#most excited for mouth of madness though the only one i havent seen
dare-g · 1 month
12 hour horror marathon at the theaters starting soon 💀! (7pm to 7 am)
We'll be watching
Nightmare on Elm Street (35mm)
In the Mouth of Madness (35mm)
An American Werewolf in London
Tucker and Dave Vs Evil (35mm)
The Babadook
Nightbreed (35mm)
Should be a fun night! I may post updates later!
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ickle-ronniekins · 4 years
it was all yellow
request from nonnie!!! “hi love, wanted to throw out this request before camping ;u; only if you're up for it, for either of the twins: i'd love something fluffy inspired by one of my favorite text posts on this site: she guessed my favorite color first try.. but between me and u.. i didnt even have a favorite color until she yelled out yellow! she was hella excited n smiling like a little kid, so i told her she was right and i havent seen yellow the same since, its in everything. i could probably live in it now. 🌻”
pairing: fred x hufflepuff!reader
word count: 3k
A/N: love me a good cheeky fred. also this prompt was FUCKING adorable and i did try to incorporate the actual quote into my writing but some of it didn’t flow.. so i hope it’s still as good as you’d imagined?? also def listened to coldplay’s “yellow” whilst writing this x
tag list: @mintlibri @seppys-return-to-madness @how-do-life-does @fopdoodledane @fredd-weasley @iprobablyshipit91 @semmelsemi @cottageoflove @laneygthememequeen @snakesonaplane-7 @lupinsx @keoghans @helloallthethingsilove @waschbiber @dreamer821 @the-hufflepuff-of-221b @62442-am @wtfweasleyy @obsessedwithrandomthings @thoseofgreatambition @harrysweasleys @sleep-i-ness @shadowsinger11 @shadychaoticcollection @haphazardhufflepuff @afriendlyneighborhoodhufflepuff @hood-and-horan @letsfightsomeorcs @theweasleysredhair @purpleskiesstorm @hxfflxpxffs @wand3ringr0s3 @finecole @angelinathebook @highly-acidic | message me to be added, loves!
“Mr. Weasley!”
Umbridge’s voice is shrill, and it immediately pulls Fred out of his daydream-like state, but not quickly enough for him to turn his attention toward his professor and avoid making incredibly embarrassing eye contact with you. The entire class, much to his dismay, turns to glance at him -- you included. It’s unlike him to feel so insecure, so embarrassed, but alas -- here he is.
“Yes, Professor?”
“Is there a reason,” Umbridge hisses, the edges of her lips curling into a rather evil smirk, “that you’ve chosen to completely ignore me during the lesson?”
Fred considers this for a moment. He could take this opportunity to explain to his professor that yes, now that you mention is, there is a reason. A huge reason. He could then proceed to tell you about all of the overwhelming feelings that have seemed to take over him the last few weeks. It could be a grand gesture, couldn’t it? Scooping you up into his arms, sliding a hand around the back of your neck, telling you just exactly what keeps him up at night -- that adorable smile of yours, and the pineapple scent in your hair. It’d be all the castle would be able to talk about, wouldn’t it? Plus, to be able to ignore Umbridge even more and do something so utterly abysmal in the middle of her lesson and have the rest of the students cheer him on, well -- it’s something Fred’s always dreamt of.
“I’d love to see the look on Umbridge’s face if I ever chose to cause mayhem in the middle of one of her lessons,”
“Easy there, Freddie. Don’t want to go getting any more detentions, do we?”
“Darling, mischief is my middle name. I need to prank. My life depends on it.”
“That’s a bit dramatic, isn’t it? Just trying to look out for you, is all.”
“You’ve really got that Hufflepuff stereotype of ‘loyal’ down -- you know that, right?”
He supposes, when he thinks about it now, that you were right. You’re always right. He reckons it wouldn’t be such a good thing to cause such an uproar, especially since Umbridge is nearly always on his tail, and is one step closer to knocking Dumbledore out of his post as Headmaster. Fred doesn’t want to give her any more of an edge, does he?
Next to him, George brings Fred back, yet again, from another daydream with a quick kick to his knee. He grips the desk tightly and hopes that his face isn’t flushing bright red. Umbridge’s smirk grows even deeper, and Fred, ignoring his instincts to grab you and run out of the lesson right this instant, merely clears his throat. “No. There isn’t.”
“Good,” Umbridge hisses again, turning her attention back toward the board. “Now, to continue..” Fred relaxes a bit and slumps in his seat, feeling rather grumpy, but his spirits lift almost immediately, and his insides seemingly twist into a tight knot when you send him a soft smile from across the room.
-- -
Fred is shaken awake, only to be face to face with a very cheeky looking George, who then proceeds to throw a notebook straight into Fred’s cheek.
“Oi!” Fred shouts, coming to, bringing his hand to his jaw. “What the bloody hell was that for?”
“You do realize it’s the middle of the day and you’ve fallen asleep directly in the middle of the courtyard, yes?”
Fred kicks the younger twin with his foot, and George and Lee begin to laugh. Fred had been having quite a lovely sleep, thank you very much, and is now annoyed that his brother and friend had chosen to wake him. As he sits up from the bench, adjusting his loose tie and rubbing the sleep from his eyes, Lee offers, “You talk a hell of a lot in your sleep, mate.”
Much to his horror, Fred freezes. This whole talking-in-his-sleep thing is relatively new -- he’d never, ever done that before. It seemed to have happened to him a couple of weeks ago, when he began repeating the days’ events -- ones that included you -- over and over in his mind before falling into a peaceful, and rather deep, slumber. It seemed to have happened when he started to look at you in a new light.
“And what exactly was I saying?” Fred asks, trying to shrug off his nervousness.
George and Lee both suppress a laugh and share a cheeky exchange, and Fred feels his heart leap into his throat. “Oh, you know.. mumbling on about lessons, and things. Bits of parchment you need to finish. Normal musings.”
Fred sighs rather dramatically before relaxing again. He hates this whole being-on-edge thing that comes with having a massive, over-the-top crush on you. “Oh,” George continues, his grin only growing larger, “and something about Y/N being the colour of sunshine, or something?”
As Fred’s eyes widen with embarrassment, George and Lee’s laughter only seems to grow louder and it echoes across the courtyard. This grabs your attention from across the way, and you smirk at Fred. You seem to be working on a bit of homework -- you’re leant against a large tree with your bag and robe next to you on the ground. Your hair is pulled back and you’ve got the end of your quill in your mouth, as if you had been pondering something right before you met Fred’s gaze.
“Thank Merlin she wasn’t over here, or you would’ve scared the poor girl away,” Lee says in a mocking sort of voice, which only seems to intensify Fred’s nerves.
Fred can’t help but fall into a bit of laughter with his friends too, even though the mere fact that he’d been talking in his sleep, about you, in the middle of the courtyard, makes his entire body hurt. ‘Thank Merlin’ is right.
-- -
The colour of sunshine. Ugh. How could he have been so painfully cheesy? Fred thinks about this all day long -- through every lesson, through every stroll down the corridors, through every bite of the evening feast. He can’t simply believe he’s said this out loud, even though it’s true. The truest words that have ever come out of his mouth, even. You are the colour of sunshine.
Simply bright and beamingly so -- the most beautiful of yellows.
You, he reckons, are pure warmth -- enough to soothe him on even the coldest of days.
“You know,” your voice, now closer than it seems, makes Fred jump and snap out of his own thoughts, much to George’s amusement, “this whole not-being-able-to-eat-with-your-mates-from-other-houses thing is simply stupid.”
“Why don’t you go and give Umbridge a piece of your mind, eh?” George asks you.
Your grin deepens, but you shake your head and begin to shovel dessert onto your plate. “It’s her own fault if she doesn’t notice a Hufflepuff amongst a group of Gryffindors. She’s supposed to be the Hogwarts High Inquisitor,” you say a bit stuffily, as if to imitate the woman in question, “is she not?”
“Brilliant,” Fred replies as he finds his voice. “An uncanny impersonation.”
You flip your hair over your shoulder and Fred notices a dimple appear on your cheek. He finds himself lost in your eyes as you peer at him softly over the top of your teacup, which you’ve brought slowly to your lips.
Fred’s happy to hear when you bring his all time favorite thing about the magical world into conversation and does his very best to hide his ever-obvious feelings. “Rumor has it McGonagall and Dumbledore have been pleading with Umbridge to let Gryffindor play Quidditch this year,” you tell the twins.
They peer at you with confusion. “What?” they ask together. Fred continues, “Why? What’s she going to do -- ban all teams except Slytherin? Then they’ve got nobody to verse,” he lets a laugh escape his lips.
George huffs a bit before sipping his tea. “She’s such a bloody idiot. No, I will say it louder, Ron,” George shoots his younger brother a look as Ron closes in on himself a bit, “she’s a power-hungry, egotistical toad who has no business running a bloody school.”
“The truest statement,” you point at him and then bite into your cauldron cake, “but no worry -- she’s apparently agreed to the whole Quidditch thing. Now you two’ve just got to smack the bludgers straight at Crabbe and Goyle’s heads. They’re certainly large enough -- should be easy targets.”
Fred cannot help the enormous laugh that escapes him due to your joke; in fact, he’s sort of surprised it’s only gotten the attention of half of the Great Hall, because it seems to have echoed throughout the entirety of the large room, reverberating off of the walls. Unfortunately, though, Umbridge notices and makes a beeline right toward the Gryffindor table. You turn to Fred and George, shrug your shoulders a bit and proceed to roll your eyes at the very pompous “hem-hem” that is too disturbingly sweet and high-pitched in your ears. “Miss Y/L/N,” she says in her most mocking tone of voice, “please correct me if I am mistaken but I’ve assumed by the yellow color on your robes that you are a Hufflepuff and not, in fact, a Gryffindor, as you’ve so decidedly claimed yourself.”
You turn toward her, a very large grin painted across your face, and simply reply, “No need for corrections here, ma’am.”
“Good,” Umbridge says curtly before turning on her heel. “Best return to your house table, then, before we slip you lot into detention, yes? I do hope it was worth the embarrassment, Miss.”
Embarrassment? Please. You stand up from your seat and chug the rest of your tea and pop the rest of your cauldron cake back into your mouth. You lean against the table, reaching across to the other end to grab yourself another pastry, and get as close to Fred as you possibly can. He notices a bit of a twinkle in your eye, something that’s suddenly driving him absolutely mad, when you say to him and only him, “Definitely worth it.”
A very cozy feeling sweeps itself through Fred’s bones.
-- -
The Gryffindors are lucky to have such two stealthy beaters on their team, because Fred and George know the ins and outs of the castle like nobody else. This comes in handy after a playful, late night match between Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, when the twins are able to sneak the entire Hufflepuff team, and even a few spectators, into the Gryffindor Common Room.
And as if he isn’t excited enough already at the pure theatrics of this entire thing, Fred finds himself smiling even more so at the sight of you, nestled in a corner with a few others, a Butterbeer clutched tightly in your hands, your cheeks rosy and flushed.
He’s reminded of a few weeks ago when he snuck into the Hufflepuff Common Room with you -- very late at night --
“Don’t you trust me?” you’d asked, taking his hand in yours.
His heart had skipped a few beats, if he was being honest.
“Merlin, it’s bright in here!” Fred had exclaimed when you’d both entered. The inviting colours had swirled around him. “How you people get any work done is beyond me. I’d never be able to focus --”
You’d laughed and shoved him. “Fred, you can’t focus, regardless.”
He’d just shrugged and sat down next to you near the fire. The entire room was empty except for the two of you. “I’ll give you that one. It’s just -- it’s so much different from our common room.”
“Well, it’s bright yellow. Plus, it feeds to all of the ‘Puffs' personalities. What did you expect, silly?”
He’d smiled at you, nestling himself comfortably against the edge of the couch. I haven’t seen yellow the same since, he’d wanted to tell you, especially because of the golden colour of your hair. “Nothing more, nothing less. Besides, I’ve got to say -- I’m rather fond of it, actually.”
His heart had nearly constricted at the feeling of you placing your head onto his shoulder. He’d been happy you couldn’t see the shock rising on his face in that of a crimson red colour, since you’d been so focused on staring into the flames. He’d suddenly felt warm -- incredibly warm. He’d willed himself to believe it was the fire, and not the feeling of your soft hair brushing against his neck. “Oh yeah? Yellow your favourite colour, and all?”
I could get lost in it, actually. Fred had to force himself to swallow over his own nerves a few times before he’d been able to say, “You could say that.”
Now, in the Gryffindor Common Room, he darts past a very confused looking Neville and plops himself down next to you, completely ignoring the fact that he’s interrupting your conversation with the others. “Hey,”
“Well hi,” you say, turning your attention toward him. He can smell the pineapple scent of your shampoo and is nearly sent into a dizzying overdrive, but he does his best to focus on the feeling of the cold glass in his fingers. “Great match.”
“Even if we did beat you guys?”
“Yeah,” you reply tersely, “Hufflepuff’s saving their strength for your actual match so they can kick your arses.”
Fred laughs haughtily and scoots a little closer to you on the steps as the others around you both disperse and head off in their respective directions. He can hear the steady pounding of his own heartbeat in his ears and decides to take a leap of faith. “Maybe. Although I will say -- you’ve got to be more careful with your leering, love.”
“Pretty sure you didn’t take your eyes off of me the entire time. You were full-on staring.”
Fred notices the pink on your cheeks seemingly deepen a bit, but you don’t let on to any embarrassment. He grins at you. “Perhaps I was. And if you’ve noticed, it means you were watching me back,”
His smile only grows at your mock voice. He replies with the same tone, “Perhaps I was.”
“You can’t do that during an actual match though, sir,” you tell him, bringing your goblet to your lips and sipping significantly, “otherwise you’re going to be distracted and I reckon you’ll be hit with a bludger, don’t you?”
Fred twirls his goblet in his hands, desperately trying to read your face and your tone. He’s having a hard time deciphering. “You do make a good point.”
“Besides,” you continue, a small smirk making the edges of your lips curl, “we can’t have you getting distracted. Although, I understand how difficult it can be -- considering I’m the colour of sunshine, and all.”
It takes a moment and a laugh before Fred’s registered what you’ve said, and you glance back down at your goblet, giggling into it a bit, and he shakes his head before turning to look at George and Lee, who seemingly have been watching you two this entire time, because they immediately glance away and immerse themselves in conversation with others around them.
“And we know how brilliantly blinding sunshine can be, don’t we, Fred?”
Someone’s playing very loud music and Fred wonders how Umbridge hasn’t caught you all yet. Or perhaps, he thinks, maybe the booming just sounds louder in his own ears.
“Almost as blinding as love, d’you reckon?”
Fred feels that warm, homely feeling take him over yet again -- but this time, he knows it’s not from the butterbeer, or the raging fire. He doesn’t even try to pretend. It’s all from you.
“Yeah, yeah -- tease all you want,” he says as confidence engulfs him. He reaches out and tucks a piece of hair behind your ear.
You place your goblet down on the step next to you. “I wasn’t teasing,” you say very matter of factly, “so much as I was trying to get you to kiss me, actually.”
He purses his mouth into a very smug smirk and watches as your eyes dart down to his lips, and you bite down on your own. He leans in, the rest of the music and chatter surrounding you both seemingly drowned out by the steady pounding of his own heart, when --
“Oi, Freddie! C’mere, mate!”
Clearly Ron’s incapable of seeing that we’re in the middle of something, Fred wants to tell you. Instead, he pulls away slightly and whispers to you. “Want to sneak up to the Astronomy tower?”
“So late at night? How very scandalous of you.”
“Well it’s why you fancy me in the first place, isn’t it?”
He grabs your hand as you paint a very mischievous look on your face, and is about to stand up before you tug on the collar of his shirt with your free hand, pulling him back to you and pressing your lips to his in an electrified climax.
You try to part, but he pulls you closer to him and slides his hand down your leg. A soft moan emits your lips, and Fred wonders if he’d be able to sneak a Hufflepuff girl up to his own dormitory this evening. “Sorry,” you reply, biting down on your lip again, sending him into a complete tizzy. You whisper cheekily, “Just couldn’t wait.”
He smirks at you, hoping his giddiness isn’t blatantly evident in his exuberance, and pulls you to your feet. “Actually..” you say, playing again with his collar, “instead of the Astronomy tower, how about we head to the Room of Requirement?”
“No? Don’t want to look up at the stars, be all mushy, fall asleep in my arms?”
You actually snort through your laughter, rolling your eyes at him. “Yes, yes, of course I do, you sap. But I reckon we should save that for an actual date. Right now, I’d kind of just like to snog you for a few hours, if you don’t mind.”
He shakes his head at you with admiration. “What has gotten into you?”
Another hair flip from you sends warmth through Fred’s veins. “C’mon, Weasley,” you say, tugging his hand, the yellow fire reflecting in the light of your eyes, “don’t you trust me?”
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torivikachu · 3 years
I was just listening to Hamilton AGAIN - yeah I just put it on while working all the time - and it just hit me how really relatable Hamilton (or I mean, Lin-Manuel's interpretation of him) is. well, at least for me.
if you're wondering if this is worth your time it is NOT
anybody except me likes lists? I like lists. so let's make a list!
also let's see how many quotes can I fit into this post
whoa, I am excited about it.
1. the moment he meets Aaron Burr, he just sorta searches for something to bond over. like, hey dude I heard you went to Princeton? I wanna go there too, let's bond over it! by the way, I punched someone there lol I swear I am not stupid aand Burr, like um, no, thanks really, I better go, you seem violent, my parents wanted me to go there, okay, and Ham like WHOA YOU AN ORPHAN? WOW I AM TOO IT'S LIKE FATE OR SOMETHING LETS BOND and Aaron like wtf dude just shut up
and honestly that's just me, if I meet a person I like I will latch onto anything and I get sorta...fixated? so yeah, this dialogue is relatable as fuck
2. and Alex doesn't shut up, but then he goes all or am I talking too much?
bro, your anxiety shows.
3. and he keeps ranting all through the show, but his rants seem to charm everybody while I think mine just annoy and scare away? whatever, moving on, with Washington asking him why are you upset and he's replying IM NOT like a fucking teenager and it's probably a small thing but it's relatable as hell
4. and then once he is given permission he dives and buries himself into work, never does things halfway and is eager to take on more responsibilities and do something new and is just generally non-stop and while I can only wish for same energy as he, I like to have a lot of work aswell (well I sure as hell whine about it a lot but Hamilton does too! what's with I havent slept in a week I was weak I was awake you've never seen a bastard orphan more in need of a break)
5. he's flirty and has no qualms with innuendos. and very forward with his feelings? like you strike me like a woman who has never been satisfied sounds like a pickup line that either gonna win him a lot more than a number or fail miserably. he's like going all out, wearing his heart on his sleeve, and if it takes fighting a war for us too meet it will have been worth it and like seriously? yeah, flirt with every person in the room without skipping a beat, why not? he literally said on one intake of breath mr lafayette hard rock like lancelott i think your pants look hot laurens i like you a lot. he compliments people, he just throws it out instantly, most times he meets someone for the first time he compliments them and it's kind of my strategy too? it's not even a strategy, I just blurt out everything I like about a person once I meet them. it's like embarassing, because I liked a piece of jewelery on my co-worker once, and she was talking about something important while I could barely keep up because I kept thinking wow it looks great I gotta let her know. this strange need of mine to voice all thoughts annoys even me sometimes,
6. and then again, when he is angry or doesn't like something, it's painfully obvious. I don't tend to sprout profanities to people I don't like or saying stuff like madison you mad as hatter son take your medicine or you must be out of your GODDAMN mind or you absolutely right John should have shot him in mouth that would've shut him up but I can't school my face so it is always transparent what I am thinking about so my dislike is noted and not appreciated. it got me into enough embarassing situations. actually when studied in lyceum (like a sort of highschool) we had a principal and she addressed us as children and told us to call her mom and every time I was like WHAT THE HELL. I remember her eyes landing on me one time she said that and she almost did a doubletake at my facial expression. so the I'M NOT YOUR SON sentiment is not lost on me.
7. he speaks his mind when he thinks advice is in order? um if you love this woman go get her or for once in your life take a stand with pride. I tend to do it too, because I get winded up pretty fast, and I don't think it's always wise, because it's easy to judge from outside. I am pretty much sure that is the reason one of my friends back from school stopped talking to me. she had a bit of situation with her boyfriend and I still think her boyfriend is a piece of shit and she shouldn't have accepted him back, but whatever. wasn't my place to give advice, apparently
8. he gets overexcited? gentlemen of the jury I am curious bear with me are you aware that we are making history? like really I can't imagine ever getting like that at court. well I can imagine, because I get overexcited too, but saying that out loud? i'd be mortified
9. he's never satisfied? I know I already sorta covered it already, but it's more about him eager to learn and do more and feeling that what he's done and learnt is not enough, never enough. I so feel him on this, it's like yeah sure I know 4 languages, but that can't be enough can it? yeah I've got one degree but that's just ONE DEGREE that's like minimum I gotta get more
10. I know I talk too much I'm abrasive and I am not quoting Hamilton I am talking about myself thank you very much
11. he's a whiny bitch: but they don't have a plan they just hate mine -oh yes- or whatever it is Jefferson started it -huh yes sure-
12. forgetting your sons birthday? I forget my own age, sis. these little details just escape my attention. I like forgot it was my boyfriend's birthday this year - we literally live in the same flat. it took me a couple hours and a reminder from facebook. literally. and then I'll try to get away - hahaha it's like me saying to my parents - oh sure I'll some visit in a couple of months (they live in another part of the country) and then in a half a year being like oh wow when was the last time I went home
13. oh, here comes some more heavy stuff - say no to this. I was in a couple situations where I lost this battle. I think I have some polyamorous tendencies? but I am also very posessive and jealous, yeah, not a great mix, I know. so, I might have sorta dated two girls at one time once. well, not really dated, we were just bi-curious with one? we were friends, just... um, trying things. and then at some point I met another girl and it escalated pretty quickly and we sorta got together (oh my god the whole situation was a mess I was so confused about my sexuality back then and so ashamed you have no idea) and I didn't break it off with the first girl, but it was okay since we weren't... a thing? they knew each other but had no idea I slept with both of them. well we haven't really gotten that far with the first one but. and then the other asked at some point if she's the only one I do this with and I lied and a month into this endeavor I realized it was too much and sorta stopped seeing the first girl. we also stopped being close friends pretty soon afterwards. all my "lovestories" are embarassing actually, but this one is also the one I am most ashamed of. and then there were many situations in life when I was attracted to multiple people at the same time and ugh, I don't know, I kind of hate it, honestly. cheating is not okay. it is okay if everybody is okay with the polyamorous relationship though, but I never got to do it. so, yeah Ham's a dick but so am I
and on that depressing note I wanna wrap it up because I sorta killed the mood with that story. i think that's called oversharing?
if you actually read it to this point - wtf, you have nothing better to do or what?
I am not even gonna tag it so people don't have to scroll over that shit while searching for good content really I just like writing
the whole time I've been writing this my cat just kept staring at me. unblinkingly. I can feel her JUDGING ME
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pinkykitten · 6 years
By your side
The Greatest Showman
P.T. Barnum x female! reader
Warning: reader having a panic attack
Specifics: romance, one-shot, race neutral reader
People: P.T. Barnum, you, driver (oc, mentioned), group of people (oc, mentioned)
Words: 1,058
Requested: By anonymously Hey, I absolutely adore your writing! Could you do a P.T. x reader where the reader has bad anxiety and gets a panic attack about going on stage and P.T. comforts them? Only if you’re feeling up to it tho💕
Authors Note: thank u anon ur so sweet! srry this took so long and im srry this doesnt have more words but i kinda had writers block in the middle. i havent written a pt fic in a while lol i kinda miss it! i hope i wrote about a panic attack correctly if i havent pls message me or just tell me how i can write it better and more appropriate. thnx for the request guys and i luv to hear what u guys think. 
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Your palms were sweating, your knees buckling against each other, your eyes in a trance in a day dream. 
Nervous was an understatement, you were terrified at the most. You were a singer in P.T. Barnum’s circus. You sang only in front of Phineas and some of your friends but you have never sang in front of a numerous amount of people. This was your first concert. 
You almost collapsed when Phineas told you about the news of you singing. The truth was you have had a history with panic attacks. You wanted to tell Phineas but you could tell in his eyes and the way he smiled that he was just so excited for you to sing. You didn’t want to burn that fire within him. 
You practiced your song many times out loud and in your head. 
Nodding to yourself while staring out the window of the carriage you sang quietly the lyrics. Phineas sat beside you and seeing that you were nervous, clutched your hand. 
Your head whipped to both yours and Phineas’s hands together. 
“Don’t be nervous y/n. You’re gonna do great out there.” Phineas reassured you, rubbing your hand with his gloved one. 
You chuckled, “that’s laughable Mr. Barnum, usually when someone tells you not to be nervous it just makes them more anxious.”
Phineas took his hand away from yours quickly, leaving you a bit saddened. You placed your tiny hand compared to his on your lap, clutching your skirt. You stared out the window again, seeing the white snowflakes dance across the sky. 
You smiled and touched Phineas on his shirt, “look Mr. Barnum. Isn’t it the most beautiful thing you have ever seen?”
Phineas nodded, “its beautiful but not the most beautiful.” He then looked at you and whispered, “you are.”
You turned your attention to him with a startled face. “Did you say something?”
Phineas shook his head, “nothing just...remember to hold your head up high when you sing.”
Your looked down to your hands again. Suddenly the carriage came to a halt. 
“We are here Mr. Barnum.” The driver announced. 
Barnum thanked the driver while you got help getting out. 
You waited for Phineas to come around and you wrapped your arm around his. 
“May I just say y/n, your dress is stunning on you. You look like a queen.” Phineas whispered to you. 
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You looked away bashful at his words but thanked him. 
Your shoulders peaked out just enough to call your dress risky, but you liked it that way. You wore a coat on top as you were outside. 
Walking up to the place your name in a poster was hanged up as big as can be. “Queen of music, Y/n.” You chuckled. “I love it Mr. Barnum. I think it really catches your sarcastic attitude.”
As you entered the building there were many folks there. Wanting your signature or maybe a photograph with you. You clutched onto Phineas’s arm the whole time. Your nerves igniting again. 
You shrugged your coat off and everyone gasped in the room at your beauty. You thought you could even hear Phineas gasp a little. 
As you walked closer to the stage your heart started to pound faster and faster. 
“Phineas I don’t think I can do this.” You desperately said, your eyes begging Phineas to let you go. 
Phineas’s expression though was of shock. 
“What is wrong?”
Phineas giggled, “No its just, you have never called me by my first name before.”
You stood still for a moment remembering the moments prior to this one and you looked up into Phineas’s eyes shocked. 
“You’re right. Oh, please do forgive me Mr. Barnum, its just the nerves and everything.”
“Y/n, I’m not mad. Actually far from it. From now on I would greatly appreciate you calling me by my first name. It sounds like a melody coming from your lips.”
You were very bashful in this moment. 
“Y/n you’re on in less than an hour. Get ready.”
You looked at Phineas and then you peaked through the curtains. The amount of people was astonishing. 
“I don’t, Phineas, I don’t. I think, I’m gonna.” You were trying to find the words, your heart was beating so quickly. You felt scared and you felt you were being suffocated. Your whole entire environment felt like a blur like a movie. All their voices and words didn’t come to you, it was as if they were speaking gibberish. 
“C’mon y/n, you can’t do this. Not here not now.” You told yourself in your head. 
Your breathing became erratic, you tried breathing through your nose and then out your mouth but it was not working. 
Phineas saw this and quickly kneeled down to you, since he was so much taller than you. 
“Y/n, sweetheart please look at me. Can you look at me?”
You shook your head and clutched your chest. You were having a panic attack. 
“Breathe y/n, you have to breathe. Breathe for me. In and out.”
You tried but you just felt alone, you felt lost. 
“I got you y/n. I am here.”
You breathed in and out, while Phineas held your hand. 
In and out. 
After a few moments your heart was beating normally and your breathing was slow and appropriate. 
“Y/n are you okay?”
You looked at Phineas’s face into his eyes. “Phineas I am scared. I should of told you, but I have had panic attacks in the past. I’m sorry.”
Phineas caressed your face and shook his head. “Y/n why are you sorry. I’m sorry for wanting you to do this and not caring about you being nervous. You are really important to me. I am right here for you y/n.”
You smiled and leaned your forehead against his. “Thank you.”
“You don’t have to sing if you are not comfortable with it.”
No you needed to do this. You promised every one and you were not going to let your anxiety get the best of you. You stood proud and tall. 
“I told everyone I was going to sing, then that is what I am going to do. I am going to sing my best.”
Phineas grinned the biggest grinned and kissed your hand, standing tall as well. “If that is the decision that you have choose then I will be by your side through it all.”
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paladin-andric · 5 years
An Even Game
Hey, everyone! After finishing Blackheart I had a few ideas for some shorts, so I think I’ll be posting some! This one’s about a bunch of mercenaries taking some time off to play some rather elaborate games...
Sofia’s entrance into the company hall was far from silent, but with the boisterous shouts coming from the table, it might as well have been.
None of the group of five could hear her coming as they laughed and complained, the sound of rolling dice and shuffling paper being heard.
“It’s nonsense is what it is!”
“You’re just mad you’re losing!”
“Hey, I’m only losing ‘cause you stacked the game, you rat!”
The woman was a member of the Drakebloods, a mercenary company that had been successful enough to found their own hall. While small, as the company was, it was a pretty massive achievement for them.
It appeared several of the members were using their downtime to play games at the hall, all of them crowded around the round, wooden table and sat in cheap wooden chairs.
Sofia, a soldier within the company, chucked her things onto an empty table as she made her way to the end of game room. Ahead of her they sat, a massive map, a mess of cards and papers, and dice and miniature figurines taking up the entirety of the table.
“Hey boys,” she said casually, most of them turning to look at her.
“Oh, hey Sofia!” David answered, a notable chipperness in his voice.
David was one of three humans at the table, the others being Michael and Emanuel. The fourth member of the group was a koutu, one Sofia knew very well as Con. Though his true name was Conchobhar, enough of the company called him by the simpler nickname that he was now known by both.
The final man at the table was a saalik, one of the lizards from the desert kingdom across the seas. He was Bahim, one of the largest and most intimidating warriors in the whole company. His great size, plainly apparent strength, and frightening reptilian visage did little to show his true nature.
Emanuel smiled at her. “Hey, wanna join? We’re short a player!”
“Pona Federation’s still not taken,” Michael added, sounding a touch irritated.
“Uhh, actually I’d just like to watch, thanks,” Sofia answered, hands on her hips.
“Come on!” David said, trying to egg her on.
“We’d love if you joined us!” Conchobhar said cheerfully, clutching onto a slip of paper.
“Really, thanks but I don’t want to. I don’t even know what you’re playing.”
“We could teach you,” David said softly, a playful grin on his face.
“That’d take ages.” Michael’s voice was low and carried frustration in it. “This game’s already an hour in and we’ve barely done anything. Can we get a move on?”
“Hey...if she doesn’t want to play, we shouldn’t make her,” Bahim’s voice was quiet and meek, as it usually was. Quite a mismatch for the brutish-looking warrior.
“Tsk, whatever,” David said with a roll of his eyes, “If you say so…”
Sofia pulled a chair from another table and joined them, leaning over the massive map and piles of papers. “What in the world is this game, anyway? What needs THIS much work to play?”
“Deacan Kings!” Conchobhar said excitedly.
“Deacan Kings…?”
“You mean to tell me you’ve never played it?” Emmanuel asked, his tanned face staring at her in confusion.
She shook her head. “Never heard of it.”
“Wow…I thought everyone in the whole damn company played this at least once,” David mused.
“Not me. What IS it, anyway?”
“Deacan Kings is like playing history!” Conchobhar cried. “Err...well, like playing how history could have been, anyway. You pick a nation and try to manage your kingdom, and build up the administration, deal with court intrigue, and conduct politics with other plays, forge alliances, scheme, and try to conquer all of Deaco! It’s wonderful!”
Sofia crossed her arms and frowned. “Manage politics and administration? Sounds complicated.”
“Oh, it is!” Bahim said, a sort of shy happiness dancing on his face. “B-but it’s really fun! Once you learn everything, there’s just so much you can do! There’s so many different paths for you to take your nation! There’s dozens of laws you can change your stance on, and nation get their own bonuses, and your ruler gets personality traits that change things and limit what you can do, and how the game goes…” The large lizard stared off into the distance, lost in his joyful recollection of the rules like a child telling his parents about his favorite play.
“Hey, speaking of ruler traits…” David tapped the map. “Turn 20. Time for everyone to get one.”
The group all grabbed for a stack of notes in the corner, each taking one off the top one by one. As they looked at what trait their ruler now had, varying reactions came from all over the table.
“Oooh, I got workhorse!” Conchobhar said excitedly, “Yes!”
“Ah, whatever,” Michael said angrily, tossing his card to the table.
“What, what'd ya get?” David asked.
“Hey, that’s not bad at all!” Conchobhar said, “That’s amazing for the endgame!”
“Yeah...for when you have a massive empire,” the irritated human said, “I’ve got two regions, man. TWO. All cause David’s mad that I’m better than him.”
“Aww, what are you talking about? I thought you were GOOD at this game!” David laughed mockingly.
“Literally no one plays the kobold tribes, you ass. They get annexed by turn three, tops.”
“Michael’s the best Deacan Kings player, basically ever,” Conchobhar explained to Sofia in a low whisper, “Whoops everyone here every time we play. David complained so now he’s handicapped.”
The woman nodded, now understanding why Michael seemed so annoyed. He was too good to play with, so they had given him a nation so outgunned it would be hopeless to win in most other players’ hands.
“Oh, and soft-hearted boosts happiness and lowers unrest in every region,” the birdman added, “Pretty amazing when you’ve got dozens of places to keep under control.”
The woman nodded, becoming more interested in the game. “I see…God, this is complicated. Interesting, though...”
“And yet here you are at turn 20. I don’t see what you’re complaining about…” David was grinning like mad.
“Cause you’re BAD,” Michael said, flashing a grin of his own, “Five thousand tribal warriors, and you just can’t stamp me out.”
“Tsk. You got lucky!”
“Nope. Learn about terrain and maybe your massive army could beat a couple of kobolds with sticks,” he shot back.
“I’m gonna kick your ass!” David shouted, “Just wait til ya-”
The man’s eyes went wide as he stared down at his card, his mouth freezing in place.
“Oooh, I think he got something good,” Emmanuel said, looking over at the other man.
“What? What did you get?” Conchobhar asked, trying to peek over his card.
“...GENIUS!” David announced triumphantly, “King Bohem is now a genius!”
“Horseshit,” Michael grumbled. The others all chattered in excitement as he tapped the table, deep in thought.
“That’s a good trait, I’m guessing.” Sofia said, the others turning to look at her.
“Are you kidding?! It’s the best trait in the whole game!” David answered, still ecstatic.
“It lowers civil unrest, boosts tax and trade revenue, increases your military command, gives a nationwide boost to prosperity, and makes you able to change laws three times as fast!” Conchobar explained giddily.
“I haven’t seen anyone get genius in a long time,” Emmanuel said quietly, “Speaking of which...I’ve got agriculturalist now.”
“Aww, come on!” Michael complained, “Did EVERYONE but me get a good trait?!”
“Soft-hearted’s a good trait, just-”
“Just not for the current situation, yeah yeah yeah,” the increasingly frustrated man cut Conchobhar off, “I know.”
“A true ruler serves the people,” the koutu said with a sly grin.
“Chieftain Stonebark giving his slaves hugs doesn’t really matter when they’re all about to die, does it?” Michael said with a roll of his eyes.
“...ah.” Bahim’s eyes rose from his card, a sullen expression on his muzzle. “Err...cheer up, Michael. Stonebark’s got it better than the Sultan.”
“Oh dear. Get one of the negative traits?” the man replied.
“Ahaha...you know how David got the best trait in the game?” the large lizard smiled sheepishly. “Err...Sultan Venhim is now...insane.”
There was a brief pause, the entire room bathed in oppressive silence for a moment...before everyone erupted into laughter.
Sofia watched them all lose it, confused by their reactions.
“O-oh, God!” David slapped his thigh. “Oh, WOW!”
“Rest in peace, Abinsil,” Emmanuel said, trying not to laugh.
“Oh dear...that just leaves the kobold tribes as allies to the Koutu Kingdom,” Conchobhar said with a notable amount of worry.
“Tsk...sounds like I might need to sail down there and take a few regions, Bahim,” Emmanuel said.
“W-what?! Aww, come on!”
“Hey, my back’s been against the wall this whole game! I’ve gotta do what I’ve gotta do,” the human answered back.
Michael’s anger seemed to have evaporated. “Huh. I guess things really could be worse…”
“Uhh...why are you all talking like he’s just out of the game?” Sofia asked, “Is it really that bad?”
“Yes, and he basically is,” Conchobhar answered.
“Insane makes you roll the dice at the start of every one of your turns,” Michael explained, “If you roll lower than 20, every one of your actions, changing laws, moving troops, diplomacy and troop movements...is decided randomly by rolling to see what happens.”
“Insane rulers basically flail about doing nothing until their entire nation is wiped out, since they can’t even move their troops to defend or attack anything,” Emmanuel added.
“That sounds...really, really dumb and unfair,” Sofia said, rubbing her chin.
“Yeah, but it makes civil unrest skyrocket too.” Conchobhar flashed a scrap of paper with lists of names and traits. “If they survive long enough there should be a civil war, and since the player usually can’t respond in any way they’re beaten and overthrown quickly...not that anyone should TRY to keep an insane king in power! Once they roll for their new monarch they can start playing again.”
“Ugh...PLEASE don’t invade me,” Bahim whined, “I don’t wanna get kicked out now!”
“I don’t know…” David gave the lizard a predatory grin. “You’ve been developing your regions SO well. They’re so rich…”
“Aww, come on! Don’t! Pleeeaaase?”
“Hmm...I’ll send you a marriage proposal!” Conchobhar announced, “Then we can form an alliance and I’ll take the heat off of you!”
“R-really?! Wow, thanks!”
“Don’t thank him yet, your loony king still has to roll to accept,” Michael noted.
“I’ll just keep trying til we succeed!” the koutu said happily, “Then I can deploy in your regions!”
“Hey, now everyone’s in a coalition against me!” David cried, “No fair!”
“Hey, you’re the one who picked the overpowered nation,” Michael said with a grin, “It’s only natural.”
“Bah! I’ll just deploy dragons against you all!”
“Once my capital gets to the next prosperity level I can summon dragons too,” Michael said, “You’d better watch out…”
“Argh! I won’t let you live that long! I’m attacking you!”
Michael shifted miniatures as David did the same, the two of them moving their “soldiers” into lines across their borders.
“Better hope that this doesn’t end up like the last assault…” the kobold player said with a grin.
“Whatever!” is all David, the Geralthin player managed in response, grabbing a sheet of paper. “Pah...forty to one, you see that?! You’re hopelessly outnumbered.”
“Than it’s an even game.”
Sofia leaned back as she watched them all go, everyone shouting encouragements and playful insults as the two players prepared for battle.
Perhaps I should learn how to play, too…
Tag list: @thereisnothingwrongwithbeingmad, @lady-redshield-writes, @paper-shield-and-wooden-sword, @sheralynnramsey, @tawnywrites, @writer-on-time, @oceanwriter, @zwergis-spilledink, @fluffpiggy, @elliewritesfantasy, @homesteadhorner,  @laurenwastestimewriting, @elaynab-writing, @the-ichor-of-ruination, @disheveledcorvid-deactivated201, @reya-writes, @bexminx
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witchfmiliar-blog · 7 years
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 intro  post  4  the  birb  boy .     finally ,  you  all  say  with  a  sign  of  relief ,  cosbo  didn’t  pick  up  another  b.atb  character !     shocking  i  know .     &  truly  this  ?   was  an  unexpected  character  for  me  to  pick  up .     i’ve  never  played  di.aval  but  i’ve  always  loved  his  part  in  mal.efic.ent  &  i’m  excited  to  see  how  it  goes !     anyway ,  everyone  this  is  devil  bird  &  under  the  cut  you  can  learn  more  about  him !
 diaval  has  a  sharp  nose ,  beady  eyes ,  dark  feathery  hair ,  &  a  laugh  that  sounds  a  bit  like  squawking .     raised  marks  along  his  neck ,  chest ,  &  around  his  eyes  also  suggest  that  his  skin  doesn’t  perhaps  fit  him  right .     &  that  would  be  because  it  probably  doesn’t .     diaval ,  due  to  a  life  debt ,  serves  as  the  raven  familiar  to  maleficent  of  the  moors .     he  preens  under  compliments  &  usually  has  little  to  no  mind  in  saying  what  his  opinions  are  to  most .     despite  this ,  however ,  diaval’s  vanity  is  not  something  grossly  egotistical .     he  is  respectful  when  need  be  &  he  doesn’t  think  himself  above  others ;  he  simply  does  not  think  himself  below  others  either .     he  has  a  good  sense  of  self  worth  &  does  not  allow  others  to  make  him  feel  insignificant .
 everything  i  have  for  diaval  is  based  off  the  storyline  of  the  2014  maleficent  film !     WARNING  IF  YOU  HAVENT  SEEN  THE  2014  MALEFICENT  FILM :  THIS  WILL  CONTAIN  SPOILERS  FOR  THE  ENTIRE  PLOT  OF  THE  FILM !     if  you  play  a  sleeping  beauty  character’s  who’s  backstory  differs  from  the  maleficent  film  then  we  can  discuss  something  ooc  but  generally  i  will  assume  them  from  an  alternate  universe  from  diaval’s .   
 diaval  was  once  no  more  than  a  common  raven .     then  he  was  caught  &  nearly  killed  by  a  farmer  until  maleficent  saved  him  by  transforming  him  into  a  man .     for  saving  his  life ,  diaval  pledged  his  loyalty  &  servitude  to  maleficent .     after  maleficent  cursed  aurora  both  she  &  diaval  realized  quickly  that  the  pixies ,  who  were  sent  to  raise  the  princess  in  the  woods ,  were  incompetent  in  caring  for  a  child  &  that  aurora  would  die  before  the  curse  could  even  take  effect  if  left  alone  with  the  pixies.    therefore  the  two  secretly  cared  for  aurora  from  afar  until  she  finally  met  them  when  she  was  around  14 .     maleficent  &  diaval  both  developed  a  parental  care  for  aurora  overtime  &  maleficent  even  tried  in  vain  to  revoke  her  curse .     when  aurora  eventually  did  fall  under  her  curse ,  despite  diaval  &  maleficent’s  efforts ,  it  was  not  prince  philip’s  kiss  that  awoke  the  princess  but  the  motherly  kiss  on  the  head  from  maleficent .     when  attempting  to  flee  the  castle  with  aurora ,  stealing  her  away  from  her  mad  king  father ,  the  three  of  them  were  confronted  by  king  stefan  &  his  men .     aurora  fled  the  scene  while  maleficent  transformed  diaval  into  a  dragon  &  they  attempted  to  hold  off  the  men .     they  won ,  king  stefan  eventually  falling  to  his  death ,  &  aurora  went  on  to  be  the  queen  of  both  the  moors  &  the  human  kingdom ,  uniting  them ,  &  diaval ,  though  no  longer  needed  as  maleficent’s  wings ,  remained  by  maleficent’s  side  &  would  until  death .
 diaval  was  a  raven  &  maleficent  saved  his  life  from  a  farmer  killing  him  by  turning  him  into  a  man  so  diaval  owes  her  a  life  debt
 bc  the  pixies  were  Not  Smart  with  raising  a  kid ,  diaval  &  maleficent  basically  raised  aurora  from  a  distance  so  she  wouldn’t  die  before  the  curse
 both  diaval  &  maleficent  ended  up  caring  abt  aurora  like  parents
 sadly  she  was  still  cursed  but  maleficent’s  kiss  on  the  forehead  of  true  maternal  love  woke  her
 they  killed  king  stehpen
 diaval  remains  by  maleficent’s  side  &  his  loyalty  to  her  is  never  changing
 DIAVAL’S  PAST :     there’s  not  much  to  say  about  his  life  before  maleficent .     he  was  a  common  raven  from  ireland  who’s  life  was  no  more  extravagant  than  the  next  though  he  thought  he  was  sometimes .     in  a  foolish  task  of  attempting  to  constantly  irritate  an  angry  human  farmer ,  though ,  diaval’s  life  found  it’s  change .     caught  under  a  net  &  mere  moments  away  from  being  beaten  out  of  his  senses ,  diaval  sure  he  was  going  to  die ,  maleficent’s  magic  took  hold  him .     wings  grew  to  arms ,  talons  to  feet ,  beak  to  nose  &  mouth  &  soon  he  was  standing  as  a  very  confused  man  as ��the  farmer  ran  in  fear .     in  exchange  for  saving  his  life ,  diaval  pledged  his  servitude  to  maleficent  &  she  had  him  act  as  her  “wings” ,  flying  to  &  from  king  stefan’s  castle  to  bring  maleficent  information  on  the  king  so  that  she  might  plot  her  revenge  on  him  for  robbing  her  of  her  wings .     becoming  a  human  wasn’t  something  he  was  at  all  fond  of  at  first  but ,  with  his  life  now  in  maleficent’s  debt  &  the  transitions  happening  more  frequently ,  his  human  form  became  nearly  as  comfortable  as  his  raven  form .     maleficent  would  also  turn  him  to  anything  ( wolf ,  horse ,  dragon ,  ect. )  she  possibly  needed ,  however ,  all  his  forms  would  constantly  retain  raven  like  features  within  them .
 DIAVAL’S  FAMILY :    as  a  raven  . . .  he  hasn’t  seen  any  of  his  family  in  years  &  he’s  certain  many  of  them  have  died .     he  hardly  thinks  about  this ,  though ,  as  he’s  more  concerned  about  his  current  family .     the  raven  watched  maleficent  grow  close  &  attached  to  the  young  princess  aurora  &  at  the  same  time  he  also  grew  in  fondness  of  the  girl  in  a  similar  parental  fashion .     often  the  raven  would  be  the  one  to  soothe  the  baby’s  crying  at  night  with  milk  to  drink  &  would  rock  her  crib  until  she  fell  back  asleep .     as  she  aged  he  would  play  with  her  as  she  tried ,  giggling ,  to  catch  the  “pretty  bird” .     he  tried  never  to  think  about  the  curse ,  unless  nagging  maleficent  about  it ,  until  it  was  upon  them .    excitedly  he  had  hoped  prince  philip  would  save  the  girl  but  was  pleasantly  surprised  when  it  was  not  the  prince’s  romantic  kiss  but  maleficent’s  motherly  one  to  aurora’s  forehead  that  woke  the  girl .     he  never  thought  he’d  feel  such  warmth  in  his  heart  from  what  he  saw  that  day .     aurora  was  crowned  after  king  stefan’s  death  from  his  battle  with  maleficent  &  maleficent  regained  her  wings  . . .  his  place  was  pointless  but  he  never  dare  leave  maleficent’s  side  now .     he  truly  cannot  imagine  parting  from  the  fairy  &  aurora  is  a  bright  spot  in  his  heart .     they  are  his  familiy  &  no  raven  could  have  better .     he  truly  thinks  himself  the  luckiest  bird  in  the  world .
 the  point  i’m  taking  from  is  shortly  after  the  end  of  the  film !     the  last  thing  he  remembers  is  soaring  down  to  land  &  nearing  the  ground  as  maleficent  was  waving  her  hand  to  transform   him .     however ,  as  he  transformed  he  assumed  something  went  wrong  as  his  feet  did  not  land  in  the  moors  but  rather  here .
 he’s  been  turned  into  a  human  often ,  near  daily ,  &  is  used  to  being  in  that  form  but  he  has  never  remained  in  human  form  for  over  twenty  four  hours .     as  a  raven  he  would  fend  for  himself  with  food  or ,  on  rare  occasions ,  maleficent  or  aurora  would  bring  berries  for  him .     other  than  that ?     he’s  never  eaten  a  meal  as  a  human  &  doesn’t  quite  know  what  to  eat  as  one  but ,  from  raising  aurora ,  he  does  know  the  general  rule  of  what  not  to  eat .     he’s  also  fairly  unaware  of  some  biological  human  functions .     one  example ?     dude  has  never  used  the  bathroom  as  a  human  being  . . .  need  i  say  more ?
 he  misses  flying  beyond  belief .     ties  into  how  he’s  never  been  human  this  long .     he  wouldn’t  miss  being  a  bird  so  much  when  he  was  with  maleficent  simply  for  the  fact  that  he  got  to  spend  time  speaking  with  maleficent  but  by  himself  here  he’s  quite  dreary  being  stuck  on  his  two  feet .
 dude  is  incredibly  enamored  with  maleficent .     he’d  seen  her  with  wings  before  &  thought  her  magnificent .     after  becoming  her  familiar  he  grew  close  to  her  &  learned  that ,  truly ,  she’s  not  as  cold  &  cruel  as  she  likes  to  seem .     she’s  just  been  hurt ,  badly ,  &  she’s  rightfully  angry .     she’s  strong ,  though ,  &  powerful  &  confident  &  while  they  may  bicker  often  diaval  truly  worships  her .     he  cares  for  her  with  his  whole  heart .     her  lack  of  belief ,  or  rather  trust ,  in  true  love  does  break  his  heart  sometimes  but  he  does  well  to  keep  that  buried .     he  wishes  she’d  care  about  him  the  same  but  he’s  almost  certain  it’s  one  sided .
 does  not  like  dogs .     might  not  be  a  cat  person  either .     he’s  a  bird  person  (  literally  )  &  was  nearly  ripped  apart  by  the  farmer’s  dogs  the  day  maleficent  saved  him .     dogs  are  vile  &  vicious  bird  hunters  in  his  mind .
 he’s  not  extremely  literate .     while  diaval  can  speak  perfect  english ,  &  perhaps  some  irish  gaelic  being  as  that’s  where  he’s  from ,  reading  is  a  different  story .     he’s  learned  some  simple  words  but ,  mostly ,  diaval  has  hardly  any  reading  skills .     he  never  once  had  to  read  when  a  raven  nor  did  he  as  maleficent’s  servant ,  he  only  needed  to  listen .
 calling  him  a  crow  will  insult  him .     ravens  =/=  crows .     the  two  are  distantly  related  &  somewhat  similar  in  appearance  but  are  two  entirely  different  species  of  bird .     ravens  are ,  in  basic  differences ,  larger  &  their  call  is  more  a  squawking  sound  while  crows  are  smaller  &  have  more  of  a  caw  sound .     diaval  is  a  raven  &  you’ll  ruffle  his  metaphorical  feathers  if  you  call  him  a  crow !
 more  to  be  added  later  !
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