#my plan is to draw all the smooched but I’m shit at finishing stuff so who knows
cthaehart · 2 years
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A couple of smooches from my favorite asoiaf fic!
Before Your Judgment by lionoftarth 🧡
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littlegnoblin · 3 years
Happy Valentine’s Day to my best friend and other half @donestiel
read on ao3
Dean comes home from work to find Cas and Jack sitting at the table, red heart-shaped lollipops strewn in front of them. 
He gives Cas a quick kiss. “You trying to give the kid a sugar rush or what?” 
“Daddy! It’s for Valemtime’s Day!” Jack yells excitedly, hopping off his chair to hug Dean’s legs.  
“It’s pronounced valentine, Jack.”
“I don’t know, valemtime kinda has a nice ring to it,” Dean says. Jack beams up at him and he can’t help but ruffle his hair. 
“Yes, well, the holiday has become so bastardized that I suppose renaming it wouldn’t hurt.” Cas squints at the box the candy came in. “Does no one find it odd that their children are passing around cards demanding others belong to them?”
Dean sits down and pulls Jack into his lap, flipping through the little pink cards. “I don’t know that you’re supposed to think about it that hard, dude.” He comes across a card that reads ‘kiss me’ and holds it up. “This, on the other hand-- they’re five, what the hell do they need to be kissin’ for?”
“I want kisses!” Jack protests. 
“You’re a little kiss monster.” Cas leans in and presses a big, exaggerated smooch to Jack’s cheek. “How was that? Did it satisfy the beast?”
Jack giggles and nods enthusiastically. 
“Hey, I’m gonna need to sample one of those kisses myself. Make sure they’re regulation-- standard procedure.”
“Is that right?”
“‘Fraid so,” Dean says with a shit eating grin. 
He’s expecting a goofy kiss like the one he gave Jack but Cas uses his thumb to tilt Dean’s chin just so and kisses him deeply. 
They break apart when two tiny hands push at their faces and Jack tells them to knock it off. 
“This is what Valentine’s Day is all about, champ. Besides, I thought you liked kisses.”
“You guys do it gross.” 
Dean smiles and bounces his eyebrows at Cas, who rolls his eyes but can’t hide the small curl of his mouth. 
“Perhaps your father will help you write your classmates’ names on the cards while I get dinner ready.”
“I can cook,” Dean says quickly. The thought of Cas’ last attempt at cooking has his stomach churning and he’s pretty sure feeding that toxic waste to Jack would be considered child abuse. 
Cas holds up a cardboard box. “It’s frozen pizza.”
“Alright, I’ll do babysitting duty. Just make sure you take the plastic off this time.”
“It’s not babysitting when it’s your own child and that was one time.”
“One time too many,” Dean mutters.
“I’m sorry, what was that?”
“Nothing, dear.”
Cas glares at him. “I expect you to eat a healthy portion of salad along with your pizza tonight.”
“You making it yourself or is it bagged?”
The glare intensifies. 
Jack tugs on his sleeve. “Daddy, did you like doing valentine’s stuff in school?”
“Nah, it, uh-- it wasn’t really a thing when I was your age.” 
That’s a blatant lie but Dean’s not going to tell him the truth and bum him out. What five year old wants to hear that their dad didn’t do Valentine’s Day exchanges because there was barely enough money for food, let alone candy, and he never really stuck around any school long enough to get included in the holiday stuff. Shit’s depressing. 
“So you never got no cards or nothin’?”
“Nope.” Dean never got cards but he did get invited under the bleachers a few times in high school to unwrap a different kind of present. He’s not telling him that either, though. 
“That sucks. Can I have a lollipop?”
“Nice try, kid.” Dean taps on the card in front of them. “Get to writing.” 
He oversees the careful labelling of the cards, reminding Jack to double check the list of names anytime he spells something wrong and corrects a few backwards letters. They debate who gets what card and Jack complains that he has to give one to Tom who keeps cutting him in line. 
Cas rejoins them in the middle of Jack’s impassioned rant, hiding his smile behind his hand. 
“While I agree that Tom is a-- what was it you called him?”
“A butthead.”
“Yes, right, a butthead. While I agree he is a butthead, unfortunately I think you need to be the bigger person. Maybe this will even convince him to stop cutting in line and you two can be friends.”
“No way. I don’t wanna be friends with Tom.”
“You never know,” Dean says. “I didn’t like your dad when we first met, but I think he’s a pretty okay guy now.”
Jack looks at him wide eyed. “You didn’t like Daddy?”
“No way, he was a butthead.”
“It was more of a misunderstanding,” Cas explains. 
“Oh is that what we’re calling it?”
Cas lifts an eyebrow and stares him down. “What would you call it, Dean?” 
Shit, that should not be so hot. 
“Not the point; the point is that I didn’t think I would ever like your dad and now we’re married. Things change.”
Jack furrows his brows, considering. “I don’t want to marry Tom.”
Dean snorts. “You don’t have to. In fact, please don’t. His mom is a nightmare.” Cas kicks him under the table. “What! She is!”
“You don’t have to marry him and you don’t have to be friends with him,” Cas says, ignoring Dean completely, “but you do have to give him a card and some candy.” 
Jack grumbles but does as he’s told. Dean’s legs are starting to fall asleep but he’s become increasingly aware of how fast Jack is growing up and soon-- way too fucking soon, if you ask him-- he won’t be sitting in his lap at all so he silently resigns to not feeling his legs for the next ten minutes. 
“All done!” Jack yells and throws his hands in the air. 
“Sweet, now let's stick some candy in these bad boys and call it a night.”
“Wait, there’s a extra, what should I do with it?”
“Is there anyone who’s not in your class that you’d like to give a valentine to?”
Jack gasps and slaps a hand over Dean’s eyes, nearly poking one out in the process. “Close your eyes, Daddy!”
Dean dutifully closes his eyes until Jack tells him he’s finished. He slowly opens one eye and sees the pink card held about an inch from his face.
“For me?” he gasps dramatically.
The front of the card reads ‘You’re the best!’ and when he opens it, he finds ‘Daddy’ written in some of the neatest handwriting from Jack he’s ever seen. Beneath it he’s signed his name, the K backwards like it always is on his first try. 
“I gave it to you because you never had one before and also you’re the best daddy ever, who makes me yummy chocolate chip pancakes and cheeseburgers and does funny voices for bedtime stories,” Jack explains. 
Dean wraps his arms around his son and rests his cheek on top of his head, his heart feeling fit to burst. “Thank you, Jack. I’m gonna keep this forever.” And he means it. 
“Welcome. Can I have a lollipop now?”
Cas points at Dean. “He gets that from you.”
 After the valentines are carefully put away and they’ve had dinner (plastic free and edible, which Cas seems proud of), Jack gets a bath and is tucked in bed. Dean and Cas spend the rest of the night sprawled out on the couch watching reruns of Doctor Sexy and drinking beer. Party city. 
When the Doctor Sexy reruns switch to Jeopardy, Dean knows it’s officially midnight. 
“Happy Valentine’s Day, I guess.” 
They tip their bottles together. 
“I hope I didn’t disappoint you by not planning anything,” Cas says, picking at the label on his beer. 
“What? No, of course not. We never do anything. I thought we were on the same page about avoiding that shit after our first Valentine’s together.”
They both shudder thinking about the sweaty cupid ‘handshake’. 
“We are, but we never actually discussed it and I…” Cas pauses and tilts his head. “I think having Jack around and seeing the world through his eyes, experiencing things in a new way, it makes me wonder if we’re not missing out on some of the little things.”
“Hey, we appreciate lots of the little things-- like you not cooking frozen pizza with the plastic still on.”
“Okay, okay. So you sayin’ you wanna celebrate now?”
“Sam and Eileen do.”
“Sam and Eileen are saps. And they don’t have a five year old running around.” 
Cas makes a sound of agreement and softly strokes the back of Dean’s neck, sending shivers down his spine. “You make a fair point. In all honesty, I don’t want to do anything extravagant but I would like to take the opportunity to remind you how much I love you. Am I allowed to be sappy for a moment?”
Dean clears his throat. “Yeah, I guess you deserve one day to get it all out.” He puts their bottles down and faces his husband. “Lay it on me, big guy.”
Instead of looking annoyed, Cas just looks fond. “You know, it’s ironic that a man as full of love as you are is so quick to dismiss any sentimentality. You are a fascinating creature.” A thumb sweeps under his eye where he’s got permanent dark circles and settles at the corner where his lines get deeper every day. It makes Dean want to squirm but he holds still under the reverent touch. “Perhaps that’s why I never stood a chance.”
“C’mon, man,” Dean says, dropping his eyes to the couch. 
“Hush, I’m allowed, I’ll have you know. My husband gave me explicit permission.”
“Well, your husband is thinking about rescinding the offer.”
“I love you.” 
Cas says it with such conviction that Dean can’t help but look back at him, at his bright eyes and soft smile; at the evidence of his love written all over his face. 
“I love you, endlessly, Dean Winchester. For everything that you are; the good and the bad. From the moment I saw your soul in hell, so bright it was almost blinding, I knew I would never be the same. You breathed life into me, gave me meaning and purpose, taught me the value of love, and you did it all, selflessly, simply by being the man that you are.” Cas draws him close, presses their foreheads together. “I can never give back all that you’ve given me but I promise you will have my love until we are nothing but a forgotten memory, and longer still.”
Dean squeezes his eyes shut and they breath together in the small space between them. 
“You can’t-- you can’t just say shit like that,” he whispers. 
“And why not?”
“Because it’s not true, first of all.” Cas opens his mouth to argue but Dean covers it with his hand and hurries on. “You’ve already given all of that back and more. God, Cas, if it weren’t for you I’d have been dead years ago. I needed to stick around-- to take care of Sammy, to stop whatever or whoever was trying to end the world next-- but you… you made me want to live. Really live, not just survive, you know? I fuckin’ love you, man.”
Cas pushes Dean’s hand away and presses his lips against Dean’s fervently. 
When they finally break apart for desperately needed air, they both pretend they aren’t sniffling like little girls. 
“You happy now? Can we go back to not doing this?”
Cas laughs. “I hadn’t planned on making it quite so emotional, I apologize. You always bring out the most in me.”
“Ugh, enough,” Dean groans, shoving Cas’ smiling face away. “You aren’t allowed to say anything even approaching romantic for the next twenty four hours, capiche?”
“I can agree to that, as long as I’m allowed to give you a gift later.”
“I thought you said you didn’t plan anything?”
“It’s nothing big.” Cas’ fingers sneak under Dean’s shirt and trail along his stomach, dipping to his waistband. “I just happened to walk by Victoria’s Secret and see a pair of pink satin panties in the window.”
Dean’s heart beats a little faster. “Oh yeah?” he says breathlessly. “Not gonna lie, that seems more like a present for you.”
Cas hums and leans over Dean, forcing him to lie back on the couch. “Well then I suppose I’ll just have to do whatever you want while you wear them.”
When he kisses him he tastes like cherry candy and Dean thinks could learn to like this holiday. 
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Thoughts/ Background The Deathly Hallows Part Two
The introduction music is so haunting. The castle in all its glory is haunted by dementors and fog. Snape is solitary. Everything is singular and empty on the grounds. The only color we see at Hogwarts during this time is during the final battle when McGonagall pushes Harry out of the way, and we see that flash of fire from her wand. That’s when you know stuff is about to kick off.
Griphook sounds so lost as to why Harry would bury Dobby. The divide between creatures and wizards, between goblins and wizards has gotten so great that neither side even thinks to assume that the other possesses even the smallest hint of kindness or humility. This is a fic all in itself.
What are the goblins stake in the sword? What is with the mention of the tiara in the books? I feel like Rowling had more to say about this topic, but for some reason she didn’t.
I hate that Fleur seems to be so meek in this movie. I want her to be this badass fighter chick, the kind of person who the Goblet of Fire would chose once again to play one of the most challenging games ever, the kind of person who would leave her country and family for an amazing opportunity and adventure, but her character wasn’t given much time or space to be free to show itself in that manner.
Wandlore is super fascinating. Is there a book about wandlore? Like a companion book like Quidditch Through the Ages? I feel like there should be.
It looks like that is a quilt patch behind Harry’s head. It would have been a gift from Mrs. Weasley.
It always bothered me that Luna was just like, “Yeah, I’m going back to school.” They just locked her butt up in the dungeons, and then she decides to go back to a school where the people who locked her up are currently in power and could torture her for information about the whereabouts of Harry Potter, the person she literally just escaped with. I think, that’s why this scene was cut from the final cut of the basic DVD versions.
Ron is so quick here to be like, “They suspect us. They suspect us.” But the silence doesn’t go on for that long. It feels like someone with such an iron gut gets antsy really quickly, and not antsy like sweating a bit, but antsy like he’s about to start crying. It just seems weird. One of the basic security measures to the bank might be that they have like a gas that leaks through that makes people feel paranoid or something like that. You want to get 200 galleons out, but what happens if you get robbed on the way out the door? Better to only get 100, thus keeping money in the bank under the goblins eyes. It would help keep out thieves as well, petty and otherwise.
None of the other goblins think that something is off with the behavior of this one goblin who seems to be in a positon of authority?
Goblins are keyed into the various vaults? Which means that they could seal them at any time as well, right? Is this in the books?
Hermione, baby, your Gryffindor is showing, and it is SEXY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Lol
Those goblins are like, “Assume the fire breathing position.”
You can see how deep down they are. And I know this isn’t real, but to think that that dragon would have only had that small opening of real light shining down on it all that time is truly depressing.
Litearlly, they all deserve to bite it after what that dragon was put through.
“And he’s homicidal.”
“We plan, we get there, all hell breaks loose.” I feel that.
I always assumed that Voldemort when to Gringotts and killed the goblins. But no, he summoned them to Malfoy Manor, and then killed them. Why would he do it like that?
That mirror is rectangular, but I always envisioned the mirrors as being circular.
Why does Aberforth tell them that the Order is finished? He knows that it isn’t. This whole speech of his is very demoralizing. But Harry dgaf…..
This, “I trusted the man I knew” attitude is why Harry named one of his children Albus Severus.
Hermione is the one who asks questions of Aberforth, and yet, he directly responds to Harry. I always thought that was odd.
And Aberforth has been helping them the whole time? Then why the speech?
Neville badass Longbottom.
Another nod to the books.
I wanted some more information about what was going on in Hogwarts while Harry, Ron, and Hermione were on the run. I wanted to hear more about what Dumbledore’s Army were getting up to while the others were hunting horcruxes. There were tasters of it in the book, but I would have loved to have had more of it tbh.
Fact: Neville’s plant from five is the mascot for the Hogwart’s resistance.
“She gots lost of those, hasn’t she?” This line from Seamus at the very beginning of this movie just made it so perfect. This movie is a gosh dang masterpiece.
Snape had such a hard job. I mean, I know people hate on Snape, and I can understand their reasoning, but I have a soft spot for the man. Maybe I read too much fanfiction because fanfic!Snape and canon!Snape are two very different individuals.
Harry’s name among these students is the stuff of legend. The way they all look around and start talking carries that spark of hope that good rumors sometimes have.
Harry, “Perfect timing group.”
People back up when Harry faces Snape. People move the hell out of dodge when McGonagall draws her wand.
Snape takes out the two Carrows behind him before he apparates out of the school.
Padma gets zero dances at the Yule Ball, and then Voldemort invades her mind. Great.
Pansy, my darling, there is a time to speak and there is a time to stay silent. Read the room.
Filch, ditto.
Why do all of the magical, “evil” Slytherins allow Filch, a squib, to lock them up?
Even the portraits are getting out of there.
All the kids in the background are completely flummoxed.
Say that five times fast. No, say it once without messing up and you get to be bff’s with Maggie Smith.
This spell is sick, this music is sick, McGonagall is a queen. When I saw this in theater, my skin got goose pimples. “Do your duty for our school!” It is just so amazing, and iconic. This whole scene makes me feel so empowered, and pumped like I’m about to head into battle, like I’m about to defend my home and my life.
My thoughts on the diadem and the other founders objects can be found in a post that I made. My thoughts are strong, and though they aren’t canon, they are still unspoken canon.
Voldemort is like, “I was about to monologue. Why you speaking to me?”
“You okay, Freddie?” Don’t come at me like that, writers.
We all died laughing in the theater when Ron said that. “Harry talks in his sleep.” Harry only speaking parseltongue when around snakes theory is still enforced when you think about the snake Pettigrew sneaking around the whole time.
Exactly why the fuck does Remus need Tonks more than her small child? I never understood this line, and I never liked them as a couple. Thought the book version was creepy, and the movie version unrealized.
Some movies really don’t need to be split into two for the ending *Divergent trilogy* but this one really benefitted from having two films. I wouldn’t want this huge battle scene and character plot and humor to be lost.
No one thinks to cast a spell to catch Neville??? This is like the first flying lesson all over again.
Go, Mr. Weasley, you are on fire.
Kingsley, whip their arses with that fancy shit. LET’S GO!!!!!!
Harry reached out to Ginny first. This movie is so lacking in any real chemistry between these two actors and characters that it is almost painful. This is one instance, that I never noticed before, that makes all of their other interactions less cringey to watch.
Neville almost died on that bridge. He might as well tell Luna how he feels. I love this and can fully ship canon book couples with canon movie couples at the same time. Thank you very much.
That kiss between them is so weird. I just can’t.
Hermione in this scene is proof that men rattle your brain with smooches. Lol
So, if you are using the room of requirement for something, and someone who already has been in that same room, and wants it for the same reason that you do, they can get in as well? But not if they want it for the same reason, which is why Umbridge couldn’t be get it in Order of the Phoenix.”
There are so many Easter eggs in this scene in the ROR. You can see a chess piece from 1, pixies from 2. It just enforces my headcanon that the house elves use the ROR as a sort of dumping ground for the random stuff that they find at the school.
Harry is so gosh dang blasé about seeing Draco again. He’s just like, “What’s up, dude?” He is not concerned in the slightest that he has three wands pointed at him right now. They are just causally chatting about whose wand each other has got.
The statue of the pig right behind Harry and Hermione. It would make sense Voldemort would try to totally remake Hogwarts, and I think that would go into removing those odd little things that make the castle a bit quirky. The castle looks bleak and unnaturally bland compared to the other movies. It would make sense that he would want statues of hogs also taken out.
You see the lanterns that Slughorn had at his Christmas party.
Why is the fire morphing into different animals? The phoenix attacks Draco, Blaise, and Goyle, the tiger chases Ron and Hermione, and then the snake goes after Harry. And then they all converge on the trio? Why make it animals? Is there any significance to this? I never noticed that they were actually animals before.
Finding the brooms perfect. Saving them perfect. Killing the horcrux then kicking it into the flames. Perfect.
The music while the trio are fighting to get to boat house is so haunting and lovely and it’s like it calls to every nostalgic atom in your body.
Really, death eater, you’ve got time to stop and cast the cruciatus on someone in the middle of this warzone?
I love that Hermione was the one to blast Fenrir away from Lavender. So touching.
Aberforth, Mr. IT IS ALL GOING TO END HORRIBLY WHY EVEN TRY, has enough hope and good memories to cast away that many dementors. Yeah, he’s fake.
Voldemort just doesn’t like that Snape is taller than him.
I just wanted a touch of the friendship that was expressed between Lily and Snape in the book. Harry understood it, and said it perfectly at the end of book seven. I wanted some of that to translate to screen. It wasn’t just because Snape had some weird crush on her it was because they were friends, best friends. Ron and Harry and Hermione friendship. The next time someone comes at me with that bull I’m just going to refer them back to the facts.
This is probably the first time that Snape had ever been allowed to really look at Harry as a person rather than someone who is supposed to hate him. It is the first time that he could be unguarded around him.
Snape hired more healers. Why else would they be there? He knew that with the group in charge that as in power, that they would be needed.
I can’t stand this barrage of lost souls. It is painful, and I get flashbacks from when I read the book for the first time, and the pages were covered in my tears.
It doesn’t look like Snape even has anything in this office. It looks barren. He knew he had no time to get comfortable in his position.
That tree is beautiful.
I love their friendship. I will always love their friendship.
Look at Snape and all those books. Lily and Snape, the studious, top of their year duo with the Marauders who eschew libraries but still manage to succeed. I don’t need to think hard to imagine the rivalry. In fact, I did imagine it, and wrote some down in the thing, message me if you would like part of the thing.
Hermione knew, or at least, strongly suspected that Harry was going to have to do what he sets off to accomplish, for sure.
I love that when Harry walked into the forest to face down death that he had these people, these guardians, these people who at one point or another swore to protect this boy with everything that they have get to be the ones that are with him at the end just like at the beginning. Things are different for them, and different from how they thought it would be when Harry was born into this world, but they still kept their promise.
“Does it hurt?” This is something that a child asks. We forget that Harry, here, is only supposed to be 17 years old, that’s a kid. Added to that, you have the very real
“We’re here, you see?” Perfect.
“Stay close to me?” “Always.”
My thoughts mean nothing in the perfection of this scene.
Hagrid is still looking out for Harry’s best interest. He is the only adult worth a flip in more than half of these films.
“The boy who lived come to die.”
I know Dumbledore is like, “The man” here, and the mentor or whatever, but I would have really have liked to have the person who met Harry at Kings Cross had been Snape especially after harry had just learned the truth. Way more dynamic.
Narcissa straight up lied to the most dangerous wizard ever. She deserved that pardon for her family. All she wanted was out, and to take care of her son, and I respect that. Don’t give a dang for the rest of the world when they would gladly let you burn. Take care of number one even when number one is a group instead of a single entity.
You hear that noise when Neville picks up the hat, and if you read the books, you know what he just found. He was out there preparing and scouting for another battle, and Hogwarts rewarded him.
Hagrid carrying in Harry’s body was so painful to watch. Visually, there little death parade plus the music just puts you in this anxious state. Pinpricks.
The acting by Bonnie Wright here is superb. The lack of chemistry is not equally weighted on her shoulders.
Luna looks at Draco like she is sick. Then like she is sad. I hate it. She was wishing for something else there for sure.
The way Dean Thomas looks at Voldemort in this scene is the way that I feel about that weird af hug.
Voldemort has to restrain himself from killing Neville on the spot for interrupting him.
Neville has never in the course of these movies failed to speak when needed. He stood up to the trio in 1, and he spoke up against Seamus and nearly everyone else in the common room in Ootp. Neville stands up for what is right.
All of those death eaters are like, “Fuck! This boy came back to life again? What are the Dark Lord’s AK’s broken? Nevermind, fuck this shit, I’m out.”
That music when Neville regains consciousness. YES!
See, if Voldemort didn’t play with his food, he might have won.
NOT MY DAUGHTER YOU BITCH!!!! When I say people cheered and screamed in the theater when Molly said and did this epic shit I ain’t kidding. IT WAS AND STILL IS ONE OF THE MOST ICONIC HP QUOTES OF ALL TIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ONE OF THE BEST, MOST EMPOWERING QUOTES!!!!!!! We all want Molly Weasley to have our backs like this.
The whole ending of this movie is LEGENDARY!!!! I went to the midnight showing for the release of this movie with a bunch of other diehards, and seeing Neville cut the head off of the snake, and watching Harry finally beat Voldemort with the elder wand. I mean, we were literally just in such a state of excitement and yes and hallelujah, it was insane.
Neville and Luna. I see y’all.
Percy is talking to Arthur, reconciling.
That guy behind Cho is definitely about to shoot his shot with someone.
Filch, bless his heart.
Ron and Hermione. Harry knows. Harry blesses this union. Harry has been the number one ship captain this whole time, and now he is rewarded.
I like that Harry snapped the wand in the movie. See, if book Harry had snapped the wand, the Cursed Child would have never graced our consciousness with its heteronormative agenda. Scorbus is life. Fight me.
This series has had such a serious impact on me. I love it. I spend hours upon hours inside of this universe every day as beloved fanfiction writers play inside of it’s territory. It made me a reader. It helped me when I wasn’t sure what was next for me in life. It gave me entertainment and enjoyment, and still does. I love it, and I hope that I always will. We cling to the thought of magic because we hope that it is really, we hope that like in this world where there is magic that cannot be easily be explained exists. We hope that in our world, too, there is that same kind of magic that can wrap itself around us.
I think that kind of magic is real. I just think that we have to look for it, remember it, talk about, cherish it, and spread it around for others who have forgotten to look for it themselves. And great literature, like this series, helps us to do that.
That is why it will be remembered for generations to come. At least, if I have anything to say about it.
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noahscents · 6 years
All Night - Noah Centineo Imagine
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anonymous asked:
“If you wouldn’t mind, could you write an imagine with Noah going to braiding shop with his black gf even though she warned him multiple times how long it would be. He just wants to see the transformation. You can choose the hairstyle”
As a celebration for hitting 3k, here’s another imagine! LEGGO!
Here’s my masterlist!
Word Count: 1,424
“You know you don’t have to sit there with me while I get my hair braided, right?” You say to Noah as the cashier at the Beauty Supply scans the multiple packs of hair.
“But I wanna see the processssssss.” He says, taking your hand and whining.
“But you already helped me blow dry and straighten it yesterday.” You say looking at your amazing boyfriend.
“Duh, you tell me how your arms get tired. And you can’t see the back of your head, I can.” He says, sliding the cashier the money for the hair.
“Babe, I can-” You say.
“Girl, you know I gotchu. I need to make sure you’re looking fresh at the premiere in 3 days.” He says, running his hands through your freshly pressed hair. He stops and grabs a container of Murray’s Edge Control. 
“Didn’t your braider say she needed this?” He says.
Your heart skips a beat.
I love this man.
“Yup.” You say taking it out of his hand and paying for it.
“Hey!” He says, taking the bag of hair off the counter.
“Babe, it’s like $4.” You say, grabbing the receipt.
You appreciated that he took the time to learn all of your ins and outs, considering that you two come from completely different backgrounds. At first, you were nervous to sleep in your signature bonnet once you moved in together. But that night he held you so tight as you fell asleep, and then you came home to a new one that he bought you in his favorite color. He’s seen your hair without product in it, and even helped you comb it out. You even took him to one of your famous family cookouts, and he blended right in. They even taught him how to play spades and dominos.
He unlocks the car and you hop in the passenger side.
“I’m going with you.” He says, pulling out of the parking lot.
“Noah--I shit you not--this will take like 8 hours.” You say, looking at him. “I’m getting really small braids. Your ass will go numb.”
“Doubt it, you know I’m a thickums.” He says, winking.
“Okayyyyy.” You say sighing, “Don’t say I didn’t warn you, babe.”
Noah smirks at you, then presses the ‘Play’ button on his steering wheel and Wrong by EDEN blares through the speakers.
“but I could be mOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOORE... isn’t there MOOOoOoOoOOOoooOOORE?” He says, imitating Jonathan Ng.
You smile, then join him.
“Don't you dream of forgetting this? Have we forgotten what we want?” You say, grabbing his hand.
You two sang along to four more songs on the album until you arrived at the salon. Noah came to your door and opened it.
“After you.” He says, kissing the top of your head.
You smile and hop out.
“Thank you.” You say, taking his hand and walking toward the door. “Okay, so before we enter, I just wanna say-”
“HEEEEEEEEEY Y/N!” Your hairstylist, Tamika exclaimed, “Is this the little white boy who’s got you sprung?” 
Your eyes widen in horror, and Noah laughs.
“Hi, I’m Noah.” He says, extending a hand before Tamika pulls him into a hug.
“Noah, this is Tamika.” You say, “She’s been doing my hair since middle school, and she’s the only person I let touch it.”
“Other than me.” He says, making Tamika let go.
“You’ve done her hair? I mean, you have some loose curls, baby.” She says, running her fingers through his hair. “But, her texture is way kinkier and thicker than yours.”
“I know, I know... But she taught me how to do it and what stuff to use, so I like to help her.” He says, smiling, “One time, I even slicked it back into a ponytail and swooped her...” He pauses, drawing semi-circles by his hairline with his finger.
“What are those called again?” He says, repeating the action.
“Edges... or baby hairs.” You say.
“Right, swooped her edges with a toothbrush.” He says.
Tamika clutches her chest.
“Sis, you better keep him.” She says, grabbing your shoulder.
“I plan on it.” You say, laughing. “Now, let’s gets braiding.”
You walk over to Tamika’s chair and Noah sits in the designated waiting area. There was a Real Housewives of Atlanta Marathon on Bravo in preparation for the next season, so you were good for the next 8 hours entertainment wise. 
For the first 30 minutes, Noah was focused on your head and how Tamika effortlessly made minuscule parts and blended your real hair with the fake.
“You know what? Now that I’m seeing it happening in front of me, I understood what you were trying to explain when I asked how this works.” He says.
After that, however, he was totally immersed in the drama of the Atlanta Housewives.
“Okay, I’m sorry if this makes me a terrible person, but there’s no way that Kenya’s husband is real. And why did they bring Kim back? She adds nothing to the show.”
“Right!!” Tamika says, three quarters of the way finished with your hair. “That’s what I said. She should’ve stayed on her spin-off shows. The only thing bigger than her ego are those lip-fillers.”
“Preach!” He says, opening a bag of Organic Pistachios. “Yo, babe! How much longer do you think?”
“Ahhh, like 2 more hours.” You say.
“Mmkay, cool.” He says, unlocking his phone. You go back to watching your guilty pleasure ridden reality TV until...
“Hey guys, wassup! Guess where I’m at?” Noah says, into his phone.
Oh god, he’s on Instagram Live.
“Nope. I’m not getting a haircut, but I am at a salon with y/n.” He says walking over to you.
“No no no-” You say, but it’s too late. He already pointed the camera at you. You cover your face.
“You see this straight hair? I helped do that. But the lovely Tamika here,” He says as she waves, “is braiding my babygirl’s hair with a surgeon’s precision.” He flips the camera back around on himself, “I’ve been here watching way too much Real Housewives of Atlanta for about 6 hours and I gotta say, I now understand why you all are so in deep with reality TV shows...”
“He’s a keeper you know. He really loves you.” Tamika whispers as Noah continues his live. “I mean, most married men wouldn’t sit here all day with their wives. And if they did, it wouldn’t be with a good attitude like his.”
“Okay, so you all think Kim is ridiculous too!” He says to his livestream.
“I know.” You say, smiling at Tamika. “He’s honestly the best boyfriend I’ve ever had.”
2 hours and a semi-sore scalp later, the sun has set and your hair is finished.
“Alright, I’m gonna do get the hot water to dip them.” Tamika says before walking to the back to heat up some water.
Noah walks toward you, dumbfounded.
“Can I... touch it?” He says.
“Of course.” You say, giggling.
“This is so cool.” He says, lightly touching a handful. “I can’t wait for you to debut this at the premiere. Everyone is gonna love these as much as I do.”
You smile, then Tamika walks in with the pitcher of hot water and motions you over. She dips the ends slowly and pats them dry with a towel.
“Alright, you’re all set.” She says.
“Thank you so much!” You say as Noah comes and places his arm around your waist. “And I’ve Cashapp-ed you the fee, plus tip.”
“Thank you, baby! And it was a pleasure meeting your boyfriend. He’s a delight.” Tamika says.
“Awww, Ms. Tamika.” Noah says, placing his hand over his heart, “Bring it in!”
He hugs her, and the entire exchange makes your heart happy.
“Thank you so much for doing my baby’s hair. Now I know why she only trusts your hands... and mine of course.” He says, making her laugh.
“No problem! Now y’all have a good night!” She says, waving.
“You, too!” You say, grabbing your bag of left over packaged hair and linking arms with Noah as you walk out together. He opens your door and you hop in his Mini Cooper. He sits there in silence for a few seconds until-
“Okay, I know I said I wanted you to debut it at the premiere. But, I gotta do an Instagram live and show everyone how amazing you look right now.” He says before giving your lips a quick smooch.
You laugh to yourself and nod.
“Okay, ready?” He says.
“Mhm.” You say.
“Hey, guys! Guess what y/n just did?!”
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sanctferum · 6 years
Steven Universe – A Single Pale Rose reactions
Oh boy, time for what is undoubtably a really really interesting episode…
We start with a few things we’ve heard. Ruby’s testimony regarding Rose shattering Pink Diamond, Blue Zircon’s questions about how Rose got close to Pink, that dream flashback thing from last episode of Pearl drawing her sword. Steven’s eyes fly open and he’s on his living room couch.
Enter Pearl and Amethyst, talking about Pearl’s phone. She’s had it for a month, and she’s used it merely as a clock.
Amethyst IS the kinda person who would literally say the word “sigh” instead of sighing, yeah. That checks out.
Amethyst changes Pearl’s wallpaper to a selfie of the purble herself. Classy.
Meanwhile, Steven is about to burst at the seams with questions for Pearl. Amethyst dismisses him when he tries to interrupt her. Pearl learns how to send text messages, and immediately sends one to Steven.
Amethyst suggests getting a case for the phone. Pearl pulls a briefcase out of her gem. That’s a bit big for a phone, Pearl.
Amethyst leaves to get an actual phone case, and Steven seizes his chance.
Wow. That was awfully blunt.
Pearl’s conditioning or whatever it is that prevents her from talking about that particular subject kicks in and her hands cover her mouth and her phone drops to the floor. Good going Steven.
“It’s OK, you can just tell me!” It’s pretty clear she physically cannot tell you, Steven.
Amethyst comes back with the phone case. With the change of topic Pearl takes the opportunity to grab her phone, put it in her gem, and skedaddle, leaving behind Steven. And Amethyst, who didn’t get to give her the phone case and is very confused.
Later on, Steven is out for a walk, finishing off The Bits over at Peedee’s repurposed mayormobile stand thing. His phone makes an incoming text sound.
Wait shit, I just had an idea. Pearl can’t talk about the truth behind PD’s shattering. Could she communicate it via texting? Is that what this is gonna be?
“I want to tell you, but I can’t.” With a monkey covering its mouth emoji at the end.
Steven runs back home to ask Pearl about it. But…Pearl hasn’t used her phone since she put it away.
Pearl tries to grab her phone and check it for herself, but keeps pulling random other objects out of her gem instead. As she gets frustrated at being unable to retrieve the right thing from her gem, Steven gets another text from her phone. Another emoji. A rose petal? I’m no flower expert but that doesn’t look like a rose petal to me, so maybe not.
Pearl freaks out and tells Steven to go inside her gem and find her phone. Something weird is going on with it, and Pearl has an idea of what’s going on, but physically cannot tell Steven the details…
Inside of Pearl’s gem is…Pearl?
“There’s a Pearl inside Pearl’s pearl?” Apparently…?
The Pearl within the pearl attempts to file Steven with other objects.
Can I just appreciate that giant Pearl Point for a moment? You know, the stickers from Steven vs Amethyst, but Steven has presumably been shrunken down enough to fit in Pearl’s gem that it’s the size of his head.
And here are…a bunch of papers with phone numbers, including Mystery Girl’s. Some of them have hearts and lipstick smooches and etc on them. Besides “S”/Mystery Girl’s, there’s one from “RH”. One from “Yeva”, one with an indecipherable gmail address…no phone. Pearl switches to another segment of the filing system, where the cellphone should be. And indeed, there’s an empty space exactly where it should be. Wait, what?
“Some other me”? Is Pearl a matryoshka doll of mini-Pearls…?
After warning Steven about wherever it is these other Pearls are, Pearl sucks Steven into her gem. Now Steven is two layers deep into Pearl’s mind.
This area takes the form of the beach in front of the Temple, which noticeably lacks the house Greg built for Steven and the Gems.
“This doesn’t look like a mess. This looks like…the past.”
Right after Steven says that, he sees a third Pearl crying behind some rocks. And she looks different somehow.
Wait. Are all these Pearls…different regenerations? Which would make Pearl the current version, Pearl 2 the version that got poofed in Steven the Swordfighter, and Pearl 3 a Pearl from before the show began. I’m gonna have to check whether Pearl 2 has Pearl’s design from the original episodes…
OK, well in between that last sentence and this one, I had two doctor’s appointments as well as lunch. But I’m back! So, looking back on the episode so far…Pearl 2 has the same design as Pearl 1. Pearl 3’s design is definitely a Pearl from before the show began, though – I specifically recognize it as her design from “Story for Steven”.
So why is Pearl sobbing? It’s because of Rose, of course.
“What was she thinking?! She can’t have a baby…” Yeah, about that. Have you noticed you’re sitting next to Steven? As in, Rose quite definitely did make the decision to have a baby, and the boy next to you is the living proof that she did.
Yeah, this particular Pearl is from the past all right. After Rose’s decision, but before Steven’s birth. Those awkward nine months where it’s clear that Rose is perfectly fine for the time being, alive and well, and also clear that when those nine months end she is going to die, for good.
“I’m going to lose her. Just like I lost my…what was it you said?” Oh, nothing, Pearl 3. Cellphones haven’t even been invented yet from your frame of reference.
“I think I know where it is.” Is it…inside of your gem, by any chance? Being used by yet another of the matryoshka doll Pearls? Are we gonna have to go even deeper inside?
Where’s the Pearl with a Myspace titled “Welcome to my twisted mind”, I wonder?
Here we go!
Pearl 4’s environs are the Strawberry Battlefields. But strawberries won’t be growing there for thousands of years. This battlefield has just been recently decimated. It glows in a blood-red light, Bismuth’s abandoned weaponry and the remnants of the Diamonds’ army’s technology being all that is left.
No, that isn’t right, actually. There’s gems, too. Gems, lying everywhere. Whole gems, not shattered ones, but broken nevertheless – when they reform, it will be into the first corrupted gem monsters.
Pearl 4’s design is a new one. Well, OK, it was leaked a while back, along with stuff like Ruby and Sapphire’s wedding outfits, but in-show, I’m not sure we’ve ever seen it. We might have gotten a glimpse of it in Your Mother And Mine, possibly? That’s the only war flashback I can think of that hasn’t been shown in a stylized fashion.
“Is this really about your phone or what?!” Obviously not, Steven
Do WHAT, Pearl? Are you allowed to tell us yet, or do we need to talk to Pearl 5 to get the details?
Pearl 5 it is!
Those sure are flowers that look like the emoji sent from Pearl’s phone. And shards of what appear to be a pink gem. Is this…the moment immediately after PD was shattered?
And there’s Rose, or at least someone who has Rose’s appearance, in a cloud of pink dust, with PD’s death cry still echoing…
Rose? stands up, tears streaming down her face, as PD’s screams continue to echo. Steven approaches where she stands next to the palanquin, only to stop as Rose’s eyes open, revealing what are unmistakably Pearl’s pupils.
OK, so that seems to confirm that Pearl shattered PD, but…why is she crying? Why is she shapeshifted to be Rose? Does this mean the sword she used to shatter PD was part of the disguise, and as such didn’t have whatever adjustments Bismuth made to the real thing that prevented shattering? Was the sword a fake, is what I’m asking? Both the sword and Rose herself?
OK who is screaming? PD’s been dead for at least half a minute, this can’t still be her death cry…right?
“Rose” opens her hand to reveal…to reveal…
Pink Diamond’s gem. Huh?
Then…whose gem is on the ground? Pink Pearl’s, perhaps?
Steven begs for answers, but gets sucked into Rose/Pearl 5’s gem instead. Um. OK.
Pearl 6’s memory places Steven on PD’s throne, within the palanquin. Strange whispers echo off the walls Behind the throne, Rose and Pearl are talking.
“…And then it’ll be done. It’s going to be easy.” So…did Rose plan the assassination, and Pearl carried it out? But why not just have Rose do it herself?
And Pearl is clearly uncomfortable with the whole thing. Rose is pressuring her into it, in the belief that this will end it all, that Blue and Yellow care little enough about what happens on Pink’s colony that killing Pink will cause them to just give up the colony without a fight. Cut their losses and scram.
Well, that worked out great for you and your army, didn’t it, Rose.
“Your status…my purpose…none of it will matter anymore. This…will change everything.” “I know. Isn’t it exciting?!” “…It is.”
Sure, Pink might’ve been an awful brutal authoritarian brat who wouldn’t have cared a damn if the planet and its people died, but…there’s something unsettling about seeing Rose and Pearl get so hyped over a plan to kill someone.
“We can leave our old lives behind. If this is really my world, I want to give it to the Crystal Gems. I want to live here with human beings! I want to live here, with you! We’ll both finally be free…” But…you already are living here with human beings, Rose. And what do you mean, if this is really “your” world? It’s either Pink Diamond’s world, or everyone’s world. Why would it be yours, in particular? And aren’t you part of the Crystal Gems? Their leader, and founder, and…? This isn’t leading to some “Rose was Pink Diamond all along” kinda twist, is it? Cause that wouldn’t make sense, would it? I thought we already went over that particular fan theory with a fine-toothed comb.
“I can’t exactly shatter myself…” ??????
Rose shapeshifts into PD. Or…PD shapeshifts out of Rose? At this point, I…I don’t know.
Can…can she do that? Shapeshift her own gem? Huh?
That flower again…
She…changed the dirt into broken shards. The shards Steven found in the last memory.
“Wait…there’s one last thing I need to do. No one can ever find out we did this…I never wanna look back. So…for my last order to you as a Diamond…please…let’s never speak of this again. No one can know.”
I am so confused right now. My current thought process is something like this, though:
Pink did used to be a brat. But Earth changed her. Changed her, to the point where she wished to abandon the responsibility of her position. To the point where she fell in love with Earth and its people. Disenchanted with the gem empire and her fellow Diamonds and their plans to hollow out the planets they used as colonies until nothing but an empty shell was left, she staged an elaborate production, with both the heroine and villain played by herself. All to fake her own death and become able to live freely.
And if that’s true, the Rose Quartz who we all know and love never existed. The person who started the rebellion against Pink Diamond was…Pink Diamond. Pink Diamond, shapeshifted into the form of a Rose Quartz, creating what was essentially a façade that would stop Blue and Yellow from searching for her after she disappeared.
That’s why Pink Diamond never managed to track Rose down via last episode’s lunar base orb, in case that wasn’t clear.
And. If all this is true, Steven was right back in Your Mother and Mine. Pink Diamond, in a very real sense, is still out there, under a different name. The name “Steven Quartz Universe”.
Also, that explains how Rose’s sword could have been the “fatal” weapon. As a sword unable to shatter gems, it was the perfect weapon to use to “shatter” PD while actually leaving her gem intact. Not only does it now make sense for it to be the weapon, this revelation means that it HAD to be the weapon, due to being unable to actually shatter her.
Holy fucking shit. Of all the fan theories to turn out to be right…and even those fan theories didn’t go far enough to claim that both PD and “Rose” were the same person.
Oh, and um. Here’s Pearl’s phone. Thanks Pearl 6.
And now to go back! Pearl shapeshifts into Rose, takes the sword and leaves. “Rose” “shatters” Pink Diamond, keeping her intact gem hidden within her hand. Garnet and Pearl fight on the battlefield, as the sky suddenly lights up with the corruption blast. Pearl sadly places her hand on Rose’s pregnant belly. Pearl sits outside the temple crying as Amethyst and Garnet attempt to comfort her. All this happens in a blur, and then Steven lands on the floor of his house.
Steven and Pearl share a moment. A moment which doesn’t last very long at all. Because, well. Garnet and Amethyst are standing right there, and they just heard Steven say Rose was really Pink Diamond, and this can only end poorly.
The episode ends with a preview of the fallout. Amethyst freaks out, but in a similar way to the way I am freaking out. That is to say, she takes this a lot better than some others, namely Sapphire, who defuses from Ruby in an ice-cold rage that quickly melts into a puddle of betrayal and, tears streaming down her face from her one eye, makes for the warp pad and fucks the hell off, leaving Ruby behind.
Yeah, that’s right. The reason Garnet exists in the first place is Rose Quartz. It was an attack by Rose on Blue Diamond that lead to their first fusion, and Rose’s advice that lead them to decide to live the rest of their lives as Garnet. w e l p
And that’s that for this special, I guess? More SU episodes coming this summer.
I…suppose I need some more time to gather my thoughts before I can say anything on what just happened.
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pkmnnovareset · 7 years
*cackles* ALL FOR TIFA!
Oh my god anon are you trying to kill me b/c it’s working (JK but oh my shits 50 questions)
SO SORRY FOR HOW LATE THIS WAS OH MY GOSH there were like, a butt ton of questions so uhm… And I had to legit like, google stuff b/c i’m like “what is this????”… It definitely got me thinking about Tifa though! So thank you anyways!! :D
The Excessively Detailed Headcanon Meme
What does their bedroom look like?
Tifa’s bedroom is semi-messy with lots of hardware tools patterning on the walls, a hammer bed lamp, grey and white bedsheets with yellow lightning bolts on them. There’s a small little shelf with all her little PokeDolls lined up perfectly. And there’s another shelf with fairytale books: Peter Pan, The Jungle Book, and Treasure Island are the ones she reads the most.
On the other side of her room is a small side table with her iPod and speakers so she can play music. She tends to bring that into the workshop to listen when she works. 
The walls of her room are a slate blue and white. She also has little Electric pokemon wall stickers on the walls.
Do they have any daily rituals?
The only daily rituals Tifa does would probably be: waking up, going to the bathroom, brush her teeth, put her earrings on, getting dressed, eat breakfast and feed her/the Pokemon, and then check what she has to do. Depending on what she has planned, she’ll either be in the workshop doing some tinkering and inventing, or she’ll be out and about.
Do they exercise, and if so, what do they do? How often?
She does exercise! She does MMA and kickboxing! She will often go to the gym twice a week! She has also learned self-defence as an added bonus to her list of physical activities to do. She really does enjoy MMA and kickboxing tho, because it’s something else to keep her busy when she’s not in her father’s workshop tinkering and inventing stuff.
What would they do if they needed to make dinner but the kitchen was busy?
She’d probably ask Parsley or Cilan if there are any leftovers in the fridge. Except then Parsley or Cilan would be like “no no no you need to eat fresh food” and they’d have her sit down at the dinning table to wait until they’re finished preparing and making dinner.
Cleanliness habits (personal, workspace, etc.)
It’s somewhat messy, but it’s not clean either. She can still be able to find what she needs without shuffling around wondering where a certain item went.
Eating habits and sample daily menu
Oh man. Okay so she’s meticulous with her food and how she chews it. She likes to divide her food in her mouth in order to chew with both sides (if that makes sense?). Her meals are pretty different depending on what Cilan or Parsley makes. But she will always, always, have MooMoo Milk.
Favorite way to waste time and feelings surrounding wasting time
The one thing she’d probably do when she wants to do nothing at all would just lay in her bed listening to music. Asides from inventing and MMA, she loves listening to music. It calms her down a lot, especially if she’s getting stressed.
Favorite indulgence and feelings surrounding indulging
She’d probably eat an entire lemon meringue pie, to be honest, ha ha
Nope, she doesn’t wear makeup!
Neuroses? Do they recognize them as such?
She doesn’t have any, but she does recognize that people out there has mental illnesses. She’s not going to act as though she’s above them because she doesn’t experience what they experience.
Intellectual pursuits?
Probably one that gets her a job to invent stuff or restore old, broken down things and have them be brand spankin’ new again!
Favorite book genre?
Adventure and science-fiction!
Sexual Orientation? And, regardless of own orientation, thoughts on sexual orientation in general?
Tifa is bisexual/romantic! She believes that love is love, regardless of gender. As long as the person makes them happy, that’s all that matters. And if they’re nice to them, their family, and friends because that is also important.
Physical abnormalities? (Both visible and not, including injuries/disabilities, long-term illnesses, food-intolerances, etc.)
Nope, not that I can think of at the moment!
Biggest and smallest short term goal?
Her biggest short term goal is to start her own little side business/project in restoring old parts/machines/contraptions and such.
Her smallest short term goal is to just find spare parts to use in her next big project!
Biggest and smallest long term goal?
Her biggest long term goal is  to get a formal education on engineering in order to open up her own business!
Her smallest long term goal is probably to practice how to cook!
Preferred mode of dress and rituals surrounding dress
I’m confused about this one b/c i’m not sure if it’s like, an actual dress it’s asking, or the type of clothes she wears? So I’ll do both.
Tifa’s preferred outfits would be a plain t-shirt, overalls or jumpers, and her crop-top jacket. As long as she’s wearing anything comfortable and something she doesn’t mind getting dirty, then whatever.
Dresses on the other hand tho. She rarely wears dresses as she feels incredibly uncomfortable in them.
Favorite beverage?
She really loves Moo-Moo milk and orange juice
What do they think about before falling asleep at night?
Tifa thinks about what she can do inventing wise. Like if she’s currently working on a project, she’d be busy thinking about the parts, how to build the next bit, and so forth. It takes about an hour or two before she clonks out.
If she’s not working on anything, she’d just put on music in the background and fall asleep.
Childhood illnesses? Any interesting stories behind them?
She once ate a really bad chicken pot pie and ended up crouching over the toilet for hours on end. There was an instance where it got so bad she had to go to the hospital. Food poisoning. Ever since then, Tifa refused to eat chicken pot pie.
Turn-ons? Turn-offs?
I’ll stray away from the sexual turn ons/offs for now.
Tifa’s turn on would probably be her s/o expressing genuine interest in her hobbies and just engaging in conversation with her about said hobbies. She loves being able to share her work and her fondness about what she does to the people she cares about. Bonus if s/o catches on with the lingo and/or offers some semblance of help to Tifa in any upcoming projects.
Also lemon meringue pie. If her s/o bakes her lemon meringue pie, she’ll smooch you forever.
Her turn off would probably be if the person is acting snide, arrogant, and demeaning towards others. She hates it when people act as though they are better than others. She’s also not so keen on people being overly messy and expects her to clean up after them.
Given a blank piece of paper, a pencil, and nothing to do, what would happen?
She would start drawing out plans and blueprints for her next project probably
How organized are they? How does this organization/disorganization manifest in their everyday life?
She’s not extremely organized, nor is she extremely disorganized. She’s somewhere in between. And it doesn’t really affect a lot of her everyday life. She’ll occasionally misplace a few tools here and there (maybe accidentally putting her drink and oil can next to each other), but other than that, she’s managed to get by well enough.
Is there one subject of study that they excel at? Or do they even care about intellectual pursuits at all?
She’s really good at engineering! She’s also great at physics but she prefers engineering a lot more. And funny enough, she’s sorta okay with computer science. But don’t tell anyone that!
How do they see themselves 5 years from today?
Making lots of neat inventions, fixing a bunch of broken things and restoring them to their glory - or better.
Do they have any plans for the future? Any contingency plans if things don’t workout?
If her whole business with inventing and restoring falls through the roof, she doesn’t mind working at a garage as a mechanic! It wouldn’t be something that she’d LOVE, but she does enjoy it to a degree!
What is their biggest regret?
She doesn’t have one at the moment!
Who do they see as their best friend? Their worst enemy?
She definitely seeks Parsley and Rose-Mary as her best friends. They’re her older siblings of course, but she loves how she can rely on them from time to time!
And if we’re bringing in other fankids into the mix, Tifa DEFINITELY sees @kataang36 / @pkmngame-fankids ‘ Hannah and @sydchan / @pkmnomegaverse‘s Colleen as her best friends!
Tifa currently doesn’t see or really HAS a worst enemy so to speak
Reaction to sudden extrapersonal disaster (eg The house is on fire! What do they do?)
She’d just stare, gather her belongings if possible, and just walk up to someone to ask for help. She’d be pretty calm in the situation.
Reaction to sudden intrapersonal disaster (eg close family member suddenly dies)
Oh she’d be MORTIFIED! She hates thinking about the concept of death, so if one of her family members suddenly dies, she’d be cooped up in her room! She’ll definitely go through those how-many-number-idk stages of grief for sure.
Most prized possession?
Her pink ribbon that she wears in her hair! 
Thoughts on material possessions in general?
She appreciates them, a lot. She would be heavily heartbroken if she loses her belongings or even her tools she uses to work. But she knows that she can buy a new set of tools. Not unless they were limited editions or things that possessed sentimental values. Then that’s a WHOLE different story.
If the things she owned had sentimental value, she would just be crushed if something happened to it. Crushed.
Concept of home and family?
Home is where you feel comfortable and the most yourself. Family are people you surround yourself with.
Thoughts on privacy? (Are they a private person, or are they prone to ‘TMI’?)
She’s a pretty private person when it comes to the more intimate details. She’s shy and doesn’t really want to overshare things with people. But once you really get to know her, she’ll pour her heart out and would not be too scared to throw in some TMI things here and there!
What activities do they enjoy, but consider to be a waste of time?
Tifa enjoys knitting but she finds it a bit too much - especially since she would rather use her hands to make or fix things. But she knows that knitting is really good for dexterity so she can’t really complain.
What makes them feel guilty?
Realizing that she’s wrong in an argument, or accidentally endangering someone from one of her inventions.
Are they more analytical or more emotional in their decision-making?
It honestly depends on the situation! If it relates to her work, or if she’s being a mediator in something, she’d take the analytical route. If it personally affects her, she’d take the emotional route!
Would they consider themselves a Type A or Type B personality?
Probably Type B
What recharges them when they’re feeling drained?
Music, MMA, and lemon meringue pie!
Would you say that they have a superiority-complex? Inferiority-complex? Neither?
Neither! She’s modest in her abilities and she believes that everyone is great at something! Whether it’s one or two things!
How misanthropic are they?
Not very to be honest haha
Inventing, restoring/fixing, MMA, fixing cars
How far did they get in formal education? What are their views on formal education vs self-education?
She got pretty far in formal education, but wishes to advance more! She thinks formal and self-education are both valid forms of education! When she was younger, she had to self-teach herself a few things (with help from Clemont and some of his engineering books as well!)
Superstitions or views on the occult?
Oh she’s pretty superstitious and thinks occult/witchcraft is pretty real. She wouldn’t mess with it though, especially since she knows nothing about it. But even if she DID, she would still not mess with it. It’s not her place to tangle herself up with something that could make or break.
Do they express their thoughts through words or deeds?
She does it by words! She’ll tell you over and over again how much she appreciates you, or how much you need to back the fuck off.
If they were to fall in love, who (or what) is their ideal?
Appearance wise, she leans more towards people with dark hair. For guys, she’d prefer if they were taller than her, but she’s fine if they were shorter. For girls, she’s okay with either. Best if the person takes care of themselves hygiene wise.
Personality wise, someone who’s fun, adventerous, and not afraid of the unknown! Someone who appreciates the bigger picture in life, and someone who can stand up for themselves.
How do they express love?
She’d be shy at first, but once she warms up, she’ll smile a lot when she’s around the people that she loves (platonically, romantically or familial, it’s all the same). She’ll also give them hugs!
If this person were to get into a fist fight, what is their fighting style like?
Well, I mean, she does MMA and kickboxing so… Lol.
Is this person afraid of dying? Why or why not?
Yes. She’s afraid of death and what it brings to people around them. She hates the thought and concept of death and dying.
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katzirra · 7 years
Okay. Schedule.
Also need to see Danielle soon too because moving!!!!!!????!?!?!!!! WHATEVER DAYS SHE HAS AVAILABLE??????
... mm. Schedule is FLEXIBLE depending on who wants to do stuff with me and when this week?? So this is more of a space stuff out, and tell myself SMALL tasks to keep me from getting overwhelmed because I NEED to get shit done!!!! I NEED TO!!! GOTTA!!!! DO!!! THING!!!! As much as I can...!!
Saturday (tomorrow)
Work: 8am - 12:30pm
Do last of laundry.
Fold shirts. Please.
Clean desk.
Get sketches worked on. Please self.
See if maybe Caroline wants to watch something while I work. I really like her company but I don’t wanna miss anything with Community... it’s so DIFFICULT...
Desk will be clean, no excuses.
Make calendar up.
Work: 8am - 4:30pm
Finish closet. - Just do it. Buckle down and do it. PLEASE.
Finish draft sketches on commissions. Please, self.
Go over your budget plan. Reassurance that you’re OKAY financially and all your bills are paid is important.
Post it note on wall or desk about when all bills are due next month and how much so you can RELAX.
I’m really good at reminders to relax tbh. Sighs.
Organize makeup~ Your trays should be in~
Take five minutes to just enjoy that.
Enjoy it.
Wash your face.
Work: 11am - 7:30pm (=FUCK=)
Call dentist on lunch break.
Schedule cleaning. (Depends when I can squeeze in...)
Dye hair - potentially...? Depends how tired, and how emotions are... mm.
Or see Danielle.
Take a shower.
Day off.
Dentist appointment if possible.
Dye hair if I didn’t last night.
Work on commissions to the soothing sounds of The Lost Sounds and scream for 9 hours straight.
Or see Danielle.
Pass out overwhelmed by myself.
Work: 8am - 4:30pm
Danielle is off to Korea today I believe??  ;^; I’m so proud of her, but I’ma miss her!!
Get Bee’s commission inked.
Please have that Morpho piece inked by this too.
Hell, try and have EVERYTHING inked like a fucking good artist would by now.
I don’t know why people commission me when I’m disgustingly bad at time and depression management :))
You’re all saints and I’m sorry.
Work: 8am - 4:30pm
Screaming into the void.
Try to get most of the remaining nub commissions done....?
@saederkrupp PSSTT I need you to email me your refs of your GW cuties still. I keep forgetting to remind you and I know life has been kicking you in the pants too ;; -blows kisses-
Inking and touch ups?
Shading maps??
Shower and shave, bitch.
Work: 11am - 7:30pm (=crawling iiiin my skiiiin....=)
Stay up late, commissions. LOTS. OF. COMMISSIONS.
Try and get most of Lisa’s stuff done.
You have so much to do for Lisa.
Lisa deserves like god damn PAINTINGS for her patience.
It’s either all my straight ships make SOMEONE uncomfortable, or I just don’t have any good lady gay ships.
I hate....
I hate how picky I am with my ships period.
Draw the queen. Draw Bulmoose.
Cry over anxiety, because despite how you’re all BRUSH OFFS, boy HOWDY is it eating you alive :))
Watch a movie.
It’d be hilarious if you watched one of those three movies you keep putting off, because the irony of that tbh.
Soft yelling into Mina.
Start courting sweet, sweet lady anxiety~
Take care of any last messes around the house/bathroom/bedroom/Mina spaces.
Get my groove on with sweet, sweet anxiety~
Make sure phone is charged. I’m notorious for fucking forgetting.
Make sure you grab DS so you have something to do while you wait~
Make sure you have money for parking~
Dance a bit more with sweet, sweet anxiety~
Get my smooch on with some cute girl that’s flying in from Maine?? Pick up Becca from the airport. But for real I’m gonna smooch, and that’s hella. How mad do you think she’d be if I made an AWFUL Naruto joke sign. Because I’m not above or below that.
Discuss anything we may need to get that night in terms of food/medication/etc. because it’s what you do when people get in from flights. Airports are things, man.
Order Domino’s to pick up - cheese pizza and some cinnasticks for the cute lady.
Meet the fam.
So many smooches.
So many.
Like at least five.
Maybe six...
Like, so many. I’m obnoxious if you actually like kisses, is the kicker here folks.
Gonna do some of that gay ass cuddling shit, and some snoozing.
Hopefully I will have beaten the shit out of sweet, sweet lady anxiety by this point.
Goodnight, Moon. I’m hella gay.
4 notes · View notes
lillaxtrigger · 4 years
Young Hope: Chapter 26
Shining down upon the brickwork of an everyday city apartment, the evening sun gleams through the glass of one apartments kitchen window; the light shimmering upon the back of girl pouring a batch of cake mix into a bowl. Obstructing the light be the passing purple merc, who opens the fridge door and digs through its chilling contents; asking the baker: “You know where you keep your eggs?” “On the shelf at the top right.” the girl answers in soft, calming tone. “Right! See’em.” Following the bakers directions, Roy pulls out a trio of pure white large eggs from the depths of the fridge; holding all three of them in a single hand. The girl turns away from her bowl and to the approaching purple angel; her olive green eyes gazing to the mercs only hand in worry as she notices him having trouble clutching onto the trio of eggs; questioning if: “Are you sure you can hold them all? You look like your having trouble.” “Tsk...come on, bae, this is nothing. I’ve juggled worse shit than this. In fact...” Taking his words to heart, Roy begins to toss the large eggs right out from the palm and into the air; juggling all three of them with but his only hand. “Ye-e-eah! Look at this circus act. A whole month with just one arm and I can do the equivalent of a 6 year old’s birthday party act. Practically out showing a 20 bucks an hour clown in their own game.” While the purple merc show’s off the coordination of his single arm, the baker grows more worried as she continues to watch him juggle; standing further back and bumping right into her bowl full of batter. A few bits of the batter winds up escaping the contents of the bowl, splashing right next the merc’s feet; some of which Roy unfortunately steps in. Slipping right onto the batter causes Roy to fall flat on his back, tossing the eggs in his hand upward; soon to break all over the purple merc. Shielding herself from the splattering yolk, the girl glances down to the violet angel lying on the floor; Roy’s face showing to be covered in uncooked egg. The spilling sight draws out a charming little smile from her cheeks, a cute giggle escaping out from between her plush lips; this in turn drawing out the mercs own smile.
Once she finishes giggling, the girl reaches her tan brown hand out to the purple boy; Roy grasping her helping hand to be pulled off the floor. “Don’t say I didn’t warn you.” “Yeah...guess I kinda had it comin. Thanks Roxanne.” the merc thanks, brushing the bits of egg shell and yolk from the bakers red and brown striped spiked back bob hair. After a little giggle escapes her, Roxanne attempts to return the purple merc’s thanks with: “Don’t mention it. You just gotta be careful of where you-” Surprising the young girl, she feels the boy pull her right in and planting a soft kiss right upon her full lips; the sudden kiss causing her eyes to widen. Soon, both Roxanne and Roy break from the smooch, the purple merc discovering to have left the baker in shocking silence; Roy taking the silence with: “I know. Might be kinda early for that good stuff. But hey, we’ve been going steady on deck for about 2 weeks now. I figure why the hell not? Speaking of not waiting, I gotcha a little something?” “Huh?” the baker utters, watching as the merc strolls over to his backpack sitting in the corner of the kitchen. Plopping his backpack right on the marble counter, Roy begins to dig straight through its contents; pulling out a myriad of various objects. Items he sets aside be a couple of books, some pencils, a binder or two, a zip lock bag full of drugs, a few magical artifacts of questionable origin, a bulls heart, and a glass ball with muffling souls trapped within. “C’mon. I know I had it in here Where the hell is it?...Ha, there!” Pulling out from the mysterious depths of his pack, Roy presents to Roxanne a magnificently carved, small, glass like ice figure of the girl taking a graceful pose; surrounded by flame shaped ice enveloping her feet. Beholding the icy statue with her own two eyes, the girl could barely make a sound; left completely speechless by the figures reflecting beauty as she holds it in her hands. “Yep, it wasn’t easy to find somebody who could make never melt ice and shape it to your figure. Pretty much got lucky in all honesty. So, what do ya think? Does lookin at it make ya go “Hot damn, I look sexy as all fuck. The icy sheen really bring out my eyes and tight ass”? Bet it does, don’t it.” “I...I don’t know what to say. It’s-It’s amazing. We’ve only been going out for just about two weeks and you got me something this...beautiful.” “I thought it make up for all the sweet as hell treat you’ve been baking for me.” “I think I know just where to put it.” Saying such, the young baker walks out of the kitchen with her new icy decoration in hand; strolling straight into the neighboring living room.
Roxanne sets her newly acquired ice sculpture right dead in the center of her coffee table, letting out a small sigh as she stares upon its shinning cold surface; thinking that: “It’s still shocking that he gone through so much trouble just to get such a wonderful gift this early in our relationship. I really don’t have any idea what to say to him...Or what I will have to say to him. God, he’s just been so nice these past two weeks. I just have no idea how I’ll break it to him. I just hope that I can before its too late. I just don’t know what he’ll think of me.” “Holy fuckin jizz rockets! She is rockin that dress. Makes her breasts and butt look oh so spicy juicy…I wonder if she might be down for a threesome?” the merc ponders. “Will you quit being such a pervy horn dog for one minute and get your mind out of the whore house. You remember what your dear sister told you about taking things slow with this girl.” the goddess in his head advises. “I know, I know. A man can have wet dreams, can’t he? Truth be told, these past few week with sexy Roxy have made me happier then I’ve been in a long time. Its like a feeling that’s been dormant for a long time has risen from the depths of my dark, rustically cold soul. And rather taking the form in my indescribable pelvis pleasure pole, it boils somewhere high; somewhere more satisfying and warm...Kind of like my heart. But I forget what its called.” “Would you happen to be referring to the magically enchanting feeling called love?” “Maybe…All I’m feeling right now is some form of content. Like all is well in my little world. You know what that feels like?” “...I did.”
Returning from the neighboring living room, Roxanne grabs hold of the mixing bowl with both hands; reminding her house guest that its: “Time to get back to baking. Mind getting the chocolate chips out from the cabinet?” “Sure thing.” As the merc digs through the cabinet for his girls requested chocolaty chip, he can’t help but question if: “So you making all these sweets just to get on my sweet side; cause let me tell ya, its workin hell a fast.” “Nu uh, that ain’t it. I’m making all these treats for the team later on. Figured I’d be prepared and start now.” Setting the packet of chocolate chips down next to the stove top, Roy goes on to mentions how: “Oh right, that little team you went on about on our first date. You haven’t really brought up much else about them since then. You thinkin about introducing them to your boy someday?” “I don’t know. A girls gotta keep her secrets, ya know.” “Consider my lips sealed then.”
It’s in that moment do the two of them hear somebody’s phone go off, Roxanne pulling hers out from her skirt pocket to check the new message she’d just received from someone called Artemis. “Speaking of which, I just got a text from one of them...” Once having read what the message says, a sharp gasp is drawn inside her lungs; the mixing bowl dropping to the counter. “Oh...oh my god. She says we all been assigned to a mission. An actual mission this time!” “Don’t you guys go on those all the time?” the purple merc questions. “I mean kind of, but those just usually boil down to just doing laundry, picking up groceries, cleaning pets, and polishing weapons. It’s the first time the whole teams been assigned to do anything meaningful for once.” “Whoa, back up a sec there. Polishing weapons? Roxy, what kind of pre-nuclear war fallout after school club did you sign up for?” “I already told you that its a secret.” “Oh come on, it won’t hurt to tell me; I already swore not to open my mouth. Beside, I happen to be one hell of an expertise in fields like this, bringing me along might give ya the edge you need.” “Hmm...I don’t know. I haven’t really planned how I’ll introduce you to the team yet.” “Well, now’s a better time as any. Bettin seeing me in action would make one hell of an intro to them. Think it’s a plan?” From the purple merc’s insistent suggestion, it takes Roxanne a good moment to decide whether to take her recently meet boy friend along to meet up with the gang; with only having Roy’s faux innocent smile to give her any reassurance.
The setting sun finally disappears from the horizon, giving way to the countless stars shinning along Townsville’s night sky; none of which however shine within the dark veil of one of the city’s many alleys. Dwelling inside one particular alley, four figures blanketed in shadow stand in waiting; one of them watching where they step among the piles of trash and rats. “Ew ew ew ew ew! Just why!? Just why are meeting up with Roxy in this dank and disgusting alleyway? Why can’t we just meet up at the nearby seafood restaurant?” one of them with a feminine voice complains. “Why the hell you bitchin at all of us for? Baby blue Charles over here’s the one that shoved us in this trash heap.” another with a loud and sassy voice questions. “Because, we supposed to be staying hidden. We’re on the clock here. Walking around in public would defeat the entire purpose.” one with a guys voice explains. “Oh ho ho, you haven’t seen how much of a bad bitch I can be. I can kick your sorry slimy ass all the way back to the sewage treatment you spawned from if you want me to demonstrate.” “At least I got a juicy ass on me. You can barely count the flat smooth wooden boards on your backside that you sadly call a butt.” “At least my butt is cleaner then your nasty asshole!” the one girl screeches. “The fuck did you say about my ass motherfucker!” the other barks back. As the two girls bickering echo throughout the walls of the alleyway, their only male comrade lets out an irritated growl as he covers his ears; complaining on how: “Why the hell do I always have to be stuck babysitting these loud mouth brat. Its always just constant headaches with the two of them. At least Artemis had enough sense to bring headphone.” Gazing away from the pair of bickering children, the guys eyes are draw to the neon green hair of their forth member; calmly listening to the music that the headphones covering her ears put out. “Mmm. Just when in the hell is Roxanne going to get here. It’s almost been 30 minute since Artemis messaged her and she still hasn’t showed up. Almost afraid someone’s gonna crash this meeting at any moment.”
Right on queue, the two rooftop edges above them suddenly explode into tiny pieces; the lights above gleaming into the alley as the rubble rains down. As all of them cover their heads from the descending stone pieces as the dust blinds their view; one of the girl coughing up the clouds as she complains how: “Ah! Dammit, its in my mouth! Cak! Ak!” The sassier of the two lets out a mocking laugh from her partners suffering, spitting out small bits of rubble as she cackles. From the middle of the dusty cloud, all four of them soon witness a bulky figure stand between the four of them; their wings withdrawing into their back. “What in the blue blazes just crash landed! Artemis, open fire!” Charles demands. “There’s no need to!” the neon green girl calmly elaborates in a semi monotone voice. “What!? Why!?” “Because its who I asked to meet us!”
Parts of the dusty cloud begin to dissipate before them, revealing the olive green eyed girl come out from the dirt ridden shroud; two of the other girls approaching the recent arrival as they excitedly squee: “Roxanne!” The light from the newfound holes in the roofs reveal one of them to be a dirty blonde with long bangs and baby blue eyes, complementing their newly arrived teammate with: “Nice entrance there Roxy! Really attention grabbing and bombastic; cloudy reveal was a nice touch too.” The other to approach her shows to sport slimy chocolate brown skin plagued with lime green bulges across her arms and forehead, her pitch black pony tail stretching down to her wide hips; adding to the blondes statement with: “Yeah girl, what’s with the crashing entrance anyway? Bitch like you typically just go through the backdoor instead of bustin down the roof.” From the side, a pale blue skinned man with charcoal hair swipes the dust off his lab coat; adding to her question with how: “It’d sure make much less of a mess.” “I know, I know. I’m sorry for literally just dropping in like this. But he really wanted to make a good entrance.” “He?” the slime girl questions. “Who’s He.” the blonde follows.
As more of the rubble dust begins to settle from behind their comrade, the purple hue of another figure begins to their view; his violet hair waving in the passing alleyway wind. The dusty clouds finally part from the alley, unveiling to the rest of the team Roxanne’s newfound boyfriend; Roy’s wicked smile sending chills down most of their spines. Once making himself known to Roxanne’s pose, the purple merc begins to approach the two girl closest to him; both the blonde and slimy one backing away to the wall as Roy nears. “And what might these fine ladies names be?” “Un-Un-Uuhh...” the blonde stutters out. “You even think of tryin any shit with us, you getting a whole load of slime shoved down your throat!” the slime girl threatens. “Sounds pretty tasty.” the merc fires back. “Toxi’ander! Quit being so on edge and chill out. He won’t bite, I swear. Looks aren’t everything, you two.” Roxanne scolds. “Yeah Toxi, kinda figured you of all people would know a thing or two about that by now.” the blonde quips with a grin. “Excuse me! The fucks that supposed to mean!? You tryin to piss me off bitch!?” “Gigi! Stop trying to start arguments with her. It always just devolves into an insulting screaming contest between you two.” “Uh, xuse me! Who’s in charge here?” they hear Charles sarcastically question. Glancing to the side, all of them watch as the blue skinned guy approaches; continuing his reminder with: “I was stuck with the job of watching all you brats, so I’m the one running the show here.” To his statement, Roxanne can’t help but look away with a sour frown, mentioning under her breath how: “Should be me who’s in charge...” “Ya know Charles, that just fuckin priceless coming from you. Considering that you order us like grunts while you laze around on your ugly blue ass all day.” Despite hearing the slime girls scathing accusations, Charles simply just lets out a passive aggressive growl. “Hell, we coulda just wait at the back of some Denny’s while waiting for Roxanne and her new boy toy to show up. Least it wouldn’t be nearly as rank.” “Toxi!” Roxanne exclaims, blushing as red as a beat; all the while her “boy toy” behind her just busts out laughing. “I’m likin how spicy your friends are Roxy.”
Turning his gaze over to the blue skinned boy beside them, Roy then follows up by questioning: “Speaking of friends. What’s the deal with doctor blue balls M.D, specializing in testicular examination over here. You wound up getting trapped in a freezer while tryin to rob a bunch of chocolate cookie fudge bars from the ice cream shop.” “What?” “Cause if you have, I know you’re pain, pal. Took me about a week and a half just getting all the sharp icicles out of my nose. But those fudge bars were so fuckin worth it.” From this confusingly sympathetic insult, Charles catches the giggles of both Gigi and Toxi; backing up on how: “I was born with this blue skin.” “That unfortunately happens to be our leader.” someone with a semi monotone voice points out from behind. Glancing back, the merc comes face to face with a tall and well built pale skinned girl; her neon green flaming hair catching his eye. “And you must be Artemis. Gotta say, lovin the rockin green mane. Can you flambe stuff with ya green lit locks?”
A false attention grabbing cough reaching everyone’s ears, forcing everyone to turn their eyes back towards their blue skinned captain; hearing him state how: “Great! Now that we have introductions out of the way, How about we get back on track here. Roxanne, tell your purple lover to leave.” “Uh, about that Charles; he’s actually wanting to help us out on our little mission here.” “Yep, ain’t you all lucky to have me?” Almost everyone in the group jumps from their teammates sudden decision; Charles in particular questioning her choice with: “And when exactly were you gonna mention this little decision through us?” “Sorry, it was kind of a last minute decision. Didn’t Artemis read the text to you all?” Asking such, everyone’s gaze is turned towards the neon green girl; who could be seen reviewing the text and going: “Yep, she did. My bad.” “Still Roxy, you can’t just drag some random asshat on our assignments with us. The people at the top will throw a shit fit.” Gigi informs. “They let your flat ass in, didn’t they?” Toxi quips. “The hell did you say about my booty, bitch!?” “Excuse me! Just some random asshat!? Let me kindly remind y’all on how my girl and I crashed through the motherfuckin ceiling without so much as a scratch between either of us. Like to see any of you do that shit.” “So what, think that makes you better then any of us?” Charles accusingly wonders. “Gee, that kind of abrasive insecurity probably ain’t the best thing for a captain of a team like this to have. Ya practically have such a massive opportunity right in front of ya but just being too “Blue balled” to take it.” “Oh damn. Oh damn! OH DAMN! OH DAMN!” Toxi cries out; her astonishing swears echoing out beyond the entire alleyway.
Amidst his teammates astonished cries, Charles gazes to the purple merc in a silent, almost vengeful fury; all the while Artemis adds her own thoughts to the conversation with: “This is one of the first times our entire team has been assigned to any missions with any meaning beyond washing clothes and picking up food, we may need all the help we can get. With the kind of background that our purple guest’s profile informs, it could be more than enough to tip the scales in our favor.” “Oh ho! You read up on me, have ya? At least one of you guys is doing their homework.” “Hold up, Arti; background? Just what kind of stuff does this violet freak do?” Gigi questions. “His full name is Roy Shapen Donovan. He is an on demand work for hire mercenary with a caliber of achieving dangerous and high paying jobs for a multitude of shady organizations and political figures; capable of a multitude of darkness fueled powers and abilities that both employers and other mercs would describe as catastrophic and lethel. And that’s barely scratching the dozens of achievements and rumors that have spread through his career of nearly six years by now.” Through their teammates description of their purple guest reputation and profile, each one of them gaze upon the merc himself with encroaching skepticism, worry, and surprise; even Roxanne herself left astonished by his boys perceived profile.
“Aw, come on. Stop. Your makin me blush.” the merc himself sarcastically mentions. “Bitch please, as if his scrawny teenage ass has that kinda street cred to spare. He don’t even look like he washed his rank ass dick after fucking shit all night long.” the slime girl sasses. “Oh, and like you guys get any action. Cause from all I’ve been hearing, you girls barely get any. Tell ya what! I normally charge my services for one hell of a pretty penny; but since I’m really doing a favor for my one hell of a pretty penny; I’m offerin you lot the once in a lifetime chance free of charge discount. Order now and you’ll get the lovely souvenir of whose teeth I knock out first. Sound like a deal?” “Girls, even if Roy’s background is the teeniest bit exaggerated; it still may be a good idea to take him with us. We need all the help we can get for this mission.” “Whatever, I really think Charles should be the one to decide. He is our leader.” Gigi reminds with twinkling eyes towards the blue skinned captain. With everyone else soon directing their gaze towards the baby blue leader, Charles taking a moment to ponder to himself as he stare right to their purple guest; Roy’s less then welcoming smile making his whole spine shudder. After letting out his brief jitters, the blue captain finally gives his answer with: “Fine, whatever; he can come. Ask long as he keeps to himself, I don’t care.” “Oh for fucks sake!” Toxi screams out. “Thank you, Charles.” Roxanne thanks.
With a snap to his fingers, the purple merc points out to his new blue employer and states: “Looks like we struck ourselves a deal, baby blue. You won’t be regretting it anytime soon.” “You mean like I am right now?” “So, now that we got the business bullshit outta the way, which unlucky son of bitch are on our “Fuck over with a 5 foot razor wire string up the bum” today?” “Our...O-Our assignment that the higher ups have given to all of us is to procure a very special gemstone that can conduct a myriad of power sources; including but not limited to electric, plasma, radiation, positive and negative ions, kinetic energy, and even quantum energy. From light to dark, from hot to cold, this jewel can take in and distribute untold amounts of power.” “So if this bling we got here’s as badass as you say it is, why the hell would they send us to gank it?” Toxi questions. A small chuckle escaping from the blue skinned captains lungs, he goes on to mention how: “I thought it was pretty obvious. This little assignment of our is a test. A mission to determine if were worthy to rise in the rank. They probably have a lot of faith to leave this job to us personally.” Shattering Charles’ motivating speech be the neon green haired girl herself when she corrects him on how: “Actually, it was because literally everybody else was busy. Everyone was on their own missions and assignment, so they simply stuck us with this one.” “Agh, I knew it was too good to be true! Why else would they stick this job to us?” Gigi complains. From hearing Artemis’ correction, a small hiss escapes from the mercs teeth; claiming how: “Sounds like you guys got pretty sloppy seconds. Think the best thing you girls can do now it try and make the most of it.” “Roy’s right. Who cares if this job just got dumped on us. It’s still our job at the end of the day. Lets just give it our best and show them that this C team can pull off a fantastic A+”
As the rest of the crew cheers from Roxanne’s motivational speech, Charles takes a quick glance to his phone to find a blinking dot nearing their location; grabbing back everyone’s attention with: “Look sharp, girls. Our coveted prize is nearing its destination.” “If that’s true then we need to move out now. Come on!” Artemis orders, passing right beside Charles alongside everyone who follows her lead. The blue leader himself is left spun and dizzy by his passing teammates, shaking off the daze as he chases after his leaving team as he reminds them: “Hey! Hey! Don’t leave without your captain!”
Through the stretches of Townsville’s city roads, an armored truck drives along past a couple of other vehicles; turning into what seemed to be a far less pleasant part of town. The truck eventually makes its stop along the side of a less then welcoming building; two police officers stepping out of the front and strolling out to the back. Opening up the back doors, the two cops uncover a box made from titanium; dressed with coded and psychical locks abound on all of its sides. Even with the case’s imposing weight, the two officers manage to heave it right out of the armored trucks back; dragging the locked titanium box across the ground.
Between the alleyway of a couple of buildings across the street, everyone watches as both cops haul the case right inside the seemingly bland looking abode. “Why in the hell would these motherfucka’s bring out such powerful bling to this shithole? It makes no damn sense.” Toxi questions. A quick snicker passing through her lips, the blonde among them insults the slime girl with: “Jeez, I knew you were thick. But I didn’t think you were this bad?” “The fuck you sayin, ya blonde bitch!?” “I mean it’s obvious by now that they’re taking it to an underground lab just below there.” “Oh, now I know your just bullshitin us. The fuck makes you so sure.” “From experience, duh. A good couple of my dads labs are built under decrepit buildings like this so nobody finds them out in plain site. Pretty basic there, Toxi.” “She’s right you know.” Roy than weighs in. Hearing the merc so confidently confirm the blondes guess, everyone looks to Roy as he focuses at the buildings grounds; following his statement with: “I can sense me about several people scuttling around beneath that dump. About...30, 35 people I’d say.” “The fuck can you know that? Wait, lemme guess; it’s one of your daaaark powers, ain’t it?” the slime girl questions, putting a mocking emphasis on dark. “Somethin along the lines of that. Its just practically frosty dip n dots to what else I can do. Just wait til you see the whole damn sundae.”
“Is it possible for you to map out the entire facility?” Artemis wonders. “Eh, not really. Can really only see the people scampering around down there...that and the bugs n rodents.” “Guessin those “Senses” of yours aren’t as reliable as you boast, huh?” Charles snides. “Charles, quit being so mean! It still helps, doesn’t it?” Roxanne scolds, soon glancing over to the neon green girl. “He’s right. Even if he can’t map out the place, having constant knowledge of the enemies position is invaluable nonetheless during our mission. We need to handle all of this with as much precision and care as possible. Trip any kind of alarms, any patrol or staff spotting us, any camera’s watching our moves could alert authorities to our presence and risk loosing our target entirely.” “So you mean like with stealth and stuff? Uuuggh! That’s so boring, though. When are we gonna get to the good part and kick people’s shin’s” Gigi complains. “As much as I like your spirit blondie, rockin neon green’s got a point there. Don’t wanna wreck too much shit and risk losing our coveted mcguffin.” “Sounds like y’all just makin up the plan then. How the hell we even get inside?” Toxi questions. “I plan for us all to simply dig out way in.” Charles butts in. “Too noisy. We’d risk drawing too much attention to ourselves.” Artemis denies. “True...though doing it somewhere else might be better.” the merc suggests. “Like where.” Gigi asks.
Down within the darkness, the light of the city shines down a dank sewer tunnel as a manhole cover is pulled right off; the panicking cries of the blonde echoing through the brickwork. “Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew! Ew! Hell, no! You are not making me go through that disgusting sewer! Nuh! No way!” Gigi screeches as everyone begins to descend down into the tunnel. Before Roy and Roxanne could descend down to join the others, she attempts to talk her reluctant teammate into joining them with: “Come on, Gigi. We have to go down here. There’s no other way inside.” “Absolutely not! I’m not being caught dead going down there!” “Are you getting through to her?” “Sorry Artemis, she isn’t moving.” Roxanne states, glancing down the manhole. “You’re damn right I ain’t moving! There ain’t no way in hell I’m setting one foot in that rancid dank shit hole!” “Jeez, girl. Your screamin like a fuckin macaw getting its wings twisted up. Move it!” the purple merc demands. “It ain’t even that bad down here, really. It’s pretty clean here for a sewer tunnel. I ain’t seeing shit down here.” the blue skinned captain confirms. “You’re not helping Charles.” the baker girl claims. “I don’t care how clean it is! I’m not jumping down! No, if’s, and’s, or buts!” the blonde enforces. “Aw, what’s the matter girl; ain’t brave of a bitch enough to come down here?” Toxi taunts. “Shut up, you slime stain! You belong down there and you know it!” “Why don’t you come down here and say that to my face!?” Taking Toxi up on her taunting words, the blonde delves right past Roxanne; the sounds of their fighting ringing through the tunnel. Glancing to one another, both Roy and Roxy shrug off the matter before heading down the manhole; the merc placing the iron cover back on as they descend.
While the entire group travel through the brickwork tunnels lying underneath the city roads, they find their blue leaders words to be right on point; the floors and walls of the tunnel being very clean and tidy for a sewer. As their purple haired guest leads the way through the underground tunnels, the neon green girl of their team questions them all: “While we have some time on our hands, mind if I ask what our plan might be once we break in; cause we are literally marching out towards our destination and I haven’t heard a single one of us come up with one.” Its then that another fake cough draws the entire crews attention, all of them glancing back towards their baby blue captain before he goes on to explain: “If you would all be so kind as to let your leader speak up for once, I got us an idea may let us get our prized mcguffin scott free.” “And that would be?” Roy questions. “While I move out towards the surveillance room and disable the security. Toxi shall await until given the go to move out towards where the gem is and melt through whatever containment that they have it stowed away in. Her plasmic acid being as corrosive as it is, she should have next to no trouble melting through.” “So, how we settin up teams, then? Who goes with who?” Toxi questions. “I think I’d be better off waiting with Toxi then. Better to stick with her and keep her out of trouble so the mission isn’t a bust.” Roxanne offers. “Wherever my flamin hot spicy sweet pepper goes, I’m stickin right alongside her.” Roy adds, picking up Roxanne and holding her in his arms; all the while the girl herself looks to the merc with a faux smile. “If that’s the case, then it’s best that I go with Charles. Our leaders lack of overall combat experience may make him a very vulnerable target.” “Tsk, are you kidding me? I’m not that much of a pushover. I watched my Mom spar with a couple of people. I can totally fight. Watch!” In hopes of proving the neon green girl wrong, the baby blue captain attempts to show off what little punches and kicks that he could muster; his long lab coat flapping in the air as the young man flails about. Charles lack of proper balance eventually gets the better of him however, kicking a little too hard and making his own lab coated ass fall flat onto the slit of water underneath them.
As her blue leader begins to pick himself back up, Gigi can’t help but give a suspicious glare over to Roxy’s new purple boy toy; worry and anxiety beginning to boil within her as she stares to Roy’s devious, almost perverse smile. “I...I think that Charles might need more protection then you think, Arti. Maybe our new purple pal here should go with you two instead.” the blonde suggest. “Hol up, what?” the merc mutters, putting his girl back down. From her teammates suggestion, Artemis ponders to herself for a moment; mentioning how: “I think that might be a tad unnecessary, Gigi. I’m sure I have plenty of artillery that could efficiently-” In the midst of her denial however, the neon green girl takes a closer glance to the blonde herself; noting the anxious gaze in her eyes shifting over in the merc’s direction. “Uh…On-On second thought. There could be a lot more patrols and guards to worry about on our way to the surveillance room. Our guests specific abilities could lend well in navigating the facility and hiding from any potential witnesses.” “Guessin that just leaves Roxy and the blonde bitch and I to wait here while y’all take care of business.” Toxi reviews. “Ugh, why do we have to wait!? I-” the blonde begins to complain, but stops when considering that she was the one who suggested the teams to be like they are. “Uh...nev-nevermind. Forget it!” “Are you sure you wanna wait with us, Gigi? You can go with them if you want to. We don’t mind.” Roxanne asks. “No no no no! I’m sure; believe me. I’d probably just get in their way anyway.” Gigi insists.
It’s after discussing all this does the merc stop the crew right in their tracks; all of them pumping into one another from the abrupt stop. “Ah, what the hell; ya purple prick! Why we stop for?” Toxi aggressively questions their violet guest. “Last stop, ladies; we’ve reached out destination. Over to our right is the basement you wanna bust into; the people inside passing through with none being the wiser.” “So, you really can sense everyone passing right beside us?” Gigi questions. “Yep. All the little people scurrying and working around like little mice. Betting some of them in there are fuckin like mice too.” “If they’re literally right next to us, it might not be a good idea to break in from here. Maybe we should bust in from somewhere else so we don’t draw as much attention.” Roxanne suggest. “Good call there, Foxy Roxy. Glad to know you got brains behind that flamin hot bod.” the purple merc compliments. “Aw, thanks Roy. Really, its why I should be the leader of this team.” “Speaking as the actual leader of this team, where exactly can we break in from here?” Charles cuts in. “Mmm. Let’s see.” Roy ponders aloud as he stares towards the intersection ahead.
The entire team are then caught off guard when their violet guest starts sprinting further down the tunnel; witnessing the merc taking the right of the intersection ahead. “Roy! Hold up! Wait!” Roxy panics as her and the rest of the crew rush in pursuit of the merc. Coming right around the corner, all of them witness Roy’s gaze fixated to a certain spot of the tunnels brickwork; the team approaching the merc as Toxi questions: “Roxy, the fuck is wrong with your boy toy!?” “You find a way inside, Roy?” the merc’s girl wonders. “I think. Among the bugs and rats scuttling along the walls, there’s a little nest of mice wiggling around on the other side here. If they haven’t noticed them all yet, then I’m betting its our safest ticket in.” Saying this, the purple merc turns back towards the rest of the approaching team, asking if: “One of you guys mind carving the way in?” “And why can’t you just bust a hole through it like how you crashed our little meeting?” Gigi snidely questions. “Because if he did, it be the quickest way to announce to the entire facility that were crashing their little research party.” Artemis swiftly points out. “Ding ding! Right on the mark. Your neon green compadre is scoring all A’s on this little test of your’s. I’d suggest the rest of you start taking note.” “Then if we can’t punch through it, how the hell are we supposed to get in.” the blonde questions. Eager to answer such a question herself, the slime girl shoves Gigi out of her way as she steps up; claiming that: “Outta the way, bowlcut bitch; stand back while I work my magic.” Their gooey comrade warning such, everyone stands aside as Toxi approaches the tunnel wall; stretching herself as she faces the brickwork that Roy pinpointed. The slime girl then slaps the palms of her hands right onto the brick wall, smothering her slimy hands across the hard stone side of the tunnel; a thick trail of sludge left behind as she trails her hands across the side. The sludge immediately begin to bubble and boil along the wall, eating away at the tunnels brickwork until parts of the other side could be seen. The slime girls acidic sludge makes quick work of the sewer tunnels wall, soon creating a sizable way inside what seemed to be a janitors closet; a scurry of rats scuttling out into the tunnel.
Once the way inside was clear, Roy was the first of them to enter; his senses letting him feel the life force of the people passing through the hall on the other side. “Right, just a couple more people passing along til we’re clear.” the merc informs. Their purple guest saying such, Charles turns towards both Gigi and Toxi and questions them if: “Now, can I trust you two to not make as much noise while we go out to take out the camera’s? Cause the last thing we need is for the two of you to throw a shit fit over which color dress you think is cuter or whatever and get the attention of anybody passing through.” “Charles, chillax. I’m sure I can get Gigi to keep her damn mouth shut for a least 5 minute.” the goo girl informs. “And you don’t got a worry about slimy Toxi here. I make her nasty ass mouth stays shut.” the blonde reassures. As both girls look to one another with vindictive scowls, Charles can’t help but let out a painful sigh; soon feeling Roxanne pat his back as she assures that: “Don’t worry. I’ll make sure they stay out of trouble.” “Thanks Roxy.” “We promise not to take long.” Artemis vows.
As he peeks out from the janitor closet door, the purple merc is happy to inform the rest of the team that: “And that’s when the halls are nooooooow clear! It’s now or never people; move your sexy asses!” Hearing this warning, both Charles and Artemis rush out towards the door; the merc himself bidding farewell as they pass by with: “See ya bae. Meet back with ya when we got shit to wreck.” Saying his goodbye’s, Roy follows out into the hall and shuts the door behind them, leaving the rest of the girls to wait within the sewer tunnels. “Ugh! I can’t believe all we can do is just stand here waiting in this dank sewer shithole while the three of them get to have fun.” the blonde complains. “Might I remind yo flat ass that this was part of your idea to begin with. What yo expect when going on a mission; you gotta get yer hands dirty. So quit your whining and shut yo mouth!” “The only reason that you’re here in the first place is cause your slimy ass excretes so much nasty acid mucus that it sends people running!” Gigi barks back. “Bitch, I’ll melt yo sorry flat ass if you don’t shut yo mouth.” “Why don’t you slither over here and make me!” Falling for the blondes taunts, the slime girl starts chasing Gigi along the stretching sewer tunnel; all the while leaving Roxanne so done with their bullshit.
From around the corner of the clean hallway, Artemis peeks out to the hall ahead; discovering a couple of scientists traveling along its polished marble. “And there they are.” she whispers. After the two researcher turn the opposite corner, the neon green girl turns back to both the blue and purple boys behind her; informing the violet merc that: “Seems like your senses aren’t a lie after all. And here I though until this point, you’ve been going off of blind guesswork alone.” “He he, guessin your not the blindly gullible type?” “I still have...some doubt.” “I like that. What I don’t like is figuring out how to get to this control room.” In saying this, both Artemis and him the turn towards their baby blue comrade; Charles softly groaning before question: “Your having me figure that out? How I supposed to know where it is in this secret club house basement?” “Because it was part of your plan smartass. You really just expect us to check every room in this damn scientist orgy dungeon til we just happen stumble on it?” Roy scolds. “We don’t have nearly that kind of time. We need to find a way to get to the control room, now.” “Alright, fine, Jesus. I guess we can hack a computer somewhere and get a map of the place.” “That’s the spirit.” Roy claims grasping his only hand upon the shoulder of Charles lab coat; soon dragging his big blue ass across the polished marble of the underground hall.
Further along the clean confines of the facility’s halls, a single researcher dances to the music in his earphones as he strolls by; passing right under a lone camera underneath. The music in her ears prove more of an unseen hindrance however, as she fails to catch the glimpse of the barrel of the rifle behind him. The silencer barrel fortunately for her isn’t aimed at his occupied ass, instead fancying the camera above; the rifle firing out a single bullet to the surveillance equipment. Though the bullet leaves no physical damage, the energy it releases proves more than enough to disable it; the camera going completely dead. While distracted by the music in her ears, the researchers dancing stroll is put to a sudden stop once bumping into somebody in front of her; gazing down to discover the purple mercs ominous smile. “Who the-” Before the scientist could finish questioning where the violet young man came from, she feels the merc hand tightly grasp at her mouth; her panicking screams muffled by the boys single palm.
From behind the closed door of a nearby supply closet, the researcher finds herself bound upside down against the closet wall via duct tape; the neon green girl listening to the music that she was once dancing to. “Let me go, dammit! Do you honestly have any idea what we’re doing here?” “Energy transfer and application use?” Charles guesses while digging through the contents of the supply closet. “How-how did you know?” “The equipment you got stashed here pretty much says it all. You guys got some real state of the art stuff stowed in here.” “She has pretty good tastes in music too. For this, she may live another day.” Artemis claims, taking off the researchers ear buds. “Ya hear that, my sultry scientist. Seems like it’s you lucky day after all. Though if I were in your sort of peculiar position, I’d both be aroused and willing to cooperate answer whatever questions your captive may have. Else they might make you wish you were dead.” Roy warns, a sinister smile drawn across his cheeks.
Seeing the mercs less that inviting grin proves more than enough to send chills up the researchers upside down spine; the scientist questioning them: “What do you people even want?” Her questions are put on hold indefinitely when feeling something jabbing her tapped arm, glancing over to discover the neon green girl jamming the barrel of her technological rifle into her side as she reminds her that: “We’ll be asking the questions here. First one, where might the nearest computer terminal be?” “D-down the hall to the right, take two lefts; right from the three way intersection; third door you see.” “What are you guys doing with this little gem you have?” Charles then cuts in. “We-we had it delivered from the famous museum in downtown New York. We were hoping to utilize it to solve a potential energy crisis.” “And the final question!” Roy exclaims, his eyes drifting away from the scientist and to Artemis. “Are we really here on a mission to steal this gem from them.” he questions the neon green girl. “Yeah.” “Okay, cool. Just wanting to make sure. Let’s head out.” Having been told the direction to the nearest computer, both Roy and Artemis ready to head back into the hall; glancing back to find their baby blue leader still rifling around the stored equipment. “Quit digging around and come on, Charles. We’re leaving.” the neon green sniper states. “Just give me a minute. I wanna see what else these government lackies have stashed away.” “Right now, young man.” Roy sarcastically scolds, grasping the shoulder of Charles lab coat as he drags him away from the lab equipment. As the trio head towards the door of the walk in closet, the researcher attempts to warn them that: “No, stop! You can’t take the jewel away from us. We could save potential thousands with its power. Don’t-” But before the scientist could beg them any further, her mouth is swiftly tapped shut when Roy slaps a piece of duct tape over her; the sound of her muffling being what can only escape as she watches her captors leave her inside.
Following the directions that their captive had oh so kindly given them, the trio continue their stealthy travels through the underground facility; Roy soon sensing the life force of a few staff approaching. Silently warning his two escorts of the oncoming staff, he points over to the door nearby; all three of them scuttling inside before the two guard turn the corner. As the merc had sensed, a couple of armed security staff nonchalantly pass right through the hall; not even paying any mind to the door that their unknown intruders had hid behind. Once the two policemen pass right on through, Roy emerges from the other side of the room that both him and his comrade hid; silently directing them to continue with him.
In the midst of guiding both Artemis and Charles through the polished white halls, Roy is about to turn through the next corner; soon feeling the back of his hood being snagged back just inches from the corner. Glaring back, he discovers his neon green teammate having grabbed hold of his hood; Artemis soon stepping in front of him to take a quick peek around the corner. After seeing what lies along the other side, she turns back towards her violet partner, pointing out towards the top of the hall beyond. Coming back to the front, Roy looks out to where Artemis had pointed towards; spotting a lone camera perched between the opposing hallways. Back towards his posse, the purple merc gives the neon green sniper a thumbs up while making way for her to move in; Artemis peeking the barrel of her sniper rifle down the hallway. Her crosshair aimed right to the camera above, she fires her bullet right into the camara’s side; causing the piece of surveillance equipment to go completely dead. Artemis having taken care of the camera, Roy once more takes the lead, all three of them taking the right like their help little informant had told them.
Coming upon the third door down the hallway, the three scurry right inside before anyone could see; soon finding themselves within what looked to be a small office space. In the middle of the office stood a lone desk decorated with pictures of people, presumably of friends and family; all of which surrounding a lone computer displaying a simple password screen. Passing between his two escorts, Charles makes his way around the office desk to the seat on the other side, ploping his lab coated ass right onto the padded chair and typing away as he tells the two escorters that it: “Should be pretty easy to pull up a map from this thing; just gimme a minute or two to work.”
“And since we got a minute, I got something to ask you that’s been bugging me.” Artemis states with her eyes drifting to the purple merc. “Sure thing, what you wanna know? Bank accounts, previous jobs, slaughtered enemies? I’m an open book.” “How in the hell did someone like you wound up getting with somebody like Roxanne?” “Oh, that? That’s piss easy. See, one day I was flying low through downtown; getting back from school and going to meet up with my bro somewhere. That’s when I wound up seeing sexy Roxy herself strolling through the streets; one look of her face being all she needed to make me fall head over heels for her...and straight into traffic. After climbing out of the crater that no doubt caused numerous accidents and traffic jams, I race over toward Roxanne herself and asked her out then and there; simple as that.” “That’s...admittedly a rather bold move. Right after taking such a humiliating and destructive spill like that; you just rushed out and asked the girl who just watched. I’m more shocked how she said yes after watching all that play out in front of her.” “That’s what life’s all about, my neon green rocker. Learning how to get right back up after being brutally butt fucked by the massive throbbing cock of misfortune.” “Definitely not the way I would word it, but I get what you mean. A lesson that Roxanne is no doubt familiar with too. The poor girl.” Hearing Artemis comment such makes the merc drop is snarky demeanor for a moment, mild concern spread across his face as he wonders: “What do you mean?”
“And I got it. Cracked wide open like a freshly pulled scallop.” Charles declares, both Roy and Artemis glancing over to witness Charles giving them a smug smile. “Hot damn, man; that fast!? You cracked that open in like minute. And here I though you were just these girls whipping boy?” “Wasn’t that hard, really. Can you believe that these government assholes were using a previous gen operating system? I’d be pretty damn embarrassed if I had that on even my laptop.” “Charles, did you pull up the map or not?” Artemis questions. “Yeah, okay. Here. Don’t need to be so pushy.” the blue skinned captain confirms, turning the computer monitor over towards the two. The monitor showing the floor plan of the underground facility, Artemis takes a quick picture of the map on screen; reviewing it and mentioning how: “Seems that the surveillance room to the right end of the facility. And according to this, we’re on the left most bottom.” “If that’s the case, then we best get movin. Who knows how much longer the girls can take sittin around in that tunnel. No doubt Roxy can only hold both the blond and her slimy rival from tearing each other into chunky beef broths for so long.” A small chuckle escaping from underneath her breath, Artemis turns over towards her blue skinned leader and orders him to: “Agreed. Come on, Charles. We need to move.” “Agh, fine. Just about to log off anyway.” Right after logging out of the lone computer, Charles joins the other two as they prepare to head back through the halls; the merc making his way out of the office with both the hacker and sniper at his back.
Back within the dank wet tunnels of the sewers, the rest of the team await to hear word from the others; each of the girls passing the time on their phones. While attempting to look through social messages, Toxi’s ears can’t help but catch Gigi’s obnoxious giggling; the blondes echoing laughter literally driving the slime girl up the curving brickwork. “Arrgh! The fuck you laughin at, ya blonde bowlcut?” “My gossip blog is trending so hard right now. Posting photo’s of Victor’s porn collection was a juicy one.” “Oh wow, that’s great. How long do ya think it’ll be before ya wind getting your flat ass bitten off from this shit.” “I don’t know how he’s gonna find out. The guy can’t read, remember?” “Bitch, that ain’t the point. This whole gossip shit is gonna get yo teeth punched out sooner or later; and I’m grabbin be a bag of popcorn when you bitin the curb.” “Tsk, your just jealous that you didn’t have the brains to come up with it first.” “Oh…Oh ho...Oh ho ho...” Hearing the blondes insulting defense, the slime girl starts to slither over toward the side of the tunnel where Gigi stands; questioning if: “Did you really just fuckin went there, motherfucker!? Tell me you did not fuckin say that!” “Bitch you know I did. And you know what else? I got more a lot more brains than you to build my own damn gadgets. Bombs, master keys, holograms, weapons, even my own personal robot assistant that hovers around and makes milkshakes for me. You nasty ass acid can even come close to my technological prowess, bitch!” “My slimy acid is about to melt through yo brains if you don’t shut you fuckin trap.” “Why don’t you try and make me?” Gigi screams. Before either of the girls could tear into eachother, Roxanne comes between them just in time to split them up; scolding the two of the with: “Stop it, you two! We supposed to be hiding in here! Someone might here us with you two having a screaming contest.”
Once seeing Toxi back off, Roxy turns her attention over to the blonde, requesting to her with: “Gigi, can you please keep it down while you mess around with your gossip blog? We’re trying to keep things on the down low.” “Yeah sure, Roxy. Ya know, speaking of rumors; what’s the deal with you and your new boy?” Gigi eagerly asks. Taken aback by her teammates sudden question, Roxanne stumbles back from the blonde: “W-What? What are you talking about?” “Oh come on, Roxy! Don’t play coy with us! How many bases did you and him run through in under two weeks? 1st, 2nd, 3rd, home run and victory lap?” “No! Nothing like that! All we done is just some hugging and a kiss. No more.” “Really, that’s all? He hasn’t made any moves on you?” the blond questions with disappointment. “Not really. Though something tells me that he might be wanting two. It honestly feels like Roy is restraining himself sometimes.” “Purple piece of shit better.” both of them hear, glancing back to witness Toxi approaching to join in their conversation. “If he thinks of tryin any of that nasty shit on you girl, I’m gonna smack his sorry violet ass straight to hell.” “Toxi, don’t say that!” “Girl, can you blame me even? Creepy ass motherfuckin lookin like he crawlin out of the bowls of some B rated horror shlockbuster. Why the hell you bothering to shell yo sweet as to his purple creep anyway?” “Ah...It’s kinda hard to explain.” Roxanne admits. “Go on girl, we got the time.” Gigi assures.
“Well, it kinda started one day about two weeks ago when I was walking back from school to the hospital to see how my little brother was doing, when out of nowhere something just crashed like a falling comet in the middle of the road; caused a couple accidents, but nothing serious. I race over to see what landed along with tons of other people nearby and we all found that it was this purple hooded teenager, getting up in the middle of the crater he made; just like that, no injury, totally fine.” “He really just happen to crash right in front of you. What was he doing before?” Gigi asks. “I don’t know, I never asked him. But apparently it wasn’t that important since he crawled right out of it and asked me on the spot on a date.” “And you said yes? Why?” Toxi questions. “He had these eyes like he a lost puppy. Like was silently begging me not to turn him down; especially with literally everybody watching. How could I possibly say no with all that?” “So he just put you on the spot, what a dickhead?” Gigi states. “I don’t...think he meant to put me on the spot like that. He seemed just so...geniune.” “So what you plannin to do now?” Toxi wonder. A small panicked groan leaves through Roxanne’s lungs before she admits that: “God, I don’t know. I knew this was a really bad idea, but I didn’t wanna break his heart. I just don’t know how I’m gonna get outta this, especially since I’m still da-”
Just before she could finish her statement, the girl shuts her own mouth mere moments before saying something she’d know she’d regret blabbing about. In doing so however, she sparks the curious gazes of both her two present teammates; Toxi being the first to asks: “Girl, what were you about to say?” “No-Nothing! You what j-just forget I said anything.” “Oh no way. You gotta spill it now. I’m feelin some real rumor juice sloshing in you. And I ain’t stopping til its squeezed out.” “Come on, Roxy. What’s the deal here?” Toxi joins in. As both girl continue to push for info, they soon back the poor girl against the tunnel wall; feeling the brickwork scrape against her back a she continues to feign ignorance with: “Really girls, its nothing. I swear.”
Thankfully for the baker, a forth voice then reaches their ears; their eyes glancing back towards the hole in the wall as someone in janitorial attire waltz’s inside and wonders: “Why the hell is there a giant hole in the closet? I-” In that moment does the guy discover the three girls within the breached sewer tunnels; nothing but silence echoing through the brickwork as they simply all stare at one another. Breaking the silence, all three of them lunge forth towards the janitor; tackling the poor guy and shutting his mouth just before he could cry out for help.
Casually strolling through the white halls of the facility, a lone researcher turns the corner to find a single armed patrol approaching; a smile planted across his cheeks as he greets the officer with: “Evening Marty! How’s the family?” “All good Pat. The kids are doing amazing in school this year.” “Guess its quite an improvement from last year, ain’t it?” “Don’t mention it, Pat...Just seriously don’t.” Both passing beside the only door in the hall, neither of them were the wiser of the trio hiding on the other side; the door cracking open to let out the silent barrel of Artemis’ rifle squeeze out. The guns barrel aimed out to the camera perched along the corner, she fires her rifles straight into the camera’s side; the bullet she shot out disabling the surveillance equipment for the time being. Once having took care of the camera, Artemis and her two comrades move beyond the door and continue their stealthy venture through the underground facility; taking the path that the armed patrol went through.
While the lone facility guard wanders along the polished marble halls, he fails to notice the three intruders encroaching around the corners behind him; that is until he begins to hear the faint sound of their footsteps echoing nearby. Curious of the quiet taps sounding off behind him, the patrolman swiftly turns back to see where exactly its coming from; confused to discover not a soul at his back. A nervous breath escapes his lunges as he starts to approach the corner that he turned from; taking a tight grip of his firearms the closer he nears the end. Finally, he jumps out to the other side of the corner with his weapon aimed down the hall, finding not a soul awaiting him. A relaxed breath then passes through his lips as his guard dissolves, shaking his helmeted head as he turns back; telling himself to: “Calm down, Marty. Your just hearing things. Just think of the time you and Donny shared a kiss under the tree, should calm ya right down.” In telling himself this, the guard returns to his patrol route while calming himself; unaware of the intruders he grew paranoid of hiding along the next corner beyond. Once sensing the guards departure, Roy leads both of his comrades further through the facility, continuing on route through the guards patrol path.
Dwelling within the dimmy lit confines of the surveillance room, countless screens of dozens of camera feeds light the small darkened room, a lone staff member sat right in front of the glowing screens. Despite some of the screens clearly displaying the camera’s blacked out, this obvious warning sign goes completely unchecked by the staff member sitting right in front of them; the man having drifted off into a peaceful slumber. The sleeping staff member also remains unaware of the three intruders standing right beside him as he rest; the purple merc crouching to the slumbering man’s level and claiming: “Awww. Ain’t we just a little sleepy weepy. Dumb bastards takin a little snoozy cruise while were breakin and fucking with his shit. I just wanna pinch his little cheeks.” Turning the mans swiveling chair to face him, Roy pinches the man’s cheeks to disturb his slumber; the watcher mumbling to him if: “Is there more apple juice in the fridge, mommy?” “Yes sweetie. I got your apple juice right here.” Roy jest, soon clocking the poor bastards right in the face; the watcher stumbling to the marble floor. After taking care of the camera watcher, Charles swiftly takes his seat; turning back towards the security control panel and stating that: “Should only be a few minute to turn their security system into a poor example of government kept upkeep.”
As their blue skinned friend works his magic on the security system, both his purple and neon green escorters stand aisde; Artemis turning back to their violet guest and questions him with: “So, keeping on topic about Roxanne. What do you plan to do with her in the future?” “Eh, not to sure, really. Why’re you takin an eye with the two of us being a thing? You lime green jelly?” “I’m just worried about the kind of stuff you might try on her. The way you’ve acted during this entire ordeal hasn’t really reassured me that you’re not as mentally well rounded for her. Not to mention what I’ve read on your profile not giving me much hope either.” “We’ll, glad I’m breaking some expectations at least.” “I’ve only been with this group for about 3 months now; and so far, Roxanne is really the only one out of this team that I’ve held any respect for.” “Eh, you wanna think about rewording that a bit there?” Charles question. “Despite the others lack of effort and poor direction, Roxanne is the only one of us that has a palpable reason to be with us besides obligation or insecurities.” “Seriously, I’m right fucking here. Would it kill you not to at least talk crap about me in literal earshot?” “In the time that I’ve been with everyone here, Roxy has been like a little sister to me; comforting and caring through all the harsh and horrible times and vice versa. So I’m sure you can understand me when I say to you that...” Cutting herself off, the girl with the neon green flame main steps intensely closer to the merc with a threatening glare; promising that: “If you do so much as make her cry even a single tear, I will snipe your purple haired skull straight between the eyes; do I make myself clear.” “It’s a promise then? Better hope you not miss.” Roy states with a smile. “I never miss.”
After this exchange, the two of them hear their blue skinned hacker give another attention baiting cough; both Artemis and Roy glancing back towards Charles as he informs that: “If you two are done hate flirting over there, I disabled the security system and erased all the footage. Which one of you want to text the girls.” “How bout I-” Roy attempts to suggest while pulling out his phone. Just before he could finish, his neon green comrade cuts him right the fuck off; pulling out her own phone and insisting that: “I will tell them.”
Back inside the dank brickwork of the sewer tunnels, the girls had just finished taking care of the janitor that waltzed in their little hiding spot; tying the poor bastard to the piping above via a moving metallic rope. “And you thought that the little metal rope snake I thought of was a stupid idea. Self tying rope that coils around somebody to trap them and keep their mouths shut, what the hell made you think it was a dumb idea.” Gigi boasts to her slimy comrade. “Bitch, it’s a stupid ass idea cause its just a fuckin metal rope that moves. How the hell you don’t think that’s stupid.” Toxi claims. “Girls, just quit fighting already! This is exactly what almost got us caught in the first place.” “Tell her to quit spewin bullshit and I’ll stop.” the slime girl claims. “Tell this slimy stain to shut her damn trap!” the blonde mentions. Just before either of them could pick up their argument where it left off, all of them hear the sound of Roxanne’s phone going off; Roxy pulling it out to check her messages as Gigi asks: “Is that them?” “Don’t know. Let me see. Uh...Yep! They just disabled the security. Even sent us a map telling us where the gem is.” “And where’s it say it is?” the slime girl wonder. “See here...Oh wow’ its not that far actually. Just a couple halls away.” “The hell are we waiting for then. Lets get movin!” Gigi proclaims as she rushes out towards the hole in the tunnel. “No. Gigi, hang on.” Roxy plea’s as both her and Toxi coming running after.
With the security camera’s disabled, the three girls sneak through the polished white halls with caution in their step, tiptoeing along the marble floor so not to draw any attention. They soon peek out from around the oncoming corner, discovering on the other side a single door with two guards standing at its side; Roxanne glancing to her phone as she whispers that: “Kay girls, the room where our jewel is store lies just beyond that door. We just need a way to get rid of those guards there to get inside.” “Just gimme a minute there girl, I’ll melt some holes in their chest before you can even blink.” Toxi claims. “Toxi, don’t; were tryin to be sneaky. I’m not sure all three of us can take them on anyway. We need something to distract them with.” “Yeah, you heard her. Calm your slimy tits, bitch. I got this one.” Gigi boasts. “And just what the hell you think you gonna do.” the slime girl wonders. “Watch.” Saying such does the bowlcut blonde pull out from her back pocket an itty bitty cube with wheels attached to the bottom; Gigi rolling it over towards the direction of the guards as she finishes with: “And learn.”
As the little cube rolls out towards the two stationed guards, the panels on its top start to unfold to reveal a little projector; casting out the hologram of a sexy buff man dress in only a speedo. The two soldiers notices the holographic beef cake as he skips along past them, hearing him offering them to: “My beautiful followers. Come with me to the land of tanning oil and surfing pleasure, let your dreams come true in the waves of paradise!” Even with the seemingly random trespasser confusing the ever loving hell out of them, the guards nonetheless give chase; pursuing the holographic man around the corner. With the blondes distracting tool a complete success, Gigi moves in towards the door as she tells her other two teammates that: “Looks like my little test run was a complete success. Come on, girls.” As both Toxi and Roxanne come out of the corner, the slime girl can help but question her about: “What the hell was all that about?” “Oh that? That was one of my trusty little invention I like to call “My little holocube”. I usually use them if I wanna cause distractions or make easy getaway. Pretty neat, huh.” “Kay, but why did it have to be a guy dressed in a speedo.” “Cause they’re my cubes, Roxy. I can put whatever the hell I want on them.”
Once facing the door leading to their little coveted mcguffin, Toxi stands in front of its steel and reaches out as she tells the other to: “Gimme a sec here, girls. Meltin through this door won’t take long.” Just before her gooey mitts could touch the door, Roxanne stands in her way; advising that: “Maybe we shouldn’t melt our way inside. The acid could raise some eyebrows.” “The hell you suggest we do then.” “Just let me pick through the lock instead.” Roxy suggests, pulling out a small bobby pin from her black headband. “Since when the hell do you know how to pick locks?” Gigi wonders. “Since I was in a little gang a couple years back.” “Girl, you didn’t tell us you was a gangster.” Toxi mentions. “It really wasn’t all that big. More of after school ruff club to be honest. The worst we ever did was just steal trinkets from dollar stores.” The snap of the lock soon sounds off, Roxanne pulling her bobby pin from the lock as she tells the girls that: “There we go.”
Opening the steel door wide open, all three girls find on the other side what seemed to be a massive open room covered from floor to walls in countless electrical wires; several control panels and screens laying across the wide chambers. Standing right at the very end of the chamber be the prize they seek; the coveted jewel suspended within a glass case, the countless snaking wires hooked to its base. “Well damn, this lookin easy. Only thing stoppin us is tripping flat on yo ass.” Toxi states as she prepares to slither forth. Just before her slimy bottom could even touch any of the wires, Gigi stops her dead in her tracks; the blonde confirming that: “It does look pretty easy. A bit too easy. Why is there no one here?” “Bitch, the hell you talkin about.” the slime girl asks, pushing away Gigi’s arm. From a pocket in her pink sweat pants, the blonde pulls out a tiny metal ball pinched between her fingers; soon chucking the ball out towards the middle of the chamber. The ball soon explodes in the middle of the air in a puff of gas, the white clouds engulfing the entire chamber in its shroud.
The clouds eventually part to unveil the dozens upon dozens of security lasers that litter the entire chamber, Toxi stepping away from the couple of beam that were inches away from her face. “The fuck!? Though Arti said Charles took care of the security system.” the slime girl reminds them. “I guess he might have missed a few. Nice save, Gigi. I’ll call Artemis and tell her we’re still stuck.” Roxanne states. As her teammate fiddles with her phone, the blonde gazes out towards the other end of the room; discovering a small panel wearing a brand symbol familiar to her. “I don’t think were as stuck as you might think.” Pointing over towards the panel on the other side, Gigi begins to explain with: “This security system is my dads brand. I can just disable it myself.” “Really?” “Yep, I designed it along side dad myself. I know just how it works and how to stop it.” “Kay, cool. How the hell you plannin on getting past all this shit to turn it off.” Toxi aggressively questions. “You gotta show off your stuff. Now its my turn to show mine. Just watch and learn girls what years of dance and gymnastics training has sculpted me into.” Mentioning this, the blonde leap out towards the bramble of security lasers ahead; Roxanne reaching out for her leaving teammate as she exclaims: “Gigi, wait!”
From above, the gymnast flips down the cavalcade of red glowing beams spread through the chamber, landing right on her hands between a lone beam; her head mere inches from its bright red glow. In her handstand, she then lunges herself through a cluster of rays in front of her; landing right on top of one of the computer panels. Noticing the bramble of beams across the top of the panel, Gigi slithers and weaves her slender body through the bright red cluster of lights; contorting and flexing her figure in ways that lend to her to be on par with a professional gymnast more than her own comrades. After squeezing herself through the myriad of lasers, the blonde jumps across more of them littering the chamber; gracefully landing upon the countless wires littering the floor. Though these uneven wires prove to make her a tad off balance, Gigi nonetheless retains her stance and leaps forth through more of the lasers littering the room.
Her gymnastic feats soon take her only several more paces away from the glass case along with the security panel behind it, a straight wall of glowing beams blocking her from progressing any further. Though she finds the wall of rays far too closely knitted to effectively squeeze through, she does notice the wall failing to reach up to the roof; a rather sizable opening perched under the roof of the chamber. Gazing along the cluster of lasers set before her for a way up, she discovers a part of the chamber wall free from any alerting beams; decorated in only loose hanging cable wires. While it may seem risky to some, this proves to be just the path that the young girl needs; a smile beaming on her face as she prepares to leap out towards the wall. Taking a bounding jump over one more bush of beams below her, Gigi reaches out for the wired wall before her; clasping tightly to the cables coating the chambers side. Taking a tight grip of the hanging wires, Gigi pulls herself up the wall as quickly as a well trained Olympian; soon perched right at the very top of the chamber. Stuck along the ceiling, Gigi takes a moment to position herself before leaping out to the hole atop the wall of beams blocking her way forward. Finally, the blonde makes the jump out towards the wall before her; gliding over the countless lasers and beams below as Roxanne watches her in awe. Utilizing the momentum of her kickoff, Gigi successfully weaves herself through the gap between the laser wall and the chamber’s ceiling; soon descending right near where the glass case stands. Once landing on her feet, the blonde strolls aside the case containing their prize and over to the control panel for the security grid; swiftly typing along its keyboard as she claims that: “Aaaaand there we go. Down and out.”
Pressing the last key on the panel, Gigi glances back and watches as the grid of beams dissolve before her eyes; the entire room soon void of any security lasers left. Both of her teammates waltz through the laserless chambers to meet with the blonde at the very end, all the while Gigi gazes to them with a smug grin; Roxanne applauding her efforts while Toxi looks on with bitter scorn. “So, you two enjoy my little performance or did you love it? Pretty spectacular, wasn’t it?” “It was amazing, Gigi. You really-” Roxanne attempts to compliment, though finding herself being rudely interrupted by her slimy comrade. “Bitch, you call that an olympic showcase? I know at least half the peeps above us that can make your sorry ass flips look like grade school gymnastics.” “Toxi! Using other people accomplishments and abilities instead of your own to try and leave scars? And here I thought that your slimy ass couldn’t stoop any lower.” “Bitch, I’ll leave more than a scar when I’m done with you!” Just before either of them could throw down, Roxanne gets right in the middle and swiftly reminds them of their objective with: “Girls! Job! Jewel! Melt! Case!” Seeing their partner point out towards the case in question, Toxi and Gigi give one another spiteful glares before breaking off; the slime girl slithering to the glass case before them.
Finding herself showing within the surface of the glass veil, the gooey girl gets to work on melting through the clear glass; reaching her palm out to her own reflection. Touching the glass with her slimy hands, she begins to spread her corrosive acid across its clear reflective surface; the ooze she leaves behind bubbling and seething as it starts to melt through like melting butter on a piece of glassy bread topped off with delicious face melting acid. Toxi’s slimy deep violet goo makes quick work of the clear vial, dissolving a massive hole leading to the coveted shiny prize contained within. Once cracking the case wide open, Roxanne reaches out for their glimmering target; snatching the gem right off the pole it was perched upon. “Good work, girls. The people up top might just not take us for granted anymore. Maybe even make us go on more missions like this if we’re lucky.” Roxanne informs as they all stroll towards the exit. “I’m betting they’ll let me work out in the premium practice room after all the stuff that I’ve done.” Gigi claims. “All the stuff you did? Bitch, did you not see all the shit my acid melt through today? They outta gimme my own fuckin personal chef for all the shit I did.” Toxi asks. “Girls, you both did amazing on this mission. I’m sure they’ll be proud of both of you.” Roxanne attempts to tell the both of them. “Oh, like you did so much. You���ve just been sitting on your slimy ass while I had to jump and flip through a damn security system.” “Oh yeah, cause I like to see your flat ass flip through a brickwall. We wouldn’t even be here if it weren't for me.” From failing to quell her partners incessant bickering, Roxy’s face swiftly deflate; just being so done with both of them. Even after being with eachother for nearly 4 months now, they still think of ways to piss each other off; they can at least not be as loud. Practically keeping everybody almost every damn night. Wish they’d just stop for once.
Roxanne’s wish is swiftly granted when only a few feet from the exit, all three of them discovering a bright red energy barrier barring their only exit. “What...what is that.” Roxy questions. Approaching the barricade, Gigi reaches out to the force field and taps the surface of the blockade; the energy surface echoing her taps across its face. “This might be a problem.” “A problem my ass! Stand back, motherfucka. I’ll show ya how big a problem this is.” the slime girl boast, pushing the blonde aside as she approaches the door. Just like the glass case before hand, Toxi lathers the face of the force field with her own acidic goo; the slime she leaves behind bubbling before her and her comrade. The slime girls prideful smile swiftly dissolves however when finding her slime simply sliding right off the barrier; leaving not a single melted hole along its surface. “Wow, just look at that. I guess we’re just as fucked as I thought.” Gigi sarcastically claim. “Whatev bitch. So what if I can’t melt through the damn door. They ain’t got them barriers on their walls. Should be pretty easy meltin through the dry wall and wires.” “Oh yeah, you’re right. Should be pretty easy melting through it all as the wires fry you alive.” “I’m afraid Gigi’s right, Toxi. Your acid could conduct the electricity flowing through all the wires dressed through here. And since you can’t melt through anything without touching it first, It probably wouldn’t be hard to imagine hurting yourself.” Roxy adds. After an irritated growl escapes from between the slime girls gooey lips, Toxi points out towards her two comrades as she accuses Roxanne that: “This shit ain’t fair! You always taking her side, Roxy. You never back up what I think.” “That’s cause she knows which of them is the smarter out of us.” “The fuck is that supposed to mean.” “It means you aren’t the one whose got all A’s on their report card.” “Guess it also means you ain’t got one hell of a bodacious bod like mine.” “The hell did you say about my body, bitch?” Witnessing her two partners stirred into a furious arguing fit once again, Roxanne can’t help but let out an exhausted sigh; wondering how in the hell can she get them to stop doing this shit.
In the midst of her emotional exhaustion, Roxanne’s eyes trail up to the roof of the chamber; fixated on a hole in the middle beginning to open up. “Uh, girls.” “Least I don’t gotta wear shitty contacts to see three feet in front of me.” Toxi mocks. “Is that way you have to keep yourself locked in a tube to keep yourself from looking like literal shit?” Gigi barks back. “Girls.” Roxanne utters. Taking a glance back towards the ceiling, Roxy discovers the hole above them to have opened wide; gazing back towards the two as she once again exclaims in dismay: “Girls!” Alas, the panic in her voice fails to reach her two comrades; neither of them batting an eye to her as Toxi continues with: “Oh, like you lookin any better right now. Bitch, you gotta whole lotta work to do if you wanna make that bowl of yours work cut work.” “Same for you with all those nasty ass boils. Betting not even a dash of makeup could cover up all those.” As her two partners argue among themselves, Roxanne looks up to the ceiling once more; witnessing a massive block of metal drop down from the hole. The oversized block crashes down right in the middle of the chamber, the quaking impact finally breaking both Toxi and Gigi out from their bickering as they glance over in its direction. As all three girls stare out to the heavyweight piece of metal, they watch as its metallic surface begins to unfold before their very eyes; a pair of arms emerging from its sides and grasps the countless wires below it. “Roxy, the fuck you didn’t warn us about this?” Toxi questions. “Yeah, Rox. Could’ve used the heads up.” Gigi adds, both of their responses drawing out yet more frustration from their red haired partner. As the transforming block of metal lifts itself from the floor via its morphing legs, it uproots countless electrical wires from throughout the entire chamber; dressing itself in the loose broken wiring as it breaks out from its cube like shell. Once the body finally takes its shape, the boar like head pops out from the middle of its chest; its glowing indigo eyes glaring out towards the three intruders.
Once finishing its grand transformation, the massive metallic automaton lumbers over towards the trio; the girls backing away to the approaching robot as Gigi states that: “Oh...They must’ve shelled out for my dads deluxe security package. Security droid and all.” “Tell me you text the others.” Toxi questions, her eyes shifting over to their red haired partner. “They’re on their way now. We just have to buy them enough time until they get here.” Roxanne informs.
Their robotic adversary nearing, the girls witness the metallic giant flings its wiring out towards them like a makeshift whip; their electrical ends sending out a constant flow of sparks as they fly. From dodging the oncoming lightning whip, all three of the girls splitting off as they sprint away from the towering automaton. Once gaining enough distance from their lumbering foe, Roxanne aims her site out towards the blonde flipping away from the giant; Roxy asking if: “So if your dad built these things, does that mean you know how to shut them down?” “I should. If we could melt through its metal shell, I’d just have to mess with the circuitry to break it down.” Whilst slithering away from the pursuing android, the slime girl is all too eager to rudely remind Gigi that: “Bitch, you forget what you said? Touching just one of those wires might reduce my sexy ass to a fine chard sludge.” “You think I don’t remember that? Like I said before, leave that to me.” the blonde retells, a determined smile stretching across her face. From her determined grin, the bowlcut blonde pulls out from her jacket a pair of brightly colored pom poms; shaking the two of them in the palms of her hands. “Girl, you lost your fuckin mind or what!? This ain’t the time for one of yo shitty cheering practices!”
Partially ignoring her slimy comrades less then encouraging input, Gigi takes a moment to breath before preparing to start; soon jumping around while flailing her pom poms around as she cheers with: “Hey hey, you you! Automaton! Fuck you! Dressing in wires is so last year! You outta be running in tears!” The cheerleaders enthusiastic taunts prove effective enough to draw her robotic foe’s attention; the metal giant halting in its tracks and glaring over towards the mocking blonde as she continues with: “You overblown fax machine! Bet you can’t touch this teen! Come get me! Come, come, come get me!” The mocking cheers cause the massive android to charge out in her direction, drawing her metallic foe away from her friends as she witnesses the automaton ready to strike with its loose wire whips. Just as the iron behemoth casts its electrical wires out to the cheering girl, Gigi springs up high into the air; flipping across the slither of loose wiring and landing right atop a clean spot of the giants arm. Hopping from the top of its metal limb, Gigi glides right over the metallic automaton’s boar like head; gliding over its sharp mettalic teeth. The blonde cheerleader soon comes to face the giant androids wire coated backside, continuing her cheer as she claps her red and white pom poms together with: “Now it’s time to end this cheer with a blast! A-A-A blast!” Between the palms of her hands, the paper making up her pom poms suddenly burst apart; revealing under their glittering paper a sizable explosive. The cheerleader waits not another moment to chuck her bomb towards her iron adversary’s backside, the explosive releasing its deadly payload upon impact. Gigi’s little bomb shows to be more than powerful enough to knock the security android right off its feet; the automaton falling to the wire littered floor on its stomach.
Once landing back onto the floor, the bowlcut blonde looks towards her two teammates; gloating on how: “And that is how a genius downs a giant. Hidden expanding explosives mark 2!” Just as they hear Gigi say such, both Toxi and Roxanne witness the iron colossus quickly begin arise from the floor; seemingly unfazed by the cheerleaders surprise explosive. Upon seeing this, the slime turn glances back to her blonde partner; looking to her smug ass face as she wonders aloud to her: “The hell all the good that did!? You didn’t even put a dent in it! You just tryin to show off again?” “Toxi, it’s back.” Roxanne points out. Gazing out to the rising giants backside, they find the wires that once coated the automaton’s back to be rendered to burnt chards; the pieces fluttering down to the floor as the colossus stands back on its feet. “Hey, slime tits. Time to get your gooey ass a movin.” Gigi order. “Bitch, you don’t tell me what to do.” the slime girl states as she moves in towards the approaching security droid.
Slithering out to the nearing giant, Toxi watches as the massive robot prepares to lash its wired whips towards her; the slime girl refusing to move as the wires near. In one clean swipe, Toxi is slashed into meager puddles by the cast wire whip; parts of herself spreading across the semi wire littered floor. Even with their comrades presumed demise and the security droids approach, both Gigi and Roxanne remain completely confident as the hulking metal giant nears. From around the chambers flooring, the puddles and drops of Toxi’s remains begin to slither their way around the countless wires and towards the giant, halting underneath the metal monsters feet. As soon as the metallic colossus steps onto Toxi’s own slimy remains, the automaton fumbles right back to the ground; falling flat on its stomach once again. The giant fallen forward, the bits and pieces of the slime girl climb across its small bits of wireless metal; reforming into her old slimy self right atop the robots backside. Having pulled herself back together, the Toxi acts fast and smears her slimy acid across the iron giants backside; her gooey substance quickly beginning to melt through its metal shell and exposing the circuitry within. Before she could reach for the circuits however, the giant android beneath her begins to roll back on its feet once more; Toxi left to slip right off its backside.
After her partner splatters along the floor, Gigi leaps above her as she thanks the slime girl with: “Thanks for the assist. Have fun, sitting in a puddle of your own filth.” The bowlcut blonde races out towards the lumbering metal monster, watching as the droid prepares to cast its wire whip out to the approaching cheerleader. Once leaping over the massive androids lightning whip, Gigi slides right between the giants metal legs and faces its exposed backside; seeing the melted hole that her slimy partner had made just for her. Gigi then spring up to towards the automatons back, climbing her way up via the wires leading to the hole; the blonde careful not to grab hold of any sparking ends. Finally, the blonde reaches up to the security droids open hole; taking a peek inside as she claims to herself that: “Right. Now just to rewire the insides and direct the output to the mainframe to overload it and this little droid here should-” Its while gazing at the insides of the giant that shock and bewilderment spread across the blondes face; Roxanne noticing her agile teammate simply staring at the inside and wondering: “Gigi, what’s the hold up? Is there something wrong?” “Th-the circuitry. It’s...it’s completely different…They modified this model! I can’t believe it! They can’t do this. It’s a violation of the deluxe packs user agreements. These cheap, lab coated rats! They’ll-” Before the cheerleader could rant on any further, the android begins to shake itself in an effort to toss the blonde off its back. Despite her desperate attempts to hold on, Gigi eventually goes flying off the modded androids backside; the robot itself lashing its electrical whips upon the helpless cheerleader. The bowlcut blonde can’t help but take in the full brunt of the sting, the lightning like strike sending her careening across the chamber. Roxanne watches in horror as her comrade is sent slamming straight into a wall, rushing to her aid as she tumbles to the wire littered floor; crying out: “Gigi!” As Roxanne urgently dashes towards the injured cheerleader, the giant pulls back its lightning whip in an effort to intercept her; failing to catch Toxi slipping underneath its metal foot. Stepping onto the slime girls entire body causes the giant to take another spill onto the wired floor; the tip of its whip missing the rushing Roxanne entirely.
Finally coming to her downed teammate, Roxy kneels before the lying Gigi to inspect her; discovering several bruises and burns across her body. “Gigi? Gigi? Come on, please! Are you still with us? Say something?” Upon pleading such, Roxanne hears uttered from her partners mouth a painful groan; the sign of life making her let out a relieved breath: “Oh thank goodness. Just gimme a second here, Gigi. I’ll have you fixed up in no time.” Declaring this, Roxanne gently places the palms of her hands over the bruises and burns plaguing the young cheerleader; a bright lavender light beginning to light up underneath her hands. Its in that moment does Roxy lift her hands off her friend, unveiling a small lavender flame awaiting beneath her palms. Rather then burning the blonde even further, Roxanne’s light purple fires instead mend her injured friends bruises; Gigi’s painful expression coming to a calm as her wounds disappear within her friends blaze. Her bright lavender fires blaze across her comrades body, consuming more and more of Gigi’s bleeding bruises and burns the further it goes; extinguishing itself when the blonde body is left completely healed. Once the last of the flames go out, Gigi rises from the wired covered floor simple like getting herself out of bed after a long and well deserved nap; stretching her arms out as she sits up beside Roxanne. The blonde looks to where her painful bruises once were, finding not a scratch left on her as she tells her gratitude to the medic who tended to her with: “Thanks for the heals, Roxy. I’d probably be dead if you hadn’t had stuck with us.” “Don’t thank me just yet.” her medic disappointingly suggests, turning back towards the scene of the action.
Gazing back towards the iron giant, the two witness their slimy comrade slithering around the massive android; the androids whip slinging her back towards her team. Pulling herself back together beside her fully healed partner, Toxi shakes off her sudden blow; glancing over to the blonde as she wonders: “Glad to see yo sorry ass back from the dead. So how you plannin on hackin this metal dick?” “I...I don’t know.” “Yeah, real fucking funny. Seriously, what’s the plan?” “Bitch, I said I don’t know! I can’t stay on the robots back long enough to understand the newly place circuitry.” Before any of them could plan further on what their next move might be, all three of the girls witness the metal giant lumbering over towards them; bracing for the worst as the iron colossus pulls its whip back.
Right before the security android could lash its wires out to the three, a resounding boom echoes throughout the entire chamber; everyone gazing out to the side to find a part of the chamber wall having burst open. Shooting out from the resulting cloud of dry wall dust, a massive green beam fires out towards the iron giant; the ray proving more than enough to send the security droid crashing straight towards other side in one clean shot. Before the steel behemoth could stand back on its two iron feet, something slams down upon its stomach and keeps it glued to the floor; its indigo eyes meeting the purple mercs devious grin. Keeping the giant grounded to the wire littered floor, Roy starts pummeling the automaton further into the ground; each pounding strike quaking the entire chamber from bottom to top. “Roy?” Roxanne utters, shocked to find her boy before her beating down the colossus that troubled them so. Turning her eyes back towards the dispersing clouds of dust, all three of the girls find standing behind its shroud to find both of their other comrades coming out from the freshly busted hole in the wall; a large technologically enchanted bazooka perched over Artemis’ shoulders. “I still don’t get how exactly you managed to carry that monstrosity of a gun with us. You’re not exactly sporting a lot of pockets on you, much less a holster to luge that beast around in.” Charles points out as he walks alongside the sniper. “No time for questions, stay sharp and look alive.” she simply counters with.
Once the two of them come to the rest of their team, Artemis kneels down and offers them her hand; asking them all if: “You girls okay?” “Uh...yeah, obviously. We were just about to hand this tin can motherfucka’s shiny metal ass on a silver plate til you guys busted in. Knocked this metal bitch flat on its face at least a good couple times.” Toxi brags. “All thanks to my ingenuity and planning of course.” Gigi smugly adds. “If that’s the case, then it shouldn’t be much of a problem for Roxanne’s purple demon she oddly calls her boyfriend to finish off.” Charles states. “Charles! Don’t just go calling him names like that. He’s not that bad of a guy when you-” Roxy attempts to scold her blue leader for; though hearing Roy’s maniacal laughter echo in their ears proves to be detrimental to her point.
Gazing back towards the scene of the action, all of them watch as the violet merc continues to beat the bot in; Roy eventually smacked aside by the hard steel of the automatons backhand. Despite being smacked back by the full brunt of the iron behemoth’s metal strike, this fails to keep the merc back for long; Roy regaining his aerial balance as his black wings sprout from his back. His metallic foe standing back on its steel legs, the merc takes the moment to give the giant a less then friendly middle finger; taunting on how: “Surprise motherfucka! Your rustic metal asshole ain’t got nothing on my glorious cheeks. I got enough spunk in me to take way more than you can dish out with your tiny wire string dick!” Hearing their purple guest mock the security droid in such a lewd manner, Roxanne’s entire team glances in her direction; all wearing face ranging from worry, disbelief, and “What the fuck were you thinking when hooking up with this maniac?” kind of looks. Roxy can do little but give her crew a semi insincere smile, letting out a nervous giggle as she can only shrug.
From the black angels taunting mockery, the metallic monster thrust his free hand down the rest of the wires beneath his feet; pilling out more of the electrical wiring littering the floor. Once uprooting whatever wires are left lying on the floor, the robotic behemoth whips both the mess of wire strings in his hands and swings them out towards the purple bastard himself. Roy shows to be more than capable of evading the bots makeshift whips, dancing around the lightning like wires in a 360 pirouette; soon countering the giants swing with his own power in the form of pitch black beam. The giant automaton takes in the full force of the merc’s deadly ray; Roy’s beam piercing straight through the security droids side; its pieces flying across the chamber. Even after taking in such a lethal shot to the side of its torso, the iron colossus still refuses to fail back on the floor; standing against the odds as if nothing happened. “Ya gotta be fuckin with me here! The hell did yo daddy make this asshole out of to take a hit like that.” Toxi questions, everybody glaring eyes locked to the blonde cheerleader. Gigi can’t help but let out a nervous chuckle, explaining to everyone that: “Only the best for his inventions. The motto of his company.” “Lets see it stand up to another shot of this.” Artemis mentions as she aims the tip of her plasma bazooka out towards the standing giant. Firing her massive weapon off from the wayside, the neon green markswoman lands another clean hit to the hulking androids shoulder; the blast strong enough to knock the behemoth straight into the wall.
After lending her own support in handing the iron giant a piece of its own rustic asshole, Artemis glances over to the other girls and questions if: “Did you all manage to get the jewel.” When asked about such, Roxanne pulls out the little coveted prize in question; presenting the shining jewel as she declares that its: “Right here. All in its glimmering glory.” “Great work, you three.” After complimenting the Roxanne and her friends for the accomplishment, the neon green sniper shifts her gaze over to their airborn purple guest; demanding that: “We have what we need here. We need to make our escape ASAP.” “Right behind y’all.” Roy acknowledges; gliding in their direction as the rest begin to take their leave through the hole in the wall. Before heading out with the rest of her team, Roxanne stops inches from the way out; taking a look back to her boy as he glides in her direction.
Just when Roy was about to reach for his purple flamin girl, the merc feels something wrap around his body; a whole cluster of loose shocking wires entangling around his entire body and jerking him back. Having caught the black angel in its electrical whips, the mechanical colossus wastes no time in beating the merc across the entire room, shocking and slamming the black angel constantly into the concrete floor. In the middle of his battering punishment, Roy’s purple eyes venture out towards the hole in the wall; discovering his girl watching the scene in horror. Roxanne worry is all the merc needs for motivation; stopping himself from crashing onto the wireless concrete floor and landing back on his feet. Though the android attempts to pull the merc back, its purple captive proves to have far more strength under his than its mechanical servos can fight against; Roy refusing to budge where he stands. Its in this stand off does the black angel burst free from the wires that bind his entire body; the resulting shock wave causing the automaton to stumble back. Just when the security droid was ready to fall, something prevents it from crashing down; the boar head gazing down to witness the purple merc taking a tight grip on its makeshift whips. Even when having felt the millions and millions of volt coursing through his entire body, Roy refuses to let go the electrical wires that once bound him; instead pushing the power current back with his own power. Roy’s own pitch black power creeps up the wires dressing the androids arm, soon consuming the rest of the wires alongside the massive metal giant itself; causing the automaton to explode in a mess of black smoke. Roxanne backs away from the drifting clouds of black, soon finding her own purple boy emerging out from the clouds and flying in her direction; Roy sweeping Roxy off her feet as he jets out of the smokey chamber.
Racing through the white halls ahead of the underground basement, the rest of the crew sprint across the polished marble with the mcguffin in their mitts; their proud getaway coming to sudden blockade. Standing in the entire teams way be a whole battalion of armed guards and patrol facing them down; their weapons squarely aimed right at the four. “So, how much more ammo do ya got in that cannon of yours?” Charles wonders. “Don’t think it matters. One blast from it could make this whole hall crash on top of us.” “How the hell we getting outta here then.” the slime girl wonders. Right then and there that they here the blonde cheerleader behind them warn that: “Guy, something’s coming up on our tail fast.” “Is it more security?” Artemis questions. “Not unless they’re on fire.” “Heh?” From their teammates bizarre answer, everyone else glances back from where they sprinted from; witnessing a giant ball of purple flames swiftly approaching. Jumping out from the burning comets path, all four of them witness their red headed comrade leaping off of its back; Roxanne greeting them all with: “Hey guys.” “Roxy, but then is that-” Toxi questions. Coated in a dark purple flame, the black winged angel rockets towards the blockade of guards with a smile on his face; the battalion he approaches scattering in attempt to flee from his blazing charge. Alas, there escape from the merc was but a fleeting wish; Roy ramming straight through the squad in a literal purple firestorm. Once the blazing inferno quickly comes to a calm, the girls then rush past the countless downed guards; Roxanne helping Roy off the burnt marble floor as she hears him thank her with: “Thanks for the quick fix there, Fox Rox. You’re fires were pretty sick.” “No problem Roy, happy to help. The way we came in isn’t too far from here. Come on.”
Following the rest of the squad, both Roxanne and Roy make it back to the janitor’s closet they broke in from; Roy stopping right next to the doorway and facing the way he came from. The red head turns back towards her violet boy toy, wondering: “What are you doing? Reinforcements will be here any minute.” “Covering our tracks. You go ahead with the others, I won’t be far behind.” the merc informs, a pitch black power forming above the palm of his hand. As her boyfriend has instructed, the red head races through the hole leading right into the sewer tunnels; leaving Roy to face the oncoming pack of security guard himself. With the power in his hand fully charged, Roy fires out a massive black beam out towards the oncoming mass of guards; the ray consuming the entire mob in its agonizing darkness. The catastrophic blast causes the entire underground facility to furiously rumble, pieces of the hallway collapsing from the resulting quake; a clear queue for the merc to take his leave as he dashes through the janitor doorway.
Back out the dark alley atop the surface; Charles holds their well earned prize in the clasp of his finger; admiring the gems cut as he declares to the rest of the team that: “Ladies. Our mission has been accomplished.” From their blue skinned leader declaring as such, most of the team cheers from their victory; others admiring the shinning jewel in pride. “I still can’t believe it. We pulled off our first big mission, and none of us loss a single limb.” Gigi exclaims. “Still can’t believe yo flat ass didn’t screw us over. Though for sure we’d be dead with your loud ass mouth.” Toxi mocks. Despite this promptly starts up another argument between the two of them, their baby blue leader promptly ignores them both as he approaches his neon green sniper; admitting to her that: “I never thought in my time with you all that I’d be one day proud of everyone. Each of you played your parts well.” “Roy did too. We wouldn’t have pulled off this big assignment if it weren't for him.” Roxanne reminds him. A reluctant groan escaping from his mouth, the lab coated leader swiftly showing his weak gratitude for: “Yeah, fine. Thank you Ray for your excellent services, we’re lucky to have had you on the team. Blah blah blah blah blah.” “Eh, no need to thank me.” “Good, cause I wasn’t.” “Really I should be saying the same for my lavender hot bae here for the fun night out.” the merc states, giving his girl a peck on the cheek. The sudden smooch causes Roxy to let out a nervously faux giggle as she strolls over to the neon green sniper; Artemis knelling to the red heads ear and asking if: “Mind if we have a little talk. Girl to girl.”
Once taking the red head to a little more private side of the dark alleyway, Artemis takes in a deep breath before coming out with: “I hate to be the one to ask this out of the blue, especially with all the luck that we’ve been having, but...how’s your brother’s disability treatment going?” “Oh...It’s-it’s been rather slow as of late. Taking baby steps I guess. Hopefully all the money the Alliance is feeding me can go to helping him deal with it until I improve.” Roxanne hesitantly informs. “Well, if it isn’t enough, I’ll be more then happy to send whatever money I get your way. It’s the least I can do after making my time in the Alliance as comforting and stress free as possible.” “No problem, Arti. I’m more than happy to help you.” “By the way, did you mention any of this to the mercenary yet?” “Roy? Uh, no. I really haven’t figured out a way how to yet. I was hoping to do it naturally.” “Are you sure its a good idea to tell him at all?” “Artemis. I know you’ve read up on all that he’s done through his supposed career; but with the few weeks that I’ve spent with him, he really isn’t as bad as you think.” “I’m just wanting you to watch yourself.” “I know, and I will. Thanks Arti.” Unaware to either of the girls, the purple merc in question stood on the other side of the corner behind them; taking in the entire conversation with a sort of mild unease.
Strolling along the nearly empty city walkway, both Roy and Roxanne walk together hand in hand; the dimly lit streetlights to their side lighting their way. “Ya know, we still got us a lot of night on us to burn away. Could go somewhere else tonight, like a restaurant, arcade, mall, lake, fight club. You got the wheel on where how this night can go.” the merc suggests. “Actually, I already have a place in mind that I wanna stop; though its not really as fun as any of those places. You don’t really have to come with if you don’t want to.” “What, you mean like a hospital.” “Actually, yeah. I was planning to stop their for a little bit to maybe help out.” While walking alongside his red headed girlfriend, Roy loosens his grip on Roxanne’s own hand; eventually letting go of her as he asks her if: “Is it the same hospital where your brother is staying?” “Yeah...How did...Were you overhearing Arti and I talk back there?” “Kind of.” “Oh, I’m sorry for the way she talked about you. I know she can be defensive, but-” “Don’t be. She’s a good friend looking after you like that. That neon green gal’s lucky to have somebody like you with her.” With her boy mentioning such to her, Roxanne can’t help but crack a sincere smile; soon hearing Roy continue with: “Plus, I think I know a guy that can help out just as much with your little bro’s problems. A blue bro of mine with healing powers somewhere close to yours; I figure with his help, we could get your brother back on his feet. I ain’t too sure if he could fix him up completely, or if at all. But hey, can’t hurt to try; right?”
It takes the red head a few good moment to ponder upon her purple merc’s offer; but eventually responds to him with: “It sounds too good to be true...but I don’t think I can take you up on your offer.” “What? Look, I know my bro can be act like an idiot sometimes, but he’s pulled through for us lots of times before. I’m pretty sure that he can fix your-” “That’s not what I meant...I was...hoping to one day heal my brother myself.” Roxanne corrects. “What?...Why? Why would you wait for something like that?” Roy questions. “Its the Alliance. Being with them gives me a good outlet to practice and hone my healing flames; practice that I may one day heal my brother myself. Once I master my powers to do something like that, there may be no one else in this world I can’t heal then. To take care of the needy and sick that dwell in this cruel world, awaiting for somebody to end their pain and suffering; I can become a beacon of hope and life for everyone.” His girlfriends explanation on denying his offer drives Roy to the point of silence, his only fist trembling behind his back as he finally answers her with: “Are you kidding me?...” “Huh?”
“That has to be some of the biggest pile of bullshit I ever heard!” The merc harsh comment shocks and appalls the red head; backing away from the black angel as she questions him: “How...could you say something that?” “You mean to tell me that your using your brother as a milestone for something that you don’t even know might happen, all the while leaving the poor kid to suffer; how could I not say it!” “He’s not suffering, Roy! All the money the Young Blood Alliance gives me help treat and comfort him in his hour of need!” “He wouldn’t even need any of that cash if you stop being so self centered and get him actual help!” “It’s like that! You don’t understand!” “No, you don’t understand! If you actually gave a damn about your brother, then you wouldn’t have him wait around for who know’s how fuckin long until you muster up the skill to actually do it; all just so for you hope of what you could do in the future rather than the reality of what you can do now. That’s not dreaming, that’s just being selfish.” Taking in the merc’s harsh words, Roxanne stands before him shocked and silent; attempting to hold back the flow of tears welling in her eyes. Roy lets out a small sigh as he pulls out his phone, passing by the shock struck red head as he tells her to: “Now, come on. My bro can meet with us at the hospital.” “No...” Roxanne utter. Stopping dead in his tracks, the purple merc turns back towards the red head behind him and simply states: “Why now?” “It’s over Roy...It’s all over...We’re through.” Hearing the girl uttering this with his own ears, the merc’s phone slips out from his grip and onto the cold concrete walkway; staring at Roxanne’s back as he himself utters: “What?” “...Goodbye.” Its with her final word that the red head runs from the merc, disappearing into the darkness and leaving Roy under the light of the streetlamp; Roy crumbling to his knees as his eyes drift down to his own shadow.
In the midst of his heartbroken sorrows, the merc hears a familiar voice ring inside his head; the goddess within asking if: “Are you going to be okay?” “I…...I don’t know anymore.” “Why did you say all that to her?” “I was just hoping to talk some sense into her. Get her to see and do the things that are in the now rather than what may be in the future.” “...What do you plan to do now?” To Hera’s worrying question, the merc can’t bring himself to answer her at the moment; simply rising from the concrete walkway and flying up into the night sky.
Perched atop the edge of a buildings, Roy gazes down to the few people left strolling along the streets; staring down to a couple holding one another in their arms. “Hera...” “Yes...” “Is it wrong that I still love her?” “...No.” “But with everything that’s happened...It still hurts. She just cut me out so fast, all while I was offering to help her. I know I was being aggressive. But I did it to try and get through to her...” “Did you think it would’ve been better simply to not say anything?” “How could I not say anything to something like that? Anything to change her mind...But all I did was just ruin everything.” Ruminating in silence, the merc’s gaze drifts up towards the moon perched high in the sky; staring upon the glowing half crescent as a heavy breath escapes him. “Sometimes, I wonder if I even deserved to be loved.” “Oh Roy, of course you do.” “Then why am I so bad at keeping it?”
With his last question baiting out no answers from the goddess, the merc stands from the edge of the building as he prepares to take off into the night sky; his black wings unfolding from his back. Just as he launches right off the rooftop, an unexpected green beam blasts into the side of his head; the surprising headshot causing the merc to plummet to the streets below. The impact of Roy’s crashing descent could be heard ringing across the entire block; accompanying the merc cursing: “Fuck!”
The final episode before the season finale. I'll be honest, I had the scenario at the end in the back of my mind for a very very long while now; the thought of Roy severing a sort of romantic connection with his own stubborn morality and beliefs was one that I was wanting to experiment with for a long time. I especially wanted to make this argument as two sided as I possibly could, with readers being able to see both sides of their argument without demonizing either; plus for both parties to have their own mistakes in the relationship beforehand. I really hope that I pulled it off well...Just in time for Valentines day too.
Gigi, Toxi, Artemis, Charles, and Roxanne all belong to: @princesscallyie
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