#naegiri week 2019
rubixkun · 4 years
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Naegiri Week Day 1: Ill
Lovesick? Fever? Maybe a bit of both. 
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hopeymchope · 4 years
Naegiri Week 2019, Day 4 - Plant
SURPRISE! I actually wrote a one-shot for Naegiri Week. IT’S A FESTIVUS MIRACLE!
Ah, at least if anyone cares.
There are ***SPOILERS for Kirigiri-Sou*** in this story. If you want to read that wild little “sound novel,” though, I strongly recommend you do so via @drmedicsgamesurgery‘s translation over here.
In a nearly empty coffee shop on a rainy afternoon, Makoto Naegi and Kyoko KIrigiri sat across from one another in silence. Makoto fiddled with his cell phone occasionally. Kyoko pretended to be interested in the shop’s decor or in the people passing by outside, watching umbrellas bob past her view idly.
With a sad, forced smile, Makoto broke the silence first. He dropped his phone to the table between them and asked, “This is awkward, isn’t it?”
Kyoko finally looked at him, lowering her cup of coffee to give him a small nod. “A bit,” she admitted.
Makoto’s eyes fell to the table, avoiding hers. “It’s like... it’s like we’ve been friends for so long that I don’t know what’s supposed to be different.”
She kept her gaze fixed on him even as his own eyes began wandering. “I understand how you feel,” she agreed. “Perhaps we’re expecting something to change where it doesn’t need to?”
He looked at her sideways. “How do you mean?”
“I’m suggesting that when two people become so close and know one another for so many years... “ Kyoko paused, attempting to find the right words. “...then perhaps a transition to ‘dating’ is only minimally different from the time they already spent together.”
“No,” Makoto responded quickly, turning his head back to look at her directly. ”No way. That’d mean that we were such good friends that we were essentially automatically dating, and I refuse to accept that that’s a thing.” He threw up one hand in a half-shrug. “Like, how many of the days we’ve together are retroactively dates now? What’s the threshold for ‘automatic dating’? How close do you have to be? Is my sister ‘dating’ Fukawa-san now?”
Kyoko smiled tightly. “They already share an apartment and a bed, so... ?”
At that, he had to chuckle. “Okay, okay — bad example!” Makoto said, waving his hands and laughing. “Most friendships aren’t that close, I know. I just mean-”
“I understand,” Kyoko assured him, interrupting. Her voice and her expression both were soft when she continued, “And I didn’t mean to imply that we had already started dating months or even years before now because we achieved some vague friendship-maturation-date. I think you misunderstood me.” Setting down her coffee, she said, “I just meant that once you’ve shared so much of yourself with someone, perhaps it’s understandably hard to find new layers to add.”
His mouth tightened as he considered this. “So then... the act of saying that ‘we’re dating’ is the new layer?”
She tilted her head ever so slightly, looked bemused. “Well... I’d argue that declaring that you’re in a romantic relationship with someone should bring a natural increase in emotional intimacy.” She paused, reaching out to place one gloved hand on top of his own. “And physical intimacy, of course,” she half-whispered.
Makoto grinned at her touch in spite of the fact that her skin wasn’t even in contact with his. The act of casually touching one another still felt so fresh, so new that he still blushed intensely. He rolled his hand over to hold hers and said, “Just the emotional and physical stuff, huh? So I, uh, guess this means you already know most everything else about me... ?”
She shook her head once. “Not that it would matter if I did, but no. There’s no chance of that.”
He was skeptical. “I’m pretty much an open book,” he noted.
“In a lot of ways,” she agreed. “Yet you continue to surprise me with stories of your life experiences and in how you react to what your unusual luck throws your way.” She rubbed one of his fingers between her forefinger and thumb gently. “I’m positive that I still have many stories you haven’t heard, either.”
“All right,” Makoto said with a mischievous smile. Hopping out of his seat, he pulled his hand free of hers and stood up. As he kicked his chair aside, he pointed at her dramatically and announced, “I challenge you to tell me something I don’t know about you!” 
Kyoko covered her mouth to stifle her quiet laugh. “I suppose that’s one way to guarantee that something new and different happens today.” She took a sip of her coffee. “Can it be anything at all, or are you looking for a certain type of thing?”
Dropping his hand to his side, he shrugged awkwardly. “I-I didn’t really have any specific ideas. Something personal? Maybe about your family? Or just something from one of your cases?”
“Hm,” was all Kyoko said at first. Her eyes once again traveled the room as she sought inspiration. Once she landed on a potted fern near the door, she said, “I can think of something that fits all of those criteria.”
“Great!” Makoto said, grinning. “So that means it’s something about your family that is also related to a case... ?”
Closing her eyes, Kyoko’s smile faded as she said, “Just remember that you asked for this.”
That was enough to make Makoto’s grin melt in an instant. “Uhhh, wha-wha-what do you mean?!”
“Only that this may be stranger than you’d imagine,” Kyoko replied. She folded her hands together. Utterly straight-faced, she opened her eyes and told him, “Once — for a very short time — I had a sister.”
At this, Makoto looked relieved. “You’re talking about Samidare-san,” he said, relaxing.
“I am afraid not,” Kyoko said. “I’m talking about a genetic sister.” She smirked slightly. “I had a twin who was... well, she was a plant.”
Makoto cocked his head at that, his eyes narrowing. “Now, when you say ‘plant’, you meeeaaan... what, exactly?”
She took care to speak clearly: “I mean that I had a twin sister who was, in truth, an organism that used chlorophyll and photosynthesis to generate nutrients within her body.”
A laugh emerged from Makoto reflexively, but both it and his smile faded in the face of Kyoko’s steely expression. A long moment of silence passed while he stood there and regarded her, his expression quizzical. Then, finally, he reached out and pulled the wooden chair closer to him, watching her the entire time.
“Okay... “ he said slowly. “Help me out here: Is this like a metaphor?” He lowered himself back to his seat. “Do you mean that your grandfather had a plant that he loved as much as he loved you? Or, y’know, maybe you had hedge at your family home that someone trimmed into the shape of you, so it was your ‘twin’, or—”
“Sadly, ‘no’ to both.” Kyoko said firmly. “Kyouka was her name, and she was a walking, talking, independent person who looked exactly like me as I did at the time.” Her eyes grew distant as she thought back. “To look at her, you’d never have known that she was made of plant matter. She grew as rapidly as someone might grow a weed.” 
Though he was growing pale, Makoto still tried to laugh it off. “Yo-you’re dead set on tricking me, aren’t you?” he ventured. “This is... it’s a practical joke.”
With a slow shake of her head, she said, “Bizarre though it may sound, I promise that I am telling you the truth.”
There was a soft thonk-slap as Naegi’s arms and hands fell limply onto the table between them. He expression was one of confusion and shock, and his complexion looked sickly. “I... “ he said softly. Swallowing hard, he finished, “I wasn’t prepared for this.”
“If you think it sounds outlandish now, you can imagine my reaction to seeing it,” Kyouko said. “Someone had sampled my DNA and used it in a biological experiment to create a plant-based clone of me. Furthermore, she was one of a series of intended clones of Hope’s Peak students.”
Still stunned, Makoto asked, “Why didn’t you ever tell me about this before now?”
“A Kirigiri never makes an accusation without proof,” she said. “Even though I know what I saw and experienced, I have no evidence to support what I’m telling you. I only knew ‘Kyouka’ for a day before she was reduced to a shriveled-up network of roots and leaves. And without evidence, this is all nothing more than an outlandish story.”
Still stunned, Makoto shook his head and said, “I’m sorry.”
“Don’t be,” Kyoko responded. “I made the decision to keep this to myself just as I eventually made the decision to stop searching for lingering proof.”
“N-no, I mean that I’m sorry you had to carry this alone,” Makoto said. He looked at her with sympathy as he reached out and put his hand over hers, returning her earlier gesture. “Seeing someone that looks like you — someone made from you, even, who you only know for such a short time before you seem them quickly wither and die right in front of you... it couldn’t have been easy.”
She smiled warmly at him. “Then you believe me?”
“Of course,” Makoto said without hesitation.
“I knew that you would,” she said back. “And I’m grateful.”
Makoto smiled back at her, and the two sat there for a while, staring into each other’s eyes. Kyoko rolled her hand over and took his in hers, giving him a slight squeeze as she did so. Makoto slowly exhaled a happy sigh.
“WAIT!” Makoto said, snapping back to reality.
““I just realized you glossed right past a super-important detail,” he observed intensely.
Kyoko leaned forward. “Which is-?”
“Was she, like, evil?”
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rightpastnowhere · 4 years
Naegiri Week Day Two: Puzzle
Sorry, I’m super behind guys. Day three’s prompt will probably be out tonight, and I’ll try and double post 4&5 on day five.
Title: puzzle pieces
Rating: General
Spoilers: Danganronpa: Kirigiri (speculation)
Summary: A regular night at the Kirigiri household.
“This one goes… HERE!”
A small hand slammed into the ground, causing the loose puzzle pieces around it to jump into the air. The hand’s owner triumphantly grinned, unaware of the chaos they had caused, focused solely on the successful alignment of the jigsaw bits underneath her palm.
Makoto couldn’t help but smile at his daughter’s enthusiasm. “Good find, Yui! Although, make sure you don’t break apart the whole thing, ‘kay?”
continue reading on AO3
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Naegiri Week Day 7 (Investigate
There's a double agent within the Future Foundation. Well given what happened with several Future Foundation operations, it made sense. Silently, Kyoko Kirigiri reported this to Kyouske Munakata, and her own suspicions, testimony from rehabilitated despairs proove that much. While Munakata would prefer executing them, it was benifical for the reformed giving much needed intel. Munakata sighed and gave Kyoko the clearance needed to figure out the identity of the rogue agent.
Kyoko left the metting room, and Makoto Naegi stood close by.
"Everything go alright?" He asked carefully.
"Actually, it went better than even I was expecting." Kyoko stated with a neutral smile.
Makoto sighed in relief, it was nice that Miaya Gekkogahara put a word in edgewise with consent for Branch 14 to use the Neo-World Program (but with the condition that Class 77b were frisked before they were put in the pods, who knows what wouod have happened if Izuru actually inserted thst Flash Drive)
"It's going to be a long investigation, are you ready?" Kyoko asked.
"Yeah." Makoto slowly nodded.
The two of them went back to their branch's headquarters with the hope that this investigation wouldn't take too long
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aru-iribe · 4 years
Naegiri Week 2019. Day 1: Ill
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naegiriweek · 5 years
Naegiri Week 2019 Themes
Here you are!
Day 1: Ill Day 2: Puzzle Day 3: Stars Day 4: Plant Day 5: Fidget Day 6: Flutter Day 7: Investigate
More info will be released to help with themes as their individual day arrives.
Naegiri week begins December 16th and runs until the 22nd.
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yoshistack · 4 years
Naegiri Week 2019 Day 2: Puzzle
I actually wrote something under 1000 words. It’s a miracle.
...No for real that’s like actually an accomplishment for me.
Although in retrospect I kind of wish I picked a slightly different focus on this, given how it feels a little similar to my first days prompt, but oh well! Writing from her perspective is always hard for me anyway, so practice is good.
Makoto Naegi was a puzzle.
Well, perhaps that wasn’t fair for her of all people to say. Of everyone trapped in the school, she was well aware that she was the biggest puzzle of them all, both to the other participants and to herself. But Naegi? He was a bit of a puzzle himself too.
And really he shouldn’t be. Because he was so open about everything he did. His motivations, his desires, his thoughts—all of them were so clearly laid out by him, usually without him even realizing it. His face spoke a thousand words. And half the time you didn’t even need that much, given how he was constantly muttering his thoughts out loud to himself. He was so open and so very naive and just so… average, that there shouldn’t have been anything puzzling about him. She’d pegged him as all those things shortly after he’d stumbled in the entryway on the first day and had been prepared to write him off as just another nothing more than those things.
But then Maizono died. And he was accused of killing her. And he reacted exactly as she thought he would.
...Until he didn’t.
Because while he certainly reacted as expected—tearing up and shouting back against accusations of his involvement in her death, and looking absolutely devastated when he realized nearly no one believed him—he never broke down. When she’d given him one last glance as she’d exited the gym, she didn’t see him with an utterly crestfallen, lost, or hopeless expression as she initially assumed she might have.
Instead, she watched his rubbed at his eyes with his sleeve, then look back up with pure determination burning in his eyes. Determination which helped him not only reach the truth and convince the others of it, but helped him accept it as well.
And that’s what was so puzzling about him.
Because where he was naive and oblivious, he was also observant and thoughtful.
Where he meekly tried to keep peace between others and bowed his head when his attempts failed, he could also be extremely passionate and commanding, shouting and convincing others of the truth.
Where he looked and acted so completely and utterly average, he made choices that were anything but. Where most would choose to move on from death in this situation, letting the memories of those gone fade away, especially for the murderer, he chose otherwise. He chose the far more difficult yet noble path of keeping their memory with him, casting them blame away from them and onto the Mastermind of this ‘game’.
He subverted her expectations. He did so the night of by demonstrating his commitment to his ideals by making a bittersweet joke. He even continued to do so now, as she watched him from the end of the hall.
She could see him walking with Asahina with what looked to be a small tower of donuts in hand. The swimmer was cheerfully skipping along and chatting just a few paces ahead of him, completely oblivious to how he was struggling to keep the treats balanced. But even in spite of that, Naegi was keeping a bright smile on his face as he tried to keep them balanced—a genuine smile. Yet another sight that was puzzling.
Because on one hand, , it made sense his smile would be genuine, because she was fairly certain the boy wouldn’t be able to tell a convincing lie to save his life, let alone mask his facial expression. But one the other, to have one only a few days after losing someone he’d become close too…
What a puzzle indeed.
She watched for a few more seconds until the inevitable happened.
3...2...1… she counted in her head.
She heard a yelp and opened her eyes to find Naegi with one of his shoes untied sprawled out on the floor, the donuts scattered all around them. Asahina let out an exaggerated gasp and immediately started fretting, first over the donuts, then on Naegi. Both of them laughed a moment later. He sat up rubbing at his head with one hand and waving another at her as he hurriedly assured her that he was fine and that he was sorry for dropping their snack.
His eyes wandered away from Asahina and over behind her. They locked with her own, and immediately his gaze softened. She could see clearly there: there was still hurt in his eyes. He was just choosing to keep moving forward.
Anything but average.
He bid the swimmer a hast farewell with a promise to try whatever it was they had been trying again later, then bounded over to where she stood. His smile returned, albeit more shyly as he approached her. When he made it, he stood in front of her, bouncing on the balls of his feet like a little rabbit as he asked her if she wanted to do something together.
She was silent as she studied him, then she pushed herself off the wall she’d been leaning against and started walking toward the stairs. When she noticed he wasn’t following, she turned back and urged him to keep up. He didn’t hide his surprise well and hurriedly tried to match her long strides.
Yes, Makoto Naegi was certainly quite a character. An oxymoron of beliefs and personality mixed into the most hopelessly average person here. He was going to require more investigation than she’d initially thought.
What a puzzle he was.
It was a good thing she liked solving puzzles so much then. 
(Well, she thinks so at least)
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budewfan · 4 years
Naegiri Week 2019 Time!
I’ve uploaded the first chapter of my Naegiri Week collection. Today’s prompt was “Ill,” and I’d like to think I did a good job.
Read it on fanfiction.net
Read it on AO3
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comic-book-fan-us · 4 years
Naegiri Week Day 2: Puzzle
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danganronpa-21 · 3 years
Are you still gonna be participating in this and future Naegiri Weeks? I love your Naegiri Week entries!
Aw, thank you! I have a lot of fun reading yours, too.
At the moment, the plan is to try and participate in the upcoming Naegiri Week, yes. I think I will honestly probably want to keep participating in Naegiri Weeks until I either move on from Danganronpa completely, or if I get too busy to do it all.
I think even if it gets to a point where I'm really busy, I might just do one or two prompts. It can be a handful trying to get all seven done (evidenced by me having only succeeded in getting all seven out within the appropriate time frame in 2019), but a few of them can be easier.
But yes, at the moment I feel as if I am willing to participate in Naegiri Week 2021. The plan is to hopefully have the last extremely late prompt of 2020 out by end of August-early September, so I can have a month or two of recovery for jumping back in.
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rubixkun · 4 years
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Naegiri Week Day 3: Stars
D’aww he fell asleep
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hopeymchope · 4 years
Hey! Just curious, did you see the submissions I posted to Naegiri Week? I’ve seen a number of your Naegiri works on FFN and they’re really good, and this was my first year participating in Naegiri week, so I was wondering how they compared to a more experienced and talented author like yourself :)
1) My deeply self-hating brain having trouble processing your praise/flattery  like #@X*()&*#$?! A/R/I(Abort/Retry/Ignore THANK YOU
2) I guess I didn’t see your submissions, actually?! So thanks for letting me know to check them out! I am definitely behind on all that stuff but y’know, Naegiri Week is always right next to THE HOLIDAYS and all the planning/effort they bring, which makes it EXTRA TOUGH to keep up... sorry! But I will get there..
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rightpastnowhere · 4 years
Naegiri Week Day One: Ill
I had a ton of fun writing this!! Kinda rushed towards the end, but I still like how it turned out.
Title: guillotine
Rating: Teen and up
Content Warning: Insanity, dark themes, brief mention of suicide
Spoilers: Danganronpa 3: Future Arc and Hope Arc (MAJOR-ISH)
Summary: Makoto relapses into despair, and Kyoko has to try and snap him out of it.
Kyoko woke up to the sound of laughter.
At least, she thought she did, but everything was silent as soon as she opened her eyes. For a moment, she didn't move, still half-asleep and unsure that she had actually heard anything. But then the sound rang through the house again, and her adrenaline kicked in, waking her up completely. She quietly sat up, and a quick glance at the clock told her it was 3:01 am - an odd time for a break-in, since they usually happened in the afternoon, but she reached for her bedside table anyway, fumbling through the top drawer for her pistol as the laughter continued.
As soon as her hand closed around the grip, she finally recognized the voice as Makoto’s.
continue reading on AO3
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ao3feed-danganronpa · 4 years
counting stars
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2UXj6Lt
by celestial_nova
i've been losing sleep, dreaming about the things that we could be
// naegiri week day three: stars
Words: 3590, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Series: Part 3 of learn to trust // naegiri week 2019
Fandoms: Dangan Ronpa - All Media Types, Dangan Ronpa: Trigger Happy Havoc, Dangan Ronpa 3: The End of 希望ヶ峰学園 | The End of Kibougamine Gakuen | End of Hope's Peak High School
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: F/M
Characters: Kirigiri Kyouko, Naegi Makoto, Togami Byakuya, Asahina Aoi
Relationships: Kirigiri Kyoko/Naegi Makoto
Additional Tags: hiro komaru and toko are mentioned, Fluff, Light Angst, it's just makoto being sad for two (2) seconds, Injury Recovery, but that's a background thing - Freeform, a little bit of, Introspection, Hospitals, Dorks Looking At Stars, sneaking around hospitals at late hours with the bestie, pining fools, Undefined Relationship (aka author is too lazy to figure it out), togami is a tsundere who cares about his friends but wont admit it, Naegiri Week 2019, except im two months late, Happy Valentine's Day!!!, wow im sensing a pattern, except three days late
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2UXj6Lt
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rubixkun · 4 years
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Naegiri Week Day 2 - Puzzle
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hopeymchope · 3 years
Honestly I just find naegiri week difficult to participate in because of the timing of it. It falls not only during my finals week, but also my birthday happens during it. With so much else going on it makes it hard to get time to write anything for it
I love the event and all the content that gets made for it—I even love that it happens in December because of all the cute wintery/holiday themed stuff that people make sometimes—I just wish I wasn’t so busy when it happens 😅
Note: This Ask is in response to this post.
Yeah, I absolutely feel you there. My family has relentless birthdays from the end of September up through the first week of December, and then of course we roll right into planning and executing the holidays. It's a busy time in my personal life, for sure.
And yes, because it's the end of the year, whether you're in school and dealing with the end of a semester (and all the testing that that implies) or at work and trying to handle the transition into the new calendar (and/or fiscal) year, it's a busy time in everyone's professional lives.
Furthermore, in my own specific case, since early 2019 I've been alternatively dealing with a hostile/abusive work environment and/or dealing with not having any kind of full-time employment PLUS coping with my narcolepsy/hypersomnia. So I don't do much in the fandom besides this Tumblr anymore, admittedly. Though I do at least feel shitty about that. :P
Still, I'd probably have those conflicted feelings I stated earlier regardless of when Naegiri Week was happening or what my personal situation was. Once it became clear that Naegiri content thast's posted during Naegiri Week is far more likely to slip under the radar without garnering views/comments/reblogs/any kind of notice, I swiftly began to lose the drive to participate. But it's still a time of great joy as a consumer/reader/viewer of other people's stuff, too.
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