#my wife is dying BUT IT'S OK BECAUSE AUBREY
my beautiful wife clive schill is dying but it's ok because the one killing him is my bestest friend aubrey wood
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missperfectlyfine13 · 4 years
Could This Be Something Real? (Chap. 8/8)
Read Below or on AO3 
Chloe lets out a shaky exhale as she gingerly smooths her hands over the white material of her dress. It was an uphill battle to get to this day, in more ways than one. Logistically, it was very difficult to plan a wedding in two months. Overall, it truly seemed like this is a day Chloe would only ever get to imagine. When she started fake dating Beca almost a year ago, she was convinced she would end up dying with her unrequited feelings for her best friend.
A knock at the door makes Chloe’s head whip around.
Aubrey sticks her head in, looking at her warmly, “You ready?”
Chloe nods happily, “So ready.”
The moment Chloe sees Beca standing at the end of the aisle, her breath catches in her throat and her heart beats rapidly in her chest. Beca is staring at her with such intensity and love it makes her legs weak. She barely notices the stunning suit Beca had decided to wear instead of a wedding dress.
It feels like time has slowed down to a halt as Chloe makes her way to her fiancé. When she finally feels Beca’s hand slip into hers, she breathes a sigh of relief.
“You look so beautiful,” Beca whispers into her ear.
“So do you,” she whispers back, happy tears already stinging her eyes.
The ceremony flies by, faster than Chloe would like. Beca’s vows force those unshed tears right down her cheeks, and Chloe’s seem to do the same for the brunette.
Before she knows it, the officiant is smiling at them, the ceremony coming to a close, “By the power vested in me by the state of California, I now pronounce you wives, you may now kiss the bride!”
Beca lunges forward, pulling Chloe into a kiss the is borderline inappropriate for in front of all their friends and family, but Chloe could care less. She kisses Beca back with everything she has, her smile not fading for a moment.
*2 years later*
Beca grabs Chloe’s hand tightly into hers as they step out of the car. She winces slightly, her swollen feet not doing well in the heels she swore she would be fine in.
“Doing ok Bec?” Chloe looks at her, her face etched with concern.
Beca moves her other hand to smooth over her large baby bump, covered by the black silk of her dress, “Doing fine.”
“You regretting those heels?” Chloe smirks knowingly.
“They are so short, I thought I would be fine,” Beca whines, deciding to fess up, knowing her wife would get it out of her anyways.
“Well, lets hurry up and walk this red carpet, and you can take them off when we get inside and sit down,” Chloe whispers, starting to pull them towards the commotion.
They step onto the carpet and hundreds of cameras start flashing. Beca can feel Chloe flinch against her, she’s still not completely used to it.
After a slight break from the flashing, Chloe sticks her face next to Beca’s ear and whispers, “Bec, isn’t it crazy that two years when you brought me to the Grammy’s we weren’t even really a couple, and now we are married, walking down the red carpet with our baby girl?”
Beca smiles widely, her hands automatically going to cover her baby bump. She can feel little Lucy Beale-Mitchell moving, she’s been very active since the moment they stepped out of the car.
“All I can think of is, why I thought it was a good idea to do this 9 months pregnant,” Beca whispers back.
Chloe giggles at her response, the sound travels through Beca like honey, warm and sweet. It’s one of Beca’s favorite sounds in the world.
“Probably because you want to be able to accept your awards in person!” Chloe whispers back excitedly.
Beca rolls her eyes, “There’s no guarantee that I’m going to win.”
“Oh you know you will, I know you will,” Chloe chirps confidently.
“Beca, when are you due!”
“You look like you could pop at any second!”
“Have you picked out a name yet!”
A barrage of questions come flying her way, the reporters and cameramen shouting their inquiries. She tactfully ignores them, pulling Chloe along down the carpet. She grits her teeth, something about the questions ignoring her more than they usually do.
They finally make their way inside and Beca breathes an audible sight of relief. She can feel Chloe’s hand on her back, rubbing softly, but firmly. She knows that the red head is letting her know that she is here and that she’s ok. Beca turns to give her a small smile.
“I don’t know why that bothered me so much this time,” Beca shakes her head.
“Because they don’t need to know, it’s none of their business knowing any detail about our baby, unless we want them to,” Chloe replies quickly, “and you’re here because you’re up for four Grammy’s, and all they could focus on is the fact that you’re pregnant.”
“You know me too well,” Beca laughs shakily.
“It bugged me too Bec, it’s huge that you’re up for so many awards,” Chloe gives her a quick peck on the cheek.
Beca wins the first two Grammy’s. She waddled to the stage both times, Chloe cheering louder than anyone in the venue.
By the time she makes it back to her seat, she almost hopes she doesn’t get the next two. Her back is killing her.
“I’m so proud of you babe,” Chloe squeals the moment she sits down.
“Thanks Chlo,” Beca winces, her back really starting to bother her.
Chloe immediately hones in on her pain, “You ok Bec?”
“I’ll be fine,” Beca waves her hand dismissively.
She wins the third Grammy.
This time it takes her significantly longer to get to the stage, which doesn’t go unnoticed by anyone. Beca plasters a smile on her face and graciously accepts her third award.
Just as she’s about the leave the stage, a sharp pain careens through her, stopping her dead in her tracks. That can’t be good.
The pain doesn’t stop, making her pause every few minutes. When she gets back to Chloe, it doesn’t surprise her that she’s looking back at Beca, concern written all over her face.
“You’re not ok,” Chloe simply states, when Beca is close enough to hear her.
Beca shakes her head, “Yea about that, I think I might actually be in labor.”
Chloe’s eyes practically bulge out of their sockets, “Oh my god, Bec.”
“It’s ok, I already called someone to take us to the hospital and Amy is meeting us there with my bag I packed,” Beca explains as calmly as she can, even though her own adrenaline is running high.
“How are you so calm right now,” Chloe looks as frazzled as Beca feels.
“It’s definitely all a façade.”
After what feels like a year of labor, Beca gives a final push, her screams filling the large delivery room. Her nails dig into the palm of Chloe’s hand. Her body is completely spent and achy. The shrill cry of a newborn pierces the air and Beca sighs.
“Oh my god,” she heaves, trying to catch her breathe.
“Baby, you did it,” Chloe says excitedly next her, her own eyes trained on the baby in the doctor’s hands.
Beca’s gaze immediately settles on her baby girl. She’s desperate to hold her. It seems like far too long before the doctor is walking the baby over to Beca, who outstretches her arms eagerly. The moment the baby is in her arms, a happy sob escapes her throat.
“Chlo, isn’t she beautiful?”
“She’s the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen,” Chloe says dreamily, her hand coming down to touch their baby’s tender head.
“Hi Lucy,” Beca coos, “your mommies are so happy to meet you.”
After having some time alone with their new baby, Beca finally lets their eager friends in to see them.
Amy is the first to barge into the room, her excitement radiating off of her, “Alright let’s see this niece of mine!”
Chloe lifts Lucy from her basinet carefully, walking her over to their friend.
“Aw, she’s pretty damn cute,” Amy says, letting Lucy curl her tiny hand around her finger, “by the way Shawshank, you did win the fourth Grammy.”
Chloe’s face lights up, “I knew you would win them all!”
With her new baby, Beca barely cares but she still feels a sense of pride overwhelm her at the news, “I guess I should have believed you.”
“You got four Grammy’s and a daughter, all in one night,” Chloe beams, walking back over to Beca, Lucy still tucked safely in her arms.
Beca scoots over carefully, patting the spot of the bed she just made. Chloe sits down next to her, both of their eyes immediately drifting down to their baby.
“I am the luckiest person alive,” Beca says softly.
“I would say so, between little Lucy here, and all those awards.”
“Not because of the Grammy’s,” Beca shakes her head, “because I have you…and Lucy.”
Chloe’s words from earlier rattle around her head. It is wild how just a couple years ago, Beca and Chloe were just pretending to be together. Who knew that a little fake dating would lead to this. That it would lead to something so real and so wonderful, that she can’t imagine her life without it. Beca can’t imagine her life without Chloe now and somehow her heart stretched even more to make room for their newborn daughter.
Chloe leans over and presses a tender kiss to her lips, “I love you Bec.”
“I love you too Chlo.”
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luckyfaeth · 6 years
CHLOE AS JENNA MARBLES IM DEAD omg do you have any hcs for the videos she makes and how she ropes aubs into them
i want u to know that chloe is my baby in this au ok shes a disaster and i love her 
chloe is literally just such a mess and so crazy and i love her 
lots of fucking. hot mess crafts 
she has a whole series that’s up to like….15 videos of her attempts at cooking while drunk 
“hi babes this week im back in the kitchen and i have already had two glasses of wine so lets freakin’ light this stove!” 
“chloe chLOE BE CAREFUL” 
chloe’s dog daisy (lovingly played by billie snow thank u) is a Fan Favorite and she’s just so patient with chloe like sewing her sweaters 
chloe always always refers to aubrey and daisy as “my family” and its the cutest fucking thing 
some of chloe’s videos include: 
“my dog picks my girlfriend’s makeup”
“making matching sweaters for my girlfriend and my dog!”
“making hats for my family out of hot glue” 
“seeing which perfume my dog likes best *NOT CLICKBAIT*”
“we test which trampolines are the best” 
“my dog helps me make drinks” 
emily and chloe are friends so emily also shows up fairly frequently and does stupid challenges with chloe 
chloe also sometimes will do covers with emily in return 
aubrey is…so patient but also so done 
she did not know what she signed up for when she agreed to help chloe film 
aubrey also just really doesnt Understand this whole youtuber thing but she loves her girlfriend so she’s like alright whatever babe
at first she tried to be chloe’s impulse control for her dumb ideas but it’s gotten so aubrey is just like “okay babe ill get you more glitter for this dog hat” 
aubrey always looks either just so in love with her goofy girlfriend or 1000% done with her and there’s no in between 
chloe’s favorite part of editing is zooming in on aubrey’s face dramatically whenever she just looks exhausted with chloe’s shenanigans 
chloe basically made aubrey a meme and it makes her laugh a lot 
chloe’s fan base is split between people who think Chloe deserves someone more fun and the other half thinks Chloe has the most devoted GF in the world for putting up with it all
some of chloe’s fan base ships chloe and emily and chloe every time is like “HEY. aubrey is my WIFE.” 
“we’re not married, chloe.” 
“not YET!!” 
chloe is just the epitome of “*john mulaney voice* THATS MY WIFE” about aubrey 
aubrey every week is like: im never doing another video with you again 
aubrey inevitably the next week, helping chloe make a homemade bra: youre lucky i love you
chloe uploading a video titled “do blondes have more fun?” where aubrey dyes her hair blonde and everyone FREAKS OUT because chloe’s hair is her BRAND
chloe probably also cries bc she loves her ginger hair i mean her channel is GINGER BEALE and this was an idea she had while drunk and just went through with it 
chloe, in the middle of dying her hair while also crying: aubrey i regret this already what have i DONE!! why didn’t you stop me
aubrey: *looks into the camera like shes on the office* 
chloe ends up liking it okay but she’s also like “never again. aubrey go get more dye” “no we’re going to wait for it to grow out so you dont wreck your hair” “AUBREY!!” 
the next video is titled “blondes do not have more fun.” and is a dramatic montage of chloe’s red hair with i will remember you playing over it 
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