#mtas imagine
itsonlyvegas · 6 months
Fang brainrot so real so true.
Fang would really have issues with someone taller than him only because he'd blush like crazy. Like... he'd be so dumbfounded when the new builder is actually taller and prettier than he imagined. It's like meeting your crush in real life. (He'd been crushing on the builder from their gifts, as embarrassing as that is).
He would be like: "Oh. Oh wow. Um. Hi." And his bird would literally out him so fast. But since you're the dense builder whom everyone loves, you don't notice his blush. He would probably make up a lame excuse to go to his bedroom. (And his bird would just be like "lol he likes you, he likes you.") And THAT would send you blushing as well. I mean... Fang blushing? Rare. Super rare. More rare than Andy behaving.
Well and then when you guys first kiss, he's actually really confident, but when he sees your blush, he'd blush himself and have issues speaking EVEN MORE. But he'd literally tell himself "im a man im a man" and he'd kiss you again. He'd kiss you more than you'd expect. He's like... a little thirsty for attention. I feel like he's a very touchy feely person. He probably hugs a lot. (If you like that kind of stuff). He'd be the one to hold your hand. And if you guys get together, he'd want to hold you at night and hug you.
He'd also love when you stroke his hair. He's such a fluffball. He needs cuddles. But he can't admit that to you.
But yes, if you were taller, he'd be so happy. He wouldn't need to bend down anymore to kiss you. You're perfect.
If you were shorter, he'd love it because he could tease you gently. He'd literally make fun of you for being so short, but also kiss your cheeks. (Like, imagine him carrying you around the house because you're too short for the counter and the stove lol) He'd also be able to easily cuddle you.
But I also feel like he would try to make you wear his clothes. Like he'd be so proud to show off that you're his and he's yours.
If you guys ever fight, he'd be very emotional. He'd pout and you'd pout and when you're alone, he'd just burst into tears and then hug you. "I'm sorry." And you'd both apologize. He wouldn't let go of you after that.
I feel like he'd be a really great father. I feel like he'd spoil his children a lot. But he'd also be very protective. He'd do anything for his kids.
And if you had a daughter, he'd be a little overprotective. Like if you named her after his mother Sarnai, he'd be very protective. (And also cry a lot because he feels very emotional). He'd be like: "Hey. No one will take my daughter from me. I will protect her." But if you had a son, he'd be like "no one will take my son away from me!" Like, he's literally the dad that's like "NO ONE WILL TAKE MY KIDS. DONT EVEN THINK ABOUT IT."
He'd be a very playful dad. Like he'd make silly faces with the kids and make them laugh. He'd tell them stories. He'd also be the dad who would let them get away with everything. He'd be like "well, my kids are perfect, they would never do anything bad. They're just like me."
He'd probably spoil his kids so much like ok in getting off track. Anyway. NSFW time.
Fang is not a dominant man. I feel like he'd be a switch, but mostly a submissive one. Like he'd love when you took control of him and he'd be really good at obeying your orders. He'd love when you were rough with him and he'd blush when you teased him.
He'd also love when you were gentle with him and praised him. He'd be so happy when you said he was good and called him a good boy.
He'd be so happy when you gave him compliments. He'd always blush when you said he was cute or pretty or handsome or gorgeous.
He'd be very flustered when you kissed his neck and his chest and even tweaked a nipple. He'd be a little embarrassed about how much he liked it though. (You'd have to reassure him that it was totally okay).
He'd be really embarrassed if you told him you liked his body. He never thought about someone actually liking him for his looks but when you started to touch him gently, he'd relax and melt. He'd start to relax and enjoy it more.
He'd be very flustered when you told him you were going to sit on him and ride. He'd be so embarrassed. He'd be so red. But he'd be very turned on. He'd be really embarrassed to admit it.
I feel like he'd really love to kiss you. He'd be very gentle and he'd hold you tight. And when you deepen the kiss, he'd be really shy and try to pull away but he'd give in and enjoy it.
He'd really love it when you played with his hair. It's so long and fluffy and omg it's silky and soft.
And when you guys first have sex, he'd be so gentle and loving. He'd make sure you were okay and he'd be so worried he hurt you. He's the one entering you and if you had a clit, he'd be really gentle when fingering you.
He'd be really flustered when you told him he felt good. He wouldn't know what to do with himself. He'd be so embarrassed to tell you that you felt good as well.
And after he comes, he'd be really worried about you. Like "I'm sorry.... I came... so fast." And you'd reassure him that it was okay like it happens especially since he's a virgin.
Yeah idk i think fang is neat.
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illusidy · 2 months
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It's doooooone! Hello, I HAD to do the Shikimori meme 👀
I've got a personal headcanon that Qi's demi-sexual, so I also made an alternate version to fit it. 😂
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swedenis-h · 1 year
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Spirk doodles!
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akadoxalis · 6 months
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Behold, our ultimate weapon~
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ryllen · 7 months
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Same birthday ? it's a lie if you can't imagine Justice celebrating Captain's birthday and completely forgets about Unsuur's
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oxalisworks · 2 months
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Rian Dan-bi Best man squad and Ernest doodle.
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sandrockers · 7 months
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sugarwyns · 5 months
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[forcibly climbing out of my nova/mtas/general artblock]
since i always intended for nova to quit building at some point, i was trying to imagine another creative occupation she could take up shortly after the main story. after talking to berry basket i landed on glassmaker!
she'd probably convert her workshop into an actual shop and sell things like stained glass art, home decor, suncatchers, glass jewelry, etc ♡
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arcanewonder · 1 year
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a soft epilogue
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playandchill · 11 months
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The thought of them playing monopoly was so silly that i had to
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I JUST SEE THIS HAPPENING or something like that. Amirah already said 3 art puns (if I'm not mistaken). So maybe there are more
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Kornada with a low ponytail
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civil-corps-wife · 7 months
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I don't want this to be fixed. It ain't even that broken!
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sandrockbandit · 1 year
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study break doodles! trying to find the style i want for them lol
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moefongo · 1 year
I feel like the Sandrock fandom is entirely lacking some good Justice headcanons, especially relationship ones. Could you grace us with some? :)
Of course I can! You can also request as many Justice headcanons as you want!
Married life with Justice
The day of the wedding, Justice couldn't hold back the tears. He couldn't beleive that this was happening to and honestly feels like the luckiest man in all of the Free Cities.
Once settled in, Justice got the habit of bringing supplies the builder might need, for example course leather or maybe some rocks that Unsuur suggested.
His cooking is okay, however desserts and baking is where Justice truly shines, though this is a secret only the builder knows. Whenever they both have some time off, Justice and the builder bake together and it usually ends up in both of them covered up in flour. But Justice doesn't care at all since what he loves the most is seeing them smile and be happy.
Now that they're married, he can conveniently join them whenever they go exploring the ruins or traveling to the Eufaula, since he has to make sure they're safe (he still can't forgive himself for the cliff incident).
Along the notes of joining them, he'll also bring food and snacks for them to rest and have a date.
When it comes to dating, outside of him tagging along, sometimes its them staying at home and getting much needed rest, so they spend a good amount of time napping together on the couch, though it has happened on more than one occasion that they both sleep the entire day away.
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trash-can-sam · 10 months
I just had the cutest idea. About Qi and the kids.
So, I don’t think he ever explicitly says it but Qi definitely does not like kids. They’re kinda stupid and a lot of kids (esp young kids) are very annoying and distracting. He also does not know how to interact with kids, because kids are strange.
So because of this, I always imagine that whenever Jasmine gets him his mail, he’s always like “alright you can go now.” (Because I don’t think there’s a mailbox by the research center so I imagine she just knocks on his door and hands it to him.) just generally cold towards her bcuz he doesn’t have time for this shit and also doesn’t know what he’d talk about even if he did. I feel like despite this, Jasmine wishes she knew what was up with him because she just wants to be friends with everyone.
Because of this, I think it would be silly and fun if Jasmine picked up on Qis interest in Gungham and read some of the comic books or something and started talking to Qi about it.
I think at first Jasmine absolutely does not understand why Qi likes it so much. It’s all fights and that’s just not really her thing. But when she starts talking to Qi about it Qis like “Nono listen, now I doubt you’d be able to understand but the fights are what makes it emotionally powerful. How could you possibly think it’s boring when robot 623 is struggling to find a reason to keep going on. It’s about his issues with humanity, obviously it’s a metaphor not just a fight.” And then I think Jasmine gets it a bit more.
Qi will “Begrudgingly” explain all the deeper nuances within the themes in the series. Jasmine is pretty smart for her age, and I think that this would probably happen when she’s a bit older, like 8 or 9 instead of 5 like in canon (I think she’s canonically 5 at least?) (edit: now that I think about it, I’m pretty sure her age isn’t canonically confirmed BUT I think she’s probably more around 7-8 years old just because Andy seems much more like around that age and they’re about the same age. So for her being friends with Qi maybe she’s like 10-11.) I don’t think It annoys Qi to no end that she doesn’t just get it but also he loves to talk about his little robots and overtime she grows on him.
I also think it would be funny if Jasmine tried to get Andy into it and Andy’s like “Wow I love these fights that’s so cool!” And Qis like “Hmph. I honestly don’t think I can help you. Your prefrontal cortex is clearly nowhere near developed enough to even being to process any in depth emotional moments. You simply don’t have enough experience in any type of field to even start to grasp it on the most basic of levels.” (Andy does not know what he’s talking about at all.)
Plus it’s funny to imagine Jasmine going to Trudy and being like “I think I made friends with Director Qi :)” and Trudy is like huh. If she asks him about it, he’s like “Your daughter is truly remarkable for her age, most children are completely idiotic and incapable of understanding the very base level of most concepts, but she’s quite intelligent.”
ANYWAYS. I just think they’re cute :)
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vani-candy · 11 months
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silly headcanon story i came up with: i imagine Fang gets nightmares often and has trouble sleeping. Mitty caught wind of this (probably from X running his mouth) and she tailored up a set of soft pajamas for him. At first Fang's kinda just like "okay nice i guess idk why you did all this for me tho" until he realizes how soft and comfy they are and falls in love with them!!
TL;DR they do their job....maybe a lil too well AKFDSHS
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mittenscatgod · 1 month
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