#my poor heart can barely handle this as good as you all pfft
intotheelliwoods · 11 months
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Yes! To add: In both Medium Leos and Little Leos timeline the movie events happened, just the addition of the arm loss via Krang in the prison dimension ofc
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For names stuff im just going with Big, Medium, and Little Leo accordingly!
And waaa thank you so much for the feedback! HA drawing all this stuff ahs been such a learning experience for me...
As for the whole, sacrifice ordeal? That will be shown later in the week and I think the scene will speak for itself... sweats
My heart also hurts!!!!
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Technically... theres 3 and a half aus aha!? (at least in my head...) Since yeah ofc theres the original idea I had for an ending, and the current working AU. The other one and a half both involve some form of Big Leo also being alive and well in the current time! Which I can talk about how those came about later in the week I believe?!
As for the og Leos, if im feeling the need to draw them/I am motivated enough then yeah you can still spot them! Though if you mean in the main comic.. we will see? Depends how even more insane I get later down the road whoops
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Yes! He knew he was going to break apart in some form, but that does not mean he would know what it would look like. The times Mikey did open a portal he was never there for them, and so never got to see what it looked like!
He also never got to feel it either... so partially recoil from pain/shock
I think deep deep down though, maybe he wanted to go somewhere else from their current situation. When Raph and Don helped Mikey make the portal to save Leo it was easy to push through the pain through their one goal, save Leo. With Medium Leo here, who is trying to even save anymore, himself? I think he lost a bit of his self worth a while ago...
As for Big Leos spirit, its... sorta in another place at the moment aha, a bit unreachable...
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🥺 and Medium Leo will try his damn hardest to be what Big Leo was for him... thanks for the support ough 👍drawing all this has been such a trip for me pfft
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Looks at the peepaw multiverse.... ha thats going to take some explaining isnt it
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<3 I got possessed back in april and decided to feel brave starting this summer oops
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jostepherjoestar · 4 years
🥂Drunk confessions to the bucci gang🥂
sfw // gn reader // scenarios
A new ally and business partner owns acres upon acres of vineyards, treating you and your colleagues to a nice couple crates of their finest wares. Don Giorno decided to have an intimate wine party with all of his members. The wine didn’t only encourage you to be looser, it gave you the courage to confess your feelings to the colleague you’ve had a terrible crush on. 
cw: alcohol use, drunk people being stupid. Drink responsibly!!
You’ve never perceived yourself to be the most caring or doting of your group of coworkers, now friends. But seeing your poor capo lean against the large entrance to the living room, clinging onto the wood for stability, you feel the intense need to help him out. In your own inebriated state you manage to make it across the room in one piece without bumping into tables or your teammates. When you reach Bruno you see beads of cold sweat cover his forehead dampening his bangs. The poor man is clinging onto himself and the entrance for dear life, his typically lovely olive toned skin now a paler shade. Piecing together all the warning signs you offer him your shoulder as you grab onto his waist and help him walk to the balcony. Some fresh air would do both of you some good. Even in this state your heart swells with joy to be so close to the man you’ve grown so fond of over the period you’ve become part of his and Don Giovanna’s team. You’ve endlessly fantasised about laying in his arms on another sleepless night, letting him pet your hair and cheeks, his blue eyes kindly telling you it’s all going to be alright with just a single look. You set Bruno down on the iron garden chair that decorated the balcony, he lets out a sigh of relief. Breathing in and out deeply as his shaky hands get a little calmer “Should not have indulged so much eh?” he chuckled at your state, knowing he was in a worse one. “Mh. Good thing I came to save you,” you teased. “it looked like you were about to spit all of that lovely wine back up in there.” A sympathetic smile being shot at him as you lean on the balustrade next to him. The cool night breeze offered a sobering effect. But you still felt like the world was turning and you were just there to hang onto it. “Heh, thanks for that. I have a feeling we’ll all come to regret this in the morning. If we remember tonight, at least. ”. He jokes as he stood back up to lean next to you, his closeness awakening a nervous fluttering in your stomach. Bruno isn’t known to invade your personal space unless you want him to, he’s rather princely in that manner. You felt the courage of the wine and perhaps the cool wind straighten your back. “If you won’t remember this I could just say anything huh?” you sighed, Bruno had closed his eyes in the meantime seeming to enjoy the breeze. “For instance that I like you... like a lot. Maybe too much.” you bit your lip as you hoped he understood what you meant. Soft hums came from your companion, a short silence followed. “I’ve noticed.” he paused, carefully choosing his next words. “I like you too. Maybe even more, we ought to discuss that later. Compare notes and such.” he chuckled while finishing, his cheeks turned a warm red, yours followed suit as you scooted over to wrap your hand around his on the balustrade, enjoying each others company. “I’ll do my very best to remember this moment my dearest.” he said as he squeezed your hand. “Good, because there’s no way I’m doing this again.”  
It was late into the evening, Bruno having retired after taking a quick breather, Giorno already softly snoring on the couch next to a grumpy sleeping Abbacchio that was leaning against the blond one’s soft hair. Just don’t let him know he did that in the morning. Narancia had been taking care of the music for tonight’s festivities, playing a mixture of his own favourite songs and the ones from the team. He was softly humming along to the slow tunes that played, it was one of those slower 2pac songs he enjoyed. Just enough rhythm to move to, but so much soul to keep you going. Slowly and not even following the beat you swayed together, arms crossed behind Mista’s neck, head buried in the crook of his collar as you felt yourself drift away on the dance floor. It was quite a sight, standing where the coffee table usually resided, stuck to each other like glue, barely awake and still savouring the effects of the wine. Mista’s arms clung around your back, locking you in his embrace. When he asked you to dance it started out quite energised, bopping along to the faster beats, shaking your hips and letting Mista twirl you like a ballerina on stage. But now it seemed like sleeping beauty’s spell had struck the house, causing a peaceful drowsiness. You weren’t complaining at all, being so close to the one you had started to gain feelings for. He held you so close you felt all your troubles disappear, maybe you did have a chance. Body heat starting to rise with each sway but you didn’t want this moment to end, having to let go and feel the coldness take over, no more Mista to cling to for warmth. As the thought of leaving entered, soft and sinuous moans came from your companion, like he was stirring in his sleep. The mewls only making all the hairs on your body stand up and your heartbeat quicken. To make matters worse, or better, soft little kisses were getting placed on your neck, skin tingling under the touches. For a moment you weren’t sure if this was a dream or reality. “M-mista, are you sleeping...?” you whispered close to his ear, so imminent your lips almost returned the pecks. You felt him shudder against your breath, maybe he woke up now? Meanwhile the both of you had stopped swaying, the music was still playing but it felt like it was just you and Mista, alone on a deserted island of bliss. “Mhhh” was the only reply you got, not affirmative, not disagreeing. His sluggish kisses still continued on your neck, warm and close to you, an onlooker probably wouldn’t notice his ministrations. “Mista, I like you too much to stop you. So please continue if it means you want this too.” Your voice so low only he could hear, mind foggy and hazy but heart racing in response to your confession. “I won’t stop then.” he hummed against you, continuing his idle caresses as he breathed out a sigh of relief in sync with yours. 
“Hey Gio, wake up!” you whisper shout as you tap the sleepy blond one on the knee. He stirs a little in his seat, Abbacchio’s head still sleepily leaning on his hair. Mista had followed retirement after Bruno, complaining his feet were sore from dancing, leaving you with the last trio. “Giorno come on it’s time to go to bed.” this time you’re a little louder as you push on his knee harder. Still to no avail does your Don seem to want to rouse. His companion next to him still seemingly sound asleep, a grumpy scowl adorning his beautiful features. “Don Giorno please get up!” Perhaps addressing him like that would finally work. And it did. His blue eyes lazily opened as he moved away from the couch, Abbacchio’s head beginning to dip where the emptiness now resided. Even through Giorno’s weary gaze he saw the silver haired man’s position and figured out that he was the heavy figure leaning on his hair that had became all mussed up, his rolls no longer standing. “It seems like I was a pretty good pillow. He won’t admit that though.” Giorno teased drowsily in his regular volume, a mistake he should have avoided. “Fuck off Giorno. You weren’t even comfortable.” Abbacchio growled, eyes still closed as he straightened himself on the sofa. Giorno merely let out an amused breath, the wine making him a little more loose lipped. “Don’t be so grumpy, you can admit that your Don’s hair is soft, I don’t mind. Actually I encourage it.” you were shocked to hear the statement, Giorno being a little more reserved in his usual manners. Guessing that the wine had offered him an unbothered mind and unlatched lips. “Watch it blondy, I won’t hesitate to smack my Don.” Abbacchio retorted as he got up from his spot to face Giorno next to you. He wasn’t trying to initiate a fight but his anger did seem genuine. “Come on Abbacchio don’t be like that, we’ll all go to bed, take a nice rest a-” you tried to take the situation a few steps back calmly but were cut off by the silver haired man. “Hey, keep out of it. He can handle himself.” he shot at you, seeing an instant regret in his eyes as he said his charged piece. Auwch that hurt, especially since you’d developed a crush on the man, it felt like he just stabbed into your heart and twisted the knife, the alcohol only heightening the emotions. Giorno and Narancia both interrupted at the same time to not be so rude at you, glad that your younger friends stood up for you. “Don’t talk to me that way, just because I like you doesn’t mean you can just walk all over me.” you confessed in a hurry feeling your words carry along the message you still wanted to keep a secret. Giorno couldn’t help but look between you and Abbacchio in surprise, curious to see where this was going. Narancia kept his ears perked from the back of the room as well. “Pfft, is this your idea of a joke?” Abbacchio cracked back, but the weight behind his message revealed a nervousness. “No. I meant it.” your head sagged in defeat, your feet already starting to make their way to your bedroom, not wanting to be anywhere near anyone, this had been too humiliating. “Wait I’m sorry... I’m such an asshole, fuck. I- I like you too I just- it’s shit-” he held onto your hand as he stumbled over his words, squeezing it in the hope you’d stay. “We’ll talk about it later, you asshole.” you squeezed back at his hand, continuing on your path to bed. 
Bonus Giorno & Narancia drunk hc’s:
Both are very loose lipped drunks, saying whatever’s on their mind. For Giorno this is bit more surprising behaviour than for Narancia. Although they’re both lightweights, Narancia carries it better thanks to his stamina. Giorno will still fall sound asleep after the fight with Abbacchio and you, he’ll worry about it in the morning when his head is cleared and he can give sound advice if you need it. Narancia still felt a little weird after the whole ordeal and and offered his company to fall asleep. Both still very sweet during their hazy party, Giorno even busting out a move together with Narancia who’s trying to teach him the choreography. 
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absolute-yeet · 4 years
Wooloo fields - Hop x reader
This one-shot is also on my Wattpad account @ tales_of_darkness_
Cinderace ended the battle with a straight shot of pyro ball to Hop's Gigantamaxed corviknight. Hope had his back towards me. I couldn't see his face. I didn't want to.
I never should have gone after the champion position. I knew Hop wanted it. It was one of the only things he ever talked about. I only went on this journey to spend more time with Hop and then he roped me in with his star-struck champion talk. The champion life didn't even sound that great. Leon barely had time for family and friends and was quite frankly...daft. But maybe that last part wasn't a direct cause of him being the champion. Or maybe it was.
Hop was just like Leon. The way he got into battle, (attempting) throwing the ball, and even the way he smiled. They looked the same too. He was a spitting image of Leon. That is probably one reason I like him. He's got Leon's charm without actually being Leon.
I could see him punch the air to his side in frustration. He turned around to face me with soft eyes. My heart was pounding in my ears. The crowds roaring faintly behind it.
"Ugh! Gutted! You always did best me...", he said slowly. Everything seemed to move outside of time. The way Hop's eyes fluttered and the way he reached his hand up to shake mine. It was all too real. I stared at his hand, paralyzed by just crushing his dream. He didn't seem phased though, maybe it was just me? His golden eyes met mine as I looked up to him. I could feel the frown on my face. He gave me his charming smile with his eyes closed and I reached up to shake his hand. I may have held it a little too long. He squeezed my hand and let go of it. We both walked off of the pitch in silence, the furrow in my brow growing deeper.
Why did this feel so bad? I should be grateful for getting this far. But I just felt guilty. There was no reason to be...I worked hard for this. Hop was fidgeting with the Dynamax bracelet on his right arm. "That was a great battle mate! Next time I'll beat you. I swear as your rival...", a big smile spread across his face but he kept fiddling with his bracelet. He quickly looked back down at it and started shuffling his feet.
"I'm so sorry Hop...", I began. He looked up at me with a shocked expression. "Don't be sorry Y/n! You deserve this. You beat me fair and square.", his smile faltered a little bit but he tried to pull the corners of his lips up. His red started to slit and I knew what was coming. He turned around quickly.
I didn't want him to cry. I don't like seeing him hurt but it was also nice he could be vulnerable around me. We would never hold back from each other, that's what made us such good friends and rivals.
A shaky breath escaped his lips but he didn't cry loudly. You wouldn't even know unless you were me. I stepped closer to him and wrapped my arms around his torso. He tightly weaves his fingers through mine while they were resting in his stomach. He was holding onto them like it was the last thing he had. I leaned my head on his back and tried to send comfort telepathically. He shook a little bit but eventually stopped his silent crying.
"I'm sorry I'm being such a wuss. I know I'll have chances to beat you or Lee in the future. It's not like this is my last shot and...I'm really happy for you Y/n. I really really am. I'm just also sad I didn't make it.", he turned to face me, still letting me hug him and wiped away some stray tears from his face. A big smile spread across it again. "But you're amazing Y/n! If anyone's going to beat my brother it's going to be you!", he bent down slightly and tightly hugged me, pulling me up into the air. I squeaked, I wasn't expecting that.
I smiled. I think he'll be okay, friends support each other even in the hardest of times and never let envy get in the way. We stood smiling at each other for a moment. I am so close to his face. Only in my wildest dreams would I lean in- "Finally made the moves there Hop?", a deeper voice cut through our moment. Hope practically jumps 10 feet away from me and I put my hands behind my back quickly.
"Lee?! What are you doing back here?!", Hop huffed st his brother. "I'm here to congratulate Y/n on the amazing win! I was practically on the edge of my seat the whole time! It was fantastic!", Leon went on and on about his favorite parts of the battle but I wasn't listening. I was staring at Hop. The cute expressions he made when talking to certain people were one thing I had picked up on all of these years. He rolled his eyes a few times at Leon and often did, even though he loved him. I was thankful he always had such positive expressions around me. I could never think of a time Hop was anything but...perfect. And Leon asked Hop if he finally what?! Does that mean Hop...like me too? I could feel the blood rushing to my face. I have to calm down and stop reading into this before someone noticed.
"Y/n?", Leon waved his hand in front of my face. I quickly snapped it down in self-defense. Leon put his hands up in surrender. "Oops.", I rubbed the back of my neck awkwardly. "Just a reaction?", I tried to defend myself. Don't interrupt my personal thoughts, Leon! "Right...well, I'll see you back on the pitch soon Y/n! Don't wait up!", he pranced out of the room, cape swishing behind him.
Hop turned and looked at me, his face was dusted with pink. He cleared his throat and looked st his shoes.
"Listen, mate, there's something I wanna tell you but I gotta wait until after your battle. You shouldn't have any distractions ya know? Will you come to see me?", he smiled at me. I beamed and nodded my head excitedly. He first bumped the air and ran over to where his normal clothes were hanging. He started to strip out of the league uniform.
"Ah! Hop! What are you doing?!", I shielded my eyes. I wish I didn't though, I definitely want to see all of that-
"Oops! Sorry, mate. I'm just so excited to see your battle.", he quickly covered his chest with his shirt and walked over to me, my handsome still covering my eyes. I could feel his warmth near me. He grabbed my shoulders from behind and guided me over to the door.
"Go on and heal your team and I'll be out soon. I'll be cheering for ya! Probably...my mom might yell at me if I don't publicly cheer for Lee...but in my mind, it will definitely be for you.", and with that, he shoved me out of the locker room and into the lobby.
He battle with Leon was scary. I had trained hard before coming to face him because I had no idea what to expect with his team. He delivered on tricky moves and frustrating blows, but I slivered harder. And I prevailed. I could hear Hop screaming for me from the seats and even once glanced over to see his grandma smacking the back of his head. He rubbed it while shooting me a thumbs up. He helped get rid of all the jitters I had coming to see Leon. My Pokémon helped too, they're the sweetest.
Leon had a completely different reaction from Hop after loosing. He didn't seem upset at all actually. I think Leon was done with being the champion and wanted someone new to step up. He has other things he wanted to do for his life and there were so many things he could do to still accomplish his goal of wanting to make Galar stronger. And he could finally get rid of his branded cape.
He enthusiastically shook my hand as the crowd cheered ferociously behind us. "Thanks for an amazing battle, Y/n! I'm sure you'll set s new path for Galar. Oh man what's my new slogan gonna be...", he seemed to lock into some sort of daze wondering what he was going to say now. That'll keep him up at night if Raihan already doesn't.
We walked off the pitch together and I changed out of my uniform into my other clothes. I was going straight to the boutique after this and buying something hot. Watch out Hop, I'm coming for you today.
I tried to slip out of the arena unnoticed by people but a few got in my path. Thankfully it was all warm greetings and congratulations but I was really only looking for one person. Hop. I wanted to know where we were going so I could plan my sexy outfit accordingly.
I was almost at the front door when a warm hand grabbed my arm. I looked over to see the one and only Hop. He gave me his award-winning smile and pulled me out the doors.
"Thank goodness. I felt like I could barely breathe in there.", we made our way down the steps of Wyndon Stadium. He laughed.
"It is pretty stuffy in there, but it will be out here soon too once people start leaving.", he pulled me over to a Corviknight taxi and opened the door for me to get inside.
"After you, your majesty.", he bowed with his hand still on the door handle. I giggled.
"Where are we going, Hop? I kind of need to go shopping.", I shrugged.
"Shopping?! Why do you need to go shopping?", he wondered innocently. "Is it to get a new champion look? Please don't wear a cape like Leon Y/n...", he groaned. I laughed. "You can do that later right?!", he looked at me with pleading eyes. I sighed.
"Actually I wanted to get a new outfit for our hang out. Something a little nicer?", I gestured down at the same old same old. He laughed and swatted the air in front of him.
"Why do you need to do that Y/n? You always look great!", he beamed at me. I rigidly said thank you and popped into the Corviknight taxi with a growing blush on my face. He was just too sweet sometimes.
The way to the mystery destination was filled with Hop singing as loudly as he could to the latest Pokévision videos and me doubled over in my seat laughing. The poor taxi driver just wants to do his service to the world...he never asked for this. And that was the best part. I never got tired of Hop's enthusiastic personality and I never will. I joined him in singing and we finally made it to the location.
We both hopped out and Hop paid the driver. What a gentleman. "I hope you gave him a tip for all that singing...", I trailed off.
"Pfft, no way! That was PART of the payment. A ride and a show. What more could you ever ask for?", he said excitedly. Oh gosh, he was serious. I couldn't help but laugh at his silliness. You couldn't even tell his dreams had just been slightly crushed. He seemed as happy as can be. He then turned away with...a blush? Maybe that's just wishful thinking. Or maybe not.
I shuffled a little closer to Hop and rested my hand on his shoulder. He let out a little peep and faced me. Our faces are inches apart, a smirk growing on my face with nervousness growing on his.
"What are we doing out here's for hmm?", I hummed, still locking eyes with him. He tried to form a smile but it just ended up being a really awkward teeth show. I decided to lean back and let the poor boy function. He cleared his throat and went back to his normal facade.
"Well, this is the Wooloo fields and I brought you here because...", his throat seemed to tighten. I smiled at him reassuringly. He breathed in a breath of confidence and smacked the side of his head like he did when he was about to battle. Also like Leon did, thanks for ruining this perfect moment with your Leon obsession Hop-
He breathed in again and gave me a soft smile. He took my hands in his. "You know how Wooloo was my first Pokémon? Wooloo was the first friend I ever had and then you came along. Wooloo means so much to me and...so do you. That's why I took you out here. So I could have the two things I love the most in the same place...", he continued smiling at me. I probably had a very strange expression on my face. All of the confidence drained from his face and squeezed my hands tightly. "And it's totally okay if you don't feel the same way Y/n. I mean I'm okay with us just being friends too but I really like you and- ah gosh why would you want to be with someone like me anyway?", he turned away from me a little bit and started facepalming.
I didn't know what to do first. I wanted to grab him and tell him I felt the exact same way but I also wanted to squeeze the living daylights out of him too. I wrapped my arms around his shoulders and he stiffened, and then relaxed. He gazed into my eyes and a sense of calm washed over us. I was smiling so hard that my face started to hurt.
"Hop, I love you too.", I buried my face into his neck and he ran his hands down my back.
"You're spectacular Y/n..." he mumbled into my ear.
"Says you.", I pulled my hand back and rested my forehead against his. The smile on his face was almost bigger than mine. We couldn't help but stay like this, holding each other and just enjoying each other's presence. His eyes are beautiful. They showed even brighter gold in the sun.
As the sun set, Hop planted a soft kiss on my cheek and grabbed my hand. "Let's go back to my house and celebrate, yeah? I'll even show you my barbecuing skills...", he tried to flex with one arm, one of his eyes closing while he tried to muster strength. I squeezed his hand and laughed at him.
"Hop, we all know I'm going to be the one to cook in this relationship.", I shook my head Arnold him with a smile. He couldn't cook to save his life. It always burned or turned out bitter. He never knew what berries went with each other when we went camping. Never.
"Yeah, you're right. But I'm inspired to be a better cook for you. Maybe you can...teach me?"., he asked curiously.
"Absolutely, I can't be with someone who doesn't know flavor.", I smiled at him. He laughed. I planted one long-lasting kiss on the corner of his mouth. I could tell he wanted more, but for now, this will have to do. Desire is more fun to build up, after all. I put my head in the crook of his neck. His head rested on mine as we walk hand in hand, back to his place.
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with you [chapter 6]
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Summary: Clementine pops the question, Louis has nightmares, Violet can’t let go of the past, Mitch doesn’t know how to handle gross feelings, Ruby’s a goddamn sweetheart, Willy doesn’t ever remember to knock, Aasim can’t dance, and James is here, too.
Nothing like a wedding to bring this family together.
Note: Not much to say this time around. I just had some extra time since I didn’t have to go to work, so I figured it would be a great time to work on [with you]. Here’s the Violet part that always get me in trouble [but like not really, just from people who think I hate Violet or don’t understand her and whatever, y’know] but I hope you enjoy it anyway. Thanks for reading! 
Ch1 | Ch2 | Ch3 | Ch4 | Ch5 | Ch6
Read on: AO3 | FF.net | Wattpad
Violet’s door is shut. 
Clementine makes no move to knock.
Mitch stands beside her, waiting with more patience than she expected. 
Her arms grow heavy, weighed down with dread. During the slow walk here, she thought of several things to say and has yet to settle on a starter. Different scenarios ran through her head, all a jumbled mess.
She hears a sigh. Mitch leans over and knocks on the door. 
They wait.
He knocks again, this time harder. 
“Shit,” Mitch mutters. “Either she’s not here, or she’s ignoring us.”
Neither option would surprise her. 
“Violet?” Clementine tries, only to be met with more silence. Leaning forward, she presses the side of her head against the door, listening. Everything’s still, and Clementine’s sure the room’s empty. Relief begins eating at her brain, giving excuses of “Well, there’s always tomorrow!”
“Maybe this isn’t a good idea,” she whispers to herself, agreeing with the thoughts, knowing full well that putting this off wouldn’t help the situation tomorrow. 
“I coulda told you that,” Mitch mumbles, knocking again.
Before she can tell him to stop, to suggesting coming back tomorrow morning, footsteps turn her attention down the hall. 
Violet stands alert, her glare fixated on the two of them, arms crossed. It’s enough to send any normal person to hightail it out of there, but Clementine’s not frightened so easily despite the erratic nervous thumping of her heart in her throat. 
“What the fuck do you two want?”
Violet’s voice- It’s like someone injected ice into Clementine’s veins. 
“I-” Clementine clears her throat. Her voice feels so small, insignificant. She pushes down those anxious feelings, a skill acquired when she was far too young and dealing with tense situations such as this- if not worse- and asks, “Can we talk?”
Violet scoffs. 
“It’s important, Vi-”
“Fuck. Off.” 
Violet moves towards her. A prickle of intimidation dampens her faux confidence once they’re close, face to face. Violet’s glare bores straight into her, but before Clementine can address the situation, Mitch pushes her back and stands in between them. 
“Watch it,” he warns. 
Clementine moves from behind Mitch, saying, “Please, Violet. I just want to talk-”
“I don’t really give a shit what you want.”
“Can you just fucking chill?” snaps Mitch. “She just wants to talk.”
“Can you just go fuck yourself?”
“Excuse me?” Mitch steps closer.
“Don’t,” Clementine warns, grabbing his sleeve. “You’re not helping.” 
He backs off, but not much, keeping his focus on Violet, watching the girl’s every move. 
Clementine tries again, “It won’t take long. It’s about Louis.”
That catches her attention. 
“Can we talk?” Clementine asks again, this time much softer. “Privately?”
“Before that, though,” Mitch holds out his hand. “Give it.”
Violet doesn’t move. 
“I know you have it.”
“That’s not necessary,” Clementine tries. 
“Consider it a precaution.”
The tension between the two as they scowl at each other is suffocating. 
With a sigh, Clementine reaches and pulls out the knife she always carries.
“Here,” she offers it to Mitch. 
He doesn’t take his eyes off Violet, even when he takes the handle. 
“I’m unarmed now,” Clementine says. “Please, Vi…”
She breaks her gaze away from Mitch to look at the floor. 
Violet pulls her cleaver out and tosses it down the hallway.  
“You wanna talk?” She shoves her door open, turning to glower at Clementine. “Let’s talk.” 
She walks into the dorm room, straight to her desk, taking the chair and turning it around.
Violet sits facing her, waiting. 
And Clementine’s terrified. 
Not the kind of terrified like when walkers are circling them, or like the terror she feels when someone gets hurt or doesn’t come back on time. This is a terror of facing Violet with the possibility of saying the wrong thing and shattering that little piece of lost hope for their friendship. 
This is her last chance. 
Mitch gives her a firm nod. 
“I’ll be right out here.” 
She knows he says it more to Violet than to her. 
Clementine closes the door behind her. 
They’re alone. 
Where did she even begin?
She can’t bring herself to look at Violet, so she does a quick glance over the room. It’s similar to hers, but with only one bed and nothing to decorate the walls. It’s empty.
“Well?” Violet asks. 
Clementine digs deep inside herself, deciding to be as honest as possible. Beating around the bush, or only scratching the truth never ends well. 
“It’s been two years,” she starts. “Since we’ve actually talked, I mean. I know that you still hate me, and I know that I’ll probably never be able to change that. I just don’t understand why.” She waits for a reaction but gets none. “I mean, I understand why… why this whole thing started but I guess I don’t understand everything. I don’t want to fight with or avoid you anymore. I- ...I really miss you, Vi.” 
“You are un-fucking-believable.”
Clementine bites the inside of her cheek. Breathe in, breathe out. She tries to ignore the absolute loathing that vibrates from the other girl, and she recalls that last time someone looked at her like that.
Eleven-years-old… a poor woman dying in the arms of a man who loved her… the fiery hatred in that single eye…
She can’t curl in on herself this time.
“Is that really all you have to say?” Violet asks. “You miss me? Fucking really?”
“We used to be friends before everything happened. Remember my first night here?” Clementine asks. “When you came in looking for that pencil box and we talked? And the card game and-”
“I remember,” Violet interrupts, “I remember being grateful to have another girl around to talk to. You said I kicked walker ass. You were so nice, and you listened to everything I had to say. For the first time in a year, I thought I found someone I could care about, even if I didn’t want to admit it. ” 
Violet looks down to the wooden floors. 
“I also remember AJ shooting Marlon. I remember everyone turning against you, ready to throw you both out right then and there. I also remember stopping them. I stood between you and a group of kids ready to tear you apart with nothing but my meat cleaver.”
 Violet leans forward with a burning gaze. 
“You know what else I remember? I remember voting for you to stay. I remember telling them it was bullshit that you had to leave. I remember leaving you out there in the woods and then seeing that boot on your neck and shooting my bow to save your life. I was at your side the entire time, being the only one to defend you, to listen to you!”
 “I let you back into our school! Despite what everyone said- despite what Louis said, I let you stay because I knew you were our best chance of survival, even though they couldn’t see it.  But, do you know what I remember the most?”
“Violet, I-”
“I remember when the raiders finally got here and the bomb went off. Everything was so fucked. They already had Omar and I saw them knock Aasim out and throw him in the cart, too. But before I could even think, I saw you fall off the balcony... Lilly point her fucking gun right at you. And I stopped her. I tackled her to the ground.”
Violet stands.
“I saved your life.”
Clementine remains still, even as Violet advances towards her, slowly, one step at a time. 
“And I remember looking for you.”
They’re barely a footstep apart now.
“And you just let them take me.”
“That’s not what happened,” Clementine protests.
“Then, what did happen, Clem? Why didn’t you save me?” Violet spits. “Because I have a pretty good idea.”
“What? Vi, I told you, it wasn’t like that. I didn’t have enough time or a clear shot-”
“Bullshit,” Violet says. “Tell me the truth.”
Clementine searches the fury held in Violet’s eyes and finds she can’t speak. She opens her mouth, stuttering. 
Violet leans close, whispering.
“You chose him.”
The words hang in the air between them.
“You chose him,” Violet repeats. “He wanted you gone after AJ shot Marlon. His head was so far up his own ass that he couldn’t... He wanted to leave you out there in those woods to die. He wanted nothing to do with you or AJ. And you still chose him.”
“Vi, what are you talking about?” Clementine asks, baffled. “I- I didn’t just choose him like that, it- everything was so-”
“I was there for you, not him! And you still let them take me! Why? Because Louis batted his eyes at you and said sorry?”
Now an angry warmth spreads through her now, melting the terrifying ice into liquid anger. 
“You don’t know what you’re talking about.”
“The fuck I don’t! You two barely said a word to each other the whole time we prepped-!”
“What? That’s not true-!”
“-and then we play some stupid card game and you’re suddenly putty in his hands? Suddenly you have feelings for him? You decide to play that stupid piano with him instead of preparing for our fucking doom? Like fucking around with him was more important than our lives?”
“That’s not how it went down and you know it!” 
Violet lets out an angry groan, turning around and kicking at her bed frame. “Just admit it, Clem, you let them take me because you cared more about him!”
“Don’t twist it around like that!” Clementine glares. “I tried to save you both! And- and I went with him that night to play piano because I needed some comfort-”
“-and I couldn’t go through the raider attack without seeing if there really was something between us! I had feelings for him before everything with Marlon and I needed to know if he felt the same way. I wasn’t going to have that regret with me! And- and when I saw them grab him, I didn’t stop to think, I just shot. I couldn’t let them take him-”
“Oh, but you were happy to let them take me?”
“No! I saved him but that doesn’t mean I didn’t try to save you or anyone else!”
“Raiders were everywhere and then the walkers came in! I did the best I could to try and protect as many of us as possible!”
“Well, you did a shit job.”
Clementine’s nails bite into her palm as her fists tighten. Her heart is hard in her chest, it’s beat vibrating throughout her entire body. 
“I’m sorry that they got you, Vi, I am. I always will be, but there wasn’t anything I could do except plan to save you. We all risked our lives to go back for you!”
“You should've just left us.”
“How can you say that? You’re here, alive, and at home because of what we did!”
“So? You have no fucking idea what it was like on that ship, Clem. What they did to us.” Violet turns back to face her. “What they did to Minnie. They threatened us with inhumane things like it was nothing- Like we were nothing! Just dogs ready to be mutilated and thrown out if we didn’t sit down and roll over!”
“Then how can you say that I should’ve left you?”
“Because at least I would’ve had Minnie-”
“Violet, you were there when she admitted to killing Sophie! You were there when they tried to cut Louis’ hand off! When they took AJ away! They threatened you! And you still tried to stop me from breaking out! We’d all be dead if I hadn’t done anything and you know it! That wasn’t the Minerva you knew! How could you-”
“Do you know what it’s like to lose someone twice? Someone you loved more than you could ever love yourself? No, you don’t! Minnie never would’ve let them hurt me-”
“You really believe that? After she murdered her own sister?”
“She protected me, told me how to be safe while I was locked up! She stayed beside me for hours while Lilly-” Violet sucks in a short breath, biting her lips and squeezing her eyes shut. “...All you ever did was abandon me when I gave you so much. I never would’ve left you.”
“If that’s the case, then put yourself in my position,” Clementine says, glaring. “If it’d been you with the bow, and you had to try and save both me and Minerva, what would you have done?”
For the first time in several minutes, the room’s quiet.
Clementine steps back to steady herself. “You already know your answer. You would’ve tried to save us both but you also know that you would’ve tried to save her first. I wouldn’t hate you for that.”
“It’s different- I loved Minnie-”
“I loved Louis-”
“You barely knew him!”
“I barely knew you!”
“It’s not the same thing, Clem! You may love him now but you didn’t love him then, so don’t even try and pull that shit with me!”
“Fine,” Clementine crosses her arms tight over her chest. “Fine. Let me ask you this, then: Who would you have saved if it was me or Louis?”
Violet turns her back to her, still shaking with resentment.
“You can’t answer that, can you? Because it wasn’t a choice like that. When you look back on it, it seems like it is… but in the moment, that's not what it is.”
Violet says nothing.
Clementine’s throat is sore, and her chest aches. Frustration wets her eyes. Her head, filled with so many thoughts and so many emotions, feels ready to cave in under the pressure of the room.
“...What do you want me to say?” Clementine whispers.
Violet shakes her head. “There’s nothing you can say. What’s done is done. It doesn’t change anything. It doesn’t change that I thought you cared about me more than you really did.”
“I did- I do care about you, Vi. Why do you think I’m here?”
“Because Louis sent you.”
“No, he didn’t.”
Violet scoffs.
“He didn’t,” Clementine reassures. “I’m here because I want to be. I meant what I said, Vi. I miss you, and I want us to be friends again. I know that’s asking for too much, that you will never forgive me for what happened. But, I’m sorry. I’m so, so sorry, Violet. I hate that I can’t just talk to you like I could before. I hate that we can’t play stupid card games together with Louis. I hate seeing you hide away from everyone. We all miss you.”
Violet faces her again with an unreadable expression.
 “Okay, Clem,” she says slowly. “Say I forgive you. Say we work this out and become friends again. We’ll play our stupid card games and have a grand ol’ time.” Violet shrugs her shoulders, weakly motioning to her. “Everything’s all sunshine and rainbows. But, what happens when a new set of raiders come knocking on our doors?” She brushes her bangs out of her face, holding her hand against her head. “What happens when they break in again and I need your help?”
“That’s not going to happen.”
“No? It’s not?” Violet gives a dry laugh. “Let me tell you what’ll happen, Clem. I’ll look for you and you won’t be there.”
Clementine closes her eyes and lowers her head. “You- You’re not listening-”
“You’ve made your choice,” says Violet. “And I won’t be hurt again because of it.”
She moves to the window, peering out. Clementine watches her with nothing to say. Truly, what could she say to make Violet understand?
“Most days, I hate him, too.”
“What?” Clementine asks.
“Did he ever tell you what happened? After you knocked Minnie out?” Violet peers over her shoulder at her.
“That you guys jumped into the water before the boat could explode.”
Violet turns back to the window and runs her finger over the glass, smudging it. 
“Minnie was out cold and I couldn’t wake her up. I refused to leave her and Louis refused to let me stay. So, he carried me. I kicked, punched, screamed, scratched, bit… anything I could to get him to put me down. Got him right in the chin a couple of times, made him bleed. And he just wouldn’t let me go. He dragged me out and just… tossed me overboard.”
Violet sighs, pressing her forehead against the glass. 
“Do you know how cold the water was that night?” she asks quietly. “Or how many walkers there were?”
Clementine doesn’t answer.
“…He left Minnie lying there on the boat.” 
Clementine knew that.
Louis confessed it to her one night after one of his nightmares, how they could’ve saved her from the explosion, how he tried so hard to convince Violet to get up but once the boat started rocking, got scared and threw both of them overboard.
What Violet didn’t know- at least, Clementine assumes that she doesn’t know- is that Louis looked back at Minerva, a guilty thought nagging him to bring her, too… only to find that it was too late. 
That woman, the one Louis has nightmares about, got to Minerva first. 
He cried about it until he physically couldn’t anymore.
Even though Louis hated her in those last moments, hated what Minerva had become, he still occasionally wept for the girl he used to know.
“Know what he told me? After we got back?”
Clementine almost doesn’t hear her she’s so quiet.
Violet smiles, actually smiles. “He said he loved me. Called me family.”
Clementine’s lip curls, just a bit, into what could be a smile, as well.
Until Violet says, “I hate that he loves you.”
“It drives me insane, the fact that you love each other. He thinks the world of you, y’know. He never talks about you when he’s with me, but I can just see it on that stupid face of his. He fucking adores you. You and AJ.” She goes quiet. “You’re his family now.”
“He still loves you, Violet.”
“I know,” she murmurs. “He tells me all the time.”
“So, why do you hate him? Because of Minerva?”
“Sometimes… but honestly?”
Clementine risks taking a few steps closer.
“Because now I’m no one’s first choice,” she whispers. “He’d pick you first, always. He proved that after we escaped… after I attacked you. He didn’t even hesitate.”
After the delta ship completely sank and they all regrouped, Violet had lunged at her, knocked her to ground. But, she didn’t stand a chance, not with everyone there. Not even with the knife she’d stolen off of Clementine. 
“I’ve never seen him do that. Even when Marlon threatened you, he hesitated.”
Louis stepped in front of her, shielded her from the distraught girl she once called a friend. They yelled at each other and he was ready to wrestle the knife away from her if words didn’t work.  
Thankfully, it never came to that.
“I’ll always be taken,” Violet’s voice cracks.
It takes the tears spilling over to make Clementine realize she’s actually crying.  Her first instinct is to reach out and grab her, but then Violet turns and glares at her again.
“You got what you wanted. We talked. I don’t think there’s anything else left to say.”
That’s far from the truth. There’s still so, so much more.
I wish I could take your pain away.
I wish I could have saved you, too.
Louis loves you. Tenn loves you. I love you. We all love you.
We miss you.
You don’t have to be scared.
You don’t have to be alone.
And, of course, the whole reason for this.
Violet, I’m asking Louis to marry me tomorrow.
But, she doesn’t say any of those things.
Instead, she wipes tears off her cheeks.
“I’ll never let anyone take you again, Vi,” she musters up all her confidence. “We’re family.”
“...You need to leave.” Violet turns her back to her one final time. “We’re done.”
She doesn’t want to, hesitating, waiting for Violet to change her mind.
And when she doesn’t, she leaves.
Mitch is there, right next to the door with a sullen expression. There’s no doubt in her mind that he heard nearly every word spoken between them. 
The door closes with a soft click.
 His hand touches her shoulder gently. 
“You okay?”
She shakes her head. 
“It’s late,” she says. “I- ...I think it’s time for bed.”
Mitch nods. With a comforting hand on her shoulder, the two head down the hall.
They stop when there’s an anguished scream and the sound of broken glass. 
Clementine whips around and dashes for Violet’s room.
The door flings open and Violet runs out. She goes in the opposite direction, turning the corner and out of sight.
“Violet!” Clementine calls.
Mitch stops her from going after her.
“She’s probably going to Tenn’s room,” he says. “Best not to get in her way.”
Mitch watches her as she rubs at her tired eyes and pushes all the air out of her lungs in a heavy sigh. She looks over into Violet’s room. The cause of the breaking glass sound is evident on the floor. From here, she can see it’s a framed photo of Violet, Minerva, and Sophie.
“Look,” Mitch says, “I’ll follow her and make sure she gets to Tenn fine, okay?”
She glances up at him and tries to smile. “Thank you.”
He pats her shoulder one last time before going down the hall.
Now, she’s alone in the middle of the hallway with a lump in her throat and an overwhelming desire to be in Louis’ arms. 
The lantern lights up the dark dorm in a warm hue. Louis is sitting on their bed, eyes drooping as he attempts to read the book in hand when Clementine comes in. 
“Hey, there you are,” he says with a smile, setting his bookmark in before closing the book. “How was watch?”
“Anything exciting?”
“Not. Nothing exciting.”
Something’s wrong. Clementine won’t look at him and her voice is raw. Setting the book aside, Louis gets off the bed and approaches her. She keeps her back to him as she takes off her hat and slips off her jacket. He places his hands on her shoulders, lightly turning her around.
Now that he’s closer, the redness ringing her eyes is much more prominent.
“It wasn’t a great end to the night,” she admits quietly. 
His warm hand grabs hers tenderly. Her chin quivers.
“Hey,” he pulls her closer, only for her to bury herself in his chest and hold onto him for dear life. He holds her tight, running a comforting hand along her back. 
“What happened?” he asks. 
She shakes her head. 
“I talked to Violet,” she murmurs against his skin. “About everything.”
Louis’ eyes widen.
She doesn’t say any more. He doesn’t need her to.
Moments later, the lantern's off and they’re in bed, laying side one another in comfortable silence. Neither can sleep, so Louis grabs her hand to trace the letters of her name on the back, then her palm to make her laugh. 
"That's cheating."
"So you lose."
"Oh, so it's only okay when you cheat?" Louis laughs.
She plants a tender kiss on his chin, right where his scar is.
His eyes flutter shut. A grin remains on his lips.
Tomorrow is so close.
“Louis?” She whispers.
“I love you.”
He doesn’t hesitate.
“I love you, too.”
14 notes · View notes
lnc2 · 5 years
i’ve been having dreams
Summary: Delirious and heat-stricken, Ladybug searches for Chat Noir and stumbles upon Adrien instead.
Adrien stared up at his cavernous ceiling, making shapes in the plaster and moonlight, reciting physics formulas in his head and doing his damnedest to keep his thoughts from wandering.
He couldn’t sleep.
Not entirely unusual these days, but annoying nevertheless.
Plagg said it had something to do with the miraculous.  At least, the parts of it that weren’t induced by his hormone-ridden adolescence. Which, really, was just an additional kick in the balls.  Being an alpha was difficult enough as it was– did his body need to add lack of sleep on top of it all?
But even if he wasn’t seventeen and less than a month away from his rut Adrien knew he wouldn’t be sleeping.  Not after he’d made such an ass of himself.
What was it about pretty pheromones that turned him from an otherwise perfectly rational being into a stuttering, forward fool?  He’d questioned his kwami on the matter, red-faced, head buried into his pillow as he tried to smother the memories from his brain, but Plagg only laughed at him.
“You’re a young kit, yet.  It gets easier.”
Which, while relieving to know, did nothing to quell the horrifying memories of the last twenty-four hours.  Raging hormones aside, he knew better than to let his mouth run away from him.  Or at least he thought he did.
But how else could he explain propositioning not one, but two of his dearest friends in less than a day?
The first he could probably forgive himself.  Adrien had been stupid in love with Ladybug the moment she stood up in front of the whole of Paris and told Hawkmoth to fuck off.  His heart was always running away with his tongue. Add in her pre-heat pheromones, sluggish hugs, and sleepy-eyed chatons it was hardly a wonder he’d gone and put his paw in his mouth.
It was the end of patrol, a patrol his lady really should have skipped out on judging from her smell alone, and she was curled up into his side, head resting in the curve of his neck, hair tickling beneath his chin and wreaking havoc on his nerves.  The smell of marigolds, wet soil, and rain filled his senses like a heady bouquet and he swore the most lavish gardens in the country had nothing on her .
“I’m so tired,” She murmured, eyes closed and nearly dozing.
“Far be it from me to send you away, but maybe you should head home, bug?”
“Don’t want to,” She said, turning her face into his neck, breathing deep.  “Comfy. Smell good.”
Chat’s ears were as hot as her breath on his skin.  “C-could say the same of you.”
“Pfft.” She sighed and he shivered.  “This heat is going to suck, chaton.”
“Mmm,” Ladybug pulled away, eyes half-lidded as she looked out over the city.  “My alpha friend. The one who usually stays with me?”
Chat nodded, trampling the ugly, prickling sense of jealousy that crept up every time her other friend was mentioned.  By all accounts their relationship was platonic. But that didn’t stop him from wanting to track her down and tear her out for getting to spend Ladybug’s heats by her side.
“She’s out of town.  I’m gonna be a lonesome bug.” She fiddled with her hands in her lap, shoulders curving inward.  “I’ve never been alone for one before.”
It was the pooch of her lips that did it.  The slight downturn of the smile he loved, the insecurity in her voice.
How could he help himself?
“You could spend it with me.”
“What?” He blinked, horrified.
Ladybug pulled away from him and his tail twitched at the distance as she stared at him, more alert than she’d been in over a week.
“Did you just…?”
Chat grabbed at the edge of the roof, suddenly feeling very small.  He couldn’t meet her eyes as he asked, “Would that be so terrible?”
The silence was so thick he could feel it as he waited for her answer.  Chat nearly jumped out of his suit when one of her hands found his and clasped it in her own.  Risking a look at her, his heart fell at the sweet rejection in her smile.
Ladybug’s eyes were soft and sad when she shook her head.  “No, Chat. It wouldn’t be terrible at all.”
Stupid.  He was so stupid.
He must of said that aloud or she read it on his face because she squeezed his hand, hard.
“It’s not that, kitty.” She sighed, settling back into his side and leaning against his shoulder.  “I know you’d never hurt me.”
Hurt her?  Never.
Bite her? Well.
But he could control himself.  He could.
It would be safe, she would be safe with him.
“It’s just a lot to ask of you,” She said and Chat heard the undercurrents as loud as her words.
It would be too close to what he wanted.  Desperately. Painfully.
And god help him, she knew it.
Swallowing down his own feelings, Chat grinned, poking at her side until she squirmed away, giggling.
“What are partners for, LB?”
“Probably not that,” She said, gentle smile for a gentle rejection.  “But I adore you for offering.”
Just not enough.
Ugh, Adrien groaned, rolling over to bury his face in his pillow.  Ladybug was even wonderful when she was letting him down. How the hell was he supposed to handle that?
But even being rejected (again) by his lady was not nearly as mortifying as what had happened at school this morning.
He couldn’t really blame his wayward heart for that mistake.
Adrien had come in halfway through the day thanks to a poorly timed photoshoot.  Doing his best to join the class without drawing too much attention to himself he slid in beside Nino and pulled out his notebook.  His friend, lifesaver that he was, passed him the notes from the morning without Adrien having to ask.
“Just let me know when you’re done,” He whispered as Ms. Bustier’s back was turned to the board.  “I need to make copies for Marinette.”
Adrien turned around to glance at their friend only to find her slumped forward over her desk, eyes barely open as she struggled to pay attention.  Beside her Rose was combing her fingers through her hair and rubbing slow circles over her back.
Alarmed, he looked towards Nino who grimaced and tore out a piece of paper from his notes. Scribbling a few words he passed it over.
Her heat is coming up.
Oh.  Adrien’s heart went out to his friend.  Having just seen Ladybug in a similar haze he knew the days just before it started could be brutal.  Hot flashes, shivers, listlessness– it really wasn’t fair.
Frowning he passed the paper back to Nino.
Should she be at school?
Nino shrugged.
Probably not. But you know Marinette.  Usually Alya is here to help take the edge off but she’s in Martinique visiting family.
Adrien grimaced.  Poor Marinette.
Heats and ruts were always rougher during adolescence.  The first few years being the worst as foreign hormones flooded the system, unfamiliar and overwhelming.  He knew from textbooks and friends that the worst of a heat’s effects could be abated by spending time with an alpha.  He also knew Marinette spent most if not all of her cycles with Alya since middle school.
God, no wonder she looked so rough.
“Would– would it help if I sat next to her for the day?” He whispered, once again glancing over his shoulder to their miserable friend.  “I’m not Alya but I could help.”
Nino looked stunned by his suggestion.  So much so that Adrien could feel his pride as an alpha bristling in indignation.  Sure he wasn’t the most aggressive alpha in their class.  He didn’t parade around with his chest puffed out like Kim or bark orders like Chloe.  But that didn’t mean he couldn’t help.
Between his friend’s incredulity and Ladybug’s rejection from the night before, Adrien wasn’t entirely sure what happened next was avoidable.
Collecting his things in one arm and grabbing his bag with the other, he stood up and mounted the steps to the bench Marinette and Rose were occupying.
“I can take it from here.”
Rose merely stared up at him in disbelief.  It wasn’t a challenge, not really. Any other time and Adrien would have recognized her stunned immobility for what it was.  As things stood, however, he took her stupor as a refusal and felt a low growl building in the back of his throat.
“Move,” He said, his voice brooking no refusal.
Rose squeaked and scrambled out of his way as Ms. Bustier scolded him for his interruption.  He ignored her and slid into the space beside Marinette. She seemed oblivious to the change as she blinked sleepily up at him.
“Let me help you,” He said, smiling gently, pulling her to lean into his shoulder.  She did so, willingly, slumping into his side with a quiet whine. Marinette smelled like warm bread, fresh flowers, and cinnamon.  It was thick around them, filling his senses.
The afternoon passed quickly from there.
It wasn’t until he and Nino had dropped Marinette off at the bakery after school that he realized he may have overstepped.
Nino didn’t have to say anything else.  The amusement and accusation were more than present in his eyes.
I fucked up.
Plagg spent the afternoon laughing at him.  Teasing him about claiming his girlfriend in the middle of class.  About how pigtails would lose her mind when she realized just who she’d spent the afternoon cuddled up against.  About what Ladybug would think.
That’s when Adrien had chucked his pillow at the kwami and told him to fuck off.
He hadn’t done anything wrong.  He’d been helping out a friend.
It wasn’t a big deal.
And yet, here he was, half past 2 am and unable to sleep.
“Arrcg,” He groaned into his pillow.  Kicking his sheets off of his legs in a futile effort to expel his embarrassment Adrien nearly missed the sound of a thump against his bedroom window.
Lifting his head, his eyes widened as they adjusted to the familiar silhouette slumped against the window pane.
No sooner was her name out of his mouth than he was scrambling from his bed, kicking his sheet-entangled foot that nearly had him faceplanting onto the floor.  He rushed for the window, knowing from the events of the night before and the way she was hunched over that she was in no condition to be navigating rooftops.
No sooner had he opened the window than she proved him right by toppling forward into his unwaiting arms.
“Oof ,” He grunted as her full weight collapsed into him.  He took several steps back, arms locked tight around her waist.
“Ladybug?”  Adrien reached up to feel her flushed cheeks.  She stared up at him through heavy-lidded eyes.  “Are you all right?”
“Sorry,” She murmured, not even trying to stand up.  “Too much.”
The smell hit him then, floral and musk and want.
Oh god, she’s reached her heat .
Panicking, Adrien searched the dark for Plagg only to come up empty.  Why did she come here ?
Ladybug shifted against him, lips moving faintly against his neck.  Repressing a shiver, it took him a moment to realize she was speaking.
“What was that, bug?”
“Chat,” She whispered and he froze.  “Need to find Chat.”
Adrien’s shoulders slumped in relief even as his heart kicked into overdrive.  She didn’t know.
And still …
“You– you were looking for Chat Noir?”
She nodded, bangs brushing against the underside of his chin. “He promised.”
As if spurred by the thought she pulled away from him only for her body to sway into the window.  She held out her hand to keep upright.
“Whoa, hey there,” He said, reaching out to steady her.  “Ladybug, you can’t go anywhere like this.”
She shook her head, slowly. “Can’t stay.”
“Well I’m not letting you leave either.”
She frowned.  “But… your father–”
Adrien shifted his hold on her and she slumped into him. “Shh. He’s out of town.”
Ladybug nodded, eyes glassy. “Milan.”
He laughed. “I’m not going to ask why you know that.”
“Know a lot of things,” She murmured.
Adrien didn’t doubt it.
Tacit acceptance secured, he slipped his arm around her waist he helped her towards his bed.  There was no way he was going to let his partner swing across Paris in this condition. She would have to stay.
It said a lot about his lady’s state of mind that she barely protested even as he guided her to sit on the mattress.  Feverish and swaying, she merely blinked at him as Adrien rushed for his closet.
“What are you doing?”
He hummed as he rifled through his clothes and linens.  Grabbing every scrap of fabric that might be considered useful, he started bringing her scarves, blankets, sheets, towels, pillows– anything soft or pretty or vibrant.  Ladybug squeaked as he dropped the first pile of material at her feet before running back to the closet. He caught Plagg’s eyes glittering at him from the depths of his shirt rack but chose to ignore him.  He had more pressing issues to deal with at the moment than his irritated kwami.
Adrien ran his hands through his hair, heart pounding.
Ladybug was here.  For better or worse she was here and she would be spending this cycle with him. Or at least the night.
 Further still, she’d gone looking for him.
Well, Chat Noir, but still.
God, if he knew she’d actually take him up on the offer he would have… well he absolutely still would have made it.
He’d dreamed of spending Ladybug’s heats with her.  Bringing her courting gifts, watching her build her den, being welcomed there in turn.  Holding her close, whispering promises, making her his. Maybe, one day, in the far flung future when super villains and school and identities weren’t in the way – giving her pups of her own?
This was not how he thought this would go.  But like hell was Adrien sending her away now.
Steeling himself, Adrien left the closet only to nearly collapse back into it as caught sight of Ladybug shuffling around his bed, fluffing up pillows and laying out scarves, head barely visible over the wall of blankets she built up to bolster the edges of the mattress.
A whine escaped his throat before he could help himself.  Ladybug looked over to him with a welcoming, sleepy smile.
“Come here.”
Legs shaking, Adrien stumbled forward to the edge of her nest.  Ladybug reached out for him from where she was snuggled under one of his many comforters and tugged him tumbling into the bed.
His blood rushed through his ears as his heart tripped into overdrive as his lady wrapped her arm around his stomach and snuggled into his side.  Her breath was hot against his skin as she took him in, deep and even.
“Sorry,” She said, eventually, softly.  “For invading your space. I… I really was looking for Chat.”
You found him. 
“Don’t mention it,” He croaked.
There was no sleeping now, not with the feeling of Ladybug pressed against him cheek to neck to torso to thigh.  Not with her scent, heady and thick, filling the air, drugging him. Not with her soft sighs in his ear or whimpers as he shifted– as if she thought he would leave her.  As if he could.
God help him.  He’d never know a good night’s sleep again. 
Not with these memories at least.
Long after he thought she’d gone to sleep, Adrien stared up at the ceiling and willed his poor heart to stop skipping every time she so much as breathed.  True to his promise, he remained a gentleman, making sure that any particular… byproducts... of her proximity were under control. Or at least, as much control as a teenage boy could reasonably expect when plastered against the love of his life.
Which was why, when he felt her gloved hand gliding across his chest to rest over his heart, he nearly launched himself off the bed like a scared rabbit.  Fortunately, his pheromone drugged reflexes were slow on the uptake and he didn’t dislodge her too much.
Either way, Ladybug didn’t seem to notice as she buried her face in his neck and breathed, long and deep.
“Thought about this,” She confessed.
Ladybug nodded. “Having you with me.”
Adrien suddenly found it impossible to swallow.  “M-me?”
Her fingers tightened at the fabric over his chest.
“Mmm, you.” She said.  “And Chat.”
“Chat?” He squeaked.
Ladybug frowned, eyes closed.  Some part of him, the part she hadn’t just shocked senseless, wanted to pull her closer, kiss away the furrow between her brows.  Fortunately or not, Adrien found he couldn’t move at all.
“Won’t happen,” She sighed. “Don’t think Chat could share.”
No, he absolutely could not. 
Then again, she wasn’t asking him to.  Not really.
“You never know,” He said.  “He might surprise you.”
Ladybug hummed, happy.  “Hope so. Would be nice.”
“Y-yeah?” He looked down at her only to find her smiling up at him.
“Two alphas?  My alphas?” Her eyes slipped closed and she nuzzled into him, lips brushing just beneath his ear.  “Lucky.”
Adrien would laugh if he didn’t feel like crying.
She’d be lucky? 
Ha. Hah.
Being considered her anything was enough to shut him down completely.  Only natural when every thought and feeling and wish his heart ever hoped to want was wrapped up in the woman who was currently wrapped around him.
His heart pounded, heavy and sluggish beneath her hands.
“I’d like that,” He whispered, finally. “Being yours.”
Adrien had been thinking of Ladybug as his for so long when all he really wanted to be was hers.  He was hers.  Whether she wanted him or not he was hers.
And she was here. 
Even when she didn’t know where to go, she found him.
His arms tightened around her shoulders, hugging her closer.  He could tell from her breathing that she was asleep. He also knew, from experience, that her transformation wouldn’t make it until morning.
Plagg floated out from his hiding place, green eyes inscrutable as he took in his charge.
“You sure you’re ready, kid?”
Adrien didn’t know.
He didn’t know if he was ready to find out who was on the other side of the mask.  He didn’t know if he was ready to wake up to blue eyes and sleepy smiles and revelations.  He didn’t know if he was ready for Ladybug to know how deeply and truly fucked he was over her.
But as she shifted into him, face buried in his neck, hand resting over his heart,
he knew he was ready to find out.
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livayl · 5 years
dusty libraries are a wonderful thing
A very friendly hello to the Marya & Amaziah Anon and of course to everyone else too. :) This is a light, not very plot heavy allergy story. For me it´s kinda self indulgent because: The whole thing is basically a big sneezing fit (stifled and not) wrapped in a longer allergic prelude and accompanied by a more than slightly intrigued Marya. Hope you still like it and please only reblog to other sneeze-kink blogs, thank you. :)
Warnings: Some uncovered sneezing that does not hit a person but some books. No actual mess but lightly described spray. The little "bonus" dialogue at the end was more for my own weird self (my sense of humor sucks) but I kept it in anyways. * the gasped out part means something like “oh please not again”. 
Normally the old and eerily quiet library wasn't a place Marya would choose to reside in for too long. It was a vast room with a high, dome like ceiling and up reaching walls that were buried by almost infinitely towering up shelves heavily burdened with ancient knowledge, weighted down by time.
Although every surface was meticulously cleaned, amber colored maple wood glossy and smooth, the air seemed to be infused with it as well: It had a really dry, chalky quality to it that was palpable in taste and sight: Even the smallest incidence of light illuminated finest dust particles in their infinite dance from one remote corner to the other. Sky blue eyes followed as they were floating teasingly between the maze like aisles shadowed by bookshelves.
In all it´s muted width filled with way too much in depth wisdom, the library seemed to be the perfect home for its dusty, antique occupants. The reserved, echoing silence was something that made the young Alchemist feel misplaced like an item stored in the wrong shop. Thus, she did her best to avoid the extensive premises as much as possible. But today Maryas uncomfortable stay seemed to be rewarded as it appeared that the spacious room had its own inconvenient effects on her companion despite all the carefully taken measures to avoid them. 
With progressing time it became clear that Amaziah, usually fitting in perfectly with all her withdrawn wisdom and ancient power, seemed increasingly bothered by the dusted atmosphere. What had started as a fleeting discomfort and a swift scratch here and there had soon grown to a sensible irritation. Over time the Archmages senses had become increasingly itchy, her sinuses so vexed that her already narrow nose had swollen shut. It was hard not to pay attention to those softly parted, pallid lips. Not to listen to each wavering catch of breath. 
Marya watched as her Lovers thick, raven lashes started to flutter and blur her sight that had lost its focus. Sharp, black laced knuckles came up to itch an already blushed nose that crinkled in distaste. A sudden inhale demanded a stalling press of fingers against a quivering septum followed by a shaky, relieved exhale. The elegantly structured, cloth veiled hand then rose even higher to rub another prickle out of teary, glassy eyes before it was lowered and placed mannerly again. That highly unusual display of softness was pure indulgence mixed with a present intimacy reserved and displayed solemnly to Maryas  presence. It warmed her heart while making other things inside her flutter eagerly. Never-ending moments of quiet, concentrated reading later the intrusive particles started to take their toll on that handsome, refined nose again. Tear shaped nostrils widened and prolonged themselves even further, exposing the already shiny septum a little more with each irritated flare.
Marya shamelessly watched as Amaziahs contoured brows knit together almost angrily and her eyelids closed with all black feathery hairs resting on pallid skin. Then she swiftly brought her gloved hand up to pinch her trembling nose shut between thumb and index finger as the long overdue sneeze finally overtook her and turned an otherwise delicate mouth into a sharp snarl. Preluded by the most restrained inhale it was barely detectable in sound but seized and shook her whole frame forward. The mages knees almost bumped at the tables underside as her upper body crumpled over the lectures. Right after the first one came a sudden gasp that mingled with the still lingering achy aftermath. Nostrils stubbornly opened even further against silky fingertips as Amaziahs still sealed lips turned downwards on the edges. The Archmage shook her head in frustration, her breaths already deepening, shimmering obsidian strands of hair that had been loosened by the previous outburst followed the motion. Regrettably the pleasant view became obscured as Amaziah turned sideways to forcefully stifle against the crook of a shaking arm. "hhheh-kdnxxt-ugh" Not loud enough to produce a far reaching echo the failed restraint was still clearly audible, sounding strained this time as well as followed by a wet, productive sniff. "Gesundheit my dear..." Marya whispered while gently rubbing Amaziahs back.
"Pardon me... Would  you- snfff- uh- mind if I blow my nose?" "Of course not, silly." Marya snickered and planted a kiss on a cool cheek. " Also, there´s no need to withhold yourself." She added. Her hand was still resting on her Loves body as she felt her take a deep breath to softly blow into an ironed handkerchief- genteelly silent and one side after the other. The action had been very polite, probably too much so because it did little to clear her sinuses of the persistent itch.
Amaziah could feel it travelling deeper, growing more urgent again and frowned in dismay. Her handkerchief clad fingers were already on their way towards pinching that misbehaving appendage again as a gentle grip around her wrist stopped it. "Hey! No hurting yourself again." Marya said sternly. "Y-youhh just want to listen and wa-haah- HA-DZSCH!" Amaziah tried but was interrupted by the too fast peaking sensation that resulted in an uncovered, barely stifled and spraying sneeze. "Aw... Gesundheit." Marya giggled in response, still captivating the mages hands. "Yes I like watching that. But I don´t like it when it´s painful for you." "And Ihhh- I don´t like or neheh-need everyone hearing me." Amaziah responded, face all scrunched up against the mounting sensation. "But I love hearing you very much." The younger elf whispered and pecked a playful, feather soft kiss atop her Loves twitching nosetip. 
This small little provocation seemed to be enough to push the Archmage over the edge, deep into a much needed fit. Marya watched fascinated as Amaziah angled her upper body slightly to her unoccupied side, titled back her head and sucked in a deep breath- so urgent she could feel the tension bleeding through the enfolded hands. "AH-ERSSSCH-uh! HAH-ERRSCHHHiuh!" The double had been loud, creating an expressive echo, the second sneeze more unrestrained and wet than the first. The released translucent mist accompanied the fine clouds of dust languidly floating around in rays of sunshine. "Gesundheit! Oh- again?" "I´m sorry" came the gasped reply in an unusual quavery, high pitched tone that got almost drowned in the already starting build up. "HahEERSCHH-ue! Heh- HAH-AESSCHHh-uh! oh-*iyn var alnaiy - Huh-EEERSCHh-ah! -EHSCHUE!- EISSSCH!- ERSSCHh-iuh!" This time, the sneezes had started harsh, slightly drawn out and violent only to shorten to increasingly urgent outbursts that messily tumbled above each other towards the end. Marya had given up on holding hands and instead gently hugged and comforted the distracted mage.
"Aw poor darling... Many, many blessings to you, my sweet. Now you have me a little worried." She cooed while caressing Amaziahs side and tucking back hair that had now floated out of a loose bun completely. "Excudse mde..." Came a stuffy and hoarse whisper. "Shhh, it´s all good... But I think your medication is wearing off... How about I get you outside a little?" "I´m ndot dodne here..." "Oh yes you are for now... I can barely understand you. Come, get up. I´ll take the scribbles for you." 
Amaziah blinked away allergic tears, her gaze wandering from the badly affected scrolls to Maryas warm and loving expression. "I´m snnrff really dreading to explain how and why I ruined those..." She mumbled embarrassed. "Pfft!" Marya could not help but laugh loudly. "Surely Cailean will be very understanding."
Unfortunately for Amaziah her normally timid and forbearing scholar and librarian did seem more shocked by that unusual incident than sympathetic. Cailean had already been drawn closer to the Archmages study by the unmistakable sounds resounding through his workplace often equated with a personal sanctuary. Turning around one of the narrow aisles he nearly stumbled into the two women. About to address his concerns Cailean had started to question Amaziahs well-being as his gaze located the sloppily rolled, stained ancient scrolls in Maryas arms. The sight made his green eyes widen incredulously behind delicate, gold framed glasses.
C: "What in- pardon my tone... Your grace, may you tell me what happened to those? They are all smudged, blurred and... Filthily wet?" M: *suppressed chuckling* A: "That... Was an unfortunate accident." M: "pffft *laughs*"
C: "Pardon me again but how? You always handle all books and  exhibits with so much care. And never bring something to drink or eat with you." A: "Of course not, that would be neheh-negligent. Is the damage repairable or have I done a permanent ha-harm to the scrolls?" C: "I´m positive that I´ll be able to fix most of it easily but- " A: "Hah-kngxt-uh!- huh- apologies." 
C: "Anvael ci na´eve, your grace. Are you- hold on. Did you sneeze on them?" A: "...No?" 
M: "Maybe a little? But like, several times?" C: "..."         C: "Well, I did overhear something a few minutes ago..." A. "..." C: "How inappropriate!-... Of me... To forget... Providing enough handkerchiefs next to your desk..." M: "Yes you really should be ashamed of yourself, Cailean." A: "..." <- is really ashamed of herself. C: "I really should..."
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clauderiegan · 5 years
A Spring Surprise [bruno/kiran]
(Bruno in a bunny suit is doing strange, strange things to Kiran's heart)
"Are. You. Serious?" Kiran gaped, open-mouthed at the sight before him.
"Believe me, this was not my first choice of costume either."
Kiran went red, unable to take his eyes off the Emblian Prince now wearing one of the bunny costumes Askr used in their Spring festivals. He'd been hoping so long for Bruno to arrive back in Askr, but this? This was almost too much for Kiran's poor heart to handle. The other looked unfairly good in white and purple and Kiran was fighting down the mad urge to pet the other's ears. Bruno huffed, fluffy rabbit ears swaying in the breeze as he crossed his arms.
"You may blame Loki for this. I had no part in this, I assure you."
"You look so, um-"
"Ridiculous? Laughable?" the other supplied, eyebrow raised above his mask.
"Cute" Kiran blurted out.
Oh Naga, why had he said that?! He spluttered, instantly mortified as the other looked bewildered.
"You think this outfit looks good on me? I can't say the same..." Bruno said slowly, looking down at the white and purple silk.
"Well, um, purple is your colour! And er, the ears are kind of charming... it makes you look less intimidating!" Kiran assured him, trying not to trip over his words in his embarrassment as he rubbed the back of his neck.
Bruno's lips quirked up slightly at that, amused.
"Perhaps I desire to look intimidating? Who would be scared of a rabbit?" he replied.
"A carrot!" Kiran grinned, laughing as the other sighed and buried his face in his hands.
This wasn't quite what he was thinking of when he wanted Bruno back in the Order, but right now he wasn't going to complain too much. He could totally handle this.
He couldn't handle this. He was infinitely wrong in his assessment of his ability to handle anything that was going on right now.
"So warm..." Bruno mumbled, popping open the top of his shirt, his slick toned chest peeking through the white silk.
"I-it is, isn't it? Kiran replied, willing his eyes away from the sight with determination and wondering where his life went wrong.
Having Bruno around was both a blessing and a curse; the Order was complete again with his presence for the first time in years. Kiran hadn't seen Sharena, Anna and Alfonse so overjoyed in quite a while; he knew how much the Emblian meant to them both as Zacharias and as Bruno. And after hearing so much about the mysterious Zacharias, Kiran was finally getting to really know him as a person. His likes, dislikes, favourite book genres, the way he'd wrinkle his nose when he was embarrassed, the beautiful script of his handwriting and the low timbre of his voice whispering healing incantations-
Hence the crux of the matter; Kiran was completely, unbearably enamored with him. And seeing the object of his affections in a bunny suit, murmuring about how hot he was while rolling up his sleeves to reveal the most beautiful arms he'd seen on a man was going to send Kiran to an early grave.
He sighed, resolutely keeping his eyes in front of him and away from the man on his right. They were winning this battle quite handily, but there was always the chance for a mistake - hence Bruno's presence as a backup healer. Still, Kiran was slightly beginning to regret having stationed him right next to Kiran in the hot spring sunshine.
"Is something the matter?" Bruno inquired at the other's pensive gaze.
"Ah, it's nothing. I'm just getting a little hot in this coat! Maybe I shouldn't have turned down Sharena's offer to wear a lighter coat for the event" Kiran replied, not untruthfully.
"You have no plans to dress as a rabbit? I feel the look would suit you, Kiran."
"M-me?" he said, taken aback at the teasing smile on the other's face.
"Yes. You're always resplendent in a white coat in the first place. I feel one look at you with bunny ears on would raise any unit's morale" Bruno replied, smile now dangerously genuine.
'Kiss me you beautiful man'  thought Kiran.
"I think Camus might need a bit of healing over there" is what he blurted out instead.
"Ah, you're correct. Well, consider it at the very least, Kiran. The season only lasts so long..." Bruno said readily, before mounting his steed and riding in the direction of the knight from Grust.
When he was sure the other had ridden away, Kiran buried his face in his hands and groaned. Of course he had to fall for a blood cursed prince of another kingdom, not anyone in his league! Silently cursing his taste in men, he continued to watch the battlefield with his heart lowly fluttering. He had to get his shit together and soon, or he wouldn't be able to look the other in the face.
"Autumn seems to be almost upon us."
"You were right about Spring ending so quickly" Kiran replied absent-mindedly, watching the orange and brown leaves slowly drift towards the ground around them.
It had been months since the Spring Festival had ended and Kiran was slightly less flustered at the sight of Bruno in his seemingly eternal bunny suit. In truth, he hadn't had time to feel much of anything other than anxiety. The warm hues of Spring had faded and so had the high mood of the kingdom with the menace of Hel looming over them. Patrols had been more frequent around the castle town, with the army of the dead appearing with little notice or warning. Kiran was running ragged and the last few withered leaves falling to the ground seemed to represent his mood perfectly. He'd been ruminating out in the castle's garden feeling sorry for himself when Bruno had appeared by his side, taking a seat next to him on the worn white bench.
He eyed the other, wondering what the other had approached him for.
"Is there something I can help you with?"
"I was planning to ask you that, Kiran. You cut such a lonely figure out here I felt like I had to make sure you were alright."
"Pfft, thanks. I'm fine, just a bit sleepy" he said with a smile, running a tired hand over his face.
"I'm hardly surprised. I've seen you run around the entirety of Askr in the last few weeks." Bruno commiserated, moving closer to the other.
"It has been stressful lately. Problems seem to be popping up all over the place, Hel has some bullshit immunity we can't figure out how to crack yet, we're in need of new heroes but we don't have the resources..." Kiran listed, feeling more fatigued as he went on.
Bruno nodded silently, not saying anything. Kiran hunched over, suddenly feeling overwhelmed. Naga, what WAS he going to do? He wasn't a military strategist, he wasn't royalty and he was way over his head. Veronica and Bruno were still cursed. He'd failed to save Gunnthra and he was almost entirely sure Fjorm was lying about her sickness not getting worse. And now Hel?!
"I just have this crazy, sinking feeling like I'm not ready for what's coming."
"You're not alone, Kiran. You have the Order and all the Heroes by your side, myself included. Do you think we would let you fall?"
"My failures are my own" Kiran replied quietly, hands clenching.
"And what of my failings? Of deceiving you and the entire Order to facilitate my own suicide?"
"You had a good reason for doing that, even if it wasn't the right choice! I barely know what I'm doing at this point..." he mumbled, downcast.
Kiran looked up, startled at the gentle gloved hand on his knee. Bruno smiled back at him, expression beautifully soft as his hair fluttered in the cool Autumn breeze.
"You have what it takes, Kiran. Do you think so many of us who stand behind you believe in a fool? Do you think I put my life in your hands believing you won't take care of it?"
"That's not what I meant! I trust your instincts, but..." the summoner stuttered, bright red.
"I came here for a reason. I believe in your strength, your wisdom, your compassion, your brilliant light-"
Kiran didn't get to hear the rest of what talents Bruno thought he supposedly possessed, because he was entirely too busy kissing him.
It seems the warmth of spring had not yet faded.
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365runesofthesystem · 7 years
NM Road Trip Hell of Courting Prompto!!
Yes, I love that. Probably gonna do a tag for it. Already did. BOOM.
But please enjoy and it is on AO3 as well.
Fandom: Final Fantasy XV / Relationships: Noctis/Prompto /
Tags: Prompto. Noct. REcognizing, Ignis, Gladio, Game of Hide-n-Seek, Fishing, Camera Loss, Poor Prompto, Poor Noct. Late Nights
Chapter Nineteen: In Recognition, There’s Always Hell.
Everything had been going well.
They had managed to get back to Hammerhead, get the Regalia, Noct even got to drive for a bit before Ignis decided that neither him nor Prompto were allowed to touch the wheel and they had gotten to Galdin Quay.
They got reserved at a hotel, managed to get their potion stock good from their disaster and actually managed to handle some hunts that didn’t leave them half-dead.
It was a good day.
But because the Astrals ha something against him - or someone - the day instantly went off a cliff in the matter of a few minutes.
It had happened when they entered the ocean-side cafe.
Two girls were walking out, their teenage years shining through with their loud voices and even louder fashion sense.
Noct was already pretty sure he could grab a headache from them passing.
They had walked through, casual clothing for the trip so no one would spot Noctis out and about and decide to kill him with love or hate.
Prompto ha opened the door, swinging around and winking at the girls, bowing with the door open in a flourish. Everyone had waited, the girls giggling as they nodded a thanks to Prompto and looked at the rest of the group.
One girl caught Noct’s eye, her face smiling for a second before confusion began to set in.
Noct saw it, knew it for what it was, and instantly ducked inside the place, passing everyone and making a beeline for the bar area.
Prompto plopped down next to him, Gladio and Ignis beginning to order.
“Dude, what was that?”
Noct looked back, seeing the girls move on down the road, and sighed, laying his head down on the bar.
“Nothing. Just a little paranoid I guess.”
Prompto nodded, patting his head and glancing back too.
“There there, princess. Why do you think Gladdy Daddy is here?”
Gladio must have shot him a look because Prompto waved someone off, his face smiling brightly.
After a moment, his slapped his back, getting up and pushing Noctis off his place.
“Come on, time to eat.”
They moved to a booth farther away from the entrance, Noct sliding in first and Prompto sliding in next to him with Ignis and Gladio on the other side.
Their food came relatively quick and soon Noct had almost completely forgotten about the girl, picking out the vegetables from his burger and handing them to Prompto, who took them willingly.
And then the girl was back, her phone out as she searched the diner, her eyes falling on Noct’s once again.
Recognition lit up her face as dread hit Noct like a punch.
H swallowed, his appetite instantly gone.
Ignis cleared hit throat, pushing Gladio out of the booth as Prompto grabbed Noct’s hand and pulling him out behind him, already making his way to the back door.
Gladio and Ignis weren’t following and Noct knew that they were probably just waiting for the girl to stop her and explain the situation.
Somewhere in the world, the gods were laughing at him as he heard the girl scream,
Prompto threw open the door pushed them both threw, slamming it close just as the cafe broke out into chaos.
It took five hours, the sun setting, Prompto throwing out at least five cameras, and the group going through the longest game of hide-and-seek that Prompto never wanted to play ever again.
And he was almost sure that every single part of his clothing was filled with sand.
Just my luck
It landed them hiding under the pier in one of the more lonely place of Galdin Quay, the location meant more for silent fishers than rowdy tourists.
Both Prompto and Noctis were hunched over, gulping in the sea air, Prompto looking at his screen, reading the last text he got from Ignis.
“It would seem as though me and Gladio are being watched. We got to the hotel but Gladio is currently taking care of the tag-a-longs. It would be best to find your own lodgings for the evening or at least wait a while longer before returning.”
Prompto sighed, stuffing his phone into a pocket before looking over at his friend.
“Seems Iggy is still playing mouse for us. Plus. Though, we no longer have a room to sleep at. Minus. So good news is we are still at a neutral Zero,”
Noct groaned, his body slouching more but not totally giving up to the sand.
Prompto patted his back, giving his friend a moment before looking out.
The moon was already shining, the sky is a deep blue with a few stars pushing out and shining.
It was beautiful, despite everything else.
He reached for his camera, realizing a minute too late that he ha used it to throw at one of the paparrazi that had gotten too close to his friend.
Noct came up, his face a deep frown, his eyes completely bathed in remorse.
It broke Prompto’s heart, seeing his friend so down.
Because of him.
He smiled, waving him off as he grabbed his phone.
“Dude no worries. I have no regrets.”
Noct sighed.
“You better not. You almost hit the guy with that throw. I am sure your camera is very offended.”
“Pfft, no way man. All its idea. We totally planned it.”
Noct chuckled softly, his breath coming out as a bare laugh as he shook his head and Prompto counted that as a win.
He snapped a photos, sending them to Ignis with a thumbs-up and too many emojis that he knew Ignis would enjoy.
He nodded and turned back to Noct.
“So what to do now?”
Noct shrugged, his smile disappering as he stuffed his hands into his pockets. After a second, he frowned, slowly taking them out, bits of sand coming out with them.
“Somewhere without sand?”
Prompto chuckled.
“Come on! It is part of the fun! The aesthetic! Galdin Quay! The only place you can get covered in sand without being on the beach!”
Noct made a face, his mouth twitching back into that smile but not quite getting there.
“I can do without the aesthetic. Maybe instead we can get a room somewhere? Take a bath?”
Prompto frowned, patting his pockets.
“Sorry dude. Unless you wanna use the emergency fund? I’d say we wait to go back to the hotel.”
Noct groaned.
“Then what do we do!?”
Prompto thought for second, before his eyes caught something on the water.
A string was reflecting the moonlight, shining as Prompto found the red ball bobbing in the water.
He smiled, looking back at Noct.
“Dude, I got it.”
Ten minutes later, they were both on the pier, Noct’s fishing supplies taken out from the storage whatever and out in front of him, the man checking his rod and string as Prompto sat a bit away, his legs hanging from the pier.
A man, who had just given the boys a quick nod, was the only other person there, more than willing to just stay and fish.
Noct sighed in contentment, his eyes looking out for a minute before he prepped and then cast, his line hissing through the air before hitting the water with a tiny bloob.
Noct sat, his mind already in fishing mode.
Prompto watched, keeping one eye on Noct and another on the pier, making sure no one decided to remember the hunt and come after him.
He turned back, looking over Noct again when he saw it.
That tiny smile that even Prompto rarely saw was ghosting his face, the moonlight hitting it just right. His eyes were bright with excitement and pure joy for doing something he loved, especially after the hell day.
It filled Prompto with that sickly sweet feeling, the one that filled his heart, warmed his cheeks and made him break out into a smile.
It was the perfect look for him.
Prompto slowly brought up his phone, taking a burst of photos as he stared at him.
Just my luck
Ignis woke up to ten different text messages, all from none other than Prompto.
Five of them showed different fish that Noct had managed to catch, both of the boys’ faces filled with excitement and tired joy.
Each caption had the simple question: Do you think you could cook this Iggy?
After that was one of Noct falling asleep while fishing, one of Prompto getting a selfie with the sunrise, one of them in some hole-in-the-wall diner, with coffee and the caption: One the house! And two of random things Prompto must have felt the need to photograph.
Ignis sighed, letting the smile sit as he ran through the pictures one more time, looking over to where the boys slept, cuddling against one another. The last message was sent just two hours ago, putting them at just barely knocking out before Ignis rose for the day.
He shut his phone, his mind going through the adjustments they would need for the day, giving them a few more hours of sleep.
Just this once.
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sarah-bae-maas · 7 years
Tumblr media
Another ToG fic for my overwhelmingly ACOTAR blog! 
If you'd like to see more I have a masterlist you can check out! 
She was home.
She was still broken, still fighting, but at least she was home.
As she stood on the balcony of her childhood palace in Orynth, thin sheath swirling around her in the breeze and hair loose on her face, she didn’t know whether the snow and pine she could smell was from the mountains in the distance or her mate beside her.
“Fireheart,” He said soothingly.
“I know.” She choked. “I can’t, Rowan. I can’t think. I can’t do it, I can’t punish Aedion for this. He’s hurting. He didn’t mean to. Gods, why did Chaol demand this? What right does he have-”
“He is the Hand of the King, and although I disagree with his decision to call for a punishment, it is within his right to do so. If someone attacked you like that, I would have done the same.”
Aelin cringed at his words. Rowan claimed he would do the same, but Aelin knew he would not. No, Rowan would have justly dealt with the problem there, rather than inciting the fury of those around him. Now, not only where the people scared for the war, but they were scared that the Crown was too unstable to handle the aftermath.
Her mind kept replaying the scene in her head. The bustling crowd, the sound of Dorian’s nose as Aedion broke it, the screams as people ran from the blood, Chaol bellowing that Aedion needed to be reprimanded for touching the rightful King of Adarlan.
“If it is any consolation, I don’t believe Chaol was thinking straight when he called for the council to give a formal punishment.”
“But it’s not the council who has to decide,” she sobbed.
Aelin had scarcely been home. After Rowan and the others had saved her, and subsequently defeated Maeve, she had been welcomed into Orynth. After all, she gave them their army, and they never even knew she had been gone. That was a story she would share after the defeat of Erawan – right now she needed their full trust and revealing it had been a shapeshifter in her place for so long would definitely work against her.
It was so much so quickly. Aedion was not someone she could control her emotions around, and she suspected that if her mate hadn’t gathered her in his arms after her first sob, then she would be on her knees uncontrollably upset.
She clutched at Rowan’s shirt and pressed her face into his warm chest.
“Talk to Aedion, Fireheart. I can come with you, if that’s what you want. His punishment won’t be a grave one, it can’t be even if Chaol and Dorian wanted it with all their hearts.”
Aelin sniffled and rose her head. She was hit with the full gaze of his green eyes, and his look alone gave her the strength to stand on her two feet again. “I’ll deal with Aedion.” She breathed. “You should check on Gavriel. I don’t want any slit throats over this, and I worry for anyone who threatens his son.”
Rowan’s hands were tight around his waist, and before he let her go he pulled her in closer and kissed her. It wasn’t frantic, like their kisses had been when he’d found her, but they also weren’t the kisses a content husband and wife might have. It was the grey in between. Just enough for her to be satisfied for now, but never enough for long.
 Aelin dressed in clothes more appropriate for public, and wandered down to the cells where Aedion was being mandatorily kept. It had not been her choice, she had nearly rioted when they took her cousin from her, but it was decided by the lords.
It was cold in the tunnels. The cold of the night had infiltrated the space and left it so chill that every bone in her body was rattling. Aelin hated that she was cold. Hated that she couldn’t warm their home. But her magic was depleted and healing, and Rowan assured her that these things would take time, and she needed to be at her best for when they face Erawan. She knew he was correct, the buzzard usually is, but it still cut her when she saw Aedion curled on the gritty stone floor of his cell.
“Don’t look at me like that. I’ve survived much worse.” As Aedion spoke, Aelin could see the air turn frosty from his breath.
“You shouldn’t be here in the first place. None of this should have happened.”
Aedion smirked at his cousin, and sat up. He crossed his legs and leant back on his hands. “Tell me, Aelin, and what should have happened instead? The prince was out of line-”
“King, Aedion. Dorian is a king and you should address him as so. I don’t agree with you being here, but your actions today were disrespectful and detrimental to our cause.”
“Pfft. Poor Dorian. Did he get some dirt on his precious hands? Maybe not having a hair stylist with him at all times is affecting him more than we originally thought.”
“Aedion Ashryver!”
“Don’t use that tone with me, your majesty. This is all just a ruse anyway. Do you really think I believe there will be any sort of consequences for my actions? Hurting me would affect any Terrasian more than the precious prince. I was here, Aelin, all those years caring for our country, and not a single person here doesn’t know it. The Havilliards are pure evil. What they have done to us, to our family-”
“This needs to stop! You can’t keep taking your political frustrations out on Dorian when it was his father-”
“I know Dorian a hell of a lot better than you do, Aelin.” Aedion snarled.
“That is not at all true! If I didn’t think that he was different, that he was good, do you really think I would help him regain his throne in any way?”
“You seem to forget that I knew him for years before Celaena ever did. The only time you ever knew him was when he was either using you to regain his crown or when he was trying to get you into bed.”
Aelin banged her hands on the iron bars of his cell in frustration. “I thought we were past this Aedion! I thought after I was gone-”
“Gone? Gone?! You weren’t gone Aelin, you were taken. You sacrificed yourself, and didn’t even have the decency to tell us. Don’t you think I would have liked to have known that the only family I have left was going to do that to herself? Or that the only reason the woman I love would ever touch me is because you whored her out? What about Rowan? Do you really think that he would’ve ever recovered from losing you? Have you ever thought about someone other than yourself?” Aedion jumped up and met her at the bars. His lip was pulled back and teeth bared in an animalistic show of anger.
Looking at her cousin, at his obvious pain and suffering… Aelin understood now. Understood that his anger at Dorian wasn’t anger at the king at all. Her eyes stung, and she couldn’t help the tears that fell.
She reached a hand through the bars and soothed back his hair – tucking it behind his ears. His brows furrowed at her touch, and his mouth went slack.
“I’m sorry.” Aelin whispered. “I never wanted to hurt you. I love you so much.”
With one hand Aedion held the hand on his face, linking their fingers and squeezing. With his other, he, too, reached through the bars so he could wipe away her tears.
“Please don’t cry Aelin.” Her tears were making some of his own appear.
“This is all my fault, and I know that now. But Aedion, please, you must stop taking it out on the people around us. I know I’ve hurt you in irreconcilable ways, and I will never forgive myself for the pain I’ve caused you, but this is a time when we all need to come together. I know you and Dorian have had your differences in the past, and it needs to stop. He is a changed man,” a smile appeared on her face, “he’s no longer the fine lady we knew as a child.” She laughed lightly, but it was interrupted by a sob.
Aedion pulled her forward, as much as he could with the iron between them, and gave her the closest thing to a hug he could.
“Whatever happens tomorrow, my fiery cousin, I know that you are doing it for our people, and that your punishment will be just. I love you too. Even if you are stubborn as a mule.”
Aelin stood on a podium in front of a crowd of hundreds, excluding the Bane that had also gathered. There were civilians and nobles making up the brunt of the crowd, all curious as to what the lost queen would do to Wolf of the North.
On her left was Rowan standing tall and proud. Now that she was here, actually her and not just Lysandra in her skin, they had announced their marriage properly, and much to the disdain of some of the lords of Terrasen. Aelin refused to hide her love for him, as she refused to hide her love for anybody. Not now. Not anymore. Not ever.
On her right was Dorian and Chaol. Somewhere, hidden among the crowd, Aelin was sure Manon and her Thirteen were stalking around. Where Dorian was, it seemed the witch always followed.  
Chaol had the nerve to look nervous. The night just passed Rowan had spent an hour convincing her as to why she shouldn’t be mad with him, and eventually she had let her anger at him go. Thank the Gods she had Rowan to keep her grounded.
She may not be mad at him, but she still didn’t think he had the right to be nervous about an event he orchestrated.
“After an incident yesterday involving the General and the rightful king to the throne of Adarlan, I am here to bestow his punishment.” Aelin started her speech.
The rustling crowd grew silent, all wide eyed and focused on their future queen.
“Aedion Ashryver is a hero to this country. Even in the direst of times, the darkest of our days, he did everything in his power to defend our people against the tyranny of the late king. Without his efforts in the rebellion, an unspeakable amount of lives would have been lost.”
There was confusion surrounding her speech. It did not sound like a declamation for a man who was going to be penalised.
“But.” Aelin turned towards Dorian and held out her hand. He took it unwaveringly and stepped closer to her side. “Dorian Havilliard deserves respect as much as Aedion does. His Majesty fights bravely not just for his own country but also for ours. He is not his father, and he will help us win this war.” Aelin bowed her head to Dorian and released his hand. “That is why there must be retribution for his actions.” It killed her to say it, but she also believed in her words. No more lying – not from her.
“For attacking the king of Adarlan unfairly, I hereby decree that Aedion Ashryver forfeit his landholdings in Adarlan to the king to use for whatever purposes he seems fit. That is all.”
Aelin spun on her heels, making her green dress flow around her elegantly as she strode away from the platform. Rowan was instantly at her side and offered his elbow as they went down the stairs that led to an entrance to the palace behind them.
The others quickly followed.
Once they entered the palace and no one was in hearing distance, Aedion grabbed Aelin’s elbow and spun her to look at him. “You do realise I don’t own any land in Adarlan, right?”
Aelin scoffed. “Of course I know that. Good thing is, they don’t. Problem solved.”
“Problem not solved!” Chaol shouted. He stormed up to the pair, red faced and seething. “How in any way does this fix anything? Gods Aelin!”
Before Aelin could reply, Dorian swaggered up to them with a wide smirk on his face. “I think it was quite genius.”
Chaol turned to his best friend, utter disbelief written on his face. Dorian’s smirk did not falter though. Looking at Dorian, you would never have known that the previous day he’d had his nose broken. Between Rowan’s healing magic and Dorian’s, the bone had healed and not even a bruise was left behind.
“This way the public knows that we stand as a united front, but also as people who do not see each other as being above the law. It humanises us. It also means that any internal conflicts we have with each other won’t fester as much as it would otherwise.” Dorian turned his blue gaze on Aedion. Surprisingly, the two did not glare at each other. “Past aside, you are my friend Aedion Ashryver. And I will prove to you that I’m not my father.”
Aedion hung his head and shook it. “You have. Many times over. It is I who needs to change my attitude.”
Rowan came up behind Aelin and wrapped his arms around her waist. He rested his chin on her head and she held onto his arms.
Progress. They would need to act as one to defeat Erawan, and it seemed they were heading in the right direction.
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