#multiple save problems
ladybugsimblr · 17 days
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Official test ✅ bumpin bump✅ ultrasound ✅ It’s really real now. I hope they both still have jokes when it's time to tell the kids. And by kids you know I mean Rebi lol.
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sonknuxadow · 7 months
its kinda funny that the chaotix are like the only characters who mention having to pay rent or buy food or whatever and theyll take any job that pays because theyre desperate for money but none of the other characters are struggling in this department at all even though most of them dont seem to have jobs. its like the concept of needing money to live exists for no one in the sonic universe EXCEPT for vector espio and charmy
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thisisnotthenerd · 1 year
after this last episode i’ve been convinced of a need for new nomenclature for the divided bell’s hells.
while originally the order as going to be the other way, i’ve decided that the wildemount team is now team (jingle) bells, and the marquet? team is team (personal) hells.
one team is off causing a ruckus and saving a city one creature/santa at a time, while the other is doing who knows what, but it’s probably not good for them.
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grassbreads · 9 months
I sure as hell not about to start internet arguments about this, but why do people think that everyone who goes to burning man is rich?
Regardless of anything else good or bad about it, that’s just like demonstrably untrue
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wabblebees · 4 months
#have been attempting to make a self-tape for this audition for DAYS#after a whole helluva lotta bullshit having to do with hunting down a time+space+camera to film with i Finally managed to get some takes#then some weird bullshit with the camera's sd card happened where i wasnt able to pull the files off onto my laptop#FINALLY able to copy the files to my laptop. FINALLY able to access playback (the video camera i borrowed wouldnt let me access its gallery#FINALLY watching them... they all kinda suck so far but thats Fine at least i Have Them yk#get to take 7 and its actually not nearly as terrible as the previous 6!! feelin pretty good abt this one!! dont get hopes too high ofc but#i mean hey this ones acceptable if the last few arent any good either & just in case i cant go thru with my plans for tmrw to do a reshoot#so yk i start to rename the file so i can tell which clip it is!#Whole Laptop Crashes#WAHOO#typed this up to avoid freakin out while carefully rebooting her. bbg dont do this to me#luckily i already saved multiple contingency copies just in case (bc ive already had so many issues i was feelin Extra Cautious)#so i at least dont have to worry about dealing with the sd card bullshit Again. ugh#EDITING TO SAY: SHE LIVES!! laptop is fine after powering back up & files are unscathed!! was able to retitle & keep on truckin no problem#god i hate dealing with video as a medium#*this* is why im a stage performer not a screen actor lmao#fuck this shit. juust gimme a floor and an audience and ill make it worrk#cameras are fickle creatures on-par with printer machines#im rly excitednervous abt this audition tho; only submitted my resume+headshot on a whim & didnt rly think anything would come of it#but they contacted me and asked for a tape!! so im like !!!!! okayy sure id love to send that !!! i just have to face The Horrors first#if i dont get it then thats not the end of the world or anyth; but itd be SO FUCKING COOL if my v first submission landed me my first gig!!#so uhh. pls put out a good thought to the universe for my self-tape landing me the chance to perform in this queer play festival !!#bee speaks#🤞🤞🤞
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starrysharks · 10 months
i usually just post about reassassination and ultimate excalibur alongside less developed stories/universes but brother i have a LOT of stuff that i either hardly talk about or never talk about at all publicly ,,, mostly because they don't have any character designs done yet 💀
#like let me dump a few of the ideas that will probably never actually become real here:#1. story about two vampire hunter girls and one goes missing and the other has to go find her and fights various vampires along the way#(i actually did finish a few designs for this but scrapped it and now a lot of the plot aspects are in reassassination#such as a coven of 7 vampires based on the deadly sins - now the 7 assassins of the clear crucifix organisation in RAA)#2. darkstalkers-ish fighting game that i was really convinced i could make once i learned how to code -#- where the guardians of love and heartbreak fight to prove which love is real#there were multiple characters planned - puppy love which was like a cute girl with a big ass scary fuckin hellhound#sweetheart love who was a chocolate themed magical girl (her gimmick being that she could transform and her fighting style would change)#fake love who was like a scam love doctor old lady called dr.diva#pure lust who was a super tall vampire guy etc etc the list goes on#i kinda want to go through with that one. one problem! i cannot code fighting games#and the one that was pretty well developed - metallic miracle which had a pretty complicated story#basically the world is being attacked by alien creatures that can only be killed by children (never decided why tho)#so the fucked up government takes a bunch of 5-8 year olds and put them into comas and then turns them into cyborgs#to go on suicide missions to kill these aliens. mira's mother is the scientist who created the technology that can send them into comas#and keep their bodies moving n shit and she takes mira onto a different planet to try and save her but theyre found after a while#mira's mother is killed and mira is drafted in the kids v aliens war BUT she is immune to the coma technology#she fights fully aware of what is going on for around a year? and eventually the aliens are driven out and mira is super traumatised#and is one of the only survivors of this 'greater good project' - so they put her in a coma that actually works this time#and send her in a space capsule for years to give her some peace (didnt develop why shes in the space capsule)#anyway 50 years later mira is woken up and taken back to her home planet to help these other guys against smaller-scale threats#and the whole thing is about mira recovering from what happened to her learning to trust others and stuff#looking back the story is kinda edgy n doesnt really make sense and stuff but i think it could be interesting idk#is this oc rambling if its only in the tags?#whatever#oc rambling
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coern · 8 months
btw since I think it's fanon official pjsk women's day I need to express my trouble in finding a way to not kill everyone who isn't vital to the main plot off especially saki in this au planning. however it is a little bit of a problem given half the story takes place 100 years after the apocalypse.
the apocalypse, which takes place while everyone is alive and well still. then kills nearly everyone important for the first half of the story. then 100 years pass before the rest of the story happens
#my post#in case anyone was wondering. yes it is the botw au#i need a tag for that but I'm shitty with names of any and all kinds#project sekai colorful stage#pjsk#i have an excuse for about half of rhe cast given the multiple species/races with 120y/o+ lifespans#right now im mainly stuck with#unfortunately#l/n#where each of them comes from castle town lurelin hateno and kakariko so#also i have a problem with the gorons#which i could theoretically place l/n there but theres also the problem called there are two halves of a sibling pair in l/n#also i already have plans for the vsingers#ohhggh. girl problems#i bet theres some really simple solution to this tho. grgrhrhrhgrggrgrg#by plans for the vsingers i mean i am LOCKED on their position rn. like. i am NOT moving from my plans for where they are#wxs is pretty much done#save for the tenma relations#ive pretty much got the others#im a little iffy on n25 because the story is a little weird but if i dont make the old champs the ppl the group has to get back#at the end#ans the new champs/sages the unit reps i think id dissolve into a pile of acid#n25 are the zora#do. you. see. the. problem. with. royalty.#GRAVRAGRAGRGAGRAGRAAGSGRGAGRGAGRGRGGRGTGTGVEHGGRGRGAGRGAGRGAGGRGRGRGGRBTH#i havent really developed mmj because i was too busy panicking over the shinonomes being split between completely different areas of the ma#and now im panicking over the hinomoris#i have NO CLUE WHAT THEIR PREMISE SHOULD BE#oh i ran out of tags :( nevermind
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lillazyboithings · 5 months
I have been emotionally damaged from the 1st 2 tests that I got the results from but the last 2 so far have really great score outcomes so it's a lose/win situation tbh
Update: y'all I fucking got a 50/60 on one of the tests, best thing ever
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okayto · 1 year
Mushrooms moved to tomorrow on account of 1) not being hungry tonight and 2) not cooking for fear of staying up too late when I need to be up a few hours earlier than normal and 3) must focus on learning to bend Excel to my whims very quickly, for professional reasons (not looking like a dunce in front of my boss tomorrow)
(#3 is the main one. I am going to make this giant spreadsheet filter what I want and let me dissect it or die trying.)
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ciervobizarro · 1 year
I'd love to see your T-shirts on sale again, i couldn't buy in the past :(
I'll do my best to make new t-shirts sometime! Sadly, I lost my old files so I no longer have the drawings I used back then ;-;
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automatonknight · 8 months
i have. no perfume and a 3v4 fight to go through. i'm going to be honest i don't think i can survive that no matter how hard i try
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spiderwing-nightman · 2 years
Jason’s entire argument that he’s trying to get Bruce to listen to is just the trolley problem. Jason is telling Bruce that if Bruce just kills one man he can save thousands of people except in this version if Bruce chooses to do nothing the group dies and singular man goes and kidnaps more people and lays down on another set of train tracks to try to bait Bruce again, trapping him in an endless cycle. But Bruce will always choose to save the Joker because saving the other people would require an active decision on his part to kill one person which goes against his moral code, but doing nothing allows him absolve himself because in his eyes doing nothing when you could save people is not morally incorrect, at least not to the same extent that actively killing someone is, no matter if it would save people. Jason is trying to get Bruce to understand why that is actually doing more harm than good and if Bruce really wants to be better than the Joker he wouldn’t be letting the innocent people die because he can’t make the active decision to get rid of a man who he knows is only going to hurt more people. Batman will always freeze when faced with teh trolley problem because either way people die and he would rather do nothing than choose.
TLDR: everything Jason is trying to tell Bruce and Bruce’s inability to understand is amplified by the trolley problem and the fact that Bruce would rather freeze and save 1 person than act and save many,
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sweetsaltyspoilers · 2 years
“Rose”: every moment you love being yourself, that’s me loving you and loving being you
Steven Future: *depressed and stressed and an honest wreck*
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mymarifae · 2 years
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a turnip for you all
#and a special note:#don't doomscroll today. this grave injustice today is horrifying on multiple levels yes. but here's the thing#things can always change. less focusing on the fact that this has happened and oh we're all doomed we can't do anything#and more focusing on the things you CAN do. because there is always always always something#even something as seemingly small as reblogging a few informational posts and providing others with important resources#that's not small at all. that's VITAL.#share resources. donate to abortion funds if you can (i've reblogged a few links to some already)#SAVE info about how to get misoprostol and shelf lives and whatnot. because i wouldn't be surprised if webpages start being taken down#don't just bookmark the links. SAVE the information. permanently. later i may download pdfs and host a folder on my drive or something#delete flo and request that all your information be wiped as well. tbh don't use any period tracker apps#if you have to keep track. do it on paper. something that can be shredded and disposed of by yourself#rather than let the information be permanently stored by some company.#deep breath. it's going to be okay. it's not over. the fight will continue and there are ways for YOU to directly contribute#yes YOU. you at home sitting on your bed or couch.#the problem with modern day activism is too many people believe there's nothing significant they can do#but even the tiniest contribution from a large number of people can do wonders. look at your options and decide what you can do and do it.#and take care of yourself. remember the golden rule: if you go to protests leave your phone at HOME#and don't talk to cops. ever. inform them you are invoking your right to remain silent and you are invoking your right to an attorney#chin up stay safe stay strong. it'll be okay#turnip
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chrismcshell · 2 years
looking at houses for sale. reading the details on a listing. “Long term tenant of over 20 years is on a month-to-month lease and would like to stay". god. i wish i had a few million dollars lying around so i could drop $500k on this house & just hand it over to that tenant. theyve been paying to live there for TWENTY YEARS. the entire property should absolutely be theirs at this point. but that’s not the way things work, and now this tenant might get kicked out by whatever new owner buys the place. kill all landlords
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can't make any fucking progress cuz i keep restartin my save so i can do his part again.. i'll make it as far as mission 5 nd then just give up n start the game over cuz im too sad to play anymore since i miss my favourite guy too much !! kicking screaming havin a tantrum wiping the lens flare off of his face etc !!
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