#most [redacted] bracket
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hotvintagepoll · 2 months
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Deborah Kerr (Bonjour Tristesse, An Affair to Remember, The King and I)— For several decades she held the record for most Oscar nominations without a win (6 in total), and she was a prolific leading lady throughout the 40s and 50s. She's best known today for the romance An Affair to Remember with Cary Grant, and as the governess in The King and I. Many people have this erroneous perception of her as extremely prim, proper, and virginal, but this could not be further from the truth. When she first came to Hollywood under MGM she was typecast into boring decorative roles, but broke sexual boundaries for herself and Hollywood generally in From Here to Eternity, when she made out (horizontally!) with Burt Lancaster (on top of him!) in the famous Beach Scene. She went on to play many sexually conflicted women, a character type that would define most of her post- Eternity work. She continued to break Hays Code boundaries with Tea and Sympathy, which addresses homosexuality/homophobia head-on, and even did a topless scene in The Gypsy Moths 1969!! One of the only classic stars to do so. She deserves a more nuanced and frankly a hotter legacy than she currently has!!!
Ethel Merman (Anything Goes, Call Me Madam)— Possessed of a bold, brash voice, and an even bolder and brasher presence, Ethel Merman might be more well known for her stage roles, but she made several movies, and was bold and brash in them as well. Also I think if I don't submit her, she's going to come back and haunt me.
This is round 1 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut]
Ethel Merman:
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You've gotta love any woman who got typecast as lead-MILF
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Deborah Kerr:
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I think she was one of my first crushes before I realised I was bi in The King and I when I watched it as a kid honestly. The kissing scene in From Here to Eternity is iconic for a reason. Actually tried to learn the accents for the characters she was playing if they weren't English which is more than pretty much anyone else was doing then. Played very restrained characters who frequently seemed to be desperate not to be so restrained. Did horror movies without venturing into hagsploitation tropes. Gave Marni Nixon the credit she deserved for her share of the singing in The King and I.
Anne Larsen is a peak late 1950s bisexual with big MILF energy. Have you seen the behind the scenes pics of her wearing a suit?? Have you????? Vote Deb as Anne Larsen.
Nominated for an Oscar six (6) times and never won, but besides her having actual talent (hot), and besides her looking Like That (very hot, also beautiful), she was always playing women who are, like, crazy repressed. Which makes it fun and easy for me to read these characters as queer. Icon!!!! You know what's hot? Playing ambiguously gay in vintage Hollywood.
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Her face and talent and body, yes, ofc, duh. But also!!! Her HANDS!!!! I may be but a simple lesbian, but she is the best hactor (hand actor) that ever lived and that's HOT! For propriety's sake I feel I must redact a large portion of my commentary on this subject. Anyway. She's hot in her most famous roles (mentioned above), and also some of her sexiest hacting is on display in An Affair to Remember (her hand on the bannister when Cary Grant kisses her off-screen??? HELLO???), Tea and Sympathy (when she's trying to persuade Tom not to go out and she keeps flexing her hands like she wants to reach out to him but can't??? ALLY BEHAVIOR! WE STAN!), and The Innocents (which opens and closes with extended shots of her hands bc director Jack Clayton was also an ally and he did that for ME). Much of her appeal also lies in the fact that she often played deeply repressed characters and you know what's hot? When those uptight characters finally unravel. It's sexy. It's cathartic. It's erotic. Plus, she's beautiful to look at in both black & white and technicolor, and the more of her films you see, the more you can't help but fall in love!
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Literally is in thee most famously sexy scene of all time (or maybe just during the hays code era which is what we're talking about HELLO), which is the beach scene with Burt Lancaster in from here to eternity. To quote a tumblr post of a screen capture of a tweet of a video of joy behar on the view: "y'know, there used to be movies where they were kissing on the beach... From Here to Eternity. They're kissing-- Burt Lancaster and Deborah Kerr are Kissing on the Beach and then the WAVES crash!! You know exactly what they did!"
She might have a reputation of being chaste and virginal or whatever, but we all know it's the quiet ones who are certifiable FREAKS
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phantomrose96 · 1 year
I never understood the concept of "doing taxes". Taxes are just there and you just pay them, like everytime you buy something it includes a tax you have no other choice but to pay it, what do you have to do?? (I live outside the USA)
Oh fun! I get to explain U.S. taxes!!
(disclaimer: if you're a young adult in America who will have to learn to do taxes soon, please don't take this as a reason to panic. It IS absurd and it is kinda stressful the first time you do it, but you get a handle on it, and filing services like FreeTaxUSA walk you through it and do all the math parts for you. [Though learning the math parts yourself is kinda smart if you want to understand what you're doing.])
(other disclaimer: I might have some details wrong because I'm a random blogger and not an accountant. Accountants don't maul me please.)
So it's true that tax is included when you buy something, but the whole "doing taxes" in America is about income tax.
My experience is with a company that does withholdings (god bless all you freelance workers figuring it all out for yourselves.) Withholdings means my company will estimate how much tax I should owe and take it out of each paycheck to give to the government. So from a $1,000 paycheck, they might withhold $300 to pay taxes with, and gives you the remaining $700.
But that might NOT be right. So in April every American has to go crunch all the numbers and figure out if they paid the right amount :) (chances are the answer is no).
We get a form called a W-2 (god bless, I only have one W-2 because I work just one full time job) which includes *adjust glasses*: employer's name, your info, your federal ID number, your social security number (partially redacted), your total wages, your federal income tax withheld, your social security tax withheld, your medicare tax withheld, your deferrals with things like 401k contributions, tips, dependent care benefits, STATE income tax withheld (my state has a 5% income tax, on top of the federal income tax) AAAAAAND other boxes I won't even bother with.
You feed this into software (like turbotax, which CHARGES you to do this, but I used FreeTaxUSA which had free federal filing and almost-free state filing) - RIGHT, you file federal and state SEPARATELY. And you owe/receive SEPARATE amounts.
America has tax brackets, which means you owe x% of money you make between--actually, lemme get the fucking chart
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fucking delightful.
So if you make $50,000, as a single filer, you owe 10% of the first $10,275, then you owe 12% of the next $31,500 (that's the amount between $10,275-$41,775, in the second row), then 22% of the remaining $8,225 (cough and then also state income tax if you have it cough). It's a little bit like filling up a thermometer, and the amount between each tick mark is what you owe x% of.
DEDUCTIONS are where most of the complexity comes from. Because there's like 1,000 random things that can give you a tax break. And there's also the standard deduction of $12,950.
What's the deduction? It's an amount of your income that qualifies as tax-exempt. So for the $50,000-earner, if they go with the standard deduction of $12,950, then only $37,050 of their income is taxable. So FORGET that calculation above, it's now 10% of the first $10,275, and 12% of the remaining $26,775
But if your itemized deduction is higher than your standard deduction, it's in your interest to calculate all your itemized deductions and use those, if they add up to more than $12,950
My itemized deductions were almost higher than the $12,950, between my state income tax contribution, property tax contribution, and mortgage interest payments. Other people might have a fuckton of other things--uh like dependents, business expenses, uh I'm not even sure since I skim past all the ones that don't apply to me.
OH, ALSO, THERE ARE OTHER FORMS YOU MIGHT HAVE TO PROVIDE BEYOND THE W-2. There are 1099-INT forms for interest made on bank accounts, 1099-DIV forms for money made from stock dividends, and others I don't even know about.
And all my knowledge and experiences comes as someone with relatively simple taxes by U.S. standards.
(The state taxes then have their own things and own deductions and whatever. They're usually kinda less complicated than federal, but they're a separate thing you have to file.)
And after you do all that, it figures out how much tax you SHOULD owe, how much you ACTUALLY paid, and tells you the difference that you owe/are owed.
I got back a decent amount of money in 2019 and 2020. 2021 was preeettty much even. 2022 I OWE a lot of money because, fuck it, I dunno.
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totallynuwonhere · 2 months
This took awhile cuz i was so stupid I kept fucking up the bracket.
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I love Asher sm ya'll have no idea
Did I leave some characters out? Possibly. Do I care? Nope, moving on. Some were knowingly matched for your suffering but most were drawn out of a hat. Anywho, have fun pookies~
Tag me when ya’ll do it, I wanna see who you got after all the madness
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hostdoozy · 1 month
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Chosen Name: Faolán [last name redacted] (pronunciation: fway-lawn)
Alias: "Brewster", "B.S", "BrewsterWorks"
Age bracket: middle-aged
Gender: (trans)Male
sexuality: unknown/questioning (likely on the Ace spectrum)
Occupation: Professional Painter, Art Critic & Ghostwriter
personality summary: Foalán is a secretive hermit that is passionate about Art. He's highly critical regarding most things and isn't exactly the most trusting when it comes to people. Foalán likes his privacy, preferring to keep as much anonymity as possible in most situations. While he's a heavily guarded person, Foalán can be a mischievous playful lil' fella- masking his distrust for others and attempting to mirror people's energy. He tends to miss social cues, so his attempts are- err... "A- for effort"
Yokai live in all corners of the world, sometimes going by different terms depending on the country, varying cultures, etc... Just like... You know- people.
Unlike humanity, all creatures of magic and whimsy are forced to hide away from the world. Foalán is no exception to this.
In Ireland, the Yokai- otherwise known as the "Aos sí", struggle to maintain their land and secrecy. Their habitat slowly dwindling away due to human settlements expanding. This was the kind of environment that he grew up in, constantly hiding away in fear.
The world he knew was small and his only escape was art.
Long before his claim to fame, Faolán would publish his works under the Alias "Brewster" or "B.s". He felt the need to share his work but due to his wariness of People and 'yokai' alike, wanted to keep his anonymity.
It was until he moved to America, that the name "Brewster" became renowned within the Hidden City. word spread around of a fantastic artist, whose true identity is shrouded in mystery and his artistic insight on things is deeply profound but ultimately harsh.
He met Rupert when he freshly immigrant to America, settling within the hidden city.
It wasn't everyday that human causally hung around in Yokai dominated spaces- and it wasn't everyday, that Rupert would see an Aos si in America. Typical of most Irish and British people, he did not hit it off straight away.
Their 'friendship' started as a mutual dealing. Faolán would gather mystical items for Rupert's cooking while Rupert would help Foalán established connections (whilst letting the Puca keep his anonymity)
It was simply met to be a begrudging deal. Nothing more.
However, overtime. They became genuine friends.
Often meeting up at late-night pubs, small food stands or each others homes. They would talk the night aware, endlessly bantering with one another.
They develop romantic feelings for each other.
Yet they never acted on it, staying as friends for years to come. Needless to say, there was some romantic tension between the two.
Foalán would watch Rupert from the sidelines, staying within the shadows while Rupert shines in the spotlight. It was simpler that way.
There were too many things they thought to themselves why things couldn't work.
Suddenly one day, Rupert mutated live on TV. Faolán witnessed his best friend be transformed into a giant monster pig... And from the comfort of his own home. Foalán was beyond worried for him.
He wouldn't answer his calls, he struggled to find him but Foalán didnt give up on Rupert. He wasn't willing to throw all their years of friendship aware.
When they reunited. Rupert was terrified about taking out his newly found 'cannibalistic' tendencies.
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Yet Foalán choose to stay by his side... As always... Because of this, they finally had the courage to tell each other how tell feel. Finally becoming boyfriends.
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mirror-ralsei · 6 months
MINI THEORY: Egg-veryman
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Look, I'm not the first or only person to believe the man behind the tree might be Everyman. Just from a quick search, here's a theory and depiction preceding mine: 1 (huecycles), 2 (JJayBlaze123).
But as of the Spamton Sweepstakes, I do agree they're our most likely candidate. Here's a breakdown of all the evidence that personally led me to that conclusion.
Let's take a look at details we know about the egg man that might help us identify him:
The room's layout resembles mysteryman and “[redacted]”
He seems to exist in a cat state, just like the eggs he gives.
Noelle's story may imply, if the man is anything like his eggs, that the man is disturbing in some way.
There is graffiti clue of the egg tree in the same color as the ICE-E spraypaint in the alley. (Credit to VGFM for noticing this!)
He can be seen in a car.
While in the car, he is waving at us, and he “might be happy to see” us.
Spamton may know him.
He has never spoken out loud.
Comparing this to Everyman:
Everyman has not appeared in the overworld yet. (Unconfirmed)
We don't know enough about UTDR's cat states or Everyman to confirm or deny this point. (Unconfirmed)
Everyman is disturbing enough to have their first appearance be in the True Lab lmao (Likely)
Graffiti of Everyman is right next to the ICE-E graffiti. (Plausible)
We don't know if Everyman can drive lol (Unconfirmed)
We don't know if Everyman would wave to us or not, since we know little about them, but they are described as “Just a good guy who shows up on occasion,” and “might be happy to see you” seemingly would either be a reference to a cat state (as in “they might be happy, they might not be”), or referring to being uncertain if the egg man is happy (as in “they might be happy, but I could be wrong”) - the latter would make sense, as Everyman has never emoted with their face in any appearance so far, and would thus be difficult to read. (Plausible)
We don't know for sure if Spamton knows Everyman, but we do have this interesting line: “WE DON'T NEED ANY [Man, Woman or Child] [At Half-Price]!” While it's unclear what character, if any, “[At Half-Price!]” is referring to*, every other bracket in these “WE DON'T NEED...”s seems to indicate a character Spamton knows: [Easels] seems to be Swatch, [CRTs] seems related to an upcoming Chapter 3 character from the “cathode crew,” and obviously there's Mike. And I suspect that “[Man, Woman or Child]” may indicate “Everyman.” It includes the “man” part while throwing out a generic umbrella for a lot of people - "every." (Plausible)
Everyman has never spoken out loud. In fact, their silence is such a notable part of their character that their Queen battle cameo has them give a noticably blank dialogue bubble, in stark contrast with all the others. They visibly fall to their knees in agony when overtaken by butterflies, but cannot scream. Even their visual design has them noticably lacking a mouth. (Likely)
As you can see, many of these points range from plausible matches to confirmed ones. And the remaining points are left inconclusive, not deconfirmations.
There's also these additional clues:
The egg given to Noelle was titled ““SPECIAL”” in quotations and without a period. In the first documentation of Everyman's name, Fox replied “”Everyman”” exclusively in quotations and without a period.
Noelle notes that the egg “didn't seem to be doing anything" - in most of Everyman's appearances, they do not move, with the exceptions being after they are attacked and taken over by butterflies, and while they are propelled by a carousel (but still stationary themself).
Everyman is made of round shapes, which could concievably allow them to appear in Cat Petterz.
Subjectively, Everyman resembles a white, embryonic-looking bird, all of which relate to eggs. Spamton even mentions the white color of the egg man's eggs when saying “A WHITE ONE, THAT'S SURELY [another man's treasure].”
Subjectively, I think the Waltz of Seccom Masada, or whatever the egg room theme is called now, suits the Everyman character very well: starts in major key to indicate friendliness, but something is slightly, unnervingly off about it...strange, even. (ba dum tss) Everyman's visual design is similarly made up of round, friendly shapes, yet is very disturbing due to a variety of factors.
“Just a good guy who shows up on occasion” perfectly describes the egg man's appearances behind the trees.
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Again, Everyman is also heavily tied to the term “man”: both with “Everyman” and “strangeman.”
Literally clones their head like an egg.
We know little about Everyman, but what we do know seems to line up with the man behind the tree.
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*(If I could hazard a guess, I don't actually think [At Half-Price!] is referring to a character, but a property about [Man, Woman, or Child]. Specifically, I think Spamton means that the character has been "cut in half" in some way. Why do I think this? See my theory about division through reflection, a motif that seems to be cropping up a lot.)
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betweenlands · 2 months
genuinely very tempted to make a Really Narratively Fucked Up MCRP Locations bracket so that pandora's vault can start fighting things on its own narrative level. stuff like the desert flatworld in redstoner, the in-between from tales from the smp, the ghost's vault from dominion, the well from witch in the woods, the farlands, statistically at least three locations from redacted smp, the jungle from hermitcraft s5 and/or area 77 from hermitcraft s6, the yoglabs cloning sector, The Pit from secret rivals, the roothouse, forge's prison basement in the game of thrones scenario, the betweenlands, limbo from dimensional doors, et cetera
my only worry is if people could manage to be civil about it, yanno? like i want people analyzing the SHIT outta these places not just saying "it's not that deep," and i want people engaging in good faith and enthusiasm for their own personal world's most fucked up place in all of minecraft and its narrative and thematic implications on the broader story it resides within. i want pretentiousness with excitement and bright starry eyes, not people slamming each other for having different faves
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Transmission begins:
> message loading...
> loading... > message loaded
> decrypt? [Y/N]
> Y
> displaying message:
Origin: Canopus IV
Destination: Terra / Islington
Subject: Deployment of Magistracy Armed Forces for Operation TOUCHDOWN
Message: ALCON, 1st Canopian Cuirassiers have arrived at Islington. Available for tasking at discretion of Local Force Commander. Glory to the Magistracy.
Commanding Officer: Colonel Inanna Allard-Liao (see attached personnel file)
TO&E: 1x BattleMech battalion - 36x BattleMechs [8x Assault, 24x Heavy, 4x Light] (1 CANOPIAN CUIR.) 1x AeroSpace group - 18x aerospace fighters (1 CANOPIAN AIR GUARD) 1x Armor battalion - 72x armored fighting vehicles (1 CANOPIAN ARM. GUARD) 1x Infantry battalion - 448x infantry (1 CANOPIAN INF. GUARD)
> message ends
> open attachment 1? [Y/N]
> Y
> opening attachment:
--This information is not for public distribution.--
Rank: Colonel, Commanding Officer 1st Canopian Cuirassiers
Assigned Unit: Command Lance
Personal 'Mech: Yaguara 'Inanna' YGR-2D-IAL
Date of Birth: 3103-04-28
Parents: Melissa Allard-Liao & Fredrik Allard-Liao [Né Richardson]
Age: 50
Listed Gender: F
Physiological Details: Full genetic modification treatment [extreme; "Animalia conversion", subtype: snow leopard] - performed @ Ceres Station - Terran System - 3119-04-28
Height: 190cm
Weight: 97kg
Eye Color: Grey
Languages Known: English (First Language),
Organ Donor: Y
Dependents: none (5 adult children)
Current Location: [Redacted]
32 years enlisted in MAF
7 large operations
25 deployments
22 combat deployments
[Redacted] confirmed kills
102 battlemechs incapacitated/destroyed [ranged]
69 battlemechs incapacitated/destroyed [melee]
199 combat vehicles incapacitated/destroyed
10 aerospace craft downed [ranged]
3 aerospace crafted downed [melee]
1 dropship downed [ranged]
1 dropship downed [melee]
Areas Deployed: [Redacted]
Awards: Canopus Cluster [Platinum w/ Ruby], Fist of Raventhir [3152], Bravery Medal 1st class x12, Combat Excellence Ribbon x5
> open attachment 1? [Y/N]
> Y
> opening attachment:
--This information is not for public distribution.--
Yaguara 'Inanna' YGR-2D-IAL
Mass: 75 tons Chassis: Earthwerks TDR IV Power Plant: Vlar 300 XL Cruising Speed: 43.2 kph Maximum Speed: 86.4 kph Jump Jets: Rawlings Model 60 Jump Capacity: 120 meters Armor: Hellespont cFF Armament: 1 Rotary AC/2 2 ER Large Laser 2 Medium Pulse Laser 1 Medium Vibroblade
Manufacturer: Majesty Metals and Manufacturing Primary Factory: Unknown Communication System: Tek BattleCom Targeting & Tracking System: Tek Tru-Trak Introduction Year: 3146 Tech Rating/Availability: F/X-X-X-X Cost: 27,480,250 C-bills
Proposed as part of Project BIG CAT for the Magistracy of Canopus, the Yaguara was designed by Majesty Metals and Manufacturing in 3146 as a fast moving, hard-hitting heavy 'Mech.
This custom variant, built for Inanna Allard-Liao, possesses an extremely dangerous close combat weapon - a 'Mech vibroblade, mounted on a 'Mech-scale myomer tail, in addition to most of the weaponry of the base configuration.
The Yaguara was built from the ground up with speed and long-ranged engagement in mind. Built around a supercharged Vlar 300 XL engine, the 'Mech can sprint over 86 kph, allowing it to keep up with lances comprised of much lighter 'Mechs than itself. It complements this ground speed with four Rawlings Model 60 jump jets, granting it a jumping distance of 120 meters for an extra mobility boost. Its armament is built around a pair of Clan-spec ER Large Lasers, uncommon in the region, and a Class-2 Rotary Autocannon, with a pair of SRM 6s and medium pulse lasers as close-engagement backups. All of this, unfortunately, comes at the cost of heat - the Yaguara was designed with bracket fire in mind, and MechWarriors are advised not to alpha strike without due cause. This custom variant was built for Inanna Allard-Liao. It is a hybrid Clantech refit, using many experimental technologies, as well as the removal of the previously-mounted SRM 6s, to allow for the addition of a custom myomer armored tail, with a 'Mech scale vibroblade mounted to the end. Complimenting this weapon are Triple-Strength Myomer and a Supercharger, to allow the 'Mech to reach truly incredible speeds for its weight.
Controlled by Inanna using a salvaged Word of Blake Buffered VDNI system, the 'Mech moves with the same fluid grace as its pilot. Advances in Belter/Canopian hybrid medical science have extended Inanna's lifespan estimate from 15 years to 75, and are predicted to have significantly extended the initial onset period for the madness which often accompanies use of neural interface systems.
Type: Yaguara 'Inanna' Technology Base: Mixed (Experimental) Tonnage: 75 Battle Value: 3,768
Equipment Mass Internal Structure Endo Steel 4 Engine 300 XL 9.5 Walking MP: 4 Running MP: 6(8) Jumping MP: 4 Double Heat Sink 15 [30] 5 Compact Gyro 4.5 Interface Cockpit [VDNI] 4 Armor Factor (Ferro) 231 12.5
Internal Armor Structure Value
Head 3 9
Center Torso 23 35
Center Torso (rear) 11
R/L Torso 16 24
R/L Torso (rear) 8
R/L Arm 12 24
R/L Leg 16 32
Right Arm Actuators: Shoulder, Upper Arm, Lower Arm, Hand Left Arm Actuators: Shoulder, Upper Arm, Lower Arm, Hand
Weapons and Ammo Location Critical Heat Tonnage 2 Jump Jet LL 2 - 2.0 Nova Combined Electronic Warfare System CT 1 - 1.5 Supercharger CT 1 - 1.0 CASE II RT 1 - 0.5 Medium Pulse Laser RT 1 4 2.0 2 Double Heat Sink RT 4 - 2.0 Rotary AC/2 Ammo (90) RT 2 - 2.0 3 Triple Strength Myomer RA/LA 3/3 - 0.0 ER Large Laser LA 1 12 4.0 Vibroblade (Armored) LA 2 - 5.0 Medium Pulse Laser LT 1 4 2.0 Double Heat Sink LT 2 - 1.0 Rotary AC/2 LT 3 1 8.0 2 Jump Jet RL 2 - 2.0 3 Triple Strength Myomer RA/LA 3/3 - 0.0 ER Large Laser RA 1 12 4.0
Features the following Design Quirks: Animalistic Appearance, Battle Computer, Battle Fists, Battle Fists, Combat Computer, Directional Torso Mount (Vibroblade), Fine Manipulators, Hyper-Extending Actuators, Improved Communications, Improved Sensors, Multi-Trac, Nimble Jumper, Reinforced Legs, Rugged (1 Point), Difficult to Maintain
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starlitangels · 6 months
Redacted Sexiest Listener Tournament!
... Yup. This got recommended to me several months ago and I have been wracked with guilt ever since that I haven't had the brain space to actually do it. I'm so sorry I can't remember who recommended it to me and searching Tumblr is a disaster
Most Important Rule: This is a Sexiest Listener Tournament. Not a Favorite Listener Tournament. I don't care if your favorite Listener is in the matchup. If their opponent is sexier, you must vote for the sexier of the two
Other Rules Include: Be nice to other voters; be honest, no voter fraud; and this bracket was generated randomly so you're not allowed to be mean to me for making the bracket (that's a joke. Most people who rage at the lineups know it's not my fault)
I will be tagging this tournament as "#Redacted Sexy Listeners" so if you don't want to see this tournament, blacklist that tag. Or follow that tag if you do want to follow the tournament
Anyway you only care about the bracket. Here it is!
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bracketsoffear · 1 year
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The Creature (Frankenstein) "When the Creature created by Victor Frankenstein felt that happiness was out of his reach, he made it his life’s purpose to torment his creator. In the Creature’s own words: “Have a care: I will work at your destruction, nor finish until I desolate your heart, so that you curse the hour of your birth."
He carries out this threat by killing Victor’s loved ones one by one, driving him to repeated suicide attempts and mental breakdowns until he’s institutionalized for insanity. Even after he’s released the killings continue, until Victor forsakes civilization to spend the rest of his life trying to stop the creature. Most vital to the concept of Desolation is that the Creature won’t let Victor die: he even will leave food out in secret when he’s starving, because he doesn’t want the emotional and physical torture to stop.
The Creature’s first turn towards destruction is to burn down the house of the family that turned on him, but he is a great example of the all-too-rare desolation of ice: in wanting to further escalate his creator’s suffering, he leads their chase to the Arctic to intensify the physical pain on top of the rest. This last choice went just too far, and Victor dies of illness and fatigue in the cold. The Creature’s final words are realizing that—just as many avatars do—he had fed on his own misery as much as any others."
Mr. Eaten (Fallen London) SPOILERS FOR FALLEN LONDON, SPECIFICALLY CONCERNING MR. EATEN'S NAME. "Despite Mr Eaten’s superficial ties to certain other entities in the more basic manifestations of his influence, his true allegiance lies with the Desolation. Long ago, the creature once known as [REDACTED] was betrayed by one whom he called a friend, and now his hatred burns eternal somewhere on the edge of dreams. His voice can be heard in the flickering of a candle-flame: listen, and it will tell you what to do. Do as it asks, and you will regret it.
Those consumed by his hatred will seek seven candles of their own, gained through sacrifice and suffering- both their own, and that of others. A dedicated Seeker of Mr Eaten’s Name will, over the course of their journey, completely and utterly unmake themself- they will betray their friends, dragging them down into the very same self-destructive quest. They will give up their home. They will throw their most precious possession- which may be anything from their greatest work of art, page by tortuous page, to their own child- down a well. They will burn most of their possessions for a chance at slow, arduous, luck-based progress. They will destroy their reputation, their identity, and their very destiny, piece by piece. All this culminates in the Seeker themself becoming St Gawain’s Candle, a wax-golem bearing the semblance of living flesh- and the last of the seven candles which form the burning message the Seeker must now deliver.
The reward? For the Seeker, a one-way trip to [One day I will go north to the end of the world, where the White waits and the Gate sails, and there will I burn until -]. For the rest of the Neath? The fiery end of the world as we know it. Mr Eaten’s hatred will not be contained until the Sun itself is cindered and damned, and Judgement brought upon those who betrayed him- in the sense of the furious, searing light of a thousand suns.
A reckoning will not be postponed indefinitely."
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hotvintagepoll · 2 months
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Deborah Kerr (Bonjour Tristesse, An Affair to Remember, The King and I)— For several decades she held the record for most Oscar nominations without a win (6 in total), and she was a prolific leading lady throughout the 40s and 50s. She's best known today for the romance An Affair to Remember with Cary Grant, and as the governess in The King and I. Many people have this erroneous perception of her as extremely prim, proper, and virginal, but this could not be further from the truth. When she first came to Hollywood under MGM she was typecast into boring decorative roles, but broke sexual boundaries for herself and Hollywood generally in From Here to Eternity, when she made out (horizontally!) with Burt Lancaster (on top of him!) in the famous Beach Scene. She went on to play many sexually conflicted women, a character type that would define most of her post- Eternity work. She continued to break Hays Code boundaries with Tea and Sympathy, which addresses homosexuality/homophobia head-on, and even did a topless scene in The Gypsy Moths 1969!! One of the only classic stars to do so. She deserves a more nuanced and frankly a hotter legacy than she currently has!!!
Hend Rostom (Cairo Station, Eshaat Hob)— Egyptian movie star called the "Marilyn Monroe of the East", need anyone say more
This is round 2 of the tournament. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage woman.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Hend Rostrom:
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Deborah Kerr:
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I think she was one of my first crushes before I realised I was bi in The King and I when I watched it as a kid honestly. The kissing scene in From Here to Eternity is iconic for a reason. Actually tried to learn the accents for the characters she was playing if they weren't English which is more than pretty much anyone else was doing then. Played very restrained characters who frequently seemed to be desperate not to be so restrained. Did horror movies without venturing into hagsploitation tropes. Gave Marni Nixon the credit she deserved for her share of the singing in The King and I.
Anne Larsen is a peak late 1950s bisexual with big MILF energy. Have you seen the behind the scenes pics of her wearing a suit?? Have you????? Vote Deb as Anne Larsen.
Nominated for an Oscar six (6) times and never won, but besides her having actual talent (hot), and besides her looking Like That (very hot, also beautiful), she was always playing women who are, like, crazy repressed. Which makes it fun and easy for me to read these characters as queer. Icon!!!! You know what's hot? Playing ambiguously gay in vintage Hollywood.
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Her face and talent and body, yes, ofc, duh. But also!!! Her HANDS!!!! I may be but a simple lesbian, but she is the best hactor (hand actor) that ever lived and that's HOT! For propriety's sake I feel I must redact a large portion of my commentary on this subject. Anyway. She's hot in her most famous roles (mentioned above), and also some of her sexiest hacting is on display in An Affair to Remember (her hand on the bannister when Cary Grant kisses her off-screen??? HELLO???), Tea and Sympathy (when she's trying to persuade Tom not to go out and she keeps flexing her hands like she wants to reach out to him but can't??? ALLY BEHAVIOR! WE STAN!), and The Innocents (which opens and closes with extended shots of her hands bc director Jack Clayton was also an ally and he did that for ME). Much of her appeal also lies in the fact that she often played deeply repressed characters and you know what's hot? When those uptight characters finally unravel. It's sexy. It's cathartic. It's erotic. Plus, she's beautiful to look at in both black & white and technicolor, and the more of her films you see, the more you can't help but fall in love!
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Literally is in thee most famously sexy scene of all time (or maybe just during the hays code era which is what we're talking about HELLO), which is the beach scene with Burt Lancaster in from here to eternity. To quote a tumblr post of a screen capture of a tweet of a video of joy behar on the view: "y'know, there used to be movies where they were kissing on the beach... From Here to Eternity. They're kissing-- Burt Lancaster and Deborah Kerr are Kissing on the Beach and then the WAVES crash!! You know exactly what they did!"
She might have a reputation of being chaste and virginal or whatever, but we all know it's the quiet ones who are certifiable FREAKS
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multishipper33 · 5 months
Uhhhhh- y’all?
Hold up. So I’m on another site (Wattpad, and no we aren’t uncultured over there we just get a bad reputation. Some of your favourite blogs are on there!) and there’s this username. To quote Ren & Doc, his name is Mumbo Jumbo. Rather, their, because they don’t have any pronouns in their bio. Or anything. No, literally; the account name is -MumboJumbo and I’m not sure why. They’ve been a very… lore-y person. They tell me that I’m the only one who they’ve said things other than rhymes to. Ominous, amiright? Here are some of their messages:
Eyes are open,
See the new stars,
Listen to hear voices,
You shall not receive scars.
…the frick?
…dude these are so unreasonably ominous- I’m starting to think Camo Kid’s sent you to give me a “taste of my own medicine” lmao
You’re the one that can see.
Don’t be afraid, come to me!
Things happen for a reason, and you’re one to know.
…there are more cracks now.
Cracks? Where?
Cracks in reality or a tear in the ceiling?
No, on your face. There are racks everywhere. More and more each day. What’s going on?
Cracks that grow aren’t fun.
It’ll be a break in the security my little player has, might scare him, might not. I wonder who you and your pesky friends think I might be.
My player knows a few of you, very well from what I see.
I have an interest in you, my lovely set of eyes. I’m unsure where this’ll end up, your friends seeing your name tag show up on their communicators saying slain by [REDACTED], or they won’t.
You are at most the only one I have interacted with besides poems. I wonder if I’ve made the right choice.
Interesting. So, I’m getting the things other than rhymes. Ergo, you trust me more than them and therefore I have more knowledge? Hm. Don’t worry, I won’t tell a soul. But a question: are you okay? The word redacted in all-caps between blocky brackets always means trouble. Your player knows- who is this player?
…so yeah. No response since then. They can’t find me on here, I think. I’m not worried about safety or anything, more… confused? Hermitcraft fans, do you know anything about this?
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booksandpaperss · 1 month
sleet sun and fog pls for me
weather WIP ask game
hi nyxi! at your service ✨
🌨 Sleet - What's the most you've ever written in one sitting?
okay so the most I have ever written in one sitting ever has been about 3k words I believe? it was when I was 14 and it was the first fanfic I'd ever written, idk what fumes I was high off of but I wrote 3,000 words in 2 hours without stopping like it was nothing. I've never been able to do that since, the closest I've come to it is when I wrote almost 2k words in one sitting in a sleep deprived delirium a few weeks ago. my writing has improved a lottt since age 14 for sure but I do wish I had what 14 yr old me had that night </3
I will say tho that I've gotten a lot better this year at writing more words at a time, it used to be a struggle to crank out any more than 200 words and now my bare minimum word count I can expect when I sit down to write is 400-500, and lately its been more so, progress! lol
also shoutout to authors who write like 4k+ in one sitting y'all scare me
☀️ Sun - What's your favorite part of your WIP?
I have many WIPs so I will go with my ultimate WIP aka my sapphic fantasy novel and hmm. I'd say my fave part is a tie between when Tessa and Sophia first really connect and Tessa realizes Sophia is the first person to see her as someone strong and brave and make her feel like she's worthy of being a person in her own right and... the scene where Tessa gets her shit rocked by [redacted] after Sophia tried to protect her by separating them and she loses it and hunts down and kills this guy she really hates lol
🌫 Fog - What was the hardest part of your WIP to write?
Ummm like. every other paragraph LMAO. there are parts that flow really easily and then other parts where I'm just like ummm what are words again. what am I even doing hello what is this? but the nice thing abt first drafts if that if I get really stuck I can always just throw in a one sentence descriptor of what I to want to happen in brackets and then move on to the next scene that flows. im sure future me will be very annoyed when they have to deal with those later but at the pace im going that is soooo far from my problem rn :D
thx for the ask bestie!
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AutisticEmpathyDaemon’s RedactedAudio Match-ups!
because why not I love old-school tumblr games and making people happy and this beautiful heckin fandom so let’s gooooo
You know the drill- tell me about yourself, answer some fun questions, and I’ll match you with the Redacted boy I ship you with the most along with a little blurb about your relationship, a song that reminds me of you as a couple, and the runner-up dude!
Edit: I will also include a moodboard with the the name of the fic I would write you. Please note I’ve never made a moodboard before.
Details and questions under the cut!
(I wanted to be a little whimsical about it and pose some questions I thought would tell me really interesting things about you, but you don’t have to answer any or all of these. You can send in whatever information you’d like or feel comfortable sending.)
What song are you fixated on at the moment? What lyric or verse, and why?
What is your Enneagram type?
Do you love gargantuan Youtube video essays, and if so, which is your favorite and why?
Tell me about your childhood imaginary friend.
What is your go-to way to fall asleep?
If you had to change your name, what would it be, and why? (In tandem, if you have changed your name, why did you pick that one?)
What is your favorite of Redacted’s audios, and why?
What Redacted boy holds no appeal to you, and why? Like, not the one you hate but the one who you don’t get the hype for. (I won’t judge, I promise.)
Tell me about that one book/movie/tv show you know all the words to.
Which Redacted boy are you platonically attracted to? Like- forget dating, which dude do you want to be your best friend?
Do you have a go-to thing you ramble about when you’re tired, and if so, what is it? (For example, my boyfriend knows I’m ready to sleep when I start talking about space.)
Tell me your go-to gas station and drink combo.
Tell me about your favorite playlist at the moment. 
What’s your guilty pleasure media, and why?
And whatever else you think tells me about who you are!
The options will be all the boys that were up for this year's March Redactedness (edit: except Caelum, I forgot he was in the brackets.)
If possible, I'd love it if you could send it anonymously so that way I'm not influenced to pick who I know you like (but that's obviously not required. I overall want you to have fun~)
Please feel free to reblog or comment after it’s up and tell me what you thought; the anonymity is only so I may attempt to remain objective 🧡
There's no closing date or time on this event; it'll be open indefinitely, so send in an ask whenever you like!
Update: this got so many more entries than I was expecting! I’m so glad y’all think this is fun and cute, and I’m so sorry that I’m not doing these as fast as I was or as I’d like do. Rest assured, I’ve gotten your submission and I’ll get to it. I recommend following #busybee matches which is the dedicated tag for the matchups and checking every so often.
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spoilerbracket · 1 year
Round 1: The Match-Ups
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Presenting the finalized roster! The nearly 70 spoiler-riddled nominations have been whittled down to only the most spoiler-tagged of candidates, here to duke it out for a prize that we can't even explicitly say why they deserve!
There were a ton of fantastic (and often very funny) submissions. Thank you to everyone who wrote in. For the final list, I took into account the number of votes, the arguments people made, and my own incredible personal bias. If you're wondering why a character didn't get in, the reason is almost certainly "because there were twice as many nominations as slots".
Round 1 starts later this week. To avoid flooding the dash, Brackets 1 and 2 (Left Side) will go live on Friday March 3 at 7 p.m. EST, while Brackets 3 and 4 (Right Side) will go live on Saturday March 4 at 7 p.m. EST. There may be some shocking twists. So start planning your propaganda campaigns now, and may the biggest spoiler win!
The full list of participants is given below the cut (minus the small detail of their names, of course--that would be spoilers).
Bracket 1:
REDACTED from Outer Wilds vs. REDACTED from Ghost Trick
REDACTED from Deadly Premonition vs. REDACTED from Disco Elysium
REDACTED from King Dragon vs. REDACTED from Samurai Flamenco
REDACTED from AI: The Somnium Files vs. REDACTED from Ghost Trick
Bracket 2:
REDACTED from Final Fantasy XIV vs. REDACTED from Star Wars: Knights of the Old Republic
REDACTED from Kamen Rider Build vs. REDACTED from Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain
REDACTED from Zero Escape: Virtue's Last Reward vs. REDACTED from Star Wars
REDACTED from Paradise Killer vs. REDACTED from The House in Fata Morgana
Bracket 3:
REDACTED from Umineko: When They Cry vs. REDACTED from Detective Conan
REDACTED from Heaven Official's Blessing vs. REDACTED from The Locked Tomb
REDACTED from The Great Ace Attorney vs. REDACTED from Mystic Messenger
REDACTED from Glass Onion: A Knives Out Mystery vs. REDACTED from Danganronpa
Bracket 4:
REDACTED from Gravity Falls vs. REDACTED from The Adventure Zone: Balance
REDACTED from Steven Universe vs. REDACTED from Undertale
REDACTED from Fire Emblem: Awakening vs. REDACTED from Persona 5
REDACTED from Professor Layton and the Unwound Future vs. REDACTED from Hatoful Boyfriend
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