#my feelings on the subject right here
every time i watch anything with him in it (admittingly, predominantly from the Dropout app), i am reminded that Lou Wilson is the most handsome man to have ever lived. like, objectively. he just is. i will hear no arguments for any other person to be ranked higher. Lou Wilson: whose face single-handedly shows humanity can go no higher in beauty. he is THE most attractive man in the world. argue with the wall lmao
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chloecherrysip · 1 year
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We're going to save your brother.
#mario movie#mario movie spoilers#super mario bros#super mario bros movie#super mario bros movie spoilers#princess peach#mareach#cherrysip edits#I FEEL LIKE THIS MOMENT DID NOT GET THE ATTENTION AND APPRECIATION IT DESERVED ON HERE#man i could write you an essay about this#i do think that the 'i'm not afraid! i'll do anything for my brother' line actually ISN'T said during this scene - it's probably earlier#but that this line IS in the right place (peach's mouth movements match)#which means that scene is going to break me because it just seems like a very vulnerable sweet moment between them#where peach and mario get to talk about the situation they're in and their fears and how big the stakes are for both of them#peach fighting to protect her kingdom and her subjects - the immense pressure on her to stop bowser because of her role as a leader#and mario desperately trying to save his brother - not knowing if luigi is ok or not and not being able to keep him safe is so painful#i think that's why mario doesn't have his hat on - the adventure is starting to weigh on him and he opens up to peach for the first time#about him and luigi and their closeness and how he CAN'T lose his brother he CAN'T let him down when he needs him more than ever#and peach reassures him and it means the world. even in this quick clip there's something a little sad about his face#but also there's relief and gratefulness to her for saying that. they're the absolute sweetest :) :) :)#i could be off base but that really does seem like the vibe of this scene from what we've seen and i am ALL ABOUT IT
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cienie-isengardu · 5 months
Tomas brought that mean talk Bi-Han gave him on himself. Bi-Han only said he's tired of waiting and Tomas went on a speech why that's disrespectful to their dad. Tomas was out of line. Bi-Han should have been even harsher.
Mortal Kombat 1 made it clear that Bi-Han was not at his best mental state. Kuai Liang himself admitted to be aware that his brother’s frustration ran deeply while at the same time apparently neither Scorpion nor Smoke figured out it was their own behavior and treatment of Bi-Han that fueled the frustration in the first place. The one thing the game consequently showed is that whatever Bi-Han will say, be it an opinion about Lin Kuei’s future or just angry complain, all his brothers have to say back to him is father this, tradition that and I think even the most patient person at some point would reach the breaking point. And Bi-Han did reach his, otherwise I doubt he would openly confront Kuai Liang about their father’s death. 
So as much as it is understandable (human) that whenever Tomas or Kuai Liang mentioned father or the tradition Sub-Zero lashed out in frustration, anger alone is a poor excuse for saying mean things - unless in that scene Bi-Han did in fact speak his mind about not considering Smoke to be a true Lin Kuei. Which I doubt is the case, as they were called for the first big job in a while, and looking how
Liu Kang did not recognize Tomas through the whole story mode
Bi-Han had a final say in who is accompanying him, as he rejected aid of Raiden (Fire Lord’s current Champion) and Kung Lao and Liu Kang did not try to impose them on him
I think if Grandmaster truly had an objection to Smoke performing Lin Kuei duty or not deserving being one, he wouldn’t take Tomas on the top priority mission ordered by a very concerned Liu Kang when there were plenty of other more experienced warriors to pick up. Frankly, even if Bi-Han had a doubt about his younger brother’s skills, it wasn’t a baseless assumption, as the infiltration of the enemy's fortress proved Tomas lacks battle experience in that regard. As was seen during his fall after Nitara’s attack - instead of using his powers that literally allowed him to fly, he screamed in panic and using a knife to stop the fall was his second option after instinctively grabbing the wall with his hands failed. Which proves Bi-Han’s point but it didn’t override the decision to include Tomas into Lin Kuei duties. 
But I digress, so let’s come back to the awaiting scene alone. 
Bi-Han: “How long are we expected to linger?" Kuai Liang: “Patience, Bi-Han. There are many demands on Liu Kang's attention." Tomas: "Were he here, Father would advise us to wait without protest."
For one, Tomas did not say anything about Bi-Han being disrespectful to their father nor even to Liu Kang, only that the man would advise them - mind you, them, not Bi-Han alone - to wait as long as needed without a protest. Considering the real possibility that up to his death, their father was the final authority whose words settled any dispute between brothers, Smoke brought an argument to support Kuai Liang’s Patience, Bi-Han. There are many demands on Liu Kang's attention. He simply said what father would do himself in their situation. Something he and Kuai Liang take comfort in, as they held father’s teaching in high regard, while Bi-Han did not recognize the man’s authority any longer - what the younger brothers may know already but still ignore due to their own grief, or Bi-Han up to this moment managed to keep down his frustration under more or less effective control.
This exchange led the discussion away from Liu Kang’s treatment of high-ranked Lin Kuei to the more dangerous subject of father’s teaching and tradition:
Tomas: "Were he here, Father would advise us to wait without protest." Bi-Han: "But now he is gone and I am Grandmaster." Kuai Liang: “His teaching did not pass with him. They should still guide us." Bi-Han: "Guide us, yes. Shackle us, no." Tomas: “We can't abandon tradition." Bi-Han: "Mind your place, Tomas. Father may have taken you in, made you one of us... but your blood will never be Lin Kuei."
For me, Bi-Han’s response was harsher than Tomas’ words deserved, especially as the “your blood will never be Lin Kuei” has nothing to do with the main course of the argument - i.e., following father’s teachings and upholding tradition. If Bi-Han wanted to point out that Tomas is not in position to decide the course of the clan's politics, as it was Grandmaster’s choice alone, he could have said so instead of bringing Tomas’ past. However, at the same time, Sub-Zero’s words could be much harsher and hurtful, for example to deny him the brotherhood or right to consider himself one of Grandmaster's sons. 
The whole bicker was avoidable or at least could be toned down much better if Tomas did not bring their father into discussion. Considering that Kuai Liang was aware his older brother’s patience is a thin ice due to deep frustration, we can assume Tomas knew that too. I feel like if they acknowledged Bi-Han’s complaint or at least allowed him to vent his anger in peace, none of the following arguments would follow. 
I mean, Liu Kang called Grandmaster for top important mission (capturing Shang Tsung and destroying soulstellers), so we can assume Bi-Han and his brothers drop whatever they were doing at that moment and came ASAP only to be forced to wait for unknown to us period of time - that could be a ten minutes or hours, so Bi-Han’s complaint is not baseless. 
At the same time, I feel it is unfair to accuse Tomas of stepping out of line, as that was no formal meeting and he did not undermine the authority of the Grandmaster and older brother before outsiders. The scene was solely about them and their relationship and if Bi-Han felt comfortable to break out of his Grandmaster’s role to vent his frustration to younger brothers when they were all alone, Tomas had the same right to feel comfortable enough to state his opinion in the following discussion. This is them being brothers not the leader and subordinates, the way they were during the war meeting with Liu Kang.
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Please, note, Bi-Han  as Grandmaster is singled out and to whom Fire Lord addresses only, while Smoke and Scorpion stood in their place in silence and won’t speak until the meeting is officially over, i.e. after Sub-Zero’s final decision (“We will leave immediately”). If Tomas spoke during that meeting anything contradictoring Sub-Zero’s words, even if his words were correct, then yes, that would be stepping out of line and deserves any lecture the Grandmaster would consider fitting or even dealing with Tomas’ behavior once they returned to home. 
But during the moment between brothers alone from any outsiders? It is different situation, different power balance to begin with (and really, if they didn’t feel comfortable in each company and didn’t consider waiting together as the quiet moment between just them as brothers, outside the clan politics, I doubt Tomas and Kuai Liang would sit while Bi-Han, their leader, was standing).
Did Smoke really need to bring their father into discussion, especially if he knew the late Grandmaster was a sensitive topic around Bi-Han? It could be easier to just avoid that topic however if we can acknowledge Sub-Zero’s frustration as the reason for his harsh behavior and lashing out in anger, I feel we should also acknowledge that Tomas, the same as Kuai Liang, was a son mourning the loss of father. As Smoke and Scorpion had no idea about Bi-Han’s (passive) role in their father’s death, and we don’t have an idea how long time passed since that incident, so there is a chance it was still recent occurrence and the brothers tried - and failed - to find a common ground between Sub-Zero’s ambitions and Smoke & Kuai Liang’s mourning.
Maybe Tomas was so wrapped up in his grief, he didn’t care or didn’t notice he was provoking Bi-Han? Maybe he on purpose kept bringing the late Grandmaster (tradition) into discussion to force his brother to talk about their father, because grieving people sometimes avoid talking about the dead and he did not want repeat what happened to him not speaking about mother and sister, as intro dialogue implied he did not talk about his biological family after their death (Scorpion: You never speak of your mother and sister.)
For me personally, this scene is not about who stepped out the line and who should be lectured, but rather a needed indication from the narration point that the brothers are drifting apart after their father’s death. Both sides have said things that rubbed the other in the wrong way (hearing non stop about father and tradition adds fuel to Bi-Han’s frustration, Tomas’s hearing no matter how hard he will try, he will never be a true Lin Kuei hits into his sense of self-worth), but even the closest siblings sometimes argue and it happened here.
The argument should not even happen in the first place, and maybe would not happen in any normal circumstances  but since Bi-Han and Tomas and Kuai Liang are affected by things outside their control - frustration and mourning respectively - it is understandable the heavy emotions led them to clashed over relatively small things. 
If there is one thing to say for sure, they have some serious communication problems and that is only partially about Bi-Han not saving their father and lying about that. The story mode showed us Bi-Han trying to explain his reasoning - and as much as game keeps his arguments as vague as possible, he still openly states what he wants for Lin Kuei and himself, while his brothers cling to "tradition" and "father said so" but won't present any countrarguments why those things should matters. Which is a major problem, as both sides want different things and can't find a common ground to agree on.
So no, I don't think Tomas was at fault in this scene, at least not in the sense he wanted to hurt Bi-Han by bringing father into discussion, the same as I don't think Bi-Han should be harsher. What they should have done was to talk about the issue in peace and work out the solution, but alas they weren't given a time nor opportunity until it was too late.
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boxwinebaddie · 12 days
feeling a little sentimental in this chilis so i just wanted to thank everyone on here ( specifically my girl gayng ) for supporting my weird creative style girl au endeavors no matter how strange or odd, my capricious posting and what is probably the constant chaotic presentation of what is intense bipolar and prolly undiagnosed adhd. not all heroes wear capes and thank you for your service. <3
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puppyeared · 4 months
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adhd comix
#man i dont even have the energy to be mad. im just tired#like. dont u love it when your parents exhibit symptoms of ADHD and your sibling is diagnosed with a learning disability#and instead of thinking oh shit what if the other one has smth too. they subject you to The Horrors#i cant bring myself to hate my parents. but im tired of feeling obligated to defend them when the thing they think is working#isnt actually working and ive just found other ways to cope to avoid any sort of conflict. like lying and stealing. lol#if someone took me aside and said 'hey so your brain doesnt make as much dopamine as usual and its not a bad thing it just means you#need external stimulation and reward system to function and youre not actually secretly fucked up or lazy' as a kid#im pretty sure i wouldnt be here rn with half the problems i already have. unfortunately getting diagnosed late means u dont have a teacher#to back you up at a parent teacher conference that forces your parents to take this shit seriously instead of ignoring it hoping itll#go away on its own. but hey what do i know i have squirrel ipad baby disease. what do i know about my own symptoms#AND. AND i think im allowd to be mad bc ive been doing my own research on this for years before and after diagnosis#theyve been putting me thru the WORST parenting techniques on earth. which they could have corrected at anytime but they were#comfortable thinking they were doing it right and didnt bother to check if they were or werent fucking up their kid in the long run#and refusing to acknowledge it. i just!! they just decided one day hey lets make babies!! and just looked at books on how to make#a human being survive as long as possible!!! what the fuck!!!!#im sorry for putting this on ppls dashes but i am. so tired. of bottling this up. and im not looking for sympathy or anything i just need#to scream and clench my fists to SOMEONE about it because theyre not gonna take this well up the ass. sigh#yapping#vent
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always-a-joyful-note · 3 months
I was just thinking again of Idolish7 and I think that the reason that the theme of legacy and carrying on the baton or becoming something better was done SO well was because it they approached it from that old adage about "paying it forward." It's like....yes, they are rivals and competing and doing this for themselves, but like Otoharu said in one of the story parts, the past isn't worthless because it gives us something to build off of and perhaps surpass (and it's good inspiration, too). And you can see that in addition to just being idols and creating music and making their own kinds of art for themselves, they're also doing this out of love for something from the past. Mitsuki with Zero, Sogo with his uncle, Tamaki for Aya, Iori for his brother, Riku because of his family and Tenn, Tenn for his family/Kujo, Momo and Yuki for the old Re:vale and Banri, Minami and Nagi for Sakura, also even Aya for the families that abandoned her and the new ones that gave her something, etc. Even people like Torao and Yamato, who kind of entered the industry purely out of "selfish" desires have an arc where they received kindness and now just want to pass it on.
To sum it up, by treating the past with respect and real appreciation, they can surpass it without trying to undermine its real impact and beauty.
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before ichi momence
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afterthelambs · 3 months
November Rain is actually a really good shuake song. I mean it has the lines:
"Nothing lasts forever and we both know hearts can change" IF YOU TAKE THIS LITERALLY IT'S PERFECT
"If we could take the time to lay it on the line I could rest my head just knowing that you were mine" <- tell me this isn't how akira felt in the engine room knowing he'd never get to see akechi again but at least he got to finally understand him completely
"I know it's hard to keep an open heart when even friends seem out to harm you" <- because like akechi had that whole thing about not wanting teammates because they 'dont actually care' while they were all trying to convince him they do :')
"when your fears subside and shadows still remain, I know that you can love me when there's no one left to blame" <- I feel like this is exactly akira's wish in maruki's world. that he would get to start over with akechi without any of the gods or revenge plans or the metaverse getting in the way
PLUS the song references November and November is when the betrayal happened. what more do you want
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stonyponyofficial · 1 year
i love seeing how much paratext i can fit into the tags. read my footnotes boy
#violet originals#postposting#like that's its own statement right#and then i come down here and tell u everything i was thinking about it#like i just made a post where i put some non organization tags on it for fun as a fun reference#but also it helps clarify the original statement in a less committal jokey way i can have a little fun with#so i start thinking about all that and i get the hilarious original idea for this post and i think abt those tags#but it's only available to those first people who see my original post as it was made#not reblogged#someone can screenshot those tags but they aren't necessary to understand#but they don't add to the post itself just elaboration that isn't really needed#and they aren't all visible at first bc u have to hit the button to see the rest#so my extra little thoughts are there for anyone to see but ull probably wanna see them more if u know me a little through online#but mostly i thought it'd be funny to make this kind of post and then just let the tags run wild bc that's what the post is about see?#do u like all this extra clarification or would u rather i have just posted the post#or nothing at all#or put these tags in the post#bc that could make sense but the original text of the post is to be shared around and 'related to' by other Tumblr users who do the same#so it can't be too long but i need to say all my thoughts about the subject or ill explode and make another post or reblog a comment#so it's all down here instead where it's optional and i can just kinda say what im feeling without feeling like i have to funny it up#i should probably read house of leaves#idk is that related i only have a tiny idea of what that book is but it seems related somewhat#umm#hi :3#kisses u with tongue#adds tags to this later bc im silly :3#hi char hi io#the two people who will probably read this far now lmao
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the dashboard unfucker plugin i had doesn't work anymore and its stopped being updated so now i am forced to look at tumblr cosplaying as twitter for all of eternity
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if i was any better at coding i'd do something about it but i have executive dysfunction and learning how to code all over again ON TOP OF everything else i have to do right now i think it would send me over the edge
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kenzan-kiwami · 9 months
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finished the linework for my kashiwagi tattoo design idea :weary:
RGG Studio Hire Me Challenge [IMPOSSIBLE]
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sparebreadcrumbs · 10 months
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like a music box ballerina
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feral-radfem · 1 year
I'm not going to be tone policed on how I talk about any subject whether it personally affects any of you or not. I am certainly not going to be persuaded to speak more kindly to my oppressors and/or direct political opponents because they are personally affected by the issue I'm talking about.
Some of y'all are letting the female socialization that demands we be kind and considerate at the expense of ourselves (& our social movements) push you right into sugar coating important topics and out of being an effective communicator.
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thatonebabybat · 2 months
Hello! I was wondering if putting a white base on my face would be whitewashing? I'm brown and tried did a white base and got told by a friend that I'm white washing. And my friend is getting me a goth palette since I am not allowed makeup, I want to know if I should get a lighter base or continue with the white base
Hi, I'm not really the best person to ask about this because I'm white??? but like man idk do what feels right
Think about why you want a lighter base (if it's just for artistic reasons, or because of a standard you feel you need to conform to) and make a decision from there. You don't need pale skin to be goth, but if you want to do pale makeup, I'm not really in a position to say that you can't or shouldn't? Find out what makes YOU happy in your alternative expression and don't stress too hard about what other people think. Do some reflecting, maybe talk to your friend to get an understanding of where they're coming from if you'd like, idk. Best of luck to you
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munamania · 9 months
i won’t apologize for being a hater. seeing comments on chappell roans posts about being too hypersexual and needing to dial it down (mmm dial what down. say it very explicitly to me. what is making you uncomfortable in your own very clear words) and directly contrasting it with renee rapp just made me not like that girl even more i’m sorry! maybe she should try not being an annoying blonde bi girl who only seems to hang out with other blonde bi girls making mediocre pop. whoops
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