#my two favorite characters 😭🥲💕
evies-frye · 11 months
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a poignant beauty
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jazzyblusnowflake · 2 months
Do you have any favorite Nuzi fanfics? Whether it’s AO3 or elsewhere?
As of now i havn't read or written much of anything for a while due to my ptsd and anxiety attacks- but if i had to chose, i do have a few that im hoping gets continued-
By Chance - by spero11 / @/ao3.spero11 on instagram - is a human au and one of the few fics that alot of people seem to like and have been getting really popular too, esp on twitter. i have read it and im eager to see what will come next- though the angst and cliffhangers really mess you up sometimes 🥲 esp since all the characters are going through mental challanges and its emotionally charged, so some chapters were hard for me to get through.
Helium - by Jooseralt / @jooseralt - is another human au fic by my bestie and they deserve a lot more recognition uwu<3 the fic really makes me feel happy and the progress is light enough to not put as much mental strain as "by chance" but still shows hardships enough for you to stick around to see what would happen. also Alice being Uzis aunt and Beu being Uzis lil cousin is something i never thought id love but here we are 😭💕
these two are the only ones id actively reccomend i suppose- most other nuzi fics i read are oneshots and i really dont have much patience for waiting for several fics to update at a time so i stick to only a few.
theres also Jazz Music and Killer Robots - by solgaletta - an 20s theme regular drone au where Uzi is a flapper gal and the DDs are gangsters- its a simple not so long 5ch story but lordddd i absolutely adore it like a tresure 😔- everything is just so pretty to visualize to me and the theme just FITS. also music and performance related? sign me the fUCK UP-
honestly i wish there were more creative ones like this 😔 anyway if anyone else knows any other good creative fics, yall can write them down here in the notes, with a short description if you can, for me to see too :"D
[preferrably something finished and not ongoing unless its really good]
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goopyedgay · 4 months
I feel sentimental I'm sorry but–
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You don't know how happy these stupid guys make me, I don't know why, simply seeing them causes me immense joy in any circumstance, in any medium, they make me smile at my worst moment.
It's funny because when I read Hell Park for the first time I completely ignored them, and my favorite character was Tweek (which is why he is the protagonist of my AU Coven Park), but for some reason when I read Hell Park again, their dynamic caught my attention and I loved them.
Gregory and Estella inspired me immensely, even daring to make my own AU just because of them, what for me was a way to avoid problems and harassment became something ambitious that I am currently working on and trying to give my all.
and not only that, they also inspired me to create my ocs and an equally ambitious story that I have in mind, in case anyone was wondering, these are the ocs that I mainly based on Gregory and Estella to create them lol
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And all that thanks to two stupid characters from a canceled South Park AU, honestly, I don't know how I would be if I hadn't met them, it's impossible for me to imagine knowing that they have influenced my life from the end of 2021 until today, this was one of my first drawings 🥲
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I know that the issue of the Gregstella ship is somewhat dense, although I don't classify it as "problematic" because I consider that it doesn't even reach that sick level that they want to label it so much. And I know that I am perhaps the most directly responsible for having popularized the ship, and I apologize for that, it was not my intention to attract weird people, because yes, I have seen that quite questionable people have come to like the ship, or at least less so on this side of the pond, but I refrain from interacting with them because I simply don't want to and I have seen very unpleasant things coming from those people.
I would be lying if I said that I no longer like hp gregstella, I think it is something inevitable, even knowing that it is wrong, it is something that I cannot help, but nevertheless, I no longer urge people to ship them, but I also do not harass those who they do it. I think people can do whatever they want as long as it doesn't cross the boundaries of what is considered healthy. So yeah, I still kinda like hp gregstella, but I doubt I'll make content of them in the future, maybe I never will (and I never actually did, other than edits), maybe I'll start drawing them again more frequently since the annoying comments stopped, but I will never make hp gregstella content, but if I do one day, at least you will see it coming i guess 🤧
To the point I no longer care what people think of me, nor do I care to be in the Hell Park fandom, but I am aware that a large part of the fandom likes my art and inevitably I am part of it, so it also makes me happy that people appreciate my drawings despite everything, I love you, especially to the gregstella shippers who follow me and who I talk to (who are mostly lesbians just like me, a little ironic lol) 😭💕
I just want to do what makes me happy, and if people are bothered by what makes me happy, you can just block me, no hard feelings. I will continue drawing my silly couple, because it is the closest thing I will experience to love, being aromantic, I like to write couples with interesting dynamics, but being part of one? No thank you 😦
I finish with this little animation I made of Gregory and Estella from Coven park, for whoever took the time to read this, thank u and gn
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solmarillion · 11 months
ngl i'm so upset legolas didn't get enough nominations for the himbo poll 😭he's my favorite himbo... he honestly deserves the spot way more than some of these characters 🥲 oh well... maybe some other time :c
to the two people who voted legolas, i'm there with you 💕
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plantwithoutplot · 6 months
For the writer ask game — 12, 17, 18 ✨
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12 How many WIP's do you have in your docs for next year?
Technically. . . In terms of fanfictions, I have:
Speak Up, Boys! (I have all chapters of the fic drafted by the way, with titles and musics and stuff!)
Feral Twins (a.k.a what if after the first incident on Elegia, Garp stumbled upon Uta while he was trying to find Shanks and yell at him for corrupting his grandson into piracy? He brings her back on Dawn, where he grabs Luffy, and then attempts to train them as Marine by taking them with him. But the two are equally stubborn about Not Being Marines Ever, so after a year or so he drops them both at Dadan's place, where they are going to meet the bandits, but also Ace and Sabo. Basically, Dadan now has two sets of Feral Twins, who keeps on fighting... Till they team up and make her life even better worse.)
Shanks' & Buggy's Adventures (I need a better title lol But I really really really love this one too! This is a "What if Shanks had run after Buggy at the end of Roger's execution and properly talked things out with him" AU. Cue them being idiot teens, sticking together as co-captains on the same ratty little boat, going on adventures in the four blues, then on the Grand Line. . . But yall know me, that would also involve lots of character study, angst/comfort, and a few fun (tragic) headcanons till they reach adulthood)
Let me know in the reblogs/tags if some of yall would be interested in reading these fics in the future 👀✨
17 Your favorite character to write this year?
18 The character that gave you the most trouble writing this year?
Gonna do a 2-in-1 with these because my answer is the same for both:
Writing him is HILARIOUS. I get to go wild, use weird ass metaphors, and let him take the initiative in the narrative because he's always running wild and having 1001 thoughts at once, though his brain will only notice the most crazy ones!
But at the same time... HE IS ALWAYS RUNNING WILD 😭💦 So writing his chapters in a way that makes sense, while giving clues about what IS going on even when HE isn't registering it, AND making sure I stay as close to his character as possible??? Man that is TOUGH ― yet so so so rewarding. 🥲🫶
Thank you for your asks!!! I'm always happy to see your name in my ask box 🥺💕💕
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eemcintyre · 9 months
“Hollow Point” (1996) review
Even though it will be futile for me to truly put into words just how much I loved this movie and the intense feelings I have for it 😩💖👏🏻
Ok so one of the stars of this movie is Nani from “Lilo and Stitch”??? :OOOO
The immaculate visual of her standing on the streets in the bridal gown and YELLING with a gun in her hand and her white sneaks on 😆✨🤌🏻
The second that Thomas rolled up in the car like that and we had like 3 botched capture attempts I knew we were in for a good time, but I never could have anticipated that was only the beginning
When Tia took off that hair extension tho- like we were already on thin ice and then the jUMP SCARE 😬🫣🤨
When he would muss up his hair after taking his lil beanie off 🥺
I too would like to be headlocked by him like that 🥺🥲😩
Idk who said that. weird 🙃
"That's my crotch gun- don't touch"
"I look good, huh?" "Stunning."
The Thomas opera content I’ve been waiting for is IN 👏🏻 THE 👏🏻 HOUSE 👏🏻
Donald: "You know, this was a very impressive event, but I'm numb. I don't feel anything" *as a police station is aflame in the background and he clutches his Ziploc bag of carrots*
Granted, I’ve not seen many Donald Sutherland movies ("The Hunger Games" and "Fool’s Gold," mainly) but I will still declare that this is my favorite performance of his by far; if I could ever experience the levels of serotonin that this man obviously experienced while playing this role ✨
He's also dressed like a history professor throughout- y'all ever seen an assassin with argyle socks?
He and Thomas are *very closely* tied for best character
"You’re right- the man that picks up that jar of mustard is the man of my dreams” 💕
"How could you possibly get six women to marry you????"
Donald sitting in a sauna in a full suit outfit with a towel over his head like a shepherd
My two idiots shooting each other’s bulletproof vests and launching each other into the air; I ain’t seen such gorgeous gorgeous enemies-to-lovers goodness since “Far and Away” (the ultimate) 💌
A resounding 9/10; Ultimate Action Movies had it right when they said "the most underrated action comedy of the 90s... perhaps the most overlooked action comedy of all time"
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grimalkinmessor · 7 months
For the fic meme: 🌟, 🎨, 📚?
That first one is not on the list so I'm using my amatuer detective skillz to infer that you meant the sparkle one ✨
✨️ Out of the comments you’ve received on your fics, what are two or three of your favorites?
Well, THIS one is my all time favorite:
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aND YOU CAN PROBABLY SEE WHY LMAO. It's beautifully long, it takes me on reader's commentary throughout most of the fic itself, and watching my dear reader slowly descend into the madness that has already stolen me is always always fun :D But I think about this one in particular a lot because they GOT it, you know? They got the exact vibes I was going for, they understood the intricate relationships between the characters—basically they read it exactly how I wrote it to be read. And yes many other people have likely done that but this one TOLD me about it (⁠*⁠˘⁠︶⁠˘⁠*⁠)⁠.⁠。⁠*⁠♡〜⁠(⁠꒪⁠꒳⁠꒪⁠)⁠〜
Another one of my favorites is this one:
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Again, because it's long and thoughtful, and because it's from one of my friends whom I admire and value deeply 🥰
And last but CERTAINLY not least is this one :3
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Because this one is ALSO from one of my friends that I respect and admire deeply, and because I enjoy making them go absolutely insane 💕 Mwahaha yesss go feral >:3
I adore every comment I receive, these are just the ones I hold the closest :3
🎨 If someone were to make fanart of your work, what fic or scene would you hope to see?
Ooo another hard one! Hmm. The imagery that I put in Notre Dame would be beautiful, I think, because I wrote it to be that way lol. But the dark magic symbolism of Tomura and Izuku's wedding in Nickel and Silver is also near and dear to my heart. Nickel and Silver has two, actually, because the scene where they're arguing in the river is one I think has the potential to be really pretty as well!! Though the scene in Cosmic Entities where Light and Matsuda are in the elevator has the potential to be very fun too >:3
But tbh the scene on my brain right now that I would ABSOLUTELY commission someone for if I had the money to spare is one that I haven't even posted yet 😭 AFOFA ballroom dance scene my beloved 🙏
📚 Is there a fanfic or fanfic writer you recommend?
*cracks knuckles* GET READY FOR THIS.
It depends on what fandoms you're into, but for BNHA authors I recommend surveycorpsjean, terryh, lukewarmbeefstew, RayShippouUchiha, katydid, Space_Cryptid, Gentrychild, whatagoodegg, cassieopia721, and I WOULD also recc mrjengablock but she's recently taken all her BNHA stuff down due to an AI scare 🥲
Yes all of these authors are WILDLY different but these are the people I enjoy reading the most ^^ For fic reccs I'm gonna go with Candor by OwlF45, Awakening by Zyla_Sweetbean, Why Are We Here Again? by cloud_nine_and_three_quarters, Play for Keeps by supercrunch, and A Difference of Perspective by town_without_a_heart 💕
For Death Note authors I'm reccing ASmallMoon333, TrashKing, sharptoothed, tsukinousagi, sn0w_quill, neallo, foreskinsmoothie, Min Daae, and TzviaAriella ✨
Again, a lot of different topics and styles here but I enjoy all of them immensely :3 Some good fics I like are vertigo by crimesofhallowed, louder than bells by relic_crown, metempsychosis by palant1r, Behind the Lens by arcadevia, and likely many more I'm currently forgetting :'D
Harry Potter authors I'd recommend are ObsidianPen, Nekositting, Cybrid, and asterisms!
Danny Phantom authors I'd recommend are GothMoth, thevillainofthisstory, EctoplasmicSoda, GhostMalone, and passionateartist. For fics I'm reccing Flight of Defiance!
Marvel authors I'd recommend are ladylapislazuli, tuesday, feyrelay, doctorestranged, Orcusnox, SpiderKatana, and LearnedFoot. Reccing Frostbite by writer168, and The Third Option by Uncertainty_Principal for those who can handle angst :3
Aaaand I'm gonna stop there because if I list everything and everyone that I like we'll be here all day 😅
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I continue to be amazed with your work😍 just when I think you can’t outdo yourself you prove me wrong again😭👌🏻💕 your latest ghost story (and the one before that w the virgin reader which I HOPE you consider writing a part two for because that cliffhanger had me crying 😂) once again gives so much life to this supportive, understanding and intense man you’ve made the character to be. Your take on him is literally my favorite ever in this whole fandom, I’ve definitely come to that conclusion by now. Not only do you really get the characterization so right, it’s also the way you create the feeling and the atmosphere of being loved by this man that’s so tangible through your stories. Both from the mental and physical point of view of the reader character in question. It’s amazing how you manage to translate those complexities to written word. Like I am 100% convinced that this man could fuck love all of the pain away if you give him the chance😩. He just gives off that brute energy, but once you get to the core of him he’s so eager and willing to be soft and caring for you🥲😩
(I am also currently halfway through the first part of your konig story and when I tell you the whiplash I got from going from soft and caring ghost to… that freak🫠🫥 I am both terrified and intrigued, I do love me a lil ol creep once in a while but damn that man is entirely in a league of his own 😳)
Oh you are so incredibly kind ❤️❤️❤️!
And YES he would definitely fuck and love your pain away. I love me some intense, gruff Ghost too (that's why I wrote and continue to write the medic stories and his pov) but I stand behind my headcanon of him as a man who takes full resposibility. He's distanced and cynical and cold to his enemies, sure. The soldier Ghost is not a role, it's part of him, he embodies war in full. But he doesn't have the emotional intelligence and capacity of a potato. He might be a little rough around the edges, run like a stray dog from attachments at first, but when he's there, he's there. When he settles... Damn, he really fucking commits.
And umm, you're not the only reader who has voiced their wish for a pt 2 to that Virgin story. It's on the to do list, sort of, but I can't promise anything 🙈
And omg you went from this to Just Friends noooo my dear I wish I could give you a hug and a pat in the back and tell you it's gonna be ok 😭💔
It's kinda funny how in my masterlist there's first the soft!König story with the summary "König doesn't want to hurt women"... and then under it lies this yandere dumpster fire. Like, I really split him into two different beings, didn't I. And now I hear he's also a colonel and that gives me a whole new (dilf!!!1) vibe... Good god, this game and my brain.
There will be more soft Ghost stories in the future and I hope they make up for the toxic perv that is my latest König. Thank you for this message, it's the sweetest thing! 🩷🩷🩷💋 It makes me so happy if and when I can give comfort/entertain people with my stories.
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kithtaehyung · 1 year
ok so i have so much to say about this last chapter my GOSH. it was a rollercoaster lololol.
1) im such a fan of your writing, you never cease to deliver amazing chapters and the way you develop the characters and plot is really well done. i read the whole 3tan series in a few days right before NYE so i was really into a special mood entering 2023 ☠️
2) your smut 🥲 fucking hell generally when people write stuff that is not vanilla they tend to neglect the trust and development between the characters but i really like how you put time and effort in the details to built that trust. anyway it’s a lot of word to say that it’s so fucking hot 🥵
3) this chapter was everything to me ajdkskdkdkd the way it started with angst and jealousy (my gosh yes) and ended with such a laugh. i loved the intimacy portrayed between mc and yg when they are laughing because of the brother being such a cockblocker jfc 🙄 sdkdkddkdk i like when the sex scene aren’t always super serious like being able to laugh is a really nice trait imo
4) mc and yoongi being absolute dumbasses will never cease to amaze me like how these two drop random personal details about each other in the middle of the conversation (i’ll be so stressed if i was taehyung 😭😭😭😭)
5) ALSO jin and nj getting suspicious 😳 ?
anywayyyyyy these are my thoughts fresh out of the oven after reader window, take care and can’t wait to read your next work ! 🫶
- 📀 (i hope this emoji isn’t already taken)
CD🥺💕💕 that’s a great emoji, and it’s not taken so it’s yours<3 so so happy you decided to reach out with your thoughts because I love hearing what y’all like about the chapters. It’s fun! And you even numbered them it’s like you know my love language LOL
1) damn, a few days right before NYE! That really would put you in a certain mood for the new year.. damn. As far as plots and writing goes, that’s good feedback, tysm🥹
2) AHHHHHH this is making me shy bc I’ve always seen smut as my weak point, since I never wrote it. But when I write it more and more, I get more comfortable with it, which allows me to not think as hard about the setup but more about all the little things that go into intimate moments.
3) oh gosh when they’re laughing while in bed?? That’s my favorite😭 because it’s so like, comforting when you can be yourself in every way while being that vulnerable. And it’s fcking cute that guys will crumble if you’re being cute af (and you bring out the “ughhhh stop.”) At least, from what I’ve learned😂 so keep it up, babes, if you’re being a damn fool you’re doing great💀 guys feel free to correct me but this is just my experience🥲
4) NOT THEM BEING MESSY😩😩😩 they have got to get their shit together lmao like they both slipped up bad. And Tae’s just over there like😐
5) are they???👀
Thank you so much, love!! This was amazing commentary and it made me smile🥳
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oriigirii · 2 years
anyway i like to assume that the canon twisted wonderland world is different from the world where the fandom's ocs are. this is because it gives me more freedom to include several ocs into my brainrot, and the school isn't much of a "boys only" or "mostly boys" school. SO i get to cheat and simp for pretty women ocs and have female ocs for my own personal entertainment.
WHICH IS WHY.. i thought it'd be funny to categorize turbule's favorite people in each dorm, whether its an oc or not :)! the only problem is i dont remember anyone's names except like- four people, including charlie so bare(?) with me 😭
POST-CHERRY HERE HI- so idk if you'd notice but I ran out of ideas in the middle of it ahskhsnd 🥲👊
*an attempt to be organized
Heartslabyul - Deuce
Okay they probably have the same thought about eggs; that's why they're homies. The only difference is that Turbule is that Turbule's still oblivious to the truth while Deuce is well- traumatized??
Savanaclaw - RUGGIE- oh wait Charlie oops
Can't decide. Ruggie's only on Charlie-favoritism level because Turbule's easily impressed by his "skills in being sneaky." Well I think that's what you call it-
Charlie's just Turbule's big brother. It's like if you took the Canon!Aduece + Grim and Yuu relationship, reduced it to two(2) people, and made it a tiny less chaotic. Turbule drags Charlie into whatever seems like a "tall person" problem that they can't solve.
Octavinelle - Deeva is Top Tier (@/deeva-arud)
DEEVA IS SO PRETTY OMG!! Udi(?) did so well in making her design snakhdksd idk maybe it'd cause she has white hair- Absolutely solos the Octavinelle trio but that's just me.
I imagine Deeva and Turbule's relationship to be a mutual "I don't get you but you're chill." The only thing that separates Deeva from other Octavinelle members is that she doesn't look at Turbule like she's about to do something bad, y'know?
Scarabia - uhm, uh- Jamil. Yeah
JAMIL'S SMART BRO- I like to think that Turbule's really desperate but their dorm mates won't answer them so she asks smart people. Jamil just has to be one of those people. He doesn't have to agree, just has to acknowledge that Turbule's asking the question :')!
Pomefiore - Rook??
Rook has a cool hat. That's it. Turbule's words, not mine.
Ignihyde - e v e r y o n e
Turbule loves her dorm! They're so cool with everything to their technology, rooms, uniforms- eh? Why are they all shying away from them..?
Anyway, Turbule still doesn't hesitate to ask her dorm members for anything. Whether that be for a quick game or if they have any spare Kool-Aid. Hey, it's an essential.
Diasomnia - Alina!! from (@/tedearaminta)
I'm not gonna lie- I don't know if Turbule would know anyone in Diasomnia to reach the favorites list.
Now that I think of it, Turbule probably walked up to Alina and asked if she could braid her hair- Like, it just slipped out kind of moment 🤡
I don't know if Alina actually let them, but that's a Minta(?) thing to decide not me.
Ramshackle(?) - HIKARI >:) (@/wingblade1357)
I personally think on the first day, some classes have ice breaker activities. Gross, I know, but that's probably how Turbule got close with Hikari.
Reading Hikari's bio-thing for reference, but her talent is lock picking. Knowing Turbule, they probably asked for her to teach them and didn't introduce her part of the activity-
Ahhhhh this is so cute 💕💕💕 Dw i love looking at these and now i have new artists to follow so thank you for that 😩 i feel you on the struggle to keep it true to the character though 😭 (also deevas design is 👏👏👏)
Anyways heres for Charlie cause this giraffe may be quiet but hes got his own favorites haha, i made sure to put a cut here cause im definitely gonna ramble a lot so bare with me 😭
》 Heartslabyul
- Deuce
It should be clear by now that Charlie is a walking orphanage, he just adopts anyone on sight, you feel lonely? congrats youre his little sibling now, man has a lotta love to give with all his height and Deuce def screams little brother energy, i mean so does Ace, but Deuce is just too precious. Also they both livin that ex-deliquent life
(side note: i took 10 minutes to remember the word deliquent and i was ready to rip my hair out cause all i can remember is 'degenerate' and it sounded so harsh 😭)
》 Savanaclaw
- Ruggie (platonically) | Leona (Romantically / Rivalry)
Of course, Ruggies an obvious one here, he is, afterall, a big brother himself, so they kinda vibe a lot, he also feels bad that stinky (/lh) Leona always makes him do the chores so he helps him out
Funny thing is that, Ruggie was originally suppose to be the love itnerest for Charlie T0T but im a sucker for enemies to lovers troupe so i just made Leona into his prince charming (Although i still HC that Ruggie has one sided feelings so i can suffer)
As for Leona, theyre childhood rivals, went to the same school and everything, and saw each other quite a bit due to his mom being a seamstress and actually making clothes for Leona's family from time to time!
》 Octanivelle
- Jade
The chill type, the smart boi, the plant lover, so Charlie definitely vibes with him a lot, although hes still sure to be wary, afterall you can never fully trust those smiles of his,
》 Pomefiore
- Epel
I actually dont know much about Epel aside from the fact that hes that type to look soft but can kill a guy yknow? He probably lends an ear to him a lot, and he along with Deuce probably hangs out during lunch from time to time!
》 Scarabia
- Kalim
SUNSHINE. That is all.
Fr this man is the sweetest kid like cmon, who doesnt like Kalim 😭 (fr who? im ready to throw hands) But yeah Charlie probably first met him when he moved and was basically adopted by the extrovert, Jamil can trust Kalim to him cause Charlie will def protect this boy with his life
》 Ignihyde
His wittle sister now, sorry i dont make the rules either, but yes Charlie would be quite lost in video games if it werent for her, and i imagine that sometimes he wont even play, but he definitely would watch her play, she can ramble to him about everything thats going on and hed silently try to keep up but nod along anyways 😭
》 Diasomnia
- MATILDA 💕💕 (oc by @twosided-twisted-fate ) [hi fren]
Im not to familiar with too many ocs unfortunately, but Matilda will probably be one of Charlies favorite people in school, just cause shes chill like that yknow? He may not be as close to her as Wendy (my other oc) but he still think shes cool, a fellow brawler also 🫂
》 Ramshackle
- BABY LILITH HUHU💕 (by @twosided-twisted-fate again!)
Shes his favorite, literally gives her everything just to make her smile, braids her hair and stuff, and always brings her to his house if he visits so she can play with Asha (his little sister), theyre great friends and Charlie wouldnt have it any other way
》 Lostaria (Fandorm based on peterpan)
- Wendy
Def a hyper gossiper, but Charlie thinks he cool, he does try to get him out of trouble more than hed like to admit, but theyre both kinda the same deep down, they both are trying to adopt as many siblings as possible
Bless you for finishing reading, i definitely wrote more than i expected im sorry 😭🫂
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keikuns · 1 year
Hellooo Hân~🎅💖 I hope you had a lovely week! Only two days left before the reveal hfkdlz I’m so exited ahah I hope you will like your gift !! ❤️
Yess I am enjoying this pokemon game a lot! And now I hope a DLC will be released soon !😂 Speaking of video games, I saw you’re a fire emblem fan ! 🤭 I absolutely love fire emblem, especially three houses, what is your favorite fe game ?
I know what you mean😂 Did you see jjk new trailer for the second season btw?? 😭 my heart is aching already ahah💔
Vwjdkdkd exactly for sxf 🫠!! I’ve caught up with the lastest chapter yesterday and I was expecting and hoping for sooo much more progress hdjdkzk😂🤡 but still, I really enjoyed reading all these chapters, and now I can’t wait for the next one on sunday hehe 🤭 Who is the character you’re talking about ?(even tho I might have an idea😂)
Good luck for your finals!! And I hope you will!! Mob psycho last episode just aired yesterday, I’m so sad it ended 🥺 but it was sooo good I really love this anime a lot 🥺❤️
I never watched the ones you mentioned 😭 but I’ve wanted to start fma since a while🤭 Aaaaah I like those kind of animes as well !! My first animes were ojamajo doremi, tokyo mew mew, pokemon…those were the animes that were broadcasted on tv when I was little ! And there are also the ghibli movies (which one is your favorite if you have watched them ?🤭) But the animes that "really"made me into animanga were fairy tail and…one piece ! 😂 But it’s definitely when I created my account on tumblr that I started to discover and watch even more animes ahah 😂🥴
(btw the tumblr app literally crashed while I was trying to send you this ask hdhjd I wonder if you will receive it twice🥹🙃)
-Your animanga secret santa 💖🎅🎄
oh no I’m so sorry I’m late replying to this ask 🫠🥲 I’m traveling for the holidays so it’s been super hectic here. i hope you’re doing well though!! thank you so much for the wonderful gift Charlotte!! I love them so much 💕❤️🥹 your coloring is gorgeous ❤️🥹
i hope you’ll enjoy the pokemon dlc!! omg another fe fan!! i love love love awakening! 🥹🤭 it was my first fe game and i enjoyed it so much and it’s the one i replayed multiple times 🥹 what is your favorite fe game?
i need time to catch up to sxf soon 🫠🥲 ahhhh im so behindd. I don’t like yuri lol he’s very 🤔🤨 thank you so much for the well wishes!! i passed my finals so ive been enjoying the break <3. mob is on my ptw list 🤭😊
they’re pretty old anime looool but fma is SO SO GOOD. it was my biggest obsession for years after dbz 🥺🥹 i miss it quite a bit </3 I loved tmm too!! have you seen the reboot? it was kinda meh but nostalgic 🤭 i used to love fairy tail too!! it was so good but then it kinda went downhill lol
(I’m so sorry the app crashed for you 🥲) I hope you have a wonderful holiday Charlotte!!
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yoongsisbae · 2 years
Tumblr Year End Review Game
Rules: post the top 5 works you’re most proud of that you released this year (not necessarily your most popular), the top 4 current WIPs that you’re excited to release in the new year, the 3 biggest improvements in your writing over the past year, 2 resolutions (ways you wish to improve your writing/blog) for the new year, and your number 1 favorite line you’ve written this year!
5 works you’re most proud of that you released this year
Yoongi is a Rock I tend to make paragraphs sound sing-songy when I write normally 😅 as soon as I started writing this story, I noticed how much everything began rhyming so I completely reworked the story to be like a poem and I'm really proud of what I was able to do. It's not easy to make things rhyme and flow on top of making sentences make sense and tell a good story, that's what I am most proud of. 😄😄
Handshakes of a Lifetime Ch5 It was my first time writing an action kind of story, I am very proud of my "fight" scenes lol. And proud of how badass y/n was 💅🏽this chapter really helped me write Run Run Run: Seoul Flow later on.
Bon Voyage: Into the Sea Ch3 I knew I wanted the time skip/jump in that chapter, and really struggled writing it, but I'm really proud of how it ended up, this is also the longest chapter I've written, it's massive, I didn't sleep for two nights editing it D: that was a feat.
Handshakes of a Lifetime Ch7 About halfway through Tae's story, I realized the twist in chapter 7, it just kind of happened, writers speak about "talking" to their characters, well, I definitely had a moment there with HOAL Joon 😅😅😅like, 'go back here' and 'go back there, see right there.' it was very cool writing experience and I guess I'm proud of my brain lmao. 🥲
4 current WIPs that you’re excited to release in the new year
Agust D vs RM Super Hero Christmas Special While writing Friendly Neighborhood RM, Yoongi's power seemed kind of lame ngl. But while writing his story, I realized his power is ridiculously overpowered 🥲🥲. And also since we are talking about it, I'm excited for Seokjin and Jimin's Versions (next stories in line for the Super Bangtan Universe) mainly because they are both so full of crack. Seokjin is really a menace with his mindreading powers and shapeshifter Jimin...shapeshifting penises...need I say more lmao. 😳😳😳
HOAL Ch9 which might be coming out sooner than anticipated u.u everyone's sweet comments is really motivating me 😭😭💕💕💕
BV:ITS Ch4 I'm so excited!!! y/n stuck in the middle of two tsunderes Yoongi and Hobi pls, and then add bratty vampire Jimin to the mix...
Go Home, You're Drunk You groan, annoyed. Where did your friends go? WHERE ARE YOU? Everything is muffled, was that a car passing by? Everything is dark and hazy, are you still near the club? These are the questions you should be asking yourself, there should be alarms going off in your head. You should be screaming, crying for help, but you laugh, and laugh, and laugh. “Oof!” Strong arms lift your boneless body up, into his warmth, against his hard frame. Your world tilts and sways and you bury your face in his chest, trying not to throw up. “Who…are…you…” “Your worst nightmare, sweetheart.” “Really, ‘cause you look like youugh belong ina boyband.” A one-shot that I don't know whether to make dark and funny or both 🙃🙃🙃 u know just dealing with ✨trauma✨ in my own fucked to way 🤠
3 biggest improvements in your writing over the past year
I wrote a request 🙊🙊 (requests still scare me please don’t ask lolol) and actually was able to come up with something cohesive and sexy if I do say so myself.
I NEVER would have been able to write a story like Your Friendly Neighborhood Superhero, RM before. Twists are hard 🤠
HOAL Ch6 that story was soo difficult to write, but getting through it really helped me with tone, since it was set in ancient Greece I did a lot of research on gods and the time period, added mythology as fun easter eggs, it was one of the first times I felt like my writing was improving.
2 resolutions (ways you wish to improve your writing/blog) for the new year
I really want to figure out how to improve my blog and create more reader engagement 🙂 if only I knew how 🙃🙃🙃
Come up with more special writing events like my X-mas stories.
number 1 favorite line you’ve written this year
THIS IS TOO HARD. 😖😖😖 This is one of my favorites for sure: You look straight into his soul, see him for who he is, and he sees in your tearful eyes the words left unspoken between you, “I love you.”
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gracefulweather · 3 years
yes alice in borderland was so intense i loved seeing the games and how they solved them ! i want to read the manga but i couldn't find it anywhere 😔 but the characters are so well adapted from the manga too !
i am a baby when it comes to horror and cannot watch anything scary at all 😭 i watched the first poltergeist a few years ago and was terrified for weeks
but yes ! psychological thrillers are so fun to watch ! i like parasite, shutter island, black swan, the call, the sixth sense, & we need to talk about kevin. they're not too scary but all a bit disturbing, and still interesting 👀 wbu??? do u have any favorites or recs?
i saw tbz playing red light green light on the teaser, it was so cute 🥺🥺🥺 the way their outfits are all ♣️🗡🖤 but their faces are ☺💕🌷
are u gonna watch the comeback show?
praying for the sunu card 🤞🏻 ty haha
yes eric is WILD recently 😐 what is he so fine for !
omg its abt the same ! i started stanning when the stealer came out !! watched the stealer's tricks video and mv and saw sunwoo and ... yeah ! AHHH THE MAMA 2020 WAS ICONIC 😭😭😭 a phenomenal stage
hahah yes ! i'm excited to hear the full song ! THE TEASER OMG ! 😭 IM SO HYPED ALREADY THE CONCEPT AND THE VAN AND THE DRAMATIC GAZES INTO THE CAMERA ! AND THE DANCE 🥲 (sunu's fit ... in my mind rent free tbh)
i really hope they do give us the dramatic storyline 🤩 also i heard something abt another teaser too? so idk what to expect but im excited !
to answer ur other question ! i feel like i stan a lot of groups, so i'll just list some of my top ones lol ! but i bias: jennie (blackpink), ryujin (itzy), yeonjun (txt), san (ateez), hyunjin (skz), joshua (svt), taehyung (bts) – ppl always say i have a type, idk but it's always the flirty ones 😳
wbu??? who do u bias in the other groups u stan?
yeah that's kinda what i expected from squid game at first tbh, so while it was good, i didn't find it borderland level haha. ohh is it not online? i think my friend read it but i'll check with her and see!! omg i feel u on the horror tho 😭 jump scares are little much... but i also just think it's not thaaat interesting, like i'd rather have a good plot instead of watching for the sake of being scared :')
oooh i've seen all of those except the last two, which i'll add to my list!! hmm i really liked escape room (the 2019 one) and its sequel, uhHH strangers from hell (the kdrama), and liar game (the kdrama, i haven't seen the japanese one yet). oh! and 'us' omg that movie was definitely haunting
the comeback show is tempting but uh... 7am EST... is a good time to still be asleep 😅 i'll watch it in clips on twt i guess LOL wbu? are you going out for halloween!! it'd be fun to go out then like pull an all nighter and then watch it with friends or something 🤩 (in theory) ((in reality i have no life LMAO))
the stealer era was iconic!! still amazed at how they have such unique concepts each time, like the tricks video was next level 😍 yeahHh i remember giffing the mama performance while still not knowing who was who at the time :') did u watch rtk or kingdom? any fave performances?
THE DANCE, THE OUTFITS!!! and yes sunwoo 👀 two more days and they really be leaving the storybook version until the end? seems like they definitely have something up their sleeves ahHHH EXCITING
omg i can definitely see ur biases as the flirty ones!! or like the 'it' member / charismatic ones! hmm i'm not quite as invested in anyone else these days buuut skz minho and chan, ateez (no particular bias really), golcha sungyoon and joochan, nct taeyong doyoung jaehyun!! but most days it'll just be... me orbiting tbz :')
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yoongsisbae · 3 years
Szjwoekdj 1,3,8,9,12,20! Also how have u been? Hopefully healthy nd be sure to drink plenty nd get enough sleep. Stay safe love!💕 alsooo cold feet broke my heart 😭🤧 too kuch angst, how could u do that to us? But I was also soo good I cant decide how to feel!
1. & 12. Answers here 💜
3. Do you have a favorite scene you’ve written from [Fanfic Name] story/chapter? 
Actually, from Bon Voyage, the scene when Jimin first appears, I think is one of my favorite character reveals. He’s just so scary 😭 it was so intense to write and actual horror was something totally new for me! My heart was racing writing it.
8. Do you prefer writing one-shots or multi chaptered stories?
I actually prefer one shots I just suck at them lol. When I read other writers’ one shots I’m always like, aww man I wish it could continue, and with my own writing I can just...do that lmao. Bon Voyage was supposed to be a one shot but nah it just had too much potential after I started writing it lol. Also I really can’t resist a good cliff hanger. The first two chapters of Run Run Run were supposed to just be one long chapter but I so couldn’t help my self with that dramatic ass ending scene 😅😅 (that’s why I was able to update Yangyang Living so quickly 🤭🤭)
9. If you had to assign a theme song to [Fanfic Name], which would you assign?
If music randomly played in moments of our lives Nicholas Britell - Agape is what would be playing as Namjoon and y/n hold eachother in the bathroom of Cold Feet 🥲🥲🥲
20. What feedback makes you the happiest to hear?
I really like hearing readers reactions to certain lines or scenes, it’s why I cross post to wattpad for that feature alone, but unfortunately for me my stories barely get any comments there 🙃🤡 I wanna know what made you laugh or cry or scream or feel things 😏, I guess because it makes me feel connected to readers 💕 (and then I can make you do more of it 😉) .
Ahh thank you, lovely 💕 it’s been one of those rough days but it’s getting better 🥳 I went to get a glass of water at your comment 😆 I hope you’re having an amazing day, one much better than mine! Lol Cold Feet had been stuck in my head for so long, I needed someone to suffer with me 😭😭
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