#my favorite career
barbielore · 1 month
Since 1965, International Nurses Day has been celebrated on the 12th of May - to commemorate the birthday of Florence Nightingale, and to celebrate the role and contribution of nurses in society. The theme for 2024 is "Our Nurses, Our Future" - or, less pithily, the role of nurses in driving a healthy economy.
With all due respect to the theme being about future, I can't help myself but to talk about Barbies of the past.
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In 1961, Barbie became a nurse in a fashion set (i.e. a release which was new clothes to put on your Barbie, not a new doll). This was rereleased in the My Favorite Careers throwback collectors series as Nurse Barbie. And... not the most respectful rendition of a nurse, if I'm honest.
Nurse was one of Barbie's first careers - following fashion model at debut, then fashion designer and singer in 1960, and matched with flight attendant and ballerina in 1961. I think it's great that nurse was one of the earliest careers Barbie had. But what the hell is "Get new shoes and call me in the morning"? How was this not just as controversial as "math class is tough"?! Way to devalue nursing and make Barbie look like a bimbo roleplaying careers instead of actually being a career woman!
But -- that rant over -- Barbie has been a nurse around 10 times in her history, give or take, putting it approximately on par with astronaut but well below doctor in terms of numbers.
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Including another representation of the original white dress and navy cape, but this time in the Fashion Model collection (aka the Silkstone collection).
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And of course, it can't go unsaid that as part of the Inspiring Women series, Barbie has represented Florence Nightingale herself.
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A woman who is not referred to as the mother of modern nursing for no reason.
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xoesweet · 14 days
☑Daily Motivation, Lifelong Happiness
Nourish your soul with love always.
Embrace tranquility, embrace joy.
Celebrate diversity, embrace uniqueness.
Dance in rainbows, bask sunlight.
Celebrate your authenticity boldly.
Tap for gift, boost your motivation!💗
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anyapink · 14 days
👌Be Happy Now: Vital Motivation
Live boldly, love unconditionally, laugh.
Believe, achieve, thrive, celebrate life.
Simplicity breeds contentment, not lack.
You are a masterpiece evolving.
Cultivate happiness, spread positivity, flourish.
Motivation awaits, tap here, get free gift.💘
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the-woman-upstairs · 1 month
Really fucked up that, when they’re young, Patrick and Art are SO tactile with each other, so comfortable sharing the same space. Art lets Patrick touch him and move him and physically overwhelm him and easily acquiesces to it, if not outright enjoys it.
Then in the present, they’ve been so far out of each other’s orbit for so long, held such animosity that when they have their moment alone in the sauna, Art physically recoils from Patrick’s close proximity! It’s so painful to watch because even as Patrick’s goading him, it’s so obvious he wants to be able to get back into Art’s space. But Art has erected all these walls around himself, he refuses to give Patrick an inch or even admit to missing how close they used to be!
AND THEN we see Art and Tashi later and he wants her to hold him, to be gentle with him, and just TOUCH him. Like, he does miss that kind of close physical contact! He either doesn’t know how to ask for it or is uncomfortable being that openly vulnerable. Worth noting that he pretty much always defers to Tashi in regard to initiating physical intimacy (with their first kiss, though he does state his desire, SHE has to be the one to make the first move). And it seems pretty obvious that Tashi herself isn’t comfortable providing that intimacy, whereas Patrick actively seeks to provide it (the hug/forehead kiss after their win together in the early years, dragging the stool closer to him).
Art has tried very hard to act like he doesn’t need physical affection and even though his discipline and devotion to Tashi has made him a stronger tennis player, it’s made him a hollow person, which, in turn, has kept him from becoming a GREAT tennis player.
All of this, of course, is why the ending hits so damn hard.
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vermss · 1 year
phoenix is so funny conceptually as a character because hes so silly and goofy (especially in court) but then hes also the bitchiest little middle schooler you have ever seen like. im not even through the second game but
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all this coming from the same guy who is Like This in courts of law:
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sage-nebula · 3 months
"Suffer No Fools" - Shiver vs. Marina Analysis
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It's been a few days since "Suffer No Fools" released, but I wanted to go ahead and release my analysis of Shiver's and Marina's verse since that's the one that has caused the most discussion within the fandom. I've seen a lot of debate over Marina's section in particular, with people unsure whether she was being sincere or sarcastic, and I think the actual answer is a little more complicated than one or the other, at least with regards to the first couplet of lines both she and Shiver sing. Of course, people are free to interpret this song however they wish, but after seeing numerous interpretations I personally didn't vibe with, I just wanted to put my own out there, breaking it down line by line.
So! Here we go.
Exchange 1:
Shiver: "Your haunting voice -- there's no escape. How nice it must be for your fans." Marina: "You're far too kind! I love your vibe. I can learn so much from your style."
Analyzing from dialogue only:
Shiver is insulting Marina's voice by calling it haunting and saying there is no escape, insinuating she wishes there was one. She says how nice it must be for Marina's fans, again implying that she isn't one.
Marina says that she loves Shiver's vibe, which on the surface could be a compliment, but given the context (a music battle) it could also be a Mean Girl "ooh I love your [thing] :)" passive-aggressive drawing-attention-to-something-ugly insult. More direct though, is the "I can learn so much from your style"; you can learn what not to do from someone just as much as you can learn what to do from someone. Marina's engaging in plausible deniability here.
HOWEVER. Lyrics are NOT the only thing that need to be analyzed from this first verse, which is arguably the MOST important exchange between these two. Instead, we need to look at how these lines are delivered.
Shiver is singing in a traditional Japanese folk singing style, specifically a style based on Shima-uta, which her voice actress has a background singing in. Unfortunately, I don't know the actual term for this style of singing, only that it's not kakegoe, something Shiver also does that is different from this. Anyway, in these lines specifically Shiver is singing in her Shima-uta style, a style that she has presumably been practicing since she was a small child, a style that is probably culturally significant to the Hohojiro clan. Singing in this style is not something that just anyone can do. It's completely different from singing in a (for lack of a better word) "western" style. The way you breathe is completely different. The way you incorporate your voice into your breathing is completely different. So by singing in this style, which Shiver has been doing practically her whole life and which, presumably, only she of the four there can do, Shiver is FLEXING on Marina regardless of what lyrics she chooses to sing.
But then Marina, who grew up under the domes in Inkadia, who presumably has never heard Shima-uta before she started listening to Deep Cut and heard Shiver sing, who presumably has had absolutely no training whatsoever on this style of song . . . mimics it perfectly and flexes on Shiver right back.
Could Marina's words to Shiver be interpreted as passive-aggressive in turn? Yes. But does it matter? No, not really. Because in this first verse, Marina's ACTUAL comeback is to take the style of singing that Shiver has been perfecting her entire life and throw it right back in her face despite having never (as far as we or Shiver know) practiced it herself. Shiver was flexing by presumably doing something Marina couldn't do, only for Marina to do it flawlessly, being every bit as divine with a voice so fine as Pearl said she was previously. Marina says "I love your vibe" so she takes it. Marina says "I have so much to learn from you" but does she really, when she can already do exactly what Shiver can, and has, just now, right in front of her?
And Shiver noticed, hence:
Exchange 2:
Shiver: "You remind me of my neighbor's little daughter . . . What's that saying? 'Octo see, octo do.'" Marina: "Glad you approve -- your praise has left me moved. Thanks to your notes, I'll find my groove!"
Shiver drops the Shima-uta singing, because now there's no point. Marina can also sing in that style, so it's no longer a flex. Shiver lost ground on that one, so instead we're back to the same (again, for lack of a better word) "regular" style of singing that everyone else is using. For that reason, we can go back to analyzing purely based on the words alone.
Shiver is calling Marina a copycat, essentially, because Marina copied her Shima-uta singing style in the previous verse (hence why Shiver had to drop it, as previously noted). Marina then gives her "glad you approve -- your praise has left me moved" . . . basically noting that by Shiver accusing her of copying, Shiver is saying that Marina -- someone who just tried the singing style off the cuff right there on the stage for the first time -- was just as good as Shiver, someone who has trained in that style her whole life. The audience saw for themselves that Marina was able to emulate the style, but Shiver saying, "you copied me!" is basically admitting that Marina was just as good as her in Shiver's own eyes, and Shiver is a pro. That's Shiver's aggravation handing Marina the win and Marina smiling wide as she accepts it.
Exchange 3:
Shiver: "Oh, look at the time. Isn't it getting late?" Marina: "Not at all! I could go on like this all night long."
This one doesn't even really need an analysis. For all that she prides herself on being "so cool even sharks call her cold-blooded," Shiver is known for being easily irritated and riled when she's losing due to her competitive nature. Marina successfully got under her skin, and this is her trying to end the battle fast because she didn't have any further comebacks. Marina, meanwhile, gives the classic "I could go on all night" because she's not riled at all, and is instead perfectly comfortable in this environment, knows what she's doing, and has had the upper hand from the start.
It goes back to another post I made about Experience vs. Inexperience. Shiver and Frye are still new idols, whereas Pearl and Marina have been at this for a long while. And while off the stage Marina is a sweet, kind, gentle person who will go out of her way to help others, and can sometimes be a little spacey or naive, she's also a 23-year-old literal genius who has been in the music industry for years now and knows full well what a rap / music battle is and knows her way around a stage. Personally, I found it to be a little infantilizing to insinuate that she "didn't realize Shiver was insulting her," when not only do I think she knew full well, but also she was the one with the upper hand not because of sick burns (that's Pearl's department), but because of sheer innate musical talent.
But those are just my thoughts! Everyone else is free to have their own.
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otterpiastri · 6 months
Dear talented writers, Once again, I find myself at your door, pleading for some race engineer Oscar and driver Lando fanfiction. I'm open to any dynamic you choose to explore. Please watch this for inspiration. Thank you.
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simplykorra · 1 year
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endless alba 10/∞
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seatawinan · 11 months
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letswonderspirit · 10 months
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An oc art dump! Her name is galentine (gale for short?) she’s based off of 50s ad posters
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leclercari · 3 months
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have a shiner for me and henry today y'all <3
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theamazingannie · 2 years
If I had a nickel for every time a beloved comedian I loved built a persona around loving his wife and then publicly had an affair I would have two nickels which isn’t a lot but it’s deeply upsetting that it’s happened twice
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reegis · 6 months
had to do the math for my last post can u believe. iv only been drawing the mechs for 6 months… wtf it feels like its been years
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ccarrot · 3 months
Ah I think it's very interesting how Sayaka's magical girl weapon is a sword, which requires her to do a lot of close-combat melee fighting, whereas the other girls had longer range weaponry. Mami has guns, Madoka has her bow and energy arrows, Homura has her explosives and other stuff that goes 'bang'.
Kyoko is the exception here because her weapon is a spear, which also means she too needs to get up and personal with witches when she fights -- and it's worth noting that Kyoko is the one character who's storyline and arc most directly foils Sayaka -- but even then, her spear allows her far more distance and stability, thus safety, in a battle.
It seems that Sayaka was set for a rather dangerous career as a magical girl purely by design.
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stannisbaratheon · 1 year
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— We're here to further security objectives by collecting intelligence, providing useful analysis, and conducting effective covert action, sir. —  Very good, Dedra. That is verbatim from the ISB mission statement, and wrong.
ANDOR (2022 - 2024) 1.04  —  ALDHANI
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ishizizzle · 2 months
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stop it you two
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