the-lavender-creator · 8 months
Wait. You need schooling to be a librarian???? A LibRARIAN?
but don’t you just need like an ace memory to know where the books are??? And a love for books and kids cause theirs gonna be a lot of kids at the library? What do they teach classes for? How to open a book properly??? Genuinely so confused and shocked.
You need a bachelor's in this thing called information science and a master's in library science
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babymafuyu · 6 months
I came running here at the speed of light, please please please can I have some little! Toralei headcanons? With Clawdeen as a possible CG? Sksksks cause with all the trauma toralei goes through/has gone through, you can’t tell me she doesn’t secretly regress in private to cope with everything. I mean girls got a life time of abuse and -5 healthy coping mechanisms. I’m surprised more people haven’t thought of this
why of course!! regressor toralei isn't something ive thought about much but it makes sense!!! again going off of g3 bc you implied it + im most familiar with it
toralei regresses from about 5-7 i think
toralei also didn't realize she was a regressor for the longest time despite regressing for a while
clawdeen is like a big sister to her when she's small!
toralei is very very very shy about her regression
she actually didn't *tell* clawdeen, clawdeen accidentally found out
however clawdeen is a great person and she was so accepting (that didn't mean that toralei's ears weren't pushed back the entire time they talked though)
toralei is fussy and insistent that she's not a baby, she's a big girl! clawdeen always laughs quietly at this
toralei's favorite activity is playing with toys, especially ones that require her to run around (think a laser pointer), but she really doesn't mind what's going on as long as she has attention
toralei is an involuntary regressor 100%, usually it stems from negative emotions, like feeling alone or neglected
if she's super small, sometimes toralei does call clawdeen motherly titles :-(
toralei doesn't own regression gear necessarily but she does love a baby blanket she has
clawdeen likes to show toralei human toys and stuff– of course, toralei will call them gross human things for babies (but will inspect it further and maybe play with it if she thinks clawdeen isn't looking)
toralei doesn't ask for attention at first, but she does act out to try and get it in some way. as she gets more comfortable with clawdeen as a cg and in general, clawdeen kinda knows when she needs attention and toralei is less afraid to ask
clawdeen is a bit of a pushover when it comes to toralei so if toralei wants something, there's a 95% chance she'll give it to her
this is not helped by toralei being a bit bratty while small
toralei really likes playing with dolls! she doesn't have any of her own when she first started regressing but clawdeen brought some of her old ones from home. toralei was hesitant to play at first because they're human dolls but she warmed up pretty quickly
toralei also really likes card games! although she does have a tendency to cheat..
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mr-walkingrainbow · 6 months
My Spotify Wrapped Results!
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Bro this was such an accurate presentation of me ESPECIALLY this one
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Not them saying I listened to Yellowjackets music during yellowjackets season while I started my Yellowjackets playlist 🫣
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moroser · 1 year
The way you draw Lilith is just so IF JEIDNEISNE and I love her so much
so a very big thank you so much please never stop drawing her my lil glasses nerd I love her so much - to you!
thank you so much, for real. it means so much to me when people like what i draw/share. i care a lot about the shit i draw, i spend a lot of time with the characters, so it's so rewarding and just fun to have people share the interest with me.
have a good holiday and be well! thanks again.
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harundraws · 6 months
Hello lovely! Love your recent art! Not sure if you have Spotify wrapped but if you do, I give you 55! (Aka give me the 55 song in the playlist)
hello 👉🏼👉🏼✨ and thank you :)
i definitely do! let me see… it’s this one!! Wilt is one of the newer bands i’ve become obsessed with just this fall!
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thunderstomm · 8 months
Your entire blog seems very Thunder related. And as the number one resident Thunder Angst whore, I approve. 😌. Are you perhaps, also a fan of the Thunder Angst trope?
I don't actually know what Thunder Angst is haha- I just like thunderstorms and think they're cool.
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talatomaz · 1 year
Hi! I’m acting on the post I saw where you were asking for Saanvi Smut ideas???
I’m not sure if you do characters x other characters from the show, or if you only do Character x Reader. But it should be the same either way. I don’t particularly need either or.
BUT. I am absolutely DESPERATE for a Saanvi smut fic where her very obvious praise kink is not only known, but acted on!!!
If you’re ok doing character x character. I specifically want it to be that cut off scene of Ben and Saanvi In Bens point of view.
if not into characters, I’d also be fine with a (specifically female) reader making love to Saanvi. Probably in a scenario where Saanvi is just desperately trying to do more lab work and stuff and the reader pulls her away and starts initiating sex right their in the lab. In Reader pov preferably.
Very huge Dom/Sub dynamics with Saanvi being sub in both.
I also am into a little bit of edging? Maybe overstimulation? I can very clearly see someone calling her ‘pretty girl’ in any sex scene.
Do whatever you want with this ask!!! I’ll be happy any way! And if you don’t feel the vibe that’s ok too 👌. Have a good day!!!
hi !! i love this idea because my girl has a praise kink for sure
unfortunately, i don’t write character x character or top/dom!reader - request rules
that being said, i’m happy to write this fic (and include saanvi’s praise kink) but with sub reader instead. maybe reader is trying to get saanvi to relax / saanvi just needs to feel in control of everything for once since she can’t control the death date etc
let me know either way! <3
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flower-dagger-gay · 3 months
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10 year old me would be going insane <- I say as if adult me isn't going insane rn 💀
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lulughoul · 3 months
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heliianth · 3 months
hi idk how familiar you are with Monster High but I just wanted to share these since they have me giggling as a bit of good news
the context being that the werewolf girl on the right in the original series never had a love interest id still be ground breaking to have a f/f within a kids series but now they're going back and addressing while the current versions of these two are in the start of an onscreen romance arc!!!!!
ive actually seen these before!!! i get most of my monster high knowledge thru osmosis nowadays but i used to REALLY like it when i was a kid so its super exciting to hear theyre giving clawdeen a canon gf :3
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the-lavender-creator · 8 months
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babymafuyu · 6 months
Cidjdisjis your headcanons made my brain all fuzzy (it means I loved them) and OMG the unparalleled angst of Toralei calling Clawdeen mom names when she’s really regressed or scared cause her irl mom is a peice of trash 🥺. Absolutely going feral. Ooo and I think I didn’t see but would love to note is that she just has so many little habits that are ‘considered’ childish, but she still has them cause she’s been so regulated whenever her moms around. So they slip out when she’s not. Aka she totally plays with the yarn charms on her boots. Rocks on her heels, definitely has a fear of thunder. DEFINITELY sucks her thumb in her sleep/when no one is looking. Wrings her hands a lot. Does a lot of stuff involving her hands cause of restless energy.
Oh? Do you think you could shed a few HCs on how you think Clawdeen found out about Toralei regressing? + any thoughts you have on the weretwins being CGs to little Toralei?
thanks bestie! This gave me a such a thrill, I don’t really specifically talk about little HCs to many people so it’s nice to find someone to do it with!
aaaaa i love ur thoughts about regressor toralei!!! youre so right!! she totally stims more and just lets herself go when she's regressed! also, thank you!! i love talking about agere hcs + regressor toralei is really growing on me! if you'd like to dm me, you 100% can any time! (/gen)
now.. onto the hcs!
clawdeen finding out about toralei's regression -
it was definitely accidental
i think clawdeen + toralei were searching for something in toralei's room and found her baby blanket
immediately toralei got super defensive and was trying to act like it was nothing
clawdeen was skeptical but put it back and continued as usual
a few days later clawdeen has to visit toralei again for something, but when toralei opens the door she seems.. different
she's in pajamas, she's shuffling more, her eyes seem bigger, her fur seems spikier– she just seems younger in general
clawdeen asks her about this in the most gentle and non-judgmental way she can
toralei tries to look all angry, but then her ears go back and she asks clawdeen not to tell anyone
of course, clawdeen agrees! she says she's friends with other regressors and it isn't a big deal to her. she just wants to make toralei comfortable
toralei lights up at this and, just like magic, she has found a cg!
the werecat twins being toralei's cgs -
they definitely take on more sibling roles to toralei
i think toralei told them when they were visiting so if they found some regression things clawdeen gave her or she was acting differently they knew why
the twins were very accepting and understood perfectly!
meowlody loves playing with toralei! she especially loves playing pretend and will get super into her role
purrsephone, meanwhile, prefers to take a back seat and do less hands on, active things with toralei
one thing they all love to do, though, is play dress up
...playing dress up usually just results in a little toralei doing a fashion show and the twins enthusiastically cheering her on from the audience (as well as helping her into her costumes)
their love for music doesn't go away when toraleis small! they like performing kid songs, playing on toy instruments, and having sing-alongs and dance parties!
purrsephone is a bit more strict and good at reeling toralei in when she's being a bit too bratty and demanding
meowlody, like clawdeen, however is much more willing to go along with what toralei wants
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mr-walkingrainbow · 4 months
Hey Besties! I kinda hate to do this but, I need a lil help.
So basically my parents aren’t helping at all with my Testosterone. And College is costing me a shit ton along with it. And being swamped with classes, I don’t have the time to work a job without failing everything. So if y’all could help me with a somewhat monthly bill I’d appreciate it greatly.
Also? Does anyone know how to have two go fund me’s? I had one for Top Surgery I was gonna add as well, but once I created this new one it deleted 😞.
thank you guys sincerely! And I’m sorry if you see this spammed for months and years on end. I haven’t had time yet to try out any Voice acting things so so far theirs no income Via that.
Again I’m severely sorry to any of my followers who are bothered by these. I’m gonna gonna add a tag called Mr-Walkingrainbow funds so if you want to filter these out just do that
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anshiel · 3 months
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gender-snatched · 7 months
Van Lookalike! Or Genderswapped! Or Nico! Hello!!! How is thee?
I am (checks notes) “Virgil's friend who goes feral in comments .2 seconds after we post Toralei fics?” Did I get that right Lav?
Anyway, I’d like to say hi! Formally introduce myself!
I’m Luke, He/Him/They. Aka Mr. Walkingrainbow. Aka Nadiahilkerfan. Aka THE Thunder angst trope fan to ever live.
I’ve heard your a magnificent angst writer. So I was wondering if I could prompt you a magical life changing thunder angst prompt! Created by yours truly!
I eagerly away your reply! By Nico/Van/Swap!
hi Luke! Nicos fine lmao. Yeah you can always send me prompts dw!
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Part two of what was supposed to have been a one shot. More thunder angst but also Toralei learning she has a support system.
@mr-walkingrainbow @the-lavender-creator
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