and writer from Sheikh Jarrah who is currently studying in New York, the evictions of Palestinians, which he describes as “forced displacements”, are not just an isolated event.
“It is a rooting of a sustainable dispossession movement,” he told Al Jazeera.
“We need to always constantly remind people that this is not just some poor Palestinian family [who] for some weird legal reason [is] losing their property. This is [about] Hundreds of thousands of Palestinians all around Jerusalem and neighbouring cities - Palestine at large - who are facing the vicious fangs of a judicial system inherently to displace them.
Al-Kurd was just 11 years old when Jewish settlers forcibly took over half of his home in November 2009 and described sharing it with “squatters with Brooklyn accents” as “insufferable, intolerable. [and] terrible ”.
“They are just sitting in our home, tormenting us, harassing us, doing everything they can to not only force us to leave the second half of hour home but also harassing our neighbours into leaving their homes as part of an effort to completely annihilate the presence of Palestinians from Jerusalem, ”he said.
Hammad, who grew up with al-Kurd, said it is difficult to think and plan ahead for the future.
"I don't know what will happen if they evict us," he said. “This ruling came at a time where life is pretty much as a standstill due to the coronavirus pandemic.
“We're taking this day by day,” he continued. "Even if we decided to pitch a tent outside our house and live there, the Israeli government will not allow it."
Al-Kurd said his family cannot afford to rent a place in Jerusalem, and the only other choice they will have will be to go to the occupied West Bank, where they will lose their Jerusalem residency and not be allowed to come back to the city again.
“That is the larger issue here,” he explained. “It's home demolitions, forced displacements, evictions, but it's also psychological - losing our to enter Jerusalem again.
"The way Israel has created this to look like some kind of a legal problem - it's not, it's irrevocably political."
. #world Read full article: https://expatimes.com/?p=14958&feed_id=20729
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spicynbachili1 · 6 years
Gaza protests: All the latest updates | Palestine News
For greater than six months, Palestinians within the Gaza Strip have protested alongside the fence with Israel demanding their proper to return to the houses and land their households had been expelled from 70 years in the past.
The Nice March of Return rallies culminated on Might 15 to mark what Palestinians consult with because the Nakba, or Disaster – a reference to the pressured removing of 750,000 Palestinians from their houses and villages to clear the way in which for Israel’s institution in 1948.
The mass Friday demonstrations have continued since.
Because the protests started on March 30, Israeli forces have killed no less than 210 Palestinians within the besieged coastal enclave and wounded greater than 18,000 folks, based on well being officers in Gaza.
Newest updates:
Friday, October 26
Israeli forces have fired reside bullets and rubber-coated metal rounds at Palestinians protesting alongside the fence of Israel, killing no less than 5 of them and wounding an extra 170, based on medical officers.
The loss of life and damage toll was offered by Ashraf al-Qifra, spokesperson for the well being ministry in Gaza.
The 5 folks killed had been recognized as Ayesh Sha’th, 23, Saeed Abu Lebdeh, 22, Nassar Abu Taym, 23 and Mohammad Abdul-Nabi, 27 and Jabir Abu Hameesa, 27.
A few of these wounded had been taken to hospital for therapy, whereas others obtained medical help within the discipline clinics alongside the border.
A demonstrator waves a Palestinian flag throughout a protest calling for lifting the blockade on Gaza [Mohammed Salem/Reuters]
Friday, October 19
No less than 130 Palestinians wounded, no fatalities reported
Israeli troopers have wounded no less than 130 Palestinians together with 25 youngsters, based on the spokesman for the Palestinian well being ministry, Ashraf al-Qidra.
The official stated protesters had been focused with reside ammunition and that there had not been any Palestinian fatality to date throughout Friday’s protest. 
It was the 30th consecutive Friday that Palestinian demonstrators converged on the Gaza-Israel buffer zone to protest Israel’s decades-long occupation. 
Friday, October 12
Seven killed, dozens extra injured 
Israeli forces have killed seven Palestinians, together with two teenage boys, throughout ongoing protests alongside the Israeli separation fence east of Gaza, based on the enclave’s well being ministry. 
4 Palestinians had been killed alongside the fence east of Al-Bureij within the centre of the Gaza Strip, whereas one died east of Gaza Metropolis, Dr Ashraf al-Qedra, spokesman for the well being ministry, stated. 
The seven victims had been recognized as: Mohammad Issam Mohammad Abbas (21), Ahmed Ibrahim Zaki al-Taweel (27), Mohammed Abdulhafid Youssef Ismail (29), Ahmed Ahmed Abdallah Abu Naeem (17), Abdallah Barham Ibrahim Suleiman al-Daghma (25) and Afifi Mahmoud Atta Afifi (18) and Tamer Iyad Mahmoud Abu Armanah. 
It was not instantly clear the place Abbas was killed.
Al-Qidra stated 252 others had been wounded, 154 of whom had been focused with reside ammunition. 
Friday, October 5
Three Palestinians, together with minor, killed by Israeli hearth
The Gaza well being ministry has confirmed that 12-year-old Faris al-Sirsawi has been killed close to the fence east of the coastal enclave by Israeli sniper hearth.
Mahmoud Akram Abu Samaan, 24, was additionally shot and killed whereas Hussein al-Raqab, 28, succumbed to his wounds within the Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis after being shot at earlier.
In response to the ministry’s spokesperson Ashra al-Qidra, 192 others have been wounded, together with a parademic and a journalist, with seven in critical situation.
Wednesday, October three
Palestinian teenager killed, 24 others injured 
A Palestinian teenager was killed by Israeli forces throughout demonstrations alongside Gaza’s northern border with Israel. 
Ahmed Abu Habel, 15, succumbed to a head wound after being hit with a tear gasoline canister fired by Israeli troopers close to a checkpoint between Israel and the besieged enclave. 
Twenty-four others had been injured, the spokesperson for Gaza’s well being ministry, Ashraf al-Qidra stated. 
Israel’s navy didn’t touch upon the precise incident however a spokeswoman informed AFP that troopers had “fired reside rounds in accordance with the foundations of engagement” as protesters massed alongside the border.
Friday, September 28
Six Palestinians killed, together with two youngsters
Wounded Palestinian boy Youssef Abu Zarifa receives therapy at a hospital in Khan Younis [AFP]
The spokesperson for Gaza’s well being ministry confirmed the killing of six protesters and the wounding of 506 others on the 27th Friday of protests.
Mohammed Nayef al-Houm, 14, was shot within the chest by Israeli sniper hearth east of al-Bureij in Gaza’s center district.
Iyad Khalil al-Shaaer, 18, was additionally killed in the course of the protests, the ministry’s spokesperson Ashraf al-Qidra stated.
A 12-year-old boy, Nasser Mosabih, additionally succumbed to his wounds after being shot within the head east of Khan Younis in Gaza’s south.
Mohammed Ali Mohammed Anshasi, 18, was additionally killed in Khan Younis.
Two different Palestinians killed by Israeli gunfire haven’t but been recognized. 
Friday, September 21
Israel forces open hearth on Palestinians
A Palestinian was killed by an Israeli sniper and dozens of others had been wounded throughout ongoing protests on the border fence.
Karim Mohammed Kallab, 25, died after being shot within the abdomen throughout protests east of Gaza Metropolis. Greater than 300 different folks had been wounded, together with 54 shot with reside ammunition, well being ministry spokesman Ashraf al-Qidra stated.
The demonstrations had been the strongest in current weeks.
The Israeli military stated greater than 10,000 folks gathered at a number of areas alongside the border fence.
“The rioters are hurling grenades and explosive gadgets, burning tyres and hurling rocks at [Israeli] troops and the safety fence,” it stated. Troopers responded with reside hearth “in accordance with commonplace working procedures”.
An Israeli plane additionally carried out assaults in Gaza. A place belonging to Hamas was hit, based on witnesses.
Abbas tells Israel Palestinians are prepared for talks
Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas stated he is able to resume peace negotiations with Israel. 
Israel and the US recommended just lately that Palestinian leaders had been accountable for the stalling of peace talks. Palestinians say Israel’s continued building of settlements, amongst different points, is accountable.
“We’re prepared for negotiations with Israel – both in public or behind closed doorways – with the [Middle East] Quartet as sponsor,” stated Abbas.
The so-called Center East Quartet is comprised of the US, Russia, the UN and the EU.
“The Palestinians have not rejected negotiations,” Abbas stated throughout a joint press convention with French President Emmanuel Macron in Paris.
“[Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin] Netanyahu is the one who has derailed the peace course of.”
Thursday, September 20
Teenager killed in southern Gaza
The Gaza well being ministry has confirmed the loss of life of a Palestinian teen after he was shot within the head by Israeli sniper hearth east of Rafah within the southern strip.
Ashraf al-Qidra, the ministry’s spokesperson, stated Mo’males Abu Ayadeh, 15, was killed early Thursday morning whereas he was in one of many most important “proper of return” encampments arrange alongside the fence with Israel.
Tuesday, September 18
Two Palestinians killed in a single day by Israeli air assault in Khan Younis
The our bodies of two Palestinians had been recovered by Pink Crescent medics on the fence within the southern Gaza Strip, after an Israeli warplane focused them late Monday evening.
Gaza’s well being ministry later recognized the boys as 18-year-old Naji Abuasi and 21-year-old Alaa Abuasi.
In an announcement, the Israeli military stated they focused a gaggle of “terrorists” who had been seen close to the fence appearing in a “suspicious” manner.
“An [Israeli] plane attacked terrorists who approached the fence within the southern Gaza Strip in a suspicious method and planted a suspicious object alongside it,” the Israeli navy stated.
Saturday, September 15
Teenager succumbs to wounds and dies
Suheib Abu Kashif, 16, has died from his accidents sustained in a protest on August three, Gaza’s wholesome ministry spokesman Ashraf al-Qidra stated.
Abu Kashif has been within the European Hospital, in Khan Younis since he was first wounded.
Friday, September 14
Three Palestinians killed, together with one baby
The spokesperson for Gaza’s ministry confirmed the killing of three protesters and the wounding of 248 others on the 25th Friday of protests.
Mohammed Shaqoura, 21, was shot within the chest by Israeli sniper hearth east of of al-Bureij in Gaza’s center district. 
A toddler whose physique was taken to the Indonesian Hospital was later recognized as Shadi Abdelaziz Abdulal, 12 who was shot east of Jabalia in northern Gaza.
Within the southern district, Hani Ramzi Afaneh, 21, was shot and killed. 
Saturday, September eight
Gaza teen dies on account of wounds 
A Palestinian teen has died of his wounds a day after he was shot by Israeli troops throughout a protest on the fence with Israel based on well being officers within the Gaza Strip.
Ahmad Abu Tayoor, 17, was shot late on Friday near the southern metropolis of Rafah, the well being ministry stated.
One other 17-year-old Palestinian, Belal Khafaja, was shot lifeless on Friday. No less than 210 different protesters, together with 15 youngsters, suffered accidents.
The Israeli military stated in an announcement on Saturday that it was opening an investigation into the circumstances surrounding the deaths of the 2 younger protesters.
Friday, September 7
Palestinian teen killed, greater than 200 wounded within the jap Gaza Strip
One Palestinian has been killed by Israeli forces within the jap Gaza Strip, based on well being officers in Gaza.
Belal Mustafa Khafaja, 17, died on Friday after being shot within the chest by an Israeli sniper.
Well being officers stated 210 protesters had been additionally wounded, together with 15 youngsters.
In response to well being ministry spokesman Ashraf al-Qidra, 70 folks had been handled in hospitals throughout the Gaza Strip.  
Friday, August 31
Greater than 200 wounded throughout the Gaza Strip
No less than 240 Palestinians have been injured by Israeli forces in Friday’s protest, based on Ashraf al-Qidra, the spokesperson for the ministry of well being in Gaza.
Two circumstances – a feminine medic and a 10-year-old baby – had been in critical situation.
Qidra additionally stated that an ambulance belonging to the Pink Crescent was focused by Israeli forces north of the Strip, leading to damaged home windows and injuring one medic.
Mueen al-Masry, who was hit within the chest with a tear gasoline canister contained in the car, was taken to the closest hospital for therapy.
Friday, August 24
50 Palestinians wounded by reside bullets
Israeli forces fired reside bullets and tear gasoline at protesters close to the fence with Israel, wounding no less than 189 Palestinians, based on well being officers in Gaza.
Of these injured, 50 had been hit by reside bullets, Palestinian information company Wafa reported. 
“We have seen a variety of tear gasoline fired … [and] what appears like reside ammunition as properly,” stated Al Jazeera’s Charles Stratford, reporting from the protests.
Roughly, 5,000 folks attended Friday’s demonstration, the 22nd Friday of rallies. 
“There are fewer folks right here this week that we have seen in current weeks,” stated Stratford.
“Some … suppose that one of many the reason why the protests are being [attended by fewer people] this week is as a result of we predict the resumptions of the talks being mediated by the Egyptians in Cairo, between Hamas and Israel.
“Israel denies that there’s any direct dialog going … however we do know the Egyptians are being very eager and are working very onerous to get each events to comply with some form of lasting ceasefire,” he added. 
A Palestinian girl runs as Israeli troops hearth tear gasoline throughout a protest on Friday, August 24 [Ibraheem Abu Mustafa/Reuters]
Friday, August 17
Palestinian killed in Rafah
Ashraf al-Qidra, the spokesperson for Gaza’s ministry of well being, stated a second Palestinian had been shot lifeless by Israeli forces on Friday. 
Sa’di Akram Muammar, 26, was killed east of Rafah, within the southern Gaza Strip.
The variety of wounded protesters has risen to 270. 
One killed, scores wounded
One Palestinian has been killed by Israeli forces, based on well being officers in Gaza.
Karim Abu Fatayer, 30, died after being shot within the head by an Israeli sniper.
Well being officers stated 154 different protesters had been wounded, together with 4 medics who suffocated from tear gasoline. 
Abu Fatayer’s loss of life brings the quantity of Palestinian protesters killed since March 30 to 165.
Israeli forces hearth tear gasoline in direction of Palestinian demonstrators in Gaza [Mohammed Salem/Reuters]
‘Quiet build-up’ to this week’s protest
In response to the Gaza Ministry of Well being, no less than 10 Palestinians have been injured close to the Israeli fence.
Talking from Gaza, Al Jazeera’s Charles Stratford stated that the protests have been quiet up to now.
“To this point at this time we have seen far much less of the incendiary balloons and kites that Israel says have precipitated a lot injury throughout the border,” he stated.
“It has been quiet within the build-up to this week’s protest, and we noticed that Israel has allowed the opening of Gaza’s solely industrial crossing Karem Abu Salem earlier this week, and develop the restricted space which the fishermen can function,” he continued. 
“It is important if this calm goes to be maintained between Israel and Hamas that neither aspect commits what both aspect understand as being a provocation.”
There have additionally been stories circulating in Israeli media of an Egypt-UN mediated settlement between Hamas and Israel being reached, which incorporates an prolonged ceasefire.
“There’s additionally been speak of doubtless the rebuilding of a few of Gaza’s infrastructure utilizing international funding, and a variety of emphasis on a prisoner trade as properly,” Stratford stated.
“However Hamas has not confirmed these stories, and there hasn’t been an official assertion concerning these talks from the Israeli aspect.”
Saturday, August 11
Gaza flotilla to protest in opposition to Israeli blockade
Palestinian fishermen within the Gaza Strip are set to stage a protest in opposition to Israel’s almost 12-year land, air and sea blockade of the enclave.
Protest organisers informed Al Jazeera that round 40 to 50 boats are anticipated to depart the Gaza port on Saturday and sail north in direction of Israel. 
“The protesting fishermen are highlighting their struggling and the restrictions they’re beneath due to the Israeli blockade,” stated Al Jazeera’s Charles Stratford, reporting from the Gaza port. “Fifty thousand households are ultimately depending on the fishing trade right here.”
Final month, Israel’s defence minister restricted Gaza’s fishing boundaries from six to a few nautical miles off the coast.
The Israeli navy intercept ships making an attempt to breach the naval blockade, and infrequently hearth on fishermen who cross into restricted areas. 
Additionally enforced by Egypt, the blockade has been in place since Hamas started administering the Strip in 2007. 
Two Israeli drone strikes, two injured
Israeli drone strikes in Gaza focusing on Palestinian protesters attempting to launch incendiary balloons and kites throughout the fence with Israel have wounded no less than two folks, sources have informed Al Jazeera.
“Within the final hour or so, there was one [strike] in Beit Hanoun within the north of Gaza – no casualties reported there,” Al Jazeera’s Charles Stratford, reporting from Gaza, stated on Saturday afternoon
“The second strike within the east of the central area injured no less than two folks,” he added.   
UN delegation to fulfill Hamas officers
A UN delegation representing the particular coordinator for the peace course of, Nickolay Mladenov, has arrived in Gaza for conferences with Hamas officers. 
The go to is a part of an ongoing effort to decrease tensions between Hamas and Israel. The talks are anticipated to deal with the main points of a ceasefire proposal. 
Al Jazeera’s Charles Stratford, reporting from Gaza, stated that no strains have come out of the conferences up to now.
“These conferences with Hamas are just about at all times behind closed doorways, however what they do counsel is that this unbelievable urgency that’s wanted in an effort to attempt to set up some form of lasting truce between Hamas and Israel after the escalations in current weeks,” he stated. 
1000’s pay final respects to a few Palestinians killed 
1000’s of Palestinians on Saturday attended funerals for 3 Palestinians killed by Israeli gunfire a day earlier.
Mourners laid volunteer paramedic Abdullah al-Qutiti, 22, to relaxation within the southern metropolis of Rafah. Saeed Aloul, 55, and Ahmed Abu Louli, 40, had been additionally buried in Rafah amid offended chants in opposition to Israel by mourners.
Palestinian dies after being shot at protest
A 40-year-old Palestinian hit by Israeli hearth throughout protests on the Gaza border died of his wounds on Saturday, taking the day past’s loss of life toll to a few, the territory’s well being ministry stated.
He was amongst no less than 131 Palestinians wounded by Israeli bullets throughout Friday’s protests, whilst an off-the-cuff truce agreed after a lethal flare-up between Gaza’s rulers Hamas and the Israeli military largely held.
The well being ministry recognized the lifeless man as Ahmed Abu Louli and stated he was shot in a piece of the border east of the southern metropolis of Rafah, the place two different Palestinians had been additionally killed. 
Friday, August 10
Two Palestinians killed, lots of wounded by Israeli forces
Israeli forces have shot lifeless two Palestinians, together with one volunteer paramedic, based on well being officers within the Gaza Strip, as protesters gathered alongside the Israeli border fence for the 20th week.
Abdullah al-Qatiti, a 26-year-old paramedic, and Saeed Aloul, 55, had been shot and killed in southern Gaza on Friday, well being ministry spokesman Ashraf al-Qidra stated.
Tons of of others had been injured, with 176 being handled on the sector and 131 taken to hospital, added al-Qidra
“There may be a variety of tear gasoline being fired by the Israeli navy utilizing drones,” stated Al Jazeera’s Charles Stratford, reporting from the protests in Gaza. 
“The approaching hours shall be essential,” he added. “It is tense right here and there are fears that if there may be any critical provocation by both aspect, we may but once more see one other escalation in violence.”
Colleagues of slain Palestinian medic react at a hospital in southern Gaza Strip [Ibraheem Abu Mustafa/Reuters]
This week’s protests, which observe lethal Israeli air assaults and artillery shelling on the besieged enclave, started at round 14:00 GMT.
The demonstrations come a day after Hamas and Israel reached an Egypt-brokered deal to finish the flare-up in violence. However the Israeli authorities has not formally confirmed the settlement.
EU sounds alarm over Gaza violence
The European Union says a current escalation of violence “has introduced Gaza and Israel dangerously near but extra battle”, including that an pressing “de-escalation” was wanted to maintain civilians from additional threat.
On Wednesday, Israeli forces killed no less than three folks in Gaza, together with a 23-year-old girl, who was nearly 9 months pregnant, and her 18-month-old daughter. 
The Israeli navy launched greater than 140 assaults after about 150 rockets had been fired from the coastal enclave.
A press release by Hamas’ navy pressure stated it was liable for the rockets. It stated the Palestinian “resistance” had fired a lot of projectiles at “enemy positions within the Gaza envelope”.
“The rocket hearth from Gaza in direction of communities in southern Israel in addition to different violent actions and provocations in opposition to Israel by Hamas and different Palestinian militants are completely unacceptable,” an EU international affairs spokesperson stated in an announcement on Friday.
“Whereas having the appropriate to defend itself, Israel is anticipated to proceed to train restraint and do every part to keep away from civilian casualties in Gaza. The loss of life of a pregnant Palestinian mom and her baby on this newest escalation is a tragic loss.”
Saturday, August four
A Palestinian teenager has died from his wounds after being shot within the stomach by Israeli forces throughout a protest on Friday. 
Muaz al-Suri, 15, was demonstrating close to Gaza’s fence with Israel when he was shot east of the Bureij refugee camp. He died early Saturday, the well being ministry stated.
Friday, August three
Palestinian killed by Israeli military sniper 
A Palestinian man has been shot lifeless by Israeli troopers and no less than 220 others had been wounded throughout protests close to the fence with Israel within the Gaza Strip, based on Palestinian well being officers.
Ahmed Yaghi, 25, was killed by a sniper east of Gaza metropolis, well being ministry spokesman Ashraf Al-Qidra stated.
Of the 220 injured, 90 suffered wounds on account of reside hearth, he added.  
Hamas leaders to debate ceasefire deal 
A number of exiled Hamas leaders have entered Gaza to debate a ceasefire deal brokered by Egypt and the UN.
Distinguished chief Saleh al-Arouri, who is needed by Israel, returned from Lebanon for the primary time since 2010 to attend the talks scheduled for Friday.
He crossed the border from Egypt on Thursday, after Egyptian and UN assurances over his security, with eight different Hamas leaders based mostly exterior the besieged Gaza Strip.
Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has additionally delayed a go to to Colombia and known as a particular cupboard assembly on Sunday to watch developments.
“We’re seeing these intensive efforts and there may be extra worldwide highlight on the state of affairs as a result of the life for folks right here has turn out to be more and more tough over time beneath the siege by Israel, Egypt’s blockade and likewise the sanctions from the Palestinian Authority,” stated Al Jazeera’s Stefanie Dekker, reporting from Gaza. 
Saturday, July 28
Gaza teen dies of wounds from Israeli border hearth
A Gaza teenager died of his wounds on Saturday after being shot by Israeli troops throughout protests alongside the border. 
The well being ministry within the Hamas-run Palestinian territory in an announcement recognized him as Mohmen al-Hams, 17. He was shot within the chest throughout protests close to the southern Gaza city of Rafah on Friday.
Troops shot lifeless two different Palestinians throughout Friday’s protests.
Friday, July 27
Israeli forces kill Palestinian, 12
Majdi Ramzi Kamal al-Satra, a 12-year-old Palestinian, was killed by Israeli military hearth, based on well being officers within the besieged Gaza Strip.
Ashraf al-Qidra, spokesperson for the well being ministry in Gaza, stated the boy was killed east of Khan Younis.
His killing raises the variety of Palestinians shot lifeless on Friday to 2. Earlier within the day Ghazi Mohammad Abu Mustafa, 43, succumbed to his wounds after being shot within the head.
A Palestinian nurse reacts upon seeing the physique of her husband who was killed by Israeli troops throughout Friday’s protest. [Ibraheem Abu Mustafa/Reuters]
Al Jazeera’s Stefanie Dekker, reporting from the protest website in Gaza, stated the Israeli navy was additionally utilizing drones to drop tear gasoline on demonstrators. 
“Israel has been utilizing these drones to drop tear gasoline additional again into the gang. Nearer to the fence, Israeli snipers maintain watch and sporadically open hearth.” 
A feminine protester informed Al Jazeera that the poor residing circumstances within the besieged enclave had been pushing folks to exit and demand their rights. 
“We’re struggling, there isn’t a electrical energy, no water … individuals are going hungry. It is painful, we are going to maintain standing, we are going to come right here to point out the entire world we wish our rights.” 
No less than 184 Palestinians had been wounded by Israeli forces on Friday, 117 of whom wanted hospital therapy, stated al-Qidra. Seventy circumstances concerned reside bullets. Among the many wounded had been 14 youngsters and 10 girls, in addition to 4 paramedics and one journalist.
A complete of 151 Palestinians have been killed for the reason that Nice March of Return protests began on March 30.
Gaza state of affairs ‘very tense’ amid standoff
Al Jazeera’s Charles Stratford, reporting from the protests within the Gaza Strip, stated that aside of the killing of Ghazi Mohammad Abu Mustafa by Israeli forces, 11 different Palestinians had been believed to have been wounded.
Stratford stated that Israeli troopers additionally used “a variety of tear gasoline” in opposition to protesters, with a lot of it fired from drones.
“The state of affairs may be very tense,” added our correspondent, including there have been rising fears of an extra escalation following the current wave of assaults that hit the besieged enclave.
A medic tends to a wounded Palestinian throughout Friday’s protest. [Ibraheem Abu Mustafa/Reuters]
“What we’re seeing here’s a standoff between Hamas and the assorted armed factions in Gaza and the Israelis. Hamas says that these folks have each proper to proceed demonstrating and describe this type of protest utilizing incendiary balloons and kites as being peaceable and so they say they’ve each proper to defend the folks of Gaza utilizing their weapons.”
Israeli forces kill Palestinian
Israeli troopers have shot lifeless Ghazi Mohammad Abu Mustafa, a 43-year-old Palestinian, close to Khan Younis within the Gaza Strip, based on the Palestinian Ministry of Well being.
Three ambulance volunteers additionally had been injured within the capturing close to the fence with Israel.
In response to Palestinian information company Wafa, Mustafa was shot within the head and subsequently taken to a hospital, the place he died of his wounds.
The entire variety of Palestinians killed up to now within the ongoing protests since late March is now 150. Greater than 16,000 others have been wounded.
Half of these struggling wounds had been hit by reside gunfire, and no less than 60 of them have had a limb amputated.
Wednesday, July 25
An Israeli air raid within the Gaza Strip killed three Palestinians on Wednesday. 
Ahmed al-Bsous, 28, Ubadah Farawneh, 29 and Mohamed al-Aareer, 27, died of their wounds shortly upon arriving on the al-Shifa hospital in Gaza. 
The assault got here days after a United Nations-brokered ceasefire helped halt an earlier wave of assaults in opposition to the Gaza Strip final week.
Saturday, July 21
Ceasefire seems to carry 
The “return to calm” introduced by Hamas in Gaza seems to be holding. 
Israeli officers have but to touch upon the ceasefire introduced by Hamas earlier within the morning. 
Hamas and Israel agree on Gaza ceasefire: group spokesman
Hamas and Israel agreed to a ceasefire early on Saturday, based on a spokesman for the Palestinian group governing the besieged Gaza Strip.
“With worldwide and UN efforts, we reached (an settlement) to return to the earlier state of calm between the (Israeli) occupation and the Palestinian factions,” Hamas spokesman Fawzi Barhoum stated in an announcement.
Israeli forces kill fourth Palestinian; Israeli soldier shot lifeless
Israeli forces have shot lifeless a Palestinian in the course of the protests within the Gaza Strip close to the fence with Israel, elevating the variety of Palestinians killed on Friday to 4. 
Israeli troopers fired reside bullets and teargas canisters in direction of the protesters alongside the fence, killing Mohammad Sharif Badwan and wounding 120 others, based on well being officers in Gaza. 
The killing of Badwan, 27, got here after Hamas stated three of its members had been killed earlier within the day in air strikes within the southern a part of the Strip.
In a while Friday, the Israeli navy stated gunfire on the Gaza fence killed an Israeli soldier.
The navy stated a “terrorist squad” fired at troops and one soldier was severely injured and later died of his wounds. He was the primary Israeli navy fatality in months of violence alongside the Gaza fence.
The violence raised fears of a brand new battle.
“We perceive that the Israeli safety cupboard has been assembly this afternoon in an effort to assess whether or not a large-scale navy operation is required on Gaza,” stated Al Jazeera’s Charles Stratford, reporting from the besieged enclave.
“The folks of Gaza this night are very afraid after at this time’s protests and definitely these air strikes which have occurred,” he added.
Smoke rises following an Israeli air strike in Gaza Metropolis [Ahmed Zakot/Reuters]
Israel launches large-scale air assaults in Gaza
The Israeli air pressure has launched a collection of air strikes on a number of locations within the Gaza Strip.
The targets, allegedly belonging to Hamas, had been attacked on account of Friday’s capturing incidents by which no less than one Israeli soldier was wounded.
IAF jets just lately carried out a wide-scale assault in opposition to Hamas navy targets all through the Gaza Strip following a extreme capturing assault in opposition to IDF troopers this afternoon. The IDF is presently conducting the assault in varied areas
— IDF (@IDFSpokesperson) July 20, 2018
Israeli troopers have been placed on excessive alert, the spokesperson for the Israeli military added.
Tense day of protests
Al Jazeera’s Stefanie Dekker, reporting from the protests in Gaza, stated tensions had been on the rise regardless of the comparatively small crowd that confirmed up.
“We have not seen big numbers of individuals prove – sure, there’s been a presence, sure the protest took form the way in which we have now seen over the previous 17 weeks however the crowds had been smaller,” Dekker stated.
“What makes it extra tense is there was an trade … of fireside between Israel and Hamas, and Israel attacked varied Hamas posts,” she added.
“This all comes amid a really tense political state of affairs. Israel has made it very clear that if Hamas does not cease the incendiary balloons and kites throughout the fence that it’s going to clamp down closely militarily.
“We have not seen any incendiary balloons or kites throughout the fence the place we’re, however definitely there’s a feeling of unease right here – there may be behind-the-scenes negotiations happening, however everybody you communicate to will let you know that the state of affairs stays very onerous to learn, whether or not there may be going to be an escalation between the 2 sides or not,” Dekker stated.
Three Palestinians killed on tense day of protests
As protests alongside the fence with Israel entered the 17th straight week, Israel on Friday attacked Hamas positions within the Strip, killing no less than three folks, based on well being officers in Gaza.
“Three Palestinians had been martyred by Israeli occupation forces, together with two within the northern Gaza Strip and a 3rd within the southern metropolis of Rafah,” ministry spokesman Ashraf al-Qidra stated in an announcement.
He didn’t present the names or ages of the people.
Nonetheless, the Ezzedine al-Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of Hamas, which has ruled the Gaza Strip since 2007, stated three of its members had been killed by Israeli air raids and tank hearth in Khan Younis and Rafah.
In an announcement, the group recognized the boys as Shaaban Abu Khater, Mohamed Abu Farhana and Mahmoud Qeshta.
The Israeli military stated the assaults had been in response to pictures being fired at their troops alongside the Gaza fence. 
Al Jazeera’s Stefanie Dekker, reporting from the protests in Gaza, stated tensions had been on the rise. 
“We have had a few incidents at this time. We have had Israel goal three Hamas watchtowers. Within the south of Gaza, two Palestinians had been killed and one Israeli soldier was injured in what we perceive was an trade of fireside within the southern Gaza Strip,” Dekker stated.
“The capturing throughout the border, the gunfire, the tank shelling – it reveals that that is politically not resolved and it may nonetheless go any manner actually.”
Earlier on Friday, Israel’s Defence Minister Avigdor Liebermann stated that there’s a threat of navy escalation if incendiary kites and balloons proceed to be despatched over the fence by protesters.
These gadgets have led to the burning of 1000’s of acres of Israeli land.
“We tried to be wise and accountable however the heads of Hamas are main us to a defensive state of affairs, a state of affairs the place we must go for a large painful navy operation,” Liebermann stated.
Thursday, July 19
Israeli air assault kills one Palestinian
An air raid by the Israeli air pressure killed one Palestinian and wounded three others, in an assault east of Rafah within the southern Gaza Strip, the well being ministry stated.
A member of the family stated on Thursday that the person killed was working as a border policeman within the Hamas-run enclave. Al Jazeera’s Charles Stratford stated the 22-year-old was a member of the Qassam Brigades, the armed wing of Hamas.
Israel stated one in every of its plane focused a gaggle launching balloons carrying firebombs over the border fence to burn Israeli farmland.
Israel’s hearth service says lots of of fires have burned about three,000 hectares, inflicting injury amounting to lots of of 1000’s of .
Wednesday, July 18
No extra gasoline and gasoline deliveries, fishing zone restricted much more
On Wednesday, Israel tightened its blockade on the Gaza Strip, stopping gasoline and gasoline deliveries by its solely industrial crossing with the Palestinian besieged enclave per week after Israeli authorities introduced the closure of the crossing.
The Kerem Shalom crossing, recognized to Palestinians as Karem Abu Salem, was shut down on July 9.
Initially, solely gadgets deemed as “humanitarian” had been to be allowed to enter Gaza, resembling meals, hygiene and medical provides, gasoline, animal feed and livestock.
Nonetheless, the defence ministry introduced late on Monday that gasoline and gasoline deliveries would even be suspended, and that the crossing would stay open just for meals and medication on a case-by-case foundation.
Moreover, the fishing zone, enforced by Israel, within the waters off the Gaza Strip would even be decreased from six nautical miles to a few – after it was already decreased final week from 12 nautical miles.
The UN and Gisha, the Authorized Centre for Freedom of Motion, known as Israel’s newest measure an act of “collective punishment”.
Saturday, July 14
Air raids by Israeli air pressure kill two teenage Palestinians
Two youngsters within the Gaza Strip had been killed by Israeli air raids on Saturday, based on Palestinian well being officers, as Israel carried out the biggest daylight assault on the besieged enclave for the reason that 2014 struggle.
Amir al-Nimra, 15, and Luay Kaheel, 16, died of their wounds on Saturday shortly after an air strike focused al-Kateeba, an space in western Gaza, the well being ministry stated.
Twelve others had been wounded by the assault.
The al-Kateeba sq. is adjoining to a park regularly visited by households over the weekend, particularly in the course of the summer season months
Monday, July 9
Hamas condemns Israel’s plan to shut border crossing
Hamas has condemned an Israeli choice to seal off the Karam Abu Salem industrial border crossing, the first passageway that transfers requirements to residents of the besieged Gaza Strip.
The group, which governs the enclave, described Monday’s measure as a “crime in opposition to the folks of Gaza”, blaming the worldwide group’s extended silence that encourages Israel’s blockade on Gaza.
Earlier on Monday, Israel stated it will likely be closing off the Karam Abu Salem border crossing, saying it was in retaliation over Palestinians setting hearth to Israeli land.
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu stated the choice to close down the border was taken in coordination with the nation’s defence minister.
The transfer, which is able to come into impact on Tuesday, will solely permit for the switch of humanitarian wants resembling cooking gasoline in addition to wheat and flour into Gaza, an official liable for coordinating the motion of cargo by the border confirmed to Al Jazeera from Gaza.
Saturday, July 7
Two Palestinians killed
Well being officers in Gaza stated two Palestinians have been killed by Israeli hearth throughout demonstrations. Tons of of different protesters had been additionally wounded.
The victims included 11-year-old Yasser Abu al-Naja who died after sustaining a gunshot wound to the pinnacle east of Khan Younis, Ashraf al-Qidra, spokesperson for Gaza’s well being ministry, stated.
Mohammad Fawzi Hamaydeh, 24, was additionally pronounced lifeless shortly after being shot by Israeli reside hearth within the stomach and foot, east of Rafah within the southern Gaza Strip.
Among the many 415 wounded at Friday’s demonstration, 11 had been youngsters. Three of the injured circumstances had been extreme.
Friday, June 29
One Palestinian killed, almost 400 injured
Tons of of mourners marched in Gaza on Saturday on the funeral of a Palestinian man killed by Israeli forces on the 15th consecutive Friday of the Nice March of Return.
Ashraf al-Qidra, spokesperson for Gaza’s well being ministry, stated that 22-year-old Mohammad Jamal Abu Halima was killed after being shot within the chest.
He added that 396 others had been wounded.
Amongst them, 13 had been youngsters. Fifty-seven had been injured from reside ammunition. 
Friday, June 14
Palestinian man succumbs to wounds
Ahmed Ziad al-Assi, 21, died on Thursday morning east of the Gaza Strip on account of wounds inflicted by Israeli forces on June eight, based on Palestinian well being officers.
Israeli forces shot al-Assi within the head in the course of the 11th Friday of the Nice March of Return protests.
His loss of life takes the variety of Palestinians killed by Israeli forces for the reason that protests started to no less than 129.
Friday, June eight
UN to carry emergency assembly 
The UN Basic Meeting will maintain an emergency assembly on Wednesday to vote on an Arab-backed decision on Gaza, the physique’s president Miroslav Lajcak has introduced.
The decision will  condemn Israel, and shall be just like one vetoed by america within the Safety Council final week, which known as for safeguarding Palestinians from Israeli aggression, based on diplomats.
There aren’t any vetoes within the 193-member world physique, however whereas Safety Council resolutions are legally binding, Basic Meeting resolutions are usually not.
4 Palestinians killed by Israeli forces
Well being officers within the Gaza Strip say the variety of Palestinians killed by Israeli forces throughout protests close to the fence with Israel has risen to 4.  
Yousef al-Fasih, 29, was shot lifeless whereas demonstrating within the jap Gaza Strip, Palestinian information company Wafa stated. 
Greater than 600 folks had been wounded by Israeli forces, together with photographer Mohammed Abed al-Baba, who was shot within the leg.
Right this moment my sensible photographer colleague Mohammed Abed al-Baba was shot within the leg by Israeli hearth in northern Gaza.
He was round 200 metres from the border fence, carrying a press vest, he says.https://t.co/GrTylfrFXF pic.twitter.com/a3IDLtm9Qf
— Joe (@joedyke) June 8, 2018
Al-Baba, who has labored for AFP information company within the Gaza Strip since 2000, was shot whereas clearly recognized in a press vest and helmet, round 200 metres from the fence east of Jabalia in northern Gaza.
Our medical staff has been working @ Shifa Hospital in #Gaza at this time serving to to deal with the wounded. pic.twitter.com/UpQAX0C4mV
— ICRC in Israel & OT (@ICRC_ilot) June 8, 2018
Teargas drones
Al Jazeera’s Imran Khan, reporting from the protests within the Gaza Strip, says Israeli forces are firing teargas at protesters.
“They’re utilizing this in two methods, firstly coming in from jeeps … to attempt to disperse the [crowd], [and] they’re additionally utilizing teargas drones,” he stated. 
“Nonetheless, the Palestinians have found out a manner of coping with these drones … they’ve found out that they will entangle a drone into kites, and so they have managed to deliver down an Israeli drone,” he added.
Three Palestinians killed by Israeli forces
Well being officers within the Gaza Strip say Israeli forces have killed no less than three Palestinians and injured greater than 500 throughout protests close to the fence with Israel.
Israeli troops shot and killed 15-year-old Haitham al-Jamal east of Khan Younis, in southern Gaza Strip, Palestinian information company Wafa stated, citing the well being ministry.
Ziad Jadallah Bureim was additionally shot lifeless whereas taking part in protests within the southern Gaza Strip, whereas Imad Nabil Abu Darabi, 26, was killed east of Jabalia city in northern Gaza Strip, Wafa added.
Of these injured, 92 protesters sustained reside hearth wounds, together with seven who’re critically wounded. Twenty-six youngsters and 14 girls are among the many wounded.
The remaining accidents had been attributable to teargas inhalation.
three Palestinians, together with a 15-year-old boy, had been killed by Israeli hearth throughout weekly #GreatMarchOfReturn protests in Gaza. pic.twitter.com/lkHCYMLXzh
— AJ (@ajplus) June 8, 2018
Tons of injured in Gaza 
Gaza’s well being ministry says no less than 386 Palestinian protesters close to the fence with Israel have been wounded by Israeli forces.
The ministry says 5 of the wounded had been in critical situation.
In footage: burning kites, teargas close to border
Teargas fired by Israeli troops at Palestinian demonstrators throughout a protest marking Jerusalem Day [Ibraheem Abu Mustafa/Reuters]
  A Palestinian demonstrator makes use of a sling to hurl stones at Israeli troops on the Israel-Gaza border [Ibraheem Abu Mustafa/Reuters]
A fireplace burns in scrubland in Israel close to the Gaza Strip; Palestinians have been flying kites and balloons loaded with flammable materials throughout the border between Israel and Gaza [Amir Cohen/Reuters]
A wounded Palestinian demonstrator being evacuated [Ibraheem Abu Mustafa/Reuters]
  Crowds gathering close to border 
Persons are gathering close to the border with Israel, defying warnings from the Israeli military. 
Reporting from the border, Al Jazeera’s Imran Khan stated: “at this time is Jerusalem day, created by Iranians after the Islamic Revolution in 1979 and that is why individuals are arriving sooner than they usually would on a Friday to protest on the border”. 
Protest organisers have urged folks to steer clear of the buffer zone to keep away from casualties, Khan stated.
“In case you’re a member of Islamic Jihad or Hamas, you are in all probability more likely to hearken to the protest organisers and never go in direction of the buffer zone. 
“Nonetheless in case you’re simply one in every of these little youngsters who’re flying kites, throwing rocks, you do not have to hearken to anyone.
“That is an actual worry for many individuals right here, that they will not hearken to these directions to not go close to the border, and that is why there could be casualties,” Khan stated. 
Israel warns folks in Gaza to keep away from border
The Israeli military has warned folks in Gaza to not come near the border with Israel throughout Friday’s protests, a day when an enormous turnout is anticipated.
In a collection of tweets issued on Thursday, the Israeli military stated that they had dropped leaflets in Gaza warning folks from approaching the safety fence. 
Israeli newspaper Haaretz stated the leaflets urged folks in Gaza “to not let Hamas flip you right into a instrument to serve its slim pursuits”. 
“We urge you not to participate in demonstrations and anarch and to not put your self in peril,” the leaflets reportedly stated.  
The IDF is once more warning the folks Gaza to not function Hamas’ instrument – as they’ve been within the violent riots of current months. The IDF is ready for a mess of eventualities & is decided to guard Israeli civilians & sovereignty
— IDF (@IDFSpokesperson) June 7, 2018
June three
Palestinian man succumbs to wounds 
Mohammed Naaim Hamada, 30, died on Sunday morning east of the Gaza Strip on account of wounds inflicted by Israeli forces on Might 14, based on Palestinian well being officers.
Israeli forces shot Hamada in the course of the Nice March of Return protests that coincided with the opening of the US embassy in Jerusalem, and a day earlier than Palestinians marked 70 years for the reason that Nakba, or Disaster.
Hamada’s loss of life takes the variety of Palestinians killed by Israeli forces for the reason that protests started to no less than 121.
Friday, June 1
Palestinian paramedic killed
Razan al-Najjar was killed by Israeli reside hearth in the course of the protests east of Khan Younis, a metropolis in southern Gaza, based on Palestinian well being officers.
The 21-year-old volunteer paramedic died of a gunshot wound to the chest, the Palestinian well being ministry stated.
A witness stated she was shot whereas working in direction of the fortified fence to assist a casualty.
Carrying a white uniform, “she raised her fingers excessive in a transparent manner, however Israeli troopers fired, and he or she was hit within the chest”, the witness informed Reuters information company. 
Palestinian medical sources say greater than 100 different protesters had been wounded, 40 of them with reside hearth.
Learn extra in regards to the wrestle of medical employees to offer healthcare amid shootings by Israeli forces right here.
Razan al-Najjar (R) reacting to tear gasoline throughout an April 1 rally within the southern Gaza Strip [File: Ibraheem Abu Mustafa/Reuters]
Protesters met with reside hearth, tear gasoline
Al Jazeera’s Harry Fawcett, reporting from the rally in Gaza, stated the demonstrations “confirmed no indicators of ending”.
“These protesters have as soon as once more been met with reside hearth from Israeli forces and repeated, very heavy use of tear gasoline as properly,” he stated.
“However how lengthy that is sustainable? It’s nonetheless seen by many Palestinians right here in Gaza as a manner of venting their continued desperation with the worsening humanitarian state of affairs.
“The true query although is when the political choice from Hamas will come to finish these protests, if it does,” added Fawcett.
“A senior adviser to the Hamas management informed Al Jazeera that it’s a query of Israel lifting the siege and the blockade. At that time, this technique of peaceable protests may maybe change.”
US vows to veto UN decision for defense of Palestinians
The US will “unquestionably veto” a UN draft decision which requires “the consideration of measures to ensure the security and safety” of Palestinian civilians.
US Ambassador Nikki Haley known as the Kuwait-sponsored decision “grossly one-sided” and “morally bankrupt”. 
“The decision calls on Israel to instantly stop its actions in self-defense, however makes no point out of Hamas’ aggressive actions in opposition to Israeli safety forces and civilians,” she stated in an announcement.  
The draft decision “deplores” and requires a halt to “using any extreme, disproportionate and indiscriminate pressure” by the Israeli navy. It additionally “deplores the firing of rockets from the Gaza Strip at Israeli civilian areas”. 
It asks UN Secretary-Basic Antonio Guterres for a report on a possible “worldwide safety mechanism”.
A vote on the draft decision is anticipated to happen on Friday. 
Saturday, Might 19
Two Palestinians succumb to wounds
Mouin Abdelhamid al-Saai, a 58-year-old man, died in Gaza’s al-Shifa hospital on Saturday, based on Gaza’s Ministry of Well being.
Israeli forces shot al-Saai on Monday as they fired reside ammunition, tear gasoline and firebombs at protesters throughout demonstrations that coincided with the opening of the US embassy in Jerusalem.
The protests additionally got here a day earlier than Palestinians marked 70 years for the reason that Nakba, or Disaster, the day on which the state of Israel was established on Might 15, 1948, in a violent ethnic cleaning marketing campaign.
Mohammed Mazin Alian, a 20-year-old man, additionally succumbed to his wounds on Saturday after he was shot by Israeli forces on Monday east of the al-Bureij refugee camp in central Gaza.
This brings the whole variety of Palestinians killed since Monday in Gaza to 64.
Thursday, Might 17
Israel targets ‘Hamas positions’ in in a single day air raids
The Israeli military has stated it launched in a single day air raids on Hamas “infrastructure in navy compounds” and “weapons manufacturing” amenities within the north of the besieged enclave of Gaza. 
The military alleged the “strikes had been carried out in response to the heavy machine gun hearth that focused the town of Sderot” within the south. 
Whereas Hamas has not formally responded to the assaults, a safety official from the motion informed Anadolu Company that a number of of its positions had been focused. 
The Ministry of Well being within the Gaza Strip stated nobody had been injured within the assaults. 
Palestinians withdraw envoy to US
The Palestinian envoy to Washington has been recalled to Ramallah in protest over the US relocating its embassy to Jerusalem.
Husam Zomlot was instructed to return by President Mahmoud Abbas, the international ministry introduced in an announcement. 
It didn’t say how lengthy Zomlot can be at headquarters.
Riad al-Malki, the international minister, stated: “After they [the US] opened their embassy in Jerusalem there was a necessity for a call from our aspect and this was our choice.”
Clashes and arrests close to Jerusalem’s Damascus Gate
Israeli border police forces and Palestinian protesters clashed close to Jerusalem’s Damascus Gate.
Many protesters had been faraway from the plaza, and others had been arrested within the close by space.
Demonstrators had gathered on the sq. exterior the gate as a part of Nakba Day protests.
“The Palestinians have been residing right here, I used to be born right here, my father, my grandfather, my nice nice grandfather, I’ve no different place to go, I do not also have a passport to go anyplace else,” stated Mujid Keluti, a Jerusalem resident.
Protesters gathered exterior the Damascus Gate as a part of Nakba day protests [Ammar Awad/Reuters]
  Netanyahu, Erdogan in Twitter spat as Israel, Turkey expel envoys
Turkey’s President Recep Tayyip Erdogan and Israel’s Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu exchanged heated phrases on Twitter over Israel’s killing of Palestinian protesters within the Gaza Strip.
Netanyahu, in a Twitter submit, stated Erdogan “properly understands terrorism and slaughter” due to his help for Hamas, a day after the Turkish chief accused Israel of “state terror” and “genocide”.
Erdogan is amongst Hamas’s largest supporters and there’s no doubt that he properly understands terrorism and slaughter. I counsel that he not preach morality to us
— Benjamin Netanyahu (@netanyahu) May 15, 2018
Erdogan tweeted again that Netanyahu was the chief of “an apartheid state that has occupied a defenseless folks’s lands for 60 years in violation of UN resolutions”, including that he was criticising Turkey to deflect consideration.
“Need a lesson in humanity? Learn the 10 commandments”.
Netanyahu is the PM of an apartheid state that has occupied a defenseless folks’s lands for 60 yrs in violation of UN resolutions.
He has the blood of Palestinians on his fingers and might’t cowl up crimes by attacking Turkey.
Need a lesson in humanity? Learn the 10 commandments.
— Recep Tayyip Erdoğan (@RT_Erdogan) May 15, 2018
The row got here as the 2 international locations expelled one another’s senior diplomats.
Earlier within the day, Turkey informed Israel’s ambassador to briefly go away the nation, prompting Israel to order the Turkish consul in Jerusalem to depart for an unspecified interval, based on the Israeli international ministry.
The dispute seems to mark the worst diplomatic disaster between the 2 regional powers since Israeli marines stormed an help ship to implement a naval blockade of Gaza in 2010, killing 10 Turkish activists and prompting a downgrade in diplomatic ties that lasted till 2016.
Hamas chief vows to maintain demanding proper of return
Marking the 70th anniversary of the Nakba, or the Disaster, Hamas chief Ismail Haniya visited protesters east of Gaza Metropolis, vowing to proceed weeks of protests alongside Israel’s border.
“Our message at this time is the Return March and siege-breaking is happening and that the bloodbath the Israeli occupation dedicated in opposition to our revolting and returning youths will solely improve our steadfastness, dedication and sticking to the appropriate of return,” stated Haniyeh.
“We’re coming to inform the entire world: no to the deal of the century and no to the transferring of the embassy to Jerusalem and Jerusalem is our everlasting capital, the capital of the Palestinian state and Jerusalem’s identification is not going to be modified by a decision from Trump nor Netanyahu.”
Second Palestinian killed by Israeli hearth
A second Palestinian was killed by Israeli gunfire on Tuesday, the Ministry of Well being introduced, a day after the Israeli military killed 60 folks – the best loss of life toll in years. 
The ministry stated the person, who was not named, was killed east of Bureij in central Gaza.
Tuesday’s protests had been far smaller than the day past’s.
A second Palestinian was killed by Israeli gunfire on Tuesday [Adel Hana/AP]
  Palestinian proper of return ‘means Israel’s destruction’
Danny Danon, Israel’s ambassador to the UN, has described the longstanding Palestinian demand for the appropriate of return of refugees who fled their houses in the course of the 1948 Arab-Israeli struggle as a name to destroy Israel.
“Let me be very clear,” Danon informed an emergency session of the UN Safety Council. “When the Palestinians say proper of return, they imply destruction of Israel.”
He additionally accused Hamas of utilizing a method of “orchestrated riots” and “deliberate casualties” to hunt worldwide sympathy.
Hamas activists had been utilizing civilians as human shields within the ongoing protests alongside Gaza’s border with Israel, in an try and breach the fence and stage assaults on Israel, he added. 
Palestinian envoy lambasts UN failure to behave over Gaza unrest
Riyad Mansour, Palestine’s envoy to the United Nations, accused Israel of committing “struggle crimes” in opposition to Palestinian protesters within the Gaza Strip and slammed what he stated was the UN Safety Council’s failure to carry Israel accountable.
“For the previous eight weeks, we have now begged you to forestall one other bloodbath by Israel, the occupier,” he informed an emergency session of the UN Safety Council.
“Is it potential that you simply didn’t hear our calls? Is it potential that you simply didn’t take our warnings critically?”
Calling for a clear and investigation into the killings alongside the Israel-Gaza border, he stated:  “Allow us to examine what is occurring on the bottom. We’ll settle for the end result of such an investigation.”
Arab League calls on ICC to analyze ‘Israeli crimes’
The Arab League’s Everlasting Committee on Human Rights known as on the Worldwide Felony Courtroom prosecutor to urgently examine “the crimes of the Israeli occupation” in opposition to Palestinians.
“Israel is an oppressive and murderous entity, and its politicians and officers have to be taken to the Worldwide Felony Courtroom,” Amjad Shamout, the committee’s chairman, stated in an announcement.
Arab League chief Ahmed Abul Gheit condemned the “massacres” of Palestinians, which he stated resemble “struggle crimes”.
In an announcement, he known as on the worldwide group to “defend the Palestinian folks, who’ve chosen the trail of peaceable wrestle and have been confronted with brutality, violence and homicide”.
ICC prosecutor vows to ‘take any motion warranted’ over Gaza unrest
The chief prosecutor of the Worldwide Felony Courtroom stated she was watching intently the unrest in Gaza, and would “take any motion warranted” to prosecute crimes.
“My workers is vigilantly following developments on the bottom and recording any alleged crime that would fall inside” the tribunal’s jurisdiction, she warned in an announcement to AFP information company. 
“The violence should cease,” she added.
US ambassador says Israel acted with ‘restraint’
US ambassador to the UN Nikki Haley tells the Safety Council, “no nation on this chamber would act with extra restraint than Israel has”.
She stated Hamas had been documented by information media as inciting Palestinians to storm the Gaza border.
“The Hamas terrorist organisation has been inciting violence for years, lengthy earlier than america determined to maneuver our embassy,” says Haley.
“That is how decided they’re to make the lives of the Palestinian folks depressing … Make no mistake. Hamas is happy with the outcomes from yesterday.”
UN Center East Envoy urges fast motion to ‘forestall struggle’
Nikolay Mladenov, UN’s particular coordinator for the Center East Peace Course of, has known as on the worldwide group to behave shortly and successfully to finish the “mindless violence” within the Gaza Strip.
“For it to finish, it wants each one in every of us to place of their finest effort into stopping an explosion that may drag the entire area into one other lethal confrontation,” he informed an emergency session of the UN Safety Council.
“The worldwide group should step in and stop struggle”, he stated.
He known as on Israel and Hamas to train restraint and to keep away from any additional escalation, whereas additionally urging Israel to analyze any incident that led to the lack of lives.
Belgium summons Israeli envoy, requires Gaza inquiry
Belgium demanded a UN inquiry into the violence in Gaza and summoned Israel’s ambassador to the international ministry after she described all of the Palestinian victims as “terrorists”.
Belgium’s international ministry stated it summoned ambassador Simona Frankel over her remarks whereas Prime Minister Charles Michel stated: “We name for a world inquiry led by the United Nations.”
France says Center East is ‘explosive’, ‘struggle may loom’
French International Minister Jean-Yves Le Drian described the state of affairs within the Center East as “explosive” and criticised america for unilateral acts within the area.
“The state of affairs within the Center East is explosive, violence is doing the speaking, struggle may loom,” he informed lawmakers in parliament.
Israeli troops kill Palestinian close to Gaza border
Israeli forces killed a Palestinian close to the Gaza border on Tuesday, native well being officers stated.
The 51-year-old man was fatally shot alongside the frontier within the central Gaza Strip after 1000’s of Palestinians took half in funerals for Monday’s lifeless.
Palestinian protesters turned out in smaller numbers than on Monday, when dozens had been killed by Israeli gunfire.
UN Safety Council debates Israel’s Gaza killings
The UN Safety Council is holding an emergency session in New York to debate violence alongside the border between Israel and the Gaza Strip.
The assembly started with a minute of silence for the greater than 60 individuals who had been killed in Monday’s protests.  
Talking earlier than the assembly, Danny Danon, Israeli ambassador to the UN, accused Hamas of making an attempt to breach the border fence by organising violent protests alongside the Israel-Gaza border and defended Israel’s proper to safety. 
He additionally accused Hamas of committing ‘struggle crimes’ in opposition to Palestinian and Israeli civilians. 
Turkey expels Israeli ambassador for ‘a while’
Turkey’s official information company says the nation has requested Israel’s ambassador to briefly go away Turkey.
Anadolu information company stated Tuesday the Turkish international ministry notified Eitan Na’eh, the Israeli ambassador that “it might be applicable for him to return to his nation for a while”. 
The ministry summoned the ambassador to protest Israel’s use of lethal pressure on Palestinians and the U.S. choice to relocate its embassy there to contested Jerusalem.
Turkey has additionally known as house its ambassadors to Washington and Tel Aviv for consultations.
Nationwide mourning 
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas known as on residents throughout the occupied West Financial institution to carry a normal strike on Tuesday in honour of these killed within the Gaza Strip on Monday.
Faculties, universities, banks, and personal and public companies are closed as a part of the strike, which comes as Palestinians commemorate 70 years for the reason that Nakba – or the “disaster” – when the state of Israel was created, and lots of of 1000’s of Palestinians had been pressured from their cities and villages.
Child dies of tear gasoline inhalation east of the Gaza Strip
Laila Anwar al-Ghandour, an eight-month-old child, died of tear gasoline inhalation at daybreak on Tuesday, based on Gaza’s ministry of well being.
On Tuesday morning, 30-year-old Omar Jumaa Abu Foul succumbed to his wounds from Monday’s protests, elevating the loss of life toll to 60. 
[Photo courtesy of Mahmoud Hamda] 
Britain, Germany, again impartial probe into Gaza killings
The UK on Tuesday known as for an impartial investigation into the violence on the Gaza border with Israel after america blocked a United Nations Safety Council assertion calling for a probe.
Germany additionally introduced its help for an impartial inquiry into the lethal violence. 
“It’s our view that an impartial investigation fee can make clear the violent incidents and the bloody violations on the border space,” stated authorities spokesman Steffan Seibert.
Monday, Might 14:  
No less than 58 Palestinians had been killed on Monday in Gaza and greater than 2,700 others wounded because the Israeli military fired reside ammunition, tear gasoline and firebombs at protesters assembled alongside a number of factors close to the fence with Israel.
The demonstrations coincided with protests in opposition to the opening of the US embassy in Jerusalem.
Erdogan accuses Israel of ‘genocide’ over Gaza deaths
Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has accused Israel of “state terror” and “genocide”, based on state-run Anadolu company, as Ankara introduced three days of nationwide mourning over the killing of scores of Palestinians in Gaza.
“Israel is wreaking state terror. Israel is a terror state,” Erdogan informed Turkish college students throughout a go to in Britain’s capital, London.
“What Israel has carried out is a genocide. I condemn this humanitarian drama, the genocide, from whichever aspect it comes, Israel or America,” he added.
1000’s had earlier marched by central Istanbul to denounce the bloodshed because the US moved its Israel embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem in defiance of widespread outrage within the Islamic world.  
1000’s of Turks march by central Istanbul to denounce the relocation of the US embassy to Jerusalem [Faisal Edroos/Al Jazeera] 
US blames Hamas for Gaza violence
White Home spokesman Raj Shah has accused Hamas’ leaders of constructing a “grotesque and unlucky propaganda try” after the killing of no less than 55 Palestinian protesters by Israeli forces.
Talking to reporters at a White Home briefing, Shah additionally declined to hitch with different international locations – together with France and Britain – in calling for Israel to train restraint in its response to the demonstrations.
The White Home as an alternative reiterated the Trump administration’s chorus that Israel had a proper to defend itself.
“The duty for these tragic deaths rests squarely with Hamas,” Shah stated. “Hamas is deliberately and cynically frightening this response.”
Turkey recollects ambassadors to Tel Aviv, Washington
Ankara has recalled its ambassadors to Tel Aviv and Washington for consultations, based on Turkish Deputy Prime Minister and authorities spokesman Bekir Bozdag.
Turkey additionally known as for an emergency assembly of the Group of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) this week, stated Bozdag, hoping it will likely be held on Friday.
Ankara: US shares blame for ‘Gaza bloodbath’
Turkey has accused america of sharing duty with Israel for a “vile bloodbath” alongside the Gaza border.
“The USA, sadly, took its place with out criticism alongside the Israeli authorities on this bloodbath of civilians and have become a celebration to this crime in opposition to humanity,” Prime Minister Binali Yildirim informed reporters in Ankara.
“It is a vile bloodbath, and we condemn it strongly,” he added.
Yildirim stated the occasions had been “incompatible” with the US appearing as a mediator or protector of world peace.
UN HR Excessive Commissioner: ‘Israeli reside hearth in Gaza should cease’
Zeid Ra’advert Al Hussein, the UN excessive commissioner for human rights, says Israeli reside hearth killing dozens and wounding lots of in Gaza should cease instantly.
He additionally calls on the worldwide group to deliver these accountable to justice.
“Surprising killing of dozens, damage of lots of by Israeli reside hearth in #Gaza should cease now. The appropriate to life have to be revered. These liable for outrageous human rights violations have to be held to account. The int’l group wants to make sure justice for victims” – #Zeid. pic.twitter.com/hBb7825Sp8
UN Human Rights (@UNHumanRights) May 14, 2018
Loss of life toll reaches 55
Palestinian well being officers say 55 folks have been killed and greater than 2,770 others have been wounded up to now.
This brings the whole loss of life toll for the reason that starting of the weeks-long protests to 104. 
Palestinian mourners collect across the physique of a person who was killed by Israeli forces on the Gaza border [AFP].
‘An unbelievable quantity of reside hearth’
Al Jazeera’s Stefanie Dekker, reporting from Gaza Metropolis, describes witnessing “extraordinary scenes” on the protests alongside the fence with Israel.
“There was an unbelievable quantity of reside hearth; it explains the excessive loss of life toll and the greater than 2,000 injured.
“There was tear gasoline raining down on folks and folks being shot at, individuals who had been peacefully protesting on the border.”
No less than 55 Palestinians have been killed, and greater than 2770 have been injured [AFP].
Dekker says hospitals within the Gaza Strip have now reached “breaking level” as medical workers wrestle to deal with the 1000’s wounded in the course of the demonstrations.
“Sure the boys, the younger males, will let you know that they throw Molotov cocktails and rocks [at the Israeli forces], however they are saying that’s their official proper when it comes to a resistance to the Israeli occupation.”
“The factions right here have all come collectively to challenge an announcement saying all of them maintain Israel liable for the excessive loss of life toll,” she added.
France condemns ‘violence in Gaza’ 
The French presidency has condemned “the violence” in Gaza after the killing of 52 Palestinian protesters by Israeli forces.
President Emmanuel Macron “will communicate to all of the actors within the area within the coming days”, his workplace stated in an announcement.
Kuwait requests emergency Safety Council assembly
Kuwait has requested an emergency assembly of the UN Safety Council on Tuesday, based on the nation’s mission to the world physique.
“We condemned what has occurred,” Ambassador Mansour al-Otaibi informed journalists.
Kuwait is a non-permanent council member.
Netanyahu responds to criticisms over Gaza
Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has responded on Twitter to criticism over the Israeli military’s conduct in Gaza, saying it acted in self-defence by firing at protesters. 
“The Hamas terrorist organisation declares it intends to destroy Israel and ship 1000’s to breach the border fence in an effort to obtain this purpose,” Netanyahu wrote.
“We’ll proceed to behave with dedication to guard our sovereignty and residents.”
South Africa recollects ambassador to Israel
The South African authorities has condemned the actions of the Israeli armed forces close to the fortified fence in Gaza.
In an announcement launched on Monday, the Division of Worldwide Relations (Dirco) says: “The newest assault has resulted in scores of different Palestinian residents reported injured, and the wanton destruction of property.”
“Given the indiscriminate and gravity of the most recent Israeli assault, the South African authorities has taken a call to recall Ambassador Sisa Ngombane with fast impact till additional discover.”
Israeli drone targets journalists
An Israeli drone with a tear gasoline canister has focused a gaggle of journalists in Gaza , together with an Al Jazeera TV crew.
Al Jazeera correspondent Hoda Abdel-Hamid was standing in a media row with a number of different reporters when she was hit by the tear gasoline canister. 
Abdel-Hamid has been despatched to hospital to be handled for the after-effects of the tear gasoline.
Palestinian President Abbas condemns Israeli actions
Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas has described the occasions in Gaza as “some of the ferocious days” throughout a press convention.
He additionally informed a press convention that the transfer of the US embassy to Jerusalem was an assault on the sovereignty of the Palestinian folks.
“On today, the Israeli massacres in opposition to our folks proceed within the Gaza Strip in addition to the West Financial institution. Right this moment is among the most ferocious days that our folks have witnessed,” stated Abbas.
“As we communicate, about 52 Palestinians have been killed, a quantity which is more likely to improve. This is a sign of the extent of Israeli brutality.”
Abbas addresses the Palestinian management within the West Financial institution metropolis of Ramallah [AFP]
“Right this moment Israel is celebrating the opening of the US embassy. They allege that the occupied land of Jerusalem is the land of their forefathers. That could be a falsification of historical past.
“Palestinians have been residing repeatedly on this land. Our folks is not going to hand over their peaceable demonstrations till we attain victory with Jerusalem as our capital.
“By this transfer [of the embassy] the US has excluded itself from the peace course of within the Center East. It could now not act as mediator, and its function will now not be legitimate.”
Name for emergency Safety Council assembly
Riyad Mansour, the Palestinian Authority’s UN ambassador, has condemned Israeli strikes on unarmed Palestinians in Gaza. 
Talking at a press convention in New York, Mansour described Washington’s choice to open its embassy in Jerusalem as “very tragic”.
“We’ll use all of our accessible rights within the safety council to see it shouldering its duty to sentence this bloodbath and convey these accountable to justice,” stated Mansour. 
“Very tragic that they (America) are celebrating unlawful motion whereas Israel is injuring and killing 1000’s of Palestinians.
“Tragic day for Palestinians and disgrace on those that ignore the ache and struggling of the Palestinian folks.”
Attraction for blood donations
The Palestinian Ministry of Well being has put out a name on Twitter for folks in Gaza to go to donation centres to donate their blood. 
There was an rising want for blood as 52 Palestinians have been killed and a couple of,400 others injured by Israeli forces throughout Gaza up to now. 
Loss of life toll reaches 52
Palestinian well being officers say 52 folks have been killed and a couple of,400 others have been wounded up to now.
Of these killed, the Ministry of Well being says no less than six are beneath 18, together with one feminine. Of these wounded, no less than 200 are beneath the age of 18; seventy-eight are girls, and 11 are journalists, together with Al Jazeera’s Gaza correspondent Wael Al-Dahdouh.
Palestinians wave their nationwide flag as they exhibit close to the border between Israel and the Gaza Strip, east of Jabalia [AFP]
Names of these killed 
Right here is the checklist of among the Palestinians killed as of Monday afternoon based on the Gaza Ministry of Well being:
1. Ezz el-din Musa Mohamed Alsamaak, 14 years outdated
2.Wisaal Fadl Ezzat Alsheikh Khalil, 15 years outdated
three.Ahmed Adel Musa Alshaer, 16 years outdated
four. Saeed Mohamed Abu Alkheir, 16 years outdated
5. Ibrahim Ahmed Alzarqa, 18 years outdated
6. Eman Ali Sadiq Alsheikh, 19 years outdated
7. Zayid Mohamed Hasan Omar, 19 years outdated
eight. Motassem Fawzy Abu Louley, 20 years outdated
9. Anas Hamdan Salim Qadeeh, 21 years outdated
10. Mohamed Abd Alsalam Harz, 21 years outdated
11. Yehia Ismail Rajab Aldaqoor, 22 years outdated
12. Mustafa Mohamed Samir Mahmoud Almasry, 22 years outdated
13. Ezz Eldeen Nahid Aloyutey, 23 years outdated
14. Mahmoud Mustafa Ahmed Assaf, 23 years outdated
15. Ahmed Fayez Harb Shahadah, 23 years outdated
16. Ahmed Awad Allah, 24 years outdated
17. Khalil Ismail Khalil Mansor, 25 years outdated
18. Mohamed Ashraf Abu Sitta, 26 years outdated
19. Bilal Ahmed Abu Diqah, 26 years outdated
20. Ahmed Majed Qaasim Ata Allah, 27 years outdated
21. Mahmoud Rabah Abu Maamar, 28 years outdated
22.Musab Yousef Abu Leilah, 28 years outdated
23. Ahmed Fawzy Altetr, 28 years outdated
24. Mohamed Abdelrahman Meqdad, 28 years outdated
25. Obaidah Salim Farhan, 30 years outdated
26. Jihad Mufid Al-Farra, 30 years outdated
27. Fadi Hassan Abu Salmi, 30 years outdated
28. Motaz Bassam Kamil Al-Nunu, 31 years outdated
29. Mohammed Riyad Abdulrahman Alamudi, 31 years outdated
30. Jihad Mohammed Othman Mousa, 31 years outdated
31. Shahir Mahmoud Mohammed Almadhoon, 32 years outdated
32. Mousa Jabr Abdulsalam Abu Hasnayn, 35 years outdated
33. Mohammed Mahmoud Abdulmoti Abdal’al, 39 years outdated
34. Ahmed Mohammed Ibrahim Hamdan, 27 years outdated
35. Ismail Khalil Ramadhan Aldaahuk, 30 years outdated
36. Ahmed Mahmoud Mohammed Alrantisi, 27 years outdated
37. Alaa Alnoor Ahmed Alkhatib, 28 years outdated
38. Mahmoud Yahya Abdawahab Hussain, 24 years outdated
39. Ahmed Abdullah Aladini, 30 years outdated
40. Saadi Mentioned Fahmi Abu Salah, 16 years outdated
41. Ahmed Zahir Hamid Alshawa, 24 years outdated
42. Mohammed Hani Hosni Alnajjar, 33 years outdated
43. Fadl Mohamed Ata Habshy, 34 years outdated
Palestinian mourners carry the physique of a person killed throughout clashes with Israeli forces, on Might 14, 2018, in Gaza Metropolis [AFP]
Britain urges ‘calm and restraint’ in Gaza
British Prime Minister Theresa Might’s spokesman urged “calm and restraint” within the Gaza Strip forward of the opening of the US embassy in Jerusalem.
International Workplace minister Alistair Burt additionally expressed concern that peaceable protests had been being exploited by extremist components whereas including: “(I) urge restraint in use of reside hearth.”
The prime minister’s spokesman stated: “We’re involved by the stories of violence and lack of life in Gaza. We urge calm and restraint to keep away from actions harmful to peace efforts.
“The prime minister had made her views clear in December that we disagreed with the choice (to maneuver the US embassy). We imagine it is unhelpful when it comes to prospects for peace within the area.”
The spokesman additionally reiterated Britain’s dedication to a two-state resolution between the Israelis and Palestinians with Jerusalem because the shared capital.
Loss of life toll reaches 43
Palestinian well being officers say 43 folks have been killed and 1,960 others have been wounded up to now.
Of these killed, the Ministry of Well being says no less than six are beneath 18, together with one feminine. Of these wounded, no less than 200 are beneath the age of 18; seventy-eight are girls, and 11 are journalists. 
In response to the ministry, some 918 folks had been shot at with reside ammunition. 
No less than 39 are in essential situation, and there are fears that the loss of life toll may rise.
“The hospital smells like blood, there may be blood in every single place,” native journalist Maram Humaid informed Al Jazeera from the Indonesia Hospital within the northern Gaza Strip. 
“These wounded are mendacity on the ground – there aren’t any extra beds to accommodate them. The hospitals are overflowing,” Humaid added. 
“There’s a state of hysteria within the hospitals. Ambulances haven’t stopped arriving. The fridges are filling up with our bodies and lots of of individuals are crowded close to them, distressed by the information of the killing of their family members.”
Egypt and Jordan condemn Israeli motion
Egypt and Jordan have condemned Israeli motion within the Gaza Strip, the place dozens of Palestinians have been killed by Israeli hearth on the border.      
Jordan’s authorities spokesman, Mohammed al-Momani, condemned Israel’s use of “extreme pressure in opposition to the defenceless Palestinian folks” and described the violence as a “crime”.    
Egypt in the meantime “expressed its robust condemnation for the focusing on of unarmed Palestinian civilians by the Israeli occupation forces”, based on a international ministry assertion.
Egypt and Jordan are the one two Arab states with formal diplomatic relations with Israel. Cairo signed a peace treaty with Israel in 1979 and Jordan adopted in 1994.
Palestinians in Gaza put together to cross fence with Israel 
Organisers of the Nice March of Return say they’re anticipating as many as a million folks to hitch the demonstration and try and cross the fence with Israel at varied factors alongside the border. 
A leaflet circulated by the organisers reads: “The nationwide committee for the Nice March of Return invitations you to take part within the peaceable common protest, the Million Man March of Return and Breaking the Siege”. 
A spokesperson for the Nice March of Return, Ahmad Abu Artema, informed Al Jazeera that the purpose of attempting to cross the fence is to “ship a message the Palestinian folks haven’t and won’t adapt to 70 years of being refugees, estrangement and tough circumstances.”
“We’re adamant to return, it doesn’t matter what occurs. That is what the folks of Gaza need – it is about common will. And that is their proper.” 
The Proper of Return is enshrined in United Nations Decision 194. 
Israeli officers have accused Hamas of being behind the protests, saying the motion exploits Palestinians and intentionally exposes them to hazard close to the border fence.
The organisers behind the Nice March of Return have rejected these claims.
Early on Monday, the Israeli navy, which has imposed a land, sea and air blockade on the Gaza Strip for greater than a decade, dropped leaflets warning Palestinians to steer clear of the border. 
Saturday, Might 12
Palestinian teen succumbs to wounds
Jamal Afanah, a 15-year-old boy, died on Saturday within the southern Gaza Strip on account of wounds inflicted by Israeli safety forces the day earlier than, based on Palestinian well being officers.
Israeli forces shot Afanah on Friday throughout protests which occurred for the seventh Friday in a row as a part of the Nice March of Return motion.
Afanah’s loss of life takes the variety of Palestinians killed by Israeli forces for the reason that protests started to no less than 49.
Egypt to open Rafah border crossing
The Palestinian embassy in Cairo introduced that Egypt would open the Rafah border crossing for 4 days and would permit motion in each instructions.
The opening is supposed to take care of humanitarian circumstances, in addition to to these whose names are registered ready to depart the Gaza Strip. 
Tons of mourn loss of life of Jaber Salem Abu Mustafa
Tons of of Palestinians within the southern Gaza Strip attended the funeral of 40-year-old Jaber Salem Abu Mustafa, who was shot by Israeli forces. 
Mustafa was shot within the chest close to the Israeli border, east of Khan Younis, on Friday, Might 11.
Friday, Might 11
Palestinian killed, greater than 100 wounded 
Israeli forces have shot lifeless a 40-year-old man, Jaber Salem Abu Mustafa, east of Khan Younis, based on Palestinian well being officers. 
Abu Mustafa died when he was shot within the chest with reside ammunition. 
Ashraf al-Qidra, spokesperson for Gaza’s well being ministry, stated 167 different folks had been wounded by reside ammunition, tear gasoline, and rubber-coated metal bullets. 
One journalist was amongst these injured. He sustained an damage in his foot east of Khan Younis. 
Al-Qidra stated medical workers are conducting therapeutic therapy for dozens wounded by Israeli forces, together with girls and kids.
Preparations beneath manner for Nakba protest
Al Jazeera’s Stefanie Dekker, reporting from the Gaza-Israel border, stated younger folks have been arriving on the protests with tyres to be burned to cut back their visibility to Israeli forces positioned with snipers on the opposite aspect of the fence.
“We have already seen one youth injured this morning, hit by reside hearth. He was very near the fence, taken away in an ambulance,” Dekker stated.
“What folks right here will let you know is that there’s a lot of strain. It has resulted in a variety of strain on Israel.
“We’re understanding from sources that there are talks beneath the desk to forestall the Nakba protest from occurring. Why? As a result of lots of of 1000’s of individuals are anticipated to point out up – not simply at this level however all alongside the border with Israel.”
Dekker defined that there may be fewer demonstrators attending this Friday’s protests in contrast with earlier weeks as a result of Palestinians are getting ready for much greater protests within the days to come back.
Israelis march in help of Palestinians in Gaza
Round midday, some 50 Israelis started marching in direction of the Gaza border protesting in opposition to the Israeli blockade on the Gaza Strip and the Israeli military’s use of deadly pressure in opposition to unarmed Palestinian protesters.
Friday, Might four
Dozens of Palestinians wounded in Gaza border protest
Israeli forces have fired tear gasoline and reside rounds at Palestinian protesters on the Gaza-Israel border, wounding no less than 40 folks.
No less than 13 folks had been wounded by reside hearth, based on the well being ministry in Gaza.
Al Jazeera’s Harry Fawcett, reporting from the Gaza-Israel border, stated there have been no stories of deaths and that the variety of folks injured on Friday marked “a considerable lower” as in comparison with earlier weeks. 
However that determine may rise, he stated, including: “We’ve heard reside hearth getting used on a number of events at this time. There was a variety of tear gasoline, a variety of warnings coming from the Israeli aspect.”
Protesters burned tyres on the website sending black smoke billowing into the air. 
Palestinians with their faces painted like characters from the film ‘Avatar’ pose for an image on the Israel-Gaza border [Said Khatib/AFP]
Naming the lifeless
These are the 56 Palestinians which were killed by Israel for the reason that begin of the protests:
Mohammed Naeem Abu Amr, 27, died on March 30
Amin Mansour Abu Muammar, 22, died on March 30
Mohammed Najjar 25, died on March 30
Ahmed Odeh, 19, died on March 30
Mahmoud Saadi Rahmi, 33, died on March 30
Abdelfattah Abdelnabi, 19, died on March 30
Jihad Freneh, 33, died on March 30
Sari Abu Odeh, 30, died on March 30 
Ibrahim Abu Shaar, 22, died on March 30
Abdelqader Al-Hawajri, 42, died on March 30
Jihad Abu Jamous, 30, died on March 30
Bader al-Sabbagh, 22, died on March 30
Naji Abu Hujeir, 25, died on March 30
Hamdan Abu Amsha, 26, died on March 30
Ahmed Omar Arafeh, 25, died on March 30
Omar Wahid Samour, 28, died on March 30
Mosab al-Saloul, 22, died on March 30 
Fares al-Raqab, 29, succumbed to his wounds on April 2 from accidents sustained on March 30
Shadi Hamdan al-Kashif, 34, Rafah, succumbed to his wounds on April 5 from accidents sustained on March 30
Thaer Mohammed Rabea, 30, succumbed to his wounds on April 6 from accidents sustained on March 30
Ahmed Nizar Muhareb, 29, died on April 6
Usama Khamis Qudeih, 38, died on April 6
Majdi Ramadan Shabat, 38, died on April 6
Hussein Mohammed Madi, 16, died on April 6
Ibrahim Al-Err, 20, died on April 6
Mohammed Saeed Saleh, 33, died on April 6
Alaa Zamli, 17, died on April 6
Sedqi Faraj Abu Atewi, 45, died on April 6
Alaa Eddine Yahya Al-Zamli, 15, died on April 6
Hamza Abdel Al-Aal, died on April 6
Yaser Murtaja, 30, succumbed to his wounds on April 7 from accidents sustained on April 6
Marwan Awdeh Qadeih, 45, died on April 9
Mohammed Abu Hajeela, 31, died on April 12
Abdallah Al-Shahri, 28, died on April 14
Ahmed Abu Aqil, 25, died on April 20
Ahmed Rashad, 24, died on April 20
Mohammed Ibrahim Ayyoub, 15, died on April 20
Saad Abdul Majid Abdul-Aal Abu Taha, 29, died on April 20
Ahmad Abu Hussein, 24, succumbed to his wounds on April 25 from accidents sustained on April 13
Khalil Atallah, 22, died on April 27
Muhammad Amin al-Muqid, 21, died on April 27
Abd al-Salam Eid Zuhdi Baker, 33, died on April 27
Azzam Oweida, 15, died on April 27
Anas Abu Asser, 19 years outdated, succumbed to his wounds on Might three from accidents sustained on April 27
Yousif Abu Jazar, 16, died on April 29 
Attiyah Muhammad al-Amawi, 23, died on April 29 
Yousif Ahmad al-Amawi, 23, died on April 29 
Jaber Salem Abu Mustafa, 40, died on Might 11
Jamal Afanah, 15, died on Might 12
Anas Hamdan Qdeih, 21, died on Might 14 
Musab Abu Laila, 29, died on Might 14 
Bilal Abu Daqqa, 26, died on Might 14 
Ezz al-Din al-Owaiti, 22, died on Might 14 
Ezz al-Din al-Sammak, 14, died on Might 14 
Obaida Salem Farhan, died on Might 14
Mohammad Abu Sitta, 26, died on Might 14
Sunday, April 29
three Palestinians killed at Gaza border
In two separate incidents, Israeli forces shot lifeless three Palestinians on the Gaza-Israel border fence late Sunday night. The spokesperson for the Israeli military confirmed the deaths on Twitter and added that one other Palestinian had been detained.
Saturday, April 28
Tons of mourn loss of life of Palestinian teenager shot on Friday
Azzam Oweida, a 15-year outdated boy, who was shot within the head by Israeli navy on Friday has died of his wounds on Saturday. 
Tons of in Khan Younis gathered to pay their final respects for Hillal on Saturday. 
Three different Palestinians had been shot lifeless throughout Friday’s peaceable protests. 
Friday, April 27
4 Palestinians killed, 955 wounded
4 Palestinian demonstrators had been killed and 955 injured by Israeli forces in the course of the protests on Friday.
The well being ministry recognized the three males and baby as Khalil Atallah, 22, Muhammad Amin al-Muqid, 21, Abd al-Salam Eid Zuhdi Baker, 33, and Azzam Oweida, 15.
“1000’s of individuals stood proper on the border, then we heard Israeli forces opening reside hearth. They’re nonetheless doing that sporadically as we communicate,” Al Jazeera’s Stefanie Dekker reported from the Israel-Gaza border.
“Ambulances are speeding in direction of that space… The scenes that we have now witnessed right here over the previous half hour or so are probably the most dramatic.”
Eighteen medical personnel and journalists had been among the many wounded.
Ashraf al-Qidra, spokesperson for Gaza’s well being ministry, stated Israeli forces focused medical service factors twice with an unidentified gasoline east of the al-Bureij refugee camp in central Gaza.
A variety of victims skilled convulsions on account of their publicity, he stated.
A feminine demonstrator is evacuated after inhaling tear gasoline fired by Israeli troops on the Israel-Gaza border [Ibraheem Abu Mustafa/Reuters]
Palestinian protesters run from tear gasoline launched by Israeli forces in the course of the Nice March of Return in Khan Younis within the southern Gaza Strip [Mustafa Hassona/Anadolu Agency]  
Palestinians shout slogans as they protested on Friday [Mustafa Hassona/Anadolu Agency]
Dozens damage in newest Gaza protest
No less than 25 Palestinian protesters have reportedly been injured by reside Israeli gunfire or have suffocated from tear gasoline inhalation, as demonstrations erupted for the fifth Friday in a row in Gaza, based on stories. 
The Palestinian information company WAFA reported that no less than six Palestinians had been injured when Israeli forces fired reside ammunition at protesters, whereas the remainder had been damage due to teargas inhalation.
Tons of of protesters have been gathering on the jap and northern borders of the Gaza Strip on what they known as the “Friday of Rebellious Youth”.
UN rights chief decries Israel’s extreme use of pressure in Gaza
UN Excessive Commissioner for Human Rights Zeid Ra’advert al-Hussein has condemned Israel’s use of “extreme pressure” in opposition to Palestinian protesters, saying its safety forces have to be held to account for the various deaths and accidents sustained by Palestinians previously month.
“The lack of life is deplorable, and the staggering variety of accidents attributable to reside ammunition solely confirms the sense that extreme pressure has been used in opposition to demonstrators – not as soon as, not twice, however repeatedly,” Zeid stated.
Previously 4 weeks, 42 Palestinians had been killed and greater than 5,500 injured alongside the fence in Gaza, with no stories of Israeli casualties.
Friday, April 20
4 Palestinians killed by Israeli forces
Palestinian officers say the loss of life toll on Friday has risen to 4, with Mohammed Ibrahim Ayyoub, a 15-year-old from Jabalia within the northern Gaza Strip, becoming a member of the rising checklist of fatalities.
Ashraf al-Qidra, spokesperson for Gaza’s well being ministry,  added that no less than 729 Palestinians, together with 45 youngsters, had been wounded by Israeli forces.
The opposite three victims had been recognized as Ahmed Rashad, 24, Ahmed Abu Aqil, 25, and Saad Abdul Majid Abdul-Aal Abu Taha, 29.
Yahya Sinwar makes uncommon public look at protest website
Yahya Sinwar, the chief of Hamas within the Gaza Strip, has made a uncommon public look at a protest close to Gaza Metropolis.
Freed in a 2011 prisoner swap with Israel after greater than 20 years in jail, Sinwar informed the gang of protesters that they might “march on Jerusalem”.
Yahya Sinwar, chief of Hamas within the Gaza Strip, made one other uncommon public look on Friday at a protest close to Gaza metropolis [Bernard Smith/Al Jazeera]
Palestinians elevate their flag in entrance of burning tyres they lit close to the border with Israel, east of Gaza Metropolis [Hosam Salem/Al Jazeera]
  Nice March of Return spokesman: South Africa is our mannequin
Asaad Abu Shariek, a spokesman for the Nice March of Return protest motion, stated demonstrators had been following a path laid down by South Africa throughout its wrestle in opposition to apartheid.
“Persons are very enthusiastic to come back and participate within the protests as a result of they know with out taking part on this non-violent type of resistance they can not obtain their goal,” Abu Shariek informed Al Jazeera.
When requested whether or not the protests would result in any tangible concessions by the Israelis, Abu Shariek stated: “We’re implanting an thought within the minds of individuals internationally that Palestinians have rights and so they hope for the appropriate of return.
“We wish the world to impose a navy embargo on Israel and the BDS [Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions] technique. South Africa used this technique, and so they emerged victorious, and I feel we shall be no exception.”
A person has his eyes cleaned after he was uncovered to tear gasoline fired by Israeli troopers [Hosam Salem/Al Jazeera]
‘Barrage of tear gasoline’ 
Reporting from the protest website, Al Jazeera’s Bernard Smith stated the 1000’s of Palestinians in attendance had been being subjected to a “barrage of tear gasoline from Israeli troopers”.
“Thick black smoke has now stuffed the air as they attempt to obscure the view for Israeli troopers,” Smith stated.
“It is a peaceable protest because it has been over the previous couple of weeks.
“There shall be extra protests like this till Might 15, the day the Palestinians name the Nakba that marked the founding of the state of Israel.”
Loss of life toll reaches 37 Palestinians killed
Ahmed Rashad, 24, was pronounced lifeless by the Palestinian Ministry of Well being after being hit by a reside bullet fired by Israeli forces. This brings the loss of life toll to 37 Palestinians since protests started on March 30.
Ahmed Abu Akil, 25, died within the hospital after being shot with a reside bullet, based on the Palestinian well being ministry. 
Palestinians fly kites over fence into Israel
Palestinian protesters alongside the Gaza border have despatched kites over the fence into Israel, together with some carrying notes telling Israelis: “There is no such thing as a place for you in Palestine.”
Palestinians fly a kite with the phrases: ‘We’ll return regardless of the betrayers’ [Hosam Salem/Al Jazeera]
40 Palestinian protesters wounded
No less than 40 Palestinians have been wounded by Israeli use of reside hearth and tear gasoline throughout protests alongside the Gaza-Israeli border, reported by the Palestinian Ministry of Well being.  
Among the many wounded is Ahmed Abu Akil from Jabaliya. He has been moved to the intensive care unit after being injured within the head by reside bullets fired by the Israeli forces, based on the Palestinian Ministry of Well being. 
One other two Palestinians have additionally been reported injured within the Gaza Strip after Israeli forces fired reside bullets at protesters. 
Israel drops leaflets in Gaza: ‘Keep away from border fence’
Israel dropped leaflets within the Gaza Strip warning Palestinians to not method its border fence because the navy braced for contemporary Palestinian protests alongside the jap borders of the Gaza Strip.
It was the primary time leaflets have been dropped within the current spherical of demonstrations. 
The Israeli military “is ready for all eventualities. Keep away from the fence and don’t try and hurt it,” learn the leaflets, which had been scattered by Israeli plane alongside the border within the early morning.
Friday, April 13
Variety of injured approaches 1,000: well being ministry
The Palestinian Ministry of Well being is reporting complete of 969 folks have been injured by Israeli forces
Palestinian killed in Gaza
The Palestinian Ministry of Well being confirmed that Islam Herzallah, 28, died after being shot by Israeli snipers in his abdomen, east of Gaza.
The variety of accidents has surpassed 701, it added.
Palestinian Ministry of Well being: 528 wounded
Well being officers in Gaza say no less than 528 protesters have been wounded, together with 16 journalists and medical professionals.
In response to the ministry, no less than 122 Palestinians had been wounded by reside ammunition.
Palestinian Ministry of Well being says 363 protesters wounded up to now
Journalists are among the many injured, with Ahmad Abu Hussein shot within the chest whereas overlaying the protests in Jabaliya, northern Gaza.
A bullet additionally grazed the arm of Center East Eye’s photographer Mohammed al-Hajjar on the identical location.
Greater than 100 protesters wounded, say well being officers
The Palestinian Ministry of Well being stated that 112 protesters have been wounded by reside bullets and tear gasoline alongside the Gaza Strip border.
Cellular clinic focused close to Khan Younis
Medics carry a wounded protester on a stretcher in Khuza’a, Khan Younis, on the third consecutive Friday protest close to the Gaza Strip border [Hosam Salem/Al Jazeera] 
The spokesperson for Gaza’s well being ministry Ashraf al-Qidra had condemned Israeli forces focusing on a cell clinic east of Khan Younis with tear gasoline, ensuing within the suffocation of 10 medical workers.
“Regardless of the direct focusing on of our medical factors, we’re decided to proceed offering therapy to our folks beneath all circumstances,” he stated.
The Ministry of Well being additionally stated that 30 protesters have been injured up to now.
Three protesters injured
Al Jazeera’s Harry Fawcett stated that three protesters east of Gaza Metropolis have already been wounded by Israeli forces.
“What we have now seen over the previous two Fridays is a superb variety of folks shot by Israeli snipers,” he stated, talking close to the encampment close to Gaza Metropolis. 
In response to Gaza’s Ministry of Well being, greater than 1,600 Palestinians had been wounded final Friday.
Journalists undeterred by Israeli focusing on
Final Friday, 9 journalists who had been overlaying the protests had been hospitalised with critical leg accidents after Israeli forces shot at them.
One them, Izz Abu Shanab, is a contract photographer and informed Al Jazeera he was carrying a flak jacket marked with “PRESS” and a helmet.
“As I used to be working about 400 metres away from the border fence, the Israelis shot me with a reside bullet within the leg,” Abu Shanab stated. “It broke the bone as a result of it was an explosive bullet.”
One other journalist, Jameel Dahlan, stated that regardless of concern from relations, he’ll proceed to cowl the protests.
“We as journalists ship a message,” he informed Al Jazeera. “It doesn’t matter what my spouse or mom says, we love our work. Due to that we’ll maintain coming right here.”
  ‘Burn the Israeli flag’
Palestinians in Gaza burn the Israeli flag as a part of the protest’s theme on the third consecutive Friday [Hosam Salem/Al Jazeera] 
Amer Shreiteh, member of the Coordinating Committee for the Return March, informed native Palestinian media that Friday’s protest theme has been dubbed as “Burn the Israeli flag and lift the Palestinian one”.
“A 25-metre flag mast has been constructed for every of the 5 encampments alongside the border,” he stated. 
In an announcement, the Committee confirmed its dedication to a peaceable, common protest.
Friday, April 6
For a second week, 1000’s of Palestinians protested alongside the jap borders of the Gaza Strip, as a part of the Nice March of Return motion.
Israeli forces have killed 29 Palestinians in the course of the previous week, together with 21 throughout and after the March 30 protests, which wounded greater than 1,600 others.
Eight Palestinians died final Friday, together with one who succumbed to his wounds after being shot final week.
Two extra died from their wounds the next day, together with journalist Yaser Murtaja.
Native media: Eight killed by Israeli forces
The Palestinian Shehab Information Company is reporting that the loss of life toll in Friday’s protests has risen to 9, after Alaa Yahya al-Zamali, 17, was shot lifeless by Israeli forces in Rafah.
Yahya Sinwar: Gaza will ‘stand tall’ within the face of the occupation
Yahya Sinwar, the chief of Hamas within the Gaza Strip, has made a uncommon public look at a protest close to the town of Khan Younis.
Freed in a 2011 prisoner swap with Israel after greater than 20 years in jail, Sinwar informed the gang that Gaza would “stand tall” within the face of Israeli occupation.
“The plot of hunger and siege have didn’t incite the Palestinian folks in opposition to the resistance [Hamas].
“Gaza is not going to starve and won’t abandon its nationwide goal.
“Our folks got here out to inform the world that Gaza is free and that we’ll stand tall and resist the Israeli occupation.”
A Palestinian protester wears a tyre on his head with an onion (to guard himself from tear gasoline) dangling from it [Hosam Salem/Al Jazeera]
Native media: Six killed by Israeli forces
The Palestinian Safa Press Company is reporting that the loss of life toll has risen to eight, with Sidqi Abu Outewi, a 45-year-old from Nuseirat, and Mohammed Hajj Saleh, a 33-year-old from Rafah, becoming a member of the rising checklist of fatalities.
Fifth Palestinian killed, well being ministry says
The Palestinian Ministry of Well being says the loss of life toll has risen to 6, with 20-year-old Ibrahim Al-Ourr killed.
Palestinian Ministry of Well being: 780 wounded
Well being officers in Gaza stated that no less than 780 protesters have been wounded, together with seven girls and 31 youngsters.
Fourth Palestinian killed, well being ministry says
The Palestinian Ministry of Well being stated 16-year-old boy has been killed by Israeli forces.
, Hussein Madi, was lifeless on arrival after he was taken to Gaza Metropolis’s Shifa Hospital, the ministry added.
Journalist: 28 wounded protesters in intensive care unit
Hosam Salem, a photographer on the scene within the southern Gaza Strip, informed Al Jazeera that there are presently eight protesters within the intensive care unit on the Nasser Hospital in Khan Younis.
Salem witnessed his colleague Yaser Murtaja, a 30-year-old journalist with an area media outlet, drop to the bottom after he was shot by Israeli forces within the abdomen.
“Yaser was filming along with his digicam subsequent to me once we heard the sound of gunfire,” Salem stated. “He simply fell on the bottom and stated, ‘I have been shot, I have been shot’.”
“He wanted eight items of blood,” Salem continued. “The hospital moved him from the operations room to the ICU the place his state of affairs stays essential.”
One other journalist, Ibrahim Zanoun, was shot within the arm whereas overlaying the protests in Jabaliya, northern Gaza.
Half an hour in the past the occupation military shot my brother, journalist, Ibrahim Zanoun within the arm!
— Ezz zanoon (@EzzZanoon) April 6, 2018
Well being officers: Two killed, 250 injured
The Palestinian Ministry of Well being says protester Majdi Ramadan Shbat has been killed east of Gaza Metropolis by Israeli forces.
The variety of these wounded has risen to no less than 250, based on the ministry.
Shbat’s loss of life brings the whole variety of protesters killed on Friday to a few, after Thaer Rab’a, who was shot by Israeli forces in the course of the March 30 demonstrations, succumbed to his wounds earlier within the day.
Protesters ‘defiant’ amid rising stress
A Palestinian girl and man stand behind burning tyres in Khuza’a close to the border in southern Gaza Strip [Hosam Salem/Al Jazeera] 
Al Jazeera’s Hoda Abdel-Hamid, reporting from Gaza, says Palestinian protesters have remained “defiant” regardless of Israel saying it is not going to change its rule of engagement. 
“Some younger boys have been carrying mirrors to blind the troopers stationed all alongside the border,” she stated. “We have seen them with makeshift do-it-yourself gasoline masks which will not actually defend them from something. 
“Rigidity is rising as a result of an increasing number of individuals are arriving, however plainly the Israelis are displaying a point of restraint in comparison with final week,” she continued. “They’re nonetheless utilizing reside ammunition and high-velocity bullets which do not kill however maim protesters.”
Palestinian killed in Gaza
The Palestinian Ministry of Well being has confirmed that 38-year-old Osama Qdeih has been killed by Israeli reside hearth east of Khan Younis.
The variety of wounded has elevated to no less than 150, the ministry added.
Ministry of Well being: 40 wounded by reside hearth and tear gasoline
A medic stands over a wounded protester close to Gaza Strip’s jap border [Hosam Salem/Al Jazeera]
Palestinian well being officers say no less than 40 protesters have been wounded.
In response to Ashraf al-Qidra, the well being ministry’s spokesperson, five are in essential situation after being shot within the head or within the higher physique.
Mahjoob Zweiri, a professor at Qatar College, informed Al Jazeera that the protests are the end result of “years and years of frustration” by the residents of the Gaza Strip.
“In case you have a look at the previous 60 years there has at all times been delayed motion from the Arab League and the worldwide group [with regards to] the Palestinian query,” he stated.
“That delay of motion is a sign that there isn’t a critical try and cease Israel from doing what it’s doing now.”
UN warns Israeli forces to respect ‘proper of peaceable meeting’
UN Excessive Commissioner for Human Rights spokeswoman Liz Throssell has expressed concern over additional violence throughout Friday’s demonstrations and within the weeks forward.
Talking at a press convention in Geneva, Throssell stated: “We remind Israel of its obligations to make sure that extreme pressure isn’t employed in opposition to protesters and that within the context of a navy occupation, as is the case in Gaza, the unjustified and illegal recourse to firearms by regulation enforcement leading to loss of life could quantity to a willful killing, a grave breach of the Fourth Geneva Conference.”
Earlier, Gaza’s Ministry of Well being confirmed the loss of life of Thaer Rab’a, 30, who succumbed to his accidents after he was shot by Israeli forces final Friday.
This brings this week’s loss of life toll to 22 Palestinians. 
Friday of ‘Burning Tyres’
Palestinians have gathered lots of of spare tyres and plan on setting them on hearth in an effort to create a smokescreen to impede the imaginative and prescient of Israeli snipers.
Al Jazeera’s correspondent within the Gaza Strip, Hoda Abdel-Hamid, stated that the state of affairs is calm for the time being, regardless of 5 Palestinians up to now being wounded by reside ammunition
“[At the five encampments along the border] you have got whole households with their youngsters wearing conventional Palestinian garments,” she stated. “They’re having picnics, they’re sitting on the ground, and there is a variety of distributors on the aspect.
“It’s a utterly totally different environment and that is the place the overwhelming majority of individuals are.”
Hamas inside safety known as for peaceable protest
An aged Palestinian man and his granddaughter sit throughout Friday prayers at at one of many encampments east of Khuza’a within the southern Gaza Strip [Hosam Salem/Al Jazeera] 
On Thursday evening, the interior safety of Hamas launched an announcement calling on all protesters to “keep away from friction with the Israeli occupation forces, and cooperate with the directions of the organizers of the occasions.”
The assertion additionally known as on members to keep away from carrying distinctive garments and to not take photographs or use their cell phones.
Organisers of the march
“The march is organised by refugees, medical doctors, attorneys, college college students, Palestinian intellectuals, teachers, civil society organizations and Palestinian households,” Asad Abu Sharekh, the spokesperson of the march, informed Al Jazeera.
“Utilizing these claims of Hamas being behind the protests, Israel is attempting to sabotage the thought of the march to justify its escalation in opposition to protesters.”
Protests start
The deliberate protests, which began on March 30, or Land Day, will proceed till the Nakba anniversary on Might 15, which marks 70 years since 750,000 Palestinians had been expelled from their villages and cities by Zionist militias in 1948.
Makeshift tents have been erected 700 metres away from the Israeli fence, symbolising the appropriate of return for Palestinian refugees, who make up 70 p.c of the Gaza Strip’s inhabitants of two million.
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kiro-anarka · 6 years
Ya está aquí la XXII Semana de la Solidaridad de Zabaldi, del 22 al 26 de octubre. Charlas, documental, exposición y dossier, como siempre para profundizar en una visión crítica que nos permita comprender mejor qué sucede en otros territorios atravesados por la guerra y las implicaciones que tienen aquí: desde el tráfico de armas a las políticas migratorias. Poniendo la mirada en Palestina y la marcha del retorno, además de un acercamiento al conflicto en Oriente Medio a través de las diferentes lecturas que se hace desde la izquierda. Esta última cuestión se verá abordada en una charla por nuestros compañeros de Zabaldi, con el objetivo de crear un espacio cercano para la interacción conjunta y apostando por el aprendizaje colectivo. PROGRAMA Lunes 22 de octubre Charla Geopolítica en Oriente Medio: las diferentes visiones desde la izquierda. Mikel Muñoz y Enrique Sánchez. Zabaldi. Martes  23 de octubre Charla Los desplazamientos forzados: de la exclusión a la necropolítica. Juan Hernández Zubizarreta. Miembro del Observatorio de Multinacionales en América Latina (OMAL). Miércoles  24 de octubre Charla La marcha del retorno: A 70 años de la Nakba Teresa Aranguren. Periodista e
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cleopatrarps · 6 years
Israeli forces kill two Palestinians near border as Gaza buries dead
GAZA-ISRAEL BORDER (Reuters) – Palestinians buried the dead on Tuesday from the bloodiest day in Gaza in years, after Israeli forces killed 60 Palestinians near the Gaza-Israel border during demonstrations against the opening of the U.S. embassy in Jerusalem.
Israeli forces shot dead two more Palestinians on Tuesday, although protests were quieter than the previous day. It appeared that many protesters had gone to mourning tents rather than back to the scene of Monday’s bloodshed. Mourners marched through the strip, waving Palestinian flags and calling for revenge.
“With souls and blood we redeem you martyrs,” they shouted.
Hundreds marched in the funeral of eight-month-old Leila al-Ghandour, whose body was wrapped in a Palestinian flag.
“Let her stay with me, it is too early for her to go,” her mother cried, pressing the baby’s body to her chest. The family said she died of inhaling tear gas.
At Gaza’s hospitals, families crowded the halls and spilled out of rooms as patients awaited treatment. Bassem Ibrahim, who said he was shot in the leg by Israeli troops, said at one stage he had feared losing the limb because of the delays.
“There are not many doctors. They are unable to see everyone, with all the injuries,” said Ibrahim, 23. “The number was unbelievable and they did not have time.”
On the Israeli side of the border, Israeli sharpshooters took up positions to stop any attempted breach of the fence should demonstrations break out again. Tanks were also deployed.
But if the violence tapered off, it still had a forceful impact internationally, with countries criticizing both the Israeli use of deadly force and the U.S. decision to open its new embassy at a ceremony attended by President Donald Trump’s daughter Ivanka and son-in-law Jared Kushner.
Turkey expelled Israel’s ambassador, and Israel expelled the Turkish consul-general in Jerusalem. President Tayyip Erdogan exchanged heated words on Twitter with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The Palestinians summoned home their representative in Washington, citing the embassy decision.
Netanyahu blamed Hamas for provoking the violence. “They’re pushing civilians – women, children – into the line of fire with a view of getting casualties. We try to minimize casualties. They’re trying to incur casualties in order to put pressure on Israel, which is horrible,” Netanyahu told CBS News.
The United States echoed that charge, with State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert saying the United States regretted all loss of life but blaming “the misery that is faced by people in Gaza” on Hamas. She said Hamas used the U.S. embassy move “as an excuse to rile people up and to encourage violence.”
“We have seen how Hamas continues to incite violence,” she told a briefing. “The activities that are taking place there … would certainly stop if violent protests were to stop.”
For six weeks, Palestinians have been holding Gaza border demonstrations demanding access to family land or homes lost to Israel when it was founded in the 1948 Middle East war. Israel rejects that demand, fearing it would deprive the state of its Jewish majority.
Palestinian medical officials say 107 Gazans have now been killed since the start of the protests and nearly 11,000 people wounded, about 3,500 of them by live fire. Israeli officials dispute those numbers. No Israeli casualties have been reported.
Palestinian leaders have called Monday’s events a massacre, and the Israeli tactic of using live fire against the protesters has drawn worldwide concern and condemnation.
The United Nations Security Council met to discuss the situation.
Israel has said it is acting in self-defense to protect its borders and communities. Its main ally, the United States, has backed that stance. Hamas, which rules Gaza and opposes Israel’s existence, denies instigating violence.
The Israeli military said at least 24 of those killed on Monday were “terrorists with documented terror background” and most of them were active operatives of Hamas.
The Islamic Jihad militant group posted portraits of three uniformed members whom it said were killed when they took part as non-combatants in the protests, and the Hamas-led interior ministry posted pictures of 10 of its security men killed in the protests whom it said were unarmed and monitoring the crowds.
May 15 is traditionally the day Palestinians mark the “Nakba”, or Catastrophe, when hundreds of thousands fled or were driven from their homes in violence culminating in war between the newly created Jewish state and its Arab neighbors in 1948.
More than 2 million people are crammed into the Gaza Strip, more than two-thirds of them refugees. Citing security concerns, Israel and Egypt maintain tight curbs on the enclave, deepening economic hardship and raising humanitarian concerns.
A senior Israeli commander said that of the 60 Gazans killed on Monday, 14 were carrying out attacks and 14 others were militants.
He also said Palestinians protesters were using hundreds of pipe bombs, grenades and fire-bombs. Militants had opened fire on Israeli troops and tried to set off explosives by the fence.
Many casualties were caused by Palestinians carrying devices that went off prematurely,” he said.
In Geneva, the U.N. human rights office condemned what it called the “appalling deadly violence” by Israeli forces.
A Palestinian demonstrator holds a sling during a protest marking the 70th anniversary of Nakba, near the Jewish settlement of Beit El, near Ramallah, in the occupied West Bank May 15, 2018. REUTERS/Mohamad Torokman
U.N. human rights spokesman Rupert Colville said Israel had a right to defend its borders according to international law, but lethal force must only be used a last resort, and was not justified by Palestinians approaching the Gaza fence.
The U.N. rapporteur on human rights in the Palestinian territories, Michael Lynk, said Israel’s use of force may amount to a war crime.
Many shops in East Jerusalem were shut throughout the day following a call by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas for a general strike across the Palestinian Territories. A 70-second siren was sounded in the occupied West Bank in commemoration of the Nakba.
Most Gaza protesters stay around tent camps but groups have ventured closer to the border fence, rolling burning tyres and throwing stones. Some have flown kites carrying containers of petrol that spread fires on the Israeli side.
On Tuesday the number of protesters gathered at the frontier was estimated by the Israeli army at 4,000, well down on Monday.
Monday’s protests were fueled by the opening ceremony for the new U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem following its relocation from Tel Aviv. The move fulfilled a pledge by U.S. President Donald Trump, who in December recognized the city as Israel’s capital.
Palestinians envision East Jerusalem as the capital of a state they hope to establish in the occupied West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Israel regards all of Jerusalem, including the eastern sector it captured in the 1967 Middle East war and which it later annexed, as its “eternal and indivisible capital”.
Most countries say the status of Jerusalem – a sacred city to Jews, Muslims and Christians – should be determined in a final peace settlement and that moving their embassies now would prejudge any such deal.
Netanyahu on Monday praised Trump but Palestinians have said the United States can no longer serve as an honest broker in any peace process. Talks aimed at finding a two-state solution to the conflict have been frozen since 2014.
Trump said on Monday he remained committed to peace between Israel and the Palestinians. His administration says it has nearly completed a new Israeli-Palestinian peace plan.
Netanyahu blamed Hamas for the Gaza violence. Hamas denied instigating it but the White House backed Netanyahu, saying Hamas “intentionally and cynically” provoked this response.
The United States on Monday blocked a Kuwait-drafted U.N. Security Council statement that would have expressed “outrage and sorrow at the killing of Palestinian civilians” and called for an independent investigation, U.N. diplomats said.
In the British parliament, junior foreign office minister Alistair Burt said the United States needed to show more understanding about the causes of Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Slideshow (21 Images)
Hamas’ role in the violence must be investigated, he added.
Additional reporting by Stephen Farrell and Lesley Wroughton; Writing by Maayan Lubell, Jeffrey Heller, Ori Lewis and Peter Graff; Editing by William Maclean and James Dalgleish
The post Israeli forces kill two Palestinians near border as Gaza buries dead appeared first on World The News.
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news4dzhozhar · 26 days
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
The assault on Rafah has begun
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newestbalance · 6 years
Israeli forces kill two Palestinians near border as Gaza buries dead
GAZA-ISRAEL BORDER (Reuters) – Palestinians buried the dead on Tuesday from the bloodiest day in Gaza in years, after Israeli forces killed 60 Palestinians near the Gaza-Israel border during demonstrations against the opening of the U.S. embassy in Jerusalem.
Israeli forces shot dead two more Palestinians on Tuesday, although protests were quieter than the previous day. It appeared that many protesters had gone to mourning tents rather than back to the scene of Monday’s bloodshed. Mourners marched through the strip, waving Palestinian flags and calling for revenge.
“With souls and blood we redeem you martyrs,” they shouted.
Hundreds marched in the funeral of eight-month-old Leila al-Ghandour, whose body was wrapped in a Palestinian flag.
“Let her stay with me, it is too early for her to go,” her mother cried, pressing the baby’s body to her chest. The family said she died of inhaling tear gas.
At Gaza’s hospitals, families crowded the halls and spilled out of rooms as patients awaited treatment. Bassem Ibrahim, who said he was shot in the leg by Israeli troops, said at one stage he had feared losing the limb because of the delays.
“There are not many doctors. They are unable to see everyone, with all the injuries,” said Ibrahim, 23. “The number was unbelievable and they did not have time.”
On the Israeli side of the border, Israeli sharpshooters took up positions to stop any attempted breach of the fence should demonstrations break out again. Tanks were also deployed.
But if the violence tapered off, it still had a forceful impact internationally, with countries criticizing both the Israeli use of deadly force and the U.S. decision to open its new embassy at a ceremony attended by President Donald Trump’s daughter Ivanka and son-in-law Jared Kushner.
Turkey expelled Israel’s ambassador, and Israel expelled the Turkish consul-general in Jerusalem. President Tayyip Erdogan exchanged heated words on Twitter with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The Palestinians summoned home their representative in Washington, citing the embassy decision.
Netanyahu blamed Hamas for provoking the violence. “They’re pushing civilians – women, children – into the line of fire with a view of getting casualties. We try to minimize casualties. They’re trying to incur casualties in order to put pressure on Israel, which is horrible,” Netanyahu told CBS News.
The United States echoed that charge, with State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert saying the United States regretted all loss of life but blaming “the misery that is faced by people in Gaza” on Hamas. She said Hamas used the U.S. embassy move “as an excuse to rile people up and to encourage violence.”
“We have seen how Hamas continues to incite violence,” she told a briefing. “The activities that are taking place there … would certainly stop if violent protests were to stop.”
For six weeks, Palestinians have been holding Gaza border demonstrations demanding access to family land or homes lost to Israel when it was founded in the 1948 Middle East war. Israel rejects that demand, fearing it would deprive the state of its Jewish majority.
Palestinian medical officials say 107 Gazans have now been killed since the start of the protests and nearly 11,000 people wounded, about 3,500 of them by live fire. Israeli officials dispute those numbers. No Israeli casualties have been reported.
Palestinian leaders have called Monday’s events a massacre, and the Israeli tactic of using live fire against the protesters has drawn worldwide concern and condemnation.
The United Nations Security Council met to discuss the situation.
Israel has said it is acting in self-defense to protect its borders and communities. Its main ally, the United States, has backed that stance. Hamas, which rules Gaza and opposes Israel’s existence, denies instigating violence.
The Israeli military said at least 24 of those killed on Monday were “terrorists with documented terror background” and most of them were active operatives of Hamas.
The Islamic Jihad militant group posted portraits of three uniformed members whom it said were killed when they took part as non-combatants in the protests, and the Hamas-led interior ministry posted pictures of 10 of its security men killed in the protests whom it said were unarmed and monitoring the crowds.
May 15 is traditionally the day Palestinians mark the “Nakba”, or Catastrophe, when hundreds of thousands fled or were driven from their homes in violence culminating in war between the newly created Jewish state and its Arab neighbors in 1948.
More than 2 million people are crammed into the Gaza Strip, more than two-thirds of them refugees. Citing security concerns, Israel and Egypt maintain tight curbs on the enclave, deepening economic hardship and raising humanitarian concerns.
A senior Israeli commander said that of the 60 Gazans killed on Monday, 14 were carrying out attacks and 14 others were militants.
He also said Palestinians protesters were using hundreds of pipe bombs, grenades and fire-bombs. Militants had opened fire on Israeli troops and tried to set off explosives by the fence.
Many casualties were caused by Palestinians carrying devices that went off prematurely,” he said.
In Geneva, the U.N. human rights office condemned what it called the “appalling deadly violence” by Israeli forces.
A Palestinian demonstrator holds a sling during a protest marking the 70th anniversary of Nakba, near the Jewish settlement of Beit El, near Ramallah, in the occupied West Bank May 15, 2018. REUTERS/Mohamad Torokman
U.N. human rights spokesman Rupert Colville said Israel had a right to defend its borders according to international law, but lethal force must only be used a last resort, and was not justified by Palestinians approaching the Gaza fence.
The U.N. rapporteur on human rights in the Palestinian territories, Michael Lynk, said Israel’s use of force may amount to a war crime.
Many shops in East Jerusalem were shut throughout the day following a call by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas for a general strike across the Palestinian Territories. A 70-second siren was sounded in the occupied West Bank in commemoration of the Nakba.
Most Gaza protesters stay around tent camps but groups have ventured closer to the border fence, rolling burning tyres and throwing stones. Some have flown kites carrying containers of petrol that spread fires on the Israeli side.
On Tuesday the number of protesters gathered at the frontier was estimated by the Israeli army at 4,000, well down on Monday.
Monday’s protests were fueled by the opening ceremony for the new U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem following its relocation from Tel Aviv. The move fulfilled a pledge by U.S. President Donald Trump, who in December recognized the city as Israel’s capital.
Palestinians envision East Jerusalem as the capital of a state they hope to establish in the occupied West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Israel regards all of Jerusalem, including the eastern sector it captured in the 1967 Middle East war and which it later annexed, as its “eternal and indivisible capital”.
Most countries say the status of Jerusalem – a sacred city to Jews, Muslims and Christians – should be determined in a final peace settlement and that moving their embassies now would prejudge any such deal.
Netanyahu on Monday praised Trump but Palestinians have said the United States can no longer serve as an honest broker in any peace process. Talks aimed at finding a two-state solution to the conflict have been frozen since 2014.
Trump said on Monday he remained committed to peace between Israel and the Palestinians. His administration says it has nearly completed a new Israeli-Palestinian peace plan.
Netanyahu blamed Hamas for the Gaza violence. Hamas denied instigating it but the White House backed Netanyahu, saying Hamas “intentionally and cynically” provoked this response.
The United States on Monday blocked a Kuwait-drafted U.N. Security Council statement that would have expressed “outrage and sorrow at the killing of Palestinian civilians” and called for an independent investigation, U.N. diplomats said.
In the British parliament, junior foreign office minister Alistair Burt said the United States needed to show more understanding about the causes of Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Slideshow (21 Images)
Hamas’ role in the violence must be investigated, he added.
Additional reporting by Stephen Farrell and Lesley Wroughton; Writing by Maayan Lubell, Jeffrey Heller, Ori Lewis and Peter Graff; Editing by William Maclean and James Dalgleish
The post Israeli forces kill two Palestinians near border as Gaza buries dead appeared first on World The News.
from World The News https://ift.tt/2jYi1iD via Everyday News
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dani-qrt · 6 years
Israeli forces kill two Palestinians near border as Gaza buries dead
GAZA-ISRAEL BORDER (Reuters) – Palestinians buried the dead on Tuesday from the bloodiest day in Gaza in years, after Israeli forces killed 60 Palestinians near the Gaza-Israel border during demonstrations against the opening of the U.S. embassy in Jerusalem.
Israeli forces shot dead two more Palestinians on Tuesday, although protests were quieter than the previous day. It appeared that many protesters had gone to mourning tents rather than back to the scene of Monday’s bloodshed. Mourners marched through the strip, waving Palestinian flags and calling for revenge.
“With souls and blood we redeem you martyrs,” they shouted.
Hundreds marched in the funeral of eight-month-old Leila al-Ghandour, whose body was wrapped in a Palestinian flag.
“Let her stay with me, it is too early for her to go,” her mother cried, pressing the baby’s body to her chest. The family said she died of inhaling tear gas.
At Gaza’s hospitals, families crowded the halls and spilled out of rooms as patients awaited treatment. Bassem Ibrahim, who said he was shot in the leg by Israeli troops, said at one stage he had feared losing the limb because of the delays.
“There are not many doctors. They are unable to see everyone, with all the injuries,” said Ibrahim, 23. “The number was unbelievable and they did not have time.”
On the Israeli side of the border, Israeli sharpshooters took up positions to stop any attempted breach of the fence should demonstrations break out again. Tanks were also deployed.
But if the violence tapered off, it still had a forceful impact internationally, with countries criticizing both the Israeli use of deadly force and the U.S. decision to open its new embassy at a ceremony attended by President Donald Trump’s daughter Ivanka and son-in-law Jared Kushner.
Turkey expelled Israel’s ambassador, and Israel expelled the Turkish consul-general in Jerusalem. President Tayyip Erdogan exchanged heated words on Twitter with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The Palestinians summoned home their representative in Washington, citing the embassy decision.
Netanyahu blamed Hamas for provoking the violence. “They’re pushing civilians – women, children – into the line of fire with a view of getting casualties. We try to minimize casualties. They’re trying to incur casualties in order to put pressure on Israel, which is horrible,” Netanyahu told CBS News.
The United States echoed that charge, with State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert saying the United States regretted all loss of life but blaming “the misery that is faced by people in Gaza” on Hamas. She said Hamas used the U.S. embassy move “as an excuse to rile people up and to encourage violence.”
“We have seen how Hamas continues to incite violence,” she told a briefing. “The activities that are taking place there … would certainly stop if violent protests were to stop.”
For six weeks, Palestinians have been holding Gaza border demonstrations demanding access to family land or homes lost to Israel when it was founded in the 1948 Middle East war. Israel rejects that demand, fearing it would deprive the state of its Jewish majority.
Palestinian medical officials say 107 Gazans have now been killed since the start of the protests and nearly 11,000 people wounded, about 3,500 of them by live fire. Israeli officials dispute those numbers. No Israeli casualties have been reported.
Palestinian leaders have called Monday’s events a massacre, and the Israeli tactic of using live fire against the protesters has drawn worldwide concern and condemnation.
The United Nations Security Council met to discuss the situation.
Israel has said it is acting in self-defense to protect its borders and communities. Its main ally, the United States, has backed that stance. Hamas, which rules Gaza and opposes Israel’s existence, denies instigating violence.
The Israeli military said at least 24 of those killed on Monday were “terrorists with documented terror background” and most of them were active operatives of Hamas.
The Islamic Jihad militant group posted portraits of three uniformed members whom it said were killed when they took part as non-combatants in the protests, and the Hamas-led interior ministry posted pictures of 10 of its security men killed in the protests whom it said were unarmed and monitoring the crowds.
May 15 is traditionally the day Palestinians mark the “Nakba”, or Catastrophe, when hundreds of thousands fled or were driven from their homes in violence culminating in war between the newly created Jewish state and its Arab neighbors in 1948.
More than 2 million people are crammed into the Gaza Strip, more than two-thirds of them refugees. Citing security concerns, Israel and Egypt maintain tight curbs on the enclave, deepening economic hardship and raising humanitarian concerns.
A senior Israeli commander said that of the 60 Gazans killed on Monday, 14 were carrying out attacks and 14 others were militants.
He also said Palestinians protesters were using hundreds of pipe bombs, grenades and fire-bombs. Militants had opened fire on Israeli troops and tried to set off explosives by the fence.
Many casualties were caused by Palestinians carrying devices that went off prematurely,” he said.
In Geneva, the U.N. human rights office condemned what it called the “appalling deadly violence” by Israeli forces.
A Palestinian demonstrator holds a sling during a protest marking the 70th anniversary of Nakba, near the Jewish settlement of Beit El, near Ramallah, in the occupied West Bank May 15, 2018. REUTERS/Mohamad Torokman
U.N. human rights spokesman Rupert Colville said Israel had a right to defend its borders according to international law, but lethal force must only be used a last resort, and was not justified by Palestinians approaching the Gaza fence.
The U.N. rapporteur on human rights in the Palestinian territories, Michael Lynk, said Israel’s use of force may amount to a war crime.
Many shops in East Jerusalem were shut throughout the day following a call by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas for a general strike across the Palestinian Territories. A 70-second siren was sounded in the occupied West Bank in commemoration of the Nakba.
Most Gaza protesters stay around tent camps but groups have ventured closer to the border fence, rolling burning tyres and throwing stones. Some have flown kites carrying containers of petrol that spread fires on the Israeli side.
On Tuesday the number of protesters gathered at the frontier was estimated by the Israeli army at 4,000, well down on Monday.
Monday’s protests were fueled by the opening ceremony for the new U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem following its relocation from Tel Aviv. The move fulfilled a pledge by U.S. President Donald Trump, who in December recognized the city as Israel’s capital.
Palestinians envision East Jerusalem as the capital of a state they hope to establish in the occupied West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Israel regards all of Jerusalem, including the eastern sector it captured in the 1967 Middle East war and which it later annexed, as its “eternal and indivisible capital”.
Most countries say the status of Jerusalem – a sacred city to Jews, Muslims and Christians – should be determined in a final peace settlement and that moving their embassies now would prejudge any such deal.
Netanyahu on Monday praised Trump but Palestinians have said the United States can no longer serve as an honest broker in any peace process. Talks aimed at finding a two-state solution to the conflict have been frozen since 2014.
Trump said on Monday he remained committed to peace between Israel and the Palestinians. His administration says it has nearly completed a new Israeli-Palestinian peace plan.
Netanyahu blamed Hamas for the Gaza violence. Hamas denied instigating it but the White House backed Netanyahu, saying Hamas “intentionally and cynically” provoked this response.
The United States on Monday blocked a Kuwait-drafted U.N. Security Council statement that would have expressed “outrage and sorrow at the killing of Palestinian civilians” and called for an independent investigation, U.N. diplomats said.
In the British parliament, junior foreign office minister Alistair Burt said the United States needed to show more understanding about the causes of Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Slideshow (21 Images)
Hamas’ role in the violence must be investigated, he added.
Additional reporting by Stephen Farrell and Lesley Wroughton; Writing by Maayan Lubell, Jeffrey Heller, Ori Lewis and Peter Graff; Editing by William Maclean and James Dalgleish
The post Israeli forces kill two Palestinians near border as Gaza buries dead appeared first on World The News.
from World The News https://ift.tt/2jYi1iD via Online News
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dragnews · 6 years
Israeli forces kill two Palestinians near border as Gaza buries dead
GAZA-ISRAEL BORDER (Reuters) – Palestinians buried the dead on Tuesday from the bloodiest day in Gaza in years, after Israeli forces killed 60 Palestinians near the Gaza-Israel border during demonstrations against the opening of the U.S. embassy in Jerusalem.
Israeli forces shot dead two more Palestinians on Tuesday, although protests were quieter than the previous day. It appeared that many protesters had gone to mourning tents rather than back to the scene of Monday’s bloodshed. Mourners marched through the strip, waving Palestinian flags and calling for revenge.
“With souls and blood we redeem you martyrs,” they shouted.
Hundreds marched in the funeral of eight-month-old Leila al-Ghandour, whose body was wrapped in a Palestinian flag.
“Let her stay with me, it is too early for her to go,” her mother cried, pressing the baby’s body to her chest. The family said she died of inhaling tear gas.
At Gaza’s hospitals, families crowded the halls and spilled out of rooms as patients awaited treatment. Bassem Ibrahim, who said he was shot in the leg by Israeli troops, said at one stage he had feared losing the limb because of the delays.
“There are not many doctors. They are unable to see everyone, with all the injuries,” said Ibrahim, 23. “The number was unbelievable and they did not have time.”
On the Israeli side of the border, Israeli sharpshooters took up positions to stop any attempted breach of the fence should demonstrations break out again. Tanks were also deployed.
But if the violence tapered off, it still had a forceful impact internationally, with countries criticizing both the Israeli use of deadly force and the U.S. decision to open its new embassy at a ceremony attended by President Donald Trump’s daughter Ivanka and son-in-law Jared Kushner.
Turkey expelled Israel’s ambassador, and Israel expelled the Turkish consul-general in Jerusalem. President Tayyip Erdogan exchanged heated words on Twitter with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu. The Palestinians summoned home their representative in Washington, citing the embassy decision.
Netanyahu blamed Hamas for provoking the violence. “They’re pushing civilians – women, children – into the line of fire with a view of getting casualties. We try to minimize casualties. They’re trying to incur casualties in order to put pressure on Israel, which is horrible,” Netanyahu told CBS News.
The United States echoed that charge, with State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert saying the United States regretted all loss of life but blaming “the misery that is faced by people in Gaza” on Hamas. She said Hamas used the U.S. embassy move “as an excuse to rile people up and to encourage violence.”
“We have seen how Hamas continues to incite violence,” she told a briefing. “The activities that are taking place there … would certainly stop if violent protests were to stop.”
For six weeks, Palestinians have been holding Gaza border demonstrations demanding access to family land or homes lost to Israel when it was founded in the 1948 Middle East war. Israel rejects that demand, fearing it would deprive the state of its Jewish majority.
Palestinian medical officials say 107 Gazans have now been killed since the start of the protests and nearly 11,000 people wounded, about 3,500 of them by live fire. Israeli officials dispute those numbers. No Israeli casualties have been reported.
Palestinian leaders have called Monday’s events a massacre, and the Israeli tactic of using live fire against the protesters has drawn worldwide concern and condemnation.
The United Nations Security Council met to discuss the situation.
Israel has said it is acting in self-defense to protect its borders and communities. Its main ally, the United States, has backed that stance. Hamas, which rules Gaza and opposes Israel’s existence, denies instigating violence.
The Israeli military said at least 24 of those killed on Monday were “terrorists with documented terror background” and most of them were active operatives of Hamas.
The Islamic Jihad militant group posted portraits of three uniformed members whom it said were killed when they took part as non-combatants in the protests, and the Hamas-led interior ministry posted pictures of 10 of its security men killed in the protests whom it said were unarmed and monitoring the crowds.
May 15 is traditionally the day Palestinians mark the “Nakba”, or Catastrophe, when hundreds of thousands fled or were driven from their homes in violence culminating in war between the newly created Jewish state and its Arab neighbors in 1948.
More than 2 million people are crammed into the Gaza Strip, more than two-thirds of them refugees. Citing security concerns, Israel and Egypt maintain tight curbs on the enclave, deepening economic hardship and raising humanitarian concerns.
A senior Israeli commander said that of the 60 Gazans killed on Monday, 14 were carrying out attacks and 14 others were militants.
He also said Palestinians protesters were using hundreds of pipe bombs, grenades and fire-bombs. Militants had opened fire on Israeli troops and tried to set off explosives by the fence.
Many casualties were caused by Palestinians carrying devices that went off prematurely,” he said.
In Geneva, the U.N. human rights office condemned what it called the “appalling deadly violence” by Israeli forces.
A Palestinian demonstrator holds a sling during a protest marking the 70th anniversary of Nakba, near the Jewish settlement of Beit El, near Ramallah, in the occupied West Bank May 15, 2018. REUTERS/Mohamad Torokman
U.N. human rights spokesman Rupert Colville said Israel had a right to defend its borders according to international law, but lethal force must only be used a last resort, and was not justified by Palestinians approaching the Gaza fence.
The U.N. rapporteur on human rights in the Palestinian territories, Michael Lynk, said Israel’s use of force may amount to a war crime.
Many shops in East Jerusalem were shut throughout the day following a call by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas for a general strike across the Palestinian Territories. A 70-second siren was sounded in the occupied West Bank in commemoration of the Nakba.
Most Gaza protesters stay around tent camps but groups have ventured closer to the border fence, rolling burning tyres and throwing stones. Some have flown kites carrying containers of petrol that spread fires on the Israeli side.
On Tuesday the number of protesters gathered at the frontier was estimated by the Israeli army at 4,000, well down on Monday.
Monday’s protests were fueled by the opening ceremony for the new U.S. Embassy in Jerusalem following its relocation from Tel Aviv. The move fulfilled a pledge by U.S. President Donald Trump, who in December recognized the city as Israel’s capital.
Palestinians envision East Jerusalem as the capital of a state they hope to establish in the occupied West Bank and the Gaza Strip. Israel regards all of Jerusalem, including the eastern sector it captured in the 1967 Middle East war and which it later annexed, as its “eternal and indivisible capital”.
Most countries say the status of Jerusalem – a sacred city to Jews, Muslims and Christians – should be determined in a final peace settlement and that moving their embassies now would prejudge any such deal.
Netanyahu on Monday praised Trump but Palestinians have said the United States can no longer serve as an honest broker in any peace process. Talks aimed at finding a two-state solution to the conflict have been frozen since 2014.
Trump said on Monday he remained committed to peace between Israel and the Palestinians. His administration says it has nearly completed a new Israeli-Palestinian peace plan.
Netanyahu blamed Hamas for the Gaza violence. Hamas denied instigating it but the White House backed Netanyahu, saying Hamas “intentionally and cynically” provoked this response.
The United States on Monday blocked a Kuwait-drafted U.N. Security Council statement that would have expressed “outrage and sorrow at the killing of Palestinian civilians” and called for an independent investigation, U.N. diplomats said.
In the British parliament, junior foreign office minister Alistair Burt said the United States needed to show more understanding about the causes of Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
Slideshow (21 Images)
Hamas’ role in the violence must be investigated, he added.
Additional reporting by Stephen Farrell and Lesley Wroughton; Writing by Maayan Lubell, Jeffrey Heller, Ori Lewis and Peter Graff; Editing by William Maclean and James Dalgleish
The post Israeli forces kill two Palestinians near border as Gaza buries dead appeared first on World The News.
from World The News https://ift.tt/2jYi1iD via Today News
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p21gallery · 3 years
We Refuse To Be Scapegoats
We Refuse to be Scapegoats
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We asked Pam Skelton what has inspired the title of her solo exhibition coming soon at P21 Gallery 24 June - 10 July 2021. In the artist's own words:
“During a demonstration in London in 2019, I heard the Palestinian youth activist Ahed Tamimi defiantly proclaim that she refused to be a victim, that she had reached the point of no longer being scared to speak out. Fear is the weapon that silences us. The fact is that we still live in an era of camps, detention centres and ghettos echoing what Louis McNeice declared in his 1944 anti-war poem Prayer Before Birth ‘tall walls wall us. These are only some of the powerful words and voices of activists and artists alike I have included in my new moving image works featured in We Refuse to be Scapegoats.” – Pam Skelton
Be the first to see We Refuse to be Scapegoats in person at the private view at the gallery on 23 June 2021 18:00-20:00. Free and open all but advance registration is essential: https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/private-view-we-refuse-to-be-scapegoats-tickets-157969508051
Find out more about the exhibition here: https://p21.gallery/current-exhibitions/we-refuse-to-be-scapegoats
📸 Screenshot from Tall Walls Wall Us (2021) by Pam Skelton
#letscreate #HereForCulture #exhibition #WeRefuseToBeScapegoats #artist #pamskelton #curator #iliyananedkova #curatorialintern #mathildejourdan #supporter #johntalbot #britishart #videoart #artistmovingimage #contemporaryart #britishartist #palestine #nakba #holocaust #freepalestine #freeSheikhJarrah #freegaza #p21gallery #MiddleEast #london #peace #WarsawGhetto #MultidirectionalMemory #LouisMcNeice #TallWallsWallUs #AhedTamimi @pamskelton2 @iliyana.nedkova @p21gallery @john.talbot7 @aceagrams @dcmsarts @ukhmtreasury
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opedguy · 6 years
White House Blames Hamas for Gaza Violence
LOS ANGELES (OnlineColumnist.com), May 14, 2018.--Sending waves of Palestinian youth to crash through the Israeli border fence with the Gaza Strip, Hamas looks for a much carnage as possible to regain world sympathy for their cause.  Unlike the past, Palestinians’ latest uprising looks like its falling on deaf years where it counts in the world press and United Nations.  Several European countries, including the U.K., France and Germany, have already said Israel has a right to defend itself against Palestinian encroachment on the Israeli border.  Telling Gaza citizens to crash through the fence and reclaim ancestral lands, Hamas exploits in the most cynical way possible Gaza’s impoverished population. Killing 55 today for breaching the Israeli border fence, Israeli Defense Forces [IDF] said more deaths will come if Hamas continues to instruct residents to crash the Israeli border fence. White House officials blamed Hamas for today’s carnage.
            Celebrating its 70th anniversary and President Donald Trump’s decision to move the U.S. embassy from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem today, Hamas wanted riots to show Palestinian outrage.  Tomorrow’s “Nakba” event, marking Israel’s 1948 declaration of independence, Palestinians look to make the final push to break through the border fence.  Like today, more of the same could happen tomorrow, if Hamas continues its suicide mission for Palestinian youth.  None of Palestinians’ leadership finds itself close to the border fence, staying out of harm’s way.  “The responsibility for these tragic deaths rests squarely with Hamas . . . Hamas is intentionally and cynically provoking, as and as the secretary of state said, Israel has the right to defend itself,” said State Department Spokesman Raj Shah.. Watching Hamas send its youth to their graves violates every U.N. protection for children.
            Killing more Palestinian children, Hamas thinks it brands Israel as baby killers, rather than shows its cynical use of civilians as cannon fodder. “We believe Hamas as an organization has engaged in cynical operations,” said Raj, blaming the Gaza-based terror group for provoking violence on Israel’s Gaza border.  Hamas calls the demonstration on Israel’s border the “Great March of Return,” referring to the thousands of Palestinians who voluntarily left Palestine after Israel after declared independence May 14, 1948.  Armed with Hamas militant wing Issedine al-Qassam Brigades, Gazan’s get caught up in the cross fire as militants hope to breach Israel’s border fence. Israeli Defense Forces dropped thousands of leaflets warning Palestinians to stay away from the Israeli border fence.  Instructed to breach Israel’s border fence by Hamas, Palestinians find themselves in armed conflict with Israel.
            Amassing 35,000 protesters on the Israeli border, Hamas has pulled out all the stops, inviting Israel to massacre its youth population.  Hamas continue PLO founder Yasser Arafat’s mythology that Palestinains held sovereign territory in the Holy Land before 1948.  Before the British handed Palestine to Zionists in 1948, it was British territory since 1920 when seized from the Ottoman Empire.  Ottoman Turks controlled the Holy Land for 500 years, before the Ottoman Empire was broken up after WW I.  Yet Palestinians insists it’s their territory.  Hamas doesn’t want Israel to return to the pre-1967 Six Day War borders, they want Israel out of the Holy Land, period.  Despite knowing they cannot defeat Israel, Hamas continues to tell Gaza citizens that the March of Return to Israel is imminent, as simple as Gazan’s breaching Israel’s border fence and taking over Israel.    
            When Palestinians celebrate Nakba tomorrow, the IDF can expect more martyrdom from Hamas, encouraging protesters to break through Israel’s border fence.  IDF has warned all Gaza residents that Israel will defends its border, no matter what the Palestinians casualties.  Blaming the border violence on Trump’s decision to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem, Trump let Palestinians know they don’t control U.S. foreign policy. No matter how many countries condemn the move, it was Trump’s call not Hamas or the PLO’s decision. Threatening to break off diplomatic relations with anti-Israel countries, Trump’s Dec. 23, 2017 decision to move the embassy hasn’t changed U.S. relations with most Arab states. Deviating from conventional wisdom, Trump decided to roll the dice and find out where it lands.  Riots and violence are expected to die down after tomorrow’s Nakba events.
            Trump’s decision to recognize Jerusalem as Israel’s capital was designed to get Palestinians back to the peace table.  White House officials have said consistently that everything’s up for grabs once Palestinians return to peace table. Eighty-two-year-old PLO Chairman Mahmod Abbas broke off diplomatic relations Dec. 24, 2017 only one day after Trump recognized Jerusalem as Israel’s capital. Before that, Palestinians showed no interest in resuming the peace process, preferring instead to launch more terror attacks.  Once Hamas’s latest grandstanding ends, Abbas would be well-advised to return to the peace process.  More riots and violence won’t win concessions from Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu.  Nor will it score points with Trump and his new national security and foreign policy team led by Secretary of State Mike Pompeo and National Security Adviser John Bolton.
About the Author
John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in national and global news. He’s editor of OnlineColumnist.com and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma.
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beautytipsfor · 6 years
Israel celebrates US embassy in Jerusalem as Palestinians brace for bloodshed in Gaza
As Ivanka Trump and other American dignitaries take their seats for the opening of the new US embassy in Jerusalem tomorrow on Monday, Israel's military will be bracing for thousands of Palestinian protesters to try to break through the Gaza border fence.  Five months after Donald Trump defied warnings from around the world and announced he was recognising Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, around 800 American and Israeli guests will gather under a marquee to applaud the official opening of the US embassy.  Just 50 miles away, Palestinians in Gaza have moved forward the date of their largest mass protests in years to coincide with the ceremony. Both sides expect Palestinians will be killed if they approach the thin barbwire fence that separates Israel from Gaza.  The simultaneous events are likely to make an ugly split screen, with television networks showing both celebrations in Jerusalem and bloodshed in Gaza as they unfold a few hours’ drive from each other.  US officials said they were conscious of the jarring contrast but blamed Hamas, the Islamist militant group that controls Gaza, for the violence that has left 53 Palestinians dead in the last six weeks.    “We’re Americans, we support the right to peaceful protest. But the operative word there is ‘peaceful,’” said Victoria Coates, an official with the White House National Security Council. “I think we need to blame that violence not on anything the US has done or Israel has done but firmly on Hamas.”  Dozens of Palestinians have been killed since the Gaza protests began in March Credit: REUTERS/Ibraheem Abu Mustafa  The majority of the Palestinians killed have been unarmed but Israel has said it is justified in using live ammunition to protect the border fence, a policy that has been criticised by Britain and other countries. Hamas says the protests are peaceful and that its forces are deliberately not bringing weapons. Israel claims Hamas operatives are trying to use the chaos of the demonstrations to infiltrate the fence and carry out attacks. The Israeli military said that on Friday "dozens of violent rioters" destroyed parts of the crossing where food, goods and fuel enter Gaza from Israel. The crossing will be closed until further notice while the damage is repaired, a spokesman said.      “The Gaza Strip is like a hungry tiger that has been caged and starved and humiliated for 11 years,” said Yahya Sinwar, the head of Hamas in Gaza. “That tiger is now out of the cage and on the loose and no one knows what that tiger is going to do.” Yahya Sinwar, the head of Hamas in Gaza, mused that "hundreds of thousands" of Palestinians might break through the border fence Credit: AP Photo/Khalil Hamra The opening of the embassy brings an end to an awkward 23 years for US policy on its diplomatic representation in Israel.  Congress passed a law in 1995 stating that the embassy be moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem but Bill Clinton, George W Bush, and Barack Obama all used their executive powers to block the move, arguing it would damage the prospects for peace between Israelis and Palestinians.  Mr Trump suggested his predecessors “lacked courage” as he announced in December that he was going ahead with the move. “Israel is a sovereign nation with the right like every other sovereign nation to determine its own capital,” he said.  Mr Trump flirted with the idea of coming to Jerusalem for the embassy opening, where he would receive a rapturous welcome from Israelis. He decided ultimately to stay in Washington but will address the ceremony in a video.   The president will be represented by his daughter, Ivanka, and her husband Jared Kushner, who is also Mr Trump’s point man on the flagging US peace effort. Palestinian leaders are refusing to meet with the US in protest at the embassy move.  The US deliberately did not invite European ambassadors to the ceremony, partly to avoid embarrassing snubs from American allies who disagree with the embassy move. Dozens of ambassadors declined an invitation to an Israeli foreign ministry reception marking the event.  “As an Israeli, I think it’s a wonderful thing. As a resident of the neighbourhood, I don’t think it’s such a great thing,” said Abe Gold, a resident of the Arnona area, who said the embassy announcement had led to a disruptive increase in security patrols.  Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump will be among the American delegation at the embassy opening Credit: REUTERS/Jim Bourg The Palestinian protests on Monday are the culmination of the “Great March of Return”, a series of weekly demonstrations that began six weeks ago.  The demonstrations are marking the 70th anniversary of what Palestinians call the Nakba, “the catastrophe”, when hundreds of thousands of Arabs were displaced from their homes in the 1948 war with Israel. The marchers are demanding the right to return to their forefathers’ homes in land that is today Israel.  “We want to return to our back to our lands and we will never give up. Even if during our struggle we lose parts of our body, we will struggle more and more,” said Moayed Helles, a 24-year-old Palestinian who was shot in the leg by an Israeli sniper during a recent protest.  The main day of protest was originally scheduled for Tuesday but was brought forward by one day to coincide with the US embassy opening.  “Our people are marching to reiterate their rejection of the siege [Israel’s blockade of Gaza] and their rejection of the American decision to relocate the American embassy,” said Mr Sinwar, the Hamas chief. He mused in a press conference that “hundreds of thousands” of people might break through the Gaza fence into Israel. “This barbwire fence is not a sacred cow or taboo that no one should touch,” he said.      An Israeli military official said additional troops would be deployed along the Gaza border. “We’re adapting our posture according to the intelligence we have and the statements that Sinwar made to the press. The tactics will be the same but we understand that we have to have additional forces.”
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As Ivanka Trump and other American dignitaries take their seats for the opening of the new US embassy in Jerusalem tomorrow on Monday, Israel's military will be bracing for thousands of Palestinian protesters to try to break through the Gaza border fence.  Five months after Donald Trump defied warnings from around the world and announced he was recognising Jerusalem as Israel’s capital, around 800 American and Israeli guests will gather under a marquee to applaud the official opening of the US embassy.  Just 50 miles away, Palestinians in Gaza have moved forward the date of their largest mass protests in years to coincide with the ceremony. Both sides expect Palestinians will be killed if they approach the thin barbwire fence that separates Israel from Gaza.  The simultaneous events are likely to make an ugly split screen, with television networks showing both celebrations in Jerusalem and bloodshed in Gaza as they unfold a few hours’ drive from each other.  US officials said they were conscious of the jarring contrast but blamed Hamas, the Islamist militant group that controls Gaza, for the violence that has left 53 Palestinians dead in the last six weeks.    “We’re Americans, we support the right to peaceful protest. But the operative word there is ‘peaceful,’” said Victoria Coates, an official with the White House National Security Council. “I think we need to blame that violence not on anything the US has done or Israel has done but firmly on Hamas.”  Dozens of Palestinians have been killed since the Gaza protests began in March Credit: REUTERS/Ibraheem Abu Mustafa  The majority of the Palestinians killed have been unarmed but Israel has said it is justified in using live ammunition to protect the border fence, a policy that has been criticised by Britain and other countries. Hamas says the protests are peaceful and that its forces are deliberately not bringing weapons. Israel claims Hamas operatives are trying to use the chaos of the demonstrations to infiltrate the fence and carry out attacks. The Israeli military said that on Friday "dozens of violent rioters" destroyed parts of the crossing where food, goods and fuel enter Gaza from Israel. The crossing will be closed until further notice while the damage is repaired, a spokesman said.      “The Gaza Strip is like a hungry tiger that has been caged and starved and humiliated for 11 years,” said Yahya Sinwar, the head of Hamas in Gaza. “That tiger is now out of the cage and on the loose and no one knows what that tiger is going to do.” Yahya Sinwar, the head of Hamas in Gaza, mused that "hundreds of thousands" of Palestinians might break through the border fence Credit: AP Photo/Khalil Hamra The opening of the embassy brings an end to an awkward 23 years for US policy on its diplomatic representation in Israel.  Congress passed a law in 1995 stating that the embassy be moved from Tel Aviv to Jerusalem but Bill Clinton, George W Bush, and Barack Obama all used their executive powers to block the move, arguing it would damage the prospects for peace between Israelis and Palestinians.  Mr Trump suggested his predecessors “lacked courage” as he announced in December that he was going ahead with the move. “Israel is a sovereign nation with the right like every other sovereign nation to determine its own capital,” he said.  Mr Trump flirted with the idea of coming to Jerusalem for the embassy opening, where he would receive a rapturous welcome from Israelis. He decided ultimately to stay in Washington but will address the ceremony in a video.   The president will be represented by his daughter, Ivanka, and her husband Jared Kushner, who is also Mr Trump’s point man on the flagging US peace effort. Palestinian leaders are refusing to meet with the US in protest at the embassy move.  The US deliberately did not invite European ambassadors to the ceremony, partly to avoid embarrassing snubs from American allies who disagree with the embassy move. Dozens of ambassadors declined an invitation to an Israeli foreign ministry reception marking the event.  “As an Israeli, I think it’s a wonderful thing. As a resident of the neighbourhood, I don’t think it’s such a great thing,” said Abe Gold, a resident of the Arnona area, who said the embassy announcement had led to a disruptive increase in security patrols.  Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump will be among the American delegation at the embassy opening Credit: REUTERS/Jim Bourg The Palestinian protests on Monday are the culmination of the “Great March of Return”, a series of weekly demonstrations that began six weeks ago.  The demonstrations are marking the 70th anniversary of what Palestinians call the Nakba, “the catastrophe”, when hundreds of thousands of Arabs were displaced from their homes in the 1948 war with Israel. The marchers are demanding the right to return to their forefathers’ homes in land that is today Israel.  “We want to return to our back to our lands and we will never give up. Even if during our struggle we lose parts of our body, we will struggle more and more,” said Moayed Helles, a 24-year-old Palestinian who was shot in the leg by an Israeli sniper during a recent protest.  The main day of protest was originally scheduled for Tuesday but was brought forward by one day to coincide with the US embassy opening.  “Our people are marching to reiterate their rejection of the siege [Israel’s blockade of Gaza] and their rejection of the American decision to relocate the American embassy,” said Mr Sinwar, the Hamas chief. He mused in a press conference that “hundreds of thousands” of people might break through the Gaza fence into Israel. “This barbwire fence is not a sacred cow or taboo that no one should touch,” he said.      An Israeli military official said additional troops would be deployed along the Gaza border. “We’re adapting our posture according to the intelligence we have and the statements that Sinwar made to the press. The tactics will be the same but we understand that we have to have additional forces.”
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