#more of you should join me it's getting trounced :((
gribbo · 3 months
In the hands of another minstrel, it would make a triumphant theme: Thorm trounced, his captives freed, his curse lifted from the land. Let another minstrel write it. The one who struggled up from the bowels of Moonrise Tower would rather find an unobtrusive corner in which to curl up and die.
"Somebody knocks you on the head every tenday," grumbles Barcus, as though it's a character flaw. His hand on the minstrel's jaw is rough and cool. "Follow my finger."
He seems to be holding up two. Peculiar. The minstrel does his best to watch them instead of falling over. "Did you see the"—he wobbles, peering over Barcus's shoulder—"aasimar?"
The Nightsong, tracking bits of Thorm across the hall, wings to Isobel in a blaze of moonfire. Barcus fails to notice. "You're more addled than I thought."
The minstrel could kiss him. If either of them deserved that.
He reports to the High Harper, who stops him midway and orders him to bed. Where bed has gone eludes him; Vally, he thinks, had shouldered his bedroll. Karlach, his pack. He looks for them in the hushed bustle of the hall: teary farewells here, his niece Nimble frowning at him there, the dead laid out yonder for the living to grieve. Harpers weeping for their fallen softly, businesslike. Victims of the cult, too, lying far from their families and friends—and Alfira where he expects her to be, hunched alone with her lute, feeling out the first fumbling chords of a threnody for them all.
It all makes sense, all of a sudden. He still has his gittern. When he drops onto the bench beside her, her hands stumble on the strings.
“Let’s sing for our supper, then,” he rasps without preamble, tuning up.
Alfira stares at him—huge, stunned eyes in a hollow face. “Really?”
Magga cammara, the minstrel thinks, she’s gotten thin. She’s not even famous yet.
“Go on,” he says gruffly. He fiddles for a moment in A minor before settling on something suitable. “I’ll back you.”
A slow, weary smile staggers across Alfira’s face.
It’s a grueling task, to sing in tribute for so many, for so long. Few would ask it of a singer so untried. But when Alfira’s voice lifts in lamentation like a rusty bell’s chime, heads turn; when he joins her in the second verse, the stentorian echo of her high mourner’s cry, the hush that follows is a grim gratification. They play long after their voices fail. He’s nodding over the gittern, his fingers plodding across the strings, when a warm, heavy hand envelops his shoulder. “Silk?”
“Karlach.” His voice scrapes like an old hinge. He blinks up at her, wondering why she’s so blurry. “There you are.”
“Here I am, sangster.” She turns from him, speaking gently to someone else. “Get some rest, Fira, hey?”
Whoever’s leaning on him rises with a willing mumble, leaving him cold. There’s a head on his knee, he realizes; he gives Mirkon’s curls a drowsy pat, then nudges him awake. Someone lifts the boy and carries him away. Around the hall, the torches burn like drowning stars.
Karlach’s hand keeps him steady. “Can you walk?”
He wobbles up. To his consternation, the hall tilts. Around him, the torchlights stretch and spin—
“Whoops,” Karlach says—and whisks him off his feet, bearing him who-knows-where. Hellion. He should object, probably. Keep his eyes open, certainly. Beneath his head, the machinery in her chest—that horrid death-clock, ticking—rattles a radiator-cough.
She smiles grimly at it. “Will you play one of those for me?”
A funeral dirge. His own tired heart beats off-tempo. “Oh, Karlach.”
“It was beautiful,” she says in her plain, awful way. “Will you?”
He’d sooner cut off his hands. Milil, he thinks, help me play happier music for these people. That triumphant theme. It’s in me, somewhere.
A voice speaks up somewhere past his eyelids. “Is he all right?”
“Asleep.” An infernal yawn. “Hells. I’m beat, too.”
Not quite asleep, he thinks. There’s a space between sleep and wakefulness, now, where the Prism-bearers’ minds mingle and meet. Gale’s drifting off thinking about a real bed, with sheets and blankets and such, so all of them are thinking about real beds. Them, the minstrel thinks muzzily, who are we, who are us.
Karlach’s thoughts, blunt and amused, brush his. You sound like that brain-thing.
Shadowheart, ever the eavesdropper, dips in. Are we going to keep it?
That headcheese? asks Vally.
Whatever will it eat, thinks Wyll, in our company?
Tsk’va. Lae’zel pretends to miss his joke. The creature is an abomination.
So are we, darling.
We! cries the intellect-devourer, somewhere else. It’s skittering after a rat, its simple joy rippling through their minds in alien hues. Whee!
Not a theme, the minstrel thinks, absently. Not a theme. He blinks up at Karlach with some effort. “Odd little medley, ours.”
Karlach blinks back at him.
Then she grins, brushfire-bright. “Catchy."
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centrally-unplanned · 2 years
Final response to a comment in the thread, I did see someone (i am sorry I cannot @ the relevant people, I just lost track) saying that maybe Russia’s mistake is sure, a mistake, but not that ‘epic’ - underestimating an enemy is pretty common in warfare after all. And completely fair, what is epic or not is totally subjective. I will just outline why I think it deserves high billing on the blunders tier list.
For one, modern war is just WAY more impactful than premodern war. The casualty rates, the civilian destruction, the intensity of the mobilization, is simply on another level. The pre-modern era had its share of destructive wars, don’t get me wrong, but Ukraine, a pretty small country in the current world, is wielding an army of probably ~750k men, a total not a single country probably ever fielded until World War One. And that is just the numbers metric. I think the vast majority of the worst blunders will, inherently, be in the 19th or 20th century due to the scale factor.
The more important metric for a blunder is the pre-war probability for victory based on the combatants. A naïve analysis should tell you that Russia should absolutely trounce in this war:
Population: 143 million vs 44 million
GDP:  $1,720 billion vs  $155.6 billion
GDP per Capita:  $12,198 vs  $4,880
Military spending:  $65.9 billion vs $5.9 billion 
(all 2021 figures)
A war of Germany vs France is like sure, maybe you overestimated one side or the other, but these are pretty peer competitors, no one is shocked by either outcome, its not an epic blunder. But Ukraine is widely regarded as the worst-off European successor state to the Soviet Union, and is on any qualitative metric worse off than Russia. For them to be winning this is a gigantic upset by the numbers.
Finally I think the consequences need to be taken into account - when Chad & Niger fight a border war its like, okay, if we are being honest the wider world doesn’t really care win or lose. Those countries will status quo afterwards. But Russia has launched a war of conquest in a world committed to obsoleting the concept, primed to hate them, with an economy completely unable to survive autarky. Meanwhile Ukraine went from political non-entity, with weak internal stability, to the unassailable darling of the globe and an iron will of unity committed to victory. Russia’s economy is freefalling, Europe is actually getting off its ass and committing to the energy transition, and the entire world hates Russia so much they are cancelling Russian ballet performances in Canada. The odds of Putin being overthrown, which seemed impossible, are now no longer zero.  Sweden and Finland joined NATO! Along every single metric you can possibly muster, Russia is destroying itself. Its actually difficult to think of a comparable outcome in history, Nazi Germany had more relevant allies than Russia does. 
I think that last point is what seals the blunder rating - they aren’t just losing the war, Russia is forfeiting its entire strategic apparatus for a fruitless goal they can no longer achieve, and honestly could never achieve, there was never a plan aligned with outcomes that made sense. Pretty epic in my book.
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arpov-blog-blog · 3 months
“I need to show that I'm stronger in South Carolina than New Hampshire,” Haley told Meet The Press on January 28. “It certainly has to be close.”
There was a logic to this: Haley hails from South Carolina and she’s its former governor. Republicans in her home state have been pulling the lever for her for nearly twenty years. They know her. If there were any state where she’d have the chance to challenge Trump, South Carolina was it.
But Haley’s plan has gone to hell: Polls show Trump is leading Haley by 30 points—more than twice his New Hampshire margin. It turns out that in South Carolina, with the people who know her best, Haley is doing worse with both Democrats and Republicans.
“Nikki Haley on behalf of all of us, lose our number,” a South Carolina Democratic voter named Debari Barber posted Friday on Facebook.
That post touched a nerve among fellow black voters, Democrats, and independents, prompting 2,100 favorable shares and 530 supportive comments before Barber made it private. The volume of the response was unexpected for Barber, a 41-year-old banking analyst who told The Bulwark she just wants the Haley spam to stop. Barber said she keeps replying “stop” to the messages and blocks the number, only to have a new phone number text her more pro-Haley content.
“My cousin’s son is only 12 and he keeps getting text messages and he started asking ‘Mama, who is Nikki?’ It’s just aggravating,” she said. “Take us out the group chat. We don’t want to be in it.”
No one who supports Haley is able to tell me what state they think she will win. In addition to the Haley campaign’s efforts, the pro-Haley SFA Fund super PAC is mailing Democratic voters to remind them that they can still vote for Haley if they didn’t cast a ballot in the Democratic primary.
“Nikki is attracting a wide range of voters,” her campaign spokeswoman, Olivia Perez-Cubas, said in a written statement. “If you go to her events, you see conservatives, independents who feel they don’t have a home in either party, and Reagan Democrats who are frustrated with Biden’s policies. Trump lost races we should have won in 2018, 2020, and 2022. If Republicans want to start winning again, we need to be a story of addition, not subtraction.”
But there’s only so much support Haley can earn from South Carolina voters like Danny Davis, a 36-year-old chef from Rock Hill who also never voted for Haley and said she never will.
“The text messages are very weird,” Davis told The Bulwark. “She has texted me more than Biden. It’s very asinine that she’s texted people she was supposed to represent but she didn’t do a good job doing it when she was in office. It’s pandering at best. She didn’t really care about Black people before.”
Dawson dismissed that last remark as unfair and pointed out that Haley, as governor in 2015, removed the Confederate flag from the South Carolina State House, which Haley referenced on Monday during an event in Sumter.
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Putting Haley’s record aside, she would struggle with turning out black voters or any group traditionally not aligned with Republicans in a Republican primary, said Scott Huffmon, a pollster and political scientist at Winthrop University in South Carolina, who released a survey last week showing Trump beating her 65–36 percent in the state."
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Developers Discussion – 4/16
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Mail-marking function is here!
Hello everyone! Paimon is here with our newest Developers Discussion. Let's see what updates we have, shall we! (*^∇^*)
Q1: Can't you lower the Original Resin Requirement of the weekly challenges? After doing one on Monday, I don't have enough resin to do anything else for the rest of the week.
A1: Paimon is on it! The Original Resin consumption of weekly challenges like Trounce Domain and Lupus Boreas, Dominator of Wolves will be adjusted in Version 1.5. For more details, make sure to check out our upcoming version 1.5 Special Program.
Q2: It's really hard to aim on mobile devices. Especially with the touch screen, it took me forever to get it right! Trying to complete the eagle shooting achievement is such a torture.
A2: In version 1.5, we have improved the aiming experience on mobile devices with the following solutions:
- On mobile devices, three additional adjustment levels have been added under Settings > Camera Sensitivity (Aimed Shot Mode). It has been increased from the original levels 1 to 5 (which now correspond with the new levels 4 to 8) to the new adjustment levels 1 to 8.
- On mobile devices, under Settings, there is now a Camera Acceleration Mode (Aimed Shot Mode). With this mode selected, the camera movement speed will change dynamically with the speed of your finger.
- Also, to adapt to different screen sizes of mobile devices, there will be a new option under Settings, UI Border Offset. Travelers can adjust the positioning of the whole UI interface on the screen of your device.
We welcome your feedback and suggestions! Paimon will make sure to write them all down!
Q3: Can you display the number of items in possession on the Crafting Page? I hate to have to open my Inventory over and over to check how many of each item I have.
A3: The dev team has received your feedback! In version 1.5, Travelers will be able to see the numbers of items in possession on the Crafting, Forging, and Cooking menus.
Q4: I missed the Windblume Festival! Can I no longer get a Windsong Lyre?
A4: After the Version 1.5 Update, Travelers who've missed the chance to exchange for Windblume Festival Items can go visit Granny Shan in Liyue Harbor, and purchase the Windblume Festival Commemorative Balloon and Windsong Lyre using Mora.
Q5: Since the beginning, I have saved up more than 200 mails that I think are worth collecting, but one day I accidentally deleted all of them! We need a mail-lock function ASAP!
A5: Aw, Paimon wants to give you a big hug! In Version 1.5, we have added a new mail marking function. Mails that are marked will not be deleted by the Delete All function (although expired mail will still disappear). Also, the mail saving function is also under development!
Q6: Why is it that the characters' combat voice lines are not listed under Profile > Voice-Over? I can't make out what they're saying when they're performing Skills.
A6: Hmm, interesting question, wait a second... Oh, Paimon's got it! In later versions, under each character's Profile > Voice-Over, there will be an additional page displaying the character's combat voice lines.
Q7: It's too easy to delete Friends by accident! I just wanted to click on their Avatar to invite them to join my world, but my hand slipped and deleted them instead!
A7: Our developers have received this feedback. In later versions, a confirmation message will pop up when deleting friends.
Q8: There should be some sort of account verification when logging in. Don't allow people to log in by just knowing a username and password alone.
A8: Paimon has forwarded on this feedback to the dev team! According to our experts, they are in the process of developing a solution that will further ensure account security for our users. Once the solution is ready, it will first be tested on some regions, if no further issues arise, then it will eventually be implemented to all servers.
Q9: Sometimes when I want to replenish my HP by visiting a Statue of The Seven, it only replenishes a small amount of HP, and it shows that it has 0/50000 HP replenishment point. No one has come to my world, and I haven't used it either, it just went to zero for no reason.
A9: The dev team is working on this problem. There may have been an issue with the way the Statue of The Seven's regeneration rate is recorded in the server. (Going offline or disconnecting from a Co-op play may cause the Statue's regeneration rate to not function properly.)
Now, the Statue of The Seven's regeneration rate has been fixed accordingly. So that going offline, or disconnecting from a Co-op play will no longer cause this bug to occur.
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ggidolsmuts · 4 years
Bike Ride - Red Velvet Seulgi
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Saturday afternoon, you are on your usual weekend bike ride in the park, the sun shining on your back and the breeze flowing by you as you complete your route. As you get to end of the bike trail, you hear someone direct a question your way.
"Hey, is this where the bike trail starts?"
"No, this is-" you turn around to finish the sentence, but you are rendered speechless by the most stunning woman you've ever seen. She wore a cute top, but what caught your eye was the most form fitting and tight biking shorts you've ever seen. It was so tight, you weren't even sure if she was wearing underwear underneath. Her thighs were perfectly shaped, culminating in a hot little gap that you wanted nothing more than to be between, and you swear you see a little cameltoe if you could just look closer.
"Hello? Is this where the bike trail starts?" she asks you again, not realizing you were undressing her with your eyes.
"N-no, sorry, this is the end of the bike trail actually. But if you want I can show you where the bike trail starts?" You hopefully offer.
"That would be great, thank you! I'm Seulgi, it's nice to meet you!" she flashes you a smile as you introduce yourself too.
"So what brings you here? First time on the trail?"
"Yes, I'm new to the area, trying to get my exercise in around here." The two of you chat and you learn more about Seulgi as the two of you walk your bikes to the start of the route. Not only was her body amazing, but you found her a joy to talk to, and when her eyes form into half moons as she laughs at your jokes, you find yourself forgetting to breathe.
"If you're not too tired, want to join me for the route? We should race!" As Seulgi walks away, you take the chance to ogle at her back view - the biking shorts leave nothing to the imagination, defining her butt cheeks and looking like a perfect handful for you to grasp. Her legs and thighs look perfectly toned and sculpted, muscular but with all the right curves.
"Come on, let's... oh!" she turns around and blushes furiously, realizing that you were staring at her ass. You blush yourself and hurriedly catch up to her.
"So... race?" you awkwardly ask, trying to pretend nothing happened.
"Hah yes, winner gets... a prize." Seulgi winks, quickly regaining her confidence. She gives her ass a cheeky slap and you see it jiggle wondrously before she gets on her bike. Hoping your erection doesn't get in the way of your bike riding, you get on your bike too.
"Ready, set, go!" The two of you set off on the trail, starting slow but quickly picking up the pace. Seulgi was fast! You find yourself struggling to keep up, your legs burning as you do almost double your regular workout amount. You t-shirt is soaked with sweat, the sun on your back feeling more like a burn than a shine as you retrace your route, the wind cutting against your face now rather than a refreshing breeze. Seulgi gets further and further away from you, becoming a small figure on the horizon. But somehow she doesn't disappear? You see her silhouette grow bigger again - is she slowing down for you? Incensed and determined not to make a fool of yourself, you pedal harder, but in the end you find Seulgi waiting for you at the end of the trail.
"How... are you so... fast?" you manage to eke out between deep breaths.
"I exercise quite often, dancing really helps you stay in shape. And well you did just finish one run earlier right?" She brags before trying to comfort you.
"Right right, yes I did just do one run of the bike trail." You say, doubled over, trying to save some face for yourself after being so thoroughly trounced by Seulgi.
"Look, let's grab a bite to eat, you can tell me more about the city?" She suggests before bending down to whisper in your ear.
"Then you can give me that prize I won."
You watch as she walks away, and you do the only thing you can think of at this point - follow that butt. The two of you take your bikes and grab some hotdogs from a street cart.
"So what do you want as your prize?" you ask, taking a bite of your hot dog and chugging your bottle of water.
"You're cute, what do you think?" You choke over your water as you watch Seulgi slide the sausage in and out of her hot dog bun and giving it a lick on the tip.
"Hmmm, I think I know what to give you then..." you lean over and whisper in her ear, watching her shudder as your warm breath teases her ear. You find Seulgi a beautiful enigma - so daring with her come-ons, but turning beet red when you indulge her? You decide to take it to the next level.
"Let's lock the bikes, I know a... good spot for your prize." you grab her by the wrist and pull her to a quiet clearing among some bushes in the park. Discarding all pretense you pull her in for a kiss, your tongue probing her lips, which she opens willingly. Your tongues wrestle for dominance as your hand drifts swiftly to her butt, delightfully grabbing the butt that has teased you all afternoon. Seulgi squeals as she feels you knead and massage her butt cheek.
"You fill out those shorts amazingly you know that? I biked slower just so that I could watch you from behind." you claim brazenly.
"I know I do, and sure you did." Seulgi answers confidently. "You don't have a bad butt yourself." You feel her hand squeezing your muscular behind as well, and you decide to pay her back double, both your hands grabbing her butt - it feels heavenly, like you are grabbing on to soft but firm marshmallows.
"Mmm wait, not here." You feel her hot breath on you as she tries to stop the two of you from losing yourselves to the moment.
"It's late in the afternoon, no one will be here anymore. Let me give you your prize." You kiss down to her neck, your hands removing the white jacket she has on, revealing the tight black top she has underneath. Her stiff nipples are apparent through the top, her chest heaving as your hands finally leave her butt, feeling her rock hard abs and wrapping themselves around her waist.
"Ha-ah, make me cum, I'm so wet from the ride, knowing you were watching me. I slowed down because I knew you were watching." The two of you sit down on the grass, you straddle Seulgi from behind, continuously playing with her athletic body as she sits between your legs.
"Really? How wet were you?" You tease her further, one hand drifting down to her delightful thigh gap, feeling her wetness through her shorts. You hear her whine as you trace the shape of her enflamed pussy lips against the fabric, the shorts denying you immediate access to her. She is positively soaking through her shorts, and only the dark color hid that fact from anyone else.
"I was so wet, I almost came from riding the bike, I had to wipe down my seat before you caught up..." You are delighted by Seulgi's moans as you continued to rub her pussy through her shorts. Your fingers dig in further, almost pushing her shorts into her as you try to find her clit. She desperately tries to keep her moans down to a minimum, her hand covering her mouth. You're still in public, so you let her keep it there.
"No panties?" You're surprised to feel her wetness on your fingers already.
"N-no, the shorts are too tight- ah!" Seulgi tries to explain, but stops short with a yelp as you draw her clit out, your palm grinding on it as you run two fingers up and down her slit. You feel one hand grab on to your arm, the other still bravely trying to cover her mouth. She was only sweating a little after the bike ride, but now you watch with pleasure as her hair clings to her face beautifully, drenched with sweat and just as wet as her crotch. You found her scent of arousal intoxicating, and mindlessly you rubbed her harder and faster. Your other hand goes to her breast, cupping it and pinching a nipple through her top. Her moans go higher in pitch and frequency as she quickly reaches her climax.
"Mmmmmmmm!" Seulgi's hand continues to covers her own moans, but you don't need to listen to know she is cumming. She arcs her back against you strongly, tensing and freezing in place for a moment before leaning back and melting into you like a ice cube on a hot summer's day. You feel your hand get flooded with her juices through her shorts as she completely ruins them. Her harsh breaths sing right into your ear as all she can do is lay against you, trying to cool off from her orgasm. You take the opportunity to lick your fingers clean of her cream.
"You're tasty, I think I owe you another prize." you scoot around Seulgi, gently laying her down on the grass and positioning yourself between her legs.
"Wait, I'm all sweaty down there..." You hear her whimper in embarrassment as you look intently at the large wet spot between her thighs. She tries to close her legs, but you stop her immediately.
"I don't care." grabbing her knees and spreading them wider, you can clearly see the outline of her pussy through the wet fabric, looking like an absolutely delicious oyster. You look up at her through her legs, her expression undecided, before she takes a deep breath, her face the very embodiment of lust and arousal.
"You like my taste? Then go ahead, have your fill!" Seulgi answers confidently, her hands going to her shorts, and you feel drool leaking out the side of your mouth as you watch her lift her hips, shimmying her shorts off like a beautiful snake shedding its skin. You watch as a thread of her juices stick to the shorts, before reluctantly being broken - but just as that string of arousal breaks, you own resolve snaps and you dive in on her, giving in to your desires. Your tongue thrusts like a spear into her, lapping up more of her cream before pulling out and giving her clit a lick. Her thighs are perfect for gripping and you wrap your arms around them, locking yourself right at her dripping entrance as you feel her buck her hips at you, trying to push more of her pussy in your face. You vary everything you do, not giving Seulgi a chance to prepare herself for the different nerves firing pleasure into her mind, sucking at her clit and teasing her with your teeth, before diving deep into her pussy with your tongue, feeling her walls massage and grip you, and then using your tongue to flick and swipe on her clit, drawing random shapes on it. Finally you cover her completely with your mouth, sticking your tongue in her and rubbing her clit with your upper lip, shaking your head back and forth as the dual stimulation sets her off.
"Haaah! Fuck! Ughh...." You hear Seulgi's guttural moans come clearly through her hand as her world falls to pieces in your hands. Her other hand grips your head tightly, pushing you into her further. Your hands grip her toned thighs tightly as she bucks her hips erratically, her abs contracting rapidly as her body tries to find some outlet for her pleasure. But you are not to be denied your delicacy as you stay attached to her, eagerly drinking in her liquid arousal, and by the end of it your jaw is absolutely covered with her cum. Satisfied you get up and look at her, her face red with exertion and her eyes glassy, staring up into the cloudy sky as she tries to put everything back together.
"Fuck you are really good at that..." Seulgi sighs as her hand drifts between her legs, feeling the amount of fluid she left against her crotch.
"You win at sex, you deserve a prize too." You watch in wonder as Seulgi shakily gets up, copious amounts of fluid trickling down her thighs, before bending over, planting her hands on the ground. Your eyes greedily devour the sight in front of you, and you commit the sight to permanent memory - Seulgi's bent over in front of you, her legs and thighs straight and taut in all their glory, culminating in her perfect ass and a pussy that is just waiting to be plugged.
You swiftly take off your shorts, your cock standing fully at attention, pointing straight at her. Seulgi gasps as you take the chance to fill her thigh gap, her juices lubricating your cock, her skin soft and smooth as you enjoy a couple of thrusts between her legs, teasing her further as your shaft slides along her slit, the delicious friction giving you both jolts of pleasure.
"Hurry up and fuck me already..." she whines breathlessly, and you know you can wait no longer. You take your prize with pleasure, sinking your length into her bent-over form as you grab her hips. You groan at the tightness - doubled over she is more tight than anyone you've fucked.
"You feel so big..." Seulgi moans as you leisurely saw yourself in and out of her, enjoying her tightness, feeling her grip you every time you plunge into her. The angle the position provides you with is so pleasurable for both of you, your tip poking at her sweet spot every time you plug the leaking dam that is her pussy.
"Faster, please faster!" she pleads as you begin to feel your orgasm building as well. Your grip on her hips gets stronger as you begin filling her with firm and fast thrusts, the clap of flesh deafening in the silence of the clearing. You draw her juices with every thrust, staining your crotch and the ground below. Her legs quiver and the random clenching of her pussy let you know she is close to another orgasm. You redouble your efforts and are rewarded with more of Seulgi's airy moans.
"Ah, ah! Cumming again!" Seulgi's cry of orgasm pierces the air as she climaxes, a wave of juice rushing against the head of your cock as her velvet pussy massages you tightly. Your hands and dick are the only thing keeping her up as she lays limply bent over, her knees knocking together as her legs dangle, drained of strength from her orgasm. You're too close to think straight anymore, and knowing that she has cum, you begin chasing your own climax. Your arms burn as you hold her up like a ragdoll, skewering her on your cock with every thrust. You pump her even faster, both your arms and your pleasure reaching their limits.
"Fuck, Seulgi!" you yell as you thrust deeply into her, pulling her hips flush against you. You explode in orgasm, your cock unloading all of your pent up teasing and pleasure into her, covering her insides with your white cum. Completely out of strength the two of you collapse on to the grass, a torrent of your combined fluids drain out of Seulgi's pink pussy as you separate from her, earning a whine as she enjoys that last little bit of pleasure. For a while only heavy breathing can be heard as the two of you lay there, staring into the afternoon sky while trying to clear your minds of the orgasm-induced haze.
"I think we both won today." you pant, the biking and sex taking their toll on you.
"Yes... you were great." she scoots over and plants a kiss on you before leaning down and giving the tip of your dick a lick, causing you to shudder in pleasure.
"Wait, I'd love to go again but I need a break, my arms and legs are too sore."
"Fine, let's go back to my place, we should go anyways, we spent too much time here." Seulgi gets up, the last of your fluids dripping out of her. She puts her on her glorious biker shorts again, and you feel your dick stirring already. You quickly put on your clothes and follow her back to your bikes. You take a chance to cup her ass one more time.
"Not here, we're in public!" she blushes under your sarcastic look, remembering what the two of you have done earlier. She regains her composure with alarming speed, smirking and leaning in to nibble at your earlobe.
"Let's bike back, then I'll show you that a bike is not the only thing I ride fast..." her hand caressing your hardening cock.
Before Seulgi can pull away you hold her in place, turning to whisper to her as well.
"We need to rehydrate then, there'll be a lot of exercising, and I'll be... thirsty." you reply in kind, your hand rubbing her nether regions through her ruined shorts, feeling her shudder in sensitivity.
You follow Seulgi back to her place, biking as fast as your sore muscles will allow you to. Barging into the apartment, you cup her face and bring in her for a passionate kiss, your tongues tangling and and wrapping around each other.
"W-wait, let me get us some water, I might faint if we keep going like this." she gasps, pulling away from the kiss before turning to get water. You go with her to the kitchen and she hands you a glass of water, chugging her own glass. You finish off the water in one shot and grab her by the waist, causing her to yelp.
"Water's good, but I'm thirsty for something else." you bend Seulgi over the table, peeling off her shorts and exposing her peachy butt and puffy pussy lips once again. Your hands grasp and massage her butt as you kneel down and stick your tongue in her. No longer worried about being discovered, Seulgi's moans are music to your ears. Her juices flow freely, and you try in vain to capture everything, rivulets of girl cum trailing down her thighs.
"H-haah, yes yes yes!" Seulgi screams as you insert two fingers into her with a squlech. Her tunnel clenches on to you as prod and probe for her g-spot, all while you take her clit into your mouth, teasing it with your tongue. You don't see it, but Seulgi's knuckles are white, gripping the table for her dear life as you finger and lick her to an unrestrained orgasm.
"I'm cumming!" she announces her climax with a yelp as you attack her g-spot and clit at the same time. A loud moan accompanies every clench around your fingers as spurts of liquid spill out onto your face and fall on the floor. Seulgi slams her hand repeatedly, taking out her pleasure on the table. Heavy pants reverberate through her kitchen as she comes down from her high. You turn her around and give her a kiss, pinning her on the tabletop, your hands roaming up her abs and to her still clothed chest. Seulgi shows you what you want, taking off her top and sports bra, revealing her petite breasts. You waste no time showering them with attention, licking one hard nipple while a hand plays with the other. She moans her appreciation as you alternate between massaging and cupping her breasts, but soon she has other ideas.
"Wait, I want to do something for you." she leads you to her bedroom, pushing you onto the bed and pulling you into another make out session, her eyes full of lust as she enjoys plundering your mouth.
"You're sore aren't you? Do what you can, but don't worry about getting me off, you've done enough already." Your eyes widen as she takes off your clothes swiftly, leaving them strewn about on the bedroom floor. Before you know it she is on top of you, but not in the manner you expected.
"Fuck..." you hiss as you feel Seulgi's hot mouth descend on your dick, but you don't see her, as your vision is blocked by the view of her sopping wet pussy descending on your face. Your hands grab her waist as you pull her lower lips down to meet your lips, giving them a kiss before you start licking and swiping at her slit. You mash your face into her, smearing yourself with her arousal as you try to stimulate her anyway you can, drawing moans that you feel vibrating around your cock rather than hear them. You try to focus on the sixty-nine as you both try to suck, lick, and blow each other to completion first, but you were too horny and tired after the ride to compete with her. Your hands fall limp to your sides, gripping the sheets as you unconsciously buck your hips into Seulgi's mouth. You feel her tongue tease the tip of your cock, swirling around your shaft like she did to your tongue earlier. Combine that with her hands stroking the base of your cock, it all proves too much.
"You're going to make me cum!" you buck your crotch up fiercely as you drain your balls in orgasm, Seulgi sucking up as much of your cum as possible. You grunt and groan as she continues to have her way with your shaft, prolonging your orgasm to longer than you thought possible. After what feels like an eternity she gets up and faces you, wiping her mouth with a seductive smile.
"Mmm, you're pretty tasty yourself you know that?" You make to get up and try a change in position, but she doesn't let you go.
"Oh no, you're not going anywhere. Let me show you what else I can ride fast." With a cute wink she turns away from you and positions herself above your still hard cock before sitting down on you, sheathing your cock in her silky heat. The two of you groan at the penetration, and you take the time to admire the view of Seulgi's back - Her hair messily draping down her back, but not concealing how her toned back flexes as she tries to settle on a good position on top of you. Her skin is covered in a sheen of sweat, both from the biking workout, and from the more pleasurable form of workout you subjected her to earlier. You look further down to her slim waist, and past that to her hips and butt that tempted you from the very beginning.
"Ohhh Seulgi that's so good!" She snaps you back into reality as she begins grinding on you, rocking her hips back and forth as you watch her butt jiggle with the speed she's riding you with. You thank the stars that you just came earlier, because the sight of Seulgi basically twerking on your cock would have sent you to climax almost immediately. Groans from the two of you mix and clash in the air, the bedroom rapidly heating up as she chases her own orgasm. You feel her trying to grind deeper into you every time she comes down, your cock filling as much of her as possible. You watch the connection between the two of you with satisfaction, observing the growing amount of cream she leaves on your shaft. Soon Seulgi's pace becomes erratic as she leans forward, grabbing your legs for balance as she shakes her hips every which way, extracting as much pleasure as she can from you. With a low groan she suddenly stops all motion, and you feel her pussy grip you like a vise as she reaches another climax. Your crotch feels significantly wetter afterwards as she slowly begins grinding on you again, trying to extend her own peak as much as possible.
"You've worked hard, let me help you out..." you reach over and grab Seulgi by the waist, pulling her back so that is she laying on top of you. She shouts in surprise as you begin thrusting up into her, bending your knees for added leverage. Her arms reach behind, wrapping around your head as she turns to pull you in for a kiss, before being forced to break it to moan out her pleasure.
"Oh! Oh! That feels so good" Seulgi screams as you begin bouncing her, her body reduced to a melting puddle on top of you, free to thrust into at your will. Her leaning back gives your hands better access, and you take full advantage, playing with her breasts and abs, rubbing her clit as you fill her with every upward stab of your cock. You look at her beautiful face - her eyes unfocused in lust and pleasure, sweat dripping from her hair, cheeks flushed red with arousal, wordless groans and screams coming out at random intervals. You feel yourself boiling up to another climax, and you pound her faster and deeper on your cock, squeezing her breasts almost painfully before rapidly rubbing her clit as you try to trigger a final orgasm from Seulgi.
"Cum with me..." you whisper to her, and as if she was waiting for your permission her eyes roll up in her head as she announces her climax's arrival with a mighty scream, so loud that you worry about her voice afterwards. The rush of liquid on your cock and the sudden tightness of her pussy sends you into rapture as you unload all that you have left into her, absolutely soaking her insides with your cum. You silence her scream with a kiss of passion, sharing the aftershocks of your climax with one another, both of you twitching and quivering with pleasure. The evening sun shines on her gorgeous body as she lays on top of you, both bodies covered in a mixture of sweat and juices. No words were exchanged, both of you too out of it to form coherent thoughts due to pleasure and exhaustion.
"Oh..." Seulgi groans as she tries to roll off you, her pussy leaving a trail of her fluids and your thick cum everywhere - your crotch, her thighs, her bedsheets. You turn to face her, finding her eyes closed as she tries to regain her senses. You lie down next to her, watching her flushed face return to her normal complexion. She stayed so quiet and still, her expression one of satisfaction and peacefulness, that you thought she fell asleep.
"Stay the night, please?" You hear her whisper and grab you by the arm as you make to get up, the look you see in her eyes is one of contentment, before they disappear into half-moons as she smiles dazzlingly at you. You draw her in for a hug in reply, and you feel her drift to sleep in your arms. You feel exhaustion overtake you as you cuddle her, smiling as you think about your new... biking buddy? Friend? Hopefully something more.
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AN: This ended up a lot longer than expected - I had a basic idea for the outside bit, and then it spiraled into a part 2 at her place. But I really wanted to write this one out and I think it turned out fine. That outfit of hers is insane. Thank you for reading!
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neakco · 3 years
You're Not Alone Ch. 3
Ao3 the start Ch.1 Ch.2 Ch.4
Marinette looks back on her week as she gets ready to return to Paris and to school.
Marinette leaned against her bag in the bat cave. This was it, time to go home. She glanced fondly to where Damian and Tim were arguing over what her designation should be. Looking to her other side allowed her to see Kon and Jon who were supposedly keeping watch but instead were watching the two Robin’s argue.
“So you finish assigning me a designation then I get access to the tubes forever?” She watched as Damian and Tim paused in their scuffle, Damian's elbow jammed in Tim's ribs.
Tim smiled at her despite the painful position he seemed to be holding, “Yep, all you have to do is state your designation and you will have access to any of the tubes in Gotham or the one in Paris if you are here.”
Jon spoke up from across the cave, “Why don’t you two just ask her which name she likes better?”
Kon snorted, “Because the moment they decide on a name there is nothing to stop her from leaving.”
Neither Robin answered as they instead went back to their fight.
Marinette smiled and laid back on her bag. It was nice to see her birds getting along. Sure some may not see it, but neither had pulled out any weapons and none of the blows hit with force.
She looked back on her week, there were probably too many days where she cried on Tim, but she definitely felt better now, stronger. She could face her friend now and not have it hurt.
She almost laughed as she thought back to Monday night. Bruce saw her getting ready to join patrol and forbid her from lending Trixx to Tim. Not liking being told who she could and could not give the miraculous to she made the wonderful decision to lend Trixx to Jason instead. In hindering there was no way that was going to turn out well. She still thought it was worth the look on Bruce’s face.
The chaos was so great that he hadn’t  even noticed Damian using Longg until after she had recruited Chat to help her control the chaos. Marinette hummed to herself, if anything calling Chat had only made things worse. Seeing him twice that day was really bad for her heart, but at least Batman had a worse time. She still wasn’t sure if he ever noticed Tim shield surfing amongst all the other chaos.
Bruce had banned her from handing out any more miraculous during patrols, she only agreed because he said he would let Red Robin patrol again. It also helped that she could still drag the boys with her to fight akumas. Orikko and Tim paired well together.
Sadly Damian couldn’t help during that akuma. The fight would have been over a lot sooner with a dragon. Probably would have been less food puns with Damian threatening to stab someone. She blamed Chat Noir. He called Tim Rouge-Gorge like the American restaurant. They probably shouldn’t let Kon know how often Tim was called yummy during that fight.
She was snapped out of remembering quite violently when Kon had tossed her suddenly towards the sparing mats. She landed herself in a fighting stance and noticed Damian doing the same as Jon tossed him. She looked quickly towards Tim and saw that he had pulled up a summary of her last spare and what she needed to work on. She smiled, guess the supers were working as lookouts after all.
She didn’t allow anymore time for thoughts as she launched into a series of fast palm strikes. Damian sadly wasn’t taken surprise and blocked her before launching into a counter.
“What is all this? I thought Little Red was leaving.” Dick looked over the cave as she and Damian stopped sparing to look at him.
Dick walked over to Tim without waiting for an answer. He closed the analysis and started typing.
“MLB-01 registered.” Flashed on the screen and Dick just shook his head and walked back the way he came without another word.
The five teens looked at each other a little sheepishly before Marinette decide to take the opportunity to hug Damian.
“Get off me woman.”
“I will miss you too Damian.” She smiled and let go before he stabbed her then walked over to the Kents. She grabbed them both in a hug, “Come visit after an akuma attack sometime.”
“No promises,” Kon laughed as he hugged her back and tugged one of her pigtails.
She batted his hand away then went to gove Tim a hug. “Thanks for being my rock.”
His return hug caused her ribs to ache slightly but she didn’t care. “Anytime Bug.”
Her eyes started to tear up. This week was so much fun, she would really miss them. “We never finished writing our love song.”
Tim laughed, “That's because neither of us are very good at coming up with a melody.” He released her from the hug a little reluctantly and grabbed her bag from Damian in order to hand it to her. “Call me when you get home Bug.”
She smiled a little watery but accepted the bag.
“None of that now,” Tim wiped her tears away with a handkerchief, “We are still on for Saturday Brunch next week.”
“DC.” She looked over at Damian glaring at her and smiled. He was trying to hide how upset he was. “Call if you need us, it will be a pleasure to trounce your villains for you.”
She smiled, “Of course.” She stepped up to the tube. “Thank you. I will talk to you soon, I promise.” She input her designation and was off to Paris before any of them had a chance to respond.
It was better this way. This way she wouldn’t cry anymore.
She opened her purse and smiled at Tikki. “As far as travel goes I think I prefer Kaalki's portals.”
Tikki just giggled and munched on a cookie.
Marinette closed her purse and carefully left the building. She wasn’t too surprised to find herself near the Grand Hotel. Her secret phone dinged and Tikki handed it up to her quietly.
‘The limo is for u.’
‘I took u away in style Im going to return u in style.’
‘u r worth it.’
She smiled and sent a thank you back to Tim.  She would repay him with some pastries next Saturday.
Her parents were busy in the bakery but still made time to give her a quick hug. Her maman even commented on her smile. She flushed a little at that. Guess she wasn’t as good at faking them as she thought.
Once in her room she turned on her normal phone and listened to all the messages come in. There were a couple from Luka and Adrien asking her to let them know when she made it back and Luka hoping she found what she needed to.
Adrien let her know he was excited to see her at school and let her know he had a lot to catch her up on. Luka wanted to know if she could hang out after school since he had a new song to show her and wanted to know about her week.
She responded to both of them and then took a steadying breath. She couldn’t avoid it any longer.
She took her time to open up Alya's messages. Ninety-four messages, most of them creative rephrasing of the questions: How do you know the Waynes? Did you meet any heroes? Are you dating one of them? Why are you ignoring me? Oh and Marinette’s favourite; Lila says you would totally have cell service in the states.
She groaned and handed the phone over to Tikki to read while she thought of a response. Deciding that she really just wanted to call Tim and sleep she told Alya she was jetlagged and they could talk in person tomorrow.
Maybe future Marinette would be well rested enough to handle Alya.
One more chapter and we are done. Maybe then my brain will finally release me from this universe and let me write for other stories.
That said, let me know if there are any scenes you want to see. I am happy to try and write them.
Taglist: @novemberistired @novemberandmay @laurcad123 @certainmuffinbagelcalzone
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luna-redamancy · 4 years
Obsession pt.2 {Thranduil x F! Reader}
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Word Count: 2692
Warnings: Smut
Note: This chapter is 18+, please do not read if you are a minor. This is simply a bonus part to the previous chapter.
Part One
Monthly council meetings were always a bore. Discussing politics to pull a curtain over everyone's eyes about their true intentions. They were there to try and gain Thranduil’s favor, to get him to give them funds for useless ‘projects’ in the woodlands, and to get drunk without paying a bill for their wine consumption. 
Thranduil’s thumb drew comforting circles on the back of your hand as you two sat at the head of the table, vexation clear on your features as you squeezed his hand in response, giving him a gentle smile. 
“I think we should break for lunch then return to finish the details.” You announced once a representative from the southern section of the kingdom finished his address to the council. 
“I agree.” Thranduil nodded, everyone standing up to exit to the dining hall. 
“My, King Thranduil…” Merlara, an advisor to the elven kingdoms of the west, called out to Thranduil, a coy smile on her face. “Merlara,” Thranduil nodded his head out of respect to her, your eyes flickering in between them. Tossing her hair to the side, Merlara leaned forward slightly as she began to discuss trade. Rolling your eyes, you swallowed a scoff that threatened to emerge. ‘She’s flirting with him…’ you thought, a frown forming on your features. You and Thranduil hadn’t had time to complete the courting ritual, so to everyone in the room, you were just arm candy. Nothing serious. 
“Would I be so bold as to invite you to a night of craft--” You cut her off before she could finish. 
“Last time I checked, it was frowned upon to try to come in between a courted couple.” The bite in your tone was unmistakable, purposefully locking an arm around his middle and resting your head on his shoulder. “He’s mine.” Your eyes narrowed with possessiveness as Thranduil quirked a brow, enjoying this side of you.
“Well, as far as I can tell, you two haven’t finished courting so he’s free game.” Merlara bit back, not liking you getting in her way of becoming Queen of Mirkwood. 
“As far as I can tell, your blood would look really nice on this stone floor after I trounce your face in.” You growled, moving to stand in front of Thranduil. 
Thranduil’s stomach flipped pleasantly at the thought of you so ferociously defending your love for him, tugging you back by the waist to give you a kiss on your neck. “Merlara, if you couldn’t already tell, you will never have my affection as much as my beloved.” 
“Damn straight.” You huffed, tilting your head to let him keep kissing your neck. 
“I can’t wait to get you in private and ravish you,” Thranduil whispered huskily in your ear as she stalked away, trying to maintain some form of dignity. You felt your stomach clench as your arousal flared, your tongue flicking out to lick your bottom lip. Trying to maintain some ounce of control to not say screw it all and go back to your bedding chambers. 
Gulping you pulled away slightly, your movement making you hyper aware of Thranduils… Situation. Pressing a kiss to his cheek, you drowned in his smell, his being, before mumbling “I can’t wait until you mark me up to show that even without a moonstone I’m yours. And that you are mine.” You whispered back before pulling away completely, leaving Thranduil to hold in a whine as you sauntered over to the dining table to eat with the visiting council members. 
‘Mine’ Kept swirling in Thranduil’s mind, his thoughts always drifting over to your display of protectiveness over him, your eagerness to defend your relationship. His chest fluttered with an unknown feeling, something deeper than love that he hadn’t felt about another before. ‘He’s mine’ He could hear your voice in his head. Thranduil stifled a groan by coughing into his fist, feeling his pants tighten, before he too joined the council members for their meal. 
Merlara watched with narrow eyes, a tight smile on her face as she watched Thranduil take a seat next to you, pressing a kiss to your temple. “I can’t believe an elf of such a high standing would sink so low to be with a human,” Merlara gossiped to the ellon next to her, smirking coyly when their laughter filled her ears. 
Looking up from your plate, you smiled softly. “I can’t believe such an elleth with a horrid personality would be allowed to join a council.” You responded, keeping your sweet smile, eyes shining with joy as her smirk dropped to a frown again. 
The members looked between each other, confusion and nervousness clear on their faces as you interacted with Merlara. “I also can’t believe someone could be so desperate to get to the top they’d try to sleep with any king they could find.” You bit into your cherry tomato, a smile still on your face as you felt Thranduil hold your hand, non-verbally telling you he supported you. 
“King Thranduil?!” Merlara gasped out, rising from her seat. 
“How dare you let such scum treat me in such a vile manner, me, a member of your council, one of your longest and closest allies?!”
Rolling your eyes, you kept your seat. “As far as we are aware, you are the true scum here, Merlara. And if you don’t like Thranduil and I courting each other so badly, then you can take your filthy---” 
“I think you can all send your final project inquiries and requests through letter, our meeting for today is adjourned.” Thranduil spoke before you could get too riled up, feeling his own trousers now uncomfortably tight from your display. 
“King Thranduil?!”
“If you will all forgive me, me and my beloved have urgent matters to attend to.” 
And with that, the two of you exited the dining hall, hurrying toward your shared bedding chamber with excitement bubbling in your skin. Thranduil threw open the door, swinging you inside before slamming it shut, the lock clicking in place before he pushed you against the wall. His lips sealed against yours, moving with a fierce passion. Your hands snaked into his hair, tugging at his scalp as your teeth began to clash, tongues snaking together as your pulse began to race beneath your skin. 
Thranduil gripped at your butt, his hands kneading the flesh as he groaned into your mouth, the sound going straight to your core as he lifted you to grind his arousal against you. “Thranduil,” You exhaled, tilting your head against the wall as your eyes stared upwards, half lidded with lust. Thranduil began nipping at the skin of your neck, enjoying watching your skin bloom with flowers of red and purple, displaying his claim of you. 
“Mine,” He growled in your ear, licking the shell of it before resuming his attention to your neck. Using his hips to keep you up against the wall, Thranduil let his hands wander to your chest. Relishing in the feeling of you beneath his hands, Thranduil’s eyes narrowed at the fabric separating him from feeling the softness of your skin. 
Bringing his forehead against yours, Thranduil maintained eye contact as he gripped the fabric and delivered a sharp tug. A ripping sound filled the air as your chest was exposed to the cold air, your nipples stiffening in response as a gasp left your lips. “I liked that dress,” You scolded half-heartedly, a laugh clear in your voice as a grin formed on your face. 
“I’ll send a seamstress to make you a thousand more.” Thranduil murmured as he lifted you from against the wall, laying you against the bed before rising to discard the material. “Your dresses are beautiful, but my dear, you are so much more delectable.” Thranduil grinned at you, a grin on his lips as he took in the sight of you displayed before him. Only left in your panties, your chest heaving up and down with excitement. 
Thranduil took off his crown, tossing it carelessly to the side as he stripped off his clothing, the fine fabrics being discarded to the floor like garbage. Your eyes were drawn across his figure, your teeth sinking into your lip as you admired his lean form, muscular yet toned and defined. His skin smooth and pale like cream.
Dragging your eyes down his form, you watched as his hands began to remove his trousers and drawers, his length being exposed to your hungry gaze. His cock was well endowed, both thick and long as it sprang up against his stomach. Firm with arousal, precum already dripping from it’s tip. 
“I think you are a bit overdressed, my starlight,” Thranduil decided, crawling back on the bed like a tiger stalking its prey. 
“Is that so?” You quirked a brow as Thranduil nodded. “Well, maybe you should even the playing field.” You grinned as Thranduil smirked. 
“Oh I shall.” Thranduil hummed as he gripped your panties, dragging them down your legs before carefully pushing open your thighs. “My my…” He was almost speechless, your arousal nearly dripping off you as you laid now bare before him. 
“A true goddess you are,” He mumbled, sinking to lay on his stomach as he peppered kisses on your thighs, moving closer and closer to your heat as you felt your skin warm with excitement. The blankets felt heavenly against your skin, almost successfully distracting you until you felt Thranduil’s tongue. 
Thranduil flattened his tongue, licking a thick stripe up your slit. “Oh,” You gasped out, not expecting the sensation as he hooked his arms around your thighs. He flicked his eyes up to yours, the obsessed gaze in his eyes causing your cunt to clench around nothing as felt your arousal increase. Thranduil moved one hand away from your thigh, lacing it with yours as he maintained eye contact, his tongue moving to draw circles around your clit before flicking it. 
A shuddered breath left your lips, the sound encouraging your beloved as he continued to eat you out with a growing excitement. Light licks turned into sucking, the sensation making you cry our, your hands tangling in his locks as you felt a satisfied smirk against your skin. He wanted to drag every sound he could out of you. 
Thranduil relished in your sounds, your taste, the softness of your skin as he buried his face in between your legs, your tugs only encouraging him to bring you closer to the brink. Your sighs turned into elongated moans as he brought his unoccupied hand to your mound. Swirling his finger in your wetness, he carefully pushed a finger inside, enjoying feeling your hips buck in response as he slid another alongside it, thrusting them in and out with a come-hither motion. 
The coil inside your gut tightened and twisted, you knew it was getting close to snapping. “T-Thranduil--” You gasped out trying to give some sort of warning. Seemingly understanding your predicament, Thranduil suckled your clit harder, his fingers moving faster, pushing your sweet inner button over and over. 
“Come for me, let everyone in this castle know who you belong to..” Thranduil growled before resuming his actions, the coil in your gut tightening until finally you couldn’t hold off any longer, your orgasm crashing through you like waves hitting the rocks of a shoreline. “Thranduil!” You cried out, your grip on his hair tightening as he slowed his ministration, helping you elongate your euphoria until you began pushing his head away, your oversensitivity rising. 
You melted against the blankets, your eyes slipping shut as your chest heaved up and down, your heart pounding in your ears as Thranduil crawled up your body, peppering kisses along the way until he reached your lips. “Mine,” He mumbled as he nuzzled you. 
“Yours,” You agreed, opening your eyes as a smile formed on your face, “And you’re definitely mine,” You stated, recalling Merlara’s actions from before. 
Thranduil felt his cock twitch at your words, he too recalled the interaction you two had before. 
“Definitely yours,” He agreed as he sprinkled kisses down your neck again, moving to your chest. Licking and nipping at your breasts, Thranduil settled himself in between your legs, his erection settling against your mound as he worshipped your chest. 
Finally he flicked his gaze back to yours, “May I?” He questioned, wanting to ensure you were okay with continuing. Nodding you spread your legs even wider, moaning at the feel of his length brushing over your clit. “Please,” You whined as he began to grind against you. Thranduil granted your wish, sinking inside of you inch by inch, your pussy stretching wide to adjust to his girth, a moan slipping past your lips as he began to thrust wildly, not giving you a moment to adjust to him. 
The sounds of skin smacking filled your ears, soon drowned out by the sounds of your moans and groans, Thranduil’s grunts mingling with them. Thranduil’s obsession swirled through his vision, the display of you so wantonly accepting him drove him to something more animalistic, his obsession taking over him. His hands grabbed at your waist while he pulled out of you just enough to flip you onto your stomach and slide back in. Thranduil’s cock sank deeper into you than before, causing you to cry out as he began thrusting deep and fast, his hand grabbing your hair and tugging. 
“Say it.” Thranduil demanded.
Confusion covered your face for a brief moment before a small smirk formed on your lips. “Mine.” You spoke, grinning lustfully at the feeling of his cock twitch in response. “You are mine, Thranduil, I won’t let anybody take you away from me.” You declared before your voice dissolved into cries of pleasure as he growled, pounding into you harder than before causing your thighs to shake as you felt another orgasm threatening to roll through you. Sensing this, Thranduil snaked a hand underneath you, rubbing figure-eights around your sensitive nub to push you over the edge. “Thran...Thranduil!” You gasped out as he suckled bruises onto your neck, effectively marking you where the public could see, his fingers moving faster against your swollen clit, determined to make you reach your peak once more before he finished. 
His actions worked, your body trembling as your orgasm ripped through you. Your walls clenched around his length, a groan passing his lips as your tightness sent him over the edge. A moan passed your lips as you felt him release inside you, your toes curling as he released you, pressing kisses to your shoulder blade. 
Thranduil let out a low moan as he pulled out of you, reaching for a cloth to clean you up as you laid on your stomach. Breathing heavily, you sighed in content as you snuggled the pillow. Tossing the soiled cloth to the side, Thranduil carefully watched you, coming off of his crazed high. 
“(Name)?” Thranduil spoke soft, not wanting to wake you if you slipped into a slumber. “Hmm?” You hummed back, turning to lay on your side to face him. “I didn’t hurt you did I?” He questioned, worry on his features as you lifted the blankets out from underneath you, slipping into the crisp sheets. He had never gotten so out of control with you before, afraid of your reaction, he waited until you answered him before crawling in next to you.
Laughing, you wiped your hand over your face before looking back at him, “Are you serious?” You questioned, noticing his worried expression. “Deadly.” 
Your expression softened at his concern, “Thranduil, you didn’t hurt me.” You confirmed, knowing the lovebites across your skin could possibly indicate otherwise. “In fact, I quite enjoyed our… fornication,” You grinned as he slowly accepted your answer, a smile of his own forming as he crawled in bed next to you. 
His arms slipped around your waist, tugging you to his chest, his hand cradling your head as he pressed a kiss to your forehead. 
“I love you,” You mumbled, sleepiness filling your voice as you snuggled closer to him. 
“And I love you, my starlight.” Thranduil muttered, watching as you drifted to sleep. 
Forever Tag:
@lady-of-lies​ @all-things-fandomstuck​  @fizzyxcustard​ @izzydaelleth​ @aquaangel18 @raindancer2004​ @love-colorfulglittercollection​ @underthemoon-imagines​​ @ladylouoflothlorien​ @unlikelysamwinchesteronahunt​ @bad268​​ @legolaslovely​ @bthtallmadge2​ @abesottedlass​ @wilhelmyna 
Thranduil Tag:
@indelwen-of-mirkwood​ @sapphireduck​ @ashleygrrrl​ @katiegoddessofmischief​ @tigereyesf​ 
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akampana · 3 years
im the anon who asked for obscure artoria ships - tysm for answering! i knew you liked kojiro/artoria from early tpof, but ozymandias/artoria was unexpected! ozytoria sounds interesting from the way you describe it - ive always sort of seen it as an almost-giltoria dynamic minus the hostility and antagonism. i think that modern au idea sounds incredibly sweet 😭 honestly i like the idea of them but there is virtually no fancontent OR canon content of them (besides that one lartoria comment in ozy's interlude?) so its a half-built ship for me as of now. and yes, please talk about kojiro/artoria for the ship game! i'd love to see more of your thoughts on them. on nobu/artoria - YES nobu is incredibly beautiful its crazyyy. i got into shipping them because of mastoria/nobu in koha-ace, interactions in fgo and a user's thoughts on them here on tumblr (you can find them if you search up nobutoria).
Hi, @glowingarchive! good to see you in the inbox. :)
Oh, no way, really? Thought I was being subtle with Kojirou apparently not XD. And your thoughts on Ozy and Arturia, I totally agree. If you want, I made art for them a while ago, but didn't end up posting it.
*cracks knuckles* Alright, let's go.
Kojirou Sasaki X Arturia Pendragon - SHIP IT
What made you ship it?
This is gonna sound strange, but do hear me out.
My love for this ship evolved from the first time it caught my attention, but to be completely honest it all started with another ship: Diarturia.
After re-watching and re-reading FZ, FSN, and UBW, something kept coming up for me. We all know FZ is an incredible prequel sequel, created with stunning precision to fit the already existing narrative, which is why, even when consuming the series as a whole based on the timeline of events, Arturia's character still makes sense.
Their expert craftmanship made the fact that the 5th HGW is Saber's second attempt a lot clearer. Why? because it brings to the table a theme that was already there and yet not too fleshed out:
Deja vu. Or, in Saber's case, a double deja vu.
For example, this line:
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Before Zero, it only means 'oh cool so she's fought spearmen before.' but after Zero, you finally know exactly who she's talking about.
But why do I say it's a double deja vu for her?
Let's begin with the obvious one. The parallels between Cú and Diarmuid are pretty clear. Like you just know Zero Lancer's character was patterned after the existing Lancer, but given another purpose. There are gifsets all over Tumblr that illustrate their similarity too.
BUT Cú and Arturia (ooh it kills me to say this) only just fall short of the borderline flirtatious "I wanna have a glorious fight to the death with you because you're worthy" energy. Furthermore, they meet only briefly.
So where did they get that?
Kojirou bloody Sasaki
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More below the cut.
It's parallel time. (there are a few more but hnggg tumblr limits)
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No, but seriously. I don't think this is a coincidence. Diarmuid must have been some sort of amalgamation of Kojirou and Cú, the best of both. And that is also why the previous deja vu point hits harder.
Honestly, when that realization came, I was totally not expecting it. I was supposed to be looking for Diarturia crumbs and instead I found myself another whole-ass cookie. And one that unjustly has barely anything in the fandom, even if we have more straightforward lines like this:
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Which is, by the way, one of the answers to the next question.
What are your favorite things about the ship?
So, now that you know how I got into shipping this, unorthodox as it seems, I think it's time to move past the parallels and into more solid ground.
Unlike other relationships that are more ambiguous and rely on potential, Kojirou's attraction to her is so in your face, it's refreshing.
Their banter is *chef's kiss*
It's only overshadowed because he so quickly became a gag servant, and ofc because the focus of the anime was Shirou. (Why did they do him like that though, he's actually so cool??? I mean, did Saber truly even beat him?? like???)
Saber comments on his skill with the sword, going so far as to say he outclasses him in swordsmanship. bruh, you can't take that lightly
They both see each other as worthy opponents. She literally tells him he's worthy of her full attention.
Kojirou sees her as the fulfillment of his wish, and Saber bloody actually gets to grant him the fight of his 'life' (FSN and UBW, not HF ;n;) when she couldn't do the same for a certain former rival. She even promises their fight's resolution because it is so important to her to see it through (UBW).
Kojirou really wants that fight, and fairly, without interruption. Which is why in FSN he goes as far as to stop the fight before Rider can spy on Saber's sword. And then later on, literally tells Shirou and Rin he doesn't give a shit about them, he just wants to fight Saber.
When he calls her out on holding back, especially since they're both running out of time, she apologizes and reveals Excalibur so they can fully face each other at full strength. UGH THE CHEMISTRY HGNGNGNGNGN. Also, since he knows this is their last fight, he's giving off "look at me, focus on me, don't think about anything else" vibes.
Also, man, Kojirou Sasaki really be out here serving up blatant eye smex every time they share the screen I swear to god.
Like let me give you a line from UBW 23, 19:08, right after Assassin notices she's damaged his katana
Arturia: Our positions...Assassin...are you... (that's what the subs say but Saber says "kisama" so I read it as "you bastard")
Kojirou, smirking: Is it wise to pull your blows? In this position, I could send you flying.
*Kojirou steps forward pressuring their locked swords and causing her to shuffle back a bit*
Arturia: Is that why you deliberately entered my range?
Look, Sasaki, we all see what you're doing, ya ain't slick.
Taken out of context and heck even *in* context that's sexual tension right there.
You better bet if he had the chance he'd be sticking that long-ass sword in-
Is there an unpopular opinion you have about your ship?
It's...baffling how unknown this ship is like...look at all that material. I mean of course it's going to be trounced in popularity by Shirou x Saber, GilArt, and Diarturia , but it should at least have accumulated enough of a following like Cuturia, for example.
Thank you for the ask! Hope you enjoyed the read as much as I enjoyed constructing this. :) feel free to share to gain more fans mwahahahahah join the dark side we have cookiessss
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camelove · 3 years
Quest for Camelove
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Paring: Reader x Regret
Rating: T
Warnings: blood, violence, fainting, strong language, implied drinking
Summary: A regular trip to the Tavern sends you off searching for the vision of a soulmate... not your own, but of a random drunkard you’d been forced to sit beside for lack of any free seating.
A/N:  This post was made to serve as inspiration for the Camelove 2021 event which will take place from 8th till 14th of February. For more examples, follow the #Camelove2021 example posts tag! We look forward to seeing what you create for the event!
A writer, an artist and a giffer walk into a bar. 
You’re one of them. 
You’re good at what you do - if you do say so yourself - but recently, inspiration has been running dry. So, as one does when hit by a dry spell, you’re stopping by the Tavern in hopes of drowning your frustrations. 
As you make your way inside, you look around at the sorry bunch of sloshed sods, wrinkling your nose at the claggy smell of sweat and cringing away from a man who collapses against the table in front of you, having just been socked in the nose by one of the other customers. 
You sigh long-sufferingly. To your despair, there’s at least one person crammed into every nook in the damn place. If you want to sit anywhere, you’ll be getting up-close and personal with one of your fellow patrons. 
You weigh up your options - briefly considering just turning around and heading home - but eventually your thirst wins out, and you resolve to suck it up and squeeze yourself into whatever spot seems the least unappealing. You set about ordering a drink and, once armed with two pints of apple juice, you turn to deciding whose company you’re going to subject yourself to. In the end, you pick... 
A - The stooped elder currently engrossed in a book of lizard anatomy
B - The bloody-nosed man at your feet who’s slowly returning to consciousness 
C - The bloody-knuckled person responsible for the man at your feet who’s slowly returning to consciousness
D - The Barkeep who’s wringing out a cloth, looking like they wish it were the neck of their current customer
E - The customer who’s pissing off the Barkeep with inane complaints 
F - The person nursing their wrist after getting thoroughly trounced in an arm-wrestle
G - The person at the dart-board who’s started directing their shots towards the bard in the corner
H - The bard in the corner currently using their lute as a shield while simultaneously warbling about pixies with long, agile tongues
I - The person crying alone in the corner opposite to the bard
J - The person in the other corner currently shoving their tongue-- actually, scratch that, they look busy-- 
K - The cloaked figure at the final corner table who you see surreptitiously swapping a coin for a vial of… something
L - None. You turn on your heel and stalk out, planning to join the horses, only to find that someone has decided to hit the hay right there amongst the muck. They startle and wake as you approach. 
...who, you later find out is: 
A - Old Man Simmons 
B - Julius Borden
C - Balinor 
D - Mary the Barmaid 
E - Dragoon
F - Valiant
G - Elena
H- Gilli
I - Edwin Muirden
J - Tristan and Isolde
K - Will 
L - Tyr
You flop down and pray that for the love of Camelot, your unwanted companion does not decide to get chatty. 
You groan and let your head thump against the surface before you. 
“Hey,” they persist, leaning closer. You roll your head to the side in order to send them a scathing glare. They tut sympathetically. “Bad day? I feel you, mate.” 
You wonder to yourself what you’d done to deserve this. 
Your parasite companion keeps talking. 
“Everything’s just a bit much, lately,” they sigh. “Sometimes I wonder if I’m not going crazy, you know?” ‘Oh, really?’ you want to snark back, but you keep your lips zipped in hopes that they’ll take a hint. 
They don’t. 
“I mean, it’s not every day a dragon says you have a soulmate.” They whistle lowly. “I mean - a soulmate. Can you imagine?” 
You can’t, actually. Mostly because you wonder who could stand the company of such a blabbering prat. If the dragon had told them they knew where they’d meet their doom, you’d have gladly taken up the role yourself. 
“Well,” they continue, oblivious to your plotting of their demise. “He didn’t say soulmate, exactly. He said “Destiny”, though I figure that’s basically the same thing. Still - I could meet the person meant to complete me - the apple of my eye, the other side of my coin, the courage to my strength…” 
You roll your eyes and hit them with a deadpan expression. 
“Bully for you.” Their eyes widen. 
“Oh, I hope not,” they say, sounding worried, “I wouldn’t want my soulmate to be an ass.” 
‘Why the hell not?’ you brood, ‘you’d be a matching set.’
They sigh from beside you, a melancholy look overtaking their features. 
“Wish I could go after them myself, but I’ve just… y’know. Got too much stuff on my plate to go tracking down some hidden stranger.” 
‘But you have ample time to talk one’s ear off? Glad to see you have your priorities in order.’ 
They’re twiddling their thumbs nervously. Their eyes keep flicking towards your face and away again. You purse your lips tighter. “Though... I know it’s not like I’m the only one who has a job to do. I’ll happily compensate, mind.” 
You take a sip of your juice. You look over at them. You sigh. 
“Why are you telling me this?” 
They perk up immediately at the sight of your attention. 
“I know you,” they blurt. You edge away slightly. “Not in - not in a creepy way. I just follow you.” You edge away another few inches.  “I mean- wait. The stuff you post out, I scroll past it, sometimes. I always like it.” 
“You mean ‘stroll’.” 
“I said that, yeah.” 
Despite yourself, you’re flattered. You put a lot of effort and pride into your work, and it’s always pleasant to hear that someone appreciates it. You grunt out a thanks. 
“I just mean-” they’re fidgeting again, and you wonder what has them so worked up. Clearly, they’re sitting on a question, and it’s just when they’re beginning to get a constipated colour to their cheeks that you sigh, heavily. 
“Just ask.”
“How much d’you want? To - uh - find my soulmate?” 
A shocked silence, before- 
“How much d’you want? A hundred? Two hundred? Mind you, I’m talking copper, I haven’t got a lot on me right now-” 
“Why-” you interrupt, wild with disbelief, “in Albion’s name would I want to go and find your Soulmate?” 
“Er…” They scratch at their head. “You mean you don’t know?” 
“Know what?” 
“What the dragon said.” 
“What did the dragon say?” 
“It said that- well…” They shuffle awkwardly. “He said that I just had to wait and… help would come to me. And I waited. And you came to me.” 
You stare. They wince. “He, uh... he said it was Destiny?”
You continue to stare. 
“Why me?”
“Well... I’m not... entirely sure.” They cough into their fist, avoiding your eyes. Then they perk up. “But you’ve done a lot of work for couples in the past, right? Put ‘em together in those lovely pieces of yours.”
You grit your teeth, grinding them together. 
“I create fanworks of them,” you hiss, “I don’t- play their bloody matchmaker, and I certainly don’t go gallivanting across the five kingdoms to do so, either.” 
“You wouldn’t have to go through all five kingdoms,” they have the audacity to say, as though that’ll soothe your ire, “only, like, two. Camelot and Mercia.” They deflate slightly at your unimpressed glare. “C’mon,” they whine, “You’re so skilled. I’m sure you could pull something off.” 
You continue to glare. You pin them with it until they squirm and flush, looking down. With a sigh, you turn away and stare into your juice. You drink. Slam the pint glass down, sharp. 
“I’ll go collect your damn damsel.”  
Their eyes light up. 
“You will?” they gush. “Cailleach below, if I didn’t have a Soulmate, I’d ask you to marry me.” 
You grimace. 
“Please don’t.” 
They babble out a recount of the cryptic information the dragon had given them. You nod here and there, mostly letting their words fly over your head, only taking a mental note of the stuff that might be of use. You’ll face many difficult decisions. Light will come to your aid. Take a note of any numbers you choose along the way. At the end of it, you’ll find a vision of the one you’re searching for. 
It’s more for yourself than them that you’re doing this, you say to yourself. Who knows; this trip might be the spark you need to fire up your creativity. Besides, you’ve been cooped up inside long enough. It’s high time you got out a bit. 
That’s how, half an hour and a few more pints of apple-flavoured drinks later, you’re picking thorns from your person after having fallen into a bush in the middle of the woods, and you find yourself faced with a fork in the path. One prong takes you through the forest. The other, through caves.
As you mull over which path you should take, you wonder what kind of person this elusive Soulmate will be. 
Will this pairing be sweet? Or will it be a bit more… unsavory? 
Once you've gone through and collected the numbers, click here
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blackcloverdatabase · 4 years
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English Translation of Novel 3: Chapter 1 – Gold & Black - (Part 1 of 2)
Here’s the first half of chapter 1 from Book of Yuno! If the manga is killing you right now (it’s certainly killing me), please enjoy Yuno, Klaus, and Mimosa being very nervous and awkward as they collect information on a dangerous magic tool, the ‘Original Sin’. William also makes an appearance… and he’s also awkward. Honestly, the Golden Dawn is too much.
And on the ‘Black’ side, we have Yami and Asta, the exact antithesis of nervous and awkward. One could argue that they’re downright shameless.
--- Gold & Black: Part 1 ---
“……At last, it has begun.”
Klaus Lunettes, member of the Golden Dawn, said anxiously as he pushed up his glasses, his hand shaking with nervousness. Another member of the Golden Dawn, Mimosa Vermillion, took a deep breath. Her facial expression was uncharacteristically meek.
“Okay. I’m…… ready now……!”
Next to Mimosa flew Bell, a small spirit in the shape of a young girl, no larger than the width of a human hand. Their nervousness caused her to shudder.
“W-wait!? What are you so afraid of!? This isn’t such a big deal! If Yuno and I combine our powers, we can trounce any foe, no matter how strong they are!”
She was acting tough, but her voice somehow seemed smaller than usual. Even one of the Four Great Spirits, the wind spirit known as Sylph, was hesitating.
“……Bell, I told you to get in my breast pocket.”
The one who quietly said this to Bell was the boy she had chosen, Yuno. He held a four-leaf grimoire, not unlike the grimoire the first Wizard King was said to possess, and in just one year after joining the Golden Dawn, he has become one of the squad’s most celebrated knights. In short, he was a mage of prodigal talent. He slowly opened his eyes, quietly walking toward Klaus and Mimosa until he stood before them.
“You two should get ready, too…... they’re coming.”
The Golden Dawn - even within the Order of the Magic Knights, a group directly under the Wizard King’s supervision, it was considered to be an elite squad, where only the best of the best were allowed to belong. Their duties were incredibly diverse, but they were always rigorous to the extreme. The mission Yuno, Klaus, and Mimosa were just given promised to be quite rigorous as well. At worst, it could even make them lose their sanity. Though Yuno and the others have reached the verge of death many times now, their current assignment was so perilous, and, above all, special, that their minds were filled with anxiety. This mission was…...
“Um, ladies and gentlemen, thank you for gathering here today. I am the head of this estate, Ryde Virule.”
When a young man named Ryde used magic to augment his voice as he greeted the crowd, Yuno and the others stiffened. The venue for the party they were now attending was about twice as large the place where the conferment ceremony for the Magic Knights was held. The venue was teeming with women in dresses and men in suits. As he stood behind the podium on the upper floor of the venue, Ryde continued his greeting.
“Now then, the time has arrived, so let the party begin!”
That’s right. Yuno and his friends have infiltrated a party organized by a certain nobleman. However, this was no ordinary party……
“Everyone, I hope from the bottom of my heart that you will meet your destined partner here, tied together by the red string of fate!”
This was a matchmaking party. They were told to infiltrate this party and gather information from the nobles in attendance. Such is the task that was imposed on Yuno and the others. To do so, they must deepen their relationships with the other people here, at least, to some extent. In other words, they must spend their time talking about hobbies and work, the latest fashions, and even love stories with nobles and aristocrats they were completely unacquainted with, and they have to look like they’re having fun while doing so.
They were all excellent knights, but that doesn’t mean they excel at that kind of communication. Of course, none of them had any experience with matchmaking parties. In the first place, they don’t even have any experience talking to the opposite sex for that sort of thing. In other words, they were all so nervous that they wanted to throw up.
“……E-eek!? They all started moving!”
The men and women at the venue began to shuffle around, causing Mimosa to visibly tremble.
‘U-uh, what was it you’re supposed to do first? First… a-are we supposed to talk to the other person about their appearance, like their good points and their bad points!?’
Klaus was lost in his thoughts. Then, a girl whose cuteness reminded him of Mimosa suddenly spoke to him.
“Hey, you look nervous. You’ll go bald if you let yourself get too stressed out.”
‘This isn’t good. We’re only three seconds in and my heart is already pounding,’ Klaus thought.
“Calm down, Mimosa! Apparently, it’s perfectly acceptable to be a little rude here, too! F-first of all, delve into the occupation and hobbies of your partner, and find something that might be related to the thing we’re looking for!”
With that, Bell peeked out of Yuno’s chest pocket and joined the discussion with a whisper.
“But Klaus, what are you going to do if someone asks you the same thing!? Your hobby is architectural appreciation, right!? Are there really going to be any girls here interested in that!?”
“G-gh! T-that’s…!”
Stabbed by her words, Klaus grinded his teeth in frustration at his weak point on this mission – his niche hobbies. This caused Mimosa’s confusion to grow even further, making nervous noises as she sputtered,
“Aah, what do we do, what do we do……? T-then, what if we ask our partners what their annual income is!?”
“Don’t say that like you just had a good idea! That’s the last thing you should bring up the first time you meet someone!”
The discussion continued without progress. Glancing away from everyone else, Yuno sighed.
‘This doesn’t suit my character, and yet…...’
Though that was what Yuno was thinking, he refrained from saying it out loud.  They were assigned this task a few hours ago, and they only arrived at the venue a few minutes ago. This means they arrived here without formulating a strategy.
‘We’ll need to take some time to talk it through.’
Yuno turned toward his chaotically confused comrades and admonished them.
“……Please calm down. First, let’s go over the details of our mission.”
If you don’t know where you should go, it’s important to first trace back to where you started. This is the same routine Yuno has been doing since he was a child. Whenever he was lost, experiencing hardships, or feeling sad, if he thought about the oath he made as a child, he would feel as though those thoughts were pushing at his back, directing him to where he should go.
……Well, every time he thought about that oath, that guy’s optimistic smile came to mind, which would invariably cause Yuno to smile, too, so Yuno had to be careful.
That aside, Yuno thought back to when the four of them were assigned their current mission.
 --- A few hours ago, at the base of the Golden Dawn ---
 Yuno and the others stood side by side, having just been urgently summoned into the office. Klaus stood in front of them, repeating what their captain had told them.
“There are nobles trading away illegal magic tools…?”
Their captain, William Vangeance, who sat at his desk across from Klaus and the others, quietly tilted his head downward and replied,
“Yes, this has become apparent after an investigation done by your peers.”
He had his usual elegant smile, but the tone of his voice was a little more serious than usual.
“Well, it’s certainly not unusual for nobles to have secret dealings with each other. I wouldn’t go so far as saying that those secret dealings aren’t a problem, but it’s also usually not something the Magic Knights need to be dispatched to handle.”
“…But, this time, these ‘illegal magic tools’ are a problem?”
In response to Klaus’s question, Vangeance nodded his head as he continued,
“We’re still investigating for more details, but this magic tool, called the ‘Original Sin’, is shaped in the form of a grimoire. It explosively boosts its owner’s magical power, but it also makes them violent, before finally making their magical power spin out of control. Ultimately, it sounds like a dangerous tool.”
“Such a dangerous tool is…!?”
Klaus started thinking as he answered - To what extent does it increase the owner’s magical power? How long does it last? Once induced into violence, how much does the affected person’s personality change, and how do you turn them back to normal? There were many uncertainties, but one thing that was certain was that if such a thing were to fall into the wrong hands, it would become a significant threat. That was something they must prevent from happening.
Moreover, the annual festival for Magic Knights, the Star Festival, was fast approaching. If they make a huge achievement here, then they will earn themselves a large helping of stars. In other words, he’ll be able to show his loyalty to the captain. Feeling a greater sense of responsibility than usual while also hiding the sliver of excitement welling up in his chest, Klaus asked,
“So, Captain Vangeance, what is it that we should do?”
“Right. I’m sorry for springing this on you so suddenly, but, starting now, I would like you to infiltrate a party hosted by a certain nobleman.”
Saying this, Vangeance opened a cloth bag on his desk. Inside, it contained one lovely dress and two well-tailored tailcoat suits. It seemed that they were expected to wear these and infiltrate the party. Klaus took the bag and said,
“I see. So, the owner of this magic tool… the ‘Original Sin’, will be among the nobles attending this party. Or, is it that a transaction involving this tool will take place at the party?”
“You catch on quickly. That’s correct. I want you to investigate with both possibilities in mind.”
Vangeance reached into the drawer of his desk and pulled out a bundle of parchment.
“This contains a brief summary of the party, its sponsor, and its participants. This was only compiled recently, so I haven’t yet read the details, but please look at this on your way……. hm?”
With one glance at the data, Vangeance’s expression stiffened by just a little bit. It was a facial expression he didn’t normally show, causing Klaus to call out without delay,
“What’s wrong, Captain Vangeance?”
“Umm……. no, it’s fine. I just found out, but……”
It seemed as if he was being very careful with his words, which was incredibly unusual for him.
“The purpose behind this party is a little unique……. it’s a party where people with the same goal in mind gather together, or, how should I put it? This goal is rather specific…… Well, you’ll understand once you read the document.”
“Then, there’s no problem. We will look over it on our way there.”
“……Okay. I see. Then, there’s no problem.”
Vangeance said awkwardly as he handed the documents over to Klaus. Taking note of how uncomfortable he looked, Klaus sandwiched the documents under his arm and did a 3-leaf salute with his other hand.
“Well then, we’ll be on our way, Captain Vangeance! We’ll round up every single one of those ‘Original Sin’ tools, as well as every evil noble who’s distributing them!”
“Y-yes. I’m counting on you……”
“Yes sir!! We absolutely, positively won’t let you down!”
After such a formal(?) exchange of words, Vangeance, as if he were coming to terms with feelings of guilt, said so quietly that he was barely audible,
“……Um, if I find any Magic Knights who are free, then I’ll send them as reinforcements…… so, I hope you can forgive me.”
With those parting words, Klaus and the others left the office.
 --- And now, in the present ---
Klaus turned toward Yuno, whose eyes were closed in recollection, and said mild-mannerly,
“……How is it, Yuno? Were you able to make a breakthrough?”
Yuno slowly opened his eyes and stared at Klaus with an exceedingly calm expression as he said,
“Yes, I have reconfirmed that you, Klaus-senpai, in your rush for success, accepted this mission without properly confirming its contents. In other words, we are in this mess because of your mismanagement.”
“That’s no breakthrough, but I cannot deny the validity of your claim! I’m sorry! I didn’t think things would turn out like this!”
“Also, when you replied to Captain Vangeance at the end, I find it odd that you yelled ‘Yes sir!!’. A simple ‘yes’ would have been fine, so why did you raise your voice like that?”
“There’s nothing wrong with that! I was just brimming with fighting spirit! If you’re going to make me explain myself, then there’s your explanation!”
With that, Bell and Mimosa raised their hands at the same time, joining the conversation while Klaus pouted.
“While we’re on the subject, I thought it was odd when you said “absolutely, positively”! Why did you add “positively” to that!?”
“Also, this has been bothering me for a while, Klaus-san, but why are you only growing out the bangs on your left side! It’s so long that it flutters smoothly in the wind, but why!?”
“Don’t join in with Yuno! Plus, stop that! You’re making me embarrassed for all sorts of reasons!”  
Yuno smiled a little when they began their exchange with each other. With this, they’ve become a little less nervous. He left the bullying at that and started talking about his breakthrough. Well, it wasn’t so groundbreaking that it could be called a breakthrough, though.
“First of all, we should act as we usually do, just as you were doing just now. We’ll look out of place if we act that nervous, and if we get swallowed up by the atmosphere of this place, we won’t be able to fulfill our goal.”
“……You’re… right. Sorry. It seems that I misunderstood what our goal should be.”
Klaus scratched his head awkwardly as he continued,
“Our goal is to retrieve the ‘Original Sin’ and capture the culprit who has it. Getting close to someone and collecting information from them is just a means to an end. Getting nervous about a means to an end is like putting the cart before the horse.”
With Klaus’s words, Mimosa breathed a sigh of relief.
“Thank goodness. I was seriously thinking that we would have to participate in this matchmaking party and get close to someone.”
‘If you were serious about this, you wouldn’t suddenly ask them what their annual income is…,’ Yuno thought as he said,
“That would be the best way to obtain information, but it’s not absolutely necessary. If it makes you that nervous, then you shouldn’t even bother. This document has all the information we need. Instead, I think we should watch for any suspicious figures.”
“That’s my Yuno! You said everything I wanted to say!!”
Bell said with smug face before suddenly pointing her finger at Klaus and Mimosa.
“Listen up, you two! For the time being, you should be inconspicuous while you keep your eyes peeled for any dangerous looking people! Got it? I repeat, you should be inconspi-Oomf!”
Before Bell could finish what she was saying, Yuno pushed Bell back into his pocket with his index finger. ‘You’re the one who stands out the most’, he thought.
Staying hidden as they watch the enemy… he was bothered by such a passive strategy, but there were too many uncertainties in this mission, such as the identity of the enemy and the true abilities of the ‘Original Sin’. With what little information they have, they should tread cautiously.
While he was looking around the venue, he noticed that one section of it had become very noisy. It seemed that someone was at the center table, where the food and alcohol were all lined up.
“Huh, you serious? This is Ryuuzencagula wine. I can drink as much of this rare shit as I want?”
The owners of those voices were a teenage boy and a large man. They seemed to be excited about the high quality of the food and alcohol. The nobles around them were staring at them while they either giggled and chuckled or backed away to put some distance between them.
“Hey lady, can I get a to-go box!? It doesn’t look like anyone else is gonna eat this, so I’ll bring the rest of this home!  Ha ha, it tastes so good that it’d be a shame to waste it~!”
“Can you bring as much of this wine as you have? What, you have a whole barrel? Hey~, you serious? What do you plan to do if I get drunk? This matchmaking party sure is sexy~”
Unbothered by all the eyes that were on them, the two of them continued to act in high spirits. In inverse proportion, Klaus and Yuno became increasingly pale. The owners of those voices were two people they were very familiar with. In other words, they sounded an awful lot like the captain of the worst squad in the Magic Knights, the Black Bulls, A.K.A. the God of Destruction, Yami Sukehiro, and Asta, an optimistic member of the same squad. For the second time that day, Klaus looked as if he was about to vomit.
“…..W-what? Yuno, when the captain said he would send us reinforcements……don’t tell me he…”
“It’s just our imagination. They must be someone else, and they just happen to resemble them. There must be nobles like that, too. Talk about shocking.”
Yuno spoke quickly. There was just no way. This was a mission where they weren’t supposed to stand out, so why were the two guys who stand out the most in the Magic Knights dispatched? No, if those two were the only knights available, then it’s possible, but…
“……Anyway, let’s not get involved with them. Even among the Black Bulls…… Captain Yami and Asta are the worst possible combination.”
“You’ve already admitted to knowing their names out loud, though!”
No, even Klaus was already aware. They’ll have to join Asta and Yami at some point, but right now is absolutely not the right time for that. They haven’t even found anything yet, so there was no way they could start working together with those guys.
“Let’s leave this area for now. There’s other rooms, so let’s split up and…… hm?”
Klaus looked around, realizing that Mimosa was gone. He had a bad feeling, so he turned toward the direction where Asta and Yami were making a ruckus, and,
“Huh~! It’s Asta-san and Captain Yami! I’m so glad! Being surrounded by all these people I didn’t know was making me feel so discouraged!”
Her smile was practically sparkling as she spoke with them.
Klaus looked as if he was about to scream in anger, but it was already too late. Asta and Yami, who were dressed in tailcoat suits, had noticed her, and they were now talking to her.
“Oh, it’s Mimosa! You should try this meat! It’s delicious!”
“Ah, now that I think about it, you guys came here before us. So, who else is with ya?”
“Yuno-san and Klaus-san are over there! Let’s go talk to them together!”
Yuno and Klaus silently exchanged glances with each other, both of them thinking the exact same thing. For now, it’s going to be impossible for them not to stand out.  
 “The enemy might be here, and yet you’re acting so stupid…... Just what are you thinking?”
Klaus said to Asta, pressing his temples as if he had just developed a migraine. They stood at a corner in the room where several tables and chairs were placed. They were too conspicuous in the main hall, so they relocated to this room, where Klaus explained their strategy to Asta and Yami in an attempt to rebuild it. Yami leaned back on his chair, speaking as if the whole thing had nothing to do with him,
“My bad, strait-laced glasses. But, it’s not like we meant any harm, so let it slide.”
“No way, you were making a racket with Asta, were you not!? While Asta was acting like that, you…...”
“……I was what, exactly?”
“……Ah, no, um……. sorry.”
Feeling threatened by Yami, Klaus reflexively apologized. It was power harassment from a superior. As a middle manager who also has had to deal with workplace harassment from his juniors… such troubles were something that Klaus became very well-acquainted with this year. Unaware of Klaus’s thoughts, the man who had just harassed him drank some wine as he said,
“Well, don’t worry, I’ll make sure not to stand out more than I already have. You all continue with that strategy of yours.”
Noting that Yami was once again acting as if it were someone else’s problem, Yuno leaned forward as he asked,
“Aren’t you going to take the lead, captain?”
“Nope. This time around, I don’t plan on movin’ all that much. If the higher-ups are always buttin’ in, that doesn’t leave any chance for newbies to grow. I’m sure Vangeance was thinkin’ the same thing.”
“…Is that so?”
Despite his casual reply, Yuno’s respect for Yami went up a bit. He doesn’t usually act like it, but a captain is still a captain. Yami, too, was thinking about how he can cultivate newcomers. While Yuno was admiring him in secret, Yami slowly stood up, carrying the wine he had just received from the waiter over his shoulder.  
“And so, I’m gonna go get drunk off my ass and take a walk through the garden or somethin’. Call me if anythin’ comes up. Ah, but don’t wake me up if I’m nappin’. I’ll send ya flyin’ if you do.”
With that, Yuno’s respect for Yami dropped back to where it was before. Actually, it dropped a little lower. Yami patted Asta’s head and started walking toward the exit.
“Well, see ya. Do your best while you’re rehabilitating, kid.”
“Yes sir! Be careful out there, Captain Yami!”
With that exchange of words, Klaus sighed heavily at the figure that so quickly left them behind.
“Goodness. Why did he even bother coming here, that man……?”
“Well, still, he’ll come help us if something happens. He’s always like that! More importantly……”
Asta slapped Yuno’s back with a wide smile on his face.
“It’s been awhile, Yuno! You’re acting as cool as usual, ya jerk!”
With a slight smile on his face, Yuno retorted,
“Shut up. That hurt. We saw each other at Kiten, so it hasn’t been that long. I see you’re still short.”
“Rejected right away!? Also, my height has nothing to do with this!”
“Come to think of it, Captain Yami mentioned something about you rehabilitating. Are you unwell? Is it your head?”
“What makes you say that!? It’s my arms! My arms! They were all bandaged up when we met at Kiten, remember!? They’re all healed now, but they were both totally messed up!”
“If only they could cure the rest of you.”
“Shut up! What’s will all the verbal abuse!?”
Klaus couldn’t help but laugh as he watched the two quarrel so happily. Mimosa also couldn’t help feeling warm and fuzzy inside as she mumbled “Asta-kun’s so sweet, so tiny…...”. It was a scene that Klaus should bring to a halt, but it had truly been a long time since the two of them were able to talk at their leisure. Klaus knew they were rivals, but, before that, they were practically like twin brothers to each other.  Nobody would blame him if he let them play around a bit more, he thought, but then something started fidgeting about in Yuno’s breast pocket.
‘……. That’s right. I forgot. There’s one person here who couldn’t read the atmosphere around her to save her life, even though she’s a wind spirit.’
“Wait a minute! Why are you chatting things up with my Yuno while completely ignoring me!”
Just as Klaus was expecting, Bell poked her face out of Yuno’s breast pocket and yelled at Asta, causing Asta to step back in surprise.
“Woah!? What the heck, wind spirit! I didn’t know you were here, too!”
“Of course I am! Yuno and I are always together! Isn’t that the first thing they teach you at school!? What kind of life have you been living if you don’t even know that!”
“Don’t say that as if its common knowledge! I’ve been enjoying a completely normal life!”
“……Bell, house. What will you do if someone sees you?”
This time, it was Yuno who stopped the war of words that was unfolding. Just after he stopped their argument with a sigh,
“……Yuno-san, aren’t those people over there acting strange?”
Mimosa gently tugged on Yuno’s sleeve and pointed to a corner of the room with her other hand. When he looked to where she was pointing, he could see about ten men trying to woo five young women. It wasn’t a particularly rare spectacle to see at a matchmaking party, but……
The rest of the men were being led by one rather rotund individual. Yuno could hear the exchange between him and the five young women.
“Considering that you’re all nobles from the backwoods, you lot have some nerve refusing an invitation from me, the next head of the Burlington family!”
“……Ah, no, um…… it’s not that we were… refusing you, but, um……”
“Then accept my invitation to my estate! I’m telling you that I’ll let you all visit my private room!”
Despite the fact his invitation was clearly in deviation of proper manners, the other partygoers around them pretended not see anything, and the waiters and waitresses hurriedly continued their duties without stopping them. The Burlington household. It was a name Yuno had never even heard of before, but it must be a name that holds some weight around here. Considering the circumstances surrounding their mission, it wouldn’t be good to stand out more than they already have, but……
Yuno asked Klaus as if the answer was already obvious,
“Klaus-senpai, I can go help them, right?”
“No way…… even if I were to say that, you would still go anyway, right? Asta’s here, too……”
Klaus sighed, but smiled in the next instant and said,
“Well, I don’t intend to turn a blind eye, either. However, please wait for a bit. We should think of a way to resolve things quiet-“
Before Klaus could finish, Asta rushed into fray with blazing speed.
“HEEEEY! You bastards! Those girls clearly don’t like you, so stop that!”
“Can’t you listen to what other people are saying before acting out!”
Asta managed to weave his way through the crowd. The fat man who lead the group shouted aggressively,
“What the hell, you bastard! Don’t you know you’re speaking to Zable Burlington!”
“I don’t care if your name is Zable or Cable! No matter who you are, trying to force a girl to go out with you when she doesn’t want to is wrong!”
“Oh? These girls don’t want to go out with me? So, they rejected me? I see! Then, it’s fair for me to say that they committed a heinous act of disrespect toward me, right!?”
Not understanding what was going on, Asta turned to look at the girls, only to see them shake their heads in denial, looking as if they were about to cry. He didn’t know anything about the circumstances of nobility, but he did understand that, right now, those girls’ circumstances were terrible.
Watching Asta fall silent, Zable’s mood became cheerful as he sneered,  
“So, which household are you from? You’ll have to atone for your rash remarks toward me…. Huh? Who are you, you bastard!?”
Klaus had arrived at the scene, coughing once to catch Zable’s attention before speaking,
“I apologize for my companion’s rude behavior. However, please leave it at that. This spectacle is starting to bother everyone here.”
Klaus chose his words carefully, trying to discourage his opponent without sounding contemptuous. As a result, Zable dialed back his arrogant attitude a little before responding,
“W-what’s with you? Are you trying to lecture me!? Tell me which household you’re from! Your household!”
“For reasons I cannot divulge here, I cannot tell you. However, it’s a household with quite a bit of status.”
‘I-I should say something, too!’ Thinking this, Mimosa stepped forward and said,
“T-that’s right! That’s right! Umm…… t-that’s right!”
“Mimosa, please, just stop. You don’t have to say anything,” Klaus said.
Yuno slowly lowered his gaze toward Mimosa. In truth, her household name probably easily surpasses Zable’s in terms of power, but there would be a big fuss if they revealed her name, which would impact their mission. He probably wouldn’t believe her, anyway.
Zable was a little bit frightened by Klaus’s firm attitude, but he scoffed in an attempt to hide that fact.
“Ha, ha ha! I bet your household isn’t all that big a deal, right!? That’s why you’re keeping your mouth shut, right!?”
With that, Yuno stepped forward with cold eyes.
“We can tell you once the party is over, but…. would you really be okay with that?”
Yuno made his bluff with a lowered voice and sharp eyes. When it came to applying silent pressure, Yuno was better than Klaus.
“The world of nobility is a vertically structured one. I’m sure you can figure out what happens…… when one with lower status attempts to snarl at those above him.”
Zable finally fell silent, making Yuno and Klaus confident in their victory. They were ready to say something like, “For now, let’s all pretend that none of this ever happened,” and leave things be, but…
“……What the hell? What the hell is up with you!? Why are you getting in my way again!!?”
“Why did bastards like you show up again!? I’m, I’m……!”
Yuno’s and Klaus’s mouths hung open at Zable’s incoherent words. His eyes became bloodshot, and he clenched his teeth so tightly that blood began to ooze from his mouth. There was no reason for him to be this agitated.
‘What’s wrong with this guy? Something weird is going on…...’
Sensing the strange atmosphere around him, one of Zable’s followers purposefully yelled loud enough for the rest of the venue to hear him,
“Z-Zable-sama! You were invited to play a game in the garden by a very important nobleman earlier, right? We have plenty of time, so why not check it out?”
“……Y-you’re right. You’re absolutely right. I have no time to waste on this lot!”
It appeared that Zable returned to normal. He turned around to leave, and, as he passed by Asta, said with a low voice,
“Hmph. That face of yours lacks character. I can tell that you, at least, are a nobleman of low status…… I won’t forget about your earlier rant.”
With those biting parting remarks, he took his followers and left the vicinity. Though he left behind such inflammatory words, Asta let him leave in peace. Seeing this, Klaus put his hand on his chest in relief, and Yuno karate chopped Asta’s head.
“Ouch! What are you doing!?”
“Don’t give me that. You shouldn’t just rush in without thinking.”
“I mean, I couldn’t just ignore what I was seeing! Still, you guys really helped me out! Thanks!”
“What’s with the mixed reaction? Are you angry or are you grateful? Pick one.”
“……Just leave it at that, you two. We’re already standing out, badly.”
Thinking that they’ve already stood out enough as is, Klaus decided to intervene. After seeing their exchange with Zable, the other party-goers have started avoiding Yuno and the others. It’s only natural. Nobody would willingly associate themselves with people who have earned the resentment of a noble with considerable political power. With this, it’s going to be difficult to collect information.
……. Well, that was bound happen. It was clear to Klaus when they joined with Asta that if he saw someone acting so blatantly terribly, Asta would be unable to ignore it and cause a fuss.
“Uh…… um, t-thank you very much!”
“Hm? Ah, you are…”
While Klaus was feeling dejected, the girls they saved came forward. A blonde girl stood in front, and, with flushed cheeks, said to Yuno,
“Apologies for the late introduction, but I’m Dina of the Habelot household. What’s your name?”
“Ah, I’m Yuno. Umm, my last name is……”
Yuno scratched his head, trying to decide on an alias. In that instant, something in his breast pocket began squirming about.
“Hey, don’t look at my Yuno with such amorous eyes!”
Bell leaped out of his pocket.
“H-hey! Bell!”
Seemingly unable to hear Yuno’s attempts to restrain her, Bell zipped around Dina, who stood dumbfounded.
“What’s with you, anyway!? Wearing a V-neck just because your boobs are kinda big! Plus, you’re wearing a pushup bra to give yourself more cleavage, aren’t you!? I have you all figured out, so……… Gasp!”
After going off for some time, she suddenly returned to her senses and stopped what she was saying. Then, with a stiff smile, she sputtered awkwardly,
“N-nice to meet you. I’m Bell…… I-I was on a diet to get ready for today’s party, and I went a little too far with it, so…… I became this tiny. Eh he he.”
‘What kind of excuse is that!?’ Everyone thought, realizing that their mission was done for. Of course, Dina, the girls behind her, and even the other nobles in the vicinity froze in complete and utter shock, thinking, ‘What the heck is that!?’. Everyone could feel that it was only a matter of time before their shock would turn into an uproar. Yuno alone remained calm. Looking at Bell like a parent looking at their child in disappointment, he picked her up by the nape of her neck and said,
“I’m sorry for startling you. This is my magic tool. Isn’t it amazing? It even talks.”
“M-magic tool!? Who’re you call-OOF!”
Yuno pinched a little harder with his fingertips, and Bell started moving her mouth like a toy.
“……Y-yes, that’s right. I am a magic tool. Yuno’s magic tool. A cute magic tool,” she said obediently.
The rest of Yuno’s group looked at each other’s faces in doubt, not finding his explanation particularly believable, but they knew that this was their only way out. After all, Bell’s true identity was just as unbelievable. Yuno took advantage of the situation and asked,
“I like collecting unusual magic tools like the one you see here. Do you know if there’s anyone at today’s party who’s knowledgeable about that sort of thing? If there is, I would like to talk to them."
Dina looked uncomfortable as she answered,
“There is, but…… this person is rather difficult to talk to.”
“……How so?”
“Stop putting on airs and answer his question already! You’re one of those types, right? You think that a man will be yours if you show off a little collarbone and expose your wrists and ankles? That kind of shallow thinking is-GAH!”
Yuno pinched a little harder again, impressed by how quickly this chatterbox spirit could talk. Watching the two of them, Dina couldn’t help but laugh before answering,
“One of the participants of today’s event is a famous collector of magic tools…… his name is Zable.”
“Zable? You mean that guy from earlier who was acting all self-important?”
Dina nodded in response to Asta’s question. Once again, she looked disgusted as she continued,
“Yes. Just recently, he was boasting about how he just obtained another rare magic tool.”
Hearing this, Yuno and the others frowned as they exchanged glances. Now that she mentioned it, during the quarrel they had earlier, his words had become incoherent, and he suddenly started acting violent. Those were both symptoms of one who holds the ‘Original Sin’. It’s too quick to say for certain, but if a guy like that has the ‘Original Sin’, then there’s going to be trouble.
“What should we do? I’d love to go ask him about it, but I’m pretty sure he doesn’t want to talk to us,” Asta said to Klaus.
“And guess whose fault that is! Anyway…… if you end up talking to Zable again, don’t say anything that might irritate him. We don’t know what could trigger him.”
Realizing just how dangerous their earlier exchange with Zable actually was, Klaus’s blood ran cold.
“Yeah, you have a point there……,” Asta agreed.
“We need someone to talk to him and get the details, someone he hasn’t met already……”
In other words……
“Ah…. I know! We can ask Captain Yami to talk to him!”
Mimosa piped up as if she just had a wonderful idea. Of course, Klaus had thought of this as well, but if they ask that guy to do it, then he’ll end up torturing the poor fellow rather than interrogating him…… However, they had no other options, so they’ll just have to prepare for the worst. Klaus sighed deeply before turning toward everyone to say,
“……Let’s search for Captain Yami. Though this makes me uneasy, we’ll have to ask the captain to listen to what Zable has to say.”
 “Shit……Shit…… to think I’d let people like that make a fool out of me……!!”
Zable stood in a garden on the east side of the mansion, cursing as he played his game. There were a variety of easy to use tools prepared for the game. Currently, Zable was playing a game called “Child’s Play”, a peacefully simple game where players manipulate life-sized wooden puppets with magic and have them compete in foot races and arm-wrestling contests. However, Zable was using his wooden figure to smash his opponent’s figure to pieces, so he wasn’t exactly playing the game by the book.
Incidentally, his opponents were a man and a woman who had been walking through the garden. They had a good atmosphere going on between them earlier, so Zable forced them to be his opponents and beat them down. He found it hysterical that the man looked as if he was about to cry. Even so, this wasn’t enough to dispel his melancholy.
“……..-ble-sama, Zable-sama.”
Zable noticed that one of his followers was calling out to him. Apparently, he had been calling his name many times now, but he never noticed. He sounded frightened, looking at the wooden puppet as he spoke,
“Um……I think you might be overdoing things, just a little…….”
Looking at his opponent’s doll, he noted that its head was smashed, and both his doll’s and his opponent’s doll’s fists were crushed.
“……Ah, my bad, my bad. These dolls are just too weak, so I broke them. Let’s go.”
He waved his hand at his opponent, who hurriedly took the hand of the woman he was with and left. As he watched them leave, Zable put his hand on his chest. Right now…… there was a magic tool in the shape of grimoire inside him. Ever since he obtained this tool, he has become much more aggressive. Lately, he has felt as if the tool has been spurring him on.
Well, now he has much more magical power flowing through him thanks to this tool, so such trivial details are hardly a problem.
‘Besides, if I didn’t have this power, then I would once again be……’
“……Now then, let’s look for another opponent.”
Zable shook his head lightly as if to dispel his thoughts and looked around the garden. Doing so, he spotted a man sleeping on a bench not too far away. He was large man, about 30 years old, with an unshaven face. Noting the bottle of wine the man was holding under his arms as he slept, Zable figured that the matchmaking party must not have gone well for him, and the man was trying to sleep off his disappointment.
“……Perfect. Let’s take a short break, then we’ll make that old man our opponent.”
 — To be continued in Part 2—
As usual, I’ll post the second half of this chapter next week. The Golden Dawn is such a cute squad. They’re all so shy, and William felt so bad for sending them to a matchmaking party…..
I feel bad for Klaus, though, having his hobbies dissed like that. And then he was getting bullied by not only Yuno, but also Bell and Mimosa, and later, Yami. He and Marx need a support group.
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zahra-kha · 3 years
Dear Diary 33 pt 2
We get to the clinic and Scorpius is on his way to recovery. I’d say full but I have no idea the condition of his balls and I do not want to know please no one tell me.
Not everything needs to be shared among friends.
Anyway, we get there and Aria is trying to get pizza off of a kid named Var (who reminds me of a wilder, more vulgar version of my little brother. He’s cute, I’d spoil him. Little brothers are meant to be spoiled, it’s how you throw them off when they least expect it) which I’m amazed by because we’d just eaten. Aria’s got a huge appetite I guess.
So anyway, we get there and Scorpius is ready to show off his huge manga that’s got a detailed version of his revenge plan against Khallendra, the Siren captain that assaulted him and literally crushed his family jewels. The first step of his revenge plan was to pee in the Siren’s practice pool.
We quickly decided we needed a new plan of action. Ray was there, bless him, and together with Aria the whole room tried to put our heads together. Eigaar was less than impressed with our influence on a young boy but well, that wasn’t really our problem, sadly. And well, that kid really didn’t need our help to come up with schemes and plots anyway - he’s a little shit all on his own. I really don’t think we can make things any worse. If anything, he helped us. I think he’s darling.
Just in case something happens and this diary gets compromised, I won’t write our plan down until after the fact. But it’s a good plan.
I won’t continue discussing what happened at the clinic save for the fact that Garlean technology is frightening. Some weird contraption nearly ate Aria and we had to do an emergency stop on it. I left shortly after that since we’d finished discussing what we needed to.
Then there was the Plume! Wowee was that a night! We had fighting on and off the stage! It was a pretty busy night, we didn’t have a bartender so Conor and I were splitting duties and tag teaming. There was this dotharl woman who was pretty snooty and making a fuss about this and that while getting drunk. That wasn’t really an issue, I suppose, since she knew Conor and he was handling her. She was mostly just distracting since I had other tables besides hers to wait on.
Then there was Shampoo Hair Advertisement Murder Hobo Guy who looked like he had come there specifically to stab anyone who looked at him wrong and look fabulous doing it...which was both amusing and annoying at the same time. You can’t be a murder hobo and attractive. Pick one my guy.
So anyway, I called out a warning about fighting outside of the stage since tensions were rising with Murder Hobo Shampoo Hair but oh no, it wasn’t him that decided not to follow the rules.
It was the dotharl. Because Zhao called her a barbarian. Because of course she did. It’s what Zhao does. If she doesn’t insult someone at least once during the course of the night it’s not Zhao.
Of course, Miss I’m From The Steppes and in The Steppes We Disembowel Anyone Who Insults Us didn’t know that so she decided to break out an axe and start swinging. Because that’s how my night was going to go, I suppose. Let’s prove the person who called us a barbarian wrong by...acting like a barbarian!
She blatantly ignores the entire staff when we ask her to disarm because, why listen to us, I guess? We only work there. Goes on a rant about, fuck if I know at this point she’s drunk and I’ve all but stopped caring about her reasons. Blah blah blah, Zhao hurt my feelings, blah blah blah, I’m a dotharl, blah blah blah, I guess the establishment needs to take responsibility for what its patrons say at a bar, because that makes perfect sense.
It doesn’t, but whatever.
So we’re cowards for some reason, I had lost track of her logic long ago and my empathy meter reached zero around when Zhao walked away and she still didn’t put away her fucking weapon.
Oh wait, there’s more! Because the drunk crazy woman didn’t want to let it go! She eventually is talked down by Conor and leaves...oh wait she didn’t. No, she hangs outside and harasses people as they’re leaving. Specifically Murder Shampoo Hobo and Finn, of all people? Someone completely unrelated to the incident! Everyone except the person who originally insulted her! Gotta love drunks!
By this point the place has nearly cleared out with the exception of regulars, and my fight has ended (my winning streak is over, oh no. Kidding, I’m not really mad about it) so we can clearly hear something is going on outside. We get out there and Finn has been bloodied by this woman and Tamala looks like she wants to murder.
We’re able to get things under control and finally psycho axe lady gets the hint that maybe what she’s doing isn’t earning her any friends. She starts cursing and spitting and whatever else drunk jerks do before they piss off to whatever drunk holes they go to settle in.
I don’t really care if she comes back or not, but I’d really like it if the bar sets a hard limit on what she gets to drink. That was a nightmare. And maybe if she does come back, it’s with thicker skin. Getting called a name at a fight club is hardly the worst offense that can happen to you that you need to break out a whole axe and wait for people to come out to start fights with them. If she’s that sensitive when she’s drunk then we need to ban her from the bar.
The grudge match between the Gil Turtles and the Sirens was shortly after that. I only went to cheer on Scorpius, who had joined onboard with the Turtles (they needed bodies for the game) for the sake of revenge. And boy was he angry. It was a good game, and although it didn’t count for anything, I wasn’t mad about the fact that the Turtles trounced the Sirens (after a shoot off).
I’ll give it to the Siren’s goalie. Ga Bu did a great job catching Neroki’s kick. The poor little guy looked like that took years off his total lifespan.
A few days later we met with Lord Thiji, mostly to give thanks for his sponsorship. We had a lovely dinner and he gave us our gifts early, these cute turquoise chocobo chicks. I originally named mine Warkie but he was a rambunctious little guy! He would run in circles and then go on the attack! He went after Hath’s tail but Hath caught on and he was too quick. The little guy was a little miffed but not deterred. He then made a beeline for Ray’s tail and I’m not sure if it’s because Ray really loves cute things but he didn’t even fight it and his tail got chomped.
The look on poor Ray’s face as he tried to continue conversation with a chocobo chick attached to his tail. At least the little chick looked happy?
Eventually, he got bored with that and I was able to snag him. He kept trying to bite my horns though, so I renamed him to Bitey. Little bugger is adorable when he’s not trying to go after my tail or horns. When I brought him home he was very curious about Fènghuáng, who looked offended I had brought home another bird, and a chick at that. He huffed and puffed out his chest and fluttered about. I had to give him some treats to calm him down. Bitey is very curious about Fènghuáng, who refuses to come down from his high perch now and just looks down at the curious Bitey with this air of superiority.
I have some strong personalities in my apartment. I don’t know how I’ll be able to take care of this little chick, I’ll have to talk to the apartment managers. I should be able to set aside a little area for now, but once he starts getting a little bigger maybe they’ll let me stable him?
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nancypullen · 3 years
Bah Habah
Yesterday was a long day.  We took every scenic route that could be taken and our 2.5 hour drive from Damariscotta to Bar Harbor took 6 hours.  The silver lining was that we saw lots of pretty sights.  My favorite was probably Pumpkin Island Light.
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Wouldn’t you love to live there?  With a full pantry, a wall of books, and a cat for your lap you wouldn’t need anything else.  A little garden in the summer would be nice too.  I’d love to see it decked out in snow.  On we went, winding our way up and down and side to side before finally arriving at our destination. Mickey booked us at The Ivy Manor in Bar Harbor.  It’s smack dab in the middle of Main Street, just steps away from everything I’d want to see or do.
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The front yard is filled with chairs and fire pits.  Each evening there’s music and folks hanging out there.  Really lovely.  Just behind that beautiful inn are cottages, and we’re in one of those.
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It’s so nice!  We’ve got a big, comfortable king-sized bed, a fireplace, a little sitting area and a frig, and of course, a bathroom.  What else do you need?  Personally, I think there should be a pumpkin at every door - but I’m a bit pumpkin obsessed.   This morning Mickey took off before dawn to get a sunrise photo of some more trees in some more woods.  I slept until around 7 and then enjoyed a leisurely morning before taking a stroll around all of the beautiful shops.  Have I mentioned how much I enjoy a nice fall window box?
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Divine! I poked around in all of the girly shops, browsed the book store, and had a wonderful morning.  Good thing we’re flying, I was so tempted by these dishes.
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My photo doesn’t do them justice - they’re my favorite color of blue-gray-green.  I told them they were beautiful and walked away. I don’t need more dishes.
The mister made an appearance in town and we walked around the corner from our cottage to get some takeout soup.  He chose clam chowder and I opted for chicken and orzo.  Mine was delicious, a hearty broth full of chicken, veggies, and orzo - perfect for a cool, breezy day.
After lunch the woodsman went back to the woods (he wanted to find the perfect spot and then wait hours for sunset over Jordan Pond).  I took out my paints and blobbed some color on a quick sketch I’d made of the Pumpkin Island lighthouse.  I’m getting better but I have a long way to go.  It’s still loads of fun. Mid-afternoon I went out for a walk through the Village Green and popped into a couple more shops.  Just wanted to stretch my legs and get some more fresh sea air.   It’s so beautiful here and I have come to grips with the fact that I love civilization.  I love pretty things and conveniences.  I enjoy a forest, mountain, or meadow as much as anyone - just not all day, every day. I’d love a little patch on the edge of town where I can garden and maybe have a few hens...but I don’t need to break trail and check myself for ticks every day.   After getting his sunset photos, Grizzly Adams is going to join me for dinner.  We’ll probably just follow our noses and find something nearby.  Main Street is lined with wonderful restaurants and there might be a crab cake or two in my future.  We’ll bring dinner back to our little cottage and watch the Braves (hopefully) trounce the Dodgers.  Sounds like a perfect night to me. Normally for me that means dinner, Jeopardy, a warm bath, and pajamas. I love vacations, but there’s nothing better than home, sweet home.  I hope you’re having a perfect night wherever you are.  Get cozy and relax.   Stay safe, stay well. Peace, love, and lobster for everyone! XOXO, Nancy
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fluffybunnybadass · 4 years
Obligatory Father’s Day fic
Title: Get Rekt With Embarrassment, Silver (no, I will not be taking CC) (yes you can shorten it to ‘get rekt silver’)
Characters: Silver, Gold, Blue; brief appearances by Lance
Word Count: 4600
Rating: idk pg-13 for language?
tw: uhhh cursing and bad dads club, threats of violence by silver but none actually happening
inspired roughly by masters but mostly because it’s a funny idea of silver sending lance a “happy father’s day” text and then it spiraled from there thanks to plot bunnelbys. please enjoy and leave your feels in the tags or rbs, thank you.
You can read on ao3 here cuz my theme is atrocious to read on desktop, I apologize
also please don’t tag this as ship wrt lance and silver or else.
“Are you going to text him?”
“Gold, you know about my father.”
“No, not him. I meant Lance!”
The redheaded teen gave a suspicious stare at his friend, who was mirthfully grinning at him, playing the innocent but well-intentioned fool. He knew what Gold really meant, but he decided to play along, seeing if he could get his companion to drop the conversation before it even started.
“Because it's Father's Day!” The redhead's face went full flush and he angrily glared at Gold, who only grinned more at his best friend, knowing that he had hit his target. “C'mon Silver! We all know that Lance has been a better father figure to you than your actual father. The guy's got total dad vibes!”
Silver gritted his teeth, his anger and embarrassment growing more with every word that Gold said. “Don't even--! I don't have a dad and that's it, Gold!” He barely held himself back from getting in his friend's face, wanting to hit him but knowing that he would regret it if he did.
Gold help up his hands in a defensive, placating manner. “Okay, okay! I get it! You don't have a dad. You came straight from an egg like Togepi and Sneasel did,” he said, laughing at his own joke.
“... Let's just get on with training today.”
The two had planned to hang out for part of the day. Gold knew that days like today brought his friend some unnecessary reminders of the past that would always haunt Silver, and he wanted to help distract his friend from the cloud of despair, at least for a little bit. Blue was going to join them later on, her understanding of Silver's feelings too good for the redhead to stop her from dropping by unannounced. Silver knew exactly what his friends were doing, and when Gold had asked him to hang out today and train, he shrugged and said, “Suit yourself.” Now he was starting to regret that decision, if Gold was going to be like this the entire time....
They had spent a few hours training. They sat down for a break, letting their Pokemon rest as well. Gold looked over at Silver, sizing him up as he tried again.
“Hey Silver! Can I borrow your phone real quick?”
Silver gave his friend another suspicious stare.
“. . . Why.”
“I wanna see something.”
“Aw, c'mon, please? Pretty pleeeeaase? With a cheri berry on top?” Gold had clasped his hands together and bowed his head, begging pointedly.
“The answer's still no.”
Gold gave his friend a pout, and Silver shook his head, sighing a bit. But Gold was relentless in his teasing, and pushed once more.
“You know, you really should send him a text.”
“I'm not sending Lance a text!”
“But he really is a dad! It's courtesy to send your friends a 'Happy Father's Day' text if you know they're a dad.”
Silver gave Gold a skeptical look. In the time that he had spent training at the Dragon's Den in Blackthorn, he had never heard any mention of Lance having kids. Even though the man was pretty private for a public figure, he felt that the bond he shared with his mentor would have earned him some information like that. Not even Clair, who loved to share embarrassing things about her cousin with Silver, had made any mention about being an aunt, any niblings, or anything embarrassing about Lance and fatherhood.
“Oh really? Who's this kid I haven't heard about?” Silver asked, a smug look on his face. He was probably going to regret this, but he felt confident about his information.
Silver flushed redder than a Charmeleon. He lunged after Gold, who cackled and leapt out of the way of his glaring friend who shouted at him.
Silver chased after his friend for a moment, stopping only when he noticed Blue had join them for the day. He stopped and put his fist down, embarrassed that Gold had gotten a rise out of him. He turned away, glaring at where Gold had stopped to watch him, grinning at his friend.
“Don't let me stop you two from your games,” Blue said, teasing her best friend.
“I'm not playing any games...!” Silver said, gritting his teeth. He took at deep breath to calm himself like his two mentors had taught him, and turned around, putting on a smirk to mask that he had been caught acting like a fool.
“We were training.”
“Uh-huh. And part of your training involves literally kicking Gold's ass?”
“...Not literally.”
“That's not what it looked like to me,” she said, teasing her friend still in a playful greeting. Gold caught back up with the two trainers, slinging an arm around Silver's shoulders, who shrugged him off with a groan.
“Hi, Gold.” Blue exchanged a look with him, and the other teen shook his head slightly at her when Silver wasn't looking. “Have you guys taken a break yet? I brought snacks.”
“Nah. We were in the middle of one when Silver got mad at me all of a sudden,” Gold told her with a huge grin on his face, looking at Silver when he said it. “Don't know why though. All I did was ask to borrow his phone...”
“You...” Silver growled in warning, but he shook his head to rid himself of his frustration. “I wouldn't let you borrow my phone even if it meant you were dying.”
“Yeah, because we all know you would be the one using it!” Blue and Gold both laughed, and Silver's face flushed.
For all their ribbing at him, Silver was grateful that he had earned himself some true friends. He had spent a lot of his life alone, with only Blue beside him as part of a childhood promise they had made. But when they got separated, he vowed to never have any friends again, the pain and ache he felt without them too much to bare. He had spent a lot of his childhood and early teen years telling himself that it was better off that he was alone, that he operated better like that, that he didn't need friends because they'd only hold him back. He didn't need anyone. Not a father, mother, any siblings or any cousins either; just himself. Even his Pokemon were tools to him, no companions in any way that he could have wanted.
But things changed when he met Gold. He kept running into this trainer who kept beating him, even though he knew his Pokemon should have been stronger because he trained them to the ground. He evolved them as soon as was possible. And Gold, who still had a Togepi, a Pichu, Pokemon that were unevolved and powerless on their own, had won against his team that he trained harder and harder each and every time this dopeyheaded trainer crossed his path. It was unfathomable to him that he could ever lose to someone who spent his time laughing and playing with his Pokemon as much as he did train them.
And then he ran into him.
Lance had thoroughly trounced his team with no effort at all. The Dragon-type trainer had given him a pitying look, as though he felt sorry for Silver and his Pokemon.
“Why...? Why? How did I lose so terribly against you?” He had been holding back tears of frustration, shaking as his emotions played with him, the defeat stinging far worse than any against the kid he kept running into. Tears slowly filled his eyes, threatening to fall once the child closed them. He couldn't cry on top of the embarrassing defeat, he just couldn't--
Lance looked at the prone Silver, who had his hands curled up into fists as he slowly beat on the ground, the frustration the child felt too much for the young adult's heart. Lance let out a long sigh, and stood in front of Silver. He knelt down to the child's level, as much as he could.
“You lost because you don't trust your Pokemon. You don't love them.”
Silver found the empty despair within himself burning up with anger. His shaking stopped. He looked up at Lance, and spat on the ground next to him.
“Tch. I lost because of a thing like love and trust? Don't mess with me! I don't need things like that.”
Lance let out a sigh. The child, a preteen, wouldn't be open to hearing an explanation, but he wanted to try anyways. If nothing else, maybe it could plant the seed that would let this kid grow into becoming a better trainer to his Pokemon, and a better human. How he had acted during their battle... To treat his Pokemon so terribly during the match, he almost wanted to stop it before the child had called out the other half of his team. How much had this kid gone through, anyways, to think like this?
“Listen carefully. If you really want to become strong, then you'll need to love and trust in your Pokemon's abilities, and they'll fight their hardest for you. It starts with treating your Pokemon with respect. They're not tools; don't run them ragged in an attempt to be better than someone. Having a rival is all well and good, but don't use it as an excuse to abuse your Pokemon. I hate that. It's things like that, that will cause a trainer to lose, no matter how much training their Pokemon undergo. Once you've established respect with them, spend time with them outside of training. Play with them. It's okay to let go and be childish every once in a while. You won't be able to establish any sort of connection or bond with them if you don't show them love and appreciation. And that bond will turn into trust.” Something it felt like the kid hadn't seen a lot of in his life. The realization pained him to think about, but there was nothing he could do about it if the child wasn't open to him.
“I don't get it....! What does any of that have to do with being the strongest Pokemon trainer there is?!”
Lance let out a half-chuckle, shaking his head. He didn't know how else to explain it to him, but... “I hope that one day you will be able to understand. Please let your Pokemon have some well-earned rest. Even with how poorly you treat them, they still made an effort, and deserve some time off. I think that you, as well, should take some time off to think about things. If you're ever near Blackthorn City, stop by the Dragon's Den. You might be able to find some answers there.”
That had been several years ago.
Silver had grown a lot since then. He had made friends, and re-connected with someone who had vowed to stay beside him. He had confronted his own father, the weak, spineless man who had abandoned him years and years ago, and while he hadn't exactly made peace with his feelings on the matter, it didn't eat him up inside to think about his old man like it used to.
That didn't exactly mean that days like today --where good-natured salesclerks brightly asked him about his plans for Father's day as part of their scripts, or tried to push a sale on him under the notion that he would be seeking a gift for or spending time with anyone who could even remotely be considered a dad-- were any easier or better than they had before. But as he watched Blue and Gold talk and laugh, as they sat around and ate the snacks that Blue brought them, it made him feel a little better to know that he had such good friends that stuck by him. Friends that trusted him, and people that he could.... rely on.
His hand reached into his pocket, absentmindedly tracing the edges of his cell phone.
“Hey, Silver?” Blue asked, pulling him out of his thoughts. He quickly pulled his hand out of his pocket, crossing his arms over his chest.
“Can I borrow your phone real quick? I think I left mine at home and I wanna call to find it.”
Silver gave her a suspicious look. She was good at talking her way into and out of things, being sneaky while seemingly innocent. He looked over at Gold, who was busy playing with his own phone and feeding an Aipom he was training today.
“Can't you get Gold to do it?”
“Gold doesn't have my number saved and I don't remember it.” She gave him a plaintive, sad look.
“You don't-- What do you mean you don't remember your number!?”
She shrugged, looking at him sadly and innocently.
“Pleaaaaase? Pretty pleaaaase? It's just to call it!”
Silver had a feeling he was going to regret this. “...Fine.” He jammed his hand into his pocket and pulled out his phone, shoving it at Blue. “Take it. Just don't do anything to it, and definitely do not give it to Gold.”
He rolled his eyes and turned towards his Pokemon, remembering Lance's words about raising them. He had learned how to love and care for them, from his time watching Gold in order to figure out what exactly made the trainer stronger than him, back when they were still kids. Now they were older, practically young adults, and he wondered what he would have thought of himself back then, if he saw who he had become now. No doubt he'd call himself another bleeding heart like he did Lance that one time... But his Pokemon were happier than they had ever been; his Golbat had evolved into a Crobat once he had learned how to change himself and his attitude towards his Pokemon. He had gone to the Dragon's Den a reviled child, but now he was considered respectable among his peers there. Even Clair had remarked on his change, and it was hard to get some good praise out of the easily jealous, haughty lady.
Blue nudged his phone back at him.
“Thanks! I found it! Turns out it was on vibrate in my bag the entire time!” She laughed at her foolish mistake, waving her phone in her hand.
“...You're welcome.”
“Oh cheer up! You did a good deed today! You helped an absolute damsel in distress.”
He rolled his eyes, and was about to speak, but a text notification on his phone went off, nearly startling him. He gave Blue and Gold a suspicious glare, but they only grinned at him.
“Oh? Wonder who that's from; Gold and I are already here, so I'm not sure who else would be texting you...”
“Shove off.” Based off his friends' grins, Silver had an idea of what had happened. He shoved the phone in his pocket without looking at it, turning away from his friends who were waiting expectantly for the chain of events that were about to happen. “It's probably some spam mail or something.”
“You didn't even look at it!”
“I don't need to look at it to know that it's spam!” he yelled. “You two are right here, as you said! Leave me alone!”
The two other trainers exchanged looks, and Blue sighed. “Fine, fine. So what have you guys been up to?”
Gold and Silver explained to Blue what they had been working on as far as training went, and Blue offered to join in. The two boys weren't about to turn her down, so the training regimen for that day was adjusted to allow for a third person, including a three-way battle amongst the trio. Curiosity had itched at Silver's mind. He had managed to put the text out of his mind by focusing on training, but now that they were having another break, their Pokemon cooling off in the nearby river, Silver couldn't help but wonder exactly what it was. He wasn't signed up for any text messaging offers like Blue was, and he didn't give his number out to just anyone, like Gold did. Silver looked over at his friends, who were busy chatting and dipping their feet into the cool riverbank.
Hmph. They sure are spending a lot of time talking to each other today, he thought with mild bitterness. He chided himself before the selfish, jealous thoughts could spiral, and looked at them once more. They were distracted enough that maybe... Maybe he could sneak a glance at the mystery message.
Silver slowly pulled out his phone, looking around quickly to make sure no one else was nearby. The teen took a deep breath, turned on his lock screen, and took at look at the name on the message preview.
He immediately threw down his hand holding his phone, the screen turning back off. His face flushed immediately as he looked over at his friends, knowing exactly what had happened.
“Ho-oh damn these people with its Sacred Fire...” Silver muttered under his breath, trying to calm himself down. It could have been a coincidence, but he didn't believe in things like that. Okay. Fine. What did they send him?
He took a deep breath, and looked at his messages.
<<< Happy Father's Day
That's it. That's all they sent. He breathed a sigh of relief that it had been something simple, nothing big, silly, or extremely out of character for him to send; only to seize up once he realized what the implications were, since he was still very certain that Lance had no kids of his own, biological or otherwise. In a mixture of frenzy and fear, he looked at Lance's reply, worried that the Champion had questioned the message at all, or said something equally as embarrassing as the sheer fact that his friends sent this message at all. Silver's thoughts were rapidly trying to figure out how to escape any exchanges that could have happened, as he looked at Lance's response.
>>> Awe, thanks Silver. :-]
Silver stood there, stunned into confusion as his face flushed. He just.... accepted it? Didn't question it? Didn't press for more? There was no comment on if it was in relation to the implications of Silver sending it. There were a lot of people among the Dragon Clan who swore that the mentor-mentee relationship had evolved into one more familial, of a father and son, and he didn't seem phased at all by them being proven right, had the text been truly sent by him? But more importantly....
<<< What the fuck is :-]
Was that... supposed to be an emoji? A clown? Did it even mean anything? Silver was too embarrassed by the entire thing to even remember to deny any implications that the message could have given Lance, or any that the Champion could have inferred...
His phone's text notification went off almost immediately, and it startled the redhead out of his confusion as he quickly looked up to see if Gold or Blue had noticed what he was doing. He didn't see them by the riverbank anymore, or anywhere nearby, and he wasn't sure if that was a good thing or a bad thing.
“Well... Whatever.” He looked at his phone again. An arm was suddenly swung over his shoulder, as Gold leaned against him, chin resting on his friend's shoulder.
“Soooooooooo, who was that message from?” Gold asked loudly, peering at the phone with the biggest grin on his face.
Silver scowled and tried to shove him away. “None of your business!”
But Gold held on as Silver struggled to push his friend away. In the process, Silver's phone dropped. Before the redhead could retrieve it, a purple flash ran by, swiping the phone in the process. Gold's Aipom had the phone gripped in the hand on its tail, waving it around playfully before passing it over to its trainer. Gold quickly unlocked the phone and read the message aloud.
“Awww, he said thanks! Aren't you lucky to have such a good dad in your life? He didn't even question it! It's almost like he knows.....”
Blue was standing by Gold, and read over the younger trainer's shoulder, before looking at Silver with a mock gasp. “Silver! You really use that language with him?”
“That's none of your concern!”
“Eh, I'm not surprised,” Gold said, as though Silver weren't right in front of them. “Though I'm surprised Lance didn't tell him something like to mind his language or anything. He seems like the kind of dad who would frown on cursing. What is that thing he put anyways? Oh, he replied! Let's see....... 'A smiley face'. What is he, fifty? Use an emoji like the rest of us. Or call it that...”
There was a pause. A devious smile crept onto Gold's face. “I'm gonna reply!”
“D...A....D, That's dad....  space... P...L...S..... please. There, sent!” He tossed Silver's phone back to him, darting away from Silver before he could lunge at him.
“I'M GONNA KILL YOU!!!” Silver growled at Gold, who was busy laughing his ass off. Blue wasn't helping, as she was trying to stifle her own giggles. This was great. Just great. He loved his friends, but sometimes.... Sometimes he regretted being friends with them. This was one of those times.
There was another text notification. Silver snarled at them, then quickly looked at the message to see what kind of damage had been done.
>>> Did you just type dad?
Hastily, Silver replied back, his face hot from embarrassment and ignoring his friends' teasing laughter, asking him to read Lance's response out loud.
For some reason, he didn't have the heart to tell him that Gold and Blue had gotten a hold of his phone and sent those messages. As easier as it would have been to explain it, his flustered feelings had gotten in the way, and he found himself responding in a panic before he could even think about his responses. Silver's own panic had given a response to Lance that was possibly worse than telling him that his friends were pranking him and not Lance,which would have meant that there were no good feelings in the messages at all. He could have at least spared him that had he just been more honest and upfront about his feelings, but his own denial made it difficult to even see that he cared about what the older trainer had thought of him until it was too late.
Silver groaned, slapping a hand to his forehead. “Arceus end me, please.”
He ignored his friends, shrugging them off when they gave him apologies for the teasing, asking what he had furiously texted back. Silver showed them, embarrassed, head hung as they read.
“You guys couldn't just leave well enough alone, could you?” Silver snapped. He shook his head, realizing that was harsh. He knew they actually meant well, despite all of their teasing. They really were just trying to get him to open up and see that he had at least one potential paternal figure in his life that cared about him, that he could have had given the barest recognition to. Another groan escaped from Silver and he crouched down, embarrassed and ashamed of all the hard work that he had done thanks to Lance, resulting in this rejection of him. “...He's going to hate me now.”
“I don't know... He didn't seem to hate you when you met; actually, I remember him being concerned about you during the shutdown of the Mahogany hideout,” Gold said, trying to be helpful.
“Gold's right! He's helped you grow and change your life around so much! I think Lance knows you better than that. You're pretty tsundere after all.”
“Ugh. I hate it when you guys call me that.”
“Well, maybe you should stop being one!”
“Nah, if he did that, I don't think he'd be Silver!”
There wasn't a very long wait to find out, as Silver's phone now began to ring in his hands.
All three of them looked at the caller id at once.
“Should I answer it?”
“What do you mean should you answer it. Do you really think he's going to just give up if you don't answer him? He knows that you're looking at your phone right now!!”
“I don't know! I've never had this issue until you guys made it a thing.”
“Hey, don't look at me! I told Gold it was a bad idea.”
“You still took part!”
“Guys...” Silver sighed loudly, trying to quiet down the squabbling. “I'm answering it.” The other two immediately shut up.
“Hey.” His voice was unsteady as he tried to play it cool, like his usual, detached self. The other two listened intently, trying to hear how the conversation was going. Silver turned away from them, going a few paces away.
“Y-yeah.... Sorry about that. ….Mhmm.... Yes... No, not like that! It's just...” There was a sigh and the other two trainers leaned in, straining their ears to hear as Silver walked away further from them. Blue pouted. Gold threw his hands behind the back of his head.
“Think we might'a pushed it a little too hard?” he asked Blue.
“Mmm.... Maybe? It's not good for him to pretend like he doesn't feel some sort of way towards his mentor. Lance really has been the father figure that Silv's lacked in his life. And I felt a little guilty for awhile that I got my parents back while he still... but the few times I've seen him with Lance, it's like... he actually has a parent for once? Even if Silver hates to admit it, he doesn't wanna let Lance down. He wants to surpass him, sure, but...” She frowned, looking at the silhouette of Silver in the distance. “He's probably wanted a better dad than what he had, and now that he has someone who could fit that bill,  he... doesn't think he's good enough for that? I don't know how to explain it. I just know he needed a push in the right direction and I'm pretty sure that Lance isn't gonna sign some adoption papers unless Silver wanted it. And,” she gestured in Silver's direction. “We all know how that would go if we don't.”
“Yeah, that sounds 'bout right for him. Well, maybe one day he'll feel okay. Maybe next year he might actually send him a text without us saying anything!”
Blue laughed. “Wouldn't that be nice? 'Hey Silver, did you remember to text your dad this year'?”
“ 'Yeah, I did, and he said I was a good son'--” Gold broke off, snorting in laughter. “Okay, okay. He probably wouldn't say that. But maybe we could try again next year. Who knows? Maybe by the time we're thirty, they'll have adoption papers.”
The two broke off their chatter when they saw Silver heading back towards them. They watched as he approached, his expression surprisingly calmer than it had been the entire time they had spent together. He looked... relieved?
“Okay... Yeah. ….... Bye.” Silver put his phone away as he walked back towards his friends, the smug expression they were used to back on the redhead's face.
“What happened?”
“What'd Lance say?”
“...Heh. You two are in sooooo much trouble.”
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oathkeeper-of-tarth · 4 years
Distraction fic time! Or is it fanfic as a coping mechanism? Dug out an old WIP and gave it a few finishing touches. This was originally written for the “Swords” prompt of a Bispearl Week ages ago.
Early in the Rebellion, Pearl introduces Bismuth to the concept of rubber ducking in an attempt to avert a crisis of confidence. Bismuth/Pearl but mostly in that slow burn phase. ~3000 words. No warnings.
Fic potentially also known as: 
while you studied the blade i studied the forge so i could make you the very best blade in the world! love you baby
The first few swords were a disaster.
The Forge was rudimentary still, in those early days - didn’t look like much at all, but it was a bold, determined little start. Bismuth did her best: all of her hard-won knowledge, scrounged up information not meant for her or her kind, going towards building what she thought they would need to get weapon production up and running. Raw materials gathered at a great risk - Snowflake had chipped her gem during the last of the supply runs! Tools for Bismuth to try to replicate and experiment with, and a thoroughly raided armoury’s worth of various weapons for Bismuth to learn from, to suit every possible rebellious inclination. All carefully arranged in the semi-natural volcanic caverns in an attempt to enable what she judged might be a sensible workflow.
She decided to go with a simple, plain, straight-edged sword to start with - mid-length to her, meaning a dagger to some and a hefty two-hander to others. The sheer variety already present in the Rebellion was half of its charm and point, wasn’t it just? And Bismuth wanted so very badly to fan the flames of it, to do everything she possibly could to see it, to see all of them, flourish and persevere and come out on top for once.
So Bismuth tried, and tried, and then tried again. Considered her mistakes, weaknesses, what she knew (or, doubt never failed to creep in, thought she knew) she was supposed to be doing and achieving here.
And failed.
The first blade that at least looked right shattered in her hands when she tried to force its tang through a guard and into a handle to put the whole thing together. The rest of its batch became hopelessly crooked when she quenched them. Each new day brought new failures, some unexpected enough as to be termed almost cruelly creative.
Bismuth crushed in one fist the latest useless ingot whose ore ratios she’d clearly gotten wrong in her mounting frustration, and tossed it against the wall with an irritated cry.
And of course, of course, that was the moment Pearl chose to walk in.
She was clearly shuffling around, trying to make herself more easily noticed. Bismuth knew that if she really wanted (or if she forgot she didn’t need to anymore, as she sometimes did, as they all sometimes did), Pearl could just pop up next to her elbow suddenly and apparently out of nowhere, piping up with a comment or suggestion or a casual greeting. Keep herself unseen and silent, coasting under any notice until whatever passed for “needed”, as easily as Bismuth could tear down walls with her bare hands and carve new ones in their place. They all came from somewhere, of course, from something, and they all carried it with them in one way or another.
“Bismuth?” Pearl called out gently, and Bismuth raised her head from its contemplative slump to meet her gaze.
Her voice and expression were both filled with concern as she inched closer from the entrance, but there was a glint in her eyes that made it clear Pearl would not be deterred or dismissed and that it would do nobody any good to try. So, figuring she had nothing to lose, Bismuth abandoned any nascent idea of pretending nothing was wrong, allowed her shoulders to sag, and let her misery show.
“I’m not cut out for this. Literally,” she admitted quietly, arms raising in a feeble attempt to encompass this.
Pearl snorted, hopping up to sit on the anvil with a highly deliberate and highly unconvincing casual air. “Tell me about it.”
Bismuth sighed, rubbing the back of her neck with a tiredness she wasn’t sure she was supposed to be capable of, and leaned next to her.
“I ever tell you of my first actual visit to a forge?”
Pearl shook her head and drew closer, making them look like a real pair of conspirators. 
“Wasn’t all that long ago. I took the chance and snuck into a weapons production plant when the hematites weren’t around. Me and the other bismuths had been working on some training grounds right next to it and I’d wanted to see one for so long, so one day during a shift change I just went for it. And it was... Well. Let’s just say the last time that place had seen a bismuth was when it was being built.” 
Bismuth ran a hand through her hair, and noticed that, for perhaps the first time since they’d met each other, the gesture didn’t result in Pearl immediately being endearingly enraptured by the tumbling rainbow locks. No, her eyes were fixed on Bismuth’s face, intent and understanding in a very particular and oddly encouraging way. So Bismuth continued. “I didn’t even fit in there, Pearl. I was too big for the bellows and too small for the anvils, and I could barely walk around the quenching baths they had set up. It was all just… wrong. The whole place was screaming at me, telling me I didn’t belong there and couldn’t if I tried.”
“You’re still trying, though, despite that,” Pearl pointed out, and swept an arm out to seemingly encompass the entire forge. “And look at all of this! You’ve been working so hard to make it your own.”
“Because I want this!” Bismuth burst out, resorting to unusually ruffled pacing around the anvil. “I’ve wanted this for so long! And the Rebellion needs this! I thought I could do it, and I’m trying to learn so very hard! Why can’t I? The simplest thing a hematite could do five minutes after popping out of the ground I can’t get right after grinding at it for weeks!”
“But you haven’t given up!” Pearl reiterated, raising her voice to match, and Bismuth relented, stopping in her tracks.
“Yeah, you’re right. And I’m not planning to. And something tells me you aren’t either.” She smiled and shrugged in mock-defeat. “Guess we’re a stubborn pair of boulders like that, huh?”
It was certainly more than a trick of the light when Pearl appeared to preen at that, puffed up chest almost exclaiming a proud Me! A boulder! Imposing and immovable and sturdy!
Then, with a grin, she proclaimed: “We absolutely are.”
Bismuth couldn’t help but burst out laughing at that, something unpleasantly tight finally uncoiling from around the inlaid edges of her gem. Pearl quickly joined her, helping to fill the forge with a delightfully improper little cackle.
When they both settled down again, side by side at the anvil, everything stayed just that little bit forgelight-orange brighter. A pleasant, comforting warmth in place of an oppressive volcanic heat aching to burst.
“I believe you can succeed,” Pearl began again, more slowly, as if picking out each word with great care. “But - and I am working on all of this myself still - I also think you should be aware you don’t have to do this. I know - oh how I know - that more often than not it feels like the most phoney thing in the world… but remember: you don’t have to be useful to be of value.”
It did sound quite a bit like a learned platitude, the way Pearl recited it. But there was a feeling of, if not exactly believing it, then of very much wanting to believe it.
“Oh, that’s a good one,” Bismuth murmured. “I’m definitely holding on to that one. Thanks. Got any other nugget of wisdom for me, Terrifying Renegade?”
Pearl effortlessly and gracefully evaded Bismuth’s jokingly nudging elbow and continued her almost-lecture. “Well, we all need to remember that love and self-love are radical and revolutionary concepts in Homeworld’s eyes.”
Bismuth burst out laughing again. “What was that supposed to be? Was that really your best Rose Quartz impression?”
The forgelight turned the blue in Pearl’s cheeks into a fascinating range of colours as she moved and turned. “Well, yes and no-- focus on the message!”
“Alright, alright,” Bismuth acquiesced. “It’s a good message. And an important one. Just… not really helping me with the task at hand, which is arming all of us so we can defend ourselves against those who’d prefer that message didn’t spread. And there’s a whole lot of them and not a lot of us. Yet.”
Pearl hummed in response, suddenly pensive, gazing down to where her feet were dangling off the side of the large anvil, toes describing elaborate patterns in the air - courtly dance steps or fencing drills footwork, Bismuth couldn’t tell. Always restless.
“You know, the first time I properly sparred with Rose and got her to stop holding back on me I got utterly trounced,” Pearl shared quietly. “It’s not exactly a fond memory of mine. After all that training, after trying so hard - I was so sure I was ready! But no, in a real battle I’d have gotten pulverised. And Gems… even here, in the Rebellion, you have to admit, Bismuth, you’ve seen the way a lot of them look at me, too.”
“Well,” Bismuth said with a soft huff of a chuckle, “can’t say watching you show them the error of their ways the first time they show up for training isn’t a treat.”
“I think...” A small blush appeared on Pearl’s cheeks - icy blue tinged purple in the forgelight that Bismuth just had to pause and appreciate every time - and she seemed to develop a sudden and intense interest in a spot on the anvil right next to where she was sitting. “I think the fact you never really looked at me like that is one of the main reasons I like you so much.” 
“Oh?” Bismuth managed around a strangely constricted throat, and a warmth in her face that had nothing to do with the persistent lava-glow of the newly dug channels.
“I remember-- our very first meeting you immediately started asking me about my swords, and I didn’t have to waste endless time just getting you to talk to me like a Gem, let alone listen to what I had to say.” Pearl gasped out an odd chuckle, “It was such a relief!”
A mouthy little pearl, she’d thought, unusual and prickly, but utterly charming in a way Bismuth was fairly sure she wasn’t supposed to be. The way she carefully dusted off the anvil before jauntily perching on it - much like she was perching on it right now - with a very loud air of I’m certainly not doing this for you, I just do not want soot anywhere on my person. How could Bismuth resist being near-instantly won over?
Pearl pressed a long, thin finger against her chin thoughtfully, and hummed. Certainly seemed to be taking the whole thing entirely seriously, and Bismuth found herself feeling an odd relief. What did she expect, Pearl to laugh at her worries and frustrations? Dismiss them as unfounded somehow, as both silly and imagined? Just agree, say that oh, guess that’s just how it is then, best find some other way of making yourself useful to us - which, yes, of course usefulness wasn’t the point at all, on the contrary, but…
But Pearl was speaking, that thoughtful finger still up. “How about… we make one together. An entire sword. And you can talk me through it.”
“Talk you through it?”
Pearl seemed to be growing increasingly enthusiastic about the idea. “Every step of the way! Every detail you can think of! Trust me, there’s no better way to find out where it’s going wrong. And I’ve… well,” Pearl hesitated suddenly, as if catching herself, “I’m no expert, of course, but I’ve looked into some of these things on my own, too. So I will be able to make sense of what you’re saying - even though that might not even be the point. The point is that you make sense of what you’re saying.”
Bismuth didn’t feel entirely convinced, but Pearl’s sudden whirlwind felt very hard to not get caught up in - strange, that. Usually it was Bismuth herself getting others caught up in all sorts of things, loudly and unabashedly and delightfully Homeworld-unapproved. “If you say so.”
“Trust me, it’ll help. Here,” Pearl hopped off the anvil and went off to the raw material containers as if there was not a single moment more to lose, “ore selection first. Tell me all about your mix.”
“Uh,” Bismuth blinked, and did her best to concentrate on the task she supposed was at hand, but Pearl was at the same time incredibly distracting and the very embodiment of pointed, precise focus. She cleared her throat, feeling the newly familiar and surprisingly pleasant stick of hot air and volcanic ash in the back of it. “Well, for this particular brand of steel, this was my ratio.” A careful fistful after fistful, from her carefully arranged containers, with Pearl nodding along.
“Seems like a good composition to me. Of course, not exactly how I’d measure anything out, but, well, I’m me.” Spoken with a grin Bismuth just had to match.
“Let’s just say my hands have had a lot of practice when it comes to measuring things out. All those spires don’t just pop into existence magically holding themselves together, no matter what those upper-crusts seem to think.”
“Well, it was bound to come in handy some day,” Pearl nodded sagely, and Bismuth couldn’t restrain her guffaw.
“Pearl! That was absolutely terrible.”
Her smug little smile was so proud. Bismuth almost let all the ore in her hand scatter on the floor when Pearl took her by the arm and started pulling her towards the lava pools. 
“Thank you! Now, no more dawdling. Show me your smelting! Remember: every step of the way,” Pearl repeated with a tiny but lingering touch on Bismuth’s arm. It was such a small hand in comparison, every bit of it looking fine and fragile - but she'd seen it wield a sword and it was no joke and no dainty detail of a trinket. Far, far from it.
Bismuth felt her face heat up, and she quickly dipped her ore-hand into the lava bubbling in its channel nearby. The ingot-to-be filled up her hand and she tried to focus on that, but-- oh, Pearl was clearing her throat and looking away too.
It seemed so ridiculous to even imagine her all in utterly impractical frills, trotting behind some lousy, spoiled clump of aristocratic dirt. Not only a waste of potential as Rose often said, but an outright crime.
“Ready for the forging?” Pearl sprung up eagerly, breaking the reverie, then jolted, as if remembering something. “Oh! Just a moment. Allow me!”
With a very dramatic wave of her hand, a hologram sputtered to life from her gem, and Pearl herself leaned forward and down just slightly to centre it on the anvil.
“There we go. A perfect reference, don’t you think? And perfectly practical!”
“Oh, wow,” was about all Bismuth could manage at the sight of the lovingly detailed holographic blade before her. She quickly dropped the hot ingot in place, transformed her hand and hammered at the metal. The blade glowed, freshly struck into shape, orange mixing with Pearl’s translucent blue and playing around both of them.
In no time at all the emerging blade matched its holographic counterpart and seemed to be ready for quenching, so Bismuth happily informed Pearl of this next step. “I’m going for plain water this time.”
Steam poured out around both of them, standing almost cheek to cheek over the quenching bath - this one perfectly sized for Bismuth’s use - eager to see what they’d made so far once the haze dispersed.
Nudging Pearl with one shoulder and waving an annoyed hand around, Bismuth put on the snootiest voice she could manage. “Pearl, what is the meaning of this? Look at the state of the place! When was it last dusted?”
Pearl grinned, the little soot mark on her chin moving dashingly in tandem. “Oh it’ll dust itself well enough when I dissipate your form.”
“Hahah! Atta Pearl.” The clap of the hand on her back almost sent Pearl stumbling, but then she straightened up and leaned happily into it. Smugly, even. Her entire back fit into Bismuth's palm - what an odd pair the two of them must have made. 
Bismuth decided she liked the feeling.
She cleared her throat. “You know, when we get this right? When we end up with a proper sword? It’s all yours.”
Pearl looked up, almost startled, eyes wide and slightly watery. “Mine? Oh, Bismuth, I couldn’t possibly...”
“I insist. You’ve definitely more than earned it. But most importantly… I want you to have it. And I’d be honoured to see you carry it into battle, or, hey, use it to knock some sense into a rowdy quartz newbie or two.”
A sudden thought made her stop in her tracks. Who in their right mind would want to go into battle relying on a second-rate experiment of a weapon from a cobbled-together forge?
“I-I mean-- if you want to, of course, I didn’t mean to, uh, force it--”
A slender hand was lightly placed over Bismuth’s once again, quieting her near instantly. Pearl’s smile was small but reached her eyes and lit them up with a beautiful sincerity. “Of course I do. The honour will be all mine,” she said. Then, with a bit more audible steel: “And I know it will turn out excellently.”
“Because we made it together?” Bismuth hazarded a guess, but was cut off.
“Because I know you.”
She blinked at the sudden intensity, but felt an answering rush, too. Oh, it was impossible not to get caught up in it all: the wonderful rightness of their championed ideals, the beautiful words of the manifesto, all the Gems they could finally do right by, everything each of them stood for, Rose Quartz herself, Garnet, Pearl...
Bismuth had no intention of doing anything but eagerly dedicating all of herself to it, and every bit of skill she might hope to possess. “Well, I can’t argue with that.”
A fighter of Pearl’s calibre, and a cause as important as theirs, deserved only the best. Bismuth was determined to provide it.
The next battle of the fledgling but intrepid Rebellion saw Pearl charge in with a newly forged sabre, Bismuth beaming proudly right at her side.
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takingcourage · 4 years
Miscalculations: A Witness AU
Chapter Eight
Catch up here: Prologue, Chapter One, Chapter Two, Chapter Three, Chapter Four, Chapter Five, Chapter Six, Chapter Seven
Pairing: M!Cassian x MC
Word Count: 2,700 
Series Summary: After years apart, fate brings Kellen and Cassian together a third time. Can they learn from the mistakes of the past, or are they destined to repeat them once more?
Note: This is the last official chapter of the series, though you can expect to see a brief epilogue on Sunday. The last two installments are mostly self-indulgent fluff, but I hope you enjoy them anyway. 😊  
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It was the sunlight that woke him. 
Cassian’s eyes fluttered open under its glow, his body vaguely aware of a weight clinging to him from behind. Forsaking dreamworlds for reality, his sight landed on the slender fingers outstretched on his chest. He disrupted the layer of blankets just enough to withdraw the hand that was beneath them, bringing it up to caress the hinge of Kellen’s wrist. 
The touch wasn’t enough to wake her. She was every bit as deep a sleeper as she had been more than three years before. This morning, however, he couldn’t blame her for sleeping in. By the time he’d gotten in from his week-long trip to DC, it had been nearly midnight. After showing up to her apartment and taking a quick shower, he’d been all too willing to collapse into bed himself. 
The last three months had been incredible. Sure, there had been plenty of moments when her self-sufficiency and his desire to take care of her had pushed them in opposite directions, but at the end of it all, they always found themselves working together once more. True to her word, she’d stopped running away.
Kellen shifted behind him, producing the familiar pressure of her forehead between his shoulder blades. The leg around him tightened too, and Cassian felt a surge of affection along with his body’s natural response of desire. 
“Mmm. Good morning,” she greeted, nuzzling her face into his back. He returned the pleasantry and interlaced her fingers with his own.
“Owen’s still asleep?”
“I haven’t heard anything from him. It’s past 7:00, so I don’t think we have long.”
Slipping her hand from his grasp, she began a very pointed exploration of his chest. “Then we should make the most of it. Once he realizes you’re back, it’s going to be impossible to have you to myself.” 
He groaned as her touch delved deeper. “Kellen…” 
“Roll over,” she prompted, the whisper sending a shiver down his spine. He complied without hesitation, the change giving her all the incentive she needed to climb onto his stomach. A wave of anticipation coursed through him. 
He loved it when she took control. 
Before going any further, she leaned down for an unhurried kiss. “It’s good to have you back. I know it was only a few days, but I missed you.” 
“Are you getting sentimental on me?” he teased, one hand gliding up the inside of her forearm.
“Shut up.” In spite of the caustic response, she still shivered visibly under his touch. 
Laughing at her retort, Cassian had to catch his breath again between subsequent kisses. “I missed you too.” 
“Good.” She plied both hands through his hair, burying them deeply as she soothed the scalp beneath. Of their own volition, his eyes fell shut. “I’ve been thinking about what you said.” 
Such forays into discussion were unconventional. They had banter, certainly, but this was the first time she’d interrupted heavy kissing to talk about something serious. But unusual as it was, he still took her meaning immediately. His own mind went to their discussion less than a week before… and to the box zipped safely in the inner pocket of his carry on. 
Cassian looked up at her, confronted by her pensive gaze. In the ever-lightening bedroom, her eyes blazed like sapphires. “I didn’t mean to pressure you. I just needed you to know how serious I am about this. About us.” 
Beaming down at him, her lips parted to reveal two rows of perfect teeth. Guileless and content, she looked as happy as he’d ever seen her before.  Cassian reached up to brush the line of her jaw, marveling at the effect honesty and making room for her feelings had wrought on her demeanor. “Like I told you then, I can wait an awfully long time, Kellen.”
“I know. But I am thinking about it. Just thought you should know.” The moment over, she rolled her hips and brought more present matters back to the forefronts of their minds. 
With a throaty laugh, he rose to meet her lips. Both hands went to her sides, hoping to ease her down against his chest. Her small hands tightened on his wrists, pinning them to the mattress. “Not today,” she taunted, squeezing gently for reinforcement. 
His breath caught at the mischief in her eyes. When her lips descended once more, he was fully under her spell. They’d slept in just their underwear, so there was very little for her to remove, but she began the task of rolling his boxers down the length of his muscled legs. He was just lifting his knees to allow her access when she jerked away, scurrying toward the nightstand to grab the rest of her clothes. 
At the sound of quick footfalls on the carpet outside, he understood her sudden motivation. He had just enough time to tug his underwear back around his hips before the steps slowed and stopped altogether. 
“We’re going to have to make a rule about closed doors,” Cassian suggested as they watched the knob turn together. At his side, Kellen shot him a look that said it was as good as done. 
Owen trounced in, his pajamas rumpled and his hair sticking up to one side. Making his way to Cassian’s side of the bed, he pulled himself onto the mattress. His still-sleepy eyes flew wide when he saw the bed’s second occupant. 
He hardly had time to prepare himself for the tiny body before it collided with his chest, but Cassian found it impossible to be too upset by the interruption. Wrapping both arms around the child’s shoulders, he pulled him even tighter. “Morning, a stór.”
The moment soon passed, with Owen pulling back to exchange hugs with his mother before climbing into the space between them. The teasing, fiery Kellen of moments before was gone, replaced by someone soft and nurturing. As he watched her over their son’s head, Cassian couldn’t help wondering whether the changes she’d undergone in the last few years would ever cease to amaze him. 
Now that he thought about it, changes in his son were no less surprising than the ones in the woman he hoped to marry. At nearly three, he was much more independent than he’d been even months before, and his vocabulary and imagination were both expanding at rates that were almost alarming. 
As if sensing Cassian’s musings, Owen started wiggling beside him. Beginning with his shoulders, soon his whole body was shimmying with enough momentum to drive him under the pile of blankets. 
“What’re you doing there?”
“Borrowing!” came the muffled answer. 
“Burrowing,” Kellen corrected mildly. She flipped back the top of the bedsheet to expose his face, which furrowed to show his objection to being uncovered. “One of the books we got from the library is about animals in winter. There’s a whole page that explains how rodents burrow for warmth.”
“I see. Can I join ya?”
“Don’t burrow too far. I want to find you here when I come back,” Kellen admonished, climbing out of bed so she could pull the blankets up to the headboard. Once finished, she slipped into the master bathroom. 
“Of course!” Following the child’s technique, Cassian wormed his way beneath the covers -- a rather challenging task given his height and his desire not to fall off the mattress. 
Once he was completely submerged, he reached out a hand to find his son. He knew the boy’s general location, but he wasn’t quite sure of his position until his fingers found his torso. Cassian tickled the side of his stomach where the pajama shirt had started to ride up. 
The boy squealed and retaliated by extending his hands and feet in his father’s direction. Though his arms were too short to reach, his toes came just close though to make contact with Cassian’s bare belly. 
He sucked a breath at the sudden cold. “Are those toes?”
“Uh-huh,” Owen confirmed, squirming closer. Cassian caught the offending foot with one hand and held it to his eyes for pretend inspection. 
“Those aren’t toes -- they’re ice cubes!”
“No!” came the boy’s defiant response. 
“Are you sure?”
“Then they’re perfect for tickling,” Cassian deduced, skimming the arch of the boy’s foot with the pad of his finger. 
Owen’s mouth flew open to protest, but peals of laughter were his only response. 
Releasing the foot, Cassian sidled away to evade the boy’s counterattack. Between the tickling and the dodging, the next several minutes faded into a humorous blur. 
“Daddy, I hot,” the boy complained finally, the slight whine in his voice giving Cassian pause.
He’d been too distracted to notice before, but a sheen of sweat was breaking out over his brow. Throwing back the covers, the two gasped for breath like drowning men. 
Kellen reentered, phone in hand. She took stock of the situation for a moment, shaking her head with amusement in spite of the rather dour expression she’d had coming in. 
“Something wrong?” Cassian inquired, pushing himself up to a seated position. 
“It snowed,” she reported somberly. Still flicking through the weather report on her screen, she wrinkled her nose at the glass below. “Up to ten inches in some places.” Craning her neck as if to look through the bedroom window, she made a sound of disgust. “Gross. I was going to run some errands too.”
“Snow!” Owen couldn’t resist running to the window himself. “Play with snow?”
“I’ll run them for ya. Owen can join me if he wants.”
Grinning at the plan, she rejoined him on the bed and pulled the covers back over her lap. “It also means you’re definitely spending the night again tonight. I’m not letting you travel across the city in this.”
“I wouldn’t dream of it.” There had been little chance of going back to his apartment anyway, but there was something satisfying in being relieved of the option altogether. 
They remained in bed together until the need for sustenance and coffee outweighed their desire to stay under the blankets. Braving the cold hallway on his own, Cassian made his way to the small kitchen and easily found the ingredients needed for breakfast. He was especially pleased to find bacon -- his son’s most recent favorite.  
As he removed ingredients from the pantry and started brewing coffee, he contemplated how much more comfortable he was now than the first time he’d cooked in this kitchen four months before. 
They’d made it to this stage gradually, starting with family days and dinners before progressing to sleepovers and weekends. For the past month, he’d spent more nights with them than he’d spent at his own apartment: a development he was exceedingly grateful for. His son now knew him as a fixture, and Kellen proved more and more all the time that the idea of commitment was no longer the threat it had once been. 
If he wasn’t mistaken, she’d come to appreciate it just as much as he had.
Smiling at the notion, he fixed a mug for each of them and made his way back to the bedroom. 
Later in the afternoon, he and Owen returned from their time outside with cheeks that were pink and sore -- though more from smiling than from the cold. Thanks to Kellen’s dislike of snow, Cassian had been given the unique opportunity to teach their son how to step carefully over ice, catch snowflakes on his tongue, and stomp the excess snow from his tiny boots. They hadn’t spent much time playing in the snow itself on this particular outing, but the wintery air and the sight of snow had done both father and son a world of good. 
Kellen remained at the desk, just where they had left her a couple of hours before. However, a glance at her computer screen quickly told him that she was no longer working with spreadsheets. 
Once their snowy clothes had been discarded and the groceries put away, Cassian walked to her side. “Looking for a sunny getaway in the midst of this blizzard?” he teased, feasting his eyes on the sandy beaches on display. 
“Look what came up when I searched for rentals on Nantucket.” She clicked through the images to land on the picture of a small cottage: one that would be engrained in Cassian’s memory for as long as he lived.
“It’s an Airbnb now?” At her answering nod, he continued. “How much?”
Kellen breathed a laugh and hovered over the pricing information. “Doesn’t matter, but it’s reasonable. Should I see if they have any availability this summer?” 
“You sure you could handle being cooped up there again? It’s pretty small.” 
“If it’s just the two of us and Owen, we’ll be fine. Besides, it would be fun to go back.” She shot him a sincere smile.
“I think there’s a romantic in you after all.” 
She shied away from the claim, but not from the kiss that followed. “I’d like to take Owen someday. Give him a chance to play in the sand and swim in something other than a pool.”
“Sounds like a great family vacation. I wouldn’t mind seeing you in a swimsuit again either.” 
Kellen cast a lingering look over his own well-covered body. “The thought did cross my mind. I’ll see what I can find.” 
“I’ll go and get this snowman into the tub.” 
Between their playtime outside and the bathtime shenanigans that followed, Cassian had no trouble getting the boy to fall asleep for his nap. If he wasn’t mistaken, the exhausted child would be out for a solid ninety minutes at least. 
Kellen was waiting when he arrived back in the living room. “I made a reservation. Five whole days, all to ourselves in that cozy cottage,” she waggled her eyebrows flirtatiously. “Whatever will we do with all that time?”
“Swim, go for walks on the beach, build sand castles...”
“You know what I mean.” 
“Mmm, I do,” he agreed, running a thumb over her exposed collarbone. He stopped upon reaching the collar of her shirt. “But we won’t be all alone -- we’ll have Owen with us.” 
“He’ll still take an afternoon nap. And be asleep by 8:00 every night. We’ll have plenty of time to ourselves.” 
“Like we did this morning?”
“Ugh. I forgot to talk to him about knocking before he comes in.” Her lips curled into a pout, and Cassian found himself with a strong desire to kiss it from her face. 
“We’ll have plenty of time to teach him before this summer… and he’s not here now.” 
Catching his drift, she toyed with the hem of his sweatshirt. “Are you suggesting that I get you naked again, Cassian?” She trailed one finger beneath the waistband of his jeans, and his stomach tensed at the contact. 
“I’m just suggesting that it might be an opportune time to finish what we started this morning,” he choked out the words, concentration growing increasingly difficult as her hand progressed. 
Kellen flashed him a wicked smile before pulling the hand back. “Maybe we should take this to the bedroom, then.” Standing from her chair, she slipped both arms around his neck and leaned in close to his chest. 
He sighed into the soft press of her curves. “Maybe we should.” 
Bending at the knees, he positioned his arms at her thighs and the small of her back, catching her weight easily as he pulled her off balance.    
Nose to his neck, he felt the moment her gasp of surprise turned to laughter. “I can walk there myself, you know.”
“I seem to remember you making a similar protest in the past, yes.” Taking a step forward, he shifted her to get a view of her face. “Are you trying to say that you don’t need me?”
“I’d never be so foolish,” she declared, trailing such a light finger along his ear and jawline that he thought he’d dreamt the contact. An instant later, the feisty glint returned to her eyes. “I’ll show you just how much I need you if we ever make it to the bedroom.” 
It was Kellen’s nature to default back to flirtation, but the moment of earnest sincerity was more than enough to satisfy. In it, there was a promise that his mornings would be filled with with blanket tents and full pots of coffee, that each day would brim with their son’s laughter and Kellen’s teasing, and that their lives together would overflow with love. 
How could he ever want anything more? 
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shut-up-its-funny · 4 years
‘Bonding Time’
Wordcount: 2322
Pairing: Roman/Remus 
All fluff all the time, the twins build a fort to have a sleepover.
“Roman!” Remus yells as he runs into his twins room, stopping in front of his bed and staring at him. Roman turns his head up towards his brother in acknowledgement. “Sleepover!” Remus shouts and then proceeds to trounce around the room to gather numerous random items, Roman’s head follows his brothers movements from the perch on his bed.
“Sleepover? With who? Is everyone joining us?” he enquires, glaring suspiciously playful at Remus as he continues to raid Roman’s things.
“Uh, you and me. Obviously. Come on who else is worthy of our time, huh?” it seems like the question wasn’t rhetorical, considering he stopped bouncing and talking, a playful smile on his face as well.
“Well, everyone else for one, Thomas is a given of course” Roman waves his hand.
“Oh, pish posh, you know what I meant” Remus scoffs flipping his hand about.
“You know, it’s not really a sleepover if we live together. You do know this right?”
Remus rolls his eyes “Well, oh sibling of mine, let me educate you!” he says dramatically, twirling around and booping Roman’s nose. “It’s a sleepover if” he holds up his fingers, ticking them off as he goes.
“One: we make a super awesome fort in the living room.
Two: we watch dumb movies and laugh at them all night.
Three: when not watching movies we either play video games, have a meaningful philosophical  bull shit talk or a pillow or food fight Or both at the same time!
Four: I say it is” he concludes. “Now stop being a buttcheek and come downstairs to help me set it up.”
Roman sighs with a small chuckle “yes sure I’ll be down in a second, just need to finish this sketch.” Remus seems satisfied with that answer, cause he turns with a hop and saunters out the door with an armful of things.
Roman wanders downstairs a little while after, sniffing the air, a small smile tugging at his lips, walking into the commons room he plops himself down next to his twin who is sitting upside down on the couch.
“Are you baking cookies?” he asks sceptically as he tilts his head to the side, sniffing the air again, eyes widening “and making chocolate popcorn?” he says a little shocked.
“Psshh” Remus scoffs and waves his hand “yeah right dad will let me use the kitchen ever again after the first time I used the kitchen, you should see the other sides kitchen, totally unusable” he says, manic grin on his face.
“Right, what was I thinking? Does that mean you got Patton to cook for us?” he exclaims a little too enthusiastically for Remus’ liking, making him faux pout.
“You don’t have to sound so happy about it” he huffs and crosses his arms over his chest, sticking his tongue out.
Roman laughs and rests his head on Remus’ shoulder, snuggling up a bit to his twin.
“Aw, Remus. We all know you’re the worst cook in this family. Don’t try and deny.” Remus opens his mouth to argue, but Roman adds in “it wont work.” Remus glares at his twin as best he can, until he lets out a laugh of his own.
“Yeah, I know. But only because I make it that way, I can cook you’ll see. You’ll all see!” he cackles a little too dramatically, getting Roman to be a giggling mess.
“You’re insane” Roman exclaims between giggles, pushing his brothers face away from himself.
“Oh, I know. But I got you to laugh” he says the last word in a sing song voice and then flipping off of the couch, making the both of them tumble to the ground as he jumps up with a flourish, making his way to the large pile of pillows, blankets and sheets to begin on their fort.
“Ugh rude” Roman says through a smile, looking up at his brother from the floor with a slight pout in place.
“I think I can get used to seeing you look up at me like that Ro” Remus says like he just figured this out.
“I bet you could, but we’ve got a fort to build don’t we?” Roman replies.
“And we’ll continue this conversation in that fort then!” Remus declares.
“So, we just going to conjure it up or do it the good old fashioned way?” Roman questions.
Hearing a loud dramatic gasp and having a pillow thrown at his head, courtesy of The Duke of course
.“Why would you even think of just conjuring it! It takes away from the sibling bonding! And not to mention the sleepover fun.” Remus shouts out.
“I doubt we can bond even more than we have” Roman deadpans.
“You’d be surprised dude. You never know what can happen.” he says, matter of factly.
“Fine fine” Roman concedes “It would look nicer with it being conjured, but I understand what you mean.”
So they start up on the fort and it nears it’s completion sooner than either think it would with all the distractions they provide each other and the multiple times they had to rebuild it because the structural integrity wasn’t up to par but they got there.
As Roman is safety pinning one last thing into place Patton walks into the living room.
“Hey kiddos! Cookies are cooling and the popcorn is done for your little bonding night for whenever you want them, I know how scorching you like your baked goods Remus.”
“Thank you Padre, we would be eating cardboard or worse if it wasn’t for you” Roman says as he goes to gather the snacks, shoving Remus in a mound of pillows before he even got the chance to get up from what he was pining down.
“The fuck Ro!” he laughs out, while attempting to pull himself out of the large amount of cushioning, failing horribly.
Patton giggles at the brothers antics “no problamo Romano! I’m always happy to help, I’m gonna go to my room now though so have fun!” He says as he walks up the stairs instead of sinking out to his room.
As Roman bounds his way back to the living room, large bowl in one arm and a Tupperware of cookies in the other, salutes to Patton as he ascends “sweet dreams Pat!”
The Prince stops right in front of Remus after putting the snacks down and looks down at him still encased in the comforters and pillows “what are you doing?” Roman asks.
“Uh, resigning to my fate. Duh” he’s stopped trying to escape the floofyness of the pillows to instead stay perfectly still. “Cookie me” he calmly orders.
Roman goes back to the table, picks up a cookie from the container and throws it at his brother, it lands on his face and he splutters a laugh, squirming once again to get out of the pillow jail.
“Oh, did I get your face?” Roman snickers.
“You did that on purpose” Remus laughs out but shoves the cookie in his mouth anyway.
“You can’t prove that” Roman responds as he goes to help his brother out of his prison.
“I see how it is” he looks up to Roman’s extended hand, grabs it and yanks the prince down with him into the pillows.
Roman lands on top of him, smashing their foreheads together in a painful crack, they both blink the tears away, looking at each other before falling into loud laughter.
When the laughter dies down, Roman rests his elbows on each side of Remus’ face, smirking at him.
“I’m not getting off of you” he declares before flopping fully onto the duke, Remus delving into laughter once again.
“Come on Ro!” he chortles as he flails his legs. Roman shakes his head.
“Mmnm, nope” he says, against his brothers neck, voice muffled a bit.
“Don’t talk it tickles!” Remus laughs out, struggling a bit under his twins weight.
Roman lifts himself up a bit to look at Remus “you make a compelling argument, oh brother mine” he says as he bonks their foreheads together affectionately this time “I’ll kiss it instead then” he says as he pecks the flesh at Remus’ neck softly.
Remus growls and latches on to Roman’s shoulders “as much as I’d like to keep on this track, and holy ever loving fuuuuck do I, we have a fort to make comfy.”
“Another compelling argument there, you’re gonna have to let me go though” Roman says with another small peck.
“You’re kinda making it hard” Remus says; then adds “double entendre totally intended” he purrs.
Roman snickers an ‘of course’ as he actually does get off the large pile of pillows and such they were sharing.
“Aren’t you going to help me up?” Remus implores, with puppy dog eyes.
“Mm, nope. You suffer” Roman replies, checking his perfect nails nonchalantly.
“And people say I’m the evil twin, what ever happened to chivalry Princey?
“So many compelling arguments tonight, you’ve been spending too much time with Logan.”
“Ya jealooooous Roro?” Remus teases.
“Not in the slightest, now help with the rest of this so we can put on a movie we can ignore.”
That gets Remus to move from his comfort prison.
They put all the blankets and pillows in the fort with their snacks and some drinks and they’re finally done.
“So what are we doing first?” Roman tilts his head a bit in question.
“Snacks and that ignoring movies thing duh” Remus waves his hand in an 'obviously’ motion, then his eyes light up “I’ll go get a stack of horror movies” he declares, bouncing off to the movie shelf.
“Get the games we’re going to play also so we don’t have to later” Roman interjects as he watches Remus leave the fort.
“Smart!” Remus yells towards the fort he just left.
They get settled into their fort, and they actually get into the first movie they put on just because of how bad it is.
They’re on their stomachs watching the horror movie, Roman snuggled close to Remus who is ranting at the current stupid teenager on screen.
“Ugh, this bitch is so dumb! DON’T GO THERE!” he yells at the screen, pounding his hands on the floor in front of him, Roman snickers at his outburst. “I swear his only redeeming quality are his looks! And he’s not even that pretty!” he complains.
Roman nods “you’re right. he’s got nothing on you” Roman says playfully mocking, rocking their shoulders together.
“Damn straight he doesn’t you fuckin narcissist” Remus affirms with a quick nod, grinning at the television as the guy on screen gets brutally murdered with a hatchet. “What did I just say?” he says flapping his hand at the television.
“To not go there.”
“And what did he fucking do?”
“He went there.”
The twins watched that movie and then proceeded to put on another, but soon lost interest in it in favour for getting more interested with each other.
“We don’t have to watch this movie” Remus says as he snuggles closer to Roman.
“Or, we can watch this movie” Roman says, playing dumb.
Remus huffs “ooor” he prompts as he wiggles up a little further and nuzzles Romans neck.
“Ooor?” Roman asks as Remus starts to trail little kisses up his neck.
“Yeah, or” he says between the neck kisses, Roman letting out a breathy laugh.
“Ah, I see. Or.” Roman hums.”But this movie is soooo interesting” Roman says sarcastically.
Remus whines “or you could just kill my hopes and dreams! You just stabbed my dreams in the head!” he exclaims with a pout on his face “are you happy Ro? You just killed my dreams, they’re dead, laying on the floor bleeding out with no way of getting help, wounded, in agony with no one for miles and miles around to-”
“Are you finished yet? You took this way too far you drama queen” Roman says as he snickers, rolling his eyes.
Remus playfully glares and hums a little looking at Roman, smirk on his lips. “Shut up” he says affectionately.
“But what else would I ever do with my mouth?” Roman asks playfully before Remus bites down on his neck, getting a small moan in reward, trailing small bites and kisses up Roman’s neck and along his jaw, up to his ear and whispers.
“Oh, I can think of a couple of things” he bites Romans lobe, trailing his hands all along Romans torso.
“Ahh- I uh, I bet you can” Roman lets out a little whimper as the biting continues, bites turning into suckling,“ahh-haa-as much as I like this, may-mm-maybe you shouldn’t leave a mark” he says between his small moans. Remus acknowledges him with a hum, licking the small wound he just made.
He wouldn’t mind the mark if they didn’t have to hide their relationship from everyone else, they all think this is 'sibling bonding time’. I mean it is, but also date night.
“Ah, too late, sorry bro. Looks like it’s scarves or turtle necks for you” he announces a little proudly, Roman glaring slightly before rolling over and switching their roles, biting down hard on Remus’ neck before he gets a chance to react.
“Mm-hahh, yeess Roomaan” he wines out in a moan.
“Mmm, you’re suffering with me” he says as he continues to make the bite mark a bit larger, getting slightly louder than his own moans from Remus in reward.
Pulling back when satisfied with the mark that is on his twins neck by now and smirks.
“Don’t stop now” Remus huffs out.
Roman smiles and moves closer to Remus again but to kiss him on the lips this time.
“We should probably go to sleep soon though” Roman says in between small quick kisses and then pausing.
“Probably” Remus mumbles against his lips.
“That’s not going to happen is it?”
Remus just answers with a wide smile a growl and another bite mark.
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