#morrowind anniversary
igorlevchenko-blog · 1 month
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Morrowind 22nd Anniversary.
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Birthday Guar
Unofficial TES art for Morrowind Anniversary
Art by Michael Kirkbride
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uesp · 1 month
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Happy 22nd birthday, Morrowind.
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moodcrab · 9 months
Yay Skyrim finally has """"""fishing""""""
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transmascdagothur · 26 days
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Rejoice! I've been on this hellsite for 1 whole year! Here, have some tism emojis of the tribunal.
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i put way too much effort into them
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jakobos · 2 months
The Elder Scrolls turns 30! And I made an animation to celebrate!
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darkelfguy · 1 month
Twenty-two years ago, on May 1st, Morrowind was released to an eager gaming and modding public, and what was at first a strange and alien land has become a home, a place we long to return to, a world we visit again and again, and though decades pass, we always come back.
But Morrowind isn't a static world, for modders have been building upon it, expanding it, improving it, reimagining it for 22 years, adding new adventures, new experiences, new lands to explore, new mechanics and new graphics, and so much more! After 22 years, not only does Morrowind still have an active modding community, but the Morrowind modding community has grown and expanded, and is now more active than ever, releasing over a thousand new mods every year!
And on this special anniversary, what better way is there to celebrate Morrowind's 22nd birthday than to continue to build upon it? As such, once again this year, we're hosting the 2024 Morrowind May Modathon Month Modding Competition, the tenth annual Modathon for the Morrowind Modding Community!
For the last 10 years, the Morrowind Modathons have served as an annual celebration for both Morrowind's anniversary and the modding community's creativity, celebrated every May 1st and lasting throughout the entire month of May! And this year, we're excited to announce, once again, that the Morrowind May Modathon Month is back for 2024, celebrating 22 years of Morrowind!
From May 1st through to June 2nd, modders can submit mods, earn achievement badges, and win prizes by using the May Modathon 2024 tag and the Morrowind Modathon 2024 header in their mod description on the Nexus! We have an exciting array of 94 achievement badges for modders to unlock with their mods, with achievements for competing in weekly themed challenges, category achievements, metric achievements, bronze, silver and gold achievements, and 27 hidden achievements - how many can you find? For a full list, check out our announcement thread over on the Nexus forums!
Over the last 10 years, 1300+ mods have been released for the annual Morrowind Modathon Month modding competitions, and with your help, we can add even more to that impressive tally, making this amazing game bigger and better than ever!
There is no better way to celebrate Morrowind's anniversary than building and releasing mods, and whether you're a modding veteran or a newbie just starting out with using the Construction Set, I hope you'll join us for the 2024 Morrowind May Modathon!
Participation is simple, any Morrowind mod released in May can be entered into the competition, just remember to include a tagline "Part of the May Modathon Month" (or the Morrowind Modathon 2024 header) near the top of your mod's description, or use the Modathon 2024 tag to enter your mod as part of the competition. You'll be automatically entered to potentially win one of our weekly random-drawing prizes, and of course, unlock achievements!
For more information, including rules, links to tutorials for first-time modders, and a complete list of achievements, check out our official announcement thread here on the Nexus forums or stop by our Discord channel!
As I always say, the best games never die! Happy modding and long live the Morrowind Modding Community!”
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reagan-the-saunders · 1 month
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Happy 22nd Birthday Morrowind!!!
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azures-grace · 3 months
Bro's beefing with a baby
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This is from a page of doodles from my 6th House AU. That is my Nerevarine's daughter Armina.
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areth-the-imagine · 1 year
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rosette-dragonborn · 2 years
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"Anytime you want to head for Skyrim, I'm right with you. I've spent enough time on Solstheim to last a lifetime."
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bearsizedant · 2 years
making an ill-advised purchase to heal ur soul >>>>>>>>
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The Elder Scrolls III: MORROWIND 20th Anniversary
Art posted by Bethesda for Morrowind's 20th Anniversary
Art by Roddy E.
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uesp · 1 year
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What he puts his hand to, that shall be done. What is left undone, that shall be done.
On a certain day to uncertain parents Incarnate moon and star reborn.
Neither blight nor age can harm him. The Curse-of-Flesh before him flies.
In caverns dark Azura's eye sees And makes to shine the moon and star.
A stranger's voice unites the Houses. Three Halls call him Hortator.
A stranger's hand unites the Velothi. Four Tribes call him Nerevarine.
He honors blood of the tribe unmourned. He eats their sin, and is reborn.
His mercy frees the cursed false gods, Binds the broken, redeems the mad.
He speaks the law for Veloth's people. He speaks for their land, and names them great.
--Today is the 21st anniversary of the release of The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind!
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moodcrab · 3 months
Fixing Skyrim's Daedric Quests
Part II - Clavicus Vile
Honestly this was the most underwhelming Daedric Quest in Skyrim, but Skyrim is by no means unique in this as it's just the most recent in a long line of underwhelming Clavicus Vile quests in the Elder Scrolls franchise. Vile, the god of wishes, deals and dodgy monkey palm style tricks forms a natural counterpart to the Divine Zenithar, god of honest work and trade, but for some reason there isn't a Vile quest that isn't "Go to dungeon and kill X". Skyrim, to its credit, tried to make it interesting with Barbas, but still resorted to "go to this cave and kill this guy."
The whole story of Sebastian, the mage who wished for a lycanthropy cure for his daughter only for Vile to grant him an axe, is a truly boring misunderstanding of what Vile is all about. An axe isn't a cure, not even in an ironic double meaning of the word cure. Any axe, indeed any weapon or spell, can kill a werewolf, but he didn't wish for his daughter to be killed, something he could easily do without making a deal with the devil. There are several ways to cure lycanthropy in Tamriel, death is not one of them. If you have cancer but you die in a car accident you are not cured of cancer, literally the opposite in fact. This isn't a mind bending M Night plot twist, it's bullshit. Not only is a dead werewolf not a cured one, he didn't wish for his daughter to be killed, so there's nothing stopping him from just throwing the axe in the sea and going to find a Glenmoril Witch. Vile gains nothing from this arrangement, and Vile doesn't enter into arrangements that don't benefit him.
A true Vile wish would have cured the lycanthropy in such a way that causes unforeseen consequences that end up killing the daughter, dooming her soul to The Fields of Regret, his realm of Oblivion. The wish would be technically granted, but it backfired horribly. The only thing remotely Clavicus Vile-ish was the big "rug pull" at the end of the quest where he offers you the axe if you kill Barbas, and like, no. No thanks. I have access to better axes, I'm not killing a dog for this *two handed 🤮* one. I never wanted this axe, there is no reason in the quest to even use the axe yourself let alone grow attached to it, unlike Barbas who has now accompanied me all through the quest. This isn't a choice.
Quest: Best Wishes
The quest opener is being moved from Falkreath to Morthal, because vanilla Morthal has no general store. Well, now it does. Compared to all the other stores you visit it will have a unique look, very mysterious and quirky with oddities on the shelves, and the owner will be an eccentric character with a cute dog. For the quest to activate you must have traded at the store a few times and reached a level. On entering, the owner will be distraught and refuse to trade unless you agree to find his dog who has gone missing.
You go on a bit of a dog hunt. Asking around Morthal gets you little useful information. In fact, if you ask certain people, they will say some curious things; like they have no idea who you're talking about, or that there isn't a general store in Morthal at all, "Oh that old place? That closed down when I was a child after old man whatever died"...
You eventually track the dog down outside the city and, surprise, it talks! Barbas explains the situation, that he is the somewhat loyal side kick of Clavicus Vile, who has an offer for you. He also makes it clear, this offer is an invitation only, you would walk away right now if you were wise. Assuming you aren't a pussy, you of course return Barbas to the shop and hear the offer.
The shopkeeper transforms into Vile, in all his jovial Skaafin glory. He tells you about a wish he has recently received, one that he would like your help in granting. There's this would be merchant in the city of Whiterun named Ysolda, who you have likely already met as she is a very popular wifu, she has been a devout Zenithar worshipper for years, but has become impatient with waiting for her hard work to pay off. She really wants to be a trader, and has prayed to Vile to make it so. If you agree to take care of it for him, he will reward you. As Barbas has recommended, you can quit the quest right now. Or...
You head to Whiterun and start investigating Ysolda. It's up to you how the wish gets granted, depending on what you discover about her:
1. She would like to buy the Bannered Mare of her friend Hulda, who isn't ready to sell. So you could ruin the business to make Hulda desperate to sell, but Ysolda would get a ruined inn. Or you could forge Hulda's will and stage an "accident", so Ysolda inherits the inn at the expense of her friend's life.
2. She has done some work with the Khajiit caravans, learning what she can about mercantile skills, but expressing how hard and horrible their lifestyle sounds. Investigating this will lead you to a secret meeting between Ysolda and an Orc. The Orc hands Ysolda a "the goods" but Ysolda complains there isn't enough. The Orc explains how dangerous getting it is. Ysolda doesn't care, she tells him he needs to go get more. If you follow the Orc to Sleeping Tree Camp you'll witness his death at the hands of the giants there. On his body there is an incriminating note, which you could show to the Whiterun guard captain, who will banish her from the city as punishment. Ysolda will spend the rest of her days with the Khajiit caravan, living as a vagrant and exiled from her home, but a trader, just as she wished.
3. As Barbas, who will accompany you, advises, you could warn Ysolda and break your side of the bargain. She believes your story (how else could you have known about the wish?), but depending on your speechcraft and personality attribute - because a fixed Skyrim would obviously have attributes - you either strike the right amount of fear into her that she flees to the temple to seek sanctuary, or you miss your mark and she decides to go check out this shop in Morthal for herself. When she gets there Vile will reluctantly let her take over the store, but if Ysolda repents she will one day become a Priestess of Zenithar, and convert the shop into a fledgling temple.
Just Deserts
When you return to the general store in Morthal it will have transformed into an abandoned ruin.
Any outcome of options one or two will please Vile, he will award you his Masque which will be light or heavy armoured dependant on which skill is higher for you and it will have a powerful speechcraft, personality and price discount enchantment. You also have the opportunity later on to take over and run the shop yourself.
If Ysolda comes to Morthal to take over the store, Vile will be annoyed at you and Barbas for being boring, but will accept that the wish is technically granted and Ysolda, now his devotee, will be spending her afterlife in his realm. You get the Masque but she gets the store ( unless you marry her...)
If you break your deal and save Ysolda, you get a curse; permanent debuffs to speechcraft, personality and prices. The cost of being a hero is high, especially when it comes to the Daedra. (Maybe Ysolda can lift the curse once her temple is up and running, but that will be a while).
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trickstarbrave · 1 month
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