#my dear darling evaline
banal-nadas · 1 year
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— who decides the rules for lovers like you and I?
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leiawritesstories · 10 months
Congrats on 500 followers! <3
A couple of prompts...
-I put you down as my emergency contact because I don’t know anyone else in the city, and we literally only met in passing, please forgive me but I am stuck at the ER and they won’t let me leave without you.
-First time meeting the parents
-“I would marry you again in a heartbeat.”
I got one from each list. Just leave Frederick on a leash? :)
🥰🥰🥰Thank you, my dear ❤️ *forcibly shoves Frederick back into the basement* You'll be pleased to know that Frederick has NOT been invited to the party 😂
also, both you and @renxzs asked for the "emergency contact" prompt, so I'll fill that one separately (and hopefully you'll like it hehe)
Word count: 814
Warnings: absolutely none :D
"I can feel my blood pressure going up just thinking about this stupid dinner." Aelin leaned back into Rowan's arms, biting at her lower lip like she always did when she was stressed.
"Fireheart, it'll be okay," Rowan promised, kissing the top of her head.
She blew out a sharp breath. "What if they hate me? What if my parents hate you? What if they decide we 'aren't right?' What if--"
"Hey." He cut off her rambling worries with a kiss, gentle and sweet. "Aelin, love, my mom and dad love you already, and they've only met you through my stories."
"Yeah," she admitted, her tense posture starting to relax. "I'm worried about my mom, though. Her standards are so fucking high."
Rowan flicked imaginary lint off of his suit jacket. "That's why I dressed to impress, love."
She chuckled softly. "You'll always impress me, love."
A soft smile curved his lips. "I love you, Fireheart."
"I love you too." She rested her head on his shoulder, drinking in the peace of the moment. "We really have to go, though."
He sighed. "Yeah, we do." Lacing his fingers with hers, Rowan led Aelin out of her apartment and down to where his car was waiting. He drove to the restaurant where they were meeting both sets of their parents for dinner, taking her hand as they got out of the car and headed across the parking lot. "It's gonna be perfect," he reassured her in a low whisper, squeezing her hand.
"I hope so," she murmured, squeezing his hand back.
The moment they walked entered the elegant, low-lit restaurant, they ran into the rush of Enna Whitethorn's enthusiasm. "Darling!" she chirped, folding Rowan into a breath-stealing hug. "Oh, it feels like we haven't seen you in forever, son!" She beamed, soft lines crinkling at the corners of her eyes.
"Hi, Mom," Rowan deadpanned, biting down on his mischievous grin. "It's literally been three months, calm down."
She pinched his cheek, which Aelin thought was completely adorable and something she'd never, ever let her stoic boyfriend live down. "That's too long, darling." Wrapping her hands around his arm, she steered him towards Aelin. "And who is this lovely lady? She's miles out of your league, my dear."
Rowan cleared his throat. "Mom, this is my girlfriend, Aelin."
"Oh, it's so wonderful to finally meet you, Aelin dear!" Enna embraced Aelin, who took a few seconds to realize what was happening before she hugged Enna back.
"It's wonderful to meet you," Aelin laughed. "I can totally see where Ro gets his sense of humor." She winked. "When he allows it to show, at least."
Enna clicked her tongue conspiratorially. "Mmm, yes, he's far too solemn for his own good. I'm sure you're fixing that, though."
"We practice his smile for twenty minutes every day," Aelin agreed, nodding along. "The goal is an hour, but twenty minutes is such an improvement from the ten seconds he started with."
Rowan muffled a groan. "You two are getting along far too well," he complained, affectionately stealing Aelin's hand and sliding it back into his.
Enna beamed at the two of them. "Let me take you back to where we're all sitting." She walked them towards the back of the restaurant, where Rhoe and Evalin Galathynius sat with Pyotr Whitethorn at a table set for six, chatting animatedly. "The young ones are here!" she announced.
The parents immediately stood up, coming over to the young couple for introductions. Aelin threw Rowan a dangerous smirk and wink before turning to her parents, greeting them with smiles and hugs and kisses.
"Mom, Dad, I'd like you to meet Rowan Whitethorn." She paused for dramatic effect. "My husband."
Halfway through shaking Rhoe Galathynius's hand, Rowan choked on air, coughing violently and blushing even harder. "Aelin!" he managed to wheeze as he caught his breath. "What?!"
Aelin burst into bright laughter. "Ah, love, the look on your face is too good." Her eyes twinkled with mirth.
"You nearly gave me a heart attack," Evalin gasped, muffling a smile as bright as her daughter's.
"Learned from the best," Aelin teased. "Rowan is my boyfriend, of course."
"Good." Rhoe kissed his daughter's cheek. "I won't start asking about grandkids, then."
"Dad!" Aelin's face flamed red. "You promised to behave!"
"That was before you decided to shock ten years off my life, Fireheart," Rhoe chuckled. "Fair play, hmm?"
"Fine," she acceded. After another few moments of greetings, they all took their seats, Aelin sliding in next to Rowan.
He took her hand under the table, sliding his thumb over the back of her palm. "Just so you know, love, I would marry you again in a heartbeat.”
She nudged his leg with her high heel. "That's still several years away, buzzard."
"Good luck convincing our parents of that," he joked. "They're already planning the wedding."
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Only You ~ Rowaelin
A Rowaelin fanfic, set if Aelin’s parents had lived and she had met Rowan under normal circumstances, if Erawan and Maeve weren’t threats. Hope you enjoy! 
Chapter One ~ Chapter Three 
Chapter Two: Mates
It felt like hours as she stared at him. She took in his long silver hair, the tight fit of his black jacket over his broad shoulders. But she couldn’t stop staring at his eyes. The pine green, the way they never looked away from her own. It was like an answer to a question she didn’t even know she had been asking. 
She did not move for fear of it being a dream. 
She felt the touch of a hand on her shoulder, the gentle shake. It broke whatever trance she had been under and she was transported back to the great hall, where upon inspection, all eyes were on her. She didn’t blink as she abruptly stood and gave an excuse before rushing out of the room. 
She didn’t stop until she made it to her rooms. The door slamming behind her making Fleetfoot jump from where she was sleeping on the bed. 
Aelin headed straight for the balcony where the cool breeze brushed against her. The autumn sun kissing her skin. Her hands grabbed the stone railing of the balcony, her grip tightening as she remembered his face. 
Her mate. 
Had she not just been in the arms of Sam? Spouting declarations of love, being asked to run away with him? 
Her head was spinning. Mates were a rare and precious thing to find. Something that only the few lucky Fae were able to have. A bond that was so intense and binding that it could drive people to do crazy things. 
Aelin had never even considered that she had a mate. She had always assumed that perhaps if Sam had been Fae he would’ve been it… but Rowan Whitethorn. 
“Fireheart?” Her mothers voice stopped her train of thought. “Are you alright? I’ve never seen you run so fast out of a room.” 
Her breathing turned ragged once more, the full reality of it hitting. She couldn’t speak, or think. She couldn’t turn around and look at her mother, for no reason except she was scared. “Aelin?” She repeated her name, coming to put a hand on her shoulder. 
“He’s…” A deep breathe in. “He’s my mate.” As soon as the words left her mouth she felt her entire body sag. Wasn’t mating meant to be happy? 
“Why are you crying? This is a wonderful thing, darling.” She wiped the tears from Aelin’s cheeks. “Finding your mate is joyous, it warrants a celebration!” Her mother smiled at her, eyes bright with excitement. 
“Evalin? Aelin?” Aelin’s father emerged from the bedroom and onto the balcony. “What’s the matter?” 
“Aelin found her mate.” 
She groaned. How was she going to explain to Sam? That the morning after he proposed running away together, she suddenly has a mate. A thought popped into her mind. “Do I have to accept it?” 
Her parents looked to each other, confusion evident on their faces. “Why would you not accept it?” 
Aelin held in a breathe as she let go of all the secrets she had been hanging onto for two years. She told them about Sam, about the boy in the library who stole her heart. About the boy who would give up everything to be with her, the boy who treated her not as a princess, but as a person. She told them about the stolen nights together, how she wanted it to be him with her entire being. And when she was done, her parents held her in their arms as she cried. 
Her parents held her as she cried for what she knew she was going to have to lose. No one said a word for what seemed like a long time. Her father being the first to break the silence. 
“I know it is difficult. To let go of something so dear to you… it will not be easy. But you have found something so incredibly rare and wonderful that it would be a damned shame if you let it slip through your fingers.” She didn’t say anything as her father continued. “I don’t enjoy being the one to tell you these things Aelin. But Sam… he can’t be what you want him to be. Tradition and law state it. You’re a smart woman, and I know you love your kingdom and your family, which is why I trust that you will make the right decision.” He kissed her forehead, her mother doing the same. 
“We love you Aelin, and are so proud of the person you have become.” 
She smiled numbly at her parents. Wishing the storm in her head would subside. 
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darling-cas · 7 years
Give Me Love, 12
Throne Of Glass High School AU
Note: Theres a scene below that belongs to Sarah J Maas. I take no claim over it. I simply rewrote it a bit to fit my story. Enjoy!
Summary: He thinks she wants nothing to do with him. She thinks he can’t remember her. Aelin and Rowan were friends once upon a time. But high school drove them apart. However, one night - one party - is about to change not only their lives, but the lives of their friend as well.
Give Me Love Masterlist
Aelin knew what this day was going to hold. She could already tell. It was going to be horrible. Drama-filled. Downright dreadful. And here was why: The Havilliard’s were coming.
Aelin had zero problems with Dorian coming over for dinner. It was the rest of his family the she’d rather leave outside. His brother, Hollin, was a little devil. Aelin always wanted a sibling (Elide and Aedion didn’t count) but every time she saw Hollin, she couldn't help but be grateful it was just her. Then there was Georgina Havilliard, who had her nose so far in the air Aelin was sure she could see her brain. And of course, Mr. Havilliard, Dorian’s father. He refused to be called anything but Mr. Havilliard, never mind the fact their families had been friends forever. Aelin wasn’t even sure she knew Mr. Havilliard’s actual name.
But the Havilliard’s weren’t the only thing about the day that was horrible. Because Aedion and his family were coming over also.
Aedion was always Aelin’s partner in crime in gatherings like this. And when they realized Dorian was actually nothing like his family, it was the three of them.
But Aedion and Aelin still weren’t talking. And the Havilliards were coming over. Plus Elide and her parents. Elide, who was still hurting and healing and probably wouldn't have much to be thankful for today.  And to add more damage to the day, Lysandra and her father were coming over also.
Lysandra’s mother walked out on husband and daughter back when Lysandra was just a toddler, so it was just her and her father. Ever since her and Aelin became friends, Evalin was always inviting them over on the holidays.
So, here was the run down of this horrible day: The Havilliards were coming. Aedion and Aelin would have to spend the day under the same roof when they still weren’t talking. Elide was coming (that wasn’t horrible) but Aelin doubted she would get the poor girl to say much. Lysandra was coming over. Lysandra, who was pregnant. Pregnant with Aedion’s child, and still had yet to tell him.
Aelin could remember that night clear as day. Lysandra stayed over, after she found out. And they talked and Lysandra cried and the next morning they skipped school and got Rowan to drop them off at the hospital and he didn’t question it.
The doctor said everything was fine so far. She was only six weeks along, and gave Lysandra her due date - July 9th.
Aelin asked when they got back to Lysandra’s that afternoon if she was going to tell Aedion. Lysandra said not yet and that was that.
In fact, this was the first time Lysandra and Aedion were actually going to be in the same room and so close together since they broke up.
Like Aelin said, horrible, drama-filled, dreadful day.
But at least she looked good.
Dressed in black knit tights with a black, tight, leather skirt and a burgundy sweater that was tucked into the skirt. Hair in waves down her back and makeup done, at least when the drama went down she’d look hot.
“Aelin.” Evalin’s voice came floating up from downstairs. “Come down here before everyone starts showing up.”
Not even bothering to reply, Aelin gave herself one last look over in the mirror before heading downstairs. Turkey immediately took over her senses, along with the smell of vegetables on the stove and different spices her mother used.
At least when the drama went down she’d look hot and there’d be good food.
“What’s our plan of attack?” Aelin walked into the dining room were two tables were set up. Because one wasn’t big enough to hold everyone. Her mother was going around setting the tables. “Poison in the food? It’s simple but effective.”
“Plus it’s less messy. Not a lot of clean up,” Rhoe spoke up as he came into the room from the kitchen, beer in hand. “We can say it was a heart attack.”
“Behave. Both of you.” Evalin sent a sharp look to her husband and daughter. Aelin smiled over at Rhoe when Evalin turned back around. Rhoe sent her a wink before swigging his beer.
“We are going to behave,” Evalin continued, walking around the tables to make sure everything was in place. “It’s one day. You can be nice to the Havilliard’s for one day.”
“I’m always nice to Dorian, does that count?” Aelin said. Evalin sent her a glare from across the room.
“I’m just saying. They aren't nice to us. Why should we be nice to them?” Aelin folded her arms. “Also, can I have a glass of wine? It’s the only way I’m making it through the day.”
“Because we are going to be bigger people.” Was Evalin’s response before she gave her daughter a pointed look. “And one glass.”
“Evalin.” Rhoe turned to his wife with narrowed eyes and a grin spread across Aelin’s face. “She’s sixteen.”
“Exactly.” Evalin switched over some spoons on one of the place settings. “If I say no, she’s going to find a way to have a glass anyways. I’d rather her not do it behind my back. Besides, you’re going to tell me you never had a beer at her age?”
Rhoe was silent for a short moment, before turning his gaze to his daughter.
“One glass.”
“Yes, dad.” Aelin said, grin still on her face. But it fell the moment she heard the doorbell ring.
“Oh!” Evalin jumped up, smoothing down her dress. ”They’re here. I’m going to go check on the turkey. Rhoe,” Evalin turned to her husband. “Will you get the door? Aelin,” She turned to her daughter. “Behave.”
She didn’t wait for their replies before walking past them and into the kitchen.
“Well.” Rhoe took another drink from his beer. “Time to let the beast in.”
Aelin couldn't help but smile and laugh as her father walked past her to the front door. Not wanting to just be standing in the dining room, Aelin followed after her mother and walked into the kitchen.
“Smells good, mom.” She took in a deep breath, letting the different smells of the kitchen overcome her. Her mother was the best cook.
As Evalin added a bit more water to the turkey, Aelin grabbed a wine glass and started pouring her drink.
“Thank-you, fire- Aelin Ashryver Galathynius! What are you doing?”
Aelin stopped pouring her drink and looked over at her mother, a look of innocence on her face. “Pouring myself a glass of wine.”
“I said one glass.” Evalin’s stern face was in full swing.
“This is one glass,” Aelin topped off her glass just before the rim, putting the wine bottle down. A smirk pulled on his lips. “One full glass.”
Taking a sip of her wine, Aelin turned around only to find her mother with one hand on her hip. The look on her mother’s face would send anyone else running for the hills. But Aelin made the same face all the time.
“I know,” She resisted the urge to roll her eyes. That would do her no good at this point. “Behave.”
Evalin’s face softened slightly, a sigh leaving her lips. Aelin took another sip of wine to hide her growing grin.
A snobby, high pitched voice suddenly spoke up from behind Aelin. It took all her power not to crush the wine glass in her hands.
“-another year, just gone. Oh, Evalin dear. How are you? It smells delicious in here. But I didn’t expect anything less.”
Aelin didn't even bother resisting her eyeroll this time. The fakeness in that voice was undeniable. And it mirrored on Evalin’s smile.
“Georgina. It’s so nice to see you again. It’s been too long. How are things?”
This was always Evalin’s and Georgina’s game. Fakeness. Neither commented on it and neither acted as if they knew the wiser.
Not long enough. Aelin hid her snort in her wine glass. Evalin shot her daughter a quick look before walking past her, giving Georgina a hug.
“Things are wonderful. As always. Aelin darling, it’s good to…” Georgina trailed off as Aelin turned around. Her gaze moved down to the glass in Aelin’s hands. Disapproval showing on her face.
“It’s good to see you, Mrs. Havilliard.” Aelin’s smile was as fake as her mother's. She dipped her glass up slightly. “Could I get you a glass? It’s wonderful wine.”
As if to get her point across, Aelin took a big sip. Georgina frowned deeper as Evalin glared at Aelin.
This was not behaving.
“A glass of wine at your age?” Georgina shook her head. “I can’t even imagine Dorian with a drink in his hands. I’d never let him.”
A dig at both Aelin and Evalin. Georgina was always dishing out digs. But Aelin always fired back while Evalin kept her head high, not taking any of it to heart.
“You call my name, mother?”
Aelin glanced up and found Dorian walking into the kitchen, followed closed behind by Rhoe and Mr. Havilliard.
Every time Aelin saw Mr. Havilliard, her toes curled and fire burned in her stomach. She didn’t like this man.
“Dorian, it’s great to see you.” Evalin smiled as she pulled Dorian into a hug, which he returned with a smile.
“You too, Mrs. Galathynius. Happy Thanksgiving.”
Her mother normally insisted on Aelin’s friends to call her Evalin. And normally, that's’ what Dorian called her. But his parents were here today. So Evalin simply smiled and patted his head.
As her mother moved on to give Mr. Havilliard a hug and say hello, Aelin smiled at Dorian.
“Your mother was telling me what a good son you are and that you never drink.” Aelin took a small sip of wine, smirk on her lips. “You should teach me your ways.”
“Where’s Hollin?” Evalin jumped in before anyone could comment. She didn’t so much as look at Aelin. But Aelin knew if she kept this up, she was going to be in big trouble.
Dorian simply rolled his eyes at her, shaking his head slightly as he walked over to stand next to her.
“He’s in the TV room,” Mr. Havilliard said. Aelin glared down at her wine. Because even his voice made her blood boil. “Aelin. It’s nice to see you.”
The smile on her lips was actually painful as she looked up, meeting Mr. Havilliard’s gaze. “You too, Mr. Havilliard.”
An intense silence fell around the kitchen. Aelin took a big sip of her wine, wishing she could walk out of the kitchen, out of this house.
The doorbell ringing broke the silence as Evalin jumped up, going to get the door.
“Well. Let’s go sit in the living room, shall we?” Rhoe spoke turning to Mr. Havilliard and Georgina. “Can I get either of you a drink?”
After pouring a glass of whiskey for Mr. Havilliard and wine for Georgina, the adults were all out of the kitchen. Leaving just Aelin and Dorian.
“I’m sorry. But I can’t stand your mother.” Aelin placed her glass down before she jumped up to sit on the counter.
“No need to be sorry,” Dorian sighed, leaning against the counter with crossed arms. “I can’t stand her most times, either.”
“Does she honestly think you don’t drink?”
“She wants to believe I don’t.”
“I can get you a drink, you know. If you want one.” Aelin smiled. “We can get you some whiskey and coke. No one will be the wiser.”
Dorian laughed an airy laugh. “You’re horrible.”
“I’m realistic.” She dipped her glass at him. “Alcohol is the only way I’m making it through the day.”
“I’ll pass.” Dorian looked over at Aelin, smile still on his lips. “There’s going to be enough drama today. I don’t want to add to it.”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about.” Aelin could hear her mother in the foyer say ‘in the kitchen’. “It’s going to be a drama free day.”
Just as the words left her mouth, footsteps could be heard walking into the kitchen. WIth the wine glass to her lips, Aelin looked up. Aedion had just walked in, looking like he’d rather be anywhere put here. And behind him, Lysandra came into view. Almost as if they showed up together. Her face said the same thing, but her eyes held so much confusion and questions.
No one spoke as Dorian turned around to see who walked in. Aelin simply took a long drink from her glass, draining it before picking up the wine bottle again.
Sorry mom.
“Well,” Aelin said as she topped off her glass again. “I take back what I just said.”
All the teens had moved to the TV room to sit down. And that’s exactly what they were doing, just sitting.
The only sound in the whole room was coming from the TV. Hollin was sitting on the floor in front of it watching some action movie. Everyone else were sitting on the couch and chairs around the room. Just sitting.
Aelin was still nursing her second glass of wine. She was determined to make this one last longer. Meanwhile, Lysandra sat on the other end of the couch and Aedion and Dorian sat in chairs across from them. Lysandra and Dorian didn’t have a drink, but Aedion managed to convince his mom to let him have one bottle of beer. Aside from all that, they were just sitting.
Because Aelin and Aedion weren’t talking. And Aedion and Lysandra weren’t talking. And Aelin and Lysandra couldn't talk (about that). And poor Dorian just didn’t know what to talk about.
So they were all just sitting, while Hollin watched his stupid movie. And when the doorbell rang once again. And when Elide slowly walked into the room, standing in the doorway.
“Hey,” Aelin smiled up at her.
“Hey,” Elide’s eyes surveyed the room. Her brows were pinched together slightly as she took everyone in, more than likely feeling the tension in the room. “It’s everything okay?”
“Just peachy,” Though her smile felt forced at that statement, Aelin kept it on her face as she stood up. “Come on, let’s get you something to drink. Lysandra?”
“I’m good.” Lysandra waved them off, wrapping her arms around her stomach. “I’m just going to stay here.”
Aelin picked up on her mood. And by the look in her eyes and her pale skin, Aelin figured she must have been feeling a bit sick and didn’t want to move.
With a nod of her head - and without even looking at Aedion - Aelin grabbed Elide lightly by the arm and headed towards the kitchen.
“Aelin! Oh my word, look at you!” Marion stopped pouring her drink. She walked over and gave Aelin a bone crushing hug as her and Elide walked into the kitchen. “I think it’s possible you’ve gotten more beautiful since the last time I saw you.”
“I always love when you come over Aunt Marion.” Aelin laughed as she pulled back from the hug, glancing around the kitchen. “Where’s Georgina?”
“In the living room,” Allision filled her own glass of wine as she rolled her eyes, “She’s useless in the kitchen, remember? Even though we’re just getting drinks right now and not actually-”
“Can we get you girls anything?” Evalin interrupted, giving Allision a pointed look before turning back to Aelin and Elide.
“Just getting Elide a drink.” Aelin smiled and Evalin nodded her head.
A moment later, Evalin, Allision and Marion were making there way back to the living room with drinks in hand.
“What would you like?” Aelin walked farther into the kitchen. “I can get you a small glass of wine, if you’d like.”
“No alcohol.” Elide shook her head. She looked tired. “Waters fine.”
Aelin studied the girl for a moment before nodding her head. Neither of them spoke as Aelin poured a glass of water and headed it over. She popped her hip against the counter, watching Elide take a small sip.
“How are you doing?” Aelin’s voice was soft as she spoke. Elide placed her glass on the counter before crossing her arms over her chest.
“Okay. Better, I think.” She sighed. “I’ve stopped checking my phone every minute and I’m not calling and leaving her pointless voicemails. So I guess that's moving on. I mean, it has been over a month.”
“Don’t think like that.” Aelin said. “Think of it more like stepping back, not moving on. You’re just giving Manon some space. Just wait, everything will work out. I mean, she’s madly in love with you so it’s going to be fine.”
Elide was quiet as Aelin took a sip of her wine. With a raised eyebrow, Aelin watched as Elide picked at her nails, not meeting her gaze.
“What is it?”
Another beat of silence passed by before Elide looked up.
“We’ve never actually said I love you to each other before,” She admitted. “So maybe she doesn’t. Love me that is.”
With her head to the side, Aelin studied Elide for a moment.
“Do you love her?”
There was no hesitation. “Yes.”
“And she loves you. Trust me.” Aelin smiled as she walked over, pulling Elide into a hug. “Which is odd when you think about it. Cause I honestly thought Manon wasn’t capable of love.”
The laugh that came from Elide was like music to Aelin’s ears. She couldn't remember the last time she heard that laugh.
“Be good.”
“She’ll come to her senses.” Aelin pulled back. She stood against the counter next to Elide as the doorbell rang and she heard someone, somewhere, get up to answer it. “It’s just taking her longer then some.”
“How about you and Rowan?” Elide asked after a moment of silence, a small smile on her lips. “Do you love him?”
Aelin walked over, grabbing her wine and taking a sip as she turned around to face Elide. “We haven’t actually said the words to each other yet. We’re taking it slow.”
“But do you?” Elide pushed on.
Yes. Aelin knew without any doubt or hesitation that she loved Rowan. Maybe she always did. Maybe she always will. But before she actually got to answer, footsteps could be heard before a figure stepped into the kitchen.
Aelin couldn't believe her eyes. She couldn't move as her brain tried to register what was happening right now.
Elide glanced over her shoulder before turning back to Aelin with a secret smile.
“Excellent timing.”
Because Rowan was standing in the kitchen.
“The basement, Aelin? Real-”
She didn’t let him finish. There was no way she was letting him finish. She wanted his mouth on hers. She didn’t want him talking.
Aelin told Elide that she was heading down in the basement to get more wine (someone had two full glasses). Elide simply snorted before walking back to the TV room. And Aelin walked towards the basement door, grabbing Rowan’s hand on her way.
As a moan left her lips, Rowan backed her up against the wall, pinning her. His hands were gripping her waist before moving to the small of her back. Aelin’s arms were around his neck, playing with the hair there.
Kissing Rowan, was like breathing. She needed his kisses in her life or she honestly felt like she would die. Kissing Rowan, brought her to life. It caught her on fire, sending her to ashes before she was reborn again. She was a live wire when his lips were on hers.
“Yeah,” Aelin breathed. Rowan started making his way across her jaw and down her neck. “This is better than wine.”
Rowan simply hummed, almost as if in agreement.
Then his lips were on hers again.
And Aelin was undone once more.
“What are you doing here?” Aelin asked, after they finally pulled apart. Rowan’s forehead now resting against hers. “Not that I’m complaining.”
“Your mother invited me, mom and dad.” Rowan gave her a cheeky smile, his lips slightly swollen. “Though if she finds out I’m making out with her daughter in the basement, this will probably be the last time she invites us over.”
“Nah, she likes you too much for that.” Aelin couldn't help but smirk. “But dad on the other hand… I don’t think he’d be too pleased to learn that you attacked his only daughter with your lips in his basement.”
“You’re the one who jumped me.”
“Are you complaining?”
“Far from it.” Rowan placed a soft kiss on her lips before pulling back with a sigh. “But we should probably head back up.”
Aelin watched Rowan for a short moment, eyebrows raised, before a smile spread right across her face.
“You’re actually scared of my dad.”
“Not in general.” Rowan said. “But when it comes to me kissing his only daughter, then yes. I am.”
Aelin couldn't help but laugh. She walked past Rowan, grabbing two wine bottles.
“Come on lover boy,” She bumped his hip with hers. “Let's head back upstairs.”
WIth Rowan trailing behind her, the two walked up the stairs. Aelin dropped the wine bottles off in the empty kitchen before peeking into the living room. She said hi to Mr and Mrs Whitethorn and asked her mother how much longer until the food was done (“I’m hungry.” “You’re always hungry.” “Soon then, right?”) before heading back to the TV room.
“Had trouble finding the wine?” Dorian crossed his arms. His lips were pulled up in one corner as he looked between Aelin and Rowan. “You were gone some long.”
“We got distracted.” Was Rowan’s simple reply. But this only made Dorian smile brighter.
“Oh I beat you did.” Elide mumbled under her breath, taking a sip of her water.
But in all honesty, Aelin wasn't paying attention to Rowan or Dorian. Because she was watching Lysandra and her pale face. Something wasn’t right.
“Lys, you okay?” It was a risky question to ask out loud. But Aelin had too.
Lysandra turned to her, simply holding her gaze for a few moments before letting out a shaky breath.
“Yeah. Yeah, everything's good. But.” She continued to hold Aelin’s gaze. “Can I talk to you for a sec?”
Aelin nodded, standing up to follow Lysandra out of the room. Elide gave them a look, but Aelin waved her off with a smile before heading upstairs.
“Whats up?” Aelin asked once they were in her bedroom, behind her closed door. “Is everything okay with…”
“The… baby’s fine.” Lysandra ran a hand through her hair as she sat down on the bed.
“Are you sick?” Aelin’s brows narrowed, a look of concern appearing on her face. “You look paler than normal.”
“Not at the moment.” Lysandra paused to let out a shaky breath. “It’s just… harder than I thought. Being in the same room as him.”
Him. Aedion. The father of her child. Aelin’s cousin. Aedion. Who wasn’t talking to either of them.
Yeah, that would be hard.
“Is there anything I can do?” Aelin asked. She didn’t think there was, but she didn’t know what else to say.
“I just needed out of that room for a moment.”
“Well,” Aelin walked over, sitting on the bed next to Lysandra. “We have all the moments. Besides, up here we’re away from the Havilliards.”
Lysandra let out an airy laugh before silence fell around them. It didn’t last long, however, before Lysandra broke it.
“Aelin.” Her voice was so raw that Aelin couldn't help but look over at her. But Lysandra was looking straight ahead. Looking at nothing. “Should I keep the baby?”
It was an open and honest question. A question from a confused sixteen year old who just didn’t know what to do. Who just wanted someone to tell her the right things to do. But life didn’t work like that.
“Honestly,” Aelin grabbed Lysandra’s hand, placing it on her lap. “I don’t think anyone can give you the answer to that.”
“What am I going to do?” Lysandra turned to Aelin, tears in her eyes. “What’s my father going to say? How do I tell him? And Aedion… How do I tell Aedion that I’m-”
“Listen to me.” Aelin turned her body so she was fully facing Lysandra. Now, she was holding both her hands. “I can only imagine what your feeling right now, Lys. But your father loves you. You are going to tell him when you're ready and he’s going to help you. Look at everything he’s done for you. And Aedion… He’s going to be just as scared and confused as you are right now. But I’m here. For the both of you. And when you’re ready, Elide is going to be there for you. So is Nehemia. And Rowan and Dorian, and all your friends. Okay?”
Lysandra didn’t respond, and Aelin honestly didn’t expect her too. She did, however, pull Aelin into a bone crushing hug.
“I love you.”
“I love you too, Lys.” Aelin returned the hug with just as much force before pulling back. “You ready to go back down?”
Lysandra nodded before a laugh escaped her lips. “God. I probably look like such a mess.”
“Nah, you look great.” Aelin stood up, waving her off. “Not as great as me, but still great.”
“Oh my god,” Lysandra looped her arm with Aelin’s when she stood up. The two started making their way out the room and downstairs. There were still tears shining in Lysandra's eyes, the worry was still there, but she was smiling. “Never change Aelin.”
If Aelin didn’t have Lysandra next to her - who had bigger problems than she did - she probably would have been pissed.
Because apparently, they had been upstairs for a lot longer than Aelin thought. And when they came down, dinner was on the table and everyone was taking their seats.
“Were you going to even tell us dinner was ready?” Aelin looked over at her mother, her and Lysandra stopping in the doorway.
“Elide said you two had gone upstairs. And it seemed important.” Evalin gave them both a look. A look that said if they needed to talk, she was here. But it was gone just as fast as it had appeared.
“Don’t worry, Aelin. We weren’t going to let you starve.” Gavriel spoke up, taking his seat next to Allision. There was a playful look on his face. “We’d never hear the end of it if we did.”
“You are so funny, Uncle Kitty-Cat.” Aelin’s smile was bright. A look of annoyance took over Gavriel’s face.
“Okay you two, stop it. Aelin,” Evalin waved her hand towards the table where all the other teens were sitting. “I got your plate ready while you were upstairs. Sit and eat.”
Walking over to the table, Aelin took her seat. Rowan was sitting right across from her. He sent her a smile and a wink as she sat down. Lysandra sat on her right while Elide was on her left. Aedion was sitting on Rowan’s right, his face emotionless, and Dorian was on his left. Leaving Hollin to sit at the head of their table.
Aelin looked up and surveyed the adults. They managed to fit 11 people at the 10 people table. It was a tight fit on one side, but it worked. Her father sat at one end, her mother on his right. While Mr. Havilliard sat on the other end..
Anger raced through Aelin. That was normally her Uncle Orlon’s seat. But he was traveling for work this year and couldn't make it. Aelin had no doubt Mr. Havilliard jumped at the chance to have that seat.
Looking between Rhoe and Mr. Havilliard, was like looking at two kings. Two strong kings who couldn't stand each other.
“I’m so glad you two are friends now, Aelin and Lys.” Lysandra’s father spoke up after grace was spoken and everyone started eating Evalin’s’ mouthwatering Thanksgiving dinner. He chuckled to himself as he turned to Evalin and Rhoe. “Remember the fight they got into in the seventh grade?”
“Oh god, how could I forget.” Evalin laughed, taking a sip of her wine. “Both of them ended up rolling down the front steps of the school.”
“Scratching at each other like cats.” Rhoe shook his head, a smile on his face. Funny, because Aelin could remember that day crystal clear. And that was not the look on her father's face at the time. “I was picking Aelin up that day when I found her and Lysandra on the ground.”
Rowan sent Aelin a raised eyebrow from across the table. “You pushed Lysandra down the stairs?”
“No,” Aelin rolled her eyes. As if the idea of pushing someone down stairs was above her (even though she did do it once, just not to Lysandra). “We were fighting on top the stairs and we both fall down them.”
“She did throw a textbook at my head once though,” Lysandra spoke up, sipping her water. Her eyes were sparkling with laughter. “In the hallway in eighth grade.”
“I remember that day,” Elide laughed as she looked over at Aelin. “You dented the locker and everything.”
Rowan’s brows bunched together slightly. He gave Aelin a look that seemed to say, You really threw a book at her head?
Aelin met his gaze, shrugging slightly. I was a tad hotheaded.
“Yes,” Georgia spoke up in her snobby voice. “Aelin was always a… handful.”
It was meant as a dig, an insult. But Evalin laughed it off as if it was a joke. Her voice was sickly sweet when she spoke.
“Yes, indeed she was.”
The conversations continued. Aelin was vaguely aware of the talking happening at the adult table and the light conversation happening between Elide, Lysandra, and Dorian. But her eyes were locked on Rowan.
I’m beginning to admire Lysandra more and more. Thirteen-year-old Aelin must have been a delight to deal with.
Aelin could feel her lips start to twitch as she slowly took a bite of her potatoes. Never taking her eyes off Rowan. You should have stuck around. Imagine thirteen-year-old Aelin with fifteen-year-old Rowan.
Rowan’s eyes glittered. The conversations around them continued on. Fifteen-year-old Rowan wouldn't have known what to do with you. He could barely talk to girls.
Liar. I don’t believe that.
It’s true. You would have shocked him to death if you jumped him like you did to me early in the basement.
Aelin bit her lip, the corners pulling up. God. Then imagine what he’d do when he learned I’m not wearing any underwear under this skirt.
Dishes rattled as Rowan banged his knee off the table.
They got some looks from the adults, but that was it. The conversation at the teen table however, came full stop as everyone gave Rowan a look. Even Aedion raised an eyebrow at him. It was the most emotion Aelin had seen him give all day.
She heard Lysandra snort before asking Dorian a question, pulling everyone's attention away from Rowan.
You can’t be serious. Rowan seemed to say.
Do you see how tight this skirt is? Every line and wrinkle would show. I’m surprised I’m wearing tights
The shake of Rowan’s head was subtle. His eyes were dancing when he looked back at her. You love shocking me, don’t you?
Mhmmm, Aelin took a sip of her water - where did she put her wine again? - a smile pulling up one corner of her lips. Happy Thanksgiving, Buzzard.
“Mom,” Aelin spoke up. As if she didn’t just seduce Rowan from across the Thanksgiving table. “What’s for dessert again?”
Surprisingly, dinner passed by without any fights breaking out. There were still the digs from Georgina and insults from Mr. Havilliard. But other then that, nothing. It was actually a nice dinner. Not the horrible, drama-filled, dreadful dinner Aelin thought it would be.
But then there was Aedion.
Honestly, Aelin hadn’t thought much of their fight all day. She was too busy dealing with Lysandra and Elide and Rowan. And she probably still wouldn't have thought much of it, if she didn’t overhear her mother and Aunt Allision.
They were in the kitchen cleaning up. Aelin, Lysandra, Elide, Mrs. Whitethorn and Marion were cleaning off the tables while everyone else was sitting in the living room, watching football.
Aelin was bringing an armful of dirty dishes into her mother and Aunt. But she stopped just outside the kitchen at the sound of her name.
“-he’s still not even talking to Aelin. I’ve never seen him like this.” She heard Allision say, her voice thick.
“I’m sure it’s not as bad as it seems, Alli.” Evalin said.
“I know, but,” Allision paused to let out a heavy sigh. “He doesn’t talk to me or Gavriel much about his problems. And I didn’t mind so much because he always talked to Aelin. But now…”
“I know. I know.”
There was a pause. Aelin was just about to shake off what she just heard and walk in with the dishes, when Allision spoke again. Her voice was quiet but raw.
“I don’t know what to do. He’s not himself and…” A pause. “And I’m worried. Really worried.”
This was how Aelin found herself standing in the doorway that led to the backyard. Once the dishes were cleaned up and everyone else was sitting in front of the TV and chatting, Aelin went to find Aedion. And she knew just where to look.
There, sitting in one of the lawnchairs, Aelin could see the back of Aedion’s head. It was actually a beautiful November evening. It was on the warmer side and the sun was setting. They would be getting snow soon, so you had to enjoy this weather while you can.
Standing in the doorway for just a moment longer, Aelin took in a deep breath before stepping forward. She walked over and sat in the chair next to Aedion’s. He didn’t look at her. He just took another sip of his beer. A beer that he probably snuck out of the fridge.
The wind blowing through the trees was the only sound for the longest while. Aelin didn’t look at Aedion, and Aedion didn't look at Aelin.
“I miss you,” She said softly, the wind carrying her voice.
She wanted to say more. But she couldn’t. Because she didn’t realize how true those words were until she said them out loud. Her heart ached. She missed Aedion. She missed her best friend, her brother, so much it physically hurt.
“I’m sorry,” Her voice cracked slightly as she said those words. “I’m sorry for what I said that night. I’m sorry for-”
Aelin looked over at Aedion to find him watching her. His voice was raw when he spoke, as if he hadn’t spoke in a while.
“You have nothing to be sorry for.” He continued. “I was, I am, confused and angry and I took it out on you. So I’m one who’s sorry.” Aedion paused to take a sip of his beer before turning back to her. His eyes were open and raw. “You help people. All the time. I don’t even know if you realize it. But you’re always helping everyone. And I love that about you but… I knew you’d tried to help me. And this isn’t something anyone can help me with. I need to figure this out on my own.”
“Okay.” Aelin nodded, holding Aedion’s gaze. “But just because you need to figure this out on your own, doesn’t mean you need to be alone. You don’t have to push everyone away.”
Aedion sighed, bringing the bottle to his lips. “You’re right.”
Aelin couldn't help herself. The joke was there, hanging in the air, so she took it with a smile. “Wow. How did those words taste coming out of your mouth?”
“Horrible. Why do you think I’m washing it back with beer.”
A laugh escaped Aelin’s lips. And soon Aedion joined in, before he reached over and suddenly pulled Aelin into a hug. Well, as best a hug as he could with the armrests between them.
“I missed you too, Aelin.” He whispered in her ear before pulling back. “I don’t like fighting with you.”
“Me neither. Let’s not do it again.” Aelin’s lips pulled up into a small smile as Aedion chuckled.
“Sounds like a deal to me.” He said with a smile before his face became serious again. “How’s Lysandra doing?”
“She’s… strong.” It wasn’t an answer. Aelin wasn’t sure if Aedion realized this or not. But he nodded either way. “But you should know, Aunt Allision is really worried about you,” Aelin said, getting off the topic of Lysandra. “You should talk to her and let her know you’re okay.”
“Yeah.” Aedion sighed before standing up, drinking the last of his beer. “But in the meantime. Come on, let’s head back inside.”
Taking Aedion’s waiting hand, the two cousins walked back into the house. Surprised looks met them as they walked into the living room together, both them ignoring the looks. As far as they were concerned, the fight never happened. It was in the past.
“So,” Aedion threw himself onto the loveseat next to Dorian. The other Havilland's weren’t around, so Aelin assumed they had left. Good. “Who’s winning?”
An easy and light conversation carried on around them. Laughter filled the air along with cheers and claps as everyone watched the game.
Aelin sat next to Rowan on the couch, cuddling into his side. He dropped an arm around her shoulders, pulling her close. And Aelin couldn’t help but smile to herself as she looked around the room.
Despite everything that was happening, and everything that was going to happen, there was happiness all around them. It was almost as if everyone forgot their problems. Elide was laughing. Lysandra was almost back to her old self. Aedion was joking around. Everyone was chatting. It was a wonderful sight to see.
A content sigh left Aelin’s lips as she cuddled closer to Rowan.
“You okay?” He whispered in her ear. His fingers playing with the ends of her hair.
“Yeah,” She smiled, another round of cheers filling the room. “Yeah. I’m definitely okay.”
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