#mws they’ll never make me like u
stellarfalls · 2 months
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sometimesrosy · 4 years
The actors changing opinions because of personal things is not unprofessional, but the EP doing it is? This was J history why he is not allowed to change? You always be strong with the "stick with the canon" so you have to acept that you are at mercy of the only person can make or not canon and half way was clear he was not going to make it. You, now just sound like a entitled shipper that did not got her way. At least before you had a consist line of thought, now u just bitter like all BLfandom
I’m having trouble following this.
What is BL?
I have been following the story. Yes.
People are allowed to change their minds about things. Yes.
But once it’s canon, you can’t erase canon. Writing something as a story and then telling the audience that it wasn’t there doesn’t change the fact that canon was there.
If you pretend canon isn’t what you wrote and just ignore the story that you’ve written, you’ve failed your story. Your story failed.
If you don’t EXPLAIN and SHOW why the story you wrote changes, then. your story sucks. It fails.
If he wanted Bellarke to NOT end up romantic, he needed to address why it didn’t happen, not just pretend it was never in the story at all and Bellamy didn’t matter to anyone and the three people closest to him just suddenly changed personalities to allow his ending to happen the way it did. That was a failure, but he could have told a story that hung together anyway. He didn’t. 
As a writer, you have A RESPONSIBILITY to your story. That means you have a responsibility to your audience... not to give them what they want, but to follow through on the story you’ve created and wrap it up in a satisfying manner.
It’s true that in tv that contract is a lot weaker than it is in other shows, mainly because it goes season by season and the genre often tells disconnected situational stories like sitcoms or procedurals. That makes tv a less trustworthy medium for following that contract with the audience. 
I would have followed a non bellarke story if they had created a consistent reasoning for the change in the direction, but they never did, they just waved everything away.
THAT is a failure in storytelling.
Clearly it’s the story he wrote. It just contradicts everything he wrote the six season before. And I actually have MORE of a problem with Clarke becoming “the bad guy,” than I do with bellarke never achieving a conversation about their feelings for 6 seasons. 
I also have a problem with the transcendence storyline even though it has nothing to do with bellarke or even Clarke’s character, but is actually just a really bad, cheap, hackneyed deus ex machina ending. Even WITH a bellarke ending i would not have been satisfied with that. It would have disappointed me because it’s a lame storytellling choice... but it wouldn’t have been a failure of story on its own.
All in all, it was a bad deus ex machina ending, an oddly structured final season which lacked the central backbone of the narrative (clarke and bellamy and their relationship,) a rather insulting end to Bellamy’s character, with no resonance to his death in a show that makes you cry for a dude you just met 30 minutes ago, but couldn’t manage a travellers blessing for the secondary lead, then the rest of the season practically gives a lobotomy to Clarke, who becomes just a psychotic killer after six years of consideration and trying to save everyone, after a season and a half where she dealt with and grew from her “anything for madi” psychosis, after Bellamy saved her life and she said she wouldn’t forget him and what he meant, and their entire relationship was reduced to “so much for together, (little hint that is not resolution, that’s tossing away the central narrative with NO reasoning.) Turning Clarke into the bad guy, telling us that the person who pulled the lever in MW had done the wrong thing by stopping the Nazi allegory, and wanting us to feel the way the Nazi’s felt by killing Bellamy is. HORRIFIC. It is a reversal, not a subversion, of the hero story. Six years of Clarke as a hero, and at the end, the story said, “no she’s not.” And then deemed her unworthy, and the megalomaniac cadogan who left all his followers but the most superior to die in leaky bunkers, and sentenced his own son and ex wife to a radiated planet, and kidnapped Bellamy from out of the blue, and tortured Octavia, Clarke and Madi... is ACTUALLY the guy who is RIGHT in the story? And then to kill off all of humanity and sweep them up into this miracle transcendence in the sky? NOT of their choice. To basically kidnap them into this alien conglomerate because these assholes on the battle field listen to Octavia for ONCE, and Clarke isn’t worthy and deserves to die alone as the last of the human race because she stopped the megalomaniac too late? AND THEN, to pretend that the death of the human race is a HAPPY ENDING because they are glowing groots and Clarke gets to live out the last of her years on a beach with the ghosts of her friends and they’ll never have children and humanity is just OVER?
That ending offends me. His narrative choices are offended. His plot devices are cheap. The reversals of Clarke and Bellamy’s characters are unearned and a betrayal of the story we were watching and the heroes he created.
Believe it or not it’s not actually about bellarke. It’s about the MESS of that last season and how it failed so utterly shockingly at EVERYTHING.
Story is king to me. Not the audience and not the writer. The story unravelled in season 7 and he tried to stitch it back together with a different, really bad story. I never would have watched that show.  I would have dropped it a long time ago. It felt like a betrayal of the story. 
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sapphyrelily · 7 years
Three - Never Grow Up
I return from the dead after 2 months with a lousy chapter in tow, bc I lost my original idea sigh
The buzzing from his phone is getting annoying, and he contemplates turning the vibrate off so he can study in peace. He twists to regard the device on his bed, the screen lighting up with yet another incoming message.
He sighs and picks up the phone.
[Kenjirou]: This was a bad idea
[Kenjirou]: Why did I let Futakuchi talk me into this
[Kenjirou]: Right cos im stupid
[Kenjirou]: Taichi save me
[Kenjirou]: We’re in the house
[Kenjirou]: This guy must be hella rich
[Kenjirou]: Holy shit this is Akaashi’s house
[Kenjirou]: I thought Akaashi was supposed to be all goody two shoes
[Kenjirou]: apparently mot
[Kenjirou]: thk god kuroo isnt here
[Kenjirou]: ohmygod its oikawa-san
[Kenjirou]: and his ace whatshisname
[Kenjirou]: iwa-chan? Tht doesn’t sound liek a name
[Kenjirou]: Right its iwaizumi
[Kenjirou]: hes hot save me
[Kenjirou]: taichiiii answr me
Kawanishi sighs and types a reply.
[Taichi]: r u drunk
[Taichi]: answer the question
[Kenjirou]: oooooh proper spellinh, scarryyyy
[Taichi]: Kenjirou.
[Kenjirou]: maybe idk
[Kenjirou]: but iwaizumisan is jow
[Kenjirou]: hot
[Kenjirou]: im gonna talk to hik
[Taichi]: be safe
Kawanishi tosses his phone onto his pillow and picks up his textbook. Shirabu’s drunk self can’t do too much damage, he reckons. He can always check back after he finishes this chapter.
[Kenjirou]: taichi stop me
[Kenjirou]: hes so cute hwlp
[Kenjirou]: ah no he left
[Kenjirou]: I shld go chase him
[Kenjirou]: ohno the other seijou boys r hwre
[Kenjirou]: the pink one is hogging him
[Kenjirou]: I need to get him back
[Kenjirou]: oh good pinky left
[Kenjirou]: no oikawa-sam in aight
[Kenjirou]: ure nog here so I’m gonna do bad things
[Kenjirou]: SCORE
[Kenjirou]: wait till semi-san heres
[Kenjirou]: AAAHHHHH
[Kenjirou]: semi-sans in my bed
[Kenjirou]: oh kenmaz in his
[Kenjirou]: eh whatever
[Kenjirou]: hes cute ill pretend hes iwaizumi-san
[Kenjirou]: nigghtttt
Kawanishi blinks at his screen and rereads the messages, squinting at the font as if it will change the contents of the messages. It doesn’t, so he groans and throws his phone back on the bed.
Goddamnit, Kenjirou.
No response.
“Get up and drink some water.”
“Get up, you sick pig.”
“No. Lemme sleep.”
“Do you want me to get Semi-san?”
The covers are pulled down a little, exposing an eye lined with deep bags. “You wouldn’t.”
“I’ll get Tendou-san too.”
“Goddamnit, Taichi.”
“Thank me later.”
He sighs and closes his textbook, looking at the time.
Oh. He studied through the night. That hasn’t happened in a while.
He groans as he stretches out his legs, reaching for his phone. No new messages, but he opens the application anyway, composing a new one and sending it off.
He may not be able to keep his best friend out of trouble, but he knows who can.
[Taichi]: panadol n h2o
[Semi]: What
[Taichi]: kenjirou
[Semi]: Sigh. Thanks Taichi
[Taichi]: punch him 4 me
[Semi]: Kay
Semi tucks his phone into his back pocket, picking the finished bentos up and heading back to his room. Once inside, he digs in his bag for his small medicine stash, cutting off two tabs of panadol to place on Shirabu’s side table.
The sky is getting brighter, but he decides to leave his roommate be until he refills their water bottles.
In hindsight, that was a bad idea.
“G’way.” The brunet mumbles incoherently and tugs the blanket over his head. A few pokes to his back earns him nothing but some wiggling, so he sighs and sits beside him.
[Semi]: How well does he hold his liquor
[Taichi]: lightweight
[Semi]: K bad question. How much did he drink
[Taichi]: enuf to b angry if u wake him
[Semi]: gdi
Semi sighs and grips the edge of the blanket. “Shirabu, you have two seconds before I rip this off.”
No response.
He tears the blanket off, taking it to the other bed to fold, ignoring the indignant whine behind him.
“Lemme sleep– Oww.”
“Drink the water and take the panadol. You’re getting to class today, whether you like it or not.”
“I hate you.”
“You’re welcome, because that’s a lab you have in an hour.”
He hears a panicked curse followed by a pained groan, and shakes his head at the sound of pattering footsteps and muffled banging disappearing down the hallway. Setting the folded blanket on the correct bed, he turns to Shirabu’s closet and starts pulling out a lab-appropriate outfit, then packs his bag and places it next to his shoes.
[Semi]: He didnt seem very angry
[Taichi]: hes late 4 class
[Taichi]: d anger will b bck
[Semi]: Thanks for the heads up?
[Taichi]: ur welcome
[Taichi]: ull need it
He’s about to head out when an angry maelstrom crashes past him, diving about the room in a flurry before setting upon the things already laid out for him. Semi would love to stay and watch – Shirabu gets stuck in his T-shirt for a solid minute, how is that even possible – but he knows better than to take Kawanishi's advice lightly, so he clicks the door shut behind him just as an infuriated yell is birthed.
He sneaks off with a snicker, messaging Futakuchi to beware the monster in class.
He gets an extremely garbled reply, and sighs heavily.
Reckless teenagers.
It’s a hiss, a panicked call, and he peers blearily out of his blanket nest to raise an eyebrow.
“Come help me pick an outfit.”
“Why.” He thinks he mumbles it – he isn’t sure, there are just too many blankets – but Shirabu whines and drops onto the bed anyway.
“Semi-san asked me to help distract Ushijima-san while they’re out.”
“And what’re you going to do? Dress like a stripper?”
He doesn’t even mind the smack to his leg – the blankets absorb the impact – but he does mind his roommate lying across his stomach, because he can’t breathe.
“Kenjirou– Get off–”
“I need help,” Shirabu whines. “They’ll be going into town, and I need to keep Ushijima-san occupied while Semi-san and Tendou-san find him a gift.”
“And– This is– Important– Why?” He wheezes, trying to dislodge the dead weight, but Shirabu is surprisingly heavy.
“Because what if I don’t know what to say? What am I supposed to talk about? We’re going to be by ourselves, this is the opportunity of a lifetime–”
“You– See– Him– At– Practice– Everyday.”
“I don’t need to hold a conversation during practice!”
Kawanishi finally succeeds in shoving Shirabu off his diaphragm, and wheezes for a minute. When he finally regains his breath, his roommate is seated on his legs, bemoaning his predicament.
He sits up and pulls his legs back, dislodging Shirabu and sending him sprawling, but he can’t care less. “Just wear whatever. It doesn’t matter.”
“You’re so unhelpful.”
“Ushijima-san doesn’t care about appearances,” he tells him. “But think about it this way – anything you wear would definitely be better than what Semi-san is wearing.”
“Not if Tendou-san is picking it.”
“Well, true, but how often does that happen?”
He’s met with silence, and hides his small smile in the blankets.
“Okay, fine, I’ll just wear jeans and whatever.”
“As long as you’re wearing clothes,” Kawanishi drawls, promptly flopping back and hiding himself in the blankets.
“I’m not an exhibitionist or a nudist, of course I’ll wear clothes.”
Kawanishi doesn’t bother to reply him.
He turns around slowly – after too many near-vomiting experiences that day, he has resigned himself to the vertigo – looking up into a pair of familiar green eyes. “Iwaizumi-san.”
Iwaizumi looks kind of awkward, but he holds out a familiar-looking jacket – his, he realises belatedly.
“Thanks for your jacket last night. It was a nice gesture,” he says, a crooked smile lifting a corner of his mouth. Shirabu takes the jacket from him – no wonder he couldn’t find it – and returns his smile sheepishly.
“No problem. Sorry for the trouble yesterday,” he mumbles.
“It was no trouble at all. I’d be more worried if you didn’t get back safely.”
“You didn’t have to,” he mutters. “But thank you. I don’t remember anything about last night.”
Iwaizumi frowns. “Nothing at all?”
“I remember seeing the other Seijou boys in your year, but that’s about it. Everything after that is gone.” He tries not to blush – he is above blushing like a schoolgirl, damnit – but allows an embarrassed grin to show his sincerity.
The other chuckles. “You don’t remember giving me your jacket, then?”
“You were very nice about it,” Iwaizumi tells him. “You said you couldn’t let me go back out into the cold without anything on and shoved it at me until I took it.”
Shirabu is stunned for a moment, before he chokes out, “I’m sorry I’m such a pushy drunk. That doesn’t sound nice.”
“You are very stubborn, but it was a nice gesture.” He starts to turn away, then whips back around, brow furrowed. “Wait. If you don’t remember anything, then why would you apologise for causing me trouble?”
“I, uh,” he fidgets uncomfortably, before softly admitting, “I’m always trouble when I’m drunk.”
Iwaizumi laughs loudly, and he’s stunned – he has such a beautiful laugh, but he’s also so embarrassed.
The older grins widely and claps him on the back, almost making him stumble. “Don’t worry about it. You weren’t that much trouble.”
“Really?” Shirabu’s sceptical – despite denying it, he does know a little of what transpired. His gushing messages to Kawanishi are proof enough of that.
“Well,” Iwaizumi pauses, “There is one thing I’d like to ask about.”
Oh no. Please don’t let it be–
“Shirabu-kun,” their eyes meet, bright green and nervous hazel, “You kept mentioning how ‘hot’ I was?”
Please kill me.
It takes him a few seconds to get his voice working again, but he manages to choke out, “I wasn’t lying.”
Iwaizumi’s expression softens a little, and he cracks a small smile. “I don’t think you were.”
“I’m sorry,” he bursts out. “Don’t tell anyone else, please.”
Iwaizumi looks confused. “Tell anyone what?”
“That I’m, you know,” he waves a hand, “Not straight.”
Some of the confusion clears from the older’s face, but he still sounds puzzled when he asks, “Why would I tell anyone that?”
(He’s so confused.)
“It’s not my place to tell anyone else what your preferences are,” Iwaizumi says firmly, and he looks so serious, Shirabu actually believes him. “I wouldn’t want anyone doing that to me, and I wouldn’t do it to anyone else either.”
“I– Thank you.” He hesitates just a moment, before asking softly, “Can I ask? What your preferences are?”
Iwaizumi smiles a little. “I’m demisexual. You?”
“Pansexual.” It feels like a weight has been lifted when he says it out loud, and he lets out a small sigh.
He hears a laugh, looks up to see Iwaizumi grinning at him. “Never told anyone before?”
“…no,” he admits. “There wasn’t a need to.”
“Don’t I know how that feels,” Iwaizumi sighs.
There’s a beat of silence between them, before Iwaizumi says, “Well, I ought to be getting back. Thanks again.”
He can feel the opportunity slipping from between his fingers, breath catching in his throat as the words lodge themselves in the tight space, refusing to come out.
Last chance, the wind whispers as it brushes by.
His hand clenches around the jacket, turning fully to face his retreating back. “Iwaizumi-san!”
He turns, confusion playing out across his features, and he takes a deep breath, exhaling forcefully.
“I know you told me your preferences, but would you like to go out to dinner with me sometime? Tonight, if you’re free?”
The taller boy’s expression clears, replaced by a sort of wry smile. “I’ll agree on one condition.”
“What is it?”
“We’re going as friends. Don’t expect more.”
He bows sharply, hiding his smile in his collar.
“Of course.”
[Shirabu]: Won’t be back for dinner
[Semi]: again?
[Shirabu]: You’re not my mom
[Semi]: I pick up after yo u enough to be
[Shirabu]: whatever
[Shirabu]: I’ll be eating dinner on my own, relax
[Semi]: well, im glad you know what I’m worrying abt
[Semi]: Yes you are
[Shirabu]: no
[Semi]: yes
[Shirabu]: No.
[Shirabu]: ps thanks for the shirasu-don
[Semi]: … youre welcome
[Shirabu]: I was bring sincere but guess I wont anymore
[Semi]: I was stunned, sue me
[Shirabu]: I’m not that ungrateful
[Semi]: o rlly
[Shirabu]: guess I’ll put the tekka maki back
[Semi]: WAIT
Shirabu snickers as he pockets his phone without replying, putting the packet of fish into the basket and nudging the person beside him. “Come on, let’s go.”
Kenma barely looks up from his game, but he does ask, “Do you have the apple pie?”
Shirabu rolls his eyes. “No. I’m going to make you apple pie instead of letting you eat the store-bought one.”
“Really?” It’s the most hopeful Shirabu has ever heard him, and he smothers a laugh.
“Yes, of course. You should learn how to make it too.”
“Lazy,” Kenma mumbles, trudging along behind him. “Kuro’ll get me some any time.”
“You treat him like a servant.”
“Like you’re one to talk.”
“Eita spends half his time picking up after you.”
“I don’t ask him to.”
“But he still does, and you don’t thank him. At least I thank Kuro.”
Shirabu opens his mouth to refute, but finds his words gone, any eloquence dried up like an old well. He can practically feel the smugness radiating off his friend, and stews quietly – what else can he do?
They’re almost at the checkout when he thinks to say, “I do things for him sometimes too.”
Kenma doesn’t reply for a long while – he thinks he must have reached the boss stage – but when he does, it’s with a sigh and the blackened screen of his game. “Not as much as he does for you.”
Shirabu’s almost too stunned that he turned off his game to answer. “He doesn’t have to. He’s trying to be my mom,” he grumbles.
“He cares about you.”
“He cares about everyone.”
“Fair point.”
Shirabu props the basket onto the self-checkout counter, scanning in silence. Kenma helps to bag the items, remaining mercifully quiet until they exit the store.
“You know, there was a point in time where Kuroo told me he liked me.”
“Oh?” He is confused; what does this have to do with their earlier conversation?
“Yeah,” Kenma muses. “But now he has Koutarou, so I don’t have to worry about feelings I can’t return.”
“I see.”
(Really, what is he supposed to say to all this?)
“You don’t understand what I’m trying to hint at,” Kenma comments.
Shirabu feels relieved and slightly annoyed. “What gave it away?”
“Your face, maybe.”
“Maybe.” Kenma smiles, but it drops quickly, sighing. “Maybe Eita’s so caring because he likes you.”
He snorts. “As if Semi-san would ever like me.”
“Why not?”
“We just don’t like each other.” His tone is hard, trying to signal the end of the conversation, and he’s glad when Kenma doesn’t press further.
He doesn’t want to revisit those memories. After all, they’ve been locked away for a reason.
“You sure you'll be okay?”
“For goodness sake, yes. I’m moving to the city, not to another country.”
“Just checking. I–”
“Worry. I know.” His voice has softened, and he drops his bag, tilting his head back to regard him. “I’ll be fine. Really.”
His friend pulls him into a smothering hug, enveloping him fully in his embrace, counting, counting, keeping time until he has to let go.
“Be safe.” A whisper as he steps back, full of panic and worry and desperate, desperate wishes.
“I’ll do what I can.” It’s not a promise – he can’t promise this, definitely not – but it’s the sincerity of the sentiment that pacifies him, because now, it might take him a bit longer to do something stupid.
“Call me when you get there.”
“I’ll text you,” he offers. “You’re getting overbearing like this.”
He opens his mouth only to bite back the I worry that threatens to fall out, swapping it for an Okay instead.
This time it’s Shirabu who steps forward for a hug, whispering his goodbyes, shouting them in the strength of his embrace, lightly reassuring him in the soft touch on his hair.
And then he’s on the train, and the afternoon sun blinds him as he watches the train disappear.
[Eita]: Coming over?
[Kenma]: Nah. Kuros cooking
[Eita]: For Futakuchi too or no
[Eita]: ?
[Kenma]: ofc for futa too
[Kenma]: I am very kinf, u kno
[Eita]: how did kenma let you have his phone
[Kenma]: I have my ways
[Kenma]: n e way, kitten and futa r with me tonite
[Eita]: I had to stare at that for 5 min before it made sense
[Kenma]: Kuros spelling sucks
[Eita]: Tell me sth I dont know
[Kenma]: Futakuchi snores
[Kenma]: Dinner. C u tmr
[Eita]: See you
Semi places his phone at the edge of the table, lacing his hands behind his head. A slow grin spreads over his face as the reality of the situation settles on him.
No Shirabu, Kenma or Futakuchi tonight. Wow.
I can finally study in peace, hell yes.
He gets up to pluck a textbook from his bag, setting a timer on his phone before putting it in the dresser.
If he's to study, there can be no distractions. But he’ll have to get up and make dinner eventually, and he refuses to forget to eat just because he’s actually studying for once.
He flips open to where he left off, re-reading the familiar concept, sinking into the rhythm of absorbing information.
It’s 11pm when he stops, and as he gets up to brush his teeth, his eyes land on the empty bed next to him.
It’s a little worrying, but he reminds himself that Shirabu is old enough to take care of himself, pushing the thought out of mind as he leaves the room.
He writes a note and pins it to their corkboard, casting a last glance at the vacant bed before he turns out the lights.
(The emptiness rings in his head, a despondent purr throbbing in his mind. It prods at the gaping maw of his heart, reminding, reminding, of better times, noisier times, a time where there was laughter and table lamps and trundling snores–)
The room is too quiet, and he sighs.
He’ll never get used to sleeping alone.
Come home earlier next time, it’s not safe late at night.
P.S. It’s your turn to make lunch but I’m getting up early because I’m sure you won’t wake up.
He plucks the note from the board, smiling at the first part of the message, sticking his tongue out at his roommate's back at the latter half.
Grabbing a pen from the table, he scribbles his reply and sticks the note back on the board before grabbing his things to shower.
His phone lights up with a new message, and he types a reply with a small grin before leaving, closing the door quietly behind him.
In the silence of the room, the phone vibrates periodically, marking the pauses between the soft snores from the occupied bed.
1 unread message from Taichi
15 unread messages from Futakuchi
2 unread messages from Iwaizumi✨
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sometimesrosy · 5 years
Rosy, have u seen the news that Jack Griffin's actoe it's back on set? OMG!!!! WHAT'S GOING ON?
I DID see it.
We have already considered that there might be a clone of Jake on the new planet and discarded that option, because Jake was born more than 50 years after Eligius 3 took off, so his genetic code would not exist yet. UNLESS the ark was practicing genetic cloning and there is not one bit of evidence for that. It could happen, but is unlikely.
MORE likely is that we get a flashback to the Ark for some reveals about their history, about who Jake is, maybe about Abby, maybe about the Ark, maybe about Clarke’s idealization of Jake who can’t possibly be as perfect as she always thought him.
Also likely is that Clarke will have hallucinations, dreams, memories, visions or some other mental vision with Jake in them. Which pleases me, because I said I thought we’d see some replay of Clarke’s trauma with losing Jake, and also with her intention to “be the good guy,” because she got that principal from her father. So we should probably see Jake coming back to the story so she could face what it meant that she was no longer the good guy, and how he would feel about it. 
See here’s the thing. 
I know fandom wants to make this show about ships and characters hooking up with other characters and how they think that’s kind of the point of the whole thing. BUT ITS NOT.
It’s about the world ending, about the damage trauma does to the soul, about learning how to be the good guy and do the right thing even when it hurts, about HEALING, about creating a new world, a better world, about making the right choices…. and about LOVE, which is what makes survival worth it. And that’s why this show has focused so much on relationships…. NOT just romantic relationships, but father-daughter, brother-sister, best friends, mentor-mentee, mother-daughter, big brother-little brother, female sisterhood, and yes, lots of love relationships, too. 
So last season, after the long 6 years of healing and/or damage, we got Bellamy facing his dysfunctional relationship with his sister, setting boundaries and opening the door for healing. We got Clarke getting closure on her traumatic, intense and passionate abusive (I’m sorry to say but it was) relationship with Lxa where Lxa finally admits that she was wrong and should never have done what she did to Clarke, and told her not to do that to Bellamy, thus allowing Clarke to heal the damage she received from THIS dysfunctional relationship. Bellamy called Madi on repeating the past mistakes of the grounder and sky people conflict, and to NOT make the other survivors enemies. Monty challenged everybody to choose peace and being the good guy over domination, war and destruction. And Bellamy got to heal the trauma that came from leaving Clarke behind, and got to replay that scenario and this time saved everyone and ended the show with Clarke in his arms. COMPLETE. (He reached the resolution of his hero’s journey and saved the day with the lessons he learned over the years.) These character HEALED the damage that, in essence, caused the apocalypse and constant violence and war.
We’re entering into a new season, where we will see MORE HEALING. We already know that Clarke is committed to being the good guy, as Bellamy has already done. A lesson he learned FROM HER. And a lesson SHE learned from Jake (you see how these things connect?) So the cyclical path is going to take Clarke back to her beginning. Listen JR told us he was doing this, when he said Clarke and Bellamy were switching places. It isn’t just about head and heart, it’s about this vision for a better world, which is what pulled Bellamy out of turning into someone like Pike. Now he’s taken Clarke’s lessons from season 1, and using them to show HER the way back to herself. Bringing Jake into the story at this point makes PERFECT, SATISFYING, SENSE THAT RESOLVES A BASE LEVEL TRAUMA AND TRANSFORMS CLARKE GRIFFIN INTO A HERO ONCE AGAIN. (hero’s journey completion ON ITS WAY FINALLY!)
Ask me what OTHER traumas we’ll see resolved or worked on in season 6? 
Clarke’s isolation and separation from the delinquents. We’ll see Princess Mechanic healed of it’s trauma from s1 and 2 (already foreshadowed in the r/f/c love triangle cycle playing over again with c/b/e.) We’ll see Team Cockroach’s trauma healed from season 3 and 4, (already foreshadowed with Murphy finding her drawing of him and Emori chained.) We’ll see Abby’s loss of her desire to make sure humanity DESERVES to survive and her trauma from the bunker come back around. What else? I think Octavia will find a way to redeem herself, but it might take more than one season. I think there’s some more I was thinking of…
Mount Weather. I REALLY think the two suns planet is going to echo the trauma Clarke and Bellamy took on from killing the mountain. Perhaps they’ll come to realize that as much as it hurt to sacrifice them and be the killers, that it was the ONLY way that could end, considering the players refused to to stop the war and refused to stop the cycle of violence and refused to relinquish what they thought was their birthright. Power and dominion over the Earth. I’m afraid we’ll see the same attitude from Eligius 3, because they colonized the planet in order to use it’s resources after draining the earth. That’s canon, Monty said so. To then portray Russell’s society as peaceful makes me VERY suspicious, because that contrasts with what Monty says. And THIS is similar to MW. When the delinquents woke up, they saw MW as peace and comfort and security. Meanwhile, under the civility, they were bleeding people dry, keeping them in cages and creating monsters, because they believed the surface was their birthright. MW were the colonialists. If they could have gotten out of the Mountain, they would have taken over. THIS is what Eligius 3 is. They are the colonialists, intent on using their superior technology to take the new world. So therefore, I suspect there will be aliens whom they can take dominion over. Replay the story. Do it right this time. Heal the trauma. Become the hero Clarke has been heading towards for years. 
I cannot speculate on ALL the information we get about casting. However, a known quantity like Jake pulls a lot of story threads together for me. So that’s what I think is going on. I could be wrong, it is speculation, but adding Jake to the cast makes me think I’m on the right path. 
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