#n e weigh <3 i think they look neat
inkats · 2 years
i am GOING to learn how to code! i will do it!! i will make a silly little game! <- person who doesnt play video games
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whatdoesshedotothem · 3 years
Wednesday 22 September 1824
7 40/60
1 5/60
Br[eak]f[a]s at 9 1/4. R[ea]d ov[e]r, and made so[me] verb[a]l alterat[io]ns in my let[ter] and direct[e]d to IN. [Isabella Norcliffe] writ[ten] on Fri[day] and Mon[day] -
wr[ote] out the ind[ex] of this vol[ume] of fr[om] 19 to 24 July last. At 11, w[e]nt to call on Miss Pope, and s[a]t w[i]th h[e]r an h[ou]r.
Both talked much in the style of yesterday she gave me several lines from Walter to prove that
the man who loved not his native land was centered all in self  that is to say she will not marry
a French man and leave her own country. Seal[e]d my let[ter] to IN. [Isabella Norcliffe] (Langt[o]n hall) took Cord[ingle]y w[i]th me (at
12 3/4) and put it int[o] the post - saw the m[a]n weigh the let[ter] and p[ai]d h[i]m 22 sols post[a]ge - fr[om] the P[ost] off[i]ce (in
the rue J[ean-Jacques] Rousseau) w[e]nt direct to Laloy’s - st[oo]d there a good whi[le] talk[in]g to Mad[am]e Laloy, and w[e]nt to see the lit[tle]
girl the next door, that is to co[me] and talk to me (in Fr[en]ch) 2 or 3 h[ou]rs a day in the course of 7 or 8 days
wh[e]n h[e]r fath[e]r who is now ill is expect[e]d to be recov[ere]d. Fr[om] here w[e]nt direct to the rue S[ain]t Martin
(La Flamand) and b[ou]ght an [arne] of lino - aft[e]r this saunt[ere]d al[on]g the boulevards to the gr[ea]t eleph[an]t - wish[e]d
to see it, b[u]t the man s[ai]d I c[oul]d n[o]t w[i]thout a billet fr[om] the directeur des ouvrages publics, Isle S[ain]t Louis
n[umer]o 7 - the eleph[an]t is still clos[e]d up und[e]r a large wood[e]n build[in]g (no anx[iet]y shewen to finish this fount[ai]n bec[ause]
beg[a]n by Nap[oleo]n) en face de la rue S[ain]t Antoine - turn[e]d d[o]wn this st[reet] - look[e]d int[o] and walk[e]d r[oun]d the inter[io]r of the 1st ch[ur]ch
we ca[me] to, on the left, and neat en[ou]gh. Meant to ha[ve] gone in a direct line to the rue S[ain]t Honoré, b[u]t; keep[in]g too
m[u]ch to the left, w[e]nt int[o] and walk[e]d r[ou]nd the inter[io]r of anoth[e]r ch[ur]ch, neat, and a good ch[ur]ch, bet[ter] than the oth[e]r - and g[o]t
les rues H. [ Henri] Beauvais, Ponlour, and Monceau, w[e]nt thro’ the Porte de la Grêve int[o] the place de l’Hotel de
Ville (walk[e]d r[ou]nd the court of the Hotel - a handso[me] look[in]g build[in]g - a statue of Henri 4 on horseb[a]ck on the front tow[ar]ds
the place, and one of Louis 14 stand[in]g on a pedest[a]l n[ea]r the oppos[i]te b[a]ck front look[in]g int[o] the court) and ret[urne]d ho[me] along
the differ[en]t quais as far as the Louvre-pal[a]ce walk[e]d r[ou]nd the inter[io]r of the ch[ur]ch of S[ain]t Germain l’auxerrois, a good ch[ur]ch - there along the rue S[ain]t Honoré, the place du pal[ace] roy[a]l
thro’ the pal[ace] roy[a]l int[o] the rue neuve des petits champs, and g[o]t ho[me] at 4 3/4. H[a]d my h[ai]r curl[e]d - dress[e]d. Din[ner] at 6.
In the ev[enin]g st[oo]d d[o]wnst[ai]r to talk to Miss Pope. She fancies I think her agreeable and therefore per
haps sseems to like me. M[onsieur] de Quissy here (in h[i]s uniform) and M[onsieur] Bellevue, and M[onsieur] Beauy (I kno[w]
n[o]t how to spell the na[me]) and anoth[e]r gent[leman]. Left the r[oo]m at 9 35/60 - s[a]t 35 min[ute]s w[i]th Mrs Barlow. She c
ertainly likes me and seems flattered by my attention. Ca[me] up to bed at 10 10/60. Trac[e]d my morn[in]g’s route on the plan
of Paris - wr[ote] all b[u]t the 1st 1 1/2 line of today all w[hi]ch took me till 12. Ver[y] fine, pleas[an]t today. F[ahrenheit] 68° at 12 p.m. I w[a]s out or
m[i]ght perh[aps] ha[ve] gone w[i]th the p[ar]ty who sp[en]t the aft[ernoo]n in the Bois de Boulogne. E.. 0...
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gone-cotta · 6 years
Snowflakes and Hot Chocolate Stan Uris x Reader
Warnings: cussing but not really?
Summary: its Winter break in Derry, and what better way to spend it than with the losers club? However, when a day at Bill’s house takes a turn, you can’t help but worry for your curly-haired boyfriend.
"JESUS FUCK! FINALLY!" Richie hollered from outside, and Bill groaned, getting up off the couch. You looked at Beverly, rolling your eyes. A moment later, a very cold looking Richie and very smug looking Eddie entered the Denbrough household.
Richie's messy dark hair was topped by a fuzzy black beanie with a blue poof on top, and he was shivering. His glasses were fogged up, and his jacket was dusted with snow. Cheeks bright pink, he shuffled over to the couch where he collapsed, wrapping himself in a nearby blanket.
Eddie however, was the opposite. His pale gray coat had very little snow on it, and he hung it on the coat rack upon entering. Removing his hat as well, it was revealed that his hair was just as neat as ever, and the only sign that he had been outside was his flushed cheeks.
"Wha-What the heck happened with you two?" Bev asked, scooting over so Richie wasn't laying on top of her. The boy didn't answer at first, instead twisting qround so nothing but his head was exposed from the blanket wrap he had become.
"What happened is Eddie weighs a million pounds" he got out after a moment, and you turned to look at the brunette, who just smiled deviously.
"He lost a bet, and had to pull me all the way here on his sled" he explained, and you laughed, shaking your head. Richie continued to look mildy disgruntled, casting Eddie looks from where he was bundled up.
"That doesn't exactly explain why it looks like Richie was dragged through a frozen lake" Bev giggled, and Richie tried to kick her from where he lay, but she swiftly dodged him.
"Oh, fuck OFF Marsh" Richie yelled tiredly
Over the course of the next 25 minutes, Ben and Mike arrived together. Mike was wrapped in a fuzzy hat, a scarf, and the fluffiest parka you had ever seen. Meanwhile, Ben wore just a simple coat, with the hood up. Taking it off, he revealed bright pink cheeks and brown hair lightly coated with snowflakes.
“It’s getting crazy out there!” Mike exclaimed, removing what had looked like 3 layers of protection from the frosty weather. You frowned slightly, standing up to take a look outside the window. The snow almost completely obstructed your view as it came down. The sled which Richie and Eddie had arrived with, and had set in Bill’s yard, was now buried in the cold powder.
“Yeah...and when did Stan say he was gonna get here?” You tore your eyes away from the weather outside to look at Bill, who was on the arm of the couch.
“I thi-think he said around th-th-three?” He said offhandedly, before catching sight of your expression. His green eyes softened. “I’m s-sure he’s fine Y-Y/n” He assured you, but you couldn’t help but worry for your curly haired boyfriend. It was a bit of a long walk from his house, and with the current weather situation, anything could happen.
“Can you turn on the TV, Bill? I just want to see how long this weather will last” You asked, taking a quick glance back at the torrent of snow falling outside. Bill reached across Beverly to grab the remote, and pressed a few buttons. The small TV on the shelf lit up, and Bill quickly navigated the channel to find the weather reports.
“-weather is expected to last through tomorrow. Estimated 2 feet of snow to fall between now and 7:00. Be sure to stay indoors while it lasts, as the heavy weather may cause power outages throughout the night-”
Bill quickly turned off the TV as he caught sight of your face. “He’s j-just late is-is all” He said quickly before you could say anything, and you let out a sigh before collapsing on the cough next to Beverly again. The redhead rubbed your shoulder comfortingly.
“Stan’s never late...” you mumbled quietly.
Nearly 30 minutes later, and while the rest of the Loser’s were still chilling on the couch, you were more anxious than you could ever remember. Not a minute went by that you didn’t glance over to the window, hoping to see Stan walking up.
Eventually, your worry became evident to everyone, and was to the point where you couldn’t even participate in the activities they were playing. “Come on Y/n. Staniel will be here soon, in the meantime you should play some T or D with us” Richie had said, trying to encourage you to join the group game of truth or dare that Ben had started, but you shrugged him off, insisting you would wait for Stan’s arrival before you played any games.
And so, here you were, sitting by the front window of Bill’s house, while everyone else talked in the background. Head in your hands, you gazed at the snow outside. Watching the snow clump and fall lightly, covering everything it touched in what looked like soft white powder. As you watched the snow land on the white picket fence lining Bill’s yard, the snow covering the points of the wood, a patch of white moved.
what the hell-?
Shifting slightly, you tried to keep watch on what you thought you had seen through the thick snowfall. It bobbed up and down, moving along the fence, before a hand reached up and ran through it, revealing the damp curls underneath the snow.
Without grabbing your parka or scarf, you threw open the door wide. The cold hit you like a pound of bricks, but you moved forward into the snow. You could hear the others calling your name behind you, but you ignored them.
The snow had previously looked untouched, having long since covered the tracks made by Ben and Mike an hour ago, but now it looked like a small dog had scrambled through it. You ran into the yard, paying little mind to the moisture that seeped through your leggings up to your mid-calf. Catching Stan just as he passed through the white gate, you fiercely embraced him in a tight hug, knocking him backwards.
The fall was light, with snow and many layers of clothing to shield you from the ground. A soft crunch as your bodies pierced the snow, and you were on top of the boy.
“What the he--Y/n! What’s happening?” Stan exlaimed in shock as you wrapped you arms around him. Pressing a quick kiss to his lips, you stared into his confused golden eyes. 
“Don’t ever fucking scare me like that again, you hear?” 
After getting inside a few minutes later, and Stan had taken off his very wet and snowy jacket, you sat on the now empty couch. Stan had explained that his watch had broke, and he didn’t realize it was so late. Now, he sat next to you, and you were curled into his body warmth, with his arm wrapped around you. Every so often you would look up at him to press a kiss to his neck or jaw, reminding yourself that he was actually here. Whenever you did so, Stan’s grasp on you would tighten, pulling you closer.
“Who w-w-wants hot cho-chocolate?” Bill asked, once they had grown tired of truth or dare. Everyone immediately accepted the offer, including you and Stan. 
As Bill retreated into the kitchen to go make it all, Richie piped up from where he sat. “Ah ah ah! Where do you think you’re going, Denbrough?” The boy said, standing up with a grin. Bill looked at him in confusion. 
“Uh, t-to make the hot chocolate?” He said uncertainly, and Richie rolled his eyes. Stepping over to the confused brunette with long strides, he paused, hands on his hips. 
“I’m putting in my own marshmallows” Richie said after a short pause, saying it as if he were a smug kindergardener. With a scoff, Bill turned to the rest of the group. 
“Fine. Anyone e-else want to p-put in their own mar-marshmallows?” The boy said with an eyeroll, and to his evident surprise, the others said yes. 
“I’m fine, I’ll stay here” Stan said, and you looked up at him before snuggling closer. Richie fake gagged, and Eddie swiftly elbowed him in the stomach. Beverly laughed, and the group all made their way into the next room to make the hot drinks.
Once the group was gone, you looked back to Stan to see him looking at you with a peculiar look in his eyes. Confusion, mixed with admiration and sadness? You couldn’t tell exactly, which was odd because Stan usually wore his heart of his sleeve around you.
“What’s up?” You asked, backing away slightly to look at his face. He shrugged.
“I don’t really know” 
Sighing, you reached up to brush his hair back out of his face. The curls still had some snowflakes dusting them. “You can tell me, no matter what it is” You assured, and the Stan smiled, flashing a hint of white teeth.
“I know that.” He said with a small laugh that lit up your heart. However, he sighed immediately afterwards. “I-I guess I’m happy that you were worried, but also upset? I dunno...” He mumbled, and you wrapped your arms tighter around his body, looking at his face which was flushed from the cold.
“I’m not worried anymore” You murmured, your breath warming his neck. He looked at you, and thought he could feel his heart swell. Reaching to lightly cup your face, you brought your lips to his, and they met softly.
It was a short kiss, cold and passionate. Pulling away, you met his beautiful amber ones. “I’m just lucky to have you in my life” He breathed, and your face lit up with a small smile.
“Jesus Christ you two! Get a room!” Richie’s voice called from the hallway, and you both wisely chose to ignore him. Besides, he was immediately shut up by Eddie, who shoved him so hard he nearly spilled his hot chocolate.
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elliotthezubat · 5 years
 Drones: *patrolling the halls*
chie: ...
Kepuri: *plugged WASHU into a wall* "Stand still, sweetie--I need a few more seconds to check the security..."
WASHU: ok ~shu!
*a computer in Queenie's lab says 'Access Broken'*
Queenie: *hears the alert, but assembling her invention* "Check that."
naoka: *examining*
*looks like someone is trying to hack from the hall near the docking station...but the security cameras show no one there*
PlushFix: *panting* "Jeez, hurry up--I can only loop time so much!"
Kepuri: "SHHHH! I'm working!"
Queenie: "What is it? Well?"
naoka: i dont...see anyone...
Queenie: "Then send someone to look."
Kepuri: "Almost there...Got it! I disabled security!"
PlushFix: *lets go, sighs...*
chie: excellent.
nea: now let's go!
*the security feed in Queenie's lab flickers--then goes back to normal*
naoka: !!!
Queenie: "???" *narrows her eyes* "So..."
naoka: shall i deal with them?
Queenie: "Please, yes."
naoka: very well.
Kepuri: *pulls up a map* "Yohei could be in one of the prisons--"
PlushFix: "Bullshit! I know where he is! I got his scent! Follow me, ladies!"
Zuno: "??? But what about--"
PlushFix: "You heard me."
nea: YEEK!
Zuno: *triggered, collapses* "Not again!"
naoka: *holding a pistol* im afraid this is as far as you go.
Drones: *appear behind Naoka, aiming at Dokeshi House*
PlushFix: OwO "Oooooo~ Nice pistol!"
chie: dark spire!......?? what?
Kepuri: ._.;
naoka: *her eyes are dull* shoot them!
Drone: "ROGER!" *aim, fire*
chie: *dodging*
Kepuri: "Chie, what are you doing?! Dark spire her!"
chie: i-i cant use my shadows!
naoka: i've disabled it for the time being. my ability let's me do that.
Drone: *aims at Nea and Kepuri* "I identified the droids that hacked into our system. Release the droids."
Kepuri: "Uuuuuuum..." *waves her hand*
Drone: "Wh...What are you doing?"
Kepuri: "These are not the droids you're looking for."
Drone: "..." *points the gun into Kepuri's forehead*
Kepuri: Q______Q
Drone: *kicked into the wall, smashing into bits*
nea: and STAY down!
Kepuri: *hug* "Oh thank you!" T~T
PlushFix: "LESS HUGS, MORE PUNCHING!" *gnawing the top of a Drone's head*
mimeca: *cartwheel kicks a few of the drones*
Drones: *falling like dominos* "Ow. Ow. Ow. Ow."
Drone: -____-; *finger flicks PlushFix away*
PlushFix: *crashes into GET*
mimeca: D8 D8< *tries to transform* OxO;
naoka: dont stop now!
Zuno: *shaking...* "Not again...Not again..." *his nosehairs are quivering...*
Drone: "Roger!" *fires at Kepuri*
Kepuri: "WASHU! Suds them!"
chie: zuno, now isnt the time to panic, we need your help too!
Zuno: "I can't! Where are we?!" *holds his head* "I feel like I got 2800 transmissions going through my head! I--I--!!! I know what they're trying to do! I just got them all! ...Who are you?"
chie: .....
Drones: *washed away*
WASHU: mission accomplished ~shu!
Drone: "I am not owed a wash until Thursday..." @~@
chie: we're here to stop the people that hurt you, now what did you find out?
Zuno: "F-Fear...They're going to kill all humans with an EMP blast...to overload their brains--" *screams loudly, holding his head*
*A rush of Drones appear...There are too many...*
Drone Leader: "Aim at all but Commander Naoka! On my mark..."
Kepuri: "!!! GET! Shield!"
GET: BYUUUU! *shield up*
chie: !!! how do we stop them?
*the blasts firing, shrinking GET's shield...*
Kepuri: "GET!"
GET: *trying to hold it*
Zuno: *shaking...shaking...and all of his hair, down to the eyebrows, is suddenly pulled into his body with a loud disgusting SWISH noise...*
PlushFix: "...Oh, that's just wrong..." *hugs Mimeca*
mimeca: .___.
nea: unsee it! unsee it! UNSEE IT!
Zuno: *shakes...shakes...suddenly, hair explodes out of his head like spires--*
Kepuri: "?!!! DUCK!"
chie: !!!
PlushFix: "Where--" *SLASHED*
Drones: "What the h--"
*The hair stabs through all Drones*
mimeca: D8
naoka: ?!?! what? what's going on?!
Drones: "..." *all start shaking before--*
naoka: ?!?!?
Zuno: @_____@ "...Chie? Why are we on a space station? Where's Assi? I just remembered my birth-...birthd..." *collapses...*
PlushFix: *gasps, panting...* "Mimeca...I see a light..."
mimeca: D8> *shaking him*
Kepuri: "We got 2 men down. Chie, you got your powers back yet?"
chie: *summons a small tendril* yeah...*
mana: how far do we have to go yet?
lin: not too far now. just past this farmers market.
Emine: *summons the Wall behind them to block Fear Mooks*
minato: *slashing at foes*
Bryn: "So you think this will get us into their base? Seems kind of dodgy..."
lin: -n-
Shotaro: "Come on--this is us! How hard can this be--"
Shotaro: "EEK!" *leaps, avoiding a sword*
mana: ?! *looks*
Shotaro: *GASP* "A giant lion man!"
King Leo: "Back down, knaves, or suffer my wrath."
virgo: .~.;; e-eep! >.<
Scorpio: *aims their tail* "Calm down, lady--I got this..." *stabs at Lin*
lin: *stabs her hand with a fork and detaches her torso from her lower half to dodge*
Capricorn: *munching on an apple core* "Jeez, what a bunch of weirdos..."
Shinoda: "...I see you too are a person of fine taste."
minato: well, i take it you guys are the one in charge of these scrubs?
Shotaro: *tugs Mana's arm* "Look--look! His bottom part is a horse body!"
Aries: "That would be me..." *sipping an energy drink* "What's up?"
Gem: well these are....
Ini: ...interesting folks.
Sagittarius: -_-# *aiming an arrow* "We were ordered to eliminate all but the 3 captives. I say we start with the Bai Ze..."
lin: not if i have anything to say about it!
Taurus: "I'm not usually interested in impaling little girls, but first time for everything..." *moos*
minato: *charges*
Cancer: "No you don't, lady!" *snaps at her with claws*
Tool: "?!!!" *backs up Minato*
Taurus: "MOOOOOOO--" *rushes at Lin*
Bryn: *blocks, holding Taurus back*
mono: *charges to attack with her knife*
Scorpio: *using their tail to "knife fight" with Mono*
Aries: *leans back against a wall, continues to sip*
Shotaro: *using Bone of the Bat to fly up behind Virgo, hanging upside down* "So, what's your power?"
virgo: Q~Q p-please...d-d-dont hurt me... >///<
Shotaro: "??? Not really interested in that--Just want to get into the Fear Factory base to save our buddy!"
Emine: *caught in-between Gem and Ini* "..."
virgo: f-f-fear...factory? i-it's in i-i-IC p-prefecture. WAH! s-sorry! i-i-i wasnt s-supp-posed to t-t-tell you! >~<
gem: take...
ini: ..this!
-they throw a double punch-
Shotaro: ^w^ "Cool! Thank you, ma'am!" *swings back* "HEY, EVERYONE! THEY'RE BACK IN IC PREFECTURE!"
Emine: *holds up both hands, now covered in his blood, as he tries to push them back*
LK: virgo: *weeps* i-im sorryyyyy...
King Leo: "How dare you make her cry!" *battle roar, swinging his sword at Shotaro*
Shotaro: "?!!!" *bites on Bone of the Tiger, summoning claws and a tail* "Hey, neat sword! You make that yourself?"
gem: where the heck...
ini: ...are libra, aquarius, and pieces?!
*flop flop*
Pieces: *gasping for air on the floor* "WATER!"
aquarius: *giving them water* poor dear..
mono: ugh! how many of you are there?!
aquarius: 13, technically, counting the twins.
gem: thank...
ini: ...you!
Shotaro: *picks up Pieces* "And what's your power?"
Pieces: Q___Q "I need to be in water..."
aquarius: ahhh~ my poor little pieces~ he's so helpless without me, isnt he~<3
Bryn: *wrestling with Taurus* "Back down...
kaoli: *dodging attacks*
Cancer: *SNAP SNAP SNAP* "Ha ha ha ha! Let me chip away a bit off the top!"
kaoli: hmm, could use butter.
Capricorn: *ramming at Mana*
mana: HI-YAH!
Shinoda: *stares at Aries* "...I notice you're not doing anything in this..."
Aries: "Oh, just waiting..."
Shinoda: "...Then wait no longer." *swiftly grabs Aries by the neck, knocking the drink out of his hand*
Aries: "..." *sad smile* "Aw, that's a real shame. I wasn't done with that..." *looks Shinoda in the eyes*
Shinoda: "... ..." *his eyes roll into the back of his head before he collapses*
lin: !!! SHINODA!
Emine: "Why did he collapse...!!! Get away from that one!"
Libra: -_-# "Darn...Why can't he hide his ability...Now they know."
Shotaro: "??? Did he sap his energy?"
mana: i dont....know....
Bryn: *trying to suplex Taurus...then she passes out...Taurus landing atop her*
PlushFix: *ripped up in Mimeca's hands*
mimeca: *trying to sew him back up*
Kepuri: *carrying Zuno* "Jeez, he weighs a ton...* >_<
PlushFix: "Her...lab...He's..."
mimeca: <8D
chie: where is he?
PlushFix: "...President's Lab..." *gasps* X______X
mimeca: !!!!
PlushFix: *he's not moving...*
chie:...we should keep going.
nea: right.
Kepuri: "..." *taps into her tablet* "Lab is straight ahead..."
chie: *walking forwards*
Kepuri: "I don't see anything in the reports where they kept Yohei...What if he's..."
chie: dont.
Kepuri: "..."
chie: !!!
Kepuri: "!!! Something's coming."
marie anette: *in a fork lift* hello lovelies~ now die~<3
*a siren goes off above the hallway entrance leading to the President's lab, as doors start closing*
Kepuri: "?!! Get through the doors, now!"
chie: *rushes in*
Kepuri: *trying to follow--only for the doors to slam in front of her* "Damn it! Chie, keep going! I'll try to hack us back in--"
Marie anette: *charges at her*
Kepuri: "?!!!" *dodges, still carrying Zuno* >_< "Someone as short as me shouldn't be having to carry this guy! ... ... ..." *collapses on the floor* T~T
mimeca: !!!
PlushFix: "..." *small twitch*
nea: *dodging*
PlushFix: "Hm..." *gasping, struggling to breathe...*
naoka: *from the floor* that...would be me.
Kepuri: "Oh..." *kicks Naoka*
naoka: grk-
marie anette: D8<
Kepuri: "WE!" *kick* "ARE TRYING!" *kick* "TO SAVE OUR FRIEND!" *kick* "FROM YOU STUPID! FUCKING! ASSHOLES! And your benefits at this job? They were shit! Do you know how much money I'm making now in better work than this crap?!"
mimeca: *starts transforming into...*
nea: o___o WHAT THE FUCK.
mimeca: *shes turned into a xenomorph*
Kepuri: "... ... ...Oh, yes."
marie anette:.... *SCREEEEEEEEEEEAM*
Kepuri: "You better run, bitch!"
marie anette: WAAAH NAOKA HEEEELP! >A<
{???: <Sis? Hey, sis? Earth to Mana!>}
{mana: ??}
{Mana's Brother: <Come on--we need the dojo for some training. Can't you practice elsewhere?>}
{mana: <yoh? what's going on?>}
{Yoh: <Jeez, space cadet much?> *small playful light jab to her arm* <Come on! You said you'd be done at 7! Well, it's 7 now! Mom has your breakfast ready, so, scoot! Dad's going to teach me more about the ultimate move!>}
{mana: <but-....*sigh* fine then...> *exits*}
{*some neighborhood kids are playing outside...one looks at Mana*}
{Kid 1: <Ew, it's stinky Mana!>}
{mana: *glares*}
{Kid 2: <Ha ha ha! I didn't know it was garbage day--your parents finally put you out?>}
{mana: *walking faster* <just leave me alone, ok?> (what is this? why am i back here?...)}
aquarius: what shall we do with them, aries? do we just kill them now-
Aries: *shakes their head* "The Dokeshi boy, the kappa, and the girl are to go back to the space station. As for the others...Let's have some fun with them..." *pulls out a permanent marker* "After all, I think their dreams will do them in..."
{Bryn: *tapping her fingers on the desk* Gah, so boooooooooring! When are they letting us out?}
{helen: sis, please be patient. you've gotten into enough fights as it is.}
{Bryn: -_-; I don't _start_ the fights--but I damn sure end them!}
{Teacher: *glaring at Helen and Bryn*}
{helen: ._.;;}
{*Suddenly, the windows smash, as Viking zombie ninjas jump into the room*}
{helen: WHAT THE-?!}
{Bryn: Oh, hell yeah! *picks up the desk* LET'S DO THIS!!! *tosses the desk at 3 Vikings, then tackles 2 more* RAAAAAAAWR!}
{Shinoda: *vomiting...he's in a track uniform...he's kind of overweight* *gulps* <I-I can't do this...I'm not even cut out for this...>}
{-how pathetic...-}
{Shinoda: *closes his eyes* <I'm trying! But...I'm so hungry...Coach said carbs are a no-no, but right now, I just want something...Mom makes such good apple pie and-->}
{-you know what they say about an apple a day...-}
{Shinoda: "..." *sniffles*}
{Track Member 1: <He's doing it again...Guy's purging.>}
{track member 2: <ugh, so gross.>}
{Track Member 3: <And he's gotten it all over his uniform...I think he needs to hit the showers...Come on, boys...>}
{Shinoda: <?!!! N-No!>}
{-do you want them to stop?-}
{Track Member 1: *ripping off Shinoda's shirt* <Dunk him under the faucet!> *shoving Shinoda into the shower stalls*}
{Shinoda: ("Please...I just want to be strong...I just want to eat...I want apples...I want to stop these bastards!")}
{-then your wish is my command-}
{Shinoda: *his eyes widen*}
{Track Member 3: <Get his pants-->}
{Track Member 3: "GRRK!"}
{Shinoda: "... ... ..." *tightens his grip...*}
{track member 2: <w-what?!>}
{Shinoda: *glares--as he throws Track Member 3 so hard that you can hear a loud *CRACK* before he falls, unconscious, onto the boys' shower room floor*}
{Track Member 1: <?!!! You bastard--> *swings--*}
{Shinoda: *already disappeared*}
{Track Member 1: <??!>}
{Shinoda: <Behind you.> *karate chop to the back of his head*}
{Track Member 1: *coughs up blood before passing out*}
{track member 2: !!! <p-please dont hurt me!>}
{Shinoda: *smiles* <Let's clean you up...> *lifts him by the neck, dragging him towards the toilet...*}
{Tool: *a child, sitting atop a broken log in the middle of water* "..."}
{-the area is dark...-}
{Tool: *looks up to the sky*}
{-a baby cry can be heard in the distance-}
{Tool: *ear twitch* "???" *gets up, picking up a small carved wooden shiv, hops across debris towards the noise*}
{-on the edge of the water near some reeds is a baby kappa-}
{Tool: "?!!!" *carefully lifts up the baby* <How did you get here...>}
{???: <junya! come here! quickly!>}
{junya: <etsuko, what is- !!! a baby kappa?>}
{-a middle aged human couple examine the baby-}
{baby: *cries*}
{etsuko: <the poor dear....do you think she was abandoned?>}
{Tool: <I just...saw her...>}
{junya: <hmm, hard to say. perhaps she could be an orphan, or she might not be.>}
{etsuko: <well, it's getting dark, i'd hate to leave her all alone like this...>}
{junya: <etsuko, it'd be dangerous to bring home a yokai child if the parent just left it here for a while and may come looking for it.>}
{etsuko: <it will only be for a while, junya. besides, it'd be nice to have a child of our own...>}
{Tool: <Hey, I just said--Can't you humans listen?! I said I just spotted her-->}
{-his hand goes right through them-}
{Tool: <?!!! What the hell is this?!>}
{minato: <a memory...my parents. adoptive parents, anyway...>}
{Tool: <???> *turns around* <A memory? But this feels so real and--...Where are the others? How did we get here?>
{minato: <not sure. must be that goat kid's power, if i had to guess...>}
{Tool: *sighs* <Super...Well, if our souls are stuck in here, stands to reason there has to be a way for us to get out...>}
{minato: <way ahead of you.>}
{Yohei: "Hey, kid. At attention."}
{mono: *salutes* SIR!}
{Yohei: "Good...Today's your big day. Parents in the audience?"}
{Yohei: "??? What's with the sad look? I thought you'd be happy to get the promotion--"}
{???: "There's my little girl!"}
{mono: *looks*}
{*it's her parents, alive and well*}
{mono: !!!! t-that...that's...}
{Mono's Mom: *hug* "We're so proud of you...Stopping those awful Dokeshi..."}
{mono: b-but..but...y-you're dead....}
{Mono's D(e)ad: "Dead set on seeing our proud young lady get her commendation!" *pat pat* "Oh, this is a great day!"}
{mono: i..i saw you die...}
{Mono's Mom: "...Sweetie, are you okay?" *touches Mono's forehead...the touch is freezing* "Oh! Feels like a fever..."}
{mono: *jumps back*}
{Mono's Dad: "Mono, you're being very rude. Now, you're going up on that stage to get your promotion--" *grabs her arm*}
{mono: *looks at his hand*}
{*it's cold...looks decayed*}
{mono: *SCREAM*}
{Yohei: "Okay, enough of that..." *suddenly in a surgeon's outfit* "Hold her down."}
{mono: ?!??!?}
{Mono's Zombie Parents: *tie her down to a gurney in a dimly lit surgeon's room*}
{Yohei: *pulls out the Silver Gun--transforming it into a chainsaw* "I'll make the incision...here..." *bringing the chainsaw to her chest*}
{mono: !! NOOO!!!!}
{Emine: *pulling on his school uniform jacket, piece of toast in his mouth* "MOM! You were to get me up an hour ago! I'm going to be late!" *running to the front door...*}
{emine's mom: ...}
{Emine: *removes the toast, kisses her cheek* "Bye, Mom. Love you."}
{emine's mom: have fun at school, dear. i think your friend's waiting for you. outside.}
{lin: jeez emine, what took you so long?}
{Emine: *passes a mirror--that shows a reflection of the Bai Ze, but he doesn't notice* ^^; "Sorry--can't hurry up perfection, can I?" *goofy smile*}
{lin: *tugs his cheeks* you goof! you've always been like this, even when we were kids.}
{Emine: "Ow! Stop that!" *tugs her cheek* "You're the goof!"}
{lin: ow! haha!}
{Lin's Dad: "Hey! You lovebirds need a ride?"}
{lin: daaad! >///< }
{Emine: "Thanks, Mr. Kinpar..." *gets in, passing the side mirror, which seems to show the Bai Ze and a mutilated Lin--* *shakes his head* *looks again...it's normal* "...Um..." *sits in the back*}
{mana: *running through the forests*}
{*there's something ahead amidst the trees...no...wedged _into_ the tree...*}
{mana: *looks* ?? (a door? what the heck is this doing here?)}
{*it sounds like bouncy music is coming from inside...*}
{mana: *enters*}
{*everything inside is...black and white?*}
{mana: what the hey?}
{*something below looks...rubbery on Mana's hand*}
{mana: well....THIS is trippy!}
{???: "How do you do? Mighty pleasant greetin'!"}
{mana: i just got in here and-.....}
{*it's a talking frog in overalls, bouncing in time to some jaunty music that has started to play...he looks like a rubbery 1920s cartoon character*}
{Cartoon Squirrel: "How do you do? Say it when you're meetin'!"}
{Cartoon Rabbit: "How do you do? With every one repeatin'--"}
{All the Cartoon Animals: *pop up behind Mana, slamming the door behind her, now singing* "Pretty good sure as you're born!"}
{mana:....riiiiiiight. im just gonna go over there now.}
{*snoring is heard from one house...that is so loud it is making the anthropomorphic house with eyes and a mouth shrink and grow with each snore...The mailbox says, in crudely drawn letters, 'SHoWta(backwards-R)o"*}
{Animals: *keep singing* "What goes up is sure to come down. A penny lost is a penny found. How do you do? And you howdy back. A little bit of this and a little bit of that!"}
{mana: of course showtaro is somehow responsable. -_-; *knocks on the door*}
{Shotaro: *snoring in bed under a tattered old blanket...his window is open...an alarm clock with a cartoon face is asleep on the nightstand*}
{Alarm Clock: *jolts awake--RIIIIIING--*}
{Shotaro: *holding a giant mallet, has smashed the Alarm Clock...goes back to sleep* "Zzzz..."}
{mana: .____.;;; }
{Cartoon Dog: *on a bicycle rides by, tosses a newspaper onto Shotaro's step*}
{Cartoon Cow: *milking herself in time to the music in a nearby farmhouse*}
{Cartoon Birds: *chirping in time to the music*}
{Shotaro: *loud yawn* *smacks his mouth* *stretches*}
{mana: showtaro? it's me, mana!}
{Shotaro: "..." *giggles* "You look rubbery!" *grabs her arm, stretches it, starts strumming it like a guitar*}
{mana: -_-; any idea where we are exactly?}
{Shotaro: "Who cares--this place looks fun!" *stinky lines waves off him* "Woof! I need a bath!" *leaps--out of his bedclothes and into the bathtub, already full of bubble bath* "Scrub a dub dub..." *whistles*}
{Shotaro: *hops out, toweling off, before jumping outside into a clothesline, spinning, ends up in his usual clothes, albeit still in black and white* "Come on, Mana! I got to introduce you to some folks!"}
{mana: um....ok?}
{Shotaro: *walks with her down the sidewalk, whistling along the way* "Mornin', Mrs. Pig!"}
{Mrs. Pig: "G'morning, Shotaro!" *spoon-feeding her piglets in their high chairs*}
{mana: *looking*}
{Shotaro: "G'morning, Mr. Monkey! I'll have your fence painted this afternoon!"}
{Mr. Monkey: *old man voice* "Such a nice boy..."}
{Shotaro: "Hee hee...Everyone is so cool here, aren't they, Mana?"}
{*the animals are lining up, bouncing up and down in time with the music*}
{Shotaro: "!!! Look! My old friends! There's Miss Cat, Mr. Dog, and Mr. Bird!"}
{Miss Cat: "Please to meow-et you!"}
{Mr. Dog: "WOOF! What a pretty young lady!"}
{Mr. Bird: "Coo! You're a friend of Shotaro, too?"}
{mana: showtaro, these are all your bones....arent they?}
{Shotaro: OwO "Huh? What'd you mean? My bones are all here--" *pulls back his skin like a sleeve, revealing his bones--which fall down in a cartoony fashion* "..." *stamps down on the street, which shakes like Jell-O before the bones flip up and assemble themselves back in his arm to xylophone music*}
{mana: what about yohei, tuhl, and the others, huh?}
{Shotaro: "You're right--we should bring them here! I'm sure Tool would love to meet Mr. Turtle!"}
{Mr. Turtle: *hiding in his shell* Q___Q }
{*Miss Cat, Mr. Dog, and Mr. Bird start to look less cartoony...*}
{mana: no, we came here to find the fear factory's base and save yohei, remember?}
{Shotaro: "??? What's a 'Fear Factory'? Do they make candy?"}
{*the music is starting to slow down, but things are still in black and white...*}
{mana: showtaro focus!}
{Shotaro: "What're you so serious about? Smile! Like this--" *tugs on her cheeks* "??? Why aren't they stretching anymore?"}
{*everything is now not cartoony...the cartoon animals are gone...the street is dirty...behind Mana and Shotaro is a small boy, crying over a dead bird, a dead cat, and a dead dog...*}
{Shotaro: "???" *turns around* "... ... ...Wait...I remember this..."}
{Child Shotaro: *crying* <Why would they do this...They're our friends!>}
{Child Emine: "..."}
{Thugs: *chuckling* <Look at these dirty bastards...Their mamas didn't want them, so they just play with the other strays...>}
{Child Emine: *shaking with barely contained rage...*}
{Shotaro: "..." *shakes his head* "No...Not again..."}
{mana: showtaro....}
{Child Shotaro: <You...bastards!> *grabs a pipe from the street, rushes at one thug--*}
{Child Shotaro: *coughs up blood...he's been stabbed with a butcher's knife*}
{Thug 1: <Whoops.>}
{Shotaro: *frozen...tears falling* "...I don't want to be here...I don't want you...anyone seeing this."}
{Child Emine: <Shotaro--!>}
{Thug 2: *smashes Emine's face with a baseball bat, knocking him down* <Fucking brats.>}
{mana: *covers her mouth in shock* is...is this...?}
{Shotaro: "Please, stop..."}
{Child Emine: *collapsed*}
{Child Shotaro: *not moving...*}
{mana:....*she just hugs him*}
{Shotaro: *crying, holds onto her...while the Dokeshi change happens to the two children behind them...*}
{mana: it's ok.....it's going to be ok....}
{Shotaro: "I didn't want you to see this..."}
{mana:....you've held on to a lot of pain, havent you? heh, and here i was thinking you were just childish and dumb, but...you were trying to hide it, werent you?}
{Shotaro: T~T "I'm still childish, darn it!"}
{mana: ... hmhm. *cheek kiss* well, im here now, ok? so are the others. now, let's find a way out of here so we can greet them ok?}
{Shotaro: *sniffles* *nods* "Th-Thanks...But I don't know how! Ever since I got here I had no bones! Just my clothes and this stupid thing..." *pulls out Queenie's tooth*}
{mana: hmm...any ideas?}
{Shotaro: "I'm thinking, I'm thinking..." *starts gnawing on the tooth--and the surroundings get darker and wavy, revealing Aries...*}
{mana: !!! look!}
{Shotaro: "?!!! Ram guy?!"}
{Aries: *sipping coffee* "What's up? I see you got loose. Must be that tooth from the President--upsetting my Dokeshi abilities."}
{mana: what are you doing??}
{Aries: "Holding you lot prisoner while she readies her Human Killing Device."}
{mana: ?!?!}
{Shotaro: "Nuts to that! I'm making it my good deed to stop you Fear Factory jerks! Now let us out before I punch you in the face!"}
{Aries: "Hurt me, and who knows what your friends feel..."}
{mana: ...}
{Shotaro: "Oh yeah! Well, how did Mana get into my dream if you're so powerful?!"}
{*doors appear behind Mana*}
{mana: *looks*}
{Shotaro: "Oh, is that how you got into my dream?"}
{mana: yeah..}
{Aries: "I'd be careful--if the person doesn't have a good relationship with you, they can be a bit hostile to intrusions..."}
{Shotaro: "Nuts to that--we get along great with everyone!" *bites the tooth--grabs Mana's hand--*}
{mana: !!}
{Shotaro: *kicks a door open, leaps...and he and Mana plummet*}
{Aries: *sips* "Bad choice..."}
{mana: WOOOOAAAAH!!!}
{Shotaro: "HA HA HA HA! ...Hey, is that a drago--*}
{*a dragon catches them...*}
{mana: WOAH!}
{Shotaro: "Weeeee...Boy, sure is a lot of fire here...Oh, and skulls and bones! Whose dream is this?"}
{*below is a battle arena*}
{mana: *looks*}
{*someone is in Viking attire, smashing opponents with a mace*}
{mana: is that...!! BRYN! *waves*}
{Bryn: *eating a giant meat-kabob with the other hand* "Oh my G--Mana!" *waves the mace* "Hey! Come on down! I've saved you some people to beat up!"}
{*the people kind of look like Abernathy, NoFix, and Queenie*}
{mono: *running*}
{Yohei: "We're not finished...Come back, Mono!"}
{mono: no! this isnt real! THIS ISNT REAL!}
{*something grabs her, pulling her into the side-hallway*}
{mono: ??!?}
{Tool: "Easy, kid! It's me!"}
{minato: *wave*}
{kaoli: ^^}
{Tool: "So, you got sucked into a dream too, huh?"}
{Tool: "...Yeah, it's a pretty messed up place. But we think we found a way to get out. We need to get the others out first, though."}
{mono:....i hate this....}
{Tool: "Hey..." *pats her shoulder* "Let that motivate you to find a way out...You ready to leave?"}
{Tool: <Mom, Kaoli, let's open up to the next dream.>}
{Emine: *sips a milkshake* "..." *sneaks a fry off Lin's plate*}
{lin: ^^ this is nice, isnt it?}
{Emine: "Yeah, it's got great food, pleasant atmosphere...The company isn't bad either."}
{lin: ....wouldnt it be nice to stay like this?...}
{Emine: "...Yes. It would..."}
{???: "But it can't be that way."}
{lin: ??}
{Shinoda: "This is not who you are. You serve others because you like to be useful. And you are the Bai Ze, someone who holds destruction in your hands...and refuses that call every single damn time."}
{Emine: "...I know. But just let us enjoy this for a bit...Also...Why the hell are you in shorts and wearing medals?"}
{lin: ..... ._. }
{Emine: "..." *sips long on his milkshake--*}
{*the wall of the restaurant crashes, with a dragon showing up*}
{lin: !!!!!}
{Shotaro: "Emine! Bryn dreamt of a dragon!"}
{Emine: "!!! Shotaro!"}
{Bryn: *lifts her mace* "Let's get back to reality and smash something!"}
{lin: what about the others-}
{*a chainsaw rips through the other wall*}
{mana: um...}
{Yohei: *laughing crazily* "I AM HERE TO OPERATE!!!"}
{Bryn: "Oh, hey, we found your friend! ...What's he doing here?"}
{mana: that's not yohei....}
{Tool: -_-# "No, he is not..." *slices off Yohei's head with his pickaxe*}
{mono: .....}
{lin: yeesh...}
{Tool: "Mono, get some catharsis..." *tosses the head to her*}
{mono: !!!! *throws it in panic*}
{Yohei's Head: *lands in the trash* "GAH! Now I got mustard in my hair..."}
{Shotaro: ^w^ "Well, that's everyone--let's get going!"}
*the lab is very still...there's one light in the center, shining on some pillar...*
chie: *looks*
*it's a crucifix...something is tied to it, bloodied and shirtless...*
chie: !!!!!! YOHEI!
Yohei: *groans* "Chie?"
chie: hold on! we're getting you out of here!
Yohei: "You need to leave before she comes back..."
chie: im not leaving without you. *trying to free him*
Yohei: "No...She'll..."
*someone rises from the table behind them, wearing a headset*
chie: ?!?!
Queenie: *smiles* "Hello, Mrs. Nanami...Tell me, why would a Dokeshi stoop so low to be in a relationship with a Dokeshi-hunting murderer?"
chie: let him go.
Queenie: "Or you'll do what?"
chie: dont test me...
Queenie: *smiles...the headband lights up, then her eyes*
*someone's fingers wrap around Chie's neck...*
chie: ?!?!
*there's a familiar wedding ring on that hand...*
Yohei: *eyes glowing* "..."
chie: *in complete shock*
Queenie: "Mr. Nanami...Kill your wife." *turns back to her work, pulling up a map of I-Island*
Yohei: *tightens his grip*
chie: GRK- y-yo..hei...please.....fight it....
Yohei: *crying...* *drags her to the crucifix, his grip tightening...he begins to slam his hands against it, but Chie with them...*
Queenie: "Satellites secured, Andrea?"
chie: GNH-
andrea: yes, ma'am...
Queenie: "Splendid...It was good to work with so many humans. But, alas...Time to end this. Goodbye, humanity. Hello, Dokeshi future." *the headband whirrs, as Queenie places her hands on a surface...The map of I-Island brightens--*
I Island Executive: "??!! We got a problem--one of our satellites has an increasing level of radiation!"
executive: what- GRK-
Executive 1: *screams, clutching his head*
Colleen: "..." *her nose is bleeding, but she is motionless, like she's in a trance*
*residents are screaming, but some are standing*
Man: "?!! Sweetie, what's wrong?! Are you okay?"
child: mama! wake up!
Mother: *she's not moving...*
David: *screaming, holding his head*
melissa: GNHH-... (what..what's...)
Tokoyami: *SCREAMING* *Dark Shadow going berserk*
Todoroki: *collapsed, panting*
ochako: i-i feel sick.
tsuyu: r-ribbit....
Izuku: "What the hell...It feels like my nerves are on fire...What is...It's overly stimulating the nervous system--"
Bakugo: *slamming his fist* "Shut...up...FUCK!"
hachi: guys! stop this! this is seriously not fucking funny!
"Zach": *unconscious*
riko: *out cold*
hachi: please! stop it already guys!
Spirit: *shaking a Fear Factory mook* "How many? Where are-- ..." *screams in pain*
mook: *grins*
Mook 2: *chuckles* "Aw, what's wrong?" *kicks Spirit away...then smashes the front door*
Asher: *screaming*
Saria: *crying in pain*
Axel: *knocked out*
hibiki: d-damn..th-this is bad...
Kanin: *howling*
Duncan: *curled up in the fetal position*
Shotaro: "?!!! Mana! Tool!"
mono: GNH-
lin: what's happening?!
Tool: "Make it stop!"
Emine: "?!!!" *looks at Aries* "You did this?!"
Shinoda: "...The end result of what we wanted long ago...How do we stop this?!"
King Leo: "You can't. This is our dominion now."
Emine: "Like hell!" *cuts his wrist--as something gigantic forms...*
aquarius: your friends will likely die suffering...unless you want to end it for them~
Shotaro: "..." *removes a bunch of bones...* *sighs* *bites into all of them, as his body contorts...*
gem: that's....
ini: ...not good.
Shinoda: "?!! Lin, get back!"
*A gigantic abomination of bones and broken sinew rises...paired with a bloody beast...*
cancer: the FUCK is THAT?!
King Leo: *smiles* "Oh, this is what I yearn for..." *aims his blade* "Come."
Bones and Blood: *SCREAM--descending onto the Zodiac*
Aries: "..." *drops his empty can of soda*
virgo: Q_Q;;;;
*Japonshima's district erupts into a battlefield, as Fear Factory Dokeshi smash windows and pummel the defenseless*
lin: well, dont just stand there! we got to stop them, shinoda!
Shinoda: "Right!" *rushes at Fear Dokeshi, knocking them aside*
Chuuya: *screaming, slamming his fists--gravity obliterating the dirt*
Abernathy: *slamming his head against the ground*
grunt: OH SHIT!
Mitch: ._____.; *just standing there* "...Am I missing something?"
*Mafiosos drive off...before the gravity reverses, sending cars flying into the sky and down onto the ground*
sonia: *panting heavily* p-..pa...pa...
mito: D8>
Kouyou: "It-It's going to be okay..." *holding Sonia and Miyuri, cringing*
Kid: "?!!! I can't feel anything! What the hell is causing this?!!"
Wes: *passed out*
Queenie: *looking at video footage...* "Riots. Human corpses. New Dokeshi. Yes, just as planned..."
Yohei: *punching, his fingers a bloody mess...*
chie: ....yohei...
Yohei: "Kill..."
chie:...at least....let me face you......i want you face...to be the last thing i see.....
Yohei: "Me...Kill...Me."
Queenie: "Fufufu~ Oh, relationship problems are the worst."
chie:....i love you.
Yohei: "... ... ..." *pulls out his Silver Gun*
Queenie: "?!!! How the hell did he get that?!"
Yohei: *struggling to smile* "Gen...ius..." *aims at his own head*
*a giant mallet pops out of the gun--and knocks Yohei out*
Yohei: XwX "Zzz..."
Queenie: "... ... ... ...WHAT THE FUCK WAS THAT SHIT?!!"
chie: *gasps for air*
???: NOW!
Queenie: "Oh, to hell with this! I was _trying_ to avoid cliches, but nooooooo! This--Wait, 'now'? Now what?"
Queenie: "?!!!"
nea: hello, honey-bitch.
mimeca: >8D
Queenie: "The hell?! Nea? You're with these freaks? My reports didn't say anything--"
Kepuri: "GET! WASHU! Get on that computer!" *taps a button--summoning bug armor* "Nea, let's rip her in two!"
nea: *puts on iron knuckles* way ahead of you, girl!
PlushFix: *sewed up* O_O; "Ladies, I feel weird..." *shaking a bit...spinning one paw* "...Huh...Ha ha ha..."
Queenie: Q___Q "...CLICHE! CLICHE!" *slams a button, as something rumbles beneath her--and swallows her up--*
Zuno: *hiding behind Kepuri* "??? Wait a minute...She's..."
nea: the head of the fear factory and about to get her ass whooped.
Queenie: *disappears into the floor*
Kepuri: "??? Huh?"
chie: *coughing* w-where-
WASHU: "!!! Mama! Something is below us ~SHUU!"
*the floor rips open, revealing--*
nea: oh son of a-
Kepuri: "... ... ...BOOOOOOO! Cliche!"
Queenie: *wearing an exo-suit* *cackling* "How you like this, you turnout bitches?!" *lifts a foot to crush Nea*
Kepuri: "?!!! Dodge--"
*something is heard whirring...*
nea: wha-
Queenie: "?!!!"
???: "Hee hee hee...Oh, I've missed this..."
mimeca: ^^
*There stands...a naked man with a giant plush bear head, spinning his fist*
chie: ..........
Kepuri: "OH GOD NO!"
mimeca: o////o
Queenie: "... ...I look forward to killing you all."
ManBearFix: "HA HA HA! Try it, you dried up cunt--I'M UNKILLABLE! I REGENERATE OUT OF THE SOUL! I AM FUCKING NOFIX!" *cackles, as his vibrations shake Fear Robot*
Fear Robot: "ERROR. ERROR."
Queenie: "Maintain! Don't fail on me, you stupid--"
Queenie: "?!!!"
Queenie: "No! Stay back!"
ManBearFix: *pulls Queenie out by her hair* "Hee hee hee!" *tosses her out* "Have at her, ladies! Girl on girl!"
Kepuri: "..." *cracks her knuckles*
Queenie: Q________Q; "Now, now--hang on--"
Kepuri: "Get her!"
nea: one more thing, madame presidente, that hairstyle, soo last decade.
Queenie: "YOU WOULDN'T!"
Yohei: "Zzz..."
chie: ah! we did it!
Kepuri: ^^ "Good work, sweeties! Now, we need a moment to deal with Miss Hani..."
Queenie: *SCREAMS*
Yohei: "Mmmm..." *yawns* "...Ow..."
chie: come on. let's get home.
mana:..gn....wha? it...it stopped?
Tool: "Yeah...Way to state the obvious...!!! What the hell?!"
*there's blood and bones everywhere*
lin: hey.
Emine: *on his back, panting*
minato:....<holy shit.>
Shinoda: *sips apple juice*
Shotaro: *sitting up* "Hey, guys! You're awake!" *waves*
Shotaro: O___o
mana: !!!!
*Shotaro's arm has been sliced off*
King Leo: "Ha! You think this is over?!"
Libra: -_-# "It is. We lost."
Aries: X_____X *an apple-shaped head wound*
gem: i think virgo....
ini: ...ran off...
King Leo: "I have attacked the great Kyokotsu! I--"
mana: *POW* shut up.
Shotaro: "...Ah, man, that was my good arm."
Emine: D8 "Shotaro...No..."
Shotaro: "..." *looks around* "Ah-ha!" *picks up a bone--bites into it--and a small hand grows out of the arm wound* "Bone of the lizard!"
mono:....*PASSES OUT*
Shinoda: "... ... ..." *passes out*
Tool: "..." *chuckles*
Emine: "..." *small laugh* "You dummy." *pats Shotaro's head* "Don't scare me like that."
Spirit: "Sa-Sachiko! Kids! Izumi!"
izumi: d-dad?
Spirit: *hug* "I was so scared! Are you okay?"
amelia: *pokes head out of the closet door* is it safe to come out now?
Kanin: *in werewolf form* ._. "...What just happened?"
lei-lei: why does everything taste like paint?
Asher: "...I am never taking drugs."
Axel: "I don't think those were drugs--"
Asher: "I said, I am never taking drugs."
Saria: *hiding in her sweater*
David: *panting..." "Ow..."
melissa: d-daddy! are you ok?!
David: "Y-Yes--all things considered. You?"
melissa: i-i think so.....what was that?
David: "If I had to guess? ...I think someone stole my tech."
melissa: but... i thought it was destroyed?
David: "...Do you think...I was the only one to arrange a heist? What if...someone else did, too, that same night? That Dokeshi kidnapped..."
Chuuya: *not moving...*
Abernathy: "Son of a...Mitch! Call an ambulance!"
???:......ke up......wake up, mr nakahara....
Chuuya: *groans* "I don't wanna..."
???: please......our family....they still need you....
Chuuya: "...Rain?"
-nothing there-
Chuuya: "...What--"
grunt: mr...nakahara? are you-
Mitch: .______. "...Do I have a Dokeshi ability now or something? I don't know what it is."
Chuuya: "...Help me up...I need to rest."
Abernathy: "Mitch, shut up, and get the finest reclining chair for him!"
leo: *on her way to the hospital, holding her stomach in worry*
Motojiro: "Almost there--stay calm..."
katya: *calmly* <when i find whoever did this, im going to shove my gun so far up their ass, they'll be coughing up bullets for days. and then im going to beat their goddamn head in with a fucking bowling ball and rip their fingernails off one by one.>
Pushkin: <Don't forget the rubbing alcohol.>
Motojiro: O_o;
katya: <please, that'd be _too_ kind for them.>
Pushkin: <Lemon juice, then.>
Motojiro: <Now you're talking!>
katya: <maybe some salt mixed in to be safe.>
Pushkin: <Ah, yes! Let's ask the doctors about some hydrochloric acid...>
yosano: ugh, that was horrible...
Poe: *inside* "NO! This is just a prelude before something worse!"
lana: why dont i check to see if it's safe, ok?
Poe: Q__Q "I-I don't want you to be the canary in the proverbial coal mine..."
sylvia: m-miss lucy? i-is it safe to c-come out of anne's room now?
Lucy: "Maaaaaaybe in a second..." *pours another cup of tea* "No rush exiting before we're ready."
kirako: ^^; im sure it'll be fine...
yosano: dazaaai? where did you run off to?
aya: *sigh* come on kunikida, let's go look for him.
Kunikida: -_-# *picks up his book*
Dazai: *leaning against a gravestone* "...It never stops surprising you, does it?'
-no reply-
Dazai: *smiles* "How does someone generate a human-killing wave? That's not how I want to go--it's painful, not enough time to find a beautiful person to die with."
Dazai: *closes his eyes, listens* "..."
-wind blows through the trees-
Dazai: *smiles*
P Erot: *hiding in an alley* <Nothing...No one is replying...>
mikan: it's strange...isnt it?
Asura: "Yes...Such madness..."
mikan:...*chuckle* it's funny that mortals can think they can play god like that....yet it all comes crashing down on them in the end....it's laughable, really...
Asura: "They seek what is beyond them...That is their downfall."
setsuna: *looking*
Assi: "Any sign of them? And Zuno? And Mono?"
setsuna: ... !!! look! over there!
Assi: *looks*
-an escape pod is crashing to a park-
Assi: "?!!! We need to get there!"
nea: fwaah! finally home!
Kepuri: "I still say we could use that space station--it's a waste to leave it there."
Yohei: "..."
chie: it's ok yohei....it's all ok now.....
Yohei: "..." *shakes his head* "After what I've done..."
chie: *holds his hands* it's going to be alright. i promise. *kisses his hand*.....i missed you.
Yohei: "..." *hug* "I was scared I'd never see you and Toru..."
chie: he'll be so happy to see his papa again.
Yohei: *sad smile, nods*
Queenie: X______X
ManBearFix: *in a Fear Factory uniform* "Glad most things are the same size again..."
Zuno: *staring at Queenie* "..."
ManBearFix: QwQ "...Save my dick!"
mimeca: D8
GET: now landing ~gege!
Yohei: "...Kepuri, I never said you could give him a voice."
Kepuri: "Yeah, well, no one told you to get kidnapped, so pipe down."
-they've landed-
nea: ah, nice welcoming party we got here~
tsujimura: well, _this_ has been a shitty night.....
Sansa: "Who are they?"
tsujimura: from what i hear, they're the saviors of humanity just now.
Yohei: "..."
Kepuri: "Say 'hi' to the head of Fear Factory!"
officer: isnt that professor hani?!
ManBearFix: "Yep! _We_ saved y'all asses! Now, where are the hotties?"
Sansa: "You two are under arrest."
mimeca: D8
ManBearFix: "Doesn't matter--got my body back! See you next year, Yohei! CALL ME!"
chie: nofix, go home. just...go home.
ManBearFix: "Where Yohei is _is_ home~"
chie: *flips him off*
Queenie: *looks up* "...?!!!" *tries to activate her ability--and gets a shock* "?!!!"
Kepuri: "My latest: an anti-mind control device, you piece of crap!"
ochako: i dont think this headache will ever stop...@~@
momo: good news, we're home now.
jirou: soon as i get home, im going into hibernation.
Todoroki: "Sounds good."
Mineta: X__X
Iida: "I suggest juice..."
???: "AHEM."
momo: ??
Izuku: "???" *turns--and gets wrapped in scarves*
Bakugo: "OH SH--" *wrapped*
ochako: OxO
kaminari: dont move. he cant see you if you dont move.
Aizawa: "You all...are in big trouble."
Mineta: "WHO MOVED?!"
sero:...see y'all on the other side.
Iida: T~T "My family's honor..."
Todoroki: -_-;
-the next day-
mana: you're really going to be coming with us, minato?
minato: why not? i've always wanted to visit other countries.
Tool: >_>;
minato: *head pat* you've really grown up, tuhl. im proud of you.
Tool: "Mooom..."
Shotaro: "Hee hee..." *stretches with his new arm*
lin: finally, all the craziness is behind us.
Emine: "..."
mono:.....*in fetal position*
Shinoda: "??? What's with you?"
mono:...im really pathetic, arent i?
Bryn: "What brought this on?"
mono: i always talk the big talk, but when things get hairy, i cant do a single thing....i just stand there, not knowing what to do.....im just a weak little kid....
Bryn: "Maybe you just need some confidence!"
mono:...mrs hilder, how are you so strong?
Bryn: "I work out, chase after my kids, keep finding more challenging competitions--although, after that dream place, finding a rush like that will be a challenge.'
mono:......if i didnt just stand and watch.....could i...have saved them?
Bryn: "...Would you have survived?"
mono:........does it matter?
Bryn: "...Don't you _ever_ think that way. You are blessed to still be alive. Don't waste that."
Bryn: "You just need to have a goal. Something you can do in the short term, like win a tournament or beat up an opponent."
*in a dark room, a man reviews the news on a tablet*
Man: *sighs* <Damn it, Queenie...> *hands the tablet to an assistant* <Find Emine.>
assistant: <understood, sir.>
Man: <I'll call up the New Observers. See if you can speak with some of the new Dokeshi that were created last night, too.>
Yumi: *getting out of bed* "I assure you, I'm fine--I really need to get back to checking the causality reports."
lord death: are you certain?
Yumi: *nods* "I'm not going to let a little thing like a neuro-EMP wave keep me down." *pulls up a graph on her phone, showing causalities by continent* "...Horrifying. 3000 in Europe, 4000 in Asia..."
Kouyou: "Stop doting on me--I'm not some senior citizen!"
Chuuya: *bandaged* "I know, I know..."
miyuri: *coloring*
sonia: *in her bed, curled up under her blankets* ........
Kouyou: "...I think someone else needs your attention."
Chuuya: "..." *nods* *walks to Sonia's bed* "Sonia? You hungry?"
sonia: .......
Chuuya: *sets down a new glass of water* "Well, I made some meals--just let me know, and I'll heat up whatever you want..." *strokes her back*
sonia:.....i dont....feel like getting up.....
Chuuya: "Do you feel sick?"
sonia:.........i dont know.....
Chuuya: "Well, maybe some sleep will help?"
sonia:.......i guess.......
Chuuya: *nods* "...I love you, Sonia."
sonia:.....love you too, papa....
chie: *knocks on the door* yohei? how are you holding up?
Yohei: *curled up* "...I..."
chie:......i brought you a visitor.
toru: baba!
Yohei: "..." *holds out his right arm--his left is still bandaged*
toru: ^o^
Yohei: "Hey, slugger...Miss me?"
toru: *hug* baba! baba!
chie: *smiles and sits next to him*
Yohei: "..." *slight shudder*
{Queenie: "How many more will you kill?"}
chie: .......*holds his hand*
Yohei: *hoarse voice* "What I did..."
chie:....i forgive you.
Yohei: "...Others haven't."
Yohei: *starts sobbing*
chie: *rubs his back and hums*
Yohei: *holds Toru carefully despite shaking all over*
Monoma: "HA HA HA HA HA! Look at them! Is this the training Class 1A has to complete?! How does picking garbage help you with your workout routine, Bakugo?!!!"
Bakugo: *picks up garbage* -_-# "I'm going to blow him up and hide the pieces..."
Izuku: ^^; "This is actually kind of familiar."
tsuyu: well, we're still doing a good thing by cleaning up the highway.
*a can is tossed off the highway, beaning Mineta*
jirou: another perk of the job.
Todoroki: *holding open the bag* "This one is still empty."
Shotaro: "--then we were trapped under water, Mom! But I saw some fish bones outside--"
setsuna: *listening and making breakfast*
Shotaro: "--and I swam us up to the surface so we could breathe! And we were laughing and so happy to be alive--"
setsuna: *nods*
Shotaro: "And then-- ... ... ..." .\\\\.;
Shotaro: "WE GOT TO RIDE IN A FISHER BOAT, THE END!" *eats his cereal*
setsuna: i...i see. ^^;
Emine: "They kissed, Mom."
Shotaro: *spits up his cereal* "EM!"
setsuna: !!! *the frying pan jolts up, sending the eggs to the ceiling*
Shotaro: .\\\\\.;
Emine: "..." *looks up* "I wanted scrambled."
mana: HAAAH!
Bryn: *blocks* "KAH! Watch your left!" *jabs*
mana: *dodges and kicks*
Bryn: "Ow!" *jumps out of the way, jabs* "Not bad! No wonder you survived against those Fear mooks!"
mana: thanks. *blocks*
Bryn: *jab jab* "What was it like on that Space Station? I always wanted to see how brawling changed by gravity!"
mana: well...
Bryn: "??? What? Didn't you fight anyone up there?"
-mana explains what happened-
Bryn: "Ha! At least you managed to survive going head-first through a robot man." *playfully pats her head*
Luke: *looking at an address on a piece of paper* "... ... ..."
GET: "Here, Papa-gege!" *holds up a glass of water to Akaderu*
akaderu: thanks little dude.
GET: ^o^
Kepuri: *sets down WASHU* "Okay, you're all patched up!"
WASHU: thank you ~shu!
Kepuri: *smiles...looks over at Akaderu* "So..."
akaderu: *hug* glad you're ok...
Kepuri: =\\\\= *cuddle* "Same, babe. Thanks for keeping an eye on things..."
Assi: "I WAS SO WORRIED!" T~T "Don't ever get lost again!"
Zuno: "...Assi...Who was that woman?"
Assi: *sniffle* "Huh? The Fear Factory President?"
Zuno: "..." *holds his head* "No..."
nea: yeah, you were giving her an odd look...
Zuno: "Just..."
{Child Zuno: *drawing*}
{???: "Damn it, Mom--you never listen to anything I say!"}
{Zuno's Mother: "As long as you live in this house, you'll follow my rules! Could you talk some sense into her?" *turns to someone*}
{Zuno: "..." *turns on the TV, turns up the volume--*}
{???: "Oh, typical! He doesn't fucking talk at all!"}
{Zuno's Mother: "AND TURN OFF THAT TV!" *slap*}
{Zuno: "?!!! ...WAAAAAAH!"}
{Zuno's Mother: "Now shut up and go back to your dumb books!"}
{???: "They aren't dumb! I'm a genius! Look at my grades, Mom! Why don't you care how well I'm doing?!"}
{Zuno's Mother: "You're trash! And you're going to stay trash! Just like your father!"}
{Zuno's Sister: "?!!! You bitch!" *picks up a jar of honey--*}
{*glass shatters*}
{Zuno's Mother: *lying on the floor, bleeding* *small sob, picking glass out of her face* "...Get out..."}
{Zuno's Sister: "!! Mom...I didn't--"}
{Zuno's Mother: *SLAP* "GET OUT!"}
{Zuno's Sister: "... ... ..." *grabs her bookbag...looks at Zuno*}
{Zuno: *looking up at her, sniffling...*}
{Zuno's Sister: "...Come on, Zuno." *picks him up* "We're leaving..."}
Zuno: *stunned*
nea: EHHHHHH!?!?!?
Assi: O_O; "You mean...You were hired at Fear Factory because..."
Zuno: "I-I don't know! She doesn't even look like my sister! But her ability, and attitude..."
nea:....im going to do some digging for information.
Assi: "Good idea! I'll check Zuno's notebooks--" *opens one from a few years ago* "Oh, hey, you doodled Mr. Rodigy!"
Zuno: "Oh, I did! Whatever happened to him?"
Assi: "... ...Um..."
Queenie: *sitting in a chair...her hair has been clipped short, she's in a prison uniform...she has a bandage over one eye, a broken arm* "..."
guard: welcome to the tartarus. once ya check in, ya dont check out.
Queenie: *stares...* "...?! Why isn't it working?! I DEMAND YOU RELEASE ME!"
guard: sorry, but as long as you have that device on your head, your ability isnt gonna work.
Queenie: "Do I look like some lowly Quirk-infested monster?! I AM DOKESHI! I AM PERFECTION!" *pulling on the device* "Let it go! Give me back my hair, too!"
guard 2: *tazes her*
guard 3: so loud. at least that creepy russian guy keeps quiet....
Queenie: X__X
Fyodor: "..."
ManBearFix: *lies in the prison bed* =w= "Nice to have some length again--but I will miss sleeping in shoeboxes."
mimeca: .....
ManBearFix: "...You okay?"
ManBearFix: "D'aw, do you miss my older look?"
ManBearFix: "?! ...Um..." *pat pat* "There, there, Mimi! We're here together!"
mimeca: ^///^
ManBearFix: "And soon enough, we'll have some more breathing room~" *wide evil grin*
minato: so this is death city, eh?
Tool: "Yep...The people here are kind of weird, so don't get lost..." *holding Io*
minato: i'll be fine. i've lived a long time, you know. actually, i've heard rumors of some samurai that lived in the city. maybe we could swap stories?
Tool: "Samurai? I've seen some people claiming to be knights, but not sure I've seen samurai. You, Io?"
io: i dunno.
Tool: "Hear that, Mom? We haven't seen them yet."
Japonshima Governor: <This is a nightmare. I got people panicking after these attacks, I got Dokeshi-rights groups scared to death--and we still have these terrorists unaccounted for, like that City Manager!>
aide: <mr towa, please calm down. let's focus on the positives.>
Governor Towa: <Oh? Like what?> *flipping through photos of the fight between Shotaro and the Zodiac...*
aide: <the damages arent nearly as large as they could have been.>
Towa: <Even so, we have casualties on our hands--and a handful of Dokeshi helping us keep that down isn't going to calm a mob-like public...I think we'll need to call in some help.>
sachiko: bloody fucking hell...
Blair: "It's pretty bad..." *taking someone's temperature* "Burning up, sweetie?"
sachiko: listen to this, apparently some assholes are trying to recreate the waves on a smaller scale and are essentially getting high off them...
Blair: "...That's awful..."
sachiko: who knows how long the damages will last.... we got at least 40 people in a coma too...
Blair: *shakes her head* "One person can ruin everything, leaving so many to clean up their mess...Then we lose the really great people..."
Blair: "Sachiko? Why did you become a nurse?"
sachiko: me? well, even though there is bad in the world, there's still some good in it too. and if no one helps those who are good, more people will die. i just want to do my part. plus, i have a family to look after and support too.
Blair: *nods* "When did you start nursing school? Before Izumi was born?"
Patient: *passes out*
sachiko: !!! im afraid this conversation will have to wait for now. *goes over to them*
Blair: "?!!" *opens first-aid*
Saria: -~- "It still hurts to think about it..."
saria's dad: on the bright side, we're all ok, right?
Saria: *nods* "I-I just...I don't know what that was."
kyouko: *in the hospital waiting room* ....well, they said he'll recover, but he needs to rest for a few days.
Rin: *shaking* "Damn it..."
kyouko: hey... *pats his shoulder* it's not your fault, alright?
Rin: "We don't even know how this kind of shit happened...It wasn't magic, it wasn't demons..."
kyouko: .....at least he's still alive, right?
Rin: "..." *wipes his eyes, nods*
kyouko:.....(i shouldnt tell him what the doctor said.....i dont...want him to worry....)
{doctor: he'll survive, for now. but he cant take much more....at this rate, i estimate he has about 10 years left, if he's lucky.}
Rin: "He still sleeping?"
Rin: "I'll just wait a bit for him to get up..." *takes out a book*
Tanizaki: *holding an ice pack to his head* "We never get a vacation without some crazy-powerful fights, do we?"
naho: TT~TT
atsushi: i wanna go home already and sleep.
Kenji: "Hey, maybe we just need to do something really fun before we leave?" *opens a map* "Let's go here! West Hollywood!"
maki: yeah, a little reprieve sounds about good.
Kenji: "And they have some neat clothing shops!"
Sid: "I've made some revisions to the plan--since now we need to get these kids ready for something worse."
nygus: *examining the plans* hmmmm
Sid: "And I think we'll need a few other teachers--some with more experience with sand and manipulating it. I'm just struggling to figure some out..."
Shinoda: *hangs something on the wall*
lin: ??
*it's a news clipping framed, showing Shinoda being stripped of his Olympic gold medal*
lin: .....
Shinoda: "That was such an awful experience..."
lin: so why are you framing it?
Shinoda: "I guess a reminder of what I gave up--and where to go from here."
Shinoda: "...Your dream looked a lot more pleasant."
lin:.....it would have been nice if it were real.....*wipes her eyes*
Shinoda: *offers a tissue* "Maybe some of it can be..."
Mei: "--so they let me leave early after my new garbage pick-up robot gained sentience and tried to conquer True Cross District, and now I'm back here! And how was your week, Shinso?"
shinsou: *writing* <bad migraine>
Mei: "D'aw, sorry! Maybe talk to the doctor?"
shinsou: -_-; <you didnt feel it too?>
Mei: "Oh, that wasn't a migraine--that was a neuro-EMP that almost blew up my brain."
shinsou: 0__________0;;;; <YOU'RE ODDLY LAX ABOUT THIS>
Mei: "I'VE SEEN THINGS THAT'D MAKE GROWN ADULTS POOP THEMSELVES! ...Also, I was kind of held up fighting insectoids and heist-thieves on I-Island."
shinsou:............................ <nothing ever phases you, does it?>
Mei: "I mean, a few things...Seeing other geniuses conjuring the latest technological advances gets my attention!"
shinsou: *sweatdrop*
nea: oh! showtaro, i got you this~ *hands him his bag of bones*
Shotaro: *gasps* "I THOUGHT I LOST THIS! Thank you!" ^w^ "After you saved me from the fire and now this, you're like a guardian angel!"
nea: !! 7,7 w-well, i-im just doing my part, you know?
Shotaro: *bear hug* ^^
nea: GRK- e-easy there kid.
Shotaro: "Sorry!" *sets her down*
King Leo: *covered in bandages and scars* "That was thrilling! Oh, my thirst for battle won't be quenched for some time, but that battle put a smile on my face!"
Scorpio: "Jeez, thought those brats were going to rip your tail off..."
virgo: Q_Q;;;
gem: i think virgo's....
ini: ..gone invisible again....
Aries: *still unconscious*
Libra: *sighs* "Virgo, honey, come out. No one is mad with you..."
cancer: darn brat. just cause she's one of the younger members doesnt excuse her ratting us out!
Libra: *slaps the back of Cancer's head*
cancer: >_O HEY!
aquarius: ah, the battle was fun, though. i hope we'll get to fight them again soon, it was fun playing with them~ fufu~
Pisces: *resting in a fishtank* =w= *bubbled sigh of relief*
capricorn: so what now? *nomming on an apple*
King Leo: "With our leader out for the count, I'm in charge! And I say we take the fight to the humans!"
capricorn: is that really such a good idea?
Libra: "No, it's awful. We're going to make contact with any remaining Factory cells. I was in contact with the Fear-Leader Squad in Paris--they managed to get the Haijima materials."
gem: oh...
ini: ...goody!!
King Leo: "BAH! Those flippy-floppy gymnasts managed to do something right?"
Libra: *glares* "Oh, I'm sorry--rushing in against 2 omega-level Dokeshi was your idea of a GOOD PLAN?!" *snaps her pen in two*
virgo: p-p-please dont fiiiight. Q___Q
Libra: "..." *pats Virgo's shoulder* "I'm sorry. I lost my temper."
virgo: *sniffle*
King Leo: *crosses his arms* "Yeah, you sure did..." >_>;
Libra: *sighs* "Let's...all get some rest. We travel tomorrow."
???: *pulls on his school uniform jacket* "I hope you're all ready!"
*it's Simon*
Simon: "Because now that we've healed up, we're getting back to work!"
reina: ^^
Stevi: "..."
stanley: TT.TT
Peter: "Where do we start?"
Simon: *pulls up social media* "This look familiar?"
*it's a doodle of Jacqueline on a dollar bill*
reina: !!!!
Stevi: "Wh-Where did they find that?"
Simon: "It's United States currency, so ascertaining a precise location has been a challenge. But..."
reina: is she alright?
Peter: *pulls up a map on his phone* "I checked enough social media posts, and they are around the southwestern United States for the most part."
stanley: it's a start....
Simon: "And the posts keep happening--the most recent was last week, so the bills are still circulating. I know hope won't be enough without action--and that's why we're going to take action! ...With permission from the faculty. And not violating Pro Hero license guidelines. And--Oh, you know what I mean!"
Kid: *rubs Stocking's back* "You're okay?"
stocking: yeah. a bit startled, but im fine.
Kid: *nods* "...This is nothing we were expecting."
stocking: it's pretty scary....
Kid: "..." *holds her close* "...There's only so much time in life..."
Kid: *just stays with her* "..."
stocking: *hug*
Kid: *strokes her back* "..."
stocking: i love you...
Kid: "I love you, too."
hachi: *sniffle* a-and-and do-dont you jerks...e-ever scare me like t-that ag-gain!!
"Zach": "I wasn't trying to! I just went *snores* and was asleep!"
hachi: *pout*
"Zach": "..." *hands her a bag of potato chips*
hachi:...*takes it* *sniff*
"Zach": "So...You think it's that Dokeshi condition that meant you didn't go Zzzz?"
hachi: i guess so...
"Zach": "Wild...Maybe you should ask someone about this?"
hachi: ....
"Zach": "...Want to spit on people from the bridge?"
Chai: *raking his field* <Kisuke! Set out water for Oolong.>
kisuke: <yes sir!>
Vector: <Hello.> *hanging upside down*
kisuke: <GAH!>
Vector: *hands the bowl* <I think your toad also needs food. It tried to eat my arm.>
*something is sitting on Lin's desk*
lin: ??
*looks to be a burger and shake*
lin: !!
Emine: *in her doorway* "...I thought...since we haven't...I mean..."
Emine: "..." *holds up a Happy Meal* "They said they put in 2 toys in this one?"
lin: *chuckles and kisses his cheek*
Emine: =\\\\= *sits on her bed*
lin:...sooo. do you want to...i dunno....go out sometime?
Emine: "...Like a movie?"
lin: sure!
Emine: *nods* "Okay. Maybe...romance movie?"
Melville: "Hmm, I've seen this before: someone gets their hands on dangerous technology, weaponizing it to cause mass genocide."
Taneda: "As if the previous incident wasn't bad enough..."
tsujimura: i need a vacation.....
Taneda: "I can find some assignments."
Izuku: *opens the door* "Mom! I'm home! Tsu is here, too--"
Izuku: "UMPH!" ^^; "Mom, we're fine--You're kind of choking me..."
inko: i was so worried sick about you!
Izuku: "I know--but I'm safe! And a friend helped me with a gauntlet to resist the impact of attacks, and All Might was there, and Tsu, and our classmates, and we were really careful--" *ramble ramble ramble*
inko: ah...ahhh.... Q~Q
Izuku: T~T *hug*
Yohei: *walks into the kitchen* "...Hey, Mono."
Yohei: "...You look like crap."
mono: thanks.......
Yohei: "Sorry...Just some self-effacing humor..." *his arm is in a sling as he reaches for a cup at the top shelf, just out of reach* "..."
mono: *winces*
Yohei: "...Thanks for what you did in Japonshima..."
Yohei: "You're stuck cleaning up my messes from years ago..."
mono:......*bites her lip*
Yohei: "...Sorry."
mono:.....im gonna go back to bed.
Yohei: "...'Kay. Rest up..."
Bryn: "--and after I punched the guy who keyed his car, he bought me a drink. And that's when we started dating."
mana: wow.
Bryn: ^^ "And now we're happily married, have great kids...It's good to find a supportive spouse! He takes care of things at home while I go traveling and beating people up in combat."
*in a Chinese village, a young man walks into a shop where there are some newspapers set out*
Yoh: *spots a paper* *looks at the front page photo of a fight on Japonshima--* "?!!!" <...Well, I'll be damned.>
boy: <what's up, yoh?>
Yoh: <That's my sis on the cover!>
boy: <WHAAA?! THAT'S STINKY-MANA?! but....she's blonde!>
Yoh: <I can't forget the face, though--that's her...> *pulls out a phone, searching--* <Yep! Someone recorded the fight. See? That's her kata.>
boy: *JAWDROP*
Yoh: <Jeez...How did she get that strong--she just knocked out that crab-man!>
Todoroki: *slides open the door, enters...*
Todoroki: "...Hi."
-seems she's asleep-
Todoroki: "..." *grabs a blanket from the clean laundry bin, tucks her in*
rei: nnh....
Todoroki: *steps back carefully*
Kanin: *sets down cups for tea* "...Feeling better?"
amelia: *blows on it* i feel fine...
Kanin: "Glad to hear..." *holds his head*
amelia:...and you?
Kanin: "..." *shakes head* "Still feeling...feral?"
amelia:....i see.....
Kanin: *shakes* "N-Not something I'm used to...I'm scared that...whatever-it-was upset something in me."
amelia:...would you like to go for a walk? to calm your nerves?
Kanin: '...After tea? Sure."
Spirit: *knocks* "Izumi? You okay?"
izumi: yeah, just *yaaaawn* a bit sleepy...
Spirit: *sets down a late breakfast* "I was getting worried--you've been sleeping a lot."
izumi: im ok, really. *sniffs* mmmm, smells good.
Spirit: "I hope you like it--I made the eggs like you like them..." *sets out some hot sauce*
hachi: *pokes head through the bush* ok, i see them. *looking at some plants in kouyou's garden*
Chuuya: *sits down awkwardly* -~- "Ow..."
hachi: OxO;; *hiding*
Kouyou: "Sitting around isn't going to help you heal up--you still need to move." *crouches down near bushes to weed...*
Chuuya: "I know..."
hachi: *gulp*
Kouyou: "Kids, be careful with the tea set!"
miyuri: ok!
Chuuya: "...Maybe you need more security here."
Kouyou: "??? How would that have helped against--"
Chuuya: *staring forward* "..."
sonia: ??
hachi: o_o;;;;
Kouyou: "..." *smiles* "Sonia, Miyuri, could you pick out some yummy snacks for us?"
sonia: o-ok.
miyuri: yay!
Kouyou: *smiles...until they leave* *looks to the bushes as well*
Chuuya: "You need those bushes? I could just rip them out right now..."
hachi: O_O;;;;;;;
Kouyou: "Aw, but I really like those! Maybe just trim them--"
hachi: O____O;;;;;;;
Chuuya: "Okay, who are you? Why are you spying here?"
hachi: i-i live here?
Kouyou: "...Oh my. You are a _horrible_ liar."
hachi: >3< well i kind of HAVE to!
Chuuya: "You have to claim ownership of stuff that isn't yours?"
hachi: i mean i have to lie! duh! >n<
Kouyou: "Who on Earth _has_ to lie?"
hachi: a dokeshi who's condition is to tell a lie each day, that's who, granny!
Chuuya: O_O;
hachi: OWIE! >A<
Kouyou: ^^# "Only my grandchildren may call me as such. Want to try again so I may even out that new bump?"
Chuuya: "...What are you doing here?"
hachi: w-why should i have to tell _you_?
Chuuya: "Me? Why am _I_ the problem? You're on property that you have no business setting foot on..." *advances*
hachi: *takes out a knife* s-stay back!
Chuuya: *eyeroll* "Oh, no--a knife. Did you not notice her ability has a giant samurai sword?"
hachi: i-i-im warning you! *she's shaking, but still trying to look tough*
Chuuya: "...Hey. Calm down. What's your name? Who are you?"
hachi: *backing up*
Chuuya: "...I'm not here to hurt you. I just am asking..."
hachi: ....im just....looking for some food....
sonia: we're back....oh?
Chuuya: "..." *stands between the kids and Hachi* "...Food, huh?"
hachi: yeah, f-for me and my friends...
Chuuya: "...Sonia, hand me the plate..."
sonia: ....*hands it to him*
Chuuya: "Something like this?"
hachi: *looks*
*it has cookies and cakes...*
hachi:...i guess...this will do....
Chuuya: *hands it to her*
hachi: !!! y-you're really giving all this to me?
Chuuya: "Yeah. Is that going to be a problem?"
hachi: i-it's fine...w-whatever. *puts the treats in her basket* im gonna go! *runs* THIS ISNT THE LAST YOU'VE SEEN OF THE SHEEP!
Chuuya: "?!!!!!!"
sonia: ??
Kouyou: "...Oh no."
miyuri: ??? she didnt look like a sheep! hehe, silly person!
Chuuya: "...Let's go inside."
shinra: *taking a bath*
*knock knock*
shinra: yeah?
Relan: "Hey! I'm setting out a change of clothes."
shinra: ok! thanks rel!
Relan: ^^ "Hope you're getting some relaxation."
shinra: i am.
tamaki: you better not use up all the hot water again!
Relan: "Can't you just heat up the water in your bath?"
tamaki: i'd also risk boiling myself...
Relan: "Oh, sorry--I thought you had better control over that--"
hyakuya: so we're staying in tombstone for a while?
Guren: "That's the plan. A good chance for recovery, training--and paperwork."
shinoa: speaking of recovery, how're you holding up, akane?
hyakuya: well, not as lethargic, surprisingly...
Guren: "Hmm...Well, maybe you're up for a hike."
hyakuya: i guess...
Guren: "Good." *holds up a heavy bag* "Get packed and start moving."
Axel: OwO "...SQUEE! Dude! Documentary on the DWMA Meisters on Channel 42 RIGHT FLIPPING NOW!!!"
zeke: SWEET!
Axel: *flips it on* "...HA! Hairstyles back then were weird."
zeke: want something to eat?
Axel: "Sure! What you thinking--pizza rolls?"
zeke: sounds good!
Axel: "Sweet." *turns up the volume--*
Narrator: "--as meister to the Death Scythe for Eastern Europe."
zeke: *listening*
Interviewee: *subtitled* <He was...> *sniff* <...extraordinary.>
Axel: "Dude, I think that's his fiancée."
zeke: huh?....oh....
Natalia: <I have tried to do what I can to honor his memory, to tell his story...>
Axel: "Oh man..."
zeke: wait....didnt he die in the second kishin awakening?
Axel: "Yeah--I think that's the part I'm at in the doc."
*images on the screen show the aftermath...*
Axel: "...Maybe switch to something else, or...?"
zeke: ....!??! wait, isnt that...?
Axel: "!!! What."
zeke: that's izumi's step-sis....isnt it?
Axel: "...Oh man, it is..."
Maka: *in the documentary* "BLACK STAR, GET THAT CAMERA OFF OF ME!"
Black Star: "Ha ha ha! Come on, the camera guy let me--"
zeke: they kinda do look a bit a like, dont they?
Axel: "Yeah, kinda? I mean, I don't think I've seen Izumi that pissed before, but the hair is kinda..."
Dr. John: "Okay...I think you need to go home for some sleep."
leo: yes...thank you. *smiles and rubs her stomach*
Dr. John: "Anything else we should discuss? How you're feeling? Or maybe...names you're considering?"
leo: im doing better, knowing my baby is alright....during that EMP wave, i was so scared that i....t-that i might have miscarried...
Dr. John: "That's why we're keeping an eye on things. Leo, your baby is healthy--so we're going to have to keep an eye on things..." *flips through a chart labeled 'Yosano, A'* "Your previous records are also in order."
leo: *nods*
Dr. John: "Have you had any other discomfort?"
leo: i dont believe so...
Dr. John: *nods* "Well, your friends are waiting outside...Maybe they need to see you to know you're okay?" ^^;;;
leo: that would be wise-
Pushkin: <Easy Kati! I'm sure they didn't mean anything-->
Nurse: *scurrying away* "WHAT THE HELL IS WITH THIS KID?!!"
Dr. John: ._.;
Nurse: "I'M SORRY!!!"
katya: oh you're GONNA be sorry-
leo: katya, please dont hurt anyone.
katya: hn? <oh lev, you're done?>
Dr. John: ^^; "I take it you can bring her home?"
katya: yeah yeah, leave it to us, doc.
Pushkin: "Thank you for taking care of our friend! ...Our friend is fine, yes? She's not in any trouble...right?"
Dr. John: ^^;;;;; "I assure you, she is fine."
katya: we better get home before doctor lemons and his assistant do something stupid.
Motojiro: *spraying the fire extinguisher*
Damon: *staring at the documentary* "..."
becky: wanna watch something else?
Damon: *nods*
soul: *changes the channel*
Damon: *hugs a pillow*
soul:...*hugs them both*
Damon: *sniffle*
soul: you deserved to meet her....you really do....
Damon: "What was she like?"
soul: smart, strong willed, a bit of a pain in the a-...pain in the butt, but she had a good heart.
Damon: "Oh...How did you meet?"
soul: well kids, that's a long story, but i got time to kill so i'll start from the beginning...
"Zach": *nom nom nom*
riko: this is great, hachi!
hachi: =//n//=
"Zach": "Yeah, it's fancy! ...Aren't ya hungry?"
"Zach": "Hmm...You've been kinda quiet."
hachi: dont wanna talk about it...
"Zach": "...Did you steal this?"
hachi: well, what _else_ do you expect us to do, huh?
riko: hmm...she does have a point..
"Zach": "Just asking! I mean, this is fancier than what we usually get."
hachi:...i might have....
"Zach": "??? Like a rich person's house?"
hachi: >3>
"Zach": "Well, go there again soon--these cookies are tasty!"
Kyoka: "3 pets returned, 2 infidelities discovered, and 1 missing person recovered...He had his foot stuck in the toilet."
Kunikida: "Good work." *hands paperwork* "File it."
sylvia: *exhausted*
Kunikida: "...Aya, set out some water."
aya: ok!
Kyoka: *fans Sylvia*
sylvia: t-thank you...
Kunikida: "The others should be back tomorrow, so you'll have a freer schedule soon."
bubble girl: mr nighteye? you have a call.
Nighteye: *typing* "Busy. Take a message."
bubble girl: sir, it's from mr shield...
Nighteye: "..." *stands up* "Keep typing for me. I'll take it in the conference room." *picks up a headset* *taps the answer button* "Hello."
david: yes, sir nighteye?
Nighteye: "I haven't heard from you in some time. This must be about the I-Island incident...I'm surprised the police are letting you call."
david: i understand that you might not like me that much, but this isnt about me right now, im calling about melissa.
Nighteye: "...Is she okay?"
david: she's perfectly fine, but....im worried that, given the past few day's events, that i-island might be a bit dangerous for her right now...
Nighteye: "...Which means you're wondering about moving her to where I am?"
david: yes, i was perhaps hoping you might be willing to take her in under an internship.
Nighteye: "...You know how regulators look at non-quirk individuals working in hero agencies."
david: yes, i know, i know, but im not sure where else to turn right now...
Nighteye: "...I will have my assistants prepare the paperwork."
david: *sigh* thank you for this.
Nighteye: "Don't thank me yet: the paperwork for her to complete is at least 40 pages long."
Masaru: "Jeez, son, you smell awful--"
Masaru: "Yep, that'll do it."
Yoichi: *panting under hiking bag* -~- "Heavy..."
Kimizuki: "Maintain your posture."
shinoa: oh! *taking pictures of wildlife*
*a lone coyote scampers through the dirt*
Yoichi: ^^; "Hey, Akane--what kind of cactus do you think that is?"
hyakuya: *looks* a tall one, i guess? im not a botanist.
shinoa: *looking at her guide book*
Kimizuki: "It's a saguaro. It is particularly adept at surviving in droughts."
shinoa: facinating!
mitsuba: it's amazing how different the scenery is from japan's scenery...
Yoichi: "Imagine a giant desert in the middle of Nara!"
mitsuba: crazy...
hyakuya: doesnt japan have cactus parks in places?
Kimizuki: "Like the one near Ito?"
shinoa: yeah.
Yoichi: "Huh. Lot I haven't seen."
hyakuya: i've never even _been_ to a cactus park, not that i can remember at least.
Kimizuki: "...Well, then this can be a new experience."
hyakuya: but this is out in the wild, not a park, so it's totally different!
Kimizuki: -_-; "Yes, so wild. The lazy coyote over there is so ferocious."
Coyote: -_-;
mitsuba: glad to see you're doing better, akane. back to your old, argumentive self.
hyakuya: i am NOT argumentive!
mitsuba: *chuckles*
hyakuya: d-dont laught at me! >///<#
Yoichi: *pat pat* ^^;
shinoa: she has a point, this is the wild. strange, usually when most people hear the term 'the great outdoors', they think of large forests. they usually dont think of large deserts or beaches or things of that nature. mind the pun.
Kimizuki: "Well, nature comes in all forms. If it's outdoors, and it's great--" *walks--and promptly falls into a hole*
hyakuya:.....*snickers, and breaks down laughing*
Yoichi: "?! A-Akane?"
Kimizuki: *collapsed in the hole* ._.#
hyakuya: BWAHAHAHAHA! *wipes her eyes, still laughing*
Yoichi: "...I think we broke her."
hyakuya: hehehe..*sniff* hehe....t-thanks guys....
Yoichi: "..." *hug*
Chuuya: "..."
sonia: papa?
Chuuya: "H-Hey, Sonia."
sonia: you look unwell...is something bothering you?
Chuuya: "...Nothing for you to be worried about."
sonia:....is it that girl?
Chuuya: "It's...part of it."
sonia:...do you want to talk about it?
Chuuya: "I..." *he's quiet...*
Chuuya: "...I'd rather not."
sonia: ok...
Chuuya: *just stares forward, stiffing his jaw*
Chuuya: "..." *hug*
Yohei: *tossing in bed* "Nn..."
chie: *asleep*
Yohei: *groans, shifts over and--*
NoFix: *smiles* "Hey, there~"
Yohei: "... ... ..."
chie: hnn? yohei?
NoFix: "Yeah, Yohei, tell her what you're seeing..."
Yohei: "...Sorry. Just...woke up."
Yohei: *shifts a bit to hold her with his one arm* "...Sorry."
chie: mm...why dont we take a vacation some time?
Yohei: "..." *nods* "Some place quiet?"
chie: *nods and smiles* maybe a nice cabin by a lake?
Yohei: "...How are you at fishing?"
chie: fairly confident~ we can even bring toru.
Yohei: *nods* "He needs to see some nature walks..."
chie: sounds like a date~ *kiss*
Yohei: "..." *nods*
chie: *snuggle* mmm...
Yohei: "...Thanks..."
sayaka: *sigh*....im BOOOOOOREEEEED. =A=
Kilik: *playing Super Mario Odyssey on his Switch* "I mean, that's good news, right? After the last worldwide madness..."
sayaka: i guess....wanna do two player mode?
Kilik: "Sure!" *holds up controllers* "Mario or Cappy?"
sayaka: rock paper scissors for it?
Kilik: *nods* *holds out his hand* "Rock paper scissors--SHOOT!"
sayaka: shoot!
Kilik: *paper*
sayaka: *rock* WOOHOO!
Kilik: "Okay, Cappy at your service!"
Emine: "So we need a ride to the movie theater--"
Kepuri: "I'LL DO IT!"
Emine: "...We want to live."
nagisa: thank you for letting me visit again, mami.
mami: it's no trouble at all. ^^ get home safely, alright?
nagisa: will do. *waves and exits*
Crona: *washing dishes*
mami: that was nice, wasnt it?
Crona: *smiles, nods* "Yeah--Nagisa is really incredible."
mami: *she nods* yeah...although initially she wasnt too fond of me.
Crona: "What changed?"
mami: well, it's a long story. when i first met her, she was about to become a wraith. its a miracle that i found her when i did, otherwise she probably wouldnt be here now. after cleansing her soul gem and bringing her to the DWMA, she wasnt too pleased when she woke up.
{nagisa: why? WHY WOULD YOU SAVE ME?! *punching* i hate you! I H-HATE YOU!}
mami: i later figured out that her mother had died and that her father wasnt around.
Crona: "..." *nods* "Awful..."
mami: it took some time before she started accepting what had happened...she's a good person, over all. *wipes her eyes*
Crona: "..." *hug* "She just was upset at the time."
mami: r-right...*sniff* i can understand how she felt, somewhat.
{mami: *crying* mommy...daddy....*cries*}
{Spirit: "..." *hug* "I'm sorry."}
{mami: w-what do-do-do i-i d-do m-mr a-albarn?}
{Spirit: "...You live."}
{mami: b-bu-but-but i-i i dont ha-have a mama o-or a-}
{Spirit: "...I think you need somewhere for some sleep. I got a spare room, if you want..."}
{mami: o-okay...}
mami: ...*wipes eyes*
Crona: *offers a paper towel from the kitchen*
mami: *sniff* thank you.
Crona: "I'm sorry what happened..."
mami: i-it's alright. i've lived with it this long, havent i? *smiles and holds their hand*
Crona: *nods* "Just...got to keep going forward?"
mami: right. *hugs* thank you. for being here....
Crona: ^\\\^ "Happy to be here..."
mami: *smiles and kiss*
Crona: =\\\\= "Mm."
mami: i love you.
Crona: "Thanks...I love you so much." .\\\\.;
mami: ^////^
Crona: "...Um..." *clears throat* "Sh-Should we...sit? Or finish dishes?"
mami: ^^; well, i guess the dishes wont finish themselves now will they?
Crona: "Heh--not without magic dishes or something...That was corny."
mami: *chuckle*
Dazai: *asleep on the rooftop*
Lucy: *watering plants*
kirako: the peppers are coming along nice.
Lucy: "Those'll be good in some dishes. But the tomatoes don't seem to be holding up..."
kirako: hmm... maybe we should get some more fertilizer?
Lucy: *nods* "I wish Kenji was back--he's a bit better at this kind of thing."
kirako: well, they'll be back by tomorrow.
Lucy: "..." *sighs*
Asher: *picking at their fries* "...So, the field trip..."
izumi: not sure what to expect.
Asher: *nods* "I tried overhearing some older students talk about something similar...But I couldn't get much." *shudders* "It's gonna suck."
izumi: ??
Asher: "After what happened around the world? They're going to work us ragged to get ready for some big threat. I heard the same about those pro hero students..."
Saria: "Hey, you two!" *sets down her tray* "Excited for the training camp?"
Asher: -_______-
izumi: i guess so...
Saria: *nods* "I had to reassure my parents about it. You get the permission slips signed?"
Asher: "... ... ..." >_>;
izumi: yeah, i got them signed.
Saria: "Asher?"
Asher: "...Working on it."
fuyumi: im home.
Natsuo: *mouth full of crackers* "Yo!"
fuyumi: *sigh* natsuo, what did i tell you about eating with your mouth full?
Natsuo: *swallows* "That it’s rude and your students are more well-mannered?" ^^;
fuyumi: that and you'll risk choking.
Natsuo: "That's why I got this bad boy!" *holds up a glass of water*
fuyumi: ^^; *takes a seat*
Natsuo: "Shoto is still sleeping--he looked exhausted."
fuyumi: i could imagine. anything happen while i was out?
Natsuo: "...Been quiet, minus the yelling in the gym."
fuyumi:....shouto does know he can always stay at the apartment with me, right?
Natsuo: "Yeah. He just...seemed really tired and wanted to crash. Must've been desperate...unless you think those two are getting along..."
*something crashes in the gym*
Natsuo: "...Yeah, didn't think so..."
Jinn: <Zubaidah? It's Sid calling again.>
zubaidah: *answers* <yes?>
Sid: "Hey, Zubaidah. Been trying to reach you. How's training?"
zubaidah: it's been well. not that busy, surprisingly.
Sid: "Huh. Life of a sage, huh? Anyway, wanted to see if you could help with something back in Death City."
zubaidah: oh?
Sid: "Some newbies will be going in for NOT training, and we've decided to host it in the desert. I think you and Jinn would be well suited for this."
zubaidah: i see. alright we'll be there soon.
Sid: "Thanks--I owe you one. Where exactly are you, anyway? Getting in touch with you has taken a bit."
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