#mun story
misteria247 · 8 months
Loving how we're getting some good puppet horror/unsettling content like Don't Hug Me I'm Scared, Welcome Home and My Friendly Neighborhood. Like yes give me more of that unsettling vibe of colorful, quirky puppets who are about to witness the horrors.
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azu1as · 21 days
Hi, Tin! I love your writing and I have a prompt for you, if you are interested) what if Tang family is too afraid of Tang Bo leaving permanently and eloping with Cheong Myeong? So they initiate marriage negotiations with Mount Hua. It can be angst (CM is socially isolated and insecure about his position) or romantic comedy (awkward situations and protective Cheong Mun), up to you). Thank you in advance!
It was a well-established fact that the Dark Saint of the Tang Family was one of their generation's best.
So it came as no surprise when an influx of marriage proposals flooded their family's estate—because rumors started flying around that the Dark Saint was in search of a partner.
The Dark Saint held a reputation for being cold and ruthless. To cultivators and martial artists, he was someone they feared making into an enemy due to his sheer battle prowess and poisonous abilities. To normal civilians, he was a genius who wielded the Tang Family's techniques with cool precision and intent; to them, he was just another mysterious cultivator that they would only ever know of through gossip and stories.
However, in recent years, something shifted. His reputation among common folk was slowly altered. It started off with a supposed battle between him and the Plum Blossom Sword Saint which turned into a sudden and unexpected friendship.
Whereas in the past the Dark Saint would only go around Sichuan and closeby villages, he was now found going around different major cities and unknown ones.
He was often in the company of Mount Hua's Plum Blossom Sword Saint, who worked with him side-by-side to eradicate groups from the Demonic Cult and the occasional bandits and thieves.
For supposed Taoists, the two visited different establishments to drink alcohol and talk cheerily. It was during one of these moments that the first rumor began its spark.
"Ahhhh," The Plum Blossom Sword Saint groans in satisfaction. "That sure hits the spot!"
The Dark Saint chuckles as he tosses back his own drink. "If only I could enjoy everyday like this. Alcohol really is the best."
"What would your future wife think?" The Plum Blossom Sword Saint jokingly and dramatically shakes his head in disappointment. "To have a husband who loves alcohol more than his own wife...!"
The Dark Saint wiggles his eyebrows suggestively. "Trust me, I would make sure that my wife knows full-well just how much I love them."
The two of them share a silent, private conversation with just their eyes alone, that none of the other restaurant's customers could decipher, before they leave a generous tip and went on their way.
It snowballs from there.
All of a sudden gossip went around about the Dark Saint's interest in finding a wife. And so several people came to the same conclusion.
The reason why the Dark Saint is travelling around more than usual is because he's looking for a prospective wife.
Clearly, the Plum Blossom Sword Saint was there to provide moral support. How truly admirable and strong their brotherhood must be!
On the other hand, the head of the Tang Family was fully aware of their Dark Saint's single-minded interest in Mount Hua's Chung Myung.
Seeing all the stacks of letters that ranged from proposing strategic alliances and general marriage offers brought the current head of the Tang Family to a very different conclusion.
Tang Bo was trying to slowly draw himself away from their family by leaving their estate. He might be on the hunt, jumping from village to village, trying to create a dowry befitting for the hand of the Plum Blossom Sword Saint and scouting out all the best locations to settle down in.
It really wouldn't be too surprising of an idea if one day a letter turns up from the man with an intent of permanently moving to Mount Hua or some backwater village.
The Tang Family head shakes the thought of losing one of their best and genius members to one of the Ten Great Sects. If he wanted to maintain their family's reputation, he'll need to strike the first move.
And so he begins to pen a decisive letter to the Sect Leader of Mount Hua.
Chung Mun's hands tremble as reads the letter sent to him by the Tang Family.
'Who did they think they were?' He would have bit out if he had any less self-restraint. The paper crumples in his grip and he receives a questioning glance from Chung Myung who was sprawled eating mooncakes on the opposite side of his desk.
"What's got you so worked up?" The subject of the letter askswithout a care.
Chung Mun takes a deep breath. "The Tang Family wishes for you to transfer into their estate."
He refuses to say out loud the marriage proposal that came along with this request. His Chung Myung was too young! The man might be a sixty years old, but that round face, cheeks carelessly bulging with mooncakes with crumbs littered on his chin, screamed too young for marriage!
"Oh." Chung Myung nods in understanding.
Chung Mun is glad that Chung Myung agrees that this was nonsensical. To think, they thought that Chung Myung would even leave Mount Hua for—
"After the war is over, Tang Bo and I were planning to be roommates and travel the world a bit."
"Roommates?" Chung Mun's voices comes out slightly strangled.
"Yup. It's going to be great."
Chung Mun tries to run through his previous conversations with Tang Bo. He knew that the man was capable of being underhanded, but he was also well-aware that Tang Bo respected him enough to not blind-side him with something like this. Especially since it concerned Chung Myung.
...Oh no.
"Fuck." Chung Mun says, full of feeling as he recalls Tang Bo off-handedly asking permission to live together with Chung Myung in the future.
"...Sect Leader?"
Chung Mun had thought that was a joke! He thought Tang Bo wasn't being serious! They were talking with alcohol in their systems!
The alarmed look that crosses Chung Myung's face informed Chung Mun that the way he felt his blood drain from his face was a visible, physical reaction.
"He asked for your hand in marriage." Chung Mun says faintly. "I said yes."
Chung Myung blinked at him. "Yeah? He told me?"
Okay. Tang Bo, to his credit, hasn't been leaving Chung Myung in the dark at least.
If Chung Myung knows and isn't reacting violently that means that he isn't completely against this. Even if Chung Mun was, he had to reorganize his priorties.
And his number one would be to make sure Chung Myung was happy.
((And to make sure that the Tang Family doesn't think they can step on Chung Mun and pull his little brother away.))
"I'll have to recheck the sect's budget and my own savings to make sure we have enough for the wedding preparations..." Chung Mun mutters as he begins drafting a response to the Tang Family with what he thought were better marriage agreement conditions.
But then, a flash of dread causes Chung Mun to pause writing and leave a dark ink blot on the paper. He suspected, but he really wishes that he was wrong—!
"Huh?" Chung Myung gives Chung Mun a confused look. "We already got married though?"
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surrogate-fawn · 5 months
(( 500 word fic commission for @cheezihouse featuring their OCs Egil and Fahn. Thank you for being my very first commissioner! ))
"Are you feeling okay?"
Was anyone -- truly, anyone -- supposed to feel "okay" while carrying ten extra pounds of weight on their hips?
"Need anything?"
Yes, actually. He needed this child to decide if it was ready to come earth-side or not.
Every other day, his belly would drop a little lower in his lap and contractions would start. Each time, Fahn -- his husband -- would be so sure that now, now was finally the time to meet their little one; but Egil had gone through this routine so often that the onset of contractions was no more than an annoyance to him. The contractions always tapered off by the end of the day, until they were no more than dull twinges in his lower back. Then the routine would start again within forty-eight hours.
This baby needed to make up their mind. Egil had grown tired of their indecisiveness.
A small moving lump traveled along the oblong swell of Egil's belly, a small foot -- hand? claw? . . . wing? -- pressing towards the outside world through layers of fat and muscle. The drow sank a bit further into the cushions of the bed, his brow knit as the jostling of his unborn child hit a nerve in his spine. A creeping tightness spread like a vine around his sides, spreading over the orb of his pregnancy until his womb shrank in under the force of it. Egil said nothing, just drew in a slow breath through his nostrils.
"Are you hurting?"
Slowly in, slowly out the drow breathed through his nose, eyes shut to the outside world as he steeled himself through the pain.
" . . . Egil?" Fahn's tone was different, at least enough so that his husband broke his focus.
"I'm fine," the drow said, his milk-white eyes opening to meet his mate's. "A contraction."
The harpy's sea blue feathers shimmered as Fahn's wings gave an excited jitter. "Another?" There was that telling glint in his eyes again -- that eagerness to welcome his first day of fatherhood.
Egil sighed. "Another. Yet another."
The gravid drow swung his legs over the side of the bed, looking rather like a flipped turtle as he struggled to right himself. Fahn slipped an over-sized claw beneath his husband's shoulders and lifted him slowly to his feet, the other resting protectively over Egil's belly.
"Do you think they're ready?" Fahn asked, radial feathers puffing up as he grinned down at the bump resting under his large palm.
"No," the pregnant drow huffed.
Egil flipped a lock of his indigo-tipped hair over his shoulder. He stretched his back, moaning deep in his throat when his low-hanging belly hardly lifted with the arch of his spine. The contraction was just now easing off -- it certainly had stuck around longer than Egil would've preferred.
He sighed, one of his hands joining his husband's over their child's home. "Feel? It's already faded. This child cannot seem to make up their blasted . . . "
Fahn raised an eyebrow. "Egil?"
The drow stepped clumsily to the side, looking down at the small damp spot that had appeared on the carpet. He could feel a similar dampness spreading down the inner thighs of his trousers. He watched Fahn's eyes grow wide as saucers.
"Well now," Egil said with a satisfied nod. "That's more like it."
[ Interested in a ficlet request? Visit my Ko-fi page! ]
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doloniaxdiegesis · 3 days
Local cowboy and his daughter
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He knew that she wouldn't always be small enough to be held like like this, so while he can he'll gladly enjoy carrying her around the farm.
A gift for @praeteritus-memories boothill and Clara for our a.u
Enjoy the cuties-
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vagabondfromkanto · 3 months
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必ず道の先にあるから諦めないと決めたよ 最後の夢を叶える日まで This is my only way このまま
//is it perfect - no, will I lose my mind if I poke at it any longer - definitely.
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ask-heta-dzayer · 27 days
[Boualam has horrible anger issues, he has an explosive mode (short tempered in his nature, but implified due to certain circumstances) his bursts are mostly in righteous anger, but sometimes it's indignation due to disrespect (has a lot of self love) . As an example, when France insulted him by saying he's an ottoman vessel state, he hit him with a fly swatter in the face, telling him to leave, this was the exuse Francis used to colonize Algeria btw! they call it the fan accident (sounds more glamorous) it did end up pretty badly for Alge, but guess what? if you asked him abt it, he doesn't regret it, and would redo it anyday lol]
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withinkandquill · 3 months
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//Made my own pin display!
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haresvoid · 8 months
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That sure would be something now wouldn't it Volo
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Should I replay splatoon 2 story mode or octo expansion first
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||An Officer's corruption part two||
Hi dears, I think I got another idea but it was something of a sudden idea. I hope you dears like it. :3 If you wanna read the first one, here is the link.
||Drabble summary||
Rust has figured something was up with the prisoner but now it seems he's gotten a lot more curious in the officer. Now, he's effected him differently. How did he do that? Read to find out.
~Heavy NSFW smut is present in this drabble
~Dom and Sub activity is present in this
~Possessive behavior will be present
~Breeding kink is present in this
~Biting with blood is present in this drabble
||Guests in Drabble||
Rust Knight belongs to my amazing Rp partner @demon-blood-youths
Davion belongs and is from the hit series: DOTA: Dragon's blood but he's also my muse due to me rping as him.
((Note: Their will be grammar mistakes and errors in this drabble as others have this warning. But like I state before, this is written for fun. So I hope you like it and my friend too. Enjoy))
Why? Why did this have to happen to him!? HIM of all people. Rust was trying to focus right now due to him being all nervous now after. However, he was distracted due to that night.
'D..damn that dragon. Damn him! What did he d..do to me? I can't stop thinking about that night..or that kiss...I can't......ughhhh I can't focus!' Rust was angry and annoyed right now and yet, ever since he couldn't think clearly.
Ever since that night, Rust has trouble sleeping but it was even worse. He started feeling hot and bothered. Even having wet dreams of him being taken by that monster. He would be asleep at the time tossing and turning even when he was flushed red.
'Haaaaa...st..stop...stop ple..please...please let me go...let m..mmmmm..' he would be talking in his sleep dreaming of him. Though, it's disturbing that it gets hotter and hotter. Until he snaps awake right when he would feel him bite his skin, kiss him, touch him. However, as soon as he sees him about to undo his clothes thinking of what monster cock hides in his prisoner pants he would wake up.
"!!!!" He would be drenched in sweat panting heavily with red blood eyes seen. his heart beating crazy gripping the sheets and his shirt. However, he would feel so wet tightening around nothing till he tries to calm down by pleasuring himself every night.
Every night after his wet dreams, his body aches for him.
His thoughts are full of images of his dreams.
Even feeling empty to wonder what it would feel like.
Rust was doing this over and over every night cumming at the thought of what that criminal could do to him. It was scary yet arousing at the same time. He was strong, built, pretty rough, and he could break him even if he begs him to stop. As he came this night, he whimpers feeling his cum stain the sheets falling back panting.
Right now, he was lost in thought in the main hall of the DBT police head quarters with his friends eating breakfast right now. Though, Ink was already gone with her own job checking and meeting with the six men at her own section. So Navarro was there to help before making sure things were alright.
At this point, Jaron noticed his behavior.
'I will have to be more careful around him tonight and from now on. I can't lose to him like this. I can't!'
"Rust? Hey, you alright?" Jaron asked snapping the knight out of it.
"Huh?! Wha-"
"You were zoning out. You alright?" He asked worried and yet Rust was quiet to sigh, covering his face.
"Yeah..yeah, I'm good Jaron no worries. I just..didn't get enough sleep last night." he didn't want to say why and yet, Jaron sighed to look at his friend.
"I see. Well, maybe something can help you sleep at night. It does with me when I'm on patrol late at night with officer brooks. Though, we work in the other side section so it's nothing of a big deal." he said but Rust knew. She was Jaron's partner so they work together a lot.
"Hmmm, well I just wanna be sure your good man. I know this is a lot even with a new prisoner to take in. However, you shouldn't worry. I'm sure things will work out. I mean, seems Sai is doing well with his own prisoner too. I heard he went through a lot.." Jaron explains but Rust blinks remembering.
Shdwkyz was busy due to the criminal but he said he was fine and would come back when he had the time. For now, it seems some were gone or already out. In a way, it was fine.
"Even so......"
"Look, just do your best today and tonight. It's fine." he said patting his back that Jaron sees Rust nod to him.
"Right, thanks Jaron. Good luck today on your patrol with Melinda."
"Thanks." he laughed before he drinks some of his orange juice and got up ready to head out getting the keys to his police car. Rust sees him leave before the others were getting ready to head out. For now, Rust was the last before he grips his fork.
'I have to beat him. I can't lose to him....' he thought even if he squirms in his chair, he still felt pretty heated thanks to last night's wet dream. He just hope he has enough strength to make it past this night.
With that said, he got up ready to go on patrol.
~~~~~~Later that afternoon~~~~~~~
"So you been distracted due to that prisoner huh?" Rust sighed hearing his other partner Breezy explain and yet, she was having her arms crossed after they booked a criminal today. He was looking ahead but she was worried.
"In a way..this guy is.. I don't know. Off. Even if he is a dragon demon he is pretty dangerous. I mean, he was a lot more.....flirty and it felt odd that he took a liking to me or whatever the hell it is. It's like he's-"
"Trying to claim what is his. Seems you became his own little..uhhhh special treasure Rust." she said even if he was shocked himself.
"It's true. I mean.....it's a possible choice..." she said but Rust said nothing worried but rubs his arm. Was that even possible. Breezy noticed this but sighed, patting his back.
"Believe me it's true though. Dragon demons are pretty open to what they want. But I hope you will be alright....just stay strong Rust. I know you can. Though, lets not worry about it. I just hope you be careful that's all I ask of you." she said to him but Rust sighed, closing his eyes.
"I'll try Breezy and yet.....didn't you say you have something to tell me besides that?" he asked seeing her think.
"Hmm? Oh, I'm going to be working with Vivi a bit more now due to the crime rise. So this means it's our last patrol for a while but we will be together again my knight." she said to him but Rust didn't know that. Though, theirs been word about some being switched around.
"Yes. I didn't like the idea but Mr. Henderson think that works. Besides, we will cover more of the area in our stations like that. But it won't be forever..I assure you okay?" she smiled to him even kissing his cheek. Rust blinks from that but held his cheek seeing her smile. In a while, patrol was over that Breezy had to head back as she waves good bye to Rust. He waves bye to her as well but as she was disappearing, he was nervous. That means tonight he would be at the prison again with....
Taking a deep breath, he prepares and hopes he can make it through the following nights. Rust did his best to stay calm as he did just working and focus on doing what he did. Making sure Davion had food to eat with something to drink. Making sure she sleeps or at least exercises at night or during the day. He was also given day watches too which was even worse.
Even through all that, Davion didn't like the idea of his knight ignoring him. Even when he got close encounters with him. Brushing his fingers against him and up his spine to hear that sexy shiver. Even almost teasing him showing he already effected him and yet he remains focused on his work.
It really was irritating that his knight was ignoring him. Just like today and later on tonight. As Rust sets his plate of food down, he turns to get the cup of water and walks back to him. As he sets it down....
"Why are you ignoring me, officer? Did I do something wrong?"
Rust heard him speak, knowing his eyes were looking at him now and yet Rust couldn't speak. Davion glares but he only looks to him. "I asked you something officer. Why are you ignoring me? Afraid I'll eat you?"
"....No, No I'm fine and nothing is wrong." Rust said simply to turn away from him. "I just been having trouble resting up because of this job. Though, it's nothing too serious for me. Even when it comes to watching over a threat like you." he said and yet Davion looks to the food then at the other.
"Is that so? If nothing is wrong then you clearly are not doing a good job at it. Something is bugging you my knight. You don't have to hide it from me." he said in his cell and yet, Rust looks away still.
"Again, it's nothing. Now, please eat and try to rest up after your exercises today." he said. "I'm going back to-"
That's when a growl was heard making Rust tense but he didn't turn his head to face him. Was he mad about that?
"Turn around and tell me that......If nothing is wrong, say it to my face." he said but Rust didn't say anything.
"Well?" he said but Rust sighed that he closed his hand into a fist.
"I told you nothing is wrong! So will you stop asking me already!? Just eat your damn food before you do something else!" he barked back at the dragon about to leave but that's when something grabs the back of his uniform and pulls him against the cell bars.
"Ah!" he tries to move but felt a arm around his waist and a hand holding his wrist. "Let go damn it!"
"You really are stubborn aren't you?" Rust heard the deep tone of his voice against his ear that Davion felt his struggling but he didn't let go. "Even so, you say that but you seem to be hiding something..you don't have to hide from me..I won't hurt you if your worried...or..maybe it's something else." he said.
"Theirs nothing wrong you ass h..hole. Now let me go!" he said struggling but Davion keeps holding him close even if it's against the metal bars. As he struggles that's when Rust felt Davion hold his head back.
"Don't. Lie. To. me. I can tell your hiding something..you smell like you are hiding something. Something that's itching deep inside of you, aching...I wonder if my officer has started losing his touch...or is it something else? What could you want?" he whispered that he sees Rust's ear flush red and him feeling the dragon's heated breath against his skin.
'N..No no no! I have to get away from him!' he screams but his body felt weak suddenly as Davion chuckled to quickly turn him around to look at him. He can see Rust's face was flushed red even if he was shaking. His body was reacting on it's own.
"Oh, what a cute expression.....you do want something..you crave for something......don't you?" he whispered pulling him close to lower his hand to squeeze his hip. Rust shook trying to move away from him and yet he was trying to snap out of it.
"But tell me...what could my knight want? What do you crave for right now?" he got more close almost ready to kiss Rust on the lips again as he slips his hand down to squeeze his ass. Feeling that made Rust snap out of it that he quickly shoves him back and rushes out of the cell area slamming the door. Davion sighed but growls annoyed.
'Keep trying to ignore it officer. I can tell what you want..You'll be back....I know it.' he thought but Rust was panting again sliding to the ground on the office but he shook where he sat but he didn't know he felt soaked down there feeling hot.
'N..No, please n..no. I can't submit. I can't...he was so close; way too close. I.....' he was trying to calm down but he looks down feeling hard now but the bangs of his hair was covering one eye with the other showing it being crimson red. The damn wet dreams, they made him like this. Even that damn kiss too.
He felt the need to feel better, to get rid of this feeling and ache. It was almost throbbing all over that he was gripping his uniform. He was looking down but as Rust tries to move, he tenses feeling something wet.
He felt some wetness staining his pants that his eyes widen. Did..did he cum just from that?!? Looking silent, he only calms down again.
"C..calm down...hhhaa please c..calm down..." he said to himself but he knew it was not going to work. For now, he'll have to take care of it soon. For now, Davion was growling knowing he was right and yet he looks to where the officer stood seeing a wet spot there. He must have came from being touched. Even now, the Dragon might have had a idea..but he'll wait later tonight. However, he claws the wall showing talon nails. He will claim what he desires tonight.
And it was later that night, Rust did leave to calm down after taking care of it before hand. He was alright but he was nervous now. He didn't know what that dragon will do but he will have to be sure he stays calm tonight. Seeing the building he only grips his bag while heading inside.
He goes in to see that everything was quiet. Was the prisoner asleep? If he was, maybe he will have a calm night. Rust closes the door and walks inside setting the bag down on the desk but he looks to the door knowing he was there. Should he check on him or wait? He felt so nervous going in after what happened today but he should be able to see him this time. Gulping softly, Rust walks over to grip the door handle and open the door. He looks inside seeing the dragon right there. He seems to be laying down so maybe he's asleep?
"........" He carefully walks inside to head to the cell to look making sure. Davion was facing the wall as he rests so maybe he was indeed safe.
'This is unlike him. He normally would be awake. What if this is a trap?....No, I still have to ensure he's alright...r..right?' he thought seeing him. He knew it was risky but he takes the keys on his belt to slowly insert his key to unlock it. Rust opens the door with the hearing of a creak to look inside. The dragon didn't move as he slowly walks over to him. He can see Davion not move a inch but the soft breathing is hear.
"....I guess he was tired after today....oh thank god. Maybe I'll get a break this time....."
'He really is asleep....but....I shouldn't be in here. I checked and he's fine. I should leave before I wake him up.' he thought, turning to head out of the cell. As Rust gets to the cell door.
"Or maybe you just made it worse by leaving me like this."
"!?" His body froze hearing a voice but he quickly turns to get grabbed by a pair of hands and pinned against the wall on the cell bed. Rust struggles but he felt a strong body pressed up against him to look seeing it was Davion.
"Y..You!? I thought you were-"
"Asleep? No, you really should do better keeping a eye on your prisoner. Or tell the difference if he's asleep.." he said but Rust struggles only for him to wince feeling Davion keeping him right where he was.
"Let me go d..damn it! Let go!"
"Oh no, I think not. I'm not letting you go..not this time officer knight." he deeply growls that Rust was shaking in his hold. This shouldn't be happening right now but he saw even from the dim light that this guy was way bigger up close.
"You left a teaser for me after you ran out today. That's not fair. You seem out of it now...after you came near my cell floor."
'Wait, how did he.....'
"I..I don't know what your talking about.." Rust said but Davion looks to him but he tilts his head.
"Yes you do, when I had you trapped against my cell door, you twitched. I felt something hot and warm running down your leg. it told me you were wet as you came....you must have been thinking about me...slutty knight." he teased even if Rust glares his face was still red.
"S..shut up, I haven't..Nugh!" that's when he felt Davion grinding against him but he was shaking feeling something hot and heavy down there. "W..what are you doing!?"
"As I said..you teased me today..so you need to either fix what you started..or I'll lose it and end up breaking out. Your the one that got me all bothered now being so fucking cute. Though, I bet even now your hot and wanting something..you..need..pleasure don't you?" he moves one hand down to touch him.
A weak shiver like whimper leaves the knight's lips that Davion sees him turn his head. He can't be losing like this! Not like this under this criminal. All Davion did was chuckle to look at him. "Oh? Am I right?"
"N..No.....f..fuck you.." he hissed but Davion growls to lower down now pinning him on the bed his wrists were in the dragon's hand as he looks down at his prize.
"Oh believe me, I will. I'll enjoy breaking my new treasure this night.....even if your wanting of me...you'll love it." he said that Rust shook under him with his eyes now red glaring at him. However, his body ached for it.
"So then......" Davion reaches to look at him with glowing amber dragon eyes. "Lets play~"
The night passes on with no worry, but weak moans and groans were heard in the cell. Davion was laying on his back, pushing fingers into a really wet hole as he groans feeling Rust trying to move only to get more excited.
"Ahhhhh...ahhhhh..st..stop..p..please stop your d..damn mmmm f..fingers..." he begs drooling from them pushing in and opening him up. However, Davion ignores him still pushing them in deeper.
"Why though? You seem to like it. Your dripping all over and leaving a mess. So why not be quiet and savor this? "he teased.
"B..because your a criminal. I shouldn't b..be mmmmmm doing this now let me goo-oohaaaa!!!! he felt his fingers quickening now that Rust cries out drooling.
"Stop stop stop!!"
"Heh, so wet and your getting tight too...already hungry for me aren't you?" he chuckled as Rust was panting and lowering his head. He opens his eyes showing them blue hazel again but claws the bed trying to get away.
'This isn't happening. My body won't move..it's just...letting him touch me like this. My hole..it feels weird..s..so weird.....' It was pretty big but he was shaking already feeling pre-cum from the tip. Rust was whimpering even when trying to move, Davion wouldn't let him. He even gets a smack to his ass getting a yelp from the officer.
"Stay still..it'll feel more good if I find something better. Now behave and let me enjoy my feast." he warns.
"You crazy dragon. The hell are you oooooo t..talking about?" he moans shaking now as he felt a lot more loose but Davion keeps going.
"I'm trying to find something that will make you feel even better..I just need a good angle." he said.
"W..wait..what are you talking about? What do you mean a good angle-AHHHH!!" As soon as he speaks, Davion rubs against something making Rust jolt and cum a little on the bed. He shook with eyes wide drooling more.
'W..what the hell?!? What was that! What did h..he touch!?' he thought feeling his body throbbing worse but Davion grins to noticed.
"Found it..." he chuckled now rubbing and pressing his fingers into that spot. Right away, Rust moans out throwing his head back gripping the sheets on this cell prison bed.
"Ahhhhhh!! N..not there! Not there! Feels so weird when you t..touch me t..there!" he moans bucking back against his fingers making Davion lick his lips.
"Oh? But your bucking your hips against my fingers...you must love when I rub here. Lets keep teasing it.." he said now thrusting his fingers into it as he screams clawing the wall. His bangs were covering his eyes as he moans out lustfully in the cell. It felt weird but so fucking good. Rust might lose his mind if this criminal keeps this up. Though, his body was weakening while taking in the fingers more and more.
'Ohhh fuck it...my body..my body is reacting on it's own the more he rubs r..right there. It f..feels weird but...damn it, this f..feels good. it feels so good!!' he thought looking out of it as Davion kept thrusting his fingers as he sees pre-cum dripping from Rust's cock but this got Davion's own hard wanting to breed him. But he held back only to quicken his fingers.
"AHHH!!! W..WAIT NO NO NO!!!! PLEASE G..GONNA CUM S..SOMETHING IS CUMMING!!" he moans looking at the ceiling that Davion chuckled.
"It's fine..go ahead and cum for me......I wanna see you cum." he growls going faster and harder as Rust was trying to stop his hips but he was drooling from his chin loving it.
'I can't..I can't stop my body..it burns, it aches..I..I can't stop this feeling..this pleasure. I'm gonna cum..I'm going to cum....Cumming cumming cumming!!!!!'
"I'M GONNA CUM!!!" He moans only to violently cum right on the bed twitching as he clams down on Davion's fingers seeing him cumming hard on the bed gasping out. Tears of pleasure runs down his cheeks having a strong orgasm that Davion only keeps his fingers in to tease it a little more.
"Haaaa...hhaaaaaa......ananhhhhh..." shaking now, he falls on the bed panting as his hands grip the bed moaning as he falls on the side looking out of it. However, Davion was aroused seeing such a erotic scene. His precious little knight was hot.
"Heh, good boy...you really are something else aren't you.." he teased but begins undoing the zipper of his prisoner uniform. He begins to undress as Rust tries to gather his thoughts but he feels them fall now bare for him. He walks over near Rust but stands near the edge of the bed to grab his arm pulling him up gently.
"Hey, don't pass out yet..were not done.." he said but that's when Rust slowly opens his eyes before they widen to see he was naked. Though, he saw a thick throbbing cock against his ass threatening to go inside of him.
'N..No way, he's huge! That won't..f..fit. I'll be ripped apart from that!' he thought shaking as he looks to Davion with nervous yet suggestive eyes.
"W...wait..y..you won't fit t..that inside...t..too big. Your too b..big.." he whimpers and yet Davion grinds against him hearing the wet slick noises from his hole wanting it.
"You say that but your begging for it. You don't have to run my little knight. I'll make it fit." he said grinding a little more against him till he stops. Rust panted feeling this but he tries to move only for Davion to get on the bed on his knees to trap him against the wall.
"P..Please..please don't....." he said in a daze.
"You will be fine. Your slick enough." Davion said but was holding his hips. "I've waited way too damn long for this..so I'm going to have what I want......." he said but Rust shook.
"But you won't ...f..fit. You won't-" As Rust tries to warn him, Davion stops only to have the tip poke against him before snapping his hips in a big thrust inside of him. Rust screams throwing his head back but his eyes changed to blood red tightening around his thick girth inside of him. Davion growls feeling how hot and tight he was as Rust shook against the wall.
'F..fuck s..so big. He's so big inside...I..I can't breath....but he's so hot......' he thought shaking but Davion only panted to move his hands up from his hips and pin his hands to the wall.
"Fuck, so tight.....heh, what a perfect fit for me. Now your mine....." he said to pull his hips back slowly hearing how it slips out and Rust shivering before he thrusts forward. A weak moan leaves him as Davion goes at a slow pace thrusting into him deep with the smack of their skin.
"Ah! Ha! Gahh! ahhhhh.....nuggghhhhh...."
"Mmmmmmm....." Davion loved this heated feeling, even if this officer was a tease, he will enjoy this for as long as he could. "Such a good knight...a very good good knight.....your taking me in so nicely and all the way. I bet it feels good don't it? "he panted while Rust's upper face was hidden moaning out loudly as he feels the dragon take him.
"Ohhhh..oohhh..ohhh f..f..fuck..f...fuc...nuggnmmmmm...."
'It don't f..feel good. It can't feel good. I know I used toys and stuff back home but t..this is different from them. It feels way different. W..what's happening to my mind? My body? What has he d..done to me?!' Rust thought as he couldn't stop the moans that slip out even if Davion was thrusting deeper into him that Rust's fingers shake.
"Mmmmm..so what do you say now, my officer? Finally give to me?" he teased but Rust was shaking looking up but Davion knew he was out of it. Lost to the heat of desire.
"Hahhhh ahhhhh nmmmmm mmmm!!!" he feels him thrusting a little faster with his fingers touching his chest and teasing the nipples. He even pulls them making Rust gasp out shaking.
"Answer me. Do you give? Do you feel good?"
"Ahhhh...ahhhhhh.." 'I have to lie..I can't feel g..good...ohhh god I can't f..feel..I.....I....' he wanted to lie to say he hated this but thanks to the wet dreams, the teasing, self pleasuring..he was losing it.
That's when he quickly snaps his hips forward, making Rust scream out gripping his arm to claw at it with his talon nails. Davion chuckled but he started ramming into his spots again, Rust couldn't stop moaning.
'N..Not again, not there again! He's hitting my spots again..he's going to e..eat me!!' he screams even if he was shaking, Davion kept going only to grip his his hips slamming into him but he was shaking while crying out.
"Not there! Oh god not there!!!!" he begs but Davion kept going ignore his pleas.
"Say it! Say it feels good or I'll be sure you get punished!" he growls quickening his hips as Rust was moaning ripping the sheets but his body only bucks back into him while twitching.
'Lie..d....damn it, Lie! Say a lie! Please..d..don't say how good it feels. Don't say you want more. Don't s..say it. Don't say it!!!!' he screams at his mind wanting to fight but Rust was screaming, moaning and whimpering that he feels Davion quickening faster.
"Ahhhhhhhhh f..fuck!!!!!"
"Say it, say it or I'll stop!" he said to Rust but after thinking about it Davion was jackhammering into him as Rust shook. "!?"
"N..No NO NO NO SLOW DOWN! PLEASE SLOW DOWN!!!" he begs but Davion keeps going that Rust was only feeling more hungry.
"Never. I'm not going to slow down in fact if you won't tell me..I'll make your body tell me! Besides, your clamping around me so good grrrrr you want me to cum inside and fill you up with my heat...admit it. You wanted me. You hunger for me...you. want. me." he said but Rust was shaking aching for it as he felt the girth throbbing inside.
"But if you won't tell me..I'll fill you till you do...I'm already close. I'm going to fill you up.." he warns.
'I..Is he close? He's going to cum inside of me!? I..I have to make him stop..I won't s...snap to him but..it feels to damn good...it's too good..I'm going to break..I'm going to break!!!!' he screams looking up with his tongue seen a little.
'Your mine as I said...so accept that and just take my heat you dirty officer!' Davion roars in his thoughts before snapping his hips faster and faster with Rust gasping out till he screams tightening around him.
'H..he's gonna cum! He's gonna cum inside! I have to stop him before he-!?'
"Grrrrrr..I'm going to cum....you better swallow it up.."he said.
"W..wait don't!" As Rust tries to speak, Davion roars out snapping his hips forward to pin Rust there. He panted heavily cumming hard inside of Rust as the knight twitch shaking as something hot fills him up. His eyes rolling in the back of his head as this criminal came hard inside of him.
'S..shit..shit shit shit h..he came. Why is it so hot? His c..cum is hot..' he moans twitching against the wall as Rust came too not able to say a word as Davion was panting drooling from how good it felt to finally cum after so long. He didn't let Rust go but he only saw how dazed he was. Even if his eyes were red he only panted still aroused.
That's when he moves Rust from the wall and lays him down and held him down by his wrists. Rust gasped to feel trapped but his eyes looks up to the hungry dragon that they were wide. His appearance changed. He had red and black dragon scales on him, his teeth were sharp, a tail seen behind that wraps around Rust's waist. However, he breaths smoke growling hungry at the shaking knight under him.
His heart was beating like crazy seeing this but he was aroused seeing this. Davion growls to lick his lips, bucking his hips slowly making Rust feel it as he whimpers shaking.
"You really are a tasty treat. My prey shaking under me. I want to eat you up all night long and fuck you till I break you. Over..and over.."he said bucking his hips hearing a moan from him.
"Though, lucky for us...we have a lot of time to play. So I Hope you feel me well...my officer." he said even if Rust was shaking he was paralyzed in both excitement, fear, and desire.
Even from that night, Davion did take him over and over again. Filling him up with cum. Making him cum hard each time he teased his spots. They went with different positions that he now thrusting up into Rust as he was moaning clawing his scaly back moaning out. His own skin was coated in bite marks, claw marks, even hand prints but he didn't stop.
"Ahhhhhh D..davion m..more!! Please f..fuck me more I want it..I want more!!" he begs even with some blood from his chin after biting the dragon this got Davion excited still fucking him.
"Greedy little knight..I said we have all night." he teased but makes Rust lay down pounding away as Rust screams mixed with his moans.
"I'll not stop till we are both spent but now..thanks to this..your mine. Your all mine. I'll make you feel good no matter what......." he teased but Rust was still clawing his back but his mind was lost to the pleasure.
"Y..Yes just d..don't stop!! Mmmm I'm yours! I'm all yours! Just don't stop taking me! Make me yours!!" he begs as Davion growls now biting his neck and lapping up the blood.
Even if Rust tried he was already moaning out looking out of it. Seems even he was not strong but his body had given to the criminal.
'I..I can't live without this feeling this heat...I lost b..but.....I don't care..I need him to breed me more. I want him to breed me!' he thought before screaming feeling Davion cum again twitching as Davion chuckled now holding him to the side and thrusts again hearing Rust moan again and clawing the ripped pillow.
"Y..Yessss fuck yes please fuck me! Fuck me harder, deeper, faster just give me more please!" he begs him bucking his hips back that Davion chuckled loving this.
'Ohhhh, I'm going to enjoy my little knight..you. are. mine.' Davion thought while claiming him then kisses him deeply hearing a weak purr from Rust. From that prison building, loud moans were heard but no one was near to hear as the dragon calms his prize.
Though, who else will fall under the waves of desire? You'll have to wait and see.
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misteria247 · 1 year
Lowkey I'd kill for a LOZ game where Ganondorf joins in on the shenanigans of Link and Zelda I mean come on. Think about the possibilities!
Instead of two idiots who share a single brain cell between them there could be three idiots who share a brain cell.
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question-marked · 2 months
I have to realize that Arkham City was realized in 2011, and I don't need to get all the trophies in order to watch the unlockable stuff and no one is going to judge me if I don't complete everything....ugh, but I collected all of the Riddler trophies and riddles in Arkham Asylum but that was way easier so because of that my mind is like you have to do the same thing in the next games although it's more of a chore and I really don't want to.
But regardless for some weird reason I feel guilty about watching videos showcasing the unlockable stuff you get from completing everything although the game came out a long time ago and no one is going to care if I don't complete everything
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resolutepath · 8 days
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skipping clorinde today when i finally get to update in favour of c2 alhaitham or his sword, then saving everything else furiously for sigewinne. hope everyone else's pulls are lucky!
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ask-dreamswap · 11 months
hey hi i havent touched this blog in like 2 years (wow) (life happened) anyways as you can see i just posted and also here are a couple of things because i do what brings me joy:
women (ink, cross, error, bobby)
names are changing to coincide with non au-ification of whatever is happening with dreamswap these days (key for those who have goldfish brain like myself: arthur von licht (dream), miles newton (nightmare), lucien lebeau (blue), victoria 'vick' crow (cross), crystal mccrae (ink), ellie (error), and finch and the creepypasta guys are the. same
characters will still respond to old names as if they're nicknames because i have 50 asks in my box and this blog is old enough to the point i dont want to clear it and rely on solely new asks LOL
i want to have fun and this is how im doing it
dont expect me to be Super lore accurate by the way (my secret is that i dont have to stay canon) (and also because the base plot relied on utmv mechanics) (again i am doing whats fun)
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theycallmekaibara · 1 year
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the girlies asked for Bridal Bee so here’s my bbygirl trying on wedding dresses 🤧🥺
Fun fact: even tho both of us are obsessed with romance, Kaibara actually has not had many AUs where she’s gotten married...I don’t even think I’ve ever had a wedding for her in the sims, and I’ve been playing since the first game 😂
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(Do you have any oddly specific design details for any of the characters that you'd like to/can share? [Not me wanting hyperanalyzing material/hj] )
(Also, does Solar have a plasma cannon [or whatever it was] built into his arm like in canon? Because I'm just genuinely curious lol)
-Crumpet (who is currently still hanging out in Harvest's hat :3c)
//I'd love to share!
Hm..let me think....Solar doesn't have the plasma canon - at least not so far from what I've been working on writing (and I'm both ahead and behind in my writing, if that makes sense?) He does have dings and dents all over his body, though. His model is smaller than Sun and Moon's because his body was a quick throw-together. He added some of his own upgrades, like being able to charge really fast and run off his battery for days at a time. He has one decently-sized dent on his cheek that he's never been able to fully buff out, and his rays aren't perfectly flat. Most of them have some warp to them (I'll give you three guesses as to who did that).
Lunar's body is the old model, where he had the tail and the purple/pink/blue design. His is the only design that's really mostly set. Lunar also has a bad habit of chewing his fingers, so his fingers have some scuffs and scrapes from that.
Sun has a nervous habit of pulling at his rays, so two of his aren't perfectly straight, either. Moon does his best, but it's hard to keep them straight when Sun keeps getting anxious.
Poppy was really good at buffing out and hiding their injuries, but a few dents and dings were always present. "Oh, the little ones just played a little too rough today!" ....Uh-huh.
When Kill Code gets his own body, he has paws for feet (I see people draw him that way all the time and I LOVE it!).
Eclipse- Well, let's just say he's 'baby-proofed' if and when he comes back. But he also has a bad habit of tugging at his rays, specifically the one on his left side. He also has dings and dents on his hands from punching and hitting things in anger/frustration.
We do get introduced to more characters in the future that have pretty set designs, but I can't get into that too soon :3 //
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