#most of these don't have triggers
artbyblastweave · 1 month
Random Parahuman Abilities I've been sitting on for a while:
Porting some of these from Reddit.
The Mule is a stranger who becomes increasingly difficult to detect in proportion to how much weight he's currently supporting. The use of extremely cumbersome body armor allows for undetectable, but extremely time-consuming, smash-and-grab jobs and assassinations.
Jawbreaker is a blaster who spits her own teeth as hypersonic projectiles; she can fire them one at a time, or all at once in a shotgun blast of enamel. Her brute secondary causes her teeth to slowly regenerate over the course of 24 hours. Coldcut is a shaker/striker who can imbue bladed weapons with a cryokinetic effect; any cuts he makes will begin to locally drain ambient heat, in a way that quickly stacks in a death-by-a-thousand-cuts way. While obviously an immensely unpleasant kind of injury to sustain directly, Coldcut's preferred fighting style is to funnel his opponents into enclosed spaces that he's had time to repeatedly mark as his territory with numerous scratches, such that anyone who lacks Coldcut's secondary immunity to low temperatures will rapidly succumb to hypothermia. He runs an extremely-low-overhead cold-storage business on the side.
Pincushion is a thinker who becomes smarter in proportion to how much discomfort he's in, resulting in a consulting detective rocking cenobite aesthetics.
Pitch is a telekinetic whose telekinesis sets whatever she's manipulating on fire.
Manslide is a shaker who can locally reorient gravity so that "down" becomes whichever direction he's running in.
The Centralian is (was) a blaster/shaker with the ability to drill Navidson-style non-euclidean impossibly-deep tunnels into any discrete surface; if large enough, these tunnels would begin disgorging incredible volumes of noxious smoke, and eventually, hundreds and hundreds of monsters of the exact variety you'd expect would get disgorged from an infinite-smoking hell tunnel. Upon the consumption of his recently purchased cauldron vial, The Centralian accidentally generated a pit the size of a football field directly beneath himself and fell hopefully to his death; the resulting disaster area was up for classification as a PRT exclusion zone before it was discovered that the corpses of the pit monsters and the sides of the pit itself were both laden with rare-earth minerals. Now the whole area is actually kind of a boom town for capes with turbolethal powers and tinkers with supply-chain problems.
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vaggieslefteye · 23 days
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VOX, Media Overlord | 1x02 - Radio Killed The Video Star
"[He's] up in his tower waiting for a flat-faced prince to calm him down."
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thedroloisms · 4 months
actually so fascinating to me to see the difference in reaction in this fandom. the same people who were perfectly content to spread leaked information without the consent of the victim in previous situations playing coy and claiming that any speculation (not accusations, not harassment, not attempts to deplatform) into the identity of the person in question is inherently unethical and disrespectful to the victim. the same people who had shamelessly talked about the need to spread about information sourced from third party actors with personal agendas, who had explicitly gathered the information in question for bad faith purposes, in order to demand answers from a man who wasn't even the target of said allegations now preaching about how awful it is for people to use publicly available, easily accesible information to come to personal conclusions about a content creator in order to then make the decision whether or not to support him. i know that this fandom was a very different place in january 2022 but i highly doubt that time is the only thing that influenced the difference in people's reactions here, tbh.
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panharmonium · 10 months
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Man, these past few days...so many thoughts. About my life then, my life now. What I missed. Thoughts about what I'll never have. And what I want to have.
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goemon-fan · 3 months
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This was easily one of the best Lupin episodes
#there will be a rant in the tags that you can ignore#but it is so upsetting how modern/current lupin took away the depths of these characters and flimsily tries to restore their earlier depth#i'm one of those people who craves depth in what i watch and it's so difficult to like this franchise because it will be so close to doing#something interesting only to abandon it#this episode and part one as a whole was peak lupin in my opinion with each character having emotional depth yet flaws to overcome#yet modern lupin would have you believe that these characters don't desire to improve in any capacity#if we were to just focus on Goemon for example right here he shows depth with revealing hidden emotional maturity and empathy for Lupin by#comforting him and admitting he himself is afraid (which is a big deal for a character like him who is supposed to be unflinching)#but in modern lupin goemon will literally say that he's not afraid of anything and this is written without any hint of irony or depth#i'm okay with mindless entertainment and i understand that this is a series simply about stealing but the character assassination is so#disappointing#and when this series does try to be “deep” they pick the most triggering subject matter possible to depict to the point where it's#practically unwatchable (this is in reference to Part 4 and its constant SA plots as well as the rampant gratuitous child abuse plots#throughout the entire series)#i want so badly to love lupin the 3rd but it's a huge problem when fanfiction understands the characters better than the source material#lupin iii#lupin the third#lupin the 3rd#goemon ishikawa xiii#goemon#arsene lupin iii#jigen daisuke#daisuke jigen#fujiko mine#part 1
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#my post#this is so mean. why did i make this#but also....... the gun is in your hands now#i'll admit that it's my fault for putting the gun in your hand... however i've no say in what you choose to do with it#will you pull the trigger and accept whatever happens from now on? will you give yourself into the role forced upon you?#no one will know anything if you don't say anything. there will be no consequences or repercussions to this choice#but you will know. and you will need to live with that knowledge for the rest of your life#a gun not fired is like an itch not stratched#in the end i have no control over what you do... but free will is a funny thing#the brain is very susceptible to suggestion... everything we see and experience will remain with us in some way#if that's the case then how much control do we really have in our lives? how do we separate what we really want vs what we're told to want?#things like hunger... desire... they're all things the body asks for. but are they things that we truly want?#or are they merely a mechanism built into us for the sake of survival?#everything blends into everything. your past actions will inform your current actions. you're the only one who's ever lived your life#you're the only one who will ever live your life#little variables and experiences we all share... but the order varies greatly from person to person. everything is just a series of events#the way i see the world is different than the way you see it regardless of how similar they are#what choice will you make now? and how does it differ from the choice you would've made a week ago? a month? a year? does it differ at all?#does free will truly exist? i think it does... but not in the way most people think it exists#you and i... we might differ on that thought. or we might not.#regardless of whatever i've been rambling about right now... refusing to make a choice is still a choice you make. life is ironic like that#does one of them really have to go? that's for you to decide now#i've merely chosen to put the gun in your hand. to make you aware of the possibilities#so i hope you realize what power your choices have#dca fandom#daycare attendant#yeah sometimes i just say things that i think are deep but they're really not#i hope the choices i make have an effect on others. even if it's just one person...#if i can make even just one person think about something they wouldn't have normally thought about then isn't that a win?#life is a series of choices... ''it'd be great if you could see a figure of light by the time you die'' ♡
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bearhugsandshrugs · 8 months
Astarion girlies (gn), go get your fill.
In which Tav allows Astarion to take her to the brink of death as he fucks her.
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Thank you @discordsmuse for both the prompt and the incredible patience with which you've waited for this. Throwing it under the cut because why not.
The arrangement started out simple: Tav would let Astarion drink from her in exchange for stories about nobles, strange encounters, and of course, vampires. Astarion usually wasn’t willing to share anything about himself or his time with Cazador, so he told her stories and gossip and rumors he had picked up during his centuries of servitude. Tav on the other hand didn’t mind the bite that much – at least not enough that it would keep her from hearing more about interesting places or infamous characters from Baldur‘s Gate. She had grown up on the streets of that city, in the dirt, and was now suddenly thrown into a role of responsibility and authority. While she had slowly built a reputation as an adventurer, her usual encounters were short and professional and far from the onslaught of needs and wants and favors and tasks she was now facing on a daily basis. 
Tav felt that every bit of information, no matter how detached from her current challenges, gave her more ammunition when dealing with the countless strangers they met on the road. She reveled in the stories, as if they’d teach her how to get more allies or at least keep the remaining ones she had. She liked listening to her cynical companion, his lips curled into a smirk whenever he recalled something juicy, eyes narrowed whenever he felt particularly judgy. 
As for Astarion: Well, to say he thoroughly enjoyed the taste would be an understatement. The first time he drank from her he had paid focused attention and carefully savored every last drop, just enough to stop before she'd be too weakened. He'd been so surprised she’d actually let him do it that he kept buzzing through the camp for days afterwards, seeking her company and telling her stories, not even asking for another fill. The others had shot him a couple of weird glances, but since Tav didn’t seem to mind, they let it slide. Still, Astarion occasionally caught himself licking his lips while looking at her; it wasn‘t even that she was his prey and he was the beast roaming the night for the hunt – it was more like a reflex. He couldn‘t help it. He wanted more.  
In fact, it was hard to get her out of his head during the few moments they had some downtime at the camp. But the second (and so far: last) time had changed things. She had smelled like herbs, dry wood, and sweet sweat: a result of her potion brewing no doubt. But where Tav would usually take great care every night to wash herself off the day they spent searching and killing, that day she had just climbed into bed, tired and unbothered. When Astarion visited her to feed, he felt like stepping close to a hot fire after spending the day in the bitter cold, heat cursing through him so quickly he nearly lost his balance. She had laughed when he stumbled into her tent, teased him, and her voice had rang in his ears like a siren's call, compelling him to hang onto her every word. When he bit her that night, he'd nearly forgotten himself. Drinking from her had been unforgettable.
Now the memory of how her veins had pulsed against his lips wouldn’t leave Astarion’s mind and instead came rushing back in every time her gaze met his, lighting something deep within him. 
And while the longing for her taste grew larger every passing day, he was too worried he’d lose control and, well, kill her. He needed her. So instead he spent his nights telling Tav stories before going hunting and feeding on animals until he was so full he thought he‘d throw up. A routine that did the job – most nights.
Tonight was different. The wine was gnarly. The tieflings with their grateful looks and devout gestures were gnarlier. Astarion hated this. Parties weren’t parties without a bit of a challenge, after all. Here though, tonight, everyone just wanted to be happy. Not pleasured nor in ecstasy. Happy. What a concept. 
When Tav came by to celebrate, Astarion bemoaned the lackluster celebrations and underwhelming beverages. She tasted the wine, chuckled, and asked if he wanted to drink something more filling, a playful sparkle in her eyes. 
“Let me find you later, after things have quieted down, dear”, he said, maybe, just maybe, a bit tipsy from the wine. He didn’t want to drink her though. He wanted her. Everything about her. 
His eyes darkened as Tav smiled. She turned around and went to chat with a group of refugees, her ass swaying in the moonlight, but all he could think of was her taste.
Tav knew she was here to fuck Astarion. He hadn’t been exactly subtle, and she didn’t care. She wanted him too, had wanted him for a while now. Both times that he’d left her lying on the floor after drinking from her, she’d found herself biting her lip, trying to suppress the heat that was pooling in her core, not to mention all the other nights when she'd imagined what his lips would feel like on hers while he was spinning stories. So she stalked through the woods, away from prying ears and eyes, looking for the vampire that was driving her mad with want. 
“There you are. I’ve been waiting”, Astarion said as he heard her walking up to him. His lips curled into a sultry smirk when he turned around.  Tav returned a smile. “So have I.” Good , he thought. No need to pretend, then. At least not more than usual.
He pulled her into a kiss, running his fingers through her hair. How were her lips even softer than her skin on her neck? It was infuriating. Tasting like wine and sweet pears, her mouth was a feast he was all too eager to explore. He hadn’t filled himself with animals tonight. His entire body was hunger and desire, and his teeth grazed over her lower lip as he tried to figure out what she liked. 
Well. She liked that.
Tav moaned softly into his mouth, so he repeated the motion, kissing her even more fiercely. Her hands tugged at his shirt, sliding underneath to trace the shape of his hip bones at the edge of his pants. Suddenly, a short gasp escaped her throat – Astarion had broken the delicate skin on her lower lip with his fangs. A drop of blood rolled down her chin, and he licked it up with his tongue, a deliberate tease that made her grind her core against his hips. It was enough to send heat to his groins and drive a growl out of him that left Tav shuddering underneath his touch. It was in that moment that he decided: He would have her. All of her.
Desire flushed their bodies with need and peeled their clothes off. Nothing could come off quickly enough, so fabric was torn and pieces were discarded as they broke apart to undress, hands and lips returning to each other again and again like magnets. Astarion pushed her down to the floor, pausing to marvel at her body. No wonder he’d chosen her. She was perfection: from the way her hair flowed down her shoulders, to the soft curves of her breasts, down to the edges of her hips. Sighing with approval, he lowered himself between her legs, sucking at the tender skin on the insides of her thighs. He would cover them in bruises, mark her as his. And she would love it. Already did, judging by the heavy breathing that moved her chest in irregular rhythms. 
Tav had fantasized about him so many times, but now it was happening, and nothing she had ever dreamed up could compare. Slowly, excruciatingly so, he worked his way up between her legs. Her eyes rolled back when he brought his mouth to her folds, his tongue lazily drawing a path from her slit to her clit. Down there, Astarion inhaled so deeply the air he sucked in brushed coldly against her wetness. He groaned in response, his hands digging into the flesh of her hips, leaving half circle marks with his nails. 
He ate her out like a man that was starving, and in a way, he was. There had been a time when he’d played the part of the dedicated lover effortlessly, an automatic behavior that led to the expected result in his prey. Not tonight though. No matter how much he tried, her scent, her taste, pulled him out of focus. Everything he did to her was reshifted into pleasure, not only for her, but for him too. He enjoyed her. Enjoyed himself. It was scary and absolutely thrilling.
Her hands found his hair, fingers lost in his curls trying to caress him, but she could do nothing but surrender each time his tongue drew circles around her clit. Little tremors shook her legs as time moved on, and they both knew she was close.   “Please”, Tav whimpered, tugging at his hair, hoping he’d come up to kiss her.  “Yes, dear?” Astarion paused, the knowing smirk plastered across his face.  “I want you inside of me”, she explained, propping herself up on her elbow. "Please." “Of course”, he hummed, and pushed two fingers into her entrance, groaning as her slick engulfed them instantly. Tav’s body fell back down in defeat. This wasn’t what she’d meant. He knew. She knew that he knew. 
Bringing his mouth against her clit again, Astarion chuckled as her hips bucked against his face, then ground back into his hand. He pumped in and out of her while using his tongue and lips to draw out the sweetest moans, and when she tried to wiggle away, he held her hips down with his free arm. Tav’s vision blurred – she wanted to fight it, wanted to sink down on his cock instead, but this was too good. He sighed, maybe tasting the high closing in on her, and added a third finger; then curled them until she saw stars. 
Intoxicating. Tasting her juices while she came was intoxicating. Her cunt tightened around his fingers, and Astarion couldn’t wait to feel her walls close around his cock, seeking the warmth and wetness for himself.
So. He didn’t wait. 
She was still rolling her hips, riding out her high, as he pulled his fingers out of her, rose up, and buried his cock in her cunt. The mewl that flew out of her throat took his breath away – and unexpectedly so. Where he’d usually notice his partner’s cries as signs for an assignment well done, he was now losing himself in her pleasure as he pulled out of her again and again, only to plunge back in again each time. 
“Fuck”, Tav breathed out, lips parted and bruised from their previous kissing. “You’re too good at this.” He laughed at the statement, finding it endearing against his better judgment. “I am.”  A sheepish smile played around her mouth. “Guess I have no choice but to succumb to you then, and let you indulge in me”, she chuckled, rolling her head to the side to expose her neck.  Astarion stopped moving. “Are you– quite certain?” He was licking his lips, eyes locked onto the vein he saw pulsating underneath her skin.  “Yes”, she whispered. “Take me, all of me.” He growled. “As you wish.”
Clenching his jaw, he rolled his hips into her with force before lowering his mouth to her throat. He could smell her blood from there, the sweetest scent waiting for him to drink, and when his teeth broke her skin, Tav’s body started to tremble. He was all too familiar with the feeling that would wash over her now: icy pain spreading out from her neck down to her chest until it reached her heart, from where it would form a different kind of heat that would pool down between her legs. It was a common reaction, predictable and reliable, but feeling her nipples harden under the cold creeping through her body, and then her cunt squeezing around his cock as the heat shot to her core, made him forget himself. 
He picked up the pace, slamming into her with the same greedy rhythm that he drank from her with. Tav started to moan, her arms wrapped around his shoulders in a tight embrace. She was loud at first, but her sounds became quieter and quieter as he swallowed more and more of her blood. Where she met his thrusts with her hips at first, she now stilled over time, her body weakening under his need. Dark circles narrowed her vision, blurry spots that made it impossible for her to focus. Tav's entire body was on fire, burning with arousal as her strength sapped out of her. With a dull thud, her arms fell to the sides, completely devoid of vigour. Astarion didn't notice – he was lost in the overwhelming sensation of her throbbing body underneath him and the low whimpers that her moans had turned into.
Tav was aroused, and wet, and tight, and her breathing came shakily as her mouth tried to let out the small sounds of pleasure she was still feeling. Astarion moaned against her throat. He would devour her, all of her. As she wished.
Groaning with lust he shoved a hand between her legs, rubbing her clit so she would fall over the edge all over again – only this time, while he tasted her blood. 
She didn’t moan in response to his fingers, hardly made any sound, and somewhere in the back of his mind Astarion knew he needed to stop, needed to be careful. Not now though. Not when she tasted like this.
As for Tav, well, everything was dark. The feeling of falling and climbing all at the same time dominated her mind, and she wanted to speak, wanted to tell her lover that he should keep going, that this was good, but whenever she tried reaching for the strength to do so, the dark pulled her back under. She registered in the distance that she was about to come, the constant onslaught of his teeth in her veins sending heat to her core, his fingers circling her clit, his cock twitch as he too rushed towards the edge. It took but a moment until she fell apart underneath him, her walls spasming around his cock. 
Astarion's senses were overwhelmed: Suddenly her blood tasted sharp, like a knife, then honeyed, like a peach. Her scent sent tremors down his throat, and her tight, contracting cunt chased him over the edge as well. Swallowing greedily, again and again, Astarion slammed into her as her body softened, a life hanging on by a thread. He came with a wail, the sudden orgasm yanking his head up to gasp for air as he pumped his seed into her. When he came back to reality, he noticed how weak her pulse had become. She was close to death. 
The vampire pulled out of her and called her name, but Tav’s eyes were closed and unresponsive. She was barely breathing. Cursing himself, he sprinted to his pack that he’d left near a tree, fumbling for a healing potion, then rushed back to her. He laid her head into his lap as he fed her the medicine, small sips, careful not to let too much drip out from the corners of her mouth. After a moment that he deemed entirely too long, her cheeks started to regain color. Eventually, she opened her eyes. 
“What happened?”, she asked weakly, nuzzling her head against his legs. “You… nearly died”, Astarion admitted quietly. This was stupid. He was being stupid.  Tav gave him a small smile as he bent his head over hers so she could see his face. “I only remember darkness pulling me down until…. everything was…” She swallowed, blushing. “I liked it.” Now it was his time to be weak. “You cannot be serious.” He shook his head, chuckling in disbelief. “I fuck you half to death and you enjoy it?” Her grin was as wicked as the fantasies that ran through his mind as he watched her recover. “I did. We should do it again.” Astarion gulped, his stomach twisting into a thousand knots. He had to take a deep breath before he could find the confidence in his voice again. She would ruin him.  “That… can be arranged.”
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lgbtlunaverse · 1 month
Everytime I see discourse about kink or nudity at pride I get reminded of the time I went to pride a few years ago with my mother and my sibling- who was 17 at the time and is somewhere on the ace spectrum- and about halfway through, the march went under a gatehouse. Some inhabitants were sitting in their open windows watching the parade. Right before we crossed under them, one of them decided to just... take her shirt off. She wasn't wearing a bra. And you know what happened? People whooped and cheered, and then kept walking. That's it. And there were kids around!! They didn't care. My sibling didn't care. My mother, a cisgender heterosexual woman in her 50s, did not care.
This stuff stops being such a big deal when you go offline. It was basically the same amount of boob you'd see in any perfume ad. No one was like 'what about the children?' And if you didn't wanna see it and looked down, no one would've called you a puritanical prude for that. And it helps to remind myself of that everytime I see kink at pride discourse getting rehashed because at actual pride, people don't care.
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hurglewurm · 15 days
two nights ago: [vivid dream about having a panic attack, gasping and wheezing, heart pounding painfully, curled up on the kitchen floor shaking while my family has dinner in the other room]
last night: [vivid dream about apologizing to my friends that i'm depressed again, feeling weighted down by all of it, on the verge of collapsing because it's too heavy, darkness encroaching]
me irl: genuinely just chilling
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savage-rhi · 3 months
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sysig · 4 months
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Experimentation (Patreon)
#Doodles#UT#Handplates#Sans#Papyrus#Continuing the theme of memories and what Gaster ruined for them haha#He doesn't even have to be here and he's making their lives harder! Par for the course#Lots of things have the potential to trigger their memories - a familiar smell or a food they recognize#But there were so many things they never experienced and sifting between them is very difficult!#Especially considering most of what they ''remember'' is actually just their Reaction to Something - like the smoke smell making them tense#Sans here getting a Reaction for sure tho - being questioned and experimented on does Not feel good#It's Papyrus doing it so that's one thing but even still - not having fun with this#Papyrus is so curious! He wants to know! He always seems to be a bit left out on finding things out haha#Sans being the more science-minded of the two probably has an impact there - ask your brother he'll help figure it out#Unless he really doesn't want to because it feels weird please stop (lol)#Still tho being asked to eat things as an experiment? ''oh hey bro maybe going to grillby's will remind me of something'' ''SANS'' lol#Papyrus didn't mean anything by continuing to ask questions he's just curious!#Sans goes to write down the results and then feels Even Worse so scribbles them out#''don't tell me what to do!'' directed nowhere in particular#Tries really hard to put it out of him mind A Lot#This remembering business sure is uncomfortable!#Look what you did Gaster you took a perfectly fun data-gathering session and turned it into something they'll need therapy for!
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penn-dragon · 10 months
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Kyoko still regularly visits the Corn clearing because it's her happy place, and early into the production Ren goes to visit the spot for nostalgia and happy memories. They run into each other there and Ren immediately realizes who she is
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suncaptor · 3 months
nothing will make you sympathise with conspiracy theorist ideology more than having a seemingly rare reaction to a vaccine lmao.
#reading articles that try to falsify genuine incorrect information about the covid vaccines from 2021 is making me feel insane#'there's no way the covid vaccine can trigger an autoimmune disorder' uhhhhhhhhhHHHHHHHHHHHH#factually extremely wrong!#they're soooo condescening too like why on EARTH do you think people who are genuinely sick or scared would believe you.#they'll be like there's no scientific evidence that anyone can be harmed by the covid vaccine <3 blatantly untrue.#I know that part of this is retrospect like obviously since more studies have come out and all#but it's infurirating bc they're from the time *I* was having those symptoms *and* telling doctors about it *and* being told the connection#to my other severe symptoms from the covid vaccine were Utterly Impossible (since proven false) and that if the symptoms WERE related#it meant i had a life threatening illness at worst and had a high chance of losing my vision at best#likeeeeeeeee#doctors still DO NOT know what the fuck they're doing do NOT trust anyone who gives ANY 100% answers#i don't know why i'm doing this i just said to stop obsessing but i'm just reading pages and articles on countering misinformation to make#sure i don't -- i want to know the conspiracy theories to recognise them immediately right#and then people are just saying bullshit to defend themselves#i mean most of the anti covid vacc people were also far right so i don't have too much sympathy for their vaccine ideology#but like. fucking hell what a way to push people into conspiracies.#you CAN'T counter misinformation by SPREADING MORE MISINFORMATION#just because it SOUNDS BETTER and MORE REASSURING to say there's not chance of harm doesn't mean you should#there's A LOW chance of harm THAT IS MUCH MUCH less high than the impacts of covid#god I'm pissed off. 2021 i was so fucking terrified of spreading this shit just by talking about my lived experiences.#to say i was not taking the pandemic seriously OR anti vax is so blatantly ridiculous considering who I am as a person but that doesn't mea#that the covid vaccine specifically didn't make me ill ://////#delete
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theotherrichardpapen · 6 months
AU where Josh manages to grab onto Nigel’s hand at the last moment that night on the train and both of them fall out. AU where Nigel has been dead the entire time but Alex Forbes doesn’t know that; where the trauma of watching his friend fall to his death combined with the realisation he was complicit in the death of another causes his mind to fracture.
He doesn’t remember making it back to his dorm room that night, only remembers waking up to the news that Josh and Nigel were was dead. All of Nigel’s things have been moved to another room, of course they have, because Nigel was gone, dead, all his fault, his fault trouble.
AU where Alex takes the train one night to the Colbie house because Nigel asks him to, because he feels this innate and intense need to try and better understand this boy he got killed; where he finds the card and the books and Nigel’s red bible, and begins to understand.
AU where the body of Susan turns up one morning, and the police question Alex about it, but there’s no way it was him, because he was late; he was late, and by the time he showed up at the cinema, she was waiting for him still, sweet Susan, with her kind eyes and kinder heart, she had waited for him and she didn’t even suspect anything until the very second before he struck gone.
AU where Alex finds the letter he wrote Nigel wrote, inviting him to his house that night, where Alex sees the Colbies arguing through the window; where he wrestles the gun from John and shoots him to kill him because he read the journals, knows that this man has been hurting Nigel his whole life and he wanted him dead protect Nigel.
AU where Nigel confronts Alex at the train yard that night, where he forces Alex to remember everything he did, everything Alex did; where he forces Alex to pull the trigger and kill off the version of Nigel he’s been carrying around in his mind, where Alex dies that night right along with him and Jack is born instead.
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katsy-kitty · 27 days
I'm up-to-date with my notifs, but I may not respond right away.
I do read what you write, though.
And everyone has been so kind to me it makes me feel seen and heard and yes I let you know me see me I gave you a rare gift
and you did want it :3
sorry the sillies got to me
but I'm still sad so
oscillating between just sad and the other thing, but I'm still NOT an active risk so no worries
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Daisy and Basira's relationship is such a sweet agony, because at its foundation it's so transparent, so honest. They both know what they're doing, however much they pretend to lie or hide it. Such is the situation they're in that there's no choice but to cling to eachother.
Have you ever been in that sort of situation? The type where the closest person to you is deeply morally flawed and you're realising just how in the wrong you are, but their hand is the only one to grasp. You see the claws along their fingertips and you turn your head and hold them close.
On many occasions Basira talks about the wrong Daisy's done, she knows where Daisy's kill spot is, she figured that's where Jon would be. And yet she never tries to convince everyone that she's capable of fixing daisy, because she knows she's not. Daisy knows this just as well, and perhaps it's a foundation of their trust.
To be loved is to be changed but to be changed is to be hated; a relationship where you accept each others flaws is a commodity, and a rare one at that. Whether those flaws are mundane or deeply damaging, these kinds of connections have a tendancy to grow beyond the point of return.
To know that you're in the wrong together is a comfort. It's not good, nor is it right, but it's a place you can sit. A place you can stay. And as your comfort grows so does that leeching wrongness you protect, and in the end it may just eat you up.
To continue the way Daisy and Basira did was what drove them towards their end, but even at that last painful moment there was a tenderness, a rose in the thorns that makes the wounds worthwhile.
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