#murder drones will have eight episodes total.
crescentmp3 · 1 month
i miss filler episodes so much
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arandomnerd810 · 6 months
boring TADC rant(/pos) from a murder drone special interest haver ft lil Caine drawing
i have been absolutely blown away by the reception because i was over here worrying murder drones would overshadow it and lemme tell you i’m glad it didn’t bc i love this show already
bro when i heard my DM talk about it, i saw someone scroll past a TADC video, and comparing the views to Markipliers fnaf 1 video that’s when i realized how insane this is
i don’t get the feeling any more characters will abstract but it would be so fun to watch the fandom go into chaos if anyone did abstract (esp Jax) rlly fun to think about what it so i totally see why it’s a popular topic
i love Gangle and Caine so much i’m exited to see what will happen at the end and to see if i relate to any of the characters and if my favs change + how it will end will they be able to somehow find a way out? (maaaaaybeeee) or will they learn to accept it and make it less bad (the one i’m aiming for but who knows) ? are they all screwed or smth? (least likely in my opinion)
i heard there will be eight episodes with one season and each character will get their own ep so i think it will be structured like each human character gets an ep for them aside from the first ep ( the intro) and the last one (the send off)
i feel like for now Jax the most interesting because i find mean characters the most interesting (my fav characters are still Caine and Gangle for now though lolll)
i wonder if we will get any more LGBTQ+ rep or if Gooseworx is just avoiding saying it to avoid ship wars and or she has not decided yet either way i am very happy with Zooble they are very cool
i got the Caine keychain and i will look forward to solo Gangle merch and the next eps whenever those happen even if it does not end up becoming my special interest
the visuals are eye candy and the music is wonderful
literally my only complaint is sometimes it can be a little over the top goofy (like in the end of the Pomni swearing bit) but i really don’t mind but oof man this is the most honey fandom i’ve seen poor poor Pomni
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hellyeahomeland · 4 years
“Two Minutes”: an  HYH recap
The episode opens as Carrie takes a we-should-really-retire-this-phrase-but “whore’s bath” in what has to be the most poorly lit bathroom in the history of the universe. For some unknown reason she’s watching the news, which is definitely a thing one should do in a crisis to relieve stress. Side note but throughout the show’s entire run they’ve had a fake cable news station called CNB and I appreciate that it’s stuck it out in this imaginary universe for as long as we have.
Somewhere in the Korengal, Max is very sweaty and very tired and—surprise!—still carrying around that flight recorder in his backpack like a hero. The Taliban soldier stops their mountainside trek for a bit to pee. Max sees a plane (or drone?) flying overhead and begins shouting and runs off. A scuffle ensues, Max kicks him flat on his back. We are surprised Max has it in him but, again, hero. All this comes to a gasp-inducing end when the Taliban shoulder shoots Max from behind in the shoulder, the place where everyone on this show ends up getting shot (literally, left shoulder, what is it with this??). He falls to the ground with a thud.
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Back at the White House, HIOHHP steps into the Oval Office to give a short address. Linus touches every inch of his face while he looks on.
HIOHHP: Good evening, America. In the words of Shaggy, it wasn’t me.
It’s over after about 20 seconds and HIOHHP and Linus get the fuck outta there and head into the situation room and everyone gets up when he enters and blah blah blah. They’re having technical difficulties connecting to Kabul station, which I take it is something that happens quite frequently at the CIA.
In Kabul station, Carrie asks Saul—for what is probably the eleventy hundredth time—where is Max and is he alive and who is looking for him?? Carrie has no concept of making herself less annoying while everyone is still wondering why the heck she’s stuck around in Kabul this long but THAT IS WHY WE LOVE CARRIE.
Carrie goes and finds another person to annoy, this time poor Lonnie in the computer room. Lonnie is, what’s the phrase, Totally Over It. She badgers him with questions about the phone calls they’re listening to, wanting to know if there’s been anything about Max. She asks for the keywords in the audio that trigger some sort of automated something or other. The words on this list are the names of various mass transit systems in America (??), countries in the Middle East, and ominous noun/verbs like “bomb,” “murder,” and “attack.” Carrie quite astutely points out that they’re NOT THAT DUMB. Lonnie is basically like, “if you want to add more words, be my guest. Also who are you again??”
Keyword list in hand, Carrie heads back onto the main floor just in time to eavesdrop on the arrival of Vanessa Kroll, who is leading the FBI investigation of Just What the Fuck Happened Out Here, Guys?! We can tell right away that she Means Business because she asks for a room with doors that close. Shouldn’t this be every room in Kabul station? Anyway, Carrie overhears the whole thing and has a bit of an “oh shit” look on her face, probably because she’s been meeting with Yevgeny in secret for God knows how long and oh! the CIA are thisclose (actually they’re finished, but she doesn’t know that) to learning what was actually said at her meeting with Yevgeny a few days ago.
Despite all of this, Carrie could really use some fresh air, so she hops on her motorcycle. I know it’s a stunt double and not actually Claire Danes riding this thing but IT IS SO BADASS THAT CARRIE JUST KNOWS HOW TO RIDE A MOTORCYCLE. And she really does. She weaves in and out of traffic with ease. And she also has to reroute herself several times, which is how we know she’s been to the place she’s going at least a few times before. And where is that? YEVGENY’S PLACE, which would be a cool name for a mid-90s sitcom. Anyhoozles, he opens the door like, “oh, you again?” and she barges right in because—I repeat—they’ve done this before.
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Carrie: First things first, this is definitely the beginning of an arrangement, despite what I’m saying now. Yevgeny: I’m so tall that I’m literally leaning my elbow on this china cabinet. Carrie: Remember that time you took away my meds and I went totally crazy and then tried to kill myself? Yevgeny: Yeah, I saved you. Carrie: Ok, well saving me wasn’t the actual favor. What I’m asking for now is. Yevgeny: I’m listening. Carrie: My friend, Max, my ONLY friend, is missing. I think the Taliban have him. I have to save him. Yevgeny: Damn, I’m surprised you have a friend. Carrie: I know you have contacts in the Korengal. Can you figure out where he is? Yevgeny: On one condition! Carrie: Which is? Yevgeny: You need to break into the computer room at the CIA and cut off the surveillance over the region, otherwise my contact is gonna get bombed to oblivion right after I call him. Carrie: First, I’m amused you think I even know how to do something in a computer room. Second, no way! Yevgeny: Ok, then I can’t help you. Carrie: But—! Yevgeny: Look, you came to me. I’m not making you do anything. It’s a phone call, two minutes. All I’m asking for is two minutes. Carrie: Hey, I said that line once… I can’t fucking believe this is happening to me and I further can’t believe how attracted I am to you right now. I need to take a few steps backward otherwise I don’t know what might happen. Yevgeny: I’m just gonna lean over here since I know you like when guys lean. Carrie: FINE. I’LL DO IT. Be ready at 3pm. I hope our watches are synchronized.
Over at the presidential palace, G’ulom is asking Saul and resident hottie Scott Ryan where Haqqani is. He’s convinced the Americans have him. They go back and forth about the 300 Taliban soldiers G’ulom has locked up in a soccer stadium without food or water. He’s gonna murder them all soon, they’re pretty sure. Anyway they all hate each other and Saul doesn’t even have the will to pretend anymore. He straight up accuses G’ulom of crashing both the helicopters so he could become President. Phew! G’ulom says they can both gtfo and they do.
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Carrie returns to Kabul station for her interview with Vanessa Kroll, which lasts about 30 seconds and she stops just short of being like, “wait you’re not gonna arrest me now?” Give it time, Carrie. Give it time.
…Because Mike is finally listening to the recording of Carrie’s conversation at the mosque with Yevgeny. And it’s even worse now, mostly out of context, and given that Carrie fully lied on her contact report. Mike says things like “fucking Christ.” Jenna, God bless her, thinks maybe Yevgeny is lying and also totally understands why Carrie would lie about all this. Mike wants to report this up the chain but decides to sit with it a while.
Somewhere in Afghanistan, Max is—thank God!!!!—still alive, asleep on a mattress in some random dude’s house. The Taliban soldier picks up his backpack and takes it into town to sell off some of those Hot American Goodz. But not the flight recorder! No one knows what that weird red box even is for. It’s promptly moved to the back of the shop and put on the junk shelf.
In Kabul, Haqqani remains hidden, also in some random dude’s house. Random dude informs him that G’ulom has a million dollar bounty on his head and if he doesn’t turn himself in he’s gonna murder everyone in the soccer stadium, so Scott Ryan was correct. What a quandary!
HIOHHP is in the Oval Office and Linus has rolled up his sleeves so you know shit is getting real. Saul and Scott inform them that G’ulom is gonna murder all these people without due process, which is totally against their constitution. If that happens, they’ll see a wave of insurgency that will once again completely destabilize the country. Which means more troops. Remember two days ago when we were so close to peace? HIOHHP needs to get on the phone with G’ulom ASAP to make sure this doesn’t happen and he can start by threatening to withhold all aid from them.
He agrees to get on the phone and then has a highly hilarious exchange with Linus where they say the word “G’ulom” over and over and fuck, this show is funny again!
The phone call, however, is a bust. HIOHHP plays right into G’ulom’s hand. He says things like “no” when he really means “yes” and just repeats Saul’s talking points, only less coherently, and by the end G’ulom gets him to agree that they gotta murder all these Taliban soldiers immediately since it will be a defining ~presidential moment~. Linus nearly falls out of his chair. Bet Elizabeth Keane is looking pretty great now, huh? I hope she’s enjoying an extended Caribbean vacation.
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It is 14:52 which means Carrie has eight minutes until she needs to do something with computers. Jenna attempts to follow her, but Carrie catches on. Jenna is actually inches away from Carrie’s door when she opens it, asks smartly if she needs anything, before Jenna makes up a lie so bad Carrie could have come up with it. I am starting to feel badly for Jenna because she cannot do literally anything she’s supposed to.
Carrie makes her way to the computer room and once again we are treated to some high comedy. She gets Lonnie to print something for her and purposely causes a paper jam in the computer. Lonnie remains Totally Over It but Carrie causes just enough of a diversion to cut off the surveillance to the Korengal region. I know what you’re thinking: this is so unbelievable! The wires would never be out in the open, unlocked, where just anyone could disconnect them. Unfortunately, I totally believe this is how the CIA operates. And also, Carrie could never do something with a computer! On that point, you are right. Anyway, two minutes pass and she reconnects the wire and gets her stack of paper so it was a pretty good day for Carrie!
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Oh wait…. Mike decides to bring his concerns to Saul. Carrie and Yevgeny have met, he recorded their conversation, she fully lied about what they said, and it’s all Very Concerning and he thinks that Carrie may have unwittingly helped Yevgeny assassinate Beau! Saul very evenly says “I am going to have to listen to that tape.”
Haqqani decides that he will turn himself in, only to the Americans, not to G’ulom. Because then he’ll get a trial, and everything always turns out cool when you trust the Americans. He must not know Saul’s not running this dealio anymore. Everyone looks at him like he’s crazy and I must stress that this show making me feel badly for Haissam Haqqani is messing with me.
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Later, Saul, having just listened to The Tape, knocks on Carrie’s door.
Saul: Let me cut to the chase. What the fuck’s going on with you and Yevgeny? Carrie: Did Mike brainwash you? Saul: Just answer me. Carrie: Lies, lies, lies, more lies. Saul: I know you just said lies. I heard the tape. Carrie: Fuck, the tape. You heard all of it? Saul: Yes. Look, this is all my fault. Carrie: Yeah, I know. Wait, how…? Saul: It was my idea to bring you here and now look what’s happened. Carrie: Jesus, can we stop talking like I’m a child? Saul: No we cannot! Look, here are the facts. You had a relationship with Yevgeny complicated enough to lie about. We’ve literally been here before. Secondly, he saved your life. Even you would feel indebted to him an eensy bit. Carrie: Ok when you put it that way, it sounds really bad. Saul: You told him about Franny. That you thought you were a danger to her. Is that true? Carrie: Goddammit, Saul, you know that’s my trigger… Saul: You never told me these things! How can we be in a codependent relationship if you keep from me things that you know I would absolutely judge you for? Carrie: I’m still putting the pieces together. I’m not trying to be evasive, I literally don’t remember everything. Saul: Yeah, that’s why you have to leave, pronto. Back to Germany. Say hi to Otto for me. Carrie: Absolutely not, I can’t leave Max behind. I sent him here. I mean, actually you did, but I have a thing where I feel guilty about things that aren’t really my fault. Saul: CARRIE, PLEASE JESUS. You look guilty AS FUCK. You talked Warner into coming here. You knew for an hour after meeting him where he was going. That’s enough time to make a phone call! Carrie: This is bullshit. Saul: Of course it’s bullshit, but the FBI needs a scapegoat and baby, you’re it! Carrie: Idgaf. Doing everything we can to find Max means keeping me here because Yevgeny has a lead, I just talked to him. Let me call him back! Saul: I want… to take a nap.
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It’s… a devastating, climactic scene. In the way Saul pleads with Carrie, and she pleads back with him. So layered in all they’ve gone through the last seven seasons and beyond…
He thinks Yevgeny is trying to recruit her, just telling her what she wants to hear. She says that’s not what’s happening. They’re at an impasse and Saul finally just tells her she’s getting on that fucking plane to Germany willingly or in handcuffs. (There’s a third option he doesn’t yet know about.)
Thirty minutes later, Carrie does have her shit and is ready to leave. She smiles at Saul, which is how he should have known something was up. She gets in the car and, would ya look at that! Haqqani is surrendering himself in front of the embassy at this exact moment! Guess we’ll see where that ends up.
Elsewhere, Max has finally woken up. No he’s not ok. He was just shot! But his backpack is gone and he needs it back. The flight recorder! Cut to a long procession of donkeys carrying cargo through a mountainous valley. They have all sorts of stuff strapped to their backs including one red flight recorder! And the Emmy for Best Comedy Series goes to… Homeland!! Much applause!!
At the airport, Carrie wishes Jenna good luck, which is Carrie code for “fuck you and lose my number.” She scans her boarding pass and goes onto the jetway with the other passengers. Jenna continues her string of having one fucking job and failing at it because she departs soon after.
Right on cue, Carrie activates the aforementioned third option and makes a sharp right turn off that jetway, down a staircase, out onto the road below. and into the car of Yevgeny, ever punctual. He gives her a look like “damn I missed you,” before they both speed off.
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Indiana Jones, Robotic Delivery Boys & AMD Ryzen
WOW!!! We have an amazing episode for you this week, first up, thank you to our 1000 weekly listeners, you are amazing. At last, winter is here, and Professor and Buck are both totally enjoying it. DJ has brought us the controversy of the week, with wild claims of a new Indiana Jones, and the boys pile in on him. Once again we solve the world’s greatest issues with logic and careful consideration. We decide Chris Pratt is not suitable for taking on the role and also convince DJ that Indiana Jones is not a Marvel character yet; give Disney time and they will make it happen eventually I’m sure.
            With a fabulous Segway into the next topic we look at Digit. Not the figures, the robot that will help deliver your shopping from the car to your door. Professor decides he wants one to carry the shopping from the door to the kitchen and then cook his food. DJ calls robots slaves, revealing his desire to take over the world. Buck and Professor decide that given the way technology has been moving they wish to become Cyborgs and serve the robot overlords. We align the killer drones, self-replicating robots, driverless cars and robot dogs.
            Moving along before we get into too much trouble. We have a new CPU that is pushing the limits and is looks surprised at how amazing it is. AMD is back baby and challenging Intel once again. Buck and Professor fully geek out over what this means for building your own system. If you get confused and lost please let us know; we will get Professor to write up a translation for you. We also figure out how to turn your computer into an oven. We mean literally you will be able to cook your sausages and toast your marsh mellows.
            As always we make fun of everything, have a laugh with each other, at each other and life in general. We have the usual shout outs, remembrances, birthdays, and events of interest. As always, take care of yourselves, look out for each other, and stay hydrated. NERDS rule!!!
Harrison Ford about Indiana Jones - https://www.empireonline.com/movies/news/harrison-ford-idea-succeed-indiana-jones-nobody/
Robotic Delivery Boy - https://techxplore.com/news/2019-05-bipedal-robot-digit-autonomous-delivery.html
AMD Ryzen 3000 - https://www.anandtech.com/show/14407/amd-ryzen-3000-announced-five-cpus-12-cores-for-499-up-to-46-ghz-pcie-40-coming-77
Games currently playing
– Apex Legends - https://www.origin.com/aus/en-us/store/apex/apex 
– Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead - https://cataclysmdda.org/
– Deceit - https://store.steampowered.com/app/466240/Deceit/
Other topics discussed
Jurassic World (2015 movie)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jurassic_World
James Cameron (Film director)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/James_Cameron
Terminator Salvation (2009 movie)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Terminator_Salvation
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle (2017 movie)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jumanji:_Welcome_to_the_Jungle
The Young Indiana Jones Chronicles
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Young_Indiana_Jones_Chronicles
Sean Patrick Flanery (American actor)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sean_Patrick_Flanery
Shia LaBeouf (American actor)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shia_LaBeouf
Daniel Craig (British actor)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Daniel_Craig
Eric Bana (Australian actor)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eric_Bana
Gerard Butler (Scottish actor)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gerard_Butler
Boston Dynamics Spot kicked
Meme -  https://i.imgur.com/0hQjQQq.jpg
CNN about Spot - https://edition.cnn.com/2015/02/13/tech/spot-robot-dog-google/index.html
WALL·E (2008 movie)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/WALL-E
I, Robot (2004 movie)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I,_Robot_(film)
007 You Only Live Twice: Car taken by a magnet
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=bLAo27BtBJ0
AMD Bulldozer chip analysis
- https://www.extremetech.com/computing/100583-analyzing-bulldozers-scaling-single-thread-performance
Definition of TDP (Thermal Design Power)
- https://www.tomshardware.com/reviews/tdp-thermal-design-power-definition,5764.html
Intel Announces Core i9-9900KS
- https://www.extremetech.com/computing/292195-intel-announces-core-i9-9900ks-eight-cores-5ghz-all-core-boost
FX 8350 (AMD product)
- https://www.amd.com/en/products/cpu/fx-8350
Forrest Gump (1994 movie)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Forrest_Gump
Marvin Heemeyer (Killdozer inventor)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Marvin_Heemeyer
That’s Not Canon Podcasts
- A New World Order - https://thatsnotcanon.com/anewworldorderpodcast
- Floof and Pupper - https://thatsnotcanon.com/floofandpupperpodcast
Phil Hartman (supposed to voice Zapp Brannigan)
- https://futurama.fandom.com/wiki/Phil_Hartman
Study: Heavy metal combats depression
- https://www.abc.net.au/news/2015-06-25/study-finds-heavy-metal-reduces-anger-depression/6571820
Let It Go (Epic Metal Cover by Connor Engstrom Music)
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vbncFS-HavM
Chitty-Chitty-Bang-Bang (1964 book)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chitty-Chitty-Bang-Bang
Sam Westphalen - Chitty Chitty Bang Bang Theme - Death Metal Version
- https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-OqXIo9ygi8
Murder Ballads (Nick Cave album)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Murder_Ballads
Voyage of the Damned (Doctor Who)
- https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Voyage_of_the_Damned_(Doctor_Who)
27 May 2019 - Kirsty Boden posthumously awarded Florence Nightingale medal by Red Cross for her heroism in 2017 London terror attacks - https://www.adelaidenow.com.au/news/south-australia/kirsty-boden-awarded-florence-nightingale-medal-by-red-cross-for-her-heroism-in-2017-london-terror-attacks/news-story/861689d9992d095c1c4796955ad74de3
28 May 1972 – A team of plumbers breaks into the Democratic National Committee Headquarters at the Watergate complex in Washington, D.C. for the first time, bugging the telephones of staffers. This started the Watergate scandal. - https://www.history.com/this-day-in-history/watergate-scandal-timeline-nixon
28 May 2019 - Alister Kerr graduates with a perfect GPA - https://www.brisbanetimes.com.au/national/queensland/queensland-uni-student-with-perfect-gpa-was-that-guy-during-class-20190528-p51ru8.html?fbclid=IwAR1OmH6g8a-l3ZxAnGLxbbOyLl_DUcjx0bXMBwtBTIMaviRhoKQ5Odle6Vk
26 May 2019 - Kaleb the police dog was part of the Queensland Police Service litter. In his 5 years he has been with the service, he has been part of countless successful tracks and apprehensions. Kaleb like all QPS dogs lived at home with his handler Sergeant Trevor O’Neill and are part of their family and the bond between handlers and their dogs makes them inseparable. Sergeant Trevor O’Neill was absolutely devastated by the loss of his dog, partner and mate. - https://mypolice.qld.gov.au/blog/2019/05/26/death-of-police-dog-kaleb/?fbclid=IwAR3velHYg3PueWjNxXkhJs1rZ5v0RRnQY1ZBkko3eqk0A7_D1lvT3xZwk2I
28 May 1843 – Noah Webster, American lexicographer, textbook pioneer, English-language spelling reformer, political writer, editor, and prolific author. He has been called the "Father of American Scholarship and Education". His blue-backed speller books taught five generations of American children how to spell and read. Webster's name has become synonymous with "dictionary" in the United States. In 1806, Webster published his first dictionary, A Compendious Dictionary of the English Language. The following year, he started working on an expanded and comprehensive dictionary, finally publishing it in 1828. He was very influential in popularizing certain spellings in the United States. He was also influential in establishing the Copyright Act of 1831, the first major statutory revision of U.S. copyright law. He died at 84 in New Haven, Connecticut - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Noah_Webster
28 May 1998 - Phil Hartman, Canadian-American actor, comedian, screenwriter and graphic artist. Hartman garnered fame in 1986 when he joined the sketch comedy show Saturday Night Live. He won fame for his impressions, particularly of President Bill Clinton, and he stayed on the show for eight seasons. Given the moniker "The Glue" for his ability to hold the show together and help other cast members, Hartman won a Primetime Emmy Award for his SNL work in 1989. He voiced various roles on The Simpsons, most notably Lionel Hutz from seasons 2–9 and Troy McClure from seasons 2–10. Other Simpsons characters included Lyle Lanley, Mr. Muntz and minor characters. He also had roles in the films Houseguest,Sgt. Bilko,Jingle All the Way, Small Soldiers and the English dub of Kiki's Delivery Service. He died of homicide at 49 in Encino, Los Angeles, California - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phil_Hartman
Famous Birthdays
27 May 1922 - Sir Christopher Lee, English actor, singer and author. With a career spanning nearly 70 years, Lee was well known for portraying villains and became best known for his role as Count Dracula in a sequence of Hammer Horror films, a typecasting situation he always lamented. His other film roles include Francisco Scaramanga in the James Bond film The Man with the Golden Gun,Saruman in The Lord of the Rings film trilogy (2001–2003) and The Hobbit film trilogy, and Count Dooku in the second and third films of the Star Wars prequel trilogy. Always noted as an actor for his deep, strong voice, Lee was also known for his singing ability, recording various opera and musical pieces between 1986 and 1998, and the symphonic metal album Charlemagne: By the Sword and the Cross in 2010, after having worked with several metal bands since 2005. The heavy metal follow-up Charlemagne: The Omens of Death was released on 27 May 2013, Lee's 91st birthday. He was honoured with the "Spirit of Metal" award at the 2010 Metal HammerGolden Gods Awards ceremony. He was born in Belgravia, London - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Christopher_Lee
27 May 1971 - Paul Bettany, English-American actor. He is known for his voice role as J.A.R.V.I.S. and as Vision in the Marvel Cinematic Universe. He first came to the attention of mainstream audiences when he appeared in the British film Gangster No. 1, and director Brian Helgeland's film A Knight's Tale. He has gone on to appear in a wide variety of films, includingA Beautiful Mind, Master and Commander: The Far Side of the World, the adaptation of the novel The Da Vinci Code and many other movies. He was born in London - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Bettany
28 May 1524 - Selim The Second, also known as Sarı Selim ("Selim the Blond") or Sarhoş Selim ("Selim the Drunk"),was the Sultan of the Ottoman Empire from 1566 until his death in 1574. He was a son of Suleiman the Magnificent and his wife Hürrem Sultan. The 1911 Encyclopedia Britannica article on him remarks that he was "the first sultan entirely devoid of military virtues and willing to abandon all power to his ministers, provided he were left free to pursue his orgies and debauches." He was born in Istanbul, Ottoman Empire - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Selim_II
28 May 1908 – Ian Fleming, English author, journalist and naval intelligence officer who is best known for his James Bond series of spy novels. While working for Britain's Naval Intelligence Division during the Second World War, Fleming was involved in planning Operation Goldeneye and in the planning and oversight of two intelligence units, 30 Assault Unit and T-Force. His wartime service and his career as a journalist provided much of the background, detail and depth of the James Bond novels. Fleming wrote his first Bond novel, Casino Royale, in 1952. It was a success, with three print runs being commissioned to cope with the demand. Eleven Bond novels and two collections of short stories followed between 1953 and 1966. The novels revolved around James Bond, an officer in the Secret Intelligence Service, commonly known as MI6. Bond was also known by his code number, 007, and was a commander in the Royal Naval Reserve. The Bond stories rank among the best-selling series of fictional books of all time, having sold over 100 million copies worldwide. Fleming also wrote the children's story Chitty-Chitty-Bang-Bang and two works of non-fiction. In 2008, The Times ranked Fleming 14th on its list of "The 50 greatest British writers since 1945". Fleming's creation has appeared in film twenty-six times, portrayed by seven actors. He was born in Green Street, London - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ian_Fleming
28 May 1968 - Kylie Minogue, Australian-British singer, songwriter and actress. She achieved recognition starring in the Australian soap opera Neighbours, where she played tomboy mechanic Charlene Robinson. Appearing in the series for two years, Minogue's character married Scott Robinson (Jason Donovan) in an episode viewed by nearly 20 million people in the United Kingdom, making it one of the most watched Australian TV episodes ever. Since then, Minogue has been a recording artist and has achieved commercial success and critical acclaim in the entertainment industry. Minogue has been recognised with severalhonorific nicknames, most notably the "Princess of Pop". She is recognised as the highest-selling Australian artist of all time by the Australian Recording Industry Association (ARIA). She was born in Melbourne,Victoria - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kylie_Minogue
31 May 1683 - Jean-Pierre Christin, French physicist, mathematician, astronomer and musician. His proposal in 1743 to reverse the Celsius thermometer scale (from water boiling at 0 degrees and ice melting at 100 degrees, to where zero represented the freezing point of water and 100 represented the boiling point of water) was widely accepted and is still in use today. He was a founding member of the Académie des sciences, belles-lettres et arts de Lyon and served as its Permanent Secretary from 1713 until 1755. His thermometer was known in France before the Revolution as the thermometer of Lyon. One of these thermometers was kept at the Science Museum in London. He was born in Lyon - https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean-Pierre_Christin
Events of interest
28 May 1959 - Monkeys Able & Baker zoom 300 miles (500 km) into space on Jupiter missile, become 1st animals retrieved from a space mission - http://news.bbc.co.uk/onthisday/hi/dates/stories/may/28/newsid_3725000/3725961.stm
28 May 1961 - Last trip (Paris to Bucharest) on the Orient Express - https://www.onthisday.com/photos/the-orient-express
29 May 1953 – Edmund Hillary and SherpaTenzing Norgay became the first people to reach the summit of Mount Everest, on Tenzing Norgay's (adopted) 39th birthday. - https://www.nationalgeographic.com/adventure/features/everest/sir-edmund-hillary-tenzing-norgay-1953/
29 May 1999 – Space Shuttle Discovery completes the first docking with the International Space Station.
- https://www.nasa.gov/centers/marshall/history/discovery-becomes-first-space-shuttle-to-dock-with-station.html
- https://www.edn.com/electronics-blogs/edn-moments/4373970/Discovery-docks-with-International-Space-Station--May-29--1999-EDN
Artist – Goblins from Mars
Song Title – Super Mario - Overworld Theme (GFM Trap Remix)
Song Link - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-GNMe6kF0j0&index=4&list=PLHmTsVREU3Ar1AJWkimkl6Pux3R5PB-QJ
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